AMS Primitives

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Primitives of 𝑝-adic meromorphic functions

Article · April 2011

DOI: 10.1090/conm/551/10884


8 85

3 authors, including:

Alain Escassut Jacqueline Ojeda

Université Clermont Auvergne University of Concepción


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Primitives of p-adic meromorphic functions.

Kamal Boussaf, Alain Escassut and Jacqueline Ojeda

Abstract. Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, complete

with respect to an ultrametric absolute value. We show that a meromorphic
function in K or in an open disk admits primitives if and only if all its residues
are null.

1. Introduction and results

Notation and definitions: Let K be an algebraically closed field of characteris-
tic 0, complete with respect to an ultrametric absolute value | . |. Given α ∈ K and
R ∈ IR∗+ , we denote by d(α, R) the disk {x ∈ K | |x − α| ≤ R} and by d(α, R− )
the disk {x ∈ K | |x − α| < R}, by A(K) the K-algebra of analytic functions in K
(i.e. the set of power series with an infinite radius of convergence) and by M(K)
the field of meromorphic functions in K [2],[4].
In the same way, given α ∈ K, r > 0 we denote by A(d(α, r− )) the K-algebra
of analytic functions in d(α, r− ) (i.e. the set of power series with a radius of
convergence ≥ r) and by M(d(α, r− )) the field of fractions of A(d(α, r− )). Here we
mean to characterize meromorphic functions in K or inside an open disk that admit
primitives. In complex analysis, a meromorphic function having all its residues
equal to 0 admits primitives. On our field K, such a conclusion seems obvious but
apparently has not been published in any paper. Actually, the proof requires the
use of analytic elements [1], [3].
Notation and definitions: Let f ∈ M(d(a, r− )) have a pole of order q at a: f
then admits an expansion in a Laurent series of the form f (x) = an (x − a)n .
As usual, a−1 is called residue of f at a and will denoted by resa (f ).

Theorem 1: Let f ∈ M(K) (resp. f ∈ M(d(a, R− ))). Then f admits primitives

in M(K) (resp. in M(d(a, R− ))) if and only if f has no residue different from

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 12J25 Secondary 46S10.

Key words and phrases. p-adic meromorphic functions, primitives, residues.
Partially supported by CONICYT N ◦ 9090014 (Inserción de Capital Humano a la
2 K. Boussaf, A. Escassut and J. Ojeda

2. The proofs
Let D be a subset of K. If D is bounded of diameter R we denote by D e the
disk d(a, R) for any a ∈ D. If D is not bounded we put D = K.
Given a point a ∈ K we put δ(a, D) = inf{|x − a| |x ∈ D}. Then δ(a, D) is named
the distance of a to D.

Recall that given any subset D of K, D e \ D admits a unique partition of the

form (Ti )i∈I , whereas each Ti is a disk of the form d(ai , ri− ) with ri = δ(ai , D).
Such disks d(ai , ri− ) are called the holes of D [1].
Given a ∈ K and r0 , r00 ∈ IR∗+ with r0 < r00 , we denote by Γ(a, r0 , r00 ) the
annulus {x ∈ K | r0 < |x − a| < r00 }.
A set D is said to be infraconnected if for every a ∈ D, the mapping Ia from D
to IR+ defined by Ia (x) = |x − a| has an image whose closure in IR+ is an interval.
In other words, a set D is not infraconnected if and only if there exist a and b ∈ D
and an annulus Γ(a, r1 , r2 ) with 0 < r1 < r2 < |a − b| such that Γ(a, r1 , r2 ) ∩ D = ∅.

Given a subset E of K, we denote by R(E) the algebra of rational functions

with no pole in E and the functions that are uniform limits of a sequence of R(E)
are called analytic elements on E. We denote by H(E) the set of analytic elements
on E. Moreover, we denote by Rb (E) the sub-K-algebra of R(E) consisting of
the h ∈ R(E) that are bounded in E. So, Rb (E) admits the norm of uniform
convergence as a K-algebra norm and we denote by Hb (E) its completion that
consists of all h ∈ H(E) that are bounded in E. The algebra H(E) is then a
K-Banach algebra. Moreover, when E is unbounded, we denote by H0 (E) the set
of f ∈ H(E) such that lim f (x) = 0. Particularly, when E is of the form
K \ d(a, R− ), then H0 (E) is K-Banach algebra with respect to the norm of uniform
convergence on E denoted by k . kE .

Lemma 1: Let f ∈ H(d(0, R)) and let r ∈]0, R[. Then f admits primitives in
H(d(0, r)).

Proof: Since f lies in H(d(0, R)), f (x) has expansion of the form an xn with
lim |an |Rn = 0. Particularly, the radius of convergence
ρ= p
lim supn→∞ n
|an |
is such that ρ ≥ R. But by Theorem 1.5.4 of p-adic value distribution [2] the

X an n+1
primitive F (x) = x also has a radius of convergence equal to S. Con-
n +1
sequently, for all r < R, by Proposition 13.3 [1], F belongs to H(d(0, r)).

In the proof of Theorem 1, we need Krasner’s Mittag-Leffler Theorem. Here

for simplicity, we will only state it when the set D is closed and bounded.

Theorem A : (Krasner-Mittag-Leffler Theorem) [1], [3] Let D be a closed

and bounded infraconnected subset of K and let f ∈ H(D) . There exists a unique
Primitives of p-adic meromorphic functions 3

sequence of holes (Tn )n∈IN∗ of D and a unique sequence (fn )n∈IN in H(D) such that
f0 ∈ H(D),
e fn ∈ H0 (K \ Tn ) (n > 0), lim fn = 0 and

(1) f= fn and kf kD = sup kfn kD .
n=0 n∈IN
Moreover for every hole Tn = d(an , rn− ) , we have
(2) kfn kD = kfn kK\Tn ≤ kf kD .
If D
e = d(a, r) we have
(3) kf0 kD = kf0 kDf
≤ kf kD .

Let us recall Theorems B and C [1].

Theorem B (Theorem 19.5 [1]): Let E be an open set in K such that E also
is open. Then E is infraconnected if and only if for every f ∈ H(E) such that
f 0 (x) = 0 whenever x ∈ E, we have f = ct.

Theorem C (Theorem 25.5 [1]): Let (aj )j∈IN be a sequence in d(0, r− ) such
that |an | ≤ |an+1 | for every n ∈ IN and lim |an | = r. Let (qn )n∈IN be a sequence in
IN∗ and let B ∈]1, +∞[. There exists f ∈ A(d(0, r− )) satisfying
i) f (0) = 1
Y an
ii) kf kd(0,|an |) ≤ B | |qj whenever n ∈ IN
iii) for each n ∈ IN, an is a zero of f of order zn ≥ qn .

Proof of Theorem 1: Let a be a pole of f . According to the Laurent series of f

at a, if f admits primitives then f has no residue different from zero at a because
has no primitive in H(d(a, r)) (whenever r > 0).
Now suppose that for every pole α of f we have resα (f ) = 0. Without loss
of generality, we may assume that f admits infinitely many poles and has no pole
at the origin. Moreover, when f is a meromorphic function in d(a, R− ), we may
assume that a = 0.
Let (an )n∈ IN be the sequence of poles of f in K (resp. in d(0, R− )), with |an | ≤

Y x qn −1
|an+1 |, ∀n ∈ IN, each pole an being of order qn and let ψ(x) = (1 − ) .
For each S > 0 (resp. for each S ∈]0, R[), we denote by t(S) the greatest integer n
such that |an | ≤ S. And for each r ∈]0, S[, we set D(r, S) = d(0, S − ) \ ( d(aj , r− )).
According to results on analytic elements [1], [2], f obviously defines an element of
H(D(r, S)).
Let us take r < min(|ai − aj |, 0 ≤ i < j ≤ t(S)). In each hole d(an , r− ) of
D(r, S), f has a unique pole that is an . It is of order qn and the Mittag-Leffler term

X λn,i
fn of f in the hole d(an , r ) is of the form because, by hypothesis,
(x − an )i
the residue of f at an is null. On the other hand, as an element of H(D(r, S)),
by Theorem A, the Mittag-Lefler decomposition of f on the infraconnected set
4 K. Boussaf, A. Escassut and J. Ojeda

D(r, S) is of the form fn + gS with gS ∈ H(d(0, S)). Moreover, we notice that
there exists S 0 > S (resp S 0 ∈]S, R[) such that f admits no pole b ∈ Γ(0, S, S 0 ).
Consequently, the holes of D(r, S) are the same as these of D(r, S 0 ) and therefore,
the Mittag-Leffler decomposition of f on D(r, S) also holds on D(r, S 0 ). Hence gS
belongs to H(d(0, S 0 )). But then by Lemma 1, gS admits primitives in H(d(0, S)).
Now, as an element of H(D(r, S)), each fn admits a primitive Fn of the form
X λn,i
− .
(i − 1)(x − an )i−1

And as an element of H(D(r, S)) again, f admits a primitive LS satisfying LS (0) =

0, equal to Fn + GS with GS ∈ H(d(0, S)) .
Now, fixing S we can take r arbitrary small: the Mittag-Leffler terms f1 , ..., ft(S)
and GS remain the same because if r0 < r < min(|ai − aj | 0 ≤ i < j ≤ t(S)), the
Mittag-Leffler expansions on D(r0 , S) holds on D(r, S) and the two expansions are
equal, due to the properties of the Mittag-Leffler expansions. Thus, the function
LS is defined in d(0, S) \ {a1 , ..., at(S) } and satisfies (LS )0 (x) = f (x), ∀x ∈ d(0, S) \
{a1 , ..., at(S) }.
Consider first the case when f belongs to M(K). The function

Y x qn −1
ψ(x) = (1 − ) is an entire function, hence an element of H(d(0, S)).
Let φS (x) = LS (x)ψ(x). Then for any r > 0, φS is an element of H(D(r, S))
meromorphic on each hole of D(r, S) [1], (chap. 31). But actually, by construction,
φS has no pole in any hole of D(r, S). Consequently, φ belongs to H(d(0, S)).
Now, let S 0 > S. Similarly we can make a function φS 0 = LS 0 ψ. We will show
that the restriction of φS 0 to d(0, S) is φS . Indeed, by definition, both functions
LS and LS 0 are null at 0 and have a derivative equal to f in D(r, S), for any
r > 0. Consequently, LS and LS 0 coincide in a disk and therefore so do φS and φS 0 .
Hence the equality φS (x) = φS 0 (x) holds in all d(0, S). Thus, we can define the
function φ(x) = φS (x), ∀x ∈ d(0, S). Since φS belongs to H(d(0, S)), φ belongs
to H(d(0, S)) for all S > 0 and therefore is an entire function. Now, we can set
F (x) = and then F belongs to M(K). On the other hand, since (LS )0 = f
and since F (x) = LS (x) in d(0, S)\{a1 , ..., an , ...}, we have F 0 (x) = f (x), ∀d(0, S)\
{a1 , ..., an , ...} and hence, by Theorem B we know that the equality F 0 (x) = f (x)
holds in each set D(r, S), for all r > 0, hence in all K \ {a1 , ..., an , ...}.
Similarly, consider the case when f belongs to M(d(0, R− )). By Theorem C,
we can find a function ψ(x) ∈ A(d(0, R− )) admitting each an as a zero of order
sn ≥ qn − 1. Then, as in the previous case, using the same notation, we can show
that LS (x)ψ(x) lies in H(d(0, S)) for every S < R, because it has no pole in d(0, S).
Now, for every S < S 0 < R, φS is the restriction of φS 0 to d(0, S). Let φ be defined
as φ(x) = φS (x) for all x ∈ d(0, S), ∀S < R. Then φ belongs to A(d(0, R− )) and
hence the function F (x) = belongs to M(d(0, R− )). And similarly, we have
F 0 = f , which ends the proof.
Primitives of p-adic meromorphic functions 5

[1] Escassut, A. Analytic Elements in p-adic Analysis. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte.
Ltd. (Singapore, 1995).
[2] Escassut, A. p-adic Value Distribution. Some Topics on Value Distribution and Dif-
ferentability in Complex and P-adic Analysis, p.42- 138. Mathematics Monograph, Series
11. Science Press.(Beijing 2008)
[3] Krasner, M. Prolongement analytique uniforme et multiforme dans les corps valués com-
plets. Les tendances géométriques en algèbre et théorie des nombres, Clermont-Ferrand, p.94-
141 (1964). Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (1966), (Colloques internationaux
du C.N.R.S. Paris, 143).
[4] Hu, P.C. and Yang, C.C. Meromorphic Functions over non-Archimedean Fields. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, (2000).

Current address: Laboratoire de Mathématiques, UMR 6620, Université Blaise Pascal &
CNRS, Complexe scientifique des Cézeaux, BP 80026, 63171 Aubière Cedex, France,
Current address: Laboratoire de Mathématiques, UMR 6620, Université Blaise Pascal &
CNRS, Complexe scientifique des Cézeaux, BP 80026, 63171 Aubière Cedex, France,
Current address: Departamento de Matemática Facultad de Ciencias Fı́sicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Concepción Chile
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