Civil Basics
Civil Basics
Civil Basics
Dr. Stanley Chacko Salem
Assistant Professor, CMRU
Course Learning Objectives(CLO’S)
Module 2:Resultant and Equilibrium of Forces, Friction and Support Reactions for Beams
▪ Resultant and Equilibrium of Forces: Resultant of coplanar concurrent force system: Parallelogram law of
forces, triangle law of forces; Resultant of coplanar non concurrent force system: Varignon’s theorem;
Numerical problems; Static equilibrium of a body: equilibrant, Free body diagram, Lami’s theorem, equations
of static equilibrium, Numerical problems on equilibrium of coplanar concurrent and non-concurrent force
▪ Friction: Types of friction, laws of friction, limiting friction, Numerical Problems on single and connected
bodies on plane, wedge friction, ladder friction, rope and pulley system.
▪ Support Reactions for Beams: Types of loads and support, beam, types of beam, Numerical Problems on
support reactions in statically determinate beams.
Module 3:Centroid and Moment of Inertia
▪ Centroid: Centroid of simple geometrical figures from first principle,
Numeric Problems on centroid of composite sections.
▪ Moment of Inertia: Moment of inertia of simple geometric figures
from first principle, parallel axis theorem, perpendicular axis
theorem, radius of gyration, Product of inertia, Numerical problems
on moment of inertia of composite sections.
Module 4:Dynamics
▪ Dynamics: Introduction to Kinetics and Kinematics, Linear Motion,
speed acceleration, acceleration due to gravity, relative motion,
Curvilinear Motion, projectiles, centrifugal and centripetal forces,
super elevation, work power energy, simple harmonic motion, free
vibration, D’alembert’s principle, motion of connected bodies.
numerical problems on D’Alembert’s principle and its application in
plane and connected bodies including pulleys.
Course outcome
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
Civil Engineering is the one that is directly associated with the welfare of the society.
Environmental engineers study water, soil and air pollution problems, and
develop technical solutions needed to solve, attenuate or control these problems
in a manner that is compatible with legislative, economic, social and political
The activities of such engineers include, but are not limited to, the planning,
design, construction and operation of water and wastewater treatment facilities
in municipalities and industries, modelling and analysis of surface water and
groundwater quality, design of soil and remediation systems, planning for the
disposal and reuse of wastewaters and sludges, and the collection, transport,
processing, recovery and disposal of solid wastes according to accepted
engineering practices.
Environmental Engineering
The Importance of Environmental Engineering to Society
It guides us on how our developmental and daily activities affect the environment and
how we are affected by changes in environmental conditions.
It guides us to create a pollution free environment (which includes clean air, water,
land and food) by adopting various methods of prevention and control of pollution.
It guides our natural resources such as water, forests, minerals and fossil fuels to be
utilized in an efficient way, with maximum utility and minimum waste by adopting
conservation and recycling strategies.
Adopts the above three characteristics, namely, knowing one’s environmental impact,
prevention and control of pollution, and efficiently utilizing resources efficiently in daily
activities to lead the general public in an environmentally friendly way.
Applications include
▪ the management of the urban water supply
▪ the design of urban storm-sewer systems,
▪ and flood forecasting.
Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering
Irrigation can be termed as the artificial process of applying water
to the soil to help in growing agricultural crops or maintaining the
landscapes when there is shortage of natural water by rain
Irrigation engineering deals with the analysis and design of
irrigation systems which include dams, weir, barrage, canals,
drains and other supporting systems etc.
Hydraulic engineering consists of the application of fluid
mechanics to water flowing in an isolated environment (pipe,
pump, turbine) or in an open channel (river, lake, ocean).
Structural Engineering
Structural engineering is the field of engineering that
deals with the structural integrity and strength of a
building or structure.
Cement mortar for Masonry
work, plaster and pointing etc.
Concrete for laying floors, roofs Types of Cements
and constructing Ordinary Portland cement
lintels,beams,weather-shed,stair Rapid hardening Portland
s,pillars etc. cement
Low heat Portland cement
Construction for important Sulphate resisting Portland
engineering structures such as Pozzolanic cement
bridge,culverts,dams,tunnels White Portland cement
Coloured Portland
etc. Expansive cement
High alumina cement
Ordinary Portland cement is the most common type of cement in
general use around the world.
When water is added, the reactions which occur are mostly exothermic, that is, the reactions generate heat.
We can get an indication of the rate at which the minerals are reacting by monitoring the rate at which heat is
evolved using a technique called conduction calorimetry.
Almost immediately on adding water some of the clinker sulphates and gypsum dissolve producing an alkaline,
sulfate-rich, solution.Soon after mixing, the (C3A) phase (the most reactive of the four main clinker minerals) reacts
with the water to form an aluminate-rich gel (Stage I on the heat evolution curve above).
The gel reacts with sulfate in solution to form small rod-like crystals of ettringite. (C3A) reaction is with water is
strongly exothermic but does not last long, typically only a few minutes, and is followed by a period of a few hours of
relatively low heat evolution. This is called the dormant, or induction period (Stage II).
The first part of the dormant period, up to perhaps half-way through, corresponds to when concrete can be placed.
As the dormant period progresses, the paste becomes too stiff to be workable.At the end of the dormant period, the
alite and belite in the cement start to react, with the formation of calcium silicate hydrate and calcium hydroxide.
This corresponds to the main period of hydration (Stage III), during which time concrete strengths increase. The
individual grains react from the surface inwards, and the anhydrous particles become smaller. (C3A) hydration also
continues, as fresh crystals become accessible to water.The period of maximum heat evolution occurs typically
between about 10 and 20 hours after mixing and then gradually tails off. In a mix containing OPC only, most of the
strength gain has occurred within about a month. Where OPC has been partly-replaced by other materials, such as
fly ash, strength growth may occur more slowly and continue for several months or even a year.Ferrite reaction also
starts quickly as water is added, but then slows down, probably because a layer of iron hydroxide gel forms, coating
the ferrite and acting as a barrier, preventing further reaction.
Products of Hydration
During Hydration process several hydrated compounds are formed most important of which are, Calcium
silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide and calcium aluminium hydrates which is important for strength gain.
Calcium silicate hydrate:
This is not only the most abundant reaction product, occupying about 50% of the paste volume, but it is also
responsible for most of the engineering properties of cement paste. It is often abbreviated, using cement
chemists' notation, to "C-S-H," the dashes indicating that no strict ratio of SiO2 to CaO is inferred. C-S-H forms
a continuous layer that binds together the original cement particles into a cohesive whole which results in its
strong bonding capacity. The Si/Ca ratio is somewhat variable but typically approximately 0.45-0.50 in hydrated
Portland cement but up to perhaps about 0.6 if slag or fly ash or microsilica is present, depending on the
Calcium hydroxide:
The other products of hydration of C3S and C2S are calcium hydroxide. In contrast to theC-S-H, the calcium
hydroxide is a compound with distinctive hexagonal prism morphology. It constitutes 20 to 25 per cent of the
volume of solids in the hydrated paste. The lack ofdurability of concrete is on account of the presence of
calcium hydroxide. The calcium hydroxide also reacts with sulphates present in soils or water to form calcium
sulphate which further reacts with C3A and cause deterioration of concrete. This is known as sulphate attack.
To reduce the quantity of Ca (OH)2 in concrete and to overcome its bad effects by converting it into
cementitious product is an advancement in concrete technology.The use of blendingmaterials such as fly ash,
silica fume and such other pozzolanic materials are the steps toovercome bad effect of Ca(OH)2 in concrete.
However, Ca(OH)2 is alkaline in nature due to which it resists corrosion in steel.
Calcium aluminium hydrates:
These are formed due to hydration of C3A compounds. The hydrated aluminates do notcontribute anything to
the strengthof concrete. On the other hand, theirpresence is harmful to the durability of concrete particularly
where theconcrete is likely to be attacked bysulphates. As it hydrates very fast it may contribute a little to the
Concrete is a composite material composed
mainly of water, aggregate, and cement.
The operation of placing and compaction are
interdependent and are carried out simultaneously.
Business buildings - Includes any building or part thereof used principally for
transaction of business and/or keeping of accounts and records including offices,
banks, professional establishments, court houses etc., if their principal function is
transaction of business and/or keeping of books and records.
Storage buildings - A building or part thereof used primarily for storage or shelter
of goods, wares, merchandise and includes a building used as a warehouse, cold
storage, freight depot, transit shed, store house, public garage, hanger, truck
terminal, grain elevator, barn and stables.
Note: All unsafe buildings /structure will require to be restored by repairs, demolition or dealt with as
directed by the Authority. The relevant provisions of the Act shall apply for procedure to be followed
by the Authority in taking action against such buildings.
Components of a building
A building has two basic parts:
Sub-structure or foundations
Super structure
If the set-back is uniform, the buildings are constructed in one line parallel to the axis
of road, resulting in improvement of road.
The provisions of the set-backs results into better conditions of air, light and
ventilation of the buildings.
The set-backs at street corners improve visibility and impart safety to the traffic.
They are necessary for the protection of the buildings from street nuisance.
They reduce the danger of fire by increasing the distance between opposite
Building codes or Bye-laws
Floor space index or built-up area:
The built up area or covered area equals to the plot area minus the
area due for open spaces.
The ratio of the total floor area inclusive of all the floors to the area of
the plot on which building stands is known as the floor space index
(F.S.I.) or floor area ratio (F.A.R.).
The value of F.S.I. or F.A.R. is determined by local authority and it
may be different for different areas and for different buildings of the
Floor area means built up area excluding area of walls. The F.S.I,
controls the development activity on the plot of land and
It can be used as a measure to check density of population. For
instance, if the plot area is 600 m2 and if permissible F.S.I, is 0.80,
the maximum built-up area' which can be put up on the plot is 480 m2
Building codes or Bye-laws
Open space requirements around the buildings:
The sufficient open a spaces, inside and around the building should
be left to meet with the requirements of lighting and ventilation.
All interior or exterior should be kept free from any erection thereon
and shall be kept open to the sky and no cornice, roof, or weather
shed more than 0.75 m in width shall project over such open space.
It is the art
▪ of measuring horizontal and vertical distances between objects,
▪ of measuring angles between lines,
▪ of determining the direction of lines, and
▪ of establishing points by predetermined angular and linear
Geodetic Surveying:
The type of surveying that takes into
account the true shape of the earth.
These surveys are of high precision and
extend over large areas.
Plane Surveying:
The type of surveying in which the mean
surface of the earth is considered as a
plane, or in which its spheroidal shape
is neglected, with regard to horizontal
distances and directions.
Plane surveying is done on an area of
less than 250 km2.
Surveying : Types
Based upon the nature of the field of survey
Land survey:
It is carried out to measure various objects on land.
Hydrographic survey:
It is carried out to map coastlines, produce
navigation charts and control works such as oil
explorations, construction of harbours, water ways,
Astronomical survey:
It is carried out for determining locations i.e latitudes
of different places on earth surface with reference to
heavenly bodies and vice versa.
Surveying : Types
Land survey is further classified as:
Topographical survey:
It is concerned with the measurement and mapping of the
physical features of the earth. These features are all
natural and manmade features.
Cadastral survey:
Cadastral Surveys are concerned with the measurement,
definition and mapping and recording of property
City Survey:
They are made in connection with the construction of
streets, water supply systems, sewers and other works.
Surveying : Types
Based upon the purpose of survey
Engineering survey:
This is undertaken for the determination of quantities or to afford
sufficient data for the designing of engineering works such buildings,
roads and reservoirs, or those connected with sewage disposal or
water supply.
Military survey:
This is used for determining points of strategic importance.
Mine survey:
This is used for exploring mineral wealth.
Geological survey:
This is used for determining different strata in the earth’s crust.
Archaeological survey:
This is used for finding rests of antiquity.
Surveying : Types
Based on the instrument used
Chain survey
Theodolite survey
Tacheometric survey
Compass survey
Photographic survey
Aerial survey
Survey Process
The following sequence of steps is commonly followed when carrying out a survey:
During the reconnaissance phase, the surveyor will obtain an overall picture of
the area that the project will be conducted in. They will select where the
control points will be located, the accuracy required for the control, and which
survey instruments will be required for the project.
Plan Preparation
During the plan preparation phase, the calculations that were performed from
the field observations would be further enhanced and used to produce the final
plans for the project.
Surveying : Functions
The determination of the size and shape of the earth and the
measurements of all data needed to define the size, position, shape
and contour of any part of the earth and monitoring any change
The acquisition and use of spatial information from close range, aerial
and satellite imagery and the automation of these processes.
The system of measurement used is SI units
Basic laws of triangles
Survey control stations
The primary purpose of surveying is to locate points of precise position on the earth’s surface.
To achieve this, a network of primary survey control stations (or points) have been established.
From these primary control points further secondary survey control stations have been located.
A Survey Control Station (also known as a Standard Survey Mark - SSM) is a permanent point of known
Reduced Level (height) and Horizontal Position (Latitude and Longitude).
A Bench Mark is a point of known Reduced Level. Only the vertical position of a Bench Mark is known,
whereas both the horizontal and vertical positions of a Standard Survey Mark are known.
Survey control stations
From the primary Survey Control Stations, a surveyor will need to extend the control
onto the work site in the form of Secondary Control.
Often a surveyor will use a nail driven into the road or a mark on the road, usually
near a street corner as a survey mark.
Such a survey mark is a Temporary Survey Mark (TSM) that can be destroyed or
forgotten after the particular task has been completed.
Distance measurement
Distance measurement equipments
Electronic Distance Measurement
EDM instruments (also known as Tellurometer) operate by the
instrument transmitting electromagnetic energy to another
instrument or reflector and then receiving the return signal.
The range depends on the strength of the emitted signal and the reflectivity and geometry
of the target.
Inaccessible objects or targets located at dangerous sites can thus be mapped easily.
To detect returns from bare surfaces, i.e. using no prisms, requires laser pulses with a
high energy level typically in the range of 1 to 20 watt.
In contrast, most phase-based EDMs using prisms emit signals at a level of a few
Differential Levelling
▪ Through levels and other accessories
Barometric Heighting
▪ Inversely evaluate height from barometric pressure
Trigonometric Heighting
▪ Use of Trigonometric relationship between established
Differential levelling
Differential levelling is done to to obtain height differences of points above or below
a horizontal line.
If this horizontal line is at a known height with respect to a known datum, then the
reduced level of points may be determined.
Levelling Instruments
It requires a telescope to create a line of sight and
enable a reading to be taken on a graduated rod and
a system to orient the line of sight in a horizontal
Level vials
▪ Tube type level
▪ Bulls eye level
Levelling Staff or
level rod
Staff Bubble
Levelling Instruments
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)
During the 1970s, a new and unique approach to
surveying, the global positioning system (GPS), emerged.
The master control station uses this data to make precise, near-future
predictions of the satellite orbits, and their clock correction
The user segment in GPS consists of two categories of receivers that are
classified by their access to two services that the system provides.
These services are referred to as the Standard Position Service (SPS)
and the Precise Positioning Service (PPS).
The Standard Positioning Service (SPS) is a positioning and timing
service provided on GPS L1, L2 and L5 frequencies and available to all
GPS users.
The L1 frequency contains a coarse acquisition (C/A) code and a
navigation data message.
The L2 frequency contains a CM-code and CL-code signals whereas
I5-code and Q5-code signals are transmitted in L5 frequency.
The Precise Positioning Service (PPS),is a highly accurate military
positioning, velocity and timing service broadcasted at the GPS L1 and L2
Both frequencies contain a precision (P/Y) code ranging signal with an
encrypted navigation data message that is reserved for authorized users.
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) - The user segment