Lab Manual - OOP 2024 25 Pages

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This is to certify that


......................... with enrolment no. ................................................................

has successfully completed his/her laboratory experiments in the


department of COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING during the

academic year 2023-2024.

Date of Submission:......................... Staff In charge:...........................

Head Of Department:...........................................

Sr. Experiment Page No. Date of Date of Sign Marks

No. Title From To Start Completion (out of
1. Write a program to display Hello
World message in console
2. Write a program to perform
arithmetic and bitwise operations
in a single source program without
object creation.
3. Write a program to perform
arithmetic and bitwise operations
by creating individual methods
and classes than create an object
to execute the individual methods
of each operation.
4. Write a java program to display
the employee details using
Scanner class.
5. Write a Java program that prints
all real solutions to the quadratic
equation ax2 + bx+c = 0. Read in
a, b, c and use the quadratic
formula. If the discriminate b2-4ac
is negative, display a message
stating that there are no real
6. The Fibonacci sequence is defined
by the following rule. The first 2
values in the sequence are 1, 1.
Every subsequent value is the sum
of the 2 values preceding it. Write
a Java program that uses both
recursive and non- recursive
functions to print the nth value of
the Fibonacci sequence?
7. Write a Java program that prompts
the user for an integer and then
prints out all the prime numbers
up to that Integer?
8. Write a Java program to multiply
two given matrices?
9. Write a Java program for sorting a
given list of names in ascending
10. Write a java program for Method
overloading and Constructor
Sr. Experiment Page No. Date of Date of Sign Marks
No. Title From To Start Completion (out of
11. Write a java program to
represent Abstract class
with example.
12. Write a java program to
implement multiple
13. Write a java program to
demonstrate method
overriding and super
14. Write a java program to
implement Interface using
extends keyword.
15. Write a java program to
create inner classes.
16. Write a java program to
create user defined package.
17. Write a Java program that
displays the number of
characters, lines and words
in a text?
18. Write a Java program that
checks whether a given
string is a palindrome or
not. Ex: MADAM is a
19. Write a Java program that
reads a line of integers and
then displays each integer
and the sum of all integers.
(Use StringTokenizer
20. Write a java program for
creating single try block
with multiple catch blocks.
21. Write a program for
multiple try blocks and
multiple catch blocks
including finally.
22. Write a program to create
user defined exception.
23. Write a java program for
producer and consumer
problem using Threads.
Sr. Experiment Page No. Date of Date of Sign Marks
No. Title From To Start Completion (out of
24. Write a java program that
implements a multi-thread
application that has three threads.
First thread generates random
integer every 1 second and if the
value is even, second thread
computes the square of the
number and prints. If the value is
odd, the third thread will print the
value of cube of the number.
25. Write a program to create dynamic
array using ArrayList class and the
print the contents of the array
26. Write programs to implement add,
search and remove operation on
ArrayList object.

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