II PUC-Previous Year PUC Board Question Papers

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(2015 to 2020)

Model Question Paper

TIME: 3.15 Hours. Max. Marks: 70

I Answer ALL the questions: 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries One mark.

1. What is a microprocessor?
2. Write the standard symbol for AND gate.
3. What are data structures?
4. Is it possible to access data outside a class?
5. How do you we initialize a pointer?
6. What is normalization?
7. Expand ARPANET.
8. What are cookies?
9. What is URL?
10. Define a domain.


II Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries Two marks.
11. What are the fundamental products for each of the input words:
ABCD=0010, ABCD=0110, ABCD = 1110.
Write SOP expression.
12. Draw a general K-map for 4-variables A, B, C and D.
13. Explain data encapsulation.
14. Why are constructors needed in a program? Justify.
15. Differentiate between stream class and ofstream class.
16. What is relational algebra?
17. What are the logical operators in SQL?
18. What is a SIM card?



III Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries Three marks.

19. Explain the characteristics of motherboard.

20. Draw the logic gate diagram to implement NOT gate using NAND and NOR
21. Explain the memory representation of queue using arrays.
22. What is new operator in C++? Give example.
23. Mention the types of file. Explain any one.
24. Give the different notations for E-R diagram.
25. Write the advantages of WWW.
26. What are the steps involved in hosting a webpage?


IV Answer any SEVEN questions: 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries Five marks.

27. State and prove De Morgan’s theorem algebraically.

28. What are the operations performed on linear data structures.
29. Write an algorithm to insert an element into the array.
30. Explain the advantages of OOP.
31. Illustrate with an example how an array of objects can be defined.
32. Explain the features of copy constructor.
33. Write a C++ program to find the volume of cone, cube and cylinder using
overloaded function.
34. What are the types of inheritance? Explain any two.
35. Explain Codd’s rule for database management.
36. Write the differences between orderby and groupby commands with example.
37. Give the measures for preventing virus.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. What is data bus?

2. Which basic gate is also called as inverter?
3. What is meant by primitive data structure?
4. What is a member function?
5. Write the declaration syntax for a pointer.
6. Define primary key
7. Expand FTP.
8. What is network topology?
9. What is freeware?
10. Mention the use of HTML.


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. Prove that X + XY = X.

12. Define minterm and maxterm.
13. Briefly discuss the classes in OOP.
14. What is a destructor? Write its syntax.
15. Differentiate between ifstream and ofstream.
16. What is data independence? Mention the types of data independence.
17. Give the syntax and example for DELETE command in SQL.
18. Explain half duplex communication mode.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. What is a port? Explain serial port.

20. Write the logic diagram and truth table for NOR gate.
21. Write an algorithm for PUSH operation in stack.
22. What are the operations performed pointers?
23. Give the functions of put( ), get( ) and getline( ) w.r.t. text files.
24. Briefly explain one-tier database architecture.
25. What is web browser? Mention any two web browsers.
26. Explain any three text formatting tags in HTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Given the Boolean function

F(W, X, Y, Z) = ∑ (0, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15)
Reduce it by using Karnaugh map.
28. Explain any five basic operations performed on arrays.
29. Write an algorithm to delete a data element from the queue.
30. Explain the advantages of object oriented programming.
31. What is class definition? Write its general syntax and example.
32. What is an inline function? Write a simple program for it.
33. What is a constructor? Give the rules for writing a constructor function.
34. What is inheritance? Explain any two types of inheritance.
35. What is data warehouse? Briefly explain its components.
36. Explain the various group functions in SQL.
37. Explain any five network devices.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. What is a motherboard?
2. What is a logic gate?
3. Give an example for linear data structure.
4. What is a class?
5. Mention any one advantage of pointers.
6. What is a database?
7. Expand URL.
8. Define bus topology.
9. Name any one web browser.
10. Write any one HTML tag.


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. State and prove involution law.

12. What is principle of duality? Give an example.
13. Differentiate between base class and derived class.
14. Mention different types of constructors.
15. What is a stream? Mention any one stream used in C++.
16. Write any two advantages of database system.
17. Mention any two datatypes used in SQL.
18. Explain circuit switching technique.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. What is the function of UPS? Mention different types of UPS.

20. Write the logic diagram and truth table for a NAND gate.
21. Explain the various operations performed on queue data structure.
22. What is array of pointers? Give an example.
23. List the different modes of opening a file with their meaning, in C++.
24. Write the different symbols used in E-R diagram, with their significance.
25. What is E-commerce? Explain any two types.
26. What is web-hosting? Mention different types of web-hosting.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Reduce F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15) using

Karnaugh map.
28. Explain the memory representation of stack data structure using arrays.
29. Write an algorithm for binary search.
30. Mention any five applications of OOP.
31. What are access specifiers? Explain any two with examples.
32. What is function overloading? Explain the need for overloading.
33. Explain destructor with syntax and example.
34. What is inheritance? Mention its advantages.
35. Define the following database terms:
i) Data model
ii) Tuple
iii) Domain
iv) Primary key
v) Foreign key
36. What is data definition language? Explain SELECT and UPDATE commands.
37. Give the measures for preventing virus.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. Expand ISA.
2. Write the standard symbol for XOR gate.
3. Name any one non-linear data structure.
4. What is the significance of scope resolution operation in C++?
5. How do you initialize a pointer variable?
6. Define Data Mining.
7. Define the term ‘topology’ of computer networks.
8. Define Local Area Networking.
9. Define e-commerce.
10. What is DHTML?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. Prove (X + Y)(X + Z) = X + YZ using algebraic method.

12. What are minterms and maxterms?
13. Give the general syntax for defining classes and objects.
14. Write any two rules for constructors.
15. Write any two member functions belonging to ofstream class.
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ISAM?
17. Write the syntax for delete and insert commands in SQL.
18. Mention any two antivirus softwares.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. Expand UPS. Explain the types of UPS.

20. Draw the logic diagram and truth table for 2 input XOR gate.
21. What is stack? Write an algorithm for POP operation.
22. Explain the use of new and delete operators in pointers.
23. Give the functions of the following:
a) get( )
b) getline( )
c) read( )
24. Explain relational data model with an example.
25. What is meant by shareware? Write its limitations.
26. What is web hosting? Mention various web hosting services.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Using K-map, simplify the following expression in four variables:

F(A,B,C,D) = m1 + m2 + m4 + m5 + m9 + m11 + m12 + m13
28. Write an algorithm for insertion sort method.
29. Write an algorithm to insert an element into a queue.
30. Define object oriented programming. Write the limitations of object oriented
31. Explain defining objects of a class with syntax and a programming example.
32. Describe briefly the use of friend function in C++ with syntax and example.
33. Write the rules to be followed in writing constructor function in C++.
34. Explain briefly the types of inheritance.
35. Write the differences between Manual and Electronic Data Processing.
36. Describe any five logical operators available in SQL.
37. Explain network securities in detail.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. What is Cache memory?

2. Write the standard symbol for OR gate.
3. What is Queue?
4. What is an object?
5. Define Pointer.
6. What is database?
7. Define Networking.
8. Give an example for full duplex communication mode.
9. What is telnet?
10. Expand XML.


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. Prove algebraically (X + Y) (X + Y ) = X

12. State and prove commutative law using truth table.
13. What is the use of scope resolution operator? Give the symbol.
14. Write any two rules to create constructors.
15. Write any two member functions belonging to ifstream class.
16. Define primary and secondary keys.
17. Mention the logical operators used in SQL.
18. Write the difference between LAN and WAN.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. Explain three types of motherboard.

20. Write the truth table and standard symbol for XOR gate.
21. Write an algorithm for traversal in a linear array.
22. What are the advantages of pointers?
23. Mention the types of data file. Explain.
24. Define hierarchical model. Give one advantage and disadvantage.
25. Define the term:
1) Web page
2) Web browser
3) W.W.W.
26. Briefly explain any three HTML tags.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Reduce F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) using K-map.
28. What is Linear data structure? Explain the operations performed on linear
data structure.
29. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using linear search
30. Mention the advantages of object oriented programming.
31. Explain member function inside the class definition with syntax and example.
32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inline function?
33. Explain default constructor with syntax and example.
34. Mention the advantages of inheritance.
35. Explain any five applications of databases.
36. Expand SQL. Give the syntax and example for INSERT and DELETE
commands in SQL.
37. What is Network Security? Mention and explain protection methods.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. What is a bus?
2. Write the standard symbol for AND gate.
3. Define an array.
4. Is it possible to access data outside a class?
5. Mention any one advantage of pointer.
6. Define an entity.
7. What is chatting?
8. What is a server?
9. Expand WWW.
10. What is a website?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. Prove algebraically X + XY = X.

12. State the principle of duality. Write the dual of 1 + X =1.
13. Define base class and derived class.
14. Write the features of default constructors.
15. Differentiate between read( ) and write( ).
16. Write the difference between data and information.
17. Give the syntax and example of UPDATE command in SQL.
18. What is communication (transmission) mode? Explain simplex mode.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. Explain the characteristics of motherboard.

20. Realize AND, OR, NOT gates using NAND gates.
21. Explain the memory representation of two dimensional array.
22. Define :
a) Pointer
b) Static memory allocation
c) Dynamic memory allocation
23. Explain any three modes to open a file in C++.
24. Mention database users.
25. Give the services of e-commerce.
26. Explain any three HTML tags.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Reduce F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15) using K-map.

28. Write an algorithm to insert an element in an array.
29. What is a stack? Write an algorithm for PUSH( ) and POP( ) operations.
30. Write the applications of OOPs.
31. Explain class definition with syntax and example.
32. Explain inline function with programming example.
33. What is a destructor? Write its syntax and example.
34. Write the types of inheritance. Explain any two.
35. Briefly explain the data processing cycle.
36. Write the purpose of following SQL functions :
a) count( )
b) max( )
c) min( )
d) avg( )
e) sum( )
37. Give the measures for preventing virus.



TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.
1. What is the use of SMPS?
2. For the truth table given below, what type of Logic gate does the output F
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
3. What are non-linear data structures?
4. What is meant by array of objects?
5. What is the purpose of new operator in C++?
6. What is an entity?
7. What is Hub?
8. Expand FTP.
9. Give the general syntax of URL.
10. What is Web scripting?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. State and prove complementarity law.

12. Find the complement of the expression.
F = XY+ XZ+ XY
13. What are base class and derived class with reference to OOP?
14. What is a destructor? Which is the operator used with destructor function?
15. Differentiate between put( ) and get( ) functions with reference to binary files.
16. Mention the database users.
17. What is the difference between ORDER BY and GROUP BY clause used in
SQL? Give examples for each.
18. Write the differences between half duplex and full duplex communication


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. What is the purpose of ports, buses and disk controllers in the I/O system?
20. Construct logic diagrams for OR and NOT operations
a) using only NOR gates
b) using only NAND gates
21. Write an algorithm for insert an element into one dimensional array.
22. Explain the operations performed on pointers.
23. Write the member functions belong to ifstream class.
24. Mention any three advantages of random / direct access file organization.
25. Define e-commerce. Write the various technologies and services used in
26. Explain the general structure of HTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Simplify the following Boolean expression using K-map.

F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15)
28. What are the different operations performed on queues? Write an algorithm for
deleting an element from a queue.
29. What is sorting? Write an algorithm for insertion sort.
30. Give the differences between procedural oriented programming and object
oriented programming.
31. Write the general syntax for defining and declaring classes and objects and
explain the terms. Give an example.
32. When function overloading is needed? Write any two advantages and
restrictions on overloading functions.
33. Explain the features of default constructor. Write the syntax and example for
default constructor.
34. What is inheritance? Write the advantages of inheritance in C++.
35. Write the differences between Hierarchical data model and network data
36. What are group functions in SQL? Explain any four group functions with
37. What is networking? Explain the goals of networking.



TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. What is microprocessor?
2. What is a logic gate?
3. Define sorting.
4. What is an object?
5. Name the pointer operator.
6. What is a record?
7. Expand HTTP.
8. Write any one application of computer network.
9. Mention any one web browser.
10. What is the use of HTML?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. What is minterm and maxterm?

12. Prove X ∙ (X + Y) = X.
13. Mention any two applications of OOPs.
14. Define:
a) Constructors
b) Destructors
15. Write the difference between text file and binary file.
16. What is Data Base Management System? Give an example of DBMS software.
17. Give the syntax and example of UPDATE command in SQL.
18. Define:
a) Client
b) Server



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. What is cache memory? Explain their types.

20. Realize AND, OR and NOT gates using NOR gate.
21. Write an algorithm to delete an element from one dimensional array.
22. Give the advantages of pointer.
23. Discuss the file mode parameters in C++.
24. Explain the advantages (features) of DBMS.
25. Write the advantages of e-commerce.
26. Discuss any three text formatting tags in HTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Simplify the following Boolean function using K-map.

F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15).
28. Write an algorithm to search an element using Binary search technique.
29. Give the applications of queues.
30. Explain the characteristics of OOPs.
31. What is the significance of using access specifiers? Explain any two access
specifiers with example.
32. Explain friend function with syntax and programming example.
33. What is copy constructor? Explain with syntax and programming example.
34. What are the advantages of inheritance?
35. Explain the differences between manual data processing and computerized
(electronic) data processing.
36. What is Data Definition Language? Give the functions of Data Definition
37. What is computer virus? Write the symptoms (characteristics) of computer




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries one mark.

1. Expand SMPS.
2. Which basic logic gate is named as inverter?
3. Define searching.
4. What is a member function?
5. How to declare a pointer?
6. What is a table in DBMS?
7. What is computer network?
8. Mention any one anti-virus software.
9. Define e-commerce.
10. Write any one formatting HTML tag?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries two marks.

11. State and prove complementary laws.

12. State and prove any one DeMorgan‟s theorem using truth table.
13. Define:
a) Class.
b) Object
14. Mention any two features of parameterized constructors.
15. What is the difference ifstream and ofstream?
16. Write any two differences between manual data processing and computerized
(electronic) data processing.
17. Give the syntax and example of INSERT command in SQL.
18. What are communication modes? Explain any one.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries three marks.

19. What is motherboard? Explain any two characteristics of motherboard.

20. Explain basic logic gates with standard symbol and truth table.
21. Explain the memory representation of one-dimensional array.
22. Write the differences between static and dynamic allocation of memory.
23. Write the types of files and explain them.
24. Explain any three applications of DBMS.
25. Define:
a) World Wide Web
b) Web Browser
c) Web Page
26. Write the features of DHTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries five marks.

27. Simplify the following Boolean function using K-map.

F(A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15)
28. Write an algorithm to delete an element from an array.
29. Define queue. Explain different types of queues with neat diagrams.
30. Explain the advantages of OOPs.
31. Explain the member functions inside the class definition with syntax and
programming example.
32. Discuss overloaded functions with an example.
33. What is a constructor? Give the rules for writing the constructor function.
34. Explain single level inheritance with programming example.
35. Explain data processing cycle.
36. Discuss any five character (text) built-in functions in SQL.
37. Write a note on network topologies.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries 1 mark.

1. Expand the term DDRRAM.

2. Write the standard symbol for two input NOR gate.
3. Give an example for non-primitive data structure.
4. What is meant by data encapsulation?
5. Which symbol is used as address operator in C++?
6. Define tuple.
7. What is Wide Area Network (WAN)?
8. What is ring topology?
9. Mention any one type of e-commerce.
10. What is free-hosting?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries 2 marks.

11. Prove that X ∙ X = 0 by perfect induction method.

12. Prove X ∙ (X + Y) = X algebraically.
13. Give any two applications of OOP.
14. What is destructor? Write the symbol used for destructor.
15. Mention any two ofstream functions.
16. Define primary key and candidate key.
17. Differentiate between DELETE and DROP command in SQL.
18. Briefly explain circuit switching technique.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries 3 marks.

19. What is the purpose of UPS? Mention different types of UPS.

20. Explain the working of two input NAND gate with logic symbol and truth table.
21. Give the memory representation for two dimensional array using Column
Major Ordering.
22. Define an array of pointers. Give an example.
23. What is a data file? Differentiate between text file and binary file in C++.
24. Mention different database models. Explain any one.
25. Write any three advantages of e-Commerce.
26. Explain any three text formatting tags in HTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries 5 marks.

27. Given Boolean function.

f (a, b, c, d) = ∑(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14).
Reduce it by using Karnaugh map.
28. Write an algorithm to delete an element from a queue data structure.
29. What is primitive data structure? Explain different operations performed on
primitive data structures.
30. Mention any five advantages of OOP over procedural programming Languages.
31. Explain member function outside class definition. Give an example.
32. What is a friend function? Write the characteristics of a friend function.
33. Give the definition for a constructor and mention the rules for writing
constructor function.
34. What is inheritance? Briefly explain hierarchical and hybrid inheritance.
35. Briefly explain the advantages of database system.
36. Explain any five relational / Comparison operators in SQL with suitable
37. Define the following.
a) SIM
b) SMS
c) Wi-fi
d) Chatting
e) Video Conference



TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries 1 mark.

1. Give the purpose of expansion slots.

2. Write the standard symbol for two input NAND gate.
3. Give an example for primitive data structure.
4. Define Data abstraction.
5 What is a pointer?
6. What is a Record?.
7. Expand the term FTP.
8. What is a star topology?
9. Mention any one advantage of e-commerce.
10. What is web-hosting?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries 2 marks.

11. Prove that X + X = 1 by perfect induction method.

12. Prove X ∙ Y = Y ∙ X using truth table.
13. Mention any two advantages of OOPS.
14. Give any two rules for constructors.
15. Mention any two ifstream functions.
16. Define primary key and secondary key.
17. Write the syntax and example for DROP command in SQL.
18. Mention any two antivirus software.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries 3 marks.

19. Write the functions of data bus, address bus and control bus.
20. Explain the working of two input NOR gate with symbol and truth table.
21. Give the memory representation for two dimensional array using Row major
22. Explain any thee operations performed on pointers.
23. What is a data file? Explain text file and binary file supported in C++.
24. Define sequential access, direct access, and indexed sequential access file
25. Explain any three types of e-commerce.
26. Explain any three re-sizing text tags in HTML.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries 5 marks.

27. Given Boolean function.

F(A, B, C, D) = ∑(0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14).
Reduce it by using Karnaugh map.
28. Write an algorithm to insert an element into the QUEUE data structure.
29. Explain the different operations performed on STACK data structure.
30. Mention any FIVE application areas of OOP.
31. What are member functions in a class? Write any four characteristics of
member functions.
32. Define function overloading. Mention its advantages.
33. What is a constructor? Mention different types of constructors and explain any
one constructor in brief.
34. What is a Inheritance? Briefly explain multilevel and multiple inheritance.
35. What is a database? Mention any four applications of database.
36. Explain any five relational / Comparison operators in SQL with suitable
37. Define the following network devices.
b) HUB
c) Repeater
d) Bridge
e) Router



TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries 1 mark.

1. What is a port?
2. Which gate is called as inverter gate?
3. Define root node in a binary tree.
4. Mention the operator used to access member of a class.
5. How to declare a pointer?
6. What is meant by data mining?
7. Expand MIME.
8. Name any one type of UTP cable.
9. Give an example for web browser.
10. What is web scripting?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries 2 marks.
11. Prove that XY + X Y = X.
12. What is tautology and fallacy?
13. Define polymorphism? Give an example.
14. Explain any two features of parameterized constructor.
15. Differentiate between read( ) and write( ).
16. Mention the types of data independence.
17. Write the syntax and example for insert command in SQL.
18. Briefly explain Local Area Network.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries 3 marks.

19. Define cache memory. Mention the types of cache memory.

20. Write the logic diagram and truth table for NAND gate.
21. Explain applications of arrays.
22. What are the advantages of pointers?
23. Discuss any three file mode parameters in C++.
24. Explain any three symbols used in E-R diagram.
25. Mention any three advantages of E-commerce.
26. Explain any three HTML tags.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries 5 marks.

27. Given Boolean function F (A, B, C, D) = ∑(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15).
Reduce it by using Karnaugh map.
28. Write an algorithm to search an element in an array using linear search
29. Explain different operations on linked list.
30. Give the differences between procedural programming and object oriented
31. Write the general syntax for defining and declaring a class with programming
32. What is function overloading? Explain the needs for function overloading.
33. What is a constructor? Write the syntax and programming example for default
34. What are the advantages of inheritance in C++?
35. Explain the features of database system.
36. Explain the various group functions in SQL.
37. Give the measures for preventing virus.




TIME: 3.15 Hours. (Total No. of questions : 37) Max. Marks: 70

Note: Answer all the questions. 10 x 1 = 10
Each question carries 1 mark.

1. What is Motherboard?
2. What is the standard symbol of OR Gate?
3. Give an example for non linear data structure.
4. What is the purpose of scope resolution operator (: : )?
5. Define pointer.
6. What is a tuple?
7. What is a computer virus?
8. Expand TCP.
9. What is freeware?
10. What is web hosting?


Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 2 = 10

Each question carries 2 marks.

11. State and prove involution law.

12. Prove that X + X .Y= X+Y

13. Define: a) Class b) Object.
14. Write the features of parameterized constructor.
15. Differentiate between get( ) and getline( ).
16. What is database management system (DBMS)? Give an example for DBMS
17. Give the syntax and example for CREATE command in SQL.
18. What is communication mode (transmission mode)? Explain simplex mode.



Note: Answer any five questions. 5 x 3 = 15

Each question carries 3 marks.

19. What is cache memory? Explain its types.

20. Construct NOT, AND and OR gates using NAND gate.
21. Write any three applications of stack.
22. Explain dynamic memory allocation in pointers.
23. Explain any three file opening modes.
24. Give the applications of database.
25. What is E-commerce? Mention the types.
26. Explain any three HTML tags.


Note: Answer any seven questions. 7 x 5 = 35

Each question carries 5 marks.

27. Simplify the following Boolean function: F (A, B, C, D) = ∑(0, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14).
28. Explain the various operations performed on linear array.
29. Write an algorithm to insert an element at the rear end of the queue.
30. Write the advantages of OOP.
31. Explain defining member function outside the class definition with syntax and
programming example.
32. Explain function overloading with suitable example.
33. Write the rules to write a constructor.
34. What are the advantages of inheritance?
35. Write the differences between manual data processing and electronic data
36. Explain arithmetic operations in SQL.
37. What is network topology? Explain any two.


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