Tripura State Hydeogeological Report J 2022-23

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FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Technical series - D

सरकारी उपयोग के िलए केवल No……../2022-2023




क"#ीय भूिमजल बोड/
जल श12 मं4ालय
जल संसाधन, नदी िवकास और गंगा संर>ण िवभाग
भारत सरकार
उBर पूवD >े4, गुवाहाटी

March, 2023

Compiled and prepared by

Ritu K. Oraon
H. V. Sophia Kay
Rupam Chattaraj
Dr. Raja Ram Purohit


क"#ीय भूिमजल बोड/
जल संसाधन, नदी िवकास और गंगा संर>ण िवभाग
जल श12 मं4ालय
भारत सरकार
उBर पूवD >े4, गुवाहाटी

March, 2023
Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................. v
ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... viii
TRIPURA STATE AT A GLANCE ............................................................................................................ xi
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 LOCATION AND EXTENT ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS .................................................................................................... 1
1.5 DEMOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 ACTIVITIES OF CGWB AND PREVIOUS WORKS ....................................................................... 4
1.7 SOIL ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 LAND UTILIZATION ................................................................................................................. 8
1.9 IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURE : ........................................................................................... 9
2. HYDROMETEOROLOGY ............................................................................................................ 15
2.1 CLIMATE: ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2 RAINFALL: ............................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION: ........................................................................................................ 17
3. GEOMORPHOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 19
3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 DRAINAGE ............................................................................................................................ 22
4. GEOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 26
4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING ......................................................................................... 26
4.2 GENERAL STRATIGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 26
4.3 DISTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS ..................................................... 27
4.4 SUB-SURFACE GEOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 29
(A) North Tripura District: ............................................................................................................ 29
(B) Unakoti District: ..................................................................................................................... 31
(C) Dhalai District : ....................................................................................................................... 31
(D) Khowai District: ..................................................................................................................... 33
(E) West Tripura District:.............................................................................................................. 33
(F) Gomati District: ....................................................................................................................... 34
(G) South Tripura District: ............................................................................................................ 35
4.5 STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................... 36
4.6 SEISMOTECTONICS ................................................................................................................ 37
5. HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 38

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (i)

5.1 WATER BEARING FORMATIONS ............................................................................................ 38
5.2 OCCURRENCE AND MOVEMENT OF GROUND WATER ........................................................ 38
5.3 HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ....................................................................................... 38
5.4 : SUBSURFACE HYDROGEOLOGY ............................................................................................ 41
5.4.1 Ground Water Exploration in North Tripura district ........................................................... 41
5.4.2 Ground Water Exploration in Unakoti district .................................................................... 42
5.4.3 Ground Water Exploration in Dhalai district ....................................................................... 42
5.4.4 Ground Water Exploration in Khowai district ..................................................................... 42
5.4.5 Ground Water Exploration in West Tripura District............................................................ 43
5.4.6 Ground Water Exploration in Sepahijala district ................................................................ 43
5.4.7 Ground Water Exploration in Gomati district ..................................................................... 44
5.4.8 Ground Water Exploration in South Tripura district .......................................................... 44
5.5 DESIGN OF GROUND WATER STRUCTURES ........................................................................... 44
6. GROUND WATER REGIME CONDITION .................................................................................... 48
6.1 WATER LEVEL AND ITS SEASONAL FLUCTUATION................................................................. 48
6.2 VALLEY- WISE GROUND WATER CONDITIONS ...................................................................... 49
6.3 LONG TERM TREND OF WATER LEVEL ................................................................................. 55
6.4 WATER TABLE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 57
7. GROUND WATER RESOURCE ESTIMATION .............................................................................. 58
8. HYDROCHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL QUALITY OF GROUND WATER ........................................ 60
8.1 WATER QUALITY OF SHALLOW AND DEEP AQUIFERS ........................................................... 60
8.2 SUITABILITY OF GROUND WATER FOR DOMESTIC USE ........................................................ 61
8.3 SUITABILITY OF GROUND WATER FOR IRRIGATION USE....................................................... 61
8.4 SUITABILITY OF GROUND WATER FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ...................................................... 62
8.5 SUITABILITY OF GROUND WATER FOR WELL SCREEN ........................................................... 62
8.6 GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION ..................................................................................... 63
8.7 GEOCHEMICAL PLOT OF THE WATER SAMPLES FROM NHNS 2022 DATA ............................ 68
9. STATUS OF AQUIFER MAPPING AND SALIENT FINDINGS......................................................... 73
10. GROUND WATER DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 74
10.1 GROUND WATER DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 74
10.2 WATER CONSERVATION AND ARTIFICIAL RECHARGE ........................................................ 76
10.3 GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... 76
11. GROUND WATER RELATED ISSUES AND PROBLEMS ............................................................ 78
11.1 WATER LOGGED AREA ..................................................................................................... 78
11.2 GROUND WATER CONTAMINATION .................................................................................. 78
12. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................................... 81
12.1 CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 81
12.2 RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................... 84

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (ii)

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 87
ANNEXURE– I (Important Location) ................................................................................................. 88
ANNEXURE– II (Potential created by PWD (WR))............................................................................. 89
ANNEXURE– III (Depth to WL).......................................................................................................... 93
ANNEXURE– IV (Pre-Post WL, Long Term) ....................................................................................... 97
ANNEXURE– V (Long Term Trend in WL) ....................................................................................... 102
ANNEXURE– VI (WQ Pre-M)........................................................................................................... 104
ANNEXURE- VII (GWRE) ................................................................................................................. 110
ANNEXURE-VIII (Locations) ............................................................................................................ 118
ANNEXURE-IX (Lithologs) ............................................................................................................... 120
ANNEXURE-X (Hydrogeological Parameters) ................................................................................. 153
ANNEXURE-XI (Pumping Test)........................................................................................................ 163
ANNEXURE-XII (Water Quality) ...................................................................................................... 170

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (iii)

ID Content Page No.
Table 1.1: Administrative Divisions of the state of Tripura 2
Table 1.2: District-wise population (Census 2011) 4
Table 1.2A: Decadal population Variation 4
Table 1.3: Soil types of Tripura 6
Table 1.4: Land Utilization Pattern in Tripura during the period of 2016-17 to 9
Table 1.5: District wise land use pattern in the state of Tripura during the period 10
from 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Area in Ha.)
Table 1.6: Change in District-wise and structure wise irrigation potential created 11
by PWD (WR for irrigation of crops with time)
Table 1.7: Particulars of total area brought under irrigation 11
Table 1.8: Medium irrigation project under PWD (WR) Tripura (as on 12
Table 1.9: Details of various crops produced in Tripura for 2020-21 13
Table 2.1: Station wise Average Rainfall for the in the State of Tripura 16
Table 2.2: Month wise rainfall during 2015 to 2020 in the State: 17
Table 3.1: Area occupied by various river basins in Tripura 24
Table 4.1: Geological succession in Tripura State 26
Table 5.1: Aquifer disposition and groundwater potential of Tripura 41
Table 8.1: General range of chemical constituents of ground water from shallow 55
Table 8. 2: General range of chemical constituents of ground water from deeper 55
Table 8.3: Location of Arsenic detection and concentration from Monitoring well 66
in Tripura during 2017-18
Table 8.4: Locations of Detection and Arsenic Concentration in Tripura during 67
Table 8.5: Results Of Arsenic Analysis Of Ground Water Samples Collected 67
From Different Parts Of Tripura By Centre For Study Of Man &
Environment, Kolkata
Table 8.6: Results Of Arsenic Analysis Of Ground Water Samples Collected 68
From Various Parts Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of
Water And Land Management, Tezpur, Assam
Table 8.7: Iron And Arsenic Contents And Ph Of Ground Water Collected From 68
Various Parts Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of
Water And Land Management, Tezpur,
Table 10.1: Brief Status of Drinking Water Supply by PWD (DWS) as on 71

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (iv)

ID Content Page No.
Figure 1.1: Administrative Map of Tripura 3
Figure 1.2A: Distribution of different types of Soils in the state of Tripura 7
Figure 1.2 B: Index Map of the Distribution of different types of Soils in the state of 8
Figure 2.1: Isohyetal Map of Tripura 16
Figure 2.2: Annual rainfall in Tripura 17
Figure 2.2: Evapotranspiration Map of Tripura 18
Figure 3.1 : Map showing the major drainage system of Tripura 25
Figure 4.1A : Map showing distribution of Geological Formations, Geomorphic Units 28
and Structures
Figure 4.1B : Legend of the Map showing distribution of Geological Formations, 29
Geomorphic Units and Structures
Figure 4.2: Co-relation of Sub-Surface Formations in Dharmanagar-Machmara 30
valley of North Tripura District
Figure 4.3: Co-relation of Sub-Surface Formations in Kanchanpur valley of North 30
Tripura District
Figure 4.4: Panel Diagram showing Sub-surface Geology of Kailashahar- 31
Chaumanu valley in North Tripura District
Figure 4.5: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer disposition in Manu valley, 32
Dhalai District
Figure 4.6: Co-relation of Sub-surface Formations in Kamalpur valley of Dhalai 33
Figure 4.7: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations Khowai valley of 33
Khowai district
Figure 4.8: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations in Agartala valley of 34
West Tripura district
Figure 4.9: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer dispositions in Amarpur- 35
Natunbazar valley of Gomati District
Figure 4.10: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer dispositions in Udaipur- 36
Sabroom valley of South District
Figure 5.1: Hydrogeological Map of Tripura 40
Figure 5.2: Map showing the Ground Water development Prospect Map in both 46
deeper and shallow aquifer.
Figure 5.3: Map showing the locations of Exploratory Wells by CGWB and 47
GWMWs (up to February, 2023)
Figure 6.1: Map of Pre-Monsoon depth to Water Level (DTWL) map in GWM 50
Dugwells of Tripura (2022)
Figure 6.2: Map of Post-Monsoon depth to Water Level (DTWL) map in GWM 51
Dugwells of Tripura (2022)
Figure 6.3: Map of Seasonal fluctuation of depth to Water Level (DTWL) map in 52
GWM Dugwells of Tripura (2022)
Figure 6.4(a): Hydrograph showing a steady rise in groundwater level trend of 56
Gaurnagar Monitoring station
Figure 6.4(b): Hydrograph showing a steady rise in groundwater level trend of 56
Khowai Monitoring station

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (v)

Figure 6.4(c): Hydrograph showing a steady rise in groundwater level trend of Simna 56
Monitoring station
Figure 7.1: The State of ground water Extraction in Tripura (As per GWRE, 2022) 59

Figure 8.1: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in shallow 64
aquifers of Tripura
Figure 8.2: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in deep 65
aquifers of Tripura
Figure 8.3: Piper plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 69
Figure 8.4: Giggenbach Triangle plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 69
Figure 8.5: Durov plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 70
Figure 8.6: Box and whiskers plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 70
Figure 8.7: Wilcox Diagram of the NHNS 2022 Data 71
Figure 8.8: pH Histograph of the NHNS 2022 Data 71
Figure 8.9: Scatter plot of Na vs Cl of NHNS 2022 Data 72
Figure 8.10: Schoeller plot of NHNS 2022 Data 72
Figure 11.1 Map showing Water logged areas of Tripura 79

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (vi)


AAP Annual Action Plan

CGWB Central Ground Water Board
NER North Eastern Region
NAQUIM National Aquifer Mapping and Management Plan
GL Ground Level
LPM Litres per minute
LPS Litres per second
GSI Geological Survey of India
m Metre
mbgl Meters below ground level
MCM Million Cubic Meter
Mm Milli meter
mg/l milligram/litre
m amsl Metre above mean sea level
Sq.Km Square Kilometre
μS/cm Microsiemens/centimetre
BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
BDL Below detectable level
BCM Billion Cubic Metres
DTW Depth to water table
DW Dug Well
BW Bore well
EC Electrical Conductivity
EW Exploratory Well
GEC Ground water Estimation Commitee
Ha Hectare
Ham Hectare meter
Km Kilometer
MP Measuring Point
OW Observation Well
°C Degree Celsius
Ppm Parts per million equivalents to mg/l
Pz Piezometer
SWL Static water level
TDS Total dissolved solid
GWMW Ground water monitoring well
PWD (WR) Public Work Department (Water Resources)
PWD (DWS) Public Work Department (Drinking Water & Sanitation)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (vii)


The authors are grateful to Shri Sunil Kumar, Chairman and Sh. T.B.N. Singh,
Member (East) IC, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) for giving an opportunity for
writing the report. The authors are thankful to Shri Suresh Chandra Kapil, Regional
Director, NER for his supervision and guidance. The authors acknowledge our indebtedness
and deep sense of gratitude to Sh. Biplab Ray, Scientist-E, Dr. Radhapyari, Scientist-C
(Chemical) & Other Officers of NER for scrutinizing the report and for their valuable
guidance and suggestions.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (viii)

Tripura, bounded between the geographical coordinates 22° 56’ 32” and 24° 31’ 51” N
latitudes and 91° 09’ 15” and 92° 19’ 51” E longitudes, is the third smallest states of India. The
erstwhile princely state of Tripura merged with the Union of India after independence on the 15th
October, 1949 as Group-C category state. Then it became a Union Territory on 1st July 1963. Finally,
Tripura emerged as a full-fledged state on the 21st January 1972.
The state is spread over a total geographical area of 10,491.69 and nearly 60% area of
the state is covered by forest.
Physiographically, the state is covered by hilly terrain with an immature topography. The
major geographic features are tightly folded anticlinal hill ranges and broad synclinal valleys in
between. The altitude of the hill ranges increases progressively from west to east attaining a maximum
of 975.36 m above mean sea level (amsl) at Betling Shib in Jampui hill range. It is drained by ten
major rivers, viz. Gomati, Haora, Khowai, Deo, Juri, Dhalai, Manu, Longai, Fenny and Muhuri. The
drainage system of the state forms a part of the Meghna basin.
As per 2011 census Tripura has a population of 36,73,917 consisting of 18,74,376 male and
17,99,541 females. The density of population in Tripura is 350 persons per Sq. Km. 73.8% of the
population is staying in rural areas while 28.2% of the population is urban.
The climate of the State is tropical, highly humid with average annual rainfall of 2241 mm.
The State is basically agrarian and about 42 % of the population is dependent on agriculture.
The net cultivable area of the state is 2714 This constitutes only 25% of the state’s total
geographical area. The state is hilly and nearly 60% area is under forest.
The state is underlain by unconsolidated Recent alluvium and Semi-consolidated sedimentary
formations, comprising Tertiary Group of rocks represented by the Dupitila, Tipam and Surma
Groundwater occurs under unconfined to confined conditions and autoflow condition occurs
in some part of the state. At shallow depths, in shallow aquifers ground water occurs mainly under
unconfined condition. In some small isolated zones ground water at shallow depths occurs under semi-
confined to confined conditions and at some parts shows artesian condition. Water bearing formation
occur both in shallow alluvial formation and Tertiary coarse clastics occurring in deeper horizons.
Auto flow artesian conditions have been found in a number of valleys. The artesian flowing
conditions occur in patches in both shallow and deeper depths. Discharge of the auto flowing wells
ranges from 100 to 6000 lph. Generally, the piezometric head rises up to 2.5 m above ground level
The semi-consolidated Tertiary Formations constitute the main hydrogeological units in the
state. Other small depositions of alluvial formations of Recent age also constitute the local
hydrogeological units along major river courses.
Aquifer system of the state is divided into two groups –shallow aquifer group, generally
within 50 m bgl (sometimes within 30 m bgl) and deep aquifer group between 50 to 300 m bgl. In
shallow aquifer group, ground water occurs under unconfined and semi-confined conditions, whereas
in deeper aquifer group ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions.
Shallow aquifers have been intersected within a depth of 50 m bgl and the deeper aquifers
occur in the depth range of 50 to 200 m. Ground water in the near surface zones occurs under
unconfined conditions with the depths to the water table for the whole year commonly range from 2 to
6 m.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (ix)

Deeper aquifers consisting of semi-consolidated sandstone of Tipam formation constitute the
most prolific aquifers with 2 to 4 granular zones within 300 m depth. Ground water in the deeper
horizons is held under pressure.
The recharge area for the deeper aquifers, situated in the valleys of Tripura, lies on the
adjacent anticlinal hills. Auto flow artesian conditions have also been found in a number of valleys. In
fact, the geology as well as geomorphology of the state is favourable for such artesian conditions
within synclinal valleys.
The depth to water level for shallow aquifers during pre-monsoon period generally lies
between 1 and 7 m below ground level (bgl) and during post-monsoon period it lies between 1 and 6
m bgl. Generally, the fluctuation of water level varies from 0.06 to 2.98 m. There is no significant
decline in trend of ground water level for the last decade in the state.
Transmissivity and Permeability of the aquifers in the state range from 4.5 to 1689 m2/day and
from 0.1 to 43.90 m/day respectively. The Storage Coefficient or Storativity ranges from 7.5 x 10-4 to
1.775 x 10-3 showing confined to slightly semi-confined nature of the deeper aquifers.
Under exploration programme of Central Ground Water Board till date (March, 2023), a total
102 Wells at 76 different locations have been drilled, that includes 65 EW, 26 OW, 9 Deposit Wells
and 2 Slim holes. The valley portions of the state have proved to be ground water worthy up to the
depth of 300+m.
In general, the chemical quality of ground water of the state is good and suitable for both the
domestic and irrigation purposes. However, occurrence of excessive iron has been reported in some
parts of the state.
Groundwater resources of the state based upon GEC-2015 methodology is assessed from time
to time and last Estimation was done during 2022. The net annual groundwater availability of the
state is 1.18 BCM as on March 2022. The estimation also reveals that the stage of ground water
extraction in the state is insignificant and is only 9.7%.
As the incidence of rainfall is high in the state, rainwater harvesting is another viable option to
augment the water supply. Harvested rainwater can be utilized to meet the domestic water demand and
excess rainwater can be utilized for recharging groundwater also. Soil and water conservations on
gentle hill slopes may be taken up by constructing contour bunds and trenches. Rainwater harvesting
may be adopted successfully to meet the demand of the rural people residing on the hilltops,
particularly during non-monsoon period, as the average non-monsoon rainfall in Tripura is generally
in the tune of 800 to 1000 mm.
In many parts of the hilly areas, there are some open spaces called platforms or terraces.
Platforms are raised areas and may be cemented or covered by plastic sheets spread, which will have
distributors of rainwater on all the sides. These platforms should be fully protected from approaching
by animals and human beings. Maintenance of platforms in hygienic way is a must. Surface runoff
should not be allowed to enter into the platforms. The rainwater collected by this method can then be
used by rural people residing on hills for domestic purposes.
The scope of conjunctive use of surface water and ground water may be studied in minor
irrigation command areas. This will help in minimizing water logging problem and materialize the
equal distribution of irrigation water in the cropped area.
There is a huge scope for further development of ground water resources for domestic and
irrigational purposes in the state. Ground water development for drinking and domestic, industrial and
irrigation purpose can be done through dug wells, shallow tube wells, medium depth tube wells and
deep tube wells. If ground water is harnessed with proper planning and management, the agro-
economic scenario of the entire state may be uplifted.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (x)

1 Location North Eastern part of India
North Latitude - 22° 56´ 32´´ to 24° 31´ 51´´
East Longitude - 91° 09´ 15´´ to 92° 19´ 51´´
2 Geographical area 10,491.69 sq. km.
3 Administrative Divisions District: 8.; Sub-Division: 23; Block : 58, G.P : 591 Tripura
Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (area-7,132.56
Nos. of TTAADC Constituencies: 28; ADC villages : 587
(a) District (i) West Tripura, (ii) Khowai, (iii) Sipahijala, (iv) Gomati
(v) South Tripura, (vi) Dhalai, (vii) North Tripura, (viii) Unakoti
4 Capital Agartala (altitude 12.80 m amsl)
5 Population (Census 2011) Total - 36,73,917 (Male – 18,74,376, Female – 17,99,541)
Population Density– 350 persons/sq. km; SC– 17.82 %, ST– 31.76 %
Rural Population- 27, 12, 464; Urban Population- 9, 61, 453
Literacy Literates– 28, 04,783 (Male– 15, 01,369, Female– 13, 03,414
Literacy rate- 87.2 % (Male – 91.5 %, Female – 82.7 %)
Sex Ratio 960 (F)/1000 (M)
Decadal Growth (2001-11) 14.84 % (as per 2011 Census)
6 Hydrometeorology Normal Annual Rainfall - 2262 mm
Co-Efficient of Rainfall Variation - 7 to 30 %
Temperature variation throughout the Year - 5.10 C to 35.60 C
7 Rivers and Surface Basin: Meghna; Sub-basin: Barak, Gomati and Fenny
Water Bodies
Rivers Manu, Dhalai, Gomati, Fenny, Haora, Khowai, Deo, Juri and Longai
Surface Water Bodies Gomati and Dambur Reservoirs in Dhalai District and
Rudrasagar in n West Tripura District
8 Land Use (2020-21) in Area Under Forest: 6,29,426 hectares
Hectares Total Cultivable Area: 2,70,755 hectares(2020-21), 271052 ha (2019-20)
Net Area Sown: 255466 hactares (2020-21), 2,55,368 hectares (2019-20)
Miscellaneous pastures, cultivable waste land, Tree Crop & Groves
(not included in Net Area Sown)- 9838 ha (2020-21) 10,037 ha(2019-20)

9 Irrigation Irrigable Land – 1,17,000 hectares

Area brought under Irrigation – 1,17,544 (March 2019) (WR– 81354;
RDD– 30642; Agri. Deptt. – 3594; TTAADC – 1069; Forest Dept. – 885)
Total Potential Utilised – 80,701 hectares (March 2019);
Irrigation Coverage by WR Dept. (March 2019): 81,354 (structures
1931 Nos.) By Surface Water – 74,934 (1656 Nos.); by Ground
Water – 6416 (275 Nos.)
10 Geology Upper Tertiary Formation : Surma, Tipam & Dupitila
Quaternary Formation : Alluvium
11 Hydrochemistry Ground water is generally suitable for domestic, irrigation and
industrial use, however, Iron content is in more than permissible limit
in manylocalities
12 Ground Water Resources Annual Rechargible Ground Water Resource – 1.18 BCM (As on
March 2022)
Annual Extractable Ground Water Resource - 1.06 BCM
Annual Extraction for Domestic and Industrial Use - 0.08 BCM
Annual Draft for Irrigation Use - 0.02 BCM
Future Allocation of Ground Water for Domestic and Industrial
Use up to 2025 - 0.08 BCM
Balance Ground Water for Future Irrigational Use – 0.95 BCM
Stage of Ground Water Extraction - 9.7 %

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (xi)


The state of Tripura is situated in the north-eastern part of India and it is the third smallest
state of the country. The erstwhile princely state of Tripura merged with the Union of India after
independence on the 15th October, 1949 as Group-C category state. Then it became a Union Territory
on 1st July 1963. Finally, Tripura emerged as a full-fledged state on the 21st January 1972.
The state is endowed with considerable natural resources such as fertile soil, well-distributed
rainfall, rich flora and fauna, natural gas and abundant water resources. Moreover, the state has vast
human resources with present literacy rate of 87.22 % (Male – 91.53 % & Female – 82.73 %) which
is significantly higher than the all India rate of literacy (74.04 %). Most significant is that a thumping
85.58 % of the rural population of the state is literate (Rural Male – 90.86 % & Rural Female –
80.06%), which is much higher than the all India rural literacy rate (67.8%) and 5th highest in India
after Kerala (94 %), Lakshadweep (91.80%), Mizoram (91.30 %), and Goa (88.70). In terms of area,
it is the smallest state in the north-eastern region and third smallest state in the country after Goa and
Sikkim. The Census 2011 data reveals that Tripura is the second most populated state in the north-
east after Assam with density of 350 persons per sq. km.


Tripura is one of the economically backward states of the country. 74% of the state’s total
population is rural and depend largely on agriculture for their livelihood.
The state is having huge ground water resource as reserve and the present stage of ground
water extraction is only 9.7%. There is ample scope for expansion of irrigation facilities through
further ground water development, which will help to grow multiple crops. Keeping this in view, an
attempt has been made in this report to depict the hydrogeological conditions and ground water
development by synthesizing all available data in pursuance of AAP 2022-23 of CGWB, NER.


Tripura, a lush green picturesque state, is situated in the northeastern part of India, which
covers a geographical area of 10,491.69 sq. km. It is situated between North Latitudes 22°
56´32″and 24° 31´ 51″ and East Longitudes 91° 09´15″ and 92°19´51″and falls in survey of India
Degree Sheet No. 79 M and parts of 78 P, 84 A and 83 D. The Tropic of Cancer passes through the
southern part of the state. It is a land-locked state and bounded by Bangladesh on three sides i.e. the
west, south- southeast and north. Its north-eastern and eastern boundary is demarcated by the border
with Assam and Mizoram respectively. The state shares 856 Km (84 %) of international border with
Bangladesh, while it shares 109 km state border with Mizoram and 53 km state border with Assam.

The state is connected to other parts of the country by road, rail and air. The road distance
from Agartala to Kolkata was less than 350 km before the partition of the country and now it is 1700
km via Shillong in Meghalaya, Guwahati in Assam and Sliliguri in West Bengal. National Highway
8 (earlier 44), known as Agartala - Assam road, is the only road link with the rest of India through the
state of Assam and Meghalaya. Agartala, the State Capital is connected with district towns, sub-
divisional headquarters and block headquarters by State Highways and other prominent metalled
roads.Sabroom - Agartala – Silchar – Lumding -Guwahati railway line passes through the state, which
connects Agartala with Guwahati and the rest of the country. However, Agartala is very well
connected with other cities of the country by air through a number of daily flights.


Administratively, the state of Tripura is divided into eight districts, which are West Tripura,
Khowai, Dhalai, North Tripura, Unakoti, Sipahijala, Gomati and South Tripura with their

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (1)

headquarters at Agartala, Khowai, Ambassa, Dharmanagar, Kailashahar, Bishramganj, Udaipur and
Belonia respectively. Agartala is the state capital. The eight districts are further sub-divided into 23
sub- divisions and 58 blocks. Tripura has one Autonomous Tribal District Council, the Tripura Tribal
Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC), which has its head-quarter at Khumulwng, 23 kms
away from Agartala city. The TTAADC covers about two third of the state’s area (7132.56 sq. km.).
The 3 tier Panchayat Raj System is prevalent in the state. There are 8 Zilla Parishads and 23
Panchayat Samitis. The total number of Gram Panchayats/ADC Village Councils is 1178, which
includes 587 Autonomous District Council (ADC) and 591 elected Gram Panchayats functioning
outside the Autonomous District Council areas. The details of administrative divisions have been
given in Table 1.1, whereas the Administrative Map of Tripura has been presented in Figure 1.1.

Table 1.1: Administrative Divisions of the State of Tripura

New District Area Sub-Division Block GP AD Revenue Old
(km2) C Village District
1. North Tripura 1444. a) Dharmanagar 1. Kadamtala, 2. Panisagar, 70 60 89 North
district 5 b) Kanchanpur, 3. Damcherra 4. Jubaraj Tripura
(H.Q : (km2) c) Panisagar nagar, 5. Dasda, 6. Jampui
Dharmanagar Hills 7. Laljuri, 8. Kalacherra

2. Unakoti 591.9 a) Kumarghat, 1. Gaurnagar, 2. Kumarghat 59 32 78

district 3 b) Kailashahar 3. Pecharthal, 4. Chandipur
(HQ :
3. Dhalai 2405. a) Ambassa, 1. Salema, 2. Manu, 3. 41 110 154 Dhalai
district 3 b) Kamalpur Ambassa
(H.Q : c) Gandacherra 4. Chhamanu, 5.
Ambassa) d) Longtarai Dumburnagar
Valley 6. Raisabari, 7. Ganganagar
8. Durga-Chowmuhani
4. Khowai 1005. a) Khowai 1. Khowai, 2. Tulashikhar, 3. 54 69 79 West
district 7 b) Teliamura Padmabil4. Teliamura, Tripura
(H.Q : 5.Kalyanpur, 6. Mungiakami
5. West Tripura 942.5 a) Sadar 1. Dukli, 2. Mohanpur, 87 85 98
district 5 b) Mohanpur 3.Lefunga 4. Hezamara,
(H.Q : Agartala) c) Jirania 5. Jirania, 6. Mandai
7. Old Agartala, 8. Belbari,
9. Bamutia
6. Sepahijala 1044. a) Bishalgarh 1. Jampuijala, 2. Bishalgarh, 111 58 119
district 8 b) Sonamura 3. Boxnagar 4. Melaghar,
(HQ: c) Jampuijala 5. Kathalia, 6. Charilam
Bishramganj) 7. Nalchar

7. Gomati 1522. a) Udaipur, 1. Matabari, 2. Tepaniya, 70 103 132 South

district 8 b) Amarpur 3. Kakraban, 4. Killa, Tripura
(H.Q : Udaipur) c) Karbook 5. Amarpur, 6. Ompi,
7. Karbook 8. Silachari

8. South Tripura 1534. a) Santirbazar 1. Bogafa, 2. Jolaibari, 99 70 138

district 2 b) Belonia 3. Hrishyamukh 4. Rajnagar,
(H.Q : Bilonia) c) Sabroom 5. Bharatchandra Nagar
6. Satchand, 7. Poyangbari,
8. Rupaichari

Total Districts 10492 Sub-Divisions Blocks = 58 591 587 887

=8 = 23

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (2)

Figure 1.1: Administrative Map of Tripura

The state now has a total population of 36,73,917 persons (Male – 18,74,376 & Female –
17,99,541) as per Census 2011; out of which 27,12,464 is rural population, which constitutes 74 % of
the total population and 9,61,453 persons are under urban population, which is 26 % of the total
population (Table 1.2). West Tripura district is the most populous district which constitutes about
24.99% (9,18,200 persons) of the total population of the state with population density of 973
persons/sq. km (Table 1.2). Unakoti district has the minimum population of 2,76,506, with population

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (3)

density of 157 persons/sq. km. The density of population for the whole state is 350 persons/sq. km,
whereas in 2001 the density was 305 persons/sq. km. The percentage of decadal variation for the
period 1991-2001 was 15.68 %, which indicate a sharp decline from that (34.30 %) of period 1981-91
(Table 1.2). Percentage of decadal variation for the last decade i.e. 2001-11 is found to be 14.84 %.
Current population details of the state has been presented in Table 1.2 (2011 census).
There are 19 Scheduled Tribe communities with a total population of 11,66,813 which
comprises 31.76% of the state’s total population. 17.82% of the total population of the state of Tripura
comes under Scheduled Caste category, which is amounting to be 6,54,918 persons.

Table 1.2: District-wise Population (Census 2011)

District/ Total Population Rural Urban Percentage of Density
Sub- decadal growth per sq. km.
Person Male Female Male Female Male Female 1991-01 2001-11 2001 2011

West Tripura 918200 466152 452048 535911 511434 342019 335255 18.48 12.88 862 973
Khowai 327564 167401 160163 11.51 292 326
Sepahijala 483687 247829 235858 12.48 412 463
Dhalai 378230 194544 183686 173599 163914 20743 19732 10.96 22.776 128 157
North 417441 212650 204791 291577 281477 60894 59333 26.49 13.65 249 288
Unakoti 276506 140210 136296 19.66 392 469
Gomati 441538 225428 216110 384418 367721 62706 60299 6.78 13.348 253 287
South 430751 220162 210589 14.726 251 283
TRIPURA 3673917 1874376 1799541 1385505 1324546 486362 474619 15.68 14.84 305 350

Table 1.2 A: Decadal population Variation

Year Total Population Percentage of Decadal variation
1874-75 74,523 -
1881 95,637 23.83
1891 1,37,575 43.85
1901 1,73,325 25.98
1911 2,29,613 32.48
1921 3,04,437 32.59
1931 3,82,450 25.63
1941 5,13,010 34.14
1951 6,45,707 24.56
1961 11,42,005 78.71
1971 15,56,342 36.28
1981 20,53,058 31.92
1991 27,57,205 34.30
2001 31,99,203 16.03
2011 36,73,917 14.75
2021 40,90,000 Projected
*The projected population of Tripura is estimated to be 40,90,000 in 2021, out of which male is
20,80,000 and female is 20,10,000. (Source: Economic review of Tripura, 2020-21)


The ground water resources in the state remained unexplored till the end of 1970 although the
Geological Survey of India had taken up Short-Term Investigations and Systematic Hydrogeological
Investigations from time to time. In 1974 Central Ground Water Board undertook the initiative of
scientific exploration for ascertaining the ground water potentialities of the state aided by
exploratory drilling in semi-consolidated Tertiary Formations. Under exploration programme of

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (4)

Central Ground Water Board till date, a total 102 Wells at 76 different locations have been drilled,
that includes 65 EW, 26 OW, 9 Deposit Wells and 2 Slim holes. The valley portions of the state have
proved to be ground water worthy up to the depth of 300+m. Under Systematic Hydrogeological
Surveys, all the four districts of the state have already been covered. Reappraisal hydrogeological
survey has also been carried out since early nineties and further hydro-geological surveys are being
conducted from time to time. National Project on Aquifer Mapping and Management (NAQUIM) has
been carried out for all the districts in the State.
Central Ground Water Board has established 106 including 96 DugWells and 10 Pz (Updated
Jan, 2023) Ground Water Monitoring Wells under National Hydrograph Station Network for periodic
monitoring of the behavior of ground water level including its chemical aspect in the state. The
various reports on hydro-geological surveys, exploratory drilling and ground water resource
estimation are carried out for the state from time-to-time.

1.7 SOIL
The soils of the state of Tripura can be classified into two major groups based on their origin,
namely residual soil and transported soil or alluvial soil. Each group of soils consists of association of
several taxonomic units, which are developed in different phases of the landscape. Soils in the state
are generally acidic in nature, contains low nitrogen and phosphate, medium to high available potash
and deficient of calcium, magnesium and sulfur.
The humid tropical monsoon climate has given rise to many groups of soils. Based on
LANDSAT Imagery (1986) and Atlas of Agricultural Resources of India (Das Gupta, 1980) the soils
of the state have been classified into five board groups, i.e. (i) Reddish yellow-brown sandy soils, (ii)
Red loam and sandy loam soils, (iii) Older alluvial soils, (iv) Younger alluvial soils and (v) Lateritic
soils. The distribution of soils is shown in Figure 1.2 and the details are given in Table 1.3. The
detailed descriptions of each group of soils are given as follows:
(i) Reddish yellow brown Sandy soil: Reddish yellow-brown sandy soils are extensively
residual in nature occurring on the north-south oriented hill ranges and other upland areas of Tripura,
crowned with the lush evergreen tropical forests and near inter-montane valleys. Nearly 33% of the
geographical area of the state is covered with the reddish yellow brown sandy soils. This soils
occurring in ridge tops and sloping flanks of the hill ranges, are highly susceptible to erosion. Due to
continuous erosion and chemical weathering of the bed rock, the finer fractions of the soil mantle
have been leached down to the lower horizons of the soil profile, leaving the epipedon littered with a
layer of coarse silty or fine sandy material of reddish brown hue. The surface colour of these soils is
usually found to be yellowish brown to dark brown. Taxonomically, the reddish yellow brown sandy
soils are alfisol (mainly ultic) mixed with erosion-affected Inceptisols. As a result of continuous
leaching under heavy rainfall conditions, these soils are rather poor in nutrients.
(ii) Red loam and Sandy loam soil: The red loam and sandy loam soils are the most
extensive formation, covering about 43 % of the total geographical area of the state. Genetically, the
red loam and sandy loam soils are associated with the intermountain valleys and the forest cover of
undulating uplands. These soils are largely of residual nature are generated under forest environment.
Taxonomically, they are fairly mature soils, can be classified as Alfisols comprising association of
Ultic Hapludalfs and Typic Paleudalfs.
These red soils are fairly rich in nutrients. They are susceptible to heavy erosion under heavy
rainfall condition; especially those located on sloping grounds. There are as many as 14 soil series in
this particular group.
(iii) Older alluvial soil: Older alluvial soils, though of recent origin are fairly matured soils
of transported in nature. These soils cover nearly 10 % area of the state occurring on river terraces
and high plains. They are fairly rich in nutrients and are subject to gully erosion. At least five soil
series have been identified in this group.
In the high plains, the profiles of the older alluvial soils are usually well developed and these
soils are taxonomically branded as Alfisols (Type Ochraqualfs) though at places are associated with

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (5)

rather immature Inceptisols (Typic Haplaquepts). Due to chemical weathering of some of older
alluvial belt, lithomargic ocher has been deposited in the lower part of soil horizon.
(iv) Younger alluvial soil: Younger alluvial soils are mainly confined to flood plains of
rivers and covers only 9% of the total area of the state. These soils usually comprise clay loams and
loams and belong to the Entisol group. Taxonomically, the soils can be classified as Typic
Udifluvents. These soils are extremely rich in nutrients and are capable to yield assured harvest of rice
and jute. However, they are liable to erosion by lateral cutting and bank collapse.
(v) Lateritic soil: There are some Moorish uplands with Lateritic soils confined close to the
western boundary of the state mostly south of Sonamura, which cover only 5% of state’s total area.
Lateritic soils are of residual in nature and are extremely poor for agricultural activities. The
water soluble materials occurring in the bed rocks having been washed down to the lower horizon of
the soil profile, the upper part is then left with a suff which comprises the lateritic soils. The texture of
the lateritic soils is coarse and the soils are extremely poor in nutrients. Such soil supports tolerably
good vegetal cover, which usually consists of grasses, scrub and bushes. Taxonomically, the lateritic
soils are Ulticols, consisting largely of Typic Palehumults.

Table 1.3: Soil types of Tripura

Sl. Area
Soil Group Soil taxonomic unit Occurrence
No. Sq. Km. Percent
(i) Ultic Hapludafs
1 Reddish 3,468 33.06 (ii) Udic Ustochrepts Hill ranges
yellow brown
sandy soils (iii) Typic Udorthents
(i) Ultic Haplustalfs
(ii) Typic/Ultic Hapludalfs Intermontane
(iii) Typic Paleudalfs valleys and
Red loam and
2 sandy loam 4,514 43.07 (iv) Typic Ustochrepts
soils (v) Typic Drystochrepts undulating
(vi) Udic Ustochrepts lands
(vii) Typic Ustochrepts
(i) Typic Ochraqualfs River terraces
Older Alluvial
3 1,019 9.71 and high
soils (ii) Typic Haplaquepts plains
Younger Flood plains
4 980 9.34 (i) Typic Udifluvents
Alluvial soils of streams
(i) Typic Palehumults
(ii) Typic Plinthustults Western
5 Lateritic soils 510 4.86 boundary of
(iii) Typic Plinthudults the state
(iv) Typic Paleudults

A number of micro watershed projects both in the rain fed areas and in shifting cultivation
areas are being implemented all over the state in order to minimize the hazards of soil erosion and to
maintain soil health for increased cultivation of different crops. The essential components of these
projects are treatment of arable and non-arable land according to the capability following the
principles of soil and water conservations.

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Figure 1.2A: Distribution of different types of Soils in the state of Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (7)

Figure 1.2B: Index Map of the distribution of different types of Soils in the state of Tripura


The land available for cultivation is relatively restricted. Nearly 60 % of the state’s total area
is classified as forest. As on 2020-21, the total cultivable land in the state is 2,70,755 ha which is
highest in Sepahijala (47,591) followed by South Tripura (43,491), Gomati (40,453), West Tripura
(34,322), Khowai (32,644), North Tripura (28,725), Dhalai (22,578) and Unakoti(21,960). The net
sown area in the year 2008-09 was 2,55,510 ha , in 2010-2011 was 2,55,426 ha, in 2012 – 13 was
255213 ha, in 2017-18 it was 2,55,095 and in 2020-21 it was 2,55,466. The gross cropped area has
increased from 4,46,703 ha in 2008-2009 to 4,69,984 in 2010-11, 4,74,368 ha in 2012 – 13, 4,88,500
ha in 2018-19 and to 4,87,400 in the year 2020-21. The cropping intensity has increased from 175%
in 2008-09 to 191% in 2020-21. Table 1.4 is the illustrative of land utilization pattern of Tripura
during last three years i.e. from 2016-17 to 2020-21 (Projected).

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Table 1.4: Land Utilization Pattern in Tripura during the period of 2016-17 to 2020-21
LAND USE CLASSES 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
Geographical area 1049769 1049169 1049169 1049169 1049169
Forest area 629426 629426 629426 629426 629426
Land not available for
147413 147979 148304 148691 148988
Land under Misc, tree crops &
Groves not including in net area 10525 10423 10125 10037 9838
Permanent pasture & other
944 944 944 925 888
grazing land
Culturable wasteland 2878 2878 2578 2578 2478
Current fallow 898 890 1055 955 896
Fallow land other than current
1595 1534 1189 1189 1189
Net cropped area 255490 255095 255548 255368 255466
Gross cropped area 490540 486770 488500 487000 487400
Area sown more than once 235050 231675 232952 231632 231934
Cropping intensity 192 191 191 191 191
Total cultivable area 272330 271764 271439 271052 270755
Source: Agriculture Department, Tripura (Economic Review 2020-21)

District wise Land Use details during the period from 2016-17 to 2017-18 for the state of
Tripura and the land use of the whole state of Tripura have been presented in Table 1.5.


Agriculture is the main source of the economy of the state and irrigation is an important input
for enhancing the productivity of the agricultural sector. Tripura still has no major irrigation scheme
and irrigation is mainly dependent on the minor surface water irrigation schemes like lift irrigation,
diversion schemes, pick-up weirs (commissioned mainly by PWD, WR), tanks fitted with small 5 HP
pumps, water harvesting and watershed management works etc. and to some extent on ground water
from Deep Tube Wells, Small Bore Tube Wells, Shallow Tube Wells and Artesian Wells. However,
recently three medium irrigation projects namely Gomati, Khowai and Manu irrigation schemes have
been commissioned partially. The irrigation programmes of the state are being jointly implemented by
the PWD (Water Resources), Rural Development Department (RDD), Agriculture Department, Forest
Department and the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC). Nearly all the
minor irrigation schemes have been handed over to Gram Panchayats or Panchayat Samitis for better
operation and maintenance in future. As in 2020-21, total cultivable land of Tripura was 2,70,755
hectares and land under cultivation i.e. the net sown area is 2,55,466 hectares.

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Table 1.5: District wise land use pattern in the state of Tripura during the period from 2016-17 and 2017-18 (Area in Ha.)

Fallow Land

Culturable Waste Land

Land under Misc. Tree
Permanent pastures &
Land not available for

crops and groves not

included in Net area
Name of the District

Geographical area

other grazing land

Area under Forest

then Current Fallow

Cropping Intensity
Fallow Land other
Total (5+6+7)

Current Fallow

Area sown more

Total Cultivable
Net Area Sown

Total Cropped


than once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
North 2016-17 141837 89292 23725 391 4679 1180 6250 295 264 559 22011 37405 15394 28820 170
Tripura 2017-18 141837 89292 23820 391 4633 1180 6204 283 261 544 21977 37118 15141 28725 169
2016-17 68779 33039 13714 258 2739 852 3849 258 190 448 17729 32038 14309 22026 181
2017-18 68779 33039 13780 258 2712 852 3822 248 188 436 17702 31791 14089 21960 180
2016-17 231394 185940 22809 142 1238 261 1641 600 188 788 20216 34531 14315 22645 171
2017-18 231394 185940 22876 142 1226 261 1629 578 186 764 20185 34270 14085 22578 170
2016-16 92005 54319 4987 0 93 90 183 117 30 147 32369 58293 25924 32699 180
2017-18 92005 54319 5042 0 92 90 182 113 30 143 32319 57845 25526 32644 179
West 2016-17 104596 29265 40949 83 495 189 767 97 85 182 33433 62054 28621 34382 186
Tripura 2017-18 104596 29265 41009 83 491 189 763 93 85 178 33381 61578 28197 34322 184
2016-17 103080 30996 24407 11 891 286 1188 123 107 230 46259 102655 56396 47677 222
2017-18 103080 30996 24493 11 883 286 1180 118 106 224 46187 101866 55679 47591 221
2016-17 148910.6 100704 7689 39 103 7 149 62 16 78 40291 79727 39436 40518 198
2017-18 148910.6 100704 7754 39 102 7 148 60 16 76 40229 79114 38885 40453 197
South 2016-17 158567 105871 9133 20 287 13 320 43 18 61 43182 83837 40655 43563 194
Tripura 2017-18 158567 105871 9205 20 284 13 317 41 18 59 43115 83188 40073 43491 193
2016-17 1049169 629426 147413 944 10525 2878 14347 1595 898 2493 255490 490540 235050 272330 192
2017-18 1049169 629426 147979 944 10423 2878 14245 1534 890 2424 255095 486770 231675 271764 191

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Table 1.6: Change in District-wise and structure wise irrigation potential created by PWD (WR for irrigation
of crops with time)
Lift Irrigation Medium Low/High Pickup
District DTW Diversion Potential Created
(LI + HPLI) Irrigation Weir
Potential Created Potential Created Potential Created Potential Created Potential Created

2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019
West 0 0
Tripura 7979 8119.69 1647 1888 575 575 0 0 10201 10582.69
Khowai 6501 6566.32 742 742 535 669 4515 4515 0 0 12293 12492.32
Sepahijala 8666 8755 1199 1473.6 190 190 0 0 0 0 10055 10418.8
Gomati 10177 10314 879 937.5 872 872 4383 4437 0 0 16311 16560.85
South 0 0
Tripura 6116 6210 600 680.8 2243 3095.5 0 0 8959.9 9986.4
Unakoti 5735 5903 147 167 0 0 1710 1759 0 0 7592 7829.5
North 32 32
Tripura 5817 5877 404.5 404.5 140 140 0 0 6393.5 6454.05
Dhalai 5976 6096 113 123 759 810 0 0 0 0 6848 7029.95
Total 56967 57841.01 5731.5 6416.4 5314 6351.5 10608 10711 32 32 78653.4 81354.56

Table 1.7: Particulars of total area brought under irrigation

Up to March Upto March Upto March Upto March Upto March
Description 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Area brought under irrigation (ha)
PWD (Water
77408 78653 79655 80469 81354
R.D.D 30642 30642 30642 30642 30642
Agriculture 3594 3594 3594 3594 3594
TTAADC 1069 1069 1069 1069 1069
FOREST 885 885 885 885 885
Total 113598 114843 115845 116659 117544
Net Potential Creation in long past : 52,197 ha (2000); 77,722 ha (2004) & 1,04,995 ha (2010)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (11)

Table 1.8: Medium irrigation project under PWD (WR) Tripura (as on 31.01.2020)

Sl Name of medium Command area Structures (in Net Potential Created

No irrigation Project (CCA) (in Ha) nos.) (canal) upto 31.01.2020 (CCA)
(in Ha)

1 Gumti 4486 138 4437

2 Khowai 4515 385 4545

3 Manu 4198 78 1759

Total 13199 601 10711

Source- PWD (WR)

Net irrigation potential created by different departments of the state has been presented in Table 1.6.
At present there are three medium irrigation projects namely, Gomati in South Tripura, Khowai in
West Tripura and Manu in North Tripura.
• Gomti Irrigation Project is situated at Maharani, South Tripura district. It has a culturable
command command area of 4486 ha and gross command area is 9800 ha. The potential
created till March 2014 was 3283 ha, which has been increased to be 4437 ha as on January
• Khowai Irrigation Project is situated at Chakmaghat, West Tripura district. It has
culturable command area of 4515 ha and ultimate potential is 8120 ha. Potential created till as
on January 2020 was 4545 ha.
• Manu Irrigation Project is located at Nalkata in Dhalai district. It has a culturable
command area of 4198 ha and ultimate potential is 6025 ha. The potential created till March
2014 was 1710 ha, where as it has now increased to 1759 ha as on January 2020.
As per the record available with PWD (WR) department, the total actual irrigation coverage as
on March 2019 by surface water (with 1592 nos. LI, 7 nos. HPLI, 48 nos. of Diversion Schemes, 4
nos. Low & high Pick-up Weir and 3 nos. of medium irrigation scheme i.e. river barrage) is 74353.5
ha, whereas by ground water (through 260 nos. of DTW) the coverage is only 6116 ha. So, the total
area brought under irrigation or Irrigation Potential Created by PWD (WR) is 81354 ha (Annexure II)
against the Cultivable Land of 255241 ha, Irrigable area of 117000 ha. The actual irrigated area as on
march 2019 by PWD (WR) is 81354 ha, whereas the total actually irrigated land or net potential
utilization in Tripura by all agencies is 80701 ha.

Agriculture in the state largely depends upon timely monsoon. Soils are very fertile and the
state receives abundant rainfall, which is conducive to agriculture and horticulture crops including
rubber and tea plantations. Out of total geographical area of 10491.69 sq. km., the net area under
agriculture (net area sown) was 2554.66 sq. km. in 2020-21, which constitutes 24.33 % of total
geographical area. Proportion of area under agriculture thus is low compared to national level (51%).
Economy of the state is basically agrarian and about 51 % of the population is dependent on
agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood as it is the single largest provider of employment to
the rural people here. Favorable agro-climatic conditions, fertile soils, sub-tropical climate with
pockets of temperate zones, large tilla lands and high rainfall promotes development of horticulture
comprising of fruits, vegetables, spices, floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. Contribution
of agriculture and allied activities to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) exceeds 26 %.
60% of the geographical area is high land and covered by forest and only about 27% is
available for cultivation. Presently there is a gap between actual production and requirement of food
grains in Tripura. Fragmentation of land holding is continuing and the average present holding is 0.60
ha. People in the hills cultivate on high slopes by practicing traditional JHUM (shifting cultivation).

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (12)

The main crop of the state is paddy; all three i.e. summer paddy (Aus), monsoon paddy
(Aman) and winter paddy (Boro) are being raised, which are followed by maize, wheat, sugarcane,
mesta, jute, cotton, pulses and oilseeds (Table 1.9). Over a limited area of the state, cashew nut,
pineapple and orange are also grown. Rubber and Tea Plantations have also been taken up on small
mounds and foothills.

Table 1.9: Details of various crops produced in Tripura for 2020-21

Area, Production & Yield of Agricultural Crops during 2020-21(3rd Advance Estimate)
2020-21 (3rd Advance Estimate)
Name of Crops Area in Ha Production in Yield in Kg/Ha
Aush 34881 93760 2688
Aman 147750 475016 3215
Jhum 15493 16423 1060
Total Kharif Rice 198124 585199 2954
Total Kharif Maize 13456 23548 1750
Sorghum 189 161 852
Foxtail / Kaon 978 782 800
Total Foxtail / Kaon & Sorghm 1167 943 808
Arhar 5191 4049 780
Moong 1879 1212 645
B/Gram 4856 3472 715
Cow pea, Assam valley etc. 3855 3123 810
Rajmash 13 12 923
Total Kharif Pulses 15794 11868 751
Kharif Food grains 228541 621558 2720
Sesamum 6056 4088 675
Kharif Ground nut 1075 1548 1440
Soyabean 7 5 0
Total Kharif Oilseed 7138 5641 790
Jute * 429 3754 8.75
Mesta * 255 2206 8.65
Total Jute & Mesta * 684 5960 8.71
Cotton ** 589 895 1.52
Sugarcane 741 41663 56225
Boro Rice 66500 219317 3298
Wheat 150 343 2287
Rabi Maize 6000 14910 2485
Foxtail / Kaon ( R ) 600 510 850
Moong 2150 1613 750
Black gram 3500 2800 800
Lentil 2250 1631 725
Pea 4500 3938 875
Gram 255 159 624
Khesari 50 34 680
Rajmash 1055 897 850
Total Rabi Pulses 13760 11072 805
Rape & Mustard 8500 7242 852
Rabi Groundnut 1250 1938 1550
Total Rabi Oilseed 9750 9180 942

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (13)

Rabi Food grains 87010 246152 2829
Total Food grains 315551 867710 2750
Total Rice 264624 804516 3040
* indicates Production in Bales of 180 Kg each.
* indicates Production in Bales of 180 Kg each.
Source: Agriculture Department, Tripura. (Economic Review, 2020-21)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (14)


The climate of the state istropical, highly humid and characterized by moderate temperature
with three prominent seasons - summer, monsoon and winter, where summer spans from March to
May followed by southwest monsoon lasting till September. Winter season starts in November and
lasts till the end of February and is marked with pleasant days & cold nights followed by a brief spell
of spring.
The climate warms up generally from the middle of March and the height of summer is
reached during the period from April to May. During this period maximum temperature is generally
recorded above 350C and the minimum temperature from 21.30C to 22.40C. Generally, the maximum
summer temperature ranges from 350–400C. Monsoon usually breaks in last week of May or in the
first week of June and retreats by the end of September or October. Winter sets in from November
and becomes severe in January when average minimum temperature at night is recorded as 80C.
Humidity generally remains high throughout the year. Generally, it is high in July and low in
March. Relative humidity in a year generally varies from 70% to 85%. In summer, relative humidity
varies from 60 to 75% in the morning and from 50 to 60% in the evening. In rainy season, relative
humidity remains over 85% in the morning and from 70 to 80% in the evening. Relative humidity
recorded at Agartala during a long period in the recent past is 89% to 63% in the morning and 80% to
50% in the evening.
Monthly evaporation varies from 1.6 to 6.9 mm/day (ICAR complex, Lembucherra, West
Tripura district). Wind speed varies from 1.0 to 3.8km/hr in winter season and 3.7 to 18.3km/hr in
summer and rainy season.

Rainfall occurs under the spell of southwest monsoon and the maximum rainfall is commonly
recorded in the month of June and July. The average annual rainfall for the last 42 years (1977–2018)
of the state is 2262 mm. The average nos. of rainy days for last 5 years is 95. Both the maximum
rainfall of 4009.5mm (1978) and the minimum rainfall of 1205.6 mm (1994) had been recorded at
Agartala. The co-efficient of variation of rainfall ranges from 7– 30%, which suggests a low
variability of annual rainfall. Broad patterns and distribution of rainfall is shown in Figure 2.1, which
reveals that rainfall increases from SW to NE in the state. The highest rainfall value of 2500mm has a
N-S disposition through North Tripura district. The lowest rainfall lies around Udaipur-Amarpur area
of Gomati district.
The distribution of rainfall in Tripura has been shown in Figure 2.1. The disposition of
isohyets brings out the fact that the amount of rainfall gradually decreases from east to west in the
northern part of the state and northward in the western district. The variability in aerial distribution of
normal annual rainfall can be understood from the recorded rainfall of the following stations: (1)
Dharmanagar - 2493.034 mm; (2) Kailashahar - 2471mm; (3) Kamalpur - 2535 mm; (4) Khowai -
2321 mm; (5) Agartala Sadar - 2203 mm; (6) Sonamura-2199mm; (7) Udaipur- 1906 mm; (8)
Amarpur- 1724 mm; (9) Belonia - 2311 mm and (10) Sabrum - 2303 mm. Annual Rainfall of Tripura
for the year 2013, as recorded in different stations.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (15)

Table 2.1: Station wise Average Rainfall in the State of Tripura
Sl. Monthly rainfall (in mm)
no Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
1 Kailasahar 3.2 22.5 25.5 197.8 636.3 418.3 173.2 143.1 197.7 97.3 3.4 35.7 1954.0
2 Dharmanagar 0.0 18.6 60.2 208 624.3 490.8 268.8 241.6 248.7 106.3 36.0 20.3 2323.6
3 Kanchanpur 0.0 4.2 75.1 142.6 548.9 719.6 266.5 274.7 150.2 160.1 9.6 24.8 2376.3
4 Kamalpur 22.0 14.2 43.6 300.4 894.0 544.6 174.2 578.0 265.0 130.6 8.2 46.4 3021.2
5 Chawmanu 0.0 2.5 37.5 163.5 472.0 693.2 162.4 262.4 159.5 137.2 29.0 15.5 2134.7
6 Gandacherra 0.0 1.5 18.8 235.5 756.8 676.8 385.2 157.1 67.1 122.1 5.2 9.6 2435.7
7 Khowai 12.4 11.4 79.2 158.4 834.0 511.6 312.0 257.6 98.2 55.8 2.2 33.6 2366.4
8 Teliamura 19.4 9.0 71.0 122.0 676.8 645.6 202.4 186.8 50.0 65.6 25.2 11.6 2085.4
9 Sonamura 0.0 0.0 9.0 205.0 381.2 386.6 184.6 129.4 173.4 38.2 29.4 2.2 1539.0
10 Bishalgarh 0.0 19.2 27.4 240.7 521.2 393.6 169.6 45.2 41.3 17.2 0.0 6.2 1481.6
11 Sadar 0.0 9.1 28.4 172.0 558.0 444.9 215.0 160.7 83.2 46.9 21.0 23.5 1762.7
12 Jirania 0.0 8.2 28.2 149.2 661.6 521.5 202.0 228.7 108.5 53.7 19.0 25.0 2005.6
13 Matabari 0.0 0.5 18.6 271.7 561.5 326.6 249.0 231.8 233.3 47.9 19.2 2.0 1962.1
14 Amarpur 0.0 0.0 36.7 208.9 647.8 433.7 298.9 232.1 51.7 28.5 32.4 6.2 1976.9
15 Belonia 0.0 2.4 5.6 248.8 388.4 484.8 381.0 346.4 114.2 76.2 0.2 6.4 2054.4
16 Sabroom 0.0 0.0 11.0 0.0 480.4 916.2 679.2 340.5 109.6 165.8 10.8 0.0 2713.5
17 Bogafa 0.0 4.2 12.2 215.0 504.4 595.0 344.5 239.6 75.2 68.8 1.6 5.0 2065.5
Average 3.4 7.5 34.6 190.6 596.9 541.4 274.6 238.6 131.0 83.4 14.8 16.1 2132.9

Figure 2.1: Isohyetal Map of Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (16)

Table 2.2: Month wise rainfall during 2015 to 2020 in the State:

Rainfall (in mm)

Name of Month 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
January 9.6 0.4 1.8 0.0 3.3 0.0 27.6
February 21.7 12.2 49.8 16.7 8.9 45.4 1.4
March 65.4 14.7 98.2 185.2 35.7 39.7 3.8
April 179.1 318.0 184.2 392.5 190.6 177.2 190.7
May 339.6 333.6 431.0 225.9 601.2 294.8 336.1
June 452.0 282.2 247.8 617.6 519.9 306.7 456.2
July 367.5 514.7 330.9 442.8 258.3 610.8 355.2
August 316.7 338.8 329.5 516.2 222.3 218.4 193.7
September 257.8 296.9 246.4 358.4 135.1 202.6 304.5
October 165.6 105.3 119.6 334.4 80.1 164.1 266.2
November 33.2 3.9 162.3 2.2 14.8 47.2 24.6
December 5.6 10.0 0.6 88.5 17.6 4.8 0.0
Annual Rainfall 2213.4 2229.7 2202.2 3180.4 2087.8 2111.7 2160.0

Source: Agriculture Department, Tripura.

Annual Rainfall (in mm)

3500 3180,4
2229,7 2202,2 2087,8
3000 2111,7



2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Figure 2.2: Annual Rainfall in Tripura

Seasonal and annual potential evapotranspiration (PET) have been estimated by using
Thornthwaite’s (1955) empirical formula, making use of the available long term average of monthly
minimum and maximum temperature and normal monthly rainfall as recorded at Agartala airport and
at other district headquarters. PET is about 50 to 60% of normal rainfall. It is found that PET exceeds
for precipitation during five water deficit months i.e. January, February, March, November and

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (17)

Figure 2.3: Evapotranspiration Map of Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (18)


Physiographically, the state of Tripura consists of hilly terrain with an immature topography,
which represents the western fringe of the typical ridge and valley (structural) province of the Late
Tertiary fold mountain belt, commonly known as the Indo-Burman Ranges (Purbachal Range). The
major geographic features are tightly folded anticlinal hill ranges and broad synclinal valleys in
between. Five principal hill ranges running parallel in roughly N-S direction, namely (i) the Jampui,
(ii) the Sakhantlang, (iii) the Longtarai, (iv) the Atharomura and (v) the Baramura traverse the state
from east to west. The altitude of the hill ranges increases progressively form west to east attaining a
maximum of 975.36 m above mean sea level (AMSL) at Betling Shib in Jampui hill range, 816.25 m
AMSL at Sakhan in the Sakhantlang and 481.83 mAMSL at Phengpur in the Longtarai range. The
Atharomura and the Baramura have comparatively lesser elevations of 346 m AMSL and 249 m
AMSL respectively. Apart from these major hill ranges, two smaller dome-like ridges namely
Sonamura anticline and Agartala dome, which comprise the folded Neogene strata; are lying to the
west of Baramura-Deotamura hill ranges. The general altitude of the state varies from 750 m AMSL
in the northeastern part to 15 m AMSL in the western part.
There are five broad longitudinal valleys in the state, namely (i) Agartala-Udaipur-Sabroom
valley, (ii) Khowai-Teliamura-Amarpur valley, (iii) Kamalpur-Ambassa-Gondacherra valley, (iv)
Kailasahar-Kumarghat-Chawmanu valley and (v) Dharmanagar-Panisagar-Kanchanpur valley,
located between N-S trending parallel to sub-parallel anticlinal hill ranges. Within the major valley
portions, there are numerous isolated hillocks or mounds attaining a height of 20-30 m above the
valley floor.
3.1.1 Genetic Classification of Land Systems
Geomorphologically, the state can be defined as a second order morpho-structural land
system similar to that of “Ridge and Valley Province” of USA. The erosional and depositional units
of land system are confined mainly to the structural valleys. Genetic geomorphological map by GSI
enables recognition of 17 landform units, which are grouped under these genetic types. Nine
Landform units are of structural origin, five units are of denudational origin and the remaining three
units are of fluvial origin. All the units can be shown in relation to their bedrock geology and
structural pattern.
The units of structural origin characterize the structural pattern of folded rock bodies and
include the features, which occur only within the anticlinal hill ranges. On the other hand, units of
denudational origin are confined to the structural valleys, where erosional processes predominate,
developing an eroded topography, represented by residual hillocks/mounds and an incised net of
stream beds. Incised stream beds form the conspicuous geomorphic feature of valley landscape and
are partly filled by the alluvial materials derived from adjacent hill slopes. The units of fluvial origin
include only the flood plains of major rivers confined to the flat part of structural valleys.
(a) Units of Structural Origin:
(i) Cores of Sardengmura and Atharamura anticlines represented by a mega hogback are
made of Bhuban Sandstone. Units are less dissected and having high relative relief, sharp
ridge crest, steep valley side slopes (18).
(ii) Along the western flank of both Atharamura and Sardengmura structures, to the
immediate west of the above mega hogback unit, linear, parallel strike ridges of Bokabil
sandstone constitute the smaller cuesta-hogback unit. This unit shows moderate dissection
and is characterized by the development of short parallel and trellis drainage pattern.
(iii) In the Raimachera catchment a discrete structural landform unit occurs between the
mega hogback (to the east) and the badland valley (to the west) units. This is characterized by

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (19)

broadly parallel discontinuous low-lying strike ridges of Bokabil silty shale. This unit shows
a higher degree of drainage dissection and development of sub-dentriditic drainage pattern.
(iv) The eastern flank of Atharamura structure is represented by highly dissected, non-
oriented, low-lying discontinuous strike ridges developed in Bokabil sandstone. The drainage
pattern is mainly fine dendritic. The discontinuity in ridge structures is due to the effects of
transverse faults and fractures. Valley side slope is moderate to steep. Dominant land cover is
(v) Eastern flank of Baramura structure is characterized by a narrow zone of fault-guided,
sub-parallel step like ridges on Bokabil sandstone. The scarp faces developed on the sides of
ridges are highly eroded. Dominant land cover is forest.
(vi) The western flank of Baramura structure, on the other hand, is gently sloping and is
represented by moderately dissected mega-cuesta like form developed on Bokabil silty shale.
Medium dendritic drainage pattern characterizes this unit. Ground slope is moderate.
Dominant land cover is forest.
(vii) The Maharani-Pitragong basin occurs within the Baramura structure and is characterized
by a narrow elongated strike valley which has developed due to raid erosion of the soft
Bokabil shale, bordered on both sides by fault scarps.
(viii) A moderately dissected linear zone of eroded strike ridge developed on the soft Bokabil
sandstone forms the western foothills of Atharomura structure. Ground slope is moderate.
Dominant land cover includes forest.
(ix) Highly dissected, low-lying elongated domal hills of structural origin occur in the
western part of Gomti sub-basin. This unit shows shallow, flat topped anticlinal structures,
developed on Bokabil silty shale and has gentle to moderate slope. Fracture controlled
streams are more incised with flat channel beds. Dominant land cover is forest.
(b) Units of Denudational Origin:
(i) In the upper catchment of the Khowai river sub-basin, to the east of Atharamura range, the
soft Bokabil shale forms a unit characterized by intensely dissected badland valley, with the
development of sharp crested, non-oriented, small hillocks. Valley side slope varies
considerably. Land degradation advances with gully erosion. Dominant land cover includes
(ii) Between the Raima and Sarma streams a discrete unit of slightly raised platform within
the structural valley is characterized by intensely dissected badland topography. This unit can
be traced to the upper catchment of the Khowai sub-basin in the north. It developed on
Bokabil silty shale and is intensely traversed by WNW-ESE and NE-SW trending fractures.
Ground slope is moderate (5-10). Hill crests are sharp to rounded and the hill side slopes are
degraded by gullies. Dominant land cover is forest.
(iii) The western foothill zone of Baramura structure shows development of moderately
dissected round to sharp crested low-lying denudational hill on Tipam sandstone. Slope
varies from gentle to moderate. Hill side is characterized by debris slopes.
(iv) Within flat portions of structural valleys, hillocks form a discrete denudational unit on
Dupitila formation. Hillock tops show development of lateritic deposits. Dominant land
covers are forest and other plantations. Gully and rill erosion predominate.
(v) Flat topped, isolated, low residual mounds (locally known as ‘tilla’) with lateritic caps are
seen to form a unit in the valley especially around the major flood plains of rivers. Ground
slope is gentle. Sheet and rill erosion predominate. Dominant land covers are settlements and
various plantations.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (20)

(c) Units of Fluvial Origin:
(i) Alluvial flood plains have developed along the present day major river beds. Fluvial
forms include point bars, levees and back swamps. The unit serves as the site for seasonal
(ii) Older alluvial plains on either side of major rivers are restricted in occurrence and form
sites for cultivation and rural settlements.
(iii) Incised flat stream valleys appear as fossil drainage net. This incised fossil drainage net
shows trapezoidal valley form and is ephemeral in nature. Channel slope varies from 0 to 1.
Valley side slopes are steep and are unstable because of unconsolidated nature of materials
that compose the valley walls. Debris slides are common. Newly formed rill and gullies on
the sides of residual mounds join this older incised drainage net and appear as misfit linkage
in regards to channel slope and valley forms. Most of the major tributaries in the fossil
drainage net are along the fracture lineaments. These infilled valleys, locally known as
“lungas”, constitute an area for seasonal cultivation.

3.1.2 Terrain Characteristics

Although the seventy percent of land area is hilly, three distinct physiographic zones
nevertheless are discernible here. These are (i) N-S oriented hill ranges, (ii) Undulating plateau land
and (iii) Low lying alluvial plains. Hydrogeomorphic and structural map of Tripura is furnished in
Figure. – 4.1.
Zone - I: Hill Ranges: The State is traversed by five major hill ranges with a roughly
north-South orientation and separated by narrow valleys. The valleys are by and large 20 km
wide. The hill ranges continue southward into Chittagong Hill Tract.The Jampui Hill is the
easternmost. The westernmost range is formed by the Baramura-Deotamura Hills. In between
these two ranges lie the other three ranges. The Jampui range is successively followed to the
west by the Sakhantlang, the Longtarai and the Atharomura.
Zone - II: High Lands and Plateaus: This zone covers extensive areas and marks the
western limit of the hilly region. The plateau gradually rises from the west to east with
elevation ranging from 15 m to 75 m and merges with the eastern hilly tract. This zone is
dissected by medium and narrow valleys, streams and gullys and is severely eroded.
Zone - III: Alluvial Valleys: The elevation of the alluvial valley is restricted within 15 m
above. Low lands interspersed by hillocks and swamps are locally called “lunga”.

3.1.3 Landforms
There are two fundamentally different landform domains in the State:
A. Neogene Fold Ridges: This constitute the roughly N-S aligned anticlinal ridges with
rounded to nearly flat-topped Baramura, Rokia and Sonamura and comparatively more
rugged Atharomura with several spurs, comprising sub-flysch and molasses sediments of
Mio-Pliocene age.
B. Alluvial Terrain: The terraced alluvial terrain is divisible into three groups on the basis
of characteristic relief, slope, degree of dissection, soil character, landform assemblage and
nature of alluvial fill. These in chronological order are: (1) the table lands (tilla lands) and
rolling mounds formed by the Upper Pleistocene terraces characterized by maximum
dissection, drainage density and weathering, (2) the low lands (‘loonga lands’) of the
Holocene terrace comprising stabilized, undissected, higher flood plains and (3) the recent
flood plains constituting the present-day flood-prone belts fringing the rivers and streams
(Ramesh 1987).

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (21)

The state is criss-crossed and drained by as many as 10 major rivers, which originate in the
hill ranges and flow either in a northerly or westerly direction through the narrow valleys lying
between the principal hill ranges. The rivers are fed by numerous tributaries arising from the
catchment areas.
The trunk streams and major tributaries run parallel as well as transverse to the structural
trend of the area. The two important rivers of West Tripura viz. the Khowai (perennial 6th order) and
Haora (perennial 5th order) drain into Bangladesh plains towards north and west respectively. The
valleys are terraced, a greater part being made up of deeply dissected highland of the uppermost
terrace, characterized by steep erosional scarp of 15-20m in height along river banks. The
intermontane Khowai valley, which broadens and slopes down towards north and lies in between the
Atharomura and the Baramura, is drained by the northerly flowing meandering Khowai River. In
contrast, the valley sectors situated due west of the Baramura ridge, has a general westerly slope and
is drained by the perennial streams e.g. Haorah, Buri Gang, Sonai Gang, Sonai Nadi, Lohar Nala etc.
which flow in a highly meandering paths generally towards west into Bangladesh. Trellis drainage is
obvious where strike ridges of Neogene rocks are present, while dendritic pattern is well marked in
the uppermost (Pleistocene) terrace developed in the valley regions and in some pockets of the hill
The rivers are significantly perennial and flows are directly related to the rainfall. During
summer, the rivers maintain very slender flows, but in rainy seasons, they become swollen and
brimful. Drainage pattern is in conformity with topography, thus supporting the sub-parallel drainage
system. Anticlinal hill ranges form watersheds from which the various drainage channels emerge.
Drainage pattern is typically trellis. Dendritic pattern is also observed at few places, which is of
parallel to sub-parallel and rectangular type and here the streams are of first and second order.
3.2.1 Flow Characteristics: Total annual flows generated by the rivers have been estimated from
the flow measurements made by Irrigation Dept., Government of Tripura. Monthly flow
measurements are available for 8 rivers at 8 specific measurement points from which annual flows
have been worked out for these rivers. Flow characteristics of the Longai, Fenny and other major
rivers have been determined by extrapolation. The total volume of surface water generated within the
state by the river systems originating in the major hills is approximately estimated as 793 million
cubic meters. The maximum volume of water is carried by the Gomati River. Manu ranks next in
terms of total annual volume of water. Khowai is the third largest river with the annual flow of 115
MCM. Major part (67.5 %) of the total surface water is contributed by Gomati, Manu and Khowai
rivers. Flow of surface water ranges from 1.05 lakh m3/km2 in Gomati basin to 0.2 lakh m3/km2 in
Buri Gang basin.
3.2.2 Harnessing of Rivers: Annually a large volume of water generated by the river systems is
being lost to the neighboring Bangladesh. At present the Gomati is being harnessed for generation of
hydel power. Three medium irrigation projects namely, Gomati in South Tripura, Khowai in West
Tripura and Manu in North Tripura are under operation for irrigation of cultivated land in a small
3.2.3 Major River Systems: Major rivers namely Khowai, Manu, Deo, Juri, Dhalai and Longai
are characterized by northerly flow, while Gomati, Haora, Muhuri and Buri Gang flow westward into
Bangladesh territory. Gomati is the biggest river of the state. Total annual river flow generated within
the state is approximately estimated as 793 mcm. Rivers Longai and Fenny are forming the eastern
and southern boundaries of the state respectively. The catchment of Longai is shared by Tripura,
Mizoram, Assam states whereas that of Fenny is shared by Tripura and Bangladesh. This whole
drainage system of the state ultimately forms a part of the Meghna basin, which is depicted in a
drainage map in Figure 3.1. Combined flow length of the 10 major rivers within the state is about 896
km. The general hydrographic features of each major river system are as under :

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (22)

(1) Longai River: Rises from Jampui Hill range and characterized by a northerly flow
between Mizo and Jampai Hills and enters Karimganj district of Assam near Damcherra.
Flow length is about 98 km.
(2) Juri River: The Jampui hills are the sources of this river. It has a northerly flow through
the Dharmanagar valley on the eastern side of the SakhanTlang range.
(3) Deo River: Rising from the Jampui Hill range, it flows northward through the
Kanchanpur valley between the Jampui and the Sakhan range and then turns westward,
crosses the Sakhan and meets Manu river near Kumarghat in central part of the valley
between Sakhan and Longtarai. Flow length of Deo river is 98 km in the state from its source
up to its confluence with Manu.
(4) Manu River: It originates from Kahoishib peak of SakhanTlang range and is joined by
two tributaries namely the Chhamanu, originating from Longtarai hills and the Deo, coming
from Jampui hills and their combined flow drains the valley between Sakhan and Longtarai
ranges in a northern direction. After intercepting the flow from Deo river the Manu flows
northward into Bangladesh past Kailasahar. Length of the Manu River is about 167 km. With
its tributary Deo, Manu has a combined catchment area as 1979 sq. km. in the state. Manu
river has an annual flow of about 170 MCM.
(5) Dhalai River: It has its source in the Longtarai range near Dulajari peak. It is
characterized by a northerly flow through the Kamalpur valley of Dhalai district between the
Longtharai and the Atharomura ranges. It flows into Bangladesh near Kamalpur town after
completing 117 km course in the state. It has a catchment area of 695 sq. km. and an annual
flow of about 42 MCM.
(6) Khowai River: The river has its source in the Longtarai and flows northwestward up to
a point near Teliamura town and then it takes a northerly course draining Khowai valley
between the Longtharai and the Baramura ranges. It flows into Bangladesh near Khowai
town. The river has a flow length of 166 km within the state. The river receives water form a
number of tributaries. The Khowai valley extends for about 70 km in length and is about 25
km in width and the land is very fertile. The river has a catchment area of about 1378 sq. km.
and has annual flow of 115 MCM.
(7) Haora River: It originates from the eastern side of Baramura range, flows westward
through alluvial plain of Agartala valley, passes by the southern periphery of the capital city
of Agartala and ultimately enters Bangladesh near Ganga Nagar (west of Agartala town) to
disgorge itself into the Titas river of Bangladesh. Flow length of the river in Tripura is about
53 km and has about 570 sq. km. of catchment area. Annual flow as estimated by Irrigation
Department, Govt. of Tripura is 36 MCM.
(8) Gomati River: The catchment of the river lies in the southern parts of the Longtarai and
Atharomura ranges. The river flows westerly through the sub-divisional towns of Amarpur,
Udaipur and Sonamura and debouches into Meghna River in Bangladesh. The river Gomati
is about 133 km long and has about 2492 sq. km. of catchment area and has about 249 MCM
of annual flow. A dam has been constructed in the gorge between the Atharomura and
Kalijhari ranges for generation of hydel power and development of Irrigational facilities as
(9) Muhuri River: It is originated in the Deotamura hill range and has a westerly course
through hilly areas and plains, draining the central portion of the South Tripura district and
enters Bangladesh near Belonia town. It has a length of 64 km and has a catchment area of
1014 sq. km. in the state. It has annual flow of about 76 MCM.
(10) Fenny River: The River forms the border between Tripura and Bangladesh. At the
source there are 3 streams namely Asalong, Rangafenni and Taindung, the Asalong being the
main channel. It flows initially southwards, thereafter takes western direction and finally
enters into Bangladesh.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (23)

3.2.4 Basin Characteristics
Out of the 10 river basins, 8 basins are within the territorial limit of the state, while the basin
areas of Longai is shared by Tripura, Assam and Mizoramand that of Fenny is shared by Tripura and
Bangladesh. The basin-wise details are presented in Table 3.1. The Gomati is the biggest basin with
22.66 % of the total geographical area of the state and the Longai is the smallest (3.25 %).

Table 3.1 : Area occupied by Various River Basins in Tripura

Sl % of basin area Annual flow in Districts Covered

No Name of river Basin area to geographical 1000 cubic
% of flow to
in sq. km. total flow
area of the State meter
1 Burima 658 6.27 13428 1.69 West Tripura
2 Dhalai 695 6.61 42778 5.40 Dhalai
3 Fenni 555 5.28 50433 6.36 South Tripura
4 Dhalai, South & West
Gumti 2378 22.66 249399 31.45
5 Haora(Saidra) 570 5.43 36032 4.54 West Tripura
6 Juri 586 5.57 15709 1.98 North Tripura
7 Khowai 1378 13.13 115854 14.61 West Tripura & Dhalai
8 Longai 342 3.25 9166 1.66 North Tripura
9 Manu-Deo 1979 18.86 170034 21.44 North Tripura & Dhalai
10 Muhuri 839 8.00 76247 9.63 South Tripura
11 Other streams 511 4.90 13797 1.74
Total 10491 100 792877 100
Source: Department of science, technology and environment

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (24)

Figure 3.1: Map showing the major drainage system of Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (25)



The geologically of the state of Tripura is characterized by a succession of hill ranges and valleys of
meridional and sub-meridional trends. The hill ranges are actually box-like anticlines with relatively
compact and resistant older rock units exposed in the narrow crests, whereas the valleys are flat
synclines with younger and softer rock units exposed in the wide troughs. The folded belt constitutes
the frontal sub-belt of the Assam-Arakan geosynclinal basin being separated on the east by the inner
mobile sub-belt of the Mizoram consisting of tight linear folds.


Geologically, Quaternary and Upper Tertiary Groups of sediments occupy the state of Tripura.
Mobile trough geosynclinal deposition of Barail Group followed by Flysch type of Surma and
molasse type of Tipam sediments is noticed in the state. The Geological Succession of the State is
given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Geological Succession in Tripura State

Age Group Formation Lithology
Alluvium: represented by unconsolidated pale to dirty gray

silt, sand, clay, silty clay, sandy clay etc. with decomposed
Recent Recent vegetable matter and yellowish brown coarse river sand,
gravels, pebbles and various other concretions.

----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Shale/Sandstone: Brown to buff sandy clay with grayish
Dupitila Dupitila sandy loam, clayey sandstone with ferruginous materials and
----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Champaknagar Sandstone: Massive medium to coarse sandstone with sandy
Manubazar Sandstone: Fairly laminated, bedded fine to medium sub-
arkosic sandstone with sandy shale and siltstone.
----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Bokabil Sandstone: Thinly laminated, bedded sandstone and silt
Surma (repetition) with ferruginous materials, medium to coarse
Upper Tertiary

micaceous sandstone with mudstone

Shale/Sandstone: Intruded, hard compact, both massive and
well-bedded sandstone, dark to olive shale repeated (exposed
in core of anticlines)
------- Basement not known ---------

The succession from bottom to top has been lithostratigraphically sub-divided into Surma,
Tipam and Dupitila Groups. The more argillaceous rocks exposed in the cores of the anticlines are
equivalent to the Surma Group of Mio-Pliocene age which is about 4 km thick in Tripura. The
younger arenaceous beds in the flanks comprise the Tipam Groups of probable Upper Pliocene age
and are over 2 kms thick. The sediments in the synclinal troughs in the west Tripura are at places
unconformably overlain by a sequence of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sediments arranged in
neat terraces, which is named as Dupitila Group.

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The distribution of the geological formations is shown in Figure 4.1 and is described as follows:
a) Surma Group: The Surma Group of rocks have been further subdivided into a lower, the
relatively more arenaceous, Upper Bhuban unit and an upper, the mainly argillaceous Bokabil Unit.
The rocks of Bhuban Formation, consisting compact calcareous sandstones and calcareous shales,
fine grained sandstone and limestone are exposed in the cores of the anticlines of the state, viz
Atharomura, Longtarai and Jampui hills etc. The sandstone forms the predominant rock type with
shales occurring as the alternating unit. The limestones occur as small discontinuous lensoidal bodies
within the shale, and vary in thickness from 0.2 to 2.3 m. Some of the sandstone and limestone beds
contain fossils of mainly bivalves and gastropods. These formations usually from high hills with
steep slopes and are conformably overlain by Bokabil Formation. The rocks of Bokabil Formation are
predominantly of argillaceous composition, consisting of siltstone with small interbedded sandstone
and are exposed on both limbs of the anticlines. The thin sandstone units are restricted to the lower
portion of the Bokabil Formation.
b) Tipam Group: The Tipam Formations are conformable and transitional to the underlying
Bokabil Formation. These Formations are arenaceous in character and comprise light yellow to light
buff and brownish yellow sandstones with occasional thin bands of siltstone and boulders of
calcareous concretion and coal streaks, which occur along the outer flanks of the anticlinal hill ranges
with moderate dip to near horizontal disposition. The sequence of these formations shows variations
due to facies changes within the group. The group could be divided into two district formations, the
lower formation being finer than that of the upper formation, although both retain the principal sub-
arkosic character. The maximum thickness of these formations is estimated to be around 1400 m and
the minimum is 400 m.
c) Dupitila Group: The Dupitila sediments consisting of earthy brown to buff sandy clay, mottled
clay, clayey sandstone and coarse to gritty ferruginous sandstone unconformably overlie the Tipam
Formation and are well developed in central portion of the synclinal valleys, especially in the west of
Baramura anticline. These formations occur in the form of disconnected mounds. The thickness of
these formations varies from 10 - 30 m.
d) Recent Group: Most of the longitudinal synclinal valleys of the state are the basins of
deposition of the Recent Formation. Recent alluvium occurs along streams and flood plains of major
rivers. It consists of coarse sand, sandy silt, silty clay and clay. This Recent Alluvium formation
belongs to Quaternary age. Study of Quaternary Geology of Tripura through the Quaternary mapping
from a morpho-stratigraphic approach in parts of the Khowai, Haorah, Sonai Gang and adjacent
valleys, has demonstrated the existence of extensive outcrops of Quaternary fluvial sediments which
form a four tier system of terraces; two belong to the Pleistocene and the other two to the Holocene.
(i) Pleistocene Sediments: The Pleistocene sediments in West Tripura occur in the form
of river terraces designated as T1 & T2 and are best developed in valley sections having the
maximum areal coverage and thickness in the state. The salient geo-
morphological/geological charactersof these sediments are as follows.
(a) Upper Terrace Formation (T1): This constitutes the uppermost and the oldest
terrace extensively developed in the valley sections, having the maximum areal
coverage and thickness. It has a paired character and is intricately dissected into
incipient badlands. Lying generally between 15 m and 93 m above MSL, it forms a
gently sloping plateau surface, abutting against the hill ranges. The fluvial sediments
of this unit unconformably overlie the folded sedimentary sequence of the Mio-
Pliocene age.
(b) Lower Terrace Formation(T2): It occurs as low mounds and small islands, a
step (6 – 8 m) lower than the upper terrace (T1). It is a minor component in the
terrace sequence and contains mainly oxidized, lemon yellow, sticky clay with thin
soil (Entisol) cap. It is also assigned an Upper Pleistocene age on geomorphological/
geological rounds.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (27)

(ii) Holocene Sediments :
(a) Unit- 3 (T3): This unit (paired terrace) is less extensive than Unit - 1 and occurs
in roughly linear belt flanking all the present day major rivers/streams and as minor
valley fills. Its upper surface, flat, lies at the level of the general valley floor . It
consists of unoxidized or feebly oxidized/altered yellowish gray and grayish yellow
silty clay, grading down to pure sand (rarely silica sands) and occasionally pebble
(b) Unit - 4 (T4): It is the youngest unit and still forming. This occurs in linear belts
fringing the extant drainage to which it is clearly related. Extraordinary flood plains
and neo-flood deposits of the channel bars, point bars and channel fills constitute this
unit. It is made up of fresh deposits of well-sorted sands, silts and some clay. Semi-
carbonized tree trunks and twigs are commonly present.

Figure 4.1A: Map showing distribution of Geological Formations, Geomorphic Units and

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (28)

Figure 4.1B: Legend of the Map showing distribution of Geological Formations, Geomorphic
Units and Structures.


The state of Tripura is underlain by folded sedimentary formations ranging from Lower
Tertiary to Recent. Tightly folded anticlines and synclines traverse the most parts of the state roughly
in an N-S direction. Anticlinal crests are occupied by Bokabil Series of rocks which are argillaceous
in nature. Valley areas are underlain by the Tipam Group of rocks with a fine to medium coarse
grained sandstones with intercalations of argillaceous lenses. The argillaceous sands occurring in
upper horizons form shallow aquifers. Tipam sediments occurring in deeper horizon constitute the
principal aquifers in Tripura.
Sub-surface geology has been interpreted from boreholes drilled by CGWB and various State
Government Agencies. Granular zones encountered down to a depth of 300 m belong to semi-
consolidatedTipam and Dupitila groups and constitute medium to coarse grained, sub-rounded quartz,
feldspathic material, whose occurrence and thickness vary laterally as well as vertically.

(A) North Tripura District: Sub-surface geology and disposition of aquifers in the N - S oriented
parallel Dharmanagar- Kanchanpur of North Tripura district is depicted in Figure 4.2 & 4.3.
Dharmanagar – Kanchanpur valley: This valley is dominated by thick sandstone
horizons with thin intervening shale/clay horizons. In the central part of the valley sand layers exist
but comparatively thin granular zones intercalated with shale occur within 90 m bgl. However,
towards the north (Ichailalcherra) and south (Machmara) the thickness of clay/shale is more.
Sand layers occur at a depth range from 7 to 14 m bgl. Below this, a thick clay bed occurs all
along the valley and its thickness increases towards north (Ichailalcherra). Below this clay bed
sandstone, fine to medium grained, yellowish brown in color occurs.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (29)

Figure 4.2: Co-relation of Sub-Surface Formations in Dharmanagar-Machmara valley of North
Tripura District

Figure 4.3: Co-relation of Sub-Surface Formations in Kanchanpur valley of North Tripura District

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (30)

(B) Unakoti District:
Kailashahar valley: The panel diagram of Kailashahar valley (Figure 4.4) shows that in
the central part of the valley, Kumarghat – Karamcherra area, a continuous granular zone of thickness
varies from 100 – 135 m occur below 5 m. The thickness of this zone gets reduced towards north and
south due to the presence of clay/shale horizons. Other granular zones present at depth are
comparatively much thinner and intercalated with clay/shale horizons. Another granular zone of some
significance occur below 200 m with thickness varies from 25 to 40 m.

Figure 4.4: Panel Diagram showing Sub-surface Geology of Kailashahar-Chaumanu valley

in North Tripura district

(C) Dhalai District :

(i) Manu valley: The Manu and Chawmanu block area is a part of southern extension of
Kailashahar valley. The panel diagram for Manu valley (Figure 4.5) shows the presence of fairly
good thickness of fine to medium grained sandstone horizon in the northern part of the valley,
covering Karamchera (Manu) area. However, in the fringe area of Langtarai and SakhanTlang hill
ranges, clay/shale predominate in the top horizon. Possibly this phenomenon is due to lithofacies
change. But in the south while the thickness of granular zone within the first 120 m depths gets
reduced due to appearance of tongues of clay/shale horizon the entire thickness of sandstone appears
to have been displaced by clay/shale at Chawmanu. This may happen due to fault or lithofacies
change. Below the first 100-120 m thick granular horizons observed in the central part of the valley,
the other granular horizons at depth are of minor nature and thickness and are intercalated by
clay/shale horizons. Another significant granular horizon occurs at a depth below 200 m with almost
uniform thickness of 25 to 40 m. These granular horizons form productive aquifers in this valley.

In Manu block, between Manu and Karamcherra, 4 to 5 granular zones are available. The
first zone is quite thick and is occurring between 20 – 135 m bgl. Other granular zones are occurring
in the depth ranges of 145 – 155 m bgl, 160 – 170 m bgl, 190 – 210 m bgl and 210 – 240 m bgl.
Exploratory wells drilled by CGWB at Chawmanu shows the area is dominated by shaley horizons
within 300 m bgl. Two good granular zones are occurring in the depth ranges of 120 – 165 m bgl &
210 – 250 m bgl. Apart from this a few very thin granular zones also occur in the depth ranges of 170
– 200 m bgl & 260 – 300 m bgl.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (31)

Figure 4.5: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer disposition in Manu valley, Dhalai District

(ii) Kamalpur valley: Kamalpur valley containing Salema and Durga Chowmuhani blocks
is largely dominated by shaley horizons except in the central part of the valley at Bhatkhowri where
three distinct deeper sandstone horizons of significant thickness can be seen. These granular horizons
appear to have been displaced due to subsurface faults towards north. The sub-surface
conFigureurations of different granular zones in this valley have been shown in a panel diagrams
(Figure 4.6). Three to four numbers of thin granular zones occur within 250 m bgl.
In Ambassa area (Figure 4.6), which is the southern extension of Kamalpur valley, the first
shallow granular zone is encountered at 21 m bgl and its thickness is 8 – 10 m and the second
granular zone occurring below 50 m bgl. In Bhatkhowri area total 4 nos. of aquifers are available
within 300 m bgl. The granular zones are found within the depth ranges 15 – 75 m bgl, 100 – 120 m
bgl, 180 – 270 m bgl and also below 285 m bgl.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (32)

Figure 4.6: Co-relation of Sub-surface Formations in Kamalpur valley of Dhalai District

(D) Khowai District:

30 to 45 m thick granular zone was encountered within 50 m depth. It thins down to 6 m
towards Khowai-Baijalbari area. Four granular zones were encountered within 50 to 300 m bgl and
thickness of these granular zones varies from 15 to 100 m, which laterally grade into clay. The same
is depicted in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations Khowai valley of Khowai district

(E) West Tripura District:

Sub-surface configurations of different granular zones in Agartala valley of West Tripura district
have been shown through panel diagrams in Figure 4.8.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (33)

Agartala valley: 40 – 100 m thick granular zone occur within 120 m depth. This zone is
without any consistent clay capping, but in Veluarchar area, it is confined by 40 m thick clay horizon.
In Jirania - Mohanpur area, the granular zone continues uninterruptedly down to a depth of 280 m. In
Mohanpur - Sasubari area, within this thick granular zone, 20 – 40 m thick clay horizon is found at a
depth range of 40 to 70 m bgl. In western half of Bishalgarh block three more granular zones occur
with 20 – 70 m thickness and laterally grade into massive plastic clays towards eastern part of the
block. In Agartala town, a thick granular sandstone zone occurs between 20 & 185 m bgl and is
intercalated with claystone/shales. Granular zone consists mainly of fine-grained sandstone with
grain size increasing a little bit downwards. Sub-surface formations and aquifer dispositions as
deciphered by exploratory drilling of CGWB in and around Agartala have been presented in the
Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations in Agartala valley of West Tripura

(F) Gomati District:

Amarpur valley: The panel diagram of Amarpur valley shows disposition of sandstone horizons
is more or less uniform in Amarpur – Ompinagar area, where four prominent zones are discernible. First
granular zone is occurring below 30 to 40 m thick clay/shale bed and having thickness of 6 – 10 m. Second
horizon is encountered at the depth of 40 – 50 m and the thickness of granular zone is almost 30 – 40 m.
Below 160 to 180 m depth the sediment is prominently clayey up to the depth of 250 m or more (Figure

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (34)

Figure 4.9: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer dispositions in Amarpur-Natunbazar valley of
Gomati District

(G) South Tripura District:

The granular zones encountered down to 255 m bgl belong to semi-consolidated Tipam and
Dupitila formations and constitute medium to coarse grained, sub-rounded quartz, feldspathic
material. Occurrence and thickness of these zones vary laterally as well as vertically. It has been
interpreted on the basis of lithological logs of boreholes drilled by CGWB and various State
Government Agencies. Sub-surface conFigureurations of different granular zones have been shown
in panel diagrams (Figure 4.10).
Udaipur – Subroom valley: This valley is a southern extension of Agartala valley and
dominated by thick sandstone horizons with thin intervening shale/clay horizons particularly in the
northern and southern part. In this valley, generally the first granular zone occurs between 40 & 56 m
bgl and second granular zone between 60 & 140 m bgl. In Udaipur – Rajapur - Tulamura area three
alternating layers of sandstone and shale occur between 20 & 250 m bgl. The first granular zone is
encountered in the range of 25 to 56 m bgl and the thickness of the zone varies from 14 to 25 m. The
second granular zone occurs in the range of 60 to 140 m bgl. In the central part around Baikhora and
Satchand the sandstone is quite thick and forms almost a single aquifer system with layers of clay
occurs locally creating a confined condition. In Subroom - Manubazar area 60 - 90 m thick first
granular zone occured between 35-135 m bgl and second granular zone encountered at a depth of 150
- 195 m bgl. In the southern part of Belonia and eastern part of Manu-Bhanga hill range (around
Srinagar) the sedimentary formation is more argillaceous.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (35)

Figure 4.10: Sub-Surface Formations and Aquifer dispositions in Udaipur-Sabroom valley of South

Tectonically, the state comprises a series of sub-parallel, arcuate, elongated, doubly plunging
folds arranged en-echelon and trending in an average north-south direction with slight convexity to
the west (Kher and Ganju, 1984). Passing from east to west the deformation in this belt becomes
progressively younger and less intense and thus the intensity of folding increases eastward. The folds
are characterized by tight and narrow, box like anticlines alternating with broad flat synclines. The
anticlines forming ridges are asymmetrical or symmetrical and traversed, in most cases, by north-
south longitudinal reverse faults. The steeper flanks of the asymmetrical anticlines commonly form
monoclinal steps, and these are often dislocated and upthrown against the dipping flanks of the
adjoining synclines. Most of these faults disappear towards the plunge of folds. Individual structures
have internal complexities in the form of cross-faults, oblique faults and lineaments trending in NW-
SE and NE-SW to ENE-WSW directions and dividing the structures into separate blocks. In short the
salient features are as follows:

a) Folds are elongated and aligned in sub-meridional to meridional trend mostly with westerly
b) Folding is of parallel to sub parallel type
c) Anticlines are tight relative to the intervening synclines.
d) Intensity of folding increases eastward.
e) Anticlines are asymmetrical or symmetrical and traversed in most cases by N-S longitudinal
reverse faults.
f) Most of the longitudinal reverse faults disappear towards the plunge of folds.
g) N-S faults are offset by NW-SE and NE-SW to ENE-WSW trending lineaments/faults,
latter being younger.
h) Most of the surface gas shows are located near or along lineaments/faults.
i) More than one culmination is recognized in majority of anticlines.
j) Anticlinal axis is not sinuous as referred by earlier workers, but is offset by various cross

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k) Some of the anticlines, e.g. Langtarai, Sakhan and Gojalia are flanked by longitudinal faults
trending in opposite directions.
l) Faults with a dominant strike slip component appear to intervene between anticlines
arranged in an en-echelon pattern e.g., Rokhia-tichna, Baramura-Teliamura and Machli-
m) A longitudinal reverse fault flanking the southern part of Sakhan structure and ending up as
a splay appears to link up with a major NNW-SSE trending Kaladam fault having dominant
strike slip component.
n) The Kaladan fault limits the structural style of Tripura folds to the east from compressed
Mizo folds.
o) A prominent NE-SW trending lineament aligned along sudden deflections of the river
Meghna appears to limit the structural style of Tripura folded belt to its west.
p) This lineament follows an alignment of gravity contour kinks and earthquake epicenters and
hence may represent a deep-seated fracture.
Seismic surveys have, however, revealed the subsurface occurrence of faults, subsidiary folds
and other structural complications even within the superficially undisturbed, gentle folds. Drilling
results have shown the presence of a few anomalous zone of steeply dipping beds in central parts of
the structures and the possible presence of upward spreading fault zones in the sub-surface.
The microscopic folds are varied in style. They are preserved mostly in the thinly laminated
multilayer of silt-shale alternations of both Bhuban and Bokabil Formations. Two types are common
sharp crested and disharmonic. Parallel (concentric) folds, overturned, recumbent and box folds are
confined to the eastern sector.

The Surma Basin in the Tripura-Mizoram area lies in between the seismically active Shillong
Plateau to the north and Arakan Yoma to the east. Though epicenters of very few earthquakes
recorded during the recent past fall in this area, it has, however, been affected by some of the famous
earthquakes like the Bihar-Nepal (1934), Kangra (1905), Greater Assam (1897), Dhubri (1930),
Srimangal (1918) and Assam (1975) earthquakes. The epicenter of the devastating Srimangal
earthquake of 1918 lies very close to the northern border of Tripura. Tripura, being in this seismically
active zone, experiences mild to moderately severe seismic shocks very often.
The style of folding into a series of longitudinal N-S/NNW-SSE trending anticlines and
synclines, the conjugate fracture systems and the deformation of the rock types involved in such
folding indicate that the whole region was subjected to E-W compressive stress since Pliocene time
which continued up to the Pleistocene period. There was a period of quiescence when the flat-lying
Dupitilas were deposited in the structural valleys over an erosional surface marking the beginning of
the Quaternary period. It is also surmised that the region is still under the influence of E-W stresses,
apparently directed from the east. Hand in hand with this, isostatic adjustment is going on in this area
being located to the south of the Shillong Plateau with a strong positive Bouguer gravity anomaly.
This is also apparent from the occurrence of 0 - gravity anomaly line in the center of the Tripura
state. Neotectonic movements due to such isostatic adjustment has produced some cross fractures in
Surma Basin, viz. northern border of Gomati flood plain in between Udaipur and Kakraban.
The presence of this misfit streams in the narrow valley (‘loonga’) area and the presence of
upright tree trunks and submerged logs indicate that the narrow valleys (loongas) in most of the cases
viz. Burigang near Bishalgarh, Charilam, Sekerkote, Bamutia etc. was uplifted during the Holocene
times along the conjugate system of fractures and faults.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (37)


Geologically the state of Tripura is occupied by sedimentary formations of Recent to Tertiary

age. Hydrogeologically the state is divided into 4 units i.e Alluvial formation, Dupitila formation,
Tipam formation and Surma formation (Bokabil and Bhuban). Fourth hydrogeological unit i.e.
Surma formation comprising shale/sandstone is mostly hard, compact and non-porous, thus not
considered to be an important unit in terms of ground water potential.


(i) Alluvial formation: It occurs along the banks of main rivers and in valleys and its
thickness is only upto 15m. Ground water occurs under unconfined condition. The ground
water development in this formation has not been very significant because of high clay and
sandy clay content. Ground water is developed through dug wells and shallow tube wells
fitted with hand pumps. These alluvial formations are underlained by Dupitila and Tipam
(ii) Dupitila formation: It occurs nearly in horizontal disposition and its thickness varies
from 10 to 30 m forming the near surface aquifers within 30 m bgl. The formation consists
of mainly clay and silt with some intercalations of gritty and ferruginous sandstones. It is
exposed in the central portion of all the major valleys and also on northern part of Manu
valley. In general, it has low permeability and low storage capacity due to high clay content.
Ground water in this formation occurs under unconfined condition, which is developed
through dug wells and hand pumps.
(iii) Tipam formation: Tipam formation constitutes the principal and productive aquifer
horizons. Due to higher porosity and permeability; transmissivity and storage co-efficients of
the formation is much higher than that of Dupitila formation or Surma formation. The
recharge area of the formation is in the surrounding anticlinal hills. This formation consists
of sub-rounded, fine to medium grained, friable sandstone with intercalated clay. Ground
water occurs under unconfined, semi-confined to confined conditions. This formation is
developed by deep tube wells and mini deep tube wells fitted with electric motors, shallow
tube wells, Mark - II/III and hand pumps.


Ground water in Tripura occurs under unconfined to confined conditions. At shallow depths, in
shallow aquifers ground water occurs mainly under unconfined condition. In some small isolated
zones ground water at shallow depths occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions and
sometimes shows artesian condition due to presence of top clay. Water bearing formation occur both
in shallow Quartanary alluvial formation and Tertiary coarse clastics occurring in deeper horizons.
In Alluvial, Dupitila and Tipam formation (at shallow depths) groundwater occurs under
unconfined condition. However, in Tipam formation groundwater occurs under semi-confined to
confined condition in most of the cases.


The semi-consolidated Tertiary Formations constitute the main hydrogeological units in the
state. Other small depositions of alluvial formations of Recent age also constitute the local
hydrogeological units along major river courses. The hydrogeological units of Tertiary Formations
consist of friable sandstones, claystones and shales which can be subdivided into two groups namely
Dupitila Group and Tipam Group. Formations belonging to Dupitila Group are mainly clay and silt
with some thin intercalations of gritty and ferruginous sandstones, whose thickness is limited to 10 -
30 m and prominent in the western parts of the state. Storage Capacity and permeability of the
formations of Dupitila Group are very low due to the occurrence of thick clay layers. Formations of
Tipam Group are mainly soft, massive and friable sandstones and alternating layers of shales, which

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (38)

are exposed throughout the state along the outer flanks of the anticlinal hills with moderate dips and
are occupying the synclinal valleys as well. Thickness of Tipam Group is about 1400 m. Due to their
poor consolidation and moderately medium grained texture, the Tipam sandstones form the principal
and only productive aquifer system. General hydrogeological setup of Tripura is presented in Figure
CGWB has carried out Intensive hydrogeological surveys and ground water exploration through
drilling and construction of 65 EW, 26 OW, 2 SH and 9 Deposit Wells Ground Water Exploration
Program & NAQUIM Studies. Besides CGWB, Drinking Water and Sanitation Department (DWS);
Govt. of Tripura, PWD (Water Resource), Govt. of Tripura and other state agencies have drilled a
number of deep tube wells in the state. Based on the lithological logs of these tube wells, valley-wise
hydrogeological sections have been drawn to study the lateral and vertical distribution of the aquifer
system in Tripura.
Hydrogeological sections in Agartala-Udaipur-Sabroom valley show the presence of clay
intercalations and two to four granular zones (Figure 4.8 and 4.9; Annexure - IX). The first granular
zone occurs in the depth range of 7 to 60 m bgl, second granular zone occurs within 70 to 130 m,
while the third granular zone occurs in depth range of 170 to 250 m. In the central part around
Baikhora and Satchand the sandstone is quite thick and forms almost a single aquifer system with
layers of clay occurs locally creating a confined condition.
The perusal of the hydrogeological section in Khowai-Teliamura-Amarpur valley shows the
predominance of clay over sandy layers (Figure 4.7 & 4.9; Annexure - IX). Up to 300 m depth, four
to five granular zones are occurring. The thickness of these granular zones varies from 5 – 20 m.
The sub-surface configuration in Kamalpur-Ambassa-Gondacherra valley reveals the high
variation in the facies laterally as well as vertically (Figure 4.5 & 4.6; Annexure - IX). It is also
evident that clay is dominating in the middle portion of the valley as compared to the southern parts
of the valley. Generally, down to 300 m bgl depth four granular zones are occurring viz. (i) 5 - 30
mbgl, (ii) 50 - 65 mbgl (iii) 80 - 120 mbgl and (iv) 130 - 240 mbgl. The deeper aquifer from 80 m
below ground level are confined and exhibit artesian condition around Abhanga and Ambassa, while
the Shallow aquifer are found under unconfined to semi-confined conditions.
Sub-surface set-up in Kailasahar-Chawmanu and Dharmanagar-Machmara valley shows the
wide litho-facies variation both laterally and vertically (Figure 4.2, 4.3 & 4.4; Annexure - IX).
Aquifer at shallow depth is not persistent. However, in deeper zones it is persistent, but at different
levels, it is discontinuous due to presence of three inferred faults. These faults, one at south of
Trilokpara, second at Gaurnagar and the third one at south of South Irani, have resulted in wide and
abrupt lateral variation of litho-facies. Both the shallow and deep aquifers around Kailashahar show
artesian condition. Analysis of aquifer performance test data of the exploratory/deposit wells has
shown that transmissivity ranges from 4.5 to 1577 m2/day and permeability from 0.1 to 28.4 m/day.
Storage Co-efficient ranges from 2.25 x 10-5 to 2.20 x 10-3 showing confined nature of the aquifers.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (39)

Figure 5.1: Hydrogeological Map of Tripura

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Table 5.1 Aquifer Disposition and Groundwater Potential of Tripura

Ag Aquifer Ground Water

e Group Formation Lithology
Disposition Potential

Un- consoli-
dated Yield Prospects
Recent Recent Clay, Silt and Sand Limited thickness very limited due
Alluvium along river valleys to superficial

Coarse to gritty Forms Unconfined

Dupitil Sandstone with aquifer in dug well Limited yield
a Dupitila dominated Clay zones near surface. prospect due to
layers Maximum thickness poor permeability
Semi Consolidated

: 30 m
Upper Tertiary

Forms major aquifer Moderate yield

Fine to coarse system for shallow prospect, yields
Tipam Champaknagar/ Sandstone with and deep tube wells varies from 20 to
Manu Bazar intercalations of up to 300 m depth at 150 m3/hr for
Shale layers favourable drawdown
locations. up to 30 m
Not potential for
Thinly bedded ground water
Surma Bokabil/ Sandstone, Occurs on anticlinal development, due
Bhuban Siltstone and hill ranges to argillaceous
Shale nature of


5.4.1 Ground Water Exploration in North Tripura district

Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has constructed 10 wells in 9 locations
(8 EW, 1 OW & 1 Deposit Well) in the district, down to a maximum depth of 255 m bgl tapping
Tipam sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 92mbgl to 255mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 63m. The discharge of the wells varies from
1 to 26 lps and the drawdown varies from 4 to 42 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges from
2.7 to 87.2 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 6 to 627 m2/day, Permeability varies
from 0.1 to 12.6 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 2.7x10-4. Exploratory wells constructed at
Ichaicherra, Nayapasra, are found to be in flowing / artesian condition. The piezometric head
measured varied from 0.42 to 2.34 m agl.

Springs / seepage zones : Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Kadamtala seepage zones occur in paddy fields. In hilly areas of
Damcherra, and Jampui hill blocks it is reported that springs are available.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Kadamatala, Panisagar, Dasda and Damcherra blocks. The artesian zones found
are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 100 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 0.83 lps during pre-
monsoon period and from 0.02 to 1.00 lps during post-monsoon period.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (41)

5.4.2 Ground Water Exploration in Unakoti district
Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has constructed 8 wells in 6 locations
(5 EW, 2 OW & 1 Slim Hole) in the district down to a maximum depth of 300m bgl tapping Tipam
sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer. But two of them were
abandoned due to lack of granular zone.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 250mbgl to 300mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 42 to 55m. The discharge of the wells varies from
4 to 26 lps and the drawdown varies from 6 to 30 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges from
8.5 to 226 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 4.5 to 1213 m2/day, Permeability varies
from 0.1 to 23.7 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 4.2x10-4 to 2.2x10-3. Exploratory wells
constructed at Pecharthal are found to be in flowing / artesian condition. The piezometric head was
measured at 2.85 magl. Pilot hole was drilled in Karaicherra upto 116.60 m bgl but due to lack of
granular zone it was abandoned.

Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Gournagar and Kumarghat seepage zones occur in paddy fields. In
hilly areas of Pecharthal blocks it is reported that springs are available.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Panisagar and Gournagar blocks. The artesian zones found are discontinuous and
are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a depth range of 10 to
100 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 0.83 lps during pre-monsoon period and from
0.02 to 1.00 lps during post-monsoon period.

5.4.3 Ground Water Exploration in Dhalai district

Under Ground Water Exploration programme, CGWB has constructed 11 wells in 9
locations (9 EW & 2 OW) in the district down to a maximum depth of 305 m bgl tapping Tipam
sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 240mbgl to 305mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 36 to 60m. The discharge of the wells varies from
10 to 60 lps and the drawdown varies from 14 to 38 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 16.4 to 190 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 26.4 to 1582 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 0.52 to 44 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 5.9x10-4 to 2.85x10-4.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Ambassa, Salema, Dumburnagar, Manu and Chawmanu Blocks. The
artesian zones found are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon.

5.4.4 Ground Water Exploration in Khowai district

Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has drilled 11 wells in 8 locations (8
EW & 3 OW) down to a maximum depth of 302 m bgl tapping Tipam sandstone to determine the
aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 128/mbgl to 302mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 71m. The discharge of the wells varies from
4.4 to 22.52 lps and the drawdown varies from 5.3 to 13.6 m. The Specific Capacity of the well
ranges from 44.6 to 217 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 1047 to 1689 m2/day,

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (42)

Permeability varies from 15.52 to 28.8 m/day and. The tube wells drilled at Khowai, Ashrambari and
Bonbazar are auto flowing.

Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the district. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking and
domestic purposes also. In hilly areas of Mungiakami blocks springs are available.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Khowai, Kalyanpur, Teliamura blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 125 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.1 to 1.00 lps.

5.4.5 Ground Water Exploration in West Tripura District

Under Ground Water Exploration programme, CGWB has drilled 26 wells in 17 locations
(13 EW, 9 OW & 4 Deposit Wells) in the district down to a maximum depth of 281 m bgl tapping
Tipam sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 190mbgl to 281mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 64m. The discharge of the wells varies from
0.22 to 46 lps and the drawdown varies from 0.5 to 30.53m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 10.3 to 217 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 86.67 to 6859m2/day,
Permeability varies from 2.93 to 134.5m/day and storativity lies in the range of 7.5x10-4 to 2.06x10-3.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Dukli, Mohanpur and Jirania blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. In Agartala valley artesian wells are reported to be
constructed within a depth range of 5 to 67 mbgl. The piezometric head varies from 0.05 to 2.10
magl. Discharge varies from 0.05 to 0.75 lps during pre-monsoon and from 0.10 to 0.75 lps during
post monsoon.

5.4.6 Ground Water Exploration in Sepahijala district

Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has drilled 8 wells in 6 locations (4
EW, 2 OW, 1 Deposit Well & 1 Slim Hole) down to a maximum depth of 270m bgl tapping Tipam
sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 200mbgl to 270mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 40 to 66m. The discharge of the wells varies from
2.87 to 31.41 lps and the drawdown varies from 4.95 to 28m. The Specific Capacity of the well
ranges from 32.1 to 211.7 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 91 to 1438 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 1.83 to 32.92m/day and storativity lies in the range of 4.4x10-4 to 2.06x10-3.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Bishalgarh, Boxanagar, and Melaghar blocks. The artesian zones found
are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 5 to 65 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.06 to 1.00 lps.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (43)

5.4.7 Ground Water Exploration in Gomati district
Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has drilled 10 wells in 8 locations (6
EW, 2 OW & 2 Deposit Wells) in the district down to a maximum depth of 255m bgl tapping Tipam
sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 190mbgl to 255mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 27 to 76m. The discharge of the wells varies from
3.33 to 44 lps and the drawdown varies from 6.8 to 24.3m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 78 to 181 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 246 to 794.7 m2/day, Permeability
varies from 4.8 to 10.43 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 1.77x10-3.

Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Kakraban, Matabari and Killa blocks. The artesian zones found are discontinuous
and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a depth range of 6
to 58 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.03 to 1.25 lps during pre-monsoon period and from
0.13 to 2.00 lps during post-monsoon period.

5.4.8 Ground Water Exploration in South Tripura district

Under Ground Water Exploration programme CGWB has drilled 18 wells in 13 locations
(12 EW, 5 OW & 1 Deposit Wells) down to a maximum depth of 253 m bgl tapping Tipam
sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.

The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 185mbgl to 253mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 37 to 60m. The discharge of the wells varies from
3.33 to 42 lps and the drawdown varies from 0.75 to 25 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 11.4 to 1066 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 47.4 to 1783.08 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 0.87 to 27.4 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 3.8x10-4 to 2.38x10-3.

Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Satchand and Rajnagar blocks many small seepage zones are present.

Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Bagafa, Kakraban, Rajnagar and Satchand blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 200 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 1.5 lps during pre-
monsoon period and from 0.03 to 2.00 lps during post-monsoon period.


Based on the hydro-geological situation and yield-draw down relationship, the state has been
divided into three sectors viz. ‘A’, ‘B, and ‘C’. Sector ‘A’ coincides with the central part of the
valleys, (Figure 5.2) where high yielding tube wells for moderate draw down are considered to be
feasible, while sector ‘B’ forms the foot hill areas, where low yielding tube wells at considerable

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (44)

drawdown are considered to be feasible. Lastly, sector ‘C’ coincides with the hills of the state, which
are by and large not suitable for construction of tube wells except some of the intermontane valleys,
where some very low capacity tube wells may be constructed.
Shallow tube wells up to 60 m depth with expected low yield can be constructed through
lowering 150/100 mm diameter pipe assembly with 25 m of housing and 10 m slotted portion by
tapping 20-30 m cumulative thickness of granular zones. The annular space between the borehole and
the well assembly should be shrouded preferably with 100 mm thick zone of pea sized (2 to 4 mm)
gravels. The yield of such tube wells in sector ‘A’ in valley portions, where draw down less than 5 m
and where non-pumping water level is less than 2 mbgl, enables the use of centrifugal pumps.
Deep tube wells of large yield potentiality can be constructed down to the depth of 300 mbgl by
250/150 mm dia. assembly pipes and 40 m housing length tapping cumulative 36-42 m granular
zones in sector ‘B’ i.e. in foot hill area. Results of mechanical analysis of aquifer materials through
drill cuttings suggest that the tube wells should be with slot sizes 0.50 to 1.00 mm and the annular
space between the borehole and the tube well assembly should be packed with 100-120 mm thick
layer of quartzitic sub-rounded to sub-angular gravel of 2 to 4 mm size.
The design aspects of tube wells are mainly controlled by the permeability of aquifer materials
in the sub-surface formations. Based on pumping test results, the permeability values in the state are
considered as 15 to 30 m/day. Larger life of a tube well can be guarantied by avoiding the movement
of fine particles from the aquifer to the screen, which subsequently causes clogging of the screen
openings. Movement of fine particles can be avoided by keeping screen entrance velocities
sufficiently low. Permeability values suggest that the optimum velocities should be 1 to 2 cm/sec.
Minimum spacing between two shallow tube wells should be kept at 500 m and that between
two deep tube wells should be 2000 m at initial stage of development, which may be reconsidered
and revised with collection of more pumping tests data and field observation on behavior of
piezometers and discharge-draw down relationships in different parts of the state. It is noticed that
sufficient number of tube wells have been constructed in the central part of all the valleys. So now the
foot hill areas of the state should be emphasized for further ground development by tube wells.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (45)

Figure 5.2 : Map showing the Ground Water development Prospect Map in both deeper and
shallow aquifer.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (46)

Figure 5.3 : Map showing the locations of Exploratory Wells by CGWB and GWMWs (up to
January 2023)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (47)


Ground water regime of Tripura is being monitored regularly through a network of 106 wells (96
Dugwells and 10 Pz) established as National Hydrograph Network Stations (NHNS). Under
monitoring work, depth to water level from these wells is measured four times in a year i.e. in the
months of January, March, August and November. Water samples are also collected from the NHNS
in the month of March i.e. during pre-monsoon in order to assess the chemical quality of ground water.
District wise as well as block wise distribution and details of all the Monitoring Stations in the state
are furnished in Annexure VIII & IX.

A few GWM dug wells situated in a several districts of Tripura are monitored every month
through participatory water level monitoring programme. Moreover, some GWMWs, established in
and around Agartala city, are monitored on monthly basis throughout the year. Monthly water level
data of these wells show that depth to water level remains minimum during the months of July-August
and maximum during the months of February-March.


From long term water level data, it has been observed that the depth to water level during the pre-
monsoon period generally lies within 0.5 to 9.76 mbgl and during post-monsoon period it lies within
0.5 to 9.18 mbgl, whereas the seasonal fluctuation (Pre-monsoon to Post-monsoon) in water levels
normally varies from 0.06 to 2.98 m. The pre and post-monsoon water levels and seasonal fluctuations
for last 10 years (2013-2022) are presented in Annexure III & IV respectively.

6.1.1 North Tripura District

Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 1.05 (Satnala) – 6.93 m bgl (Laljuri)
during pre-monsoon and 0.68 – 6.51 m bgl during post-monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation in water level
varies from 0.17 to 4.24 m. In deeper aquifer, ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined
condition and piezometric surface in deep tube wells is 5.56 m bgl during pre-monsoon and 4.88 m
bgl during post-monsoon. Fluctuation of piezometric surface is 0.68 m
6.1.2 Unakoti District:
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 2.51 (Kanchanbari) – 7.55 m bgl
(Pecharthal) during pre-monsoon and it varies from 1.35 (Jarulthali) – 6.71 m bgl (Kumarghat) during
post-monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.34 to 3.13 m.
6.1.3 Dhalai District:
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 1.16 (Chawmanu) – 7.91 m bgl
(Ambassa) during pre-monsoon and it varies from 0.78 (Durga Chaumuhani) – 6.23 m bgl (Ambassa)
during post-monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.12to 3.62 m. The piezometric
surface in deep tube wells is 3.9 m bgl during pre-monsoon and 2.87 m bgl during post-monsoon.
Fluctuation of piezometric surface is 1.06 m.
6.1.4 Khowai District
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 2.03 (Khowai) – 7.46 m bgl (Kathalbari)
during pre-monsoon and it varies from 1.98 (Khowai) – 7.38 (Tuimadhu) m bgl during post-monsoon.
Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.05 (Khowai) to 2.10 m. The piezometric surface in
deep tube wells varies from 3.37 (Chakmaghat) – 15.42 m bgl (Totabari) during pre-monsoon and
from 2.97 – 14.36 m bgl during post-monsoon. Fluctuation of piezometric surface varies from 0.40 to
1.06 m.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (48)

6.1.5 West Tripura District
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 1.93 m bgl (Sadhupara) – 7.43 m bgl
(Chandmari)during pre-monsoon and it varies from 0.55 – 5.39 m bgl during post-monsoon. Seasonal
fluctuation in water level varies from 0.65 to 1.72 m. The piezometric surface in deep tube wells
varies from 4.54 m bgl (Badharghat) – 28.35 m bgl (Nagichera) during pre-monsoon and from 3.37 m
bgl to 26.38 m bgl during post-monsoon. Fluctuation of piezometric surface ranges from 1.17 to 2.40
6.1.6 Sepahijala District:
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 2.25 (Golaghati) – 4.77 m bgl (Shivnagar)
during pre-monsoon and it varies from 0.54 (Konaban) – 3.63 m bgl (Tufaniamura) during post-
monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.55 to 2.70 m.
6.1.7 Gomati District:
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 1.04 (Joingkami) – 10.30 m bgl
(Kakraban) during pre-monsoon and it varies from 0.92 – 9.48 m bgl during post-monsoon. Seasonal
fluctuation in water level varies from 0.04 to 1.67 m.
6.1.8 South Tripura District
Depth to water level in unconfined aquifer varies from 0.75 (Manurmukh) – 8.63 m bgl
(Baishnabpur) during pre-monsoon and it varies from 0.98 (Manurmukh) – 6.89 m bgl (Barkashari)
during post-monsoon. Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.58 to 4.51 m. In deeper
aquifer ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined condition and piezometric surface in
deep tube wells varies from 8.17 (Rajibnagar) – 15.22 m bgl (Tuichama) during pre-monsoon and the
same varies from 7.74 – 12.27 m bgl during post-monsoon. Fluctuation of piezometric surface is
varies from 0.43 to 2.95 m.


6.2.1 Agartala Valley:

The synclinal valley of Agartala lies to the west of the Baramura anticline and forms a wider and
continuous stretch of land merging with the plains of Bangladesh. It has an area of 1150 sq. km. and
the general slope of the valley is towards west. The rivers Haorah and Gomati with their tributaries
form the main drainage system of the valley.
The valley of Agartala is principally underlain by the semi-consolidated formations of Upper
Tertiary age, comprising sandstones and shales. The valley is dominated by thick sandstone horizons
with intervening shale/clay horizons. Because of intercalation of shale, the granular zones occur in
three main horizons. The shallow aquifer zone occurs at depth below 3 to 10 m bgl and the thickness
varies from 5 to 60 m, which is persistent almost throughout the valley. The deeper aquifer zones
occur in the depth span of 80 to 300 mbgl (Figure 4.8). Ground water occurs under unconfined to
semi-confined condition in shallow aquifers and semi-confined to confined conditions in deeper
Confined condition at shallow depths prevails in some areas of Agartala valley, like in western
and Central Part of Bishalgarh Block, in southwestern part of Dukli block; in Nalchar, Chowmuhani
and Urmai area of Melaghar block, in central part of Mohanpur block; in northern bank of Haorah
river (central part of Agartala valley) in Jirania block in Ashbari-Boxanagar area of boxanagar block.
In other parts of this valley ground water occurs under unconfined to semi-confined conditions in
shallow depth. In deeper aquifers ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions.
Artesian flowing condition occurs in patches at depth varying from 6 to 50 mbgl. These patches
occur along NH - 8 around Jirania, Kamalghat, Fatikcherra, Jogendranagar (Agartala), Bishalgarh,
Melaghar etc. Some of the artesian wells cease to flow during the peak summer due to lowering of
piezometric head. Yield of these tube wells varies from 100 to 1000 lpm in monsoon and piezometic

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (49)

head rises up to 2 m agl. The confined zones of medium grained Tipam sandstone has been tapped at
the depth span of 98- 110 mbgl.

Figure 6.1: Map of Pre-Monsoon depth to water level in GWM dug wells of Tripura (2022)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (50)

Figure 6.2: Map of Post-Monsoon depth to water level in GWM dug wells of Tripura (2022)

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (51)

Figure 6.3: Map of seasonal fluctuation of depth to water level in GWM dug wells of Tripura

6.2.2 Khowai Valley:

The synclinal valley of Khowai lies in between the Atharamura and Baramura anticlines. It
covers an area of about 650 sq. km. The general slope of the valley is northward and it also widens in
the same direction. The river Khowai and its tributaries drain the valley. The average annual rainfall
of the valley is 2366 mm and 2085 mm as recorded at Khowai and Teliamura respectively.
The valley of Khowai is underlain by the semi-consolidated formations of Upper Tertiary age
mainly comprising sandstones and shales. The shale/clay partings are more in this valley in
comparison to the Agartala valley, which has resulted in diversifications of granular zones. The
aquifer occurs in the depth span of 5 to 10 m bgl and in this aquifer ground water occurs in
unconfined condition and due to fine grained nature of this aquifer material, it has poor yield which

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (52)

can sustain dug wells only for light domestic use. The second aquifer occurring at the depth span of
30 to 40 mbgl persists throughout the valley. The other deeper aquifers occur at the depths of 100 to
300 mbgl (Figure 4.7). The second and other deeper aquifers have ground water under semi-confined
and confined condition respectively. Depth to water level in the unconfined aquifer varies from 1.8 to
5.0 mbgl and the piezometric head of the deeper aquifers varies from 2.75 to 15.22 mbgl.
In Khowai valley, confined condition at shallow depths occurs in central part of Teliamura block
and some patches of Khowai and Kalyanpur block. In other parts of Khowai valley ground water
occurs under unconfined to semi-confined conditions at shallow depth. At greater depths, in deeper
aquifers ground water occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions.
The artesian flowing conditions are also observed within this valley. The aquifer in the depth
span of 35 to 100 mbgl is sustaining several shallow tube wells having flowing conditions. These
flowing conditions extend from Kalyanpur and Kamalnagar village up to the Khowai and
Asharambari areas near the northern fringe of the valley. In the artesian zones around Chingicherra, a
locality close to Khowai town in the north are powerful, where the auto flow discharge of an 80 m
deep tube well reaches up to 6000 lph. Generally, the piezometric head is within 2 to 3 m agl, but
deep tube wells drilled by the Central Ground Water Board at Khowai had a piezometric head of 7.0
m above ground level and had auto discharge of 54 m3/hr. In general, the auto discharge of flowing
tube wells in the valley varies from 350 to 6000 lph and is persistent throughout the year.

6.2.3 Kamalpur Valley:

The synclinal valley of Kamalpur lies in between Atharamura anticline in the west and Longtarai
anticline in the east. The valley covers an area about 330 sq. km. The general slope of the valley is
towards the north. The river Dhalai with its tributaries forms the main drainage system of the valley.
The valley is principally underlain by semi-consolidated sediments belonging to Upper Tertiary
age comprising sandstones, clayey sandstones, shales and sandy shales. The shaly formations are
predominant in the northern part of the valley. The presence of two faults, one at south of Durai-
Sibbari in north and another at south of Trilokpara in the southern part of the valley, have caused wide
variation in lithological continuity. The shallow aquifer occurs between 5 to 30 mbgl and the deeper
aquifers occur in the depth span of 80 to 300 (240) m (Figure 4.5 & 4.6). Ground water occurs both
under unconfined and confined conditions. The depth to water level generally varies between 1.5 to
7.33 mbgl and the piezometric head of the deeper aquifer extends to a depth of 3.93 mbgl. Some tube
wells around Santirbazar, Abhanga and Ambassa show auto-flowing conditions. The free flow
discharge varies from few hundred liters to 1000 liters per hour and piezometric head is up to 5.70 m
above ground level as observed at Abhanga.
A large single N-S oriented valley named Kamalpur valley and another small valley along the
Manu-Chhamanu tract named Manu valley (actually the southern extention of Kailashahar valley) are
located in this district. The study of subsurface geology indicates that productive aquifers are
restricted to the N-S elongated central parts of the valleys. Ground water occurs both under
unconfined and confined conditions.

6.2.4 Dharmanagar Valley:

The synclinal valley of Dharmanagar lies in between Unakoti/SakhanTlang anticline in the west
and the Jampui anticline in the east. The valley covers an area of 1000 sq. km. and the general slope
is towards north. Rivers Juri and Kakri with their tributaries drain the valley and flow from south to
north. Average annual rainfall of this valley is 2323 mm, whereas normal annual rainfall is 2493
The valley is underlain by semi-consolidated sediments of Upper Tertiary age, comprising mainly
shale, sandstones and shale mixed with sandstones. Shallow aquifers exist within the depth range of 10
to 40 m and the deeper aquifers are generally found to occur in the depth range of 60 to 250 m (Figure
4.2). Ground water occurs both under unconfined and confined conditions. Ground water in the
shallow zones is unconfined with the depth to water levels ranging from 1.76 to 5.56 mbgl. Artesian
flow is observed, wherever the piezometric level rises above ground level. An artesian belt occurs in

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (53)

the central portion of the valley between Ichaicherra and Nayapara. The free flow discharge ranges
from200 to 1000 litres per hour.

6.2.5 Kanchanpur Valley:

The valley of Kanchanpur lies in between the Sakhantlang anticline in the west and the Jampui
anticline in the east like Dharmanagar valley. But it is separated from Dharmanagar valley by a small hill
of the Khobal anticline. The valley is very small in size having an area of about 100 sq. km. This valley
is drained by Deo river which flows northward up to Kanchanpur and then takes a westward turn, crosses
the SakhanTlang range and meets the Manu river near Kumarghat.
The Kanchanpur valley is a very narrow one and is underlain by semi-consolidated sediments of
Upper Tertiary age comprising sandstones, sandstones mixed with shale and shales. Central Ground
Water Board has constructed 1 exploration well in this valley. The State Govt. authorities have drilled
several tube wells. Study of the available drilling data from the state Govt. authorities reveals the
presence of shallow aquifer below 3 to 50 mbgl. Deeper aquifers exist between 100 m to 300 mbgl
(Figure 4.3). Ground Water occurs both under unconfined and confined conditions. Depth to water
level at Kanchanpur valley has been recorded from 0.9 to 6.68 mbgl during pre monsoon and 0.55 to
6.53 mbgl during post monsoon. The piezometric head of the deeper aquiferis 5.05 mbgl. Deep tube
wells of the state Govt. at Satnala (195 m), Ghasirampara (158.5 m) and Anandabazar (213.4 m) have
shown free flowing conditions in the valley.

6.2.6 Kailasahar valley:

The synclinal valley of Kailashahar lies in between the Longtarai anticline in the west and
SakhanTlang/Unakoti anticline in the east. The valley covers an area about 900 sq. km. General slope
of the valley is towards north and it also widens in the same direction. The river Manu with its
tributary Deo forms the main drainage of the valley and flows from south to north. Average annual
rainfall of this valley is 1954mm as recorded at Kailasahar and normal annual rainfall is 2471 mm.
The valley is underlain by semi-consolidated sediments of Upper Tertiary age, comprising mainly
clay, clayey sandstones, sandstones and shales. The shallow aquifer zones are occurring near surface at
the depth span of 10 to 40 mbgl and having low yielding properties. The deeper aquifer generally
composed of sandstones are found to occur between the depth span of 50 to 250 m bgl (Figure. 4.4)
Ground water occurs both under unconfined and confined conditions. Ground water in the shallow
zones is unconfined with the depth to water levels ranging from 1.63 to 6.55 mbgl. Artesian condition
is observed in some shallow and deep tube wells in and around Kailashahar and Chawmanu, showing
autoflowing conditions. Depth span of such aquifers ranges from 50 to 80 mand their free flow
discharge ranges from 500 to 1000 lph.

6.2.7 Udaipur - Sabroom valley:

This synclinal valley lies to the west of the Baramura anticline and forms the southern extension
of Agartala valley of West Tripura district. The valley has an area of about 1500 sq. km. It is mainly
underlain by semi-consolidated sediments, comprising sandy clay, clay, sandstone, sandy shales etc. of
Upper Tertairy age. The shallow aquifer occurs within depth of 50 m, where shale is dominant with
thin intercalations of sandstones of thickness ranging from 3 to 5 m. The deeper aquifer is occurring in
the depth span of 50 to 250 mbgl with predominantly fine to medium grained semi-consolidated
sandstones of Tipam formation. Ground water occurs both under water table (unconfined) and
confined conditions. Depth to water level normally varies from 0.45-6.17 mbgl in pre-monsoon period
and 0.55-5.6 mbgl in post monsoon period. Seasonal fluctuation in water level varies from 0.1 m to
1.33 m. The piezometric head of the tube wells tapping confined aquifers varies from 9.22-15.15 mbgl
in pre-monsoon period and 7.60-12.42 mbgl in post monsoon period. The seasonal fluctuation in
confined aquifer ranges from 0.1 – 2.73 mbgl.
Auto flow condition exists in both shallow and deeper aquifer zones. Deep tube wells located at
Udaipur (183 mbgl), Santirbazar (183 mbgl), Satchand (200 mbgl), Rajnagar (186 mbgl), Dhupthali
(132 mbgl), Tulamura (212 mbgl) and Paschim Jalefa (175 mbgl) have resulted in auto-flowing wells.

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The auto-flow discharge of these wells varies from 0.5 to 5.4 m3/hr and the piezometric surface rises
up to 2 m agl. These flowing wells occur in disconnected belts spread all over the Udaipur-Sabroom
valley. Shallow wells of depth 40 to 70 mbgl in Udaipur, Bagafa and Sathchand blocks have also
flowing condition with auto-flow discharge ranging from 100 to 1000 lph with a usual pizometric head
0.50 to 1.0 m agl.
6.2.8 Amarpur valley:
The synclinal valley of Amarpur lies in between Deotamura/Baramura anticline in the west and
Atharomura in the east and widens towards north. This valley forms the southern extension of Khowai
valley of West Tripura district and covers an area of 455 sq. km. River Gomati with its tributaries
forms important drainage system of this valley. The average annual rainfall is 1976 mm, whereas the
normal annual rainfall is 1724 mm. There is no uniform slope in the valley, in northern half and in
southern portion it has southward slope, while in center the slope is westerly.
Amarpur valley is underlain by semi-consolidated Upper Teriary formations comprising clay,
sandy clay, sandstone, sandy shale and shale. Ground water occurs under both water table and
confined conditions. The depth to water level in the valley is generally governed by topography and
responds immediately to the precipitation. In general, the depth to water level is found at a shallow
depth from 0.4 to 4m bgl. Deeper water level is noticed at Kakraban block. Artesian flowing
conditions have been noticed in the valley around Ompinagar and Twidu, but the discharges are very
low and limited to 100 lph.


Long Term Water Level Trend of 131 Hydrograph Monitoring Stations (Dug Wells) showed
almost steady condition. During pre-monsoon, mean water level recorded from Dug Wells (April 2011
to March 2021) in the state varied from 1.03 mbgl (Manur Mukh, South Tripura) to 7.93 mbgl
(Subalsingh, West Tripura), from Deep tube well it varied from 9.92 mbgl (Narsingarh DTW, West
Tripura) to 27.76 mbgl (Nagicherra DTW, West Tripura). During post-monsoon (November 2011 to
November 2021), mean water level from dug wells varied from 0.91mbgl (Manur Mukh, South
Tripura) to 6.27 mbgl (Subalsingh, West Tripura), for deep tube well it varied from 8.05 mbgl
(Narsingarh DTW, West Tripura) to 25.40 mbgl (Nagicherra, West Tripura)Annexure V.
In respect of 56 monitoring stations, pre-monsoon trend for last 10 years (2010 –19) shows a rise
in water level in 39 (70 %) stations with range from 0.004 to 0.591 m/yr and fall in 17 (30 %) stations
with range from 0.002to 1.117 m/yr. Post-monsoon trend of water level for last 10 years shows a rise
in 36 (64 %) stations with the range from 0.003 to 0.865 m/yr and fall in 20 (35 %) stations with a
range from 0.005 to 0.966 m/yr (Annexure IV). Seasonal fluctuation of water levels on yearly basis for
the period 2011-21 is given in Annexure V. Long term ground water level trend can be reflected
through hydrograph. The decline and rise in water level over a period of years of monitoring Dug
wells and tube wells is graphically shown in the figure below:-

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (55)

Figure 6.4(a): Hydrograph showing a steady rise in groundwater level trend of Gaurnagar
Monitoring station

Figure 6.4(b): Hydrograph showing a rising ground water level trend of Khowai Monitoring station

Figure 6.4(c): Hydrograph showing a neutral ground water level trend of Simna Monitoring station

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (56)

The water table contours are usually influenced by the topography, proximity of surface water
bodies, drainage, channel, ground water draft etc. The major trend of water table contour, at high
altitude, is related to those of small hillocks and foothill regions of the valleys. At lower altitudes in
Tripura, these contours turn towards the upstream side of the major drainage patterns thereby
indicating the effluent nature of major rivers flowing in the respectively valleys.
The pattern of pre-monsoon of water table contours in Agartala valley reveals that the master
slope of the ground water is towards west. In Udaipur valley, the flow pattern shows effluent nature of
Gomati River. Hydraulic gradient in major part of the valley is 1.2 m/km.
In North Tripura, Unakoti and Dhalai districts covering Dharmanagar, Kailasahar and Kamalpur
valleys, the general flow of ground water is towards north and in South Tripura district covering
Sabroom valley, the movement is towards south. The water table gradient in these valleys ranges from
1.08 to 1.60 m/km. Gradient in general is steep near the foothills and becomes flatter along the
riverine tracts.
During post-monsoon period the flow directions remain the same but there a major shifting in the
position of respective water table contours is observed. The contours become flatter with a general
hydraulic gradient of 0.88 m/km.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (57)


Ground water reserves have been assessed block wise in all the eight districts of Tripura by
CGWB based on the basis of available data, the results of exploratory drilling and other
hydrogeological testing. The dynamic reserve which is seasonally renewable in response to monsoon
recharge has been assessed based on the seasonal fluctuation of water table and specific yield of
shallow aquifer materials. Dynamic reserves of ground water, extent of current utilization, balance
available for further development have been calculated. From these data it is very transparent that so
far only fringe of the ground water resources has been harnessed.
The previous ground water resources assessment (prior to 2017) of the state was done based on
the recommendations of Ground Water Estimation Committee – 1997 (GEC’97). The GEC’97
methodology was subsequently modified in the light of enhanced database and new findings of
experimental studies in the field of hydrogeology.
The present methodology used for resources assessment is known as Ground Water Resource
Estimation Methodology – 2015 (GEC’2015) using the INGRESS Software. The revised
methodology GEC 2015 recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment. Ground water
resources have two components – Replenishable ground water resources or Dynamic ground water
resources and Instorage resources or Static resources. GEC 2015 recommends estimation of
Replenishable and in-storage ground water resources for both unconfined and confined aquifers. In
GEC’2015, two approaches are recommended – water level fluctuation method and norms of rainfall
infiltration method. The water level fluctuation method is based on the concept of storage change due
to difference between various input and output components. Input refers to recharge from rainfall and
other sources and subsurface inflow into the unit of assessment. Output refers to ground water draft,
ground water evaporation, transpiration, base flow to streams and subsurface outflow from the unit.
The ground water resources assessment unit is in general watershed particularly in hard rock
areas. In case of alluvial areas, administrative block can also be the assessment unit. In each
assessment unit, hilly areas having slope more than 20% are deleted from the total area to get the area
suitable for recharge. In Tripura, there is no such extensive and significant command area and hence
not considered for the estimation work. The majority of technical data were made available by PWD
(Water Resources), PWD (DWS) & Agriculture Dept., Govt. of Tripura and the same were utilized
for the dynamic resource estimation.
Hydrogeological formations named Dupitila, Tipam and Surma of Upper Tertiary age are spread
all over the state of Tripura and all are considered as a single hydrogeological unit. For estimation of
recharge and other figures the same unit is considered for the entire state. The dynamic resource
estimation is done for the ground water year 2022 (1st April 2021 to 31st Mar 2022).
The rainfall infiltration factor recommended by GEC 2015 for sandstone is 0.12. For calculating
recharge from return flow from irrigation, an average water requirement of 1m & 0.1m for paddy &
non-paddy has been taken from Agriculture department, Govt. of Tripura. Computation factor for
return flow from ground water irrigation is taken as 0.25 – 0.45 and from surface water irrigation is
taken as 0.30 – 0.50 as per GEC 2015 methodology.
Ground water drafts for various uses in the different sub-units have been estimated according to
the recommended methodology. Ground water draft for domestic use has been estimated based on the
number of different types of ground water abstraction structures and their unit draft per year and also
on population as per 2011 Census. The unit draft of dug well is 0.2 ham and unit draft of shallow tube
well (fitted with hand pumps) is also taken as 0.2 ham. Amongst these two values, ultimately the
higher figure has been considered for further ground water resource assessment.
Block-wise ground water draft for irrigation was estimated based on the number of structures of
shallow tubewell and the unit draft of shallow tubewell fitted with pump set is 3 ham. Ground water in
the state is mostly used for domestic & irrigational purposes. Ground water for industrial draft is

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (58)

negligible and has not been considered while assessing the ground water draft. The major potential
aquifer in the state is Tipam sandstone and the specific yield value for Tipam sandstone is taken as
0.08 (from GEC 2015 Methodology).
Recharge from Rainfall has been computed separately for monsoon and non-monsoon periods for
the entire state. The recharge from rainfall during monsoon season has been computed using both
water level fluctuation method (WLFM) and rainfall infiltration method (RIFM). The results from the
above two methods (WLFM & RIFM) have been compared using Percent Deviation (PD). After the
computation of the percent deviation (PD) it is found that in out of 59 assessment units, 34 units were
considered by RIF method and 25 units by WLF method.
Stage of ground water extraction in West Tripura district is highest i.e 20.20% and lowest in
Gomati district, which is 5.42%. All the administrative blocks of Tripura have been categorized as
“safe” from the ground water extraction point of view. Agartala Municipal Corporation of West
Tripura district has attainted the highest stage of extraction i.e. 55.72% and Karbuk block of Gomati
district has the lowest stage of ground water extraction i.e. 2.49%. Out of total 59 assessment units, 35
nos. of units have the stage of ground water extraction below 10%. The long-term water level trend of
the blocks during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon periods shows almost stable condition.

Figure 7.1: The State of ground water Extraction in Tripura (As per GWRE, 2022)

Total ground water recharge is estimated after deducting resultant flow from evaporation and
transpiration, and it is 1.18 BCM. Annual extractable groundwater resources are estimated after
deducting natural discharge, and it is 1.06 BCM. Ground water extraction for various uses has been
estimated for all the assessment units of Tripura. Gross annual ground water extraction for all uses in
Tripura is 0.103 BCM and allocation for domestic up to year 2025 is 0.09 BCM. Balance groundwater
resources available for future development are 0.09 BCM. The stage of development of Tripura is 9.7
% and all the 59 blocks / assessment units (including 1 non-block, Agartala) in Tripura state falls
under SAFE category.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (59)


In general, the ground water of Tripura is characterized by low total dissolved solids and low
chlorides as indicated by specific conductivity varying from 33 to 954 micromhos/cm but by high
concentration of Iron (Fe). Ground water appears to contain quite high Fe as testified by formation of
ferric oxides as soon ground water samples are exposed to atmosphere. Otherwise, the ground water
from both the shallow and deeper aquifers of the state is fresh, potable and free from other serious
contaminants such as fluoride and arsenic. Ground water is characterized by low chloride contents
ranging from 7.09 ppm to 212 ppm. Bi-Carbonate is also very low in concentration varying from 5
ppm to 310 ppm. Sulphate concentration is also low being restricted to only 1 to 101 ppm value. The
Ca and Mg contents vary from 4 to 38 ppm and 1.2 to 23 ppm respectively. Ground water occurring
in the State of Tripura may be classified as Calcium Bi-Carbonate type of water.
The state of Tripura is underlain by alluvium of Recent age and Dupitala, Tipam, Surma
formations of Upper Tertiary age. The main aquifers are formed by Dupitila and Tipam formations
which are ferruginous in nature. The ferruginous material is the source of high iron in ground water.
The concentration of iron in deep tube wells ranges from 0.1 to 15.9 ppm. The highest concentration
of 15.90 ppm is noticed at Harikumartilla (West Ghilatali) village in Kalyanpur block. The desirable
and permissible limits of iron in drinking water are 0.3 and 1 ppm respectively. The high incidence
of Fe renders groundwater unsuitable for drinking purposes. Therefore, arrangements should be
made for removal or bringing down the Fe contents below the permissible limit, so that the waters
may be used for drinking purpose without any risk of health hazards. High concentration of iron also
creates aesthetic problems like colour, stains, smell etc., hence it is to be removed before put to use.
The various processes involved in removal of iron are aeration, coagulation, sedimentation and
filtration. Potassium Permanganate or Chlorine/Chloride may be employed for oxidizing the
dissolved ferrous iron to insoluable ferric iron, which is then filtered from the water. This process is
applicable very much when bacteria is present in the water. Iron can also be removed by the addition
of mixture of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Phosphate to precipitate iron as insoluble, followed by
settling and filtration. The various apparatus/plants for removal of excess iron from ground water are
Tripura Filter for domestic use in individual households, Modified Iron Removal Plant and Package
Type Iron Removal Plant for community use. Tripura filter was evaluated by All India Institute of
Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata and found capable of removing iron and also bacteriological
contamination effectively, which is highly recommended for rural, hilly and tribal areas due to its
low cost.


In order to assess the present chemical quality of ground water in the state of Tripura, the results
of chemical analysis of ground water samples (pre-monsoon – 2018) from the shallow aquifers was
analyzed by the chemical laboratory of Central Ground Water Board, North Eastern Region, Guwahati
have been studied minutely (Annexure – VI&XII). The results show that there is a minor difference
between quality of water from water table aquifers and deeper aquifers. Minimum and maximum
values of various chemical constituents in shallow and deeper ground water in the state are shown in
the Table 8.1 & 8.2 below:
Table 8.1 : General range of chemical constituents of ground water from shallow aquifers
In mg/litre ppb
Min. 6.1 33.79 7.09 0 5 4 1.19 25 51 1.39 1.46 0
2018 Max. 8.9 954 212 90 310 38 23 195 406 55.78 41.86 2.76

Min. 3.26 58.43 7.09 0 18.315 4.0032 1.19 25 38.564 2.73 0.9 0.105 0.0014
2022 Max. 8.35 612.7 63.81 21 610.49 50.04 20.629 180 404.38 125.96 68.6 3.17 0.6479
Note : EC in mirco mhos/cm at 250C and other constituents are in mg/lt except pH

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (60)

The ground water samples collected during ground water exploration (1976-2007) from deeper
aquifers specially in the districts of West Tripura (particularly in, Jirania, Lichubagar), North Tripura
(particularly in Panisagar), Sepahijala(Golaghati) and Gomati (Dhuthali) is generally characterized
by high concentration of Fe.
Table 8.2: General range of chemical constituents of ground water from deeper aquifers
pH EC Cl Ca Mg TH TDS Na K Fe
3 3
In mg/litre
Max. 8.9 418 41 170 188 32 11 115 130 21 3 12
Min. 6.5 50 2.8 5 31 1 Trace 5 10 1 1 0.2


The pH values of ground water ranges from 6.1 to 8.9 for shallow zones and from 6.5 to 8.9 for
deeper zones. It is a measure of alkalinity of water. WHO (2012) has recommended acceptable range
of pH from 6.5 to 8.5 for domestic use. Water from Dug well at Panisagar has a pH value of 6.1 and
from only one tube well at Pecharthal in North Tripura has pH value of 8.9, otherwise water from all
over the state is fit for domestic use as per pH values.
Calcium and Magnesium are essential for human beings, but excess quantities of these elements
harden the water. The desirable limits fixed by the BIS (2012) are 75 ppm for Calcium and 30 ppm for
Magnesium and recommends rejecting water with more than 200 ppm of Calcium and 100 ppm of
Magnesium. Keeping this in view, the ground water in the state can be said to be well below the
maximum permissible limit in both cases. Calcium and Magnesium Carbonate and Bi-Carbonate are
the important constituents of total hardness. In the state, Total Hardness varies from 25 to 195 ppm for
shallow ground water and from 5 to 115 ppm for deeper ground water. Here the hardness is of
Carbonate type, which is a temporary one and non-carbonate hardness which is a permanent hardness,
however is very less as sulphate, nitrate and chloride ions are almost negligible or absent.
Ground water of the state is characterized by a generally high iron content, particularly in
Dharmanagar, Kailasahar and Agartala valleys, which usually ranges from 0.2 to 12 ppm. Iron
concentration in water from open dug well is comparatively less than that from tube wells (Figure 8.1).
This is due to the fact that the scope of aeration is more in open dug wells which allows the
precipitation of ferrous iron as ferric iron. Such reaction is, however, not possible in the deep tube
wells where the exposed area of aeration is very restricted. So the people of Tripura should preferably
use the ground water from dug wells for drinking purpose as dug well water is generally devoid of any
high iron menaces. The enrichment of iron in water of the state is due to the ferruginous nature of
Tipam Sandstones, which actually forms all the major aquifers. High contents of iron renders ground
water unsuitable for drinking purpose, hence the level of concentration should be brought down before
its use for drinking purpose at community level to avoid any health hazards.The iron concentration
above 0.5 ppm imparts a distinct taste disorder and an inky flavor to water.


The suitability of ground water for irrigation purpose mainly depends upon two factors - (i) the
salinity i.e. total salt concentration measured by Electric Conductance (EC) and (ii) the sodicity, i.e.
the proportion of sodium to other constituents.
Ground water is being increasingly used for irrigation purposes by means of both shallow and
deep tube wells. Ground water in the state is generally fresh and potable with low total dissolved
solids as indicated by electrical conductivity varying from 33 to 954 micromhos/cm. Ground water is
mildly alkaline in reaction with pH ranging from 6.1 to 8.9. Bi-Carbonate is also very low in
concentration varying from 5 to 310 ppm. Ground water is characterized by low Chloride contents of 7
to 212 ppm. Sulphate concentration is also low and varies between 1 to 101 ppm. Ca and Mg contents
vary from 4-38 ppm and 1.2-23 ppm respectively. Based on the values of cations and anions the

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (61)

ground water occurring in the state may be classified as Calcium Bi-Carbonate type of water. All these
chemical characteristics render the ground water suitable for irrigational uses.
Various inputs like fertilizers and pesticides are being applied to the irrigated fields for stepping
up the food production. These inputs contain many harmful constituents, which may percolate to
shallow ground water body by irrigation water seeping through the subsurface formations. No analysis
of ground water samples from irrigated lands has yet been carried out in Tripura for detection of
artificial pollutants. So it has now become necessary to regularly monitor the ground water quality in
areas covered by extensive agricultural lands to find out the level of pollution, if any.

8.3.1 Salinity of Ground Water

The electrical conductivity (EC) of water expressed in micromhos/cm at 250C which is a measure
of the salinity in water i.e. the dissolved salt in water. A perusal of the results shows that ground water
from shallow aquifers has more dissolved salt than the ground water from the deeper aquifers in the
state. In general, ground water occurring in both shallow and deeper aquifers of the state falls under
moderate (C2) to low (C1) salinity class as per US Salinity Diagram. As the ground water of the state,
in general have EC below 800 micromhos /cm at 250 C, it is suitable for irrigation for all types of
8.3.2 Sodicity of Ground Water
The presence of sodium in irrigation water adversely affects the soil structure and the
permeability by replacing Calcium and Magnesium content of the soil, hence the various ratio of the
content of Sodium to the contents of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium etc. have been used to depict
the suitability of ground water for irrigation in the state.
Sodium adsorption ration (SAR) and the soluable sodium percentage (SSP) of ground water of
Tripura have been studied. The SAR values vary from 0.1 to 4.07 suggesting low sodium (S1) hazards
of ground water. SSP values are generally well below 60 % suggesting good and permissible class of
the ground water in the state. The SSP in West Tripura District is more than that of South Tripura and
North Tripura Districts. According to Wilcox (1948), a SSP value of more than 60 % puts the water in
doubtful class, while value up to 60 % is permissible and water belongs to a good class for irrigation.
On the basis of the salinity and the sodicity, the ground water of the state has been classified as
C1S1 class as per US Salinity Diagram which means that the water is good for irrigation purpose for all
types of crops in all types of soils in the state of Tripura.


Generally, ground water of the state is more or less suitable for industrial purposes, except the
high concentration of iron, which should be lowered to desirable limit before using in the factories as
it causes encrustation on some metallic objects due to persistent contact and deposition of red ferric
oxide sediments due to stagnation or prolonged exposure of high iron bearing water on atmosphere.


The quality of ground water has pronounced effect on tube well screens. Most of the tube wells
fail or become sick due to encrustation and corrosion due to high content of iron in pumped ground
water. Corrosion is a chemical action of water on metallic pipes which results in eating away or
removal of slots resulting in sand rushing in pumped water. The water is non-corrosive to iron or steel,
if it has EC value up to 1500 micromhos/cm and pH above 7. The EC of ground water is below 800
micromhos/cm in Tripura. But pH value in ground water is below 7 at a tube well in Paschim Jalefa of
South Tripura district, Simna in West Tripura district, Kumarghat, Jarultali and Kanchancherra in
Unakoti District,Bhagabassa and Panisagar in North Tripura district, Darlang Basti and Kamalpur in
Dhalai District where water is corrosive. But in general, the ground water of the state of Tripura is
non-corrosive to metals like iron and steel.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (62)

Encrustation involves deposition of undesired materials either on the screen openings or in voids
of the water bearing formation and is associated with diminution of well discharge. According to J. L.
Mogg, water containing 2 ppm or more of iron and 1 ppm or more of manganese tend to cause
encrustation. The other cause of encrustation in the state of Tripura is the presence of iron bacteria,
which results in clogging of the slotted pipe. As generally deeper ground water of the state has iron
content more than 2 ppm, it is encrustating in nature. Hence the well screen should be cleared
periodically, roughly once in a year, even if the discharge does not decline. Glassy phosphates are
known to be effective to clean the iron encrustation on the tube well pipes.


Ground water is the major source of drinking water in urban and rural areas. Water from both the
shallow or deep aquifers is generally fresh and potable except high iron content. Amongst the deep
tube wells constructed by CGWB in Tripura tapping deeper aquifers, iron content ranges from 0.06 to
12.38 ppm (at Lichubagan, Agartala). In North Tripura iron in deeper aquifer ranges from 0.1 to 12.00
ppm.The highest concentration of iron 12 ppm is noticed in deep tube well by CGWB in Panisagar
BSF camp. In West Tripura district, iron content in shallow aquifer ranges from BDL to 10.20 ppm
whereas in North Tripura district it in shallow aquifer ranges from 0 to 1 ppm.
Bacteria like Gallionella, Crenothrix and Letpothrix exert a catalytic effect to speed up the
chemical reactions that are thermodynamically favourable. Different types of bacteria may live
together in symbiotic relationship and greatly aggravate the problems with well performance and
corrosion of iron pipes and well casing and other exposed metallic iron in water supply systems.

8.6.1 Processes for removal of iron:

1. Aeration: The process through which water is in contact with atmosphere, which is most
easily achieved by using a cascade or fountain system. Apart from providing oxygen for
purification and improving overall quality, it also reduces the corrosiveness of water by
driving off CO2 and rising the pH. It also improves taste of water by stripping out the solution
of hydrogen sulphide and volatile organic compounds. It also removes Fe & Mn from solution
which affects taste of water and stains clothes. Iron is soluble only in water at pH<6.5 and in
the absence of oxygen. Aeration increases the pH and converts soluble iron into insoluble
hydroxide form which can be removed by other processes.
2. Coagulation: It is a process where coagulants are used to induce particle agglomeration.
Selection of a suitable coagulant depends on the nature of particles, especially their affinity to
adsorb water, and their electrical charge. Particles are either hydrophobic or hydrophilic. Iron
oxides are hydrophobic. A wide variety of coagulants are available and the most common are
Alum (AlSiO4), aluminium hydroxide, ferric chloride and ferric sulphate. The coagulant is
added to the water in a special vessel (coagulant rapid mixing unit) for coagulating the iron
3. Filtration: A process to remove the residual material, where water is passed through a
porous bed of inert medium, usually silica or quartz sand from which small particulate matter
is strained. Filters are classified as either slow or rapid and can be operated either by gravity or
by pressure (where the water is forced through the medium under pressure, significantly
increasing the flow- through rate).

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (63)

Figure 8.1: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in shallow aquifers of

It is anticipated that in future the ever increasing unplanned urbanizing may cause pollution of
ground water in the shallow aquifers. Cities like Agartala, Udaipur and Dharmanagar, a large number
of tanks or small lakes also exist, some of which are nothing but chess pools. These cities have not yet
been provided with proper underground sewerage system. The tanks which are used by urban people
for various household uses are the foci of spread of pollution. Polluted water of such stagnant pools
seeps underground and contaminates the near surface aquifers. Therefore, it is recommended that the
domestic waste should be treated properly before disposal and as far as possible all major drains
should be lined with brick and concrete to avoid pollution of ground water through leakage and

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (64)

seepage of wastes and waste waters from the drains. There are also some kaccha latrines in the cities
and open defecation is also seen in some poor slum areas, which cause a serious fecal pollution.

Figure 8.2: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in deep aquifers of

Currently, pollution of ground water by arsenic has seriousluy drawn the attention of the scientific
community. As reported, ground water of Tripura has not so far been affected by arsenic
contamination. However, presence of arsenic below permissible limit in a sporadic manner cannot be
ruled out in certain parts of the state, especially in the areas adjoining Bangladesh.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (65)

A number of ground water samples from GWMS and Aquifer Mapping monitoring wells were
collected and analyzed by CGWB. According to the analysis results, arsenic content in ground water
in most of the monitoring wells is below detectable limit. However, the arsenic content of ground
water from shallow aquifers is found to be in the range of 1.23 ppb to 11.08 ppb in Ghoragappa area,
from deeper aquifer arsenic content is 14.68 ppb at Tuichama area,South Tripura. In North Tripura the
arsenic content in shallow aquiferis in the range of less than 0.34 ppb to3.71 ppb, in deeper aquifer at
Kanchanpur the concentration is found to be 13.32 ppb. In other areas, water samples collected both
from shallow and deeper aquifers; arsenic content is found below detectable limit. However, more
rigorous studies are required to know the latest and actual status of arsenic content in ground water of
Tripura. Arsenic concentration has been detected in few dug wells and tube wells and the analysis
resultsis furnished in the Table below:-
Table 8.3: Location of Arsenic detection and concentration from Monitoring well in Tripura
during 2017-18
Type of NHNS
sample /Exploratory/Aqui
Sl. Lab (EW or fer mapping/short
No code Location District DW) term/Pollution As(ppb)
1 C227 Chalengta Unakoti DW NHNS 0.75
2 C232 Kamalpur Dhalai DW NHNS 0.07
3 C233 Kumarghat Unakoti DW NHNS 0.87
4 C238 Uttar Machmara North Tripura DW NHNS 0.34
Chandra- moni
5 C239 Kami Unakoti DW NHNS
6 C243 Kamalpur Dhalai DW NHNS 6.57
7 C244 Manu New Dhalai DW NHNS 2.29
8 C248 Chandipur North Tripura DW NHNS 3.71
9 C252 82 Mile Dhalai DW NHNS 3.71
10 C254 Jalai Unakoti DW NHNS 0.86
11 C258 Laxminagar North Tripura DW NHNS 0.86
12 C260 Sonaimuri Unakoti DW NHNS 5.14
13 C264 Duraicharra Dhalai DW NHNS 2.29
14 C265 Saraspur North Tripura DW NHNS 0.86
15 C267 Salema Dhalai DW NHNS 0.86
16 C268 Rouya North Tripura DW NHNS 6.57
17 C269 Durgapur Dhalai DW NHNS 0.86
18 C302 Tufaniamura Sepahijala DW NHNS 2.17
19 C303 Sachichandrapur South Tripura DW NHNS 8.07
20 C304 Srinagar South Tripura DW NHNS 8.93
21 C309 Gorjee Bazar South Tripura DW NHNS 6.75
22 C698 Dukli West Tripura DW NHNS 0.545
23 C704 Bagbassa Sepahijala DW Aquifer Mapping 2.364
24 C716 Poangbari South Tripura DW Aquifer Mapping 1.226
25 C731 Bampur Gomati DW NHNS 0.02

Present and earlier studies conducted by the Tripura State Pollution Control Board and Centre for
Study of Man and Environment, Kolkata have not found the presence of Arsenic above detection
level. But since the NERIWALM study has revealed that Arsenic is present in considerable proportion
in a few ground water samples from several places of Tripura, it has become necessary to go for a
large scale study of ground water quality to ascertain the significant presence of Arsenic, if any.
However, arsenic pollution in ground water of some shallow tube well and one dug well had been
detected by PWD (DWS), Govt. of Tripura at some locations in 2005-06 as furnished below :

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (66)

Table 8.4: Locations of Detection and Arsenic Concentration in Tripura during 2005-06
Sl. Type of As
No. District Block Panchayat Habitation
Source Land Mark (mg/lit)
Shallow H/O Shri
West Tube Upendra
1 Tripura Kathiyala Dakkhinpaharpur Machima well Debnath 0.067
South Tube H/O Parimal
2 Tripura Bagafa Santirbazar Madhyapara well Malik 0.076
South Tube Near Kanika
3 Tripura Hrishyamukh Hrishyamukh well Hotel 0.083
South Tube
4 Tripura Hrishyamukh Abhoynagar Naluwabazar well Naluwabazar 0.055
Shallow Near
South Tube Sonaichuri
5 Tripura Hrishyamukh Sonaichuri Sonaichuri well Market 0.072
Ring H/O Shri
6 Gomati Matabari Phulkumari Phulkumari Well Shankar Das 0.074
Shallow infront of
West Tube Hotel
7 Tripura Jirania Debendranagar Champaknagar well Sushmita 0.133
West Tube Champaknagar
8 Tripura Jirania Champaknagar Champaknagar well Market 0.12

Table 8.5: Results of Arsenic Analysis of Ground Water Samples Collected From Different
Parts of Tripura By Centre For Study of Man & Environment, Kolkata
Sample Sampling Date Name of Location Type of source Arsenic
No (mg/lt)
District : North Tripura
1. 14.05.01 Kailashahar Deep Tube Well <0.003
2. 14.05.01 Dharmanagar Hand Pump <0.003
3. 14.05.01 Kanchanpur Deep Tube Well <0.003
4. 14.05.01 Kumarghat Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : Dhalai
5. 18.05.01 Manu Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : West Tripura
6. 10.06.01 Dukli Deep Tube Well <0.003
7. 10.06.01 Jirania Deep Tube Well <0.003
8. 11.06.01 A.D.Nagar Deep Tube Well <0.003
9. 11.06.01 Kunjaban Deep Tube Well <0.003
10. 15.06.01 Dhanpur Hand Pump <0.003
11. 23.06.01 Dhanpur Deep Tube Well <0.003
12. 16.06.01 M/s Ramkrishna Engineering, Hand Pump <0.003
13. 24.06.01 Khowai Deep Tube Well <0.003
14. 24.06.01 Khowai Auto flow <0.003
15. 25.06.01 R. C. Nagar Deep Tube Well <0.003
16. 16.06.01 Chandrapur Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : South Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (67)

17. 18.06.01 Santirbazar Deep Tube Well <0.003
18. 22.06.01 Belonia Deep Tube Well <0.003

Table 8.6: Results Of Arsenic Analysis Of Ground Water Samples Collected From Various
Parts Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of Water And Land Management,
Tezpur, Assam
District Number of Location Arsenic (µg/lt) Maximum
Samples Analysed Non- Monsoon Arsenic
(% of As Monsoon Contaminated
Contamination) Area
Jirania &
West Tripura 52 (22.2) Jirania, Bishalgarh 191 144
Bishalgarh Block
Salema, Hallahali, Halhooli, 65-444 Salema and
Dhalai 36 (42.1) 77-165
Kamalpur & Joynagar Kamalpur Block
Sanitala, Rajbari, Dharmanagar and
North Tripura 30 (57.1) Kailashahar, Dharmanagar, 122-283 62-215
Kailashahar Block
Jampui & Kanchanpur
South Tripura 36 (Nil) -- 6.38 5-23 --
Source: Characterisation of Drinking Water for the Quality in NE India, Technical Report, NERIWALAM,
Tezpur-784027, 2004

Table 8.7:Iron And Arsenic Contents And Ph Of Ground Water Collected From Various Parts
Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of Water And Land Management, Tezpur,
District Number of samples Location PH Iron Arsenic
analysed (% of As (mg/lt) (µg/lt)
38 (22.2) Jirania 7.1 10.98 191
Salema, Hallhali,
Dhalai 19 (42.1) Halhooli, 7.3 – 8.3 0.45 – 8.91 65 - 444
North Sanitala, Rajbari,
21 (57.14) 6.8 – 8.1 0.48 – 1.04 122 - 283
Tripura Dharmanagar
Source : Arsenic Contamination in Ground Water of North Eastern India. Dr. A. K. Singh, Associate Professor and Adviser
(Soil and Water Testing Lab & Microbiology Lab), NERIWALAM, Tezpur-784027, Assam (India). Published in
Proceedings of National Seminar on ‘Water Quality’ held at National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee during November 22 -
23, 2004.


The Water Quality data from the National Hydrograph Network Stations (NHNS) as in
Annexure-VI have been plotted through the Aquqchem software and are represented in the following

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (68)

Figure 8.3: Piper plot of the NHNS 2022 Data

Figure 8.4: Giggenbach Triangle plot of the NHNS 2022 Data

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (69)

Figure 8.5: Durov plot of the NHNS 2022 Data

Figure 8.6: Box and whiskers plot of the NHNS 2022 Data

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (70)

Figure 8.7: Wilcox Diagram of the NHNS 2022 Data

Figure 8.8: pH Histograph of the NHNS 2022 Data

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (71)

Figure 8.9: Scatter plot of Na vs Cl of NHNS 2022 Data

Figure 8.10: Schoeller plot of NHNS 2022 Data

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (72)


District-wise aquifer mapping and management plan of Tripura state have been completed.
Under National Aquifer Mapping and Management (NAQUIM) program, combination of geologic,
geophysical, hydrologic and hydro chemical information is applied to characterize the quantity,
quality and sustainability of ground water aquifers. Systematic aquifer mapping will improve our
understanding of the geologic framework of aquifers, their hydrogeologic characteristics, quality and
also quantifying the available ground water resources potential and proposing plans appropriate to the
scale of demand and the institutional arrangements for management.

In the district-wise aquifer management plan of Tripura State, it was found that stage of
groundwater extraction is low and some fallow cultivable land is available. Also long term ground
water trend do not show any decline. So, the groundwater utilization is proposed to increase the
cropping intensityupto 200% by planning to use upto 60% of available groundwater resources.

In North Tripura and Unokoti districts 6829 ha of fallow cultivable land has been considered to
bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual irrigation water requirement
for this land is 1586 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry season spanning from October
to March it is 874 ham. However, proportionate dynamic groundwater resources available for future
irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in 6829 ha is 1495 ham. Therefore, thisfallow area
can be irrigated by constructing ground water abstraction structures and can bring under double
cropped area of cropping intensity upto 200%. This amount of groundwater resources can be
harnessed by constructing 460 tube wells.

In Dhalai district, 2877 ha of fallow cultivable land has been considered to bring under assured
irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual irrigation water requirement is 872 ham while
irrigation water requirement during dry season spanning from October to March it is 465 ham. Annual
irrigation water requirement can be catered by constructing 460 nos. of tube wells.
In West Tripura District (Khowai, West Tripura and Siphahijala combined) 15854 ha of fallow
cultivable land has been considered to bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed
that annual irrigation water requirement is 5687 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry
season spanning from October to March it is 2962 ham. However, proportionate dynamic
groundwater resources available for future irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in
15,854 ha in the district is 6301 ham. Therefore, this fallow area can be irrigated by constructing
ground water abstraction structures and can bring under double cropped area from 181% to 200%.
This amount of groundwater resources can be harnessed by constructing 1250 tube wells.

In South Tripura (South Tripura and Gomati District combined) 5911 ha of fallow cultivable land
has been considered to bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual
irrigation water requirement is 2109 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry season
spanning from October to March it is 1088 ham.However, proportionate dynamic groundwater
resources available for future irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in 5,911 ha in the
district is 1875 ham. Therefore, this rice fallow area can be irrigated by constructing ground water
abstraction structures and can bring under double cropped area. This amount of groundwater
resources can be harnessed by constructing 880 tube wells.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (73)



Ground water development in Tripura is being done through dug wells and tube wells. The tube
wells include low duty shallow tube wells, medium duty intermediate depth tube wells or mini deep
tube wells or small bore tube well, heavy duty deep tube wells and artesian wells. The ground water
from these structures is mainly used for drinking, domestic and irrigation purposes.Other ground water
abstraction structures are spot sources with small yield capacity such as dug wells, Mark - II/III tube
wells and ordinary hand pumps, which are mainly used in rural areas for drinking purpose. Thousands
of artesian wells are also found in Tripura, which are mainly used for irrigation purpose, whereas some
of them are even used for drinking and domestic purposes.
On the basis of hydrogeological conditions, the valley portions of the state may be divided into
two sectors such as, ‘A’ and ‘B’. Sector ‘A’ coincides with the central portions of the valleys, while
sector ‘B’ coincides with the foothill zones. A third Sector named ‘C’ represents the hilly areas of the
State. Shallow tube wells constructed down to the depth of 50 to 60 m bgl tapping 20 to 30 m of
granular zones in sector ‘A’ would yield 10 to 15 m3/hr at a draw down up to 10 m and the same kind
of tube well would have a draw down up to 15 m in sector ‘B’. Similarly, deep tube wells down to 200
to 300 m bgl depth tapping 36 to 42 m of granular zones in sector ‘A’ would be capable of yielding 50
to 150 m3/hr for a draw down up to 20 m and the same tube well of depth 200 m in sector ‘B’ tapping
36 to 42 m granular zone would have a smaller yield ranging from 20 to 70 m3/hr with a higher draw
down. Keeping in view the high draw down, the length of housing is recommended to be at least 50 m
for the deep tube wells in sector ‘B’. The yield from the tube wells in sector ‘C’ comprising the hilly
terrain would be less than 10 m3/hr with an exceptionally very high drawdown.
10.1.1 Ground Water Development for Irrigation Purpose
Ground water is developed for irrigation purposes in a rather low scale in Tripura through deep
tube wells, mini deep tube wells/small bore tube wells, shallow tube wells fitted with pump sets (both
electric and diesel) and artesian/auto flowing wells. Now-a-days the use of dug wells for irrigation in
Tripura has become very negligible. PWD (WR), RDD, Agriculture department, TTAADC, and Forest
dept. had brought 117544 ha of area under irrigation out of which 80701 ha of irrigated area utilized as
on March 2019 including groundwater and surface water. Out of 80701 ha of area utilized only 6416
ha (7.9%) of area is being irrigated by 275 nos. of deep tube wells. An appreciable amount of land is
also irrigated by auto flowing Artesian Well under Govt. as well as private ownership.
10.1.2 Ground Water Development for Drinking Purpose
The PWD (DWS) (Drinking Water and Sanitation Department), Govt. of Tripura is mainly
responsible for supplying drinking water in Tripura. DWS use to supply water mainly from Deep Tube
Wells, Shallow Tube Wells (Small Bore TW, Mark – II & III and Ordinary Hand Pumps) as well as
from Surface Water Treatment Plants (SWTP) installed in various streams (cherras), rivers and
lakes/reservoirs depending on the local geographical and hydro-geological setup. In SWTP on the hilly
or sub-hilly areas, DWS supplies water mainly by tapping streams in their upstream areas, then
treating the water in settlement tanks, which is finally supplied by pipeline through gravity flow.
Due to lack of other suitable modes of drinking water facilities through treatment of surface water
in most of the areas of Tripura, the people of these areas are mostly dependent on the ground water
structures (spot source and community source) for drinking water throughout the year including the
lean period. The required depth of tube wells is continuously increasing and has reached to 300 m and
now the State Government Authorities are planning for drilling tube wells with more depths for
catering the increased population.
In urban areas and many parts of rural areas piped water supply schemes through shallow/deep
tube wells and spot ground water sources are the main sources of drinking water. In Urban areas
supply is done majorly from surface water sources and also from ground water sources. But in rural

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (74)

areas, piped water supply schemes are mainly dependent on ground water, which is tapped by
shallow/intermediate depth/deep tube wells. In some rural areas, water being supplied directly from
deep tube wells without any treatment, whereas in majority of areas iron removal plants (IRP) are
installed. Apart from deep tube wells, other drinking water sources available are hand pumps, Mark -
II/III tube wells, small bore tube wells/mini deep tube wells, artesian wells and dug wells, which are
extensively used in the villages and hamlets where the deep tube wells are not possible and there is no
piped water supply system in the vicinity. Water supply from mini deep tube wells has also started in
some blocks like Bishalgarh, which cover only 40 – 50 families per well. Water is also being supplied
from masonary wells (big diameter RCC ring wells) for a limited area and covers 10 – 15 families per
well (e.g. Purba Chandigarh GP, Melaghar).Individual households also construct dug wells and
ordinary hand pump fitted shallow tube wells for their drinking and domestic water needs.
At the standard rate of 40 litre/capita/day, drinking and domestic water requirement for total
population of 40,23,000 (2018-19 estimated population) in this state, the water requirement comes
around 160,920 m³/day .
Table 10.1: Brief Status of Drinking Water Supply by PWD (DWS) as on 01.04.2019
Particulars As On 01-04-2019
Deep tube well in operation (in Nos.) Urban-174, Rural- 1811
Total - 1985
Iron removal plant commissioned (in Urban-59, Rural- 864
Nos.) Total - 923
Pipeline laid (in km) Urban- 1518.50, Rural- 10040.61
Total- 11559.11
Total - 39
Surface water treatment plants (in Nos.) Urban–18, Rural – 36
Total – 54
Small Bore Tube Well (in Nos) Urban-84, Rural-3571
Total- 3655
Domestic connection (in Nos.) Urban- 93218, Rural- 32406
Total – 125624
Total – 51949
Functioning spot sources like asMark- Urban- 1970, Rural-16078
Ring/Massonry/Sanitary Well/ Spring Total – 18048
water sources etc. (in Nos) in ruralareas Water Supply in Agartala Municipal Corporation Area:

Population of Agartala Municipal area was 132186 in 1981, 157358 in 1991, whereas in 2001,
the population had become 189327. The decadal growth rate in the municipal area was 19.04% during
1981-1991 and 14.44% during 1991-2001. Similarly, in greater Agartala population was 256968 in
1991 and it became 333418 in 2001 with decadal growth of 29%. Finally as per the Census 2011 the
total population of greater Agartala has become 3,97,622 with a decadal growth of 19%.
Although there is a regular supply of surface water (treated) from Haora river in the municipal
corporation area for drinking and domestic uses, ground water (from heavy duty deep tube wells
tapping 30 to 36 m granular horizons within depth range of 130 to 220 m bgl) is also being used in
addition to surface water. In greater Agartala area, ground water is the only source for drinking and
domestic uses. It is very clear that the population in this recently constituted municipal corporation
area and greater Agartala area will be more in future decades, as a result of which, the demand for
drinking and domestic water will also increase manyfold. To meet this increased upcoming demand in
the urban area, use of ground water would be more in future as an alternate measure.
Considering the water requirement as 135 lpcd, the demand for present population 3,97,622 of
Agartala Municipality Corporation area is 53.68 MLD. With addition of wastage of 10% (5367897
litres) the total final demand calculated to be 59.047 MLD i.e. 13 MGD (1 Imperial Gallon = 4.546
Litre). As per a report of the Urban Development Department of Govt. of Tripura in 2004-05, the

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (75)

demand for drinking water for greater Agartala area in 2011 was predicted to be 17.4 MGD, which
was computed on the basis of assuming same decadal growth rate of population for 2001-11 decade as
that of 1991-2001 decade i.e. 29 %. But due to far less decadal growth rate of population (19%) in
2001-11 decade, the demand has come down to be only 13 MGD. During that time (2004-05), it was
also expected that although some new surface water schemes will be set up for supply of drinking
water by PWD (DWS), Govt. of Tripura, supply of only 13 MGD water would be possible at that
point of time. Coincidentally, the demand in 2011 has become 13 MGD, which was already expected
in 2004-05 to be met by both the surface and ground water sources.
To meet this demand there are 2 nos. surface water treatment plants one at college tilla and the
other at Milansangha (Bordwali) with a production capacity of 3 MGD and 4 MGD respectively
totalling 7 MGD, while the present daily production rate is 2.22 MGD and 3.315 MGD respectively.
There are 74 nos. deep tube wells supplying 6.182 MGD. So the total present water production/supply
in Agartala Municipal Corporation area is 11.717 MGD and there is a marginal gap between demand
(13 MGD) and supply (11.717 MGD). In 2004-05 the total supply from surface water and ground
water resources for greater Agartala was 7 MGD. There are 36 nos. of Iron Removal Plants, 13 nos. of
elevated storage reservoirs, 4 nos. of ground storage reservoirs, 1801 nos. of spot sources and 511.244
km length of pipe lines to supply water to the urban populace. In all, there are 2695 nos. of hydrants
and 31,540 nos. of domestic water connections in the city for supplying potable water. As on March
2014, 434 nos. of Anganwari Centres, 134 nos. of Schools and 17 nos. of Madrasas have been covered
by the drinking water supply. Rural Water Supply

In rural areas, PWD (DWS) have constructed 1811 Deep Tube Wells and 3571 Small Bore Tube
Wells in the entire state of Tripura up to April 2019 for drinking water supply and 16078 intermediate
depth Mark – II/III tube wells and RCC/Sanitary Wells up to 2019 to provide safe drinking water. For
Shallow and Mark – II/III tube wells the approximate draft is around 0.1 ham/year and for deep tube
wells the draft is 18 ham/year.
As per the census 1991, it may be stated that out of the total 4,39,137 rural households, 55% of
rural population were taking drinking water from dug wells, 14% of rural people were using water
from piped water supply and 17 % people residing in medium and high hill areas used water from
other sources. Whereas, as per 2011 Census out of the total 6,07,779 rural households, 35.41 % of
rural population is taking drinking water from dug wells, 25.15 % of rural people are using water from
piped water supply and 6.47 % people residing in medium and high hill areas use water from other
sources. So it can be said that the rural drinking water supply system has been improved a lot over the
years in the last two decades i.e during the period from 1991 to 2011.


Scope for artificial recharge is minimal in the state because water level in the major part of
Tripura lies between 2 – 5 m bgl. As the state receives more than 2000 mm of annual rainfall every
year, constructions of rainwater harvesting structures are very logical. Apart from roof top rainwater
harvesting structures, small and medium sized check dams, nala bunds etc. can also be constructed.
However, the artificial recharge to ground water in deeper aquifers by injection of harvested rain water
through abandoned or specially drilled tube wells may also be encouraged in this state with usually
undulated topography, especially where larger quantity of water needs to extracted.


The balance ground water resource of 111249.36 ham for future irrigation indicates that there is a
huge scope for further development of ground water. Based on the hydrogeological conditions,
shallow tube wells up to 60 m depth tapping 20 to 30 m granular zones having yield of 10 to 20 m3/hr
and deep tube wells up to 300 m depth tapping 45 to 55 m cumulative thickness of granular horizons
yielding 50 to 150 m3/hr can be constructed in valleys as well as foothill portions. In valley portions,
yield from the tube wells are norally more than two times the yield in the foothill portions.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (76)

The nature of the aquifer material says that tube wells should be designed with slot size 0.50 -
1.00 mm alongwith gravel packing by 2 - 4 mm size of quartzitic sub-rounded to sub-angular gravels.
The design aspects of tube wells are mainly controlled by the permeability of aquifer materials. Based
on pumping test results, the permeability values in the state are determined to be 15 to 30 m/day.
Longer life of the tube wells depends on proper development of the wells before it is put to use. Thus
it is essential to develop the tube wells by air compressor to break and clear the mud cake, if any
formed by drilling mud and also to suck out the finner assorted grains from the tapped granular zones
around slot/screen areas of the pipes alongwith discharged water, which in turn increases the
permeability of the formation near the pipe assembly resulting higher incoming velocity of water.
The minimum spacing between two shallow tube wells should be kept at 500 m and between two
deep tube wells, it should be 2000 m at the initial stage of development, which may be reviewed and
revised with collection of more data generated through pumping tests and field observations of the
behaviour of piezometers and the discharge-draw down relations in different parts of the state.
In the hilly areas of the state, although more than 2000 mm rainfall occurs, people residing there
usually face acute scarcity of water in the lean period. Roof top rainwater harvesting may be adopted
effectively to meet the drinking and domestic water demand of the people residing on hilltops
particularly during non-monsoon period, when the average non-monsoon rainfall is 800 to 1000 mm.
In rural areas rooftop rainwater harvesting can be adopted in a small scale for household needs. In the
urban areas, housing complexes, institutional and Govt. buildings having large roof areas can be used
for harvesting rainwater for preserving/conserving that water or to recharge the ground water.
In foothill portion of the state, where most of the precipitations get wasted as surface runoff, rain
water can be efficiently utilized for augmentation of ground water by constructing structures like
check dams, gabions and check weirs. Doing so, water level in nearby upstream areas can be raised to
a considerable extent by saturating the otherwise dry part of the localized aquifers. In foothill areas,
gully plugging and contour bundhs will also be helpful for augmentation of ground water level.
In the moderately hilly and foothill areas of the state, there are certain portions where fractures
and lineaments occur below the surface, which can be explored for ground water development. In
these areas, promising granular zones may be found sometimes within the depths of 300 m bgl. But
the potential fracture zones must be confirmed by electrical resistivity surveys before deployment of a
suitable drilling rig in these areas of the state. Electrical logging of the naked pilot bore holes is also
mandatory for accurate delineation of the granular zones saturated with ground water. Otherwise, the
identification of promising granular zones or fracture zones only from the lithological logs of pilot
holes would be very difficult and sometimes, this log may be misguiding in recommendation of proper
design of tube wells, which eventually may cause failure of the tube well or deterioration of
performance of the tube well in the long run.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (77)



(a) North Tripura District

During pre-monsoon period isolated pockets of very shallow water level i.e., within 2 m bgl is
observed in Dharmanagar and Kanchanpur valley. These pockets are located in (i) Bagbassa,
Sanicherra, Lalcherra of Kadamtala block; (ii) Khedacherra of Damcherra block (iii) Satnala and
Kanchanpur area of Dasda block. In these areas water level varies from 0.9 – 1.81 m bgl. Almost
entire Kanchanpur area show shallow water levels.
(b) Unakoti District
During pre-monsoon water logged area is found in Jarultali of Gournagar block.
(c) Dhalai District
During pre-monsoon water logged areas are found in Durga Cherra (Damburnagar block), Nuna
cherra (Ganganagar block), Chailengta and Chowmanu area in the district.
(d) Khowai District
Shallow ground water level of less the 2 mbgl during pre-monsoon season is observed in Khowai
area in the district.
(e) West Tripura District
During pre-monsoon period water levels are noticed within 2 m bgl in a few isolated pockets,
which varies from 1.10 to 1.94 m bgl and thus are prone to be water logged, which may create salinity
hazards in future hampering the agricultural production. Water logged area is found Sadhupara of
Jirania block.
(f) Sepahijala District
During pre-monsoon, water logged area is found in Dakshin Kalamcherra of Boxanagar Bock. To
avoid this water logging problem, ground water can be abstracted and used in downstream areas for
irrigation and in some areas, ponds /lakes can be made where fisheries can also be taken up.
(g) Gomati District
During pre-monsoon, water logged area is observed in Amarpur, Bampur area of Amarpur block
and Joinkami area in Killa Block. The depth to water level in these area ranges from 0.5 to 1.72 mbgl.
(h) South Tripura District
During pre-monsoon period isolated pockets of very shallow water level i.e., within 2 m bgl is
observed in the district. They are located in Amli Ghat, Srinagar area of Poangbari block; Manurmukh
area of Bharat Chandra Nagar block. In these areas water level ranges from 0.5-1.93 m bgl.


Ground water is characterized by high iron content, which generally ranges from BDL to 10.20
ppm. The concentration of iron in deep tube wells ranges from 0.1 to 15.90 ppm. The highest
concentration of 15.90 ppm is noticed at Harikumartilla (West Ghilatali) village in Kalyanpur block.
The iron concentration in water from open dug well is comparatively less than that of tube wells. This
is due to the fact that the scope of aeration is more in open wells, which causes the precipitation of
ferrous iron as ferric iron. Enrichment of iron in water is due to ferruginous nature of Duptila
Formation and Tipam Sandstones, which form the major aquifers. High iron content renders ground
water unsuitable for drinking and also creates aesthetic problems like colour, stains, smell etc.
Bacteria like Gallionella, Crenothrix and Letpothrix exert a catalytic effect to speed up
chemical reactions that are thermodynamically favourable. Different types of bacteria may live
together in a symbiotic relationship and greatly aggravate the problems with well performance and

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (78)

corrosion of iron pipe and well casing and other exposed metallic iron parts in the water supply

Figure 11.1 Map showing Water logged areas of Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (79)

Iron concentration in deep tube wells constructed by PWD (DWS), Govt. of Tripura and CGWB
was determined by spectrophotometry and found above permissible limit at many places. Various
processes involved in removal of high iron are aeration, coagulation and filtration. Tripura Filter is
used for domestic purpose and Modified Iron Removal Plant & Package Type Iron Removal Plant
(DWS)) for community supply. Tripura filter was evaluated by All India Institute of Hygiene and
Public Health, Kolkata and found capable of removing iron and bacteriological contamination

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (80)


The state of Tripura covers a total area of 10,491.69 sq. km. About 60 % of the area in the state is
under forest cover. Very recently, the state is administratively redivided into 8 districts, 23 sub-
divisions, 58 rural development blocks, 19 nos. of Nagar Panchayets and 591 nos. of Gram
Panchayets. The state has an autonomous district council named Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous
District Council (TTAADC), which has a total area of 7,132.56 sq. km and having 587 nos. of
TTAADC villages.
The state has a total population of 36,73,917 as per census 2011 & projected (as on 2021 as
4,90,000. The growth rate of the population (decadal growth from 2001 to 2011) in the state is
14.84%. During this decade (2001 to 2011) the rural population has been decreased from 83% to 74%,
whereas the urban population has increased steeply from 17% to 26%.
Physiographycally, the state consists of hilly terrain with immature topography. The major
geographic features are the tighty folded anticlinal hill ranges with broad synclinal valleys in between.
Five principal hill ranges namely the Jampui, the SakhanTlang, the Longtarai, the Atharomura and the
Baramura, which are running parallel in N-S direction and traverse the state from east to west. The
altitude of the hill ranges increases progressively from west to east attaining a maximum of 975 m
above mean sea level (MSL) at Belting Sib in Jampui range.
Anticlinal hill ranges form the watersheds from which various drainage channels emerge. The
common drainage patterns in the state are dendritic, parallel to sub-parallel and of rectangular type and
streams are of first and second order. Major rivers are Gomti, Howrah, Khowai, Dhalai, Manu, Deo,
Juri, Longai, Fenny and Muhuri. The whole drainage system forms a part of Meghna basin.
Out of the total geographical area of 10491.69 sq. km. of the state, more than 60% of the area is
under forest. The net area under agriculture (net area sown/net cropped area) was 270755 ha in 2020-
21. The proportion of the area under agriculture therefore is low in the state compared to that of
national level.
The climate of the state is tropical, highly humid with moderate temperature. The state receives
rainfall under the spell of southwest monsoon which commences in the end of May and lasts till the
end of September. The average annual rainfall is 2262 mm.
The main crop of Tripura is paddy; all the three types of paddy i.e. summer paddy (Aush),
monsoon paddy (Aman) and winter paddy (Boros) are being grown. Apart from paddy, sugarcane,
maize, wheat, mesta, jute, cotton, potato, pulses and oilseeds are also grown. Over a limited area of the
state, cashewnut, pineapple and orange are also cultivated. Rubber and tea plantations are now being
taken up on small mounds and foothills over a considerable area of the state. People in the hills
cultivate paddy and other viable crops on high slopes by practicing traditional ‘JHUM’ (shifting
cultivation). About 51% of the population of the state is dependent on agriculture and allied activities
for their livelihood as it is the single largest provider of employment to the rural people.
The soils have been classified into five broad groups, such as reddish yellow-brown sandy soils;
red loam and sandy loam soils; older alluvial soils, younger alluvial soils and lateritic soils. Younger
soils or river valley soils are found along all major river courses. However, on the basis of their origin,
the soils of Tripura can be classified into two major groups, namely residual soil and transported soil
or alluvial soil. In general, the soils in the state are naturally acidic in nature. Nitrogen and Phosphate
are low, available Potash is medium to high, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur are deficient.
Geologically, Quaternary and Upper Tertiary groups of sediments occupy the State of Tripura.
The Groups of formations occurring from bottom to top are Surma, Tipam and Dupitila of Upper
Tertiary age. The state is characterized by a series of tighty folded anticlines and broad synclines
trending in north-south direction. The more argillaceous rocks exposed in the cores of the anticlines
are equivalent to the Surma group of Mio-Pliocene age and is about 4000 m thick. The younger
arenaceous beds in the flanks of the anticlines comprise the Tipam groups of probable Upper Pliocene

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (81)

age and are over 2000 m thick. The sediments in the synclinal troughs unconformably overlain by a
sequence of unconsolidated to semi consolidated sediments arranged in neat terraces are Dupitilla,
which has an age from Pleistocene to Recent.
Hydrogeologial surveys, aided by exploratory drilling and deposit well programmes carried out
by the Central Ground Water Board, have revealed that there are three to four major granular zones
with intercalation of clay within a depth of 300 m in the synclinal valleys of the state. The thickness of
the aquifers varies from valley to valley and it decreases considerably in the northern parts of the state
i.e. in Kamalpur, Kailasahar and Dharmanagar valleys. Formations of Tipam Group, comprising
medium to fine grained, semi-consolidated and friable sandstones form the major aquifer system.
Worthiness of aquifers in terms of ground water varies from valley to valley.
In western parts of the state, the aquifers are of good potential in comparison to the northeastern
parts towards Dharmanagar where it is moderately potential. On the basis of drilling, aquifer zones
down to explored depth of 300 m bgl can broadly be divided into two groups - (i) a shallow aquifer
zone occurring up to 50 m bgl &(ii) Deeper Aquifer Zones below 50 m bgl and extended down to 300
m bgl. Study of sub-surface geology through lithological logs revealed that the aquifers are
discontinuous in nature. Its thickness and disposition vary even within the same valley.
In Tripura, ground water occurs under unconfined conditions in Recent, Duputilla and Tipam
Formations. Besides, it also occurs under semi-confined to confined conditions in Tipam Formation at
depths. Recharge areas for the deeper aquifers lie in the adjacent anticlinal hills. In valleys wherever
good thicknesses of potential and productive granular zones available and ground water remains under
enormous confining pressure the auto flowing i.e. artesian conditions occur, which actually indicates
the ground water discharge areas. The geology and geomorphology of Tripura is favorable for artesian
conditions within the synclinal valleys. Artesian flowing conditions occur in patches both at shallow
and deeper depths in all districts. Auto discharges of the free-flowing tube wells range from 100 to
6000 lph and in general, the piezometric head rises up to maximum of 2.5 m agl.
Depth to water level in GWMS during pre-monsoon (March) lies between 0.45-9.76 m bgl and
the same during post-monsoon period (November) lies between 0.16-9.18 m bgl. Seasonal fluctuation
of water level generally varies between 0.06 to 2.98 m. On the other hand, depth to water level in
Piezometers (GWMS, all stationed in Tripura) constructed tapping intermediate to deep semi-confined
to confined aquifers generally lies between 2.75 to 27.25 m bgl during pre-monsoon and between 2.87
to 26.89 m bgl during post-monsoon. From the analysis of water level data of 106 GWMS and other
ground water structures, it is seen that there is no significant decline in ground water level in the state
for the last decade.
The water table contours in the valley portion vary from 60 m above MSL in Amarpur Valley of
South Tripura district to less than 10 m above msl in Agartala-Udaipur-Sabroom valley of West
Tripura district and South Tripura district for both the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period. The
pattern of the pre-monsoon of water table contours in Agartala valley reveals that the master slope of
the ground water flow in unconfined aquifers is towards west and that for the Khowai valley is
towards north and for the West Tripura district as a whole it is towards WNW. In North Tripura and
Dhalai districts covering Dharmanagar, Kailasahar and Kamalpur valleys, the general flow is towards
north. However, ground water movement in unconfined aquifers in southern part of Dhalai district is
towards south. In South Tripura district covering Udaipur-Sabroom valley, the movement is mainly
towards south. In Udaipur valley, the ground water flow pattern indicates the effluent nature of Gomti
River. The hydraulic gradient of ground water flow path in the major part in Udaipur valley is 1.2
m/km. The water table gradient for all the valleys of Tripura ranges from 1.08 to 1.60 m/km. In
general, the gradient is steep near foothill, which becomes flatter towards the central part of the valleys
along the riverine tracts. During post-monsoon period, while the ground water flow directions remain
the same as that during pre-monsoon period for a particular area, a marked shifting in the position of
respective water table contours is observed in that area. Moreover, these contours become flatter in
post-monsoon period with a general hydraulic gradient around 0.88 m/km.
Analysis of data collected through Aquifer Performance Tests on the exploratory/deposit tube
wells constructed by CGWB in the state has shown that Transmissivity ranges from 4.5 m2/day (at
Pecharthal, North Tripura) to 1689 m2/day (at Khowai, West Tripura) and permeability ranges from

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (82)

0.1 m/day to 43.90 m/day (at Abhanga, Dhalai district). The Storage Coefficient ranges from 7.5 x 10-4
(at Belbari, West Tripura district) to 1.775 x 10-3 (at Ompinagar, South Tripura) and 2.06 x 10-3 (at
Fatikcherra & Gokulnagar BSF camps, West Tripura) showing confined nature of the deeper aquifers.
Minimum spacing between two shallow tube wells should be kept at 500 m and between two
deep tube wells, it should be 2000 m at the initial stage of development which may be reconsidered
later and revised with collection of more data generated through pumping tests and field observations
of the behavior of piezometers and discharge-draw down relations in different parts of the state. It is
seen that construction of tube wells have been sufficiently done in the central parts of the valleys,
hence the foothill areas of the state may now be attempted to explore with proper scientific techniques
through mobilising all available resources, infrastructures and inputs. Aquifer materials suggest that
tube wells should have slot size ranging from 0.5 to 1 mm and should be packed with sufficiently thick
layer of sub-rounded to sub-angular quartzitic gravel of size 2 to 4 mm.
On the basis of hydrogeological conditions, the whole area of the state has been divided into three
sectors, ‘A’ and ‘B’ and ‘C’. Sector ‘A’ coincides with the central portions of the valleys, while sector
‘B’ coincides with the foothill zones and Sector ‘C’ represents the hilly areas of the state. Shallow tube
wells constructed down to the depth of 50 to 60 m bgl tapping 20 to 30 m (cumulative thickness) of
granular zones in sector ‘A’ would yield 10 to 15 m3/hr at a draw down up to 10 m and the same kind
of tube well would have draw down up to 15 m in sector ‘B’. Similarly, deep tube wells down to 200
to 300 m depth tapping 36 to 42 m of granular zones in Sector ‘A’ would be capable of yielding 50 to
150 m3/hr for a draw down upto 20 m and the same tube well constructed down to the depth of 150 to
200 m in sector ‘B’ tapping 36 to 42 m cumulative thickness of granular zones would have a smaller
yield ranging from 20 to 70 m3/hr invariably with a higher draw down. Due to high draw down, the
length of housing pipe should be at least 50 m for the deep tube wells in Sector ‘B’. Yield of tube
wells in sector ‘C’ would certainly be less than 10 m3/hr with a very high draw down.
Results of chemical analysis of ground water show that ground water in all parts of the state is
fresh and good for domestic, irrigation and industrial uses with a low total dissolved solids (TDS) as
indicated by the electrical conductivity varying from 92 to 799 micromhos/cm. Ground water is mildly
alkaline with pH ranging from 6.1 to 8.4. Based on the values of cations and anions the ground water
occurring in the State may be classified as Calcium Bi-Carbonate type of water. All the observed
chemical characteristics of ground water indicate that it is suitable for irrigational uses.
However, the Iron content in ground water is at higher side which warrants proper treatment
before its use for drinking, domestic and industrial purpose. The water is also encrustating in nature.
Removal of iron is best effected by aeration process followed by sedimentation and filtration.
Potassium Permanganate or Chlorine/Chloride may be employed to induce oxidization and to cause
the precipitation of the dissolved ferrous iron in ground water as insoluble ferric iron, which is then
filtered from the water. This process is applicable very much when bacteria is present in the water.
Iron can also be removed by the addition of a mixture of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Phosphate to
precipitate iron as insoluble, followed by setting and filtrations. Open dug wells are normally free
from the hazards of high concentration of iron as water in it gets much exposure to air for oxidation.
There is no saline/brackish water aquifer found yet in the state of Tripura.The ground water of
Tripura from both the shallow and deep aquifers has so far not been reported categorically to be
affected by any considerable arsenic contamination, although it has been detected by one or two
agencies at a few places with a very less magnitude. However, the presence of arsenic above or below
permissible limit in ground water from some of the scattered and restricted patch areas adjacent to the
Bangladesh border, especially in North Tripura, Dhalai and West Tripura district cannot be ruled out
as the adjoining localities of Bangladesh are reported to be arsenic polluted.
A number of ground water samples from GWMS and Aquifer Mapping monitoring wells were
collected and analyzed by CGWB. According to the analysis results, arsenic content in ground water
in most of the monitoring wells is below detectable limit. However, the arsenic content of ground
water from shallow aquifers is found to be in the range of 0.07 ppb to 8.93 ppb in Srinagar area, In
other areas, water samples collected from shallow aquifers; arsenic content is found below detectable

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (83)

The total Rechargable Ground Water Resources of Tripura have been estimated by GEC-2015
methodology as 1.18 BCM and the Annual Extractable Ground Water Resources is 1.06 BCM. The
total extraction for domestic and industrial uses has been estimated as 0.08 BCM. Future Allocation of
Ground Water for Domestic and Industrial Uses up to 2025 has been estimated to be 0.08 BCM. The
Balance Ground Water Resource for Future Irrigational Use has been estimated as 0.95 BCM. The
present stage of ground water extraction in the state is 9.7%. There is a scope for further development
of ground water in the state of Tripura still exists for agricultural or industrial sector. Stage of ground
water extraction in West Tripura district is highest i.e 20.20% and lowest in Gomati district, which is
5.42%. All the administrative blocks of Tripura have been categorized as “safe” from the ground water
extraction point of view. Agartala Municipal Corporation of West Tripura district has attainted the
highest stage of extraction i.e. 55.72% and Karbuk block of Gomati district has the lowest stage of
ground water extraction i.e. 2.49%. Out of total 59 assessment units, 35 nos. of units have the stage of
ground water extraction below 10%. The long-term water level trend of the blocks during pre-
monsoon and post-monsoon periods shows almost stable condition.

Athough the state annually receives more than 2000 mm rainfall spread throughtout the year
including non-monsoon period also, the people residing in the hilly areas or hilly forest areas faces
acute scarcity of water during the lean period. As a solution to this problem, Roof Top Rainwater
Harvesting may be adopted effectively on an individual or a community basis to meet the demand of
people residing on hilltops particularly during non-monsoon period as the average non-monsoon
rainfall in Tripura is in the tune of 800 to 1000 mm. In other rural areas of Tripura where sufficient
municipal facilities are not available, home-made indigenous rooftop rainwater harvesting structure in
small scale would be very useful for meeting the household water needs by utilizing rainwater.
In urban areas, urban housing complexes, institutional and Govt. buildings usually have large
roof areas, where the rooftop rainwater can be collected, utilized, conserved and also may be used for
recharging the ground water reservoir underneath the ground surface, which is mostly covered with
concrete structures and has very less scope of rainfall recharge in a natural way.
Rainwater can be collected from the rooftops through gutters into a 1000 lt or bigger capacity
PVC or concrete container. Filters can be used at the time of collection for filtration of physical
impurities. The water thus collected can be used for domestic and drinking purposes after treating with
bleaching powder or any other chlorinization agents for removing bacteriogenic contamination. Both
rural and urban people should be encouraged for a regular rain water harvesting practice.
It has been observed that 70 to 80 percent of rainfall occurs between May to September and
within a few hours most of the rainwater goes as run off and finally enters Bangladesh. In foothill
portion of the state, where most of the precipitations get wasted as surface runoff can be efficiently
utilized for augmentation of ground water recharge by constructing structures like small/medium
check dams, gabions and check weirs by which the arrested runoff water can be stored over or under
the ground. Doing so, the water level in the upstream parts can be raised to a considerable extent
saturating the otherwise dry part of the aquifer for facilitating future withdrawal in lean period.
In foothill areas, gully plugging and contour bunding will be most effective for augmentation of
ground water level. In many parts of the hilly areas, there are some open spaces called platforms or
terraces. Platforms are raised areas and may be cemented or covered by plastic sheets spread, which
will have distributors of rainwater on all the sides. These platforms should be fully protected from
approaching by animals and human beings. Maintenance of platforms in hygienic ways is a must.
Surface runoff should not be allowed to enter into the platforms. The rainwater collected by this
method can then be used by rural people residing on hills for domestic purposes.
In hilly areas, ground water can be developed only in the intermontane valleys through dug wells
and shallow tube wells for solving the regular water crisis during summer/lean period.In the hilly and
foothill areas of the state, there are certain portions where fractures and lineaments occur. In these
areas, potential fracture zones may be found within the depth of 300 m bgl. These fracture zones can
be tapped for ground water development. But the presence of potential fracture zones and the

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (84)

alignment of fractures must be confirmed by electrical resistivity surveys before deployment of a
suitable drilling rig in these areas. A careful selection of suitable drilling sites is very essential
especially for the foothills and hilly areas and even for the valleys in Tripura, which must be supported
by the proper geophysical investigations.
While constructing deep tube wells or mini deep tube wells, appropriate gravel packing is a must
because the grain size of sandstones in Tripura is fine to medium. Slot size should be 0.5 to 1 mm and
the gravels should be quartzitic, sub-rounded to sub-angular in shape and 2 to 4 mm in size.
Some measures are required to be taken to maintain the good yield of artesian wells for a longer
period. It has been observed that in most of these wells piezometric head is up to 1 m agl only. So, if a
pipe of 1.5 m is put on top of the wells, the water will stop flowing over and whenever water would be
required, it can be collected through a tap with at the height of 1 m agl.
The scope of conjunctive use of surface and ground water may be explored in minor irrigation
command areas. This will help in minimizing water logging problem and in evenhanded distribution
of irrigation water in the area. People’s co-operation is very much required for further development of
ground water, particularly in irrigation sector and adopting this conjunctive use.
Ground water quality in Tripura should be monitored periodically both during pre-monsoon and
post-monsoon time for iron, fluoride and especially for arsenic content, because ground water in the
neighboring Bangladesh is reported to be arsenic infested.
Ground water usually contains high iron. So, iron removal plants are required to be installed with
every community drinking water supply schemes. In most of the cases the ground water is encrustating
in nature, hence it is recommended that well screen should be cleaned periodically, say once in a year,
even if the discharge does not decline. PVC/stainless steel stainer pipes may be used. Glassy
Phosphates are known to be effective to clean the iron encrustation on the tube well pipes.
Dug wells are normally free from the hazards related to high concentration of iron as the water
within open dug well gets much exposed suface area and more contact time with the air/atmosphere,
which facilitates oxidation at a larger scale than that in case of a tube well. So people, especially in
rural Tripura should give emphasis on construction of more and more open dug wells of suitable
depths for their daily drinking water needs.
As that ground water from both the shallow and deeper aquifers is invariably contaminated by
high concentration of geogenic iorn, there is an urgent need to introduce the low cost Tripura Filter in
a large scale, especially in rural, hilly and tribal areas of Tripura, where piped water supply is still not
available. This indigenous Tripura Filtre was evaluated by All India Institute of Hygiene and Public
Health, Kolkata and found capable of removing iron and also the bacteriological contamination
effectively. The various processes of iron removal such as aeration, coagulation, sedimentation and
filtration may be used. Potassium Permanganate or Chlorine/Chloride may be employed to oxidize the
dissolved iron for separating as precipitations, which is then filtered from the water. This process is
highly applicable when bacteria are also present in the water. It is also recommended to add a mixture
of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Phosphate in water to precipitate iron as insoluble followed by
settling and filtration. Tripura Filter may be used for domestic purpose in individual households and
Modified Iron Removal Plant or Package Type Iron Removal Plant for community use.
The ground water of Tripura from both the shallow and deep aquifers has not so far been reported
to be affected by significant arsenic contamination. However, more studies in this reagard and more
and more ground water sample collection are required in the state of Tripura to know the actual status
of arsenic content in ground water. It is advisable that all the newly constructed tube wells tapping
shallow or deeper aquifers should undergo the testing for arsenic contamination prior to its
commissioning. Periodical testing for knowing the arsenic content in the existing tube wells should
also be done to check any possible arsenic presence or its mobilization in future.
No analysis of ground water samples from irrigated area has yet been carried out in Tripura for
detection of pollutants from fertilizers and pesticides and so it has now become necessary to monitor
the ground water quality regularly, specially in shallow aquifers in the areas covered by extensive
agricultural lands in order to find out level of pollution in the irrigated fields, if any.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (85)

The overall stage of ground water extraction in the state is 9.7%, which indicates that there is an
ample scope for development of ground water for drinking, domestic as well as irrigation purposes.
Ground water development for drinking and irrigation purposes can be done through dug wells,
shallow to medium depth and deep tube wells. Ground water extraction should be carried out in a
planned manner and should be developed step by step in a phased manner. Assessment of ground
water regime is also required after each step or phase of development. Initially the acceptable rate of
extraction should be kept at 70 % and further development programme should be taken up only after
studying actual ground water draft, long term water level trends and other related hydrogeological
aspects. Keeping in view the high extraction of ground water in Agartala Municipal Corporation of
West Tripura district, a close monitoring of the ground water level needs to be carried out by the state
government in these blocks. If this natural resource of ground water is harnessed with this type of
proper planning and management, then the economic scenario of the state can surely be uplifted to a
reasonably higher scale.
Minimum Safe distance between two deep tube wells is 500 m and between two shallow tube
wells, it is 150 m. While constructing tube wells this safe distance should be maintained everywhere.
In urban areas, site for solid waste disposal should be selected in a very careful manner. Disposal
sites should not be in the recharge zone of ground water, otherwise ground water of the near surface
aquifers will be contaminated organically as well as inorganically. Areas away from locality and with
thick clay cover at the near surface zone will be a better option for waste disposal. It has been
observed that there are many kachha latrines discharging directly in Howrah River near intake points
of water treatment plants in Agartala. This practice should be stopped immediately to avoid health
hazards related to contamination of ground water in nearby areas. Moreover, the gutters/drains in the
urban areas should be lined properly with brick and concrete to avoid mixing of foul water with the
aquifer water to resist pollution of ground water by harmful organic or inorganic substances.
Public awareness should also be generated at a larger scale in rural as well as urban area for
proper and judicious use of ground water, stopping wastage of drinking or irrigation water and for
conservation of all forms of water resources available.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (86)

Publishing Department Year Name or Title of the Report or Publication
Central Ground Water Board, GoI Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Tripura, (As on March, 2022)
1 2022
Central Ground Water Board, GoI Hydrogeological conditions and ground water Development
2 2018
Prospects in Tripura.
3 Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2018 Report on Dynamic Ground Water Resources of Tripura

4 Central Ground Water Board, GoI 1990 Hydrogeological Atlas of Tripura

Central Ground Water Board, GoI 1992 Hydrogeology and Ground Water Potentials of South Tripura Dist.
Tripura, Tech. Series-D, No18
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 1992 Ground Water Potentials of South Tripura Dist. Tripura, Tech.
Series-D, No19
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2018 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of West Tripura
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2017 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of North Tripura
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2017 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of Dhalai
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2018 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of South Tripura
District, Tripura
Laskar, et. el. 1983 Soils Of Tripura & Their Fertility Management, Research Bull NO-
23, Division of Soil Sc., ICAR, Shillong
Prasad K.K. et. el. 1977 Hydrogeological Conditions of North East States with Scope of
Ground Water Development.
13 Prasad K.K. et. el. 1978 Hydrogeology and Ground Water Potential of Tripura.

14 Saha, D. 1989 Report On Reappraisal Hydrogeological Survey of West Tripura

District, TripuraState. (FSP1986-87)
15 Sharma, V. 1989 Ground Water Potential of West Tripura District, Tripura.

16 Sharma, V. 1993 Hydrogeological Conditions & Ground Water Potentials of Tripura.

17 Prasad K.K. et. el. 1982 Interim Report On Scope For Ground Water Development In Parts
Of North Tripura And South Tripura
18 Agriculture Dept., Govt of Tripura 2018 Rainfall data,

19 PWD (WR), Govt of Tripura 2019 Status Report on Irrigation coverage by PWD(WR) as on
20 Director General, GSI 1974 Geology and Mineral Resources of NE States of India, pt. IV, Misc,
Pub. No 30
21 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2016 Some Basic Statistics of Tripura - 2016
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura
22 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2019 Economic Review of Tripura 2018-19
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura
23 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2019 Tripura At – A – Glance, 2019
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura

24 Ganguli, S. 1983 Geology And Hydrocarbon Prospects Of Tripura–Cachar-Mizoram

Region, Petroleum Asia Journal

25 Kher, B.M. & Ganju, J.L. 1984 Tectonics Of Tripura Folds-Probable Mechanics of Folding and
Faulting, Petroliferous Basins of India, Himachal Times Group,
Dehradun, pp. 66-70.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (87)

ANNEXURE– I (Important Location)


Location North latitute East Longitude

North Tripura
Damcherra 240 14/ 30// 920 17/ 00//
Dharmanagar 240 16/ 00// 920 16/ 00//
Panisagar 240 14/ 30// 920 08/ 12//
Kanchanpur 230 56/ 00// 920 12/ 00//
Machmara 240 08/ 19// 920 07/ 06//
Kailashahar 240 20/ 00// 920 01/ 00//
Kumarghat 240 08/ 00// 920 03/ 00//
Pecharthal 240 11/ 16// 920 06/ 07//
Chhamanu 230 19/ 49// 910 51/ 43//
Abhanga 240 03/ 05// 910 50/ 20//
Ambassa 240 56/ 00// 910 51/ 45//
Kamalpur 240 02/ 30// 910 50/ 00//
Karamcherra 240 02/ 00// 920 17/ 00//
Manu 240 00/ 00// 910 59/ 00//
Kalyanpur 230 23/ 00// 910 36/ 00//
Khowai 240 03/ 45// 910 36/ 30//
Teliamura 230 52/ 00// 910 38/ 45//
Vivekanandanagar 230 47/ 30// 910 17/ 30//
West Tripura
Agartala 230 49/ 00// 910 18/ 00//
Champaknagar 230 48/ 20// 910 29/ 40//
Jirania 230 40/ 30// 910 27/ 30//
Mohanpur 230 59/ 10// 910 25/ 00//
Simna 240 02/ 00// 910 24/ 30//
Bishalgarh 230 40/ 00// 910 17/ 00//
Kanthalia 230 23/ 00// 910 19/ 00//
Kenania 230 44/ 00// 910 11/ 00//
Nalchar 230 33/ 10// 910 21/ 30//
Sonamura 230 29/ 00// 910 16/ 00//
Amarpur 230 31/ 20// 910 39/ 38//
Udaipur 230 32/ 00// 910 28/ 30//
Bagma 230 36/ 00// 910 25/ 00//
Gorjee 230 25/ 30// 910 30/ 00//
Gaptali 230 09/ 40// 910 23/ 20//
South Tripura
Belonia 230 27/ 00// 910 15/ 00//
Ghoshkhamar 230 11/ 27// 910 20/ 40//
Hrishyamukh 230 08/ 30// 910 32/ 00//
Jolaibari 230 12/ 30// 910 37/ 05//
Satchand 230 07/ 45// 910 38/ 10//
Sabroom 230 57/ 30// 910 44/ 38//
Santirbazar 230 18/ 00// 910 33 /00//

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (88)

ANNEXURE– II (Potential created by PWD (WR))

(latest available data)
high Area
Name Area Area Area Area Area Area
L.I H.P.L.I DTW Diversion pick coverage Medium Total
Sl.No of coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage
(No) (Nos.) (nos) (nos) up (ha) (nos) (nos)
block /AMC (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
1 Mohanpur 16 911 0 0 14 407 2 265 32 1583
2 Mohanpur MC 4 120 3 60 7 180
3 Bamutia 12 390 20 400 32 790
4 Lefunga 12 467.5 2 50 14 517.5
5 Hezamara 19 795.05 2 40 21 835.05
6 Jirania 17 632 9 179 26 811
7 Jirania NP 1 30 2 40 3 70
8 Ranir bazar NP 3 90 1 20 4 110
9 Belbari 21 1109 21 1109
10 Old Agartala 17 686 4 80 21 766
11 Mandai 21 1150.94 5 140 1 240 27 1530.94
12 Dukli 21 1259.5 13 333 34 1592.5
13 AMC 13 478.7 7 139 1 70 21 687.7
WEST TRIPURA 177 8119.69 0 0 82 1888 4 575 0 0 0 0 263 10582.69
1 Khowai 36 1597 9 344 1 290 46 2231
2 Khowai M.C 6 240 6 240
3 Kalyanpur 34 1677.25 7 151 1 95 1500 42 3423.25
4 Tulashikar 20 775 1 25 21 800
5 Teliamura 25 1356.1 5 123 1 150 2900 31 4529.1
6 Padmabil 6 280 4 99 1 134 11 513

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (89)

high Area
Name Area Area Area Area Area Area
L.I H.P.L.I DTW Diversion pick coverage Medium Total
Sl.No of coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage
(No) (Nos.) (nos) (nos) up (ha) (nos) (nos)
block /AMC (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
7 Mungiakami 12 640.97 115 12 755.97
KHOWAI 139 6566.32 0 0 26 742 4 669 0 0 0 4515 169 12492.32
1 Bishalgarh 37 2045 19 411 56 2456
2 Bishalgarh MC 5 250 2 44 7 294
3 Charilam 14 765 6 126 20 891
4 Jampuijala 26 1049 9 189 35 1238
5 Nalchar 40 1381 9 167 1 110 50 1658
6 Mohanbhog 27 990.25 2 38 29 1028.25
7 Melaghar M.C 12 505 12 505
8 Sonamura NP 3 129 3 129
9 Boxanagar 13 549.06 13 324.6 26 873.66
10 Kathalia 19 791.89 1 300 9 174 1 80 30 1345.89
SEPAHIJALA 196 8455.2 1 300 69 1473.6 2 190 0 0 0 0 268 10418.8
1 Udaipur NP 3 100 3 100
2 Matabari 38 1573 1 120 6 125 2 220 3375 47 5413
3 Tepaniya 16 480.05 10 314 26 794.05
4 Kakraban 56 1908.12 12 267.5 1 190 1062 69 3427.62
5 Killa 26 909.5 2 64 1 52 29 1025
6 Amarpur NP 5 160 5 160
7 Amarpur 84 2539.58 3 88 4 410 91 3037.58
8 Karbook 41 1238.75 1 24 42 1262.75
9 Silachari 4 101 0 4 101
10 Ompi 49 1184.35 2 55 51 1239.35
GOMATI 322 10194.4 1 120 36 937.5 8 872 0 0 0 4437 367 16560.35

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (90)

high Area
Name Area Area Area Area Area Area
L.I H.P.L.I DTW Diversion pick coverage Medium Total
Sl.No of coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage
(No) (Nos.) (nos) (nos) up (ha) (nos) (nos)
block /AMC (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
1 Santir bazar NP 7 223 1 20 1 43 9 286
2 Bagafa 27 737.2 7 128.5 3 488.5 37 1354.2
3 Jolaibari 41 884.95 1 16 1 1250 43 2150.95
4 Rajnagar 10 270.58 9 186 19 456.58
5 Birchandranagar 31 816 2 40 2 90 35 946
6 Herishyamukh 24 829.77 4 90.8 6 595 34 1515.57
7 Satchand 71 1889.2 5 105.5 3 452 79 2446.7
8 Poyangbari 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Rupaichari 20 559.4 4 94 2 177 26 830.4
SOUTH TRIPURA 231 6210.1 0 0 33 680.8 18 3095.5 0 0 0 0 282 9986.4
1 Kailasahar MC 1 25 1 25
2 Chandipur 34 1224.51 3 56 37 1280.51
3 Gournagar 27 1022.99 1 24 28 1046.99
4 Kumarghat MC 6 174 6 174
5 Kumarghat 76 2437 4 87 1759 80 4283
6 Pecharthal 31 960 1 60 32 1020
UNAKOTI 175 5843.5 1 60 8 167 0 0 0 0 0 1759 184 7829.5
1 6 110 6 110
2 Kadamtala 13 865 1 120 14 985
3 Kalacherra 21 597 6 159.5 27 756.5
4 Panisagar NP 7 239 7 239
5 Panisagar 42 1481 2 50 44 1531
6 Jubrajnagar 38 1308 8 195 46 1503
7 Dasda 26 599.7 1 265 1 20 4 32 32 916.7

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (91)

high Area
Name Area Area Area Area Area Area
L.I H.P.L.I DTW Diversion pick coverage Medium Total
Sl.No of coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage
(No) (Nos.) (nos) (nos) up (ha) (nos) (nos)
block /AMC (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
8 Laljuri 8 193.5 8 193.5
9 Damcherra 7 179.35 1 40 8 219.35
10 Jampui hill 0 0
NORTH TRIPURA 168 5572.55 2 305 16 404.5 2 140 4 32 0 0 192 6454.05
1 Salema 37 1138 1 38 3 230 41 1406
2 Kamalpur NP 4 120 1 35 5 155
3 43 1363 2 158 1 10 4 238 50 1769
4 Ambassa MC 5 184 5 184
5 Ambassa 29 959.95 1 25 1 200 31 1184.95
6 Ganganagar 0 0 0 0
7 Chawmanu 9 304 9 304
8 Manu 36 1285 1 30 1 107 38 1422
9 Dumburnagar 21 534 21 534
10 Raishyabari 2 51 1 20 3 71
DHALAI 186 5938.95 2 158 5 123 10 810 0 0 0 0 203 7029.95
TOTAL 1594 56900.7 7 943 275 6416.4 48 6351.5 4 32 3 10711 1928 81354.06

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (92)



S.N Well Pre
Block Site name Lat DD Long DD Monsoo Fluctuation
o. Type Monsoon
1 Ambassa Ambassa N DW 23.92397 91.84708 7.91 6.23 1.68
2 Ambassa Chawmanu DW 23.86219 91.99900 1.16 1.04 0.12
3 Ambassa Durga Cherra DW 23.60889 91.82583 1.52 filled up -
4 Ambassa Kali Kumar Para DW 23.10139 91.86000 3.12 2.82 0.30
5 Ambassa Lalchari DW 23.93417 91.85444 7.77 4.64 3.13
6 Ambassa Nuna Cherra DW 23.78750 91.85528 1.67 2.63 -0.96
7 Chowmuha DW 24.12167 91.86028 4.40 0.78 3.62
8 Chowmuha Kamalpur DW 24.16944 91.81528 1.83 1.59 0.24
9 Manu Manu N DW 24.00250 91.99194 5.92 4.41 1.51
10 Manu Sindhu Kumar DW 23.95250 91.96056 3.90 2.58 1.32
11 Salema Abhanga N DW 24.05389 91.83083 4.70 2.01 2.69
12 Amarpur Bampur DW 23.56222 91.63528 4.04 3.39 0.65
13 Amarpur Jatanbari DW 23.42000 91.75833 6.00 4.33 1.67
14 Ampi Ompi Colony DW 23.67181 91.64222 7.38 7.12 0.26
15 Ampi Twidu DW 23.73111 91.65528 4.77 -
16 Kankraban Kankraban DW 23.48750 91.40194 10.30 9.48 0.82
17 Killa Dewanbari DW 23.55778 91.53528 3.90 3.26 0.64
18 Killa Joingkami DW 23.60111 91.51750 1.04 0.92 0.12
19 Killa Naobari-2 DW 23.59111 91.51944 1.70 1.66 0.04
20 Matabari DW 23.55361 91.46500 4.14 3.49 0.65
21 Matabari Garjee Bazar DW 23.42667 91.50583 2.75 2.94 -0.19
22 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DW 23.92889 91.60944 4.56 6.81 -2.25
23 Kalyanpur Kathalbari DW 23.97278 91.60694 7.46 5.36 2.10
97 Kalyanpur Totabari EW TW 23.90917 91.62028 15.42 14.36 1.06
24 Khowai Khowai DW 24.06389 91.60500 2.03 1.98 0.05
25 45miles DW 23.95250 91.96056 2.93 2.69 0.24
26 Tuimadhu DW 23.83500 91.68639 3.67 7.38 -3.71
27 Teliamura DW 23.81000 91.59194 3.60 2.09 1.51
98 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ew TW 23.83500 91.67583 3.37 2.97 0.40
99 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ow TW 23.83500 91.67583 3.15 -

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (93)

North Tripura
28 Damcherra Khedacherra DW 24.09444 92.32250 1.61 1.75 -0.14
29 Damcherra Narendra Nagar DW 24.24155 92.28519 3.46 3.24 0.22
30 Dasda Ananda Bazar DW 23.84778 92.21083 5.01 1.87 3.14
31 Dasda Dataram DW 23.76528 92.22833 3.22 2.46 0.76
32 Dasda Kanchanpur DW 24.04556 92.19500 1.80 1.33 0.47
33 Dasda Satnala DW 23.97556 92.20583 1.05 0.68 0.37
Kanchanpur Court
100 Dasda TW 24.05667 92.20111 5.56 4.88 0.68
34 Jampui Hill Sabual DW 23.86556 92.26444 3.34 1.74 1.60
35 Kadamtala Bagbasa N DW 24.35167 92.22194 1.85 1.05 0.80
36 Kadamtala Churaibari DW 24.43778 92.24667 3.34 2.54 0.80
37 Kadamtala Dharmanagar DW 24.37889 92.15972 4.46 4.29 0.17
38 Kadamtala Lalchhara DW 24.43250 92.19222 2.05 0.68 1.37
39 Kadamtala Sanicherra DW 24.38361 92.23250 1.45 0.74 0.71
40 Laljuri Laljuri DW 24.11194 92.19833 6.93 6.51 0.42
Naba Joypara
41 Laljuri DW 24.17500 92.21639 4.42 2.58 1.84
(natun Basti
42 Panisagar Deocherra DW 24.31028 92.15972 5.49 4.48 1.01
43 Panisagar Kunjanagar DW 24.24556 92.20556 3.79 2.46 1.33
44 Panisagar Panisagar DW 24.24167 92.18333 4.45 2.34 2.11
45 Yubrajnagar Krishnapur DW 24.33944 92.15778 6.55 2.31 4.24
46 Yubrajnagar Rajnagar New DW 24.31833 92.10111 5.12 3.66 1.46
47 Bishalgarh (replaced DW 23.70972 91.18222 3.24 0.54 2.70
48 Jampuijala Gongrai DW 23.65667 91.45389 3.60 2.83 0.77
49 Jampuijala Tufaniamura DW 23.69861 91.40694 4.67 3.63 1.04
50 Kanthalia Kathalia bazar DW 23.38333 91.31667 3.10 2.55 0.55
51 Nalchar Lalmaibari DW 23.55056 91.26722 2.45 3.31 -0.86
52 Nalchar Rajib Nagar DW 23.57118 91.39056 approach -
53 Nalchar Shivnagar DW 23.54944 91.26806 4.77 2.18 2.59
South Tripura
54 Bagafa Manurmukh DW 23.26556 91.48806 0.75 0.98 -0.23
55 Bagafa Michara DW 23.26639 91.51278 2.5 1.75 0.75
56 Poangbari Poangbari DW 23.02757 91.57010 5.84 1.33 4.51
57 Poangbari Purba Takka DW 23.05997 91.61148 4.08 -
58 Poangbari Srinagar DW 22.99885 91.55363 2.62 1.49 1.13
59 Rajnagar Barkashari DW 23.29583 91.38806 8.59 6.89 1.70
60 Rajnagar Gaurnagar Bazar DW 23.07219 91.63805 3.63 2.84 0.79
61 Rajnagar Radhanagar DW 23.22556 91.32944 3.32 2.70 0.62
62 Rajnagar Rajnagar DW 23.23222 91.39167 4.19 3.19 1.00
63 Rajnagar Rangamura DW 23.26306 91.32528 3.70 1.94 1.76

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (94)

64 Rupaichhari Baishnabpur DW 23.04547 91.76608 8 3.81 4.19
65 Rupaichhari Chatakchari DW 23.06783 91.69493 dry 3.32 -
66 Rupaichhari Magroom DW 23.07297 91.77552 4.2 3.62 0.58
67 Satchand Bijaynagar DW 22.98963 91.67667 3.28 1.84 1.44
68 Satchand Kalachhara DW 23.14083 91.62722 -
69 Satchand Kalirbazar DW 23.11480 91.59983 2.02 2.1 -0.08
70 Satchand Manu Bazar DW 23.06417 91.64861 dry 3.63 -
71 Satchand Motu Mogpara DW 23.00283 91.65172 3.27 3.28 -0.01
72 Satchand Sabroom DW 23.00622 91.72381 5.99 2.46 3.53
73 Satchand DW 22.97315 91.63747 2.69 3.97 -1.28
101 Satchand TW 23.03333 91.68694 autoflow blocked -
102 Satchand TW 23.03336 91.68701 autoflow autoflow -
103 Satchand Rajib Nagar Ew TW 23.05696 91.65660 8.17 7.74 0.43
104 Satchand Tuichama Ew TW 23.15667 91.66168 15.22 12.27 2.95
105 Satchand Tuichama OW TW 23.03336 91.68701 14.84 -
Ananda Bandhu
74 Silachhari DW 23.21398 91.77908 5.58 4.22 1.36
75 Silachhari Ghorakhappa DW 23.16210 91.80502 4.65 3.15 1.50
76 Chandipur Panchamnagar DW 24.21806 91.98111 6.95 4.25 2.70
77 Gaurnagar Gauranagar N DW 24.28917 92.03333 5.56 3.21 2.35
78 Gaurnagar Jarutali DW 24.25417 91.98583 2.43 1.35 1.08
79 Kumarghat Chandramanikami DW 24.11194 92.19833 4.4 3.36 1.04
80 Kumarghat Demdum DW 24.12954 91.9452 4.10 2.48 1.62
81 Kumarghat Kanchanbari DW 24.11361 91.97667 2.51 2.17 0.34
82 Kumarghat Kanchanchhera DW 24.08528 92.00250 6.30 3.84 2.46
83 Kumarghat Kumarghat DW 24.16500 92.04194 7.12 6.71 0.41
84 Pecharthal Karaicherra DW 24.14000 92.15139 4.85 4.49 0.36
85 Pecharthal Pecharthal DW 24.19861 92.09972 7.55 4.42 3.13
86 Chandmari DW 23.86852 91.29827 3.39 -
West Tripura
106 Badharghat DTW TW 23.80278 91.27139 4.54 3.37 1.17
87 Belbari Khumulwng DW 23.81806 91.43889 6.98 5.39 1.59
88 Dukli A D Nagar DW 23.80139 91.26750 3.99 -
89 Dukli Madhuban DW 23.78861 91.28583 3.40 2.62 0.78
90 Heza-mara Pukua bari DW 24.01167 91.45000 dry 1.97 -
91 Jirania R.K Nagar DW 23.86500 91.33528 2.79 1.87 0.92
92 Jirania Sadhupara DW 23.81028 91.50972 1.93 0.55 1.38
107 Jirania Nagicherra1 TW 23.00361 91.33028 28.35 26.38 1.97
108 Jirania Nagicherra2 TW 23.80361 91.33028 -
Gamcha kobra
93 Lefunga DW 23.90361 91.35000 3.52 2.77 0.75

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (95)

94 Mohanpur Ishanpur DW 24.04528 91.39917 3.02 1.30 1.72
95 Mohanpur Simna DW 24.09222 91.39333 5.81 4.70 1.11
96 Mohanpur Tarapur DW 2.64 1.99 0.65
109 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Dtw TW 23.88250 91.36528 21.30 19.25 2.05
110 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Stw TW 23.88278 91.36528 13.35 -
111 Mohanpur TW 23.90417 91.24694 10.60 8.20 2.40

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (96)

ANNEXURE– IV (Pre-Post WL, Long Term)

Pre Monsoon Post Monsoon

S.N Block Site name Well Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Mea 22- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Nov- Mea
o. Type 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 n Nov 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 n

1 Ambassa Ambassa N DW 7.91 7.30 7.78 7.33 6.75 7.41 6.23 6.56 7.96 6.38 6.03 6.63

2 Ambassa Chawmanu DW 1.16 1.33 1.478 1.29 1.31 1.04 1.08 1.06 1.31 1.12

3 Ambassa Durga Cherra DW 1.52 1.72 2.99 1.97 2.05 - 0.58 0.52 1.88 0.99

4 Ambassa Kali Kumar Para DW 3.12 3.02 3.04 2.99 3.04 2.82 2.74 2.70 2.75

5 Ambassa Lalchari DW 7.77 7.50 7.55 7.08 7.48 4.64 6.17 5.26 4.98 5.26

6 Ambassa Nuna Cherra DW 1.67 1.54 2.02 1.77 1.75 2.63 0.95 1.13 1.02 1.43
7 Durga Chowmuhani DW 4.40 5.54 3.82 3.77 4.33 5.05 4.93 5 4.61 0.78 4.48 3.38 3.60 2.98 2.74 3.06 3.14 3.02
8 Kamalpur DW 1.83 2.08 2.37 2.02 2.2 2.08 2.04 1.97 3.59 2.38 2.26 1.59 2.62 1.71 1.90 1.80 1.77 1.84 1.54 2 1.86
9 Manu Manu N DW 5.92 5.60 5.72 4.97 5.05 5.23 5.5 5.55 5.44 4.41 4.91 4.05 4.55 3.79 2.75 4.85 4.27 5.18 4.31

10 Manu Sindhu Kumar DW 3.90 3.07 4.5 2.80 3.93 3.38 3.82 3.63 2.58 2.58 2.65 2.98 2.06 1.3 2.53 2.38

11 Salema Abhanga N DW 4.70 4.65 5.03 4.54 4.51 4.1 3.15 2.12 5.43 4.25 2.01 2.19 1.95 3.03 1.80 2.64 1.85 2.12 2.66 2.25


12 Amarpur Bampur DW 4.04 3.84 4.14 1.54 1.56 4.06 3.94 4.16 4.14 3.49 3.39 3.30 2.67 3.64 3.50 2.67 2.65 2.27 3.29 3.25 3.06

13 Amarpur Jatanbari DW 6.00 5.53 5.63 2.65 1.62 5.94 6.02 4.77 4.33 4.77 3.47 3.88 4.30 3.33 3.35 3.92

14 Ampi Ompi Colony DW 7.38 7.10 7.24 7.12 5.60 6.20 6.31

15 Ampi Twidu DW 4.77 4.65 4.70 4.71 - 3.76 3.27 3.52

16 Kankraban Kankraban DW 10.30 9.48 10.41 9.76 9.69 10.3 10.25 10.4 10.33 10.10 9.48 9.39 9.03 9.18 9.59 9.33 8.75 8.33 9.52 9.48 9.21

17 Killa Dewanbari DW 3.90 2.84 3.57 3.32 3.41 3.26 3.48 2.49 3.02 1.07 2.66

18 Killa Joingkami DW 1.04 1.06 0.74 0.95 0.92 1.05 0.30 0.44 0.25 0.59

19 Killa Naobari-2 DW 1.70 1.90 2.07 2.19 1.97 1.66 1.36 1.25 1.30 2.06 1.53

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (97)

20 Matabari DW 4.14 4.44 4.64 3.31 3.27 3.89 3.84 4.6 4.54 4.44 4.11 3.49 2.70 2.44 3.18 2.69 2.17 2.16 1.92 3.54 3.46 2.78
21 Matabari Garjee Bazar DW 2.75 2.50 2.60 2.57 1.89 3.46 3.41 3.38 3.4 3.59 2.96 2.94 0.86 0.52 1.10 0.64 1.18 0.69 2.09 2.74 1.42


22 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DW 4.56 4.26 4.34 4.34 4.22 4.28 4.28 4.47 4.38 4.47 4.36 6.81 4.14 3.76 3.93 3.97 3.85 3.96 3.64 4.09 4.18 4.23

23 Kalyanpur Kathalbari DW 7.46 7.51 7.36 7.44 5.36 6.62 5.22 5.73

97 Kalyanpur Totabari EW TW 15.42 15.12 15.25 15.22 15.25 14.36 14.34 14.36 14.72 14.71 14.50

24 Khowai Khowai DW 2.03 2.08 2.06 1.88 1.91 1.99 2.02 2.17 2.08 1.96 2.02 1.98 1.94 1.78 1.93 1.88 1.68 1.37 1.38 2.16 1.69 1.78

25 Mungiakami 45miles DW 2.93 2.75 7.70 4.97 5.91 3.83 1.94 4.29 2.69 2.09 0.99 2.70 2.16 3.65 3.63 2.56

26 Mungiakami Tuimadhu DW 3.67 3.78 4.17 4.46 3.64 4.2 4.15 3.94 4.00 7.38 4.70 2.06 4.19 4.41 4.11 4.1 4.04 4.7 4.54 4.42

27 Teliamura Paschim Howaibari DW 3.60 3.98 3.99 3.90 3.06 2.74 4 5.76 4.35 3.93 2.09 2.51 1.80 3.10 2.57 1.76 2.42 1.8 3.06 2.87 2.40

98 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ew TW 3.37 2.88 2.99 3.11 2.99 3.07 2.97 3.25 2.61 2.95 2.78 2.91

99 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ow TW 2.98 3.37 2.75 2.85 2.99 3.15 3.21 2.73 3.05 2.86 3.00

North Tripura

28 Damcherra Khedacherra DW 1.61 1.75 1.63 1.81 1.70 1.75 1.03 1.11 1.44 1.33

29 Damcherra Narendra Nagar DW 3.46 4.24 3.96 3.81 3.87 3.24 3.33 3.14 3.27 3.25

30 Dasda Ananda Bazar DW 5.01 2.89 2.53 2.69 3.28 1.87 1.85 1.49 1.58 1.70

31 Dasda Dataram DW 3.22 3.36 3.67 3.72 3.49 2.46 1.35 1.09 2.55 1.86

32 Dasda Kanchanpur DW 1.80 2.22 2.47 1.72 3.3 4.6 1.66 2.06 2.48 1.33 0.76 0.82 1.22 1.23 0.9 1.61 1.46 2.01 1.26

33 Dasda Satnala DW 1.05 1.17 1.05 0.90 0.68 0.05 1.2 0.72 0.85 0.68 0.46 0.45 0.55 0.48 0.19 0.7 0.32 0.48
Kanchanpur Court
100 Dasda TW 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.05 4.5 5.17 4.88 4.92 4.42 4.42 3.55 4.44
34 Jampui Hill Sabual DW 3.34 dry 5.27 3.14 3.92 1.74 2.45 1.64 1.40 1.81

35 Kadamtala Bagbasa N DW 1.85 1.05 1.78 1.23 1.1 1.3 0.48 1.45 1.28 1.05 1.41 0.52 1.05 1.20 0.45 0.39 0.68 1.1 0.94 0.88

36 Kadamtala Churaibari DW 3.34 2.84 2.24 2.40 1.18 1.88 2.81 2.38 2.54 2.00 1.69 2.74 0.93 0.74 2.1 1.82

37 Kadamtala Dharmanagar DW 4.46 4.53 4.56 4.39 4.32 4.43 4.45 4.26 4.98 4.69 4.51 4.29 4.35 4.09 4.23 4.36 4.19 4.4 4.1 4.12 4.46 4.26

38 Kadamtala Lalchhara DW 2.05 2.48 3.33 1.76 1.56 2.08 2.37 2.23 0.68 0.84 0.98 2.08 1.69 0.95 1.20

39 Kadamtala Sanicherra DW 1.45 2.03 2.06 1.53 1.9 2.01 1.87 1.84 0.74 0.91 0.58 0.98 0.96 0.85 1.31 0.90

40 Laljuri Laljuri DW 6.93 7.03 6.89 6.68 6.9 7.05 7.06 7 6.94 6.51 6.29 6.00 6.53 6.83 5.24 4.87 6.15 6.18 6.07

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Naba Joypara (natun
41 Laljuri DW 4.42 3.87 4.68 4.64 4.72 4.76 4.64 4.53 2.58 3.21 2.22 2.60 3.43 2.54 3.03 2.80
42 Panisagar Deocherra DW 5.49 5.22 5.22 5.56 5.42 6.17 5.07 5.45 4.48 5.08 4.66 4.29 4.60 3.79 4.94 4.55

43 Panisagar Kunjanagar DW 3.79 3.73 3.50 3.48 3.37 3.53 3.48 3.55 2.46 2.99 2.96 3.12 3.53 3.07 3.13 3.04

44 Panisagar Panisagar DW 4.45 4.16 3.78 4.02 3.9 4.12 4.35 4.15 3.72 5.13 4.18 2.34 3.28 2.25 2.42 2.66 1.79 2.42 2.18 2.77 2.04 2.42

45 Yubrajnagar Krishnapur DW 6.55 2.95 3.33 2.57 2.09 2.35 2.23 3.15 2.31 2.71 1.59 1.02 1.96 1.25 1.81

46 Yubrajnagar Rajnagar New DW 5.12 3.38 3.66 4.05 3.66 4.19 2.53 2.70 3.27

Konaban (replaced
47 Bishalgarh DW 3.24 nm NM 3.24 0.54 1.94 0.54 1.34 1.09
48 Jampuijala Gongrai DW 3.60 3.27 3.89 3.73 2.74 5.45 3.33 3.63 3.55 3.69 2.83 1.73 2.50 2.32 1.14 2.02 2.83 2.75 2.71 2.31

49 Jampuijala Tufaniamura DW 4.67 4.38 4.68 4.68 4.23 6.31 4.22 4.57 4.62 4.71 3.63 3.54 3.08 3.98 3.98 2.32 2.69 3.33 3.95 3.93 3.44

50 Kanthalia Kathalia bazar DW 3.10 3.03 3.25 2.93 2.89 4.32 3.78 2.79 2.75 3.04 3.19 2.55 2.85 2.35 2.83 2.70 2.66 2.67 1.86 2.92 2.27 2.57

51 Nalchar Lalmaibari DW 2.45 2.73 2.86 4.50 3.14 3.31 4.04 3.31 3.84 3.28 3.56

52 Nalchar Rajib Nagar DW 1.39 1.39 - 0.78 0.67 0.73

53 Nalchar Shivnagar DW 4.77 5.09 4.57 2.82 4.31 2.18 2.30 1.95 2.22 1.80 2.09

South Tripura

54 Bagafa Manurmukh DW 0.75 0.80 0.77 0.50 0.17 1.05 1.31 1.2 1.15 1.21 0.89 0.98 0.31 0.24 0.55 1.17 0.82 0.85 1.07 0.88 0.76

55 Bagafa Michara DW 2.5 3.04 1.06 2.20 1.75 0.82 1.46 1.34

56 Poangbari Poangbari DW 5.84 5.18 5.34 4.68 1.61 4.53 1.33 3.34 3.13 3.68 1.39 1.33 2.37

57 Poangbari Purba Takka DW 6.13 4.76 4.89 2.84 4.66 4.08 3.87 3.83 3.88 2.65 2.68 3.50

58 Poangbari Srinagar DW 2.62 2.92 2.43 1.93 2.18 2.42 1.49 1.51 1.35 1.39 1.99 2.01 1.62

59 Rajnagar Barkashari DW 8.59 8.57 8.56 8.57 6.89 7.55 6.63 7.02

60 Rajnagar Gaurnagar Bazar DW 3.63 3.9 3.70 3.74 2.84 2.96 2.5 2.77

61 Rajnagar Radhanagar DW 3.32 3.47 3.76 3.58 3.15 2.94 3.57 4.04 4.02 3.54 2.70 2.05 3.67 2.61 2.62 2.64 2.63 3.18 2.76

62 Rajnagar Rajnagar DW 4.19 4.25 4.55 4.58 3.41 3.38 4.33 4.75 4.75 5.04 4.32 3.19 3.25 3.02 3.25 3.18 3.24 3.22 4.22 3.96 3.51 3.40

63 Rajnagar Rangamura DW 3.70 3.75 5.9 5.46 4.37 4.64 1.94 1.16 2.30 1.80

64 Rupaichhari Baishnabpur DW 8 6.7 7.4 6 5.25 6.67 3.81 4.34 4.35 5.35 4.95 2.11 4.15

65 Rupaichhari Chatakchari DW dry Dry 6.02 6.02 3.32 5.06 5 5.6 N.M. 4.75

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66 Rupaichhari Magroom DW 4.2 3.75 3.6 2.34 2.32 3.24 3.62 2.31 1.65 2.17 2.84 2.1 2.45

67 Satchand Bijaynagar DW 3.28 3.28 3.4 2.96 2.93 3.17 1.84 1.38 2.03 1.45 1.42 1.62

68 Satchand Kalachhara DW 5.82 5.73 5.55 5.77 5.72 NA 4.73 4.77 4.78 3.94 5.14 4.98 4.72

69 Satchand Kalirbazar DW 2.02 2.03 1.88 2.62 2.61 2.23 2.1 2.36 1.58 2.15 1.96 2 2.03

70 Satchand Manu Bazar DW dry 4.44 4.58 3.96 4.43 4.39 4.42 4.34 4.37 3.63 - 3.28 3.74 3.32 3.16 3.18 3.23 3.74 3.5 3.42

71 Satchand Motu Mogpara DW 3.27 3.3 3.05 3.25 3.22 3.28 3.06 3.1 3.2 2.96 2.94 3.09

72 Satchand Sabroom DW 5.99 5.87 5.97 6.17 5.8 5.95 5.82 6.33 6.17 6.21 6.03 2.46 4.03 4.92 5.25 4.73 4.67 4.97 4.12 5.61 5.42 4.62

73 Satchand Shashi-Chandrapur DW 2.69 2.68 4.06 3.09 3.13 3.97 2.79 3.04 2.97 3.19
Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
101 Satchand PaschimJalefa EW TW -
flow flow flow flow flow
Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
102 Satchand PaschimJalefa OW TW
flow flow flow flow flow flow
103 Satchand Rajib Nagar Ew TW 8.17 8.10 8.28 9.22 8.86 8.53 7.74 7.38 7.46 7.60 7.47 7.53

104 Satchand Tuichama Ew TW 15.22 15.72 15.60 15.15 15.01 15.34 12.27 14.08 14.52 12.42 13.85 13.43

105 Satchand Tuichama OW TW 13.13 13.01 12.33 12.7 12.79 14.84 12.22 11.67 12.23 11.53 12.50

74 Silachhari Ananda Bandhu Para DW 5.58 5.37 5.58 4.03 4.06 4.92 4.22 0.77 5 3.93 3.87 3.85 3.61

75 Silachhari Ghorakhappa DW 4.65 4.7 4.27 3.87 3.85 4.27 3.15 3.51 2.78 3.45 2.91 2.93 3.12


76 Chandipur Panchamnagar DW 6.95 6.30 6.02 6.55 6.37 0.85 5.85 7.17 5.76 4.25 4.84 4.05 4.34 4.65 3.81 4.15 4.30

77 Gaurnagar Gauranagar N DW 5.56 5.63 5.73 5.51 5.36 5.05 5.09 6.1 5.56 5.98 5.56 3.21 2.77 1.87 2.53 2.50 1.29 2.26 1.96 2.62 3.93 2.49

78 Gaurnagar Jarutali DW 2.43 1.97 2.05 1.99 1.97 2.21 2.10 1.35 1.97 1.55 1.55 1.66 1.26 1.45 1.54

79 Kumarghat Chandramanikami DW 4.4 4.27 4.48 4.25 4.5 4.22 4.25 6.24 4.58 3.36 3.52 2.76 3.2 2.86 2.05 2.91 2.45 2.89

80 Kumarghat Demdum DW 4.10 3.58 3.34 3.41 3.61 2.48 2.64 2.30 2.43 2.18 2.41

81 Kumarghat Kanchanbari DW 2.51 2.67 2.47 2.44 2.52 2.17 2.23 2.00 2.13

82 Kumarghat Kanchanchhera DW 6.30 6.10 5.99 6.15 5.85 5.5 5.38 5.83 7.76 6.10 3.84 4.51 4.68 4.05 3.56 2.19 4.13 2.98 6.08 4.00

83 Kumarghat Kumarghat DW 7.12 7.30 5.22 1.63 5.26 5.36 5.4 5.75 5.38 5.63 5.41 6.71 6.16 5.64 3.68 3.88 2.53 3.82 3.62 4.01 4.48 4.45

84 Pecharthal Karaicherra DW 4.85 3.55 5.15 5.69 4.09 4.78 2.38 8.69 4.90 4.49 3.41 4.15 4.38 4.28 5.67 1.78 1.35 1.61 3.46

85 Pecharthal Pecharthal DW 7.55 7.48 6.69 6.26 6.24 6.17 7.18 7.13 6.7 6.58 6.80 4.42 6.58 6.12 4.82 2.50 2.08 4.5 3.24 3.84 3.82 4.19

West Tripura

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86 Agartala M.C. Chandmari DW 4.29 5.89 5.09 3.39 4.90 4.15

106 Agartala M.C. Badharghat DTW TW 4.54 4.27 4.57 4.41 4.95 5.22 4.09 4.92 4.62 3.37 - 2.43 3.26 3.44 2.1 3.55 3.44 3.08

87 Belbari Khumulwng DW 6.98 6.96 7.09 7.11 7.04 5.39 6.57 6.01 6.64 6.15

88 Dukli A D Nagar DW 6.34 6.94 6.64 3.99 3.88 3.61 3.83

89 Dukli Madhuban DW 3.40 4.64 4.02 2.62 2.48 3.66 2.92

90 Heza-mara Pukua bari DW dry 3.88 3.88 1.97 4.18 2.12 2.76

91 Jirania R.K Nagar DW 2.79 2.43 2.61 1.87 0.81 2.27 1.65

92 Jirania Sadhupara DW 1.93 1.93 0.55 0.81 0.68

107 Jirania Nagicherra1 TW 28.35 27.32 28.09 27.25 29.78 29.45 27.75 29.68 28.46 26.38 27.21 25.91 26.89 25.94 25.6 25.9 24.73 28.45 26.33

108 Jirania Nagicherra2 TW 22.75 23.49 22.55 28.63 25.55 21.95 25.78 24.39 - - 21.80 22.37 20.61 24.56 24.75 28.56 25.47 24.02
Gamcha kobra
93 Lefunga DW 3.52 3.17 3.35 2.77 3.01 2.68 2.82
94 Mohanpur Ishanpur DW 3.02 3.50 3.24 3.04 3.36 3.91 3.85 4.14 3.96 3.56 1.30 2.76 2.35 2.11 0.95 2.38 1.25 0.82 1.74

95 Mohanpur Simna DW 5.81 5.43 5.71 5.17 4.81 5.95 5.42 6.15 6.19 5.49 5.61 4.70 4.61 4.67 4.71 4.68 4.82 4.71 4.58 5.61 5.28 4.84

96 Mohanpur Tarapur DW 2.64 2.77 2.99 2.70 2.78 1.99 1.82 1.66 2.01 1.87

109 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Dtw TW 21.30 20.74 21.08 20.61 19.9 20.87 21.46 21.85 21.91 21.08 19.25 20.17 19.25 19.83 15.48 18.23 16.84 20.42 20.55 18.89

110 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Stw TW 18.90 18.41 17.56 16.6 18.33 19.45 21 19.97 18.78 13.35 17.61 16.15 16.79 18.77 15.93 18.04 18.65 16.91

111 Mohanpur Narsinghgarh DTW TW 10.60 10.40 10.72 10.27 9.88 6 10.81 8.55 11.07 10.79 9.91 8.20 8.21 8.30 8.68 9.12 3.16 8.35 8.82 8.9 7.97

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (101)

ANNEXURE– V (Long Term Trend in WL)

Type Pre monsoon Post Monsoon
Sl.N of Data Rise Fall Data Rise Fall
o Block Location well no. (m/yr) (m/yr) Intercept no. (m/yr) (m/yr) Intercept
1 Mungia- 45 Miles DUG 4 1.12 -4.22 3 0.74 8.29
2 kami Tuimadhu DUG 5 0.03 3.90 6 0.07 4.69
3 Khowai Khowai DUG 10 0.01 2.02 8 0.02 1.80
4 Pachim Howaibari DUG 6 0.33 6.12 6 0.14 3.16
5 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DUG 10 0.07 4.82 8 0.04 4.17
6 Mohanpur Mohanpur DUG 6 0.38 4.06 6 0.1 1.1
7 Narsinghgarh DTW PZ 10 0.20 10.81 7 0.22 8.8
8 Simna DUG 10 0.01 5.52 8 0.01 4.9
9 Bodhjung-nagar DTW PZ 9 0.01 20.84 8 0.24 18.8
10 Bodhjung-nagar STW PZ 8 0.26 20.07 5 0.37 20.0
11 Ishanpur DUG 6 0.20 4.99 4 0.1 0.4
12 Nagicherra EW - I PZ 8 0.30 26.64 7 0.4 23.7
13 Nagicherra EW - II PZ 8 0.07 25.18 7 0.70 28.2
14 Heza-mara Subalsingh DUG 6 0.14 8.83 6 0.1 5.7
15 Badharghat DTW PZ 8 0.06 4.32 6 0.02 3.2
16 Gaurnagar Gaurnagar DUG 10.00 0.15 6.45 8 0.14 3.08
17 Jarultali DUG 3.00 0.11 2.94 3 0.11 0.72
18 Pecharthal Pecharthal DUG 10.00 0.07 5.90 8 0.22 4.50
19 Karaicherra DUG 5.00 0.43 8.13 5.00 0.97 -2.86
20 Kumarghat Kanchan-cherra DUG 6.00 0.23 7.54 5.00 0.43 6.17
21 Chandra- moni Kami DUG 5.00 0.37 7.30 4.00 0.04 2.33
22 Kumarghat DUG 10.00 0.18 5.80 8.00 0.11 4.27
23 Chandipur Pancham-nagar DUG 5.00 0.07 5.86 3.00 0.25 2.45
24 Sabroom Manubazar DUG 5.00 0.08 4.76 6.00 0.08 3.78
25 Sabroom Dug 10.00 0.03 6.25 8.00 0.09 5.41
26 Bagafa (Santir Bazar) DUG 4.00 0.00 4.35 3.00 0.87 6.52
27 Gardhang DUG 6.00 0.05 1.23 5.00 0.05 0.66
28 Manur Mukh DUG 9.00 0.10 1.52 7.00 0.01 0.93
29 Rajnagar Radhanagar DUG 6.00 0.16 4.57 5.00 0.12 3.43
30 Rajnagar DUG 7.00 0.19 5.48 6.00 0.14 4.31
31 Boxnagar Dakshin Kalamcherra DUG 10.00 0.11 1.52 7.00 0.04 1.18
32 Bishalgarh Bishalgarh DUG 7.00 0.48 1.65 6.00 0.11 3.04
33 Golaghati DUG 4.00 0.27 0.35 3.00 0.19 0.08
34 Jampui-jala Tufaniamura DUG 6.00 0.04 4.52 6.00 0.15 4.20
35 Gongrai DUG 6.00 0.01 3.67 6.00 0.22 3.49
36 Kanthalia Kanthalia Bazar DUG 9.00 0.09 2.80 8.00 0.02 2.65
37 Kadamtala Baghbasa DUG 8.00 0.11 1.84 8.00 0.06 1.15
38 Dharmanagar DUG 10.00 0.06 4.83 8.00 0.02 4.41
39 Lalchhara DUG 4.00 0.24 3.71 2.00 0.74 -4.23
40 Sanicherra DUG 4.00 0.11 2.68 3.00 0.18 2.27
41 Panisagar Deocherra DUG 4.00 0.07 5.02 3.00 0.17 5.63
42 Panisagar DUG 10.00 0.03 4.25 8.00 0.06 2.68
43 Kunjanagar DUG 4.00 0.02 3.59 3.00 0.20 1.84
44 Dasda Satnala DUG 5.00 0.02 0.82 4.00 0.00 1.15
45 Kanchanpur DUG 5.00 0.10 2.00 5.00 0.21 2.71
46 Yubaraj- Krishnapur DUG 4.00 0.08 1.74 2.00 0.71 -3.72
47 nagar Rajnagar DUG 6.00 0.06 4.89 6.00 0.40 5.45
48 Laljuri Laljuri DUG 5.00 0.08 7.50 5.00 0.04 5.62
49 Naba Joypara (Natun Basti) DUG 4.00 0.00 4.72 3.00 0.20 1.60
50 Amarpur Amarpur DUG 6.00 0.09 2.54 5.00 0.03 1.29
51 Bampur DUG 6.00 0.59 7.07 6.00 0.01 2.97
52 Jatanbari DUG 4.00 1.44 14.88 3.00 0.48 0.34
53 Matabari Dhawajnagar DUG 10.00 0.15 4.78 8.00 0.12 3.24
54 Gorjee Bazar DUG 10.00 0.14 3.88 7.00 0.15 2.06
55 Killa Noabari DUG 4.00 0.40 4.89 4.00 0.29 3.93
56 Kankra-ban Kankraban DUG 6.00 0.14 11.04 6.00 0.01 9.10
57 Salema Abhanga New DUG 9.00 0.12 4.89 8.00 0.13 2.69
58 Ambasa DUG 5.00 0.24 2.76 6.00 0.60 -1.62
59 Durga Darlang Basti DUG 5.00 0.05 2.95 4.00 0.02 1.78
60 Chowmuhan Durga Chowmuhani DUG 5.00 0.31 6.76 4.00 0.08 3.50
61 i Kamalpur DUG 10.00 0.15 3.22 7.00 0.02 1.92

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62 Manu Manu New DUG 8.00 0.04 5.47 7.00 0.18 5.07
63 Sindhu Kumar DUG 4.00 0.25 5.37 3.00 0.24 2.69

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Date of Collection of Sample

TA (as CaCO3) (mg/L)

TH (as CaCO3) (mg/L)

Turbidity (NTU)
EC (µs/cm) 25C

HCO3-1 (mg/L)

NO3-1 (mg/L)
CO3-2 (mg/L)

SO4-2 (mg/L)

Mg+2 (mg/L)
Ca+2 (mg/L)
TDS (mg/L)

Cl- (mg/L)

Na (mg/L)

Fe (mg/L)
F- (mg/L)

K (mg/L)
Lab code


Ur (ppb)



1 N213 Dhalai Ambassa Ambassa 91.84694 23.92397 26.02.2022 28.00 7.44 210.8 0 139.128 0 97.67808 97.67808 7.09 15.8605 0.993 0.25 18.0144 7.272816 75 14.45 6.05 0.252 0.1696
2 N214 Dhalai Ambassa Lalchari 91.85444 23.93416 26.02.2022 27.00 6.59 74.9 0.21 49.434 0 30.5244 30.5244 7.09 3.2109 6.7867 0.12 8.0064 2.423301 30 6.63 6.91 0.234 BDL
3 N248 Dhalai Chawmanu Chawmanu 91.99889 23.86222 8.03.2022 25.30 7.876 426.8 0 281.688 0 201.461 201.461 31.905 10.6914 3.6329 0.36 28.0224 8.481553 105 45 6.54 BDL
4 N251 Dhalai Dumburnagar Durga Cherra 91.82583 23.60889 09.03.2022 26.00 7.182 232.5 0.16 153.45 0 128.2025 128.2025 14.18 8.5509 1.2574 0.42 26.0208 10.90971 110 11.2 2.44 BDL
5 N218 Dhalai Durga Chomuhani Durga Chowmuhani 91.86028 24.12167 26.02.2022 24.30 6.73 309.5 0 204.27 0 61.0488 61.0488 35.45 22.5239 22.0646 0.09 14.0112 7.274757 65 36.9 10.6 0.16 BDL
6 N216 Dhalai Durga Chomuhani Kamalpur 91.815 24.16964 26.02.2022 32.00 6.96 194.1 0 128.106 0 54.94392 54.94392 14.18 21.1683 4.1568 0.13 12.0096 8.48932 65 13.28 4.41 1.553 0.0797
7 N217 Dhalai Durga Chowmuhani Kali Kumar Para 91.86 24.10889 26.02.2022 22.40 6.59 109.7 0 72.402 0 18.31464 18.31464 10.635 41.5862 18.2505 0.1 24.0192 3.629126 75 9.86 5.15 0.271 0.0264
8 N250 Dhalai Ganganagar Nuna Cherra 91.85528 23.78722 9.03.2022 20.50 6.867 133.3 0.03 87.978 0 61.0488 61.0488 10.635 9.0137 5.3187 0.26 18.0144 2.418447 55 6.87 2.48 0.2561
9 N247 Dhalai Manu Manu New 91.99194 24.0025 8.03.2022 26.20 7.675 369.8 0.02 244.068 0 225.8806 225.8806 28.36 11.0038 13.2867 0.3 34.0272 20.61456 170 32.51 4.32 BDL
10 N249 Dhalai Manu Sindhu Kumar 91.96056 23.9525 8.03.2022 24.90 7.004 250.3 0.03 165.198 0 146.5171 146.5171 10.635 13.0105 4.5616 0.33 20.016 8.485437 85 21.3 6.97 0.1235
11 N215 Dhalai Salema Abhanga New 91.83083 24.05414 26.02.2022 27.00 7.04 232.9 0 153.714 0 109.8878 109.8878 10.635 5.5484 2.0004 0.14 22.0176 6.057282 80 21.29 5.74 1.652 BDL
12 N269 Gomti Amarpur Jatanbari 91.75833 23.42 16.03.22 26.00 6.32 189.3 0.08 124.938 0 30.5244 30.5244 17.725 16.0882 17.8555 0.11 8.0064 1.209709 25 10.26 16.73 BDL
13 N267 Gomti Kankra-ban Kankraban 91.40194 23.4875 15.03.2022 27.30 6.924 192.5 0.24 127.05 0 91.5732 91.5732 14.18 11.8078 5.242 0.43 26.0208 9.696117 105 8.78 6.81 BDL
14 N266 Gomti Killa Dewanbari 91.53528 23.55778 15.03.2022 27.30 6.905 204.8 0.26 135.168 0 79.36344 79.36344 10.635 15.2181 7.1557 0.3 20.016 8.485437 85 12.75 2.76 0.0124
15 N265 Gomti Killa Joingkami 91.525 23.60117 15.03.2022 25.90 6.988 438.6 0.03 289.476 0 115.9927 115.9927 31.905 23.4691 16.7994 0.29 18.0144 10.91359 90 30.71 3.1 0.0356
16 N264 Gomti Killa Noabari-2 91.51944 23.59111 15.03.2022 24.70 6.855 470.6 0.09 310.596 0 183.1464 183.1464 28.36 27.7367 10.1668 0.22 42.0336 16.9699 175 38.9 8.12 BDL
17 N273 Gomti Matabari Gorjee Bazar 91.50583 23.42667 17.03.2022 25.00 6.916 197.5 0.3 130.35 0 42.73416 42.73416 28.36 9.4991 25.1605 0.15 12.0096 7.275728 60 13.57 9.78 BDL
18 N268 Gomti Ompi Ompi colony 91.64222 23.67181 16.03.22 27.00 7.054 270.4 0.14 178.464 0 109.8878 109.8878 28.36 15.5433 15.8668 0.26 24.0192 18.19223 135 17.27 8.28 0.0112
19 N263 Gomti Tepania Dhawajnagar 91.465 23.55375 15.03.2022 24.10 6.296 86.03 0.08 56.7798 0 30.5244 30.5244 10.635 14.4533 9.506 0.12 8.0064 1.209709 25 17.16 3.936 BDL
20 N256 Khowai Kalyanpur Kathalbari 91.60694 23.97295 10.03.2022 25.70 6.999 223.1 0.09 147.246 0 103.783 103.783 21.27 11.7392 3.667 0.68 16.0128 12.12816 90 8.81 8.27 BDL
21 N257 Khowai Khowai Khowai 91.605 24.06389 10.03.2022 25.00 7.379 228.8 0.28 151.008 0 134.3074 134.3074 7.09 5.3951 0.7264 0.54 22.0176 12.12524 105 13.89 2.9 BDL
22 N212 Khowai Mungia-kami 45 Miles 91.76389 23.90119 26.02.2022 29.00 8.35 110.8 0 73.128 21 610.488 631.488 21.27 7.5927 0.986 0.44 36.0288 8.47767 125 125.96 68.6 0.588 0.0836
23 N255 Khowai Mungia-kami Tuimadhu 91.68639 23.835 10.03.2022 6.968 317.5 0.07 209.55 0 122.0976 122.0976 14.18 22.4891 9.1811 0.87 32.0256 12.12039 130 16.21 4.14 BDL
24 Khowai Telia-mura Pachim Howaibari 91.59194 23.81 10.03.2022 24.30
N254 7.001 401.2 0.02 264.792 0 67.15368 67.15368 38.995 17.4016 20.4252 0.24 12.0096 12.1301 80 28.75 10.37 0.0548
25 Yubaraj-nagar Baghbassa 92.22194 24.35183 28.02.2022 22.70
N235 Tripura 7.145 175.3 0.08 115.698 0 85.46832 85.46832 10.635 5.3917 3.1969 0.23 14.0112 6.061165 60 13.14 6.65 0.419 0.037
26 Yubaraj-nagar Dharmanagar 92.15972 24.37894 02.03.2022 22.50
N243 Tripura 7.358 209 0.11 137.94 0 73.25856 73.25856 14.18 21.9084 4.4758 0.34 16.0128 7.273786 70 12.61 8.38 0.234 0.1712
27 Yubaraj-nagar Krishnapur 92.15778 24.33944 28.02.2022 24.10
N229 Tripura 7.432 469.7 0.24 310.002 0 122.0976 122.0976 35.45 8.561 16.4595 0.2 36.0288 8.47767 125 25.34 9.65 3.17 0.3325
28 Damcherra Khedacherra 92.32261 24.09452 28.02.2022 24.60
N232 Tripura 7.575 418.6 0.09 276.276 0 268.6147 268.6147 10.635 5.776 0.6357 0.24 50.04 13.32524 180 42.17 6.56 0.892 0.1095
29 Damcherra Narendra Nagar 92.28517 24.24139 28.02.2022 23.50
N231 Tripura 7.426 180.8 0.15 119.328 0 103.783 103.783 7.09 3.6165 0.9206 0.25 12.0096 9.702913 70 18.01 5.2 0.682 0.0214
30 Dasda Ananda Bazar 92.21083 23.84806 03.03.2022 22.50
N244 Tripura 7.367 229.3 0.09 151.338 0 103.783 103.783 10.635 1.7087 11.7904 0.27 12.0096 2.421359 40 20.43 11.96 1.239 0.0753
31 Dasda Dataram 92.22806 23.76278 03.03.2022 21.00
N245 Tripura 7.745 322.1 0.17 212.586 0 164.8318 164.8318 10.635 4.4214 1.8807 0.55 26.0208 13.33689 120 28 6.32 0.105 0.2143

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32 Dasda Satnala 92.20583 23.97556 01.03.2022 23.20
N239 Tripura 7.562 509.5 0.13 336.27 0 170.9366 170.9366 28.36 8.0364 3.4061 0.24 36.0288 18.18641 165 23.75 12.15 0.626 0.0103
33 Kadam-tala Churaibari 92.24667 24.43778 01.03.2022 23.00
N241 Tripura 7.361 244.4 0.16 161.304 0 97.67808 97.67808 17.725 21.7223 8.1565 0.37 22.0176 6.057282 80 23.45 9.06 0.271 0.3477
34 Kadam-tala Lalchhara 92.19222 24.4325 1.03.2022 23.00
N242 Tripura 7.53 416.1 0.08 274.626 0 128.2025 128.2025 28.36 18.5432 7.7027 0.3 32.0256 7.266019 110 36.48 8.85 0.682 0.3985
35 Kalacherra Sanicherra 92.2325 24.38361 01.03.2022 23.80
N240 Tripura 7.526 567.2 0.06 374.352 0 134.3074 134.3074 42.54 32.1419 5.552 0.23 32.0256 14.54757 140 35.72 16.28 0.419 0.1084
36 Laljuri Kanchanpur 92.195 24.04556 01.03.2022 22.00
N238 Tripura 7.254 612.7 0.08 404.382 0 85.46832 85.46832 63.81 11.806 8.2228 0.18 18.0144 13.34078 100 35.96 11.02 0.664 0.0174
37 Laljuri Laljuri 92.19833 24.11194 01.03.2022 24.50
N237 Tripura 7.036 205 0.12 135.3 0 73.25856 73.25856 60.265 6.0894 34.9486 0.16 8.0064 3.636893 35 62.04 9.08 0.123 0.0444
North Naba Joypara
38 Laljuri 92.21639 24.175 01.03.2022 21.50
N236 Tripura (Natun Basti) 7.039 167.9 0.13 110.814 0 61.0488 61.0488 10.635 27.9243 7.8581 0.2 12.0096 2.421359 40 18.99 11.8 0.345 0.0068
39 Panisagar Deocherra 92.15972 24.31028 28.02.2022 24.20
N234 Tripura 6.578 236.6 0.09 156.156 0 30.5244 30.5244 21.27 1.7429 33.5655 0.29 6.0048 3.637864 30 25.03 9.87 0.16 0.0169
40 Panisagar Panisagar 92.15222 24.26422 28.02.2022 24.00
N233 Tripura 6.68 476.1 0.11 314.226 0 24.41952 24.41952 38.995 36.2027 42.892 0.45 10.008 9.703883 65 38.82 20.06 0.234 0.1165
41 Pani-sagar Kunjanagar 92.20556 24.24556 28.02.2022 24.70
N230 Tripura 7.254 102.9 0.18 67.914 0 54.94392 54.94392 10.635 1.2078 0.5055 0.21 8.0064 3.636893 35 13.95 2.77 0.363 0.0014
42 Yubraj-naga Rajnagar 92.11361 24.31847 27.02.2022 24.50
N219 Tripura 7.18 164.4 0 108.504 0 91.5732 91.5732 7.09 3.3317 1.7725 0.14 6.0048 12.13301 65 4.97 7.94 0.326 0.0629
43 N281 Sepahijala Bishalgarh Konaban SC Colony 91.18222 23.70981 19.03.2025 26.00 7.39 207.4 0.08 136.884 0 85.46832 85.46832 28.36 10.8153 2.7963 0.37 26.0208 4.841748 85 26.8 1.88 BDL
44 N262 Sepahijala Jampui-jala Gongrai 91.45389 23.65667 15.03.2022 28.50 6.629 58.43 0.11 38.5638 0 30.5244 30.5244 7.09 22.6618 1.0377 0.18 4.0032 8.493204 45 3.49 3.6 BDL
45 N282 Sepahijala Jampui-jala Tufaniamura 91.40694 23.69861 19.03.2022 24.00 7.708 237.1 0.11 156.486 0 140.4122 140.4122 17.725 16.9565 6.4056 0.35 4.0032 20.62913 95 27.35 18.16 0.0141
46 N280 Sepahijala Nalchar Shivnagar 91.2825 23.54944 18.03.2024 24.00 7.248 289.8 0.09 191.268 0 61.0488 61.0488 31.905 19.2723 0 0.66 4.0032 8.493204 45 23 19.38 BDL
47 Bagafa Michara 17.03.2022 26.40
N274 Tripura 91.50694 23.26444 7.762 393.8 0.24 259.908 0 262.5098 262.5098 35.45 23.4128 0.7993 0.65 24.0192 18.19223 135 83.22 4.5 0.0288
48 Poangbari Poangbari 91.56667 23.01667 17.03.2022
N275 Tripura 27.00 7.615 184.3 0.24 121.638 0 103.783 103.783 10.635 15.0099 13.0558 0.26 18.0144 10.91359 90 18.24 7.29 BDL
49 Poangbari Srinagar 91.555 23 17.03.2022 25.00
N276 Tripura 7.437 258 0.25 170.28 0 73.25856 73.25856 42.54 5.6873 0 0.2 16.0128 8.487379 75 20.94 8.26 BDL
50 Rajnagar Rajnagar 91.39167 23.23244 18.03.2023 28.00
N279 Tripura 7.331 76.12 0.06 50.2392 0 48.83904 48.83904 10.635 32.5462 11.4037 0.12 16.0128 8.487379 75 10.14 1.52 BDL
51 Rupaichhari Baishnabpur 91.75 23.03333 16.03.22 24.00
N271 Tripura 7.02 114.4 0.2 75.504 0 42.73416 42.73416 7.09 22.9651 4.8437 0.21 10.008 6.063107 50 11.75 3.61 BDL
52 Rupaichhari Magroom 16.03.22 27.00
N270 Tripura 91.77444 23.07306 6.989 124.3 0.1 82.038 0 61.0488 61.0488 17.725 3.9865 0 0.13 12.0096 3.634951 45 21.32 0.96 BDL
53 Satchand Kalirbazar 18.03.2022 24.00
N278 Tripura 91.59889 23.11333 7.618 115.9 0.1 76.494 0 85.46832 85.46832 10.635 8.2671 0.8379 0.32 12.0096 8.48932 65 12.15 4.03 BDL
54 Satchand Sabroom 91.72361 23.00622 17.03.2022
N272 Tripura 25.00 7.022 88.78 0.24 58.5948 0 48.83904 48.83904 14.18 4.3002 15.4031 0.16 10.008 7.276699 55 8.26 1.98 BDL
55 Satchand Shashi-Chandrapur 91.63333 22.96667 17.03.2022 26.00
N277 Tripura 7.516 166.6 0.25 109.956 0 103.783 103.783 10.635 11.7771 5.15 0.27 14.0112 9.701942 75 18.22 6.46 BDL
56 N221 Unakoti Chandipur Jarultali 91.98583 24.25417 27.02.2022 21.80 6.904 114.6 0.15 75.636 0 42.73416 42.73416 10.635 32.342 3.0596 0.11 6.0048 3.637864 30 18.57 5.99 0.178 BDL
57 N222 Unakoti Chandipur Pancham-nagar 91.98111 24.21825 27.02.2022 23.70 7.041 146.7 0.08 96.822 0 73.25856 73.25856 7.09 3.3271 12.1167 0.09 16.0128 6.060194 65 8.29 7.55 0.271 0.0407
58 N220 Unakoti Gaurnagar Gaurnagar 92.03333 24.28928 27.02.2022 24.70 6.82 321.8 0.16 212.388 0 48.83904 48.83904 31.905 26.9226 25.7048 0.09 14.0112 7.274757 65 24.24 18.57 0.141 0.0217
59 N223 Unakoti Kumarghat Chandra-moni Kami 92.19833 24.11194 27.02.2022 23.90 7.375 274.2 0.17 180.972 0 115.9927 115.9927 14.18 10.7469 5.175 0.16 24.0192 9.697087 100 13.54 14.22 0.739 0.1653
60 N224 Unakoti Kumarghat Dumdum 91.945197° 24.129543° 27.02.2022 22.40 7.14 109.3 0.13 72.138 0 54.94392 54.94392 7.09 24.0463 10.3819 0.16 8.0064 4.850485 40 14.28 6.52 0.873 BDL
61 N225 Unakoti Kumarghat Kanchanbari 91.97667 24.11361 27.02.2022 23.00 7.262 497.2 0.21 328.152 0 97.67808 97.67808 53.175 1.2257 3.3869 0.14 20.016 8.485437 85 33.2 7.52 0.178 BDL
62 N226 Unakoti Kumarghat Kanchan-cherra 92.0025 24.08553 27.02.2022 24.20 7.006 249.8 0.17 164.868 0 42.73416 42.73416 17.725 33.5663 35.0807 0.15 8.0064 2.423301 30 27.3 13.89 0.16 0.0053
63 N227 Unakoti Kumarghat Kumarghat New 92.04194 24.16525 27.02.2022 21.50 7.408 243.4 0.16 160.644 0 128.2025 128.2025 7.09 9.2178 5.4663 0.15 30.024 6.053398 100 12.35 11.03 0.382 BDL
64 N246 Unakoti Pecharthal Karaicherra 92.15139 24.14 08.03.2022 25.60 7.494 255.6 0.07 168.696 0 79.36344 79.36344 28.36 8.2684 4.4876 0.23 18.0144 7.272816 75 21.23 5.36 In process BDL
65 N228 Unakoti Pecharthal Pecharthal 92.09972 24.19883 27.02.2022 22.70 7.555 410.3 0.35 270.798 0 177.0415 177.0415 14.18 13.9544 9.2331 0.12 42.0336 15.75631 170 10.7 6.82 0.215 0.6479
66 Jirania Khumulwng 91.43333 23.81831 10.03.2022
N252 Tripura 26.40 7.013 89.99 0 59.3934 0 24.41952 24.41952 7.09 15.2481 1.1911 0.21 12.0096 2.421359 40 2.73 0.9 BDL
67 14.03.2022
N260 Tripura AMC Chandmari 26.8 6.234 269.7 0.22 178.002 0 67.15368 67.15368 21.27 13.5608 14.6983 0.21 16.0128 3.63301 55 31.89 6.01 BDL
68 Dukli Madhuban 91.28583 23.78861 14.03.2022
N261 Tripura 26.00 6.141 471.5 0.11 311.19 0 18.31464 18.31464 53.175 4.4195 40.8502 0.13 12.0096 3.634951 45 47.11 6 BDL
69 Jirania Sadhupara 91.50972 23.81028 10.03.2022
N253 Tripura 23.00 7.041 278.3 0.02 183.678 0 158.7269 158.7269 17.725 12.2078 1.8568 0.26 46.0368 1.191262 120 9.95 5.38 BDL

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70 Mohanpur Ishanpur 91.39917 24.04528 10.03.2022
N258 Tripura 23.00 6.749 413.1 0.15 272.646 0 85.46832 85.46832 60.265 12.8875 35.8266 0.25 28.0224 10.90874 115 31.43 14.13 BDL
71 Mohanpur Simna 91.39333 24.09222 10.03.2022
N259 Tripura 26.00 3.268 239.1 0.14 157.806 0 30.5244 30.5244 14.18 7.6063 42.2917 0 16.0128 2.419417 50 11.53 2.93 0.0061

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Type of sample (EW or


Date of collection

Turbidity (NTU)
EC (µs/cm) 25C

TH (as CaCO3)
TA (as CaCO3)
Lab code












1 C296 Abhanga Dhalai DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 27.1 7.3 195.5 0.1 108 0 75.1 75.1 24.8 13.8 0 0.2 20.0 4.8 70 15.2 2.7 0.0
2 C297 Ambassa Dhalai DUG NHNS 16.04.2018 27 7.7 181.6 0.2 99.4 0 75.1 75.1 28.4 15.9 0 0.2 20.0 6.1 75 10.1 13.7 0.0
3 C298 Durga Dhalai DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 25.1 8.1 285.5 0 155.8 0 125.1 125.1 85.1 22.7 0 0.4 20.0 4.8 70 50.8 33.8 0.1
4 C299 Darlang Dhalai DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 22.9 6.7 298.3 0.1 163.5 0 55.0 55.0 24.8 9.4 17.7 0.6 34.0 6.1 110 1.6 2.3 0.0
5 C300 Kamalpur Dhalai DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 25.5 6.7 165.3 0 92.3 0 45.0 45.0 35.5 15.7 0 0.7 26.0 7.3 95 7.0 2.3 0.0
6 C301 Manu New Dhalai DUG NHNS 17.04.2018 27.4 8.5 514.6 0.2 289.9 20 160.1 180.1 78.0 39.5 0.3 0.6 28.0 15.8 135 48.0 37.7 0.0
7 C302 Sindhu Dhalai DUG NHNS 17.04.2018 26.5 7.5 380.6 0 215.9 0 145.1 145.1 31.9 53.1 0 0.2 34.0 4.8 105 26.1 33.2 0.0
8 C303 Baghbassa North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 26.5 7.0 144 0 82.2 0 65.1 65.1 21.3 14.5 0 0.9 14.0 7.3 65 10.9 2.9
9 C304 Dharmana North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.8 7.0 136.2 0 77.51 0 50.0 50.0 28.4 23.7 0 1.1 14.0 1.2 40 13.1 23.8 0.0
gar Tripura
10 C305 Panisagar North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.5 6.1 396.6 0 221.8 0 20.0 20.0 99.3 14.8 7.5 0.2 10.0 7.3 55 35.6 26.9 0.0
11 C306 Rajnagar North DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 25.8 8.2 419 0 232.6 0 5.0 5.0 99.3 18.2 0 0.3 20.0 6.1 75 46.2 3.4 0.0
12 C307 Krishnapur North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.5 7.9 203.7 0.1 112.7 0 95.1 95.1 24.8 28.5 0 1.3 10.0 6.1 50 28.0 16.9 0.0
13 C308 Naba North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.2 7.9 148.5 0 83.4 0 75.1 75.1 24.8 12.0 0 0.4 8.0 3.6 35 24.5 13.6 0.0
Joypara Tripura
14 C309 Kunjanaga North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 25.3 7.7 97.31 0 54.3 0 60.0 60.0 17.7 6.0 0 1.4 10.0 2.4 35 8.3 18.7 0.0
r Tripura
15 C310 Lalchhara North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 24.3 7.8 343.2 0.2 190.6 0 50.0 50.0 78.0 15.8 0.3 0.3 22.0 3.6 70 34.9 12.0 0.0
16 C311 Churaibari North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.5 8.2 298.3 0 163.1 0 65.1 65.1 63.8 12.6 0 0.2 28.0 2.4 80 28.7 4.4 0.0
17 C312 Sanicherra North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.1 7.0 424.6 0 237.6 0 95.1 95.1 109.9 42.6 0 1.0 16.0 13.3 95 55.8 29.0 0.0
18 C313 Deocherra North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.2 7.7 160.7 0 88.8 0 80.1 80.1 31.9 8.9 0 1.1 10.0 3.6 40 26.0 12.2 0.0
19 C314 Laljuri North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 25.5 7.8 526.4 0 286.7 0 50.0 50.0 163.1 15.6 5.5 0.2 36.0 10.9 135 45.8 26.8 0.0
20 C315 Kanchanpu North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.5 7.0 711.7 0 385.2 0 65.1 65.1 262.3 27.8 0.0 1.4 26.0 15.8 130 46.8 37.5 1.0

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r Tripura
21 C316 Satnala North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.2 8.1 288.4 0 156.8 0 75.1 75.1 42.5 51.3 0.0 0.4 20.0 9.7 90 26.6 15.0 0.2
22 C317 Gaurnagar Unakoti DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 24.8 7.6 233.9 0 127.2 0 85.1 85.1 28.4 21.5 0.0 0.2 30.0 1.2 80 10.6 17.6 0.0
23 C318 Jarultali Unakoti DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 23.5 6.9 94.63 0 51.46 0 95.1 95.1 28.4 5.7 0.0 1.1 6.0 4.9 35 34.4 5.2 0.0
24 C319 Pancham- Unakoti DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 24.5 8.1 191.5 0 105.1 0 30.0 30.0 17.7 6.0 0.0 0.2 28.0 2.4 80 4.6 2.9 0.0
25 C320 Chandra- Unakoti DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 25.1 8.1 280.8 0 153.9 0 90.1 90.1 31.9 39.8 0.0 0.2 30.0 4.8 95 15.6 24.3 0.0
moni Kami
26 C321 Kumarghat Unakoti DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.2 7.0 92.9 0 51.19 0 40.0 40.0 95.7 9.7 0.0 0.6 24.0 6.1 85 28.3 13.4 0.0
27 C322 Kanchan- Unakoti DUG NHNS 17.04.2018 25.3 6.4 158.6 0 81.33 0 30.0 30.0 39.0 11.2 0.0 0.6 4.0 19.4 90 4.0 2.8 0.0
28 C323 Pecharthal Unakoti DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 26.2 7.9 315.1 0.1 171.6 0 105.1 105.1 31.9 58.6 0.0 0.3 38.0 6.0 120 27.5 2.6 0.1
29 C324 Karaicherr Unakoti DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 25.3 8.1 313.4 0.1 171 0 85.1 85.1 70.9 27.4 0 0.4 24.0 3.6 75 39.5 36.5 0.0
30 C325 Amarpur Gomti DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 27 8.2 327.4 0 179.2 0 95.1 95.1 56.7 37.7 0 0.3 28.0 7.3 100 31.0 17.5 0.2
31 C326 Ampi Gomti DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 26.7 7.5 194.5 0.2 103.9 0 70.1 70.1 17.7 24.1 0 0.4 16.0 3.6 55 9.0 18.8 0.1
32 C327 Bampur Gomti DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 26 8.0 340.4 0 182.5 0 95.1 95.1 60.3 45.3 0 0.5 24.0 1.2 65 47.9 18.4 0.2
33 C328 Dhawajnag Gomti DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 27.5 7.9 198.6 0.4 106.3 0 70.1 70.1 21.3 18.8 0 0.5 20.0 8.5 85 12.5 3.6 0.1
34 C329 Gorjee Gomti DUG NHNS 24.04.2018 27.2 8.0 464.2 0.1 249.7 0 70.1 70.1 124.1 36.0 3.3 0.5 28.0 7.3 100 48.9 37.7 0.2
35 C330 Kankraban Gomti DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 26.3 7.8 183.8 0.4 98.78 0 65.1 65.1 21.3 20.7 0.0 0.5 16.0 7.3 70 11.0 3.6 0.1
36 C331 Jatanbari Gomti DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 26.7 7.8 190.8 0.1 101.7 0 70.1 70.1 21.3 22.0 0.0 0.5 18.0 1.2 50 19.9 7.7 0.1
37 C332 Kenania Sipahi- DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 23 8.1 33.79 0 181.8 0 95.1 95.1 53.2 43.2 0.0 0.5 28.0 4.8 90 29.9 19.9 0.2
38 C333 Golaghati Sipahi- DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 24 8.1 339 0 182.3 0 95.1 95.1 56.7 41.2 0.0 0.6 20.0 8.5 85 35.5 16.7 0.2
39 C334 Tufaniamu Sipahi- DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 25 8.1 335.8 0.1 176.8 0 90.1 90.1 56.7 41.6 0.0 0.6 28.0 6.1 95 33.8 8.8 0.4
ra jala
40 C335 Gongrai Sipahi- DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 26.9 8.0 195.6 0.3 103 0 70.1 70.1 21.3 20.1 0.0 0.5 18.0 3.6 60 15.8 4.1 0.2
41 C336 Dakshin Sipahi- DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26 8.0 488.5 0 256.6 0 65.1 65.1 120.5 38.3 4.0 0.6 24.0 9.7 100 48.6 28.7 0.3
Kalamcher jala
42 C337 Sonamura Sipahi- DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.1 8.0 498.3 0.5 258.1 0 75.1 75.1 120.5 37.8 4.3 0.7 28.0 7.3 100 48.7 36.4 0.4
43 C338 Kanthalia Sipahi- DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.4 8.0 478.4 0.5 248.9 0 70.1 70.1 124.1 37.2 4.3 1.1 26.0 8.5 100 34.5 28.2 0.3
Bazar jala
44 C340 Pachim Khowai DUG NHNS 16.04.2018 26.1 7.2 537.6 0.4 283.3 0 50.0 50.0 212.7 24.0 4.6 0.9 16.0 37.6 195 48.1 32.0 0.0
45 C341 Tuimadhu Khowai DUG NHNS 16.04.2018 26.5 7.9 520.6 0.3 276.1 0 100.1 100.1 159.5 23.5 4.8 1.1 16.0 10.9 85 48.4 41.9 0.0
46 C342 45 Miles Khowai DUG NHNS 16.04.2018 27 8.9 954 0 509.5 90 310.3 400.3 156.0 36.8 0.0 1.3 14.0 9.7 75 11.8 3.3 0.0
47 C343 Mohanpur West DUG NHNS 23.04.20181 24 7.0 182.9 0 96.62 0 35.0 35.0 88.6 7.4 0.7 1.1 8.0 21.8 110 17.2 3.1 0.0
Tripura 8
48 C344 Ishanpur West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 24.6 7.2 259.8 0.5 136.6 0 70.1 70.1 53.2 13.5 0.0 0.6 8.0 3.6 35 24.5 37.0 0.0
49 C345 Simna West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 27.1 6.7 173.2 0 90.72 0 25.0 25.0 53.2 4.4 0.5 1.1 14.0 8.5 70 16.2 3.1 0.0
50 C346 Subalsingh West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 24.4 8.4 508.5 0.2 270.3 20 130.1 150.1 46.1 29.6 5.6 0.2 8.0 3.6 35 36.1 39.4 0.0
51 C347 Gardhang South DUG NHNS - 30 8.0 192.9 0 102.2 0 95.1 95.1 60.3 8.9 0.0 0.2 38.0 23.0 190 1.4 1.8
52 C348 Manur South DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 29 8.0 138.4 0 72.92 0 70.1 70.1 10.6 11.7 0.0 1.3 14.0 9.7 75 7.0 2.5 2.2
Mukh Tripura
53 C350 Radhanaga South DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.1 7.7 132.2 0.5 68.79 0 60.0 60.0 10.6 9.1 0.0 1.4 8.0 7.3 50 8.1 2.5 1.4
r Tripura
54 C351 Rangamura South DUG NHNS 26.04.2018 26.5 7.4 129.6 0 67.54 0 25.0 25.0 24.8 7.5 2.0 0.7 8.0 3.6 35 9.1 4.8 0.2
55 C352 Manubazar South DUG NHNS 28.04.2018 25.5 8.0 140.5 0.7 74.63 0 65.1 65.1 10.6 13.1 0.0 0.2 6.0 6.1 40 11.7 9.9 0.1

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (108)

56 C353 Sabroom South DUG NHNS 24.04.2018 25 7.7 96.39 0 51.3 0 50.0 50.0 24.8 2.0 0.0 1.2 8.0 1.2 25 4.8 2.8
57 C354 Paschim South DTW NHNS 27.04.2018 26.5 6.7 112.8 0 59.45 0 30.0 30.0 7.1 19.6 3.6 0.6 8.0 7.3 50 3.2 1.9 1.4
Jalefa EW Tripura
58 C356 KALIRBA South DUG Aquifer 27.04.2018 25 8.0 468.8 0.4 247.4 0 45.0 45.0 10.6 28.3 0.0 1.1 8.0 2.4 30 22.0 7.9 2.8
ZAR Tripura Mapping
59 C357 Baishnabp South DUG do 28.04.2018 24.5 7.7 133 0.8 70.22 0 45.0 45.0 17.7 13.1 0.0 1.2 6.0 6.1 40 9.0 9.8 0.1
ur Tripura
60 C358 Magroom South DUG do 28.04.2018 24.7 7.7 136.4 0 70.37 0 65.1 65.1 134.7 11.5 0.0 1.1 20.0 15.8 115 38.7 27.1 0.1
61 C359 Bijaynagar South DUG do 26.04.2018 29 8.1 429.3 0.2 224.5 0 75.1 75.1 14.2 14.2 0.0 1.0 8.0 3.6 35 24.8 7.9 0.2
62 C360 Motu South DUG do 28.04.2018 25.7 8.2 428.1 0.3 224 0 25.0 25.0 10.6 17.9 0.0 1.0 8.0 4.9 40 4.8 5.6 2.6
Mogpara Tripura
63 C361 Shashi- South DUG do 28.04.2018 25.9 7.5 135.1 0 70.58 0 25.0 25.0 131.2 9.9 2.3 0.7 20.0 14.6 110 27.9 18.4 2.6
Chandrapu Tripura
64 C362 Amli Ghat South DUG do 26.04.2018 26 7.4 145.2 0 76.51 0 40.0 40.0 131.2 10.5 2.6 0.8 24.0 14.6 120 28.0 23.5 0.2
65 C363 Srinagar South DUG do 26.04.2018 26.3 7.5 134.9 0.2 70.23 0 25.0 25.0 17.7 23.2 0.0 1.2 6.0 2.4 25 11.2 13.1 0.2
66 C364 Poangbari South DUG do 28.04.2018 25.9 7.4 208.5 0.2 105.5 0 45.0 45.0 31.9 63.7 0.3 0.2 6.0 3.6 30 28.7 34.2 0.2
67 C365 Purba South DUG do 28.04.2018 25.9 7.4 136.5 0 67.88 0 30.0 30.0 14.2 26.5 0.0 0.2 8.0 3.6 35 14.6 2.2 0.1
Takka Tripura
68 C366 Bankul South DUG do 27.04.2018 26.5 7.5 136.5 0.1 69.21 0 65.1 65.1 14.2 0.0 0.1 12.0 4.8 50 8.5 2.1 0.1
Mahamuni Tripura
69 C367 Chatakchar South DUG do 25.04.2018 26.5 8.1 475.1 0.6 240.1 0 65.1 65.1 17.7 24.3 0.0 0.4 8.0 2.4 30 25.4 8.9 0.1
i Tripura
70 C368 Ghorakhap South DUG do 25.04.2018 26.7 8.1 490.1 0.2 248 0 45.0 45.0 14.2 101. 0.0 0.5 6.0 3.6 30 24.6 7.1
pa Tripura 6
71 C369 Ananda South DUG do 25.04.2018 27 8.0 799.7 0 406 0 95.1 95.1 67.4 102. 0.0 0.7 30.0 12.1 125 43.4 28.8 0.1
Bandhu Tripura 0
72 C370 Shivnagar Sepahijal DUG do 18.04.2018 24.2 8.2 283.1 0 144.2 0 100.1 100.1 63.8 27.5 0.0 0.6 14.0 15.8 100 20.8 29.2 0.5
73 C371 Lalmaibari Sepahijal DUG do 18.04.2018 24.1 8.1 278.2 0 140.7 0 100.1 100.1 131.2 21.3 0.0 0.6 10.0 41.3 195 16.9 24.1 0.4
74 C372 Bagabassa Sepahijal DUG do 18.04.2018 24.3 8.1 280.3 0 140.9 0 95.1 95.1 24.8 22.4 0.0 0.5 16.0 10.9 85 16.8 2.0 0.3
75 C373 Noabari-2 Gomati DUG do 18.04.2018 27.5 7.9 289.1 0 145.9 0 25.0 25.0 21.3 35.8 0.0 0.5 16.0 7.3 70 6.8 2.2 1.2
76 C374 Joingkami Gomati DUG do 18.04.2018 27 7.6 139.4 0 69.69 0 40.0 40.0 21.3 14.4 0.0 0.1 16.0 8.5 75 3.2 1.5 1.0
77 C375 Dewanbari Gomati DUG do 18.04.2018 27 7.7 129.1 0.1 65.2 0 25.0 25.0 21.3 34.8 0.0 0.3 16.0 8.5 75 2.6 4.4 1.0
78 C376 Bagmabaz Gomati DUG do 18.04.2018 27 7.6 357 0.7 179.1 0 25.0 25.0 39.0 9.4 4.5 0.1 6.0 4.9 35 21.8 3.5 1.0
79 C377 A. D. West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 34.2 7.3 137.3 0.3 68.72 0 35.0 35.0 14.2 5.0 1.6 0.2 10.0 3.6 40 4.2 2.9 0.3
Nagar Tripura
80 C378 Radhakish West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 26.2 7.7 135 0.9 68.05 0 20.0 20.0 88.6 30.6 0.0 0.3 10.0 6.1 50 37.4 20.7 0.3
ore Nagar Tripura
81 C379 MADHUB West DUG NHNS 23.04.2018 25.3 7.5 340.7 0 170.8 0 40.0 40.0 42.5 9.4 5.0 0.1 8.0 3.6 35 32.2 3.6 0.0
AN Tripura

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (109)

(A): Assessment of Dynamic Ground Water Resources of the Tripura State (2021-2022)
Annual Net
Annual Current Annual Groundwater
Monsoon Non Monsoon GW Ground
Total Extracta Extraction Stage of
Total Allocatio Water
Annual ble Ground
Sl. Assessment Unit Natural n for for Availabil
Recharg Recharge Ground Ground Water
No Name (Block) Recharg Recharg Discharges Indu Domestic ity for
e from from Water Water Irrigatio Domes Extraction
e from e from (Ham) stria Total Use as future
Other Other Recharge Resource n tic (%)
Rainfall Rainfall l on 2025 use
Sources Sources (Ham)
(Ham) (Ham)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 AMBASA 2268.34 122.63 839.23 192.84 3423.04 171.15 3110.35 18.60 1.19 94.43 114.22 103.48 2987.08 3.67
2 CHAWMANU 1833.47 27.36 494.14 136.65 2491.62 249.16 1772.28 0.00 0.00 82.07 82.07 89.94 1682.34 4.63
3 DUMBURNAGAR 1715.75 49.15 303.99 138.30 2207.19 110.36 1791.05 3.15 0.00 90.45 93.60 99.12 1688.77 5.23
4 716.11 179.53 373.01 354.68 1623.33 162.33 1081.26 51.81 1.43 121.84 175.07 133.52 894.5 16.19
5 GANGANAGAR 482.76 0 112.09 28.36 623.21 31.16 482.02 0.00 0.00 79.19 79.19 86.78 395.25 16.43
6 MANU 2983.20 131.42 804.00 330.18 4248.80 424.88 2939.08 13.23 0.00 205.37 218.60 225.05 2700.8 7.44
7 RAISHYABARI 1161.00 4.93 195.33 34.26 1395.52 139.55 1226.87 3.78 0.00 54.48 58.26 59.7 1163.39 4.75
8 SALEMA 2291.63 126.24 830.00 274.17 3522.04 176.10 3232.81 34.65 0.00 195.84 230.49 214.61 2983.55 7.13
9 AMARPUR 4273.54 281.73 782.46 942.39 6280.12 314.00 5408.59 20.79 0.00 129.41 150.20 137.21 5250.59 2.78
10 KAKRABAN 781.66 189.48 32.82 747.13 1751.09 175.12 1558.00 7.20 0.00 172.24 179.44 182.63 1368.17 11.52
11 KARBOOK 2395.84 111.66 8.73 368.08 2884.31 288.43 2555.54 1.89 0.00 61.66 63.55 65.38 2488.27 2.49
12 KILLA 1935.07 92.26 524.00 415.41 2966.74 296.67 2247.45 63.12 0.00 93.59 156.71 99.23 2085.1 6.97
13 MATABARI 2120.42 182.14 574.19 760.57 3637.32 363.74 2567.48 10.80 1.06 233.51 245.37 247.58 2308.04 9.56
14 OMPI 1869.14 107.16 451.70 370.92 2798.92 279.89 2485.07 6.30 0.00 88.38 94.68 93.71 2385.06 3.81
15 SILACHHARI 540.83 9.2 130.70 63.21 743.94 74.39 652.89 1.26 0.00 42.08 43.34 44.62 607.01 6.64
16 TEPANIA 710.12 43.69 181.83 224.64 1160.28 116.03 958.52 5.40 0.00 61.31 66.71 65 888.12 6.96
17 KALYANPUR 1000.53 169.49 275.61 629.83 2075.46 207.54 1867.92 111.00 0.00 104.53 215.53 109.9 1647.02 11.54
18 KHOWAI 1404.20 196.61 473.51 797.05 2871.37 287.14 2372.76 57.60 0.00 145.87 203.47 153.35 2161.82 8.57
19 MUNGIAKAMI 1828.52 58.88 424.95 142.06 2454.41 122.72 2327.69 13.20 0.00 65.46 78.66 68.81 2245.68 3.38
20 PADMABIL 870.11 38.18 309.62 126.40 1344.31 67.21 1267.36 10.20 0.00 79.74 89.94 83.84 1173.31 7.10
21 TELIAMURA 678.59 144.84 233.66 474.58 1531.67 153.16 1342.10 103.20 2.38 153.21 258.78 161.07 1075.46 19.28

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (110)

Annual Net
Annual Current Annual Groundwater
Monsoon Non Monsoon GW Ground
Total Extracta Extraction Stage of
Total Allocatio Water
Annual ble Ground
Sl. Assessment Unit Natural n for for Availabil
Recharg Recharge Ground Ground Water
No Name (Block) Recharg Recharg Discharges Indu Domestic ity for
e from from Water Water Irrigatio Domes Extraction
e from e from (Ham) stria Total Use as future
Other Other Recharge Resource n tic (%)
Rainfall Rainfall l on 2025 use
Sources Sources (Ham)
(Ham) (Ham)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
22 TULASIKHAR 1427.86 70.78 401.24 178.43 2078.31 207.83 1841.26 11.40 0.00 97.53 108.93 102.54 1727.32 5.92
23 DAMCHHERA 199.21 20.01 49.28 100.54 369.04 36.90 307.32 3.00 0.00 64.20 67.20 68.94 235.38 21.87
24 DASDA 1175.35 82.66 363.46 187.88 1809.35 180.93 827.77 1.80 0.00 128.45 130.25 137.92 688.04 15.74
25 JAMPUI HILL 629.41 0 155.71 0.00 785.12 78.51 640.24 0.00 0.00 27.99 27.99 30.06 610.18 4.37
26 JUBARAJNAGAR 1268.48 117.72 448.13 274.12 2108.45 210.85 1608.78 0.00 1.46 158.10 159.56 169.76 1437.57 9.92
27 KADAMTALA 1376.76 100.49 486.39 167.25 2130.89 213.08 1363.04 21.60 0.00 216.69 238.29 232.66 1108.78 17.48
28 KALACHERRA 886.41 53.95 391.44 43.79 1375.59 137.56 826.17 2.40 0.36 167.62 170.38 179.97 643.44 20.62
29 LALJURI 807.45 17.41 249.69 174.88 1249.43 124.95 929.77 0.00 0.00 109.36 109.36 117.42 812.35 11.76
30 PANISAGAR 589.20 155.12 260.19 335.11 1339.62 133.96 1122.74 3.60 0.00 104.68 108.28 112.39 1006.75 9.64
31 BISHALGARH 1482.04 228.26 494.52 1122.69 3327.51 332.75 2701.46 241.20 0.48 178.64 420.31 187.8 2271.98 15.56
32 BOXANAGAR 1399.90 55.41 379.13 236.22 2070.66 207.07 1468.23 66.60 0.00 116.04 182.64 122 1279.63 12.44
33 CHARILAM 1238.23 74.84 413.16 420.07 2146.30 214.63 1653.03 66.60 1.04 194.46 262.10 204.45 1380.93 15.86
34 JAMPUIJALA 2760.42 96.84 921.08 367.26 4145.60 414.56 3108.03 27.00 0.59 102.52 130.11 107.78 2972.65 4.19
35 KANTHALIA 1498.45 132.25 405.82 661.15 2697.67 269.77 2330.30 297.60 0.00 140.24 437.84 147.43 1885.28 18.79
36 MOHANBHOG 775.57 146.29 210.04 619.65 1751.55 175.16 1565.29 1.20 0.00 106.98 108.18 112.47 1451.62 6.91
37 NALCHAR 935.17 134.51 253.27 625.90 1948.85 194.89 1537.24 3.60 0.00 165.63 169.23 174.13 1359.51 11.01
38 BAGAFA 2260.86 138.05 647.11 746.77 3792.79 379.28 2567.03 22.20 0.00 169.39 191.59 179.6 2365.23 7.46
39 1014.12 82.96 290.26 470.22 1857.56 185.76 1167.99 15.75 0.95 75.37 92.07 79.91 1071.39 7.88
40 HRISHYAMUKH 1754.74 129.89 326.51 697.71 2908.85 290.88 2089.89 18.45 0.00 120.64 139.09 127.91 1943.53 6.66
41 JOLAIBARI 1505.65 197.28 430.95 853.71 2987.59 298.76 2493.15 27.00 0.00 117.60 144.60 124.69 2341.47 5.80
42 POANGBARI 712.09 0.27 125.85 42.86 881.07 88.11 688.17 3.00 0.00 60.96 63.96 64.63 620.54 9.29
43 RAJNAGAR 2705.55 33.8 439.94 289.56 3468.85 173.45 3115.13 105.00 0.00 140.14 245.14 148.59 2861.53 7.87
44 RUPAICHARI 1395.80 66.71 246.68 295.46 2004.65 200.46 1680.12 4.80 0.00 109.68 114.48 116.29 1559.04 6.81
45 SATCHAND 2853.20 211.05 504.25 827.36 4395.86 439.59 3781.34 3.75 0.89 138.87 143.51 147.24 3629.46 3.80

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (111)

Annual Net
Annual Current Annual Groundwater
Monsoon Non Monsoon GW Ground
Total Extracta Extraction Stage of
Total Allocatio Water
Annual ble Ground
Sl. Assessment Unit Natural n for for Availabil
Recharg Recharge Ground Ground Water
No Name (Block) Recharg Recharg Discharges Indu Domestic ity for
e from from Water Water Irrigatio Domes Extraction
e from e from (Ham) stria Total Use as future
Other Other Recharge Resource n tic (%)
Rainfall Rainfall l on 2025 use
Sources Sources (Ham)
(Ham) (Ham)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
46 CHANDIPUR 943.30 112.46 349.36 303.63 1708.75 170.88 1305.54 0.00 0.00 151.14 151.14 162.28 1143.26 11.58
47 GOURNAGAR 1507.49 92.5 372.21 340.34 2312.54 231.25 1940.89 4.80 0.08 157.30 162.18 168.9 1767.1 8.36
48 KUMARGHAT 2009.30 234.99 744.17 609.13 3597.59 359.76 3097.38 0.00 0.00 240.58 240.58 258.31 2839.06 7.77
49 PENCHARTHAL 959.35 91.8 355.31 292.51 1698.97 169.90 1513.72 0.00 1.37 102.47 103.84 110.02 1402.34 6.86
50 AMC 1312.89 49.38 288.98 263.54 1914.79 191.48 1723.31 0.00 0.24 960.02 960.26 1017.9 705.17 55.72
51 BAMUTIA 625.95 36.94 206.67 140.78 1010.34 101.03 806.61 20.40 0.24 107.62 128.26 114.11 671.86 15.90
52 BELBARI 729.16 100.08 207.12 380.51 1416.87 141.68 1099.36 3.00 1.19 175.78 179.97 186.38 908.79 16.37
53 DUKLI 1138.18 134.95 375.79 541.55 2190.47 219.04 1902.84 240.00 16.05 216.15 472.20 229.18 1417.62 24.82
54 HEZAMARA 1347.89 71.77 410.47 224.55 2054.68 102.73 1916.75 2.40 0.00 81.50 83.90 86.41 1827.94 4.38
55 JIRANIA 493.45 76.97 140.17 501.01 1211.60 121.16 1000.95 103.20 0.72 85.50 189.42 90.65 806.38 18.92
56 LEFUNGA 403.42 42.07 133.20 202.07 780.76 78.08 684.15 0.00 12.15 107.62 119.77 114.11 557.89 17.51
57 MANDWI 1247.41 125.18 354.33 412.50 2139.42 213.94 1760.46 0.00 21.96 102.18 124.14 108.35 1630.15 7.05
58 MOHANPUR 1245.50 131.65 411.22 545.26 2333.63 233.37 1927.39 166.80 0.62 159.09 326.51 168.68 1591.28 16.94
59 OLD AGARTALA 688.33 69.68 195.52 361.18 1314.71 131.47 1016.78 88.20 2.30 119.97 210.47 127.21 799.07 20.70
Total 81164.37 5983.55 21794.19 22408.86 131350.97 11866.19 106356.71 2113.53 68.73 8133.36 10315.62 8663.60 95510.84 9.70

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (112)

(B): Comparison of Ground Water Resources (2019-2020) and (2021-2022)
Total Annual Ground Water Recharge Annual Extractable Ground Water Total Current Annual Ground Water
Block / Assessment Stage of Ground Water Extraction (%)
S.No (ham) Resource (ham) Extraction (ham)
2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff
1 AMBASA 3576.76 3423.04 -153.72 3217.55 3110.35 -107.20 98.53 114.22 15.69 3.06 3.67 0.61
2 CHAWMANU 3272.09 2491.62 -780.47 1932.46 1772.28 -160.18 79.16 82.07 2.91 4.1 4.63 0.53
3 DUMBURNAGAR 2852.16 2207.19 -644.97 1653.66 1791.05 137.39 87.25 93.60 6.35 5.28 5.23 -0.05
4 2107.96 1623.33 -484.63 1632.9 1081.26 -551.64 153.77 175.07 21.30 9.42 16.19 6.77
5 GANGANAGAR 866.73 623.21 -243.52 780.06 482.02 -298.04 76.39 79.19 2.80 9.79 16.43 6.64
6 MANU 5630.54 4248.80 -1381.74 4625.72 2939.08 -1686.64 198.1 218.60 20.50 4.28 7.44 3.16
7 RAISHYABARI 1800.9 1395.52 -405.38 1088.06 1226.87 138.81 52.55 58.26 5.71 4.83 4.75 -0.08
8 SALEMA 3523.05 3522.04 -1.01 3166.03 3232.81 66.78 188.91 230.49 41.58 5.97 7.13 1.16
9 AMARPUR 5886 6280.12 394.12 4843.97 5408.59 564.62 126.1 150.20 24.10 2.6 2.78 0.18
10 KAKRABAN 2209.94 1751.09 -458.85 1988.94 1558.00 -430.94 175.05 179.44 4.39 8.8 11.52 2.72
11 KARBOOK 3105.71 2884.31 -221.40 2739.56 2555.54 -184.02 60.08 63.55 3.47 2.19 2.49 0.30
12 KILLA 3458.77 2966.74 -492.03 3101.05 2247.45 -853.60 151.8 156.71 4.91 4.9 6.97 2.07
13 MATABARI 4625.42 3637.32 -988.10 4223.23 2567.48 -1655.75 238.46 245.37 6.91 5.65 9.56 3.91
14 OMPI 3137.71 2798.92 -338.79 2685.78 2485.07 -200.71 86.12 94.68 8.56 3.21 3.81 0.60
15 SILACHHARI 948.9 743.94 -204.96 854.01 652.89 -201.12 41.01 43.34 2.33 4.8 6.64 1.84
16 TEPANIA 1357.82 1160.28 -197.54 1215.35 958.52 -256.83 65.14 66.71 1.57 5.36 6.96 1.60
17 KALYANPUR 2001.79 2075.46 73.67 1801.61 1867.92 66.31 213.2 215.53 2.33 11.83 11.54 -0.29
18 KHOWAI 2592.16 2871.37 279.21 2184.2 2372.76 188.56 200.21 203.47 3.26 9.17 8.57 -0.60
19 MUNGIAKAMI 2482.72 2454.41 -28.31 2358.59 2327.69 -30.90 77.19 78.66 1.47 3.27 3.38 0.11
20 PADMABIL 1702.1 1344.31 -357.79 1617 1267.36 -349.64 88.16 89.94 1.78 5.45 7.10 1.65
21 TELIAMURA 1698.5 1531.67 -166.83 1528.65 1342.10 -186.55 255.35 258.78 3.43 16.7 19.28 2.58
22 TULASIKHAR 2043.96 2078.31 34.35 1941.76 1841.26 -100.50 106.75 108.93 2.18 5.5 5.92 0.42
23 DAMCHHERA 432.63 369.04 -63.59 386.64 307.32 -79.32 65.33 67.20 1.87 16.9 21.87 4.97
24 DASDA 2580.42 1809.35 -771.07 1545.39 827.77 -717.62 126.49 130.25 3.76 8.18 15.74 7.56
25 JAMPUI HILL 1066.51 785.12 -281.39 959.86 640.24 -319.62 27.17 27.99 0.82 2.83 4.37 1.54

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (113)

Total Annual Ground Water Recharge Annual Extractable Ground Water Total Current Annual Ground Water
Block / Assessment Stage of Ground Water Extraction (%)
S.No (ham) Resource (ham) Extraction (ham)
2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff
26 JUBARAJNAGAR 2372.05 2108.45 -263.60 1796.28 1608.78 -187.50 154.92 159.56 4.64 8.62 9.92 1.30
27 KADAMTALA 2439.23 2130.89 -308.34 1799.59 1363.04 -436.55 232 238.29 6.29 12.89 17.48 4.59
28 KALACHERRA 1851.27 1375.59 -475.68 1304.89 826.17 -478.72 165.48 170.38 4.90 12.68 20.62 7.94
29 LALJURI 1548.3 1249.43 -298.87 1295.71 929.77 -365.94 106.16 109.36 3.20 8.19 11.76 3.57
30 PANISAGAR 1739.47 1339.62 -399.85 1462.66 1122.74 -339.92 105.21 108.28 3.07 7.19 9.64 2.45
31 BISHALGARH 3328.87 3327.51 -1.36 2980.72 2701.46 -279.26 416.31 420.31 4.00 13.97 15.56 1.59
32 BOXANAGAR 2183.17 2070.66 -112.51 1606.4 1468.23 -138.17 180.04 182.64 2.60 11.21 12.44 1.23
33 CHARILAM 2271.77 2146.30 -125.47 2024.41 1653.03 -371.38 257.75 262.10 4.35 12.73 15.86 3.13
34 JAMPUIJALA 4774.08 4145.60 -628.48 4243.65 3108.03 -1135.62 127.22 130.11 2.89 3 4.19 1.19
35 KANTHALIA 2654.62 2697.67 43.05 2329.34 2330.30 0.96 434.7 437.84 3.14 18.66 18.79 0.13
36 MOHANBHOG 1707.15 1751.55 44.40 1532 1565.29 33.29 105.79 108.18 2.39 6.91 6.91 0.00
37 NALCHAR 1980.06 1948.85 -31.21 1782.05 1537.24 -244.81 165.52 169.23 3.71 9.29 11.01 1.72
38 BAGAFA 4090.82 3792.79 -298.03 3266.47 2567.03 -699.44 187.26 191.59 4.33 5.73 7.46 1.73
39 1907.01 1857.56 -49.45 790.6 1167.99 377.39 74.4 92.07 17.67 9.41 7.88 -1.53
40 HRISHYAMUKH 2701.85 2908.85 207.00 2431.67 2089.89 -341.78 126.56 139.09 12.53 5.2 6.66 1.46
41 JOLAIBARI 3158.45 2987.59 -170.86 2791.63 2493.15 -298.48 141.59 144.60 3.01 5.07 5.80 0.73
42 POANGBARI 1029.96 881.07 -148.89 921.59 688.17 -233.42 62.4 63.96 1.56 6.77 9.29 2.52
43 RAJNAGAR 3098.48 3468.85 370.37 2658.29 3115.13 456.84 241.56 245.14 3.58 9.09 7.87 -1.22
44 RUPAICHARI 2300.23 2004.65 -295.58 2028.7 1680.12 -348.58 111.68 114.48 2.80 5.51 6.81 1.30
45 SATCHAND 5014.37 4395.86 -618.51 4502.27 3781.34 -720.93 135.93 143.51 7.58 3.02 3.80 0.78
46 CHANDIPUR 2130.36 1708.75 -421.61 1717.05 1305.54 -411.51 146.71 151.14 4.43 8.54 11.58 3.04
47 GOURNAGAR 2527.3 2312.54 -214.76 2365.03 1940.89 -424.14 157.55 162.18 4.63 6.66 8.36 1.70
48 KUMARGHAT 4556.67 3597.59 -959.08 3978.81 3097.38 -881.43 233.55 240.58 7.03 5.87 7.77 1.90
49 PENCHARTHAL 2353.24 1698.97 -654.27 2203.17 1513.72 -689.45 99.46 103.84 4.38 4.51 6.86 2.35
50 AMC 1973.14 1914.79 -58.35 1775.83 1723.31 -52.52 935.91 960.26 24.35 52.7 55.72 3.02
51 BAMUTIA 1095.63 1010.34 -85.29 986.06 806.61 -179.45 123.86 128.26 4.40 12.56 15.90 3.34
52 BELBARI 1540.03 1416.87 -123.16 1386.02 1099.36 -286.66 172.8 179.97 7.17 12.47 16.37 3.90

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (114)

Total Annual Ground Water Recharge Annual Extractable Ground Water Total Current Annual Ground Water
Block / Assessment Stage of Ground Water Extraction (%)
S.No (ham) Resource (ham) Extraction (ham)
2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff 2019-2020 2021-2022 Diff
53 DUKLI 2283.8 2190.47 -93.33 2055.42 1902.84 -152.58 449.61 472.20 22.59 21.87 24.82 2.95
54 HEZAMARA 2802.92 2054.68 -748.24 2521.3 1916.75 -604.55 80.57 83.90 3.33 3.2 4.38 1.18
55 JIRANIA 1081.54 1211.60 130.06 973.38 1000.95 27.57 185.26 189.42 4.16 19.03 18.92 -0.11
56 LEFUNGA 786.59 780.76 -5.83 707.93 684.15 -23.78 103.22 119.77 16.55 14.58 17.51 2.93
57 MANDWI 2934.67 2139.42 -795.25 2787.94 1760.46 -1027.48 98 124.14 26.14 3.52 7.05 3.53
58 MOHANPUR 2426.36 2333.63 -92.73 2164.96 1927.39 -237.57 320.83 326.51 5.68 14.82 16.94 2.12
59 OLD AGARTALA 1345.08 1314.71 -30.37 1210.58 1016.78 -193.80 203.26 210.47 7.21 16.79 20.70 3.91
TRIPURA 146949.79 131350.97 -15598.82 124454.43 106356.71 -18097.72 9881.34 10315.62 434.28 8 9.70 1.70

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (115)

(C): District Wise Dynamic Ground Water Resource of Tripura (As on March 2022)

Total Allocation
Annual Net
Annual Total for Stage of
Total Area of Recharge Total Natural Extractable Groundwater
Ground Groundwater Domestic Groundwater
District Assessment Worthy Discharges Ground Water Availability Extraction
Water Extraction use as on
Unit (Ha) Area (Ha) Resource for future use
Recharge (Ham) 2025
(Ham) (Ham) (Ham) (Ham) (%)
DHALAI 231489 99581 17100 1464.69 15636 1051.51 1012 14496 6.73
GOMATI 161705 109828 20342 1908.27 18434 1000 935 17380 5.42
KHOWAI 101245 49560 12065 1045.6 11019 955.31 680 10031 8.67
NORTH TRIPURA 135792 54382 8742.6 1116.74 7625.8 1011.31 1049 6542.5 13.3
SEPAHIJALA 104392 87170 16172 1808.83 14364 1710.43 1056 12602 11.9
SOUTH TRIPURA 151201 98103 19639 2056.29 17583 1134.42 989 16392 6.45
UNAKOTI 65703 42878 8789.3 931.79 7857.5 657.75 700 7151.8 8.37
WEST TRIPURA 97642 78282 15373 1533.98 13839 2794.9 2243 10916 20.2
TOTAL 1049169 619784 118223 11866.2 106357 10315.6 8664 95511 9.7
TOTAL(bcm) 1.18223 0.11866 1.06357 0.10315 0.08664 0.95511 9.7

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (116)


Semi- Over -
Total No. of Safe Critical Saline
S.No District Critical Exploited
Assessed Units
Nos. % Nos. % Nos. % Nos. % Nos. %
1 NORTH TRIPURA 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
2 UNAKOTI 4 4 100 - - - - - - - -
3 DHALAI 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
4 KHOWAI 6 6 100 - - - - - - - -
5 WEST TRIPURA 10 10 100 - - - - - - - -
6 SEPAHIJALA 7 7 100 - - - - - - - -
7 GOMATI 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
8 SOUTH TRIPURA 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
Total States 59 59 100 - - - - - - - -

(E): Comparison between Groundwater Resources Estimation of TRIPURA State for the year of 2020 and 2022

Sl. No. ITEM GEC’15 (2020) GEC’15 (2022) COMPARISON

1 Total annual ground water recharge (HAM) 138215.93 118223 Decrease by 19,992.93 Ham
2 Annual extractable ground water resource (HAM) Decrease by 18,097.72
124454.43 106356.71
3 Current annual gross Ground Water extraction for all
9881.34 10315.61 Increase by 434.27 Ham
uses (HAM)
4 Annual allocation of ground water for domestic
8626.55 8663.6 Increase by 37.05 Ham
water supply as on 2025 (HAM)
5 Net Ground water availability for future use (HAM) Decrease by 18333.57
113844.41 95510.84
6 Stage of Ground Water extraction (HAM) 8% 9.7% Increase by 1.7%

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (117)



1. Panisagar (2005 well)- Within BSF campus. Site is about 5oom from the main gate towards
SSW. Opposite to DIG quarter.
2. Panisagar (1977 well) opposite to type IV Quarters
3. Kanchanpur – in the premises of Kanchanpur Court

1. Kumarghat- 2 km from Kumarghat to Kailashar Road.300m N 30 W of Tripura Industrial
Estate Kumarghat . In paddy land belong to sri Jatindra Mohan Pal.
2. Machmara- NW side of Trijunction of Pecharthal-Kanchanpur-Kumarghat 15m away in
paddy field of Sri Kantamani Chakma. 7km south of Pechartal
3. Pechartal -11 kms from Kumarghat.West of NH 44.In the play ground of high school.
4. South Irani- 11km from Kailasahar town and 3 km North from Babur bazaar from tinali of
ailasahar-Hirachrra road. In the land of Sri Asaddar ali of Khowarabil.

1. Kamalpur - At Harerkola village, about 2km south of Kamalpur town and about 50 m east of
2km stone on the Ambassa - Kamalpur road
2. Bhatkhowri - On Ambassa - Kamalpur road. 100m west of road near the village in the land of
sri Satish ch. Das .About 200 m west of Bhatkhowri Junior Basic school
3. Durai- Sib-bari - (Halahali village) - on Ambassa Kamalpur road. In Halahali field, about
2km north of Halhali Market, in the land of Sri Mano mohan Pal
4. Abhanga - In the Fish Seeding office compound.
5. Karamcherra - Between Ambassa and Kumarghat. 125km from Agartala-50m NW of village
market. In the land of Sri Tippam Raja.
6. Tilokpara - On Chhamanu-Manu Road. Site is located at about a km. SSE of Chalingta
village. In the land of Sri Mohindar Kumar Debnath (Survey No - 80).
7. Chawmanu - 23 km from Manu. In Govt. land opposite to PWD quarters- forest range office
and 60 m SW of health centre Chhaumanu.

1. Khowai- East of TRTC Khowai bus stand which is about 60 m due south of the Tri-junction
of Teliamura- Khowai road-Khowai office tilla road.
2. Ashrambari - North of Tehsil office about 30 m NE of the inspection Banglow.
3. Baijalbari- 20m west of Khowai-Subalsingh road and ½ km south 20 west of Baijalbari High
school in the land of Sri Sivach Deb barma.


1. Lichubagan:- On Agartala airport road within the premises of Municipality Sector office.
Greater Agartala, 50 m North of Sector office.
2. Badarghat- Off Agartala-Sabroom road. The site as within PHE sub- division-X office
3. Tripura University-Suryamaninagar- On Agartala Udaipur Road within University campus,
and in front of Boys hostel, 1 km from main gate.
4. Bodhjungnagar- On Kherpur-Neepco road, within the Premises of Industrial growth centre.
50 m east of administrative building.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (118)

5. Nagichera- SE of Agartala by pass road at a distance of 10 km and within the premises of
Horticulture Research centre. Other 10 m west of staff quarter and 50m west of TSR office.
6. Narsingarh- On Airport road and within the premises of Polytechnic Institute.
7. GPA Agartala- Eastern side of road from the bifurcation from Lichubagan at about 4 km. In
the air force land for GPA.
8. Salbagan 96 BSF camp (1979) - 13km NNE of Agartala. Site is 600 yards due north of
Agartala - Mohanpur State Highway and due west of 96 BSF family lines quarters.
9. Salbagan - (New, 2004) Within TC & M frontier headquarter, 1.2 km from main entrance
near hospital.
10. Fatikchera- within the BSF campus on Agartala-Mohanpur road, 25 km from Agartala. Site
is about 750m from main gate towards SSE side between Jawans Barack and training ground.
11. Belbari – 30 km from Agartala. Approachable from Champaknagar lies in the field by Sri
Debendra Deb Burma. 10 m east of Champaknagar -Jampuijala road.
12. Jirania Coconut Farm- 25 km from Agartala, 500 m SE of Jirania engineering college.
13. P & T Colony-(Arundhati nagar) - 7km south of Agartala in the west of Sabroom road

1. Amarpur- 20m from the northern banks Amarpur tank, in the children’s park, which is about
100 to 150m NW of the office of SDO (Civil).
2. Ompinagar- 40 m due NE of forest Dak Bunglow about ½ km S10 0 w of Primary Health
3. Rajapur- West of Birchandra manu on NH for about 2 kms. Site is located of 100 m away
from village market and VLW godown. It lies south 60o E of VLws office.
4. Dhupthali -North of Dhupthali Bazar 12 km gorjee on Garjee – Tulamura – Borpathari road.
5. Tulamura - In open land of Sri Rashamoy Pal. 15m west of the house of Sri Sudhir Ch.
Ghosh. 30m south of Garji, Tulamura Mirza road.
6. Dhuptali - North of Duptali Bazar in Matabari block of Udaipur Sub Division.

1. Gakulnagar 78 BSF Camp -16km south of Agartala 3km North of Bishalgarh -100 m due
east of Agartala Udaipur road and NE of 78 BSF Family welfare centre.
2. Konaban- On Agartala Udaipur road, 9.5km from Gokul Nagar, 200m west of kali temple of
the Ramakrishna Ashram and 30m south of Konaban Gokulnagar Road : 51 cm Madhupur.
3. Golaghati - 9.5km from Bishalgarh 50m SE of panchayat office and 10m south of fish
4. Gokulnagar BSF camp- 22km from Agartala on Udaipur road. East of NH 1km from gate

1. Rajnagar : 11 m west of Rajnagar market and N 35 W of Rajnagar Block office.
2. Satchand - on SE of Udaipur- Subroom road in front of the Junior Basic School No. - II
3. Haripur - Near hospital of Hrishyamukh at the Junction of road leading to the Forest Rest
4. Bagafa- Within Bagafa BSF campus. 330m from main gate towards SSE on the end point of
officers quarter. 81 kms from Agartala.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (119)

ANNEXURE-IX (Lithologs)
District – North Tripura
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, brown, intercalation with sandstone 00.00 – 9.60 9.60
Sandstone, fine to medium, brown, with shale intercalation 9.60– 25.74 16.14
Shale, brown mixed with sandstone. 25.74 – 32.12 6.38
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brown, with little shale 32.12 – 47.86 15.74
Shale, brownish mixed with sandstone 47.86 – 51.26 3.40
Sandstone, medium grained, brown 51.26 – 67.02 15.76
Shale, greyish mixed with sandstone 67.02 – 79.70 12.68
sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish, mixed with shale 79.70 – 143.58 63.88
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 143.58 – 149.96 6.38
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 149.96 – 169.10 19.14
Shale, greyish hard 169.10 – 198.00 28.90


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface Soil, Brownish, sandy. 00.00-6.80 6.80
Shale, Brownish, mixed with fine grained sandstone. 6.80-22.25 15.45
Shale, Brownish. 22.25-25.25 3.00
Sandstone, Fine grained, brownish, with little shale. 25.25-31.40 6.15
Sandstone, Fine to medium grained, brownish. 31.40-65.30 33.90
Sandstone, Brownish, fine to medium grained mixed with little shale. 65.30-68.30 3.00
Sandstone, Brownish, fine to medium grained mixed with gray shale. 68.30-80.60 12.30
Sandstone, Whitish, fine to medium grained. 80.60-99.05 18.45
Sandstome, Light brownish, fine gramned. 99.05-105.20 6.15
Sandstone, Whitish, fine to medium grained. 105.20-139.10 33.20
Sandstone, Whitish, fine to medium grained, mixed with gray shale. 139.10-142.10 3.00
Sandstone, Whitish, fine to medium grained. 142.10-148.25 6.15
Sandstone, Light brownish, fine grained. 148.25-151.40 3.15
Sandstone, Whitish, fine grained. 151.40-191.30 39.90
Shale, Gray 191.30-197.45 6.15


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface clay with fine grained sandstone, brownish 0 – 24.4 24.4
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 24.4 – 61.0 36.6
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 61.0 – 67.1 6.1
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish 67.1 – 149.4 82.3
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish 149.4 – 155.4 6.0
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone, fine grained 155.4 – 182.9 27.5
Shale, grey 182.9 – 195.1 12.2

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (120)


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

Topsoil, Yellowish in Colour 0-3 3

Shale mixed with Sand, Yellowish in Colour 3-12 9
Shale, Grey in Colour 12-27 15
Hard Shale, Grey in Colour 27-30 3
Shale, Grey in Colour 30-39 9
Plastic Shale, Sticky in Nature and Blakish Grey in Colour 39-51 12
Sand mixed With Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 51-57 6
Shale, Grey in Colour 57-63 6
Sand mixed With Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 63-66 3
Coarse sand Mixed With Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 66-72 6
Fine Sand Mixed With Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 72-75 3
Coarse sand With Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 75-87 12
Sand with Shale, Greyish Yellow in Colour 87-90 3

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (121)

District – Unakoti
Depth range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, yellowish brown 0.00-3.80 3.80
Shale, yellowish with silty sandstone 3.80-6.80 3.00
Sandstone, dirty white, friable fine grained consists of sub rounded 6.80-10.5 3.25
grains of quartz, dirty minerals and iron nodules.
Sandstones, gray, fine to medium grey with little shale 10.5-13.5 3.00
Shale, grey to ash grey with silty sand stone 13.5-16.30 3.25
Sandstones, gray fine with grains of quartz micas etc. 16.30-25.55 9.25
Sandstone, grey fine grained with grey shale 25.55-28.80 3.25
Shale, grey with silt and fine grained and sandstone 28.80-41.30 12.50
Sandstone, grey fine grained 41.30-44.30 3.00
Silty sandstone, grey moderately compact 44.30-47.55 3.25
Shale, grey, brittle 47.55-85.05 37.50
Shale, grey, with fine grained sandstone 85.05-110.05 25.00
Sandstone, grey fine grained with little shale 110.05-113.05 3.00
Sandstone, grey fine grained 113.05-116.30 3.25
Shale, grey, with silty sandstone 116.30-144.30 28.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium with wood fragments & coal 144.30-160.05 15.75
Shale, grey, with silty sandstone 160.05-172.55 12.50
Sandstone, grey with shale 172.55-175.55 3.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained. 175.55-200.68 25.13
Shale, grey, with fine to medium grained sandstone 200.68-209.88 9.20
Sandstone, grey with little shale 209.88-212.88 3.00
Shale, grey, with fine to medium grained sandstone 212.88-215.98 3.10
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained 215.98-246.48 30.50
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained with shale 246.48-249.48 3.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained 249.48-255.58 6.10
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained with shale 255.58-264.78 9.20
Shale, grey, with fine to medium grained sandstone 264.78-276.98 12.20
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained with shale 276.98-279.98 3.00
Shale, with fine to medium grained sandstone 279.98-286.08 6.10
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained 286.08-292.93 6.85


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, brownish 00.00-10.30 10.30
Sandstone, medium grained, brownish 10.30-25.70 15.40
Shale, grayish mixed with sandstone 25.70 –59.30 33.60
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, grayish 59.30 -68.40 18.10
Shale, grayish. 68.40 –86.70 18.30
Sandstone, fine grained, grayish mixed with shale 86.70 –89.80 3.10
Sandstone, fine grained, grayish 89.80 –95.90 6.10
Shale, grayish. 95.90 –102.00 6.10
Sandstone, fine grained, grayish mixed with shale 102.00 –105.00 3.00
Shale, grayish 105.00 –111.10 6.10
Sandstone, grayish, mixed with shale 111.10 -114.20 3.10
Sandstone, fine to medium grained grayish 114.20 –138.60 24.40
Sandstone, grayish mixed with shale 138.60 –141.60 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, grayish 141.60 –166.00 24.40
Sandstone, grayish mixed with shale 166.00 –172.10 6.10

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (122)

Sandstone, fine to medium grained, grayish 172.10 –181.30 9.20
Sandstone, grayish, mixed with shale 181.30 –196.50 15.20
Shale, grayish 196.50 –205.70 9.20
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, grayish 205.70 –245.30 39.60
Shale, fine grained sandstone, grayish 245.30 –300.30 55.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish, 00.00 – 12.50 12.50
Sandstone, medium grained, brownish 12.50 – 15.60 3.10
Sandstone, 15.60 – 110.00 94.40
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 110.00 – 125.40 15.40
Shale, greyish 125.40 – 143.70 18.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 143.70 – 165.00 21.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 165.00 – 168.10 3.10
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish, mixed with shale 168.10 – 174.20 6.10
Shale, greyish 174.20 – 183.30 9.10
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 183.30 – 189.40 6.10
sandstone, fine grained, greyish, mixed with shale 189.40 – 213.80 24.40
Shale, greyish sticky 213.80 – 235.00 21.20
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 235.00 – 250.40 15.40


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, grey mixed with sandstone fine grained 0 – 18.30 18.30
Shale, brownish 18.3 – 36.6 18.3
Sandstone, brownish mixed with shale 36.6 – 42.7 6.1
Shale, brownish 42.7 – 57.9 15.2
Sandstone, light grey, mixed with shale 57.9 – 67.1 9.2
Sandstone, fine to medium grained greyish 67.1 – 79.2 12.1
Sandstone, light grey, mixed with shale 79.2 – 88.4 9.2
Sandstone, fine to medium grained greyish 88.4 – 97.5 9.1
Sandstone, light grey, mixed with shale 97.5 – 109.7 12.2
Sandstone, fine to medium grained greyish 109.7 – 115.8 6.1
Shale, greyish 115.8 – 176.8 61.0
Sandstone, fine grained greyish 176.8 – 207.3 30.80
Sandstone, light grey, mixed with shale 207.3 – 225.6 18.3
Shale, greyish 225.6 – 231.6 6.0
Sandstone, light grey, mixed with shale 231.6 – 253.0 21.4
Shale, brownish 253.0 – 262.1 9.1


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, weathered, yellow fine rounded to sub rounded quartz with Gl-3.00 3.00
little shale
Shale, yellow, with thin intercalations of sandstone 3.00-6.80 3.80
Sandstone, yellow, fine to medium with intercalation of shale 6.80-12.90 6.10
Shale, yellow, with thin intercalations of sandstone 12.90-15.90 3.00
Sandstone, yellow, fine with thin intercalated shale 15.90-22.00 6.10
Sandstone, yellow to reddish grey with sandstone, intercalations 22.00-34.20 12.20
Sandstone, yellow to reddish yellow fine 34.20-40.30 6.10

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (123)

Shale , grey to greenish grey 40.30-43.40 3.10
Sandstone, yellow to reddish yellow fine 43.40-49.50 6.10
Shale, grey to yellowish and reddish grey with thin sandstone 49.50-73.90 24.40
Sandstone, grey, fine 73.90-77.00 3.10
Shale, grey to greenish grey with thin sandstone intercalations 77.00-141.00 64.00
Sandstone, yellow, fine 141.00-144.00 3.00
Shale, grey to yellowish grey with intercalations of sandstone 144.00-195.00 51.90
Sandstone with shale 195.00-217.20 21.30
Shale with sandstone 217.20-235.50 18.30
Sandstone with thin shale intercalations shale 235.50-247.70 12.20
Shale 247.70-253.80 6.10
Sandstone with shale 253.80-256.90 3.10
Shale, grey 256.90-259.90 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine 259.90-263.00 3.10
Shale 263.00-278.20 15.20
Sandstone, grey, fine with thin intercalations of shale. 278.20-287.40 9.20
Shale with thin intercalations of sandstone 287.40-290.40 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine with shale 290.40-296.50 3.80
Shale, grey, with thin intercalation of sandstone 296.50-300.30 3.80


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

Topsoil, Yellowish in Colour 0-3 3

Shale mixed with Sand, Yellowish in Colour 3-18 15
Shale, Grey in Colour 18-60 42
Hard Shale, Grey in Colour 60-90 30
Very Hard Shale, Grey in Colour 90-116.60 26.6

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (124)

District – Dhalai
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, brownish 0.00 -4.57 4.57
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 4.57 –7.52 3.05
Shale, greyish 7.62 –118.87 111.25
Sand stone, fine to medium grained, greyish 118.87 –158.49 39.62
Shale, greyish mixed with sandstone 158.49 –170.07 11.58
Sand stone, fine to medium grained greyish, mixed with shale 170.07 –173.73 3.66
Shale, greyish 173.73 –181.35 7.62
Sand stone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 181.35 –185.93 4.58
Sand stone, fine to medium grained greyish 185.93 –192.80 6.87
Shale, greyish 192.80 –211.22 18.42
Sand stone, fine to medium grained, greyish 211.22 –256.03 44.81
Shale, greyish mixed with fine grained sandstone 256.03 –268.22 12.19
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 268.22 –274.32 6.10
Shale, greyish mixed with fine grained sandstone 274.32 –300.80 26.48


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandy soil, yellowish brown coloured with fine brown sand. 0.00-5.35 5.45
Clay, greyish brown clay with fine grains of sub-rounded sand 5.45-7.70 2.25
Sand, yellowish brown, fine, sub rounded micaceous sand. 7.70-10.70 3.00
Sandy gravel, brown fine coarse grained sand with rounded gravels of
10.70-16.72 6.02
ferruginous sandstones and balls of grey clay
Sand light brown to dark brown brownish and brownish grey fine to
16.72-46.54 29.82
medium sub-rounded, micaceous and with mafic minerals.
Gravely sand, Brown to yellowish brown compact with fine to coarse
grained quartz (2 to 5mm) with weathered pieces of feldsper and 46.54-58.45 11.91
ferruginous materials
Sand light gray to grey, fine to medium grained sub-rounded sand,
58.45-67.48 9.03
micaceous with very little clay
Sand clayey, grey coloured fine to medium grained sub-rounded,
67.48-94.53 27.05
micaceous sand with grey clay
Clay, greyish brown clay, loose with little admixture of fine grey sand 94.53-97.59 3.06
Sand, Grey coloured, mostly medium grained rounded, micaceous
97.59-118.53 20.94
sand with mafic minerals
Sand, grey coloured fine to medium grained sand sub-rounded with
118.53-136.56 18.03
little gray clay sticky and pieces of shale
Sand, grey, fine to medium micaceous sub rounded sand with mafic
136.56-178.87 42.31
Sand, fine to medium grained grey coloured micaceous, subrounded
178.87-209.03 30.16
sand with little sticky grey clay
Sand. Grey, fine to medium, sub-rounded, micaceous sand,
209.03-227.16 18.16
occasionally coarse grained
Sand, grey mostly fine grained sub-rounded, micaceous sand with
227.16-272.12 44.96
mafic minerals.
Sand clayey, grey fine grained with grey clay. 272.12-284.07 11.95
Sand grey fine to very fine sub-rounded, micaceous sand (maffic) 284.07-305.24 21.17

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (125)

Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown with fine grains of sand 00.00 – 4.00 4.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 4.00 – 14.48 10.48
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 14.48 – 20.50 6.02
Shale, greyish 20.50 – 27.43 6.93
Shale, greyish mixed with fine to medium grained sandstone 27.43 – 32.00 4.57
Shale, greyish 32.00 – 44.64 12.64
Shale, greyish mixed with fine to medium grained sandstone 44.64 – 53.62 9.98
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish, mixed with shale 53.62 – 59.67 6.05
Shale, greyish mixed with fine grained sandstone 59.67 – 63.00 3.33
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 63.00 – 68.58 5.58
Shale, greyish mixed with sandstone 68.58 – 157.32 88.74
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 157.32 – 180.42 23.10
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 180.42 – 195.40 14.98
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 195.40 – 201.30 5.90
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 201.30 – 204.20 2.90
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 204.20 – 205.72 1.52
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 205.72 – 219.33 13.61
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 219.33 – 222.33 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 222.33 – 231.27 8.94
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 231.27 – 240.27 9.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Topsoil, sandy clay brownish yellow grey, loose, plastic with a few
0.00-13.00 13.00
hard brittle pieces.
Sandstone, friable, gray fine grained with angular to sub angular
13.00-36.00 23.00
quartz & fine intercalation of shale
Shale, grey, brittle with mottle clay, fine sandstone intercalation 36.00-47.00 11.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium with shale intercalation 47.00-61.00 14.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with fine sandstone intercalation 61.00-70.00 9.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 70.00-76.00 6.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with fine sandstone 76.00-89.00 13.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 89.00-114.00 25.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with fine sandstone intercalation 114.00-117.00 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 117.00-140.00 23.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 140.00-155.00 15.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 155.00-159.00 4.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 159.00-175.00 16.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 175.00-181.00 6.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 181.00-190.00 9.00
Sandstone, grey, fine grained with shale 190.00-195.00 5.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 195.00-199.00 4.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 199.00-205.00 6.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 205.00-208.00 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 208.00-220.00 12.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 220.00-231.00 11.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 231.00-237.00 6.00
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 237.00-246.00 9.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 246.00-300.00 54.00

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (126)

Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Clay sandy brownish yellow and grey, loose, plastic with a few hard
0.00-13.80 13.80
brittle pieces of petrified wood shale and sandstone.
Sandstone, friable, gray fine grained with angular to sub angular
13.80-35.20 21.40
translucent quartz with shale
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone. 35.20-56.50 21.30
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 56.50-74.80 18.30
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 74.80-90.10 15.30
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 90.1-114.50 24.40
Shale, grey, brittle with sandstone 114.50-117.50 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 117.50-138.90 21.40
Shale, grey, hard brittle with fine sandstone 138.90-172.40 33.50
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 172.40-181.60 9.20
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 181.60-196.80 15.20
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 196.80-206.00 9.20
Shale, grey, hard brittle with sandstone 206.00-212.10 6.10
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained with shale 212.10-218.20 6.10
Shale, grey, hard brittle with fine sandstone 218.20-221.20 3.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, brown friable fine grained, angular sub translucent mainly 0.00 – 4.00 4.00
composed of quartz with admixture of clay
Shale, brownish greyish hard plastic 4.00 – 14.00 10.00
Silty sandstone, greyish brown fine with angular to sub angular quartz 14.00 – 21.00 7.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium with intercalations of shale and 21.00 – 30.00 9.00
micaceous minerals (muscovite).
Sandstone, grey fine grained with little intercalations of shale 30.00 – 61.00 31.00
Sandstone grey medium grained with shale and muscovite mica 61.00 – 74.00 13.00
Sandstone grey fine grained with shale 74.00 – 93.00 19.00
Shale, gray brittle with fine grained sandstone intercalations and mottle 93.00 – 96.00 3.00
Sandstone, grey fine grained, with little shale 96.00 – 110.00 14.00
Shale, gray brittle 11.00 – 111.00 1.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained, 111.00 – 120.00 9.00
Shale, gray brittle 120.00 – 121.00 1.00
sandstone, grey fine to medium with little shale 121.00 – 136.00 15.00
Shale, gray with intercalations of fine grained sandstone 136.00 – 146.00 10.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained, with little shale 146.00 – 157.00 11.00
Shale, gray mixed with intercalated sandstone 157.00 – 167.00 10.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained, with muscovite mica and 167.00 – 177.00 10.00
intercalations of shale
Shale, gray with intercalations of sandstone 177.00 – 193.00 14.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained, with shale 193.00 – 204.00 11.00
Shale, gray brittle 204.00 – 207.00 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained, 207.00 – 225.00 18.00
Shale, gray brittle 225.00 – 227.00 2.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium grained, with little intercalations of 227.00 – 247.00 20.00
Shale, gray brittle with fine grained sandstone 247.00 – 294.00 47.00

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (127)

Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brownish 00.00 – 6.00 6.00
Shale, greyish 6.00 – 10.00 4.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 10.200 – 20.00 10.00
Shale, greyish 20.00 – 23.00 3.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 23.00 – 53.00 30.00
Shale, greyish 53.00 – 66.00 13.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 66.00 – 80.00 14.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 80.00 – 120.00 40.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 120.00 – 150.00 30.00
Shale, greyish mixed with sandstone fine grained 150.00 – 160.00 10.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish, mixed with shale 160.00 – 164.00 4.00
Shale, greyish 164.00 – 203.00 39.00


Formation Depth Range
(mbgl) Thickness
Topsoil, Brown in Colour 0-6 6
Sand, Medium Grained Sand mixed with Clay, Brown in Colour Jun-18 12
Sand, Medium Grained Sand Mixed With Clay and Biotite, Brownish 18-75
Grey in Colour 57
Sandy Clay, Medium to Coarse Grained Sandy Clay Mixed With 75-90
Quartz 15
Sandy Clay, Medium grained Sandy Clay( Clay is of around 60%), 90-96
Brown in Colour 6
Sand, Coarse Grained Sand Mixed With Clay, Brown in Colour 96-108 12
Sand, Coarse sand mixed with Quartz Grain, Brown in Colour 108-120 12
Sand, Medium Grained Sand, Brown in Colour 120-129 9
Sandstone, Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Brownish 129-135
Grey in Colour 6
Sandstone, Fine to Medium Grained sand mixed with Shale, Brownish 135-150
Grey in Colour 15


Formation Depth Range
(mbgl) Thickness
Clay, Gray hard sticky 0.00-6.09 6..09
Sand, Gray fine to medium grained subrounded with mafic minerals. 6.09-10.05 3.96
Sand Clayey, Light brown fine to medium grained with subrounded 10.05-16.76 6.71
Sand, Light brown fine to medium grained subrounded. 16.76-24.38 7.62
Sand clayey, Light brown fine to medium grained subrounded with 24.38-28.34 3.96
gray clay.
Sand, Light brown fine to medium grained subrounded feldspathic 28.34-31.92 3.58
Sand clayey, Light greenish brown fine grained occasionally coarse 31.92-36.57 4.65
grained subrounded with clay and ferruginous sandstone.
Sand, Light brown fine grained subrounded occasionally coarse 36.57-39.00 2.43
grained with ferruginous sandstone.
Sand clayey, Light brown fine to medium grained subrounded 39.00-40.54 1.54
Sand, Brownish gray fine to medium grained subrounded with very 40.54-43.59 3.05
little clay.
Sand clayey, Light grayish brown fine to very fine sand subrounded 43.59-57.00 13.41
occasionally coarse grained with mottle clay.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (128)

Sand, Light greenish brown fine grained subrounded with small 57.00-66.45 9.45
nodules of ferruginous sandstone.
Sand clayey, Light brown fine grained sand with grayish brown clay. 66.45-95.68 29.43
Sandy clay, Gray with admixture of fine to medium grained with 95.68-118.87 23.19
ferruginous sandstone.
Sand, Grayish brown subrounded fine to medium grained. 118.87-123.07 4.2
Sandy clay, Gray with fine grained sand. 123.07-130.45 7.38
Sand, Gray fine grained with little clay. 130.45-135.63 5.18
Sandy clay, Gray clay with fine to medium grained gray sand. 135.63-143.25 7.62
Sand, Gray fine grained sub rounded. 143.25-147.82 4.57
Sandy clay, Gray, loose clay with fine gray sand. 147.82-151.48 3.66
Sand, Brownish gray fine grained. 151.48-154.82 2.74
Clay, Sticky. 154.82-156.96 2.74
Sand, Light gray fine grained subrounded. 156.96-162.45 5.49
Sandy clay, Gray to brown sticky clay with admixture of sand. 162.45-185.93 23.48
Clay, Gray clay with very little sand. 185.93-191.57 5.64
Sandy clay, Light yellowish brown and sticky clay fine grained sand. 191.57-197.49 9.92
Clay, Brownish gray and sticky clay. 197.49-215.49 18
Sandy clay; Gray fine to medium grained subrounded with clay. 215.49-224.52 9.03
Sand; Gray fine to medium grained micaceous. 224.52-251.55 27.03

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (129)

District – Khowai
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Clay brown sticky clay with little sand (20%) 0.00-6.60 6.60
Sand, fine to medium grained light brown, micaceous 6.60-12.70 6.10
Clay sandy, brownish sticky withy fine to medium grained sand 12.70-15.80 3.10
Clay, greyish mixed with fine sand 15.80-40.20 24.40
Clay sandy, greyish with fine to medium sand increase 40.20-55.40 15.20
Clay, grey, little sand 10-20%, few weathered fine sandstone 55.40-76.80 21.40
Sand, grey , angular, micaceous medium with mafics and clay 76.80-79.80 3.00
Clay sandy, grey with fine grained sand 79.80-85.90 6.10
Sand grey fine to medium with little grey clay, 85.90-101.20 15.30
Clay sandy, grey with fine medium grained sand 101.20-110.30 9.10
Sand, grey, fine to medium occasionally coarse with mafics clay 110.30-134.80 24.50
content about 120% sticky soft, few pieces of quartz & feldsper
Clay, grey, sticky, hard 134.80-168.30 33.50
Sand, grey fine grained micaceous, with little clay 168.30-180.50 12.20
Clay grey , hard with fine grained sand 180.50-186.60 6.10
Sand, grey micaceous, fine to medium sand with little clay 186.60-192.70 6.10
Clay grey , hard with fine grained sand 192.70-195.80 3.10
Sand, grey fine grained micaceous with pieces of hard shale. 195.80-204.90 9.10
Sand fine grained grey micaceous sand with little clay, 204.90-208.00 3.10
Clay grey hard with little sand 208.00-211.00 3.00
Sand grey, mostly fine with sticky and ihard pieces of clay 211.00-223.20 12.20
Sandy clay, grey hard with fine grained sand 223.20-226.30 3.10
Sand, grey, very fine grained, micaceous with clay 30% sand 226.30-229.30 3.00
Clay, grey, hard, sticky with little sand (20%) sticky. 229.30-256.70 27.40


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Top soil, sandy loam, light brown, fine to medium grained with little 00-5.24 5.24
admixture of clay and laterites.
Sandy clay, yellowish brown clay with fine to medium sand. 5.24-10.43 5.19
Sand clayey, yellowish brown, fine to medium grained sand with little 10.43-13.43 3.00
admixture of brown clay and pieces.
Clay sandy, greyish brown sand fine grained. 13.43-16.45 3.02
Sand, pink mostly fine grained. 16.45-28.50 12.05
Sand, grey fine to medium grained with micaceous minerals 28.50-34.55 6.05
Sand, brownish yellow, fine to medium grained sub-rounded. 34.55-49.57 15.02
Sand, greyish white, fine to medium with grey clay and mafics 49.57-52.62 3.02
Gravelly sand, light brown fine to coarse sand with gravel (1mm- 52.62-55.362 3.00
3mm) with sub angular quartz gravel and well rounded brown
ferruginous sandstone gravel and few pieces of feldspar.
Sand, light yellow, fine to medium grained sub-rounded. 55.62-64.70 9.08
Sand, light brown, fine to medium grained sub-rounded. 64.70-67.70 3.00
Sand clayey dark grey light yellow fine to medium sand with little clay 67.70-73.74 6.04
and coarse pieces of ferruginous minerals.

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (130)

Sand, light greyish yellow, fine to medium grained sub-rounded along 73.24-79.39 5.95
with fragments of shale and decayed wood.
Clay, mottled, plastic and sticky mixed with fine grained sand. 79.69-82.77 3.08
Sand, grey fine to medium grained with a little brownish clay. 82.77-85.77 3.00
Clay sandy, mottle grey, plastic and sticky with admixture of fine- 85.77-106.65 18.88
grained sand and broken pieces of ferruginous sandstone.
Sand, brownish grey, medium with feldspar, quartz and mafic 106.65-112.67 6.02
Sand clayey, grey and yellowish brown medium sand with clay. 112.67-118.69 6.02
Sand brown medium sub-rounded with weathered feldspar, quartz, 118.69-124.73 6.04
mafic minerals and pieces of ferruginous sandstone.
Sand, grey, medium grained with occasional coarse sand, sub-rounded 124.73-148.73 8.99
with pieces of shale3 and ferruginous sandstone.
Sand clayey, grey fine to medium with admixture of grey clay. 148.73-151.73 3.00
Sand, grey and light yellowish brown, fine to medium sub-rounded 151.73-169.74 18.01
mixed with shale pieces, sandstone and little clay.
Sand, greyish black fine to medium grained, sub-rounded with pieces 169.74-196.88 27.14
of sandstone, decayed wood, peat and clay.
Clay sandy, greyish and violet colour clay, silty with rounded pieces 196.88-199.88 3.00
of weathered ferruginous sandstone and little sand.
Clay, dark grey, sticky with broken pieces of sandstone and quartz 199.88-202.86 2.96
with occasional red colour clay.
Sand clayey, grey, greyish black and brownish yellow fine to medium, 202.86-232.85 29.99
with pieces of grey micaceous shale, ferruginous sandstone, quartz,
decomposed feldspar, sandstones.
Sand, brownish yellow, mostly medium along with coarse pieces of 232.85-232.76 5.91
quartz, weathered ferruginous sandstone, decomposed feldspar and
biotite grains and a little variegated clay.
Clay sandy, greyish brown and grey fine to medium sand with 238.76-250.72 11.96
ferruginous sandstone, weathered feldspar, quartz clay plastic.
Sand, light brown to grey, fine grained, sub-rounded, micaceous with 250.72-262.78 12.06
pieces of quartz (anguar grains) and little grey clay.
Sand clayey, grey fine grained, micaceous with pieces of ferruginous 262.78-268.78 6.00
sandstone and grey clay and weathered feldspar.
Sand, light grey to grey, fine micaceous along with silt, ferruginous 268.78-301.68 32.90
substances and decomposed feldspar and quartz


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sand, brown, fine grained. G.L- 4.00 4.00
Sand, brown, fine to medium grained with pieces of quartz, mica and 4.00-16.95 12.95
mafic minerals.
Sand, White, fine to medium grained. 16.95-26.95 9.10
Clay, sandy brown sticky along with fine to medium sand. 26.95-35.25 9.20
Sand, brown fine grained with little clay. 35.25-38.025 3.00
Sand, brown to greyish brown, medium grained. 38.25-45.35 6.10
Sand, brown, fine grained. 44.35-47.45 3.10
Clay, sandy brown plastic along with fine to medium sand. 47.45-59.65 12.20
Clay, greyish brown plastic 59.65-105.35 45.70
Sand, greyish brown fine grained with little clay 105.35-108.45 3.10
Clay, brown plastic 108.45-114.55 6.10
Clay sandy, brown plastic along with fine to medium sand. 108.45-114.55 12.20
Sand, mottled (brownish) fine grained with little clay. 126.75-135.85 9.10

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Clay, grey and sticky 135.85-151.15 15.30
Sand, grey fine to medium grained with little clay. 151.15-154.15 3.00
Clay, grey sticky with little admixture of fine-grained sand. 154.15-178.55 24.40


Lithology Depth range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, mixed with sandstone, brownish. 0.00 –3.60 3.60
Shale, mixed with sandstone, greyish. 3.60 – 16.36 12.76
Shale, mixed with sandstone, fine to medium, grained greyish 16.36 – 19.36 3.00
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone, fine to medium grained. 19.36 – 22.74 3.38
Shale, gray, mixed with sandstone. 22.74 – 32.12 9.38
Shale, mixed with sand tone, greyish. 32.12 – 35.50 3.38
Shale, brownish, mixed with sand tone, fine to medium grained. 35.50 – 61.02 25.48
Shale, greyish, mixed wth sandstone, medium grained, brownish 61.02 –67.40 6.38
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone, fine to medium grained. 67.40 –99.30 31.90
Shale, mixed with sandstone, gray. 99.30 -112.06 12.76
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone, fine to medium grained. 112.06-131.20. 19.14
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light gray 131.20 –140.58 9.38
Shale, mixed with sandstone, greyish 140.58 –153.34 12.76
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, light gray 153.34 –191.62 38.28
Sandstone, mixed with shale, grey 191.62 –294.92 103.30


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, brownish 0.00 –6.35 6.35
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, brownish, with shale. 6.35 –19.15 12.80
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, brownish 19.15 –28.41 9.26
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone 28.41 –31.41 3.00
Sandstone, fine to coarse grained, greyish, 31.41 –36.54 5.13
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone fine grained. 36.54 –42.62 6.08
Sandstone, fine to medium grained greyish 42.62 –52.50 9.88
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone 52.50 –55.50 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 55.50 –79.43 23.93
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 79.43 –88.54 9.11
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish 88.54 –142.84 54.30
Sandstone, greyish, mixed with shale 142.84 –151.86 9.02
Shale, mixed with sandstone, greyish 151.86 –157.78 5.92
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish 157.78 –160.68 2.90
Sandstone, mixed with shale, greyish 160.68 –166.69 6.01
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone 166.69 –181.61 14.92
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 181.61 –202.74 21.13
Sandstone, medium grained greyish 202.74 –217.72 14.98
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone, medium grained 217.72 -226.76 9.04
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish, mixed with shale 226.76 –229.76 3.00
Sandstone, medium grained greyish 229.76 –262.88 33.12

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (132)

Lithology Depth Range Thickness
Topsoil 0-6 6
Shale mixed with Fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 06-12 6
Medium Grained sandstone mixed with Shale, Grey in Colour 12-15 3
Shale Mixed With fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 15-24 9
Shale Mixed With fine grained Sand, Brownish Grey in Colour 24-30 6
Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Brownish Grey in 30-57 27
Coarse Grained Sandstone Mixed with Clay, Grey in Colour 57-72 15
Shale mixed with fine grained Sand, Brownish Grey in Colour 72-87 15
Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Grey in Colour 87-102 15
Shale mixed with fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 102-108 6
Fine Sand Mixed With Shale , Grey in Colour 108-128 20


Lithology Depth range
(m bgl) Thickness
Topsoil, Grey in Colour 0-6 6
Shale mixed with Fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 6-12 6
Medium Grained sandstone mixed with Shale 12-15 3
Shale Mixed With fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 15-24 9
Shale Mixed With fine grained Sand, Brownish Grey in Colour 24-30 6
Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Brownish Grey in 30-57
Colour 27
Coarse Grained Sandstone Mixed with Clay, Grey in Colour 57-72 15
Shale mixed with fine grained Sand, Brownish Grey in Colour 72-87 15
Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Grey in Colour 87-102 15
Shale mixed with fine grained Sand, Grey in Colour 102-108 6
Fine Sand Mixed With Shale , Grey in Colour 108-128 20


Lithology Depth Range
(mbgl) Thickness
Topsoil, Brown in Colour 0-6 6
Fine Sand Mixed with little shale, Redish Brown in Colour Jun-36 30
Fine Sand Mixed With shale, Redish Brown in Colour 36-48 12
Coarse sand mixed with shale, Redish Brown in Colour 48-60 12
Fine Sand Mixed With shale, Grey in Colour 60-72 12
Fine Sand Mixed With shale, Grey in Colour 72-81 9
Medium grained sand mixed with shale, Grey in Colour 81-90 9
Fine Sand Mixed With Clay, Grey in Colour 90-96 6
Medium Grained Sandstone Mixed With Shale, Grey in Colour 96-142 46
Fine sand mixed with Shale, Grey in Colour 142-150 8

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (133)

District – West Tripura
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown, sandy 00.00 – 9.95 9.95
Sandstone, fine grained, brown, with lateritic particles 9.95 – 16.10 6.15
Sandstone, medium, brownish, with laterites, quartz & feldspar 16.10 – 22.25 6.15
Sandstone, coarse grained, brown, with lateritic material and angular 22.25 – 34.55 12.30
to sub-angular grains of quartz and feldspar.
Sandstone, medium to coarse, brownish, laterite, quartz, feldspar 34.55 – 58.00 23.45
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish, with quartz, feldspar and 58.00 – 62.15 4.15
ironaceous material.
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish 62.15 – 89.90 27.75
Sandstone, fine grained with shale grey 89.90 – 94.00 4.10
Sandstone, fine to medium, creamish with quartz, feldspar, mica 94.00 – 103.00 9.00
Sandstone, very fine grained. 103.00 – 106.00 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium with quartz, feldspar and little mica 106.00 – 135.00 29.00
Sandstone, fine grained with shale, grey 135.00 – 143.00 8.00
Sandstone, fine to medium, particles of quartz, feldspar & mica 143.00 – 180.00 37.00
Sandstone fine grained creamish in colour with shale, grey 180.00 – 185.15 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained with quartz, feldspar, little 185.15– 191.30 6.15
micaceous mineral and shale, grey
Sandstone fine grained creamish with shale, grey 191.30 – 200.60 9.30


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown, sandy 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, fine grained, brown 6.80 – 12.95 6.15
Sandstone, medium, brownish, with laterite, quartz and feldspar 12.95 – 25.25 12.30
Sandstone, medium to coarse, brown, with lateritic material and 22.25 – 37.55 15.30
angular to sub-angular grains of quartz and feldspar.
Sandstone, coarse, brownish, with laterite, quartz and feldspar. 37.55 – 49.85 12.30
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, brownish, with quartz, feldspar 49.85 – 62.15 12.30
and ironaceous material.
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish 62.15 – 71.45 9.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained. 71.45 – 77.60 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, with shale grey 77.60 – 100.00 22.40


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil 0.00-3.00 3.0

Sandstone fine to medium, brownish yellow with quartz and feldspar 3.00 -18.00 15
and a few ferruginous material
Sandstone , fine to medium, light brownish yellow mostly composed 18.00 - 45.70 27.7
of quartz and feldspar
Sandstone, fine to medium, yellowish mostly composed of quartz and 45.70 – 67.00 21.3
feldspar with a few mafics minerals
Sandstonefine to medium, buff colour, quartzitic & feldspathic with 67.00 – 73.00 6.00
significant muscovite and a few ferruginous material
Sandstone, fine to medium, yellowish with quartz and feldspar 73.00 – 94.00 21.00
Sandstone , fine to medium grained , buff coloured, mostly composed 94.00 – 103.00 9.00

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of quartz and feldspar with ferruginous material
Sandstone, fine to medium, yellowish, quartzitic & feldspathic 103.00 -122.00 19.00
Sandstone, fine to medium, greyish, quartzitic & feldspathic 122.00 –219.60 97.6
Sand stone, fine to medium, greyish white, mostly composed of quartz 219.60 – 231.80 12.20
and feldspar with a few mafics minerals


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, reddish 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish mixed with little clay, 6.80 – 9.95 3.15
white. Abundant lateritic pieces present.
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish, abundant laterite pieces 9.95 – 16.10 6.15
Sandstone, fine, brownish mixed with little clay, lateritic pieces 16.10 – 19.10 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 19.10 – 22.25 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with little clay. 22.25 – 25.25 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish. Abundant lateritic pieces 25.25 – 31.40 6.15
Shale, greymixed with sandstone, fine grained, brownish 31.40 – 34.55 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with little clay. 34.55 – 43.70 9.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish. 43.70 – 56.00 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish mixed with little clay 56.00 – 59.15 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, whitish. 59.15 – 62.15 3.00
Sandstone, fine grained, whitish mixed with little shale, grey 62.15 – 65.30 3.15
Shale, greymixed with sandstone, fine grained, whitish 65.30 – 68.30 3.00
Sandstone, fine, whitish with little shale, grey. Pieces of iron 68.30 – 71.45 3.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish mixed with shale, grey. 74.45 – 92.90 18.45
Pieces of iron bearing minerals are present.
Sandstone, fine, light brownish. Pieces of iron bearing minerals 92.90 – 96.05 3.15
Sandstone, fine, light brownish with shale, grey. Pieces of iron 96.05 – 111.35 15.30
Sandstone, fine grained, light brownish. 111.35 – 139.10 27.75
Sandstone, fine to medium, light brownish. Pieces of iron minerals 139.10 – 142.10 3.00
Sandstone, fine, light brownish with little shale, grey. Pieces of iron 142.10 – 160.55 18.45
bearing minerals are present.
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light brownish. Pieces of iron 160.55 – 179.00 18.45
bearing minerals are present.
Shale, grey mixed with sandstone, fine grained, light brownish. 179.00 – 185.15 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, light brownish mixed with shale, grey. 185.15 – 197.45 12.30


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, reddish 00 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish with lateritic pieces 6.80 – 37.55 30.75
Sandstone, fine grained, light brownish 37.55 – 52.85 15.30
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale, grey 52.85 – 68.30 15.45
Sandstone, fine grained, light brownish 68.30 – 117.30 49.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light brownish 117.30 – 129.80 12.50
Shale, grey sandstone, fine grained, brownish 129.80 – 135.95 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale, grey 135.95 – 139.10 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 139.10 – 142.10 3.00
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale, grey 142.10 – 148.25 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light brownish 148.25 – 157.55 9.30
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 157.55 – 166.70 9.15

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Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 166.70 – 169.85 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with little shale, grey 169.85 – 179.00 9.15
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 179.00 – 200.45 21.85


Depth Thickness
Range(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, light brownish 00.00 – 9.95 9.95
Shale, grey 9.95 – 16.10 6.15
Sandstone, medium grained, mixed with shale brownish. 16.10 – 22.25 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 22.25 – 37.55 15.30
Sandstone, very fine grained, brownish 37.55 – 43.70 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 43.70 – 49.85 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, mixed with shale 49.85 – 74.45 24.60
Sandstone, coarse grained with quartz, feldspar and mica. 74.45 – 77.60 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, mixed with shale, grey 77.60 – 111.35 33.75
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, whitish with shale, grey. 111.35 – 123.65 12.30
Shale, grey 123.65 – 129.80 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, whitish with shale, grey. 129.80 – 142.10 12.30
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, whitish. 142.10 – 154.40 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained with shale, grey. 154.40 – 157.55 3.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, whitish. 157.45 – 166.70 9.25
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, creamish with shale, grey. 166.70 – 182.15 15.45
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, creamish. 182.15 – 188.30 6.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, creamish with shale, grey. 188.30 – 194.45 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, creamish. 194.45 – 200.60 6.15


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, brown 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
shale, brown 6.80 – 12.95 6.15
Sandstone, medium grained, brownish, mixed with shale 12.95 – 25.25 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brown, with lateritic material 22.25 – 37.55 15.30
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish. 37.55 – 49.85 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish, mixed with shale 49.85 – 71.45 21.60
Sandstone, coarse grained, whitish 71.45 – 77.60 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained mixed with shale. 77.60 – 92.90 15.30


Depth Range (m Thickness
bgl) (m)
Surface soil, clay mixed with fine sand, reddish 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, reddish brown, angular grains of 6.80 – 12.95 6.15
quartz, feldspar and ironaceous material
Shale, greyish brown 12.95 – 22.10 9.15
Sandstone, medium to fine, brown, angular grains of quartz, feldspar 22.10 – 31.40 9.30
and ironaceous material with shale and lateritic material
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 31.40 - 43.70 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish mixed with shale, grey 43.70 – 56.00 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 56.00 – 74.45 18.45
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish, with lateritic material 74.45 – 86.75 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 86.75 – 105.20 18.45
Shale, greyish brown 105.20 – 120.50 15.30
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish mixed with shale, grey 120.50 – 123.65 3.15

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Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 123.65 – 126.65 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish mixed with shale, grey 126.65 – 132.80 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 132.80 – 154.40 21.60
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, light grey 154.40 – 182.00 27.60
Sandstone, fine to medium, light grey mixed with shale, grey 182.00 – 200.45 18.45


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, reddish 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
Clay, brownish 6.80 – 28.40 21.60
Shale, gray 28.40 – 49.85 21.45
Shale, gray, mixed with sandstone,fine grained 49.85 – 59.15 9.30
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale, pieces of quartz 59.15 – 71.45 12.30
and feldspar present
Sandstone, fine grained, whitish, mixed with shale, gray 71.45 – 80.60 9.15
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish. 80.60 – 108.35 27.75
Sandstone, fine grained, whitish, mixed with shale, gray 108.35 – 111.35 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 111.35 – 117.50 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish, mixed with shale, gray 117.50 – 139.10 21.60
Shale, mixed with sandstone, fine grained, greyish 139.10 – 142.10 3.00
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, greyish. 142.10 – 145.25 3.15
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 145.25 – 151.40 6.15
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale, grey 151.40 – 154.40 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish. 154.40 – 169.85 15.45
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale, grey 169.85 – 179.00 9.15
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 179.00 – 185.30 6.30
Shale, mixed with sandstone, fine grained, greyish 185.30 - 200.55 15.25


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown, sandy 00.00 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, brownish 6.80 – 12.95 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brownish 12.95 – 43.70 30.75
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 43.70 – 56.00 12.30
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brownish 56.00 – 62.15 6.15
Sandstone, very fine grained, brownish, 62.15 – 65.30 3.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brownish 65.30 – 92.90 27.60
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, mixed with little shale 92.90 – 99.05 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brownish 99.05 – 105.20 6.15
Sandstone, medium to coarse grained, creamish 105.20 – 123.65 18.45
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, mixed with shale 123.65 – 129.80 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, greyish 129.80 – 151.40 21.60
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, mixed with shale 151.40 – 157.55 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, greyish 157.55 – 182.15 24.60
Sandstone, fine grained, mixed with shale 182.15 – 185.15 3.00
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, mixed with shale 185.15 – 197.45 12.30


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone reddish yellow fine grained 0.00-2.70 2.70
Sandstone reddish yellow fine grained 2.70-5.70 3.00

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Sandstone yellow fine to coarse grained 5.70-28.40 22.70
Sandstone yellow medium coarse grained with quartz grains 28.40-3.40 3.00
Sandstone yellow fine medium to coarse very coarse grained 31.40-95.50 64.10
Sandstone grey, coloured fine to coarse with shale pieces 95.50-98.50 3.00
Shale grey coloured with fine gained sand 98.50-104.60 6.10
Sandstone, grey fine grained with shale pieces 104.60-110.70 6.10
Sandstone grey coloured, fine grained sandstone 110.70-129.00 18.30
Sandstone, grey coloured fine grained with shale pieces. 129.00-135.10 6.10
Sandstone, grey coloured fine grained, sandstone friable 135.10-147.30 12.20
Sandstone, grey coloured, fine grained with shale pieces. 147.30-150.40 3.10
Sandstone, grey coloured, fine gained 150.40-153.40 3.00
Shale grey coloured, with fine grained sandstone 153.40-159.40 6.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained 159.40-187.00 27.60
Shale, grey coloured with fine sandstone. 187.00-190.00 3.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandy loam, Brown colour, fine grained with little clay 0.00-3.00 3.00
Sand, brown, fine grained with occasional medium grains sand and 3.00-13.10 10.10
little mafic minerals
Sand, brown, fine to medium with occasional mafic minerals. 13.10-19.20 6.10
Sandy clay, brown, fine sand with admixture of clay and mafic 19.20-31.40 12.20
Sand brown fine to medium grained with very little clay content. 31.40-83.30 51.90
Sand brown colour, medium with very little clay and mafics. 83.30-89.40 6.10
Sandy clay, sand, fine grained with clay admixture and mafics. 89.40-92.40 3.00
Sandy gray, fine grained with little clay admixture in the top portion, 92.42-101.60 9.20
claycontent decreases downward.
Clay sandy, gray sticky with fine grained sand 101.60-116.80 15.00
Sand, gray, fine to medium with very little clay and mafics. 116.80-135.00 18.20
Clay sandy, gray sticky with fine grained sand, clay content increases 135.00-142.20 7.20
in the middle
Sand, greyish fine grained with very little clay admixture sand 142.20-166.60 24.40
becomes medium grains toward downward portion.
Clay sandy, greyish sticky with fine grained sand 166.60-172.70 6.10
Sand gray, fine grained with mafics minerals. 172.70-182.90 9.20
Clay sandy, greyish sticky with fine grained sand 182.90-184.90 3.00
Sand, greyish fine to medium grained with very little clay content, clay 184.90-203.20 18.30
portion decreases downward.


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil: Reddish brown with lateritic fragments mixed with 00.00-6.80 6.80
brownish sand.
Shale: Mixed with fine grained sandstone, brown. 6.80-12.95 6.15
Sandstone: Fine grained ferruginous with little reddish shale. 12.95-34.55 21.60
Sandstone: Very fine grained light yellowish in colour. 34.55-49.85 15.30
Sandstone: Fine grained greyish brown in colour. 49.85-71.45 21.60

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Sandstone: Fine grained brownish in colour. 71.45-77.60 6.15
Sandstone: Fine grained creamish in colour. 77.60-99.05 21.45
Sandstone: Fine grained greyish brown in colour. 99.05-105.20 6.15
Sand stone: Fine grained mixed with grey shale. 105.20-114.50 9.30
Sandstone: Fine grained light brownish in colour. 114.50-142.10 27.60
Sandstone: Fine grained greyish in colour. 142.10-148.25 6.15
Shale: Grey in colour. 148.25-154.40 6.15
Sandstone: Fine grained greyish in colour. 154.40-172.85 18.45
Sandstone: Fine to medium grained greyish in colour. 172.85-185.15 12.30
Sandstone: Fine to medium grained mixed with silt stone. 185.15-200.75 15.60


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, fine grained, grey 0.00-7.00 7.00
Sandstone, fine gained with piece of shale 7.00-13.30 6.30
Shale, fine grained 13.30-19.20 5.9
Sandstone, fine gained 19.20-52.70 33.50
Shale, fine grained 52.70-64.66 11.96
Sandstone, fine gained 64.66-69.54 4.88
Shale, fine grained 69.54-71.06 1.52
Sandstone, fine gained 71.06-78.69 7.63
Shale, fine grained 78.69-88.45 9.76
Sandstone, fine gained 85.45-92.11 6.66
Sandstone, fine gained with intermixing of shale 92.11-95.16 3.05
Sandstone, fine gained 95.16-99.43 4.27
Shale, fine grained 99.43-109.83 10.4
Sandstone, fine gained 109.83-148.84 39.01
Shale, fine grained 148.84-153.11 4.27
Sandstone, fine gained 153.11-162.26 9.15
Shale, fine grained 162.26-163.17 0.91
Sandstone, fine gained 163.17-171.10 7.93
Shale, fine grained 171.10-186.05 14.95
Sandstone, fine gained 186.05-205.20 19.15
Shale, fine grained 205.20-208.30 3.10
Sandstone, fine gained 208.30-211.30 3.00
Shale, fine grained 211.30-214.40 3.10
Sandstone, fine gained 214.40-226.60 12.20


Depth Range Thickness
Lithology (mbgl) (m)
Sandy clay, yellowish brown, fine to medium grained. 0.00-10.00 10
Sandstone, light yellow, fine to medium grained. 10.00-19.00 9
Sand, light yellow, fine to medium, trace mica, slight ferruginous 19.00-40.00 21
Sand, yellowish grey, medium to fine, micaceous and the percentage 40.00-74.00 34
ferruginous materials are higher than above.
Sand, yellowish grey, fine to medium micaceous with a few 74.00-77.00 3
intercalation of shale, bluish.

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Sand as above, but the percentage of shale is high. 77.00-86.00 9
Sand yellowish grey, medium to fine micaceous 86.00-100.00 14
Sand, yellowish grey, fine to medium with intercalation of shale 100.00-107.00 7
Sandy clay, bluish, sticky, 107.00-110.00 3
Sand, light grey, fine to medium with little clay, 110.00-120.00 10
Sand light grey, fine to medium with a few chips of shale. 120.00-150.00 30
Sand yellowish grey, medium to fine 150.00-225.00 75
Sand yellowish grey, fine to medium with little clay sticky. 225.00-233.00 8
Sand yellowish grey, medium to fine 233.00-257.00 24


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, gray 00.00-3.00 3.00
Clay stone, light gray 3.00-6.80 3.80
Clay stone, dark gray in colour 6.80-16.10 9.30
Clay stone, dark gray mixed with fine grained sandstone 16.10-25.25 9.15
Clay stone, dark gray in colour 25.25-46.75 21.50
Clay stone, mixed with fine grained sandstone 46.75-55.90 9.15
Sandstone medium to fine grained mixed with clay stone 55.90-8380 27.9
Sandstone, medium grained with little clay stone 83.80-92.95 9.15
Sand stone, coarse grained with feldspar and quartz particles. 92.96-96.10 3.15
Sandstone, brownish medium to fine with feldspathic particles 96.10-105.25 9.15
Sandstone, brownish, medium to coarse grained with shale gray 105.25-114.55 9.3
Sandstone, brownish fine to medium with quartz, feldspar & mica 114.55-142.15 27.6
Sandstone, whitish, fine to medium with quartz and feldspar 142.15-169.75 27.6
Sandstone, very fine grained with silt stone 169.75-200.50 30.75

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District – Sepahijala
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, brownish 0 – 6.80 6.80
Sandstone, fine, light brown with little ferruginous compound 6.80 – 16.10 9.30
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brownish with quartz, feldspar &
ferruginous materials 16.10 – 46.85 30.75
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 46.85 – 49.85 3.00
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, brown, with quartz, feldspar &
ferruginous materials 49.85 – 62.15 12.30
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish with occasional laterites 62.15 – 68.30 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine, brown, quartz & ferruginous nodules. 68.30 – 99.05 30.75
Shale, greyish, mixed with fine-grained sandstone. 99.05 – 105.20 6.15
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, light brownish. 105.20 – 108.35 3.15
Sandstone,fine to medium, brownish to gray & ferruginous grains 108.35 – 111.35 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium, brownish with ferruginous nodules. 111.35 – 114.50 3.15
Sandstone,fine to medium grained, gray in colour with shale. 114.50 – 123.65 9.15
Sandstone,fine to medium, gray with ferruginous materials. 123.65 – 126.80 3.15
Sandstone,fine to medium grained, gray, mixed with shale. 126.80 – 139.10 12.30
Sandstone, fine grained, gray. 139.10 – 142.10 3.00
Sandstone, medium to fine grained, gray. 142.10 – 154.40 12.30
Sandstone,medium grained, gray. 154.40 – 160.55 6.15
Sandstone,fine to medium, light brown, mixed with shale gray. 160.55 – 163.70 3.15
Sandstone, gravelly, with shale gray, 163.70 – 200.00 36.30


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sand fine to medium light yellowish brown 0.00-18.80 48.80
Sand fine to medium yellowish brown with few chips of shale 18.80-67.10 19.30
Sand fine to medium, light grey with few chips of shale 67.10-91.50 24.40
Shale with minor fine sand, grey amount decreasing with depth 91.50-179.90 88.40
Grey sticky clay. 179.90-280.60 100.70


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sand fine to medium yellowish white 0.00-14.00 14.00
Sand fine to medium light brown 14.00-62.00 40.00
Sand fine to medium light gray, micaceous with little quartz and a few 62.00-72.00 9.20
ferruginous material
Sand fine to medium dark gray, micaceous with quartz and a few 72.00-81.00 9.00
ferruginous material
Sand fine to medium dark gray, with little clay, sticky 81.00-84.20 3.20
Sand fine to medium gray, micaceous with quartz and a few 84.20-108.60 24.40
ferruginous material
Sand fine to medium dark gray, with chips of shale 108.60-114.60 60.00
Sand fine to medium gray, micaceous 14.60-142.10 27.50
Sand fine to medium gray, with chips of shale 142.10-151.20 9.10
Sand fine to medium gray, micaceous 151.20-186.20 35.00
Sandy clay light yellow, sticky 186.20-222.80 36.60

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Sand fine to medium gray 222.80-270.00 47.20


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Clay: dark, reddish brown with little fine grained sand and mica. 0.00-3.00 3.00
Sandy clay: Reddish brown, sand fine to medium , clay sticky and soft 3.00-6.55 3.55
sand content is about 30%
Sand: reddish brown, fine to medium, little micaceous clay (10%) 6.55-15.93 9.38
Clay: Redish brown, sticky, hard and micaceous, little fine sand. 15.93-19.31 3.38
Sandy clay: Reddish brown to dirty brown, fine to medium and 19.31-28.69 9.38
occasionally coarse sand (Feldspar and quartz pieces of kankar)
Clay: Reddish brown, slightly micaceous with patches of dark brown, 28.69-32.07 3.38
lateritic formation and 5% sand.
Sandy clay: Reddish brown to dirty brown, fine to medium 32.07-63.92 31.85
occasionally coarse sand (Feldspar and quartz pieces of kankar)
Sand: Brownish gray to dark grey, fine to medium, micaceous 63.92-70.35 6.43
Clay: Dark grey to reddish brown with patches of lateritic material, 70.35-95.87 25.52
sticky, hard with 20 to 30% of fine grained sand.
Clay: reddish brown to brown micaceous with patches of dark grey 95.87-99.25 3.38
clay, fine grained sand is about 15%.
Sand: Reddish brown, fine to medium grained, micaceous with little 99.25-108.63 9.38
admixture of clay, sand is occasionally coarse grained.
Sand: Reddish brown, fine to medium, mica, little dark grey sand 108.63-115.01 6.38
Sandy clay: reddish brown, fine to medium sand, micaceous with 115.01-118.39 3.38
pieces of kankar, brown to grey coloured clay, sticky
Sand: Reddish brown, fine to medium with patches of lateritic 118.39-127.97 9.58
material, silt content is about 10%, and occasional grey clay
Sandy clay: Reddish brown, fine to medium, micaceous with kankar, 127.97-134.15 6.38
clay is sticky, hard, dirty grey and 30% of total volume.
Sand: Grey to brownish grey, fine to medium grained, micaceous, with 134.15-175.81 41.66
pieces of kankar, silt content is about 10%.
Clayey sand: Grey to dark grey, miceceous sand, fine grained with 175.81-182.19 6.38
pieces of kankar and clay (about 30-40%).
Clay: Grey to dark grey, sticky, hard, with medium and fine sand 182.19-204.33 22.14

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District – Gomati

Depth Range Thickness

(mbgl) (m)
Sandy loam, light pink, fine grained 0.00-4.50 4.50
Sand brown, fine to medium grained 4.50-7.00 2.50
Clay sandy, brown, plastic with fine grained sand. 7.00-34.00 27.00
Clay, brownish grey, plastic, sticky and hard. 34.00-52.00 18.00
Clay sandy grey to brownish grey, plastic and sticky along with fine
52.00-73.00 19.00
grained sand
Sand brown, fine to medium grained 73.00-115.00 42.00
Sand grey, fine to medium grained 115.00-123.00 18.00
Sand clayey, grey, medium grained along with little plastic and sticky
123.00-151.00 18.00
Sand grey, fine to medium grained 151.00-157.00 6.00
Clay sandy, grey, plastic and sticky with admixture of medium grained
157.00-175.00 18.00
Sand clayey, grey, medium grained with little plastic clay. 175.00-178.00 3.00
Sand grey, mostly medium grained and very little amount of clay. 178.00-247.00 69.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Shale, greyish, mixed with sandstone 0.00 – 9.98 9.98
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale 9.98 – 25.74 15.76
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 25.74 – 35.50 9.76
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 35.50 – 73.78 38.28
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 73.78 – 83.16 9.38
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 83.16 – 95.92 12.76
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 95.92 –115.06 19.14
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 115.06 – 127.82 12.76
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 127.82 – 143.58 15.76
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 143.58 – 153.34 9.76
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 153.34 – 178.86 25.52
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish mixed with shale 178.86 – 191.62 12.76
Shale, greyish 191.62 – 210.76 19.14
Shale, greyish mixed with fine grained sandstone 210.76 – 250.42 44.66


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandy clay, fine sands with clay costing gray to brown in colour with
little admixture of mica. 0.00-3.00 3.00
Sand brown to yellowish brown, fine grained sand, with mica 3.00-6.55 3.55
Sandy clay, brown to yellowish brown, fine grained sand with
abundance of clay materials. 6.55-9.93 3.38
Sand, Brown sand with greyish ting, fine grained moderately sorted,
with abundance of mica. 9.93-16.31 6.38
Sandy clay, brown to yellowish brown, fine grained with clay. 16.31-19.31 3.00
Sand, Grey to brownish grey, medium to fine grained sand, moderately
sorted, sub rounded with abundance of mica 19.31-25.69 6.38
Sandy clay, grey with little blackish shale’s, sand fine grained and
moderately sorted sand and clay ratio 50:50 25.69-29.07 3.38

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Sand, brownish grey, medium grained sub rounded sands, with
abundance of mica flakes and occasional chips of shale. 29.07-35.45 6.38
Sandy clay, gray fine grained with admixture of clay (50:50) poorly
sorted, iron con-creations present, ample flakes of mica 35.45-48.85 12.80
Sand grey coloured, medium grained moderately sorted with very little
amount of clay pieces of shale and iron concretion present a few grains 48.25-73.73 25.48
of mafic minerals.
Sand with little clay, grey coloured fine to medium grained sand with
abundance mafics, shale pieces are also present clay content is little 73.73-76.73 3.00
high compared to the above unit.
Sandy clay, Grey colour, fine grained, sand poorly sorted, with
abundance of mafics shale particles, clay admixture, carbonaceous 76.73-80.11 3.38
material and numerous from pyrites observed.
Sand grey coloured medium grained with abundance of mafics and
iron pyrites. 80.11-83.11 3.00
Sandy clay, grey, medium to fine moderate sub rounded sand mixed
with clay and carbonaceous material with pyrites 83.11-92.87 9.76
Sand, grey coloured, medium grained, moderately sorted sand grained,
sub rounded with very little clay. 92.87-99.25 6.38
Sand with little clay, sand, grey, coloured fine grained clay, content
with little higher than the above, abundance of mica 99.25-102.25 3.00
Sandy clay, sand gray coloured fine grained with little clay admixture
of mafics. 102.25-108.63 6.38
Sand grey, fine to medium grained moderately sorted sub rounded with
little amount of clay, flakes of mica and little mafics 108.63-131.15 22.52
Sandy clay, grey, fine grained, clay portion in higher than the above
formation mica and mafics are abundance. 131.15-140.53 9.38
Sand, grey, fine grained, moderately sorted sand pieces of fossil wood
present, clay content is very less. 140.53-150.29 9.76
Sand with little clay, grey, fine grained, moderately sorted, with
slightly higher clay content. 150.20-153.29 3.00
Sandy clay, Grey, fine moderately sorted sub rounded with still higher
clay content, and abundance of mafics and mica flakes. 153.29-178.81 25.52
Sand, grey coloured medium to fine grained sub rounded, moderately
sorted, sand with pieces with fossil wood 178.81-182.19 3.38
Clay, grey to dark gray, sticky, with abundance with mafics 182.19-239.51 57.32
Sandy clay, Grey, fine little compact, with abundant mafics. 239.51-242.51 3.00
Clay, grey to dark grey, fine grained, sticky with abundance of mafics
and mica. 242.51-250.00 8.51


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 00.00 – 31.10 31.10
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish mixed with shale 31.10 – 34.20 3.10
Shale, brownish 34.20 – 37.20 3.00
Sandstone, fine grained, brownish 37.20 – 52.50 15.30
Shale, brownish 52.50 – 55.50 3.00
Sandstone, medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 55.50 – 147.00 91.50
Shale, greyish, mixed with fine grained sand stone, fine grained 147.00 – 208.00 61.00
District – South Tripura
Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown, with lateritic fragments 00.00 – 3.00 3.00
Shale, mixed with ferruginous sandstone. 3.00 – 12.00 9.00

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Shale, gray. 12.95 – 16.50 3.55
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish white. 16.50 – 19.50 3.00
Shale, gray. 19.50 – 27.50 8.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 27.50 – 30.50 3.00
Shale, mixed with fine grained sand stone, greyish 30.50 – 43.00 12.50
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 43.00 – 47.00 4.00
Shale, mixed with fine grained sandstone 47.00 – 73.50 26.50
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 73.50 – 76.00 3.00
Shale, gray 76.00 – 81.50 4.50
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 81.50 – 86.00 4.50
Shale, mixed with fine grained sandstone 86.00 – 91.00 5.00
Sandstone, fine, greyish white & occasional mafic minerals 91.00 – 94.50 3.50
Shale, with fine grained sandstone 94.50 – 102.20 25.70
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 102.20 – 106.00 3.80
Shale, with fine grained sandstone 106.00 – 109.00 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish white. 109.00 – 114.00 5.00
Shale, gray 114.00 –115.50 1.50
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish white. 115.50 – 119.50 3.00
Shale, gray 119.50 – 123.00 3.50
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 123.00 – 131.00 8.00
Sandstone, fine grained, mixed with shale 131.00 – 137.50 6.50
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish white. 137.50 – 150.00 12.50
Sandstone, fine grained, mixed with shale 150.00 – 158.00 8.00
Sandstone, fine grained, greyish 158.00 – 175.00 17.00
Sandstone, very fine grained, mixed with siltstone 175.00 – 197.50 22.50


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Surface soil, brown 00.00 – 3.00 3.00
Shale, brownish. 3.00 – 7.00 4.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish mixed with shale 7.00 – 13.40 6.40
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, brownish 13.40 – 34.40 21.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 34.40 – 58.40 24.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 58.40 – 64.40 6.00
Shale, greyish, mixed with fine to medium grained sand stone 64.40 – 70.40 6.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 70.40 – 235.40 165.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish mixed with shale 235.40 – 238.40 3.00
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, greyish 238.40 – 253.40 15.00


Depth Range Thickness
(mbgl) (m)
Sand, brownish yellow, fine to medium grained with clay between
8.23 and 11.27m. 0.00-11.27 11.27
Sand, brownish, yellow, medium to coarse grained with clay
intercalations between 38.1-39.62 and 42.67-44.20 11.27-65.53 54.26
Claysandy grey , sticky clay with fine grained sand 65.53-99.05 33.52
Clay, grey sticky, little admixture of sand. 99.05-109.73 10.68
Sand, light gray, fine to medium grained sand. 109.73-124.96 15.23
Sand clayey, light gray sand with grey clay. 124.96-135.63 11.67
Sand, light gray, fine to medium grained (mostly medium) 135.63-150.87 15.24
Clay, grey sticky with little admixture of sand. 150.87-154.84 3.97
Sand, light gray, fine to medium grained sand. 154.84-165.52 10.68
Clay, grey sticky with little amount of sand. 165.52-166.43 0.91

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Sand ,light gray mostly medium grained sand 166.43-183.80 17.37
Sand clayey, grey, mostly medium grained sand with grey clay. 183.80-190.42 6.62
Sand, gray, fine to medium grained sand sub rounded. 190.42-193.42 3.00
Clay sandy, grey to brownish yellow plastic sticky clay with
admixture of fine sand 193.42-245.30 51.88
Sand, gray, fine to medium grained with a little clay. 245.30-249.24 3.94
Clay sandy, grey, sticky clay with admixture of grey clay. 249.24-177.00
Shale grey with intercalation of sandstone. 177.00-193.00 14.00
Sandstone, grey fine to medium with shale 193.00-204.00 11.00
Shale, grey, brittle 204.00-207.00 3.00
Sandstone, grey, fine to medium grained. 207.00-225.00 18.00
Shale, grey, brittle 225.00-227.00 2.00
Sandstone gray, fine to medium with little intercalation of shale. 227.00-247.00 20.00
Shale, grey, brittle with fine grained sandstones. 247.00-294.00 47.00


Depth Range Thickness

(mbgl) (m)
Surface clay, Yellowish in colour 00-6.65 6.65
Clay, Sticky, yellowish in colour 6.65-28.05 21.40
Clay, Black in colour with minute fine grained sand. 28.05-31.05 3.00
Clayey sandstone, Brown in colour sand fine grained 31.05-37.15 6.10
Clay, sticky , brown to dirty brown with some feldsper and mica 37.15-67.65 30.50
Clayey sandstone, yellow in colour sand fine grained 67.65-76.85 9.20
Sandstone, Medium to coarse grained, yellowish in colour 76.85-95.15 18.30
Clay, sticky, grey in colour 95.15-104.25 9.10
Sandstone, Grey fine to medium grained 104.25-113.45 9.20
Clay, Reddish brown in colour, mixed with little sand 113.45-143.95 30.50
Sandstone, fine to medium grained, yellowish in colour. 143.95-150.05 6.10
Clayey sandstone, Yellowish in colour sand fine grained 150.05-153.05 3.00
Clay Sticky grey in colour 153.05-159.15 6.10
Sandstone, Medium to fine grained yellowish in colour. 159.15-201.85 42.70


Depth Range Thickness

(mbgl) (m)
Surface clay, Redish brown 00-6.65 6.65
Clay, sticky, reddish brown in colour occasionally with little sand 6.65-55.45 48.80
Sandstone, fine to medium grained reddish brown in colour. 55.45-61.45 6.00
Sandy clay, grey in colour, sand occasionally fine grained 61.45-64.65 3.20
Clay grey in colour occasionally with little snd 64.65-114.55 49.90
Sandy clay yellowish brown in colour sand fine gained. 114.55-168.35 53.80
Sandstone, Medium grained yellowish in colour. 168.35-189.55 21.20


Lithology Depth Range Thickness

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (146)


Top Soil with Silt and Clay, Top Soil comprising clay yellowish
brown, semisticky and minor very fine sand and silt. 0-3.5 3.5
Clay, steel grey hard sticky 3.5-6.8 3.3
Clay, yellowish grey semisticky 6.8-15.9 9.1
Clay, yellow semisticky 15.9-19 3.1
Sand fine to medium, yellow with minor clay greyish yellow semi-
sticky with a few brown ferruginous concretions. 19-25.1 6.1
Sand medium to coarse, mainly yellow and slightly greyish yellow
with a few brown ferruginous concretions. 25.1-31.2 6.1
Sand medium to coarse, light grey, transparent, yellowish grey with a
few brown ferruginous concretions and rock fragments with quartz 31.2-34.2 3
Sand clayey : sand fine to medium, light grey to minor yellowish grey
& dark grey clay 34.2-40.3 6.1
Sand, medium to coarse and colour varied from yellow, light yellow
and greyish yellow to yellowish grey and then grey mixed with a
significant amount of brown ferruginous kankar and rock fragments
including quartz 40.3-55.6 15.3
Sand, fine to medium, light yellow, greyish yellow, yellowish grey
and light grey with a few rock fragments including shale and quartz 55.6-64.7 9.1
Sand medium to coarse, light yellow, yellow and greyish yellow with
minor amount of medium gravel sized rock fragments and brown
ferruginous kankar 64.7 9.2
Sand fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey, grey with a few large quartz fragments, brown
ferruginous kankar and other rock fragments 73.9-122.7 48.8
Sand very fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey with little clay yellowish grey to earthy 122.7-128.8 6.1
Clay grey to dark grey, semi-sticky with minor sand very fine to fine,
yellowish grey to grey & transparent. 128.8-134.9 6.1
Sandy Clay, clay semi-sticky, grey to light grey with minor sand, very
fine to fine, minor medium sized, yellowish grey, transparent, grey 134.9-137.9 3
Sand, fine to medium, yellow, light yellow, greyish yellow, beige,
transparent, off-white, mainly quartzitic and minor blackish grey to
dark brown ferruginous grains. 137.9-153.2 15.3
Sand, medium grained, yellow, light yellow, off-white, transparent
mixed with appreciable amount of semi-sticky variegated clay in the
form of pellets 153.2-156.2 3
Sand, medium, yellow, light yellow, beige, mixed with rock fragments
(mainly brown chert nodules/kankar, transparent & white quartz
fragments) & little variegated clay 156.2-165.4 9.2
Sand, fine to medium grained, light grey, yellowish grey and
transparent mixed with rock fragments, ferruginous
concretion/kankars 165.4-175.5 10.1


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Top Soil with Silt and Clay, Top Soil comprising clay yellowish
0-3.5 3.5
brown, semisticky and minor very fine sand and silt.
Clay, steel grey hard sticky 3.5-6.8 3.3
Clay, yellowish grey semisticky 6.8-15.9 9.1
Clay, yellow semisticky 15.9-19 3.1
Sandfine tomedium, yellow with minor clay greyish yellow semi-
sticky with a few brown ferruginous concretions. 19-25.1 6.1
Sand medium to coarse, mainly yellow and slightly greyish yellow 25.1-31.2 6.1

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with a few brown ferruginous concretions.
Sand medium to coarse, light grey, transparent, yellowish grey with a
few brown ferruginous concretions and rock fragments with quartz 31.2-34.2 3
Sand clayey : sand fine to medium, light grey to minor yellowish grey
and dark grey clay 34.2-40.3 6.1
Sand, medium to coarse and colour varied from yellow, light yellow
and greyish yellow to yellowish grey and then grey mixed with a
significant amount of brown ferruginous kankar and rock fragments
including quartz 40.3-55.6 15.3
Sand, fine to medium, light yellow, greyish yellow, yellowish grey
and light grey with a few rock fragments including shale and quartz 55.6-64.7 9.1
Sand medium to coarse, light yellow, yellow and greyish yellow with
minor amount of medium gravel sized rock fragments and brown
ferruginous kankar 64.7-73.9 9.2
Sand fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey, grey with a few large quartz fragments, brown
ferruginous kankar and other rock fragments 73.9-122.7 48.8
Sand very fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey with little clay yellowish grey to earthy 122.7-128.8 6.1
Clay grey to dark grey, semi-sticky with minor sand very fine to fine,
yellowish grey to grey & transparent. 128.8-134.9 6.1
Sandy Clay, clay semi-sticky, grey to light grey with minor sand, very
fine to fine, minor medium sized, yellowish grey, transparent, grey 134.9-137.9 3
Sand, fine to medium, yellow, light yellow, greyish yellow, beige,
transparent, off-white etc. mainly quartzitic and minor amount of
blackish grey to dark brown ferruginous grains. 137.9-153.2 15.3
Sand, medium grained, yellow, light yellow, off-white, transparent
mixed with appreciable amount of semi-sticky variegated clay in the
form of pellets 153.2-156.2 3
Sand, medium, yellow, light yellow, beige, with rock fragments
(mainly brown chert nodule /kankar and transparent & white quartz
fragments) and little variegated clay pellets. 156.2-165.4 9.2
Sand, fine to medium grained, light grey, yellowish grey and
transparent mixed with rock fragments, ferruginous
concretion/kankars 165.4-175.5 10.1


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

Top Soil lateritic comprising Sand, Silt and Clay: Sand very fine to
fine, brown and yellowish brown and minor silt and clay semi-sticky
brown and reddish brown. 0-6.8 6.8
Clay: very hard, sticky with variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey) 6.8-9.8 3
Sand: medium to fine, quartzitic, yellow, brownish yellow etc. 9.8-12.8 3
Sand: fine to coarse, quartzitic, yellow, orangish yellow, brownish
yellow mixed with minor amount of small to medium gravel (sub-
angular to sub-rounded quartz fragments and brown chert nodules) 12.8-19 6.2
Gravel : medium to large quartzitic, sub-angular to sub-rounded
(white, off-white, yellowish white, yellow, brownish yellow,
transparent) and ferruginous chert, sub-rounded to rounded, brown 19-23.5 4.5
Clay : very hard, sticky, variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey) 23.5-34.1 10.6
Sand clayey : fine, light yellow, yellow, transparent, minor clay
yellow and brown ferruginous kankar 34.1-37.3 3.2
Sand : fine to medium, little clay yellow and sizeable chert nodules, 37.3-40.4 3.1

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light brown to brown
Sand : fine yellow mixed with little gravel 40.4-43.5 3.1
Sand : fine to medium, buff, pinkish white, white with gravel small
quartzitic and chert nodules 43.5-46.5 3
Sand : fine to medium, yellow, yellowish white, white, orangish white,
off-white, brownish yellow 46.5-49.5 3
Sandy Clay : Clay plastic semi-sticky, yellowish, yellowish brown and
sometimes variegated with minor sand fine, yellow, brownish yellow,
light yellow, off-white etc. 49.5-58.5 9
Clayey Sand : Sandfine with clay, yellow, yellowish brown and
variegated at places 58.5-61.6 3.1
Clayey Sand : Sand fine to medium, quartzitic, light yellow, yellow,
brownish yellow, off-white, transparent with minor clayvariegated
(light brown, yellow, yellowish brown, off-white, light grey) 61.6-67.6 6.1
Sand with Clay : Sand fine to medium, quartzitic, light yellow,
brownish yellow, transparent, off-white; variegated claylight brown,
yellow, yellowish brown, off-white, light grey; minor small to medium
gravel 67.7-70.8 3.1
Sand : fine to medium, deep yellow, yellowish transparent, orangish
yellow, yellowish white and minor white sand; little brown ferruginous
kankar and quartz frags. white & yellowish transparent. 70.8-92.2 21.4
Sand : medium to coarse, yellow, light yellow, yellowish transparent,
yellowish white, transparent mainly quartzitic and minor amount of
deep brown to brown ferruginous cherts of coarse sand size. 92.2-95.2 3
Sandy Clay : plastic, nonsticky, light yellow with minor sand fine to
medium, light yellow, yellowish transparent, yellowish white,
transparent and chert fragments, small gravel sized, deep brown. 95.2-98.5 3.3
Sand : fine to medium, light yellow, yellowish transparent, yellowish
white, transparent with little gravel small sized (mainly brown chert
nodules/kankar and transparent & white quartz fragments). 98.5-101 2.5
Sand : fine to medium grained, mostly light yellow, yellowish
transparent , off-white, orangish light yellow coloured and also some
white and transparent grains 101-104.5 3.5
Clayey Sand : Sand fine, light yellow, yellowish transparent, off-
white, orangish yellow and some white and transparent grains with
little clay, non-sticky, plastic, light grey, beige, yellowish grey. 104.5-113.5 9
Sand : fine, light yellow, yellowish transparent , off-white, orangish
white with few white, deep brown & transparent grains mixed with a
few ferruginous nodules, reddish to dark brown & white quartz. 113.5-116.5 3
Sand : fine to medium, mainly yellow, yellowish transparent, orangish
yellow, off-white, deep yellow, reddish yellow with a few ferruginous
nodules, minor coarse sand and little small gravels. 116.5-128.8 12.3
Sand : medium to coarse, light yellow, greyish yellow, light grey, off-
white, white mixed with abundant small to medium gravel sized brown
to deep brown chert & little quartz, white, yellow, yellowish white. 128.8-135 6.2
Sand with Chert Nodules : medium to coarse, light yellow, off-white
and minor amount of white, reddish yellow, brownish yellow and
small to medium gravel sized brown to deep brown chert nodues 135-140.3 5.4
Sand : fine to medium, light yellow, off-white, reddish & brownish
yellow, little clay light yellow, plastic 140.3-147.1 6.6
Sand : mainly medium and minor fine grained, light yellow, greyish
yellow, yellowish transparent, off-white and less reddish yellow and
brownish yellow. 147.1-153.2 6.1
Sand : fine, light yellow, yellow, orangish yellow, off-white, yellowish
transparent 153.2-159.5 6.3
Clay : semi-sticky, plastic, light yellow to greyish yellow with minor
sand, fine, light yellow, yellow, orangish yellow, off-white, yellowish
transparent and very little chert 159.5-171.5 12
Sand : fine, orangish yellow, light yellow, off-white, yellowish 171.5-174.5 3

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transparent; trace clay


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

Top Soil lateritic comprising Sand, Silt and Clay: Sand very fine to
fine, brown and yellowish brown, minor silt and clay semi-sticky
yellowish brown and reddish brown. 0-6.8 6.8
Clay: hard, sticky with variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey, light grey etc.) 6.8-9.8 3
Sand: medium to fine, quartzitic, yellow, brownish yellow etc. 9.8-13 3.2
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 13-19.05 6.05
Sand fine to medium with minor clay brownish yellow 19.05-22 2.95
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 22-25.5 3.5
Sand fine with minor clay brownish yellow 25.5-28 2.5
Sand fine with clay brownish yellow 28-31.2 3.2
Sand fine with minor clay earthy yellow 31.2-40.4 9.2
Sand very fine to fine with clay earthy yellow 40.4-43.5 3.1
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with trace clay 43.5-49.5 6
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with minor clay variegated to yellow to brownish yellow. 49.5-52.8 3.3
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent 52.8-61.8 9
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow 61.8-67.8 6
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow with clay light yelow 67.8-74 6.2
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, brownish yellow,
yellowish brown, orangish 74-80 6
Sand fine to medium, yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish mixed with minor white quartz fragments, brown chert
fragments and clay yellow, yellowish brown 80-98.4 18.4
Sand fine, yellow, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, off-white with minor clay yellowish light brown. 98.4-104.3 5.9
Sand fine to medium, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, offwhite 104.3-116.6 12.3
Sand fine to medium light yellow, off-white, yellowish transparent,
orangish yellow, brownish yellow with trace clay light grey 116.6-122.6 6
Sand fine to medium greyish yellow, off-white with a few quartz
fragments small to large 122.6-128.8 6.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellowish transparent, orangish
yellow 128.8-141 12.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow 141-147 6
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow with minor clay variegated grey, off-white, yellow
and brownish yellow 147-153 6
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, light yellow, yellowish
transparent, orangish yellow, off-white mixed with minor brown
ferruginous kankar/chert nodules 153-160 7


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (150)

Top Soil lateritic comprising Sand, Silt and Clay: Sand very fine to
fine, brown and yellowish brown, minor silt and clay semi-sticky
yellowish brown and reddish brown. 0-6.8 6.8
Clay: hard, sticky with variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey, light grey etc.) 6.8-9.8 3
Sand: medium to fine, quartzitic, yellow, brownish yellow etc. 9.8-13 3.2
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 13-19.05 6.05
Sand fine to medium with minor clay brownish yellow 19.05-22 2.95
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 22-25.5 3.5
Sand fine with minor clay brownish yellow 25.5-28 2.5
Sand fine with clay brownish yellow 28-31.2 3.2
Sand fine with minor clay earthy yellow 31.2-40.4 9.2
Sand very fine to fine with clay earthy yellow 40.4-43.5 3.1
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with trace clay 43.5-49.5 6
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with minor clay variegated to yellow to brownish yellow. 49.5-52.8 3.3
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent 52.8-61.8 9
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow 61.8-67.8 6
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow with clay light yellow 67.8-74 6.2
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, brownish yellow,
yellowish brown, orangish 74-80 6
Sand fine to medium, yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish mixed with minor white quartz fragments, brown chert
fragments and clay yellow, yellowish brown 80-98.4 18.4
Sand fine, yellow, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, off-white with minor clay yellowish light brown. 98.4-104.3 5.9
Sand fine to medium, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, offwhite 104.3-116.6 12.3
Sand fine to medium light yellow, off-white, yellowish transparent,
orangish yellow, brownish yellow with trace clay light grey 116.6-122.6 6
Sand fine to medium greyish yellow, off-white with a few quartz
fragments small to large 122.6-128.8 6.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellowish transparent, orangish
yellow 128.8-141 12.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow 141-147 6
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow with minor clay variegated grey, off-white, yellow
and brownish yellow 147-153 6
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, light yellow, yellowish
transparent, orangish yellow, off-white mixed with minor brown
ferruginous kankar/chert nodules 153-160 7


Depth Range
Lithology Thickness

Sand, Light brown to brown, fine to medium grained with mafic 0.00-25.89 25.89
Clay, Sandy, brownish grey to brown, sticky with fine grained sand 25.89-38.01 12.12
Sand, Grey fine to coarse grained along with pieces of gravel and 38.01-53.09 15.08
Clay, Sandy, grey, fine to medium grained sand with quartz. 53.09-55.01 1.92
Sand, Grey, medium grained with pieces of ferromagnesian minerals 55.01-94.98 49.97

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (151)

and mica.
Clay, Sandy, grey with very fine grained sand. 94.98-107.04 12.06
Clay, Grey, sticky with admixture of fine grained sand. 107.04-118.99 11.95
Sand, Grey, fine to medium grained with mafic minerals and clay. 118.99-127.99 9.00
Clay, Grey, sticky with little fine grained sand. 127.99-140.00 12.01
Clay, Sandy, grey, clay plastic with fine grained sand. 140.00-149.06 9.06
Clay, Grey, sticky with a admixture of sand. 149.06-165.03 16.97
Clay, Grey plastic with very little sand. 165.03-167.03 2.00
Sand, Grey medium grained, subrounded with clay. 167.03-175.03 8.00
Clay, Sandy, grey, clay plastic with fine grained sand. 175.03-178.95 3.92
Clay, Grey, sticky with sand. 178.95-187.84 8.89
Clay, Sandy, grey, clay plastic with fine grained sand. 187.84-195.71 15.87
Sand, Grey, fine grained with clay. 195.71-251.54 55.83

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ANNEXURE-X (Hydrogeological Parameters)

1. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in North Tripura

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)

Dharmanagar Valley & Juri Basin (North Tripura District)

1. Ichaicherra 72-85, 110-140 0.42 Auto
255.2/209 56 24.4 6.77 23.4 16.6 7.8 0.1 -
182-192, 201-206 agl Flow EW
2. Nayapara 66-73, 77-103 2.34 Auto
251.8/160 59 82.4 22.88 25.43 54.3 74.3 12.6 2.7 x10-4
128-145, 148-157 agl Flow EW
3. Haflongcherra 80-98, 134-154
232.7/180 44 17.20 3.9 1.08 23.35 2.7 20 0.4 - EW
4. Dharmanagar 59-80, 135-156
251/210 63 7.15 22.5 6.25 4.30 87.2 340 5.4 - EW
5. Sanicherra 73-76, 90-95
250.3/237 151-172, 184-198 59 6.47 11.4 3.16 31 6.1 5.7 - - EW
204-213, 221-234
6. Tilthaigram 45-51, 61-76, 78-97
250.9/145 55 1.12 95.4 26.5 23.2 64.6 627 11.4 - EW
113-119, 136-142
7. Panisagar 84-99, 105-135, 142-
2005 198/154 51 16.93 27.66 7.68 6.73 68.61 507.4 9.95 - EW
8. Panisagar BSF
83-89, 100-134 Deposit
N lat 23016’30” 1977 198/171 51 23.86 65.98 18.33 41.73 25.98 50.06 0.91 -
143-149, 162-168 well
E long 920 09’30”
Kanchanpur Valley

51-57, 63-72, 75-87
9 N lat 24003’24” 92.30/90.50 24 4.64 48 13.33 4.84 2.9 234.27 EW & OW
E long 920 12’04”

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2. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in Unakoti District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)

Dharmanagar Valley & Manu-Deo Basin (Unakoti District)

1 Pecharthal (29.44)
N lat 24011’16” 292.9/ 112-115, 144-159 2.85 Auto
Toposheet 1981 42 14.9 4.16 29.50 8.46 4.5 0.1 -
E long 92006’07” 199.8 174-198 agl Flow, EW
No. 83 D/4
2 Machmara
(33.26) 116-125, 128-137
N lat 24008’19” 300.30/
Toposheet 1983 140-149, 154-166 45 0.70 91 25.29 18.44 82.3 222 5.8 4.2*10-4 EW
E long 92007’06” 184
No. 83 D/4 175-181
3 Machmara (33.41) 120-123, 132-135,
N lat 24008’19” 208/ OW
Toposheet 1983 144-147, 157- 18 1.48 5.66 200 4.4 6.8*10-3
E long 92007’06” 182
No. 83 D/4 163,177-179
Kailasahar Valley & Manu Deo Basin (Unakoti District)
3 South Irani (25.42) Slim
1981 300 Abandoned due to lack of granular zone
4 Gaurnagar 88-94, 118-124, 136-
N lat 24017’21” Toposheet 142, 172-184, 205-
1982 300/255 51 1.82 90.4 25.11 6.7 225.9 1212.9 23.7 - Flow,
E long 92002’03” No. 83 D/3 208 223-229, 250-
5 Kumarghat (36.31) 54-72, 75-87,
EW &
N lat 24008’00” Toposheet 1983 250/159 92-101, 104-111, 55 1.66 85 23.65 25.75 55.1 189 3.5 2.2 x 10-3
E long 92003’00” No. 83 D/4 144-150, 150-156
Kanchanpur Valley (Unakoti District)
6 Karaicherra 2016 116.6 Abandoned due to lack of granular zone EW

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3. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in Dhalai district

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
lowered m3/hr lps mdd)
Kamalpur Valley & Dhalai Basin
1. Durai SibBari EW
Toposheet No.
N lat 24006/40’’ 1979 251.5/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
0 / // 78 P/16
E long 91 49 30
2. Kamalpur EW (30.97)
N lat 240 12/ 00// Toposheet No. 1977 250/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
E long 910 50/ 00// 78 P/16
3. Santir bazar EW Toposheet No.
265/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
79 M/13
4. Abhanga 64–67, 179-188 Autoflo
Toposheet No. 5.70
N lat 24003/05// 1979 240/231 191-194, 200-203 36 129.7 36.02 28.14 76.8 1462.1 40.4 2.85x10-4 w EW &
0 / // 78 P/16 agl
E long 91 50 20 206-218, 222-228 OW
5. Bhatkhowri (57.745) 60-66, 98-114
N lat 23059/50// 1979 305/203 120-123, 132-138 44 2.48 167.4 46.50 14.73 189.8 1186.6 26.9 - EW
E long 91050/10// Toposheet No.
79 M/13 147-154, 194-200
6. Kulai Toposheet No. 36-42, 75-84, 99-
N lat 23056/54// 79 M/13 2018 150/111 27 3.25 82.8 23 0.58 EW
E long 91049/39//
Kailasahar Valley & Manu Deo Basin
7. Karamcherra (38.036) 52-65, 71-83
N lat 24002/30// 1980 294/175 89-104, 125-130 57 0.42 210.5 58.48 20.88 168 603 10.35 - EW
E long 92000/30// Toposheet No.
83 D/4 149-155, 167-173
8. Tilokpara (51.250) 54-60, 72-75
N lat 23056/00// 96-111, 120-138 EW &
Toposheet No. 1980 300/221 54 90.0 25.00 18.22 83.08 225 4.2 5.89x10-4
E long 92002/00// 176-179, 200-203 OW
84 A/1 212-218
9. Chhawmanu (70.54) 126-131, 134-146
N lat 23050/49’’ 148-152, 156-158, 1.74 Autoflo
Toposheet No. 1981 300/259.5 50 37.9 10.52 38.36 16.47 26.4 0.52 -
E long 91059/43// 221-229, 233-242, agl w EW
79 M/13 246-255

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4. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in Khowai District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)

Khowai Valley & Khowai Basin (Khowai District)

1. Bonbazar EW, Sand
256 52-61, 85-100 24 Flowing - - NA - - - -
2. Asharambari Autoflow
51-62, 107-112
N lat 24009’40” 31.515 1980 301/170 54 0.5agl 28 7.65 10.45 44.6 - - - EW &
120-146, 155-167
E long 91042’42” OW
3. Badlabari 60-78, 84-96
250/225 120-126, 162-180 60 0.80 - - NA - - - - EW
4. Khowai
132-137, 153-188 7.68 Autoflow
N lat 24003’45” 25.4 1976 295/257 59 79.2 22 13.6 207 1689 28.4 -
236-255 magl EW
E long 91036’30”
5. Baijalbari 76-80, 88-92
N lat 24002’00” 35.5 1978 110-134, 168-180 71 10.41 74 20.56 5.68 217 1102 15.52 - EW
E long 91033’10” 195-208, 217-229
6. Balucherra 56-70, 75-79
N lat 23051’15” 1979 302/240 92-107, 126-141 66 6.41 91 22.52 6.83 197 1047 15.9 - EW
E long 91038’20” 205-217, 231-237
7 Chakmaghat 128/102 40-49 27 3.5 15.84 4.4 5.3 (EW
N lat 23050’05” 54 2017 60-69 +OW)
E long 91040’33” 90-99
8 Kalyanpur 150/112 52-58 24 15.6 71.6 21 10.15
(Totabari) 60-69 (EW+OW
N lat 23.909 52 2018 81-90 )
E long 91.620

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5. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in West Tripura District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) m3/hr lps (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) mdd)
Agartala Valley & Haora Basin (West Tripura District)
1. Jirania BDO 50-73, 105-115
office 254.8/198 127-136, 185-195 64 1.47 10.08 2.80 14.97 123.5 1100 17.0 - EW
2. Belbari 57-72, 87-96
EW &
N lat 23046’00” 24.59m 1985 257/250 154-166, 178-191 60 2.78 34.78 9.66 30.53 19.4 617 2.93 7.5x10- 4
E long 91029’30” 236-247
3. Jirania Coco Firm
86-92, 110-122 Deposit
N lat 23051’19” 1986 232/174 48 9.30 63.8 17.72 5.05 210 892 18.43 -
134-146, 152-171 well
E long 91026’01”
4. Champaknagar 41-52, 124-136
261.3/191 64 NA 0.78 0.22 20.92 10.3 - - - EW
5. Sasubari 98-110, 116-122 EW yet
N lat 23055’30” 281/182 128-143, 153-162 56.9 - - - - - - - - to be
E long 91027’30” 165-179 tested
6. Salbagan BSF 64-68, 72-81
203.2/ Deposit
N lat 23053’27” 1979 94-100, 120-134 41 13.90 42.40 11.78 17.26 40.94 933 22.76 -
163 well
E long 91017’29” 144-150, 156-160
7. Salbagan BSF
200.8/ 71-98, 171-180 EW &
N lat 23053’27” 2004 36 2.4 7.20 2 15.57 13.37 -
183 OW
E long 91017’29”
8. GPA Agartala
60-84, 90-96 Deposit
N lat 23007’45” 1980 190/187 54 9.81 164.87 45.79 12.63 217.43 1449 26.8 -
140-146, 166-184 well
E long 91038’10”
9. Fatikcherra BSF
94-103, 120-126 EW &
N lat 23057’28” 2004 200/172 39 1.95 50 13.88 8.92 98.02 934.43 23.96 2.06x10-3
145-169 OW
E long 91021’00”
10. Vivekananda nagar 43-89, 95-98
255/155 55 NA 3.96 1.10 0.5 104.7 161.4 2.4 - EW
Agartala Valley & Haora Basin (West Tripura District)
11. Suryamaninagar 2004
200.60/ 96-102, 104-122 EW &
University) 39 6.45 46.55 12.93 4.67 177.37 986.74 25.30 -
0 183 145-154, 174-180 OW
N lat 23 46’30”
E long 91 16’00”

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12. Badharghat 2005
200.60/ 140-155, 157-167 EW &
N lat 23048’28” 35 3.06 61.16 16.98 17.46 58.36 735.1 21 -
193 180-190 OW
E long 91016’02”
13. Lichubagan 2006
197.45/ 114-120, 132-144 EW &
N lat 23052’30” 30 5.70 28.85 8.01 5.76 83.47 453.64 15.12 -
179 164-176 OW
E long 91017’15”
14. Narsingarh 2006
200.55/ 113-119, 143-149 EW &
N lat 23054’08” 30 10.69 37.24 10.34 3.22 186.97 1225.31 40.85 -
186 154-169, 180-183 OW
E long 91015’22”
15. Bodhjungnagar 2006
200.45/ EW &
N lat 23056’26” 154-160, 166-184 24 20.92 6.07 1.65 4.46 22.65 86.67 3.62 -
187 OW
E long 91020’30”
16. Nagicherra 2007
N lat 23048’40” 119-125, 131-137 EW &
197/181 30 No pumping test due to low discharge and heavy draw down
E Pz 91090’21” 160-178 OW

17. Arundhatinagar 1982 66-68, 72-78,89-92,

P&T Colony, 110-116, 136-
Agartala 226.6/200 148,154-160,164- 51 4.65 70.68 19.63 7.62 160 6859 134.5
170, 174-177, 190-

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6. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in Sipahijala District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Agartala - Sonamura Valley & Burigang Basin (Sipahijala District)

1 Bishalgarh 235/95 47-92 45 NA 10.32 2.87 13.65 210.0 1438 28.3 1.28x10-4 EW
2 Jampuijala 69-80, 98-110
N lat 23042’30” 205/180 116-128, 140-153 53 0.05 62.8 17.4 4.95 211.7 709 11.8 - EW
E long 91027’55” 171-177
3 Golaghati 65-77, 88-100
EW &
N lat 23048’45” 28.045 1985 270/170 119-125, 131-137 48 1.46 20.70 5.75 10.74 32.1 90.9 1.83 4.4x10-4
E long 91021’30” 156-168
4 Gokulnagar BSF 57-61, 69-73, 82-91 EW &
N lat 23042’10” 2003 200/163 109-111, 115-119, 40 11.14 35 9.84 6.03 98.33 1302 32.92 2.06x10-3 OW
E long 91016’40” 125-127, 145-160
5 Gokulnagar
63-70, 99-109 Deposit
N lat 23042’53” 1976 204/175 66 7.86 113 31.41 27.94 904.8 13.7 -
118-128, 134-173 well
E long 91016’56”
6. Konaban
N lat 24042’20” 39.455 1986 200.6 - - - - -- - - - - -
E long 91012’45”

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7. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in Gomti District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Amarpur Valley & Gomti Basin (Gomti District) block - Amarpur

1. Amarpur 35-42, 72-83

N lat 23031’20” 1975 255/178 92-115, 125-140 76 9.93 158 44 9.08 133.6 794.7 10.43 - EW
E long 91039’38” 153-176
2. Ompinagar
55-73, 111-130 EW &
N lat 23040’27” 1976 250/153 47 0.7 158 44 24.3 181.0 362 7.1 1.77x10-3
140-150 OW
E long 91038’16”
3. Nutan Bazar 250/60 30-56 27 2.53 12 3.33 8.5 23.5 - - - EW
4. Rangkhang 47-56, 65-88
190/181 108-114, 144-147 39 10.4 85.1 23.63 10.6 134.0 329.0 8.4 -
156-168, 172-178
5. Duluma 63-75, 86-98 Deposit
208/158 42 10.5 96.5 26.80 14.4 112.0 325.2 7.76 -
12-121, 142-151 well
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Gomti Basin (Gomti District) block- Matabari

6. Bagma 201/162 64-70, 115-133 36 4.5 48.6 13.5 20.3 30.8 330 9 - EW
7. Tulamura (18.925) 1979 75-81, 85-91 EW
N lat 23027’35” 247/212.6 99-111, 179-191 48 112 31.21 24.0 78 246 5.1 - Auto
E long 91027’10” 197-210 flow
8. Dhupthali (19.675) 1990 EW &
N lat 23013’25” 208/ 56-80, 92-104 1.50 OW
54 36 10 6.80 88 263 4.8 -
E long 91023’20” 132 110-128 magl Auto

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8. Hydrogeological Details of Ground Water Exploration in South Tripura District

Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) m3/hr lps (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) mdd)
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
1 Rajapur (13.16) 1979 50-53, 56-59, 65-70
Block - Rajnagar 75-86, 119-126
252/215 56 5.30 143 39.72 10.30 232 1577 27.4 - EW
N lat 23020’45” 150-155, 162-165
E long 91029’15” 169-174, 197-212
2 Rajnagar (13.16) 1979 51-93, 113-125 EW &
N lat 23040’27” 252/186 136-148, 157-163 54 151 42.08 25.0 101 222 4.1 - OW Auto
E long 91038’16” 171-183 flow
3 Matai 64-82, 140-152
232/200 54 3.6 12 3.33 17.6 11.4 47.4 0.87 2.2x 10-4 EW
Block - Rajnagar 161-173, 183-195
4 Manubazar Blk-
N lat 230 04’ 34” Satchand 87-106, 117-120 Deposit
233/208 40 19.95 79.5 22.08 5.4 24.5 897 22.4 -
E long 910 38’ 35” Toposheet 162-168, 193-205 well
No. 79 M/12
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
5 Ghoshkhamar 52-58, 79-97
Block - Rajnagar 220/206 130-142, 154-166 60 1.48 12 3.33 11.3 17.7 164 2.70 - EW
186-192, 197-203
6 Bagafa BSF 2004 103-106, 109-114
N lat 23020’03” 116-119, 123-131 37 20.92 36.79 10.21 12.21 50.22 752.45 20.34 - EW
E long 91035’03” 138-150, 158-164
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Fenni Basin (South Tripura District)
7 Haripur 80-92, 104-110 EW &
(25.972) 1991 202/187 48 1.9 30 8.33 7.12 70.2 330 4.8 2.38x10-3
Rajnagar block 144-150, 160-184 OW
8 Satchand 60-63, 83-88, 93-99
(17.465) EW
N lat 23007’45” 117-120, 130-133, 0.42
Toposheet 1979 253/200 50 91 25.25 12.47 121.2 887.7 17.75 - Auto
E long 91038’10” 147-153, 168-180, magl
No.79 M/12 flow
183-189, 192-198
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
9 Ghoshkhamar 52-58, 79-97 EW
Block - Rajnagar 220/206 130-142, 154-166 60 1.48 12 3.33 11.3 17.7 164 2.70 - Auto
186-192, 197-203 flow
10 Bagafa BSF 2004 197.5/ 103-106, 109-114
37 20.92 36.79 10.21 12.21 42.76 752.45 20.34 - EW
N lat 23020’03” 167 116-119, 123-131

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (161)

E long 91035’03” 138-150, 158-164
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Fenni Basin (South Tripura District)
11 Tuisama EW 174.5/154 74–80, 86 – 92, 98 – 18 16.06 13.212 2.93 EW
N 23.156692 104
E 91.66163 2015

12 Tuisama OW 174.5/154 74 – 80, 86 – 92, 98 – 30 12.67 14.4 2.72 OW

N 23.156692 104,130 –139, 48– 151
E 91.66163

13 Paschim Jalefa EW 2015 175.5/151 77– 83, 89 – 101, 113– 30 18.432 0.99 Autoflow
N 23.0331692 119, 142–148 EW
E 91.6873053
14 Paschim Jalefa OW 2015 158.60/151 77-83, 92-98, 113-119, 24 16.488 0.72 Autoflow
N 23.0331692 142-148 OW
E 91.6873053
15 Rajib Nagar
Block-Satchand 75-81; 105-117;
79 M/12 & 2015-16 160/153 39 8.94 72 20 0.75 1066 1783.08 3.80x10-4 EW
N lat 23003’25” 123-135; 141-150
E long 91039’23”
16 Rajib Nagar 79 M/12 & 2016 160/152 71-77, 89-95, 104- 30 7.83 16.236 0.73
Block-Satchand 3B 110, 122-128, 143-149
N lat 23003’25”
E long 91039’23”

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ANNEXURE-XI (Pumping Test)




Perme ability m/day

Draw down (m)
Step /Duration

Well Effeciency

Drawdown m
SWL (m bgl)

Well loss (m)

Discharge in

Specific Cap
Type of Test



Stora tivity
loss (m)

in min

Village of Date

1- 60 6.3 5.8 65.8 15.17 5.15 0.63 89 - - - -

2- 60 7.7 7.6 61.2 16.34 6.24 0.93 87 - - - -
Panisagar SDT 09.9.05 16.93
1. EW 3- 60 8.8 8.7 60.9 16.42 7.15 1.24 85 - - - -
BSF (2005)
4- 60 9.9 9.6 62.2 16.1 8.02 1.55 83 - - - -
APT 10.9.05 16.93 650 7.7 6.7 - - - - - 507 9.95
11.6 26.8 - 38.54 20.15 5.79 - 25.94 - - -
2- 60 13.8 31.2 - 37.81 23.92 8.16 - 32.08 - - -
Panisagar SDT 28.11.77 23.49 3- 60 14.7 34.9 - 39.65 25.52 9.28 - 34.74 - - -
2. EW
BSF (1977)
4- 75 16.9 39.4 - 38.77 29.46 12.38 - 41.82 - - -
5- 75 18.3 42.3 - 38.45 31.9 14.52 - 46.45 - - -
APT 01.12.77 23.86 480 18.3 41.7 25.98 - - - - 50 0.91 -

District – UNAKOTI

Caliculated Drawdown

Transmissivity m2/day

Perme ability m/day

Draw down (m)
Step /Duration

Well Effeciency
SWL (m bgl)

Well loss (m)

Discharge in

Specific Cap
Type of Test


Stora tivity
loss (m)
in min


Village of Date

1- 60 3.5 22.5 9.4 106.27 22.02 0.89 96 - - - -

SDT 15.12.81 2- 60 3.9 26.1 9.0 111.00 24.41 1.10 95 - - - -
m agl
1 Pechartal EW 3- 60 4.2 28.5 8.8 114.00 25.97 1.25 95 - - - -
APT 16.12.81 500 4.2 29.5 8.5 - - - - 4.5 0.1 -
m agl
1- 60 16.0 15.3 - - - - - - - - -
2- 60 20.1 18.9 - - - - - - - - -
SDT 14.7.83 1.64
3- 60 23.7 24.6 - - - - - - - - -
2 Kumarghat 4- 60 26.8 27.5 - - - - - - - - -
16.7.83 1.58 1440 23.7 25.7 290.0 - - - - 346 7.2 x10
APT -3

OW 16.7.83 4.9
1-60 15.8 9.4 100 9.95 9.85 0.72 93 - - - -
3 Machmara EW SDT 22.4.83 0.62
2-60 20.0 12.8 93 10.67 12.46 0.92 93 - - - -

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (163)

3-60 23.7 15.4 92 10.87 14.75 1.09 93 - - - -
4-60 26.8 17.6 92 10.91 16.72 1.24 93 - - - -
5-60 29.3 19.3 91 10.98 18.3 1.35 93 - - - -
APT 24.4.83 0.61 1320 25.3 18.4 82.28 - - - - 222 5.8 -

District - DHALAI

Specific Capacity

Drawdown (m)
Draw down (m)

Well Effeciency
Step - Duration

Sp. Drawdown
SWL (m bgl)

Well loss (m)

Type of Test

Perme ability

Stora tivity



loss (m)
in min

Village of Date
No Well

1- 90 27.1 16.7 97.4 10.27 14.22 3.3 - 17.52 - - -

2- 90 31.2 20.6 91.2 10.97 16.38 4.38 - 20.76 - - -
SDT 5.7 3- 90 34.6 23.5 88.3 11.32 18.14 5.37 - 23.51 - - -
Abhang EW 4- 90 36.8 26.0 84.9 11.77 19.33 6.1 - 25.43 - - -
5- 90 39.1 29.0 80.8 12.37 20.52 6.87 - 27.39 - - -
08.6.7 5.7 36.0 28.1 76.8 - - - - - 1425 40.4
APT 600 x 10-4
OW 5.7 - 1.4 - - - - - - - - -
1- 120 34.5 11.0 189.2 5.28 0.93 9.94 - 10.87 - - -
SDT 2.5 2- 120 42.1 13.9 181.5 5.51 1.14 12.12 - 13.26 - - -
Bhat- 9
2. EW 3- 120 52.2 17.7 176.9 5.65 1.4 15.02 - 16.42 - - -
APT 2.5 510 46.5 14.7 189.8 - - - - - 1187 26.9 -
1- 60 31.2 9.6 195.0 5.13 8.38 1.23 - 9.61 - - -
25.4.8 2- 60 43.7 14.4 182.0 5.49 11.72 2.40 - 14.12 - - -
SDT 0.4
Karam- 0 3- 60 53.9 18.2 178.0 5.60 14.48 3.66 - 18.14 - - -
3. EW
4- 60 63.2 21.2 178.0 5.59 16.97 5.03 - 22.00 - - -
APT 0.4 960 58.5 20.9 168.0 - - - - - 603.0 10.4 -
1- 60 15.8 9.5 100.1 9.98 7.79 1.34 - 9.13 - - -
28.2.7 2- 60 21.8 13.9 94.1 10.63 11.07 2.57 - 13.64 - - -
EW 9 3- 60 26.8 17.8 90.2 11.08 13.59 3.88 - 17.47 - - -
4. 4- 60 30.8 20.8 88.9 11.25 15.64 5.14 - 20.78 - - -
ra 2.4
2.4 25.2 18.2 83.1 - - - - - 225.0 4.0
APT 1440 6.3
OW 9 2.4 24.1 5.1 - - - - - - 229.3 -
1- 60 6.6 19.6 20.1 49.87 17.87 1.74 91 19.60 - - -
12.5.8 1.7 2- 60 9.3 28.9 19.4 51.63 25.42 3.51 87 28.94 - - -
Chha- 1 m agl 3- 60 11.5 36.9 18.8 53.31 31.44 5.37 85 36.81 - - -
5. EW
4- 60 13.2 36.9 21.5 46.47 30.04 7.08 80 37.12 - - -
13.5.8 1.74
APT 480 10.5 38.1 16.5 - - - - - 26.4 0.52 -
1 m agl

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (164)

District - KHOWAI

Sp. Drawdown (m/m3/min)

Calculated Drawdown (m)

Specific Capacity (lpm/m)

Transmissivity (m2/day)

Perme ability (m/day)

Step - Duration (min)

Well effeciency (%)


Drawdown (m)

Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)

Type of Test


Stora tivity

loss (m)

Village e of Date

1- 90 15.77 4.30 220.0 4.55 3.5 0.85 - 4.35 - - -

2- 90 17.97 5.17 208.0 4.8 3.98 1.11 - 5.1 - - -

EW SDT 01.8.79 6.41 3- 90 20.75 6.04 206.0 4.85 4.6 1.48 - 6.09 - - -
cherra 4- 90 6.66 202.0 4.93 4.99 1.75 - 6.75 - - -
5- 90 23.98 7.21 199.0 5.01 5.32 1.98 - 7.3 - - -

APT 03.8.79 6.41 900 22.52 6.83 197.0 - - - - 1047 15.9 -

1- 70 21.82 6.90 189.0 - - - - - - - -

2-150 26.73 8.14 197.0 - - - - - - - -

SDT- 7.00
1 m agl 3-120 31.30 9.67 194.0 - - - - - - - -

4-100 36.10 10.44 207.0 - - - - - - - -

1-30 6.28 1.59 62.0 - - - - - - - -

2 Khowai EW
2-20 8.80 2.66 105.0 - - - - - - - -
SDT- 7.66
3-30 11.00 2.71 133.0 - - - - - - - -
2 08.10.77 m agl
4-30 12.93 3.66 194.0 - - - - - - - -

5-30 14.67 4.21 255.0 - - - - - - - -

APT 795 22.00 - - - - - - - 1689 28.4 -
09.10.77 m agl


Caliculated Drawdown

Perme ability (m/day)

Step / Duration (min)

Formation loss
Drawdown (m)

Well effeciency

Specific Cap

Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test



Stora tivity






Village of Date

14.92 5.21 90.8 11.02 5.37 0.34 94 5.71 - -
60 -
SDT 27.1.82 4.66 19.62 7.35 160.7 6.24 7.06 0.59 93 7.66 - -
Arundhu- 60 -
1. EW 3-
tinagar 23.46 9.13 154.2 6.48 8.44 0.85 90 9.29 - -
60 -
APT 29.1.82 4.65 360 19.63 7.62 160.0 - - - - 6860 134
2. Fatik-cherra EW SDT 1.95 7.25 4.27 101.9 9.81 4.13 0.42 91 - - -
17.11.04 60 -

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (165)

9.90 6.00 99.0 10.10 5.60 0.79 88 - - -
60 -
12.11 7.60 95.6 10.45 6.91 1.19 85 - - -
60 -
14.00 8.80 95.5 10.48 7.98 1.59 83 - -
60 -
APT 1.95 14.00 8.93 - - - - - 922 24
11.11.04 0 -
6.81 6.00 68.1 14.67 6.42 1.39 82 - - -
60 -
9.21 9.84 56.2 17.79 8.68 2.55 77 - - -
60 -
SDT 29.3.05 6.45
3- 12.6
3. Badhar-ghat EW 11.23 53.2 18.80 10.58 3.78 74 - - -
60 7 -
4- 15.2
12.93 50.9 19.64 12.18 5.02 71 - - -
60 4 -
100 17.4
APT 30.3.05 0.43 16.98 - - - - 735.0 21.0
0 6 -
1.91 214.0 4.67 1.55 0.43 78 - -
60 6.81 -
9.21 2.88 192.0 5.21 2.1 0.78 73 - -
60 -
SDT 6.45
Suryama- 03.02.05 3-
4. EW 11.23 3.77 179.0 5.59 2.56 1.16 69 - -
ninagar 60 -
12.93 4.57 170.0 5.89 2.94 1.54 66 - -
60 -
APT 04.2.05 6.45 12.93 4.67 - - - - - 986.0 25.3
0 -
0.98 2.60 22.7 43.33 2.13 0.46 82 - - -
60 -
Bodhju- SDT 06.4.07 20.90 1.60 3.83 25.1 38.3 3.55 1.27 74 - - -
5. EW 60 -
ngnagar 3-
1.92 6.07 19.0 50.58 4.26 1.82 70 - - -
60 -
APT 07.4.07 20.92 500 1.68 4.46 22.7 - - - - 86.67 3.62 -
2.20 112.0 8.91 1.31 0.84 61 - - -
60 4.11 -
5.81 3.61 97.0 10.34 1.85 1.68 52 - - -
60 -
SDT 25.2.07 5.73
6. Lichu-bagan EW 7.27 4.59 95.0 10.56 2.31 2.63 47 - - -
60 -
8.06 5.74 84.0 11.88 2.56 3.22 44 - - -
60 -
APT 26.2.07 5.70 600 8.01 5.76 83.5 - - - - 454 15.1
6.32 1.44 263.0 3.79 1.25 0.67 65 - - -
60 -
8.07 2.01 241.0 4.19 1.58 1.07 60 - - -
60 -
SDT 17.3.07 10.71
7. Narsin-garh EW 3-
9.53 2.60 220.0 4.56 1.88 1.51 55 - - -
60 -
11.23 3.26 207.0 4.87 2.21 2.08 52 - - -
60 -
APT 18.3.07 10.69 600 10.35 3.32 187.0 - - - - 1225 40.85 -

Baijalbari EW SDT 19.7.79 10.48 1- 90 12.92 3.08 366.0 3.97 2.48 0.56 - - - -
8. -
2- 90 16.50 4.14 314.0 4.14 3.19 0.92 - - - -
3- 90 18.85 4.83 292.0 4.27 3.61 1.19 - - - -
4- 90 20.75 5.49 227.0 4.41 3.98 1.44 - - - -
APT 21.7.79 10.45 1080 20.56 5.68 217.0 - - - - 1102 15.5

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (166)

1- 60 13.63 3.36 243.0 4.1 1.93 1.39 55 - - -
2- 60 15.08 3.84 236.0 4.24 2.13 1.71 56 - - -
Jirania -
SDT 04.5.86 9.30
9. Coconut EW 3- 60 16.59 4.43 225.0 4.44 2.35 2.07 53 - - -
Seed Farm -
4- 60 17.92 4.98 216.0 4.63 2.53 2.41 51 - - -
APT 06.5.86 9.30 500 17.72 5.05 210.0 - - - - 892 18.43 -
1- 60 5.93 27.0 37 8.90 4.12 68 - - -
0 -
SDT 10.3.85 2.78 2- 60 8.33 24.0 41 12.50 8.13 61 - - -
0 -
28.3 12.5
10. Belbari EW 3- 60 10.35 22.0 45.57 15.53 56 - - -
0 3 -
30.3 7
APT 14.3.85 2.77 855 14.30 187.0 - - - - 590 3.33
3 x1
1- 60 30.28 7.37 246.0 4.05 7.44 0.27 96 - - -
2- 60 38.35 9.85 233.0 4.28 9.43 0.44 95 - - -
SDT 28.7.80 9.85
GPA 11.7
11. EW 3- 60 45.80 233.0 4.28 11.26 0.63 94 - - -
Agartala 7 -
4- 60 52.23 229.0 4.35 12.84 0.82 94 - - -
4 -
APT 30.7.80 9.81 480 45.79 217.0 - - - - 1449 26.83 -
11.9 11.6
1- 90 42.5 23.57 10.89 0.75 - - -
8.38 3 4 -
2- 14.7
10.21 41.5 24.1 13.28 1.12 - 14.4 - -
170 5 -
SDT 24.8.79 14.20
3- 15.8 16.8
11.78 44.6 22.49 15.32 1.49 - - -
130 4 1 -
4- 19.0 18.5
12.92 40.7 24.55 16.79 1.79 - - -
100 3 9 -
APT 26.8.79 1.90 480 11.78 40.9 - - - - 933 22.8
6 -
12. Salbagan EW
2- 90 5.17 208.0 4.8 3.98 1.11 - 5.1 - -
17.97 -
3- 90 6.04 206.0 4.85 4.6 1.48 - 6.09 - -
20.75 -
4- 90 6.66 202.0 4.93 4.99 1.75 - 6.75 - -
22.52 -
5- 90 7.21 199.0 5.01 5.32 1.98 - 7.3 - -
23.98 -
APT 03.8.79 6.41 900 22.52 6.83 197.0 - - - - 1047 15.9

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (167)



Well effeciency (%)

Specific Capacity
Drawdown (m)
Step - Duration

Drawdown (m)
Sp. Drawdown

Well loss (m )

Perme ability
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test



Stora tivity




Village of Date

1-180 16.92 10.17 99.8 - - - - - - - -

2-120 24.43 15.83 92.6 - - - - - - - -

SDT 28.3.76 7.86
1 EW 3-75 31.42 19.41 97.11 - - - - - - - -
4-15 36.67 19.96 110.2 - - - - - - - -
APT 30.3.76 7.86 390 31.42 19.41 - - - - - 904 13.71 -

District – GOMATI

Specific Capacity (lpm/m)

Sp. Drawdown (m/m3/min)

Calculated Drawdown (m)

Transmissivity (m2/day)

Perme ability (m/day)

Step - Duration (min)

Well effeciency (%)

Drawdown (m)

Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)

Type of Test


Stora tivity
loss (m)

Village of Date

1- 50 6.20 3.71 20.05 - 3.03 0.96 76.0 19.6 - - -

1.5 2- 50 8.30 5.18 19.37 - 4.06 1.72 70.0 28.9 - - -
SDT 11.12.91
magl 3- 50 9.50 6.29 18.76 - 4.65 2.25 67.0 36.8 - - -
1 4- 50 11.00 7.38 21.52 - 5.39 3.02 64.0 37.1 - - -
1.5 4.2
10.00 6.80 88.0 - - - - - 259 4.80
m agl x10-4
APT 1200
OW 12.12.91 - 1.72 - - - - - - - - -
1-60 69.0 14.49 17.52 3.99 - - - - -
24.75 21.53
2- 60 27.08 24.11 67.0 14.83 19.17 4.77 - - - - -
SDT 20.79
Tulam 3- 60 29.28 26.30 67.0 14.97 20.73 5.58 - - - - -
ura 1.0 m
agl 4- 60 31.18 27.67 67.0 14.78 22.07 6.33 - - - - -
APT 21.7.79 720 31.22 24.09 - - - - - - 246 5.10 -
EW m agl
1- 360 36.60 21.16 103.0 - - - - - - - -
SDT 16.5.76 1.42 2- 240 44.00 23.45 112.0 - - - - - - - -

Ompi- EW 3- 225 73.33 25.73 170.0 - - - - - - - -

nagar 1.77
APT 18.5.76 1.42 2880 44.00 24.50 - - - - - - 362 7.09 5x10

OW APT 18.5.77 - - - 6.62 - - - - - - - - -

1- 120 22.00 4.47 295.0 - - - - - - - -

Amar- SDT 11.4.75 9.93 2- 120 31.40 6.68 282.0 - - - - - - - -

4 EW
pur 3- 120 44.00 9.03 292.0 - - - - - - - -
APT 13.4.75 9.93 300 44.00 9.08 - - - - - 794.0 10.43 -

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (168)


Perme ability (m/day)

Step - Duration (min)

Well effeciency (%)

Specific Capacity
Drawdown (m)

Drawdown (m)
Sp. Drawdown

Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)

Type of Test



Stora tivity
loss (m)


Village of Date

1- 60 6.31 7.80 48.84 20.58 6.44 1.38 82.0 - - - -

2- 60 8.39 11.36 44.31 22.58 8.55 2.43 77.9 - - - -
SDT 13.7.04 20.42
1. Bagafa EW 3- 60 10.22 14.34 42.76 23.39 10.42 3.61 74.3 - - - -
4- 60 11.80 16.87 41.96 23.83 12.04 4.82 71.4 - - - -
APT 16.7.04 20.90 1000 10.22 12.21 50.22 - - - - 752 20.3
1- 90 30.28 6.76 268.0 3.72 4.63 2.11 - - - - -
2- 90 34.57 8.22 252.0 3.96 5.28 2.75 - - - - -
SDT 10.8.79 5.30 3- 90 39.87 10.03 238.0 4.19 6.09 3.66 - - - - -
2. Rajapur EW
4-90 44.34 11.57 229.0 4.35 6.78 4.53 - - -
5-90 49.27 13.17 224.0 4.45 7.53 5.59 - - -
APT 12.8.79 5.30 1290 39.87 10.30 232.0 - - - - 1576 27.4 -
1- 50 5.20 3.83 - - 3.12 0.68 82.0 - - - -
2- 50 6.60 5.24 - - 3.96 1.09 78.0 - - - -
SDT 04.10.91 1.13
EW 3- 50 7.60 6.20 - - 4.56 1.44 75.0 - - - -
3. Haripur
4- 50 9.00 7.52 - - 5.40 2.03 72.0 - - - -
0.43 8.33 7.12 70.0 - - - - - 410 8.5
APT 05.10.91 1000 x10-3
OW 3.70 - 0.68 - - - - - 470
1- 60 30.23 17.93 101.0 9.88 16.87 1.18 - - - - -
2.0 2- 60 34.52 22.27 92.0 10.75 19.26 1.34 - - - - -
SDT 03.9.79
Raj- m agl 3- 60 38.30 23.48 97.0 10.22 21.37 1.49 - - - - -
4. EW
4- 60 42.08 24.98 101.0 9.89 23.48 1.64 - - - - -
APT 05.9.79 720 42.08 25.01 - - - - - - 222 4.10
m agl
1- 60 17.95 7.80 137.0 7.24 7.70 1.71 - 9.41 - - -

0.39 2- 60 21.78 10.24 133.0 7.83 9.36 2.70 - 12.06 - - -

SDT 10.8.79
Sat- m agl 3- 60 25.25 12.09 125.0 7.98 10.80 2.41 - 13.21 - - -
5 EW
4- 60 26.77 12.97 123.0 8.07 11.52 2.56 - 14.08 - - -
APT 08.9.79 600 25.25 12.48 121.0 - - - - - 887 17.75 -
m agl

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (169)

ANNEXURE-XII (Water Quality)




Sl. Village Well Test Date of pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO Cl SO4 NO3 F Fe
No. Type Type Collec- 3

tion in PPM
Deo Basin
8.78 322 5 Tr Tr - - 18 214 7 - - - 0.4

E SDT 15.12.81 8.66 322 7.5 Tr Tr - - 15 195 7 - - - 0.4

1. Pechertal
W 8.96 322 7.5 Tr Tr - - 21 189 7 - - - 0.4
APT 16.12.81 8.9 322 5 Tr Tr - - 18 183 7 - - - 0.4
Juri Basin
Panisagar SDT 28.11.77 6.3 140 34 6.4 4.4 - - Nil 54 4 - - - -
2. BSF
W APT 01.12.77 6.3 115 32 6.4 4 - - Nil 51 4 - - - 12
6.35 115 35 6 4.9 - - Nil 43 25 1 0.12 -
6.36 114 30 8 2.4 - - Nil 43 18 1 BDL -
SDT 09.9.05
Panisagar 6.34 113 35 8 3.6 - - Nil 43 21 1 0.08 -
3. BSF
W 6.37 114 38 4 4.9 - - Nil 43 18 1 0.01 -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
APT 10.9.05 8
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
Dharmanaga E
4. 6.5 180 40 14 1 12 2 - 98 7 - - - 9.3
r W
5. Ichaicherra 8.3 180 60 12 7 - - - 60 7 - - - -
6. Tithaigram 8.1 127 40 10 4 - - - 50 12 - - - -
Haflongcher E
7. 6.8 50 20 8 ND 1 3 - 37 7 - - - 7.3
ra W
8. Sanicherra 8 161 50 10 6 - - - 65 7 - - - -
Manu Basin
E 1
9. Chawmanu 7.7 418 5 1 0.6 - - - 49 - - - -
W 1

Sl. Village Well Test Date of pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO Cl SO4 NO3 F Fe
No. Type Type Collec- 3
tion in PPM
Dhalai Basin
1. Abhanga EW SDT 07.6.79 8.1 130 70 18 6 - - 0 73 18 - - - 0.3

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (170)

07.6.79 8.3 140 70 18 6 - - Tr 98 25 - - - 0.3
07.6.79 8.3 135 65 20 4 - - Tr 92 25 - - - 0.25
07.6.79 8.2 150 75 20 6 - - Tr 110 25 - - - 0.3
APT 08.6.79 7.5 150 75 20 6 - - 0 104 21 - - - 0.3
03.7.79 8.3 110 50 12 5 - - Tr 67 14 - - - 0.4
2. EW 03.7.79 8.1 118 45 12 4 - - 0 73 11 - - - 0.25
APT 05.7.79 8.3 121 40 12 2.5 - - Tr 67 14 - - - 0.2
Manu Basin
25.4.80 8.3 163 45 10 5 - - Tr 73 7 - - - 0.3
25.4.80 8.4 146 - - - - - - - - - - - 0.5
3. Karamcherr EW 25.4.80 8.3 142 50 10 6 - - Tr 73 7 - - - 0.3
a 25.4.80 8.2 146 50 12 5 - - 0 73 7 - - - 0.3
APT 26.4.80 8.1 146 45 10 5 - - 0 79 7 - - - 0.2
28.2.79 8 184 65 16 6 - - 0 98 9 - - - 0.3
28.2.79 7.2 180 65 14 7 - - 0 92 7 - - - 0.3
28.2.79 8 180 65 16 6 - - 0 98 7 - - - 0.4
EW 28.2.79 7.8 180 60 12 7 - - 0 98 7 - - - 0.45
4. Tilakpara
25.5.79 8 172 60 14 6 - - 0 92 7 - - - 0.45
25.5.79 7.2 163 60 12 7 - - 0 90 7 - - - 0.45
OW 7.8 163 55 12 6 - - 0 79 5 - - - 0.4
12.5.81 418 7.5 2 0.6 ND ND 6 49 14 - - - -
12.5.81 408 7.5 1 1 ND ND 3 49 18 - - - -
5. Chawmanu EW 12.5.81 8.5 398 5 1 0.6 ND ND 9 52 14 - - - -
12.5.81 449 7.5 2 0.6 ND ND 0 52 14 - - - -
13.5.81 7.7 418 5 1 0.6 ND ND 0 49 11 - - - -

Sl. Village Well Test Collec- pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HC Cl SO NO F Fe
No Type Type tion O3 4 3
. Date
in PPM (mg/lt)
Khowai Basin
8.1 105 40 8 5 - - Nil 61 14 - - - -
SDT 19.7.79
1 Baijalbari EW 8.2 100 40 8 5 - - Nil 61 14 - - - 0.3
APT 22.7.79 8.1 95 45 8 6 - - Nil 67 14 - - - 0.2
2 EW APT 16.4.80 8.2 89 45 10 5 - - Nil 61 7 - - - -
3 Khowai EW APT 09.10.77 6.75 222 86 16 11 - - Nil 132 2.8 - - - -
8 88 30 6 4 - - Nil 43 12 - - - 0.4
SDT 01.8.79
4 Balucherra EW 7.3 90 35 8 4 - - Nil 37 12 - - - 0.3
APT 03.8.79 7.3 88 35 8 4 - - Nil 49 12 - - - 0.2

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (171)

Sl. Village Well Test Collec- pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO Cl SO4 NO F Fe
No Type Type tion Date 3 3
. in PPM (mg/lt)
Haora Basin
SDT 27.1.82 6.86 154 80 26 4 - - Nil 91 7 - - - -
1. EW
nagar APT 29.1.82 6.9 150 85 26 5 - - Nil 95 7 - - - -

Bodhjung EW SDT 24.7.06 7.2 158 40 12 2.4 - - Nil 61 18 14 - 0.59 8.93

nagar OW APT 28.8.06 7.15 115 35 6 4.9 - - Nil 49 11 14 - 0.97 2.52
6.45 110 40 8 4.7 - - Nil 67 7.1 1 - 0.07 12.3
6.95 108 45 8 6.1 - - Nil 61 7.1 1 - 0.07
SDT 25.2.07
6.95 108 40 8 4.7 - - Nil 67 7.1 1 - 0.05 12
Lichu- 10.8
3. EW 7.02 107 40 8 4.7 - - Nil 61 7.1 1 - 0.02
bagan 8
6.95 108 40 8 4.7 - - Nil 67 7.1 1 - 0.05
APT 26.2.07 8
6.99 108 45 8 6.1 - - Nil 61 7.1 1 - 0.02 9.38
CD 31.10.06 7.12 196 85 16 11 - - Nil 104 11 9 - 1.11 3.74
17.3.07 6.71 175 70 18 6.1 - - Nil 98 7.1 5 - 0.16 5.56
17.3.07 6.72 174 70 18 6.1 - - Nil 92 7.1 4 - 0.1 5.56
Narsin- 17.3.07 6.71 173 65 18 4.9 - - Nil 92 7.1 5 - 0.1 5.4
4. EW
17.3.07 6.69 173 65 18 4.9 - - Nil 92 7.1 5 - 0.07 5.56
18.3.07 6.62 175 70 18 6.1 - - Nil 98 7.1 4 - 0.07 5.1
18.3.07 6.63 175 65 18 4.9 - - Nil 98 7.1 5 - 0.05 5.1
7.6 240 60 18 5.2 - - Nil 65 3.9 - - - 4.3
SDT 10.3.85 7.2 230 60 18 5.2 - - Nil 60 3.6 - - - 4.2
5. Belbari EW 7.4 235 58 7.4 5.3 - - Nil 61 4 - - - 3.9
APT 14.3.85 7.5 240 60 18 5.1 - - Nil 65 4.1 - - - 4
04.5.86 8.5 96 6 8 10 - - 24 49 7 - - - 10
Jirania 04.5.87 8.2 94 30 8 2 - - Nil 85 7 - - - 11.2
6. Coconut EW 04.5.88 8.5 92 30 8 2 - - 24 49 14 - - - 11.5
Seed Farm 04.5.89 8.2 96 30 8 2 - - Nil 98 7 - - - 12.2
APT 06.5.86 8.1 92 30 8 2 - - Nil 73 7 - - - 10
6.7 80 30 8 3 - - Nil 38 7 - - - -
6.9 86 30 8 3 - - Nil 33 7 - - - -
SDT 28.7.80
7. GPA EW 6.66 90 35 10 3 - - Nil 36 7 - - - -
7.1 80 30 8 3 - - Nil 36 7 - - - -
APT 30.7.80 6.9 92 35 8 4 Nil 35 7
7.45 105 9 35 6 - - Nil 49 - - - 5
SDT 24.8.79 7.25 90 9 50 10 - - Nil 67 - - - 6
8. Salbagan EW
7.5 100 9 45 10 - - Nil 49 - - - 5
APT 26.8.79 6.5 92 18 30 6 Nil 49 4
9. aknagar EW APT 8.1 236 100 32 5 - - Nil 98 21 - - - -

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (172)

Sl. Village Well Test Collec- pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HC Cl SO NO F F
No Type Type tion O3 4 3 e
. Date
in PPM (mg/lt)
Burigang Basin
7.3 305 90 18 11 35 - Nil 165 21 - - - -
7.5 305 85 22 7 25 - Nil 153 11 - - - 2
SDT 06.7.87 7.6 305 85 28 11 24 - Nil 153 11 - - - -
1 Golaghati EW 7.6 294 85 18 12 19 - Nil 153 11 - - - -
7.7 283 85 20 9 23 - Nil 153 11 - - - -
09.7.87 7.5 294 100 20 12 23 - Nil 153 14 - - - 2
10.7.87 7.6 294 90 22 9 21 - Nil 153 11 - - - 1.8
2 Gokulnagar EW APT 30.3.76 8.15 123 60 8.5 - - Nil 92 7 - - - -


Sl. Village Well Test Date of pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F Fe

No. Type Type Collec-
tion in PPM (mg/lt)
Gomati Basin
6.89 179 85 22 7 10 2 Nil 73 21 - - - 5.4
SDT 11.12.91 6.78 189 90 22 8 10 2 Nil 85 14 - - - 5
1 Dupthali EW
6.78 188 85 22 7 10 2 Nil 79 14 - - - 5
APT 14.12.91 7.2 188 80 22 6 8 2 Nil 73 14 - - - 4.9
8.3 190 115 26 12 - - Tr 128 11 - - - -
SDT 20.7.79
2 Tulamura EW 8.3 185 120 26 13 - - Tr 122 14 - - - -
APT 21.7.79 8.6 210 115 20 16 - - 9 122 11 - - - 0.4
3 Ompinagar EW APT 18.5.76 7.4 106 35 10 2.4 - - Nil 79 7 - - - -


Date of TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F Fe
Sl. Well Test HCO3
Village Collec- pH EC
No. Type Type
tion in PPM (mg/lt)
Muhari Basin
7.6 130 65 16 6 - - Nil 80 14 - - - -
SDT 03.9.79
1. Rajanagar EW 6.9 135 65 16 6 - - Nil 91 14 - - - 0.45
APT 04.9.79 6.9 130 65 16 6 - - Nil 85 14 - - - -
8 116 50 16 2.5 - - Nil 73 14 - - - -
SDT 10.8.79
2. Rajapur EW 7.7 120 50 16 2.5 - - Nil 61 11 - - - 0.3
APT 12.8.79 8.1 120 55 16 4 - - Nil 67 11 - - - 0.2
3. Matai EW 6.7 82 25 6 2 4 2 - 31 11 5

4. EW 8 56 40 10 4 2 2 - 31 11 4.8

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (173)

Fenny Basin
7.74 45 25 8 1 1 3 Nil 18 7 - - - 1.9
7.56 40 25 8 1 1 3 Nil 18 7 - - - 1.3
SDT 04.10.91
7.63 41 25 8 1 1 3 Nil 18 7 - - - 1.2
5. Haripur EW
7.63 40 25 8 1 1 3 Nil 18 7 - - - 1.2
05.10.91 7.56 42 25 8 1 1 3 Nil 18 7 - - - 0.7
06.10.91 7.33 77 65 14 7 10 3 Nil 49 18 - - - 0.2
EW SDT 07.9.79 6.9 130 75 16 8.5 - - Nil 92 9 - - - -
6. Satchand
APT 08.9.79 7.1 130 70 14 8.5 - - Nil 92 9 - - - 0.4

State Hydrogeological Report, Tripura, AAP: 2022-23 Page: (174)

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