MBE 230 Environmental Ethics
MBE 230 Environmental Ethics
MBE 230 Environmental Ethics
Learning Outcome
• By the end of this lecture, students will be able to:
• Define environmental ethics
• Explain different views of Environmental ethics
• Explain environmental education
• Define Sustainable development
• Describe the key principles of environmental education
• Explain the Values of Environment
• Explain ecosystem services
• Ethics is a part of philosophy and guide us to follow righteous path which
is in the larger interest of the society as a whole.
• Environmental ethics is related to environmental philosophy and defines
what is right and wrong at ecological level.
• Environmental ethics - the study of moral issues concerning the
environment and moral perspectives, beliefs, and attitudes concerning
those issues.
• Environmental ethics is a branch of applied philosophy that studies the
conceptual foundations of environmental values as well as more concrete
issues surrounding societal attitudes, actions, and policies to protect and
sustain biodiversity and ecological systems.
• It is more a moral binding than legal obligations. Practicing environmental
ethics is, therefore, left to an individual.
• The outcome of such practices is always par excellence since it comes as
voluntary and hence dedication.
• Educating today‘s youths, thus, becomes more significant in order to achieve
expected outcome.
• Religious school of thought was the first philosophical ground to
advocate environmental ethics.
• Every religion has strongly asked its followers to respect rivers,
animals and the ecology nearby.
• Modern philosophy on environmental ethics has evolved
• Population explosion, environmental degradation, resource crisis
problems drew the attention towards the environmental concerns.
However, it also raised some challenges while deciding the
environmental ethics in contemporary situation.
• Disparity among society, nations and region; basic right to
procure the resources for daily livelihood; right to access to
resources etc were the key challenges in designing
environmental ethics.
• This has led to different views on environmental ethics.
• Led to formulation of different approaches on environmental
• There are primarily three views on environmental ethics:
• Libertarian View
• Ecological View
• Conservation View
• Solow defines “sustainability as the requirement that the next generation must be left
with whatever it takes to achieve a standard of living at least as good as our own and
to look after their next generation similarly.”
• Amartya Sen (in “The Idea of Justice”) says we need to sustain, and when possible
expand, freedoms (including the freedoms to meet our needs and to live our life
according to certain standards) and capabilities, and what humans value and have
reason to think are important, without compromising these for future generations
The Development of Environmental Education for Sustainability
• Environmental education is now generally accepted as the basis for teaching for
sustainable development
Environmental education and education for sustainable development are aimed at:
Promotion of knowledge on the environment and its condition.
Providing criteria, standards and recommendations on decision-making in the area
of environment protection, and providing integrated solutions with respect to social,
economic and environmental issues.
Demonstrating the benefits of economic development in working together with
natural environment protection.
Promoting the importance of technology in providing support to the conservation of
natural and cultural heritage.
Developing management strategies at different levels (e.g. individual or
organisational in order to minimise the anthropogenic impact of environmental
key principles
• Along with general principles of education (scientific character, fundamentality,
evolutionary nature, integrity, systematic approach, interdisciplinary character,
humanism, practical orientation) the content and methods of environmental
education and education for sustainable development are based on the following
key principles:
• Sustainability (global and local use of natural resources without a coexistent
( decrease in biodiversity and regenerative capacity).
• Prevention (lack of reliable information about the environmental effects of
various human activities should be taken into account at all levels of planning,
and activities causing environment degradation should be avoided).
• Environmental (protection of the integrity of ecosystems, carrying
capacity of the biosphere, biodiversity, quality of the environment,
environmental impact assessment)
• Economic - illustrating the imperative of sustainable development
knowledge for effective economic management: efficient use of
resources, strategic sustainable management of territories, resources
and economic sectors)
• Social (education in the sphere of human rights, conflict studies,
safety of living, ethnography, anthropology, social and human
Value of Environment
Instrumental value
The environment has value because it helps people by:
• Food
• Shelter
• Clothing
• Medicine
• Entertainment and cultural purposes
Ecosystem Services
• Ecosystem Service are the processes by which the environmental produces
resources that we often take for granted such as clean water, timber and habitat
for different species and pollination of native and agricultural plants
Ecosystem Service
• Moderate weather extremes and their impacts
• Dispersal of seeds
• Mitigation of drought and floods
• Protect people from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays
• Cycle and move nutrients
• Protect stream and river channels and coastal shores from erosion
• Detoxify and decompose wastes
• Control agricultural pest
• Maintain biodiversity
• Generate and preserve soils and renew their fertility
• Contribute to climate stability
• Purify the air and water
• Regulate ( control) disease carrying organism
• Pollination of crops and natural vegetation
Some Do’s and Don’ts Pertaining the Environment
• Choose products with limited packaging
• Donate used books and magazines to schools, hospitals, or libraries
• Participate in the events that highlight the need for creating sanctuaries and National Parks
• Do not present flower bouquets instead gives a potted plant.
• Do not disturb, tease, hurt or throw stones at animals in a protected area and stop others forms
doing so.
• No wildlife products should be used
• Use a pressure cooker as much as possible to save energy
• Get your family to eat together, it will save re-heating fuel.
• Try using public transport systems like trains and buses as far a
• Each one to teach one about conservation of environment