NCM 120 (Prelims) Reviewer
NCM 120 (Prelims) Reviewer
NCM 120 (Prelims) Reviewer
3. Under the Labor Code of the Philippines, how many a. Labor Code of the Philippine
months of continuous service does a contractual b. Anti-Sexual Harassment Act
employee need to be regularized? c. Anti-Discrimination Act
d. Magna Carta of Women
a. 3 months
b. 6 months 10. A company pays its employees below the minimum
c. 12 months wage mandated by the regional wage board. This is a
d. 24 months violation of which law?
5. What does the “No Work, No Pay” principle apply to in a. Illegal termination
the Philippines? b. Constructive dismissal
c. Redundancy
a. Regular Holidays
d. Resignation without novice
b. Special non-working holidays
c. Sick leave 12. What is the main goal of transcultural nursing as
d. All of the above proposed by Leininger?
6. An employee who works for 5 consecutive years is a. To make nursing care identical across all cultures
entitled to service incentive leave of how many days? b. To understand how cultural factors influence
health and care
a. 3 days
c. To provide advanced technological solutions for
b. 5 days
c. 7 days
d. To implement uniform global healthcare policies
d. 10 days
13. A newly hired employee is dismissed after 2 months 19. A union strikes due to the company’s refusal to
without due process. This is a violation of which provision bargain collectively. Which legal rights of the employees
in the Labor Code? is the company violating?
14. Under the Philippine Labor Code, what is the daily 20. Which of the following is NOT covered under the
rest period for a worker? Philippine Social Security System (SSS)?
15. Which of the following forms of employment 21. If an employee is required to work on a regular
discrimination is prohibited by law in the Philippines? holiday, they are entitled to how much pay?
16. An employee decides to work during a special non- 22. Which government agency is responsible for
working holiday. How much the employee should be resolving disputes between workers and employers in
paid? the Philippines?
17. Which of the following is a benefit under the 23. An employee files for resignation but is still required
Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP)? to render 30 days of service before leaving. This
requirement is based on which policy?
a. Retirement pay
b. Maternity leave a. Just cause termination
c. Disability benefits due to work-related injury b. Resignation with Notice
d. Service incentive leave c. Constructive dismissal
d. Regularization rule
18. A worker is employed for 3 months under a fixed-
term contract. After the contract ends, the employer 24. A company announces layoffs due to declining sales
refuses to renew the contract. What does this represent? and financial losses. What type of termination does this
a. Regular employment
b. Lawful termination of contract a. Just cause termination
c. Illegal termination of contract b. Authorized cause termination
d. Constructive dismissal c. Illegal dismissal
d. Constructive dismissal
25. What is the minimum wage rate determined by? EVALUATION EXAM
a. Casual employment
b. Seasonal employment
c. Term employment
d. Project employment
7. Which article of the Philippine Labor Code limits d. Preventing imminent danger to public safety
probationary employment to six months? e. Preventing loss of life
a. Article 81 13. What is the minimum rest period required after six
b. Article 83 consecutive days of work?
c. Article 85
a. 12 hours
d. Article 281
b. 18 hours
e. Article 292
c. 24 hours
8. If a worker is hired for a peak season only, which d. 36 hours
employment type does this all under? e. 40 hours
a. Regular employment 14. Which article mandates a weekly rest day for
b. Casual employment workers?
c. Project employment
a. Article 81
d. Seasonal employment
b. Article 85
e. Term employment
c. Article 92
9. What is the maximum number of working hours per d. Article 94
day for nurses according to Philippine Law? e. Article 102
19. What is the minimum base pay for nurses working in 25. What is a mandatory benefit for regular employees
public health institutions as per RA 9173? upon retirement?
20. According to RA 9173, which of the following is NOT 26. Under RA 9173, which nursing position corresponds
an incentive for nurses? to salary grade 15?
21. Which type of employment is NOT primarily related 27. Which of the following would NOT qualify an
to the employer’s business? employee for regularization?
22. What is the maximum number of hours a nurse can 28. Which of the following types of leaves is typically
work per week according to the document? unpaid?
23. Which of the following is a just cause for terminating 29. Who is responsible for paying overtime
employment? compensation?
a. Regular a. 5%
b. Casual b. 8%
c. Project c. 10%
d. Term d. 12%
e. Contractual e. 15%
31. What is the primary motivation for employers to 37. What is the primary focus of social protection for
provide in-service training for employees? workers as defined by the ILO?
32. According to the ILO, which of the following does 38. When is an employee entitled to a night shift
NOT directly contribute to decent work? differential?
34. Which type of employment ends when the work is no 40. In case of overtime work due to national emergency,
longer needed due to the completion of a particular which of the following is applicable?
a. No additional compensation
a. Regular employment b. Overtime plus night differential
b. Casual employment c. 25% additional compensation
c. Term employment d. 50% additional compensation
d. Project employment e. Overtime only if authorized
e. Fixed-term employment
41. What does RA 9173 mandate regarding nurse
35. Which of the following is NOT a right of employees as compensation in public health institutions?
specified in the document?
a. It should be equal to private sector salaries
a. Right to paid vacation b. It should not be lower than salary grade 15
b. Right to overtime pay c. It should be based on tenure
c. Right to weekly rest day d. It should be include performance bonuses
d. Right to choose their manager e. It should be given after one year of employment
42. Which of the following is true about a regular 47. In which of the following cases can an employee be
employees’ tenure? asked to work on a rest day?
a. They can be dismissed without just cause a. To help finish a new project on time
b. They can resign without any notice b. To cover a colleagues shift
c. They cannot be dismissed without due process c. In case of imminent danger to public safety
d. They can work without the contract d. To avoid overtime work
e. They can be terminated after 6 month of e. None of the above
48. What is the appropriate compensation for an
43. Which of the following qualifies as a “casual employee who works on a scheduled rest day?
a. Regular wage
a. Someone who works for a definite period b. Overtime pay plus 10%
b. Someone who performs tasks unrelated to the c. Additional 30% of regular wage
employer’s primary business d. Double the regular wage
c. Someone who is hired for peak seasons only e. No additional pay
d. Someone who works permanently after
49. Under the labor laws of the Philippines, what is the
maximum allowable probationary period for a
e. Someone who is eligible for retirement benefits
44. In cases where work is necessary to prevent serious
a. 3 months
obstruction to business operations, what type of work
b. 6 months
can be mandated?
c. 3 years
a. Holiday work d. No limit
b. Overtime work e. Depends on the employer
c. Casual work
50. Under which circumstances can an employer require
d. Emergency overtime
an employee to work on a rest day according to Article
e. Seasonal work
45. Which of the following is considered a just cause for
a. To meet project deadlines
dismissal according to Philippine labor law?
b. To cover for a colleagues absence
a. Reaching retirement age c. During natural disaster or emergencies
b. Poor performance with no evaluation d. To ensure production goals are met
c. Violation of company code of ethics e. To avoid overtime compensation
d. Having worked beyond the probation period
e. None of the above