Nonlocomotor Exercises

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Breathing and Bracing

As you gain more practice, you can try the diaphragmatic breathing technique while sitting.
To perform this exercise, we should:
1. Sit comfortably, with your kneed and shoulders, head, and neck relaxed.
2. Place one hand on your upper chest and the other below your rib cage. This will allow you to feel your
diaphragm move as you breathe.
3. Breathe slowly through your nose so that your stomach moves against your hand. The hand on your
chest should remain as still as possible.
Tighten your stomach muscles, so that your stomach moves back in, as you exhale through pursed lips. The
hand on your upper chest must remain as still as possible

Dead Bug Series

How to perform the dead bug exercise

• Start by lying down on your back (supine) on a yoga mat

• Keeping the natural curvature of your spine, lift both
legs into a tabletop position (knees and hips bent at 90
• Raise your arms so they are both pointing straight
toward the ceiling
• Maintaining a neutral spine, extend your right leg
forward whilst simultaneously raising your left arm
overhead in a controlled manner
• Return your arm and leg to the starting position, then
switch to repeat the movement on the opposite side
Plank Series
The plank exercise is an isometric core exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for
the maximum possible time.

Elbow/low plank
Facing down on the floor resting the forearms and
Start face down on the floor resting on your forearms and
knees. Push off the floor, raising off your knees onto your
toes and resting mainly on your elbows.
Straight arm/High Plank
A straight arm plank - also called a high plank - is a form of plank
where you have your arms extended straight, with your shoulders
in line with your elbows and wrists and hands planted on the floor.

Front & Side

Side plank is one of the easiest ways to work the two layers of
muscle along the sides of your core, known as your obliques.
Lie on your right side with your legs straight and feet stacked on
top of each other. Place your right elbow under your right shoulder
with your forearm pointing away from you and your hand balled
into a fist. The pinky side of your hand should be in contact with
the ground.

Bird Dog Series


1. Starting Position:
o Get on all fours, hands directly under your
shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
o Engage your core and keep your back flat.
2. Extending Limbs:
o Simultaneously extend your right arm and left
leg, reaching them out away from your body.
o Keep your back flat and avoid arching or sagging.
o Hold this position for a few seconds.
3. Returning to Starting Position:
o Slowly bring your right arm and left leg back to
the starting position.
4. Repeating on the Other Side:
o Repeat the same movement with your left arm
and right leg.
Hip Bridge

1. Starting Position:

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the
floor, hip-width apart
• Press your feet into the ground and engage your core
• Exhale and lift your hips off the floor, squeezing your
• Continue lifting until your thighs are parallel to the
• Hold this position for 10 seconds.

Rolling Upper Body

• Lie on your back with arms overhead and feet hip-width apart.
• Keep the body totally relaxed from the waist down.
• Lift one arm up and reach across to the opposite side of the body with the head lifting and eyes
following the hand.
• Roll face down, keeping legs relaxed on the floor until they roll over following the upper body.
• To return, reach the moving arm out to the side, then toward the ceiling and across the body.

Rolling Lower Body

• Lie on the back with arms overhead and feet hip-width apart.
• Keep the body totally relaxed from the waist up.
• Lift one leg up and reach it across to the opposite side of the body (the knee can bend).
• Let the upper body follow in a relaxed way as you roll to a facedown position.
• To return, lift the moving leg and reach it across to the opposite side of the body, letting the upper
body follow in a relaxed way as you return to lying face up.

Rolling with knee touch

• Lie on your back with arms relaxed at your sides, feet hip-width apart.
• Flex one hip bringing the thigh parallel to the ground with the knee bent.
• Reach with the opposite side hand to touch the inside of the knee.
• Keep the hand in contact with the inner knee throughout the movement.
• Reach the other arm across the body, turning the head to look at the leading hand as you roll onto
your side (the head stays on the floor throughout the movement).
• To return, reach the free arm across to the opposite side of the body, again looking at the leading
hand as you roll onto your back to the starting position.

Scapular retraction exercise

I, Y, T, W, O Formation
Step 1
Starting Position: Lie prone (on your stomach) on a mat, with your arms and legs fully extended. Point your
toes away from your body and fully extend your elbows and fingers, positioning your palms facing
inwards. Stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine, depress and retract your scapulae
(pull shoulders back and down) and attempt to hold these positions throughout the exercise. Align your head
with your thoracic (upper) spine.

Step 2
“I” Formation: Gently exhale and slowly lift your arms off the floor (maintain a formation of the letter “I”),
with palms facing inward. Keep your head aligned with your thoracic (upper) spine. Focus on generating
most of your lift through your shoulders and not the low back although some low back extension (arching) is
acceptable. Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds then relax and return to your starting position. Perform 2 –
4 repetitions.

Step 3
“Y” Formation: From the same starting position, gently exhale and slowly lift your arms off the floor, moving
your arms into the “Y” formation (45-degree angle to form the letter “Y”) as illustrated with palms facing
inward. Maintain your head alignment with your thoracic (upper) spine. Focus on generating most of your
lift through your shoulders and not the low back although some low back extension (arching) is
acceptable. Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds then relax and return to your starting position. Perform 2 –
4 repetitions.

Step 4
“T” Formation: From the same starting position, gently exhale and slowly lift your arms off the floor, moving
your arms into the “T” formation (90-degree angle to form the letter “T”) as illustrated with palms facing
forward. Maintain your head alignment with your thoracic (upper) spine. Focus on generating most of your
lift through your shoulders and not the low back although some low back extension (arching) is
acceptable. Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds then relax and return to your starting position. Perform 2 –
4 repetitions.

Step 5
“W” Formation: From the same starting position, gently exhale and slowly lift your arms off the floor, flexing
(bending) your elbows and dropping them to a 45-degree angle to the sides of your body as illustrated with
palms facing inward (“W” formation to form the letter “W”). Maintain your head alignment with your
thoracic (upper) spine. Focus on generating most of your lift through your shoulders and not the low back
although some low back extension (arching) is acceptable. Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds then relax
and return to your starting position. Perform 2 – 4 repetitions.

Step 6
“O” Formation: From a position with arms at your sides, gently exhale and elevate your shoulders while
internally rotating both arms as if reaching behind to scratch your back. Overlap your hands in the small of
your back into an “O” formation (form the letter “O”). Maintain your head alignment with your thoracic
(upper) spine. Focus on generating most of your lift through your shoulders and not the low back although
some low back extension (arching) is acceptable. Hold this position for 5 – 10 seconds then relax and return
to your starting position. Perform 2 – 4 repetitions.
Press Up


1. Starting Position:
o Get into a plank position with your hands directly under
your shoulders, feet hip-width apart, and your body in a
straight line from head to heels.
o Engage your core and glutes.
2. Lowering:
o Exhale and bend your elbows, lowering your body
towards the floor.
o Keep your elbows close to your body.
o Go down until your chest is almost touching the ground.
3. Pushing Up:
o Inhale and push back up to the starting position, straightening your arms.
o Make sure to keep your body straight throughout the movement.

Downward Dog


1. Starting Position:
o Begin on your hands and knees.
o Spread your fingers wide and press your palms into
the mat.
o Position your knees directly under your hips and
your hands directly under your shoulders.
2. Lifting Up:
o Exhale and press your hands into the mat, lifting
your knees away from the floor.
o As you lift, reach your hips up and back, creating an
inverted V-shape with your body.
o Your heels should aim towards the ground, but don't
worry if they don't touch.
3. Holding the Pose:
o Keep your head between your arms and your gaze towards your feet.
o Press your hands and feet firmly into the mat.
o Keep your legs straight and your core engaged.
o Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Squat Series
Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4

Step 5 Step 6

Reverse split squat

• Starting Position:

• Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

• Step back with one leg, placing your foot flat on
the ground.
• Keep your front knee aligned with your ankle.

• Lowering:

• Exhale and lower your body until your front

thigh is parallel to the ground.
• Keep your back straight and your front knee
tracking over your toes.

• Rising:

• Inhale and push through your front heel to return to the starting position.

Lateral Squats
Here’s how to do it
1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes
pointing forward.
2. Place your hands on your hips or in front of you
for balance.
3. Stand with one leg slightly in front of the other.
4. Keeping your back straight, slowly lower your
back knee towards the floor until your front thigh
is parallel to the ground.
5. Hold for a few seconds, then return to the
starting position.
6. Repeat on the other side.

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