Science Metals Test

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Name: _________________________ Class: _______________

Subject: science (T2)

Total marks: 75
Q1: Fill in the blanks. 20M
1. Mercury is a _______________.
2. Metals make a _______________ sound when hit.
3. Most _______________ do not conduct electricity.
4. Olympic medals are made from _______________.
5. Metals do not _______________ easily.
6. Glass is _______________.
7. _______________ can break easily.
8. Metals are _______________ from which objects are made.
9. Metals are good conductors of heat and _______________.
10. Many non – metals are _______________.
11. _______________ is used to kill bacteria.
12. _______________ is used to purify water.
13.________________is used to make computer chips.
14. _______________ is used in rubber to make it hard.
15. Most metals are _______________ at room temperature.
16. Many non – metals are _______________ at room temperature.
17. Glass is _______________ or _______________.
18. Glass is usually _______________.
19. _______________ can be recycled.
20. _______________ are used for floor tiles.
Q2: write any 3 properties of given materials. 12M
Plastics Fibers Ceramics Glass


Q3: tell what is used in these materials? 5M





Q4: Match the columns. 5M

A lot of heat is needed to melt Hammered into shapes

Malleable Brittle

Carbon Metals

Solid non – metals are Shiny

Gold is Purify water

Q5: Mark the statements as true or false. 10M

1. All metals are magnetic. __________
2. Solid non – metals are brittle. __________
3. All metals are solid. __________
4. Metals conduct heat energy. __________
5. Non – metals are good conductors of electricity. __________
6. The balloons are filled with oxygen. __________
7. Metals and non – metals have different properties. __________
8. Glass is heavy and break easily. __________
9. Ceramics cannot withstand high temperatures. __________
10. A window is __________.
Q6: write one-word answer for the following questions. 5M
 Strong metal, used to build bridges. __________
 Metal used in jewelry, stays shiny. __________
 Used for building aircraft, light. __________
 Material made up of wood. __________
 Material used for making bottles, light weight. __________
Q7: which properties of metals are important in each of these examples? 3M
a. Copper is used for electric wiring._________________________
b. Gold is used in jewelry. _________________________
c. Aluminium is used to build aircraft. _________________________
Q8: glass and plastic are very useful materials for packaging and storing food and
drink. 4M
a. Which properties of glass are useful for this job?
b. Which properties of glass are a problem in transporting food and drink?
c. Which properties of plastics are useful in transporting food and drink?
d. Which properties of plastics cause a problem when the container is empty?
Q9: Write any 5 metals. 5M
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
Q10: draw a labelled diagram to show how you could test a material to find out if
it conducts electricity or not. 6M

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