NFS-209. Questions and Answers
NFS-209. Questions and Answers
NFS-209. Questions and Answers
The Beer-Lambert law (or Beer's law) is the linear relationship between absorbance
and concentration of an absorbing species. The general Beer-Lambert law is usually
written as:
A = λ (lambda) * b * c
A is the measured absorbance,
λ (lambda) is a wavelength-dependent absorptivity coefficient
b is the path length of light in the absorbing species, and
c is the analyte concentration.
When working in concentration units of molarity, the Beer-Lambert law is written
A = ε (epsilon) * b * c
ε (epsilon) is the wavelength-dependent molar absorptivity coefficient with units
of M−1 cm−1.
A photon of radiation entering the tube, strikes the cathode, causing the
emission of several electrons. These electrons are accelerated towards the first
dynode (which is 90V more positive than the cathode). The electrons strike the
first dynode, causing the emission of several electrons for each incident
electron. These electrons are then accelerated towards the second dynode, to
produce more electrons, which are accelerated towards dynode three and so
on. Eventually, the electrons are collected at the anode. By this time each
original photon has produced 106 − 107 electrons. The resulting current is
amplified and measured.
Merits of Photomultiplier:
1) Higher sensitivity for UV and visible radiation
2) Lower dark current
3) Wide spectral response
4) High stability
Demerits of Photomultiplier:
1) Mechanically fragile
2) Shapes and sizes are limited and are physically large
3) Need stable high voltage power supply
4) Responsivity affected by magnetic fields, hence it requires magnetic
shielding in critical application
5) Expensive and sometimes requires cooling for noise reduction
Bomb calorimeters-operate on the principle of direct calorimetry, measuring the
heat liberated as the food bums completely.
- Food is sealed within a chamber and charged with oxygen at high pressure
electrical current moving through the fuse at the tip ignites the food-oxygen
- Because the calorimeter is fully insulated from the ambient environment, the
increase in water temperature directly reflects the heat released.
- Each substrate, carbohydrates, lipid, and protein, releases a different amount
of energy called its heat of combustion.
- The reaction takes place in a sealed metal container called bomb is placed in
the water in an insulated container.
- A thermometer is inserted through the lid of the container so that its bulb is
below the water surface.
- When a reaction occurs in the bomb of the calorimeter, the heat of the reaction
flows across the walls of the bomb to the water. The temperature difference of
the water is measured. Here the heat flow into the metal parts of the
calorimeter must be taken into account.
The bomb has a fixed mass and specific heat. The mass of the bomb multiplied
by its specific hearts sometimes termed the calorimeter constant, denoted by the
symbol C with units of joules per degree Celsius. The calorimeter constant is
determined experimentally and will vary from one calorimeter to the next. The
heat flow of the bomb is:
Qbomb = C x ∆t
Once the calorimeter constant is known, calculating heat flow is a simple matter.
The pressure within a bomb calorimeter often changes during a reaction, so the
heat flow may not be equal in magnitude to the enthalpy change.
10. What are the uses of brix refractometer and desiccator in laboratory analysis?
12. Discuss the factors that affect the resolving power of a microscope. [2018, 2017]
For instance, the limit of resolution is 1 mm for a 10X objective, and 0.2 mm for a
100X objective.
14. Why immersion oil is used during microscopic examination. [2018, 2017]
17. Why might you choose to use HPLC rather than traditional low-pressure column
chromatography? [2019]
The cathode of individual lamp is constructed of the metal whose line spectrum
is required. The cylindrical configuration of the cathode is to keep the radiation
in a limited region of the tube. A quartz window is provided to pass UV radiation.
The cathodes are normally made of single metal, but cathodes of some lamps
consists of a mixture of more than one metal. Such lamps permit the analysis of
more than a single element. Two-element lamps are Ca/Mg, Cu/Zn and Na/K; and
three-element lamp is Ca/Mg/Zn.
Working Principle:
1. An entrance slit admits wide band radiation from the source of radiant energy.
2. A collimating device, either a lens or a mirror, produces parallel beam of
3. A dispersion device, cither a prism or a grating, resolves' light into its
component wavelengths,
4. A focusing lens or mirror, focuses the dispersed beam towards exit slit,
5. An exit slit allows desired monochromatic beam through it
In a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer there are two light sources; one for UV region,
deuterium/hydrogen lamp, and other for visible region, tungsten halogen lamp.
Usually, in routine investigation, either of the two is needed at a time. However,
at the time of complete wavelength scan the sources are changed automatically.
A double beam instrument employs some type of beam splitter/ chopper prior to
the cell compartment. One beam is directed through the ‘blank’ (or preference
cell) and the other through the sample. These two beams are then compared
continuously or alternately many times in a second by the instrument, and then
display the results.
Electronic amplifiers are used mainly to increase the magnitude (of voltage,
current, or power) of an electrical signal. A linear amplifier provides signal
amplification with little or do distortion, so that the output is proportional to the
input. In photometry most detector signals must be amplified by several orders
of magnitude in order to properly display the result. An amplifier takes an "input".
The amplification factor (ratio of output to input) is called “the gain” of the
amplifier. The input and output signals are normally electrical voltage.
28. Name the sources of Renewable Energy (RE). In your opinion which is the most
convenient for Bangladesh and why? [2017]