V5 - Wicked Roots - Blorcery by Lex Noctis

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Blorcery by
Lex Noctis
Items Part Two: Wicks


Blorcery by CR E AT E D A N D DE V E L OPE D BY

Skirmantė Valutienė and Viktorija Gotovtienė

Lex Noctis W R IT T E N BY Skirmantė Valutienė

E DIT I NG A N D R E A DI NG : Ieva Čičinskaitė


Viktorija Gotovtienė
WICKED GR A PH IC DESIGN: Viktorija Gotovtienė


World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark

Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf:
The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Cru-
sade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The
Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The
Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The
Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Change-
ling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The
Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean:
The Created, World of Darkness, Storyteller System™, Storytelling
System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons
and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of Paradox
Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

This work contains material that is copyright of Paradox Interactive

AB. Such material is used with permission under the Community
Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault.

©2018 Paradox Interactive AB, Magnus Ladulåsgatan 4 SE-118 66

Stockholm Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.
Items Part Two: Wicks

Introduction 5

Main scenes
Scene 1: The Boss Lady 12
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief 17
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver 23
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller 29
Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden 33
Scene 6: The Wick Sower 39

Additional scenes
The Chantry Ruins 45
The Charity Ball 46
The Late Baron 47

Word on the Street 49
Rituals and Amulets 50
Scene Summaries 53
Handouts 59


In a peaceful rural town several Kindred seek solace from

globe-spanning conspiracies and sect wars. For some, this is
utopia – every Kindred is a master of their own tiny
domain, with no figures of authority looming over
them. For others, this is isolation of the worst kind:
surrounded by woodlands full of werewolves, with
every Kindred only concerned with their own
domain, and no one to mediate conflicts that
inevitably arise. No slight is ever forgotten,
simplest misunderstandings turn into decades
of mutual hatred and cycles of revenge, and the
long-buried secrets get uncovered at the most
inopportune times.

icked Roots is plots. Long-lost Blood Sorcery player groups. The player characters
a scenario for a secrets, the connection between are bound to pick the least
coterie of neonate Kindred and their domains, and expected paths and make unlikely
characters, the inevitability of the cycles allies or enemies. We encourage the
intended as a single-session story. of nature are all themes of this Storyteller to embrace them, adapt
It presents mostly social and scenario. the scenario according to the SPCs
investigative challenges, and deals A Storyteller doesn’t have to motivations, and allow the story to
with the social aspects of unlife: follow the scenario to the letter, as grow in surprising directions.
long-festering secrets, unhealthy there are as many ways to solve the Wicked Roots should play out
relationships, and elaborate revenge mystery of the story as there are in about 3-4 hours.

For Storyteller’s eyes only! Anna tells them to ignore it. and misunderstandings, Alexander
Anna, the Baron of a small Through talking to various is finally free, and is enacting an
town, gives a task to a coterie of Kindred in town and investigat- elaborate revenge plan on Anna. In
neonate characters: she saw an ap- ing, the coterie eventually realizes the climax of the scenario, the cote-
parition of her long-dead beloved that what Anna saw was no ghost rie witnesses Alexander performing
mentor Alexander, and believes or illusion, but Alexander himself, the final ritual that will turn the
that some of the Kindred in town seemingly back from the dead. The town’s center into a Mouldwick –
have played a cruel trick on her. She truth of the matter is that twenty a cursed land of rot, withering, and
wants the coterie to find out the years ago Anna tried to destroy despair. The player characters then
truth. What the coterie also notices Alexander, using a sorcerous arti- have a choice to either confront and
is that Anna’s domain is afflicted fact, but instead only trapped him try to stop him, or to get into the
by strange fungi and rot, though in a tree. Through a chain of events elder Tremere’s good graces.

Introduction: How to use this book

How to use this book

This scenario is designed for needs to beat or match an SPC ■■ A vivid description of the
neonate or fledgling characters, in their area of expertise, and surroundings where the events
either fresh out of character the second is for other rolls. For of the scene play out;
creation or with no more than 30 instance, a 3/2 security guard ■■ Starting the scene: why and how
XP. The characters should have requires 3 successes to bring down the coterie arrives at the scene,
a basic grasp on the Kindred in a fist fight or to sneak past, but and a minor encounter before
physiology and society, though only 2 to persuade into sharing meeting the main SPC;
no sect politics, titles or deep the rumours of the town. If the
■■ What else to do – what the
lore comes into play. The players Storyteller wants to roll for the
player characters might do or
need to know the concepts of the SPCs, they have a dice pool equal
encounter here. Some of the
Masquerade, feeding (as well as to double their Difficulty.
scenes have a typical feeding in
domain/feeding grounds), Blood Kindred SPCs have their known
that locale described;
Bonds, torpor, and the basic idea of Disciplines listed but no individual
various Disciplines. powers. This is intentional. The ■■ A description of the Kindred
The scenario is sect-agnostic; it powers should be determined as SPC in charge of the place, their
takes place in a remote small town they are needed to serve the plot: portrait, and a table with their
where every Kindred has their own if a player character sends an statistics and roleplaying tips;
humble feeding grounds, and “the animal messenger to an SPC with ■■ Suggestions for how an
Baron” is mostly a nominal title. Animalism, assume the SPC knows interaction with that Kindred
The town may be in any part of Feral Whispers and can understand might go, including answers to
the world (though the descriptions the message. most likely questions the players
imply a temperate climate and a Before running the game, we might ask;
heavily wooded area). If this scenario suggest having all the handouts ■■ A table of the SPC’s opinion on
is a part of a chronicle, the town printed out and at hand (or in a the other Kindred in town –
may be adjacent to the “main” city. convenient folder on a device) to both what they would say in
show the players as needed. public (or to the coterie), and
How to use this book what they are honestly thinking;
The Storyteller should read ■■ Permutations: how a scene
the scenario in its entirety before might play out differently
running the game. Every scene depending on the player
description includes quick- character’s previous choices.
reference tables which can also be
■■ Advice for ending the scene
found in the Appendices. While we
and what happens in the
suggest The Storyteller describes
background once the player
the scenes and portrays SPCs in
characters leave.
their own style, the texts in blue –
descriptions and quotes – are written Main scenes
so they can be read verbatim or
paraphrased. The keywords under ■■ Scene 1: The Boss Lady starts
the descriptions serve as reminders Scene Structure the scenario with Anna, the
of the intended mood. The scenario is presented in Baron of the town, giving the
The scenario takes place in scenes. Except for the first and coterie a task in return for a
a “generic small town”, and the the sixth (last) scene, they can be permission to stay and feed in her
Storyteller may freely add details run in any order. The optional domain. Anna believes she saw
fitting their chronicle and players. additional scenes are at the end of an apparition of her late mentor
The SPCs are not provided the scenario. Alexander and wants the coterie
with full character sheets. Instead, Every scene description to discover the truth behind this
general Difficulties are provided, includes: “haunting”: she suspects it was a
e.g. 3/2. The first number indicates ■■ The Storyteller’s goals for the
cruel trick played by one of the
the number of successes a player scene; Kindred in town.

Introduction: How to use this book

Long term
mutual respect

Bot nt d
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Have barely of
her o
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and . be
lie her
have lit tl e
reason to.

Penelope holds a secret

grudge against Anna for
harming her sire.
Anna wishes for a closer
bond with Penelope.

tr e
n lo p
g Vale
Va Pene pass and of
Ann is sick a
ke h 's atte d tire
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na xcha tive
av nging
A relationship map
of all Kindred in town.
For more detailed opinions on each
other, see the table in each SPCs description.

■■ Scene 2: The Haunted Thief has been the catalyst for both disappearance 20 years ago but
involves one of the suspects, Alexander’s disappearance is cautious to share it. This scene
Robert, whose domain in the and recent return, though he can happen at any time after
town’s cemetery district is seems to be unaware of the the first scene, as Penelope will
plagued by ghosts. Robert is importance of his actions. In eventually seek out the coterie if
secretly allied with Alexander, contrast to the secretive nature they do not come to her.
who was never destroyed, of Kindred, Valent kindly shares ■■ Scene 5: The Birchwood and
merely imprisoned, and has information with the player its Warden. The Birchwood is
recently returned. Robert is characters. the place where Alexander has
unwilling to reveal Alexander’s ■■ Scene 4: The Fortune Teller been imprisoned for 20 years.
secret to Anna – or the coterie has the coterie encounter The coterie might find some
working for her. Penelope, a childe of Alexander, clues here, as well as encounter
■■ Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver who is concerned with sorcery Elizabeth – a recluse Kindred
takes the coterie to the second afflicting Anna’s domain, and who hasn’t left her wooded land
suspect, Valent. This Kindred knows a lot about her sire’s in several centuries.

Introduction: How to use this book

■■ Scene 6: The Wick Sower. The Additional scenes of the past here, hinting at the
final scene of the scenario takes convoluted past of the town’s
■■ The Chantry Ruins – the
the coterie right into the middle Kindred.
coterie investigates the remains
of Alexander performing a The Late Baron provides
of Alexander’s haven: a mound ■■
devastating ritual, intending to information about Ludwig, the
with vegetation, grown to
enact vengeance on Anna for previous Baron of the town,
resemble rooms, previously held
imprisoning him years ago. The now deceased. He has also
together with sorcery which
player characters may choose to played a part in Alexander’s
has long dissipated. Sensitive
try and interrupt him, or stay prolonged absence by seizing
clairvoyants may receive visions
out of the elder Tremere’s way. key artifacts from Penelope –
artifacts which have gotten
The town and surrounding territories. The town is in a heavily forested into Robert’s hands. The
area. The town's name, population count and other details play little coterie may search Ludwig’s
importance and can be adjusted by the Storyteller. A blank map without last known haven, pry some
marked points of interest is provided in the Appendices section (p. 59). information from his old dog,
or ask the Kindred in town
for their opinions on the late
■■ The Charity Ball provides
details about the charity ball
OLD MANOR where Anna saw Alexander and
was so spooked she tasked the
player characters to investigate.
This scene gives key points of
information about the ball and
the town hall where the event
took place.

■■ Word on the Street lists several
rumors the coterie might gather
from the mortals in town,
should they ask around in bars,
read the local papers, or look up
the social media sites.
■■ Rituals and Amulets provides
descriptions and mechanics of
all new Blood Sorcery rituals
and artifacts featuring in the
■■ Scene Summaries are
condensed sheets of the most
important information of
each scene, intended for the
Storyteller to glance at while
Anna's office
running the game.
Penelope's shop "The Third Eye"
Robert's funeral home & crematorium
■■ Handouts contains handouts
Valent's carpet making studio
and illustrations: the town
Elizabeth's Woodwick
map, SPC portraits, images of
Ludwig's last known Haven important items and places.
Old Chantry ruins

Introduction: Backstory

A Blood Witch Moves In his thralls. While he was a guide He gave both to his loyal childe
Around 25 years ago, a rogue and a mentor to them, he was also Penelope, instructing her to give
Tremere Alexander has came to strict and demanding, and Anna one key to Anna – “tell her this will
a small town, ruled by a Gangrel in particular struggled under the kill me”. Once Anna imprisoned
Ludwig, seeking refuge from the power of his Blood. Alexander in the tree and thought
Pyramid and a quiet place to study herself victorious, Penelope was
nature-based Blood Sorcery. He The Sisters' Secret supposed to come and free her sire
brought with him his protegee Eventually, discontent with who would then laugh in Anna’s
Anna – a young Ventrue spending her nights in a swamp face – “my girl, you thought me
unexpectedly abandoned by her under a harsh mentor, Anna sought defeated so easily?”.
sire. A few years later Alexander help from Valent – another resident However, once Alexander was
met Penelope, a young woman of the town and a descendant of trapped inside the birch tree in
with a penchant for the occult, and the legendary Vasantasena. The Elizabeth’s domain, the scheme
granted her the Embrace. Malkavian broke the Blood Bonds went off the rails. Ludwig – an
Alexander’s greatest on both Anna and Penelope. iron-fisted self-proclaimed Baron
achievement was Wick Sowing – Penelope’s disposition towards her of the town – entered Alexander’s
rituals to enchant the land itself sire changed little. Anna’s mind, haven and seized every artifact
to aid its undead master. His own however, was set on revenge for he could find, including the key
haven was protected by misleading Alexander. necessary for Alexander’s release.
mists of Clagwick. In an attempt to Thanks to his Auspex-enhanced As a fledgling, Penelope was too
befriend a local Tzimisce Elizabeth, insight Alexander was quick to scared to protest, and so Alexander
he also Sowed a Woodwick, turning realize what Anna was planning was soon deemed dead by the
her overgrown palace gardens into and found her little plan amusing. town’s Kindred.
a flourishing birchwood. He made an elaborate scheme of Over the years, Anna expanded
As this was before the fall of his own to counter hers. He crafted her influence among both mortals
Vienna, Alexander still had the a set of Keys of Giltinė: one that and Kindred, becoming second to
ability to create Blood Bonds, and traps a Kindred inside a living tree’s Ludwig in status.
kept both Anna and Penelope as trunk, and one that sets them free.

Introduction: Backstory

Tonight Anna meets with the coterie

The Rat Comes Into Play
2 weeks ago An opportunistic Nosferatu
Alexander showed up Robert moved into town. The Baron
in the charity ball.
granted him the town’s cemetery
district as feeding grounds. Robert
4 weeks ago Alexander
began Sow Mouldwick
soon realized his allotted domain
ritual in Anna's domain was not only poor but also haunted.
The Nosferatu gritted his teeth,
2 months ago
accepted his position, and waited
Robert freed for a chance to improve his lot.
Alexander Ludwig’s reign eventually came
to an end when the hot-headed
Baron met Final Death fighting a
Lupine. Anna then declared herself
the Baron with no objections from
1 year ago Robert visited the other Kindred. With Ludwig
Valent with loot from gone, Robert took the opportunity
Ludwig's haven.
to scour his empty haven and
found the artifacts stolen from the
5 years ago Baron Ludwig met Tremere. Having no clue if they
Final Death, Anna became the new had any worth, he brought them to
Baron, Robert stole all valuables Valent to evaluate. The Malkavian,
from Ludwig's haven.
well proficient with Auspex, told
Robert that “this key is the key to
your ghost problem. Touch it to a
tree and a solution will come out”.
Robert spent some time searching
10 years ago Robert for that one specific tree until he
moved into town found it – and freed Alexander.

The Elder Is Not Amused

Awake from decades-long
torpor, Alexander agreed to help
Robert with his haunted domain –
but he had plans for Anna first.
20 years ago following This upstart neonate had to be
Alexander's taught a lesson.
disappearance, Over a few weeks, Alexander
Ludwig seized started building a Mouldwick right
everything of
20 years ago Valent under Anna’s nose, in the heart of
importance from
broke the Blood Bonds his chantry.
her domain. In addition to that, he
on Anna and Penelope, showed up at a charity ball Anna
Anna imprisoned
was attending, just to make her
Alexander believing
she killed him.
think she was losing her mind…
…and she did come to that
21 years ago Alexander
Embraced Penelope
exact conclusion. This is why when
a group of newcomers (the player
25 years ago characters) come to introduce
Alexander and Anna themselves to the Baron, she tasks
moved into town them with figuring out just who is
making her see her long-dead (or so
she thinks) mentor.

Introduction: Permutations

Advanced Characters breach in the making, and no one Refusal of the Call
The scenario is designed has sufficient influence to spread It is not impossible the coterie
for neonate characters, and the cover stories in the media in case of rejects Anna’s task or promises her
Difficulties as well as certain plot a leak. Both Anarch and Camarilla to look into it but doesn't. In such
points (such as depending on coteries might arrive in town with cases, let the players do what they
Anna’s permission to stay and feed) a secondary mission to convert the want, run the scenario’s events
are written with this in mind. For town into their sect. in the background, and look for
more advanced player characters, For a coterie of Hecata opportunities to show them: the
or to make the scenario more characters, the occult mystery of town center progressively becomes
challenging, we suggest raising the the Wicks or the haunted cemetery bleaker and if the coterie stays
general Difficulties of Alexander might be what attracted them to there for a few nights, they start
and Elizabeth by 1, increasing the the town in the first place; in that feeling lethargic, just like Anna.
threat level of the haunting in the case, Anna’s mission becomes more If they visit other parts of the
cemetery district, and upping the of an excuse to pursue the true goal town, have them run into the
distrust of all Kindred SPCs: have likely set by their family elders. Kindred residing there – if their
them react more negatively to their issues spark interest, the scenario
disliked actions, refuse to interact or I Know Someone still takes place, just from a
even scheme against the coterie in The coterie may be in contact different point of view.
the background. The scenario can be with or have heard about some If they blatantly refuse Anna’s
solved in several ways, and no single SPCs in town. This is especially hospitality and squats in her
SPC shutting the door breaks it. advisable if the scenario is run as domain, she will send mortal
a one-shot, to create a connection institutions after them: have
Sect Issues and a reason to visit the town. someone follow them to their
The scenario is written as Read up the backstories of the resting place, mark the house as a
sect-agnostic: the player characters SPCs to suggest the players who fire hazard, or just tip the police
may equally be Camarilla, Anarch, their characters’ contact, old that the place is a drug den.
or even shunned by all sects. If acquaintance, or sire is, and the Eventually, Alexander will
the coterie is strongly aligned or details of the relationship. complete his ritual and make his
holds Status with their sect, look For ongoing chronicles, return. Have the player characters
for opportunities to contrast the the coterie’s Mawla or another be witnesses to that, if possible.
town in the scenario with their authority figure may be instead While you always have Lupines
sect’s ideals: for Anarch, this familiar with the scenario’s at your disposal, stalking the
could mean portraying Anna as a dramatis personae, and send surrounding forests and ready to
wannabe Prince, and emphasizing them on a mission e.g. to deliver a rip the wayward Kindred apart, we
the lack of fighting spirit in the message, seize the occult secrets/ do not suggest killing the player
Kindred. For Camarilla characters, artifacts, or request a prophesy. characters at the first attempt to
remind them that Alexander is It is strongly suggested that all walk away. It might be best for the
a rogue Tremere belonging to no the player characters are visiting Storyteller to openly talk to the
House, and no proper apparatus the town for the first time or players and explain that while they
for enforcing the Masquerade is otherwise know very little of the may just leave the town, no game
in place: the cemetery district is a happenings in it. will take place in such case.

Scene 1: The Boss Lady

Scene 1:
The Boss L ady
his scene takes place as the coterie arrives in the town. Before
meeting the Baron, they notice something unusual is happening STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
in her domain, as not just the buildings but the people in the THE SCENE:
streets appear to be crumbling and in decline. Once they meet ■■ Present the main goal for
Anna, they are tasked with finding out who has played a nasty trick on her. the scenario: investigating
While her task serves as the basis for the scenario, the player characters are long-thought-dead Tremere’s
free to choose if they want to follow the leads suggested by Anna or to find sighting.
their own path to solving the mystery. ■■ Instill the sense of uneasiness
and suspicion.
The light from streetlamps and neon logos on office buildings struggles to penetrate
the damp air. The raindrops are just fine enough to seep through your clothes yet ■■ Subtly compare Anna’s indiffer-
not intense enough to justify unfolding the umbrellas. As you pass the modern ence to her dilapitating domain
yet slightly deteriorated buildings and trying-too-hard cocktail bars, the sound of to the apathy of local mortals.
your footsteps against the damp pavement mixes with the disheartened voices of ■■ Suggest visiting Valent or
passersby and the fading hum from the occasional passing car. Robert as equally valid options
Keywords: moist, bleak, declining, corporate hell. to start the investigation.

Scene 1: The Boss Lady

Starting the scene FIRST LOOK

Town center
The cleaning crew What can be gathered:
Shroud density: Thin (-1 Difficulty on
As the coterie approaches the ■■ Tom will openly confirm Oblivion rolls)
building where Anna’s office is working for Anna if asked, 2 Rouse checks to mend
located, they see a crew of workers and will look at characters
in damp uniforms scrubbing the Drizzling rain, lasting at least several
more favorably if they express a nights.
exterior wall. A closer inspection positive opinion about her.
Modern buildings: mostly offices,
reveals the walls are covered in Tom or any of the workers may
■■ some bars.
greenish mold, and cleaning it all share that the blight on the Worn down, musty walls, grimy
off is quite a sisiphean task. The walls has slowly grown over the windows.
supervisor of this crew is Tom, last few weeks. Sense the Unseen: a critical win
Anna’s ghoul. His down-to-earth reveals traces of Blood Sorcery.
■■ The workers are demotivated
pluck appears to be the only
and just going through the Mortals
thing keeping the workers on the
motions. A Difficulty 3 Insight Feeding Difficulty: 3
thankless task.
check hints that the reasons Typical resonance: Melancholic
for their apathy go deeper Mortals appear weary, indifferent
The supervisor than a pointless job in a dreary and complacent.
A tough man in his early thirties, weather. Outside Anna's Office
Tom is a ghoul who, through
Cleaning crew scrubbing blight off
copious use of Cloud Memory, has Should the conversations
the exterior.
no clue about the Masquerade or drag on, the workers will use
Dispirited, sluggish workers.
his condition. He considers Anna the chance to slack off while the
supervisor is distracted, and Tom Sense the Beast reveals the
the best boss he could have. He
supervisor Tom is a ghoul.
does his job, asks no questions and will immediately excuse himself as
“work needs to be done”. Inside Anna's Office
collects a paycheck that allows him
to comfortably support his wife and Exposed concrete walls, imposing
General Difficulties: Tom 3/2.
two young children. Workers 2/2
Wits + Awareness vs 3: the walls are
afflicted with black mold.
What else to do
Investigating can be gleaned with a successful the player character feeding on her
Asking around: feeling Intelligence + Investigation or domain. The typical victims here
the general vibe of the area Technology roll vs Difficulty 4 are small-time businessmen, bar
automatically gives the characters is a photo from the ball clearly staff, and taxi drivers.
the idea that the people in the town showing a man that fits Alexander’s
You follow the lonely man in
center are prone to depression and description, mingling in the crowd
a business suit, shuffling into an
complacency. In addition, most (for more details, see p. 46).
alleyway. The woman on the corner,
buildings here are newly built the only threat to your stalking
but crumbling beyond the years, Feeding attempt, is caught up in doomscrolling
afflicted with mold and mildew. At The mortals here are weary and and doesn’t even glance at the predator
least 3 successes on a Manipulation melancholic, paying little attention passing by. As you catch up with him,
+ Insight or Streetwise roll reveal to what’s happening around them. your prey lets out a tired sigh, almost
that the melancholy set in a few The feeding Difficulty is 3, for like he knows what’s coming and is
weeks ago, about the same time as long as Kindred don’t leave surrendering to it.
that the mildew started appearing. bloodless corpses in the street and
The charity ball: little can perform no blatantly supernatural
be gathered about it by word of feats, they need not worry about
mouth, but the local news sites breaking the Masquerade here. The
and newspapers describe this worst consequence of failing the
yearly event. A useful detail that feeding roll is Anna learning about

Scene 1: The Boss Lady

Meeting Anna in her steps. Behind the unfazeable

facade, Anna is fighting inner battles
■■ I have called you here to give
you a task: figure out who has
you are not privy to. been messing with my head
A colorless mat by the door welcomes and why. Do it, and you’ll be
Keywords: assertive, steadfast,
you into Anna’s office. While the allowed to stay and feed in my
mature, authoritarian.
room is decent-sized, the grey concrete domain (or gain another reward,
walls peppered with black mold give a Anna has arranged for the as appropriate for your chronicle).
stifling, claustrophobic feeling. A single coterie to visit her in her office, ■■ I have witnessed an apparition
fluorescent ceiling lamp illuminates the room 274 in the same building that of my long-dead mentor in a
massive desk covered in meticulously Tom and his crew are working on charity ball last month. I have
arranged documents and stationery outside. Entering and navigating no reasons to believe it was his
and an impressive worn black leather the building poses no problems, actual ghost.
office chair. Aside from a metal cabinet and after entering Anna’s office,
in the furthest corner, there is no more ■■ I strongly believe the incident
she gets to the point as straight as
furniture. was the machinations of
Keywords: soulless, meticulous, some Kindred in this town.
institutional, oppressive. Key points: My primary suspects are the
Nosferatu Robert, and the
A stern lady looks you over. Her After the introductions and a
Malkavian Valent, as either
gray hair, sharp way of dress, and very brief exchange of pleasantries,
could command their Blood to
lithe figure makes you compare her Anna explains the coterie what she
conceal and confuse.
to an unbending rod of steel. She expects of them:
moves with purpose and offers a firm
handshake. After a while, you notice
a tension in her voice, a hesitation


General Difficulties: 4/3
Ventrue, 11th generation,
Blood Potency 1
Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude,
Presence, Auspex
Looks: elderly lady, refined, cold
Wits + Awareness vs 3:
tense posture, twitching
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: professional, patronizing
Main motivation: deal with the
Dislikes: being interrupted, changing
the subject
Things to do as Anna
Control the conversation; allow for
questions only after you’re done
Snap at a neonate derailing from the
topic, or, heaven forbid, interrupting
Show signs of weariness, then deny it.

Scene 1: The Boss Lady

Additional questions the players could ask:

Who was your mentor and how Could you tell us more about phantasm from my memory to life:
did he die? the charity ball? same impressive stature, same mane
Alexander was a Tremere, and he It’s an annual event held in the of thick dark hair. Once I started
was like an adoptive sire to me. He town hall. Only the most prominent looking for him among the guests,
was a blood sorcerer, and a mighty businessmen and politicians receive it was as if he vanished into thin
one at that, and he specialized in invitations, and I was – or should air. Some guests later confirmed
nature magic. Twenty years ago have been – the only Kindred there. they saw and talked to “a charming
he went missing, leaving behind I saw the glimpse of Alexander stranger”.
everything, including his fledgling while I was talking to another guest ■■ Sense the Beast may hint that
childe Penelope. Always drawn to and couldn’t leave the conversation. Anna get anxious and fearful
nature, wandering the wilderness, It was like someone brought a when talking about the sighting.
he must have angered the Lupines…
it was truly hard for me to accept
he was gone. That’s what makes
this incident at the charity ball an ANNA’S OPINION ON:
especially cruel joke.
■■ A Wits + Insight roll vs 4 reveals Public: “I have always seen her as a little sister, and as she matured over the years,
Anna knows more about Alexan- we grew apart.”
der’s death than she is telling. Honest: “I expected more gratitude from her after I freed us both from Alexander.
Shows how much one can trust a Tremere, I suppose.”
What motive would the suspects
Wits + Insight versus 3 reveals Anna would have preferred remaining close with
have to play such tricks on you? Penelope.
Robert? He’s a thief. I could Alexander
see him distracting me with such
Public: “He was a giant on whose shoulders I now stand. I hate seeing his memory
illusions to get the chance to sneak sullied.”
into my properties and pilcher
Honest: “He was a haughty blood witch on the loose, an abominable despot
something. No, nothing has gone masquerading as a mentor. Good riddance.”
missing… yet. With a Manipulation + Insight roll versus 4 Anna lets it slip up that Alexander
And Valent, well… thing is, we had her Blood Bound, and that her opinion of him is more nuanced than she
have been somewhat close allies publicly shows.
since Alexander’s death, he would Those with Sense the Beast or Scry the Soul may perceive a complicated mix of
anxiety, contempt and delight when Anna speaks of Alexander.
often use his intuition and provide
great advise. However, he has been Valent
avoiding me lately. I’m not sure Public: “We’ve successfully worked together in the past, and I respect him for his
why, but let’s be fair, his mind talents.”
works in mysterious ways. Honest: “He’s a capable ally. A bit unreliable at times when his lunacy hits him, but
overall useful.”
Public: “He’s a sneaky one. Keep your wits around you when talking to him.”
Honest: “A good-for-nothing scoundrel. A snooping thief one always has to watch
■■ Alexander showed up at the out for.”
ball in person, to spook Anna.
Anna will reveal her true opinion if asked politely.
■■ Anna honestly believes she Elizabeth
killed Alexander. She doesn’t
Public: “She’s a hermit who barely leaves her woods. She never caused any trouble.”
know she only imprisoned him
and now he is free again. Honest: “What a weirdo. Her only redeeming quality is that she keeps to herself
and I don’t have to deal with her nonsense.”
■■ Alexander’s sorcery is causing Anna will agree that Elizabeth is eccentric and best left ignored if the coterie
the mold and the low mood in expresses a similar opinion first.
Anna’s domain (p. 52).

Scene 1: The Boss Lady

Permutations regrets to inform most of his

knowledge died with him. Her
to meet a Nosferatu worthy
of respect, yet. Should you
▶▶ Refusal of the call – see p. 11. predecessor, the late Baron carry out my task excelently,
▶▶ If the coterie includes one or Ludwig, may have had some of however, I can see my opinion
several Kindred of Clan Hecata, the Tremere’s notes, but Ludwig changing.”
Anna expresses her firm belief too has met Final Death at the
that they will confirm that the Lupines’ claws, so it’s doubtful
sighting of Alexander was not a you’ll find anything. Penelope,
sadly, had too little time with
true haunting. She also informs
them that Robert’s domain may her sire to learn much of the ■■ The coterie may choose
be truly haunted but warns sorcerous arts. to look for Robert in the
against selling their services cemetery district (Scene 2)
▶▶ If there is a Nosferatu in the
to that good-for-nothing con or take the trip to the art
coterie, Anna openly admits she
artist. commune to talk to Valent
has a negative opinion on them,
(Scene 3). If they stay in the
▶▶ If a Blood Sorcerer in the yet again “Actions of individual
town center for some time,
coterie expresses their interest Kindred reflect on their clan. I
they may be approached by
in Alexander’s work, Anna have not had the opportunity
Penelope, or decide to visit
her on their own initiative
(Scene 4).
■■ After sending the coterie
on their mission, Anna
continues her usual nightly
activities, managing her
mortal business, and refuses
to notice her domain is
getting bleakier and more
desolate by the night. She
progressively grows weaker,
more tense and irrational,
culminating in a complete
mental collapse during the
Final Scene.

Anna’s Backstory
A Discarded Fledgling The Betrayal Coming Into Power
Though she was Embraced Eventually, Alexander chose Announcing to the local
late in her human years, Anna to Embrace Penelope, and Anna Kindred that Alexander has gone
has no more than thirty years as a quickly took on an older sister role “missing”, Anna started amassing
Kindred. For one reason or another, to her. As she saw Penelope as a influence in the town. Once her
she didn’t meet her sire’s standards fellow prisoner of the Blood, Anna only competitor, Ludwig, had
and found herself abandoned, only worked behind Alexander’s back met Final Death in the werewolf-
saved by Alexander who took her and managed to convince Valent infested outskirts of the town,
in, brought with himself to this into breaking the Blood Bonds on Anna proclaimed herself the
town, and acted as an adoptive them both. Baron.
sire. Though her controlling nature Once free, she ennacted her Armed with both her political-
clashed against the Blood Bond, she revenge: with an artifact she got savvy and Disciplines, Anna has
still begrudgingly respects the elder from Penelope, Anna pushed a firm hand on the pulse of upper
Tremere for his guidance during Alexander into a birch tree, class mortal affairs, as well as the
her fledgling years. seemingly killing him. Masquerade.

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

Scene 2: The
H aunted Thief
hen the coterie arrives in the cemetery district (likely in
search of Robert), it is immediately obvious they are not STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
the only restless dead here. The haunting is not something THE SCENE:
the coterie should solve (though they can try). Robert ticks ■■ Show that Robert’s domain is
all boxes of a suspect, and is quite uncooperative in helping the coterie with haunted.
their mission. ■■ Leave the players guessing of
The wind howls, weaving around the gravestones in the cemetery, the narrow Robert’s true motives.
columbarium structures, and the sleek shape of the crematorium. Lonesome candles ■■ Give little to no information
illuminate the wilting flowers against the grey marble. A few elderly visitors, unless the coterie pays or gets
like puppets in a shadow theatre, slink around the graves. A chilling gust of wind indebted to Robert.
extinguishes another candle, and the inky darkness spreads.
Keywords: dying lights, hushed, somber, dark.

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

Starting the scene

Opening the tinted-glass doors, you may notice a ghost – a boy about a while. Little Eli cannot speak
are immersed in warm light and five years old – flying around or make himself visible to those
barely audible piano sounds. The the room and causing mayhem. without appropriate disciplines.
funeral home is spacious and serene, The chairs start flying, hitting He can, however, produce giggling
with only a reception desk up front the coterie unless they make a or crying sounds and move objects
and several chairs by the wall. White Dexterity + Athletics check vs 3 telekinetically.
chrysanthemums in a tall vase adorn (the sudden darkness gives a -3 dice
the desk. Recessed lights soften the penalty if the characters are unable Waiting for Robert
empty off-white walls. to see in the dark supernaturally). If the characters do nothing,
Keywords: tranquil, clear, ethereal, The chairs form a spinning circle escape the funeral home, or the
silent. around the characters, reminiscent scene plays out for too long, Robert
of a carousel. comes down to the reception,
Little Eli carrying with him a toy carousel.
Once the players enter the The Ghost’s Fetter He places it on the desk and turns
funeral home and notice no one The poltergeist causing this it on. Little Eli, mesmerized by the
is sitting at the reception desk, all mayhem is Little Eli – a child who playful music and colorful blinking
lights suddenly go out, followed tragically died in an accident at lights, floats down and gazes at the
by a disembodied child's laughter. a travelling amusement park two toy. The haunting ends, the chairs
Those able to Sense the Unseen years ago. His cremated remains stop moving and the lights turn on.
were placed in the columbarium,
and the grieving parents put his
FIRST LOOK favorite toy horse in the urn with
The Cemetery District the ashes. That toy is Eli’s fetter,
Shroud density: Frayed (-2 Diff on the object
Oblivion rolls) binding
Poorly lit: -2 on vision rolls the ghost
Biting wind, eerie silence to this
Candlelit graves, few buildings world.
Sense the Unseen / Oblivion Sight:
docile ghosts roam around and taking the
fetter away from the
cemetery should cause Eli to
Feeding Difficulty: 4
follow it; destroying it would send
Typical resonance: Melancholic
the little ghost into the lands of
Elderly mortals are few, but alert
the dead.
and observant
The Difficulty for knowing
The Cemetery
how a ghost’s fetter affects it is 5
Gray marble headstones and plaques on an Intelligence + Occult roll,
Wits + Awareness vs 3: sometimes with fewer successes giving partial
the candles light up on their own. information.
Resolve + Investigation vs 3: signs of
recurrent graverobbing. Placating the Ghost
Inside the Funeral Home Little Eli is fixated on his last
Serene and mildly ethereal happy memories and attempts
atmosphere to relive them over and over.
One or two employees over the entire Singing children’s songs,
building playing games with him,
The Shroud is absent, allowing ghosts or riding on the makeshift
to pass freely between worlds carousel are all ways to please
him and curb the haunting for

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

What else to do
Investigating Feeding shadows draw in closer, as if eager to
Looking around the cemetery The few elderly women visiting join the hunt. Soon enough, your Kiss
and the columbarium the their loved ones’ graves are more gives her a short reprieve from her
characters making a Resolve + perceptive than they look, and vary worries.
Investigation roll at Difficulty of suspicious types prowling about.
3 (consider a -2 dice penalty for The Kindred feeding here risk to Poltergeist Suprise
darkness, potentially offset by erode the Masquerade, as gossips of At any point when outside, the
supernatural senses) notice the predatory “spirits” in the cemetary coterie spots a dark green object
signs of disturbed graves: the earth may quickly spin out of control. flying their way as if thrown by
is softer, as if it was moved later The feeding Difficulty is 4, and an invisible force. A Difficulty 2
than the date of death indicates; additional consequence of a Messy Dexterity + Athletics roll allows
some columbarium niches appear Critical or intentional killing can them to dodge it, otherwise, the
to have been opened. Choosing be a vengeful ghost of the victim thorny funeral wreath deals 1
the social approach to gather haunting the Kindred. Superficial Health damage. This
information (Manipulation + The old lady picking dried leaves may be another playful trick by
Insight if asking the elderly here, off a grave murmurs under her breath. Little Eli, or a completely different
or Intelligence + Investigation if “Ungrateful slob. You would have lived ghostly presence, who is unlikely or
reading through the local social in a pigsty if it wasn’t for me. Nothing unable to attack again. Should the
media sites), the coterie learns has changed: I’m still cleaning up players attempt to investigate, lead
stories about valuable family relics after you while you are dozing.” You them to a conclusion “the cemetery
missing from the graves, replaced approach her, listen to her rambling is definitely haunted”.
by cheap copies. and offer sweet words of comfort. The

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

Meeting Robert During Little Eli’s playful

tantrum, Robert was in the
down, and will only share these
points without elaborating too
backrooms of the crematorium, and much:
A middle-aged man with more pustules comes rushing as soon as he sees ■■ I know my domain is haunted,
than skin on his face seems nervous as the commotion through security yes, it’s a problem. It’s been
his eyes dart around. He looks slippery, cameras. Upon seeing strange gradually getting worse over
from his greasy hair and an equally Kindred (he recognizes them as the years. I already know the
unkempt sweater, to his slouched Kindred immediately with Sense solution and I’m working on it.
posture, seemingly ready to bolt out the Beast), he greets them but is It’s a matter of a few weeks, and
of the conversation any minute. He alert, and waits for them to reveal all will be fixed.
moves in quick, twitchy motions, and the reasons for the visit.
avoids eye contact. His uneasiness ■■ How dare you assume I messed
is contagious – even after leaving with Anna’s head?! I couldn’t
Key points: care less about her! Can’t you
his presence you can’t help but feel
watched. Robert proverbially catches his see I have enough problems of
breath after Little Eli is calmed my own?
Keywords: apprehensive, slippery,
ragged, sharp-eyed.


General Difficulties: 4/3
Nosferatu, 11th generation,
Blood Potency 2
Disciplines: Animalism, Celerity,
Obfuscate, Potence
Looks: shifty eyes, blistered skin,
ratty sweater
Intelligence + Larceny vs 2: Robert
is scanning for valuables in coterie’s
Wits + Insight vs 4: Robert feels
confident and is only playing the
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: evasive, cunning
Main motivation: get rid of the
Dislikes: being asked for free favors,
being called a thief
Things to do as Robert:
Appear wary and suspicious: treat the
coterie as uninvited guests who have
to prove themselves.
Refuse to answer a question as all
information has a price.
While one character is speaking,
suddenly turn to another, reminding
that you’re watching all of them.

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

Additional questions the players could ask:

What do you think of Anna? Do you know anything about someone was murdered or, I don’t
Well, she calls herself a Alexander? know, a cemetery? I know it’s on the
“Baron” of the town. Go introduce Huh? Supposedly an elder verge of breaching the Masquerade,
yourselves to her if you haven’t, she Warlock, used to reside here. He that’s why I’m working on it.
likes to feel important. was already gone when I first Can we help with solving the
She thinks I made her see things? arrived, so no idea. I think that haunting?
Oh sure, blame the Nos, there’s no fortune teller kiddo is his childe?
Uuuuuh. Well, I suppose. I need
easier target… Look, what business ■■ Wits + Insight vs 4 reveal Robert
these weird ass components for
could I possibly have in her posh is lying through his teeth and
the solution, uh, thread and poppy
charity event? Steal? STEAL?! definitely knows more. He’ll
seeds? Thread spun from undyed
Excuse me, I haven’t stolen from a deny it vehemently if called out.
grey human hair – there’s this Malk
living soul in my entire unlife!
What’s causing this haunting in Valent, he does textile stuff, he could
■■ While Robert is only telling the
your domain? probably spin it? And the seeds need
technical truth about stealing
As far as I can tell, these things to come from a poppy growing in
(he steals from the dead and the
just happen in places associated the wild, the ones from the gardens
undead), he isn’t lying that he
with death. Like spots where or a seed shop won’t work.
wasn’t at the charity ball.
■■ These items are components for
the ritual Alexander promised to
perform that “will ward the land
against the restless dead”. Robert
Anna has no reason to share this
Public: “She claims herself to be the ruler of the town. Not great, not terrible.” information with the coterie.
Honest: “Haughty old bat. One night she’ll need my help – they all do,
eventually – and she’ll get it, for a price.”
This request and/or you sound
Manipulation + Streetwise vs 3 makes Robert reveal Anna is too shrewd of a
businesswoman for him to swindle. Yeah? What of it? Get off my
Alexander domain if you don’t like it.
■■ Sense the Beast hints that
Public: “He was already gone when I arrived, so no opinion.”
Robert is completely unafraid
Honest: “A smart one, and a powerful sorcerer too. I freed him and he promised to
help with the haunting in return. Should be a good investment.”
of Anna or the coterie; Scry
Robert will only reveal his connection to Alexander after the coterie figures out
the Soul or Premonition may
the Tremere is back and express being on his side. reveal that Robert is backed by
a powerful ally.
Public: “Not too bad for a Tremere. Young, inexperienced, harmless.”
Honest: “What a peculiar Warlock – never sells her blood crafts. In fact, she even
asked me for contacts to buy sorcerous secrets from.” WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING:
Charisma + Finance vs 3: Robert may let it slip Penelope is in market for Blood ■■ Robert helped Alexander
Sorcery knowledge (Robert will expect his cut of the profits, of course). escape imprisonment using
Valent the magical key he found in
the late Baron’s old haven.
Public: “A bit of a loner but willing to trade favors. Seems more interested in his
art than Kindred affairs.” ■■ Robert is currently allied with
Honest: “A very decent neighbor, as long as I don’t bother him too often. I offered Alexander and could contact
to find some buyers for his carpets, and he didn’t say no.” him if need be.
Elizabeth ■■ Alexander promised to
Public: “A complete recluse. I don’t think she’s left her woods in the last decade.” perform Sow Bloomwick
ritual which would indeed
Honest: “Seriously, it’s like she cares about nothing but her domain and the
animals there. It’s nice that she has no issue with visitors, as long as they don’t strengthen the Shroud and
touch her pets.” weaken the ghosts.

Scene 2: The Haunted Thief

Permutations for his domain?! He will not be

swindled and pressured like that.
to Robert, he will pretend to
having never seen it in his life,
▶▶ A Hecata or another ▶▶ If the coterie returns to reveal as little as possible, but
necromancer may pique Robert’s Robert after figuring out most attempt to buy this “shiny
interest if they offer to put a of the plot, and expresses bauble” from the coterie. As
stop to Little Eli or even all their support for Alexander, Robert recognises it’s the same
hauntings. Though Alexander’s Robert congratulates them. He key he used to free Alexander,
offer “for freeing me, I’ll solve it might arrange a meeting with he will, at his convenience, give
at no cost” is hard to beat, if the Alexander if they so desire (or it back to the Tremere to earn a
coterie manages to prove they may tell them that Alexander little more of his favor.
are more useful allies than an has just left for the city center –
elder Tremere, Robert might be proceed to Scene 6). If they
persuaded. provide information Robert WHAT’S NEXT?
▶▶ Solving the haunting without didn’t know he’ll feel grateful ■■ Should the coterie bribe
asking and demanding payment and might agree to do a minor Robert (money is more
afterwards earn nothing but favor in return. than welcome), bring the
disdain from Robert. The ▶▶ If the coterie brings the Dusk components he requests or
audacity! Have they no respect Key of Giltinė from Scene 5 otherwise get on his good
side, he may share the news
about Alexander’s return
Robert’s Backstory and his own part in it. If
the characters express their
The Undesirable haven for valuables. He found a support for Alexander,
A struggling man in a dead-end large collection of seemingly magical Robert commends them
job in life, Robert was disillusioned artifacts Ludwig had “confiscated” for making a wise decision.
with honest hard work, and the from Penelope after Alexander’s Should they let him know
Embrace changed nothing. The disappearance. As selling these they are going to try and stop
constant derision from the Court in items to the locals would have been the Tremere, Robert pretends
a bustling city eventually drove him too risky, the Nosferatu found to agree with them, tries to
to look for a better (and preferably, buyers – maybe Kindred, maybe get as much information on
more lucrative) unlife elsewhere. not – outside of town. Soon, their plan as possible, and
About 10 years ago, Robert though, he realized he needed to warns Alexander about it.
settled in this town. Ludwig, the have these items appraised with the ■■ After visiting Robert, the
Baron at the time, begrudgingly powers of Auspex. coterie may go and see
allowed the Sewer Rat to stay and Valent (Scene 3) if they
feed in the nearly-deserted and Freeing Alexander haven’t already. If they have,
supposedly haunted cemetery. Robert took the items to they might be interested
Robert, however, managed Valent, and got a cryptic advice in the Birchwood (Scene
to arrange for the modern regarding the strange wooden 5). They may also decide to
crematorium to be built, and made key: “This is the key to stopping see Penelope (Scene 4) or
quite a profit from the Kindred the haunting. Touch it to a birch report their progress back
looking for a convenient way to tree and the solution will fall out”. to Anna. If you feel the
get rid of a corpse after a careless The Nosferatu took the key to investigation is finished at
feeding. Robert also has a side Elizabeth’s woods, and eventually this point, have them run
income swapping the valuables on managed to find the one tree where straight into Alexander’s
the dearly deceased with cheap Alexander was trapped. After final ritual (Scene 6);
replicas or just robbing the graves. the elder Tremere sated his two- otherwise, present the town
decades-worth thirst, he agreed center even bleakier, roleplay
Robbing the Baron to help Robert with his ghost Anna as even more tense and
After the old Baron got himself problem. It’s just that Alexander paranoid, and order them to
destroyed by the Lupines, Robert wants to teach Anna a little lesson continue with the case.
took the opportunity to search his first, and so Robert waits.

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Scene 3: The
Tapestry Weaver
he coterie takes a short trip to an old sawmill remade into an art
commune looking for the Malkavian Valent. They are met with STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
lively atmosphere and joyful mortals playing pranks on them. THE SCENE:
While Valent clearly prefers his work to conversation, he treats ■■ Give the players a light-hearted
the coterie surprisingly kindly and gives them answers to most questions intermission from the solemn
they can think of. atmosphere of the investigation.
The former sawmill yard is full of people, even at this hour. They gather around ■■ Reveal that Valent had directed
braziers, tables improvised from wooden boxes, and various creators working on Robert to the Birchwood a few
their newest ideas. Sparks fly as a girl with pink hair in a messy bun and a welder’s weeks ago.
mask cuts sheets of steel. You pass a teenage boy who just found an empty spot on ■■ Set low Difficulties and provide
the wall and is now shaking cans of graffiti paint, ready to unleash his vision onto information freely: this is a
the grey surface. low-risk, undemanding scene.
Keywords: vibrant, artistic, exuberant.

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Starting the scene

“I am Valent!” devised a game: whenever someone Seek and Find
The mortals gathered around asks where to find a specific person, Instead to playing the social
the yard are generally friendly and everyone answers “That’s me!”. Thus, game, the characters may attempt
approachable, and since Valent is when inquired where to find Valent, to send a tracking animal,
nowhere to be seen (nor are there the first person asked responds with investigate for clues or even
any ghouls or other supernatural “I am Valent”. The next person then call for a Premonition to find
creatures), the coterie must figure interrupts: “Don’t listen to her, I am Valent – in these cases, hint that
out a way to find the Malkavian. Valent, how can I help?”. None of the Malkavian is inside, on the
these people believe themselves to second floor. If the coterie heads
The Inside Joke be Valent, and some might not even straight for the building and start
Unbeknownst to the newcomers, know him. The joke continues until opening every door in the hallway,
denizens of the commune have the locals realize that the coterie have them stumble on the party
is not having fun anymore, after (see below) and several more
which they helpfully direct them studios and/or living spaces before
to Valent’s workshop on the second they open the door to Valent’s
The Sawmill Art Center
floor in one of the buildings. workroom.
Shroud density: Thick
Noisy: chatter, cutting metal, chiseling
wood, music
-1 die on hearing rolls
Crisp air, vibrant atmosphere
Closed sawmill remade into an art
Feeding Difficulty: 3
Typical resonance: Sanguine,
occasional Phlegmatic
Young artists, craftsmen, their friends
and admirers.
High chance of finding intoxicated
Former sawmill yard What else to do
Large, open area surrounded by low
buildings Investigating Occult roll further tells it was
Sculptures and installations Researching about the Sawmill created with Blood Sorcery. If
in-progress, graffiti on the walls Art Commune takes little effort asked, Monica can tell that Valent
Sounds of chatter and indie music as there has been several art shows gifted her the necklace a week or
Sense the Unseen and Wits + and performances covered by fringe two ago for her birthday.
Awareness vs 3: a blonde girl is wearing news sites. Valent poses himself as ■■ Monica has no knowledge of
an enchanted amber necklace. a simple textile artist, he’s seen in a the Masquerade or that the
Intelligence + Occult vs 3: the photo or two, next to his tapestries. necklace is supernatural in any
necklace is a product of an unknown Several members of the Commune way. After talking with Monica
Blood Sorcery ritual.
have had trouble with the law for a longer time, a Resolve +
Valent’s workshop for illicit substances and public Medicine roll vs 4 can be made
Long spacious room, large loom in the misdemeanor. to discern she seems a little
middle Monica, a quiet blonde girl in anemic.
Table and shelves with spools of yarn, round glasses, is wearing an amber ■■ The necklace is Ambers of
scissors, and other tools necklace that Sense the Unseen Jūratė – an artifact that speeds
Dry air, sweet, earthy scent would recognise as an artifact; up the wearer’s natural healing
3 successes on an Intelligence + when in sunlight (p. 51).

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Feeding and asks where you got your teeth

sharpened like that. You coily offer her WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING:
While finding a hapless victim
looking for a good time is fairly to see if they feel as cool as they look. ■■ Valent’s tapestry depicts
easy here, luring them into a Alexander performing the Sow
more private spot may pose some The Party Woodwick ritual on Elizabeth’s
difficulties. Thus, those looking Following the sounds of party domain.
for opportunities to feed are wise music, the coterie may end up in ■■ The items that Robert brought
to choose seduction or spin some one of the studios where a massive to Valent had originally been
fascinating lie to slake their Thirst party is held. The studio is lit by Alexander's – forcibly taken
and remain unseen. The Difficulty makeshift disco lights and the from Penelope by the late
sound is deafening. Most partygoers Baron Ludwig after Alexander’s
to feed here is 3. Potential
are intoxicated and enthusiastically disappearance.
consequences for the failed roll
include being mistaken for a sexual welcome the newcomers. Several ■■ The “key to solving the ghost
predator, and being filmed – with are “making an abstract art piece” problem” is a Dusk Key of
the footage later used in an indie by pouring paint on a bedsheet- Giltinė (p. 51), and Robert freed
sized-canvas and spreading it with Alexander by touching it to a
movie or music video.
any instrument they get their hands tree in Elizabeth’s domain.
You join a small group of smokers,
taking part in their small talk and sizing on: paint rollers, gloves, car keys,
a potential victim. The tall, plump girl broom bristles. ■■ The drinker gains 3 dice to their
is mesmerized by your stories, listening While talking is all but next Insight or Investigation
even as her friends finish their cigarettes impossible, feeding here is only roll as their mind makes
and leave one by one. You get a feeling Difficulty 2, and the Kindred are borderline insane leaps of logic,
there’s more than nicotine running likely to get both affected by an and also suffers from a -1 die
through her veins, and your Beast improbable cocktail of drugs and penalty to all Wits pools for the
quivers with anticipation. She giggles score a Dyscrasia. rest of the night.

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Meeting Valent mid-forties. His messy hair and purple

shawl draped over a well-worn shirt
honestly but briefly, and will only
look at the characters if he must –
give an immediate impression of an e.g. if he believes that will make
The long, spacious workroom is well-lit artist more concerned with his art their visit shorter. He will not talk
by the numerous ceiling lamps with than his own appearance. His hands unless talked to.
reflectors and exposed lightbulbs. The dance around the emerging tapestry, ■■ It’s very nice to meet you, but
air is dry and carries a peculiar sweet and when he moves to pick up scissors please, just state your business
and musty aroma. A large weaving from the table, he dashes back and and leave me be.
loom, displaying a partly-completed forth like a shuttle. Soon enough you
tapestry, stands in the center. The ■■ I didn’t Dominate Anna or do
get the feeling that in spite of his cordial
shelves along the wall are packed with anything of sorts. I never was
manner, he is not truly concerned with
colorful spools of thread, while various at that charity ball. I’ve been to
anything other than weaving.
weaving tools rest on a large table. too many of those. They distract
Keywords: gracious, absorbed, me from my work.
Keywords: dry, snug, diligent, miles away, affable.
craftwork. ■■ If you’re working for Anna,
could you please tell her to leave
The man working on the standing Key points: me alone? She keeps asking me
tapestry loom appears to be in his what this or that businessman is
When the coterie enters the studio,
feeling, what’s the best financial
Valent is concentrated on his work
strategy for her to take… I don’t
and greets them without turning
VALENT, THE WEAVER mind doing an odd favor or two
around. He will answer questions
Stats but it’s getting too much.
General Difficulties: 4/3
Malkavian, 12th generation,
Blood Potency 2
Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity,
Dominate, Obfuscate
Looks: bohemian, middle-aged, blank
Intelligence + Insight vs 3: Valent
perceives nearly everything and
would prefer not to.
Sense the Unseen detects a
hazelnut in Valent’s pocket as
enchanted; Intelligence + Occult vs
3 identifies it as a product of Blood
Sorcery (see sidebar p. 42).
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: kind but detached; short,
succinct sentences
Main motivation: finish the tapestry
Dislikes: disruptions to his work;
damage to art or artists
Things to do as Valent:
Answer their questions and agree to
do a minor favor if asked.
Resume weaving while the characters
are talking to you (use props or
gestures to portray this).
Respond to what you believe the
coterie wants to know rather than
what they ask.

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Additional questions the players could ask:

Do you know anything about him. He has recently brought me Would you happen to have
Alexander? some mystical objects to identify. any thread spun from gray
He is an elder Tremere. I told him that one of them would human hair?
Penelope is his childe, and Anna unlock the solution to his problem. Yes.
was his blood-bound mentee. Anna How? It was a wooden key, it ■■ Valent may simply hand a
asked me some twenty years ago to had to be touched to the birch tree spool of silvery thread to
break the bond and I did. it was made of. He thanked me the coterie without a cost;
■■ Valent is telling the truth: he is and left. if they offer to repay him or
the descendant of Vasantasena Where Robert get those items? have been too annoying up to
(Corebook p. 399) and possesses this point, Valent asks them
I didn’t ask. He left me a couple
the ability to break blood to replace a few burned out
of them as payment for my help.
bonds. lightbulbs. There is no ladder
■■ One such item is Hortus
in the studio. The coterie may
Why have you and Anna fallen Projectilis, the hazelnut in
borrow one from the denizens
apart? Valent’s pocket. It causes
of the commune (Charisma +
She wants a replacement mentor weeds to sprout and entangle
Persuasion vs 2), improvise a
now that Alexander is gone. I opponents when thrown on
platform from boxes and barrels
understand that, she’s still young. I the ground. Valent could be
(Intelligence + Crafts vs 3) or
just… can’t be that mentor. I have a convinced to give it away if
devise another way to reach the
tapestry to finish. someone else needed it more.
■■ The second one is Monica’s
Does Robert have any reasons amber necklace. Valent enjoys What are you working on?
to play tricks on Anna? feeding from that girl and gave I saw this image in my mind,
Robert has ghosts in his her the necklace to discreetly so I’m making a tapestry of it. I
domain. That’s what matters to ease her anemia. don’t know who these people are.
I’ve been at it for nearly a year. I
guess it would be easier if I wasn’t
interrupted by every Kindred in
the town asking for this or that
Public: “I’m tired of her asking me for favors. Can’t someone else help her?” ■■ The painting behind the
Honest: “Too young to be independent from her elders. There’s a void in her soul loom that Valent is using as
that only a good mentor could fill. But that won’t be me.” a reference as he’s weaving
Alexander depicts a tall dark-haired man
Public: “A typical Tremere – hierarchical, private, engrossed in mystical with bloody hands raised to
shenanigans”. the sky, and a woman wearing
Honest: “An alright neighbor though stubborn and stern at times.” an antique dress and a crown
Penelope of thorns. They are surrounded
Public: “Still haven’t found her place in the night.”
by birch trees and various
animals. If the coterie knows
Honest: “Poor kid. A victim of circumstance, stuck in her past with no clue on how
to move on. I feel for her somewhat but not enough to do anything about it.”
the description of Alexander
and Elizabeth, or have heard
that Alexander has enchanted
Public: “A practical and reasonable Kindred.” her woods, they recognize the
Honest: “Straightforward. Down-to-earth. Pleasure doing business with, gets to Kindred in the painting.
the point.”
Elizabeth Isn’t this Alexander and
Public: “Mature and impressive.”
Oh. Yes, I suppose, there is some
Honest: “Truest lady of the land.”

Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver

Permutations through Valent: the already

finished tapestries may depict
concerning the coterie’s other
troubles: a Touchstone in
▶▶ If this scenario is a part of a important past or future events, danger, an Adversary making a
larger chronicle, you may want items, and people. Valent move, a Dark Secret revealed.
to drop hints to future plots may also get a flash of insight ▶▶ If the coterie shows Valent the
Dusk Key of Giltinė they may
have found in Scene 5, Valent
confirms this is the same key
he talked to Robert about. The
Key has served its purpose, the
Malkavian says, but it could still
be of use to its creator.
▶▶ If the coterie informs
Valent that Alexander is
back, he shrugs it off as an
inconsequential matter. Valent
is sure (his confidence is backed
by his stellar Auspex) that
Alexander means no harm
to him, even though Valent
breaking the Blood Bonds had
set the current troubles in

■■ Out of sight, out of mind:
Valent’s Backstory as soon as the coterie leaves
Valent’s studio, he will
An Insipid Craftsman was to copy what he was seeing in engross himself in weaving
The Kindred currently known his mind onto a canvas. Terrified the the tapestry and more or
as Valent (he doesn’t use his birth inspiration wouldn’t last, he dove less forget about them or the
name anymore) was a skillful into weaving tapestry after tapestry sorcerous going-ons in the
craftsman in life. He could copy like his unlife depended on it. town.
any painting, he could examine a ■■ If the coterie hasn’t visited
sculpture and replicate it, he would Do Not Disturb Robert yet, they may try to
draw photorealistic portraits with Decades passed without the find him in the cemetery
photo references – but he simply weaver noticing it. Consumed district (Scene 2), or, if
couldn’t think of any new idea, and by his work, he was out-of-touch Valent told them how
all his works seemed like they had with the insidiousness of vampiric he sent Robert into the
been done before. The man had to Courts and the Beast had damaged Birchwood, they may go
accept he was doomed to soulless him little. As the other Kindred in there and possibly encounter
mediocrity. But the Embrace a tumultuous Anarch city noticed Elizabeth (Scene 5). If they
changed everything. Valent’s proficiency in Auspex and have met Robert already,
his somewhat naive nature, they consider having them run
Eyes Wide Open kept pulling him into plots and into Penelope (Scene 4) now:
As his sire’s Blood first touched intrigues. So he left. In search of a have her watch or even follow
his lips, Valent started seeing visions: quiet place to work, he arrived in their car as they come back
clear, brimming with soul and never this town and remade the closed into the town.
expressed before. All he had to do sawmill into an art commune.

Scene 4: The Fortune Teller

Scene 4: The
Fortune Teller
his scene is about the coterie encountering Penelope, childe of
Alexander, who was a year-old fledgling when he disappeared STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
and is a barely-coping neonate now. Penelope has noticed the THE SCENE:
signs of Moldwick forming in Anna’s domain and doesn’t know ■■ Present the concept of Wicks:
what to make of it. The sorcery is new, this coterie is new – could there be a enchanted lands created by
connection? She also knows quite a lot about her sire’s disappearance but is powerful Kindred sorcerers.
too paranoid to share it outright. ■■ Contrast the bells and whistles
The sign on the door reads “The Third Eye”. You pass a bead curtain to enter the in Penelope’s shop and
shop which looks precisely how one would imagine an occult shop to look. The small appearance with her lack of
space is crammed full of counters and shelves littered with colorful stones, tiny supernatural knowledge.
sculptures, windchimes, jewelry and decks of cards. The air smells of incense, and
the sound of gongs is coming from a speaker in a lotus-shaped candle holder. A stack
of leaflets rests on the counter, reading “True Magic tips for beginners”. A heavy
purple curtain separates the fortune telling room from the shop.
Inside the shop
Keywords: mystical, ostentatious, dazzle.
Stereotypical occult shop, eclectic,
Nothing is truly supernatural except
for Penelope herself
Starting the scene
Visiting the shop in town” and leaves the shop, them to visit her shop to talk
The coterie may decide to leaving the coterie alone with further; you may as well run this
visit Penelope on their own. Penelope. scene in a bar or another suitable
Anna or Robert could tell them locale.
the address, though “The Third Being followed
Eye” is likely the only fortune If the coterie lingers around Invitation
telling salon in the town. When Anna’s domain for some time e.g. If the above options are not
the coterie enters, a sign on the hunting or investigating, Penelope viable, Anna informs Penelope of
purple curtain reads “Please do may spot them and try to follow some new Kindred in her domain;
not disturb the seance”. Should the them. The Difficulty to spot after that, Penelope contacts the
coterie peek or listen in, Penelope her stealth attempts is 3. When coterie inviting them to her shop
is telling a client her fortune confronted, she will explain she to talk. In this case, she will open
and discreetly feeding. In a few was following the coterie because with expressing concern over the
minutes, they hear a commanding “they seem to be new”, and inquire sorcerous happenings in Anna’s
voice “Forget!” and a middle-aged if they have noticed the signs of domain and since the coterie is
lady walks out slowly. In a weak mold and depression around the “on Anna’s side, aren’t you?” she
voice, she speaks a few words of domain. If this conversation takes will suggest investigating this
praise for “the best fortune teller place in the street, she will invite mystery to help her.

Scene 4: The Fortune Teller

Meeting Penelope Penelope invites the coterie into

her fortune-telling room to sit in
Kindred who made the Wick –
can draw benefits from it. It
crimson armchairs and talk. She takes a very powerful sorcerer to
The woman in a blue headscarf looks scans them with Sense the Unseen, create one.
exactly how one would imagine a (looking for signs of Blood Sorcery ■■ I have noticed a Wick forming
fortune teller to look: eclectic pendants, or anything unusual) and begins the in Anna’s domain. Do you know
bracelets and rings with runes and conversation about Wicks. anything about it? Could you
various symbols, subtle smoky make-
find out?
up, soft melodic voice. She walks Key points:
slowly and gracefully, every well- ■■ My late sire Alexander could
rehearsed gesture hinting at supposed ■■ There are special enchanted create Wicks. If there is one
otherworldly wisdom. A bright red lands called Wicks. A certain forming now, does that mean
stone hangs on her chest, and she aspect of nature is strengthened there is a new powerful sorcerer
absent-mindedly fiddles with it as she’s there, and the Warden – the in town?
Keywords: vague, mysterious,


General Difficulties: 3/2
Tremere, 9th generation, Blood
Potency 2
Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate,
Looks: stereotypical diviner, cryptic
Intelligence + Occult vs 4: the
red stone pendant on her chest is a
discharged Bloodstone (Corebook
p. 276). The Difficulty is only 2 if the
character knows the ritual.
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: secretive, hesitant
Main motivation: be a true Tremere
Dislikes: doubting her occult
knowledge, pointing out she knows
no Blood Sorcery
Things to do as Penelope:
Play a victim, feign ignorance, fake
supernatural insight, be the wise
woman: use any tactic to get the
information you need and keep
yourself safe.
Give a cryptic answer to a question
you don’t want to answer, such as
“There are complicated mystical
factors to consider”.
Tell them what they expect to hear.

Scene 4: The Fortune Teller

Additional questions the players could ask:

What happened to your sire about respecting her sire are Tell us more about the Wicks.
Alexander? genuine. Alexander had made one around
He met Final Death twenty How did Anna feel about his haven – well, our haven, I stayed
years ago. Well, I didn’t see Alexander? with him after the Embrace. As far
his destruction, he just went as I know, he had also made one for
We were like sisters back then.
missing… I was a year-old fledgling Elizabeth. Ours was a Clagwick, a
Well, first we were both Blood
back then. Then Ludwig – the confusing maze for strangers that
Bound to him, and later not. Valent
Baron back then – confiscated kept our haven safe. However, if the
had broken those bonds – I’m not
Alexander’s amulets and artifacts, Warden leaves his Wick for a longer
sure why… but he’s a bit out there,
so all I have are fond memories. time, the sorcery that feeds the
you see.
Wick dissipates.
Did you have anything to do We’re not close with Anna
Alexander turned Elizabeth’s
with his death? anymore. I suppose we just have
domain into a Woodwick: he was
No! Of course not! He was a very little in common.
such an advanced sorcerer that he
great sire and I miss him dearly. ■■ Penelope is intentionally not
could even transfer the Wardenship
■■ Scrying Penelope’s soul or answering the question – she
from himself to her.
scoring 3 successes on is hesitant to reveal Anna’s
The one currently forming
Wits + Insight roll reveals betrayal. After all, she resides
might be a Moldwick: it turns every
she is lying about having no in Anna’s domain, and has just
resident but the creator lethargic;
involvement but her words met this coterie.
also, structures crumble faster. But
I don’t know. A sorcerer powerful
enough to perform these rituals is
PENELOPE’S OPINION ON: likely clever enough to create new
Anna variations.
Public: “She’s the Baron. We don’t interact much, for… no reason.”
Could we stay in your domain
Honest: “I lost my sire because of her and I’ll never forgive her.” and feed here?
Wits + Insight vs 3: Penelope is concealing her fearful contempt for Anna.
This is Anna’s domain, I reside
Alexander here by her grace. It is not my place
Public: “He was a great mentor and I remember him warmly.” to grant such permissions.
Honest: “I’ll never be able to forgive myself for disappointing him.”
Simply asking Penelope kindly is enough to get her to admit how much she
misses her sire.
Public: “He’s a merchant, and resides in the cemetery district. Deals in both ■■ Following Alexander’s
mundane and more exotic goods, and also information. He has a bad reputation instructions, Penelope helped
for having deft hands but he’s no worse than any Kindred, really.” Anna to trap him in a tree and
Honest: “I’d gladly be his client if I could afford it. I asked him about procuring was going to release him after
some… manuals of Blood Sorcery. He told me his asking price… not in this century.” a few weeks.

Valent ■■ Penelope would gladly see

Public: “He’s an artist who keeps himself surrounded by like-minded mortals. He Anna’s downfall so she hopes
has a kind heart, quite unusual for one of us.” to align with whoever is
creating the Wick in Anna’s
Honest: “I know a master of Auspex when I see one. He even taught me a little
when Alexander disappeared.”
Elizabeth ■■ Alexander hasn’t contacted
Penelope since Robert released
Public: “I don’t know her personally. The fates have revealed to me I shouldn’t
cross her; I advise the same to you.” him. He is not sure if his
childe didn’t follow his
Honest: “She’s the oldest in this town. She doesn’t look powerful but my sire put
instructions out of malice
significant effort into getting in her good graces – likely for a reason.”
or incompetence.

Scene 4: The Fortune Teller

Permutations such initiative from the coterie

would absolutely change her
She was never initiated and
Blood Bound to the Pyramid,
▶▶ While Penelope is distrustful, disposition towards them. never heard of the Fall of
offering to teach her Blood ▶▶ If a player character displays Vienna, and doesn’t even know
Sorcery or helping her join hatred towards the Clan that she can’t create Blood
with the other Tremere is one Tremere or calls her a Usurper, Bonds on Kindred.
weak spot that could break Penelope is more confused than ▶▶ If the coterie finds the Dusk
through both her paranoia upset. She knows very little of Key of Giltinė in the Birchwood
and her loyalty to Alexander. her clan’s history, reputation, or (Scene 5) and shows it to
She will be cautious still, but their qualms with other clans. Penelope, her eyes widen – she
recognises it immediately. She
will attempt to take the key
and try to release Alexander
herself – or get the coterie to
do it – while revealing as little
of the truth as possible. Only if
the coterie convinces her they
are on Alexander’s side will she
explain more.

■■ The coterie may visit Valent
(Scene 3) or Robert (Scene 2)
if they haven’t already. If they
Penelope’s Backstory return to Anna, and have
a strong working theory of
The Happy Embrace and obediently followed his plan to what is actually happening,
A young woman with a “teach the rebellious girl a lesson”. have them run into the
penchant for the occult met a dark However, then-Baron Ludwig final confrontation with
stranger with a terrible secret. Such disrupted the elaborate plot by Alexander (Scene 6).
was Penelope’s Embrace. Elated to taking the key amulet from her by ■■ If the coterie has pieced
learn that magic was indeed real force. together at this point that
she was eager to learn everything Alexander is back and hints
she could from her sire. Alexander, Scraping By about this to Penelope, she
however, thought what his childe If there was one thing a year-old will try to find him. As
needed the most was patience and fledgling Penelope had learnt from soon as the encounter with
discipline, and so delayed her Blood her sire, it was to keep secrets. And the coterie is over, she will
Sorcery lessons until she got more so she kept it all to herself: that it run towards whatever clue
experience under her belt. was Anna who trapped Alexander, they gave her; if they gave
that he was not truly gone, just none, she will travel to the
Unbound imprisoned, and the details on how Birchwood where her sire was
As Penelope spent her nights he could be released. With no Blood trapped and search for clues
under her sire’s wing, so did Anna, Sorcery knowledge and no one to there.
and the two Kindred saw each turn to for help, there was little she ■■ While Penelope is paranoid
other as sisters. When Anna got could offer the Kindred in town she still believes Alexander
Valent to break Alexander’s Blood to raise her status. She eventually will forgive her and take
Bonds on them both, Penelope’s managed to build some sort of her back, and so she will do
feelings for her sire changed little: life for herself, posing as a fortune anything to earn his trust.
she still saw him as a wise mentor, teller and feeding from her clients.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

Scene 5:
The Birchwood
and its Warden

he coterie visits Birchwood, an overgrown manor garden. They
may search for clues physically, analyze the sorcery enriching the STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
land, or talk to the Kindred whose domain it is. Elizabeth, the THE SCENE:
recluse Tzimisce, probably knows even less about the current ■■ Leave no doubt the birchwood
events than the player characters do. is enchanted.
The woods look straight out of a fairytale: dense birch trees in their fall garb, shades ■■ Portray Elizabeth as detached,
of gold and fading green. Soft mounds of moss and grass are peppered with red uninvolved, and powerful
berries and glistening mushrooms. In a blink-and-you-miss it moment, a graying enough to remain neutral.
hare zooms past in the distance. Only traces of a palace garden remain: a crumbling ■■ Look out for opportunities
stone bridge over a greening stream, an overgrown gravel path, a sprawling tangle to reveal the recent events
of wild roses. The chirrs of cicadas and trills of nightingales trump over the distant regarding Alexander through
sounds of the town. investigation.
Keywords: thriving, vibrant, wondrous, untamed.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

Starting the scene

The vines and the elements have taken various small animals to keep an more people down on their luck,
their toll but the majestic shape of the eye on them. Thus, in order to often spend the nights in the
old manor is still visible. The windows speak to her, the coterie must find crumbling manor. They sometimes
are all long gone, and the doors are her first. pick berries, mushrooms and nuts
leaned against the walls, barely to sell in the town. If asked about
covering the entrance. Some rooms The Homeless anything supernatural, they readily
inside are dry, however, and while the If the coterie follows the road tell that the manor is haunted
place carries a soft stench of human that leads from the town, it turns by “The Green Lady”. The men
waste and alcohol, it is relatively clean, into an overgrown gravel path and have deep respect for this “ghost”,
and has an unusually cosy atmosphere. eventually takes them to the ruins and follow her rules: no hunting
Keywords: dilapidated, overgrown, of the old manor. Inside the old animals, no cutting down trees.
shelter, drafty. manor, in the driest room, there are Neither Lance nor Pete have ever
two men in ragged clothes hunched talked to her but have seen her a
over a fire in a metal trash can. few times from a distance. To find
Finding Elizabeth These are Lance and Pete, homeless her, they advise just taking a walk
The instant the coterie enters men taking shelter in the manor. in the woods and she will “make
the woods, Elizabeth senses that ■■ Approaching the open fire calls herself seen if she wants to”.
a group of Kindred have crossed for a Fear Frenzy check versus a
the border into her domain but difficulty of 2. Feeding or fighting
has little incentive to come and
General Difficulties: 3/2. While overpowering these two
greet them. Instead, she commands
mortals or luring them away to
The Legend feed shouldn’t pose a challenge to
FIRST LOOK Lance and Pete are cautious the coterie, Elizabeth’s little spies
Birchwood but relatively easy to befriend immediately inform her of the
(social rolls are at Difficulty 3, 2 happening, and she comes running
Shroud density: Thick
if bribed with money, alcohol or to give the coterie hell for harming
Shapeshifters are forced into their
animal form upon entering.
tobacco). They, along with several her “pets”.
Fresh, fragrant air after rain, wet grass.
Abundant forest animals, berries,
Signs of overgrown garden: a wild
plum tree, a crumbled fountain.
Sense the Unseen: the entire woods
are enchanted with Blood Sorcery; an
Intelligence + Occult roll vs 4 reveals
the sorcery is very similar to that
afflicting Anna’s domain.
Feeding Difficulty: 2
Typical resonance: Animal Resonance
Several homeless people.
Docile and curious wild animals.
Manor ruins
Once majestic, now crumbling
Intelligence + Streetwise vs 3: signs
of human life, someone is taking
shelter here.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

What else to do
Searching for clues A critical success also identifies her name. Have them come up with
If the coterie searches the woods the particular tree that the key a plan and try it, though if they
for supernatural clues (Sense the was made of (and allows leaving keep failing the rolls (Difficulties
Unseen reveals an active Blood its trunk if trapped inside), and are 3 or 4, depending on their
Sorcery effect over the entire area), may also hint that the key and the approach), the local wildlife
4 successes on a Resolve + Survival land were enchanted by the same notices the effort and informs their
or Investigation roll are required sorcerer. mistress, and Elizabeth comes to
to find a strange wooden key lying If the coterie takes the key and talk to the coterie eventually.
in the damp grass, decorated with shows it to Penelope, Robert, or
a setting sun motive (p. 51). Further Valent, they immediately recognise Feeding
analysis of the object could reveal it (see the Permutations in their Feeding on the animals in
that: it is made of birch wood; respective scenes for reactions). the woods is Difficulty 3 on a
judging by its rigidity, it was kept Resolve + Survival (if stalking) or
in a warm, dry place for at least Looking for Elizabeth Manipulation + Animal Ken (if
several years but for the last month The coterie may take Pete luring an animal with food) roll.
or so was exposed to the elements; and Lance’s advise to look for the The beast’s blood is surprisingly
also, it was made from an older “Green Lady”, or may decide to nourishing, slaking one additional
tree, not a sapling (Crafts). It is an look for her on their own. The Hunger regardless of the feeding
artifact created with Blood Sorcery; characters may attempt to track Kindred’s Blood Potency. However,
it allows the bearer to escape from her with Wits + Survival, send their the other animals immediately
some space, and it is a part of a set: own pets or ask the wild animals report this to Elizabeth, who rushes
likely, the second one should allow for help (Manipulation + Animal to put a stop to the poaching on
to enter that same space (Occult). Ken), or just run around shouting her domain.


■■ Elizabeth had an amicable but
not very close relationship
with Alexander before his
disappearance, mostly because
of his continuous efforts to
befriend her.
■■ Elizabeth’s thorny crown is
an old gift from Alexander –
a Crown of Fall (p. 51), allowing
her to use the Daunt power.
She sometimes frightens the
homeless so they keep their
respectful distance from her.
■■ Robert came to the birchwood
about two months ago,
carrying a Dusk Key of Giltinė
and freed Alexander. Elizabeth
has spotted Robert touching
trees but not the rescue.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

Meeting Elizabeth (that is, haven't caused harm

to her domain), she graciously
the trees. The arrowwoods are
bearing fruit now, it’s the most
welcomes them and inquires pleasant sight to behold.
The lady appears ageless though she about the reason for their visit. ■■ You may stay as long as you like.
was likely Embraced in her 30s. Her Otherwise, Elizabeth will express Just please refrain from nibbling
green dress must have been fashionable how displeased she is and demand on my pets. But feel free to pick
two centuries ago – and judging from they leave if they can’t behave. An a flower for your lapel, or offer
its tattered hem and fading color, it honest apology (Manipulation + a treat to the roe deer.
likely is that old. The lady carries Etiquette vs 3 to feign it) is enough
herself like royalty but looks like a ■■ If the coterie brought any
to return to her good graces.
forest hag, with a crown of thorny animals, such as a famulus,
■■ This is my domain, yes. It’s Elizabeth smiles and talks
branches on her head, bare feet yet
gorgeous and enchanting, at them, happy to see such
sauntering steps, and pompous words in
don’t you think? Please, enjoy beautiful creatures.
a raspy voice.
yourselves, take a walk among
Keywords: bygone, impoverished,
regal, aloof.

Key points:
If the coterie hasn't angered
Elizabeth in trying to find her


General Difficulties: 5/3
Tzimisce, 9th generation, Blood
Potency 4
Disciplines: Animalism, Blood Sorcery,
Dominate, Obfuscate, Protean
Looks: tattered fine dress, crown of
Sense the Unseen: the crown is
enchanted with Blood Sorcery and
simulates a Presence effect.
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: courtly, aloof, dignified
Main motivation: look after her
Dislikes: others feeding on her pets
(animals and the homeless), damage
to the woods
Things to do as Elizabeth:
Treat the coterie’s questions as small
talk: appear polite and cordial but
keep emotional distance.
Gush about your domain, and how
pleased you are that the coterie
enjoys it as well
If your domain or pets are harmed or
threatened: intimidate first, loose the
animals on the enemy if that fails.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

Additional questions the players could ask:

Did you know Alexander? He’s a very considerate gentleman – fondling the trees. To each his own?
Did know? I do know him. He surprising, for a Tremere. Yes, the I didn’t disturb him – I suppose he
hasn’t visited in a while, what a woods and the land are thriving deserved the privacy in… whatever
pity… Must be preoccupied with thanks to his sorcery. It was he was doing.
all the arcane studies. Oh, he’s no wonderful before, of course, but his
Anna says someone is playing
more? That’s such unfortunate bloodwork really brought out the
tricks on her, she’s seeing things.
news. I wonder when I last talked essence of this land.
She’s a busy little neonate.
to him – must have been some years Are you alone here? Do other Perhaps all the responsibilities are
ago. He even shared he was going to Kindred visit your woods? too much for her young soul to bear?
Embrace, ah, a pity indeed.
Occasionally. The most curious ■■ Elizabeth is being truthful
Is this forest magical? thing happened lately. This… here – she doesn’t know much
Why, it is, courtesy of Alexander. Robert, he came here, walked about what’s happening outside
This crown is his handiwork as well. around, mumbling to himself and of her woods, and cares very
little about it anyway.


We have suspicions Alexander
may be back.
Well then. It would be lovely
Public: She keeps out of my domain. Acceptable.
if he found time to visit an old
Honest: She stewards the town so I don’t have to. neighbor.
We have found this wooden
Public: Fairly decent for a Tremere.
key, do you know anything
Honest: A pleasant company and a generous neighbor. I wonder why he hasn’t about it?
visited in recent years.
What a peculiar find! Keep it, it
will make a beautiful souvenir. Ah,
Public: Who? this land holds so many miracles.
Honest: Alexander may have mentioned he was going to Embrace… could it have The other night I even saw a white
been her?
poppy amongst the red ones.
Public: A peculiar man, I suppose.
Honest: Beneath my consideration. Harmless.
Public: He's a decent chap. Causes no trouble.
Honest: My oldest neighbor. We’re not close but he seems decent.

Permutations a tiny shelter. Feeding on

Elizabeth’s pets is absolutely out
▶▶ Elizabeth would kindly allow of the question, though.
the coterie to stay and spend ▶▶ Perhaps the only way to lure
the days in her Birchwood Elizabeth out of her domain is
though this is of little use if to kidnap an animal or several.
they are unable to sink into the The furious Dragon will then
earth. She wouldn’t want them do everything in her power to
to make drastic changes to the take her property back, flooding
woods, but with a good roll the streets and the skies with
she can be persuaded to allow a beast army with very little
parking a trailer or constructing regard for the Masquerade.

Scene 5: The Birchwood and its Warden

Elizabeth’s Backstory
The Fairytale Beginning little she knew of the greater World
Elizabeth was Embraced at of Darkness, combined with her
least 300 years ago when her minor powerful Blood, had to be enough
noble family owned the manor and to get by.
the surrounding lands. Right after
the Embrace, she had ghouled her The Evergreen Lady ■■ Elizabeth is not motivated
family and servants – at least the Over the years, younger to leave her domain any time
ones she didn’t murder in her first Kindred have come and gone into soon even if she learns that
frenzies – and simply continued the town. Elizabeth welcomed Alexander is back. Unless
on without much ambition to Ludwig, an ambitious Gangrel who the coterie has angered her
explore or meddle in vampiric took over managing the town and greatly, she takes no
politics. Being the dark lady of the the Kindred populace. Elizabeth plot-significant actions after
town suited her well, and the only decided to allow him – after all, they leave.
contact she had with her sire was running the town is the steward’s ■■ It is very likely this is the
through an occasional letter. job. She saw Alexander move penultimate scene in the
into the town. She was wary of game: if the coterie has
The Long Sleep a Tremere but Alexander was a visited most characters
At the end of her neonate lovely company, and eventually and gathered enough
years an unfortunate accident sent offered to enchant Elizabeth’s information, have them run
Elizabeth into torpor. When she birchwood. After seeing the into Alexander’s final ritual
finally rose, she found her ghouls woods thriving and the animals in the town center (Scene 6).
all dead from old age, the manor abundant, Elizabeth was convinced However, especially if they
abandoned, and the gardens this Tremere was… decent. Then have found the Dusk Key
reclaimed by nature. All she had Ludwig met Final Death. Elizabeth of Giltinė, they may want
was the land, and all the land had is dispassionately watching the to visit or revisit Valent,
was her. She tried writing to her Kindred come and go. She remains, Penelope or Robert.
sire but received no answer. What unchanging, as she always had.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

Scene 6:
The Wick Sower
his is the final scene of the scenario. The coterie witnesses Alex-
ander performing the last phase of a massive ritual and turning STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR
the town center into a depressing place of ruin and desolation. THE SCENE:
This is the coterie’s first meeting face-to-face with Alexander: a ■■ Present Alexander as a powerful
chance to get into the elder Tremere’s good graces, or a chance to stop him, Blood sorcerer.
however they decide. ■■ Have the coterie decide if they
The apocalyptic vibe on the town center is obvious now. The buildings, here and try to stop or help him.
there overgrown with weird tiny mushrooms, look like they might crumble any ■■ Finish the scenario with one of
second. The passersby slink around the streets with no regard for the slow cars. The the endings.
damp and sticky wind carries a faint putrid stench. The concrete under your feet is
covered in squishy sludge.
Keywords: crumbling, moldy, bleak.

Town center, Mouldwick
Shroud density: Thin (-1 Difficulty on
Oblivion rolls)
Mending takes 2 Rouse Checks
Powers associated with withering
and decay are at -1 Difficulty
Humid, windy, faint smell of rot.
Modern but worn down buildings.
Grimy windows, fungi on walls, sticky
Sense the Unseen: the entire
territory is affected with Blood Sorcery.
Feeding Difficulty: 3
Typical resonance: Melancholic
Mortals have -1 die to Insight and
Very few people: drowsy, passive, and
burnt out.
Town Square
Flagstones, linden trees.
Windy, air thick with dust.
Ghostly orange streetlight.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

Starting the scene

f the coterie knows of and A tall man with dark hair reaching which requires him to perform a set
searches for Alexander or his shoulders stands in the middle of actions (pick up the dirt, mix it
“the ritual location”, direct of the town square. Several removed with his Blood, send it into the air)
them to the main town flagstones are lying by his feet. As you three times in total. Between those
square. If you want to start this watch, he picks up two handfuls of soil sets of actions, he may act: look over
scene unexpectedly, e.g. when they from the ground, mixes the dirt with the player characters, talk to them
are driving by, have them notice his Blood and sends it billowing into if they initiate (and have anything
thick red smoke above the square. the air. His assured posture indicates he interesting to say), defend against
You might also direct them to this clearly knows what he is doing and is their attacks, or use Disciplines.
scene through Auspex visions, confident that he will not be stopped. Being a powerful sorcerer, he may
daysleep dreams or other means. Alexander is mostly focused on even perform other rituals in the
finishing the Sow Mouldwick ritual, middle of this one.
The Sow
Mouldwick Ritual
The town square, surrounded by bare-
branched linden trees and paved with
flagstones, is empty save for the figure
in the center. Reddish dust swirl in the
air, get in your eyes and mouths when
you try to speak, and stain your clothes.
The streetlamps’ light barely penetrates
the air that is thick with dust and
sorcery. Even without any gifts, you
can easily tell a ritual is taking place.


General Difficulties: 5/4
Tremere, 8th generation, Blood
Potency 4
Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Blood
Sorcery, Animalism, Protean
Looks: thatch of dark hair, tall and
well-built, fur coat and shawls
Roleplay tips
Demeanor: calm, collected
Main motivation: complete the ritual
Dislikes: not getting his way,
Things to do as Alexander:
Focus on the ritual – it is more
important than the coterie’s
Let them know you’ve noticed them
doing / trying something.
The coterie is but an amusing piece
of scenery for you – look away when
they’re no longer interesting.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

■■ Performing Sow Mouldwick If the coterie doesn't interfere,

ritual takes 3 Rouse Checks in Alexander is willing to give
total: you may want to roll them, Penelope another chance – after
or just raise his Hunger by 1 all, her explanation appears sound
after the first and the third set (Robert has told Alexander that he
of actions. found the Dusk Key at Ludwig’s).
■■ It is strongly suggested If the player characters do provide
Alexander automatically some reasons for why Penelope
succeeds the Ritual Roll, unless cannot be trusted, Alexander will
the coterie makes a significant listen to them as well – after all,
or creative effort to hinder he has been trapped for decades,
him – in which case, Alexander who knows what his childe has
fails (and directs his wrath at the been up to?
interlopers). ■■ If it comes to social combat,

■■ Finishing the ritual is important have Penelope roll 7 dice against

to Alexander but he is no fool: the coterie to sway Alexander;
humiliating Anna is not worth both sides have a +3 Willpower
his unlife. If the coterie attacks damage bonus on a success.
him, he defends himself; if they
seem to be a serious threat, he Finding Anna
runs. After all, he might as well If the coterie decided to visit
perform the ritual next month Anna first, or rush to her after
or next year. witnessing Alexander performing
the ritual, they find her collapsed
Penelope’s Plea at her desk in her office. Anna
Unless the coterie brought her is pretty much incapacitated:
along, Penelope also comes rushing she can barely lift her head to
into the town square at around the face the coterie and doesn’t fully
same time as the player characters. comprehend whatever they might
Finally seeing her long-lost sire, she be telling her. Sense the Beast
wants to apologize to him and be his indicates that Anna’s Beast is
apprentice again (that is, unless the passive, as if tranquilized. Though
coterie have earlier convinced her she is at the end of her rope, she still
otherwise). If the coterie attempts to attempts to keep the iron facade.
stop her or engage in conversation, If she is informed that her lethargy
she answers them but is clearly is caused by Alexander’s sorcery,
focused on talking to Alexander. she manages a sentence or two:
“Stop him… at any cost”. Anna is
“I’m sorry! It’s.. it was Ludwig, he got completely at the coterie’s mercy
into the Chantry, he took the Key… at this point, and has no strength
he took everything and I just… just to put up a fight – whatever they
couldn’t do anything. I wasn’t good decide to do with her.
enough to defend it, I’m sorry for failing Since no one is stopping
you. Please, can I have another chance? Alexander from completing the
I would give anything just to study ritual, it succeeds, and a surge of
under you again…” mystical energies sends Anna into
Penelope would then attempt torpor.
to aid Alexander with his ritual
(what she lacks in Blood Sorcery
knowledge, she makes up for in
enthusiasm), or at least defend him
against any interlopers.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

Alexander animates the linden trees
surrounding the town square to grapple
and possibly harm his attackers.
Process: Alexander crushes
three leaves between his slit palms,
muddling the leaves with his Blood.
System: The branches of several
linden trees spring to life. They attempt
to catch and immobilize the targets
first, and crush them afterwards.
Whether dodging them, wringling free
when caught (Dexterity + Athletics),
or cutting or breaking the branches
(Strength + Weaponry or Brawl), the
targets act against Difficulty 5. The
branches have a +3 damage bonus
when crushing or striking.
Alexander may also direct the
plants to perform crude physical tasks
such as pushing objects or breaking
the streetlamps.
The plants remain animated and
under the Alexander’s control for the
entire scene, but he may not take any
other actions during the turns that he
is actively controlling the plants.

Fighting Alexander These sorcerous nutshells, filled
with Alexander’s Blood and poppy
If Alexander is attacked in the attacker appears to be dependant seeds, cause roots and vines to sprout
middle of the ritual, he will defend on Vitae-costly powers. from the ground, entangling everyone
himself. He’ll initially try to stop ■■ Feral Whispers – let out a loud in their vicinity. While they attack
the adversaries without harming friend and foe alike, they can be
caw, summon the surrounding
them too much. These are his thrown as far as the wielder is able to,
crows and send them after the and awakening their power requires
suggested actions: coterie. no Blood Sorcery knowledge, which is
■■ Turn to Penelope, give her why Alexander can hand them to his
If the coterie is relentless and
a handful of nutshells (these allies while he is focusing on the ritual.
the above actions did not stop
are Hortus Projectilis, see Once thrown on the ground,
them, he’ll use Cauldron of Blood
sidebar) and ask her to stop the everyone within 5 meters of the point
(Corebook p. 275) against them, one
interlopers. of impact must make a Dexterity +
by one. The Storyteller decides if he
■■ Commanding them with Athletics test against Difficulty 5 or be
turns the defeated enemies to ashes
Dominate to leave. grappled by animated vines and roots.
or mercifully leaves them in torpor. Grappled victims suffer 2 Superficial
■■ Perform the Auxilium Salix Alexander will not fight to the Health damage for each turn they
ritual (see sidebar): animating death: he will retreat if the fight remain ensnared, and everyone in the
the surrounding linden trees isn’t going in his favor. He may affected area receive a -2 dice penalty
to grasp and immobilize the either slow them down with the to Physical dice pools for the remainder
attackers. above tactics and run, or sink into of the scene.
■■ Extinguish Vitae, in case the the ground with Earth Meld.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

Additional questions the players could ask:

What are you doing? Why? But the mortals! This is their me free. He also updated me on
Years ago I have taken Anna town crumbling! what I missed in my durance. I have
under my wing. I taught her, I Mortals. Right. Yes, they’ll be promised to help with his little
guarded her, I took care of her sad. Is that an issue? ghost problem, in return.
as I would of my own childe. She ■■ Alexander is genuinely
What are you going
decided to repay me by trying uncaring about the lives of to do next?
to kill me. Well, let her feel the the humans and would not
I suppose I’ll rebuild the
consequences of her decision even consider them unless the
chantry and return to sorcery
coterie asked.
What will happen to her? studies. I like this place: the
Oh, she can keep ruling “her” What will happen to Valent? surrounding forests are teeming
domain (Alexander grins). She wants I have no qualms with him. with life, the town is full of bloo..
to rule, doesn’t she? She wants to, Anna would have found a way to people. And the Kindred neighbors
ahem, heroically bear the burden break free from the bond sooner or are alright, too.
of leadership and deal with the later. Now she can think if it was The Clan Tremere has
challenges. I sure don’t mind being worth it. undergone many changes
a challenge. over the past years.
How did you break free?
■■ Alexander is mildly irritated by
With Robert’s help. He had The Pyramid is unraveled? I
this capricious neonate but at
found my key, asked for Valent’s don’t see how that concerns me.
least toying with her alleviates
advice, got the instructions and set The Banu what now? Oh, the
his boredom.
Assamites hate us? That’s their
problem. I’ve never met one.
■■ Alexander is truthful here –
he was never interested in the
ALEXANDER’S OPINION ON: global politics in the slightest
Anna and has no intention to start
Public: A wayward fledgeling who needs a stern talking-to. now.
Honest: The audacity of that girl. I may be patient and merciful but this is her final
Public: Sweet childe of mine. Regrettably, I barely had a chance to know her. I
suppose it’s time to catch up.
Honest: I don’t know what to think – did she betray me, or was she just
Public: I only have positive things to say about him: helpful, competent, has his
wits about him. Why, is there something I should know about him?
Honest: He has already helped me once. Well on his way to becoming a
long-term ally.
Public: He’s a bit erratic at times, sure, but I trust he is a guileless innocent.
Honest: Meddling in my affairs wasn’t nice of him but I won’t hold his lunacies
against him.
Public: I am honored to call her my friend. When I look at her I see what true
nobility is.
Honest: Old, wise, powerful, familiar with sorcery and knows the secrets of the
land. I see her as the closest I could have to a friend.

Scene 6: The Wick Sower

Alexander’s Backstory
An Asset to the Clan The Gilded Cage devised a complicated plan and
Alexander remembers none of Eventually Alexander grew left his chantry and his clan for
his mortal life. He woke up in his weary of being sheltered and shut good. In search of a new home,
sire’s chantry after an experimental in. He was drawn to and would he travelled extensively. He found
Embrace: with no memories of occasionally escape to nature, much the lost fledgling Anna, and took
his past and a tremendous talent to the dismay of his chantry regent. her under his wing. Together they
for Blood Sorcery. He appeared to He also had a penchant for creating had settled in this town. Here,
be a Kindred of the “sleep all day, new rituals – and could not stand Alexander finally could dedicate
study all night” variety – a quality constant directions and opposition himself to what he always loved:
that may have been a relic of his from those who understood sorcery nature magic. His greatest creation
breathing days. The prodigious worse than he did. so far are the Wick Sowing rituals,
childe, the best kept secret of though Alexander is not stopping:
the chantry, was kept away from Small Town Sorcerer given time, he’ll discover even
politics or the greater Kindred Under the pretense of studying greater secrets of the land and
society. in the library, Alexander had Blood.

The End
Alexander Succeeds favorable opinions about the coterie gets a powerful elder Tremere as
If Alexander’s plan succeeds, and may become coterie Mawali. an enemy who might even follow
not much changes in the town Anna, naturally, wishes them ill (if them if they leave town – to teach
except that Anna is no longer the she survives, that is). a lesson to these unruly neonates
Baron: Alexander is content that as well. They also make at least one
his wayward protegee is properly Alexander is Stopped more adversary this way – Robert,
punished, and no Kindred in town If the coterie manages to who not only has lost a potential
recognises her claim anymore. As stop Alexander, the budding ally but also has no easy way to
a de facto most powerful Kindred Mouldwick dissipates in a few stop the haunting in his domain.
in town, Alexander may grant nights, Anna recovers from her Penelope supports her sire and
the coterie a permission to stay sluggishness, and grants the also detests the coterie.
in town, and may be talked into characters the rights to reside and It is possible the coterie
taking one of them as an apprentice feed in her domain. They could defeats Alexander only after he
in Blood Sorcery – though he will negotiate for a position of her completes the ritual – in that case,
be a stern teacher and slow to share Hounds, as well. If the coterie has the Mouldwick’s sorcery remains
his secrets. Alexander in torpor or otherwise in effect for a single year before
Penelope is reunited with her sire restrained, they may give him over dissipating.
and manages to get back in his good to Anna who sentences him to
graces. If the coterie had helped Final Death without hesitation. Valent and Elizabeth are largely
Alexander, Robert, or Penelope in a If the ritual is stopped but unaffected by how the events play
significant way, those Kindred have Alexander survives, the coterie out.

Additional Scenes

A dditional Scenes
The Chantry Ruins
he coterie may ask chantry became overgrown and were once used to store items
Penelope or Anna about now can be barely recognized both mystical and mundane.
the whereabouts of for what it was. ■■ Vision: You stare in shock and
Alexander’s chantry; disbelief as the Baron rummages
either woman would tell them it Visiting the chantry through your sire’s belongings. You
is now in ruins and there is little clutch a Bloodstone on your chest,
Lonely homesteads loom in the
to be found. Yet, the coterie might drawing courage from it, and step
distance as you trudge through the
still wish to see it. forward, determined to stop him.
damp undergrowth. This side of the
river is mostly uninhabited and likely Before you have a chance to raise
What happened here: your voice, the Baron’s dog jumps in
flooded in spring. Eventually a thicket
■■ The chantry was not a building of brambles catches your attention. the way and snarls at you. You bare
but rather a structure grown Squeezing through the thorns, you find your fangs at him, ready to bite the
from shrubs and trees, fortified yourself in a vague resemblance of a beast’s throat, when a sudden strike
with Blood Sorcery to keep house: the shrubs form walls, separating from its owner sends you to the
the deadly sunlight out. It was room-sized spaces full of weeds and grassy floor.
on the outskirts of the town twigs. Several of the “rooms” contain ■■ Intelligence + Investigation vs
and blended into the natural rotting wooden furniture: a writing 4: The shrubbery was planted
landscape, appearing from the desk, several chests of drawers, chairs intentionally to form separate
outside as a mound. and beds. The moonlight penetrates the rooms: it likely required
■■ The surrounding land was dome of tangled branches above your constant maintenance to keep
a Clagwick – enchanted to heads. from growing wild. The leaves
obscure the location of the and thorns could not have
Through investigation, Auspex
haven, confusing and misleading been sufficient to shield from
or other means, the coterie may
everyone but the denizens of the sunlight, thus some additional
receive the following information
chantry who knew the secret kind of protection must have
when exploring the verdant remains
passages. been used.
of the chantry. Spirit’s Touch or
■■ Alexander, Penelope, and similar powers might even grant ■■ Vision: You are sitting on the
Anna used to dwell here, and visions of the past. floor, sorting seeds. The gray-haired
abandoned the place 20 years fledgling in front of you keeps
■■ Sense the Unseen. Wits/Resolve
ago. rambling. You can barely stand
+ Auspex vs 5, or a critical
Soon after Alexander her voice. She’s complaining about
■■ success: There are very faint
disappeared, Anna shared the staying here with you, because
traces of Blood Sorcery but
secret of finding the chantry apparently she would prefer an
no artifacts or active rituals.
with then-Baron Ludwig, who apartment of steel and glass where
It appears the place was once
entered the chantry and seized she could… earn money? You sigh.
heavily afflicted with rituals
Alexander’s books and artifacts. You patiently explain how her
which have long dissipated.
priorities are out of order, and that
■■ A year after Alexander’s ■■ Intelligence + Investigation vs you are keeping her by your side for
disappearance the sorcery 3: The shelves and writing desk her own good. She scoffs but bows
dissipated, and over time the drawers are empty though they her head obediently.

Additional Scenes

The Charity Ball

f the coterie wishes to her own eyes. In essence, he was carved handrails contrasts with the
investigate the charity ball playing a nasty joke on her. glass interior doors and LED lights in
where the supposed “ghost” antique wall lamps. In the ballroom
of Alexander was seen, they Media Coverage upstairs, the shy lamplight from the
may want to examine the ballroom Whether looking over the outside seeps through the heavy emerald
in the town hall themselves, or older newspapers in the library curtains and reflects on the parquet
just read the articles on the news, or skimming the social media, an floor. Several stacks of chairs and a
looking for anything unusual in the Resolve + Investigation roll gives the grand piano line against the far wall.
photos of the event. following information:
The coterie may decide to
■■ 2 successes: a recent article investigate the city hall itself. If it
What really happened: describing the charity ball. It is not too late in the night, the hall
■■ The charity ball takes place lists the most important guests, is open and the personnel there can
every year in the town hall on describes their dresses, the food be talked to. The ballroom where
the birthday of the late Lady and music of the event. The the charity took place is also open
Crow. It is an invite-only event, collected funds are intended for for them to discreetly look around.
attended by the most important improving the marshy river-
■■ Security guard: interrogating
businessmen and politicians of side. There is a short interview
the person who was in charge
the town, as well as some guests with Anna, describing her as
of checking the invitations at
from the nearby city. “the most prominent business-
the ball requires 3 successes on
■■ The Crows were a minor woman”, whose significant
a Manipulation + Persuasion
noble family, living in the contribution is “following the
or another appropriate roll.
now abandoned manor and example set by Lady Crow and
The man remembers someone
owning the land around the is a tribute to her memory”.
matching Alexander’s
town several centuries ago. ■■ 3 successes: A disgruntled
description coming and leaving
Lady Crow was well known for historian wrote a lengthy post the ball. The guard is certain
her charity and the town still complaining about the intended that Alexander was supposed to
commemorates her birthday. use of the charity money. The be there. After all, why would
The Kindred Elizabeth is also a historical heritage site – the he let him in otherwise? The
descendant of this family. old manor and gardens of the guard doesn’t know Alexander’s
■■ Anna is usually invited to the Crows – is crumbling. “No one name and didn’t recognize him
ball, and is usually the only cares about our past anymore.” as a prominent figure in town,
Kindred there. This year, she ■■ 4 successes: Alexander can be “so he must have been from out
arranged an invitation for seen one of the photos of the of town. Someone important, of
Valent as well but he refused to event, next to the architect who course.”
come. is receiving an award for the
■■ Feral Whispers: asking the
Alexander, fresh out of his Riverside Park project.
■■ crows, stray dogs or other
imprisonment, came to the animals in town about Kindred
ball this year, Dominated the The City Hall
requires at least 4 successes on
security to let him in, mingled The main town square is paved with the roll to piece together a new
for just enough time for flagstones and surrounded by linden “dead two-legged predator”
Anna to notice him, and then trees. The lights in the pavement appeared in town. When? The
discreetly left. point up, illuminating the old town best timeframe the animals
■■ Alexander’s intention was to toy hall building in need of repair. Inside, can give is “when the wind was
with Anna and make her doubt a pompous marble staircase with warm”, i.e. a few months ago.

Additional Scenes

The L ate Baron

hough unlikely in ■■ Soon after the Baron’s demise, ■■ The house where Ludwig used
the beginning of the Robert broke into his haven to reside is still his, according to
investigation, the coterie and took the items once stolen the paperwork.
may want to learn more from the chantry. Robert still
about Ludwig, who was the Baron of sometimes uses that house as an Researching Ludwig
the town before Anna. Investigating emergency haven. The coterie may look up
him is not crucial to solving the ■■ Penelope also tried getting Ludwig’s name online or scour the
plot but may hint at Robert’s inside to reclaim her sire’s public records. Depending on their
involvement with Alexander. belongings but Chip started approach, this could be a Finance,
barking at her, alerting the Investigation, or Technology roll,
What really happened: neighbors and forcing her to or they may persuade someone
■■ Ludwig was a Gangrel, never abandon the plan. professional to look him up for them.
belonged to any sect, and was an
older neonate, around 70 years
■■ As a Baron, he was harsh, Anna
ill-tempered, and quite a loner,
Public: I’d say we made a good team. He would protect the town and I would
preferring fists to words when handle the internal affairs and the Masquerade. Both duties are mine to bear now
solving problems, and didn’t like that he’s gone.
anyone aside from his animal Honest: I had him wrapped around my finger and established myself quite nicely.
ghouls. His former Famulus, a Still, I miss having someone ready to defend the town in case of a Lupine attack.
dog named Chip, is still alive Robert
and spends its lonely days as an
Public: He may have been volatile and strict, but he allowed me to stay here
old stray. and barely ever interfered with my business – and that’s not something I can say
■■ The Kindred of the town about a lot of other domains.
regarded him as a force to be Honest: He would nag me to hunt “the wolves” with him, and it was grating on my
reckoned with though few miss nerves. What, I’m supposed to be a combat-ready brute just because I’m a Nos?
his violent tendencies; see the Valent
table below for their detailed Public/Honest: Oh, good riddance. He thought I was insane, would frighten
opinions. my fellow artists with talks of werewolves, constantly interrupted my work, and
what’s worse, tore my tapestry in a fit of rage once. And I still tried to warn him on
■■ Once free from the Blood that fateful night, but of course he didn’t listen.
Bond, Anna shared the secret
of getting around the sorcery
protecting the chantry, Public: He held the town in his iron grasp. He ruled through fear – everyone in
town was afraid of him.
and soon after Alexander’s
disappearance, Ludwig broke Honest: He despised my sire, he desecrated our house… Those who wrong others
reap what they sow.
into the place and seized pretty
much everything he could find.
Not knowing what to do with Public: A competent fighter, and a fierce defender of the town. Everyone felt safer
when he was around. Pity he neglected his other duties as a steward.
the artifacts and books, he kept
them in his haven, gathering Honest: A guard dog. A good one, but a dog nevertheless.
dust. Alexander
■■ Ludwig met Final Death five Public: He was the only one to make regular rounds and check in on everyone in
years ago, making the mistake town. That’s fitting, for a Baron.
of thinking himself powerful Honest: A tad too vigilant and territorial. Anna managed to talk him into letting
enough to challenge the Lupines us stay here. From that point on, dealing with his surprise visits was her job.
roaming the surrounding forests.

Additional Scenes

■■ 2 successes: Ludwig was, on bushes. Paint is chipping off the walls to live here with his dog. They
paper, a regular human citizen and closed shutters. The house appears haven’t seen him in a few years
of this town: about 40 years old long abandoned. As you approach, a but they rarely saw him coming
male, unemployed and unmar- menacing dog’s growl quickly clears up or leaving even before that.
ried (1 dot Mask). His (Final) why no squatters have claimed it. ■■ If the neighbors spot any
death is not recorded in mortal unusual activity around the
The coterie may learn the ad-
institutions. house, they call the police.
dress of Ludwig’s last known haven
■■ 3 successes: Ludwig owned either from the public records or Breaking in while evading their
(technically still owns) a house by convincing Penelope to share it. notice takes 2 successes on a
on the outskirts of the town (see In the second case, she warns them Dexterity + Stealth roll, or 4
the map on p. 8) about the dog and nosy neighbors. successes if Chip barked loudly.
■■ 4 successes: Ludwig has no ■■ In the street outside of the ■■ Chip can be interrogated with
social media presence and likely house, an old dirty dog notices Feral Whispers though it is
had very little influence among the coterie, and watches them very distrustful of Kindred,
mortals. intently. Chip used to be requiring 4 or more successes on
■■ 5 successes: Ludwig’s mortal Ludwig’s Famulus but has since a Manipulation + Animalism
identity is fake, fabricated reverted to a regular mortal roll to convince sharing its story.
about 15 years ago by some local dog. Still, it instinctively senses ■■ Chip remembers his old master
bureaucrat (should the coterie the Beast in Kindred and is fondly. The master would hunt
investigate further, they con- suspicious of them. in the woods and the town,
clude that this was Anna’s favor ■■ If the coterie approaches too with Chip by his side. Once
to the Baron). close or tries to enter the house, master took him to a house that
Chip defends its old home, looked like a bush and took
The Baron’s Haven barking to scare the trespassers some inedible loot from there.
away and alerting the closest The master is gone now; they
The shadows in the narrow street
neighbors. went on a great hunt together
conceal potholes, and a teenager slipped
and very big wolves tore the
out for a smoke. The house at the end ■■ The player characters may
master apart. Now Chip hunts
of the street is little more than a shack, ask the neighbors about the
alone. Some humans sometimes
surrounded by a dilapidated wooden seemingly-abandoned house.
feed it but Chip prefers hunting
fence. What remains of the yard is Without much resistance, they
while it still can. It understands
overgrown with briars and blackberry share that some shut-in used
it is getting old and feeble.
■■ Chip also remembers that some
humans and “cold humans”
tried getting into the master’s
house after his death. Some cold
human, smelling like death and
burnt bones, told Chip to stay
outside – but once he left, the
master’s inedible loot was gone.
Since then, Chip has guarded
the house even more vigilantly.
■■ There is little to be found inside
the house: it has been abandoned
for five years with only Chip
sleeping here. 5 successes on an
Intelligence + Investigation roll
are needed to find crumbles of
dirt mixed with candlewax – the
same kind of earth that can be
found in the cemetery.

Word on the Street

Word on the Street

his page lists several the land surrounding it. Their like. Among the noteworthy are
rumors circulating old manor has been abandoned a traditional tapestry weaver, a
among the mortals of and crumbling for centuries, sculptor making papier-mache
the town. The player and the local historians are masks with living fungi, and a
characters may find these snippets upset about the historical prominent architect who started
of information in the local heritage site being neglected. his career painting graffitis on
newspapers or when scouring the ■■ A man complains about theft in these very walls.
archives in the library (Intelligence the cemetery: the antique silver ■■ The Sawmill is the place to
+ Academics), chatting up people candlestick on his mother’s score drugs – everyone knows
in bars (Manipulation + Persuasion grave was replaced with a cheap it, even the corporate drones
or Streetwise) or through other replica. Complaints like these occasionally go there for a little
means. come up regularly. pick-me-up. Strangely, the town
As all these rumors are related ■■ The town’s cemetery is running police is turning a blind eye to it.
to the events of the scenario, the out of plots for new graves. ■■ For years, people would get lost
Storyteller may also embellish them Some say that the spirits of and go missing in the marshy
and give to the players as plot hooks the dearly departed are restless riverside. The town council is
to start the scenario (i.e. “There are because of it. raising the funds to transform
whispers of a haunted mansion in a ■■ The town has a newly built the territory into a proper park.
small town, and your Mawla wants crematorium. The locals were ■■ A fortune telling salon “The
you to look into them.”). sceptical about burning the Third Eye” advertizes in the
■■ The woods around the town deceased at first but seem to local papers and offers guidance
is said to be haunted by the have made peace with it. for spiritual enlightement: the
Green Lady – a ghost of a young ■■ The Sawmill Art Center is an key is walking in poorly-lit
woman who used to live in a art commune, popular with streets alone at night and
now abandoned manor just modern sculptors making waiting for an “ecstatic
outside the town. installations out of recycled experience”. However, sharing
■■ The Crows were a minor noble materials, film photographers, any mistifying encounters with
family who owned the town and underground musicians and the others angers the eldritch forces.

Rituals and Amulets

R ituals and A mulets

Auxilium Salix The plants use the caster’s Dexterity their vicinity. While they attack
+ Occult to grapple or attack and friend and foe alike, they can
Lvl 2 Blood sorcery ritual
deal Superficial Health damage, be thrown as far as the wielder
(Blood Petals, p. 10).
using half the caster’s Blood Sorcery is able to, and awakening their
(the sidebar on p. 42 describes
dots as a damage bonus. The plants power requires no Blood Sorcery
Alexander performing this ritual)
may also perform physical tasks knowledge, making them quite a
This ritual causes the flora in the that do not require high manual sought-after artifact.
area to come to the caster’s aid. dexterity such as pushing objects or The hazelnut activates
Strangulating vines, ever-changing breaking windows. when thrown on the ground –
hedge mazes and tree branches that The plants remain animated and hitting a faraway spot requires a
assist with climbing are all possible. under the caster’s control for one Strength+Athletics roll. Everyone
scene, but the caster may not take within 5 meters around the point
Ingredients: three leaves from a any other actions during the turns of impact must win a contest of
carnivorous plant such as a Venus that they are actively controlling Dextery + Athletics vs the caster’s
flytrap or a sundew the plants. Intelligence + Blood Sorcery or be
Process: the caster slits their grappled by animated vines and
palms and crushes the leaves roots. Grappled victims suffer 2
between them, muddling the leaves
Hortus Projectilis Superficial Health damage for each
with their Blood. (see sidebar on p. 42 for this artifact turn they remain ensnared, and
System: A successful Ritual roll made and used by Alexander)
everyone in the affected area receive
animates existing plants such as tree These sorcerous nutshells cause a -2 dice penalty to Physical dice
branches or causes them to sprout roots and vines to sprout from the pools for the remainder of
from the ground within line of sight. ground, entangling everyone in the scene.

Rituals and Amulets

their enemies. A Kindred who instills fear even in the staunchest

has a Dawn Key on their person of hearts, reminding them of the
may voluntarily step into the season when all life seeps out of
tree that the Keys were made of, the cold earth. The wearer of the
following the rules for Earth Meld Crown of Fall can use Daunt as if
discipline power. In fact, slipping they had a single dot in Presence.
into the tree is so effortless that They may also rip the Crown apart
the Kindred may even be pushed in order to use Dread Gaze once
into it against their will. To exit the without Rousing the Blood, using
tree, the Kindred must either have the Ritual Roll result in place of
Ambers of Jūratė a corresponding Dusk Key on their the usual Charisma + Presence roll.
The only gem to come from person prior to melding, or may be If the wearer already knows the
plants, amber stores sunlight of released by someone else touching discipline powers infused in the
millennia ago. This amber bead the Dusk Key against the tree. Crown, they receive a +1 bonus die
necklace, created with the powerful While a Kindred is melded when using those powers.
magic of the sun in mind, provides with the tree, damage to the tree
all bodily and spiritual health causes the wood to bleed and
benefits of the sun, enhanced: it deals Aggravated damage to the
will compensate for a lost night’s Kindred inside. Should the tree be
sleep, heal light wounds, or provide cut down or otherwise destroyed,
a living body with the necessary the Kindred inside suffers Final
nutrients. For every 3 hours spent Death. When examining a single
in sunlight while wearing the Key, 4 successes on an Intelligence
Ambers of Jūratė, the wearer heals + Occult roll reveal it to be a part
1 Superficial Health damage, in of a set.
addition to the usual healing.
The effect is felt only when
wearing the ambers in direct
Crown of Fall
The forces of nature, while
sunlight for an extended period of
fascinating, are terrible to behold
time, thus no Kindred sorcerer can
in their glory, and this crown of
enjoy their creation themselves…
damp roots and thorny branches
but it surely makes a valuable gift
to those still living by daylight.

Crafting the Artifacts

The nature-themed artifacts featuring in this scenario were all created by
Alexander at some point or another, through Blood Sorcery rituals. The
rules and mechanics for these rituals can be found in Blorcery by
Lex Noctis: Blood Petals, available on Storyteller’s Vault.
Monica's necklace in Scene 3 was made with
the Craft Ambers of Jūratė ritual..................................................Blood Petals, p. 7
Hortus Projectilis nutshells in Scenes 3 and 6 were
made with the Craft Hortus Projectilis ritual...........................Blood Petals, p. 9
Elizabeth's crown in Scene 5 was made with
the Craft Crown of Seasons ritual................................................Blood Petals, p. 11
Keys of Giltinė The wooden key found in Scene 5 was made
This set of two wooden keys, with Craft Keys of Giltinė ritual...................................................Blood Petals, p. 13
depicting a setting and rising sun, Alexander had created his old chantry by combining several rituals,
allows a Kindred to use a specific including Crescente Domus and Corpse Bloom..........Blood Petals, p. 15 and 7
tree as a haven or as a prison for

Rituals and Amulets

ouldwick is a lonesome, desolate place. All The Second Cycle
things decay and crumble here; all seems Once the territory is marked, the Warden chooses a spot
old and forgotten, musty and rotten. For (likely, but not necessarily the center) within it, and plants
visitors, Mouldwick feels a hopeless place, the first fungus from which the Wick will spread.
looking forward to its inevitable end. No new things
Ingredients: A mushroom harvested from a grave.
come to life, energy runs low, bleak thoughts set in,
Process: The caster cuts their tongue, fills their
bitter memories come forth. Should a visitor stay here
mouth with Blood and swallows the mushroom, then
too long, they risk never resurfacing from numbing
vomits the foul mixture on the ground.
despair. Local residents seem plagued with troubles,
jaded, weary, sickly. They care little about themselves, The Third Cycle
and less about the rest. The fungi have been planted, and now they need nourishment –
Mouldwick rules: dead material to devour. This cycle must be performed in the
same spot as the previous one.
■■ Food spoils, structures crack and crumble, wood
rots faster. Mildew, mould and other fungal Ingredients: A bone of someone for whose death
organisms thrive and prosper. tears were shed.
■■ All rituals and Discipline powers pertaining to Process: The caster must have at least 1 Superficial
destruction, decaying, withering (such as Extinguish Health damage when performing the ritual. The caster
Vitae or Ashes to Ashes) and the like receive a +2 grinds the bone into dust, rubs a pinch into their
bonus dice when used in Mouldwick. wound, and spreads the remaining dust on the ground.
The wound may not be healed until the next sunset.
■■ All Kindred except the Warden find it harder to
force their undead flesh to repair itself when in The Fourth Cycle
Mouldwick, having to Rouse the Blood twice to heal The final cycle, completing the Wick, must be performed in
Superficial Health damage. the same spot as the previous ones.
■■ The mortals in Mouldwick feel the morbid aura
of the land: they subconsciously remember the Ingredients: caster's Vitae.
dear things they’ve lost, their loved ones who have Process: The caster cuts their palms open, takes a
passed away, and, ultimately, their own mortality. handful of soil into each hand, allows their Blood to
Overcome with hopelessness and focused on their seep into it and raises their hands. Reddish brown dust
own misery, all mortals in Mouldwick receive -1 die spreads from the caster’s hands and covers the entire
penalty on Insight and Awareness checks, and are Wick. The caster repeats the process two more times,
very likely to have Melancholic resonance. thus making three Rouse Checks in total, and then
makes a Ritual roll.
System: If the Ritual roll is successful, all Mouldwick
Sow Mouldwick effects manifest fully, and the caster becomes the
(Level 4 Blood Sorcery ritual) Warden. On a failure, all progress is lost; the caster must
start at the first cycle to reattempt the ritual.
The First Cycle Duration: provided a Warden visits the territory at
The first step in creating a Mouldwick is marking the least once a year, the effects are permanent.
territory beyond which the rot will not spread; this is done
by placing stones around it.
■■ In this scenario, Alexander performs a version of this
Ingredients: Four stones taken from the intended ritual that he tailor-crafted for Anna. In addition to
territory, about the size of the caster’s fist. the listed effects, she is afflicted with despair and
Process: The caster makes a Rouse Check and apathy same as mortals would be, and falls into
smudges the stones with their Blood, then buries the torpor once the final cycle is completed.
stones around the perimeter of the intended Wick. The ■■ Mouldwick is just one type of enchanted land.
stones must remain in place and covered with earth For more types of Wicks, as well as the mechanics
until the last ritual is complete. and rituals to create them, see Blorcery
by Lex Noctis: Wicks on Storyteller's Vault.

Scene 1: The Boss Lady (p. 12) FIRST LOOK (P. 12)

Town center
his scene takes place as the coterie arrives in the town. Before meeting
Shroud density: Thin (-1 Difficulty on
the Baron, they notice something unusual is happening in her domain, Oblivion rolls)
as not just the buildings but the people in the streets appear to be
2 Rouse checks to mend
crumbling and in decline. Once they meet Anna, they are tasked with
Drizzling rain, lasting at least several
finding out who has played a nasty trick on her. While her task serves as the basis
for the scenario, the player characters are free to choose if they want to follow the
Modern buildings: mostly offices, some
leads suggested by Anna or to find their own path to solving the mystery. bars.
Worn down, musty walls, grimy windows.
Starting the scene Sense the Unseen: a critical win reveals
STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR traces of Blood Sorcery.
The coterie sees the mold and
THE SCENE: grime afflicting the town center. Mortals
■■ Present the main goal for the sce- Workers, led by Anna's ghoul Tom, Feeding Difficulty: 3
nario: investigating long-thought- scrub the walls of the building where Typical resonance: Melancholic
dead Tremere’s sighting. she is waiting. Mortals appear weary, indifferent and
■■ Instill the sense of uneasiness and
Key points talking to Anna Outside Anna's Office
■■ Figure out who has been messing Cleaning crew scrubbing blight off the
■■ Subtly compare Anna’s indiffer- exterior.
with my head and why. Do it, and
ence to her dilapitating domain to
you’ll be rewarded. Dispirited, sluggish workers.
the apathy of local mortals.
■■ I have witnessed an apparition of Sense the Beast reveals the supervisor
■■ Suggest visiting Valent or Robert Tom is a ghoul.
my long-dead mentor in a charity
as equally valid options to start
ball last month. I have no reasons Inside Anna's Office
the investigation.
to believe it was his actual ghost. Exposed concrete walls, imposing
■■ My primary suspects are the furniture.
Nosferatu Robert, and the Wits + Awareness vs 3: the walls are
afflicted with black mold.
Malkavian Valent, as either could
command their Blood to conceal
■■ Alexander showed up at the ball and confuse. ANNA, THE BOSS LADY (P. 14)
in person, to spook Anna.
■■ Anna honestly believes she killed General Difficulties: 4/3
Alexander. She doesn’t know she
only imprisoned him and now he WHAT’S NEXT? Ventrue, 11th generation,
Blood Potency 1
is free again. ■■ The coterie may choose to look for
Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude,
■■ Alexander’s sorcery is causing the Robert in the cemetery district Presence, Auspex
mold and the low mood in Anna’s (Scene 2) or take the trip to the
Looks: elderly lady, refined, cold
domain. art commune to talk to Valent
Wits + Awareness vs 3:
(Scene 3). If they stay in the town
tense posture, twitching
Table of Contents center for some time, they may be

Roleplay tips
approached by Penelope, or decide
Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12 to visit her on their own initiative Demeanor: professional, patronizing
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17 (Scene 4). Main motivation: deal with the
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23 prankster
■■ After sending the coterie on their
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29 Dislikes: being interrupted, changing
mission, Anna continues her
Scene 5: The Birchwood the subject
usual nightly activities, managing
and its Warden........................................33 Things to do as Anna
her mortal business, and refuses
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39 Control the conversation; allow for ques-
to notice her domain is getting
tions only after you’re done speaking.
The Chantry Ruins................................45 bleakier and more desolate by the
The Charity Ball .................................... 46 night. She progressively grows Snap at a neonate derailing from the
topic, or, heaven forbid, interrupting you.
The Late Baron........................................47 weaker, more tense and irrational,
Word on the Street .............................. 49 culminating in a complete mental Show signs of weariness, then deny it.
Rituals and Amulets ............................50 collapse during the Final Scene.
Scene 2: The H aunted FIRST LOOK (P. 17)
The Cemetery District

Thief (p. 17) Shroud density: Frayed (-2 Diff on

Oblivion rolls)
Poorly lit: -2 on vision rolls

Biting wind, eerie silence
hen the coterie arrives in the cemetery district (likely in search
Candlelit graves, few buildings
of Robert), it is immediately obvious they are not the only
Sense the Unseen/Oblivion Sight:
restless dead here. The haunting is not something the coterie
docile ghosts roam around
should solve (though they can try). Robert ticks all boxes of a
suspect, and is quite uncooperative in helping the coterie with their mission.
Feeding Difficulty: 4
Typical resonance: Melancholic
Starting the scene Elderly mortals are few, but alert and
Once in the funeral home the
THE SCENE: The Cemetery
coterie is harassed by a poltergeist
■■ Show that Robert’s domain is and may attempt to placate it before Gray marble headstones and plaques
haunted. Robert shows up. Wits + Awareness vs 3: sometimes the
■■ Leave the players guessing of candles light up on their own.
Robert’s true motives. Key points talking to Robert Resolve + Investigation vs 3: signs of
■■ Give little to no information ■■ I know my domain is haunted, yes, recurrent graverobbing.
unless the coterie pays or gets it’s a problem. I already know the Inside the Funeral Home
indebted to Robert. solution and I’m working on it. Serene and mildly ethereal atmosphere
■■ How dare you assume I messed One or two employees over the entire
with Anna’s head?! I couldn’t care building
less about her! Can’t you see I have The Shroud is absent, allowing ghosts to
enough problems of my own? pass freely between worlds
■■ Robert helped Alexander escape
imprisonment using the magical
■■ Should the coterie bribe Robert, Stats
key he found in the late Baron’s
old haven. bring the components he requests General Difficulties: 4/3
or otherwise get on his good Nosferatu, 11th generation,
■■ Robert is currently allied with
side, he may share the news Blood Potency 2
Alexander and could contact him
if need be. about Alexander’s return. If the Disciplines: Animalism, Celerity,
characters express their support Obfuscate, Potence
■■ Alexander promised to perform
for Alexander, Robert commends Looks: shifty eyes, blistered skin,
Sow Bloomwick ritual which ratty sweater
them for making a wise decision. If
would indeed strengthen the
Shroud and weaken the ghosts.
they say they are going to try and Intelligence + Larceny vs 2: Robert is
stop the Tremere, Robert pretends scanning for valuables in coterie’s apparel.
to agree with them, and later warns Wits + Insight vs 4: Robert feels
Alexander about their plan. confident and is only playing the victim.

■■ After visiting Robert, the coterie Roleplay tips

Table of Contents may go and see Valent (Scene 3) if Demeanor: evasive, cunning

they haven’t already. If they have, Main motivation: get rid of the haunting
Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12
they might be interested in the Dislikes: being asked for free favors,
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17
Birchwood (Scene 5). They may being called a thief
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23
also decide to see Penelope (Scene Things to do as Robert:
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29
4) or report their progress back to Appear wary and suspicious: treat the
Scene 5: The Birchwood
Anna. If you feel the investigation coterie as uninvited guests who have to
and its Warden........................................33
is finished at this point, have them prove themselves.
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39
run straight into Alexander’s final Refuse to answer a question as all
The Chantry Ruins................................45 ritual (Scene 6); otherwise, present information has a price.
The Charity Ball .................................... 46 the town center even bleakier, While one character is speaking,
The Late Baron........................................47 roleplay Anna as even more tense suddenly turn to another, reminding
Word on the Street .............................. 49 and paranoid, and order them to that you’re watching all of them.
Rituals and Amulets ............................50 continue with the case.
Scene 3: The Tapestry FIRST LOOK (P. 23)
The Sawmill Art Center

Weaver (p. 23) Shroud density: Thick

Noisy: chatter, cutting metal, chiseling

wood, music. -1 die on hearing rolls
he coterie takes a short trip to an old sawmill remade into an art
Crisp air, vibrant atmosphere
commune looking for the Malkavian Valent. They are met with
lively atmosphere and joyful mortals playing pranks on them. While Mortals
Valent clearly prefers his work to conversation, he treats the coterie Feeding Difficulty: 3
Typical resonance: Sanguine
surprisingly kindly and gives them answers to most questions they can think of.
Young artists, craftsmen, their friends.
Starting the scene High chance of finding intoxicated vessels.
STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR The mortals gathered around Former sawmill yard
THE SCENE: the yard are generally friendly and Large area surrounded by low buildings
■■ Give the players a light-hearted approachable but like to play games
Sculptures in-progress, graffiti on the walls
intermission from the solemn with guests. When asked for Valent,
Sounds of chatter and indie music
atmosphere of the investigation. they all respond with “I am Valent!”.
Sense the Unseen and Wits +
■■ Reveal that Valent had directed Awareness vs 3: a blonde girl is wearing
Robert to the Birchwood a few
Key points talking to Valent
an enchanted amber necklace.
weeks ago. ■■ It’s very nice to meet you, but
Intelligence + Occult vs 3: the necklace
please, just state your business and is a product of Blood Sorcery.
■■ Set low Difficulties and provide
leave me be. Valent’s workshop
information freely: this is a
low-risk, undemanding scene. ■■ I didn’t Dominate Anna or do Spacious room, large loom in the middle
anything of sorts. I never was at
Table and shelves with spools of yarn,
that charity ball. I’ve been to too scissors, and other tools
many of those. They distract me Dry air, sweet, earthy scent
■■ Valent’s tapestry depicts Alexan- ■■ If you’re working for Anna, could
der performing the Sow Wood- you please tell her to leave me
wick ritual on Elizabeth’s domain. alone? She keeps asking me what
this or that businessman is feeling, General Difficulties: 4/3
■■ The items that Robert brought
what’s the best financial strategy Malkavian, 12th generation, Blood Potency 2
to Valent had originally been
Alexander's – forcibly taken for her to take… I don’t mind Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Dominate,
from Penelope by the late doing an odd favor or two but it’s Obfuscate
Baron Ludwig after Alexander’s getting too much. Looks: bohemian, middle-aged, blank
disappearance. expression

■■ The “key to solving the ghost Intelligence + Insight vs 3: Valent

perceives nearly everything and would
problem” is a Dusk Key of WHAT’S NEXT? prefer not to.
Giltinė (p. 51), and Robert freed
■■ Out of sight, out of mind: as Sense the Unseen detects a hazelnut
Alexander by touching it to a
tree in Elizabeth’s domain. soon as the coterie leaves Valent’s in Valent’s pocket as enchanted;
studio, he will engross himself in Intelligence + Occult vs 3 identifies it as
weaving the tapestry and more a product of Blood Sorcery (see p. 42).
or less forget about them or the Roleplay tips
Table of Contents

sorcerous going-ons in the town. Demeanor: kind but detached; short,

Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12 succinct sentences
■■ If the coterie hasn’t visited Robert
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17 Main motivation: finish the tapestry
yet, they may try to find him in
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23
the cemetery district (Scene 2), Dislikes: disruptions to his work; damage
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29 to art or artists
or, if Valent told them how he
Scene 5: The Birchwood
sent Robert into the Birchwood, Things to do as Valent:
and its Warden........................................33
they may go there and possibly Answer their questions and agree to do
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39
encounter Elizabeth (Scene 5). a minor favor if asked.
The Chantry Ruins................................45 If they have met Robert already, Resume weaving while the characters
The Charity Ball .................................... 46 consider having them run into are talking to you.
The Late Baron........................................47 Penelope (Scene 4) now: have her Respond to what you believe the coterie
Word on the Street .............................. 49 watch or even follow their car as wants to know rather than what they ask.
Rituals and Amulets ............................50 they come back into the town.
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller (p. 29)

his scene is about the coterie encountering Penelope, childe of Al-
exander, who was a year-old fledgling when he disappeared and is a FIRST LOOK (P. 29)
barely-coping neonate now. Penelope has noticed the signs of Mold- Inside the shop
wick forming in Anna’s domain and doesn’t know what to make of Stereotypical occult shop, eclectic,
it. The sorcery is new, this coterie is new – could there be a connection? She also dazzling
knows quite a lot about her sire’s disappearance but is too paranoid to share it Nothing is truly supernatural except for
outright. Penelope herself

Starting the scene PENELOPE, THE AIMLESS (P. 30)

STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR This scene may start on the player Stats
THE SCENE: characters' initiative if they decide General Difficulties: 3/2
■■ Present the concept of Wicks: to visit her shop "The Third Eye". Tremere, 9th generation,
enchanted lands created by Alternatively, after the coterie has Blood Potency 2
powerful Kindred sorcerers. talked to both Robert and Valent, Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Presence
■■ Contrast the bells and whistles in Penelope stalks them on the street,
Looks: stereotypical diviner, cryptic
Penelope’s shop and appearance intending to talk.
Intelligence + Occult vs 4: the
with her lack of supernatural red stone pendant on her chest is a
Key points talking to Penelope
knowledge. discharged Bloodstone (Corebook
■■ There are special enchanted lands p. 276). The Difficulty is only 2 if the
called Wicks. A certain aspect character knows the ritual.
of nature is strengthened there, Roleplay tips
WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: and the Warden – the Kindred Demeanor: secretive, hesitant
who made the Wick – can draw Main motivation: be a true Tremere
■■ Following Alexander’s
benefits from it. It takes a very
instructions, Penelope helped Dislikes: doubting her occult knowledge,
Anna to trap him in a tree and
powerful sorcerer to create one. pointing out she knows no Blood
was going to release him after a ■■ I have noticed a Wick forming Sorcery
few weeks. in Anna’s domain. Do you know Things to do as Penelope:
■■ Penelope would gladly see anything about it? Could you find Play a victim, feign ignorance, fake
Anna’s downfall so she hopes to out? supernatural insight, be the wise
align with whoever is creating ■■ My late sire Alexander could cre- woman: use any tactic to get the
the Wick in Anna’s domain. information you need and keep yourself
ate Wicks. If there is one forming safe.
■■ Alexander hasn’t contacted now, does that mean there is a
Give a cryptic answer to a question you
Penelope since Robert released new powerful sorcerer in town? don’t want to answer, such as “There
him. He is not sure if his childe are complicated mystical factors to
didn’t follow his instructions out consider”.
of malice or incompetence. Tell them what they expect to hear.

Table of Contents

Penelope, she will try to find him.

Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12 WHAT’S NEXT? As soon as the encounter with
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17 ■■ The coterie may visit Valent the coterie is over, she will run
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23 (Scene 3) or Robert (Scene 2) towards whatever clue they gave
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29 if they haven’t already. If they her; if they gave none, she will
Scene 5: The Birchwood return to Anna, and have a strong travel to the Birchwood where her
and its Warden........................................33 working theory of what is actually sire was trapped and search for
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39 happening, have them run into clues there.
The Chantry Ruins................................45 the final confrontation with ■■ While Penelope is paranoid she
The Charity Ball .................................... 46 Alexander (Scene 6). still believes Alexander will
The Late Baron........................................47 ■■ If the coterie has pieced together forgive her and take her back,
Word on the Street .............................. 49 at this point that Alexander is and so she will do anything to
Rituals and Amulets ............................50 back and hints about this to earn his trust.
Scene 5: The Birchwood
and its Warden (p. 33) FIRST LOOK (P. 33)

Shroud density: Thick
he coterie visits Birchwood, an overgrown manor garden. They may Shapeshifters are forced into their ani-
search for clues physically, analyze the sorcery enriching the land, mal form upon entering.
or talk to the Kindred whose domain it is. Elizabeth, the recluse Fresh, fragrant air after rain, wet grass.
Tzimisce, probably knows even less about the current events than the Abundant forest animals, berries, mush-
player characters do. rooms.
Signs of overgrown garden: a wild plum
Starting the scene tree, a crumbled fountain.
STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR A path through a magnificent Sense the Unseen: the entire woods
THE SCENE: forest leads to the manor ruins, where are enchanted with Blood Sorcery; an
■■ Leave no doubt the birchwood is a couple of homeless people share the Intelligence + Occult roll vs 4 reveals the
story of the local ghost – the Green sorcery is very similar to that afflicting
enchanted. Anna’s domain.
■■ Portray Elizabeth as detached, Lady.
uninvolved, and powerful enough
Key points talking to Elizabeth Feeding Difficulty: 2
to remain neutral. Typical resonance: Animal Resonance
■■ This is my domain, yes. It’s gor-
■■ Look out for opportunities to Several homeless people.
geous and enchanting, don’t you
reveal the recent events regarding
think? Please, enjoy yourselves, take Docile and curious wild animals.
Alexander through investigation.
a walk among the trees. The arrow- Manor ruins
woods are bearing fruit now, it’s Once majestic, now crumbling building.
the most pleasant sight to behold. Intelligence + Streetwise vs 3: signs of
WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: ■■ You may stay as long as you like. human life, someone is taking shelter
Just please refrain from nibbling here.
■■ Elizabeth had an amicable but
on my pets. But feel free to pick
not very close relationship
with Alexander before his
a flower for your lapel, or offer a ELIZABETH, THE RECLUSE (P. 36)
disappearance, mostly because treat to the roe deer. Stats
of his continuous efforts to ■■ If the coterie brought any animals, General Difficulties: 5/3
befriend her. such as a famulus, Elizabeth smiles Tzimisce, 9th generation, Blood Potency 4
■■ Robert came to the birchwood and talks at them, happy to see
Disciplines: Animalism, Blood Sorcery,
about two months ago, carrying such beautiful creatures. Dominate, Obfuscate, Protean
a Dusk Key of Giltinė and freed
Looks: tattered fine dress, crown of vines.
Alexander. Elizabeth has spotted
Robert touching trees but not the WHAT’S NEXT? Sense the Unseen: the crown is
enchanted with Blood Sorcery and
rescue. ■■ Elizabeth is not motivated to leave simulates a Presence effect.
her domain any time soon even if Roleplay tips
she learns that Alexander is back.
Demeanor: courtly, aloof, dignified
Unless the coterie has angered her
greatly, she takes no Main motivation: look after her domain
Table of Contents

plot-significant actions after they Dislikes: others feeding on her pets

Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12 (animals and the homeless), damage to
Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17 the woods
■■ It is very likely this is the
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23 Things to do as Elizabeth:
penultimate scene in the game:
Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29 Treat the coterie’s questions as small
if the coterie has visited most talk: appear polite and cordial but keep
Scene 5: The Birchwood
characters and gathered enough emotional distance.
and its Warden........................................33
information, have them run into Gush about your domain, and how
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39
Alexander’s final ritual in the pleased you are that the coterie enjoys
The Chantry Ruins................................45 town center (Scene 6). However, it as well.
The Charity Ball .................................... 46 especially if they have found the If your domain or pets are harmed or
The Late Baron........................................47 Dusk Key of Giltinė, they may threatened: intimidate first, loose the
Word on the Street .............................. 49 want to visit or revisit Valent, animals on the enemy if that fails.
Rituals and Amulets ............................50 Penelope or Robert.
Scene 6: The Wick Sower (p. 39)

his is the final scene of the scenario. The coterie witnesses Alexander
performing the last phase of a massive ritual and turning the town FIRST LOOK (P. 39)
center into a depressing place of ruin and desolation. This is the co- Town center, Mouldwick
terie’s first meeting face-to-face with Alexander: a chance to get into Shroud density: Thin (-1 Difficulty on
the elder Tremere’s good graces, or a chance to stop him, however they decide. Oblivion rolls)
Mending takes 2 Rouse Checks
Fighting Alexander Powers associated with withering and
STORYTELLER’S GOALS FOR If Alexander is attacked in the decay are at -1 Difficulty
THE SCENE: middle of the ritual, he will defend Humid, windy, faint smell of rot.
■■ Present Alexander as a powerful himself. These are his suggested actions: Modern but worn down buildings.
Blood sorcerer. ■■ Turn to Penelope, give her a Grimy windows, fungi on walls, sticky
■■ Have the coterie decide if they try handful of nutshells (these are sidewalks.
to stop or help him. Hortus Projectilis, see sidebar Sense the Unseen: the entire territory is
■■ Finish the scenario with one of the p. 42) and ask her to stop the affected with Blood Sorcery.
endings. interlopers. Mortals
■■ Commanding them with Feeding Difficulty: 3
Dominate to leave. Typical resonance: Melancholic
Starting the scene ■■ Perform the Auxilium Salix ritual Mortals have -1 die to Insight and
Alexander is mostly focused on Awareness
(see sidebar p. 42): animating the
finishing the Sow Mouldwick ritual, surrounding linden trees to grasp Very few people: drowsy, passive, and
which requires him to perform a set of burnt out.
and immobilize the attackers.
actions. Between those sets of actions, Town Square
■■ Extinguish Vitae, in case the
he may act: talk to player characters Flagstones, linden trees.
attacker appears to be dependant
if they initiate, defend against their Windy, air thick with dust.
on Vitae-costly powers.
attacks, or use Disciplines.
■■ Feral Whispers – let out a loud caw, Ghostly orange streetlight.
Unless the coterie brought her
along, Penelope also comes rushing summon the surrounding crows
into the town square at around the and send them after the coterie. ALEXANDER, THE BLOOD WITCH (P. 40)
same time as the player characters. If the coterie is relentless and the Stats
Anna may be found in her officce, above actions did not stop them, he’ll General Difficulties: 5/4
nearly uncousciuos. use Cauldron of Vitae against them, Tremere, 8th generation,
one by one. The Storyteller decides if Blood Potency 4
Key points he turns the defeated enemies to ashes Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Blood
■■ Performing Sow Mouldwick ritual or mercifully leaves them in torpor. Sorcery, Animalism, Protean
takes 3 Rouse Checks in total: you Alexander will retreat if the fight Looks: thatch of dark hair, tall and
may want to roll them, or just raise isn’t going in his favor. He may either well-built, fur coat and shawls
his Hunger by 1 after the first and slow them down with the above Roleplay tips
the third set of actions. tactics and run, or sink into the Demeanor: calm, collected
■■ It is strongly suggested Alexander ground with Earth Meld. Main motivation: complete the ritual
automatically succeeds the Ritual Table of Contents

Dislikes: not getting his way,

Roll, unless the coterie makes ungratefulness
a significant or creative effort Scene 1: The Boss Lady ......................... 12
Things to do as Alexander:
to hinder him – in which case, Scene 2: The Haunted Thief................ 17
Scene 3: The Tapestry Weaver............23 Focus on the ritual – it is more
Alexander fails (and directs his important than the coterie’s distractions.
wrath at the interlopers). Scene 4: The Fortune Teller.................29
Let them know you’ve noticed them
Scene 5: The Birchwood
■■ Finishing the ritual is important doing/trying something.
and its Warden........................................33
to Alexander but he is no fool: The coterie is but an amusing piece
Scene 6: The Wick Sower.....................39
humiliating Anna is not worth his of scenery for you – look away when
unlife. If the coterie attacks him, The Chantry Ruins................................45 they’re no longer interesting.
he defends himself; if they seem to The Charity Ball .................................... 46
be a serious threat, he runs. After The Late Baron........................................47
all, he might as well perform the Word on the Street .............................. 49
ritual next month or next year. Rituals and Amulets ............................50








Card size (Standart TCG card size): 63 x 88 mm (2.5 x 3.5 in)

Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots
Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots
Card size (Standart TCG card size): 63 x 88 mm (2.5 x 3.5 in)

Ambers of Jūratė Hortus Projectilis

Dawn Key of
These sorcerous nutshells cause roots and vines to
The only gem to come from plants, amber stores sprout from the ground, entangling everyone in their
sunlight of millennia ago. This amber bead necklace, Legends has it this wooden key, depicting the rising
vicinity. While they attack friend and foe alike, they
created with the powerful magic of the sun in mind, sun, can imprison the Death itself. Now such claims
can be thrown as far as the wielder is able to, and
provides all bodily and spiritual health benefits of the may be exaggerated but a Kindred carrying the Dawn
awakening their power requires no Blood Sorcery
sun, enhanced: it will compensate for a lost night’s Key of Giltinė may indeed step into a tree trunk and
knowledge, making them quite a sought-after artifact.
sleep, heal light wounds, or provide a living body remain there, safe from the deadly rays of the sun.
with the necessary nutrients. For every 3 hours spent The hazelnut activates when thrown on the ground -
There are only two minor complications: first, the
in sunlight while wearing the Ambers of Jūratė, the hitting a faraway spot requires a Strength+Athletics
Key only opens a single, particular tree, the one that
wearer heals 1 Superficial Health damage, in addition roll. Everyone within 5 meters around the point of
the Key is made of. And second - while slipping into
to the usual healing. impact must win a contest of Dextery+Athletics vs
the tree is instinctual and takes no Blood or special
the caster’s Intelligence+Blood Sorcery or be grappled
The effect is felt only when wearing the ambers knowledge, getting out might not be so easy. Cutting
by animated vines and roots. Grappled victims suffer
in direct sunlight for an extended period of time, the tree open does not force the Kindred out but
2 Superficial Health damage for each turn they
thus no Kindred sorcerer can enjoy their creation severely injures them.
remain ensnared, and everyone in the affected area
themselves… but it surely makes a valuable gift to receive a -2 dice penalty to Physical dice pools for the
those still living by daylight. remainder of the scene.
Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots
Dusk Key of Auxilium Salix
This ritual causes the flora in the area to come to the caster’s aid.
Crown Giltinė Strangulating vines, ever-changing hedge mazes and tree branches
that assist with climbing are all possible.
of Fall 1 Rouse Check. Roll Intelligence + Occult (Difficulty 3)
◼ Ingredients: three leaves from a carnivorous plant such as
a Venus flytrap or a sundew
The forces of nature, while fascinating, are terrible ◼ Process: the caster slits their palms and crushes the leaves
As legends abound in Lithuania of imprisoning the
to behold in their glory, and this crown of damp between them, muddling the leaves with their Blood.
Death itself, they also warn that such a feat upsets the
roots and thorny branches instills fear even in the cosmic order and that the prisoner must be set free so ◼ System: A successful Ritual roll animates existing plants
staunchest of hearts, reminding them of the season the life and death cycle may continue. such as tree branches or causes them to sprout from the
when all life seeps out of the cold earth. The wearer ground within line of sight. The plants use the caster’s
of the Crown of Fall can use Daunt as if they had a The shape of the setting sun is carved into this Dexterity+Occult to grapple or attack and deal Superficial
single dot in Presence. They may also rip the Crown wooden key, and it holds the power to release a Health damage, using half the caster’s Blood Sorcery dots
Kindred - a creature that brings death - who was as a damage bonus. The plants may also perform physical
apart in order to use Dread Gaze once without
imprisoned in a tree. However, the Dusk Key of tasks that do not require high manual dexterity such as
Rousing the Blood, using the Ritual Roll result in pushing objects or breaking windows.
place of the usual Charisma + Presence roll. Giltinė only works with a particular tree, the one that
the Key is made of. ◼ The plants remain animated and under the caster’s control
If the wearer already knows the discipline powers for one scene, but the caster may not take any other
infused in the Crown, they receive a +1 bonus die Not to mention that unshackling a ravenous Kindred actions during the turns that they are actively controlling
when using those powers. one knows little about might not be the wisest choice. the plants.
Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots Blorcery by Lex Noctis: Wicked Roots

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