Soa Abw K0PL000000839816 16102024 1415794
Soa Abw K0PL000000839816 16102024 1415794
Soa Abw K0PL000000839816 16102024 1415794
Current Overdue (Rs) Current Late Current LPF Interest Accrued At Balance Principal (Rs) Total Outstanding (Rs)
Payment Receivable (Rs) Termination (Rs)
Charges (Rs)
4,875.00 CR 0.00 DR 0.00 DR 4,307.00 DR 924,261.00 DR 923,693.00 DR
Customer Information
Co-Applicant Name: NA Guarantor Name: NA
Customer Segment: Service Segment:
Customer Relationship ID: GLBCUST00001218223
Disbursement Information
Issue Date : 16-10-2024
Page 2 of 4
Loan Account Statement for ABW_K0PL000000839816
Mr Kanhaiya Balke
Disbursal Status: Fully Disbursed Disbursal Payment Status: Disbursal Paid
Transaction Summary
Particulars Debits (Rs) Credits (Rs) Closing Balance (Rs)
PEMI 2,385.00 2,385.00 0.00 DR
Installments / Pre-payments Principal 13,739.00 13,739.00 0.00 DR
Prepaid Installment 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Prepaid Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Upfront Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Installments Interest 23,755.00 23,755.00 0.00 DR
Instrument Return Charges 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Late Payment Interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Late Payment Charge 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Late Payment Fees 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Other Receivables 30,820.00 30,820.00 0.00 DR
Excess 0.00 4,875.00 4,875.00 CR
Other Payables 4,875.00 4,875.00 0.00 DR
Misc Receipts Pending for Adjustments 0.00 0.00 0.00 DR
Outstanding 75,574.00 80,449.00 4,875.00 CR
"** The Sanctioned and Disbursed amount may include interest amount capitalized on account of fulfilment of your
Moratorium/Restructuring request. Please note that the change in sanction amount is owing to ABFL migrating to a new
loan management platform and does not in anyway affect your obligation over and above what was agreed to at the time of
effecting such moratorium/restructuring."
Toll Free no 18002707000
Warm Regards,
Aditya Birla Finance Limited