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Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology

Shariful Islam
ID: 199024
MME 3/2
Chromizing is a thermochemical treatment in which chromium atoms are diffused on the
surface of the work piece to form carbides with the base material.

The process is mainly composed of saturating through diffusion of predominantly steel or

ferrous alloys with chromium.
Chromizing can be classified depending on the type of its application.
There are two primary types:

Anti-Corrosion Chromizing: This can be applied to alloys that contain carbon under 0.2
wt% so that the change of increasing corrosion as well as oxidation or high temperature
resistance can be improved.
Surface Hardening: This is mostly seen in chromized layers in a solution that is
composed of chromium solid solution in iron. This solution is usually obtained from low
carbon or iron steel.
Typical materials that are suitable for chromizing include:

 Low carbon steels:

Oxidation resistance to 650℃; corrosion resistance similar to ferritic stainless steel
 Medium carbon steels:
Light wear and corrosion resistance
 High carbon steel:
Wear resistance and corrosion resistance
 Stainless steels:
Wear resistance and corrosion resistance
 Nickel & Cobalt base super alloys:
Corrosion and erosion resistance
Step-by-Step Breakdown
• The metal specimen (the part to be chromized) is placed inside an alumina
• The crucible is then packed with the chromizing powder mixture.
• The packed crucible is inserted into a quartz tube.
• The quartz tube is then placed inside a furnace.
• Argon gas is continuously flowed through the tube to create an inert atmosphere
and prevent oxidation.
• The furnace is heated to a high temperature (typically around 900-1100°C).
• At this temperature, the chromium powder in the pack mixture reacts with the
activator and reducing agent.
• This reaction releases chromium atoms, which diffuse into the surface of the
metal specimen.
Chromized Layer Formation:
• As the chromium atoms diffuse into the metal, they form a chromium-rich layer
on the surface.
• This layer is typically a few micrometers thick and provides excellent corrosion
and wear resistance.
• After the desired chromizing time, the furnace is cooled down.
• The chromized specimen is then removed from the crucible and cleaned.
Characteristics of Chromizing

For carbon steel

Chromizing layer applied to medium or high carbon steel, tool steel, and cast iron, is
formed the carbide layer (Fe-Cr) which is 15 to 20 ㎛ thickness and 1400 to 1800mHv
It has the excellent performance of abrasion (erosion) resistance and also has the effect of
prevention of seizure.

Fig: Photograph of cross-sectional microstructure after Chromizing treatment to carbon steel

It is performed to prolong the lifespan of components and tools that are often exposed to
corrosion and wear, like in cases of gas corrosion at temperatures higher than 900°C. This
technique is widely applied in industries such as:
 Paper  Chemical  Electric
 Nuclear  Power generation

jet engine jet engine

flange Bolts and Nuts

Chromizing Applications:
 Turbine components
 Pump components
 Machined components
 High temperature alloys
 Foundry
 Increases component life
 Increases the stain resistance of components
 Provides good abrasive, sliding and adhesive wear resistance
 Reduces the need for lubrication
 Chromized surfaces can be sanded with a high finish
 It has a low coefficient of friction
 Chromizing reduces the tendency towards cold welding

 Higher temperatures
 Longer treatment times
 High cost of equipment
 Vacuum needed

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