Please Check Your Reservation Details:: Check-In Time: Check-Out Time
Please Check Your Reservation Details:: Check-In Time: Check-Out Time
Please Check Your Reservation Details:: Check-In Time: Check-Out Time
In case of cancellation of the reservation more than 24 hours before arrival at the hotel, cancellation is free. In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 24
hours before arrival at the hotel or in case if you do not check into the hotel - you pay a fine in the amount of 100% of the cost of 1 (one) settlement day. In case of
early departure due to the reduced length of stay in hotel compared with reservation stay, Guest will pay a fine to the Management Company in the amount of 100%
of the cost of 1 (one) settlement day.
Transfer. We will be happy to organize transfers to and from the hotel for you. Please send us an inquiry to place an order or find out more.
By confirming your hotel reservation, you accept and agree to the above conditions, including the current no-show rules.
It is very important for our team that your stay at our hotel leaves only positive emotions!
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