Data Structures Algorithms Dfs Bfs Qns

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Math 363: Theory of Algorithms

Instructor: Sreekar M. Shastry

Solutions to the Midterm Examination
2012-03-02-Fri, 1530-1700
• There are 6 problems. Each problem is worth 5 points. The maximum score is 30 points.

(1) Let us recall the following definitions.

A queue is a set from which we extract elements in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order: we select
elements in the same order in which they were added. The procedure that adds an element is
Enqueue(Q,x) and the procedure that removes an element is Dequeue(Q).
A stack is a set from which we extract elements in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order: we select the
most recently added element. The procedure that adds an element is Push(S,x) and the procedure
that removes an element is Pop(S).
A max-priority queue is a data structure that maintains a set of elements P , where each element
v ∈ P has an associated value Key(v) that denotes the priority of the element v; higher keys represent
higher priorities. Priority queues support the following procedures: Insert(P,x) adds the element
x to P , Maximum(P) returns the element of P with the largest key, ExtractMax(P) removes and
returns the element of P with the largest key (it returns −∞ if P is empty), IncreaseKey(P,x,k)
increases the value of element x’s key to the new value k, which is assumed to be at least as large
as x’s current key value. Likewise one can define a min-priority queue with procedures Insert,
Minimum, ExctractMin, DecreaseKey.
(a) Show how to implement a queue with a priority queue.
(b) Show how to implement a stack with a priority queue.
(For both (a) and (b), you may choose which type of priority queue to use.)
Solution. (a) We implement a queue by means of a min-priority queue P . Namely, we define
Enqueue(Q,x) := Insert(P,x) and Dequeue(Q) := ExctractMin(P). In greater detail, given
the ith element xi , we insert it into the min-priority queue with key value i:
Key(xi ) = i.
Then the first call to Dequeue(Q) returns x1 , the second call returns x2 and so on, which
demonstrates the required FIFO property.
(b) We implement a stack by means of a max-priority queue P . We define Push(S,x) :=
Insert(P,x) and Pop(Q) := ExctractMax(P). In detail, given the ith element xi , we insert it
into the max-priority queue with key value i:
Key(xi ) = i.
Suppose that the stack has N elements at the time we issue a call to pop. Then the first call
to Pop(Q) returns xN ; if no other elements have been pushed onto the stack, the second call
returns xN −1 and so on. On the other hand, if some new element has been pushed onto the
stack after the first call to Pop, the next call to Pop will return the most recently pushed element.
This demonstrates the required LIFO property.
Let us remark on the following distinction between (a) and (b).
In the case of the FIFO queue, we have the following invariant: at all times the set of key
values present in the min-priority queue will be a consective block of integers of the form
k, k + 1, k + 2, . . . , k + m for some positive integers k and m.
In the case of a LIFO stack, at all times we are only guaranteed that the set of key values in
the max-priority queue is a strictly increasing set of integers k, k + i1 , k + i2 , . . . k + im .

(2) We call a graph G = (V, E) a near-tree if it is connected and has at most n + 8 edges, where
n := |V |. Give an algorithm with running time O(n) that takes a near-tree with edge costs and
returns a minimum spanning tree of G. You may assume that all of the edge costs are distinct.
Solution. The crucial subroutine is the following procedure DetectCycleByDepthFirstTrav-
eral which we will call simply F . It is a modification of the depth first traversal algorithm. We
maintain and update an associative array P which contains the partial DFS tree. (We remark that
even though G is an undirected graph, once we specify a root vertex, the DFS tree is a directed
graph.) Thus P [t] = s means that node t has node s as parent on the DFS tree.
F takes as input a graph G, a node s, and the node which is the parent of s in the depth first
tree P . Note that P is constructed by F and grows with each subsequent call to F .
F returns the first nontrivial, non-tree edge (u, v), else it returns NIL to indicate that the graph
G is already a tree. By nontrivial non-tree edge, we mean an edge that completes a nontrivial cycle
in the undirected graph G; a trivial cycle in an undirected graph is one of the form s → t → s.

1: Let P be a global variable, the associative array representing the DFS tree
2: s is the root node if and only if P [s] = NIL
3: procedure F(G, s)
4: Mark s as explored
5: for each edge (s, t) incident to s do
6: if t is marked explored and t 6= P [s] then
7: return (s, t) // this edge completes a nontrivial cycle in G
8: end if
9: if t is not marked explored then
10: Let P [t] := s
11: F(G, t, P [t])
12: end if
13: end for
14: return NIL
15: end procedure

Now, with the above subroutine in hand, we may describe the idea of the algorithm to find an
MST in a near-tree. We use F to search for a cycle. If there is no cycle, then the graph is a tree and
we are done. Otherwise, we delete the heaviest edge from the cycle. We do this 9 times.

1: procedure NearTreeMST(G)
2: Choose an initial node s
3: for i = 1, 2, . . . , 9 do
4: Let (u, v) = F (G, s)
5: if (u, v) = NIL then
6: return // G is already a tree
7: end if
8: Let w = LeastCommonAncestor(u, v)
9: Let e1 be the heaviest edge on the path from u to w
10: Let e2 be the heaviest edge on the path from v to w
11: Delete from G the heaviest of e1 , e2 , (u, v) // to use the Cycle Property of MSTs
12: end for
13: end procedure

To analyze the complexity, write n := |V |, m := |E|, so that we have n − 1 ≤ m ≤ n + 8 by

connectedness and the near-tree property. The running time of F is bounded by that of DFS which
is O(n + m) = O(n) on a near-tree. LeastCommonAncestor takes O(n) time (see page 96 of
KT). Finding the heaviest edge on a path takes O(n) time, thus each of lines 9 and 10 takes O(n).
The total running time of this algorithm is thus O(9n) = O(n), as required.

(3) Dr. Foo drives his car from Pune to Goa. When full, his car’s gas tank holds enough fuel to enable
him to drive for n kilometers. His gps navigation system tells him in advance the distances between
the gas stations on his route. The doctor wishes to make as few gas stops as possible along the way.
Give an efficient algorithm by which Dr. Foo may determine at which gas stations to stop so as to
achieve his goal of minimizing the total number of gas stops. Prove that your algorithm is correct
and determine its running time.
Solution. The optimal strategy goes as follows. Starting with a full tank of gas, Foo should go to
the farthest gas station at position P1 from Goa which is at most n miles from Pune. Starting from
that point, he should go to the farthest gas station P2 which is within n miles of position P1 . And
so on.
Put differently, at each gas station, Foo should ask whether he can make it to the next gas station
without stopping at this one. If he can, skip this one. This description shows that the algorithm is
O(m), where m is the total number os stations.
(i) Now, consider an optimal solution with s stations which stops first at the kth station. Then
we claim that the rest of the optimal solution must be an optimal solution to the subproblem of the
remaining m − k stations. If this were not the case, we could find a solution to the problem on m − k
stations which stopped at < s − 1 stations and we could use this to construct an optimal solution
on m stations with < s stops, contradicting our supposition.
(ii) Moreover, any optimal solution must choose as the first station the farthest station (the kth
station, say) which is within n miles of Pune. For if not and we had chosen the jth station with
j < k, then upon leaving the jth station we could get no further than if we stopped at the kth
station. Thus stopping at station j < k results in a solution which can do no better than stopping
at the kth station.
Taken together, (i) and (ii) prove that our algorithm is correct.
(4) We are given two sets A and B, each consisting of n positive integers. You may reorder the sets in
any manner you choose. After reordering, write ai for the ith element of A and bi for the ith element
of B. The payoff obtained from the chosen orderings is
abi i .

(a) Give an algorithm which maximizes the payoff.

(b) Prove the correctness of your answer to part (a) and determine its running time.
Solution. Sort A and B into decreasing order.
To prove that this yields the optimal solution, we argue as follows. Let i < j and consider abi i
b b b
and ajj . Let us show that abi i ajj ≥ ai j abji . Since we have sorted A and B into decreasing order,
b −bj b −bj
ai ≥ aj and bi ≥ bj . Since ai , aj > 0 and bi − bj ≥ 0, we have ai i ≥ aji . Multiplying both
b b b
sides by ai j yields abi i ajj ≥ ai j abji .
Since multiplication of real numbers is commutative, sorting A and B into increasing order also
would have worked. What the above argument actually demonstrated was that we must choose
compatible orderings on A and B in the sense that for both sets, for all i, the ith element must
be the ith element from the top or that for all i, the ith element is the ith element from the
The running time is the running time the sorting algorithms we know (e.g. mergesort): O(n log n).
(5) This problem is about Huffman coding.
(a) Explain the relationship between prefix codes and binary trees.
(b) Show that the binary tree corresponding to the optimal prefix code must be full.
Solution. (a) This is in section 4.8 of KT.
(b) This is proposition 4.28 on page 168 of KT.
(6) This problem is about Dijkstra’s algorithm for computing the length of the shortest path from a
given root to any other vertex.
(a) State Dijkstra’s algorithm.
(b) Give a simple example of a directed graph with some edges having negative length for which
Dijkstra’s algorithm produces an incorrect answer.
Solution. (a) This is in KT on page 138.
(b) In the following figure, we start from s. Dijkstra’s algorithm tells us that the distance from
s to y is 1, but going the long way around shows that the distance is 0.

x y

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