1 Code For Converting RGB, Grayscale, and HSI Image: Author: Atik Ishrak October 1, 2024

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Author: Atik Ishrak

October 1, 2024

1 Code for Converting RGB, Grayscale, and HSI Image

Listing 1: Python Script: Image Conversion

pip install matplotlib numpy scikit - image pillow
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from skimage . color import rgb2gray , rgb2hsv

# Load the indexed image

image = Image . open ( ’/ content / sample_data / canoe . tif ’)

# Convert indexed image to RGB using the palette

rgb_image = image . convert ( " RGB " )

# Convert RGB image to Grayscale

g ra ys ca l e_ im ag e = rgb2gray ( np . array ( rgb_image ))

# Convert RGB to HSI ( HSI is analogous to HSV in skimage )

hsi_image = rgb2hsv ( np . array ( rgb_image ))

# Display all the images

fig , ax = plt . subplots (1 , 3 , figsize =(20 , 10))

# # Show original indexed image

# ax [0]. imshow ( image )
# ax [0]. set_title (" Indexed Image ")
# ax [0]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Show RGB image

ax [0]. imshow ( rgb_image )
ax [0]. set_title ( " RGB ␣ Image " )
ax [0]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Show Grayscale image

ax [1]. imshow ( grayscale_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax [1]. set_title ( " Grayscale ␣ Image " )
ax [1]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Show HSI image

ax [2]. imshow ( hsi_image )
ax [2]. set_title ( " HSI ␣ Image " )
ax [2]. axis ( ’ off ’)

plt . show ()

1.1 Input

Figure 1: Original Indexed Image

1.2 Output: Converted RGB, Gray scale and HSI Image

Figure 2: Converted RGB, Gray scale and HSI Image

2 Code for Display the 8 bit planes of Cameraman.tf. Again

show the image setting the LSB to zero and then MSB to

Listing 2: Python Script: Image Conversion
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Load the gray - level image

image = Image . open ( ’/ content / sample_data / cameraman . tif ’ ). convert ( " L " )
image_array = np . array ( image )

# Function to extract a specific bit plane

def e x t r a c t _ b i t _ p l a n e ( image , bit_position ):
# Use bitwise shift and mask to extract the specific bit plane
bit_plane = ( image >> bit_position ) & 1
# Multiply by 255 to visualize the bit plane in binary form (0 or 255)
return bit_plane * 255

# Display the 8 bit planes

fig , axes = plt . subplots (2 , 4 , figsize =(15 , 8))
fig . suptitle ( ’ Bit ␣ Planes ␣ of ␣ the ␣ Gray - level ␣ Image ’ , fontsize =16)

for i in range (8):

row , col = divmod (i , 4)
b it _p la n e_ im ag e = e x t r a c t _ b i t _ p l a n e ( image_array , i )
axes [ row , col ]. imshow ( bit_plane_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
axes [ row , col ]. set_title ( f ’ Bit ␣ Plane ␣ { i } ’)
axes [ row , col ]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Create an image with LSB set to zero ( bit plane 0 set to zero )
lsb_ zero_ima ge = image_array & ~1 # Set LSB to 0 using bitwise AND

# Create an image with MSB set to zero ( bit plane 7 set to zero )
msb_ zero_ima ge = image_array & ~(1 << 7) # Set MSB to 0 using bitwise AND

# Display the images with LSB and MSB set to zero

fig , ( ax2 , ax3 ) = plt . subplots (1 , 2 , figsize =(15 , 5))
fig . suptitle ( ’ LSB ␣ and ␣ MSB ␣ Modifications ’ , fontsize =16)

# Show the image with LSB set to zero

ax2 . imshow ( lsb_zero_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax2 . set_title ( ’ Image ␣ with ␣ LSB ␣ Set ␣ to ␣ Zero ’)
ax2 . axis ( ’ off ’)

# Show the image with MSB set to zero

ax3 . imshow ( msb_zero_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax3 . set_title ( ’ Image ␣ with ␣ MSB ␣ Set ␣ to ␣ Zero ’)
ax3 . axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display all images

plt . tight_layout ()
plt . show ()

2.1 Input: Cameraman.tf

2.2 Output: 8 bit plane Image

2.3 Output: Image setting the LSB to zero and then MSB to zero

3 Code for mirror image of the cameraman.tif

Listing 3: Python Script: Image Conversion

from PIL import Image
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

# Load the image

image = Image . open ( " / content / sample_data / cameraman . tif " )

# Create a mirror image ( flip horizontally )

mirror_image = image . transpose ( Image . F LI P_ LE F T_ RI GH T )

# Display the original and mirrored images side - by - side

fig , ( ax2 ) = plt . subplots (1 , figsize =(12 , 6))

# Show the mirrored image

ax2 . imshow ( mirror_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax2 . set_title ( ’ Mirror ␣ Image ’)
ax2 . axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display the images

plt . show ()

3.1 Input: Cameraman.tf

3.2 Output: Mirror Image

4 Histogram specification method

Listing 4: Python Script: Image Conversion
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image

# Function to perform histogram specification

def h i s t o g r a m _ m a t c h i n g ( original , reference ):
# Compute the histogram and CDF for the original image
original_hist , bins = np . histogram ( original . flatten () , 256 , [0 , 256])
original_cdf = original_hist . cumsum ()
o r i g i n a l _ c d f _ n o r m a l i z e d = original_cdf * (255 / original_cdf [ -1]) # Normalize

# Compute the histogram and CDF for the reference image

reference_hist , bins = np . histogram ( reference . flatten () , 256 , [0 , 256])
reference_cdf = referen ce_hist . cumsum ()
r e f e r e n c e _ c d f _ n o r m a l i z e d = reference_cdf * (255 / reference_cdf [ -1]) # Normalize

# Use the reference CDF to find the mapping for histogram specification
mapping = np . zeros (256)
for i in range (256):
ref_val = np . abs ( r e f e r e n c e _ c d f _ n o r m a l i z e d - o r i g i n a l _ c d f _ n o r m a l i z e d [ i ]). argmin ()
mapping [ i ] = ref_val

# Apply the mapping to the original image

matched_image = np . interp ( original . flatten () , bins [: -1] , mapping )

return matched_image . reshape ( original . shape )

# Load the original and reference images and convert them to grayscale
orig inal_ima ge = np . array ( Image . open ( " / content / sample_data / cameraman . tif " ). convert ( " L " ))
r ef er en c e_ im ag e = np . array ( Image . open ( " / content / sample_data / canoe . tif " ). convert ( " L " ))
# Replace with any reference image

# Apply histogram matching

matched_image = h i s t o g r a m _ m a t c h i n g ( original_image , re f er en ce _ im ag e )

# Plot the original , reference , and histogram matched images

fig , ( ax1 , ax2 , ax3 ) = plt . subplots (1 , 3 , figsize =(18 , 6))

# Original image
ax1 . imshow ( original_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax1 . set_title ( " Original ␣ Image " )
ax1 . axis ( ’ off ’)

# Reference image
ax2 . imshow ( reference_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax2 . set_title ( " Reference ␣ Image " )
ax2 . axis ( ’ off ’)

# Histogram matched image

ax3 . imshow ( matched_image , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax3 . set_title ( " Histogram ␣ Matched ␣ Image " )
ax3 . axis ( ’ off ’)

plt . show ()

4.1 Input: Origial Image (cameraman.tf ) and Reference Image (canoe.ttf )

4.2 Output: Histogram Match Image

Figure 3: Caption

5 Code for FFT of Cameraman.tf

Listing 5: Python Script: Image Conversion

import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

from PIL import Image

# Load the image and convert to grayscale

image = Image . open ( " / content / sample_data / cameraman . tif " ). convert ( " L " )
image_np = np . array ( image )

# Compute the 2 D FFT of the image

fft_image = np . fft . fft2 ( image_np )
# Shift the zero frequency component to the center of the spectrum
fft_shifted = np . fft . fftshift ( fft_image )
# Compute the magnitude spectrum ( log scale for better visualization )
m a g n i t u d e _ s p e c t r u m = np . log ( np . abs ( fft_shifted ) + 1) # Adding 1 to avoid log (0)

# Plot the original image and its FFT magnitude spectrum

fig , ( ax2 ) = plt . subplots (1 , figsize =(12 , 6))

# Display the magnitude spectrum of the FFT

ax2 . imshow ( magnitude_spectrum , cmap = ’ gray ’)
ax2 . set_title ( " FFT ␣ Magnitude ␣ Spectrum " )
ax2 . axis ( ’ off ’)

plt . show ()

5.1 Input: Cameraman.tf

Figure 4: Caption

5.2 Output: FFT of cameraman.tf

6 Code for Implementing Morphological Operations

Listing 6: Python Script: Image Conversion

pip install opencv - python numpy matplotlib
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt

# Load the image in grayscale

image = cv2 . imread ( ’/ content / sample_data / cameraman . tif ’ , 0)

# Define a kernel for morphological operations

kernel = np . ones ((5 , 5) , np . uint8 ) # 5 x5 kernel of ones

# Perform Erosion
erosion = cv2 . erode ( image , kernel , iterations =1)

# Perform Dilation
dilation = cv2 . dilate ( image , kernel , iterations =1)

# Perform Opening ( Erosion followed by Dilation )

opening = cv2 . morphologyEx ( image , cv2 . MORPH_OPEN , kernel )

# Perform Closing ( Dilation followed by Erosion )

closing = cv2 . morphologyEx ( image , cv2 . MORPH_CLOSE , kernel )

# Display the original and processed images

fig , axes = plt . subplots (2 , 2 , figsize =(12 , 8))

# Display Erosion

axes [0 , 0]. imshow ( erosion , cmap = ’ gray ’)
axes [0 , 0]. set_title ( ’ Erosion ’)
axes [0 , 0]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display Dilation
axes [0 , 1]. imshow ( dilation , cmap = ’ gray ’)
axes [0 , 1]. set_title ( ’ Dilation ’)
axes [0 , 1]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display Opening
axes [1 , 0]. imshow ( opening , cmap = ’ gray ’)
axes [1 , 0]. set_title ( ’ Opening ’)
axes [1 , 0]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display Closing
axes [1 , 1]. imshow ( closing , cmap = ’ gray ’)
axes [1 , 1]. set_title ( ’ Closing ’)
axes [1 , 1]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Remove the last empty subplot

# axes [1 , 2]. axis ( ’ off ’)

# Display the plots

plt . tight_layout ()
plt . show ()

6.1 Input: cameraman.tf

Figure 5: Caption

6.2 Output: Morphological Operation of the cameraman.tf

Figure 6: Caption


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