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CSE 577 Advanced Structural Design

Overview on modern structural design codes;

Evolution of Eurocodes; Summary of current suite.

Prof. K F Chung
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Adopting Eurocodes in Hong Kong

 The Eurocodes are a new set of European structural design codes for
building and civil engineering works. Conceived and developed over the
past 40 years with the combined expertise of the member states of the
European Union, they are arguably the most advanced structural codes in
the world.

 The Eurocodes are intended to be mandatory for European public works

and likely to become the de-facto standard for the private sector – both in
Europe and world-wide.

 The structural Eurocodes had been available as European pre-standards

(ENVs) for several years, and all of them had been published as full
European Standards (ENs) in 2007.

Adopting Eurocodes in Hong Kong

 Owing to the withdrawal of various British structural design standards in

March 2010, the Works Department of the Government of the Hong Kong
SAR have been migrating to Eurocodes in stages for the design of public
works civil engineering structures while mandatory adoption of Eurocodes
will commence in 2015.

Structure Design Manual 2013

The Hong Kong Steel Code 2011

 Moreover, as many countries, in particular, Asian countries, have already

adopted the structural Eurocodes for design and construction of building
structures, there is a growing need for design and construction engineers in
Hong Kong to acquire the new skills.

Design and Construction to Eurocodes 3 and 4
Threats or Opportunities

 More complicated but better design rules provide higher

structural efficiency requiring more efforts from the designer.
Same fee !

 New material specifications, testing procedures and acceptance

criteria are hardly known yet, leading to higher expectation on
the final products. But, same fee !
 Invasion of foreign competitors ?
Huge export opportunities ?
Just do not want to change !

Design and Construction to Eurocodes 3 and 4
Threats or Opportunities

 High technical competence in the use of British Standards.

 Effective design and construction in the local construction industry.

 Successful export of professional services overseas.

What is the size and value of the construction market

using Eurocodes worldwide ?

Member states, admission and candidate countries

2007 2022
27 EU member states

Structure of the Eurocodes

 It should be noted that the 58 parts of the Eurocodes are published under 10
area headings:
i) the first two areas – basis and actions – are common to all designs,
ii) six are material-specific, and
iii) the other two cover geotechnical and seismic aspects.

EN 1990 Eurocode 0: Basis of structural design

EN 1991 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
EN 1992 Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
EN 1994 Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
EN 1995 Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures
EN 1996 Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures
EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design
EN 1998 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
EN 1999 Eurocode 9: Design of Aluminium Structures

Structure of the Eurocodes

 In order to avoid duplication of design rules as well as problems in updating

various parts at different times, one of the prevailing regulations in drafting
the Eurocodes is that no design rule should be presented twice within the
entire set of Eurocodes, and extensive cross-referencing in documents of
different areas are very frequent.

 Moreover, each Eurocode comprises a number of Parts, which are published

as separate documents, and each Part consists of:
 The main body of text
 Normative annexes
 Informative annexes

Structure of the Eurocodes
 Various parts of Eurocode 3 are listed follows:

Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

1-2: General – Structural fire design
1-3: General – Cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting
1-4: General – Structures in stainless steel
1-5: General – Strength and stability of planar plated structures without
transverse loading
1-6: General – Strength and stability of shell structures
1-7: General – Design values for plated structures subjected to out of
plane loading
1-8: General – Design of joints
1-9: General – Fatigue strength
1-10:General – Material toughness and through thickness assessment
1-11:General – Design of structures with tension components
1-12:General – Supplementary rules for high strength steels

Structure of the Eurocodes
Part 2-1: Bridges

Part 3-1: Towers, masts and chimneys – Towers and masts

3-2: Towers, masts and chimneys – Chimneys

Part 4-1: Silos, tanks and pipelines – Silos

4-2: Silos, tanks and pipelines – Tanks
4-3: Silos, tanks and pipelines – Pipelines

Part 5: Piling

Part 6: Crane supporting structures

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes

 Comprehensive technical information and simplified presentations of the

design rules.

 Explanatory notes for experienced design and construction engineers who

are not familiar with particular design rules.

 Text-books giving background and explanations of how the design rules

should be used as well as illustrative worked examples.

 Short courses for practicing engineers.

 Teaching materials aimed at undergraduate students.

 Computer software.

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes


Product Standards Design Guides
Supplement Designer
Manufacturers Textbooks
Literature Software
Manuals Simplify
Worked Examples

Education, Experience and Understanding

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes

 The Eurocodes are design standards, not design handbooks. They omit
some design guidance where it is considered to be readily available in
textbooks or other established sources. It is also accepted that they cannot
possibly cover everything that will be needed when carrying out a design.

 The Eurocode format allows so-called non-contradictory complementary

information (NCCI) to be used to assist the designer when designing a
structure to the Eurocodes. According to CEN rules, a National Annex cannot
contain NCCI but it may give reference to publications containing NCCI.

 The steel community has established a website that will serve as an up-to-
date repository for NCCI, primarily aimed at steel and composite building
design (www.steel-ncci.co.uk).

 Recently, the Joint Research Centre of Eurocode under European

Commission has established a website to provide supporting documents
supplement to the Structural Eurocodes.

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes

Supporting infrastructure for adopting Eurocodes

The Hong Kong Constructional Metal Structures Association is
established in July 2010, and it aims to promote the effective use of
metal structures in construction in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific

The key objectives of the Association are :

• To provide latest information on education, research, design and
from overseas for continual professional training of engineers in Hong Kong,
Macau, and the Mainland China.
• To promote exchange and collaboration on education, research and
skills among engineers in Hong Kong, Macau, the Mainland China and
• To promote wide adoption of the Chinese steel materials and associated
design standards, construction practice as well as technical and professional

Opportunities in promoting the use of Chinese steel materials to

construction projects designed to Eurocodes. 18
Overview of Eurocode 3

1. Introduction

2. Difference from BS5950

2.1 Axes

2.2 Wordings

2.3 Symbols

2.4 Load combinations – EN1990

2.5 Slenderness

2.6 Harmonisation of buckling curves in Eurocodes

1. Introduction

Aims of Eurocodes:

■ To harmonise all the code of practices across the whole

European communities.

■ To harmonise between different construction materials

and construction methods.

■ To achieve full consistency and compatibility in terms of

loading, safety factors, etc.

■ To eliminate technical obstacles to trade and

harmonisation of technical specification.

1. Introduction

EN 1991
Dead Imposed Wind

EN 1990
Basis of design

EN1992 EN1993 EN1994

Concrete structures Steel structures Composite structures

2. Difference from BS5950
2.1 Axes

BS5950 EC3

Along the member X (?) X

Major axis X Y

Minor axis Y Z

2. Difference from BS5950
2.2 Wordings

BS5950 EC3

Dead load Permanent action

Imposed load Variable action
Wind load Variable action

BS5950 EC3

Load factor 1.2 to 1.6 0.75 to 1.5

Material factor 1.0 to 1.2 1.0 to 1.1

2. Difference from BS5950
2.3 Symbols

BS5950 EC3 BS5950 EC3 BS5950 EC3

A A P N py fy

Z Wel Mx My pb cLTfy

S Wpl V V pc cfy

Ix Iy H Iw r i

Iy Iz J It l l

2. Difference from BS5950
2.3 Symbols

BS5950 EC3

P = pyA Nc,Rd = Afy / gM0

P = pcA Nb,Rd = cAfy / gM1

M = pyS Wc,Rd = Wplfy / gM0

M = pbS Wb,Rd = cLTWplfy / gM1

2. Difference from BS5950
2.4 Load combinations – Cl. 6.10

If y0 = 0.5 for Wk
Dead Imposed Wind
= 0.7 for Qk

1.35 1.50 0.75

EN 1990
1.35 1.05 1.50

1.4 1.6

BS5950 1.2 1.2 1.2

1.4 1.4

2. Difference from BS5950
2.4 Load combinations – EN1990

BS 5950

g fDL  g fIL  g f WL

 Either Eq. 6.10

G,j  gPP  g Q,1Qk,1  g
Q,i y0,iQk,i

 Or Eqs. 6.10a and 6.10b

G,j Gk,j  g PP  g Q,1y0,1Qk,1  g
Q,i y0,iQk,i

 g
j G,j Gk,j  g PP  g Q,1Qk,1  g
Q,i y0,iQk,i

2. Difference from BS5950
2.5 Slenderness

BS5950 EC3
Geometric ratio Force ratio

LE l
Column l Ncr
where Ncr  2
Wy fy
lLT 
Beam l LT  uvl
2EIz Iw L2GIt
where Mcr  C1  2
Iz  EIz
2. Difference from BS5950
2.5 Slenderness – Elastic critical force Ncr and elastic critical
moment Mcr

Ncr and Mcr are generic terms.

Ncr Fcr Mcr

Ncr and Mcr may be readily determined using eigenvalue analysis through
finite element method. 29
2. Difference from BS5950
2.6 Harmonization of column buckling curves in Eurocodes
BS 5950 Eurocodes
Compressive strength , pc

py 1.0

Reduction factor, c
2EI 1 2EI
pE = 2 × c = 2 ൗAfy

= NcrΤNpl,Rd
= 2
Interaction Perry- l Interaction Perry-
Robertson formula Robertson formula

Slenderness, l = LE/r l
Non-dimensional slenderness, ഥ

An interactive curve for each steel One interactive curve for all steel
grade / design yield strength: grades. The material parameter l1
is used:
pEpy l
pc = lത =
f + f2 − pEpy l1
l1 =  where E is the Young’s
py+ h+1 pE fy
f= modulus and fy is the
2 30
yield strength.
2. Difference from BS5950
2.6 Harmonization of column buckling curves in Eurocodes

Same format of design formulae is

adopted for all structural members
Reduction factor, c

which may buckle at both cold and hot


 Steel
 Steel-concrete composite
 Timber
 Aluminium
Non-dimensional slenderness, ഥ


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