GS Ep Cor 225 en
GS Ep Cor 225 en
GS Ep Cor 225 en
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The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
1. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Terms and abbreviations ................................................................................................. 3
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
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General Specification GS EP COR 225
1. Scope
1.1 Scope
This specification covers the manufacturing of multi layers PE and PP external anti corrosion
coatings for bends and fittings for onshore and offshore pipelines.
PE coating shall be suitable for service temperature between -40°C and +80°C.
PP coating shall be suitable for service temperature between -20°C and +95°C.
Applications requiring resistance to temperatures outside these ranges have to be specifically
treated by Company via a dedicated qualification process.
The choice of coating type for bends and fittings will relate to the coating of the corresponding
• PE for three layers PE coating of line-pipe as per GS EP COR 220
• PP for three layers PP coating of line-pipe as per GS EP COR 221.
2. Reference documents
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this General Specification.
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
External Documents
Unless otherwise stipulated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published at the effective date of this
Reference Title
ASTM D4940 Standard test method for conductimetric analysis of water soluble
ionic contamination of blasting abrasives
ASTM D570 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics
CSA Z245.20 Plant applied external coatings for steel pipes
ISO 11124 (All parts) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products-Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning
abrasives - All parts
ISO 11125 (All parts) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products-Test methods for metallic blast-cleaning
abrasives - All parts
ISO 1133-1 Plastics - Determination of the melt-mass flow rate (MFR) and
melt-volume flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics - Part 1: Standard
ISO 11357 (Parts 1; 2; 3) Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Parts 1; 2; 3
ISO 11357-6 Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 6:
Determination of oxidation induction time (isothermal OIT) and
oxidation induction temperature (dynamic OIT)
ISO 21809-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for
buried or submerged pipeline used in pipeline transportation
systems - Part 1: Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP)
ISO 2808 Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness
ISO 2811-1 Paints and varnishes - Determination of density - Part 1:
Pycnometer method
ISO 306 Plastics - Thermoplastic materials - Determination of Vicat
softening temperature
ISO 6964 Polyolefine pipes and fittings: Determination of carbon black
content by calcinations and pyrolysis: Test method and basic
ISO 8130 (Parts 6; 7; 13) Coating powders - Parts 6; 7; 13
ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness -
Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel
substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of
previous coatings
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
Reference Title
ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products - Tests for the assessment of surface
cleanliness - Part 3: Assessment of dust on steel surfaces
prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)
ISO 8503-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and
related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-
cleaned steel substrates - Part 4: Method for the calibration of
ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of
surface profile - Stylus instrument procedure
Reference Title
GS EP COR 220 Three layer polyethylene external coating for pipelines
GS EP COR 221 Three layer polypropylene external coating for pipelines
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
The use of alternative or new coating products (complying with Clause 3.1) in an already
qualified workshop without performing a new qualification is subject to Company approval.
A qualified workshop means that it can potentially meet the requirements of this General
Specification using qualified raw materials. This shall be confirmed via the PPT.
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
The data reported in Table 2 and below spectra shall be supplied by raw material manufacturer
once on a selected batch of material for qualification purpose.
In addition:
• A full DSC spectra shall be provided once for each product, from -40°C up to 250°C
Heating rate 20°C/min, cooling rate 10°C/min (first and second heating) as per
ISO 11357-1 / ISO 11357-2 / ISO 11357-3
• DMTA spectra shall be provided once at a frequency of one Hertz from - 40°C up to
250°C (or the melting of the top coat).
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
• A PPT as per Clause 5.1 shall be organized to qualify the new process parameters
• Once qualified, the new parameters shall be used as process control.
6.1.6 Repairs
Any defects (other than surface wrinkles or spots marks from water cooling) on the bend coating
coming directly from the coating process itself shall lead to rejection of the bend and recoat,
except to repair the surface under support for the bend during coating.
The detection of such defects shall also lead to corrective actions on the coating process.
All other defects coming from subsequent handling or storage shall be repair with the same
application process and coating material than the one used for bend coating.
A specific ITP shall be sent to Company for review and approval at PPT stage.
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
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General Specification GS EP COR 225
In all cases, and whatever the test method selected, the results shall fully comply with the
requirements of this general specification and its Appendix.
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
Appendix 1
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
Appendix 2
• Take a sample of epoxy from a coated bend at cut back (where top coat was applied with
no adhesive).
• Weight about 10-15 mg and put in DSC pan.
• After calibration of DSC, run a first scan at 20°C/min up to 280°C (or any other max
temperature as advised by Manufacturer).
• Cool down to ambient at 40°C/min. Wait at ambient for the temperature in the cell to
stabilize (i.e. 2-3 minutes). If no liquid Nitrogen is used for cooling rate control, the cooling
rate can be adjusted, but the stabilization time at ambient shall be increased to a minimum
of 15 minutes to ensure proper stabilization within the cell.
• Run a second scan at 20°C/min up to Tg + 20°C.
• Calculate the ΔTg in absolute value between first and second run.
• The Tg is understood here as the inflection point in the DSC curve.
When a so-called “relaxation” cycle is used before the first heating scan, it is requested
to demonstrate that it does not lead to false curing results (via comparative testing with
and without the “relaxation” cycle) at PPT stage.
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
Appendix 3
The test consist of measuring, by means of a non destructive process, the thickness of the
applied coating as per ISO 2808 method 7C and 10.
For the full thickness measurement, on each bend to be tested, a total of 12 single readings
shall be carried out. If any of these 12 readings is below the minimum coating thickness, an
additional 4 readings shall be taken around this area. The average of the additional 4 readings
and the initial reading shall be higher than the minimum thickness.
The measurements shall be taken at point distributed along 4 equally spaced longitudinal lines
at the bend length with three equally circumferential lines on the middle of the bend at a
distance of at least 300 mm from the end of the coating.
An arithmetic average of all measurements shall be calculated and recorded.
For the FBE, same principle as above shall apply.
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reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.
General Specification GS EP COR 225
Appendix 4
CD test general set up and equipment shall follow ISO 21809-1 Annex H. For temperature
check, thermocouple shall be positioned inside the steel, approximately 10 mm inside the cell
area via a hole drilled within the steel wall thickness.
This temperature shall be the reference temperature of the test (within a ± 3°C range).
Test condition shall follow Clause 5.1 for PPT and production and Appendix 1 for PQT.
For test in temperature, the electrolyte shall not be heated. Regular top-up of water shall be
done so that the added quantity is low enough not to impact the electrolyte temperature. The
cell shall be thermally insulated to avoid excessive thermal losses. The electrolyte temperature
shall be continuously monitored and recorded once per hour via a thermocouple positioned
inside the cell 10 mm away from the coating and midway between the cell wall and center of
hole. The recorded temperature of the electrolyte shall be stable during the test within a ± 3°C
The test shall not start before the steel and electrolyte temperature are proven to be stabilized
within ± 3°C.
For interpretation of test result, the following procedure shall be followed:
1) Once the test is finished, abrade the top coat and adhesive layer, until only the FBE layer is
visible on the whole area under the cell during the test.
2) Make 8 radial incision using a sharp knife through the FBE down to the steel, extending
outwards from holiday for a distance of at least 40 mm. Make the incision approximately 45°
angle of each others, starting at 12 o’clock position.
3) Insert the knife point into the centre portion of the holiday down to the metal substrate. Using
a gentle levering action, peel away slowly a radial section of coating continuing until firm
action is encountered. Record the distance up to which coating is disbonded (and not
discoloration of the steel).
4) Repeat with each segment.
5) Calculate the average of the 8 measurements. Record the value.
This document is the property of TOTAL S.A., it contains confidential information which may not be disclosed to any third party,
reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior written consent of TOTAL S.A.
The information contained in this document does not substitute to the applicable laws and regulations.