JPME - Volume 24 - Issue 1 - Pages 16-27
JPME - Volume 24 - Issue 1 - Pages 16-27
JPME - Volume 24 - Issue 1 - Pages 16-27
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Figure 1: The tectonic framework in the Western Desert of Egypt (Modified after Bayoumi 1996).
Figure 2: Area of study Location Map and Index map showing the study area and the studied seismic profiles and wells.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Geological Setting
➢ Stratigraphy Setting
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Structural interpretation
The primary purpose for detecting the
unconformities, faults and folds is structural
interpretation (Abu El Ata et al., 1999), Generally, three
structural features can be distinguished; faults, folds, and
unconformities. In order to recognize these three
elements seismic expressions should be established,
which would facilitate the given seismic data
interpretation (Abedi and El-Toukhy, 1990). The
interpretation of 3D seismic data leads to imaging the
subsurface structural elements using five picked Figure 5: The WNW-ESE interpreted seismic section
reflectors on the pre-stack time migrated (PSTM) seismic (Random line-1).
volume. The seismic reflectors were picked are Upper
Bahariya Formation, Abu Roash "G", Abu Roash "F" and ➢ Subsurface Structure contour maps:
Abu Roash "C" Members in addition to Base Channel of
Structure contour maps are a prevalent
old ancestral Nile. The interpreted fold, related
method of representing the elevations for a certain
deFormation and associated features are discussed in the
surface and its geometry. The contours are shown at
following, using seismic sections and mapped intervals.
regular intervals across the map, it is important that all
➢ WNW-ESE seismic section (Random-1): the depths are referenced to the mean sea level (True
Vertical Depth Sub Sea). Structure contour map
This seismic section oriented to the WNW-ESE constructed on the horizon was selected in the study is
direction of the study area (Fig.5), which passing through Abu Roash "G”. It’s considered as the prime reservoir in
WON X-18 and WON X-9 wells. It’s about 6.7 Km long the area of study. The map shows a structurally high area
which shows seismic reflectors were picked; Upper in the central part of the study area, in the form of
Bahariya Formation, Abu Roash "G", Abu Roash "F" and elongated an asymmetrical double plunging anticlinal
Abu Roash "C" Members in addition to Base Channel of structure, has an axis of NNE-SSW trend, with a steep dip
old ancestral Nile. Seismic reflectors seem to be parallel value in the eastern part and a gentle dip in the western
to semi parallel to each other which reflect a quite part of the study area, recording the maximum elevation
depositional regime. And gradually dipping toward the in depth value about - 6325 ft., on the other hand, the
WNW-ESE direction. deeper point of Abu Roash "G" Member was seen in the
area in the eastern and western parts of the study area
The seismic section shows that the Late (structurally low) recording depth value about - 6825 ft.
Cretaceous sequence from the Bahariya Formation to (Fig.6).
Abu Roash Formation was affected by Compressional
force in a WNW-ESE direction that resulted from a strong
folding phase took place along the northern territories of
the Western Desert which resulted in an elongated
asymmetrical anticlinal structure, having one limp dip
gently toward the WNW direction and the other limp dip
steep toward the ESE direction.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
indicates that the zone is mainly reservoir sandstone and Zone-3: Neutron/density cross plots of Upper
sometime grading into silty facies. Abu Roash “G” subdivision (Zone-3) sandstone reservoir)
(Fig.18), display that the plotted points are scattered and
lie between sandstone and limestone lines with grain
density (ρmat) ranging from 2.27 gm/cc to 2.44 gm/cc
and total porosity ranging from 23% to 28%. gm/cc. This
indicates that the zone is mainly reservoir sandstone and
sometime grading into silty facies.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
Figure 20: Net reservoir Isopach map for Upper Abu Figure 23: Net reservoir Isopach map for Upper Abu
Roash “G” sand-1 Roash “G” sand-2.
Figure 21: Modeled water saturation map for Upper Figure 24: Modeled water saturation for map Upper
Abu Roash-G zone-1. Abu Roash-G zone-2.
Figure 22: Modeled effective porosity map for Upper Figure 25: Modeled effective porosity map for Upper
Abu Roash-G zone-1. Abu Roash-G zone-2.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101
The structure responsible for hydrocarbon
entrapment in the study area was a structural high which
corresponds to the crest of an asymmetrical double
plunging anticlinal structure of WON-X oil field. The
petrophysical study was conducted to identify the
productive zone, distinguish between oil and water in the
reservoir, and define the petrophysical parameters to be
used later on petrophysical model. The analysis showed
pay zones in the Upper Abu Roash “G” Member. After
calculating clay volume, water saturation, and average
effective porosity and after applying cut-offs, All zones
encountered net pays as follows; 29 feet cumulative net
pay for WON X-1X well, 24 feet cumulative net pay for
WON X-9 well, 43 feet cumulative net pay for WON X-11
well, and 15 feet cumulative net pay for WON X-18 well.
After mapping of the petrophysical characteristics for the
different reservoirs at Upper Abu Roash “G” Member
encountered in the study area was show that the water
saturation controlled by a combination of structure and
facies elements. Clay volume and effective porosity of all
zones is controlled by facies distribution. Based on the
cumulative stock tank of original oil in place STOOIP
estimated for zones is 27 Million Stock Tank Barrel of oil.
Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering 24 (1) 2022 DOI: 10.21608/jpme.2022.105162.1101