Recycling of E-waste as Whatis the full form ofNAMP ?
One of the major challenge is recycling the printed circuit [a| National Air Quality Monitoring Program boards from the clectronic wastes. The circuit boards [b] National Air Quaity Me: ing Program contain such precious metals as gold, ilver, platinum, etc. [c] National Air Quantity Monitoring Program ‘and such base metals as copper, ron, aluninum, etc, One (4] Nationl Air Qualiy Monitring Protocel way e-waste is processed is by meling circuit boards, burning cable sheathing to recover copper wire and open- In how many tier programs the inland water pit acid leaching for separating metals of value, quality manitoring network is operating 7 Conventional method employed is mechanical shredding Telone BTwo and separation but the recycling eficiency is low e @ Four Altemative methods such as cryogenic. decomposition When did the National Green Tribunal Act have been studied for printed circuit board recycling, and constituted ? some other methods are sill under investigation. Properly [a]2000 b disposing of or reusing electronics can help prevent health [c]2010 g problems, reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and create jobs. Rewse and refurbishing offer a more as Which of te following is the physical environmentally friendly and socially ‘monitoring of the lake ? alternative to down eycling proces alpn b|CcoD [c]BOD [d] Turbidity Muttiple Choice Questions a1 When did the Central Pollution Conirol Board Qs Pollution enters into the water system in established ? ways [a1970 [olo7 a1 b2 [cors [ahors [c]3 [dl4 a2z Which one of the following is the apex A large amount of soil can move with the run organization in country in the field of pollution offcalled control ? [a]soil erosion [b] scil conservation [] Water Pollution Control Board [e]soil pollution [@] soil moving [b] State Pollution Control Board Whatis the full form of GAP ? [2]Ganga Action Pre Distibution [d] Air pollution Control Board b Ganga Action Plan a3 Who appoint the chaiman of the Central [¢] Ganga Affected Plan Pollution Contral Board 7 d] Ganga Affected Pre Disribution [a] Central Government ~ [b] State Government Coastal water shows majordiffercnces in [¢] Governor of the State President of India Where is the head office of the Central Pollution [a] pollution (B v Cantrol Bowd? o] salinity [d] conductivity [l umbt o Mostly pollution of rivers takes place by ‘ew Delhi discharge sewage. [a] True [b] False TECHNICAL PLELICATIONS® i thrust o knowige Erviranmental Sudics 4n Evcironmerial Pelltion QA4 Contral of river pollution can be done by [b] Area comprising notless than 100 meters providing the extra during dry arcund hospitals and educational instiutes season. (] Arca comprising more than 100 meters [a] Water [b]Nitrogen around clubs and commercial streets [¢] Carbon dioxide [d] Oxygen [d] Area comprising not less than 100 meters QA5 Determination of flow increase is used for the around elubs and commercial streets monitoring of Q21 Which Ministry published @ draft of Noise [a] sea poliution [b]river pollution Pollution Rules 7 lake pollution [a] Minisiry of Foreign A ffaires Q.16 Which of the following does not includ in the [b] iistry of Pollution Carizol wiariig of s gologon'T €] Minisiry of ndustries Assessing the immediate water quality 2] Ministy of Environment and Forests evelopment activities in the region Q22 One of the efficient vays to cantrol aircraft Determination of flow increase noise is [] Colourof the water [ buiking arerats with old echnologies Q47 When did the Noise Pollution Regulations and [b]maximize the passengers t0 100 Centrel Rule established in India ? [linerease the amount f pressure f can [a] 2000 withstand [c]2005 [d]2007 [d] constructing aerodromes far away from the Q18 What timings loud speakers shouldn' use in residential arcns public areas ? Q23 In which section if a person violates the noise [a] 10:00 pm 10 5:00 am [6]1:00 am t0.7:00 am polltion regalatons s fsble fo penaly ? [<]11:00 pmt0 500 nia] 10:0 pm 0 6:00am [secion 12 [Blsection s Q19 When can a person complaint fo the police [e]Section 18 dSection 19 regarding noise pollution level ? Q24 What is the db level for heavy vehicles in [a] When the ambient noise standards exceeds by bidig 104dB [z]70 )75 [b] When the ambicnt noise standards excoeds by 77 [d]s0 2048 Q25 What are the ambient air quality standards in When the ambient noise standards exceads by industrial area during day fime ? a8 Glrsa 50 [] When the amibient nofse standards exceeds by s ab @ioods 5048 Q26 In which Act, noisc is included as an What is the meaning of silence zone for noise e ot pollution? ) o] tom1 [a] Atea comprising more than 100 meters )58 @ 1594 around hospitals and educational insiiutes TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - 2 up trust o krowiedge Envivoromental Stdies 4-2 Enironmental Plluticn Q27 State true or flse: Loud speakers cause noise. Q37 Which of the following air polluant effecis [a] True [b] False ‘plants the most ? - Q28 Which gas is mainly produced due 1o [sJFuorine b]so, incompletc buming of wood ? [dJran [auc [alco [b]so, Q38 Whichof the following gas is 552 [¢]No, [d]no, [a]No blo Q29 Which of the following is invelved in [e]rb [d]so, production of carboxyl hemoglobin 7 Q.39 What is the minimum height of the chimney ina [aco [e]so, thermal power plant of capacity 350MW ? NoO, [d]o, [a] 100m [b] 220m Q30 Which of the following is a liquid form of [¢]380m [d] 60m acrosol ? Q40 How can we achicse the prevention of [a] Fume [b] Dust environmental degradation ? [e] Mist [d] Smoke [a]By relying on government to do all the jobs. Q31 X ray films arc o source of which of the [b]By killing all animals in the forest following gas [¢] By creating public awareness among people [also, [blco. about the importance of environment [N, [so, €] By caring s s v peliion Q32 Which of the following leads to a discase called | Q41 What is called for the pollution thut can be broncha spasm 7 fraced directly (0 industral activity 7 [also, [bso, [a]Soil poliution [b] Water pollution 3 [JAirpoliution [4] ndustrial pollution Q33 The minimum size of smoke particleis . Q42 Which of the following are the largest [a]0:2um [b] tum contributors 1o the global pollution 7 S [2]soi poluton [ indusrial poftuion Q34 Which of the following is o secondary ir [e]Radioctive potiution [d] Water pollution pollutant ? Q43 Which of the following is the consequence of [alseum industrial pollution ? [clso, [ tncrease in the water level in seas Q35 The permissible concentration of PM 10 in the [b] Releases of the hazardous radiations - e nerease in the anmals i forests [l songr’ opgim [T Gilobal warming [l songm’ ] 20pgm’ QA1 How do industial poluion resuls i the water Q36 Which of the following is not 4 part of pollution photachemical smog ? [a] Dumping of various waste products from [alno, [blo, industries [d]spm [b] Taking water bodics places to built industrics
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Erviranmental Sudics » Evcironmerial Pelltion [c] industries which uses all the water from the Q52 Swie wie o fise. Idusties require raw water bodies and cause scarcity of water ‘materials to be extracied from the ground such [4] Building of pusification unit in the industries ‘mincrals cause soil pollution. Q45 Suate true or false. Tndustrial pollution doesnt [a] T b]False contibute for air pollution. Q53 Who prepared the Ganga Action Plan ? [a] True [b] False [a] Depertment of Pollution Q.46 Which onc of the following is the prime factor [b] Department of Environment towards soil pallution ? [S]Department of Rivers [a] sort erosion [d] Department of Industrics [b] Floods Q54 Which state hes the highest number of towns [c] Dumping of industrial wastes selected for Ganga Action Plan 12 [a] Using land for inigation [¢]West Bengal 5] Uttr Pradesh Q47 Which onc of the following industries produced [¢]Bihar [d] Haryana Sulfur dioxide and flu ash as pollutants Q55 In how many cities Rajiv Gandbi launched the [a] Textile industries [b] Cotiage industries creation of Ganga Action Plan when be was ermal industries [d] Coal industries The Prime Minister of India Q48 Which one of the following is a mechanical [a]Three [bl Five means of treating industrial effluents ? ] Seven [@ten [a] Oxidation [b] Chiorination Q56 What is the effect of wirmer temperature 10 the €] Recyeling of waste [d] Sedimentation fishes? Q49 Which one of the following is not normally a [e] ncrease the merabolism pollutant 7 [b] Decrease the metabelism [a] Carbon dioxide [b] Carbon monoxide [c]stabilize the metaborism i dioxide sdrocarbons &) Increasethe soubility of oxygen Q50 Why industries poliute water 7 Q57 How does soil erosion cause thermal pollution? [y R p———— [2]By rosking naturs wter bodies o hold n s [b] Because they release all the pollutants to normal level water [b] By polluringthe water bodies 6] Because industres don't use water Tc] By avoiding sunlighi o fll on the warer [d] Because water is an universal solvent bodies Q51 Which ane of the following is the cause of the [d]By meking natural vater bodies o rise: industrial poliution ? beyond their normal level [a] Modern technologies Q58 How does an artificial lake help in solving [B] Eficent wase disposal thermal polition ? ficient government policies [l storesheated water [d] Unptanned industrial growth 51 gives good aesthetcview ] helps o bred fishes TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - 2 up trust o krowiedge Erviranmental Sudics 3 Evcironmerial Pelltion [a] 1 is used during the summer season where [a] They decrease the memary water scarcity cause [b] They cause reproduciive faire Q.59 pH sensor must remain clean for an accurate [¢] They cause bird flu rading 4] They eause indigestion [a]True [b]False Q88 Vinyl chloride s widely wsed i ihe aso s suited for open channl monitoring manufacture of applications. [a]glass [b] agricultural chemicals [a]p sensor [B] Uttrasonic technotogy [c]storage of aquatic foods [l plastics ntrared technology [d] Monitoring meters @6 I onder to dispose hizarlons waste where there Q61 What is the maximum percentage of saturation are no abundant lands which method is used ? for dissalved oxygen analyser? [a]Lend disposal [b Buming. [a]oson ] Floas inwater bocies [ ncineraion Q70 Which was the fint city to an established Q62 Corrcsion is the deterioration of materials by system of waste removal ? chemical interaction with their environment (] Lehore [b] Athens [alTrue < Paris ] Londen 0E3 “What s pH rang: formrygen removal Q71 Why buming waste is not an acecptable practice [a3545 545 of solid waste management 2 [0 [@ 12135 [E] osaiseiviny oonty Q.64 When can we classify waste as hazardous ? b | Because it requires modern technologies. [a] When waste won't cause any mortality [¢] Because it cause several environmental issues [b] When waste increase mortality 4] Because it requires ot of space When waste decrease mortality Q72 What plan should we make 1o the disposal of [d] When waste decompose itself without any aid solid waste ? Q65 Whatis atoxic waste ? [a]Integrated waste management plan [a] Substances those are not poisonous [b] Recycling of waste management plan [b] Substances those are poisonous only when it [¢]Reducing of waste management plan taken in large quantity [4] Use of waste management plan ubstances those are poisonous only whenit Q73 The term Municipal Solid Waste' is used to taken in smuall quantity deseribe whic kind of solid waste ? [d] Substances which work as an antidote for [4] Hazardous [b] Toxic toxic materials [¢]Non hazardous [ Non toxic Q66 Which of the following have a terdency 10 act | Q74 HHow many main components are there in vigorously with water or air ? xagraied vaste uanagsment [a] Toxic waste. [b] Reactive waste [a]one [b]Two [c] Corrosive waste ~ [d] Infectious waste. [] Three [d] Four Q87 How do PCBs impact on birds ? TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - 2 up trust o krowiedge Envivoromental Stdies -3 Enironmental Plluticn Q5 Municipal Solid Wasie (MSW) contains a wide | Q83 Which of the below is not an idea behind solid variety of materials. waste management ? [a] True [b] False: 4| Control of waste gencration Q76 Which of the intcgrated waste management is [b] Storage and collection reduced on an individual level ? (<] Disposal [a] Source reduction [b] Reeyeling [d]Stop waste generatien [e] Disposal [d] Burning Q84 The term ISWM refers 1o Q7 Which of the following can be recycled many [ tnternational Solid Waste Management times 7 b Integrated Solid Wasie Management [a] Pasiic [c] integrated Solid Waste Machine Organic materials - [d] Aluminum 4 Inernational Solid Waste Mecharism QT8 Why plastics are difficult to recycle Q85 Under which rule of Government, guidelines for [a] Because it is very hard matericl salid waste management are followed today ? [B] Bocause it is very adhesive inits ature 4] Municipal Sclid Waste Rales. 2000 [] Because of different types of polymer resins. (b Municipal Solid Waste Rules. 2016 [d] Because of different sizes of plastic (] Solid Waste Rules, 2000 Q79 How many key characteristics of a municipal [d]Solid Waste Rules, 2016 sunitary landiill ar there ? Q86 The average composition of Municipal solid [Eone [Bl1wo wastois [¢] Three [d]Four [a]41% organiic, 40% inert & 19% recyclable Q80 How does organic material in the buried solid [b]20% organic. 1 & 20% recyclable waste will decompose ? [¢]30% organic, 20% inent & 50% recyclable [a] By the action of oxidation [d]19% organic. 41% inert & 407% recyclable [B] By the aciion of microorganisms Q87 Bio-medical waste can be effectively managed By the flow of water by thermal process. [d] By the soil particles [a] True: [b] False Q31 What is called for the process of buming Q88 The WHO has classified the bio-medical waste municipal solid waste in a properly designed into categorics. fumace under suitable temperanre and &s B4 operating conditions ? s [z [&] Landsin [b]Recycling Q89 Which gas produced in open dumps from [c] Vermicomposting [d] Incincration decompositon o bodegradablo waste? Q2 Land filing is an econonic altermative for solid [2]Ethane 5] Methane waste disposal and it can b implemented [&Jpispés [ Ethane sty Q90 Carbon footprint can be measured by [a] True [b] False [2]earbon daing [b]instruments. TEGHNIGAL PUBLIGATIONS' - An p trust o krowedoe Envirermental Studies El Enciroumental Plluiion [c] carbon accounting [1]600 ppm ] 300ppm [a] Formula [cJso0ppm @ 1000 ppm a9 Which of the below is a global seale Q99 The chemical oxygen demand (COD)messures environmental issue ? e [ Eutrophication [0 Regional ozone {a] Amount of oxygen required for growth of [¢] Climate change [ Pollution microorganisms in water Q9 The quantity of sanitary sewage entering the [b] Amount of oxygen that would be removed sewers would be the total quantity of from the water in order to oxidize pollution water supplied. [E] Amount of oxygen requied to oxiize the [a]less than [b]equal to caleium present in waste water 6] more then @] erater than 2] None ofthe sbove X5} The quantity of sanitary sewage dircctly Q100 Hardness of water does noi ____ dependson [e]ave any bad efectinboilr [&] e of watersupply Bl area [b]make cooking of foods difficult 5] population [d] precipitation [c]make it unft for driking What s the lowest wastewater flow i ] cause dificulty in the washing of clothes with hospitals ? saaps 2] 50 gped Q101 Permanent hard water may be softened by [e]o00 pec [d]40 ped passing it through Qs The maximum desirable limit Bureau of Indian [a]sodium silicate Standards (BIS) of lead in the drinking water is [b] sodium bicarbonate [c]sodium hexameraphnsphate [a] 0.05mg/! [b] 0.09mgn [d] sodium phosphate [c]0.tmg/t [d] 1.0 met Q102 Secondary restment uses o consume Q. Zelite soflening process removes wastes. [a] only temporary hardness of water (4] micro-organisms [b] chemicals [b] only permanent hardness of water (] filtration [ none of these oth temporary and permanent hardh Q103 According 1o BIS the maximum permissible water limit of dissclved solids n drinking water is [d] the dissolved gases in permanent hard water [a] 1000 /1 [b]500 mg Qs Conventional teriary treatmentis __ [¢]2000 mgt [d]1500 mgt [a] chemical cosgulation and flocculation Q104 Which of the following chemical is sometime [b] fittration added in the process of coagulation and edimentation floceulation ? [d] none of these [a] Aluminam sulphate [b] Aluminum oxide ass The maximum desirable limit (BIS) of total €] Coleiumn chioride (] None of these hardness (as CaCo3) in drinking water is TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - 2 up trust o krowiedge Erviranmental Sudics N Evcironmerial Pelltion Q103 The common methods used for disinfection in 4]40 a8 [b]45 4B waste waler treatment plants are [c]sodB [d]s5dB. [a] chlorination [b] UV tight Q114 What is the permissible 2oise limit of 120 db ? [c]boih (@) and (b) [d] phenolic solvent [a]30 minutes [b]2 minutes Q106 Tnhibitorsare used alang with sanitizer to . [e] 1 minute [d]30 seconds [a] improve their action[b] o prevent corrosion Q15 At what level a sound becomes physical pain ? ot @ and &) [a]noneof these [lAboves0d8 [B] Above 7008 Q@107 The maximum permissible limit (BIS) of [c] Above 80 a3 [d] Above 100 B turbidity in drinking water is__. Q16 Considor following statements [a]snTU [e]1onTU « (A) Air pollutants known as "PM2.5" increase [eiswTu [d]20nTU the chances of hear discases Q108 Sedimentation is a physical process used in « (R) These micropartcles can penetrate deep westewater freatment o> in Tungs and enter in blood circulation. [a] remor patices that are fess dese than water 2] Both corect and R explains A [b] remove particles that arc denser than water (b Both correct but R doesn't explain A (] remove the pertinacious material from the [c] A correct but R Wreng woter 2R correct but A wrong. [d]none of the above Q7 Find incorrect statements about Phthalztes Q108 BOD stands for Theyre used in air-fresheners for their fruity- [a] Biochemical Oxygen Demand fragrance. [b] British Oxygen Demand [b] They enhance androzenic hormones. Hence [¢] British Oxygen Depletion used in drugs 1o cure Tumer's syndrome, [d] Biological Oxygen Depletion [c|Both Aand B Q10 Whatis noise ? [d]Neither A nor B [a] Desirablo sound Q118 Find correct statements about vational air- [b] Desirableand unwanted sound quality index (] Undesirable and unwanted sound [«]Monitors cight pollutants and classifies the air 5] Uniesirable s wanted souid quality of given city into one of the cight Q11 Tn which unit sound is measured ? |Cekges [ Kilometer o] Pascat [b] Will be implemented in al cities and towns of Sl iogeam [alDecibet India from 2015 onvards, Q112 Which polluion cause hearing loss in [elBotn A naB R 4] Neither A nor B [&]Air polision 5] Noise polltion Q119 Which of the following pollutants, will not be 6] vaorpolion [2]Soit plltion ‘monitored i the national s quality index Q13 What s the ambient noise level in the residential ! Ozone 2 Lead one during night time 3. Nivous Oxide 4. Sulfur Oxide TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS® - 2 up trust o krowiedge Envirormental Studies -3 Environmenial Pellution [a] Only 1 and 2 [b]Only 2 and 4 [ [c]only 1 [d]only 3 and 4 4 Q120 Which of the following are cortectly matched ? 1 1. Ozone : Photochemical smog L 2. Sulfur Diovide Stiffness in flowerbuds : 3. Carbon Monoxide : Abortion [a]only 1 nd2 Jnly 2 and 3 5 nly 1 and 3 1l of them T Q121 Which of the following can help reducing smog f issue in Indian cites 7 < 1. Deplaying drones 0 spray special chemicals . o freeze PM2.5 particles in the air. < Putting ban on Diwali crackers. v 3. Plantation of Pinus. Juniparus. Quercus, . Pyrus and Vits < [a] Only 1 and 2 [b]Only2and 3 ] [c]Only 1and3 [d] Al of them L a Answer Keys for Multiple Choice Questions R Q1 | « @z . e [ . 4 Qi | 4 Qs . Qo | « @ | « Qs ] 0 | d @@ | o | om | v | on ll) QB | o | ou | 4 | Qi | b Q@ | ¢ e | o | Qu [ 4 @9 | 2 | em | b | qu | 4 ez | ¢ | em | v | ex | a s | o | om | b | ex | a s | o | e» | o | em | . @i | < | em | b | em | 4 @4 | v | e | a | Qx| a @7 | o | o | a | es | v Qi | < | o# | ¢ | qu | v Qu | ¢ | o | . | Q& | v @ | < | eu | ¢ | qu | 4 es | o | om | b | es | a e | « | o= | b | @& | a Qs | b | o | a | ov | 4 TEGHNIGAL PUBLIGATIONS' - An p trust o krowedoe