Dytran 2021 Release Guide

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Dytran 2021

Release Guide
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Dytran Release Guide


1 Introduction
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Enhancements
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
New Drawbead Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Contact DMP capability for Sheet Metal Forming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Barlat-89 Material Model for Lagrangian Shell Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
List of Enhancements in Dytran Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
List of Small Updates in Dytran 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
List of Known Software Defects in Dytran 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 System Information
Software Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Release Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Memory Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4 Using Dytran
Running Dytran on Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Running Dytran on Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
User Defined Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Running Dytran Shared Memory Parallel (SMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Running Dytran Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
vi Dytran Release Guide

Running Dytran with ATB input files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Chapter 1: Introduction
MSC Nastran Implicit Nonlinear (SOL 600) User’s Guide Dytran Release Guide

1 Introduction
2 Dytran Release Guide

Dytran™ 2021 is the latest and most comprehensive version of Dytran released by MSC Software, providing
you with new simulation technology and improved performance.
Dytran 2021 is available on Linux X8664 (Red Hat 7.1, Red Hat 7.3, Red Hat 7.5, Red Hat 7.7, and SUSE
ES 12 SP1, SUSE ES 12 SP2, SUSE ES 12 SP4) and Windows 64 bit (Windows 10). Please see Chapter 3:
System Information of the Dytran 2021 Beta Release Guide.
Dytran 2021 includes the following new enhancements:
 Dytran Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Structure: Dytran already had the option to run
DMP in Dytran for the Eulerian solver. This benefitted jobs that have a large number of Eulerian
In this release, we have added DMP support for the Lagrangian solver. This should reduce the
runtime of jobs with a large number of Lagrangian structural elements when combined with a large
number of CPUs. Note that the contact portion of the Lagrangian solution has not been parallelized
yet, but a job with contact can still be run with DMP with some improvement in runtime. In this
case, only the non-contact portion of the Lagrangian solver will be run in DMP which will reduce
some of the scaling until addressed in a future release.
 Sheet metal forming processes: Dytran has a number of updates that benefit sheet metal forming
• A Barlat89 material model has been added in this release. This material model usually results in
higher accuracy of the final predicted sheet metal deformation.
• A special implementation of DMP has been introduced that allows contact to be parallelized
specifically for sheet metal forming processes.
• A new drawbead implementation has been introduced to improve the accuracy and user-
friendliness of simulations involving this behavior.
 Dytran Explorer is now available for supported Linux installations.
In addition, several critical software defects have been corrected in this release. The Dytran 2021 online
documentation is available in PDF format on all platforms. The online documentation includes the Dytran
Reference Manual, Dytran Theory Manual, Dytran User’s Guide, Dytran Example Problem Manual, Dytran
Release Guide, and the Dytran Installation Instructions.
Dytran uses the Macrovision FLEXlm™ licensing system. If you already have an MSC.Dytran 2019 license,
you will not need to obtain a new authorization code to activate Dytran 2021 on your computer. However,
you will need to install the latest FLEXlm license server. MSC Licensing software is now provided
on its own Product Page on the Solution Download Center (SDC).
If you need assistance while installing Dytran 2021, please call the MSC Technical Support Hotline at 1-800-
732-7284, or E-mail your support questions to mscdytran.support@mscsoftware.com.
For the latest information on supported platforms for upcoming releases of MSC products, please visit the
following web site: http://www.mscsoftware.com/Support/Platform-Support/Default.aspx.
Chapter 2: Enhancements
MSC Nastran Implicit Nonlinear (SOL 600) User’s Guide Dytran Release Guide

2 Enhancements

Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver 4

New Drawbead Model 12
 Contact DMP capability for Sheet Metal Forming 16

Barlat-89 Material Model for Lagrangian Shell Elements 18

List of Enhancements in Dytran Explorer 20
 List of Small Updates in Dytran 2021 22

List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021 24
 List of Known Software Defects in Dytran 2021 27
4 Dytran Release Guide
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Dytran has both Lagrangian and Eulerian solvers for explicit simulations. The Eulerian solver and Fluid
Structural Interaction capability have been able to use DMP to speed up runtimes in HPC environments for
many releases but the Lagrangian solver has not. In this release, DMP capability has been added to the
Lagrangian solver to speed up runtime across multiple CPUs in a HPC cluster environment. In this first
release of the capability, there are some limitations based on unsupported or missing features noted below.
These limitations are planned to be removed in future releases.

New Parameters for Lagrangian DMP

Since Lagrangian DMP capability is implemented first in this release and many current users have used
Eulerian DMP capability, Lagrangian DMP is not activated as default. In the future, it will be set as the
default. Please check the details of new parameters in Dytran reference manual.

DMPOPT Sets DMP option

Sets DMP option.

Format and Example Default

PARAM,DMPOPT,value1,value2,value3,value4 1,1,0,1

Option Meaning Type

Value1 Set dmp type. See remark 1. I>0

1 Euler dmp is only activated.

2 Lagrangian dmp is only activated.

3 Both of Euler and Lagrangian dmp are activated.

Value2 Set contact dmp typ. I>0

1 Serial mode in contact

2 Parallel mode in contact (check Value4)

Chapter 2: Enhancements 5
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Option Meaning Type

Value3 Set number of printing summary for each item I≥0

0 Print all summaries (see remark 2)

Value4 Set parallel mode type in contact I

-1 use the same contact domain partitioning as the element domain partitioning
and all master surfaces must be made by MATRIG definition (see remark 3)

1. If a user wants to set partitioning manually, Please check PARAM, EULERPR for Euler partitioning and
PARAM, LAGPR for Lagrangian partitioning.
2. Since sometimes too large printing out summaries of each item causes unexpected failure of job under
certain condition, this option can limit to certain number of summary information.
3. When the same contact domain partitioning as the element domain partitioning is used, the dmp
performance of contact may not be enhanced. However when all deformable grid points are assigned
in slave body and they are involved to contact at the similar time, the dmp performance of contact
will be enhanced as expected. For example, stamping of sheet metal may show a good performance.
6 Dytran Release Guide
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

LAGPR Lagrangian Partitioing Control

Controls the partitions of the Lagrangian elements on the processors.

Format and Example

PARAM,LAGPR, IOPT,xvec,yvec,zvec,xcen,ycen,zcen
PARAM,LAGPR, 6, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0

Option Meaning Type Default

IOPT Set partitioning type. See Remark 1. I>0 1

1 Metis best partitioning

2 Metis Decomposition on element based

3 Metis Decomposition on node based

4 Vector Decomposition with Specified User Direction. Xvec,

yvec and zvec are required.

5 Radial Decomposition with User Direction. Xvec, yvec, zvec,

xcen, ycen and zcen are required.

6 Angular Decomposition with User Direction. Xvec, yvec, zvec,

xcen, ycen and zcen are required.

7 Recursive Coordinate Bisection Decomposition

Xvec X-component of directional vector. R 0.0
Yvec Y-component of directional vector. R 0.0
Zvec Z-component of directional vector. R 0.0
Xcen X-coordinate of the origin of axis R 0.0
Ycen Y-coordinate of the origin of axis R 0.0
Zcen Z-coordinate of the origin of axis R 0.0

1. To use the option, please check PARAM,DMPOPT.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 7
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Performance of Lagrangian DMP

Door Hatch Model
Model includes the contact between two bodies of hexa elements for simulating the behavior of door hatch.
 535,416 Solid elements
 Contact in Serial: 0.28%
 Time per cycle: 0.178 seconds


This case is ideal for Lagrangian DMP. There are reasons why the dmp performance is superior:
 Model is large and the one cycle take relatively longer (0.18 seconds)
 Small portion of contact calculation: it is only 0.28% comparing other calculation
 Model has only one element type and one material type.
8 Dytran Release Guide
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Drop Test
Model includes the contact between multiple bodies of hexa elements for simulating the behavior of drop test.
 32,739 Solid elements
 Contact in Serial: 15%
 Time per cycle: 0.195 seconds


This case does not show the ideal performance for Lagrangian DMP. The reasons are:
 Large portion of contact calculation: 15% comparing other calculation.
 Model has 6 different properties and load balance is not well optimized.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 9
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

Printer Part

 3,444 Quad elements

 21,067 Solid elements
 Contact in Serial: 9.84%
 Time per cycle: 0.020 seconds
10 Dytran Release Guide
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver


This case does not show the ideal performance for Lagrangian DMP. The reasons are:
 Model is small and the one cycle take short (0.02 seconds).
 Large portion of contact calculation: around 10% comparing other calculation.
 model has two different types of elements and load balance is not well optimized.

Current Limitations of Performance of DMP capability in Lagrangian Solver

 Contact is simulated only in Master CPU although Lagrangian DMP is used.
 Load balance still has a room to be improved when different types of materials, elements and
number of integration points are used.
 Rigid elements and connections (BJOIN, KJOIN, JOIN, RBHINGE, etc) are simulated only in
Master cpu.

Current Limitations of Usage of DMP capability in Lagrangian Solver

 Existing Eulerian and FSI DMP limitations such as Eulerian meshes with only MESH card are
supported, etc.
 Sublayer information in out is not correct (slave CPU information is not stored): Requires
redesigning the OUT file to print out the info in each CPU if number of neighbor hexa or tetra
nodes connected to JOIN node is larger than 6, the results may be different from serial run.
(Warning message)
 VERSION=V2 for CONTACT is not available.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 11
Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) for Lagrangian Solver

 CONTINI is not available.

 BELT/BELT1/DRAWBEAD options in contact is not available.
 ATB option is not available.
 SOLINIT is not available.
is not available.
 IMM option is not available.

Recommendations for getting better performance based on newly released DMP capability in
Lagrangian Solver
DMP performance is dependent on settings and model types as illustrated in the examples above. General
model characteristics and best practices to get significant performance improvements:
 Number of elements per CPU should be more than 2000.
 Contact calculation time should be less than 5% of other calculations.
 Simulation on a single CPU should demonstrate significant time spent in the solver per cycle.
 In the current release, the highest levels of improvement is obtained in models that exhibit the
following characteristics:
• A low number of different element types (e.g. solids vs shells).
• A low number of different material definitions (eg. DMATEP vs MAT1).
• Consistency in the number integration points for shell elements in the model.

Note: Simulations that do not exhibit these characteristics are still expected to demonstrate
performance improvements due to DMP in the current release.
12 Dytran Release Guide
New Drawbead Model

New Drawbead Model

The original drawbead capability required RCONN which was limited to restraining forces. The new drawbead
option in the Dytran 2021 release address this limitation.

Instead of RCONN, a new drawbead entry, DRAWBD, is available for selecting drawbead ROD elements and rigid
body surfaces defined via MATRIG. Using two definitions in the DRAWBD entry, the grid points in the ROD
elements are combined with the MATRIG entry and the drawbead orientation and length are calculated based
on the ROD elements. The DRAWBD id is used in slave body of CONTACT directly with V4 drawbead contact
method, DRAWBDV4.
The drawbead depth is also added to the DRAWBD entry. Drawbead forces are applied correctly even though
the gap between a work piece and tools may be slightly larger than the contact tolerance due to oscillation
during contact. Uplift forces of the drawbead is also available in the DRAWBD entry for users to add as part of
the sheet metal forming simulation.
Currently, new drawbead model is only acceptable with MATRIG definition and DRAWBDV4 contact.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 13
New Drawbead Model

CONTACT Contact Surface

Defines contact between Lagrangian grid points and elements. The algorithm is based on the contact of slave
nodes with master faces.

Field Contents Type Default

STYPE DRAWBD DRAWBD ID. It is only available when C SURF

VERSION DRAWBEAD Suited for modeling a drawbead. STYPE Must be C Required

GRID. The list of slave nodes must be ordered along
the drawbead line. MTYPE Must be
SURF/ELEM/MAT/PROP. The restraining force per
unit drawbead length is specified in the field
DRWBEADF Drawbead force per unit length. If DRWBDRF in R> Required for
DRAWBD is defined, this will be ignored and instead 0.0 VERSION =
DRWBDRF will be used. DRAWBEAD or
14 Dytran Release Guide
New Drawbead Model

DRAWBD Drawbead definition

Defines drawbeads and attach them to MATRIG definition with other information.

Format and Example

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DRAWBD 3 1 MR3 1.0 1.0E3 1.0E2


Field Contents Type

ID Unique drawbead number. See Remark 1. I>0 Required
SID SET1 ID for CROD's which defines drawbeads. See Remark 2. I>0 Required
MID Number, MR<number> which refers to MATRIG id. See Remark 2. 0.0 ≤ R Required
< 0.5
DRWBDP Definition of drawbead depth. It increases the contact gap. R ≥ 0.0 0.0
DRWBDRF Drawbead restraining force per unit length. When DRWBEADF is R ≥ 0.0 Not used.
defined in CONTACT, the values in DRAWBD will overwrite and
DRWBEADF in CONTACT will be ignored.
DRWBDUF Drawbead uplift force per unit length. R ≥ 0.0 0.0
TID1 TABLED1 ID for DRWBDRF. When TID1 is defined, DRWBDRF I>0 Not used.
will be ignored. (Not available)
TID2 TABLED1 ID for DRWBDUF. When TID1 is defined, DRWBDUF I>0 Not used.
will be ignored. (Not available)
NUMINT Number of equally spaced integration points along the draw bead. I≥0 1.0 (not
(Not available) used)
BNDCNT Binding contact id. See Remark 3. I≥0 Not used
Chapter 2: Enhancements 15
New Drawbead Model

1. DRAWBD will be used in the slave definition only when VERSION is set to DRAWBDV4 in CONTACT
2. The grid points of CROD's will be attached to MATRIG. When there is a gap between the grid point
of CROD and nearest element of MATRIG, the gap will be automatically removed.
3. When drawbead is located to close of border of a blank holder, uplift forces are applied on grid points
which are not contacted by both of a die and a blank holder. This event may generate strange
behavior. To prevent the problem, the opposite side of contact is used to apply uplift forces. When
there is no opposite side contact, the uplift force is not applied. If the drawbead is located on a blank
holder, BNDCNT id must be the contact id between a blank and a die. If the drawbead is located on a
die, BNDCNT id must be the contact id between a blank and a blank holder.

Example of DRAWBD usage

CROD, 501, 5, 5001, 5002
SET1, 51, 501
PROD, 1, 5, 1.E-20
MAT1, 5, 1.E-20, , 0.3, 1.E-10
Attach the drawbead grid points in CROD elements (Elem set = 51) to the tool (MATRIG ID = 11). Note
that gaps between the grid points in CROD elements and the tool are automatically closed without any
option. Restraining and uplift forces of drawbead are defined in DRAWBD entry too.
CONTACT between a drawbead (DRAWBD id=1) and a workpiece (Elem set =14) is applied with
DRAWBDV4 method.
16 Dytran Release Guide
Contact DMP capability for Sheet Metal Forming

Contact DMP capability for Sheet Metal Forming

The typical setup of a simulation of sheet metal forming (SMF) involves a flexible body as a workpiece while
all other tools are considered rigid bodies. All slave bodies in contact definition are grid points of a work piece
and all master bodies are surfaces of the rigid tools. Under this condition, contact could be effectively
parallelized in the new release more easily than in a general case resulting in improved performance for SMF.
Setting PARAM,DMPOPT,2,2,,1 activates DMP for SMF simulation. New DRAWBD capability is also
added in DMP for SMF. Since drawbead contact sets grid points of drawbead to slave bodies and a work piece
to master bodies, respectively, the calculation is only in master cpu internally. However since the portion of
drawbead contact calculation is quite smaller than other contact calculation, the serial calculation of
drawbead contact does not take a large effect on total simulation time.

Performance example of Lagrangian DMP for SMF

Chapter 2: Enhancements 17
Contact DMP capability for Sheet Metal Forming

As the results, the good performance of DMP is shown up to 4 cpus although the contact calculation time is
around 40 % of total simulation time.
18 Dytran Release Guide
Barlat-89 Material Model for Lagrangian Shell Elements

Barlat-89 Material Model for Lagrangian Shell Elements

In this release, a new anisotropic plasticity material model for Lagrangian shell elements is provided. This
model uses Barlat-89 yield model which was initially introduced by Barlat and Lian (1989). This new feature
extends the range of application of sheet metal forming (SMF) capability in Dytran, especially for SMF
simulation of aluminum sheets.

New Entry
BARLT89 entry has been added to defines the properties of an anisotropic plastic material for Lagrangian shell
elements under plane stress condition. This material model uses the yield criterion developed by Barlat and
Lian (1989), Barlat-89, which allows the use of Lankford parameters to define material anisotropy.

The example below is a simple biaxial tension test, where a metal sheet is pulled from two sides under a
constant velocity.

The second example is a deformed aluminum blank after deep drawing process. The blank is placed between
a die and the blank-holder in order to prevent the formation of undesired deformations such as wrinkles.
Then the blank is deformed by the punch pushing the sheet into the die. The blank finally assumes the shape
of the die.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 19
Barlat-89 Material Model for Lagrangian Shell Elements
20 Dytran Release Guide
List of Enhancements in Dytran Explorer

List of Enhancements in Dytran Explorer

Dytran Explorer on Linux

In the new release, Dytran Explorer is made available for Linux operating systems with full functionality.
Dytran Explorer is a graphical interface to control Dytran jobs and post-process the results. To start Dytran
Explorer, run runDytranExplorer.csh script located in the installation directory, as follows:
source {path-to-Dytran-installation-dir}\Dytran\2021\runDytranExplorer.csh

Selecting IMM File in Dytran Explorer

IMM files are required for the Initial Metric Method which is typically useful for air bag modeling. In the
new Dytran release, this file can be provided in Dytran Explorer GUI.

Adding ARC2H5 to ARC file Action Menu

Converting ARC files to H5 files is made accessible in Dytran Explorer. Users can select ARC conversion type
from the action menu. In this case ARC2H5 tools will be run with default options, which is equivalent to
the below command:
arc2h5.exe {arc-file-name} -vt=1 -na=9999 -sf=9
Chapter 2: Enhancements 21
List of Enhancements in Dytran Explorer

In order to be able to run ARC2H5 with different options, please run ARC2H5 directly from the command
line, see Dytran User’s Guide.

The current version of ARC2H5 file has the following limitations:
 ARC files that were created before Dytran 2019 cannot be processed.
 ARC files that were created using ATB ellipse covered option, cannot be processed.
22 Dytran Release Guide
List of Small Updates in Dytran 2021

List of Small Updates in Dytran 2021

Tabular Hardening Input for SHEETMAT

In the new release of Dytran, a tabular input option is provided for hardening of SHEETMAT material. The
tabular function defines yield stress versus effective plastic strain. The user has the flexibility to input
hardening behavior using either the power law function or tabular.

Example of Entry

Cutting-plane Return Mapping for SHEETMAT

In the new release of Dytran, the cutting-plane return mapping algorithm is added to SHEETMAT material
along with the existing Krieg’s return mapping algorithm. The new algorithm provides more accurate results,
however at a higher computational cost. The default return mapping algorithm is set to cutting-plane
algorithm (TYPERM=2), so, to reproduce the same results as previous Dytran releases, please set TYPERM=1.
Also, the convergence tolerance for cutting-plane algorithm can be controlled by CPTOL field. The default
tolerance is 1.0e-6.

Example of Entry
Chapter 2: Enhancements 23
List of Small Updates in Dytran 2021

Coupling Surface Hole Check

For a correct coupling surface computation the surface should be closed. It should not have any holes.
Therefore it should not have any free edges. Dytran only checks if there are free edges if elements in the
coupling surface need to be reversed.
Then Dytran gives the error:

%E-P3116501-V3_REVERSE_POLYH_V3, , ,
A side of a face in surface SURFACE1 has no other faces attached.
This indicates a hole in the surface.

If all segments of the surface are oriented correctly then no reversing is done and also the check for holes is
skipped. A bugfix has been made to always check for holes and T-joints. A hole is specified by a number of
free edges. The coupling surface is checked for free edges and T-joints and if they are present a list of free-
edges and T-joints is given. For example:

%W-P3205001-v3_fastc_check_free_edges_pol, , ,(13),
Coupling surface contains free edges. This can give an erroneous
coupling surface computation. These free edges are often caused by
duplicate grid points and can be removed by equivalencing them.




2221157 2220271
2220271 2221158
2220412 2241157
2241158 2220412
3320412 2221157
2221158 3320412
24 Dytran Release Guide
List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021

List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021

The following software defects are fixed in this release:

Defect Description
DYT-2521 Dytran will raise an error when neither yield value nor a table is given in YLDVM input card.

DYT-2505 Interactive failure as defined by COUPINT could not be combined with high-order tetra
elements. This combination is now supported.
DYT-2416 The description of CELAS1 and CELAS2 entries in the reference manual was not clear.

DYT-2391 Dytran Explorer will list previous files that need to be deleted before running a new job.

DYT-2375 PARAM, AUTOCOUP can give the warning "PARAM,FASTCOUP has an illegal input for
Euler checking. ". The Dytran reference manual contains an error in the description of
PARAM, AUTOCOUP. In the manual it says
OUTPUT, CHECK, FAIL. Therefore, the field CHECK is missing in the manual.
Using blank for CHECK should remove the warning. An example of correct use is
DYT-2370 Formatting issue in the description of PARAM, AUTOCOUP card.

DYT-2369 The Dytran reference manual wrongly described the values of “CLEAN” and “DUMMY”
fields in PARAM, AUTOCOUP as NO and YES instead of OFF and ON.

It has been corrected now.

DYT-2364 The description of NPX, NPY and NPZ in the MESH entry of the Dytran reference manual
is not correct. It says that NPX is the number of Euler cubes in the x-direction. This should
be the "number of partitions in the x-direction".
DYT-2361 Working directory may have space in the path.

DYT-2355 An issue related to introducing imm file is fixed. Now imm file can be defined by adding
IMMFILE=<imm-file-name>.dat into Case Control deck.
DYT-2353 Euler Flow boundary summaries can be requested by the EBDS entry.
This allows to show the velocities at the boundary. These velocities
were shown with a confusing sign, This sign has been removed.
DYT-2316 It only happens when an incorrect material type is assigned to a shell property. Although
other element formulation than Belytschki-Lin-Tsay, the error message with Belytschki-Lin-
Tsay is given. It was removed and replaced by "shell".
Chapter 2: Enhancements 25
List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021

Defect Description
DYT-2315 When Dytran is submitted on Windows from the CMD , and absolute path is used for jid,
the OUT file is not created. This has been fixed. Dytran now accepts jid in the following

dytran.exe jid=<job-id>
dytran.exe jid=<abs-path-to-job-id>
DYT-2310 Setting the field PROCDIR on the MESH entry does not work. PROCDIR is used to
partition the Euler mesh across cpu's. In almost all cases it is not needed to set PROCDIR,
since the Euler elements are by default optimally distributed across cpu's. (By default
DYT-2309 The cycle summary contains the element size of the element that controls the time step.
When the model uses PARAM, SCALEMAS and if it contains fluid and structural elements
and if a structural element control the timestep the element size of the controlling element
given in the cycle summary is incorrect.
DYT-2307 When more than one membrane materials were used in the model, all membrane material
results were summed and it was put to the last membrane material results. The bug is fixed
and the material results are separated to each membrane material correctly.
DYT-2304 A timer is added to the queueing tool in order to look for any uncomplete job in the queue
even when the user is logged off.
DYT-2288 Reference manual update required CTRIA3 with PSHELL1 element formulation
'DEFAULT' wording.
DYT-2285 Update required in remark 2 of FFCONTR entry.

DYT-2279 All DOFs of the dummy node of the grounded CELAS1, CELAS2, CDAMP1, and
CDAMP2 are constrained to zero.
DYT-2224 Wrong description of the parameter 'e' in the documentation.

DYT-2223 One equation in the EOSDEF description was not formatted properly.

DYT-2222 EOSNA Remarks 5 not formatted properly.

DYT-2216 Dytran console is hidden during runtime.

DYT-2215 FORCE3 REMARK 6 had a typo.

DYT-2209 Minor changes were required in the description of the OLDLAGTET parameter.
26 Dytran Release Guide
List of Software Corrections in Dytran 2021

Defect Description
DYT-2188 The chapter numbering was updated in the Dytran Demo Manual

DYT-2143 There was a bug in the algorithm for the check for holes in the coupling surface and they
were not always properly detected.
DYT-2124 Input files were missing from the installer. They have been added.

DYT-2118 COHFRIC is missing from index on page 99 of the Dytran Reference Manual. Also
PARAM, FALENEG is missing from the index of the parameters on page 608.
DYT-2078 PWELDx and BJOIN use the same rigid body algorithm as fullrig RBE2 and MATRIG.
Then PWELDx and BJOIN can not connect with grid points of fullrig RBE2 and
MATRIG. Since normal RBE2 does not use rigid body algorithm, it can be used instead.
PWELDx and BJOIN calculates the new position of grid point first and normal RBE2
updates the slave grid point position from master grid point position next. So if PWELDx
and BJOIN is connecting the grid points of normal RBE2, the grid point connected to
PWELDx and BJOIN must be the master grid point. If the grid point of PWELDx and
BJOIN is a slave grid point of normal RBE2, PWELDx and BJOIN can not keep the
original distance because normal RBE2 updates new position of slave grid points from
master grid point.
DYT-2077 When running DMP with the model including free grid points, the free grid points were
ignored during partitioning. Then the grid points were not considered in next phases. It is
fixed and now the free grid points are added in the master CPU and they are considered in
DYT-1881 The material RUBBER2 is not correctly tested under SMP Solver. The bug was found in
one routine and it was fixed. Now it works ok under SMP Solver.
DYT-1745 PARAM, ELDLTH is corrected for the models that contain MMHYDRO.

DYT-1738 When Dytran was installed on C:\Program Files it was not be able to execute. This problem
has been fixed.
DYT-1504 Using a MESH, ADAPT entry with a MESH,BOX entry that uses local coordinates was not
supported. This is now supported.
DYT-1460 Dytran Explorer did not show the clock time correctly, unless the mouse is kept constantly
on the clock. This has been corrected.
DYT-1140 A bug was fixed that occurred when CONTACT and RCONN were used in the same model
when Dytran was running DMP.
DYT-206 When the model had CTRIA3 elements with SHEETMAT material, the job crashed.
Directional vectors are not calculated correctly in orthotropic material including
SHEETMAT and DMATOR in triangular elements. It was fixed.
Chapter 2: Enhancements 27
List of Known Software Defects in Dytran 2021

List of Known Software Defects in Dytran 2021

The following are known software defects in this release:

Defect Description
DYT-2379 The automatic coupling approach can sometimes give errors and core dumps. Solutions
to these problems is actively being worked on.

DYT-2314 Hourglass energy is not calculated when DYNA option is used. Please note that the DYNA
option is not recommended since it does not give accurate results.

DYT-2311 Using PARAM,EUSUBCYC, the porosity model PORFLCPL, adaptive meshing and
DMP can give coredump. The work around is to switch off DMP
28 Dytran Release Guide
List of Known Software Defects in Dytran 2021
Chapter 3: System Information
MSC Nastran Implicit Nonlinear (SOL 600) User’s GuideDytran Release Guide

3 System Information

 Software Installation 30

Licensing 30

Release Platforms 31
 Memory Requirements 32
30 Dytran Release Guide
Software Installation

Software Installation
Dytran 2021 on Windows and Linux platforms can be downloaded from MSC.Software’s Solutions
Download Center:
On the Windows platforms, Dytran 2021 can easily be installed as it uses the standard Windows Installation
Wizard. On Linux platforms, the MSC Software standard installation script can be used to install the software
on your system. Dytran 2021 is the successor of Dytran 2019.0.1.

Dytran uses the FLEXlm license manager as the licensing system for nodelock and network licensing.
To run Dytran, you need an authorization code from MSC.Software Corporation. If you already have a
license for MSC Dytran 2019, you will not need to obtain a new license for Dytran 2021. DMP capability
is part of Dytran Standard and no additional licenses are needed to run DMP capability in Dytran 2021.
However, in all cases, you do need a new installation of the license server software. Specifically, the FlexLM
license server needs to be at level 10 or higher. For this purpose, an installation of FLEXlm is part
of this release on all supported platforms. It is noted that Dytran 2021 is not able to check out licenses when
the FlexLM server is lower than version 10.
On Windows and Linux computers, Dytran requires an Ethernet card on your computer even if your
computer is not connected to a network. The FLEXlm licensing mechanism uses the Ethernet card to create
the unique system identification encrypted in the license information file.
Chapter 3: System Information 31
Release Platforms

Release Platforms
Dytran 2021 was built and tested on the following hardware with the listed software installed as given in
Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Release Platforms

Vendor OS Version C Version MPI
Linux X8664 RHEL 7.1 Intel Intel Intel MPI 2017.0.5.249
RHEL 7.3

RHEL 7.5

RHEL 7.7

SuSE 12 SP1

SuSE 12 SP2

SuSE 12 SP4
Windows X8664 Windows 10 Intel Visual Studio Microsoft v8.1 (Default)
Professional 2017
Intel MPI 2017 Update 2
32 Dytran Release Guide
Memory Requirements

Memory Requirements
In general, the size of the memory required by Dytran depends on the size of the engineering problem you
wish to solve. The default memory size is calculated by the Dytran Solver. It makes an estimate based on the
number of elements, number of grid points, boundary conditions, output requests, and others. Typically, the
memory does not have to be adjusted anymore since the Dytran 2013 release, but it may still occasionally
need adjustment.
The user can add the MEMORY-SIZE definition in the input file to change the fixed memory allocation.
Dytran traces the usage of memory and prints a summary at the end of the output file of each analysis. The
memory size listed in the summary is exact. It reflects the memory required for storing the model in core
memory after one integration step. Additional memory required during the analysis is automatically allocated
and de-allocated.
Under certain conditions, Dytran may stop and issue a message that it cannot allocate the required memory.
Since the memory allocation in Dytran is dynamic, the system may require additional memory during an
analysis. If the memory is available, it will be allocated and de-allocated when it is no longer needed. When
the computer runs out of memory, the Dytran analysis may stop when it needs more memory to continue.
The user can solve this problem by closing applications on the computer that are no longer needed, or the
user can decrease the size of the core memory that Dytran allocates for the analysis if Dytran decided to use
substantially more than the analysis requires. The information on the memory size requirements of the
analysis can be found in the memory summary at the end of the analysis. MSC Software Corporation
recommends using Dytran on a computer that has at least 4 GB of RAM.
Chapter 4: Using Dytran
MSC Nastran Implicit Nonlinear (SOL 600) User’s GuideDytran Release Guide

4 Using Dytran

Running Dytran on Linux 34

Running Dytran on Windows 35
 User Defined Services 35

Running Dytran Shared Memory Parallel (SMP) 36

Running Dytran Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP) 36
 Running Dytran with ATB input files 36
34 Dytran Release Guide
Running Dytran on Linux

Running Dytran on Linux

On Linux, analysis can be submitted using Dytran.Explorer, a graphical interface to control Dytran jobs and
post-process the results files. To start Dytran.Explorer, run runDytranExplorer.csh script located in the
installation directory, as follows:
source {path to Dytran installation}\Dytran\2021\runDytranExplorer.csh
To submit Dytran jobs directly from Terminal, use the following command:
 {Full path to Dytran installation}/2021/bin/dytran jid={jobid}
Alternatively, you can choose to create the following alias:
 % alias dytran {Full path to Dytran installation}/2021/bin/dytran
With this alias dytran jobs can be executed. For example:
 dytran jid={jobid} (to submit a regular Dytran job)
 dytran jid={jobid} bat=no (to submit Dytran in interactive mode)
 dytran jid={jobid} ncpus=2 (to submit Dytran using two cores for Shared Memory Parallel)
 dytran jid={jobid} udsdir=myuds scaobj=myobjs (to submit a Dytran job with User
Defined Services source files)
 dytran jid={jobid} scaobj=myobjs (to submit a Dytran job with pre-built User Defined
Services libraries)
To submit DMP jobs, you must specify the number of processors as well:
 dytran jid={jobid} dmp=yes ncpus=2 (to submit Dytran using two cores Distributed
Memory Parallel)
 dytran jid={jobid} dmp=yes hlist=hostlist.txt bat=no (to submit Dytran in a
cluster using a host list)
Chapter 4: Using Dytran 35
Running Dytran on Windows

Running Dytran on Windows

On Windows, analysis can be submitted with Dytran.Explorer, a graphical interface to control Dytran jobs
and post process the results files. To start with Dytran.Explorer double-click the Dytran icon on your desktop
after installing the Dytran 2021. Alternatively, you can use the start Menu to locate Dytran.Explorer under
the Programs Folder. The Dytran.Explorer provides an on-line help system which includes online
documentation. Basic post processing and animation tools are available by right-clicking on the results files
displayed in Dytran Job window.
To submit Dytran jobs directly from the command line, open a DOS command window and type:
“{Full path to Dytran installation}\Dytran\2021\bin\dytran.exe” jid={jobid}
dmp=yes ncpus={number of processors}
For instance:
1. Name input model is bunker.dat.
2. Dytran is installed at C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\Dytran.
3. Model needs to run on four CPUs in DMP mode.
The correct command would be:
C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\Dytran\2021\bin\dytran.exe jid=bunker
dmp=yes ncpus=4

User Defined Services

For User Defined Services, the correct version of the Intel Fortran compiler and Microsoft Visual Studio must
be installed (See Chapter 3: System Information for detailed version information). Also a matching version of
MSC Software’s “Software Development Kit” (SDK) needs to be installed on the system.
For UDS the source files need to be stored in directory trees with a strict layout. The easiest way to accomplish
this is probably copying a complete tree from an example and make modifications to the appropriate
routine(s). Building can be done by specifying the “udsdir” and “scaobj” parameters on the Dytran command
line. On Windows also DytranExplorer can be used. When using the command line, also the following
locations on the SDK installation need to be defined by environment variables:
The directory holding the SCons executable (variable name SCATOOLS) and the location of the SCA system
directory (variable name SCASYSTEM).
An example of using UDS with the Dytran command on Windows could be:
set SCATOOLS=C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\SDK\20210\Tools
set SCASYSTEM=C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\SDK\20210\SCAKernel
dytran.exe jid=xxx udsdir=yyy scaobj=zzz
and on Linux (C-shell)
setenv SCATOOLS <sdk-location>/SDK/20210/Tools
setenv SCASYSTEM <sdk-location>/SDK/20210/SCAKernel
dytran jid=xxx udsdir=yyy scaobj=zzz
36 Dytran Release Guide
Running Dytran Shared Memory Parallel (SMP)

With <sdk-location> the path to the directory where the SDK has been installed, xxx the name of the input
file without “.dat” extension, yyy the path to the root of the directory tree with the modified UDS service(s)
and zzz the (empty) directory that will be used as root of the directory tree with the generated UDS libraries.
yyy is the directory that contains the four SCons files (SConopts, SConopts.delivery, SConscript and
SConstruct) and can be relative to the working directory (the one that contains the input file(s)).
In both the Linux and Windows example, the Dytran command is assumed to be in the search path defined
by the PATH environment variable.

Running Dytran Shared Memory Parallel (SMP)

To run Dytran 2021 with SMP enabled:
<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx dmp=no ncpus=<n>
with <DYTRANDIR> the root directory of the Dytran installation, something like
C:\Program Files\MSC.Software\Dytran\2021, xxxx the name of the input file without .dat
extension and <n> the number of CPUs to be used. Must be equal to or smaller than the actual number of
CPUs on the system.

Running Dytran Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP)

To run Dytran 2021 with DMP enabled on the local system:
<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx dmp=yes ncpus=<n>
with <DYTRANDIR> the root directory of the Dytran installation C:\Program
Files\MSC.Software\Dytran\2021, xxxx the name of the input file without .dat extension, and <n>
the number of cores to be used, which must be equal to or smaller than the actual number of cores on the
When both SMP and DMP are going to be used together, the value of the dmp parameter has to be set to
“both” and the number of processors to be used for dmp is defined with the “nproc” parameter:
<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx dmp=both <mpi_vers>=yes ncpus=<n>
To run Dytran on a cluster, first a host list needs to be prepared to define the nodes and the numbers pf cpus
to be used on each node. Dytran can be submitted with the command:
<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx dmp=yes hlist=hostlist.txt

Running Dytran with ATB input files

In order to run Dytran 2021 with ATB, make sure the ATB file is in the same directory as the input files and
issue the command:
<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx atb=yyyy
with atb the name of the ATB input file without the extension .ain. In case you already have the “.lin” file
from a previous run, you can also use:
Chapter 4: Using Dytran 37
Running Dytran with ATB input files

<DYTRANDIR>/bin/dytran.exe jid=xxxx lin=yyyy

with yyyy the name of the “.lin” file without the extension .lin.
38 Dytran Release Guide
Running Dytran with ATB input files

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