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Translated by
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First published in French 1989 as L'Armee Romaine, sous Ie Haut-Empire
by Les Editions Picard
ISBN 0-415-22295-8
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List of plates 6
Introduction 7
Notes 260
Summary bibliography 293
Index of names 298
General index 300
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Secondly, what was the social composition of this army? This problem,
of fundamental importance to the contemporary historian, is very
complex; many questions have been asked to try to determine both the
social backgrounds and the nationalities of recruits. M. Rostovtzeff wrote
that in 238 the urban civilians were opposed to the peasant soldiers during
particularly violent riots, but this theory has since been criticized. What
is more, we now know that certain values helped to form the collective
mentalities, and P. Veyne 8 has shown how power, prestige and honours
all play their part along with money, in fact, all that goes to make up
'appearances' (though it is true to say that in the case studied by Veyne
the military are not involved).
But there is in addition a technical problem; it is clear that types of
unit, command, strategy and tactics have not been examined thoroughly,
or even at all, for a long time now. Research is often based on erroneous
information: some authors copy others when they are ignorant of the
realities involved, and use in any context - normally, of course, the wrong
one - Latin terms such as vexillatio, castra or the surprising castrum, the
precise meaning of which they are unfamiliar with.
Finally, an effort must be made to answer the last question: 'what was
the precise role of the Roman army in the world at its particular time? '.
What was stated above must be repeated here, namely that it was one of
the component elements of central power, a 'structure' of the state. Its
importance will then be better understood if it is remembered that it was
also linked to civilian society. The army had a certain influence on the
provinces it was situated in, for example when spending salaries, while in
its turn it was subject, through recruitment, to the influence of the
background in which it evolved. There are, then, three areas of concern:
politics, economics and spirituality (i.e. Romanization and religion).
If some new insight is to be brought to a general history of the Roman
army it is essential to stick to a principle which is here called a global
principle. While it would be somewhat pretentious to wish to say
everything there is to be said in one book - and this is not my intention
- nevertheless, it seems evident that many questions will go unanswered
if only one aspect of the subject, one method 9 or one type of source is
adopted; a synthesis must provoke confrontations within each of these
categories. Everything is interconnected and one cannot hope to under-
stand what the Roman army really was if one studies recruitment without
also studying strategy; aerial photography without excavation reports;
inscriptions without literary sources.
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Literary sources
The ancient authors have not received their due attention from historians
who have been attracted by the new information to be gleaned from
excavations, while Latinists have often ignored what archaeology and
inscriptions have to offer. Yet the former could have avoided many errors
and the latter many misinterpretations if this were not so.
These authors can be put into two broad categories - one for whom
military matters are not of major concern, but who nevertheless shed
much light on the subject: Polybius and Julius Caesar for the Republican
period, Josephus, Pliny the Younger, Suetonius, Tacitus, Aelius Aristides,
Cassius Dio and the Historia Augusta for the following period. Further
details can be obtained from the Talmud of Jerusalem and that of
Babylonia, treatises on religious matters based on real events, compiled
by Rabbis between the second and fifth centuries. Until now nobody had
thought of reading them with this intention. Unfortunately the facts they
relate are at worst late, at best misdated. The same is true of the legal
documents, the Theodosian Code and the Institutes of Justinian.
However, better material exists, for certain ancient theoreticians wrote
exclusively on the art of war. 10 Essentially they are tacticians and include
specialists on sieges or stratagems: Onesandros, Vitruvius (in Book IX of
De Architectura), Frontinus, Aelian, Pseudo-Hyginus, Arrian, Polyaenus,
Modestus, and especially Vegetius, who interpreted the Early Empire to
the best of his ability from his fourth-century standpoint. In addition, the
possibility that Augustus and Hadrian instituted regulations for the army
has been raised,11 but it is above all Arrius Menander who is to be read
on this subject. Whatever their individual merits, these works often
contribute to a better understanding of inscriptions.
The Romans often engraved texts on hard materials, and this mania or
fashion, which the army shared, has left us a heritage of several hundreds
of thousands of inscriptions. 12 They can be classified into three groups.
'Military diplomas' are certified true copies of imperial documents
granting citizenship to soldiers at the time of their demobilization or to
their children or to the mothers of these children. Secondly, there are
epitaphs. Finally, there are dedications, which are termed honorific when
written to celebrate the merits of a mortal, religious when addressed to
one or more gods, commemorative when their aim is to immortalize some
event or other (a victory, the construction of a building etc.); moreover,
they are termed individual if requested by one person only and collective
if several people have contributed, as is the case when clubs, called
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Excavations do not only yield inscriptions. 19 For some time now we have
been aware of coins commemorating victories or else minted in honour
of units that had distinguished themselves in action. But a more immediate
interest can be found in the study of funerary monuments and military
constructions. It is known that burial was practised at a later date than
cremation, although cremation experienced a return to favour from time
to time. With the African army it has been possible to chart an evolution:
in the first century the soldiers' corpses were placed under stelae or flat
stones; in the second century under cube-shaped altars, and in the third
under 'cupules', half-cylinders resting on their flat section (pU,l). Some
of these tombs were decorated with reliefs, especially those of officers and
centurions. There is evidence of busts, some in simple relief, some within
a niche, some in a temple (pU,2a). Sepultures depicting horsemen have
also been found; these may be depicted dismounted and facing the
onlooker or in the act of riding away or killing a fallen enemy (pU,2b).
Another sort represents a standing figure sacrificing, or at a funeral
banquet or facing onlookers (pl.II,2c). These sepultures were generally
grouped together along roads leaving the camp or placed in a semicircle,
at first around the fortresses and later around the civilian agglomeration
that grew up alongside the fortress (pl.II,3).
However, it is military archaeology that provides the most information.
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To begin with, several hundred fortresses and 'defensive lines' around the
Mediterranean basin are known, the most famous of the latter is
Hadrian's Wall in Britain. The existence of such ruins has sometimes been
discovered by aerial photography, but these discoveries must always be
checked on the ground. This technique has been used with particularly
good results for the study of the Roman army in Syria by A. Poidebard
and in south Algeria by J. Baradez;20 and there is nothing to exclude the
idea that one day artificial satellites will replace the aeroplaneY
Archaeology also provides some large monuments. Trajan's Column in
Rome represents in fact a volumen , that is a book upon which has been
depicted through sculptures and not words the Roman victories over the
Dacians at the beginning of the second century AD; moreover, it was
erected between two libraries. (It is 29.78m (98ft) high on a 10.05m (33ft)
base). The more damaged reliefs of the Column of Marcus Aurelius, also
in Rome, recount the wars waged by him against the Germans and
Sarmatians (it was sculpted in AD180 on a shaft measuring 29.6m (97ft)).
Finally the Adamklissi monument in Romania has an enormous circular
base which supports a tropaeum, commemorating one of Trajan's
victories. 22
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Subsidiary functions
Soldiers were also called upon to carry out duties that had nothing to do
with the use of the force they represented. Some emperors saw in them
no more than a relatively well-qualified workforce that cost the state
nothing. Thus the army had to carry out administrative tasks,3° carry
official letters,31 perhaps protect the collectors of a tax called the
portorium,32 and even, in some cases, take on civil engineering jobs. 33 On
top of that it will be necessary to look again at what was the indirect role
of the troops in the economy (spending of salaries), religion (cults of
certain gods) and culture (spread of Romanization ).H
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