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University Village, Plot 91, Cadastral Zone Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway Jabi, Abuja Nigeria
(Of ice of the Registrar)

Our reference: SLT/080013522 12-10-2024

Iorkyoor Veronica Mngusuun

Behind Living Faith Church,

Kuchin Goro,
Airpot Road, Abuja

Offer of Provisional Admission [2024/2025]

1. I am pleased to inform you that you have been offered pa provisional admission into 100
level of the National Open University of Nigeria to pursue a programme leading to the
award of B. Sc Science Laboratory Technician in the school of Science & Technology.

2. At the time of registration, you are advised at Abuja Study Centre

3. You must produce the following documents at the time of registration:
• Original copy of the remita receipt obtained when you pad for the form online
• Original and (three sets of) photo copies of academic certificates specified on your
application form
• Original and photo copy of your birth certificate or sworn declaration of age
• Three recent passport size photographs.

4. The University reserves the right to change your programme if you do not meet the
criteria for admission into the programme for which you have been provisionally admitted.

5.The University further reserves the right to withdraw your admission whenever it is
discovered that you have given false pieces of information

6. You are advised to proceed for registration at the study centre indicated above and receive
further information about your programmed and the University.


Oladipo A. Ajayi

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