Thank you for ordering an academic LCA database from openLCA Nexus,
for academic use.
According to the EULA of the database you ordered, you need to confirm the following:
- You are ordering the licence on behalf of an academic institution, and you are a professor.
- The licence will be used for academic purposes only, by students and staff registered at that institution.
This licence can be shared with an unlimited number of students under one chair. You also need to confirm that the
academic institution is in one of the following UN classified Low and Low-Middle Income countries:
(WESP_2024_Web.pdf (un.org)).
** Without this information we cannot grant you access to the ecoinvent database.
Licence conditions and signature: I hereby declare the accuracy of the statement above:
Institution stamp:
Date and Signature:
Please upload this page directly into the “orders” section of your Nexus account.