Masterkure Er 50 Tds

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3 03 39 00 Concrete Curing

MasterKure® ER 50
Evaporation Reducer

Description Product Highlights

MasterKure ER 50 evaporation „ Does not affect concrete strength (early and ultimate), abrasion resistance, and durability
reducer reduces surface
moisture evaporation from „ Reduces or eliminates crusting, stickiness, and underlying sponginess resulting in a consistent surface
freshly placed concrete, „ Allows reduced slump and water content in concrete to facilitate proper hydration of high-strength
especially in rapid drying mixtures
conditions, such as high
„ Reduces surface moisture evaporation approximately 80% in wind and approximately 40% in
concrete surface or ambient
sunlight to reduce plastic shrinkage cracking and wind crusting
temperatures, low humidity,
high winds, direct sunlight, or „ Prolongs surface plasticity for longer working time in hot, dry, or windy conditions
work in heated interiors during
cold weather. Substrates
Applications „ IInterior or exterior
„ Concrete surfaces where „ Horizontal and vertical surfaces
the evaporation rate
exceeds the bleed rate Industries/Sectors
„ Air-entrained and non-air- „ Commercial
entrained concrete
„ Residential
„ Silica-fume concrete
„ Infrastructure
„ Concrete containing fly ash
„ Institutional
One gallon (3.8 L) of „ Industrial
MasterKure ER 50 mixed with
nine gallons (34.1 L) of water
yields 10 gallons (37.9 L) of
sprayable solution. 10 gallons
of MasterKure ER 50 solution
(1 to 9) should cover 2,000–
4,000 ft2 (186–372 m2) of fresh
concrete. If more than one
application is required, e.g.,
in adverse drying conditions,
additional material will be

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MasterKure ER 50 Technical Data Sheet

How To Apply „ For a detailed technical discussion about the action of

monomolecular films typified by MasterKure ER 50, refer to
Application the Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Volume 62, pp.
1. A
 gitate MasterKure ER 50 before mixing with water. Depend-
„ MasterKure ER 50 product may be used in precast/prestressed
ing on the application, mix at a ratio of up to 1 part Master-
concrete applications, such as drainage structures, double-tee
Kure ER 50 concentrate to 9 parts water. Re-agitate mixed
beams, bridge girders and concrete piles, to prevent/minimize
materials before applying.
tearing and improve surface finish.
2. A
 pply with a constant-pressure or industrial sprayer. „ For professional use only; not for sale to or use by the general
3. M
 asterKure ER 50 forms a monomolecular film when sprayed „ Make certain the most current versions of product data sheet and
onto the concrete surface immediately after screeding or SDS are being used; visit
between finishing operations (as needed). The protective en-us to verify the most current version.
shield of MasterKure ER 50 usually lasts as long as the con-
„ Proper application is the responsibility of the user. Field visits by
crete remains plastic, despite succeeding floating operations.
Master Builders Solutions personnel are for the purpose of making
When applying surface hardeners using the delayed applica-
technical recommendations only and are not for supervising or
tion method, use MasterKure ER 50 after screeding. When
providing quality control on the jobsite.
applying surface hardeners using the early application method,
use MasterKure ER 50 only after the specified quantity of dry
shake has been incorporated into the concrete by floating and Storage and Handling
after the first floating operation, if necessary. Storage: Store in unopened containers in a clean, dry area between
40 and 90° F (4 and 32° C). Keep from
4. T
 reated surfaces are easily distinguished from untreated sur- Shelf Life: 1 year when properly stored
faces because of the greenish-yellow color of the film in the
presence of moisture and light. The fluorescent tint of the film Voc Content: 10 g/L less water and exempt solvents
disappears completely upon drying. The residue remaining on
the surface of hardened concrete does not impair bonding or
– 1 gallon (3.8 L) cans
alter color.
– 5 gallon (18.9 L) pails
– 55 gallon (208 L) drums
For Best Performance
„ Do not apply MasterKure ER 50 as a final finishing aid or work it
into the surface of cast-in-place concrete or cementitious repair
„ MasterKure ER 50 evaporation reducer is not a curing agent.
Concrete treated with this product must still be cured.
„ Master Builders Solutions is not responsible for compatibility or
results when MasterKure ER 50 evaporation reducer is used with
other manufacturers’ products.
„ MasterKure ER 50 reduces evaporation only while concrete
is plastic. It is not a substitute for early curing of hardened
concrete, nor does it alter the effectiveness of membrane curing
„ Protect MasterKure ER 50 from freezing. Extreme cold may cause
segregation, from which the product cannot be reconstituted.
„ Do not allow any spills or residue of MasterKure ER 50
concentrate to dry on the surface of hardened concrete. Wipe up
immediately, then rinse the surface with water. If the concentrate
residue dries on hardened concrete, a reddish-brown stain may
appear. page 2 of 3
MasterKure ER 50 Technical Data Sheet

Limited Warranty Notice

Master Builders Solutions Admixtures US, LLC (“Master Builders
Solutions”) warrants this product to be free from manufacturing
defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Technical
Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life. Satisfactory results
depend not only on quality products but also upon many factors
ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of Purchaser for
any claim concerning this product, including but not limited to, claims
alleging breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, is
shipment to purchaser of product equal to the amount of product that
fails to meet this warranty or refund of the original purchase price of
product that fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of Master
Builders Solutions. Any claims concerning this product must be received
in writing within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims
not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser. MASTER
Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the
intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection therewith.
This information and all further technical advice are based on Master
Builders Solutions' present knowledge and experience. However,
Master Builders Solutions assumes no liability for providing such
information and advice including the extent to which such information
and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property rights,
especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship be created by
or arise from the provision of such information and advice. Master
Builders Solutions reserves the right to make any changes according
to technological progress or further developments. The Purchaser of
the Product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended
application and purpose before proceeding with a full application of
the product(s). Performance of the product described herein should
be verified by testing and carried out by qualified experts.

© Master Builders Solutions  07/23  DAT-0007

® registered trademark of Master Builders Solutions in many countries of the world
Master Builders Solutions Admixtures US, LLC Master Builders Solutions Canada, Inc.
23700 Chagrin Boulevard 1800 Clark Boulevard
Beachwood, Ohio, 44122-5544 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7
USA  800-628-9990 CANADA  289-360-1300 page 3 of 3

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