The American Anti-Slavery Almanac 1843
The American Anti-Slavery Almanac 1843
The American Anti-Slavery Almanac 1843
557«Ml 08^3)
AilllAC, FOR
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To the Christ of the Cross man is never so holy,
As when braving the proud in defence of the lowly."
Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, at 143 Nassau street
New- York ; 25 Cornhill, Boston ; and 31 North
Fifth street, Philadelphia.
C6% SSI*?*!*
Published weekly, at the office of the American Anti-Slavery Society, 143
Nassau street, New-York, edited by L. M. Child, and D. L. Child.
The Executive Committee commend this journal to the support of every
friend of liberty and truth. While it is a constant and watchful advocate of
the rights of the colored man, it furnishes a good proportion of miscellaneous
literature, intelligence, foreign and domestic, and practical hints for house-
keepers. In a word, it is intended to be a pleasing and useful family news-
paper, as well as an earnest anti-slavery advocate. It is the organ of no sect
in religion, and of no party in politics; but impartially rebukes all sects and
parties, which exert a pro-slavery influence, while it cheerfully awards praise
without preference to those who discharge the obligations of Christianity, in
relation to this great curse of our land. It represents that class of abolition-
ists who consider the formation of a distinct political abolition party unwise and
injurious but it makes no war upon those who think differently.
TERMS. Two dollars a year in advance ; two dollars and fifty cents if
not paid within six months.
ID* Ten dollars in advance, will pay for SIX copies for one year, sent to
one address.
ID* TWENTY copies, or more, will be sent to one address, at one dollar
and fifty cents each.
ID* Subscribers can remit money without expense by observing the follow-
ing rule of the Post Office Department: "A Postmaster may enclose money
in a letter to the publisher of a newspaper, to pay the subscription of a third
person, and frank the letter, if written by himself."
ID* All remittances, and letters relating to the pecuniary concerns of the
paper, should be addressed to ISAAC T. HOPPER, 143 Nassau street.
" Were I in the Legislature of New-York, I would present a bill for the
abolition of slavery with great care and I would never cease to be a mem-
ber. I believe God governs the world, and I believe it to be a maxim in His
as in our court, that those who ask for equity ought to do it." Letter from —
John Jay.
" The
institution of slavery supersedes the necessity of an order of
nobility. It will be fortunate for the non-slaveholding States if they
are not driven to a similar institution in less than a quarter of a cen-
tury.*'— Annual Message o f Gov. McD iiffi e, of South Carolina.
Duration, lh. 46m. Magnitude, 2.42 digits on the Moon's southern limb.
IH. There will be an Eclipse of the Sun on the 21st of December, at Oh.
13m. in the morning, invisible in America.
This Eclipse will be central and total on the meridian in longitude 102 deg.
26 minutes east of Greenwich, and latitude 8 deg. 27 minutes north. It will
be visible nearly all over Asia.
1 NiEW-YoRK.^lsi Qr i)d 3h 15m eve Full Moon, 16d 3h 31m mor; 3d Qr 22d 8h 5m eve;
1 New Moon, 30d 7h 5m mor. Boston.-IsJ qr 3d 3h 27m eve Full Moon, 16d
3h 43m mor ; 3d qr 22d 8h 17m eve New Moon, 30d 7h 17m mor.
<u K Calendar for N. York City ;jCalendar for Boston; Neic-
0J Conn. N. Jersey ; Perm. Eng. N. York St. Mich.
o Ohio Indiana, & Illinois.
,• Wisconsin and Iowa.
~® o
8 9]
Sun Sun Moon HWa Sun Sun xMoon HWa
5 Ris. Sets. Sets. N. Y. Ris. Sets. Sets. Bost'n
16 w
1l s 23 o 7 27 4 41 5 46 9 35 7 32 4 36 5 40 mor.
1 2 2 Mon 22 57 7 27 4 42 6 50 10 15 7 (
324 36 6 46 11
3 3 Tue 22 51 7 27 4 43 7 53 10 52 7 32 4 37 7 50 51
4 4 Wed 22 45 7 27 4 44 8 54 11 28,7 324 38 8 52 1 28
5 5 Thu 22 38 7 27 4 45 9 53 mor. |7 32 4 39 9 52 2 4
I 6 6 Frid 22 31 7 27 4 4610 52 27 32 4 40,10 52 2 38
7 7 Satu 22 24 7 27 4 4711 50 37/7 32 4 4111 52 3 13
8 s I 22 16 7 27 4 48 mor. 1 13 7 32 4 42 mor. 3 49
9 2 Mon 22 8 7 27 4 49 50 1 507 32 4 43 52 4 26
§ l0 3 Tue 21 59 7 264 50 1 51 2 33 7 31 4 44 1 55 5 9
§ M 4 Wed 2! 50 7 264 51 2 54 3 32 7 31 4 46 2 58 6 8
1 12 5 Thu 21 40 7 26 4 52 3 56 4 45 7 31 4 47 4 2 7 21
l3 6 Frid 21 30 7 254 53| 4 57 6 17 31 4 4S 5 3 8 37
14 7 Satu 21 20 7 25 4 541 £ 53 7 117 30 '4 49 5 59 9 47
1 15 l s 21 9 7 254 55 6 42 8 3 7 30 4 50 6 47 10 39
1 l6 2 Mon 20 53 7 24 4 56 rises. 8 52 7 29|4 51 'rises. 11 28
1 I7 3 Tue 2!) 46 7 24 4 57 6 57 9 35 7 29 4 52, 6 53 ev. 11
!8 Wed 20
4 34 7 23 4 53 8 11 10 17.7 23 4 54i 8 9 53
I 19 5 Thu 20 22 7 235 9 2610 59 7 23|4 55| 9 25 1 35
20 6 Frid 20 9 7 225 1 10 39 11 417 27 4 5610 40 2 17
121 7 Satu 19 56 7 22 5 2 11 52ev.23 7 26 4 57; 11 54 2 59
1 22 s 1 19 43 7 21 5 3 mor. 1 77 26 4 59 mor. 3 43
I -23 2 Mon 19 29 7 205 4 1 4 1 54 7 25 5 1 8 4 30
124 3 Tue 19 14 7 20 5 6 2 15 2 49 7 24|5 1 2 20 5 25
§25 4 Wed 19 7 195 7 3 22 4 27 235 2 3 28 6 38
126 5 Thu 18 45 7 185 8 4 23 5 25 7 225 4 4 29 S 1
12? 6 Frid 18 30 7 175 9 5 16 6 50 7 21 5 5 5 21 9 26
8 2s 7 Satu 18 14 7 165 10 6 7 54 7 21 5 6 6 5 10 30
129 l s 17 58 7 165 12 6 37 8 437 20 5 8 6 41 11 19
30 2 Mon 17 42 7 155 13 sets. 9 25 7 195 9 sets. mor.
I 31 3 Tue 17 25 7 145 14 6 42 10 2 7 18|5 10 6 39t
Jan. 1817, a meeting of more than 3000 free colored citizens assem-
bled at Philadelphia to express their distrust and abhorrence of the
Colonization scheme. The venerable James Forten presided.
The New-England Anti-Slavery Society, formed at Boston, Jan. 30th,
1832. It was the first formed in the United States, and originally con-
sisted of twelve members; not fishermen, but "fishers of men." It is
now called the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society.
Jan. 1841, the Supreme Court of the United States decided what is
called the Mississippi Slave Case. Mississippi had passed a law
against the further importation of slaves, and out of the violation of this
law arose a law-suit, referred to the Supreme' Court. Judge McLean
pronounced the memorable opinion that "Slaves being considered as
merchandise in some States cannot divest them of the leading and con-
trolling quality of persons" According to this decision, Congress
has no power to regulate the internal slave trade ; for that power
could be derived only from the clause of the Constitution which em-
powers it to "regulate commerce."
Jan. 1841, Supreme Court of United States decided that the Africans
taken in the Amistad were free.
Jan. 13th, 1842, the first Slaveholder's Convention met at Annapolis.
Maryland. Their object was to induce the Legislature to pass laws
to prevent manumission, and to increase the oppressive weight already
resting on .he free colored people ; and thus if possible to drive them
off, with the aid of Colonization, The resolutions adopted were tyran-
ical and barbarous in the extreme. They excited so much indignation
in benevolent and religious-minded citizens, that several memorials were
sent to the legislature remonstrating against the passage of such des-
potic laws; and they were not passed. At this Convention Rev.
Charles T. Torrey was arrested and thrown into prison for the crime
of being present as a reporter.
Jan. 24th, 1842, Hon. J. Q. Adams presented a petition, signed by forty
citizens of Haverhill, Mass. praying Congress " peaceably to dissolve the
Union." He moved that it might be referred to a commiutee, with instruc-
tions to report against the prayer. Nevertheless, the wrath of southern
members was so intense against him, that they demanded he should be visited
with the severest censure of the House. After several days of fierce uproar,
the whole subject was laid on the table. This petition, so offensive, coming
from the North, was a literal copy of a petition from the South, during the
days of nullification.
Jan. 30th, 1842, at the anniversary of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery So-
ciety, was read in Faneuil Hall, Boston, the Irish Address, signed by 60,000,
among whom were Daniel O'Connell, Father Mat.hew, and Dr. Madden. It
was an exhortation from the Irish to their countrymen in America, to co-
operate with the abolitionists for the overthrow of slavery. It was received
with great enthusiasm many Irishmen being present. Large meetings of
Hughes of New- York, gave his public sanction. It was, however a genuine
document, sent spontaneously from Irish hearts.
Masons and Dixon's Line. This boundary takes its name from
CharlesMason and Jeremiah Dixon, appointed to run unfinished lines
between Maryland and Pennsylvania, on the territories subject to the
heirs of Lord Baltimore and "William Penn. The disputed question
was settled by their survey in 1762.
2d Month FEBRUARY, 1843. 28 days.
Feb. 20th, 1835, the brig Enterprise, which sailed from the District
of Columbia to Charleston, S. C. with 78 slaves on hoard, put info
Bermuda, in distress. At the request of the Friendly Society of coU
ored people, the slaves were brought before the Chief Justice, and he
pronounced them free, under the operation of British laws. They all
remained there, except a woman with five children, who chose to re-
turn to the United States; a proceeding for which her children may
l^ereafter curse her memory.
Feb. 13th, 1833, Prince Stanislaus Poniatowski, brother of the last
k*ing of Poland, died at Florence, aged 78. He rendered himself illtis*
trious by being the first to emancipate his serfs throughout his
extensive estates.
Addressed to Isaac T. Hopper, of New- York city, who, for more than half
a century, has heen the active, uncompromising, and dauntless friend and
advocate of the colored population of the United States, (both bond and free)
-*-and through whose instrumentality, multitudes of wandering fugitives
from the southern prison-house of bondage have been put in possession of
the inestimable boon of liberty.
How shall I speak thee, or thy power address,
Thou god of our idolatry, the Press ?
By thee, Religion, Liberty, and Laws,
Exert their influence, and advance their cause;
By thee, worse plagues than Pharaoh's land befell,
Diffused, make earth the vestibule cf hell.
Thou fountain, at which drink the good and wise;
Thou ever-bubblina: spring of endless lies;
JbiKe Eaen s uread, probationary tree.
Knowledge of Good and Evil is from thee. Cowr-KR,
3d Month MARCH, 1843. 31 davs.
w-YoRK.-New Moon, Id lh 7m mor 1st qr 9d 4h 53m mor: Full Moon, 16d lh 3m raor
; ;
$d qr 22d 6h 88m ere New Moon, 30d 6h 63m eve. Boston. -New Moon, Id lh 19m mor;
Sets. Bost'n
March 2d, 1807, the Foreign slave trade prohibited by act of Con-
press ; to take effect Jan. 1st, 1808. "The foreign slave trade, I
mean, sir."
March 1820, Missouri was admitted into the Union as a slaveholding
State. AM
the representatives from the Slave States voted for the
admission, and 14 from the Free States. Any two of them might
have prevented this extension of our great curse.
March, 1841, Gov. Seward, of New-York, refused to deliver up to
the Executive of Virginia, Peter Johnson, Edward Smith, and Isaac
Gansey, charged with the crime of stealing a slave. The reason as-
signed for refusal was that stealing a slave, within the jurisdiction, and
against the laws of Virginia, is not a felony, or other crime, within the
meaning of the second section of the fourth article of the Constitution
of the United States. A
long official correspondence ensued, distin-
guished on Gov. Seward's part by great courtesy and dignity,
combined with firmness.
March 1st, 1812, the Supreme Court of the United States decid-
ed that the provisions in the Constitution of the United States, relative
to fugitive slaves, executes itself so far as to authorise the owner or his
agent to seize the fugitive in any State of the Union as property : and —
that no State law is constitutional which interferes with such right.
That Congress having legislated, such legislation is the supreme law
of the land, excluding all State legislation upon the subject.
This decision was drawn forth by a suit Maryland vs. Pennsylvania.
A slave girl married a free man, and removed to Pennsylvania. A
relative of her master, some years after, seized her and her children as
slaves ; and though the latter were born in Pennsylvania, the Supreme
Court decided that those who carried them off were not kidnappers.
This decision has greatly emboldened slave-hunters, and increased the
dangers of the colored population.
March 21st, 1842, Joshua R. Giddings, of Ohio, submitted to Con-
gress certain resolutions concerning the Creole. They purported that
the Federal government had jurisdiction over all subjects of commerce
and navigation on the high seas ; that when the Creole left the territo-
rial jurisdiction of Virginia, the slave laws of that State ceased to have
jurisdiction over those on board said brig; and that, in resuming their
natural right to personal liberty, they had violated no law of the United
States, to which alone they were amenable.
This excited great uproar; and there was immediate demand that
Mr. Giddings should be censured. At first, they showed no disposition
to allow him a chance to defend himself; but growing cooler next day,
it was graciously intimated that it might be allowed as a favor. But
Mr. G. would either speak as a matter of right, or not at all. This
not being accorded, he resigned his seat, and returned to Ohio. He
was soon sent back, however, by an overwhelming majority.
A Temperance Gem. S. J. May, talking with a young man on the use
of wine, thus stated the complete argument in a few emphatic words " If :
it is a small sacrifice for you to give up drinking wine, do it for the sake
The world has heard the tocsin of truth and is awaking. Man is felt to
be MAN— whether European prejudice frown upon him on account of his
station, or American prejudice because of his color. Charles Follen.
4th Month APRIL, 1843.
New Moon, 29d llh 23m mor. Bostox.-1s£ Qr 7d 6h 22m eve Ftitt Moon, 14d 9h ;
45m mor 3d quarter, 21d 7h 41m mor New Moon, 29d llh 35m mor;
; ;
QJ 1
S Calendar foriV. York City; Calendar for Boston ; New-
o > — Conn. N. Jersey; Penn.* Eng. N. York St. Mich.
Ohio ; Indiana & Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa.
o VI
Sun Sun Moon HWa Sun Sun Moon. HWa
P. Ris. Sets. Sets. N. Y.^ Ris. Sets. Sets. Bostn
1 7 Sat 4 29 5 46 6 23 8 21 10 5 5 45 6 24 8 25 12
2 1 s 4 52 5 45 6 24 9 21 10 35 5 43 6 25 9 26 41
o 2 Mori 5 15 5 43 6 25 10 21 11 5 5 42 6 26 10 26 1 11
4 3 Tue 5 38 5 41 6 26 11 18 11 36 o 40 6
27 11 23 1 41
54 We 6 1 5 40 6 27 mor. mor. 5 38 6 28 mor. 2 12
6 5 Th 6 24 5 38 6 28 11 9 5 37; 6 29 17 2 45
7 6 Fri 6 46 5 36 6 29 59 50 5 35 6 30 1 4 3 26
8 7 Sat 7 9 5 35 6 30 1 41 1 40 5 33 6 31 1 45 4 16
9 i s 7 31 5 33 6 31 2 18 2 42 5 32! 6 33 2 21 5 18
10 2 Mon 7 53 5 32 6 32 2 51 4 10 5 30' 6 34 2 53 6 46
11 3 Tue 8 16 5 30 6 33 3 22 5 34 5 2S| 6 35 3 23 8 10
12 4 We 8 38 5 28 6 34 3 52 6 43 5 27 6 36 3 51 9 19
13 5 Th 8 59 5 27 6 35 4 23 7 36 5 25j 6 37 4 21 10 12
14 6 Fri 9 21 5 25 6 36 rises. 8 21 5 23, 5
38 rises. 10 57
15 7 Sat 9 43 5 24 6 37 8 32 9 4 5 22' 6 39 S 36 11 40
16 ji s 10 4 5 22 6 33 9 46 9 50 5 201 6 40 9 51 ev. 26
17 2 Mon 10 25 5 21 6 39 10 52 10 35 5 IS! 6 41 10 57 1 11
IS '3 Tue 10 46 5 19 6 40 11 4811 19 5 17 6 43 11 53 1 55
19 4 !
44 mor. 2 41
20 5 Th ill 28 5 16 6 42 34 52 5 14' 6 45 39 3 28
21 6 Fri ill 48 5 15 6 43 112 1 47 5 12J 6 46 1 16 4 23
22 7 Sat 112 9 5 13 6 44 1 44i 2 51 5 111 6 47 1 47 5 27
23 i s 12 29 5 12 6 45 2 11 4 12 5 9 6 48 2 13 6 48
24 \2 Mon 18 49 5 11 6 46 2 35 5 24 5 S 6 49 2 36 8
25i3 Tue 13 8 5 9 6 47 2 58 6 30 5 6 6 50 2 58 9 6
26|4 We 13 28 5 8 6 48 3 21 7 20 5 5, 6 51 3 20 9 56
27 15 Th 13 47 5 6 6 49 3 45 7 58 5 3 6 53 3 42 10 34
28;6 Fri 114 6 5 5 6 50 4 10 8 34 5 2| 6 54 4 7 11 10
29:7 Sat il4 25 5 4 6 52 sets. 9 6 5 6 55 sets. 11 42
30il § 114 43 5 2 6 53 S 15 9 38 4 59 6 56 8 19 mor.
" I am very sensible of the honor you propose to me, of becoming a mem-
ber of the society for the abolition of the slave trade. You know that no-
jbody wishes more ardently to see an abolition, not only of the trade but of
jtiie condition of slavery and certainly nobody will be more willing to en-
him of his free will, and of the power of cultivating his own mind, and
pursuing his own happiness. I cannot believe that can be stolen, which
is not, and cannot be, property.'''*
1 2 Mon 15 2 5
1 6 54 9 13 10 10 4 58 6 57 9 18 14
23 Tue 15 20 0'6
5 55'10 7 10 42 4 56 6 58 10 13 46
3 4 Wedl5 3S4 59 6 56 10 56 11 18 4 55: 6 59 11 2 1 18
4 5 Thu 15 55 4 57 6 57 11 40 11 55 4 54 7 11 44 1 54
5.6 Frid 1612 4 56 6 58 morn. morn. 4 52 7 1 morn. 2 31
6,7 Sat 16 29 4 55 6 59 17 38 4 51*7 2 2 3 14
71 S 16 46' 4 54 7 51 1 30 4 50 7 3 53 4 6
8 2 Mon 17 3 4 53 7 1 1 21 2 29 4 49 7 5 1 23 5 5
9;3 Tue 17 19 4 51 7 2 150 3 46 4 48 7 6 1 50 6 22
10'4 Wed 17 35 4 50 7 3 2 20 4 58 4 46 7 7 2 IS 7 34
ll'5 Thu 17 50' 4 49 7 41 2 51 6 7 4 45 7 8 2 48 8 43
12 6 Frid 18 6 4 48 7 5 3 25 02 4
7 44 7 9 3 21 9 38
13,7 Sat 18 21 4 47 7 6, rises. 53 4
7 43 7 10 rises. 10 29
14|l S IL8 35 4 46 7 6 8 31 42 4
8 42 7 11 8 36 11 18
15 2 Mon 18 50 4 45 7 7 9 33 33 4
9 41 7 12 9 39 ev. 9
163 Tue 19 4 4 44 7 8 10 25 20 4
10 40 7 13 10 30 56
17 4 Wed 19 18 4 43 7 9 t
11 7 4 4
11 39 7 14 11 12 1 40
18 5 Thu 19 31 4 43 7 10 11 42 49 4
11 38' 7 15 11 46 2 25
19'6 Frid 19 44 4 42 7 11 morn. ev. 36 4 37 7 16 morn. 3 12
20,7 Sat 19 57 4 41 7 12 12 1 27 4 36 7 17 14 4 3
21 1 S 20 9 4 40 7 13 38 2 20 4 35 7 18 39 4 56
22 2 Mon 20 21 4 39 7 14 1 1 3 21 4 34 7 19 1 2 5 57
23 3 Tue 20 33 4 38 7 15 1 24 4 28 4 341 7 20 1 24 7 4
24 4 Wed 20 44 4 38 7 16 1 48 5 27 4 33 7 21 1 46 S 3
25 5 Thu 20 55 4 37 7 17 2 13 6 25 4 32, 7 22 2 10 9 1
26 6 Frid 21 6 4 36 7 17 2 40 7 15 4 31 7 22 2 37 9 51
27i7 Sat 21 16 4 36 7 18 3 12 7 56 4 31 7 23 3 S 10 32
28 1 S '21 26 4 35 7 19 3 50 4
8 35 30, 7 24 3 44 11 11
29j2 Mon 21 36 4 35 7 20 sets. 4 29.7 25
9 14 sets. 11 50
30|3 Tue 21 45 4 34 7 21 8 54 51 4 29| 7 26
9 8 59 morn.
314 Wed 21 54 4 34 7 21 9 39il0 27 4 28' 7 27 9 44 27
Slavery in Maryland was founded in a disgraceful traffic, to which Ens-
land lent her fostering aid from motives of interest. But wherefore should
we confine the edge of censure to our ancestors, or those from whom they were
purchased ? Are we not equally guilty ? They strewed around the seeds
of slavery ice cherish and sustain the growth. They introduced the system|
— we enlarge, invigorate, and confirm it. Its continuance is as shameful as
its origin.'" —
William Pinckney.
It is well known that very few colored people belong to the Society
of Friends. Natural temperament, and the influences of their station
in life, both tend to make them partial to more exciting forms of reli-
gion and the Friends, being no more free from prejudice against color
than other sects, offer no additional attraction to draw them into their
meetings. On this point, our friend Isaac T. Hopper once bore, his
testimony in a very characteristic manner. David Mapes and his wife,
the only colored members of meeting, were a very worthy and
respectable couple. They came, among other Friends, to share the
hospitality of Isaac's house, at Yearly meeting. Some questions arose
in the family whether or not the white Friends would be offended to eat
with them. " Leave that to me," said Isaac. When the hour came,
he announced it thus: "Friends, dinner is now ready. David and his
wife will come with me and as I like that all should be accommoda-
ted, those who object to dining with them, can wait till they have
Several smiled, but none of the guests remained behind.
Mr. Pierpont being asked for his autograph, at the Massachusetts Fair,
hastily wrote with a pencil the following happy effusion :
34m eve; Neiu Moon, 27d 2h 24m eve. Boston.- 1st Quarter, 5d 9h 51m mor;
Full Moon, 12d 2h 27m mor 3d qr 19d 3h 46m eve Neio Moot1, 27d 2h 36m eve.
; ;
O "0
Conn. N. Jersey; Penn. Eug. N. York St. Mich.
3 CD Ohio; Indiana and Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa.
James Munroe. 2
'June, 1840, the first General Anti-Slavery Convention, sometimes
called " The World's Convention," was held in London. Lucretia
Mott, (a highly-gifted minister in the Society of Friends) and two or
three other women, were appointed delegates from various parts of
the United States. They were treated with much courtesy as indivi-
duals, but not allowed to take their place as delegates; on the ground
that custom did not authorize women to take part in deliberative as-
semblies. A young girl of 18 was at the same time the supreme head
of the British nation, and Commander of its armies, and navy.
I come —
the Lord's annointed —
here to speak,
And preach his word glad tidings to the meek;
To heal the broken-hearted captive's pain ;
Forever to dissolve oppression's chain: —
From prison to release the wretched thrall,
While, from his limbs the galling fetters fall.
Hark! hapless mourner! lend an anguish'd ear,
Hark I proclaim the Lord's accepted year.
morning New Moon, 27d0h 46m morning. Bosto?j.-1s£ Quarter, 4d 2h 19m evening
Full Moon, lid Oh 22m eve 3d qr 19d 8h 56m mor New Moon, 27d Oh 58m mor.
; ;
Satu 23
9 34 7 9 57 11 34 28,7 38, 9 5S 1 30
23 5
S 34 7 10 25 mor. 29 7 3810 25 2 10
3 2 Mon 23 35 7 54; 15 297 3810 52 2 51
Tue 22 55 35 7 32 11 24j 1 2 307 3811 21 3 38
Wed 22*6914 36 7 3211 53 1 54 317 3711 54 4 30
5 Thu 22 44 37 7 32 mor. 2 49 31,7 37] mor. 5 25
6 Frid 22 33 37 7 37 3 53! 327 37 32 6 29
7 Satu 22 31 38 7 1 23, 5 4 32 7 37! I 17 7 40
1 § 22 24 38 7 2 18 6 20 337 36j 2 11 8 5d
10!2 Mon 22 17 39 7 3 19 7 26 4 347 36 3 12 10 2
113 Tue 22 9 40 7 rises. 8 23|4
34 7 35 rises. 10 59
12 4 Wed 22 1 40 7 291 8 9 9 1314 35 7 35 8 13 11 49
Thu 21 53 417 29 8 39 9 59 4 36.7 34 8 41 ev. 35
Frid 21 44 4^2 7 28 9 510 38 4 377 34 9 6 1 14
7 Satu 21 35i:4 43 7 28 9 3011 16 4 38 ~ 33 9 30 1 52
1 S |21 25 4 437 27 9 '53 1 i"4 32 9 52 2 27
2 Mon 21 15 4 44 7 27 10 17ev. 24 4 397 32 10 15 3
3 Tue 21 5!4 45 2610 43 114 40|7 31 10 39 3 37
19,4 Wed 20 55 2511 11 39 I 4l|7 3011 7 4 15
20 5 Thu 20 44 2511 43 4 42 7 3011 38 4 57
216 Frid 20 32 4 48 7 24 mor. I 437 29 mor. 5:
Satu 20 21 4 48 23j 22 4 26 447 28! 16 7 2
S 20 94 22 1 7i 5 37 447 27 1 1 8 13
Mon 19 56 4 22 2 1 45,7 26 1 54 9 24
Tue 19 4:1 4 467 25 2 55 10 23
26 4 Wed 19 3: 4 8 33
8; 47|7 24; 4 311 9
27 5 Thu 49 17 4 19' sets. 9 16
| 48j7 23| sets. 1 1 52
286 Frid 19 3 4 54 18; 7 59 9 56 49 7 22 8 mor.
297 Satu IS 49 4 55 17 8 2810 37||4= 50 7 21 8 28 32
30! 1 S 18 35 4 56 8 57,11 16 4 51 7 20 8 56 1 13
31 i2 Mon 18 20 4 56 9 28J1 5- 4 7 19 1
9 25 1 52
Songs of Thanksgiving bursts of prayer,
On every hill were heard
The vales were vocal, and the air
With melody was stirred. W. H. Burleigh.
New-Yokk.-1s£ Quarter, 2d 6h 31m eve Full Moon, lOd llh 58m eve 3d quarter, lSd
; ; lh
54m morning New Moon, 25d 9h 39m morning. Boston. -1st Quarter, 2d 6h 43m eve
Full Moon, lOd Oh 10m mor 3d qr 18d 2h 6m mor
; New Moon, 25d 9h 51m mor.
Calendar for N. York City ; Calendar for Boston; Neiv-
Conn. N. Jersey ; Penn. Ei r. N. York St. Mich.
Ohio ; Indiana & Illinois. Wiuconsin and Iowa.
1st of August 1842, occurred the worst of several mobs against the
colored people of Philadelphia. It was an entirely unprovoked attack
upon a temperance procession of colored citizens, in commemmoration
of British emancipation. A
church and Hall, built with the hard
earnings of colored ciiizens, was burnt down, their houses demolished
or badly injured, and themselves beaten and mangled in the most fero-
eious manner. The city authorities afforded no efficient protection till
the mischief was all done, in a riot of two days. The National Intelli-
gencer, the organ of Governm nt could draw no other moral from the
bloody scene, than that "it would serve to teach the colored people the
danger of having processions."
22d of August, 1839, departed this life, Benjamin Lundy; one of the
earliest, most active, and most disinterested friends of the American slave*
August 1st, 1834, Great Britain emancipated 800,000 slaves in her
West India Islands ; a glorious reward for the 800,000 women who sent
a petition to Parliament almost too bulky to be carried in. Up to this
time, not a single plantation has been fired, nor a single drop of blood
shed by the emancipated slaves. The worst result is that large plant-
ers have to pay more for labor, because their former servants are eager
to settleon small farms of their own.
August 10th, 1835, an academy established for children, without
regard to complexion, in Canaan, N. H. was drawn off into the swamp,
by a mob.
August 11th, 1835, Dr. Reuben Crandell was thrown into prison, at
Washington, D. C. for having an anti-slavery paper in his trunk.
1st of August, abolitionists in various parts of Massachusetts held
picnic parties, in commemoration of British Emancipation.
Dr. Madden, then resident in Jamaica, thus wrote to Dr. Richardson,
August 6th, 1834:
" The first of August passed over without the slightest disorder. I did
not see a drunken negro, nor any great appearance of exultation, except that
which, in the subdued form of grateful piety, I witnessed in the churches.
"In fact, for a great festival, it was as quiet a day as can well be imagin-
ed. The only symptom I saw of turbulent joy, was on the part of some
negro urchins, who were throwing stones at a drunken sailor, and who,
when poor Jack made a reel after them, scampered away, shouting most
lustily to each other, What for you run away?
We all free now ! Buckra
can't catch we ? Hurra for fuss of Augus Hi, ! hi, fuss oi Augus ! Hurra
for fuss of Augus !'
Then the elite of the liberated blacks would courageously wheel round
and give poor Jack another volley of pebbles, and cut all manner ol ridicu-
lous capers before him. This was the only emanation of the great spirit that
had just walked abroad, that I happened to get a glimpse of."
If you could be in the British West Indies on the first of August, you
would see throngs of happy sable faces, coming up from the fruitful vallies,
and wandering in long procession over the sun-lit hills. Stop them in the
loneliness of their forests, where the bright sunshine wakes and watches
over the deep sleeping shadows of the bamboo and the cocoa, the cedar and
the palm. Ask them' " What do you think of freedom now ?" The women
will drop on. their knees, the men uncover their heads, and look reverently
upward, as they answer, "Oh, massa, thank God, and the good English
people ! Liberty so sweet !" l. m. c.
9th Month SEPTEMBER, 1843. 30 days.
New, 23d 5h 57m eve 1st qr 30d 9h 15m mor. Boston.- 1st Qr Id Oh 33m mor Full, Sd
; ;
2h 13m eve 3d qr 16d 6h 29m eve New, 23d 6h 9m eve 1st qr 30d 9h 27m mor.
; ; ;
1 6 Fri 8 22 5 28 6 32 11 5 1 3 5 26 6 33 10 59 3 39
2 7 Sat 8 5 29 6 30 morn. 1 57 5 27 6 32 12 4 33
3 i s 7 38 5 30 6 28 7 3 5 5 28 6 30 morn. 5 41
4 2 Mon 7 16 5 31 6 27 1 11 4 36 5 29 6 28 1 5 7 12
5 3 Tue 6 54 5 31 6 25 2 16 6 5 5 30 6 27 2 11 8 41
6 4 We 6 32 5 32 6 24 3 20 7 12 5 31 6 25 3 16 9 48
7 5 Th 6 9 5 33 6 22 4 22 8 3 5 32 6 23 4 20 10 39
8 6 Fri 5 47 5 34 6 20 5 23 8 44 5 33 6 22 5 22 11 20
9 7 Sat 5 24 5 35 6 19 rises. 9 17 5 34 6 20 rises. 11 53
10 i s 5 1 5 36 6 17 6 49 9 48 5 35 6 18 6 47 ev.24
11 2 Mon 4 39 5 37 6 15 7 15 10 19 5 36 6 16 7 12 55
12 3 Tue 4 16 5 38 6 14 7 44 10 48 5 37 6 15 7 40 1 24
13 4 We 3 53 5 39 6 12 8 18 11 18 5 38 6 13 8 13 1 54
14 5 Th 3 30 5 40 6 10 8 56 11 46 5 39 6 11 8 50 2 22
15 6 Fri 3 7 5 41 6 9 9 41 ev. 19 5 40 6 9 9 35 2 55
16 7 Sat 2 44 5 42 6 7 10 33 56 5 41 6 8 10 27 3 32
17 i s 2 20 5 43 6 5 11 32 1 44 5 42 6 6 11 26 4 20
18 2 Mon 1 57 5 44 6 4 morn. 2 51 5 44 6 4 morn. 5 27
19 3 Tue 1 34 5 45 6 2 37 4 20 5 45 6 2 31 6 56
20 4 We 1 10 5 46 6 1 45 5 44 5 46 6 1 1 41 8 20
21 5 Th 47 5 47 5 59 2 57 6 54 5 47 5 59 2 54 9 30
22 6 Fri N. 24 5 48 5 57 4 10 7 42 5 48 5 57 4 8 10 18
23,7 Sat 5 49 5 55 5 25 8 26 5 49 5 55 5 24 11 2
241,1 S S. 23 5 50 5 53 sets. 9 5 5 50 5 53 sets. 11 41
25 2 Mon 47 5 51 5 52 6 35 9 47 5 51 5 52 6 31 morn.
26 3 Tue 1 10 5 52 5 50 7 16 10 31 5 52 5 50 7 11 23
27 4 We 1 33 5 53 5 48 8 4 11 13 5 53 5 48 7 58 1 7
28 5 Th 1 57 5 54 5 47 8 59 11 57 5 54 5 46 8 53 1 49
29 6 Fri 2 20 5 55 5 45 10 morn. 5 56 5 44 9 54 2 33
30 7 Sat 2 44 5 56 5 43 11 4 44 5 51 5 43 10 59 1
3 20
" From a r jersuasion that equal liberty was originally the portion, and is
still the birth right of all men, and influenced by the strong ties of humanity
and the princ iples of their institutions, your memorialists conceive themselves
bound to use all justifiable endeavors to loosen the bands of slavery, and pro-
mote a gener al enjoyment oi the blessings of freedom."" Benjamin Franklin.
September 5th, 1841, a ferocious mob destroyed, for the third time,
the printing press of the Philanthropist, an anti-slavery paper publish-
ed in Cincinnati, Ohio. They tore down a house, where they suspected
a runaway slave was concealed: were guilty of the most ferocious
cruelty to colored men, and indecent brutality to colored women. They
were supposed to be instigated by slaveholders in Kentucky.
Sept. 15th, 1829, slavery abolished in Mexico, by a proclamation of
the President.
Sept. 5th, 1835, a large meeting in Clinton, Missouri, resolved that
"abolitionists are worthy of immediate death, and that they w ould re- r
ceive it in any part of that State." They also very highly recom-
mended the Colonization Society.
Sept. 17th, 1835, Grand Jury of Oneida county, N. Y. made a -pre-
sentment, in which they say that those who form abolition societies
are guilty of sedition and of right ought to be punished ; and that it is
the duty of all citizens, friendly to the Constitution of the United
States, to destroy all their publications wherever found.
The following was published by authority
of Congress, in the Nation
al Intelligencer. Northern men have a majority in Congress. " What
has the North to do with slavery ?"
" Notice. —
Was committed to the jail of Washington County, Dis-
trict of Columbia, as a runaway, a negro woman, by the name of Polly
Leiper, and her infant child William. #--##*
Says she was set
free by John Campbell of Richmond, Va. in 1818 or 1819. The owner
of the above-described woman and child, it any, are reqnested to come
and prove them, and take them away or they will be sold for their
29d 9h 47m evening-. Bostox. -Full Moon, sd 6h 32m morning;; 3<i quarter, 18d 9h
15m morning New, 23d 2h 52m morning Is* quarter 23d 9h 58m evening
; ; .
J3 ^5
42 W Calendar for iV. York City; Calendar for Boston ; Neu-
oa jS Conn. N. Jersty ; Penn.\ Eng. N. York St. Mich.
5 Ohio; Indiana & Illinois. Wisconsin and Iowa.
O o 09
>-> Sun Sun Moon 11 Wa Sun Sun Moon, 11 Wa
o9 C3 5 Ris. Sets. Sets. N. Y.jjRis.
Q Sets. Sets. Bostn
I 13 6 Frid 7 43 6 JO 5 22 8 28 11 2 6 11 5 21 8 22 1 56
14 7 Satu 8 5 6 11 5 21 9 23 11 54 6 13 5 19 9 17 2 30
15 l s 8 27 6 12 5 19 10 23 ev. 35 6 14 5 17 10 18 3 11
1G 2 Mon 8 50 6 13 5 18 11 28 I 2G 6 15 5 16 11 23 3 56
17 3 Tue 9 12 6 14 5 16 mor. 2 24 6 16 5 14 mor. 5
18 4 Wed 9 34 6 \5 5 15 36 3 46 6 17 5 13 32 6 22
19 5 Thu 9 55 \6 17 5 13 1 46 5 S 6 19 5 11 1 43 7 44
20 6 Frid 10 17 6 18 5 12 2 58 6 17 6 20 5 9 2 57 8 53
21 7 Satu 10 39 6 19 5 10 4 12 7 10 6 21 5 8 4 13 9 46
22 1 s 11 G 6 20 5 9 5 29 7 55 6 22 5 6 5 31 10 31
23 2 Mon 1121 6 21 5 7 sets. 8 39 (3 23 5 5 sets. 11 15
24 3 Tue 1142 6 22 5 6 5 52 9 25 6 25 5 3 5 47 mor.
25 4 Wed 12 3 6 23 5 5 6 46 10 11 6 26 5 2 6 40 1
20 5 Thu 12 24 6 25 5 3 7 47 10 55 6 27 5 7 41 46
27 6 Frid 12 44 6 26 5 2 8 53 11 42 6 28 4
59 8 47 1 31
23 7 Satu 13 5 6 27 5 10 mor. 6 30 4
58 9 54 2 18!
29 l s 13 25 6 28 4 59 11 5 5o 11 1 3 r
31 6 31 4
30 2 Mon 13 4 4 6 29 4 58 mor. 1 25 6 32 4 55 mor. 4 I
3 Tue 14 4 6 30 4 57 9 2 29| 6 331 4 54 6 5 5 f
1 i2i
Congress passed a appropriating $17,000 for the maintainance of
a Police Guard at Washington
to protect the public buildings, and
" enforce the regulations of die city." The people of the Free States,
of course must must do their full share toward supporting these pub-
lic buildings, and this Police Guard. The business of that police is
seen in the following advertisement, -which appeared in the National
Intelligencer of June 13.
FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD—I pay the above reward to
any person or persons, who will inform me who
he or she was
who entered the enclosure of the lock-up house on Thirteenth street,
(second ward,) and therefrom released and aided in the escape of
a mulatto girl, aged 17 years, and a slave for life, named JANE
STEWAitT, the same being placed by a police officer therein for safe
keeping for the night. The person giving such information will be re-
quired to assist in prosecuting and the obtaining and deliverv of said
negro to me. JAMES MAGUIRE,
June 17—31 11th street.
A girl of seventeen years old placed in the watch-house, for being a
slave for life —
"for safe keeping for the night." Doubtless in the
morning she was to have been carried off to some distant place.
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD.—Ranaway from the sub-
scriber on Tuesday, the 14th instant, a negro man slave named Levi,
who call himself Levi Carroll, about 28 or 30 years of age, dark com-
plexion, rather a pleasing countenance when in conversation, about 5
feet 7 or 8 inches high. It is deemed useless to describe his dress, as
he took a variety of clothing with him, He "left home without the
slightest provocation, where he has a wife and child he has a mother
Oh 38m eve; 1st Quarter, 2Sd 2h 12m eve. Boston. -Full Moon, 7d Oh 38m mor
3 d Qu arter, 14d 9h 49m eve Ne w, 2 Id Oh 50m eve 1st Quart er, 2Sd 2h 24m eye
; ;
K Calendar for N. York City : Calendar for Boston : New-
o Conn. N. Jersey ; Pcnn. jE«g. A Hork St. Mich. .
1 4 We 14 23 6 32 4 j 55 1 3 4S 6 35 4 52 1 8 6 24
2 5 Th 14 43 6 33^4 54 2 5 4 6 36 4 51 2 9 7 40
3 6 Fri 15 2 6 34 4 53 3 6 9 6 37 4 50 3 9 S 45
4 7 Sat 15 20 6 35 4 52 4 7 l!6 33 4 48 4 8 9 37
5 i s 15 39 6 36 4 51 5 7 42 6 40| 4 47 5 7 10 18
6 2 Mon 15 57 6 38 1 50 6 8 19 6 414 46 6 7 10 55
7 3 Tue 16 15 6 39 4 1 4S rises. 8 52! 6 42 4 45 rises. 11 28
8 4 We 16 32 6 40|4 47 5 38 9 25, 6 44 4 44 5 32 ev. 1
9 5 Th 16 50 6 41 4 46 6 25 9 56 6 45 4 43 6 19 32
10 6 Fri17 7 6 42 4 45 7 18 10 28 6 46 4 42 7 12 1 4
11 Sat17 24 6 44 4 j
44 17 11 2 6 47 4 41 8 11 1 38
12 s 17 40 6 45 4 43 9 19 11 36 6 49 4 40 14 2 9 12
13 Mori 17 56 6 46i4 42 10 24 ev. 17 6 50 4 39 10 20 2 53
Tue 18 31 6 o[ 4 38 11 28 3 39
14 12 f>
47J4 42 11 31 1
15 We
18 28 6 48:4 41 morn. 2 6 52 4 37 morn. 4 36
16 Th 18 43 6 50|4 40 39 3 9 6 54 4 36 37 5 45
17 6 Fri 18 58 6 5114 39 1 49 4 25 6 55 4 35 1 49 7 1
18 7 Sat 19 12 6 52 4 38 3 2 5 33 6 56 4 34 3 3 8 9
10 1 S 19 27 6 53i4 38 4 18 6 35 6 57 4 33 4 20 9 11
20 2 Mon 19 41 6 54 4 37 5 35 7 29; 6 59| 4 5 38 10 5
21 Tue 19 54 6 55 4 36 sets. 8 19, 7 4 32 sets. 10 55
22 We
20 7 6 57 4 36 5 27 9 87 4 31 5 2011 44
21 Th 20 20 6 58 4 35 6 32 9 57' 4 30 6 26morn.
2-1 Fri 20 32 6 59 4 34 7 41 10 43|7 4 30 7 35 33
25 Sat 20 44 4 34 8 50,11 30,7 4 29 8 45 1 19
26 8 20 56 1,4 33 9 56 morn. 7 4 29 9 53 2 6
27 2 Mon 21 7 2 4 33 11 17 7 7 4 28 10 57 2 53
2S|3 Tue 21 IS 3 4 33 morn. 1 6 7 8 4 28| 12 3 42
2914 We
21 28 4 4 32 1 1 58 7 9 4 27 morn. 4 24
He went back for this purpose, and was probably caught by his master,
and sold to New Orleans as a punishment. At all events, he was
next heard of as the hero of the Creole. It is believed that his be-
loved wife was with him on board that vessel. The authorities of
New Providence declared all the slaves free. Four -or five of the
women (supposed to be mistresses of the white men) were at first in-
clined to go back to the United States; but when the case had been
truly represented to them by the colored people of the island, they
took their freedom.
Daniel Webster, Secretary of State, officially demanded of Great
Britain redress of these grievances, in a style which slaveholders
applauded to the echo.
TEN DOLLARS REWARD.—Ranaway from the subscribers, on
the loth of last month, the negro man Charles, about 4-5 years of age,
5 feet 6 inches high ; red complexion ; has had the upper lid of his right
eye torn, and a scar on his forehead ; speaks English only, and stut-
ters when spoken to ; had on when he left, an iron collar, the prongs
of which he broke off before absconding. The above reward will be
paid for the arrest of said slave. W. E. & R. MURPHY, 132 Old Basin,
We have accidentally lost the name of thesouthern newspaper, from
which we cut the the above advertisement. It is a true bill,
Anti-Slavery Zeal. —When Samuel J. May first began to feel inter-
ested in the anti-slavery cause, Mr. Garrison's zeal naturally seemed to
him excessive. Having one day listened to an outburst of indignation, he
exclaimed, '" Why, brother Garrison, you are all on fire!" With eloquent
solemnity, he replied, "Brother May, I have need to he all on fire for !
there are mountains of ice around me to melt."
12th Month DECEMBER. 31 days.
tyrants and their servile train
Speak as your pilgrim fathers spoke !
mor 1st Quarter, 2Sd 9h -57m mor. Bostoit.-FuH Mood, 6d 7h 17m eve 3d Quarter,
; ;
14 d 8h 9m morn ; New Moon, 21d Oh 25m morn 1st Quarter, 28d lOh 9m morn.
ad Calendar for N
York City; Calendar for Boston ; New-
1 6 Fri 21 48 74 31 4 5 26! 2 6 41
2 7 Sat 21 57 84 31 5 9 26\ 2 59 7 45
3 i s 22 6 94 31 6.10 26 3 59 8 46
4 2 Mon 22 14 10 4 31 7 4 26\ 4 59 9 40
5 3 Tue 22 22 114 31 46 25 5 57 10 22
6 4 We 22 30 12 4 31 rises. 26 25 rises, ill 2
7 5 Tli 22 37 13 4 30 3 5 7 11 39
8 6 Fri 22 43 13 4 30 39 6 5ev. 15
9 7 Sat 22 50 14 4 30, 15 7 7 51
10 i s 22 55 15 4 31 1710 51 8 13 1 27
11 2 Mon 23 164 311 23 11 28 9 19 2 4
12 3 Tue 23 5: 17 4 3l!l0 29 ev. 6 10 27 2 42
13 4 We 23 JO 18 4 11 37 51 25,11 36 3 27
14 5 Tli 23 13 IS 4 morn. 1 40 24 4 26 4 16
15 6 Fri 23 17 19 4 46 2 36 25 4 47 5 12
16 7 Sat 23 20 20 4 3 42 25 4 2 6 18
17 s' 23 22 214 1 51 26 4 3 15 7 27
18 2 Mon 23 24 214 6 5 4 30 8 41
19 3 Tue 23 26 22 4 7 7 27|4 5 43 9 43
20 4 We 23 27 23 4 8 5 28)4 6 50 10 41
21 5 Th 23 27 23 4 34 sets. 8 59 I
29 4 28 sets. 41 35
22 6 Fri 23 28 24 4 6 27 9 50 2914 29 6 22'morn.
23 7 Sat 23 27 214 7 36 10 34 30|4 29 7 32; 26
24 i s 23 26 24 4 8 43 11 18 30'4 30 8 40 1 10
25 2 Mon 23 25 25 4 9 47 12 30 9 45| 1 54
26 3 Tue 23 23 25 4 10 4S morn. 3lil0 48 2 36
27 4 We 23 21 26 4 37|ll 48 41 Sljll 49 3 17
28 -5 Th 23 18 26 4 381 mora. 1 22 32 morn. 3 58
29 6 Fri 23 15 26 4 33 47 2 4 33, 49 4 40.,
30 7 Sat 23 11 26 4 39 1 46 2 53 341 1 48 5 29
31 i s 23 7 27 4 40 2 45 3 54 351 2 481 6 30
"It is a debt we owe to the purity of our religion, to show that it is at
variance with that law which warrants slavery."— Patrick Henry.
"I never mean, unless some particular circumstance should compel me to
it, to possess another slave by purchase; it being among my
first wishes to
see some plan adopted by which slavery in this country may be
abolished by
\la uv' General Washington.
The memory of the faithful dead
Be on their children's hearts this day
Your father's God, their host that led,
Will shield you through the stormy way.
Your Saviour bids you seek and save
The trampled and the oppressed of earth j
Free Thought. It is written, " Many shall run to and fro, and
knowledge shall be increased." Surely the plain rule is, let each considerate
person have his way and see what it will lead to. For not this man and
that man, hut all men, make up mankind, and their united tasks the task
of all mankind. Wise man was he that counselled that speculation should
have free course, and look fearlessly toward all the thirty-two points of
the compass, whithersoever and howsoever it listed. T. Carlyle.
step. He has planted his fore foot out with the most indomitable
thee, that the northern donkey beats the southern, out and out, on
the race course of productive labor ; and all because a bunch of
beets are before his nose, instead of beats on his back Never
Hurrah and let him who can stop thy speed, while that blessed
men learn a lesson from this race between the North and the
South ?
Slavery is a mildew, which has blighted every region it has
touched, from the creation of the world. Illustrations from
the history of other countries, and other times, might be instruc-
tive, but we have evidence nearer at hand, in the short histories
of the different States of this great confederacy, which are im-
pressive in their admonitions, and conclusive in their character."
— Speech of Mr. Broadnax, in the Legislature of Virginia, 1832.
" Sir, the evils of this system glare upon us at every step.
When the owner looks at his wasted estate, he knows and feels
them. When the statesman examines the condition of his coun-
try, and finds her moral influence gone, her physical strength
diminished, her political power waning, he sees and must confess
them." Speech of Mr. Summers in the Virginia Legislature, 1832.
and giveth him not for his work." Jeremiah 22. 13.
Thefollowing is condensed from a long series of tables, in the
Cincinnati Philanthropist:
The tables cover the years between 1789, and January, 1842.
Table I.
90 73
Table II.
Showing the comparative Representation of the South and North in
European Courts, to which the United States have at any time sent
a Minister.
uth. North.
Great Britain, 8 6
France, . 3 7
Spain, . 1 6
Russia, . 6 7
Portugal, . 5 4
Sweden, . 3 2
Prussia, . 1 2
Austria, . 1 1
Netherlands, . 4 5
Treaty of Ghent, 2 3
Turkey, . 2
56 43
* Southern men have occupied the Presidential chair forty years and nine
months; northern men, twelve years and one month.
t "Within the last eight years, six appointments have been made to the
bench of the Supreme Court all from the slave States.
X The present Attorney General, Mr. Legare, used the following language,
in a debate had in Congress, on a petition praying for the recognition of the
Republic of Haiti
"It ought to be rejected with reprobation. As sure as you live, sir,
if thiscourse is permitted to go on, the sun of this Union will go down
— it will go down in blood —
and go down to rise no more. I pro-
nounce the authors of such things traitors, traitors not to their country
only, but the whole human race."
$ With the exception of J. W. Taylor, of New-York, who served
years, the North has not given a Speaker to the House since 1809.
The Slave States have little more than half the white popula-
tion that the Free States have ;
yet they have more than tw«-
thirds asmany again ivhites who can neither read nor write whije ;
to feed on fragments, and live in dirty holes. Now if you will go with
me, you shall have whole orchards of nuts and apples, and large rooms
to live in; and the shrewdest among you will soon get to be governors
and judges.
The old Rat. I say, smooth sir, will you please to tell me what you
hold behind you ? It looks to me wonderfully like a dagger. As for
your velvet paw, I have my suspicions that the claws are only drawn in.
Puss. Sir, believe me, I have not the slightest intention of injuring
your property; on the contrary I would take such measures as would
guarantee you its possession forever. You don't catch me talking
with the inferior creatures that you've got shut up. You've paid your
money for them, and you've a right to them. You've got them into a
tight trap, and very wisely put the Bible on it, as a precious weight to
keep all safe and steady. But you see these free rats and mice, that
are scampering round in such numbers, only serve to make the happy
creatures in the trap discontented with their lot; I've caught them
with their nose at the bars squeaking together; a practice which you
must see is unsafe for your interests. The next thing, they will be
pulling the Bible off, upsetting the trap, and gnawing a hole through
the platform. Nowr just let me colonize them, and they will be nicely
out of your way; and now and then for the sake of appearances, you
can let one out of the trap, and bid him go with his comrades.
Slaveholder. Ha ha! ha a good plan, by Jove. But go to the
! !
yankees, and make them pay for shipping the nuisances. But harkee,
don't call'em nuisances there; call'em misssionaries, They're going
to convert Africa, you know. The Devil take'em !"
Puss. Trust me. I have a velvet paw ; and nobody shall see what's
folded up inside of it.
fifty buck shot into Grotio. The people came hundreds of miles after-
ward to see his head and eyes." Address of Mr. Harris, a colored man
from Liberia; one of Henry Clay's "missionaries of the Gospel."
The American Colonization Society has been in existence 21 years.
Prior to July 1st 1S42,had expended nearly one million of dollars.
This singular being, as peculiar in person as he was remarkable in
character, was the earliest advocate of anti-slavery on record. He was
born in Colchester, England, 1677. In 1718, he removed to Barbadoes.
The slave trade was then carried on with great activity in the West
Indies, and the cruelties he witnessed soon moved his humane heart to
pity and indignation. The boldness with which he testified against
slaveholding soon excited popular clamor and after bearing it thirteen
beard, which was milk-white, hung low upon his breast. His dress
was always the same a white hat, and half-boots, tow coat and trow-
sers, of his own spinning, of the natural color, often very much darned.
.It is singular, that his wife very much resembled him in size, and had
a crooked back. The similarity of their appearane even excited the
remarks of the slaves in Barbadoes ; who used to say when they saw
them together, " That title bachararar* man, go all over world, see for
that backararar woman for himself."
He always travelled on foot, oftentimes to a considerable distance.
Having once walked to Philadelphia, with an intention of conversing
with an individual of considerable note, he found the family at break-
fast ; Lay was invited to partake vvith them; but seeing a black servant
in attendance, he inquired of his master, " Is this man a slave?"
" Yes," replied his host. " Then I will not share with thee the fruits of
thy unrighteousness ;" said he; and immediately departed from the
house. He never owned a slave himself, neither would he sit with
nor partake of the food of any one who did.
On one occasion he met a fine boy of six years old, whom he coaxed
to go with him to his dwelling in the woods. Toward night, the ago-
nized parents came to him, exclaiming, " Oh, Benjamin Our child has !
been missing all day." " Your child is safe in my house," szid he," and
you may now conceive of the sorrow you inflict upon the parents of the
negro girl you hold in slavery ; for she was torn from them by avarice. 13
His parents belonged to the Society of Friends, and he was a con?
stant attendant at the Monthly Meetings. At that time, many mem-
bers of the society were slaveholders. Benjamin gave no peace to any
one of that description. As sure as any such character attempted to
speak to the business of the meeting, he would start to his feet, and
cry out, " There's another negro-master !"
In 1737, he published a book against slavery, which was printed by
Benjamin Franklin, who always entertained the highest respect for
this singular but most benevolent man. There was likewise a very
eordial attachment between Benjamin Lay and Anthony Benezet. He
died in 1759, at his residence near Philadelphia. For forty-one yearg
he bore a zealous and persevering testimony against the sin of slavery
* A name for Europeans, or white people.
At the long session of Congress in 1842, 70,680 was adopted as the
ratio of representation, after a good deal of resistance from the Flouse.
An amendment to the bill provided an additional representative for
such States as have a fraction over half the ratio.
In the following tables, the first, column shows the number of repre-
sentatives by the old apportionment.; the second, by the new the ;