Tutorial 3

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PHY102 Introduction to Engineering

Department of Physics, IIT (BHU), Varanasi

Tutorial 3
Symbols have their usual meaning.

1. Two long parallel wires are 10cm apart in air and carry
current of 6Amp each. Calculate the force on each meter
length of wire if the currents are
(i) in the same direction
(ii) in opposite directions
~ = (y cos ax)x̂ + (y + ex )ẑ exists due to a current
2. If H
source, find out the current density in the yz-plane (i.e.
x = 0).
~ = E0 cos kx cos ωt ẑ.
3. Find the magnetic field associated with E

4. How do you satisfy the Ampere’s law inside the capacitor

after the introduction of the displacement current term?

5. A magnetic field H~ = Hx cos 2x cos(ωt−ky)x̂ exists within

a dielectric of permittivity . Determine the correspond-
ing displacement current density.

6. Calculate the displacement current through a parallel plate

air-filled capacitor having plates of area 10cm2 separated
by a distance of 2mm and connected to a 360V, 1M Hz

7. A parallel plate capacitor with plate area 5cm2 and plate

separation of 3mm has a voltage 50 sin 103 t V applied to
its plates. Calculate the displacement current assuming
 = 20 .

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8. In a material for which σ = 5Ω−1 m−1 and r = 1, the
~ = 250 sin 1010 t (V /m). Find
electric field intensity is E
the conduction and displacement current densities, and
the frequency at which they have equal magnitudes.

9. Determine the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave trav-

eling in free space at 30GHz.

10. An electromagnetic wave of 15GHz is propagating in free

space. Amplitude of the electric field is E0 = 1V /m.
Calculate the speed, wavelength, propagation constant,
characteristic impedance of the medium, and magnetic
field amplitude.

11. A plane EM wave of 10GHz is propagating in free space

and Ex = 1v/m. Find

(a) Phase velocity, wavelength, and propagation con-

stant K of the wave.
(b) Characteristic impedance Z.
(c) Amplitude and direction of magnetic field.

12. An electromagnetic plane wave is propagating inside a

~ t) = E0 e−κz cos(kz −
conductor with electric field E(z,
ωt + δE )x̂. Calculate the intensity of the wave inside the

13. Find the frequency for which the skin depth in aluminium
is 0.01mm. Given σ = 3.54 × 107 S/m and µ = µ0 .

14. An observer is 2m from a point light source whose power

output is 100W . Calculate the rms values of the electric
and magnetic fields, and the radiation pressure at the
position of the observer. Assume that the source radiates
uniformly in all directions.

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15. Calculate the current density corresponding to the given
~ = y 2 x̂ + x2 ŷ.
magnetic vector potential A

16. Consider a scalar potential V = 0 and a vector potential

~ = A0 sin(kx − ωt)ŷ, where A0 , ω, k all are constants.

(a) Compute the electric and magnetic fields.

(b) Show that these fields are the valid solutions of Maxwell’s
equations in vacuum provided a condition is satis-
fied, what is that condition?

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