Prayag E-Billing and Invoice System
Prayag E-Billing and Invoice System
Prayag E-Billing and Invoice System
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Project Guide Head of Department
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Place: SHELU
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who supported us throughout the
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Billing and invoicing are critical components of financial management for businesses, facilitating the
recording of transactions, ensuring timely payments, and maintaining healthy cash flow. Effective billing
systems streamline the process of generating invoices, tracking payments, and managing client accounts.
Automation in invoicing processes can significantly reduce errors, improve efficiency, and enhance
customer satisfaction by providing accurate and timely financial documentation. This paper explores
best practices for billing and invoicing, the role of technology in automating these processes, and
strategies to optimize cash flow management through effective billing solutions
PROJECT SYNOPSIS ..................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
REVISION & SIGN-OFF SHEET .................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
VISION STATEMENT ..................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT ...................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SCOPE ................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
REPORT GENERATION SYSTEM .................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
OUT OF SCOPE............................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
GOAL .................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SOLUTION CONCEPT ............................................................................................................................7
USER PROFILES .....................................................................................................................................9
USAGE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................9
REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY ........................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Business Requirements .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
User Requirements ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Operational Requirements ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
System Requirements .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
SUCCESS CRITERIA ..................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Sales Automation .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
FEATURES/FUNCTIONALITY .......................................................................................................10
USE CASES SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................12
SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE REQUIREMENT .....................................................................13
General Requirement for Server/Client: ........................................................................................13
DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES .....................................................................13
DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES .....................................................................14
FRONT END ........................................................................................................................................14
BACK END ..........................................................................................................................................14
DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................................15
VISUAL DESIGN.......................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ............................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
LOGICAL DESIGN ....................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
PHYSICAL DESIGN...................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
EBILLING AND INVOICE SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY ...................................................16
EBILLING AND INVOICE SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY ....................................................16
TABLE : PRODUCT_MASTER................................................................................................................16
TABLE : BILL........................................................................................................................................16
TABLE : BILL_DETAILS ........................................................................................................................17
TABLE : COMPANY_MASTER ..............................................................................................................17
TABLE : USER_MASTER .......................................................................................................................18
The client uses MS Excel, and maintains their product list, customer list, and prints
the invoice, however it is not possible them to share the data from multiple system in
multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake. When
the product price are changed they need to update each and every excel file. There is
no option to find and print previous saved invoice. There is no security; any body can
access any report and sensitive data, also no reports to find out the sales volume,
stock list, and summary report. This eBilling and invoicing system is used to
overcome the entire problem which they are facing currently, and making complete
atomization of manual billing and invoicing system
This section presents a conceptual overview of the solution, and then provides an introduction to its
Solution Concept
The eBilling and Invoice System consists of:
• Customer, Products, Billing Generation: Automate the current manual bill generation system
and maintain the searchable customer, products database and product invoice, maintain the data
security, user rights.
• Report Generation: A Report Generation system will be developed for the user and management
of eBilling and Invoicing System. This MIS system will have both details and summary type
reports for analysis the sales volume, sales trend, available stock
Part of the solution will involve converting data from Microsoft Excel to the Database, system can import
existing customer, product data from predefined MS Excel, CSV format. It reduces the data entry work
and quick implementation of the system.
The following diagram describes the proposed solution architecture at a high level.
High Level Solution Architecture
User Profiles
The following user types are expected for the eBilling and Invoicing System:
Usage Summary
eBilling and Invoicing System Version 1.0 will address the following use cases. The complete usage
scenarios will be completed during the information-gathering process. Use cases will be created and
Selected use cases
will be expanded
into usage
scenarios and
features that are
derived from both
use cases and the
usage scenarios,
as represented in
the following
Usage summary
use case
The following sections summarize features and functionality described by use case. Please see bellow
eBilling and Invoice System – Requirements
Manage Orders
Sales representatives must be able to offer discount in an order
Must be able to create, track, revise, and cancel orders
Must be able to create an order
Must be able to track an order
Must be able to revise an order
Must be able to cancel an order
Manage Users
Must be able to record information about users
Must be able to search for employee information
Must be able to track information for each employee
Must be able to add/ modify user information
User can change his/ her password
Must be specify the user rights and privilege
Network Management
Must be able to monitor the network centrally
Must be able to monitor servers centrally
Must be able to monitor application server software centrally
Must be able to monitor databases centrally
CEO Requirements
To extend our product availability (Looks more like a business goal than a definable
Providing a no single point failure application (Looks more like a business goal than a
definable requirement.)
Reduce our costs by lowering customer handle time (Looks more like a business goal
than a definable requirement.)
Need to improve our sales volume (Looks more like a business goal than a definable
Use Cases Summary
Software and Hardware Requirement
Front End
1. VB 6
Why VB6?
VB6 is built on the Windows Server System to take major advantage of the OS and which comes
with a host of different servers which allows for building, deploying, managing and maintaining
Windows Based solutions. The Windows Server System is designed with performance as priority
and it provides scalability, reliability.
Back End
1. MS Access
Why MS Access?
MS Access is desktop RDMS support small application with all features like relational query,
different data types, joins, and query. Includes
• Easy to use and easy to deployment.
• Integration with Windows OS
• Scalability
• Import and Export of data in all major database system.
• Centralized Management
• Reliability
• Automating Tasks
Development Environment
1. Visual Studio 6.0
eBilling and Invoice System Data Dictionary
Table : product_master
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 5
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Table : bill
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 15
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Table : bill_details
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 6
Number of indexes: 3
Number of foreign keys: 2
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Table : Company_master
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 7
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Owner: dbo
Destination DB name: ebill
Number of columns: 3
Number of indexes: 2
Number of foreign keys: 0
Extended attributes:
Clustered PK Yes
Coding :-
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
// Getters
public String getPhotoId() {
return photoId;
To create an e-billing and invoice output, you typically want to include the following elements:
1. Header:
- Company Name
- Logo
- Contact Information (Address, Phone, Email)
2. Invoice Details:
- Invoice Number
- Invoice Date
- Due Date
3. Bill To:
- Client Name
- Client Address
- Client Contact Information
4. Description of Goods/Services:
Item No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total
001 Service/Product Name 2 ₹50.00 ₹100.00
002 Service/Product Name 1 ₹150.00 ₹150.00
Subtotal ₹250.00
Tax (10%) ₹25.00
Total Amount Due ₹275.00
5. Payment Information:
- Payment Methods Accepted
- Bank Details (if applicable)
7. Footer:
- Thank you note
- Additional contact information or notes
Example Output
Bill To:
John Doe
456 Client St.
City, State, Zip
Effective billing and invoicing are crucial for maintaining healthy cash flow and ensuring smooth
operations within any business. A streamlined invoicing process not only ensures timely payments but
also enhances customer satisfaction through clarity and transparency. Embracing automation tools can
further simplify these processes, reducing errors and saving valuable time. By prioritizing accurate and
timely billing, businesses can foster stronger client relationships and focus on growth opportunities.
Ultimately, efficient billing and invoicing practices are key to sustaining financial stability and achieving
long-term success.
Reference :-
1. Lusardi, A., & Mitchell, O. S. (2014). The Economic Importance of Financial Literacy: Theory and Evidence.
Journal of Economic Literature, 52(1), 5-44.
2. Karp, A. & Tighe, A. (2017). Financial Management Tools for Today's Consumers: A Review of Personal
Finance Apps. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51(2), 338-360.
3. Chen, H. (2020). User Engagement in Personal Finance Applications: A Study of Behavioral Aspects.
International Journal of Information Management, 50, 203-215.
4. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information
Technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.