Tripura State Hydeogeological Report J 2022-23
Tripura State Hydeogeological Report J 2022-23
Tripura State Hydeogeological Report J 2022-23
March, 2023
March, 2023
Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................. v
ABBREVIATION .................................................................................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... viii
TRIPURA STATE AT A GLANCE ............................................................................................................ xi
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 LOCATION AND EXTENT ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 COMMUNICATIONS ................................................................................................................ 1
1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS .................................................................................................... 1
1.5 DEMOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 ACTIVITIES OF CGWB AND PREVIOUS WORKS ....................................................................... 4
1.7 SOIL ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 LAND UTILIZATION ................................................................................................................. 8
1.9 IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURE : ........................................................................................... 9
2. HYDROMETEOROLOGY ............................................................................................................ 15
2.1 CLIMATE: ................................................................................................................................ 15
2.2 RAINFALL: ............................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION: ........................................................................................................ 17
3. GEOMORPHOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 19
3.1 PHYSIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 DRAINAGE ............................................................................................................................ 22
4. GEOLOGY ................................................................................................................................. 26
4.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL SETTING ......................................................................................... 26
4.2 GENERAL STRATIGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 26
4.3 DISTRIBUTION OF VARIOUS GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS ..................................................... 27
4.4 SUB-SURFACE GEOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 29
(A) North Tripura District: ............................................................................................................ 29
(B) Unakoti District: ..................................................................................................................... 31
(C) Dhalai District : ....................................................................................................................... 31
(D) Khowai District: ..................................................................................................................... 33
(E) West Tripura District:.............................................................................................................. 33
(F) Gomati District: ....................................................................................................................... 34
(G) South Tripura District: ............................................................................................................ 35
4.5 STRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................... 36
4.6 SEISMOTECTONICS ................................................................................................................ 37
5. HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 8.1: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in shallow 64
aquifers of Tripura
Figure 8.2: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in deep 65
aquifers of Tripura
Figure 8.3: Piper plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 69
Figure 8.4: Giggenbach Triangle plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 69
Figure 8.5: Durov plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 70
Figure 8.6: Box and whiskers plot of the NHNS 2022 Data 70
Figure 8.7: Wilcox Diagram of the NHNS 2022 Data 71
Figure 8.8: pH Histograph of the NHNS 2022 Data 71
Figure 8.9: Scatter plot of Na vs Cl of NHNS 2022 Data 72
Figure 8.10: Schoeller plot of NHNS 2022 Data 72
Figure 11.1 Map showing Water logged areas of Tripura 79
The authors are grateful to Shri Sunil Kumar, Chairman and Sh. T.B.N. Singh,
Member (East) IC, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) for giving an opportunity for
writing the report. The authors are thankful to Shri Suresh Chandra Kapil, Regional
Director, NER for his supervision and guidance. The authors acknowledge our indebtedness
and deep sense of gratitude to Sh. Biplab Ray, Scientist-E, Dr. Radhapyari, Scientist-C
(Chemical) & Other Officers of NER for scrutinizing the report and for their valuable
guidance and suggestions.
The state of Tripura is situated in the north-eastern part of India and it is the third smallest
state of the country. The erstwhile princely state of Tripura merged with the Union of India after
independence on the 15th October, 1949 as Group-C category state. Then it became a Union Territory
on 1st July 1963. Finally, Tripura emerged as a full-fledged state on the 21st January 1972.
The state is endowed with considerable natural resources such as fertile soil, well-distributed
rainfall, rich flora and fauna, natural gas and abundant water resources. Moreover, the state has vast
human resources with present literacy rate of 87.22 % (Male – 91.53 % & Female – 82.73 %) which
is significantly higher than the all India rate of literacy (74.04 %). Most significant is that a thumping
85.58 % of the rural population of the state is literate (Rural Male – 90.86 % & Rural Female –
80.06%), which is much higher than the all India rural literacy rate (67.8%) and 5th highest in India
after Kerala (94 %), Lakshadweep (91.80%), Mizoram (91.30 %), and Goa (88.70). In terms of area,
it is the smallest state in the north-eastern region and third smallest state in the country after Goa and
Sikkim. The Census 2011 data reveals that Tripura is the second most populated state in the north-
east after Assam with density of 350 persons per sq. km.
The state is connected to other parts of the country by road, rail and air. The road distance
from Agartala to Kolkata was less than 350 km before the partition of the country and now it is 1700
km via Shillong in Meghalaya, Guwahati in Assam and Sliliguri in West Bengal. National Highway
8 (earlier 44), known as Agartala - Assam road, is the only road link with the rest of India through the
state of Assam and Meghalaya. Agartala, the State Capital is connected with district towns, sub-
divisional headquarters and block headquarters by State Highways and other prominent metalled
roads.Sabroom - Agartala – Silchar – Lumding -Guwahati railway line passes through the state, which
connects Agartala with Guwahati and the rest of the country. However, Agartala is very well
connected with other cities of the country by air through a number of daily flights.
The state now has a total population of 36,73,917 persons (Male – 18,74,376 & Female –
17,99,541) as per Census 2011; out of which 27,12,464 is rural population, which constitutes 74 % of
the total population and 9,61,453 persons are under urban population, which is 26 % of the total
population (Table 1.2). West Tripura district is the most populous district which constitutes about
24.99% (9,18,200 persons) of the total population of the state with population density of 973
persons/sq. km (Table 1.2). Unakoti district has the minimum population of 2,76,506, with population
West Tripura 918200 466152 452048 535911 511434 342019 335255 18.48 12.88 862 973
Khowai 327564 167401 160163 11.51 292 326
Sepahijala 483687 247829 235858 12.48 412 463
Dhalai 378230 194544 183686 173599 163914 20743 19732 10.96 22.776 128 157
North 417441 212650 204791 291577 281477 60894 59333 26.49 13.65 249 288
Unakoti 276506 140210 136296 19.66 392 469
Gomati 441538 225428 216110 384418 367721 62706 60299 6.78 13.348 253 287
South 430751 220162 210589 14.726 251 283
TRIPURA 3673917 1874376 1799541 1385505 1324546 486362 474619 15.68 14.84 305 350
1.7 SOIL
The soils of the state of Tripura can be classified into two major groups based on their origin,
namely residual soil and transported soil or alluvial soil. Each group of soils consists of association of
several taxonomic units, which are developed in different phases of the landscape. Soils in the state
are generally acidic in nature, contains low nitrogen and phosphate, medium to high available potash
and deficient of calcium, magnesium and sulfur.
The humid tropical monsoon climate has given rise to many groups of soils. Based on
LANDSAT Imagery (1986) and Atlas of Agricultural Resources of India (Das Gupta, 1980) the soils
of the state have been classified into five board groups, i.e. (i) Reddish yellow-brown sandy soils, (ii)
Red loam and sandy loam soils, (iii) Older alluvial soils, (iv) Younger alluvial soils and (v) Lateritic
soils. The distribution of soils is shown in Figure 1.2 and the details are given in Table 1.3. The
detailed descriptions of each group of soils are given as follows:
(i) Reddish yellow brown Sandy soil: Reddish yellow-brown sandy soils are extensively
residual in nature occurring on the north-south oriented hill ranges and other upland areas of Tripura,
crowned with the lush evergreen tropical forests and near inter-montane valleys. Nearly 33% of the
geographical area of the state is covered with the reddish yellow brown sandy soils. This soils
occurring in ridge tops and sloping flanks of the hill ranges, are highly susceptible to erosion. Due to
continuous erosion and chemical weathering of the bed rock, the finer fractions of the soil mantle
have been leached down to the lower horizons of the soil profile, leaving the epipedon littered with a
layer of coarse silty or fine sandy material of reddish brown hue. The surface colour of these soils is
usually found to be yellowish brown to dark brown. Taxonomically, the reddish yellow brown sandy
soils are alfisol (mainly ultic) mixed with erosion-affected Inceptisols. As a result of continuous
leaching under heavy rainfall conditions, these soils are rather poor in nutrients.
(ii) Red loam and Sandy loam soil: The red loam and sandy loam soils are the most
extensive formation, covering about 43 % of the total geographical area of the state. Genetically, the
red loam and sandy loam soils are associated with the intermountain valleys and the forest cover of
undulating uplands. These soils are largely of residual nature are generated under forest environment.
Taxonomically, they are fairly mature soils, can be classified as Alfisols comprising association of
Ultic Hapludalfs and Typic Paleudalfs.
These red soils are fairly rich in nutrients. They are susceptible to heavy erosion under heavy
rainfall condition; especially those located on sloping grounds. There are as many as 14 soil series in
this particular group.
(iii) Older alluvial soil: Older alluvial soils, though of recent origin are fairly matured soils
of transported in nature. These soils cover nearly 10 % area of the state occurring on river terraces
and high plains. They are fairly rich in nutrients and are subject to gully erosion. At least five soil
series have been identified in this group.
In the high plains, the profiles of the older alluvial soils are usually well developed and these
soils are taxonomically branded as Alfisols (Type Ochraqualfs) though at places are associated with
A number of micro watershed projects both in the rain fed areas and in shifting cultivation
areas are being implemented all over the state in order to minimize the hazards of soil erosion and to
maintain soil health for increased cultivation of different crops. The essential components of these
projects are treatment of arable and non-arable land according to the capability following the
principles of soil and water conservations.
District wise Land Use details during the period from 2016-17 to 2017-18 for the state of
Tripura and the land use of the whole state of Tripura have been presented in Table 1.5.
Fallow Land
Geographical area
Cropping Intensity
Fallow Land other
Total (5+6+7)
Current Fallow
Total Cultivable
Net Area Sown
Total Cropped
than once
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
North 2016-17 141837 89292 23725 391 4679 1180 6250 295 264 559 22011 37405 15394 28820 170
Tripura 2017-18 141837 89292 23820 391 4633 1180 6204 283 261 544 21977 37118 15141 28725 169
2016-17 68779 33039 13714 258 2739 852 3849 258 190 448 17729 32038 14309 22026 181
2017-18 68779 33039 13780 258 2712 852 3822 248 188 436 17702 31791 14089 21960 180
2016-17 231394 185940 22809 142 1238 261 1641 600 188 788 20216 34531 14315 22645 171
2017-18 231394 185940 22876 142 1226 261 1629 578 186 764 20185 34270 14085 22578 170
2016-16 92005 54319 4987 0 93 90 183 117 30 147 32369 58293 25924 32699 180
2017-18 92005 54319 5042 0 92 90 182 113 30 143 32319 57845 25526 32644 179
West 2016-17 104596 29265 40949 83 495 189 767 97 85 182 33433 62054 28621 34382 186
Tripura 2017-18 104596 29265 41009 83 491 189 763 93 85 178 33381 61578 28197 34322 184
2016-17 103080 30996 24407 11 891 286 1188 123 107 230 46259 102655 56396 47677 222
2017-18 103080 30996 24493 11 883 286 1180 118 106 224 46187 101866 55679 47591 221
2016-17 148910.6 100704 7689 39 103 7 149 62 16 78 40291 79727 39436 40518 198
2017-18 148910.6 100704 7754 39 102 7 148 60 16 76 40229 79114 38885 40453 197
South 2016-17 158567 105871 9133 20 287 13 320 43 18 61 43182 83837 40655 43563 194
Tripura 2017-18 158567 105871 9205 20 284 13 317 41 18 59 43115 83188 40073 43491 193
2016-17 1049169 629426 147413 944 10525 2878 14347 1595 898 2493 255490 490540 235050 272330 192
2017-18 1049169 629426 147979 944 10423 2878 14245 1534 890 2424 255095 486770 231675 271764 191
2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019 2016 2019
West 0 0
Tripura 7979 8119.69 1647 1888 575 575 0 0 10201 10582.69
Khowai 6501 6566.32 742 742 535 669 4515 4515 0 0 12293 12492.32
Sepahijala 8666 8755 1199 1473.6 190 190 0 0 0 0 10055 10418.8
Gomati 10177 10314 879 937.5 872 872 4383 4437 0 0 16311 16560.85
South 0 0
Tripura 6116 6210 600 680.8 2243 3095.5 0 0 8959.9 9986.4
Unakoti 5735 5903 147 167 0 0 1710 1759 0 0 7592 7829.5
North 32 32
Tripura 5817 5877 404.5 404.5 140 140 0 0 6393.5 6454.05
Dhalai 5976 6096 113 123 759 810 0 0 0 0 6848 7029.95
Total 56967 57841.01 5731.5 6416.4 5314 6351.5 10608 10711 32 32 78653.4 81354.56
Net irrigation potential created by different departments of the state has been presented in Table 1.6.
At present there are three medium irrigation projects namely, Gomati in South Tripura, Khowai in
West Tripura and Manu in North Tripura.
• Gomti Irrigation Project is situated at Maharani, South Tripura district. It has a culturable
command command area of 4486 ha and gross command area is 9800 ha. The potential
created till March 2014 was 3283 ha, which has been increased to be 4437 ha as on January
• Khowai Irrigation Project is situated at Chakmaghat, West Tripura district. It has
culturable command area of 4515 ha and ultimate potential is 8120 ha. Potential created till as
on January 2020 was 4545 ha.
• Manu Irrigation Project is located at Nalkata in Dhalai district. It has a culturable
command area of 4198 ha and ultimate potential is 6025 ha. The potential created till March
2014 was 1710 ha, where as it has now increased to 1759 ha as on January 2020.
As per the record available with PWD (WR) department, the total actual irrigation coverage as
on March 2019 by surface water (with 1592 nos. LI, 7 nos. HPLI, 48 nos. of Diversion Schemes, 4
nos. Low & high Pick-up Weir and 3 nos. of medium irrigation scheme i.e. river barrage) is 74353.5
ha, whereas by ground water (through 260 nos. of DTW) the coverage is only 6116 ha. So, the total
area brought under irrigation or Irrigation Potential Created by PWD (WR) is 81354 ha (Annexure II)
against the Cultivable Land of 255241 ha, Irrigable area of 117000 ha. The actual irrigated area as on
march 2019 by PWD (WR) is 81354 ha, whereas the total actually irrigated land or net potential
utilization in Tripura by all agencies is 80701 ha.
Agriculture in the state largely depends upon timely monsoon. Soils are very fertile and the
state receives abundant rainfall, which is conducive to agriculture and horticulture crops including
rubber and tea plantations. Out of total geographical area of 10491.69 sq. km., the net area under
agriculture (net area sown) was 2554.66 sq. km. in 2020-21, which constitutes 24.33 % of total
geographical area. Proportion of area under agriculture thus is low compared to national level (51%).
Economy of the state is basically agrarian and about 51 % of the population is dependent on
agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood as it is the single largest provider of employment to
the rural people here. Favorable agro-climatic conditions, fertile soils, sub-tropical climate with
pockets of temperate zones, large tilla lands and high rainfall promotes development of horticulture
comprising of fruits, vegetables, spices, floriculture, medicinal and aromatic plants etc. Contribution
of agriculture and allied activities to the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) exceeds 26 %.
60% of the geographical area is high land and covered by forest and only about 27% is
available for cultivation. Presently there is a gap between actual production and requirement of food
grains in Tripura. Fragmentation of land holding is continuing and the average present holding is 0.60
ha. People in the hills cultivate on high slopes by practicing traditional JHUM (shifting cultivation).
The climate of the state istropical, highly humid and characterized by moderate temperature
with three prominent seasons - summer, monsoon and winter, where summer spans from March to
May followed by southwest monsoon lasting till September. Winter season starts in November and
lasts till the end of February and is marked with pleasant days & cold nights followed by a brief spell
of spring.
The climate warms up generally from the middle of March and the height of summer is
reached during the period from April to May. During this period maximum temperature is generally
recorded above 350C and the minimum temperature from 21.30C to 22.40C. Generally, the maximum
summer temperature ranges from 350–400C. Monsoon usually breaks in last week of May or in the
first week of June and retreats by the end of September or October. Winter sets in from November
and becomes severe in January when average minimum temperature at night is recorded as 80C.
Humidity generally remains high throughout the year. Generally, it is high in July and low in
March. Relative humidity in a year generally varies from 70% to 85%. In summer, relative humidity
varies from 60 to 75% in the morning and from 50 to 60% in the evening. In rainy season, relative
humidity remains over 85% in the morning and from 70 to 80% in the evening. Relative humidity
recorded at Agartala during a long period in the recent past is 89% to 63% in the morning and 80% to
50% in the evening.
Monthly evaporation varies from 1.6 to 6.9 mm/day (ICAR complex, Lembucherra, West
Tripura district). Wind speed varies from 1.0 to 3.8km/hr in winter season and 3.7 to 18.3km/hr in
summer and rainy season.
Rainfall occurs under the spell of southwest monsoon and the maximum rainfall is commonly
recorded in the month of June and July. The average annual rainfall for the last 42 years (1977–2018)
of the state is 2262 mm. The average nos. of rainy days for last 5 years is 95. Both the maximum
rainfall of 4009.5mm (1978) and the minimum rainfall of 1205.6 mm (1994) had been recorded at
Agartala. The co-efficient of variation of rainfall ranges from 7– 30%, which suggests a low
variability of annual rainfall. Broad patterns and distribution of rainfall is shown in Figure 2.1, which
reveals that rainfall increases from SW to NE in the state. The highest rainfall value of 2500mm has a
N-S disposition through North Tripura district. The lowest rainfall lies around Udaipur-Amarpur area
of Gomati district.
The distribution of rainfall in Tripura has been shown in Figure 2.1. The disposition of
isohyets brings out the fact that the amount of rainfall gradually decreases from east to west in the
northern part of the state and northward in the western district. The variability in aerial distribution of
normal annual rainfall can be understood from the recorded rainfall of the following stations: (1)
Dharmanagar - 2493.034 mm; (2) Kailashahar - 2471mm; (3) Kamalpur - 2535 mm; (4) Khowai -
2321 mm; (5) Agartala Sadar - 2203 mm; (6) Sonamura-2199mm; (7) Udaipur- 1906 mm; (8)
Amarpur- 1724 mm; (9) Belonia - 2311 mm and (10) Sabrum - 2303 mm. Annual Rainfall of Tripura
for the year 2013, as recorded in different stations.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Seasonal and annual potential evapotranspiration (PET) have been estimated by using
Thornthwaite’s (1955) empirical formula, making use of the available long term average of monthly
minimum and maximum temperature and normal monthly rainfall as recorded at Agartala airport and
at other district headquarters. PET is about 50 to 60% of normal rainfall. It is found that PET exceeds
for precipitation during five water deficit months i.e. January, February, March, November and
Physiographically, the state of Tripura consists of hilly terrain with an immature topography,
which represents the western fringe of the typical ridge and valley (structural) province of the Late
Tertiary fold mountain belt, commonly known as the Indo-Burman Ranges (Purbachal Range). The
major geographic features are tightly folded anticlinal hill ranges and broad synclinal valleys in
between. Five principal hill ranges running parallel in roughly N-S direction, namely (i) the Jampui,
(ii) the Sakhantlang, (iii) the Longtarai, (iv) the Atharomura and (v) the Baramura traverse the state
from east to west. The altitude of the hill ranges increases progressively form west to east attaining a
maximum of 975.36 m above mean sea level (AMSL) at Betling Shib in Jampui hill range, 816.25 m
AMSL at Sakhan in the Sakhantlang and 481.83 mAMSL at Phengpur in the Longtarai range. The
Atharomura and the Baramura have comparatively lesser elevations of 346 m AMSL and 249 m
AMSL respectively. Apart from these major hill ranges, two smaller dome-like ridges namely
Sonamura anticline and Agartala dome, which comprise the folded Neogene strata; are lying to the
west of Baramura-Deotamura hill ranges. The general altitude of the state varies from 750 m AMSL
in the northeastern part to 15 m AMSL in the western part.
There are five broad longitudinal valleys in the state, namely (i) Agartala-Udaipur-Sabroom
valley, (ii) Khowai-Teliamura-Amarpur valley, (iii) Kamalpur-Ambassa-Gondacherra valley, (iv)
Kailasahar-Kumarghat-Chawmanu valley and (v) Dharmanagar-Panisagar-Kanchanpur valley,
located between N-S trending parallel to sub-parallel anticlinal hill ranges. Within the major valley
portions, there are numerous isolated hillocks or mounds attaining a height of 20-30 m above the
valley floor.
3.1.1 Genetic Classification of Land Systems
Geomorphologically, the state can be defined as a second order morpho-structural land
system similar to that of “Ridge and Valley Province” of USA. The erosional and depositional units
of land system are confined mainly to the structural valleys. Genetic geomorphological map by GSI
enables recognition of 17 landform units, which are grouped under these genetic types. Nine
Landform units are of structural origin, five units are of denudational origin and the remaining three
units are of fluvial origin. All the units can be shown in relation to their bedrock geology and
structural pattern.
The units of structural origin characterize the structural pattern of folded rock bodies and
include the features, which occur only within the anticlinal hill ranges. On the other hand, units of
denudational origin are confined to the structural valleys, where erosional processes predominate,
developing an eroded topography, represented by residual hillocks/mounds and an incised net of
stream beds. Incised stream beds form the conspicuous geomorphic feature of valley landscape and
are partly filled by the alluvial materials derived from adjacent hill slopes. The units of fluvial origin
include only the flood plains of major rivers confined to the flat part of structural valleys.
(a) Units of Structural Origin:
(i) Cores of Sardengmura and Atharamura anticlines represented by a mega hogback are
made of Bhuban Sandstone. Units are less dissected and having high relative relief, sharp
ridge crest, steep valley side slopes (18).
(ii) Along the western flank of both Atharamura and Sardengmura structures, to the
immediate west of the above mega hogback unit, linear, parallel strike ridges of Bokabil
sandstone constitute the smaller cuesta-hogback unit. This unit shows moderate dissection
and is characterized by the development of short parallel and trellis drainage pattern.
(iii) In the Raimachera catchment a discrete structural landform unit occurs between the
mega hogback (to the east) and the badland valley (to the west) units. This is characterized by
3.1.3 Landforms
There are two fundamentally different landform domains in the State:
A. Neogene Fold Ridges: This constitute the roughly N-S aligned anticlinal ridges with
rounded to nearly flat-topped Baramura, Rokia and Sonamura and comparatively more
rugged Atharomura with several spurs, comprising sub-flysch and molasses sediments of
Mio-Pliocene age.
B. Alluvial Terrain: The terraced alluvial terrain is divisible into three groups on the basis
of characteristic relief, slope, degree of dissection, soil character, landform assemblage and
nature of alluvial fill. These in chronological order are: (1) the table lands (tilla lands) and
rolling mounds formed by the Upper Pleistocene terraces characterized by maximum
dissection, drainage density and weathering, (2) the low lands (‘loonga lands’) of the
Holocene terrace comprising stabilized, undissected, higher flood plains and (3) the recent
flood plains constituting the present-day flood-prone belts fringing the rivers and streams
(Ramesh 1987).
silt, sand, clay, silty clay, sandy clay etc. with decomposed
Recent Recent vegetable matter and yellowish brown coarse river sand,
gravels, pebbles and various other concretions.
----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Shale/Sandstone: Brown to buff sandy clay with grayish
Dupitila Dupitila sandy loam, clayey sandstone with ferruginous materials and
----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Champaknagar Sandstone: Massive medium to coarse sandstone with sandy
Manubazar Sandstone: Fairly laminated, bedded fine to medium sub-
arkosic sandstone with sandy shale and siltstone.
----------------------------------- UNCONFORMITY----------------------------------
Bokabil Sandstone: Thinly laminated, bedded sandstone and silt
Surma (repetition) with ferruginous materials, medium to coarse
Upper Tertiary
The succession from bottom to top has been lithostratigraphically sub-divided into Surma,
Tipam and Dupitila Groups. The more argillaceous rocks exposed in the cores of the anticlines are
equivalent to the Surma Group of Mio-Pliocene age which is about 4 km thick in Tripura. The
younger arenaceous beds in the flanks comprise the Tipam Groups of probable Upper Pliocene age
and are over 2 kms thick. The sediments in the synclinal troughs in the west Tripura are at places
unconformably overlain by a sequence of unconsolidated to semi-consolidated sediments arranged in
neat terraces, which is named as Dupitila Group.
Figure 4.1A: Map showing distribution of Geological Formations, Geomorphic Units and
(A) North Tripura District: Sub-surface geology and disposition of aquifers in the N - S oriented
parallel Dharmanagar- Kanchanpur of North Tripura district is depicted in Figure 4.2 & 4.3.
Dharmanagar – Kanchanpur valley: This valley is dominated by thick sandstone
horizons with thin intervening shale/clay horizons. In the central part of the valley sand layers exist
but comparatively thin granular zones intercalated with shale occur within 90 m bgl. However,
towards the north (Ichailalcherra) and south (Machmara) the thickness of clay/shale is more.
Sand layers occur at a depth range from 7 to 14 m bgl. Below this, a thick clay bed occurs all
along the valley and its thickness increases towards north (Ichailalcherra). Below this clay bed
sandstone, fine to medium grained, yellowish brown in color occurs.
Figure 4.3: Co-relation of Sub-Surface Formations in Kanchanpur valley of North Tripura District
In Manu block, between Manu and Karamcherra, 4 to 5 granular zones are available. The
first zone is quite thick and is occurring between 20 – 135 m bgl. Other granular zones are occurring
in the depth ranges of 145 – 155 m bgl, 160 – 170 m bgl, 190 – 210 m bgl and 210 – 240 m bgl.
Exploratory wells drilled by CGWB at Chawmanu shows the area is dominated by shaley horizons
within 300 m bgl. Two good granular zones are occurring in the depth ranges of 120 – 165 m bgl &
210 – 250 m bgl. Apart from this a few very thin granular zones also occur in the depth ranges of 170
– 200 m bgl & 260 – 300 m bgl.
(ii) Kamalpur valley: Kamalpur valley containing Salema and Durga Chowmuhani blocks
is largely dominated by shaley horizons except in the central part of the valley at Bhatkhowri where
three distinct deeper sandstone horizons of significant thickness can be seen. These granular horizons
appear to have been displaced due to subsurface faults towards north. The sub-surface
conFigureurations of different granular zones in this valley have been shown in a panel diagrams
(Figure 4.6). Three to four numbers of thin granular zones occur within 250 m bgl.
In Ambassa area (Figure 4.6), which is the southern extension of Kamalpur valley, the first
shallow granular zone is encountered at 21 m bgl and its thickness is 8 – 10 m and the second
granular zone occurring below 50 m bgl. In Bhatkhowri area total 4 nos. of aquifers are available
within 300 m bgl. The granular zones are found within the depth ranges 15 – 75 m bgl, 100 – 120 m
bgl, 180 – 270 m bgl and also below 285 m bgl.
Figure 4.7: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations Khowai valley of Khowai district
Figure 4.8: Panel Diagram showing Sub-Surface Formations in Agartala valley of West Tripura
Tectonically, the state comprises a series of sub-parallel, arcuate, elongated, doubly plunging
folds arranged en-echelon and trending in an average north-south direction with slight convexity to
the west (Kher and Ganju, 1984). Passing from east to west the deformation in this belt becomes
progressively younger and less intense and thus the intensity of folding increases eastward. The folds
are characterized by tight and narrow, box like anticlines alternating with broad flat synclines. The
anticlines forming ridges are asymmetrical or symmetrical and traversed, in most cases, by north-
south longitudinal reverse faults. The steeper flanks of the asymmetrical anticlines commonly form
monoclinal steps, and these are often dislocated and upthrown against the dipping flanks of the
adjoining synclines. Most of these faults disappear towards the plunge of folds. Individual structures
have internal complexities in the form of cross-faults, oblique faults and lineaments trending in NW-
SE and NE-SW to ENE-WSW directions and dividing the structures into separate blocks. In short the
salient features are as follows:
a) Folds are elongated and aligned in sub-meridional to meridional trend mostly with westerly
b) Folding is of parallel to sub parallel type
c) Anticlines are tight relative to the intervening synclines.
d) Intensity of folding increases eastward.
e) Anticlines are asymmetrical or symmetrical and traversed in most cases by N-S longitudinal
reverse faults.
f) Most of the longitudinal reverse faults disappear towards the plunge of folds.
g) N-S faults are offset by NW-SE and NE-SW to ENE-WSW trending lineaments/faults,
latter being younger.
h) Most of the surface gas shows are located near or along lineaments/faults.
i) More than one culmination is recognized in majority of anticlines.
j) Anticlinal axis is not sinuous as referred by earlier workers, but is offset by various cross
The Surma Basin in the Tripura-Mizoram area lies in between the seismically active Shillong
Plateau to the north and Arakan Yoma to the east. Though epicenters of very few earthquakes
recorded during the recent past fall in this area, it has, however, been affected by some of the famous
earthquakes like the Bihar-Nepal (1934), Kangra (1905), Greater Assam (1897), Dhubri (1930),
Srimangal (1918) and Assam (1975) earthquakes. The epicenter of the devastating Srimangal
earthquake of 1918 lies very close to the northern border of Tripura. Tripura, being in this seismically
active zone, experiences mild to moderately severe seismic shocks very often.
The style of folding into a series of longitudinal N-S/NNW-SSE trending anticlines and
synclines, the conjugate fracture systems and the deformation of the rock types involved in such
folding indicate that the whole region was subjected to E-W compressive stress since Pliocene time
which continued up to the Pleistocene period. There was a period of quiescence when the flat-lying
Dupitilas were deposited in the structural valleys over an erosional surface marking the beginning of
the Quaternary period. It is also surmised that the region is still under the influence of E-W stresses,
apparently directed from the east. Hand in hand with this, isostatic adjustment is going on in this area
being located to the south of the Shillong Plateau with a strong positive Bouguer gravity anomaly.
This is also apparent from the occurrence of 0 - gravity anomaly line in the center of the Tripura
state. Neotectonic movements due to such isostatic adjustment has produced some cross fractures in
Surma Basin, viz. northern border of Gomati flood plain in between Udaipur and Kakraban.
The presence of this misfit streams in the narrow valley (‘loonga’) area and the presence of
upright tree trunks and submerged logs indicate that the narrow valleys (loongas) in most of the cases
viz. Burigang near Bishalgarh, Charilam, Sekerkote, Bamutia etc. was uplifted during the Holocene
times along the conjugate system of fractures and faults.
Un- consoli-
dated Yield Prospects
Recent Recent Clay, Silt and Sand Limited thickness very limited due
Alluvium along river valleys to superficial
: 30 m
Upper Tertiary
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 92mbgl to 255mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 63m. The discharge of the wells varies from
1 to 26 lps and the drawdown varies from 4 to 42 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges from
2.7 to 87.2 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 6 to 627 m2/day, Permeability varies
from 0.1 to 12.6 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 2.7x10-4. Exploratory wells constructed at
Ichaicherra, Nayapasra, are found to be in flowing / artesian condition. The piezometric head
measured varied from 0.42 to 2.34 m agl.
Springs / seepage zones : Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Kadamtala seepage zones occur in paddy fields. In hilly areas of
Damcherra, and Jampui hill blocks it is reported that springs are available.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Kadamatala, Panisagar, Dasda and Damcherra blocks. The artesian zones found
are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 100 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 0.83 lps during pre-
monsoon period and from 0.02 to 1.00 lps during post-monsoon period.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 250mbgl to 300mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 42 to 55m. The discharge of the wells varies from
4 to 26 lps and the drawdown varies from 6 to 30 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges from
8.5 to 226 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 4.5 to 1213 m2/day, Permeability varies
from 0.1 to 23.7 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 4.2x10-4 to 2.2x10-3. Exploratory wells
constructed at Pecharthal are found to be in flowing / artesian condition. The piezometric head was
measured at 2.85 magl. Pilot hole was drilled in Karaicherra upto 116.60 m bgl but due to lack of
granular zone it was abandoned.
Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Gournagar and Kumarghat seepage zones occur in paddy fields. In
hilly areas of Pecharthal blocks it is reported that springs are available.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Panisagar and Gournagar blocks. The artesian zones found are discontinuous and
are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a depth range of 10 to
100 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 0.83 lps during pre-monsoon period and from
0.02 to 1.00 lps during post-monsoon period.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 240mbgl to 305mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 36 to 60m. The discharge of the wells varies from
10 to 60 lps and the drawdown varies from 14 to 38 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 16.4 to 190 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 26.4 to 1582 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 0.52 to 44 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 5.9x10-4 to 2.85x10-4.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Ambassa, Salema, Dumburnagar, Manu and Chawmanu Blocks. The
artesian zones found are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 128/mbgl to 302mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 71m. The discharge of the wells varies from
4.4 to 22.52 lps and the drawdown varies from 5.3 to 13.6 m. The Specific Capacity of the well
ranges from 44.6 to 217 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 1047 to 1689 m2/day,
Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the district. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking and
domestic purposes also. In hilly areas of Mungiakami blocks springs are available.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Khowai, Kalyanpur, Teliamura blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 125 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.1 to 1.00 lps.
Under Ground Water Exploration programme, CGWB has drilled 26 wells in 17 locations
(13 EW, 9 OW & 4 Deposit Wells) in the district down to a maximum depth of 281 m bgl tapping
Tipam sandstone to determine the aquifer characteristics of the deeper aquifer.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 190mbgl to 281mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 24 to 64m. The discharge of the wells varies from
0.22 to 46 lps and the drawdown varies from 0.5 to 30.53m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 10.3 to 217 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 86.67 to 6859m2/day,
Permeability varies from 2.93 to 134.5m/day and storativity lies in the range of 7.5x10-4 to 2.06x10-3.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Dukli, Mohanpur and Jirania blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. In Agartala valley artesian wells are reported to be
constructed within a depth range of 5 to 67 mbgl. The piezometric head varies from 0.05 to 2.10
magl. Discharge varies from 0.05 to 0.75 lps during pre-monsoon and from 0.10 to 0.75 lps during
post monsoon.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 200mbgl to 270mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 40 to 66m. The discharge of the wells varies from
2.87 to 31.41 lps and the drawdown varies from 4.95 to 28m. The Specific Capacity of the well
ranges from 32.1 to 211.7 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 91 to 1438 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 1.83 to 32.92m/day and storativity lies in the range of 4.4x10-4 to 2.06x10-3.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
irrigation purposes but a few of the wells are even used drinking and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones are found in Bishalgarh, Boxanagar, and Melaghar blocks. The artesian zones found
are discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 5 to 65 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.06 to 1.00 lps.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 190mbgl to 255mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 27 to 76m. The discharge of the wells varies from
3.33 to 44 lps and the drawdown varies from 6.8 to 24.3m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 78 to 181 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 246 to 794.7 m2/day, Permeability
varies from 4.8 to 10.43 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 1.77x10-3.
Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Kakraban, Matabari and Killa blocks. The artesian zones found are discontinuous
and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a depth range of 6
to 58 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.03 to 1.25 lps during pre-monsoon period and from
0.13 to 2.00 lps during post-monsoon period.
The depth range of the Tubewells constructed ranges from 185mbgl to 253mbgl. The
Thickness of the aquifer zones tapped veries from 37 to 60m. The discharge of the wells varies from
3.33 to 42 lps and the drawdown varies from 0.75 to 25 m. The Specific Capacity of the well ranges
from 11.4 to 1066 lpm/mdd, Transmissivity of the wells varies from 47.4 to 1783.08 m2/day,
Permeability varies from 0.87 to 27.4 m/day and storativity lies in the range of 3.8x10-4 to 2.38x10-3.
Springs / seepage zones: Springs / seepage zones are available in the area. Traditionally
tribal people living in the hilly areas are using spring water for drinking and domestic purposes. In
the foothill areas people used to arrest the spring water by constructing seasonal / permanent bund on
small streamlets / cherras and used this water for irrigation purpose and sometimes used for drinking
and domestic purposes also. In Satchand and Rajnagar blocks many small seepage zones are present.
Artesian zones: A few artesian zones occur in the district. These wells are mainly used for
drinking and domestic purposes but some of the wells are even used for irrigation purposes. Artesian
zones are found in Bagafa, Kakraban, Rajnagar and Satchand blocks. The artesian zones found are
discontinuous and are localized phenomenon. It is reported that the wells are constructed within a
depth range of 10 to 200 m bgl. Discharge of the wells varies from 0.01 to 1.5 lps during pre-
monsoon period and from 0.03 to 2.00 lps during post-monsoon period.
Ground water regime of Tripura is being monitored regularly through a network of 106 wells (96
Dugwells and 10 Pz) established as National Hydrograph Network Stations (NHNS). Under
monitoring work, depth to water level from these wells is measured four times in a year i.e. in the
months of January, March, August and November. Water samples are also collected from the NHNS
in the month of March i.e. during pre-monsoon in order to assess the chemical quality of ground water.
District wise as well as block wise distribution and details of all the Monitoring Stations in the state
are furnished in Annexure VIII & IX.
A few GWM dug wells situated in a several districts of Tripura are monitored every month
through participatory water level monitoring programme. Moreover, some GWMWs, established in
and around Agartala city, are monitored on monthly basis throughout the year. Monthly water level
data of these wells show that depth to water level remains minimum during the months of July-August
and maximum during the months of February-March.
Figure 6.1: Map of Pre-Monsoon depth to water level in GWM dug wells of Tripura (2022)
Figure 6.4(b): Hydrograph showing a rising ground water level trend of Khowai Monitoring station
Figure 6.4(c): Hydrograph showing a neutral ground water level trend of Simna Monitoring station
Ground water reserves have been assessed block wise in all the eight districts of Tripura by
CGWB based on the basis of available data, the results of exploratory drilling and other
hydrogeological testing. The dynamic reserve which is seasonally renewable in response to monsoon
recharge has been assessed based on the seasonal fluctuation of water table and specific yield of
shallow aquifer materials. Dynamic reserves of ground water, extent of current utilization, balance
available for further development have been calculated. From these data it is very transparent that so
far only fringe of the ground water resources has been harnessed.
The previous ground water resources assessment (prior to 2017) of the state was done based on
the recommendations of Ground Water Estimation Committee – 1997 (GEC’97). The GEC’97
methodology was subsequently modified in the light of enhanced database and new findings of
experimental studies in the field of hydrogeology.
The present methodology used for resources assessment is known as Ground Water Resource
Estimation Methodology – 2015 (GEC’2015) using the INGRESS Software. The revised
methodology GEC 2015 recommends aquifer wise ground water resource assessment. Ground water
resources have two components – Replenishable ground water resources or Dynamic ground water
resources and Instorage resources or Static resources. GEC 2015 recommends estimation of
Replenishable and in-storage ground water resources for both unconfined and confined aquifers. In
GEC’2015, two approaches are recommended – water level fluctuation method and norms of rainfall
infiltration method. The water level fluctuation method is based on the concept of storage change due
to difference between various input and output components. Input refers to recharge from rainfall and
other sources and subsurface inflow into the unit of assessment. Output refers to ground water draft,
ground water evaporation, transpiration, base flow to streams and subsurface outflow from the unit.
The ground water resources assessment unit is in general watershed particularly in hard rock
areas. In case of alluvial areas, administrative block can also be the assessment unit. In each
assessment unit, hilly areas having slope more than 20% are deleted from the total area to get the area
suitable for recharge. In Tripura, there is no such extensive and significant command area and hence
not considered for the estimation work. The majority of technical data were made available by PWD
(Water Resources), PWD (DWS) & Agriculture Dept., Govt. of Tripura and the same were utilized
for the dynamic resource estimation.
Hydrogeological formations named Dupitila, Tipam and Surma of Upper Tertiary age are spread
all over the state of Tripura and all are considered as a single hydrogeological unit. For estimation of
recharge and other figures the same unit is considered for the entire state. The dynamic resource
estimation is done for the ground water year 2022 (1st April 2021 to 31st Mar 2022).
The rainfall infiltration factor recommended by GEC 2015 for sandstone is 0.12. For calculating
recharge from return flow from irrigation, an average water requirement of 1m & 0.1m for paddy &
non-paddy has been taken from Agriculture department, Govt. of Tripura. Computation factor for
return flow from ground water irrigation is taken as 0.25 – 0.45 and from surface water irrigation is
taken as 0.30 – 0.50 as per GEC 2015 methodology.
Ground water drafts for various uses in the different sub-units have been estimated according to
the recommended methodology. Ground water draft for domestic use has been estimated based on the
number of different types of ground water abstraction structures and their unit draft per year and also
on population as per 2011 Census. The unit draft of dug well is 0.2 ham and unit draft of shallow tube
well (fitted with hand pumps) is also taken as 0.2 ham. Amongst these two values, ultimately the
higher figure has been considered for further ground water resource assessment.
Block-wise ground water draft for irrigation was estimated based on the number of structures of
shallow tubewell and the unit draft of shallow tubewell fitted with pump set is 3 ham. Ground water in
the state is mostly used for domestic & irrigational purposes. Ground water for industrial draft is
Figure 7.1: The State of ground water Extraction in Tripura (As per GWRE, 2022)
Total ground water recharge is estimated after deducting resultant flow from evaporation and
transpiration, and it is 1.18 BCM. Annual extractable groundwater resources are estimated after
deducting natural discharge, and it is 1.06 BCM. Ground water extraction for various uses has been
estimated for all the assessment units of Tripura. Gross annual ground water extraction for all uses in
Tripura is 0.103 BCM and allocation for domestic up to year 2025 is 0.09 BCM. Balance groundwater
resources available for future development are 0.09 BCM. The stage of development of Tripura is 9.7
% and all the 59 blocks / assessment units (including 1 non-block, Agartala) in Tripura state falls
under SAFE category.
In general, the ground water of Tripura is characterized by low total dissolved solids and low
chlorides as indicated by specific conductivity varying from 33 to 954 micromhos/cm but by high
concentration of Iron (Fe). Ground water appears to contain quite high Fe as testified by formation of
ferric oxides as soon ground water samples are exposed to atmosphere. Otherwise, the ground water
from both the shallow and deeper aquifers of the state is fresh, potable and free from other serious
contaminants such as fluoride and arsenic. Ground water is characterized by low chloride contents
ranging from 7.09 ppm to 212 ppm. Bi-Carbonate is also very low in concentration varying from 5
ppm to 310 ppm. Sulphate concentration is also low being restricted to only 1 to 101 ppm value. The
Ca and Mg contents vary from 4 to 38 ppm and 1.2 to 23 ppm respectively. Ground water occurring
in the State of Tripura may be classified as Calcium Bi-Carbonate type of water.
The state of Tripura is underlain by alluvium of Recent age and Dupitala, Tipam, Surma
formations of Upper Tertiary age. The main aquifers are formed by Dupitila and Tipam formations
which are ferruginous in nature. The ferruginous material is the source of high iron in ground water.
The concentration of iron in deep tube wells ranges from 0.1 to 15.9 ppm. The highest concentration
of 15.90 ppm is noticed at Harikumartilla (West Ghilatali) village in Kalyanpur block. The desirable
and permissible limits of iron in drinking water are 0.3 and 1 ppm respectively. The high incidence
of Fe renders groundwater unsuitable for drinking purposes. Therefore, arrangements should be
made for removal or bringing down the Fe contents below the permissible limit, so that the waters
may be used for drinking purpose without any risk of health hazards. High concentration of iron also
creates aesthetic problems like colour, stains, smell etc., hence it is to be removed before put to use.
The various processes involved in removal of iron are aeration, coagulation, sedimentation and
filtration. Potassium Permanganate or Chlorine/Chloride may be employed for oxidizing the
dissolved ferrous iron to insoluable ferric iron, which is then filtered from the water. This process is
applicable very much when bacteria is present in the water. Iron can also be removed by the addition
of mixture of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Phosphate to precipitate iron as insoluble, followed by
settling and filtration. The various apparatus/plants for removal of excess iron from ground water are
Tripura Filter for domestic use in individual households, Modified Iron Removal Plant and Package
Type Iron Removal Plant for community use. Tripura filter was evaluated by All India Institute of
Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata and found capable of removing iron and also bacteriological
contamination effectively, which is highly recommended for rural, hilly and tribal areas due to its
low cost.
Min. 3.26 58.43 7.09 0 18.315 4.0032 1.19 25 38.564 2.73 0.9 0.105 0.0014
2022 Max. 8.35 612.7 63.81 21 610.49 50.04 20.629 180 404.38 125.96 68.6 3.17 0.6479
Note : EC in mirco mhos/cm at 250C and other constituents are in mg/lt except pH
It is anticipated that in future the ever increasing unplanned urbanizing may cause pollution of
ground water in the shallow aquifers. Cities like Agartala, Udaipur and Dharmanagar, a large number
of tanks or small lakes also exist, some of which are nothing but chess pools. These cities have not yet
been provided with proper underground sewerage system. The tanks which are used by urban people
for various household uses are the foci of spread of pollution. Polluted water of such stagnant pools
seeps underground and contaminates the near surface aquifers. Therefore, it is recommended that the
domestic waste should be treated properly before disposal and as far as possible all major drains
should be lined with brick and concrete to avoid pollution of ground water through leakage and
Figure 8.2: Map showing the areas and intensity of Iron contamination in deep aquifers of
Currently, pollution of ground water by arsenic has seriousluy drawn the attention of the scientific
community. As reported, ground water of Tripura has not so far been affected by arsenic
contamination. However, presence of arsenic below permissible limit in a sporadic manner cannot be
ruled out in certain parts of the state, especially in the areas adjoining Bangladesh.
Present and earlier studies conducted by the Tripura State Pollution Control Board and Centre for
Study of Man and Environment, Kolkata have not found the presence of Arsenic above detection
level. But since the NERIWALM study has revealed that Arsenic is present in considerable proportion
in a few ground water samples from several places of Tripura, it has become necessary to go for a
large scale study of ground water quality to ascertain the significant presence of Arsenic, if any.
However, arsenic pollution in ground water of some shallow tube well and one dug well had been
detected by PWD (DWS), Govt. of Tripura at some locations in 2005-06 as furnished below :
Table 8.5: Results of Arsenic Analysis of Ground Water Samples Collected From Different
Parts of Tripura By Centre For Study of Man & Environment, Kolkata
Sample Sampling Date Name of Location Type of source Arsenic
No (mg/lt)
District : North Tripura
1. 14.05.01 Kailashahar Deep Tube Well <0.003
2. 14.05.01 Dharmanagar Hand Pump <0.003
3. 14.05.01 Kanchanpur Deep Tube Well <0.003
4. 14.05.01 Kumarghat Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : Dhalai
5. 18.05.01 Manu Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : West Tripura
6. 10.06.01 Dukli Deep Tube Well <0.003
7. 10.06.01 Jirania Deep Tube Well <0.003
8. 11.06.01 A.D.Nagar Deep Tube Well <0.003
9. 11.06.01 Kunjaban Deep Tube Well <0.003
10. 15.06.01 Dhanpur Hand Pump <0.003
11. 23.06.01 Dhanpur Deep Tube Well <0.003
12. 16.06.01 M/s Ramkrishna Engineering, Hand Pump <0.003
13. 24.06.01 Khowai Deep Tube Well <0.003
14. 24.06.01 Khowai Auto flow <0.003
15. 25.06.01 R. C. Nagar Deep Tube Well <0.003
16. 16.06.01 Chandrapur Deep Tube Well <0.003
District : South Tripura
Table 8.6: Results Of Arsenic Analysis Of Ground Water Samples Collected From Various
Parts Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of Water And Land Management,
Tezpur, Assam
District Number of Location Arsenic (µg/lt) Maximum
Samples Analysed Non- Monsoon Arsenic
(% of As Monsoon Contaminated
Contamination) Area
Jirania &
West Tripura 52 (22.2) Jirania, Bishalgarh 191 144
Bishalgarh Block
Salema, Hallahali, Halhooli, 65-444 Salema and
Dhalai 36 (42.1) 77-165
Kamalpur & Joynagar Kamalpur Block
Sanitala, Rajbari, Dharmanagar and
North Tripura 30 (57.1) Kailashahar, Dharmanagar, 122-283 62-215
Kailashahar Block
Jampui & Kanchanpur
South Tripura 36 (Nil) -- 6.38 5-23 --
Source: Characterisation of Drinking Water for the Quality in NE India, Technical Report, NERIWALAM,
Tezpur-784027, 2004
Table 8.7:Iron And Arsenic Contents And Ph Of Ground Water Collected From Various Parts
Of Tripura By North Eastern Regional Institute Of Water And Land Management, Tezpur,
District Number of samples Location PH Iron Arsenic
analysed (% of As (mg/lt) (µg/lt)
38 (22.2) Jirania 7.1 10.98 191
Salema, Hallhali,
Dhalai 19 (42.1) Halhooli, 7.3 – 8.3 0.45 – 8.91 65 - 444
North Sanitala, Rajbari,
21 (57.14) 6.8 – 8.1 0.48 – 1.04 122 - 283
Tripura Dharmanagar
Source : Arsenic Contamination in Ground Water of North Eastern India. Dr. A. K. Singh, Associate Professor and Adviser
(Soil and Water Testing Lab & Microbiology Lab), NERIWALAM, Tezpur-784027, Assam (India). Published in
Proceedings of National Seminar on ‘Water Quality’ held at National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee during November 22 -
23, 2004.
The Water Quality data from the National Hydrograph Network Stations (NHNS) as in
Annexure-VI have been plotted through the Aquqchem software and are represented in the following
Figure 8.6: Box and whiskers plot of the NHNS 2022 Data
District-wise aquifer mapping and management plan of Tripura state have been completed.
Under National Aquifer Mapping and Management (NAQUIM) program, combination of geologic,
geophysical, hydrologic and hydro chemical information is applied to characterize the quantity,
quality and sustainability of ground water aquifers. Systematic aquifer mapping will improve our
understanding of the geologic framework of aquifers, their hydrogeologic characteristics, quality and
also quantifying the available ground water resources potential and proposing plans appropriate to the
scale of demand and the institutional arrangements for management.
In the district-wise aquifer management plan of Tripura State, it was found that stage of
groundwater extraction is low and some fallow cultivable land is available. Also long term ground
water trend do not show any decline. So, the groundwater utilization is proposed to increase the
cropping intensityupto 200% by planning to use upto 60% of available groundwater resources.
In North Tripura and Unokoti districts 6829 ha of fallow cultivable land has been considered to
bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual irrigation water requirement
for this land is 1586 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry season spanning from October
to March it is 874 ham. However, proportionate dynamic groundwater resources available for future
irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in 6829 ha is 1495 ham. Therefore, thisfallow area
can be irrigated by constructing ground water abstraction structures and can bring under double
cropped area of cropping intensity upto 200%. This amount of groundwater resources can be
harnessed by constructing 460 tube wells.
In Dhalai district, 2877 ha of fallow cultivable land has been considered to bring under assured
irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual irrigation water requirement is 872 ham while
irrigation water requirement during dry season spanning from October to March it is 465 ham. Annual
irrigation water requirement can be catered by constructing 460 nos. of tube wells.
In West Tripura District (Khowai, West Tripura and Siphahijala combined) 15854 ha of fallow
cultivable land has been considered to bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed
that annual irrigation water requirement is 5687 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry
season spanning from October to March it is 2962 ham. However, proportionate dynamic
groundwater resources available for future irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in
15,854 ha in the district is 6301 ham. Therefore, this fallow area can be irrigated by constructing
ground water abstraction structures and can bring under double cropped area from 181% to 200%.
This amount of groundwater resources can be harnessed by constructing 1250 tube wells.
In South Tripura (South Tripura and Gomati District combined) 5911 ha of fallow cultivable land
has been considered to bring under assured irrigation. CROPWAT 8.0 model showed that annual
irrigation water requirement is 2109 ham while irrigation water requirement during dry season
spanning from October to March it is 1088 ham.However, proportionate dynamic groundwater
resources available for future irrigation use (proposed to use 60% of availability) in 5,911 ha in the
district is 1875 ham. Therefore, this rice fallow area can be irrigated by constructing ground water
abstraction structures and can bring under double cropped area. This amount of groundwater
resources can be harnessed by constructing 880 tube wells.
The state of Tripura covers a total area of 10,491.69 sq. km. About 60 % of the area in the state is
under forest cover. Very recently, the state is administratively redivided into 8 districts, 23 sub-
divisions, 58 rural development blocks, 19 nos. of Nagar Panchayets and 591 nos. of Gram
Panchayets. The state has an autonomous district council named Tripura Tribal Area Autonomous
District Council (TTAADC), which has a total area of 7,132.56 sq. km and having 587 nos. of
TTAADC villages.
The state has a total population of 36,73,917 as per census 2011 & projected (as on 2021 as
4,90,000. The growth rate of the population (decadal growth from 2001 to 2011) in the state is
14.84%. During this decade (2001 to 2011) the rural population has been decreased from 83% to 74%,
whereas the urban population has increased steeply from 17% to 26%.
Physiographycally, the state consists of hilly terrain with immature topography. The major
geographic features are the tighty folded anticlinal hill ranges with broad synclinal valleys in between.
Five principal hill ranges namely the Jampui, the SakhanTlang, the Longtarai, the Atharomura and the
Baramura, which are running parallel in N-S direction and traverse the state from east to west. The
altitude of the hill ranges increases progressively from west to east attaining a maximum of 975 m
above mean sea level (MSL) at Belting Sib in Jampui range.
Anticlinal hill ranges form the watersheds from which various drainage channels emerge. The
common drainage patterns in the state are dendritic, parallel to sub-parallel and of rectangular type and
streams are of first and second order. Major rivers are Gomti, Howrah, Khowai, Dhalai, Manu, Deo,
Juri, Longai, Fenny and Muhuri. The whole drainage system forms a part of Meghna basin.
Out of the total geographical area of 10491.69 sq. km. of the state, more than 60% of the area is
under forest. The net area under agriculture (net area sown/net cropped area) was 270755 ha in 2020-
21. The proportion of the area under agriculture therefore is low in the state compared to that of
national level.
The climate of the state is tropical, highly humid with moderate temperature. The state receives
rainfall under the spell of southwest monsoon which commences in the end of May and lasts till the
end of September. The average annual rainfall is 2262 mm.
The main crop of Tripura is paddy; all the three types of paddy i.e. summer paddy (Aush),
monsoon paddy (Aman) and winter paddy (Boros) are being grown. Apart from paddy, sugarcane,
maize, wheat, mesta, jute, cotton, potato, pulses and oilseeds are also grown. Over a limited area of the
state, cashewnut, pineapple and orange are also cultivated. Rubber and tea plantations are now being
taken up on small mounds and foothills over a considerable area of the state. People in the hills
cultivate paddy and other viable crops on high slopes by practicing traditional ‘JHUM’ (shifting
cultivation). About 51% of the population of the state is dependent on agriculture and allied activities
for their livelihood as it is the single largest provider of employment to the rural people.
The soils have been classified into five broad groups, such as reddish yellow-brown sandy soils;
red loam and sandy loam soils; older alluvial soils, younger alluvial soils and lateritic soils. Younger
soils or river valley soils are found along all major river courses. However, on the basis of their origin,
the soils of Tripura can be classified into two major groups, namely residual soil and transported soil
or alluvial soil. In general, the soils in the state are naturally acidic in nature. Nitrogen and Phosphate
are low, available Potash is medium to high, Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur are deficient.
Geologically, Quaternary and Upper Tertiary groups of sediments occupy the State of Tripura.
The Groups of formations occurring from bottom to top are Surma, Tipam and Dupitila of Upper
Tertiary age. The state is characterized by a series of tighty folded anticlines and broad synclines
trending in north-south direction. The more argillaceous rocks exposed in the cores of the anticlines
are equivalent to the Surma group of Mio-Pliocene age and is about 4000 m thick. The younger
arenaceous beds in the flanks of the anticlines comprise the Tipam groups of probable Upper Pliocene
Athough the state annually receives more than 2000 mm rainfall spread throughtout the year
including non-monsoon period also, the people residing in the hilly areas or hilly forest areas faces
acute scarcity of water during the lean period. As a solution to this problem, Roof Top Rainwater
Harvesting may be adopted effectively on an individual or a community basis to meet the demand of
people residing on hilltops particularly during non-monsoon period as the average non-monsoon
rainfall in Tripura is in the tune of 800 to 1000 mm. In other rural areas of Tripura where sufficient
municipal facilities are not available, home-made indigenous rooftop rainwater harvesting structure in
small scale would be very useful for meeting the household water needs by utilizing rainwater.
In urban areas, urban housing complexes, institutional and Govt. buildings usually have large
roof areas, where the rooftop rainwater can be collected, utilized, conserved and also may be used for
recharging the ground water reservoir underneath the ground surface, which is mostly covered with
concrete structures and has very less scope of rainfall recharge in a natural way.
Rainwater can be collected from the rooftops through gutters into a 1000 lt or bigger capacity
PVC or concrete container. Filters can be used at the time of collection for filtration of physical
impurities. The water thus collected can be used for domestic and drinking purposes after treating with
bleaching powder or any other chlorinization agents for removing bacteriogenic contamination. Both
rural and urban people should be encouraged for a regular rain water harvesting practice.
It has been observed that 70 to 80 percent of rainfall occurs between May to September and
within a few hours most of the rainwater goes as run off and finally enters Bangladesh. In foothill
portion of the state, where most of the precipitations get wasted as surface runoff can be efficiently
utilized for augmentation of ground water recharge by constructing structures like small/medium
check dams, gabions and check weirs by which the arrested runoff water can be stored over or under
the ground. Doing so, the water level in the upstream parts can be raised to a considerable extent
saturating the otherwise dry part of the aquifer for facilitating future withdrawal in lean period.
In foothill areas, gully plugging and contour bunding will be most effective for augmentation of
ground water level. In many parts of the hilly areas, there are some open spaces called platforms or
terraces. Platforms are raised areas and may be cemented or covered by plastic sheets spread, which
will have distributors of rainwater on all the sides. These platforms should be fully protected from
approaching by animals and human beings. Maintenance of platforms in hygienic ways is a must.
Surface runoff should not be allowed to enter into the platforms. The rainwater collected by this
method can then be used by rural people residing on hills for domestic purposes.
In hilly areas, ground water can be developed only in the intermontane valleys through dug wells
and shallow tube wells for solving the regular water crisis during summer/lean period.In the hilly and
foothill areas of the state, there are certain portions where fractures and lineaments occur. In these
areas, potential fracture zones may be found within the depth of 300 m bgl. These fracture zones can
be tapped for ground water development. But the presence of potential fracture zones and the
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 1992 Hydrogeology and Ground Water Potentials of South Tripura Dist.
Tripura, Tech. Series-D, No18
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 1992 Ground Water Potentials of South Tripura Dist. Tripura, Tech.
Series-D, No19
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2018 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of West Tripura
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2017 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of North Tripura
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2017 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of Dhalai
District, Tripura
Central Ground Water Board, GoI 2018 Report on Aquifer Mapping and management plan of South Tripura
District, Tripura
Laskar, et. el. 1983 Soils Of Tripura & Their Fertility Management, Research Bull NO-
23, Division of Soil Sc., ICAR, Shillong
Prasad K.K. et. el. 1977 Hydrogeological Conditions of North East States with Scope of
Ground Water Development.
13 Prasad K.K. et. el. 1978 Hydrogeology and Ground Water Potential of Tripura.
17 Prasad K.K. et. el. 1982 Interim Report On Scope For Ground Water Development In Parts
Of North Tripura And South Tripura
18 Agriculture Dept., Govt of Tripura 2018 Rainfall data,
19 PWD (WR), Govt of Tripura 2019 Status Report on Irrigation coverage by PWD(WR) as on
20 Director General, GSI 1974 Geology and Mineral Resources of NE States of India, pt. IV, Misc,
Pub. No 30
21 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2016 Some Basic Statistics of Tripura - 2016
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura
22 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2019 Economic Review of Tripura 2018-19
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura
23 Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Planning 2019 Tripura At – A – Glance, 2019
(Statistics) Department, Govt of Tripura
25 Kher, B.M. & Ganju, J.L. 1984 Tectonics Of Tripura Folds-Probable Mechanics of Folding and
Faulting, Petroliferous Basins of India, Himachal Times Group,
Dehradun, pp. 66-70.
(latest available data)
high Area
Name Area Area Area Area Area Area
L.I H.P.L.I DTW Diversion pick coverage Medium Total
Sl.No of coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage coverage
(No) (Nos.) (nos) (nos) up (ha) (nos) (nos)
block /AMC (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha)
1 Mohanpur 16 911 0 0 14 407 2 265 32 1583
2 Mohanpur MC 4 120 3 60 7 180
3 Bamutia 12 390 20 400 32 790
4 Lefunga 12 467.5 2 50 14 517.5
5 Hezamara 19 795.05 2 40 21 835.05
6 Jirania 17 632 9 179 26 811
7 Jirania NP 1 30 2 40 3 70
8 Ranir bazar NP 3 90 1 20 4 110
9 Belbari 21 1109 21 1109
10 Old Agartala 17 686 4 80 21 766
11 Mandai 21 1150.94 5 140 1 240 27 1530.94
12 Dukli 21 1259.5 13 333 34 1592.5
13 AMC 13 478.7 7 139 1 70 21 687.7
WEST TRIPURA 177 8119.69 0 0 82 1888 4 575 0 0 0 0 263 10582.69
1 Khowai 36 1597 9 344 1 290 46 2231
2 Khowai M.C 6 240 6 240
3 Kalyanpur 34 1677.25 7 151 1 95 1500 42 3423.25
4 Tulashikar 20 775 1 25 21 800
5 Teliamura 25 1356.1 5 123 1 150 2900 31 4529.1
6 Padmabil 6 280 4 99 1 134 11 513
S.N Well Pre
Block Site name Lat DD Long DD Monsoo Fluctuation
o. Type Monsoon
1 Ambassa Ambassa N DW 23.92397 91.84708 7.91 6.23 1.68
2 Ambassa Chawmanu DW 23.86219 91.99900 1.16 1.04 0.12
3 Ambassa Durga Cherra DW 23.60889 91.82583 1.52 filled up -
4 Ambassa Kali Kumar Para DW 23.10139 91.86000 3.12 2.82 0.30
5 Ambassa Lalchari DW 23.93417 91.85444 7.77 4.64 3.13
6 Ambassa Nuna Cherra DW 23.78750 91.85528 1.67 2.63 -0.96
7 Chowmuha DW 24.12167 91.86028 4.40 0.78 3.62
8 Chowmuha Kamalpur DW 24.16944 91.81528 1.83 1.59 0.24
9 Manu Manu N DW 24.00250 91.99194 5.92 4.41 1.51
10 Manu Sindhu Kumar DW 23.95250 91.96056 3.90 2.58 1.32
11 Salema Abhanga N DW 24.05389 91.83083 4.70 2.01 2.69
12 Amarpur Bampur DW 23.56222 91.63528 4.04 3.39 0.65
13 Amarpur Jatanbari DW 23.42000 91.75833 6.00 4.33 1.67
14 Ampi Ompi Colony DW 23.67181 91.64222 7.38 7.12 0.26
15 Ampi Twidu DW 23.73111 91.65528 4.77 -
16 Kankraban Kankraban DW 23.48750 91.40194 10.30 9.48 0.82
17 Killa Dewanbari DW 23.55778 91.53528 3.90 3.26 0.64
18 Killa Joingkami DW 23.60111 91.51750 1.04 0.92 0.12
19 Killa Naobari-2 DW 23.59111 91.51944 1.70 1.66 0.04
20 Matabari DW 23.55361 91.46500 4.14 3.49 0.65
21 Matabari Garjee Bazar DW 23.42667 91.50583 2.75 2.94 -0.19
22 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DW 23.92889 91.60944 4.56 6.81 -2.25
23 Kalyanpur Kathalbari DW 23.97278 91.60694 7.46 5.36 2.10
97 Kalyanpur Totabari EW TW 23.90917 91.62028 15.42 14.36 1.06
24 Khowai Khowai DW 24.06389 91.60500 2.03 1.98 0.05
25 45miles DW 23.95250 91.96056 2.93 2.69 0.24
26 Tuimadhu DW 23.83500 91.68639 3.67 7.38 -3.71
27 Teliamura DW 23.81000 91.59194 3.60 2.09 1.51
98 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ew TW 23.83500 91.67583 3.37 2.97 0.40
99 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ow TW 23.83500 91.67583 3.15 -
1 Ambassa Ambassa N DW 7.91 7.30 7.78 7.33 6.75 7.41 6.23 6.56 7.96 6.38 6.03 6.63
2 Ambassa Chawmanu DW 1.16 1.33 1.478 1.29 1.31 1.04 1.08 1.06 1.31 1.12
3 Ambassa Durga Cherra DW 1.52 1.72 2.99 1.97 2.05 - 0.58 0.52 1.88 0.99
4 Ambassa Kali Kumar Para DW 3.12 3.02 3.04 2.99 3.04 2.82 2.74 2.70 2.75
5 Ambassa Lalchari DW 7.77 7.50 7.55 7.08 7.48 4.64 6.17 5.26 4.98 5.26
6 Ambassa Nuna Cherra DW 1.67 1.54 2.02 1.77 1.75 2.63 0.95 1.13 1.02 1.43
7 Durga Chowmuhani DW 4.40 5.54 3.82 3.77 4.33 5.05 4.93 5 4.61 0.78 4.48 3.38 3.60 2.98 2.74 3.06 3.14 3.02
8 Kamalpur DW 1.83 2.08 2.37 2.02 2.2 2.08 2.04 1.97 3.59 2.38 2.26 1.59 2.62 1.71 1.90 1.80 1.77 1.84 1.54 2 1.86
9 Manu Manu N DW 5.92 5.60 5.72 4.97 5.05 5.23 5.5 5.55 5.44 4.41 4.91 4.05 4.55 3.79 2.75 4.85 4.27 5.18 4.31
10 Manu Sindhu Kumar DW 3.90 3.07 4.5 2.80 3.93 3.38 3.82 3.63 2.58 2.58 2.65 2.98 2.06 1.3 2.53 2.38
11 Salema Abhanga N DW 4.70 4.65 5.03 4.54 4.51 4.1 3.15 2.12 5.43 4.25 2.01 2.19 1.95 3.03 1.80 2.64 1.85 2.12 2.66 2.25
12 Amarpur Bampur DW 4.04 3.84 4.14 1.54 1.56 4.06 3.94 4.16 4.14 3.49 3.39 3.30 2.67 3.64 3.50 2.67 2.65 2.27 3.29 3.25 3.06
13 Amarpur Jatanbari DW 6.00 5.53 5.63 2.65 1.62 5.94 6.02 4.77 4.33 4.77 3.47 3.88 4.30 3.33 3.35 3.92
14 Ampi Ompi Colony DW 7.38 7.10 7.24 7.12 5.60 6.20 6.31
16 Kankraban Kankraban DW 10.30 9.48 10.41 9.76 9.69 10.3 10.25 10.4 10.33 10.10 9.48 9.39 9.03 9.18 9.59 9.33 8.75 8.33 9.52 9.48 9.21
17 Killa Dewanbari DW 3.90 2.84 3.57 3.32 3.41 3.26 3.48 2.49 3.02 1.07 2.66
18 Killa Joingkami DW 1.04 1.06 0.74 0.95 0.92 1.05 0.30 0.44 0.25 0.59
19 Killa Naobari-2 DW 1.70 1.90 2.07 2.19 1.97 1.66 1.36 1.25 1.30 2.06 1.53
22 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DW 4.56 4.26 4.34 4.34 4.22 4.28 4.28 4.47 4.38 4.47 4.36 6.81 4.14 3.76 3.93 3.97 3.85 3.96 3.64 4.09 4.18 4.23
23 Kalyanpur Kathalbari DW 7.46 7.51 7.36 7.44 5.36 6.62 5.22 5.73
97 Kalyanpur Totabari EW TW 15.42 15.12 15.25 15.22 15.25 14.36 14.34 14.36 14.72 14.71 14.50
24 Khowai Khowai DW 2.03 2.08 2.06 1.88 1.91 1.99 2.02 2.17 2.08 1.96 2.02 1.98 1.94 1.78 1.93 1.88 1.68 1.37 1.38 2.16 1.69 1.78
25 Mungiakami 45miles DW 2.93 2.75 7.70 4.97 5.91 3.83 1.94 4.29 2.69 2.09 0.99 2.70 2.16 3.65 3.63 2.56
26 Mungiakami Tuimadhu DW 3.67 3.78 4.17 4.46 3.64 4.2 4.15 3.94 4.00 7.38 4.70 2.06 4.19 4.41 4.11 4.1 4.04 4.7 4.54 4.42
27 Teliamura Paschim Howaibari DW 3.60 3.98 3.99 3.90 3.06 2.74 4 5.76 4.35 3.93 2.09 2.51 1.80 3.10 2.57 1.76 2.42 1.8 3.06 2.87 2.40
98 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ew TW 3.37 2.88 2.99 3.11 2.99 3.07 2.97 3.25 2.61 2.95 2.78 2.91
99 Teliamura Chakmaghat Ow TW 2.98 3.37 2.75 2.85 2.99 3.15 3.21 2.73 3.05 2.86 3.00
North Tripura
28 Damcherra Khedacherra DW 1.61 1.75 1.63 1.81 1.70 1.75 1.03 1.11 1.44 1.33
29 Damcherra Narendra Nagar DW 3.46 4.24 3.96 3.81 3.87 3.24 3.33 3.14 3.27 3.25
30 Dasda Ananda Bazar DW 5.01 2.89 2.53 2.69 3.28 1.87 1.85 1.49 1.58 1.70
31 Dasda Dataram DW 3.22 3.36 3.67 3.72 3.49 2.46 1.35 1.09 2.55 1.86
32 Dasda Kanchanpur DW 1.80 2.22 2.47 1.72 3.3 4.6 1.66 2.06 2.48 1.33 0.76 0.82 1.22 1.23 0.9 1.61 1.46 2.01 1.26
33 Dasda Satnala DW 1.05 1.17 1.05 0.90 0.68 0.05 1.2 0.72 0.85 0.68 0.46 0.45 0.55 0.48 0.19 0.7 0.32 0.48
Kanchanpur Court
100 Dasda TW 5.56 5.56 5.56 5.05 4.5 5.17 4.88 4.92 4.42 4.42 3.55 4.44
34 Jampui Hill Sabual DW 3.34 dry 5.27 3.14 3.92 1.74 2.45 1.64 1.40 1.81
35 Kadamtala Bagbasa N DW 1.85 1.05 1.78 1.23 1.1 1.3 0.48 1.45 1.28 1.05 1.41 0.52 1.05 1.20 0.45 0.39 0.68 1.1 0.94 0.88
36 Kadamtala Churaibari DW 3.34 2.84 2.24 2.40 1.18 1.88 2.81 2.38 2.54 2.00 1.69 2.74 0.93 0.74 2.1 1.82
37 Kadamtala Dharmanagar DW 4.46 4.53 4.56 4.39 4.32 4.43 4.45 4.26 4.98 4.69 4.51 4.29 4.35 4.09 4.23 4.36 4.19 4.4 4.1 4.12 4.46 4.26
38 Kadamtala Lalchhara DW 2.05 2.48 3.33 1.76 1.56 2.08 2.37 2.23 0.68 0.84 0.98 2.08 1.69 0.95 1.20
39 Kadamtala Sanicherra DW 1.45 2.03 2.06 1.53 1.9 2.01 1.87 1.84 0.74 0.91 0.58 0.98 0.96 0.85 1.31 0.90
40 Laljuri Laljuri DW 6.93 7.03 6.89 6.68 6.9 7.05 7.06 7 6.94 6.51 6.29 6.00 6.53 6.83 5.24 4.87 6.15 6.18 6.07
43 Panisagar Kunjanagar DW 3.79 3.73 3.50 3.48 3.37 3.53 3.48 3.55 2.46 2.99 2.96 3.12 3.53 3.07 3.13 3.04
44 Panisagar Panisagar DW 4.45 4.16 3.78 4.02 3.9 4.12 4.35 4.15 3.72 5.13 4.18 2.34 3.28 2.25 2.42 2.66 1.79 2.42 2.18 2.77 2.04 2.42
45 Yubrajnagar Krishnapur DW 6.55 2.95 3.33 2.57 2.09 2.35 2.23 3.15 2.31 2.71 1.59 1.02 1.96 1.25 1.81
46 Yubrajnagar Rajnagar New DW 5.12 3.38 3.66 4.05 3.66 4.19 2.53 2.70 3.27
Konaban (replaced
47 Bishalgarh DW 3.24 nm NM 3.24 0.54 1.94 0.54 1.34 1.09
48 Jampuijala Gongrai DW 3.60 3.27 3.89 3.73 2.74 5.45 3.33 3.63 3.55 3.69 2.83 1.73 2.50 2.32 1.14 2.02 2.83 2.75 2.71 2.31
49 Jampuijala Tufaniamura DW 4.67 4.38 4.68 4.68 4.23 6.31 4.22 4.57 4.62 4.71 3.63 3.54 3.08 3.98 3.98 2.32 2.69 3.33 3.95 3.93 3.44
50 Kanthalia Kathalia bazar DW 3.10 3.03 3.25 2.93 2.89 4.32 3.78 2.79 2.75 3.04 3.19 2.55 2.85 2.35 2.83 2.70 2.66 2.67 1.86 2.92 2.27 2.57
51 Nalchar Lalmaibari DW 2.45 2.73 2.86 4.50 3.14 3.31 4.04 3.31 3.84 3.28 3.56
53 Nalchar Shivnagar DW 4.77 5.09 4.57 2.82 4.31 2.18 2.30 1.95 2.22 1.80 2.09
South Tripura
54 Bagafa Manurmukh DW 0.75 0.80 0.77 0.50 0.17 1.05 1.31 1.2 1.15 1.21 0.89 0.98 0.31 0.24 0.55 1.17 0.82 0.85 1.07 0.88 0.76
55 Bagafa Michara DW 2.5 3.04 1.06 2.20 1.75 0.82 1.46 1.34
56 Poangbari Poangbari DW 5.84 5.18 5.34 4.68 1.61 4.53 1.33 3.34 3.13 3.68 1.39 1.33 2.37
57 Poangbari Purba Takka DW 6.13 4.76 4.89 2.84 4.66 4.08 3.87 3.83 3.88 2.65 2.68 3.50
58 Poangbari Srinagar DW 2.62 2.92 2.43 1.93 2.18 2.42 1.49 1.51 1.35 1.39 1.99 2.01 1.62
59 Rajnagar Barkashari DW 8.59 8.57 8.56 8.57 6.89 7.55 6.63 7.02
60 Rajnagar Gaurnagar Bazar DW 3.63 3.9 3.70 3.74 2.84 2.96 2.5 2.77
61 Rajnagar Radhanagar DW 3.32 3.47 3.76 3.58 3.15 2.94 3.57 4.04 4.02 3.54 2.70 2.05 3.67 2.61 2.62 2.64 2.63 3.18 2.76
62 Rajnagar Rajnagar DW 4.19 4.25 4.55 4.58 3.41 3.38 4.33 4.75 4.75 5.04 4.32 3.19 3.25 3.02 3.25 3.18 3.24 3.22 4.22 3.96 3.51 3.40
63 Rajnagar Rangamura DW 3.70 3.75 5.9 5.46 4.37 4.64 1.94 1.16 2.30 1.80
64 Rupaichhari Baishnabpur DW 8 6.7 7.4 6 5.25 6.67 3.81 4.34 4.35 5.35 4.95 2.11 4.15
65 Rupaichhari Chatakchari DW dry Dry 6.02 6.02 3.32 5.06 5 5.6 N.M. 4.75
67 Satchand Bijaynagar DW 3.28 3.28 3.4 2.96 2.93 3.17 1.84 1.38 2.03 1.45 1.42 1.62
68 Satchand Kalachhara DW 5.82 5.73 5.55 5.77 5.72 NA 4.73 4.77 4.78 3.94 5.14 4.98 4.72
69 Satchand Kalirbazar DW 2.02 2.03 1.88 2.62 2.61 2.23 2.1 2.36 1.58 2.15 1.96 2 2.03
70 Satchand Manu Bazar DW dry 4.44 4.58 3.96 4.43 4.39 4.42 4.34 4.37 3.63 - 3.28 3.74 3.32 3.16 3.18 3.23 3.74 3.5 3.42
71 Satchand Motu Mogpara DW 3.27 3.3 3.05 3.25 3.22 3.28 3.06 3.1 3.2 2.96 2.94 3.09
72 Satchand Sabroom DW 5.99 5.87 5.97 6.17 5.8 5.95 5.82 6.33 6.17 6.21 6.03 2.46 4.03 4.92 5.25 4.73 4.67 4.97 4.12 5.61 5.42 4.62
73 Satchand Shashi-Chandrapur DW 2.69 2.68 4.06 3.09 3.13 3.97 2.79 3.04 2.97 3.19
Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
101 Satchand PaschimJalefa EW TW -
flow flow flow flow flow
Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto
102 Satchand PaschimJalefa OW TW
flow flow flow flow flow flow
103 Satchand Rajib Nagar Ew TW 8.17 8.10 8.28 9.22 8.86 8.53 7.74 7.38 7.46 7.60 7.47 7.53
104 Satchand Tuichama Ew TW 15.22 15.72 15.60 15.15 15.01 15.34 12.27 14.08 14.52 12.42 13.85 13.43
105 Satchand Tuichama OW TW 13.13 13.01 12.33 12.7 12.79 14.84 12.22 11.67 12.23 11.53 12.50
74 Silachhari Ananda Bandhu Para DW 5.58 5.37 5.58 4.03 4.06 4.92 4.22 0.77 5 3.93 3.87 3.85 3.61
75 Silachhari Ghorakhappa DW 4.65 4.7 4.27 3.87 3.85 4.27 3.15 3.51 2.78 3.45 2.91 2.93 3.12
76 Chandipur Panchamnagar DW 6.95 6.30 6.02 6.55 6.37 0.85 5.85 7.17 5.76 4.25 4.84 4.05 4.34 4.65 3.81 4.15 4.30
77 Gaurnagar Gauranagar N DW 5.56 5.63 5.73 5.51 5.36 5.05 5.09 6.1 5.56 5.98 5.56 3.21 2.77 1.87 2.53 2.50 1.29 2.26 1.96 2.62 3.93 2.49
78 Gaurnagar Jarutali DW 2.43 1.97 2.05 1.99 1.97 2.21 2.10 1.35 1.97 1.55 1.55 1.66 1.26 1.45 1.54
79 Kumarghat Chandramanikami DW 4.4 4.27 4.48 4.25 4.5 4.22 4.25 6.24 4.58 3.36 3.52 2.76 3.2 2.86 2.05 2.91 2.45 2.89
80 Kumarghat Demdum DW 4.10 3.58 3.34 3.41 3.61 2.48 2.64 2.30 2.43 2.18 2.41
81 Kumarghat Kanchanbari DW 2.51 2.67 2.47 2.44 2.52 2.17 2.23 2.00 2.13
82 Kumarghat Kanchanchhera DW 6.30 6.10 5.99 6.15 5.85 5.5 5.38 5.83 7.76 6.10 3.84 4.51 4.68 4.05 3.56 2.19 4.13 2.98 6.08 4.00
83 Kumarghat Kumarghat DW 7.12 7.30 5.22 1.63 5.26 5.36 5.4 5.75 5.38 5.63 5.41 6.71 6.16 5.64 3.68 3.88 2.53 3.82 3.62 4.01 4.48 4.45
84 Pecharthal Karaicherra DW 4.85 3.55 5.15 5.69 4.09 4.78 2.38 8.69 4.90 4.49 3.41 4.15 4.38 4.28 5.67 1.78 1.35 1.61 3.46
85 Pecharthal Pecharthal DW 7.55 7.48 6.69 6.26 6.24 6.17 7.18 7.13 6.7 6.58 6.80 4.42 6.58 6.12 4.82 2.50 2.08 4.5 3.24 3.84 3.82 4.19
West Tripura
106 Agartala M.C. Badharghat DTW TW 4.54 4.27 4.57 4.41 4.95 5.22 4.09 4.92 4.62 3.37 - 2.43 3.26 3.44 2.1 3.55 3.44 3.08
87 Belbari Khumulwng DW 6.98 6.96 7.09 7.11 7.04 5.39 6.57 6.01 6.64 6.15
90 Heza-mara Pukua bari DW dry 3.88 3.88 1.97 4.18 2.12 2.76
91 Jirania R.K Nagar DW 2.79 2.43 2.61 1.87 0.81 2.27 1.65
107 Jirania Nagicherra1 TW 28.35 27.32 28.09 27.25 29.78 29.45 27.75 29.68 28.46 26.38 27.21 25.91 26.89 25.94 25.6 25.9 24.73 28.45 26.33
108 Jirania Nagicherra2 TW 22.75 23.49 22.55 28.63 25.55 21.95 25.78 24.39 - - 21.80 22.37 20.61 24.56 24.75 28.56 25.47 24.02
Gamcha kobra
93 Lefunga DW 3.52 3.17 3.35 2.77 3.01 2.68 2.82
94 Mohanpur Ishanpur DW 3.02 3.50 3.24 3.04 3.36 3.91 3.85 4.14 3.96 3.56 1.30 2.76 2.35 2.11 0.95 2.38 1.25 0.82 1.74
95 Mohanpur Simna DW 5.81 5.43 5.71 5.17 4.81 5.95 5.42 6.15 6.19 5.49 5.61 4.70 4.61 4.67 4.71 4.68 4.82 4.71 4.58 5.61 5.28 4.84
96 Mohanpur Tarapur DW 2.64 2.77 2.99 2.70 2.78 1.99 1.82 1.66 2.01 1.87
109 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Dtw TW 21.30 20.74 21.08 20.61 19.9 20.87 21.46 21.85 21.91 21.08 19.25 20.17 19.25 19.83 15.48 18.23 16.84 20.42 20.55 18.89
110 Mohanpur Bodhjanagar Stw TW 18.90 18.41 17.56 16.6 18.33 19.45 21 19.97 18.78 13.35 17.61 16.15 16.79 18.77 15.93 18.04 18.65 16.91
111 Mohanpur Narsinghgarh DTW TW 10.60 10.40 10.72 10.27 9.88 6 10.81 8.55 11.07 10.79 9.91 8.20 8.21 8.30 8.68 9.12 3.16 8.35 8.82 8.9 7.97
Type Pre monsoon Post Monsoon
Sl.N of Data Rise Fall Data Rise Fall
o Block Location well no. (m/yr) (m/yr) Intercept no. (m/yr) (m/yr) Intercept
1 Mungia- 45 Miles DUG 4 1.12 -4.22 3 0.74 8.29
2 kami Tuimadhu DUG 5 0.03 3.90 6 0.07 4.69
3 Khowai Khowai DUG 10 0.01 2.02 8 0.02 1.80
4 Pachim Howaibari DUG 6 0.33 6.12 6 0.14 3.16
5 Kalyanpur Kalyanpur DUG 10 0.07 4.82 8 0.04 4.17
6 Mohanpur Mohanpur DUG 6 0.38 4.06 6 0.1 1.1
7 Narsinghgarh DTW PZ 10 0.20 10.81 7 0.22 8.8
8 Simna DUG 10 0.01 5.52 8 0.01 4.9
9 Bodhjung-nagar DTW PZ 9 0.01 20.84 8 0.24 18.8
10 Bodhjung-nagar STW PZ 8 0.26 20.07 5 0.37 20.0
11 Ishanpur DUG 6 0.20 4.99 4 0.1 0.4
12 Nagicherra EW - I PZ 8 0.30 26.64 7 0.4 23.7
13 Nagicherra EW - II PZ 8 0.07 25.18 7 0.70 28.2
14 Heza-mara Subalsingh DUG 6 0.14 8.83 6 0.1 5.7
15 Badharghat DTW PZ 8 0.06 4.32 6 0.02 3.2
16 Gaurnagar Gaurnagar DUG 10.00 0.15 6.45 8 0.14 3.08
17 Jarultali DUG 3.00 0.11 2.94 3 0.11 0.72
18 Pecharthal Pecharthal DUG 10.00 0.07 5.90 8 0.22 4.50
19 Karaicherra DUG 5.00 0.43 8.13 5.00 0.97 -2.86
20 Kumarghat Kanchan-cherra DUG 6.00 0.23 7.54 5.00 0.43 6.17
21 Chandra- moni Kami DUG 5.00 0.37 7.30 4.00 0.04 2.33
22 Kumarghat DUG 10.00 0.18 5.80 8.00 0.11 4.27
23 Chandipur Pancham-nagar DUG 5.00 0.07 5.86 3.00 0.25 2.45
24 Sabroom Manubazar DUG 5.00 0.08 4.76 6.00 0.08 3.78
25 Sabroom Dug 10.00 0.03 6.25 8.00 0.09 5.41
26 Bagafa (Santir Bazar) DUG 4.00 0.00 4.35 3.00 0.87 6.52
27 Gardhang DUG 6.00 0.05 1.23 5.00 0.05 0.66
28 Manur Mukh DUG 9.00 0.10 1.52 7.00 0.01 0.93
29 Rajnagar Radhanagar DUG 6.00 0.16 4.57 5.00 0.12 3.43
30 Rajnagar DUG 7.00 0.19 5.48 6.00 0.14 4.31
31 Boxnagar Dakshin Kalamcherra DUG 10.00 0.11 1.52 7.00 0.04 1.18
32 Bishalgarh Bishalgarh DUG 7.00 0.48 1.65 6.00 0.11 3.04
33 Golaghati DUG 4.00 0.27 0.35 3.00 0.19 0.08
34 Jampui-jala Tufaniamura DUG 6.00 0.04 4.52 6.00 0.15 4.20
35 Gongrai DUG 6.00 0.01 3.67 6.00 0.22 3.49
36 Kanthalia Kanthalia Bazar DUG 9.00 0.09 2.80 8.00 0.02 2.65
37 Kadamtala Baghbasa DUG 8.00 0.11 1.84 8.00 0.06 1.15
38 Dharmanagar DUG 10.00 0.06 4.83 8.00 0.02 4.41
39 Lalchhara DUG 4.00 0.24 3.71 2.00 0.74 -4.23
40 Sanicherra DUG 4.00 0.11 2.68 3.00 0.18 2.27
41 Panisagar Deocherra DUG 4.00 0.07 5.02 3.00 0.17 5.63
42 Panisagar DUG 10.00 0.03 4.25 8.00 0.06 2.68
43 Kunjanagar DUG 4.00 0.02 3.59 3.00 0.20 1.84
44 Dasda Satnala DUG 5.00 0.02 0.82 4.00 0.00 1.15
45 Kanchanpur DUG 5.00 0.10 2.00 5.00 0.21 2.71
46 Yubaraj- Krishnapur DUG 4.00 0.08 1.74 2.00 0.71 -3.72
47 nagar Rajnagar DUG 6.00 0.06 4.89 6.00 0.40 5.45
48 Laljuri Laljuri DUG 5.00 0.08 7.50 5.00 0.04 5.62
49 Naba Joypara (Natun Basti) DUG 4.00 0.00 4.72 3.00 0.20 1.60
50 Amarpur Amarpur DUG 6.00 0.09 2.54 5.00 0.03 1.29
51 Bampur DUG 6.00 0.59 7.07 6.00 0.01 2.97
52 Jatanbari DUG 4.00 1.44 14.88 3.00 0.48 0.34
53 Matabari Dhawajnagar DUG 10.00 0.15 4.78 8.00 0.12 3.24
54 Gorjee Bazar DUG 10.00 0.14 3.88 7.00 0.15 2.06
55 Killa Noabari DUG 4.00 0.40 4.89 4.00 0.29 3.93
56 Kankra-ban Kankraban DUG 6.00 0.14 11.04 6.00 0.01 9.10
57 Salema Abhanga New DUG 9.00 0.12 4.89 8.00 0.13 2.69
58 Ambasa DUG 5.00 0.24 2.76 6.00 0.60 -1.62
59 Durga Darlang Basti DUG 5.00 0.05 2.95 4.00 0.02 1.78
60 Chowmuhan Durga Chowmuhani DUG 5.00 0.31 6.76 4.00 0.08 3.50
61 i Kamalpur DUG 10.00 0.15 3.22 7.00 0.02 1.92
HCO3-1 (mg/L)
NO3-1 (mg/L)
CO3-2 (mg/L)
SO4-2 (mg/L)
Mg+2 (mg/L)
Ca+2 (mg/L)
TDS (mg/L)
Cl- (mg/L)
Na (mg/L)
Fe (mg/L)
F- (mg/L)
K (mg/L)
Lab code
Ur (ppb)
1 N213 Dhalai Ambassa Ambassa 91.84694 23.92397 26.02.2022 28.00 7.44 210.8 0 139.128 0 97.67808 97.67808 7.09 15.8605 0.993 0.25 18.0144 7.272816 75 14.45 6.05 0.252 0.1696
2 N214 Dhalai Ambassa Lalchari 91.85444 23.93416 26.02.2022 27.00 6.59 74.9 0.21 49.434 0 30.5244 30.5244 7.09 3.2109 6.7867 0.12 8.0064 2.423301 30 6.63 6.91 0.234 BDL
3 N248 Dhalai Chawmanu Chawmanu 91.99889 23.86222 8.03.2022 25.30 7.876 426.8 0 281.688 0 201.461 201.461 31.905 10.6914 3.6329 0.36 28.0224 8.481553 105 45 6.54 BDL
4 N251 Dhalai Dumburnagar Durga Cherra 91.82583 23.60889 09.03.2022 26.00 7.182 232.5 0.16 153.45 0 128.2025 128.2025 14.18 8.5509 1.2574 0.42 26.0208 10.90971 110 11.2 2.44 BDL
5 N218 Dhalai Durga Chomuhani Durga Chowmuhani 91.86028 24.12167 26.02.2022 24.30 6.73 309.5 0 204.27 0 61.0488 61.0488 35.45 22.5239 22.0646 0.09 14.0112 7.274757 65 36.9 10.6 0.16 BDL
6 N216 Dhalai Durga Chomuhani Kamalpur 91.815 24.16964 26.02.2022 32.00 6.96 194.1 0 128.106 0 54.94392 54.94392 14.18 21.1683 4.1568 0.13 12.0096 8.48932 65 13.28 4.41 1.553 0.0797
7 N217 Dhalai Durga Chowmuhani Kali Kumar Para 91.86 24.10889 26.02.2022 22.40 6.59 109.7 0 72.402 0 18.31464 18.31464 10.635 41.5862 18.2505 0.1 24.0192 3.629126 75 9.86 5.15 0.271 0.0264
8 N250 Dhalai Ganganagar Nuna Cherra 91.85528 23.78722 9.03.2022 20.50 6.867 133.3 0.03 87.978 0 61.0488 61.0488 10.635 9.0137 5.3187 0.26 18.0144 2.418447 55 6.87 2.48 0.2561
9 N247 Dhalai Manu Manu New 91.99194 24.0025 8.03.2022 26.20 7.675 369.8 0.02 244.068 0 225.8806 225.8806 28.36 11.0038 13.2867 0.3 34.0272 20.61456 170 32.51 4.32 BDL
10 N249 Dhalai Manu Sindhu Kumar 91.96056 23.9525 8.03.2022 24.90 7.004 250.3 0.03 165.198 0 146.5171 146.5171 10.635 13.0105 4.5616 0.33 20.016 8.485437 85 21.3 6.97 0.1235
11 N215 Dhalai Salema Abhanga New 91.83083 24.05414 26.02.2022 27.00 7.04 232.9 0 153.714 0 109.8878 109.8878 10.635 5.5484 2.0004 0.14 22.0176 6.057282 80 21.29 5.74 1.652 BDL
12 N269 Gomti Amarpur Jatanbari 91.75833 23.42 16.03.22 26.00 6.32 189.3 0.08 124.938 0 30.5244 30.5244 17.725 16.0882 17.8555 0.11 8.0064 1.209709 25 10.26 16.73 BDL
13 N267 Gomti Kankra-ban Kankraban 91.40194 23.4875 15.03.2022 27.30 6.924 192.5 0.24 127.05 0 91.5732 91.5732 14.18 11.8078 5.242 0.43 26.0208 9.696117 105 8.78 6.81 BDL
14 N266 Gomti Killa Dewanbari 91.53528 23.55778 15.03.2022 27.30 6.905 204.8 0.26 135.168 0 79.36344 79.36344 10.635 15.2181 7.1557 0.3 20.016 8.485437 85 12.75 2.76 0.0124
15 N265 Gomti Killa Joingkami 91.525 23.60117 15.03.2022 25.90 6.988 438.6 0.03 289.476 0 115.9927 115.9927 31.905 23.4691 16.7994 0.29 18.0144 10.91359 90 30.71 3.1 0.0356
16 N264 Gomti Killa Noabari-2 91.51944 23.59111 15.03.2022 24.70 6.855 470.6 0.09 310.596 0 183.1464 183.1464 28.36 27.7367 10.1668 0.22 42.0336 16.9699 175 38.9 8.12 BDL
17 N273 Gomti Matabari Gorjee Bazar 91.50583 23.42667 17.03.2022 25.00 6.916 197.5 0.3 130.35 0 42.73416 42.73416 28.36 9.4991 25.1605 0.15 12.0096 7.275728 60 13.57 9.78 BDL
18 N268 Gomti Ompi Ompi colony 91.64222 23.67181 16.03.22 27.00 7.054 270.4 0.14 178.464 0 109.8878 109.8878 28.36 15.5433 15.8668 0.26 24.0192 18.19223 135 17.27 8.28 0.0112
19 N263 Gomti Tepania Dhawajnagar 91.465 23.55375 15.03.2022 24.10 6.296 86.03 0.08 56.7798 0 30.5244 30.5244 10.635 14.4533 9.506 0.12 8.0064 1.209709 25 17.16 3.936 BDL
20 N256 Khowai Kalyanpur Kathalbari 91.60694 23.97295 10.03.2022 25.70 6.999 223.1 0.09 147.246 0 103.783 103.783 21.27 11.7392 3.667 0.68 16.0128 12.12816 90 8.81 8.27 BDL
21 N257 Khowai Khowai Khowai 91.605 24.06389 10.03.2022 25.00 7.379 228.8 0.28 151.008 0 134.3074 134.3074 7.09 5.3951 0.7264 0.54 22.0176 12.12524 105 13.89 2.9 BDL
22 N212 Khowai Mungia-kami 45 Miles 91.76389 23.90119 26.02.2022 29.00 8.35 110.8 0 73.128 21 610.488 631.488 21.27 7.5927 0.986 0.44 36.0288 8.47767 125 125.96 68.6 0.588 0.0836
23 N255 Khowai Mungia-kami Tuimadhu 91.68639 23.835 10.03.2022 6.968 317.5 0.07 209.55 0 122.0976 122.0976 14.18 22.4891 9.1811 0.87 32.0256 12.12039 130 16.21 4.14 BDL
24 Khowai Telia-mura Pachim Howaibari 91.59194 23.81 10.03.2022 24.30
N254 7.001 401.2 0.02 264.792 0 67.15368 67.15368 38.995 17.4016 20.4252 0.24 12.0096 12.1301 80 28.75 10.37 0.0548
25 Yubaraj-nagar Baghbassa 92.22194 24.35183 28.02.2022 22.70
N235 Tripura 7.145 175.3 0.08 115.698 0 85.46832 85.46832 10.635 5.3917 3.1969 0.23 14.0112 6.061165 60 13.14 6.65 0.419 0.037
26 Yubaraj-nagar Dharmanagar 92.15972 24.37894 02.03.2022 22.50
N243 Tripura 7.358 209 0.11 137.94 0 73.25856 73.25856 14.18 21.9084 4.4758 0.34 16.0128 7.273786 70 12.61 8.38 0.234 0.1712
27 Yubaraj-nagar Krishnapur 92.15778 24.33944 28.02.2022 24.10
N229 Tripura 7.432 469.7 0.24 310.002 0 122.0976 122.0976 35.45 8.561 16.4595 0.2 36.0288 8.47767 125 25.34 9.65 3.17 0.3325
28 Damcherra Khedacherra 92.32261 24.09452 28.02.2022 24.60
N232 Tripura 7.575 418.6 0.09 276.276 0 268.6147 268.6147 10.635 5.776 0.6357 0.24 50.04 13.32524 180 42.17 6.56 0.892 0.1095
29 Damcherra Narendra Nagar 92.28517 24.24139 28.02.2022 23.50
N231 Tripura 7.426 180.8 0.15 119.328 0 103.783 103.783 7.09 3.6165 0.9206 0.25 12.0096 9.702913 70 18.01 5.2 0.682 0.0214
30 Dasda Ananda Bazar 92.21083 23.84806 03.03.2022 22.50
N244 Tripura 7.367 229.3 0.09 151.338 0 103.783 103.783 10.635 1.7087 11.7904 0.27 12.0096 2.421359 40 20.43 11.96 1.239 0.0753
31 Dasda Dataram 92.22806 23.76278 03.03.2022 21.00
N245 Tripura 7.745 322.1 0.17 212.586 0 164.8318 164.8318 10.635 4.4214 1.8807 0.55 26.0208 13.33689 120 28 6.32 0.105 0.2143
Date of collection
Turbidity (NTU)
EC (µs/cm) 25C
TH (as CaCO3)
TA (as CaCO3)
Lab code
1 C296 Abhanga Dhalai DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 27.1 7.3 195.5 0.1 108 0 75.1 75.1 24.8 13.8 0 0.2 20.0 4.8 70 15.2 2.7 0.0
2 C297 Ambassa Dhalai DUG NHNS 16.04.2018 27 7.7 181.6 0.2 99.4 0 75.1 75.1 28.4 15.9 0 0.2 20.0 6.1 75 10.1 13.7 0.0
3 C298 Durga Dhalai DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 25.1 8.1 285.5 0 155.8 0 125.1 125.1 85.1 22.7 0 0.4 20.0 4.8 70 50.8 33.8 0.1
4 C299 Darlang Dhalai DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 22.9 6.7 298.3 0.1 163.5 0 55.0 55.0 24.8 9.4 17.7 0.6 34.0 6.1 110 1.6 2.3 0.0
5 C300 Kamalpur Dhalai DUG NHNS 21.04.2018 25.5 6.7 165.3 0 92.3 0 45.0 45.0 35.5 15.7 0 0.7 26.0 7.3 95 7.0 2.3 0.0
6 C301 Manu New Dhalai DUG NHNS 17.04.2018 27.4 8.5 514.6 0.2 289.9 20 160.1 180.1 78.0 39.5 0.3 0.6 28.0 15.8 135 48.0 37.7 0.0
7 C302 Sindhu Dhalai DUG NHNS 17.04.2018 26.5 7.5 380.6 0 215.9 0 145.1 145.1 31.9 53.1 0 0.2 34.0 4.8 105 26.1 33.2 0.0
8 C303 Baghbassa North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 26.5 7.0 144 0 82.2 0 65.1 65.1 21.3 14.5 0 0.9 14.0 7.3 65 10.9 2.9
9 C304 Dharmana North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.8 7.0 136.2 0 77.51 0 50.0 50.0 28.4 23.7 0 1.1 14.0 1.2 40 13.1 23.8 0.0
gar Tripura
10 C305 Panisagar North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.5 6.1 396.6 0 221.8 0 20.0 20.0 99.3 14.8 7.5 0.2 10.0 7.3 55 35.6 26.9 0.0
11 C306 Rajnagar North DUG NHNS 20.04.2018 25.8 8.2 419 0 232.6 0 5.0 5.0 99.3 18.2 0 0.3 20.0 6.1 75 46.2 3.4 0.0
12 C307 Krishnapur North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 26.5 7.9 203.7 0.1 112.7 0 95.1 95.1 24.8 28.5 0 1.3 10.0 6.1 50 28.0 16.9 0.0
13 C308 Naba North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.2 7.9 148.5 0 83.4 0 75.1 75.1 24.8 12.0 0 0.4 8.0 3.6 35 24.5 13.6 0.0
Joypara Tripura
14 C309 Kunjanaga North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 25.3 7.7 97.31 0 54.3 0 60.0 60.0 17.7 6.0 0 1.4 10.0 2.4 35 8.3 18.7 0.0
r Tripura
15 C310 Lalchhara North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 24.3 7.8 343.2 0.2 190.6 0 50.0 50.0 78.0 15.8 0.3 0.3 22.0 3.6 70 34.9 12.0 0.0
16 C311 Churaibari North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.5 8.2 298.3 0 163.1 0 65.1 65.1 63.8 12.6 0 0.2 28.0 2.4 80 28.7 4.4 0.0
17 C312 Sanicherra North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.1 7.0 424.6 0 237.6 0 95.1 95.1 109.9 42.6 0 1.0 16.0 13.3 95 55.8 29.0 0.0
18 C313 Deocherra North DUG NHNS 18.04.2018 25.2 7.7 160.7 0 88.8 0 80.1 80.1 31.9 8.9 0 1.1 10.0 3.6 40 26.0 12.2 0.0
19 C314 Laljuri North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 25.5 7.8 526.4 0 286.7 0 50.0 50.0 163.1 15.6 5.5 0.2 36.0 10.9 135 45.8 26.8 0.0
20 C315 Kanchanpu North DUG NHNS 19.04.2018 24.5 7.0 711.7 0 385.2 0 65.1 65.1 262.3 27.8 0.0 1.4 26.0 15.8 130 46.8 37.5 1.0
Total Allocation
Annual Net
Annual Total for Stage of
Total Area of Recharge Total Natural Extractable Groundwater
Ground Groundwater Domestic Groundwater
District Assessment Worthy Discharges Ground Water Availability Extraction
Water Extraction use as on
Unit (Ha) Area (Ha) Resource for future use
Recharge (Ham) 2025
(Ham) (Ham) (Ham) (Ham) (%)
DHALAI 231489 99581 17100 1464.69 15636 1051.51 1012 14496 6.73
GOMATI 161705 109828 20342 1908.27 18434 1000 935 17380 5.42
KHOWAI 101245 49560 12065 1045.6 11019 955.31 680 10031 8.67
NORTH TRIPURA 135792 54382 8742.6 1116.74 7625.8 1011.31 1049 6542.5 13.3
SEPAHIJALA 104392 87170 16172 1808.83 14364 1710.43 1056 12602 11.9
SOUTH TRIPURA 151201 98103 19639 2056.29 17583 1134.42 989 16392 6.45
UNAKOTI 65703 42878 8789.3 931.79 7857.5 657.75 700 7151.8 8.37
WEST TRIPURA 97642 78282 15373 1533.98 13839 2794.9 2243 10916 20.2
TOTAL 1049169 619784 118223 11866.2 106357 10315.6 8664 95511 9.7
TOTAL(bcm) 1.18223 0.11866 1.06357 0.10315 0.08664 0.95511 9.7
Semi- Over -
Total No. of Safe Critical Saline
S.No District Critical Exploited
Assessed Units
Nos. % Nos. % Nos. % Nos. % Nos. %
1 NORTH TRIPURA 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
2 UNAKOTI 4 4 100 - - - - - - - -
3 DHALAI 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
4 KHOWAI 6 6 100 - - - - - - - -
5 WEST TRIPURA 10 10 100 - - - - - - - -
6 SEPAHIJALA 7 7 100 - - - - - - - -
7 GOMATI 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
8 SOUTH TRIPURA 8 8 100 - - - - - - - -
Total States 59 59 100 - - - - - - - -
(E): Comparison between Groundwater Resources Estimation of TRIPURA State for the year of 2020 and 2022
1. Panisagar (2005 well)- Within BSF campus. Site is about 5oom from the main gate towards
SSW. Opposite to DIG quarter.
2. Panisagar (1977 well) opposite to type IV Quarters
3. Kanchanpur – in the premises of Kanchanpur Court
1. Kumarghat- 2 km from Kumarghat to Kailashar Road.300m N 30 W of Tripura Industrial
Estate Kumarghat . In paddy land belong to sri Jatindra Mohan Pal.
2. Machmara- NW side of Trijunction of Pecharthal-Kanchanpur-Kumarghat 15m away in
paddy field of Sri Kantamani Chakma. 7km south of Pechartal
3. Pechartal -11 kms from Kumarghat.West of NH 44.In the play ground of high school.
4. South Irani- 11km from Kailasahar town and 3 km North from Babur bazaar from tinali of
ailasahar-Hirachrra road. In the land of Sri Asaddar ali of Khowarabil.
1. Kamalpur - At Harerkola village, about 2km south of Kamalpur town and about 50 m east of
2km stone on the Ambassa - Kamalpur road
2. Bhatkhowri - On Ambassa - Kamalpur road. 100m west of road near the village in the land of
sri Satish ch. Das .About 200 m west of Bhatkhowri Junior Basic school
3. Durai- Sib-bari - (Halahali village) - on Ambassa Kamalpur road. In Halahali field, about
2km north of Halhali Market, in the land of Sri Mano mohan Pal
4. Abhanga - In the Fish Seeding office compound.
5. Karamcherra - Between Ambassa and Kumarghat. 125km from Agartala-50m NW of village
market. In the land of Sri Tippam Raja.
6. Tilokpara - On Chhamanu-Manu Road. Site is located at about a km. SSE of Chalingta
village. In the land of Sri Mohindar Kumar Debnath (Survey No - 80).
7. Chawmanu - 23 km from Manu. In Govt. land opposite to PWD quarters- forest range office
and 60 m SW of health centre Chhaumanu.
1. Khowai- East of TRTC Khowai bus stand which is about 60 m due south of the Tri-junction
of Teliamura- Khowai road-Khowai office tilla road.
2. Ashrambari - North of Tehsil office about 30 m NE of the inspection Banglow.
3. Baijalbari- 20m west of Khowai-Subalsingh road and ½ km south 20 west of Baijalbari High
school in the land of Sri Sivach Deb barma.
1. Amarpur- 20m from the northern banks Amarpur tank, in the children’s park, which is about
100 to 150m NW of the office of SDO (Civil).
2. Ompinagar- 40 m due NE of forest Dak Bunglow about ½ km S10 0 w of Primary Health
3. Rajapur- West of Birchandra manu on NH for about 2 kms. Site is located of 100 m away
from village market and VLW godown. It lies south 60o E of VLws office.
4. Dhupthali -North of Dhupthali Bazar 12 km gorjee on Garjee – Tulamura – Borpathari road.
5. Tulamura - In open land of Sri Rashamoy Pal. 15m west of the house of Sri Sudhir Ch.
Ghosh. 30m south of Garji, Tulamura Mirza road.
6. Dhuptali - North of Duptali Bazar in Matabari block of Udaipur Sub Division.
1. Gakulnagar 78 BSF Camp -16km south of Agartala 3km North of Bishalgarh -100 m due
east of Agartala Udaipur road and NE of 78 BSF Family welfare centre.
2. Konaban- On Agartala Udaipur road, 9.5km from Gokul Nagar, 200m west of kali temple of
the Ramakrishna Ashram and 30m south of Konaban Gokulnagar Road : 51 cm Madhupur.
3. Golaghati - 9.5km from Bishalgarh 50m SE of panchayat office and 10m south of fish
4. Gokulnagar BSF camp- 22km from Agartala on Udaipur road. East of NH 1km from gate
1. Rajnagar : 11 m west of Rajnagar market and N 35 W of Rajnagar Block office.
2. Satchand - on SE of Udaipur- Subroom road in front of the Junior Basic School No. - II
3. Haripur - Near hospital of Hrishyamukh at the Junction of road leading to the Forest Rest
4. Bagafa- Within Bagafa BSF campus. 330m from main gate towards SSE on the end point of
officers quarter. 81 kms from Agartala.
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Sandstone fine to medium, brownish yellow with quartz and feldspar 3.00 -18.00 15
and a few ferruginous material
Sandstone , fine to medium, light brownish yellow mostly composed 18.00 - 45.70 27.7
of quartz and feldspar
Sandstone, fine to medium, yellowish mostly composed of quartz and 45.70 – 67.00 21.3
feldspar with a few mafics minerals
Sandstonefine to medium, buff colour, quartzitic & feldspathic with 67.00 – 73.00 6.00
significant muscovite and a few ferruginous material
Sandstone, fine to medium, yellowish with quartz and feldspar 73.00 – 94.00 21.00
Sandstone , fine to medium grained , buff coloured, mostly composed 94.00 – 103.00 9.00
Top Soil with Silt and Clay, Top Soil comprising clay yellowish
brown, semisticky and minor very fine sand and silt. 0-3.5 3.5
Clay, steel grey hard sticky 3.5-6.8 3.3
Clay, yellowish grey semisticky 6.8-15.9 9.1
Clay, yellow semisticky 15.9-19 3.1
Sand fine to medium, yellow with minor clay greyish yellow semi-
sticky with a few brown ferruginous concretions. 19-25.1 6.1
Sand medium to coarse, mainly yellow and slightly greyish yellow
with a few brown ferruginous concretions. 25.1-31.2 6.1
Sand medium to coarse, light grey, transparent, yellowish grey with a
few brown ferruginous concretions and rock fragments with quartz 31.2-34.2 3
Sand clayey : sand fine to medium, light grey to minor yellowish grey
& dark grey clay 34.2-40.3 6.1
Sand, medium to coarse and colour varied from yellow, light yellow
and greyish yellow to yellowish grey and then grey mixed with a
significant amount of brown ferruginous kankar and rock fragments
including quartz 40.3-55.6 15.3
Sand, fine to medium, light yellow, greyish yellow, yellowish grey
and light grey with a few rock fragments including shale and quartz 55.6-64.7 9.1
Sand medium to coarse, light yellow, yellow and greyish yellow with
minor amount of medium gravel sized rock fragments and brown
ferruginous kankar 64.7 9.2
Sand fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey, grey with a few large quartz fragments, brown
ferruginous kankar and other rock fragments 73.9-122.7 48.8
Sand very fine to medium, transparent, light yellow, greyish yellow,
yellowish grey with little clay yellowish grey to earthy 122.7-128.8 6.1
Clay grey to dark grey, semi-sticky with minor sand very fine to fine,
yellowish grey to grey & transparent. 128.8-134.9 6.1
Sandy Clay, clay semi-sticky, grey to light grey with minor sand, very
fine to fine, minor medium sized, yellowish grey, transparent, grey 134.9-137.9 3
Sand, fine to medium, yellow, light yellow, greyish yellow, beige,
transparent, off-white, mainly quartzitic and minor blackish grey to
dark brown ferruginous grains. 137.9-153.2 15.3
Sand, medium grained, yellow, light yellow, off-white, transparent
mixed with appreciable amount of semi-sticky variegated clay in the
form of pellets 153.2-156.2 3
Sand, medium, yellow, light yellow, beige, mixed with rock fragments
(mainly brown chert nodules/kankar, transparent & white quartz
fragments) & little variegated clay 156.2-165.4 9.2
Sand, fine to medium grained, light grey, yellowish grey and
transparent mixed with rock fragments, ferruginous
concretion/kankars 165.4-175.5 10.1
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Top Soil lateritic comprising Sand, Silt and Clay: Sand very fine to
fine, brown and yellowish brown and minor silt and clay semi-sticky
brown and reddish brown. 0-6.8 6.8
Clay: very hard, sticky with variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey) 6.8-9.8 3
Sand: medium to fine, quartzitic, yellow, brownish yellow etc. 9.8-12.8 3
Sand: fine to coarse, quartzitic, yellow, orangish yellow, brownish
yellow mixed with minor amount of small to medium gravel (sub-
angular to sub-rounded quartz fragments and brown chert nodules) 12.8-19 6.2
Gravel : medium to large quartzitic, sub-angular to sub-rounded
(white, off-white, yellowish white, yellow, brownish yellow,
transparent) and ferruginous chert, sub-rounded to rounded, brown 19-23.5 4.5
Clay : very hard, sticky, variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey) 23.5-34.1 10.6
Sand clayey : fine, light yellow, yellow, transparent, minor clay
yellow and brown ferruginous kankar 34.1-37.3 3.2
Sand : fine to medium, little clay yellow and sizeable chert nodules, 37.3-40.4 3.1
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Top Soil lateritic comprising Sand, Silt and Clay: Sand very fine to
fine, brown and yellowish brown, minor silt and clay semi-sticky
yellowish brown and reddish brown. 0-6.8 6.8
Clay: hard, sticky with variegated colour (brown, reddish brown,
yellow, off-white, beige, grey, light grey etc.) 6.8-9.8 3
Sand: medium to fine, quartzitic, yellow, brownish yellow etc. 9.8-13 3.2
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 13-19.05 6.05
Sand fine to medium with minor clay brownish yellow 19.05-22 2.95
Clay non-sticky brownish yellow with minor sand fine to medium 22-25.5 3.5
Sand fine with minor clay brownish yellow 25.5-28 2.5
Sand fine with clay brownish yellow 28-31.2 3.2
Sand fine with minor clay earthy yellow 31.2-40.4 9.2
Sand very fine to fine with clay earthy yellow 40.4-43.5 3.1
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with trace clay 43.5-49.5 6
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent
with minor clay variegated to yellow to brownish yellow. 49.5-52.8 3.3
Sand fine reddish brown, yellow, light brown, yellowish transparent 52.8-61.8 9
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow 61.8-67.8 6
Sand fine to medium yellow, brownish yellow with clay light yelow 67.8-74 6.2
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, brownish yellow,
yellowish brown, orangish 74-80 6
Sand fine to medium, yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish mixed with minor white quartz fragments, brown chert
fragments and clay yellow, yellowish brown 80-98.4 18.4
Sand fine, yellow, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, off-white with minor clay yellowish light brown. 98.4-104.3 5.9
Sand fine to medium, light yellow, brownish yellow, yellowish brown,
orangish, offwhite 104.3-116.6 12.3
Sand fine to medium light yellow, off-white, yellowish transparent,
orangish yellow, brownish yellow with trace clay light grey 116.6-122.6 6
Sand fine to medium greyish yellow, off-white with a few quartz
fragments small to large 122.6-128.8 6.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellowish transparent, orangish
yellow 128.8-141 12.2
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow 141-147 6
Sand fine to medium light yellow, yellow, brownish yellow, orangish
and reddish yellow with minor clay variegated grey, off-white, yellow
and brownish yellow 147-153 6
Sand medium (major), fine (minor), yellow, light yellow, yellowish
transparent, orangish yellow, off-white mixed with minor brown
ferruginous kankar/chert nodules 153-160 7
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Depth Range
Lithology Thickness
Sand, Light brown to brown, fine to medium grained with mafic 0.00-25.89 25.89
Clay, Sandy, brownish grey to brown, sticky with fine grained sand 25.89-38.01 12.12
Sand, Grey fine to coarse grained along with pieces of gravel and 38.01-53.09 15.08
Clay, Sandy, grey, fine to medium grained sand with quartz. 53.09-55.01 1.92
Sand, Grey, medium grained with pieces of ferromagnesian minerals 55.01-94.98 49.97
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
51-57, 63-72, 75-87
9 N lat 24003’24” 92.30/90.50 24 4.64 48 13.33 4.84 2.9 234.27 EW & OW
E long 920 12’04”
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
lowered m3/hr lps mdd)
Kamalpur Valley & Dhalai Basin
1. Durai SibBari EW
Toposheet No.
N lat 24006/40’’ 1979 251.5/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
0 / // 78 P/16
E long 91 49 30
2. Kamalpur EW (30.97)
N lat 240 12/ 00// Toposheet No. 1977 250/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
E long 910 50/ 00// 78 P/16
3. Santir bazar EW Toposheet No.
265/ -- Abandoned due to lack of granular zones
79 M/13
4. Abhanga 64–67, 179-188 Autoflo
Toposheet No. 5.70
N lat 24003/05// 1979 240/231 191-194, 200-203 36 129.7 36.02 28.14 76.8 1462.1 40.4 2.85x10-4 w EW &
0 / // 78 P/16 agl
E long 91 50 20 206-218, 222-228 OW
5. Bhatkhowri (57.745) 60-66, 98-114
N lat 23059/50// 1979 305/203 120-123, 132-138 44 2.48 167.4 46.50 14.73 189.8 1186.6 26.9 - EW
E long 91050/10// Toposheet No.
79 M/13 147-154, 194-200
6. Kulai Toposheet No. 36-42, 75-84, 99-
N lat 23056/54// 79 M/13 2018 150/111 27 3.25 82.8 23 0.58 EW
E long 91049/39//
Kailasahar Valley & Manu Deo Basin
7. Karamcherra (38.036) 52-65, 71-83
N lat 24002/30// 1980 294/175 89-104, 125-130 57 0.42 210.5 58.48 20.88 168 603 10.35 - EW
E long 92000/30// Toposheet No.
83 D/4 149-155, 167-173
8. Tilokpara (51.250) 54-60, 72-75
N lat 23056/00// 96-111, 120-138 EW &
Toposheet No. 1980 300/221 54 90.0 25.00 18.22 83.08 225 4.2 5.89x10-4
E long 92002/00// 176-179, 200-203 OW
84 A/1 212-218
9. Chhawmanu (70.54) 126-131, 134-146
N lat 23050/49’’ 148-152, 156-158, 1.74 Autoflo
Toposheet No. 1981 300/259.5 50 37.9 10.52 38.36 16.47 26.4 0.52 -
E long 91059/43// 221-229, 233-242, agl w EW
79 M/13 246-255
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) m3/hr lps (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) mdd)
Agartala Valley & Haora Basin (West Tripura District)
1. Jirania BDO 50-73, 105-115
office 254.8/198 127-136, 185-195 64 1.47 10.08 2.80 14.97 123.5 1100 17.0 - EW
2. Belbari 57-72, 87-96
EW &
N lat 23046’00” 24.59m 1985 257/250 154-166, 178-191 60 2.78 34.78 9.66 30.53 19.4 617 2.93 7.5x10- 4
E long 91029’30” 236-247
3. Jirania Coco Firm
86-92, 110-122 Deposit
N lat 23051’19” 1986 232/174 48 9.30 63.8 17.72 5.05 210 892 18.43 -
134-146, 152-171 well
E long 91026’01”
4. Champaknagar 41-52, 124-136
261.3/191 64 NA 0.78 0.22 20.92 10.3 - - - EW
5. Sasubari 98-110, 116-122 EW yet
N lat 23055’30” 281/182 128-143, 153-162 56.9 - - - - - - - - to be
E long 91027’30” 165-179 tested
6. Salbagan BSF 64-68, 72-81
203.2/ Deposit
N lat 23053’27” 1979 94-100, 120-134 41 13.90 42.40 11.78 17.26 40.94 933 22.76 -
163 well
E long 91017’29” 144-150, 156-160
7. Salbagan BSF
200.8/ 71-98, 171-180 EW &
N lat 23053’27” 2004 36 2.4 7.20 2 15.57 13.37 -
183 OW
E long 91017’29”
8. GPA Agartala
60-84, 90-96 Deposit
N lat 23007’45” 1980 190/187 54 9.81 164.87 45.79 12.63 217.43 1449 26.8 -
140-146, 166-184 well
E long 91038’10”
9. Fatikcherra BSF
94-103, 120-126 EW &
N lat 23057’28” 2004 200/172 39 1.95 50 13.88 8.92 98.02 934.43 23.96 2.06x10-3
145-169 OW
E long 91021’00”
10. Vivekananda nagar 43-89, 95-98
255/155 55 NA 3.96 1.10 0.5 104.7 161.4 2.4 - EW
Agartala Valley & Haora Basin (West Tripura District)
11. Suryamaninagar 2004
200.60/ 96-102, 104-122 EW &
University) 39 6.45 46.55 12.93 4.67 177.37 986.74 25.30 -
0 183 145-154, 174-180 OW
N lat 23 46’30”
E long 91 16’00”
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Agartala - Sonamura Valley & Burigang Basin (Sipahijala District)
1 Bishalgarh 235/95 47-92 45 NA 10.32 2.87 13.65 210.0 1438 28.3 1.28x10-4 EW
2 Jampuijala 69-80, 98-110
N lat 23042’30” 205/180 116-128, 140-153 53 0.05 62.8 17.4 4.95 211.7 709 11.8 - EW
E long 91027’55” 171-177
3 Golaghati 65-77, 88-100
EW &
N lat 23048’45” 28.045 1985 270/170 119-125, 131-137 48 1.46 20.70 5.75 10.74 32.1 90.9 1.83 4.4x10-4
E long 91021’30” 156-168
4 Gokulnagar BSF 57-61, 69-73, 82-91 EW &
N lat 23042’10” 2003 200/163 109-111, 115-119, 40 11.14 35 9.84 6.03 98.33 1302 32.92 2.06x10-3 OW
E long 91016’40” 125-127, 145-160
5 Gokulnagar
63-70, 99-109 Deposit
N lat 23042’53” 1976 204/175 66 7.86 113 31.41 27.94 904.8 13.7 -
118-128, 134-173 well
E long 91016’56”
6. Konaban
N lat 24042’20” 39.455 1986 200.6 - - - - -- - - - - -
E long 91012’45”
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) m3/hr lps mdd)
Amarpur Valley & Gomti Basin (Gomti District) block - Amarpur
6. Bagma 201/162 64-70, 115-133 36 4.5 48.6 13.5 20.3 30.8 330 9 - EW
7. Tulamura (18.925) 1979 75-81, 85-91 EW
N lat 23027’35” 247/212.6 99-111, 179-191 48 112 31.21 24.0 78 246 5.1 - Auto
E long 91027’10” 197-210 flow
8. Dhupthali (19.675) 1990 EW &
N lat 23013’25” 208/ 56-80, 92-104 1.50 OW
54 36 10 6.80 88 263 4.8 -
E long 91023’20” 132 110-128 magl Auto
Sl. Site name/ Surface Drilling Depth Position Thickness SWL Discharge Draw Specific Transm- Perme- Stora- Remark
No. Block / elevation period Drilled/ of slot of aquifer (m Down capacity issivity ability tivity
Co-ordinates (m. amsl) Assembly (m) tapped (m) bgl) m3/hr lps (m) (lpm/ (m2/day) (m/day)
length(m) mdd)
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
1 Rajapur (13.16) 1979 50-53, 56-59, 65-70
Block - Rajnagar 75-86, 119-126
252/215 56 5.30 143 39.72 10.30 232 1577 27.4 - EW
N lat 23020’45” 150-155, 162-165
E long 91029’15” 169-174, 197-212
2 Rajnagar (13.16) 1979 51-93, 113-125 EW &
N lat 23040’27” 252/186 136-148, 157-163 54 151 42.08 25.0 101 222 4.1 - OW Auto
E long 91038’16” 171-183 flow
3 Matai 64-82, 140-152
232/200 54 3.6 12 3.33 17.6 11.4 47.4 0.87 2.2x 10-4 EW
Block - Rajnagar 161-173, 183-195
4 Manubazar Blk-
N lat 230 04’ 34” Satchand 87-106, 117-120 Deposit
233/208 40 19.95 79.5 22.08 5.4 24.5 897 22.4 -
E long 910 38’ 35” Toposheet 162-168, 193-205 well
No. 79 M/12
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
5 Ghoshkhamar 52-58, 79-97
Block - Rajnagar 220/206 130-142, 154-166 60 1.48 12 3.33 11.3 17.7 164 2.70 - EW
186-192, 197-203
6 Bagafa BSF 2004 103-106, 109-114
N lat 23020’03” 116-119, 123-131 37 20.92 36.79 10.21 12.21 50.22 752.45 20.34 - EW
E long 91035’03” 138-150, 158-164
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Fenni Basin (South Tripura District)
7 Haripur 80-92, 104-110 EW &
(25.972) 1991 202/187 48 1.9 30 8.33 7.12 70.2 330 4.8 2.38x10-3
Rajnagar block 144-150, 160-184 OW
8 Satchand 60-63, 83-88, 93-99
(17.465) EW
N lat 23007’45” 117-120, 130-133, 0.42
Toposheet 1979 253/200 50 91 25.25 12.47 121.2 887.7 17.75 - Auto
E long 91038’10” 147-153, 168-180, magl
No.79 M/12 flow
183-189, 192-198
Udaipur-Sabroom Valley & Muhuri Basin (South Tripura District)
9 Ghoshkhamar 52-58, 79-97 EW
Block - Rajnagar 220/206 130-142, 154-166 60 1.48 12 3.33 11.3 17.7 164 2.70 - Auto
186-192, 197-203 flow
10 Bagafa BSF 2004 197.5/ 103-106, 109-114
37 20.92 36.79 10.21 12.21 42.76 752.45 20.34 - EW
N lat 23020’03” 167 116-119, 123-131
13 Paschim Jalefa EW 2015 175.5/151 77– 83, 89 – 101, 113– 30 18.432 0.99 Autoflow
N 23.0331692 119, 142–148 EW
E 91.6873053
14 Paschim Jalefa OW 2015 158.60/151 77-83, 92-98, 113-119, 24 16.488 0.72 Autoflow
N 23.0331692 142-148 OW
E 91.6873053
15 Rajib Nagar
Block-Satchand 75-81; 105-117;
79 M/12 & 2015-16 160/153 39 8.94 72 20 0.75 1066 1783.08 3.80x10-4 EW
N lat 23003’25” 123-135; 141-150
E long 91039’23”
16 Rajib Nagar 79 M/12 & 2016 160/152 71-77, 89-95, 104- 30 7.83 16.236 0.73
Block-Satchand 3B 110, 122-128, 143-149
N lat 23003’25”
E long 91039’23”
Well Effeciency
Drawdown m
SWL (m bgl)
Specific Cap
Type of Test
Stora tivity
loss (m)
in min
Village of Date
District – UNAKOTI
Caliculated Drawdown
Transmissivity m2/day
Well Effeciency
SWL (m bgl)
Specific Cap
Type of Test
Stora tivity
loss (m)
in min
Village of Date
OW 16.7.83 4.9
1-60 15.8 9.4 100 9.95 9.85 0.72 93 - - - -
3 Machmara EW SDT 22.4.83 0.62
2-60 20.0 12.8 93 10.67 12.46 0.92 93 - - - -
District - DHALAI
Specific Capacity
Drawdown (m)
Draw down (m)
Well Effeciency
Step - Duration
Sp. Drawdown
SWL (m bgl)
Perme ability
Stora tivity
loss (m)
in min
Village of Date
No Well
Transmissivity (m2/day)
Drawdown (m)
Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test
Stora tivity
loss (m)
Village e of Date
EW SDT 01.8.79 6.41 3- 90 20.75 6.04 206.0 4.85 4.6 1.48 - 6.09 - - -
cherra 4- 90 6.66 202.0 4.93 4.99 1.75 - 6.75 - - -
5- 90 23.98 7.21 199.0 5.01 5.32 1.98 - 7.3 - - -
Formation loss
Drawdown (m)
Well effeciency
Specific Cap
Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test
Stora tivity
Village of Date
14.92 5.21 90.8 11.02 5.37 0.34 94 5.71 - -
60 -
SDT 27.1.82 4.66 19.62 7.35 160.7 6.24 7.06 0.59 93 7.66 - -
Arundhu- 60 -
1. EW 3-
tinagar 23.46 9.13 154.2 6.48 8.44 0.85 90 9.29 - -
60 -
APT 29.1.82 4.65 360 19.63 7.62 160.0 - - - - 6860 134
2. Fatik-cherra EW SDT 1.95 7.25 4.27 101.9 9.81 4.13 0.42 91 - - -
17.11.04 60 -
Baijalbari EW SDT 19.7.79 10.48 1- 90 12.92 3.08 366.0 3.97 2.48 0.56 - - - -
8. -
2- 90 16.50 4.14 314.0 4.14 3.19 0.92 - - - -
3- 90 18.85 4.83 292.0 4.27 3.61 1.19 - - - -
4- 90 20.75 5.49 227.0 4.41 3.98 1.44 - - - -
APT 21.7.79 10.45 1080 20.56 5.68 217.0 - - - - 1102 15.5
Drawdown (m)
Sp. Drawdown
Well loss (m )
Perme ability
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test
Stora tivity
Village of Date
District – GOMATI
Transmissivity (m2/day)
Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test
Stora tivity
loss (m)
Village of Date
Drawdown (m)
Sp. Drawdown
Well loss (m )
SWL (m bgl)
Type of Test
Stora tivity
loss (m)
Village of Date
tion in PPM
Deo Basin
8.78 322 5 Tr Tr - - 18 214 7 - - - 0.4
Sl. Village Well Test Date of pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO Cl SO4 NO3 F Fe
No. Type Type Collec- 3
tion in PPM
Dhalai Basin
1. Abhanga EW SDT 07.6.79 8.1 130 70 18 6 - - 0 73 18 - - - 0.3
Sl. Village Well Test Collec- pH EC TH Ca Mg Na K CO3 HC Cl SO NO F Fe
No Type Type tion O3 4 3
. Date
in PPM (mg/lt)
Khowai Basin
8.1 105 40 8 5 - - Nil 61 14 - - - -
SDT 19.7.79
1 Baijalbari EW 8.2 100 40 8 5 - - Nil 61 14 - - - 0.3
APT 22.7.79 8.1 95 45 8 6 - - Nil 67 14 - - - 0.2
2 EW APT 16.4.80 8.2 89 45 10 5 - - Nil 61 7 - - - -
3 Khowai EW APT 09.10.77 6.75 222 86 16 11 - - Nil 132 2.8 - - - -
8 88 30 6 4 - - Nil 43 12 - - - 0.4
SDT 01.8.79
4 Balucherra EW 7.3 90 35 8 4 - - Nil 37 12 - - - 0.3
APT 03.8.79 7.3 88 35 8 4 - - Nil 49 12 - - - 0.2
4. EW 8 56 40 10 4 2 2 - 31 11 4.8