Henseler at Al 2015
Henseler at Al 2015
Henseler at Al 2015
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3 authors:
Marko Sarstedt
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
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Received: 18 March 2014 / Accepted: 29 July 2014 / Published online: 22 August 2014
# The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract Discriminant validity assessment has become a Keywords Structural equation modeling (SEM) . Partial least
generally accepted prerequisite for analyzing relationships squares (PLS) . Results evaluation . Measurement model
between latent variables. For variance-based structural equa- assessment . Discriminant validity . Fornell-Larcker criterion .
tion modeling, such as partial least squares, the Fornell- Cross-loadings . Multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) matrix .
Larcker criterion and the examination of cross-loadings are Heterotrait-monotrait (HTMT) ratio of correlations
the dominant approaches for evaluating discriminant validity.
By means of a simulation study, we show that these ap-
proaches do not reliably detect the lack of discriminant valid- Introduction
ity in common research situations. We therefore propose an
alternative approach, based on the multitrait-multimethod ma- Variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) is
trix, to assess discriminant validity: the heterotrait-monotrait growing in popularity, which the plethora of recent devel-
ratio of correlations. We demonstrate its superior performance opments and discussions (e.g., Henseler et al. 2014;
by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study, in which we Hwang et al. 2010; Lu et al. 2011; Rigdon 2014;
compare the new approach to the Fornell-Larcker criterion Tenenhaus and Tenenhaus 2011), as well as its frequent
and the assessment of (partial) cross-loadings. Finally, we application across different disciplines, demonstrate (e.g.,
provide guidelines on how to handle discriminant validity Hair et al. 2012a, b; Lee et al. 2011; Peng and Lai 2012;
issues in variance-based structural equation modeling. Ringle et al. 2012). Variance-based SEM methods—such
as partial least squares path modeling (PLS; Lohmöller
1989; Wold 1982), generalized structured component
J. Henseler analysis (GSCA; Henseler 2012; Hwang and Takane
Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, 2004), regularized generalized canonical correlation anal-
ysis (Tenenhaus and Tenenhaus 2011), and best fitting
e-mail: j.henseler@utwente.nl
proper indices (Dijkstra and Henseler 2011)—have in
J. Henseler common that they employ linear composites of observed
ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal variables as proxies for latent variables, in order to esti-
C. M. Ringle
mate model relationships. The estimated strength of these
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany relationships, most notably between the latent variables,
e-mail: c.ringle@tuhh.de can only be meaningfully interpreted if construct validity
was established (Peter and Churchill 1986). Thereby, re-
C. M. Ringle
searchers ensure that the measurement models in their
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia
studies capture what they intend to measure (Campbell
M. Sarstedt and Fiske 1959). Threats to construct validity stem from
Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany various sources. Consequently, researchers must employ
different construct validity subtypes to evaluate their re-
M. Sarstedt (*)
University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia sults (e.g., convergent validity, discriminant validity, cri-
e-mail: marko.sarstedt@ovgu.de terion validity; Sarstedt and Mooi 2014).
116 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
In this paper, we focus on examining discriminant validity under certain circumstances (Henseler et al. 2014; Rönkkö
as one of the key building blocks of model evaluation and Evermann 2013), pointing to a potential weakness in the
(e.g.,Bagozzi and Phillips 1982; Hair et al. 2010). most commonly used discriminant validity criterion.
Discriminant validity ensures that a construct measure is However, these studies do not provide any systematic assess-
empirically unique and represents phenomena of interest that ment of the Fornell-Larcker criterion’s efficacy regarding
other measures in a structural equation model do not capture testing discriminant validity. Furthermore, while researchers
(Hair et al. 2010). Technically, discriminant validity requires frequently note that cross-loadings are more liberal in terms of
that “a test not correlate too highly with measures from which indicating discriminant validity (i.e., the assessment of cross-
it is supposed to differ” (Campbell 1960, p. 548). If discrim- loadings will support discriminant validity when the Fornell-
inant validity is not established, “constructs [have] an influ- Larcker criterion fails to do so; Hair et al. 2012a, b; Henseler
ence on the variation of more than just the observed et al. 2009), prior research has not yet tested this notion.
variables to which they are theoretically related” and, In this research, we present three major contributions to
as a consequence, “researchers cannot be certain results variance-based SEM literature on marketing that are rele-
confirming hypothesized structural paths are real or vant for the social sciences disciplines in general. First,
whether they are a result of statistical discrepancies” we show that neither the Fornell-Larcker criterion nor the
(Farrell 2010, p. 324). Against this background, discrim- assessment of the cross-loadings allows users of variance-
inant validity assessment has become common practice based SEM to determine the discriminant validity of their
in SEM studies (e.g., Shah and Goldstein 2006; Shook measures. Second, as a solution for this critical issue, we
et al. 2004). propose the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations
Despite its obvious importance, researchers using variance- (HTMT) as a new approach to assess discriminant validity
based SEM usually rely on a very limited set of approaches to in variance-based SEM. Third, we demonstrate the effica-
establish discriminant validity. As shown in Table 1, tutorial cy of HTMT by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, in
articles and introductory books on PLS almost solely which we compare its performance with that of the
recommend using the Fornell and Larcker (1981) criterion Fornell-Larcker criterion and with the assessment of the
and cross-loadings (Chin 1998). Reviews of PLS use suggest cross-loadings. Based on our findings, we provide re-
that these recommendations have been widely applied in searchers with recommendations on when and how to
published research in the fields of management informa- use the approach. Moreover, we offer guidelines for
tion systems (Ringle et al. 2012), marketing (Hair et al. treating discriminant validity problems. The findings of
2012a), and strategic management (Hair et al. 2012b). this research are relevant for both researchers and practi-
For example, the marketing studies in Hair et al.'s tioners in marketing and other social sciences disciplines,
(2012a) review that engage in some type of discriminant since we establish a new standard means of assessing
validity assessment use the Fornell-Larcker criterion discriminant validity as part of measurement model eval-
(72.08%), cross-loadings (7.79%), or both (26.13%). uation in variance-based SEM.
Reviews in other disciplines paint a similar monotonous
picture. Very few studies report other means of
assessing discriminant validity. These alternatives in- Traditional discriminant validity assessment methods
clude testing whether the latent variable correlations
are significantly different from one another (Milberg Comparing average communality and shared variance
et al. 2000) and running separate confirmatory factor
analyses prior to employing variance-based SEM In their widely cited article on tests to evaluate structural
(Cording et al. 2008; Pavlou et al. 2007; Ravichandran equation models, Fornell and Larcker (1981) suggest that
and Rai 2000) by using, for example, Anderson and discriminant validity is established if a latent variable
Gerbing's (1988) test as the standard.1 accounts for more variance in its associated indicator
While marketing researchers routinely rely on the Fornell- variables than it shares with other constructs in the same
Larcker criterion and cross-loadings (Hair et al. 2012a), there model. To satisfy this requirement, each construct’s av-
are very few empirical findings on the suitability of these erage variance extracted (AVE) must be compared with
criteria for establishing discriminant validity. Recent research its squared correlations with other constructs in the mod-
suggests that the Fornell-Larcker criterion is not effective el. According to Gefen and Straub (2005, p. 94), “[t]his
comparison harkens back to the tests of correlations in
multi-trait multi-method matrices [Campbell and Fiske,
It is important to note that studies may have used different ways to
1959], and, indeed, the logic is quite similar.”
assess discriminant validity assessment, but did not include these in the
main texts or appendices (e.g., due to page restrictions). We would like to The AVE represents the average amount of variance that a
thank an anonymous reviewer for this remark. construct explains in its indicator variables relative to the
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135 117
From a conceptual perspective, the application of the
Fornell-Larcker criterion is not without limitations. For exam-
AVEξ j ¼ ; ð1Þ ple, it is well known that variance-based SEM methods tend to
λ2jk þ Θ jk overestimate indicator loadings (e.g., Hui and Wold 1982;
k¼1 Lohmöller 1989). The origin of this characteristic lies in the
methods’ treatment of constructs. Variance-based SEM
where λjk is the indicator loading and Θjk the error variance
methods, such as PLS or GSCA, use composites of indicator
of the kth indicator (k = 1,…,Kj) of construct ξj. Kj is the number
variables as substitutes for the underlying constructs (Henseler
of indicators of construct ξj. If all the indicators are standardized
et al. 2014). The loading of each indicator on the composite
(i.e., have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1), Eq. 1 simplifies to
represents a relationship between the indicator and the com-
posite of which the indicator is part. As a result, the degree of
1 Kj 2
AVEξ j ¼ ∑λ : ð2Þ overlap between each indicator and composite will be high,
K j k¼1 jk yielding inflated loading estimates, especially if the number of
indicators per construct (composite) is small (Aguirre-Urreta
The AVE thus equals the average squared standardized
et al. 2013).2 Furthermore, each indicator’s error variance is
loading, and it is equivalent to the mean value of the indicator
also included in the composite (e.g., Bollen and Lennox
reliabilities. Now, let rij be the correlation coefficient between
1991), which increases the validity gap between the construct
the construct scores of constructs ξi and ξj The squared inter-
and the composite (Rigdon 2014) and, ultimately, compounds
construct correlation r2ij indicates the proportion of the vari-
the inflation in the loading estimates. Similar to the loadings,
ance that constructs ξi and ξj share. The Fornell-Larcker crite-
variance-based SEM methods generally underestimate struc-
rion then indicates that discriminant validity is established if
tural model relationships (e.g., Reinartz et al. 2009;
the following condition holds:
Marcoulides, Chin, and Saunders 2012). While these devia-
AVEξ j > maxr2i j ∀i≠ j: ð3Þ tions are usually relatively small (i.e., less than 0.05; Reinartz
Nunnally (1978) offers an extreme example with five mutually uncor-
Since it is common to report inter-construct correlations in
related indicators, implying zero loadings if all were measures of a
publications, a different notation can be found in most reports construct. However, each indicator’s correlation (i.e., loading) with an
on discriminant validity: unweighted composite of all five items is 0.45.
118 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
et al. 2009), the interplay between inflated AVE values and algorithms, such as PLS, favors the support of discriminant
deflated structural model relationships in the assessment of validity as described by Barclay et al. (1995) and Chin (1998).
discriminant validity has not been systematically examined. Another major drawback of the aforementioned approach
Furthermore, the Fornell-Larcker criterion does not rely on is that it is a criterion, but not a statistical test. However, it is
inference statistics and, thus, no procedure for statistically also possible to conduct a statistical test of other constructs’
testing discriminant validity has been developed to date. influence on an indicator using partial cross-loadings.4 The
partial cross-loadings determine the effect of a construct on an
indicator other than the one the indicator is intended to mea-
Assessing cross-loadings sure after controlling for the influence of the construct that the
indicator should measure. Once the influence of the actual
Another popular approach for establishing discriminant validity is construct has been partialed out, the residual error variance
the assessment of cross-loadings, which is also called “item-level should be pure random error according to the reflective mea-
discriminant validity.” According to Gefen and Straub (2005, p. surement model:
92), “discriminant validity is shown when each measurement item
ε jk ¼ x jk −λ jk ξ j ; ε jk ⊥ξi ∀i: ð5Þ
correlates weakly with all other constructs except for the one to
which it is theoretically associated.” This approach can be traced
back to exploratory factor analysis, where researchers routinely
examine indicator loading patterns to identify indicators that have If εjk is explained by another variable (i.e., the correlation
high loadings on the same factor and those that load highly on between the error term of an indicator and another construct is
multiple factors (i.e., double-loaders; Mulaik 2009). significant), we can no longer maintain the assumption that εjk
In the case of PLS, Barclay et al. (1995), as well as Chin is pure random error but must acknowledge that part of the
(1998), were the first to propose that each indicator loading measurement error is systematic error. If this systematic error
should be greater than all of its cross-loadings.3 Otherwise, “the is due to another construct ξi, we must conclude that the
measure in question is unable to discriminate as to whether it indicator does not indiscriminately measure its focal construct
belongs to the construct it was intended to measure or to another ξj, but also the other construct ξi, which implies a lack of
(i.e., discriminant validity problem)” (Chin 2010, p. 671). The discriminant validity. The lower part b) of Fig. 1 illustrates the
upper part a) of Fig. 1 illustrates this cross-loadings approach. working principle of the significance test of partial cross-
However, there has been no reflection on this approach’s loadings.
usefulness in variance-based SEM. Apart from the norm that While this approach has not been applied in the context of
an item should be highly correlated with its own construct, but variance-based SEM, its use is common in covariance-based
have low correlations with other constructs in order to estab- SEM, where it is typically applied in the form of modification
lish discriminant validity at the item level, no additional indices. Substantial modification indices point analysts to the
theoretical arguments or empirical evidence of this approach’s correlations between indicator error terms and other con-
performance have been presented. In contrast, research on structs, which are nothing but partial correlations.
covariance-based SEM has critically reflected on the
approach’s usefulness for discriminant validity assessment.
For example, Bollen (1989) shows that high inter-construct
correlations can cause a pronounced spurious correlation be- An initial assessment of traditional discriminant validity
tween a theoretically unrelated indicator and construct. The methods
paucity of research on the efficacy of cross-loadings in
variance-based SEM is problematic, because the methods tend Although the Fornell-Larcker criterion was established more
to overestimate indicator loadings due to their reliance on than 30 years ago, there is virtually no systematic examination
composites. At the same time, the introduction of composites of its efficacy for assessing discriminant validity. Rönkkö and
as substitutes for latent variables leaves cross-loadings largely Evermann (2013) were the first to point out the Fornell-
unaffected. The majority of variance-based SEM methods are Larcker criterion’s potential problems. Their simulation study,
limited information approaches, estimating model equations which originally evaluated the performance of model valida-
separately, so that the inflated loadings are only imperfectly tion indices in PLS, included a population model with two
introduced in the cross-loadings. Therefore, the very nature of identical constructs. Despite the lack of discriminant validity,
the Fornell-Larcker criterion indicated this problem in only 54
Chin (2010) suggests examining the squared loadings and cross-
loadings instead of the loadings and cross-loadings. He argues that, for
of the 500 cases (10.80%). This result implies that, in the vast
instance, compared to a cross-loading of 0.70, a standardized loading of majority of situations that lack discriminant validity, empirical
0.80 may raise concerns, whereas the comparison of a shared variance of
0.64 with a shared variance of 0.49 puts matters into perspective. We thank an anonymous reviewer for proposing this approach.
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135 119
researchers would mistakenly be led to believe that discrimi- construct in Fig. 2 into two separate constructs, which results
nant validity has been established. Unfortunately, Rönkkö and in a two-factor model as depicted in Fig. 3. We then used the
Evermann’s (2013) study does not permit drawing definite artificially generated datasets from the population model in
conclusions about extant approaches’ efficacy for assessing Fig. 2 to estimate the model shown in Fig. 3 by means of the
discriminant validity for the following reasons: First, their variance-based SEM techniques GSCA and PLS. We also
calculation of the AVE—a major ingredient of the Fornell- benchmarked their results against those of regressions with
Larcker criterion—was inaccurate, because they determined summed scales, which is an alternative method for estimating
one overall AVE value instead of two separate AVE values; relationships between composites (Goodhue et al. 2012). No
that is, one for each construct (Henseler et al. 2014).5 Second, matter which technique is used to estimate the model param-
Rönkkö and Evermann (2013) did not examine the perfor- eters, the Fornell-Larcker criterion and the assessment of the
mance of the cross-loadings assessment. cross-loadings should reveal that the one-factor model rather
In order to shed light on the Fornell-Larcker criterion’s than the two-factor model is preferable.
efficacy, as well as on that of the cross-loadings, we conducted Table 2 shows the results of this initial study. The reported
a small simulation study. We randomly created 10,000 percentage values denote the approaches’ sensitivity, indicating
datasets with 100 observations, each according to the one- their ability to identify a lack of discriminant validity (Macmillan
factor population model shown in Fig. 2, which Rönkkö and and Creelman 2004). For example, when using GSCA for
Evermann (2013) and Henseler et al. (2014) also used. The model estimation, the Fornell-Larcker criterion points to a lack
indicators have standardized loadings of 0.60, 0.70, and 0.80, of discriminant validity in only 10.66% of the simulation runs.
analogous to the loading patterns employed in previous sim- The results of this study render the following main find-
ulation studies on variance-based SEM (e.g., Goodhue et al. ings: First, we can generally confirm Rönkkö and Evermann’s
2012; Henseler and Sarstedt 2013; Reinartz et al. 2009). (2013) report on the Fornell-Larcker criterion’s extremely
To assess the performance of traditional methods regarding poor performance in PLS, even though our study’s concrete
detecting (a lack of) discriminant validity, we split the sensitivity value is somewhat higher (14.59% instead of
10.80%).6 In addition, we find that the sensitivity of the
We thank Mikko Rönkkö and Joerg Evermann for providing us with the
code of their simulation study (Rönkkö and Evermann 2013), which The difference between these results could be due to calculation errors
helped us localize this error in their analysis. by Rönkkö and Evermann (2013), as revealed by Henseler et al. (2014).
120 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
cross-loadings regarding assessing discriminant validity is Surprisingly, the MTMM matrix approach has hardly been
8.78% in respect of GSCA and, essentially, zero in respect applied in variance-based SEM (for a notable exception see
of PLS and regression with summed scales. These results Loch et al. 2003).
allow us to conclude that both the Fornell-Larcker criterion The application of the MTMM matrix approach requires at
and the assessment of the cross-loadings are insufficiently least two constructs (“multiple traits”) originating from the
sensitive to detect discriminant validity problems. As we will same respondents. The MTMM matrix is a particular arrange-
show later in the paper, this finding can be generalized to ment of all the construct measures’ correlations. Campbell and
alternative model settings with different loading patterns, Fiske (1959) distinguish between four types of correlations,
inter-construct correlations, and sample sizes. Second, our two of which are relevant for discriminant validity assessment.
results are not due to a certain method’s characteristics, be- First, the monotrait-heteromethod correlations quantify the
cause we used different model estimation techniques. relationships between two measurements of the same con-
Although the results differ slightly across the three methods struct by means of different methods (i.e., items). Second,
(Table 2), we find that the general pattern remains stable. In the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations quantify the rela-
conclusion, the Fornell-Larcker criterion and the assessment tionships between two measurements of different constructs
of the cross-loadings fail to reliably uncover discriminant by means of different methods (i.e., items). Figure 4 visualizes
validity problems in variance-based SEM. the structuring of these correlations types by means of a small
example (Fig. 3) with two constructs (ξ1 and ξ2) measured
with three items each (x1 to x3 and x4 to x6). Since the MTMM
The heterotrait-monotrait ratio of the correlations matrix is symmetric, only the lower triangle needs to be
approach to assess discriminant validity considered. The monotrait-heteromethod correlations subpart
includes the correlations of indicators that belong to the same
Traditional approaches’ unacceptably low sensitivity regard- construct. In our example, these are the correlations between
ing assessing discriminant validity calls for an alternative the indicators x1 to x3 and between the indicators x4 to x6, as
criterion. In the following, we derive such a criterion from the two triangles in Fig. 4 indicate. The heterotrait-
the classical multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) matrix heteromethod correlations subpart includes the correlations
(Campbell and Fiske 1959), which permits a systematic dis- between the different constructs’ indicators. In the example
criminant validity assessment to establish construct validity. in Fig. 4, the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations subpart
consists of the nine correlations between the indicators of the correlations, although the two constructs do in fact differ
construct ξ1 (i.e., x1 to x3) and those of the construct ξ2 (i.e., x4 (Schmitt and Stults 1986). Second, one-by-one comparisons
to x6), which are indicated by a rectangle. of values in large correlation matrices can quickly become
The MTMM matrix analysis provides evidence of discrim- tedious, which may be one reason for the MTMM matrix
inant validity when the monotrait-heteromethod correlations analysis not being a standard approach to assess discriminant
are larger than the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations validity in variance-based SEM.
(Campbell and Fiske 1959; John and Benet-Martínez 2000). We suggest assessing the heterotrait-monotrait ratio
That is, the relationships of the indicators within the same (HTMT) of the correlations, which is the average of the
construct are stronger than those of the indicators across heterotrait-heteromethod correlations (i.e., the correlations of
constructs measuring different phenomena, which implies that indicators across constructs measuring different phenomena),
a construct is empirically unique and a phenomenon of interest relative to the average of the monotrait-heteromethod correla-
that other measures in the model do not capture. tions (i.e., the correlations of indicators within the same con-
While this rule is theoretically sound, it is problematic in struct). Since there are two monotrait-heteromethod
empirical research practice. First, there is a large potential for submatrices, we take the geometric mean of their average
ambiguities. What if the order is not as expected in only a few correlations. Consequently, the HTMT of the constructs
incidents? It cannot be ruled out that some heterotrait- ξi and ξj with, respectively, Ki and Kj indicators can be
heteromethod correlations exceed monotrait-heteromethod formulated as follows:
! 12
j −1 X
1 Xi Xj K i −1 X
K K Ki K Kj
2 2
HTMTij ¼ rig;jh ⋅ rig;ih ⋅ ⋅ rjg;jh : ð6Þ
K i K j g¼1h¼1 K i ðK i −1Þ g¼1 h¼gþ1 K j K j −1 g¼1 h¼gþ1
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
average geometric mean of the average monotrait−heteromethod
heterotrait− correlation of construct ξi and the average
heteromethod monotrait−heteromethod correlation of construct ξ j
In essence, as suggested by Nunnally (1978) and Because the HTMT is an estimate of the correlation be-
Netemeyer et al. (2003), the HTMT approach is an estimate tween the constructs ξi and ξj, its interpretation is straightfor-
of the correlation between the constructs ξi and ξj (see the ward: if the indicators of two constructs ξi and ξj exhibit an
Appendix for the derivation), which parallels the disattenuated HTMT value that is clearly smaller than one, the true correla-
construct score correlation. Technically, the HTMT provides tion between the two constructs is most likely different from
two advantages over the disattenuated construct score corre- one, and they should differ. There are two ways of using the
lation: The HTMT does not require a factor analysis to obtain HTMT to assess discriminant validity: (1) as a criterion or (2)
factor loadings, nor does it require the calculation of construct as a statistical test. First, using the HTMT as a criterion
scores. This allows for determining the HTMT even if the raw involves comparing it to a predefined threshold. If the value
data is not available, but the correlation matrix is. of the HTMT is higher than this threshold, one can conclude
Furthermore, HTMT builds on the available measures and that there is a lack of discriminant validity. The exact threshold
data and—contrary to the standard MTMM approach—does level of the HTMT is debatable; after all, “when is a correla-
not require simultaneous surveying of the same theoretical tion close to one”? Some authors suggest a threshold of 0.85
concept with alternative measurement approaches. Therefore, (Clark and Watson 1995; Kline 2011), whereas others propose
this approach does not suffer from the standard MTMM a value of 0.90 (Gold et al. 2001; Teo et al. 2008). In the
approach’s well-known issues regarding data requirements remainder of this paper, we use the notations HTMT.85 and
and parallel measures (Schmitt 1978; Schmitt and Stults HTMT.90 in order distinguish between these two absolute
1986). thresholds for the HTMT. Second, the HTMT can serve as
122 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
the basis of a statistical discriminant validity test (which we assessment (compared to other multiple testing ap-
will refer to as HTMTinference). The bootstrapping procedure proaches), which seems warranted given the Fornell-
allows for constructing confidence intervals for the HTMT, as Larcker criterion and the cross-loadings’ poor perfor-
defined in Eq. 6, in order to test the null hypothesis mance in the previous simulation study.
(H0: HTMT ≥ 1) against the alternative hypothesis (H1:
HTMT < 1).7 A confidence interval containing the value one
(i.e., H0 holds) indicates a lack of discriminant validity.
Conversely, if the value one falls outside the interval’s range, Comparing the approaches by means of a computational
this suggests that the two constructs are empirically distinct. experiment
As Shaffer (1995, p. 575) notes, “[t]esting with confidence
intervals has the advantage that they give more information by Objectives
indicating the direction and something about the magnitude of
the difference or, if the hypothesis is not rejected, the power of To examine the different approaches’ efficacy for estab-
the procedure can be gauged by the width of the interval.” lishing discriminant validity, we conduct a second Monte
In real research situations with multiple constructs, the Carlo simulation study. The aims of this study are (1) to
HTMTinference analysis involves the multiple testing prob- shed further light on the performance of the Fornell-
lem (Miller 1981). Thus, researchers must control for an Larcker criterion and the cross-loadings in alternative
inflation of Type I errors resulting from applying multiple model settings and (2) to evaluate the newly proposed
tests to pairs of constructs. That is, discriminant validity HTMT criteria’s efficacy for assessing discriminant va-
assessment using HTMTinference needs to adjust the upper lidity vis-à-vis traditional approaches. We measure the
and lower bounds of the confidence interval in each test to approaches’ performance by means of their sensitivity
maintain the familywise error rate at a predefined α level and specificity (Macmillan and Creelman 2004). The
(Anderson and Gerbing 1988). We use the Bonferroni sensitivity, as introduced before, quantifies each
adjustment to assure that the familywise error rate of approach’s ability to detect a lack of discriminant valid-
HTMTinference does not exceed the predefined α level in ity if two constructs are identical. The specificity indi-
all the (J–1) J/2 (J = number of latent variables) tests. The cates how frequently an approach will signal discrimi-
Bonferroni approach does not rely on any distributional nant validity if the two constructs are empirically dis-
assumptions about the data, making it particularly suitable tinct. Both sensitivity and specificity are desirable char-
in the context of variance-based SEM techniques such as acteristics and, optimally, an approach should yield high
PLS (Gudergan et al. 2008). Furthermore, Bonferroni is a values in both measures. In real research situations, how-
rather conservative approach to maintain the familywise ever, it is virtually impossible to achieve perfect sensi-
error rate at a predefined level (Hochberg 1988; Holm tivity and perfect specificity simultaneously due to, for
1979). Its implementation therefore also renders example, measurement or sampling errors. Instead, ap-
HTMTinference more conservative in terms of its sensitivity proaches with a higher sensitivity will usually have a
lower specificity and vice versa. Researchers thus face a
trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, and need to
Strictly speaking, one should assess the absolute value of the HTMT, find a find a balance between the two (Macmillan and
because a correlation of −1 implies a lack of discriminant validity, too. Creelman 2004).
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135 123
Experimental design and analysis Second, to examine the approaches’ specificity, we de-
crease the inter-construct correlations in 50 steps of 0.02
The design of the Monte Carlo simulation was motivated by from φ = 1.00 to φ = 0.00, covering the full range of
the objective to define models that (1) allow for the assess- absolute correlations. The smaller the true inter-
ment of approaches’ sensitivity and specificity with regard to construct correlation φ, the less an approach is expected
detecting a lack of discriminant validity and (2) resemble set- to indicate a lack of discriminant validity; that is, we
ups commonly encountered in applied research (Paxton et al. anticipate that the approaches’ specificity will increase
2001). In line with Rönkkö and Evermann (2013), as well as with lower levels of φ.
Henseler et al. (2014), the simulation study’s population mod- In line with Vilares et al. (2010), as well as Vilares
el builds on a two-construct model, as shown in Fig. 3. and Coelho (2013), we generate 1,000 datasets for each
Drawing on the results of prior PLS reviews (e.g., Hair et al. combination of design factors. Hence, the simulation
2012a; Ringle et al. 2012), we vary the indicator loading study draws on a total number of 816,000 simulation
patterns to allow for (1) different levels of the AVE and (2) runs: 4 levels of loading patterns times 4 levels of
varying degrees of heterogeneity between the loadings. sample sizes times 51 levels of inter-construct correla-
Specifically, we consider four loading patterns for each of tions times 1,000 datasets per condition. In each simu-
the two constructs: lation run, we apply the following approaches to assess
the discriminant validity:
1. A homogenous pattern of loadings with higher AVE:
1. The Fornell-Larcker criterion: Is the squared correlation
λ11 ¼ λ12 ¼ λ13 ¼ λ21 ¼ λ22 ¼ λ23 ¼ :90; between the two constructs greater than any of the two
constructs’ AVE?
2. The cross-loadings: Does any indicator correlate more
strongly with the other constructs than with its own
2. A homogenous pattern of loadings with lower AVE: construct?
3. The partial cross-loadings: Is an indicator significantly
λ11 ¼ λ12 ¼ λ13 ¼ λ21 ¼ λ22 ¼ λ23 ¼ :70; explained by a construct that it is not intended to
measure when the actual construct’s influence is
3. A more heterogeneous pattern of loadings with lower partialed out?
AVE: 4. The HTMT.85 criterion: Is the HTMT criterion greater
than 0.85?
λ11 ¼ λ21 ¼ :60; λ12 ¼ λ22 ¼ :70; λ13 ¼ λ23 ¼ :80; 5. The HTMT.90 criterion: Is the HTMT criterion greater
than 0.90?
4. A more heterogeneous pattern of loadings with lower 6. The statistical HTMTinference test: Does the 90% normal
AVE: bootstrap confidence interval of the HTMT criterion with
a Bonferroni adjustment include the value one?8
λ11 ¼ λ21 ¼ :50; λ12 ¼ λ22 ¼ :70; λ13 ¼ λ23 ¼ :90:
In the simulation study, we focus on PLS, which is
regarded as the “most fully developed and general system”
Next, we examine how different sample sizes—as routine- (McDonald 1996, p. 240) of the variance-based SEM
ly assumed in simulation studies in SEM in general (Paxton techniques. Furthermore, the initial simulation study
et al. 2001) and in variance-based SEM in particular (e.g., showed that PLS is the variance-based SEM technique
Reinartz et al. 2009; Vilares and Coelho 2013)—would influ- with the highest sensitivity (i.e., 14.59% in respect of
ence the approaches’ efficacy. We consider sample sizes of the Fornell-Larcker criterion; Table 2). All calculations
100, 250, 500, and 1,000. were carried out with R 3.1.0 (R Core Team 2014) and
Finally, in order to examine the sensitivity and we applied PLS as implemented in the semPLS package
specificity of the approaches, we vary the inter- (Monecke and Leisch 2012).
construct correlations. First, to examine their sensitivi-
ty, we consider a situation in which the two constructs
are perfectly correlated (φ = 1.0). This condition mirrors
a situation in which an analyst mistakenly models two
constructs, although they actually form a single con-
struct. Optimally, all the approaches should indicate a 8
Since HTMTinference relies on one-tailed tests, we use the 90% bootstrap
lack of discriminant validity under this condition. confidence interval in order to warrant an error probability of five percent.
124 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
The correlation between the two constructs is 1.0; consequently, one expects discriminant validity problems to be detected with a frequency close to
100% regarding all the criteria in all the analyzed constellations
assessment of the (partial) cross-loadings ineffective (we nev- the first quarter of 1999 with N=10,417 observations after
ertheless plotted their specificity rates for completeness sake). excluding cases with missing data from the indicators used for
All HTMT approaches show consistent patterns of decreas- model estimation (case wise deletion). In line with prior
ing specificity rates at higher levels of inter-construct correla- studies (Ringle et al. 2010, 2014) that used this dataset in their
tions. As the correlations increase, the constructs’ distinctive- ACSI model examples, we rely on a modified version of the
ness decreases, making it less likely that the approaches will ACSI model without the constructs complaints (dummy-
indicate discriminant validity. Furthermore, the three ap- coded indicator) and loyalty (more than 80% of the cases for
proaches show similar results patterns for different loadings, this construct measurement are missing). Figure 7 shows the
sample sizes, and inter-construct correlations, albeit at differ- reduced ACSI model and the PLS results.
ent levels. For example, ceteris paribus, when loading patterns The reduced ACSI model consists of the four reflectively
are heterogeneous, specificity rates decrease at lower levels of measured constructs: customer satisfaction (ACSI), customer
inter-construct correlations compared to conditions with ho- expectations (CUEX), perceived quality (PERQ), and per-
mogeneous loading patterns. A more detailed analysis of the ceived value (PERV). The evaluation of the PLS results meets
results shows that all three HTMT approaches have specificity the relevant criteria (Chin 1998, 2010; Götz et al. 2010; Hair
rates of well above 50% with regard to inter-construct corre- et al. 2012a), which Ringle et al. (2010), using this example,
lations of 0.80 or less, regardless of the loading patterns and presented in detail. According to the Fornell-Larcker criterion
sample sizes. At inter-construct correlations of 0.70, the spec- and the cross-loadings (Table 4), the constructs’ discriminant
ificity rates are close to 100% in all instances. Thus, neither validity has been established: (1) the square root of each
approach mistakenly indicates discriminant validity issues at construct’s AVE is higher than its correlation with another
levels of inter-construct correlations, which most researchers construct, and (2) each item loads highest on its associated
are likely to consider indicative of discriminant validity. construct. Table 4 also lists the significant (p<0.05) partial
Comparing the approaches shows that HTMT.85 always cross-loadings. Two thirds of them are significant. This rela-
exhibits higher or equal sensitivity, but lower or equal speci- tively high percentage is not surprising, considering that even
ficity values compared to HTMT.90. That is, HTMT.85 is more marginal correlations (e.g., an absolute value of 0.028) be-
likely to indicate a lack of discriminant validity, an expected come significant as a result of the high sample size. Hence,
finding considering the criterion’s lower threshold value. The and in line with the approach’s sensitivity results (Table 3), the
difference between these two approaches becomes more pro- multitude of significant partial cross-loadings seems to sug-
nounced with respect to larger sample sizes and stronger gest serious problems with respect to discriminant validity.
loadings, but it remains largely unaffected by the degree of Next, we compute the HTMT criteria for each pair of
heterogeneity between the loadings. constructs on the basis of the item correlations (Table 5) as
Compared to the two threshold-based HTMT approaches, defined in Eq. 6.9 The computation yields values between
HTMTinference generally yields much higher specificity values, 0.53 in respect of HTMT(CUEX,PERV) and 0.95 in respect
thus constituting a rather liberal approach to assessing dis- of HTMT(ACSI,PERQ) (Table 6). Comparing these results
criminant validity, as it is more likely to indicate two con- with the threshold values as defined in HTMT.85 gives rise to
structs as distinct, even at high levels of inter-construct corre- concern, because two of the six comparisons (ACSI and
lations. This finding holds especially in conditions where PERQ; ACSI and PERV) violate the 0.85 threshold.
loadings are homogeneous and high (Fig. 5). Here, However, in the light of the conceptual similarity of the
HTMTinference yields specificity rates of 80% or higher in ACSI model’s constructs, the use of a more liberal criterion
terms of inter-construct correlations as high as 0.95, which for specificity seems warranted. Nevertheless, even when
many researchers are likely to view as indicative of a lack of using HTMT.90 as the standard, one comparison (ACSI and
discriminant validity. Exceptions occur in sample sizes of 100 PERQ) violates this criterion. Only the use of HTMTinference
and with lower AVE values. Here, HTMT.90 achieves higher suggests that discriminant validity has been established.
sensitivity rates compared to HTMTinference. However, the This empirical example of the ACSI model and the use of
differences in specificity between the two criteria are marginal original data illustrate a situation in which the classical criteria
in these settings. do not indicate any discriminant validity issues, whereas the
two more conservative HTMT criteria do. While it is beyond
this study’s scope to discuss the implications of the results for
model design, they give rise to concern regarding the empirical
Empirical example distinctiveness of the ACSI and PERQ constructs.
qual3 .559
value1 .948
.394 .903
.556 PERV ACSI acsi2
value2 .935
exp1 .845 .021
exp2 CUEX
acsi1 1.000
acsi2 0.770 1.000
acsi3 0.701 0.665 1.000
cuex1 0.426 0.339 0.393 1.000
cuex2 0.423 0.345 0.385 0.574 1.000
cuex3 0.274 0.235 0.250 0.318 0.335 1.000
perq1 0.797 0.705 0.651 0.517 0.472 0.295 1.000
perq2 0.779 0.680 0.635 0.406 0.442 0.268 0.784 1.000
perq3 0.512 0.460 0.410 0.249 0.277 0.362 0.503 0.533 1.000
perv1 0.739 0.656 0.622 0.373 0.359 0.230 0.645 0.619 0.411 1.000
perv2 0.684 0.615 0.579 0.326 0.310 0.200 0.556 0.543 0.354 0.774 1.000
Compared to HTMTinference, the HTMT.90 criterion yields Guidelines for treating discriminant validity problems
much lower specificity rates in the vast majority of conditions.
We find that none of the HTMT criteria indicates discriminant To handle discriminant validity problems, researchers may
validity issues for inter-construct correlations of 0.70 or less. follow different routes, which we illustrate in Fig. 8. The
This outcome of our specificity analysis is important, as it first approach retains the constructs that cause discrimi-
shows that neither approach points to discriminant validity nant validity problems in the model and aims at increasing
problems at comparably low levels of inter-construct the average monotrait-heteromethod correlations and/or
correlations. decreasing the average heteromethod-heterotrait correla-
Based on our findings, we strongly recommend drawing on tions of the constructs measures. When researchers seek
the HTMT criteria for discriminant validity assessment in to decrease the HTMT by increasing a construct’s average
variance-based SEM. The actual choice of criterion depends monotrait-heteromethod correlations, they may eliminate
on the model set-up and on how conservative the researcher is items that have low correlations with other items measur-
in his or her assessment of discriminant validity. Take, for ing the same construct. Likewise, heterogeneous sub-
example, the technology acceptance model and its variations dimensions in the construct’s set of items could also
(Davis 1989; Venkatesh et al. 2003), which include the con- deflate the average monotrait-heteromethod correlations.
structs intention to use and the actual use. Although these In this case, researchers may consider splitting the con-
constructs are conceptually different, they may be difficult to struct into homogenous sub-constructs, if the measure-
distinguish empirically in all research settings. Therefore, the ment theory supports this step. These sub-constructs then
choice of a more liberal HTMT criterion in terms of specificity replace the more general construct in the model. However,
(i.e., HTMT.90 or HTMTinference, depending on the sample researchers need to re-evaluate the newly generated con-
size) seems warranted. Conversely, if the strictest standards structs’ discriminant validity with all the opposing con-
are followed, this requires HTMT.85 to assess discriminant structs in the model. When researchers seek to decrease
validity. the average heteromethod-heterotrait correlations, they
Step 1
Selection of the HTMT criterion
Step 2
Discriminant validity
has been established
Discriminant validity assessment Final
using the HTMT criterion result
Discriminant validity
has not been established
Step 3
Discriminant validity
has not been established
Step 4
Establish discriminant validity
by merging the problematic constructs and replacing
them with the new (merged) construct
Increase the Decrease the Discriminant validity
has been established
monotrait-heteromethod heterotrait-heteromethod Final
correlations of the new correlations of the new result
construct construct
Discriminant validity
has not been established
Discard model
Fig. 8 Guidelines for discriminant validity assessment in variance-based SEM
may consider (1) eliminating items that are strongly cor- independently to ensure a high degree of objectivity
related with items in the opposing construct or (2) (Diamantopoulos et al. 2012).
reassigning these indicators to the opposing construct, if The second approach to treat discriminant validity prob-
theoretically plausible. lems aims at merging the constructs that cause the problems
It is important to note that the elimination of items into a more general construct. Again, measurement theory
purely on statistical grounds can have adverse conse- must support this step. In this case, the more general con-
quences for the construct measures’ content validity struct replaces the problematic constructs in the model and
(e.g., Hair et al. 2014). Therefore, researchers should researchers need to re-evaluate the newly generated con-
carefully scrutinize the scales (either based on prior struct’s discriminant validity with all the opposing con-
research results, or on those from a pretest in case of structs. This step may entail modifications to increase a
the newly developed measures) and determine whether construct’s average monotrait-heteromethod correlations
all the construct domain facets have been captured. At and/or to decrease the average heteromethod-heterotrait cor-
least two expert coders should conduct this judgment relations (Fig. 8).
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135 131
Further research and concluding remarks Failure to properly disclose discriminant validity problems
may result in biased estimations of structural parameters and
Our research offers several promising avenues for future re- inappropriate conclusions about the hypothesized relation-
search. To begin with, many researchers view variance-based ships between constructs. Revisiting the analysis results of
SEM as the natural approach when the model includes forma- prominent models estimated by means of variance-based
tively measured constructs (Chin 1998; Fornell and Bookstein SEM, such as the ACSI and the TAM, seems warranted. In
1982; Hair et al. 2012a). Obviously, the discriminant validity doing so, researchers should analyze the different sources of
concept is independent of a construct’s concrete discriminant validity problems and apply adequate procedures
operationalization. Constructs that are conceptually different to treat them (Fig. 8).
should also be empirically different, no matter how they have It is important to note, however, that discriminant
been measured, and no matter the types of epistemic relation- validity is not exclusively an empirical means to validate
ships between a construct and its indicators. However, just like a model. Theoretical foundations and arguments should
the Fornell-Larcker criterion and the (partial) cross-loadings, provide reasons for constructs correlating or not (Bollen
the HTMT-based criteria assume reflectively measured con- and Lennox 1991). According to the holistic construal
structs. Applying them to formatively measured constructs is process (Bagozzi and Phillips 1982; Bagozzi 1984), per-
problematic, because neither the monotrait-heteromethod nor haps the most influential psychometric framework for
the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations of formative indica- measurement development and validation (Rigdon
tors are indi cative of discriminant validity. A s 2012), constructs are not necessarily equivalent to the
Diamantopoulos and Winklhofer (2001, p. 271) point out, theoretical concepts at the center of scientific research:
“there is no reason that a specific pattern of signs (i.e., positive a construct should rather be viewed as “something cre-
versus negative) or magnitude (i.e., high versus moderate ated from the empirical data which is intended to enable
versus low) should characterize the correlations among for- empirical testing of propositions regarding the concept”
mative indicators.” (Rigdon 2014, pp. 43–344). Consequently, any derivation
Prior literature gives practically no recommendations on of HTMT thresholds is subjective. On the other hand,
how to assess the discriminant validity of formatively mea- concepts are partly defined by their relationships with
sured constructs. One of the few exceptions is the research by other concepts within a nomological network, a system
Klein and Rai (2009), who suggest examining the cross- of law-like relationships discovered over time and which
loadings of formative indicators. Analogous to their reflective anchor each concept. Therefore, hindsight failure to es-
counterparts, formative indicators should correlate more high- tablish discriminant validity between two constructs does
ly with their composite construct score than with the compos- not necessarily imply that the underlying concepts are
ite score of other constructs. However, considering the poor identical, especially when follow-up research provides
performance of cross-loadings in our study, its use in forma- continued support for differing relationships with the
tive measurement models appears questionable. Against this antecedent and the resultant concepts (Bagozzi and
background, future research should seek alternative means to Phillips 1982). Nevertheless, our research clearly shows
consider formatively measured constructs when assessing dis- that future research should pay greater attention to the
criminant validity. empirical validation of discriminant validity to ensure the
Apart from continuously refining, extending, and testing rigor of theories’ empirical testing and validation.
the HTMT-based validity assessment criteria for variance-
based SEM (e.g., by evaluating their sensitivity to different
base response scales, inducing variance basis differences and
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Theo Dijkstra,
differential response biases), future research should also as- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, The Netherlands, for his helpful comments
sess whether this study’s findings can be generalized to to improve earlier versions of the manuscript. The authors contributed
covariance-based SEM techniques, or the recently proposed equally and are listed in alphabetical order. The manuscript was written
consistent PLS (Dijkstra 2014; Dijkstra and Henseler 2014a, when the first author was an associate professor of marketing at the
Institute for Management Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, The
b), which mimics covariance-based SEM. Specifically, the Netherlands.
Fornell-Larcker criterion is a standard approach to assess dis-
criminant validity in covariance-based SEM (Shah and
Goldstein 2006; Shook et al. 2004). Thus, it is necessary to
evaluate whether this criterion suffers from the same limita- Appendix
tions in a factor model setting.
In the light of the Fornell-Larcker criterion and the cross- In this Appendix we demonstrate that the heterotrait-monotrait
loadings’ poor performance, researchers should carefully re- ratio of correlations (HTMT) as presented in the main manu-
consider the results of prior variance-based SEM analyses. script is an estimator of the inter-construct correlation φ.
132 J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135
! !
Let xi1,…,xiKi be the Ki reflective indicators of construct ξi, 1 XK X K
1 X X
and xj1,…,xjKj the Kj reflective indicators of construct ξj. The ¼ ⋅ rg;h −K ⋅ rg;h
K−1 g¼1 h¼1 K g¼1 h¼1
empirical correlation matrix R is then
0 1
1 ri1;i2 … ri1;iK i ri1; j1 ri1; j2 … ri1; jK j
B ri2;i1 1 … ri2;iK i ri2; j1 ri2; j2 … ri2; jK j C
B ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ C
B riK i ;i1
C Moreover, the composite reliability ρc, is:
riK i ;i2 … 1 riK i ; j1 riK i ; j2 … riK i ; jK j C
B r j1;i1
B r j1;i2 … r j1;iK i 1 r j1; j2 … r j1; jK j C C
B r j2;i1 r j2;i2 … r j2;iK i r j2; j1 1 … r j2; jK j C
@ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ A !2 0 !2 1
r jK j ;i1 r jK j ;i2 … r jK j ;iK i r jK j ; j1 r jK j ; j2 … 1 XK XK XK
α ¼ ρc ¼ λg @ λg þ εg A
ðA1Þ g¼1 g¼1 g¼1
¼ λg rg;h
If the reflective measurement model (i.e., a common factor
g¼1 g¼1 h¼1
model) holds true for both constructs, the implied correlation
matrix Σ is then
0 1
1 λi1 λi2 ⋯ λi1 λiK i φij λi1 λ j1 φij λi1 λ j2 ⋯ φij λi1 λ jK j
B λi2 λi1 1 ⋯ λi2 λiK i φij λi2 λ j1 φij λi2 λ j2 ⋯ φij λi2 λ jK j C
B C If a construct’s indicators are tau-equivalent, Cronbach’s
B⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ C
B λiK i λi1 λiK i λi2 ⋯ 1 φij λiK i λ j1 φij λiK i λ j2 ⋯ φij λiK i λ jK C alpha is a consistent estimate of a set of indicators just like the
Σ ¼B
B φij λ j1 λi1
B φij λ j1 λi2 ⋯ φij λ j1 λiK i 1 λ j1 λ j2 ⋯ λ j1 λ jK j C C composite reliability ρc, which implies that:
B φij λ j2 λi1 φij λ j2 λi2 ⋯ φij λ j2 λiK i λ j2 λ j1 1 ⋯ λ j2 λ jK j C
@⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮ A
φij λ jK j λi1 φij λ jK j λi2 ⋯ φij λ jK j λiK i λ jK j λ j1 λ jK j λ j2 ⋯ 1 ! !
1 XK X K
1 X X
ðA2Þ ⋅ rg;h −K ⋅ rg;h
K−1 g¼1 h¼1 K g¼1 h¼1
!2 !
We depart from the notion that Cronbach’s alpha is ¼ λg rg;h (A5)
g¼1 g¼1 h¼1
K ⋅r
α¼ ðA3Þ
1 þ ðK−1Þ⋅r
! !2
!! 1 XK X K
1 XK
⇔ ⋅ rg;h −K ¼ 2 λg
¼ K⋅ ⋅ rg;h −K K ðK−1Þ g¼1 h¼1 K (A6)
K ðK−1Þ g¼1 h¼1
1 XK X K
¼ 1 þ ðK−1Þ⋅ ⋅ rg;h −K
K ðK−1Þ g¼1 h¼1 The HTMTij of constructs ξi and ξj as introduced in the
manuscript is then:
! 12
1 Xi Xj X
K K K i−1 XKi X
K j−1 XKj
2 2
HTMTij ¼ ⋅ rig;jh ⋅ rig;ih ⋅ ⋅ rjg;jh (A7)
K i K j g¼1h¼1 K i ðK i −1Þ g¼1 h¼gþ1 K j K j −1 g¼1 h¼gþ1
! !! 12
1 Xi Xj X
K K Ki X
Ki XK jXKj
1 1
¼ ⋅ rig;jh ⋅ rig;ih −K i ⋅ ⋅ rjg;jh −K j (A8)
K i K j g¼1h¼1 K i ðK i −1Þ g¼1h¼1 K j K j −1 g¼1 h¼1
Ki X
Kj X
Ki X
¼ ϕ⋅ λig λjh λig ⋅ λjh (A9)
0 !2 !2 1 12 g¼1h¼1 g¼1 h¼1
1 X
Ki X
1 X
1 X
¼ ϕ⋅ ⋅ λig λjh @ 2 λig ⋅ ⋅ λjh A
K i K j g¼1h¼1 Ki K 2j
g¼1 h¼1
¼ ϕ q: e: d:
J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2015) 43:115–135 133
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Dijkstra, T. K., & Henseler, J. (2011). Linear indices in nonlinear struc-
Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and tural equation models: best fitting proper indices and other compos-
reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the ites. Quality and Quantity, 45(6), 1505–1518.
source are credited. Dijkstra, T. K. and Henseler, J. (2014a). Consistent partial least squares
path modeling. MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
Dijkstra, T. K. and Henseler, J. (2014b). Consistent and asymptotically
normal PLS estimators for linear structural equations.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, forthcoming.
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