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The idea to reimage ODA is to refresh the environment without the need
to jump from one by one to reach the last available version, or even
rescue the system from S.O. failure/crash. The process to do a reimage
can be check in the official documentation but unfortunately can be very
tricky because the information (the order and steps) are not 100% clear.
The idea is to show you how to reimage using version 18 (18.3 in this
example), that represents the last available.

In resume the process is executed in the order:

 ILOM: Boot the ISO
 Prepare to create the appliance
 Upload GI and DB base version to the repository
 Linux: Create the appliance
 Firmware and patch
 Create Oracle Homes and the databases
 Finish and clean the install
The environment in this scenario is:
 ODA HA: Oda HA version with two nodes and with SSD disk available.
 Reimage with 18 version: 18.3 version at the moment that reimages was
done, but can use any 18.x version
 Databases: 11, 12, 18 for Oracle Home and available versions
Before even start the reimage you have two steps. The first is to verify the
hardware against failures. Disks, memory, CPU, MB, whatever error that
exists need to be clean before the start. If no, you can hit error during the
process. To check about hw error, you can log in the ILOM in the browser
and verify for some incidents/errors (this vary from version to version of
ODA, but usually the errors are visible in the first page of ILOM). Or you
can log in in the console for ILOM and execute the command “show
faulty”. Whatever the mode, check in both nodes. If you have a connection
with the system execute smartctl –a /dev/DISK and query about errors and
look in the column “Total uncorrected errors”. Another option is check if
the disk is in warning state using the command smartctl -q errorsonly -H -l
xerror /dev/DISK; if you have the report will be similar to “SMART Health
Status: WARNING: ascq=0x97 [asc=b, ascq=97]”. For the errors, open SR
and wait for the maintenance from Oracle HW team.
The second is save/backup every config that you need. If you did not lose
the system backup from /etc folder it is a good start. Another hint is
execute “ifconfig” and “route” to have one output from IP’s that you have
and the routing table (vlan list it is important too if used). For Oracle files,
backup tnsnames.ora, listener.ora, and sqlnet.ora for every OH or GI that
you have. These files are example, depend on every system and needs.
Adjust if you need something additional.


The process to reimage start putting the ISO in the ilom and booting both
nodes with that. After the boot, the install runs automatically, and you
have a Linux to create the appliance.
Before starting the reimage one explanation since the machine was
already in use it needs to cleanup the disks. The first option is cleanup
before the reimage, using the software from the currently running
linux/oda/oak. Or running the cleanup after the reimage finish and before
creating the appliance (the option that I will use here).

The steps to reimage from ILOM are done in this order:

 Login ILOM both nodes using the browser
 Navigate to “Host Management” menu and choose “Host Control” submenu.
1. Select the option “CDROM” in the list and after click in SAVE.
 Navigate to “Remote Control” menu and choose “Redirection” submenu.
1. Click on the option “Launch Remote Control Console”
2. You can receive some confirmation to execute some java (depend on
how your machine has java configured) or ask to agree about the
certificate. Always click yes and agree or continue.
 In the newly opened window select the menu “KVMS” and after the submenu
 In the “Storage Devices” do:
1. Click on the “Add”
2. Select the ISO file and after click in the option “Select”
3. After, verify if the ISO appeared in the “Path” and the “Device Type” is
“ISO Image” in the Storage Devices menu. Select the line with the ISO
and after click in the option “Connect”.
4. After you click in the “Connect” the information marked in red will
appear in the screen and the menu now will appear as “Disconnect”.
You just need to click in the option “OK”.
5. DO NOT CLONE the Console.
 Go back to the Browser and click in the menu “Host Management” and after
in the submenu “Power Control”
1. Select the option “Power Cycle” and after click in the “Save” option.
2. Maybe you will receive on a question if you are sure about the reboot.
Just click Ok.
 You will see in the console:
1. Reboot
2. The process will boot the ISO
3. Install the new ODA Image
In the end, you have the Linux console

All the steps above you can see in the Image gallery below. All the images
are linked with the step mentioned.
Remember to do this in both nodes. You can do this both at the same time.
The installation time depends more from the network because involve
uploading the ISO from machine to ODA. The postscript part during the
installation tends to take a lot of time.
Please does not close the Remote Console because this kills the ISO
mounting device and the installation will crash. There is no problem if the
browser login receives timeout, the installation will continue.
One important thing from this part is that does not update the ILOM SP or
even other firmware for HW. This will be executed in the next steps.
Recently Oracle changed the ODA base page and removed the links to ISO
files. But the patch 27604623 contains the Oracle Database Appliance
Bare-metal ISO Image to download. Just to be clear, I am reimaging for
baremetal (not OVM).

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