5th Unit Envmnt Law
5th Unit Envmnt Law
5th Unit Envmnt Law
) Clwis(erson. 0) Wis poet 1) Whe x-sfiero smunbeig ) ome: (8) Not mere Py fore <2 Here atts Lepheeadiong te vimittigt ealing te Aepretent te Contuned epeshts Veith tele) alles. @ too 4 Wate got Sepeeserding the, oui! Aealing ete Biomad Y o7este ty wet more Hom be ee W Sawn tx-Byun0 munbus te aumovyst expats wa ama Be | send ee “Re pee & Conteeaton 9. Vologteal doassity, Tals \ 0 dasyghle user 9 biolagieal Mrousees 9 Cehal govt, Pasbes ont lel Resenich 9 Ehret] OA equitable Stating 9 benefits ©) Cintielnobey: aniting Out g te tee Z hired (9 ccean afew Arboles W) widhdn & ae 2 ae 7 a) y Leotwoleyy Levent 0 dawdpie, 0 wclrtud) feseerds,) Brodinecsty Mi avagunent Comilles Come). , A’ AR AAO lana pov 0 b Rounding kochin UG the Ah, eu pit the ome Uithin Y i atea aaa te Proweting Conservation Sustainable uke pee ae Epon! ( pases qh ‘ oak Mocks 9 bred 9 Anil (0 Miero- ar gambend eke ee ai t biotapicay inersty (4) ail @ scanned with OKEN Scanner| © ob tot Rant ONG, (To Propace the Peoples Blectnorrity Repustar bh Coualtohin with lotal people 2 os tobatahon and Aniahuuess on dradraersitg bus bing ) Eee - Kestooatjon g te local bro dnessity. (4) Corterunctin G teadbangl vusichis [aceds 9 e1mren Mi perd ow Plouts Teele cathy (9) Mavapmct 9 Hritage Sits Uithebny Katlege, Coes Animals, ondtnan O fabttont ete Budd Sacted) ‘fees Ound Sacred waleehrolies. » aca Y, Siccaasthy Menaporuct Cooma be A catrprton nd rap mace: than fessens Maninited te local boty 4 twit o total members 9 bine) Vater Hull be Yard membaudep pon? vlomen anal 18 //. munbea Crntd betleny t Sobudaled tastes dud Schediiled Tarbes: 1 Vy Coanpeeson bme Llu be elected) He, wmembus 4 - Commuttfce, tu’ a nec fr be Chaired by es Chai poston 4 thee, ta ay 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner— Ge benign Rabie, GM oat, ¢ 20k unt Mediernal plus 2 Soy by Un Jame arid kaslne Lashes Ate reobrect Wn ebredineg clinucge — Meacheimal flrs ds erudite cheunadet, 4 Ainersity dictalbutim aud tradetonsl tes 9 mmechvermal file. Can Preve pivotal up ta Condesvaton and Sustainable Ube q these, pretend Plant Atsnaes 1 OF k. b Dhe Comprctensinn clatabate tiebudes a ttl 2 (D2 Plant speetes wh poached tlhp-mmedioowel Uses he Ue mag te Speetes CO) Ue mative t Hnelogin cee al ae Whole plots ae luted, fellomed by leans gerol lndeegronrd put by Ln total, Muse medicinal) Plant Secis 3 tadlties Dy Gosobint @ scanned with OKEN Scannereo _Brolegind tui, 4 Oak. b ate tate g OAK bas been Aegaaded 4 a ba On erth. and & Oke Called tie Blorenass stale 9 cba Binge mused wae mera ee Uiclionn And YO Mowmtowios Zere We tke Mast, wert bh We qeat west, vadion Plains gives voy ab ori te tke Cbiwoliks, te owdewwost fectbel eee : Kabat, volley. © fedile basin hate Gal @ ot Al icone te q, Be bake tl pote a eae [mk q te tohole 4 Keates 3 Nange 0 5 b Ue Sate | meh Ws He Cudtoal ane 9 ta arte ag wey ag Anerst Los, and [aura th pe ta act ede eet pot diveesity lal to seston B te Ui wot gq almost ol Usd as ee he amimals looing dircly dlepradect on plads Arredy or vrddinecty ‘ all Samm mh katt haga [per o | i ea amd om Hus poy’ eee ana cede by medicinal) hier ; ee ut g. Setial fatone g te Hib. 13a ae ie Qurol econonile g Plots bun. We Vekey va ey dy Mh fal cep gti fe eg teh Din ae a ae a a wt (ueust a i a war f | ee fs, Aaptiles. D Nee vextbrates bebdey ] ia ak Ales Quen Unie et rae eye ta Ov pain « : @ scanned with OKEN Scanner» Feat Bits he he ¥ ly ae prt Prats Acd q Bove focuses Om Be fie, rings 9 Awitliong communis Od Anibal Popntations C79 thet ad ove, land dnd ottoc, hevest Aegoates, Wwe howe boon Aewied fp thom wen Ba cheodes because 4 the Covitimvathion 4 fyresh tows [Rom cctonio) Hames ua He cowsdlay. qs ack Blompled to ak correct the Unyertee tod bappued dae'te Colored Greed bh Tr (4>%, Ludsin forest Ach was wused te gugewede srt Eas sigs b a pear om pak neat oa it ea ye ce bine - peer wigs by Beh Cewrmercial use + Shree tes ; wee to 1 Roserue pets >) (iad Ce oO age ly ta baer et a tale he ET Wojustice Committed against ier Livelihood dee band fama meat ek ive Secuthy 4 Qbedble td tajeos 2 ete tadttonud eh Awlltrs- ie cri Et’ hoa mie te Syn 4 fe Azsponssoichy of Poe unmg welders 4 fest eee alate ) Ree Contention and t Bustalnable abet eR pitied the Aqlits ees Pte 3 le —* Fav yi id Gee 4 Cae ge ae a sakes felis footers i tie Ragas, 0% kogechy veloped - A ww Gyits t aryistonce (4) ket Mawagomoad Lights mae Geen @ scanned with OKEN Scanner> ite Rade» u yt owewen alg Api We erect dsubng, PACAP ovest Ausilans Cetocktord thes dra cttac Taadisional over Oany launch used for fumeg by teal penplo @ i est Atatleadts , pte a mani 4 Uy decbaes - Ne mu dawde ull) be Blooded, ownastlp enly Omtouds ty land bob tte Contermed fpraay act tattiredinng. Righhs>. Te Atgrts q dwellers Unehde access to Hayling Lands » Pastoolist nites, aniner femur preelnees fe: Raut te Asistante amd Development >. To Rematrutet, vo af AS Nr ~WAN? mre Nw in ans a kde fase tyrgal and Unlowfal Lieten % bovte and or ae 4 Aertactiong Corstiainls fer bees protection: , t ytd to Augen east, _fevtst Macpened Rig gate Ail tT ey ad 199999): i eat dwelling ST's y other Codlitjone) 4 pal fishes f oe) oa aul the, fessers 4 duis: 4 Aieieaese ee ha eee fe, tad 4 q yt ee FiSblitel eves wito awe inet (a pot aleitlieg ier Ait pet Aeceprys ff Bee waite, Aight Gee sao are a tren fel Ge wvosseip sces to batted a Ca el (c) Rimct 4 a vette O hyd ty pred (a) byt 4 Bane pt Ketowdees ye + bro olinersi ty: 0 Liye to Hess & @ scanned with OKEN Scanner& tuplorrady Coumen forest Conmunity fered Ruma d. $4 3 the. ¥ NS tuttenahag OF trodihonral gee eno Tpwd tetacted within the te village aceas an le Raserwed pret, Patited fort mocyorval poses wots aud arse, are Be meorbers fost bat ahathiy, teludrbed Toutes (Fost) 9, Aude avd de n Tere Caer eeaus Prt amraailey ores? feud lands & baste 4 Ureladed St fastoralist Gon thx, tiaditinal fret cvelas (07 (TF). 7 hayes ate te People sae y Sante ie pen or Crm tes Whole PAmndes taut pyr at Get dave been the fevest ov Deveretions rity to Deo ith a 2s he period 4 on pity Asys ha Pe i bye an the Post alo Foust land. of ang bind 9 nd fresh, at i vide Om ee as Kasetnd (pe srtstiog deenoed o Gourctues Nash ‘ns oe a tes “Sat wi lloyes 2 pe ae pervert ie Fa I ade te a wily Ct rs rn ue pee 1 Sup catte at predch 9 ie ry pods @ scanned with OKEN Scannereee gl an wy a, Lu to te Ru Hot Que Coll owmed Ond Sli es be rend Example, fisting ui the 1 an pusie ide a two ee % Cue pepety- lg Very Conbotious, “alue. 4 Commwn Bules mre d 1 ate “hte fact dad vations Parties Wl We Cord View fords om the bert Way to adeumcer these Grote, ads 5. OG al txmm as puslie propeity The lapite the fact Bat of beg! Hy all He etliyeus: Ero ple. Nethona(. parks aud Sots a a Cneages a Pocptaty tak G onmed by te StF @ scanned with OKEN ScannerWw. Prusemation and protection 9 lakes [watrsinys 2 willands Javed te. | ay Ommy Partudr lake on watarony oF Wand f ys Recorclimay to the, Aveliproad Act \t90, the ger g 9k aetablithed am adomamons ody eatled Lindh ( lakes 2 welic Ways chealapnecd outhertty) Faskap vot ewetceingy Mamging And ConSemrncg daks adtecwenys duel unite loacbles « b 39 Was cevamed “Jammu And Kastnis lke Conseructtion and mounagemnou: Authorthy (ema), on Nov 26215 by qqut, UG the keshowrinttty g Lema to Qrotact @ mower Ae lakes , waterways a Wwellands g IAK- Ly Qe Lema provides He Murrhens Suneg Sreh U! in) Cusage tatlectin © geod waste betachen (0 Soa pied (CD Recreatinrel feeder ©) Remomnd 9g. tmeroachineds Poly kiltatn, lp We got: ¢ OBE tabs the Ai : Se ulabiagceae 4) comme pavetiat and Drinks, woe fart Si catec, aa Qe ieee ¥ addeosed Conernidtion 2 Mawopuunl flan’ ( To veduee, the SUt ood We the Cobtthenent Tagion Hngd tatinet. > lake Wiobiteadds WIN be orlocated and bbadong quid Gui we rape ares, poke tm to decreate Pelluttion » > Vwticated Lewage amd Solid Jerbaye walt also be Hofhed Ken ertining tin Jake bpm the Busgswnding Veey\os dud the tobe homlets » Lporsetronts 4 Dyueabtwral retian flow. ) Dusting % Avy pet), the Lites [pet nurac Supply bas to Wes ) To aepopalese He [abe with ss (6) She Loker wmeat be Parserued ond maintain fer Gasaet 2x GemseHitnes * 1, Gantusaal» bastact For ceonmmte, Gathunls ® fpr reeeuatirnall Pestoter 9 let oo cai ni saa @ scanned with OKEN Scannera batin Ways 24 A Nadia Aug mnahoalte body 9 Wey? oie mr Camal. ov hous owe ipr tinal ty ee Vue au Yao teypes % wai inys £0 Wland W ) @ Seay rvs eb Uilowrd pats 13 fee bern Reais, 4 ws He ma iat ve " igtnfludles ‘Rimes eh Wadlauds , Witmitrwd Latedleodg > Jrbcyeted vidhosuiags Bre. A Continual tey oe | \ewime, bed 4 {esbuoater Hot Udades Hires wodipied Walon cousses- Lada A ody (gusbuietan whieh G tubioaly ar manty Cusgeunded My loud Oud ad boom fyened lo a Processes, Whether swediyed by dua adinity ox mat Wet lands 3. ov oo Witty bot end, Op a ante hs, Wafer vargas Conditions C buch a8 Ponds, Svan ps, imoxthos 1 09s whe). wld Supp voles) 2 ¢ put and auimals thet are adapted 4 met eoirooromds. via) ionongs >. for tmomple rtictoaion Sach as mes downs » wick pasture Ucyite) Pauds, Be. Be torn te be Uipeal tustestiags - J }, Qe Usain wronmardt hag declared gu rere Mandy Curae tf gutibum and Ran’ 2d atonal toee wags L Ned te Dritick a presemve F, 4 w featin'e Purpose. & Cummle Evwramedte) 4) Leddy, 4 a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner& _ Pesemadon Heel tie, Seve ny GB Specitieet tases rome bem defined uncle. Soe 2(2) 4 PRuservadion G ‘pected trees Act (69 " Ahoeifted Trees Veams Wabmit Owd Vrdludes dunth othe, Species q Tie whotlur phones, om the state bond or porch. Muah ae | he toatiped lag the Aad Ws the Perr Gayytte , but cleerht Walude, Such trees anes anges demarcated terest Os afin Us IPK feet 184. ba Ya Gort nate Hakan the tore, Shps TE Pree ae: the Ape cos acoso ound : 4 eonwlahieage 4 ae BHeab'e Net US Drder a sh upc tees Pootect wend pre tee ub! Le Va Bet" prneruettin 9 Spetigied Anoes Wek 1969 make Previn [pw the Peterwvodion % testaln ee ocd: eta q fp, and npr 4 ere Somnees 9 POW matemtal ber the epecteliyed Vcbusting gq, Kasi, uk, a ake otmutee ae her thy Zemomny) rospentty and wee q* oa ge, thon i He stote- 4 ee ui ther Public Uiteest san on ded ion r ‘lon He Geowtt yf p Pus Elis Aud fer otter wotters Gumected ; nae dudapton «tighig al [Ht stat, tending” the grt g eplon Ha oe in be ig @ scanned with OKEN Scanner—— Wai, Reconrces a. wale Aetowttea ade matarall Arsenite u oe > YF O% Water, Hat 040 fotinciadly Useful fo Panes (04) A tw Bowne 4 drimbing Wetloe Supply fe inion Walee fy 4 Ba sine romge a, medainl icing ttct oom dom the Aaah, Weqanaleys g thuty state Cie vapors Vand oy Geld) and Hat ane & petidtind se to ; Dene de bre Vwoln Bovgdes G weler Loveline Meeded to br Pesorvect W Rain Hatin () wodta, (well) , Co dea wuten (A) Quaeat water Cloke, Riven renm(euck) 29- (a) mulatta Tag 2 wal, Retewes ar veg Yo go Adeanate, [god Supt ond © pedctive, envivewm A Mima cr onesl ds : an Gund Ctonomles ry + : ae i ry. ta ae Aumomd bod been wienats Par dig vebticn) balane ond fing life Qa neceuasy Opt veadyom 0 aaqvate, aggpulttl Cipae to dumars toad b ner tosis, SE Tale) ced | wdtvash, saber Asntebold 4 sty, ; am ie Reswntes ( Regalectin 2 masoponund) Act 20/0 7 Unig det | > Y law 4 done powse? nk ts Bolo, ty Consolidite the } tulodh - uae par belnuaan dmstiuchion , Lovikal and “4 Cnt and Prewuitjon ) Hue Wn provennad @ scanned with OKEN Scannert ' t b , 6 Non Ore bagi motestal dink vst te "Dk Nom lrodyee © | Sho pty aad Gosellnte. 9 dant, the Htebitmact 4 Stade Wodlin Retounte Regtladery Aetorty ret t Watt, Atbprhtes Lrbuss gudietous, eqrote : and Soadrs'nahle wmavequerunt 1 al ttn aed hlyscion 4 Wakes, Ansonnces (ring Me ati Me Wein Qd mats Connerted termwth Pr wededl Haute. Wns: Potican gay prmugal a. a tude 4 mule posi mai dnaiag PoUltion ” Aesponsibte [gr Pagina byr te deme a one wounal, oe as B)— Dawnmn a Keoalemir Ceneah ( Comermctn) hed pasted io Dastt (99%, 0D 2Rk frat Heb 7 ened wm UBL-6%: @ Vides theTDuelopmet Act 190, dake qo bad Conshttated Ah, LAwdA. A © precasr iply a. A Prpesed As a mow qndlelime se alan duties wanking bak fpr stint Comprendts , tablng preweative, action wh the fe ¢ Unterbath Graken the burden % ee Ser om ackuty « dyeplenr te wide ree 4 ved r actions a4 fewrely hatin fel peopl put tay “ be oe ets Me peop taurse 4 Athin G to © 6h, on by de 9 Casto done ny C manaponend, handling > Dithetal) det 2 @ scanned with OKEN ScannerNone bio degpadnite Matiinls toed Lei’ bb Nm = bredegaodnbte Substances alenof brak dou E abitelve fpr ona ay became J teat 1 OG be wengeled ee reused. wistend 9 throwing Minstes wi tar Spnhnge) UP tons be ahmed ov © Prep renepehg Place, emabing, ot vsegal for et praeit bron tuociepinclabte Muteals aw vot easily affectof by the vatinal prot 4 tay Aerot rable noth B Ontce w fnt cavity: Lome % these itewss ie Ay Lown heed bo tog ty de elie fale Prochacs, pestle tans ban, tnys ter eg ae MEY tile yp dwhunfyad bp fe eovtromnent L, She Somme B Ratlnid fasted tm get" dh won-bytodapredehle: maton ( mamaperirst ond P Orsporal Aef v4): dus wb porliit dnd repuladee Lamelling ® disposel | q wn- Brooke preralable omdei) ws UT dak anol The matters Connected Hcewith yp eauclldras there. a the matin) dotneh by None bro chepusahte mative) Means ; Brarrmteneumen ac cna laced 7 deppaded achon Qe Mieinn erganttond Lunbighd a ote achos and bichades geod Wade aa mawufpctined bien poljfimne » aga or otter, Plaske dukes Gould wy tai 44 Ato prefs wom — bodeprodale wete » (“o bay govewonendt ble the aap tdi Md at vw wg fla, ron bia-dipta table moby PO a eee pho. | seed @ scanned with OKEN ScannerAEE @ Sahe handbing Aud wattes. ion » Covidesk Pro 4, 2 oy perversion oe : and i eprada ble mee 7 Collaborate Wot Aeeltenl dpeniag worbimg oh Pee bere w org ame Hae, Troan! Y Persons ? teeter Wr programmes seleding to Prenintion- Covitants hancl ling ” abi gpecal 4 tae ee fable Malaie Ds Regulate and Umpede reebvicten om om vers, diblock Onn ole Pectong , Whe prednre or havdle Comnuclities with hespee? t the taper Mye porkaving the. by limdurdae Bacher foo frnching aud allermahnes te (olytton and dther cr) Moderna @ scanned with OKEN Scanner