Course Launch Secrets Webinar1 CTA
Course Launch Secrets Webinar1 CTA
Course Launch Secrets Webinar1 CTA
Imagine a business where all you really need to get started is a computer, an internet connection
and the knowledge, skills and passions you’ve already developed over your lifetime!
It’s not!
Every single day, over $1 billion is spent on online courses. And that number is expected to soar to
trillions in the next decade...
Because the lion’s share of learning in the future WILL happen online...
But not just any old course -- the type of course that will have the impact you want while generating
the income you desire...
That’s why, in this Workbook, I’m sharing the 3 Secrets to creating a profitable and successful course
that will get real results for you and your students for many years to come.
My strategies have generated over $47M in online course sales -- through recessions, pandemics
and all sorts of personal challenges.
If you’ve been struggling to create or launch a course that sells, you’re in the right place.
I’m here to show you the 3 Secrets that have helped me and my students succeed year after year...
There are 2 big challenges that most people aren’t talking about:
1. Everyone is creating courses now. The market is flooded and standing out from the crowd is
harder than ever.
2. AI is changing the game. We’re entering a world where 90% of online content could be AI-
generated in just two years. It’s becoming harder to stand out in a sea of AI-generated noise.
So, how can you stand out from the noise and launch a course your Perfect People can’t wait to buy?
By applying these 3 Secrets to your first -- or next -- course...
What do we get?
Your goal here is to get the most people to the top of the mountain, meaning they finish your course
and get the result they were after.
💡Pro tip: Make sure your students can picture themselves crossing the finish line in your course.
This is what the top of the metaphorical mountain looks like!
So, to stand out, avoid overwhelming your students with more information and instead focus on the
You also want to treat your students like kids... yep, you heard me right 😉
No matter how old we are, we need to feel like we’re winning in order to keep taking action.
We knew that when we were kids, but many of us forgot it somewhere along the way...
That's why it's so important to embed the Action > Reward Cycle in your course.
People are wired to seek rewards. So, each step of your course should provide small wins to keep
your students engaged and motivated... moving them forward until they cross the finish line.
Get in the Action > Reward Cycle Mindset by answering these two questions:
What's one small win I can offer after each lesson to keep my students motivated?
But, no matter how good your course is, it's important to recognize that your students won't
always feel like they're winning.
A critical mistake many course creators make is pretending "everything is awesome" in their
course... even when it isn’t...
Prepare your students for the challenges along the way so they can take the speed bumps in
stride. For each step in your course, ask yourself:
What are the challenges someone might face as they take this action?
What do they need to believe about themselves to be able to take this action?
What fears or self-doubts could kick in as they consider doing what you’re asking
them to do? ______________________________________________________
When you address each of these challenges and name them, you “normalize” them for your
students, which makes whatever feelings, challenges or fears that come up OKAY for them.
And when people know that they’re not alone in these challenges, they’ll start to feel less like
they’re failing.
Even with a clear Mission and Normalizing Challenges along the way, some students WILL still
fall off the wagon. Enter your...
Reach out to students who have disengaged to re-engage them before they quit your course for
good. Use emails, texts and calls to let them know you care about them and their progress. (Don't
worry, you can automate this! Plus the pay-off is far greater than the time and energy this takes.)
Our signature program -- the Experience Product Masterclass -- has 2,958 honest & unedited
testimonials... and many of those students come back year after year or ascend into our yearlong group
coaching program -- Momentum.
Our student Michelle Bongiorno has been with us since 2016 and has referred 47 paying customers!
That’s the power of using Secret #1: The Photo Finish to skyrocket your sales!
And they serve as a stark reminder: without customer input, even the most innovative or clever
products can fail.
Can you think of any other products that didn’t fly because they failed to give the
market what it wanted?
So how can you make sure your idea will fly? That your course IS something your Perfect People
can’t wait to buy?
Introducing the
MVP Approach
MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product.
This Approach helps you validate there's market demand for your course WITHOUT extensive time
and resource investment... meaning you won’t end up with a ‘Picnic Pants’ product :)
So, how do you create your MVP and validate your idea so you know it will FLY with your Perfect
People BEFORE going all-in?
Instead of trying to build the Jet Plane Version of your course right out of the gate...
You focus on the simplest form of your Core Solution, which is the MOST BASIC description of HOW
you help your Perfect People.
Go Ahead & Define Your Core Solution (in the simplest way possible):
To test the Paper Plane Version of your course... you need people to actually test it right?!?
Their excitement and feedback can lead to a better and more successful version of your course and,
eventually, your Jet Plane Version!
And here are things you can do if you have more course creation
• Offer exclusive tools or resources just for beta-testers
• Offer network access. Provide beta testers with temporary memberships to exclusive business
networking groups or platforms that are usually reserved for higher-paying members
• Offer community access. If you have an engaged and active private community, invite them in so
they can engage and get advice and feedback from people like them
Brainstorm your own ideas to get beta testers and list them all in the box below:
Start with a:
Since you haven’t invested a lot of time or energy into your ____________________
-- YET.
This way you can quickly pivot your idea or move on to the next idea UNTIL you find what people
REALLY want.
You’ll know you’ve landed on an idea that WILL fly with your Perfect People when
you get ______________________________________________.
When most people think about marketing their course, they think big email lists, funnels,
Facebook ads and evergreen webinars...
But what they don’t realize is that: there’s a difference between Marketing and Conversion.
MARKETING is ALL the tactics and strategies you use to attract and nurture new people in
preparation for a sale.
Golf Cart Marketing focuses on the fastest, easiest way to get customers when you don't have an
audience. Why take a Lamborghini to the convenience store to grab a few groceries when a Golf
Cart will do?
Golf Cart Marketing allows you to get fast sales by leveraging the networks you already have!
When it comes to Golf Cart Marketing and getting sales right away...
This method uses pre-existing relationships to build initial interest and gather early feedback... which
as you learned earlier in this Workbook, is kind of important :)
I tell my students that you already know everyone you need to know to launch your course
successfully at least once -- and even take your business to 6-figures in sales!
Marketing can be much simpler than you ever imagined when you use proven strategies that work
with what you have.
IMPORTANT: You already know EVERYONE you need to know to launch your course successfully
at least once -- and even take your business to 6-figures in sales.
I've seen time and time again that, if you don't think you do, you haven't really looked.
Your ideal clients are everywhere once you know how to look for them!
It's amazing how quickly they'll come out of the woodwork once you get clear on your Mission and
how to talk about it using Golf Cart Marketing!
Our EPM students have "accidentally" sold their courses just by answering the "What do you do?"
or "What are you up to?" question with clarity and passion...
• At the beach...
• On the plane...
I've been Chatterboxing away, including on the massage table earlier this AM and my masseuse,
at the FAIRMONT Hotel in Santa Monica says she is IN!
She is my first official client and all I did was listen while she talked herself into being in my
FYI: My face was in the downward massage position at the time, which is why I suddenly became
such a great listener!
And if you keep blabbing away, the right person will hear you!"
And that leads me to the second reason why I recommend starting with the center of your Circle of
Influence: Marketing, conversion and sales are MUCH EASIER here!
The first principle of Golf Cart Marketing is to shorten the Marketing Runway and get to a
Conversion Event much faster.
Luckily, there are 3 Types of Conversion Events for you to choose from. I recommend 1:1 when
you’re first getting started.
One method I can use to engage directly with a potential client this week is...
A topic I could cover in a small group setting that would genuinely help attendees is...
The one 1:Many Conversion Event I'd love to use when I'm ready to scale up is...
Don’t feel intimidated or overwhelmed here -- there’s nothing wrong with imagining WHERE you’ll
be in the future!
These 3 Types of Conversion Events each have their place in your marketing strategy and
understanding when and how to use them can dramatically increase your course sales.
Reminder: if you’re first getting started on your course creation journey -- start with 1:1 or 1:Few and
then scale up from there. Because things can happen pretty quickly when you use the right strategy
at the right time.
Let’s get you moving with your own Golf Cart Marketing Strategy and watch the sales come in faster
and easier than you ever thought possible!
2. The Rapid Success Loop -- quickly validating your Core Solution with sales so you can guarantee
you’ll create what people will actually buy...
3. And Golf Course Marketing -- how you can find the people most likely to buy from you without an
audience, email list or fancy marketing
Doors to the
Experience Product Masterclass
are now OPEN!!!
This is your opportunity to change your life (and the lives of others) with an Experience Product,
the new type of high-impact online course that sells better, is more profitable and makes students
more successful.
You’ll get to work with me and my coaches directly to launch your Experience Product quickly,
easily & profitably.
(I only do this once a year, and NOW is your chance.)
OR visit
Inside EPM, you’re getting everything you need to virtually
guarantee your success:
Go here to see EVERYTHING you get when you join the Experience Product Masterclass
Because this is such a proven, time-tested program, I’m also going above and beyond to
guarantee your results.
If you do the work and you don't make your money back...
I’ll literally PayPal you the difference...
So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I promise this might just be the best (and easiest) decision you've made all year.
OR visit
I can’t wait to work with you in the Experience Product Masterclass! My team of
coaches waiting to support you!
Doors are open for a limited time and the program starts as soon as you register.