The Bolzano Theorem
The Bolzano Theorem
The Bolzano Theorem
2 1 2 2 1
Dan Bolser , Panos Dafas , Richard Harrington , Jong Park , Michael Schroeder
Department of Computing, City University, London EC1V 0HB, UK
Medical Research Council, Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, UK
These authors contributed equally to this work
Large scale protein interaction maps provide a new, global perspective with which to analyse
protein function. PSIMAP, the Protein Structural Interactome Map, is a database of all the
structurally observed interactions between superfamilies of protein domains with known three-
dimensional structure in the PDB. PSIMAP incorporates both functional and evolutionary
information across species into a single network.
We present a global analysis of PSIMAP using several distinct network measures relating to
centrality, interactivity, fault-tolerance, and taxonomic diversity. We found the following results:
• Centrality: we show that the center and barycenter of PSIMAP do not coincide, and that
the superfamilies forming the barycenter relate to very general functions, while those
constituting the center relate to enzymatic activity.
• Interactivity: we identify the P-loop and immunoglobulin superfamilies as the most highly
interactive ones. We successfully use connectivity and cluster index, which
characterise the connectivity of a superfamily’s neighbourhood, to discover
superfamilies of complex I and II. This is particularly significant as the structure of
complex I is not yet solved.
• Taxonomic diversity: we found that highly interactive superfamilies are in general
taxonomically very diverse and are thus amongst the oldest.
• Fault-tolerance: we found that the network is very robust as for the majority of
superfamilies removal from the network will not break up the network.
Overall, we can single out the P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases superfamily
as it is the most highly connected and has the highest taxonomic diversity. In addition, this
superfamily has the highest interaction rank, is the barycenter of the network (it has the shortest
average path to every other superfamily in the network), and is an articulation vertex, whose
removal will disconnect the network. More general, we conclude that the graph-theoretic and
taxonomic analysis of PSIMAP is an important step towards the understanding of protein
function and could be an important tool for tracing the evolution of life at the molecular level.
Large scale protein interaction maps [1-9] have increased our understanding of protein function,
extending 'functional context' to the network of interactions which span the proteome [10-13].
Functional genomics fuels this new perspective, and has directed research towards
computational methods of reconstructing genome-scale interaction maps.
One group of computational methods uses the abundant genomic sequence data, and is based
on the assumption that genomic proximity and gene fusion result from a selective pressure to
genetically link proteins which physically interact [14-16]. With the exception of conserved
operons and gene fusion, however, genomic proximity is more generally indicative of indirect
functional associations between proteins [17] than direct interactions between the gene
A second group of methods, based on the assumption that protein-protein interactions are
conserved across species, was originally applied to genomic comparisons [18]. Just as common
function can be inferred between homologous proteins, ‘homologous interaction’ can be used to
infer interaction between homologues of interacting proteins. This method has been validated
in a comparison between PSIMAP, which contains observed protein domain interactions in the
Protein Data Bank (PDB) [19] and experimentally determined domain interactions in yeast [20].
The method has also been systematically validated at the sequence level using BLAST [21],
and has been improved by the use of a statistical domain level representation of the known
protein interactions [22, 23].
PSIMAP, the Protein Structural Interactome Map [20], is a database of all the structurally
observed interactions between protein domains of known three-dimensional structure in the
PDB. It can be constructed using any reliable protein domain definition, where domains are
considered to be definable evolutionarily conserved protein units. Here we use the domain
definitions provided by SCOP (Structural Classification of Proteins) [24], which uses structural
and functional homology to define evolutionarily distinct protein domain families and
superfamilies. Alternatively, other domain definitions, as provided by CATH, FSSP, Pfam, and
Interpro can be used.
Domains from a multiple-domain PDB entry are empirically denoted as interacting with each
other if at least 5 residue pairs are within 5 Angstroms (see Figure 1). Although the data in the
PDB is relatively limited in comparison to the available sequence data, it is much more
comprehensive when compared to the available protein interaction data [25].
PSIMAP provides an overview of all the observed domain-domain interactions at the
superfamily level. Considering interactions at this level is important with respect to the stability
of the network; while the number of PDB entries is growing superlinearly, the number of new
folds is only increasing linearly (see Figure 2). It is probable that there are no more than 2,000
distinct protein topologies in nature [26-30]. Because of the slow growth in the number of new
superfamilies and superfamily interactions (data not shown) PSIMAP represents the first global
overview of interactions at this level. For example the recent conservative superfamily
assignment of 56 genomes covered between 40-67% of the total detected genes in eukaryotes
and eubacteria (~100,000 genes) and between 31-54% of the total detected genes in
archaebacteria (~10,000 genes) [31]. As a significant portion of the unassigned genes may
represent trans-membrane proteins not structurally determined due to experimental difficulty, it
is reasonable to suggest that the PDB, and PSIMAP, covers many of the existing globular
superfamilies in nature.
By viewing interaction between superfamilies, which encompass extremely distant evolutionary
relationships [24], PSIMAP represents domain interaction within a broad evolutionary context.
The analysis of PSIMAP’s network topology presented here necessarily incorporates this
evolutionary perspective.
Using different numbers of residue-residue contacts within different distances (contact threshold
and distance threshold respectively) has an effect on the total number of superfamily-
superfamily interactions defined. An analysis of this empirical domain interaction criterion is
shown in Figure 3. Above the 4 Angstrom distance threshold, different contact thresholds yield
qualitatively similar results. At the 4 Angstrom distance threshold, the contact threshold has the
biggest effect on the number of domain–domain interactions observed, indicating that most
domain–domain interactions occur in this approximate distance range. Using a contact
threshold of 5 is very discriminative at the 4 Angstroms distance threshold, so the “5 by 5 rule”
(defined previously [20]) is a reasonable choice of interaction criteria. Additionally, Tsai et al [32]
show that extracting domain interaction from the PDB is a robust process.
By using a structural domain definition to extract domain-domain interactions from the PDB, it is
possible to assign covalently linked domains as interacting. These 'intra-interactions' are in the
minority, accounting for approximately 30% of the 20370 domain-domain interactions observed.
For a breakdown of the 1232 observed superfamily-superfamily interactions (generated using
SCOP version 1.61) see table 1. The validity of assigning superfamily interaction solely on the
basis of observed intra-domain (covalently linked) interaction is extensive. Domain fusion has
been successfully used to predict protein interaction from sequence information alone [17] and
as a hypothesis for the evolution of homo [33] and hetero [14] dimers. In addition, it has been
observed that intra-domain interfaces have strong similarities to inter-domain interfaces within
multi-domain proteins [32, 34, 35]. Finally, such multi domain proteins can be identified as
independent, interacting domains in ancestral genomes [14].
To check for potential sampling error in the PDB, we checked if the absolute number of domains
in a superfamily is correlated to the number of observed interactions that that superfamily
makes. We did not find significant evidence for this correlation: omitting four outliers, the
correlation coefficient between the number of interactions and number of domains in a
superfamily is only 0.16. This suggests that a superfamily’s interactivity is independent of its
occurrence in the PDB.
Visualizing structurally observed protein domain interaction at the superfamily level gives a very
robust network which incorporates both a broad evolutionary perspective of protein interaction
with the conserved structural and functional features of protein domains. PSIMAP, therefore,
represents a rich, stable overview of the protein interactome.
Protein interaction databases such as BIND [36] and DIP [37] provide web interfaces which
allow the examination of a small number of individual proteins and their interactions. They do
not support the large-scale visualisation of protein interaction networks. This need has been
addressed and fulfilled by several other visualisation systems [38-40]. Protein interaction
networks are large, however, requiring more than simple visualisation for effective data mining
[12]. Consequently, there have been several global analyses of protein interaction networks (for
example [41-43]). Here, we employ an integrated package (PSIEYE [44]), which complements
these approaches by integrating several graph-theoretic and taxonomic measures with network
visualisation and exploration. Our analysis has been motivated by several questions of
particular biological interest (below). While these questions are relevant to the analysis of any
biological network, it is important to note the additional evolutionary perspective provided by
PSIMAP when analysing this network.
1.Which superfamilies can directly or indirectly interact with each other forming sub
2.Which superfamilies can directly or indirectly interact via at least two different pathways in
the network?
3.Which superfamilies can disrupt a pathway in the network if (hypothetically) removed?
4.Are there multiple indirect interactions between superfamilies, making the overall network
topology robust?
5.How many interaction partners does a superfamily have?
6.How well connected is the neighbourhood of a superfamily?
7.How central is a superfamily in the network?
8.Is there a core of the network?
9.How is the network distributed within and between taxonomic groups with respect to the
above measures?
The last point is particularly relevant for PSIMAP, as it is based on a reliable definition of
homology applied to all the available multi domain protein structures in PDB. PSIMAP forms a
global interaction network across many species, which can be extended using sequence based
homology searches [45]. We applied some graph-theoretic and taxonomic measures to
PSIMAP using the PSIEYE tool to answer the above questions.
The PSIMAP algorithm generates a large network consisting of 937 superfamilies and 538
interactions, consisting of 512 components ranging in size from the single largest component of
320, which will be the basis for further analysis, to some 400 isolated non-interacting single
superfamilies, distributed according to a power-law. These and all subsequent analysis are
based on PSIMAP produced from SCOP version 1.59. To analyse PSIMAP we will follow two
strands: First, we looked at the network topology of the map in terms of location and
interactivity. Second, we characterized the taxonomic diversity of the superfamilies. The former
can be broken down into two distinct aspects: location and the interactivity.
Previously, it has been shown that central proteins in an interaction network are often
functionally critical and their removal correlates to lethality [41]. Wuchty and Stadler define
three types of centrality and apply them to metabolic and protein interaction networks [42].
We follow this approach and use two measures of network centrality, namely eccentricity and
sum of distances. The eccentricity of a vertex, which represents a protein superfamily in
PSIMAP, is the path distance to the farthest vertex in the network. The vertex which has the
minimum eccentricity forms the center of the network. In contrast to eccentricity, the sum of
distances averages the path distance to all other vertices in the network. The barycenter is the
vertex with the minimal sum of distances. The two measurements also differ in their degree of
granularity, with the barycenter being a more sensitive measurement. This granularity means
that whilst there is usually only one barycenter, it is possible that multiple centers of a network
will exist. Thus the center and barycenter are not necessarily the same as shown in Figure 4,
where vertex A is the center, but its neighbour B is the barycenter.
In PSIMAP, the P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases (c.37.1) is the barycenter
(see Figure 5) with the minimum sum of distances (947). It is followed in the measurement of
minimum sum of distances by Immunoglobulin (b.1.1), N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases
(NTN hydrolases) (d.153.1), ARM repeat (a.118.1), Nucleotidylyl transferase (c.26.1) and
Winged helix DNA-binding domain (a.4.5). These superfamilies are involved in a broad and
comprehensive range of critical cellular functions, such as regulation of gene expression,
cellular transport, control of the cytoskeleton, phosphorylation, nuclear division, signalling,
A/GTPase activity, immunity, and carbon and nitrogen metabolism. These nearly ubiquitous and
critical functions associated with superfamilies at the barycenter (or scoring highly in the
barycenter measurement) reflect their critical position in the network as these superfamilies are,
on average, closely associated with every other superfamily in the network’s main component.
By contrast, the most peripheral superfamily, with the maximum sum of distances (3248) is the
GroEL-like chaperone, ATPase domain superfamily (a.129.1). This superfamily has a very
specific function, mediating the folding and organisation of other polypeptides in order that they
form the correct oligomeric structure [46].
The center of the network is in the same neighbourhood as the barycenter with two
superfamilies (NTN hydrolases, d.153.1 and nucleotidylyl transferase, c.26.1) in common within
the six highest of both centrality measures. There are six centers in the PSIMAP network (with
the smallest eccentricity). They are PK beta-barrel domain-like (b.58.1), Nucleotidylyl
transferase (c.26.1), Ntn hydrolases (d.153.1), FMN-linked oxidoreductases (c.1.4), HPr-like
(d.94.1) and Adenine nucleotide alpha hydrolases (c.26.2). As with the superfamilies which
rank highly in the barycenter measurement, these superfamilies are involved in highly critical
cellular functions including glycolysis; galatctose / fructose metabolism and nucleotide, amino
acid, lipopolysaccharide, NAD and ATP synthesis. In comparison to the barycenter
superfamilies, members of the center are related to more specific enzymatic activities with an
emphasis on energy metabolism and macromolecular synthesis. Conversely, members of the
barycenter mediate their function via structural interactions, involving molecular switching,
signalling, transport, DNA binding and protein-protein interaction. Additionally, the majority of
the observed enzymatic functions in the barycenter can be attributed to the ubiquitous and P-
loop domain.
The slight shift in topology between the center and the barycenter in PSIMAP reflects a slight
shift in the functional characteristics of the overlapping subgroups of superfamilies in the
topological region. Intuitively, we hypothesize that those critical superfamilies which have
general functions or a predominantly structural mode of action will have a greater number of
interaction partners (which is a requirement for the highest sum of distance in the barycenter).
More specific but none the less critical enzymatic functions on the other hand will be associated
with many different pathways, but may mediate indirect functional roles via common metabolites
and thus tend to be away from the barycenter.
Besides the difference between center and barycenter, let us consider the sum of distance and
eccentricity of PSIMAP’s main component at a global scale as shown in Figures 5 and 6. The
colour-coding of these figures indicates that the majority of superfamilies have medium
eccentricity, yet small sum of distances. Intuitively, the low sum of distance means that the
majority of superfamilies are member of or attached to a well-connected core and can thus
reach all other superfamilies via short average paths. Eccentricity does not take these aspects
of connectivity into account and since most superfamilies are neither in the very core of the
network, nor at the very periphery, their eccentricity tends to be medium.
PSIEYE provides three measures of interactivity: connectivity, cluster index, and interaction
rank. The connectivity of a vertex is simply the number of interaction partners it has. The
superfamilies shown in table 2 are the 19 most interactive in PSIMAP (see also Figure 7):
Figure 7 shows the most highly connected superfamilies in PSIMAP form a single connected
component. Thus, the high connectivity, core superfamilies do not break down into distinct
clusters, but rather form one single, central kernel at the heart of the network.
The majority of the most highly connected superfamilies contain families of functionally
important enzymes, with only three main exceptions. They are: 1) domains from the
Immunoglobulin superfamily (b.1.1), frequently found as domain linkers in genomic sequences
and structures, having diverse structural roles and interacting with many different proteins; 2)
domains from the EF hand all-alpha superfamily (a.39.1), a structural motif (with an average
size of around 40 amino acids) involved in calcium binding and the diverse regulatory functions
associated with calcium; 3) the winged helix DNA-binding domain (a.4.5), which has an
extremely diverse set of functions related to DNA binding. For example, the winged helix
domain associates with many different small molecule binding domains to form functionally
diverse families of transcription factors in prokaryotes and eukaryotes [47].
The most highly interactive superfamilies take part in a wide range of critical cellular reactions,
mostly relating to energy metabolism and catabolism as well as signalling and structural roles.
For example, the iron-sulfur proteins (d.58.1 and d.15.4) transfer electrons in a wide variety of
metabolic reactions, indicating a very early origin in protein evolution. The PK-like superfamily
(d.144.1) encompasses enzymes that belong to a very extensive family of proteins involved in
almost all aspects of eukaryotic signal transduction pathways, including regulation of the cell
cycle, differentiation, homeostasis and the immune response. Members of this superfamily
share a conserved catalytic core common with both serine/threonine and tyrosine protein
kinases [48], and have related but uncharacterised counterparts in archae as well as functional
homologues in viruses. Ubiquitin-like superfamily domains are found in an extremely broad
range of protein families, having structural roles in proteolysis (including the unfolded protein
response pathway), and linking cytoskeleton proteins to proteins in the plasma membrane, as
well as having roles in signal transduction. Raf-like and Ras-binding activity, guanine nucleotide
exchange activity and GTP activated Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity as part of the
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex [49]. This superfamily is also involved in DNA repair
mechanisms, chromosome segregation, viral infection, splicing, autophagy and the regulation of
membrane physical properties and cell development.
Connectivity can be extended to include the next layer of interaction partners via intermediate
partners (indirect connectivity). The most highly connected superfamily, the P-loop (c.37.1) can
•92 superfamilies via 1 intermediate, and
•175 via 2,
•228 via 3,
•253 via 4,
•266 via 5,
•270 via 6,
•272 via 7, and
•273 via 8 intermediates.
In contrast, the peripheral superfamily, GroEL-like chaperones, ATPase domain (a.129.1) can
reach only:
•1 node via 1 intermediate,
•2 via 2,
•3 via 3,
•11 via 4,
•24 via 5,
•34 via 6,
•50 via 7,
•73 via 8,
•161 via 9,
•251 via 10,
•294 via 11,
•306 via 12,
•313 via 13, and
•318 via 14.
Indirect connectivity is useful in that it links the measures of connectivity to the location
measures discussed above. Due to the particular structure of the network, the most highly
interactive and central superfamilies also have higher indirect connectivity than peripheral
superfamilies. Indirect connectivity shifts our perspective from a purely local view of interactivity
towards a more global view. However, connectivity and indirect connectivity do not quantify
interaction density, a measure to describe the extent to which a superfamily’s interaction
partners interact with each other.
Cluster index [50] is a measure of interaction density, and is defined as the number of
interactions between a vertex’s neighbours divided by the total number of possible interactions
between them. A cluster index of 0 means that none of a vertex's neighbours interact, whereas
a cluster index of 1 indicates that they all interact with each other.
A high cluster index is more likely for low connectivity superfamilies, as the number of possible
interactions between neighbours increases quadratically with an increasing number of
interaction partners. This is highlighted by looking at the cluster index of the P-loop (c.37.1),
which is the most highly interactive superfamily with 46 interaction partners, but which has a
very low cluster index (0.011). In contrast, the succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase
catalytic domain (d.168.1) has the highest possible cluster index of 1, as all of its three
interaction partners, the 4Fe-4S ferredoxins (d.58.1), succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate
reductase C-terminal domain (a.7.3), and FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain (c.3.1) interact with each
other (Figure 8). There are exceptions to this general trend, however, as some superfamilies
have both a relatively high number of interaction partners and a high cluster index. The alpha-
helical ferredoxin superfamily (a.1.2) has five interaction partners and a very high cluster index
of 0.8. This superfamily interacts with FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain (c.3.1), FMN-linked
oxidoreductases (c.1.4), 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-like (d.15.4), Nucleotide-binding domain (c.4.1), and
4Fe-4S ferredoxin (d.58.1), as shown in figure 9. One of this set of is another superfamily with a
relatively high number of interactions and a medium cluster index; the FAD/NAD(P)-binding
domain superfamily (c.3.1) with 11 partners and a cluster index of 0.236 as shown in Figure 10.
The interaction partners of the 3 superfamilies d.168.1, a.1.2, and c.3.1, noted above overlap
considerably to form a well-connected subnetwork. Analysis of the members of this subnetwork
reveals that they correlate closely to various members of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In
particular, they match subunits of complex I and complex II, indicating that perhaps this
subnetwork is representative of the two complexes and the interactions between their subunits.
This could be highly significant as, whilst the structure of the complex II has been solved, the
structure of complex I has not yet been elucidated.
The respiratory chain involves a series of membrane-bound proteins that use a series of
electron transfer steps to create a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane. This
proton gradient is then used as the driving force for ATP synthesis. Complex I is the first protein
in the respiratory chain. It is part of a redox reaction, catalysing the oxidation of NADH from the
citric acid cycle along with the reduction of ubiquinone. The oxidation of NADH is coupled to
electron transfer via a Flavin MonoNucleotide (FMN) prosthetic group, which acts as a first
acceptor of electrons from NADH. Electron transfer is carried on through complex I by several
iron-sulphur (FeS) clusters in the protein. Complex II (succinate ubiquinone odidoreductase) is
the second protein in the chain. It is involved in a different redox reaction, catalysing the
oxidation of succinate (also a product of the citric acid cycle) to fumarate, along with the
reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol. Succinate is oxidised by using the bound FAD on the
70kDa subunit as an electron acceptor. As in complex I, several FeS clusters, which are found
in the 27kDa subunit, help in electron transfer through the protein.
To answer whether complex I and complex II relate to the above network interactions, we
mapped known complex I and complex II protein subunits to their SCOP superfamilies via PSI-
Blast [51]. Assigned complex I superfamilies account for the majority of the superfamilies in the
smaller network, figure 9, which shows alpha-helical ferredoxin (a.1.2) and its neighbours, and
on the left half of the larger subnetwork, figure 10, which shows the FAD/NAD(P)-binding
domain and its neighbours. Complex II superfamilies account for at least 5 of the other
superfamily nodes in the subnetwork in figure 10. To be more precise, the proteins P15960,
P34943, P42028, P15690, which are known subunits of complex I map to SCOP superfamilies
d.15.4, c.4.1, d.58.1, and a.1.2, respectively, all of which are members of the smaller
subnetwork. Furthermore, the other 2 superfamilies of this network, FMN linked oxidoreductase
(c.1.4) and FAD/NAD (P) binding domain (c.3.1), are functionally significant to complex I.
Additionally, we found that proteins Q09545 and Q09508 of complex II map to d.15.4, a.1.2,
a.7.3, d.168.1, c.3.1. As with the prior example, other superfamily members of this network,
multiheme cytochromes (a.138.1), FAD/NAD-linked reductases, dimerisation (C-terminal)
domain (d.87.1), and thioredoxin-like (c.47.1), are all functionally related to the action of
complex II.
The above findings show that 9 out 11 neighbours of the FAD/NAD (P) binding domain belong to
or are related to either complex I or complex II, or both. A subnetwork has been identified
around this highly connected superfamily that has a comparatively high cluster index. This
stresses both the importance of the superfamily and also the importance of connectivity and
cluster index as a measure that is especially useful in uncovering complexes.
Interaction Rank
Both connectivity and cluster index have shortcomings: Connectivity does not consider
interactions in a vertex's neighbourhood; cluster index favours low connectivity vertices. To get
a better measure for the wider neighbourhood of a vertex, we have developed the idea of
interaction rank, which treats interaction networks as Markov processes. In this analysis, each
edge in the network is equated with a state transition in a Markov process. For example, a
superfamily with a certain number of interaction partners, p, corresponds to a state, v, in the
Markov process with p possible successor states w N(v), (where N(v) is the set of v's
neighbours). A priori, each of the transitions is chosen with the same likelihood, giving a 1/|N(v)|
chance for v to ‘interact’ with w N(v), where |N(v)| is the size of the set. If we enumerate all
vertices from v1 to vn, we can capture this Markov process as a transition matrix M=(mij), where
for all 1 i, j n entries, mij=1/|N(vi)| if vi is connected to vj or 0 otherwise. If we compute the
steady state transition probabilities of this process, we can rate vertices according to this notion
of ‘interactivity’. We call this rating ‘interaction rank’. Essentially, the more interaction partners a
superfamily has, the better its interaction rank. Also, the better connected a superfamily’s
neighbourhood, the better the interaction rank. These two trends are intuitively a consequence
of the increased probability of indirectly returning back to a superfamily via the interconnections
between its interaction partners. In this way, interaction rank combines aspects of connectivity
and cluster index. It does so at a global scale incorporating information about the topology of
the whole network. In this respect, interaction rank can point to the hubs of a network in terms of
its overall structure, and can overcome some of the shortcomings of connectivity and cluster
To compute the steady state of the transition matrix, M, we need to find a configuration, x, such
that M x = x for a maximal real number . In other words, we have to compute an eigenvector
x for M for the maximal eigenvalue . There are standard libraries to do this, but since we
require just the eigenvector for the largest eigenvalue, we used the power method, i.e. for a
n n
random initial configuration xo we iteratively compute M x0 for increasing n>0 until M x0
converges. The elements of the resulting eigenvector represent the steady state probabilities of
the Markov process M and constitute the interaction rank of the corresponding superfamilies.
Let us consider examples of superfamilies with high interaction rank. The top 25% superfamilies
in PSIMAP’s main component, according to interaction rank, form a connected component, and
thus define the core of the whole interaction network (figure 11a). While a large number of
neighbours usually implies a good interaction rank, there are examples such as alpha/beta-
hydrolases (c.69.1) and the galactose oxidase, central domain (b.69.1) with few interaction
partners, yet high interaction rank, as they have highly scoring neighbours. The alpha/beta-
hydrolases (c.69.1)superfamily has only four interaction partners (figure 11b), but has a good
interaction rank as its neighbourhood consists of two high ranking nodes (Galactose-binding
domain-like (b.18.1) and Lipase/lipooxygenase domain (PLAT/LH2 domain) (b.12.1)) and two
medium ranking nodes (Prolyl oligopeptidase, N-terminal domain (b.69.7) and HAD-like
(c.108.1)). Similarly, the Galactose oxidase, central domain, b.69.1, has a medium interaction
rank despite it only having two interaction partners; however, these two partners have a very
high interaction rank, which is reflected in b.69.1.
Taxonomic Diversity
All the above measures rate vertices according to the structure of the network. Here we
introduce a measure that rates superfamilies according to their taxonomic diversity. Taxonomic
diversity is related to age – the more diverse a superfamily, the older it is. We have addressed
the question of whether a superfamily’s taxonomic diversity, and thus its age can be related to
its interactivity or location in the network. This would effectively enable us to predict age from
the network structure.
To define taxonomic diversity, we used the NCBI taxonomic database [52] to count the number
of species in which a superfamily's domains occur. As this species-level measure depends
highly on the structure of the taxonomy (for example there are many more eukaryotes than
prokaryotes), we complemented this count species-level count by also measuring the diversity
at kingdom level. Kingdom-level diversity simply indicates whether a superfamily occurs in 1, 2,
3, or 4 of the superkingdoms of archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes, and viruses. Using diversity
measures, we can identify the oldest interactions and extract information about the evolution of
the interaction network. The 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% most highly diverse superfamilies in
PSIMAP’s main component are depicted in figure 12. Equating diversity to age, the series
shows how the network developed through evolution. We further examined the core of the
network: the 18 most highly diverse as shown in table 3 and their interactions as shown in
Figure 13. These superfamilies can be considered the oldest, as they are the most highly
diverse. It is important to note that these oldest superfamilies form one connected and
(presumably ancient) component and do not break-up into different components.
Next, we want to relate the concept of taxonomic diversity to the other graph-theoretic
measures. Can we predict the taxonomic diversity from structural properties in the network
alone? At first glance, results appear to reject this: Eccentricity, sum of distance, and cluster
index are correlated to neither of the diversity measures. Also, connectivity and interaction rank
are only correlated with 0.25 to diversity at kingdom level. However, they show a reasonable
correlation to diversity (both 0.56). Figure 14 shows this relationship in a scatter plot for
connectivity. For diversity at kingdom level, both connectivity and interaction rank allow for the
conclusion that superfamilies with high values occur in at least 3 superkingdom classes, while
low values may or may not be spread across many kingdoms. Something similar holds in
relation to diversity: Highly connected superfamilies and ones with a high interaction rank tend
to occur in many species. However, superfamilies with low connectivity and interaction rank may
or may not occur in many species. As a result, we can conclude that all highly interactive
superfamilies are among the oldest.
Scale-free networks such as PSIMAP have special properties. On the one hand, they are very
fault-tolerant, in that the removal of a random vertex is not likely to disconnect a component.
They are, however, prone to attacks, in that the removal of the most highly connected vertices
severely affects the network. One small component of the PSIMAP interaction network consists
of a methionine synthase domain (a.46.1) interacting with a methionine synthase activation
domain (d.173.1) interacting with a cobalamin (vitamin B12)-binding domain (c.23.6) interacting
with cobalamin (vitamin B12)-dependent enzymes (c.1.19), which in turn interacts with both a
diol dehydratase gamma subunit (a.23.2) and a diol dehydratase beta subunit (c.51.3), as
shown in figure 15. In this subnetwork, the cobalamin (vitamin B12)-binding domain and the
cobalamin (vitamin B12)-dependent enzyme have a common role, as their removal disconnects
the component, .i.e. without superfamilies c.1.19 and c.23.6, methionine synthase domains
a.46.1 and d.173.1 cannot interact with the diol dehydratase subunits a.23.2 and c.51.3. In
graph-theory, such vertices are called ‘articulation vertices’, and, by definition, their removal
disconnects the network.
The superfamilies and interactions shown in this subnetwork incorporate information from 17
different PBD files, which give three distinct sets of domain interactions:
1)Methionine synthase: PDB entries 1k7y and 1k98 link SCOP superfamilies a.46.1,
d.173.1 and c.23.6.
2)Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase: PDB entries 1cb7, 1ccw, 1e1c, 1i9c and 1-7req link SCOP
superfamilies c.23.6 and c.1.19.
3)Glycerol dehydratase: PDB entries 1dio, 1eex, 1egm and 1egv link SCOP superfamilies
c.1.19, a.23.2, and c.51.3.
Proteins in set one (methionine synthase) are linked to proteins in set two (methylmalonyl-CoA
mutase) via the common superfamily, c.23.6 (Cobalamin binding domain) [54]. While the link
between these two sets of proteins does not represent a direct physical interaction, it highlights
the evolutionary connection between the two proteins (c.23.6 physically interacts with both
d.173.1 and c.1.19). The link also highlights the functional coupling of the two proteins mediated
by the common cofactor, showing they are involved in related metabolic pathways and diseases
Methionine synthase and methylmalonyl-CoA mutase have well described functions in higher
organisms, while proteins in the third set, (glycerol dehydratase) are described as bacterial. The
link between the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase and glycerol dehydratase is made via the common
superfamily c.1.19 (cobalamin dependent enzymes). In this case we suspect that c.1.19
facilitates a true physiological interaction pathway between the superfamilies present in both
As argued above the pathway in Figure 15 is very dependent on both the cobalamin (vitamin
B12)-binding domain and the cobalamin (vitamin B12)-dependent enzymes being present in the
network, as these two vertices are so-called articulation vertices, whose removal disconnects
the component. If for this reason certain superfamilies are particularly important, then is there
any evidence for back-up mechanisms? One way how to ensure that connectivity is maintained
despite the removal of vertices in the network is to have multiple and entirely different paths
connecting two superfamilies. Then the interruption of one path does not interrupt the network
as a whole. In graph-theory a sub-graph in which all pairs of vertices are connected by at least
two entirely different paths is called a bi-connected component. Any vertex in a bi-connected
component can be removed without breaking the network into separate components.
Figure 16 shows some bi-connected components in PSIMAP. Shown left is the main component
with 320 superfamilies which contains one large bi-connected component of 115 superfamilies.
This means that nearly all of the superfamilies in PSIMAP are not articulation vertices, i.e. e.g.
removing any of these 115 superfamilies will not disconnect the largest component.
Furthermore, the overview in Figure 16 highlights the comparatively few articulation vertices,
which connect the main bi-connected component to the rest of the network, in pink. The P-loop
is such a vertex, which links the main bi-connected component to the second largest bi-
connected component. Thus the P-loop is an articulation vertex and removal of the P-loop will
separate these two bi-connected components.
The right figure in Figure 16 shows a smaller bi-connected component consisting of the four
superfamilies trypsin-like serine proteases (b.47.1), CI-2 family of serine protease inhibitors
(d.40.1), protease propeptides/inhibitors (d.58.3), and subtilisin-like (c.41.1). Similarly to the P-
loop above, the removal of the subtilisin-like superfamily will disconnect the four superfamilies
from the rest of the network reachable through the subtilisin-inhibitor (d.84.1). The bi-connected
component shows that both the subtilisin-like and trypsin-like serine protease superfamilies can
bind both the CI-2 serine protease inhibitors and the protease propeptides/inhibitors. This
indicates that both protease superfamilies and both inhibitor superfamilies have a similar
function, highlighting the two instances of functionally convergent evolution [56]. Thus, the
graph-theoretic analysis of bi-connected components uncovers an instance of convergent
PSIMAP, a map of protein interactions at superfamily level, is computed using data from PDB
and SCOP, and therefore provides a structural, robust, coarse-grained view of the interactome.
In this paper, we have evaluated and justified PSIMAP, we have described the development of
PSIEYE, a tool for large-scale interaction network analysis and visualization, and we have used
PSIEYE to analyze PSIMAP and investigate several biologically significant questions.
We have evaluated and justified PSIMAP: First, we justified a threshold of 5 amino acid contacts
at less than 5 Angstrom by considering interactions over the whole parameter space. Second,
we justified interaction of covalently linked domains due to the use of SCOP. Third, we justified
the approach of interaction at superfamily level by showing that superfamily size and number of
interaction partners are not correlated.
We have developed PSIEYE, a tool for large-scale interaction network analysis and
visualization: We have implemented a host of graph-theoretic measures such as connectivity,
cluster index, eccentricity, sum of distance, and bi-connectivity to characterise proteins and their
interactions in the maps. We complemented these measures with our novel approach of using
interaction rank, which views interactions as a Markov process. This allowed us to rank proteins
by their interactivity, effectively combining aspects of connectivity and cluster index at a global
scale. We have discussed how to compute interaction rank by computing the stable state of the
Markov process. The interaction rank approach has also the advantage that it can be
customized by taking additional information on the possibility and probability of specific
interactions into account thus combining the large scale structural interaction map with e.g.
experimentally determined data.
We analysed PSIMAP: We applied the graph theoretic and taxonomic network measures to
answer biological questions.
First, we compared the superfamilies regarding their location within the network. We found that
the center and barycenter of PSIMAP do not coincide and we characterised the function of the
superfamilies at the center as enzymatic activity, with an emphasis on energy metabolism and
macromolecular synthesis and at the barycenter as very general. This is also due to the
superfamilies at the center being not as highly connected.
Second, we analysed PSIMAP with respect to the notion of cluster index and we related a high
number of interaction partners and relatively high cluster index to potential complexes. To
document this, we verified that a substantial part of the highly-connected neighbourhoods of
three superfamilies belong to complex I and II. The subnetwork and connections between the
various superfamilies is especially interesting, as it is one of the largest yet least well
characterised protein complexes in the cell. This new information regarding potential
interactions and arrangements between the subunits might lead to novel insights into the
structure and evolution of complex I and it complements approaches such as the method
proposed by Bader and Hogue [57].
Third, we have shown how to characterise the evolution of interaction networks. We identified
the most highly diverse superfamilies and showed that starting from the 10% most highly
diverse superfamilies, progressing to 20%, 30% and 40%, the network does not fragment into
different components, but progressively extends itself. This behaviour very closely reflects
preferential attachment as observed in scale-free networks. Additionally, we investigated
whether graph-theoretic measures can be used to predict the diversity of a superfamily, and
showed that only two measures, connectivity and interaction rank, have such a correlation. A
detailed scatterplot clearly shows that highly interactive superfamilies are also highly diverse
and thus among the oldest. Finally, the concept of bi-connected components was used in the
identification of a particular subnetwork. Our example shows two superfamilies, the subtilisin-
like and the trypsin-like serine protease superfamilies, as instances of functionally convergent
evolution [56], as they both share the same interaction partners. Overall, PSIMAP and its graph-
theoretical analysis unravel important aspects of the evolution of protein interaction networks.
Forth, we followed a novel approach to the fault-tolerance of interaction networks. We applied
the notion of articulation vertices, whose removal disconnects the network, and of bi-
connectivity, where at least two completely different paths exist between vertices, to PSIMAP.
We obtained the remarkable result that there are only very few articulation vertices in PSIMAP
and that 1/3 of the superfamilies in PSIMAP’s main component belong to a single bi-connected
component. This means that the network is very fault-tolerant as removal of any of superfamily
that is not an articulation vertex does not disconnect the network. This verifies that PSIMAP is a
very robust network.
The analyses we carried out for PSIMAP are general in nature and can be applied to other
experimental interaction data such as BIND or DIP. Combination and further analysis of the
network components of these two types of protein interaction data will lead to critical
understanding of the interactome.
Overall, our graph-theoretic analysis of PSIMAP allowed us answer a number of biological
questions. In particular, the analysis sheds light onto the evolution of the network, it uncovers
the core of the network, identifies complexes, and the most important superfamilies in terms of
the network’s structure.
Authors' contributions
DB has generated the taxonomic data used, evaluated the PSIMAP parameters, and analysed
the fault-tolerance example, PD implemented interaction rank through Eigenvector analysis, RH
analysed the complex I and II data, JP developed the original PSIMAP and suggested some
fundamental questions on the interactome, MS developed PSIEYE, the tool used for the
analysis, conceived interaction rank and the other graph-theoretic measures, generated the
examples using PSIEYE.
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Figure 1: Two interacting domains. Given two domains with coordinates of their residues (left),
PSIMAP detects all residue pairs of the two domains within a given distance threshold
Figure 5: The sum of distance is the sum of lengths of all shortest paths from a superfamily to
any other superfamily in the network. Blue indicates low sum of distance (central) and
red high (rim). The 6 superfamilies with lowest sum of distance are c.37.1, P-loop
containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases; b.1.1, Immunoglobulin; d.153.1, N-
terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases); a.118.1, ARM repeat; c.26.1,
Nucleotidylyl transferase; a.4.5, Winged helix DNA-binding domain
Figure 6: A superfamily’s eccentricity is the maximal distance to any other superfamily inz the
network. Low eccentricity values (central) are colored in blue, high values (rim) in red.
The 6 most central superfamilies are b.58.1, PK beta-barrel domain-like; c.26.1,
Nucleotidylyl transferase; d.153.1, N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn
hydrolases); c.1.4, FMN-linked oxidoreductases; d.94.1, HPr-like; c.26.2, Adenine
nucleotide alpha hydrolases.
Figure 7: The 19 most highly connected superfamilies form a connected component and are
also highly diverse as the color coding shows (red = high diversity).
Clockwise from 9pm:
c.1.4 FMN-linked oxidoreductases
c.3.1 FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
d.58.1 4Fe-4S ferredoxins
d.15.4 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-like
d.145.1 FAD-binding domain
a.3.1 Cytochrome c
b.1.1 Immunoglobulin
c.1.8 (Trans)glycosidases
c.37.1 P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases
a.118.1 ARM repeat
d.92.1 Metalloproteases (zincins), catalytic domain
d.144.1 Protein kinase-like (PK-like)
d.15.1 Ubiquitin-like
b.40.4 Nucleic acid-binding proteins
a.39.1 EF-hand
a.4.5 Winged helix DNA-binding domain
c.55.1 Actin-like ATPase domain
c.2.1 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains
d.142.1 Glutathione synthetase ATP-binding domain-like
Figure 9: Superfamily a.1.2 has 5 interaction partners and very high cluster index of 0.8 (0
minimum, 1 maximum), i.e. its 5 neighbours have many interactions among each other.
(a.1.2, alpha-helical ferredoxin; c.3.1, FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain; c.1.4, FMN-linked
oxidoreductases; d.15.4, 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-like; c.4.1, Nucleotide-binding domain;
d.58.1, 4Fe-4S ferredoxins)
Figure 10: Superfamily c.3.1 has 11 interaction partners and medium cluster index.
Clockwise from 5pm:
c.3.1 FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain
c.47.1 Thioredoxin-like
d.87.1 FAD/NAD-linked reductases dimerisation (C-terminal) domain
a.138.1 Multiheme cytochromes
d.16.1 "FAD-linked reductases C-terminal domain"
c.4.1 Nucleotide-binding domain
c.1.4 FMN-linked oxidoreductases
d.58.1 4Fe-4S ferredoxins
a.1.2 alpha-helical ferredoxin
d.15.4 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-like
a.7.3 Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase C-terminal domain
d.168.1 Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase catalytic domain
Figure 11: The top 25% superfamilies according to interaction rank form a highly connected
component (left). The superfamily alpha/beta-Hydrolases (c.69.1) has only four
interaction partners, but has nonetheless a good interaction rank, as its neighbourhood
consists of two good nodes (Galactose-binding domain-like (b.18.1) and
Lipase/lipooxygenase domain (PLAT/LH2 domain) (b.12.1)) and two medium nodes
(Prolyl oligopeptidase, N-terminal domain (b.69.7) and HAD-like (c.108.1)).
From top-left to bottom-right:
b.1.4 beta-Galactosidase/glucuronidase domain
b.77.2 delta-Endotoxin (insectocide), middle domaim
c.1.8 (Trans)glycosidases
b.18.1 Galactose-binding domain-like
b.69.7 Prolyl oligopeptidase, N-terminal domain
b.69.1 Galactose oxidase, central domain
c.69.1 alpha/beta-Hydrolases
c.108.1 HAD-like
b.1.1 Immunoglobulin
b.12.1 Lipase/lipooxygenase domain (PLAT/LH2 domain)
a.119.1 Lipoxigenase
a.124.1 Phospholipase C/P1 nuclease
Figure 12: Evolution of the interaction network. PSIMAP’s main component with the top 10%,
20%, 30% and 40% according to diversity.
Figure 13: The 22 most highly diverse superfamilies form a connected component. This sub-
network can be considered the oldest network and is the backbone of the overall
network. The highly diverse superfamilies are also highly interactive as the color coding
shows (red = high connectivity). From top-left to bottom right
d.3.1 Cysteine proteinases
d.15.1 Ubiquitin-like
a.118.1 ARM repeat
d.176.1 Sulfite oxidase, middle catalytic domain
a.3.1 Cytochrome c
b.55.1 PH domain-like
a.39.1 EF-hand
b.1.1 Immunoglobulin
d.94.1 HPr-like
c.49.2 ATP syntase (F1-ATPase), gamma subunit
c.26.1 Nucleotidylyl transferase
c.10.1 RNI-like
b.69.4 Trp-Asp repeat (WD-repeat)
d.153.1 N-terminal nucleophile aminohydrolases (Ntn hydrolases)
a.24.11 Bacterial GAP domain
b.40.4 Nucleic acid-binding proteins
d.52.3 Prokaryotic type KH domain (pKH-domain)
a.4.5 Winged helix DNA-binding domain
b.34.2 SH3-domain
b.2.5 p53-like transcription factors
a.118.2 Ankyrin repeat
c.37.1 P-loop containing nucleotide triphosphate hydrolases
Figure 14: Diversity vs. Connectiviy. Highly connected superfamilies occur in many species and
hence can be considered to be very old. The opposite does not hold, i.e. there are old
superfamilies with only few interaction partners.
Figure 15: Example for component and for cut node (c.1.19 and c.23.6)
a.46.1, Methionine synthase domain; d.173.1, Methionine synthase (activation domain);
c.23.6, Cobalamin (vitamin B12)-binding domain; c.1.19, Cobalamin (vitamin B12)-
dependent enzymes; a.23.2, Diol dehydratase, gamma subunit; c.51.3, Diol
dehydratase, beta subunit
Figure 16: Left: The largest component in PSIMAP contains a large bi-connected component
(Left). The superfamilies, which connect this bi-connecgted component to the rest of the
network are colored pink. On the right is bi-connected component with the four
superfamilies b.47.1, Trypsin-like serine proteases; d.40.1, CI-2 family of serine
protease inhibitors; d.58.3, Protease propeptides/inhibitors; c.41.1, Subtilisin-like. The
color indicates their overall connectivity.
Figure 1
PDB entries
New Folds
Figure 2
Superfamily 1000 5 residue
Interactions 800 contacts
600 at 5 Angstrom
0 9
Threshold (A)
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Diversity vs. Connectivity
Diversity (log)
1 10 100
Connectivity (log)
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16