VXA-150 Service Manual
VXA-150 Service Manual
VXA-150 Service Manual
Service Manual
Unit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall Close
Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.
Unit 5, 20/F., Seaview Centre, 139-141 Hoi Bun Road,
Printed in Japan. Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
1 2 3
4 5 6 121.5
7 8 9 ANL
MW 0
The Vertex Standard VXA-150 ProV is a compact, stylish, solid hand-held transceiver providing commu-
nication (transmit and receive) capability on the International Aircraft Communication Band (“COM” band:
118 ~ 136.975 MHz), and it additionally provides receive on the “NAV” band (108 ~ 117.975 MHz).
The VXA-150 includes our exclusive two-mode display with upright or inverted viewing when on your
belt, NOAA weather band monitoring, 8-character Alpha/Numeric Display, 50 Memory Channels, and 100
“Book Memory” Channels.
The following pages describe the Controls & Connectors, Accessories & Options, and Specification of the
VXA-150. With proper care and operation, the transceiver will provide many years of reliable communica-
Operating Manual Reprint ......................... 2 Circuit Description ...................................... 11
Specifications ................................................ 6 Alignment ..................................................... 14
CE32 Programming Software .................... 7 Board Unit (Schematics, Layouts & Parts) ....... 17
Exploded View & Miscellaneous Parts.... 9 MAIN Unit ........................................................... 17
VR Unit ................................................................. 30
Block Diagram ............................................ 10
SW Unit ................................................................. 31
Operating Manual Reprint (Partial)
Antenna Jack
This SMA jack accepts the supplied flexible antenna,
or another antenna designed to provide 50 W imped-
ance on the Aircraft Communication Band.
Turn this control clockwise to turn the radio on and to
increase the volume. Counterclockwise rotation into
the click-stop will turn the radio off.
The internal speaker is located in this position.
Speak across this opening in a normal voice level while
pressing the PTT switch.
Several keys have dual functions.
The primary functions are labeled on the key top (ac-
tivated by simply pressing the key momentarily),
Front Panel while secondary functions are labeled in yellow above
the top edge of the key (activated by pressing the [F]
key first, then the indicated key).
Operating Manual Reprint (Partial)
Operating Manual Reprint (Partial)
1 2 3
Primary Function Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Selects Memory Display
(Press Key) Digit 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Type
Secondary Function
None None None Locks the Keypad
(Press +)
4 5 6 121.5
Primary Function Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Selects Emergency
(Press Key) Digit 4 Digit 5 Digit 6 Channel (121.5 MHz)
Secondary Function
None None None None
(Press +)
7 8 9
Primary Function Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Frequency Entry Activates Automatic Noise
(Press Key) Digit 7 Digit 8 Digit 9 Limiter
Secondary Function Activates Split (Duplex) On/Off Switch Allows Skipping of
(Press +) mode for Keypad Beeper Channel during Scan
MW 0
Operating Manual Reprint (Partial)
The VXA-150’s Book Memories also allow the user to store, label, and recall channel frequencies which you may want
to use frequently while the VXA-150 is in the Field Programming mode.
Memory Storage into the Book Memory r To label a memory with an alpha/numeric name, the
r Press and hold the PTT and LAMP switches while next step is to use the CHANNEL selector knob to se-
turning the radio on, to activate the Field Program- lect any of the 48 available characters (including let-
ming Mode. ters, numbers, and special symbols). When the desired
r Select the desired frequency to be stored in the Book first character appears, press down on the CHANNEL
Memory. selector knob momentarily to move on to the next char-
r Press and hold the [MW(SPL.W)] key for 2 seconds. acter.
The display will indicate “BOOK - ” and a channel num- r Select succeeding characters in the same manner,
ber will blink on the LCD. pressing down on the CHANNEL selector knob mo-
r Within five seconds of pressing the [MW(SPL.W)] key, mentarily after each selection.
rotate the CHANNEL selector knob to select the de- r After entering the entire name (eight characters maxi-
sired memory channel number for storage. mum), press the [MW(SPL.W)] key for 2 seconds to
r Now press and hold in the [MW (SPL.W)] key for 2 save all data for the channel.
seconds; you will now see “ - - - - - - - - ” on the LCD. To r Turn the radio off, then turn the radio back on again
attach an alpha/numeric name (label) to the memory, to begin normal operation.
proceed to the next step; otherwise press and hold the
[MW(SPL.W)] key for 2 seconds to save the entry and
Availability of accessories may vary. Some accessories are supplied as standard per local requirements, while others may be unavailable
in some regions. Consult your Vertex Standard Dealer for details regarding these and any newly-available options.
Connection of any non-Vertex Standard-approved accessory, should it cause damage, may void the Limited Warranty on this appara-
Frequency Range: TX: 118.000 - 136.975 MHz,
RX: 108.000 - 136.975 MHz,
Weather Channels (WX-01 - WX-10)
Channel Spacing: 25 kHz
Emission Type: TX: AM, RX: AM & FM
Supply Voltage: 6.0 - 15.0 VDC
Current Consumption (approx.): < 1 µA (power off),
17 mA (battery saver on, saver ratio 1:5),
47 mA (squelch on),
180 mA (receive),
1 A (transmit 1.5 W Carrier)
Temperature Range: +14 °F to + 140 °F (–10 °C to +60 °C)
Case Size (WxHxD): 2.3 x 4.3 x 1.0 inches (58 x 108.5 x 26.5 mm) w/FNB-64
Weight (approx.): 0.75 lb (340 grams) with FNB-64, antenna, and belt clip
Circuit Type: Double-conversion superheterodyne
IFs: 35.4 MHz & 450 kHz
Sensitivity: <0.8 µV (for 6 dB S/N with 1 kHz, 30 % modulation)
Selectivity: >8 kHz/–6 dB
Adjacent CH. Selectivity: <25 kHz/–60 dB
AF Output (@7.2 V): 0.4 W @ 8 Ohms, 10 % THD
Power Output (@ 7.2 V): 5.0 W (PEP), 1.5 W (Carrier Power)
Frequency Stability: Better than ±10 ppm (+14 °F to + 140 °F [–10 °C to +60 °C])
Modulation System: Low Level Amplitude Modulation
Spurious Emission: >60 dB below carrier
Int. Microphone Type: Condenser
Ext. Mic. Impedance: 150 Ohms
Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
CE32 Programming Software
CE32 Programming Software Instructions
With the CE32 programming Software you can quickly and easily program the features and memories of the Vertex
Standard VXA-150 heavy duty air band transceiver from your personal computer. The CE32 Programming Software
allows custom memory files to be stored, saved, merged, and edited for convenience when planning a journey. In the
event of an accidental memory failure, transceiver memory and configuration data may be re-loaded in a matter of min-
Before connecting the VXA-150 for programming, turn off both the computer and the VXA-150. Now connect the CT-
42A PC Programming Cable to the computer's serial port and the VXA-150 as shown in the illustration. Then it will be safe
to restart the computer; turning off the equipment during interconnection avoids damage to the electronics caused by
voltage spikes.
Insert the distribution diskette into your 3½" drive (after booting DOS), and make a copy of the diskette; use the
distribution diskette for archive purposes, and use the disk copy for programming.
Place the CE32 (copy) diskette into your 3½" drive (usually "Drive A"), and log onto this drive by typing A:[ENTER]. At
this point, you may make a directory for the CE32 software, if you like, according to standard DOS procedures (using the
MKDIR command). Load the contents of the CE32 diskette into this directory, using the COPY command (e.g. COPY A:*.*
C:\ [directory name]).
Now type CE32 [ENTER] to start the program. The introductory screen will appear, and you may press any key to enter
the main screen, as shown below.
Choose the "Help" contents option from the program's Menu for assistance with program operation.
Important Note!
Do not work directly with the CE32 programming diskette. Make a copy of it and use the copy when programming the
VXA-150. Keep it and the original distribution diskette in a safe place in case you need to make another copy of it later.
1 2 3
4 5 6 121.5
7 8 9 ANL
MW 0
Exploded View & Miscellaneous Parts
RA0210600 RA0123500
RA0210100 RA0111400
Á RA0128900
 À À
RA0211100 Ã RA021020A
RA0211200 RA0106900
VR Unit
No. VXSTD P/N Description Qty.
À U9900068 TAPTITE SCREW M2´4 NI #3 8
 U9900101 PAN HEAD SCREW M1.7´14 NI #2 1 The mic element must be desoldered and
à U9900086 TAPTITE SCREW M1.7´2.5B 2 removed from the PCB on order to rein-
Ä U9900051 TAPTITE SCREW M2´4B #3 1 stall its protective rubber cover.
Å U07230107 PAN HEAD SCREW M2´3B #1 1 Therefore, be careful À Á
not to remove this
Æ U9900063 TAPTITE SCREW 2´3.3 NI 2 cover unless mic ele-
Ç U02206007 SEMS SCREW SM2.6´6B 2 Ç ment replacement is
Non-designated parts are available only as part of a designated assembly.
Block Diagram
Circuit Description
Receive Signal Path sisting of capacitor C1124, resistors R1105, R1111, R1112,
Incoming RF from the antenna jack is passed through R1115, & R1119 and diode D1023 (BAS316) is activate,
a low-pass filter and high-pass filter consisting of coils thus reducing the pulse noises when impulse noise re-
L1022, L1024, L1026, L1027, L1030, & L1031, capacitors ceived.
C1237, C1239, C1242, C1245, C1247, C1248, C1249, C1250, The processed audio signal from Q1028-2 passes
C1251, C1252, C1255, & C1257 and antenna switching di- through the audio mute gate Q1008 (DTC143ZUA) and
odes D1037 and D1039 (both RLS135) to the receiver front the volume control to the audio power amplifier Q1009
end section. (TDA7233D), providing up to 0.4 Watts to the headphone
Signals within the frequency range of the transceiver jack or 8 W loudspeaker.
are applied to the receiver front end which contains RF A portion of the AF signal from the AM/FM IF sub-
amplifier Q1058 (2SC5226) and varactor-tuned band-pass system Q1049 converted into DC voltage within the IC,
filter consisting of coils L1013, L1017, L1020, L1021, L1028, and then passes through the AGC amplifier Q1054
& L1029, capacitors C1198, C1204, C1205, C1212, C1216, (2SA1602A) and Q1055 (UMW1) to the inversion ampli-
C1217, C1222, C1228, C1232, C1243, & C1253, and diodes fiers Q1051 and Q1057 (both 2SC5226). These amplifiers
D1032, D1034, D1036 & D1042 (all HVC350), then applied reduce the gain of the IF amplifier Q1050 and the RF am-
to the 1st mixer Q1056 (2SC5226). plifier Q1058 while receiving a strong signal.
Buffered output from the VCO is amplified by Q1029
(2SC5226) to provide a pure 1st local signal between 143.4 Squelch Control
and 172.4 MHz for injection to the 1st mixer. The 35.4 MHz When a signal is received, a DC squelch control volt-
1st mixer product then passes through monolithic crystal age appears at pin 15 of AM/FM IF subsystem Q1049 ac-
filter XF1001 (35S15A, 7.5 kHz BW) which strips away all cording to the receiving signal strength. This DC is ap-
but the desired signal, which is then amplified by mixer plied to pin 2 of microprocessor Q1014.
postamp Q1050 (2SC4215Y). The DC squelch control voltage is compared with the
The amplified 1st IF signal is applied to the AM/FM IF SQL threshold level by the microprocessor Q1014. If the
subsystem IC Q1049 (TK10931V), which contains the 2nd DC squelch control voltage is higher, pin 49 of Q1014 goes
mixer, limiter amplifier, and AM/FM detector. low. This signal disable the AF MUTE gate Q1008
A 2nd local signal is generated by PLL reference/2nd (DTC143ZUA), thus activating the AF audio.
local oscillator Q1045 (2SC4116GR) from the 17.475 MHz Also, the microprocessor stops scanning, if active, and
crystal X1002. The 17.47 MHz signal is doubled by Q1048 allows audio to pass through the AF MUTE gate Q1008.
(2SC4116GR) to produce the 450 kHz 2nd IF when mixed
with the 1st IF signal within Q1049. The 2nd IF then pass- Transmit Signal Path
es through the ceramic filter CF1001 (ALFYM450F=K) to Speech input from the microphone is passed through
strip away unwanted mixer products. the microphone sensitivity potentiometer VR1001 and
In the FM mode, a 2nd IF signal from the ceramic filter microphone amplifier Q1005-3 (NJM2902V), then applied
CF1001 applied to the limiter amplifier section of Q1049, to the ALC amplifier Q1007 (AN6123MS). The amplified
which removes amplitude variations in the 450 kHz IF speech signal is passed through the high-pass filter Q1005-
before detection of the speech by the ceramic discrimina- 1 (NJM2902V) and low-pass filter Q1005-2 (NJM2902V)
tor CD1001 (CDBM450C24T). Detected audio from Q1049 which AM modulate the Tx frequency with speech sig-
is passed through the de-emphasis, consisting of the re- nal.
sistors R1089, R1095, R1100, & R1149, capacitors C1104, When using the optional headset, the SIDETONE sig-
C1105, C1107, & C1151, and Q1028-2 (NJM2904V). nal from Q1011 (UMG2) becomes “HIGH”, turning Q1012
In the AM mode, detected audio from Q1049 is passed (2SC4116GR) on, therefore a portion of the speech signal
through the audio amplifier Q1028-1 (NJM2904V) and applied to the AF power amplifier Q1009 as a monitor
ANL circuit, then applied to the AF amplifier Q1028-2 signal.
(NJM2904V). When ANL is on, the ANL MUTE gate The carrier signal from the VCO Q1023 (2SC5226)
Q1027 (UMG2) goes high, the low-pass filer/limiter con- passes through the buffer amplifier Q1029 (2SC5226) and
Circuit Description
TX/RX switch D1031 (MC2848), then amplified by Q1043 In the receive mode, VCO Q1023 oscillates between
(2SC3356) and Q1047 (2SK2973), then applied to the 143.4 and 172.4 MHz. The VCO output is buffered by
power amplifier Q1052 which increases the signal level Q1029 and Q1036, and applied to the prescaler section of
up to 5 watts output power. Q1032. There the VCO signal is divided by 64 or 65, ac-
The transmit signal then passes through the antenna cording to a control signal from the data latch section of
switch D1037 (RLS135), and is low-pass filtered to sup- Q1032, before being applied to the programmable divid-
press away harmonic spurious radiation before delivery er section of Q1032. The data latch section of Q1032 also
to the antenna. receives serial dividing data from the microprocessor
Q1014 (M38254M6), which causes the pre-divided VCO
Automatic Transmit Power Control signal to be further divided in the programmable divider
RF power output from the final amplifier is sampled section, depending upon the desired receive frequency,
by C1241/C1244 and is rectified by D1040 (HSM88WA). so as to produce a 5 kHz derivative of the current VCO
The resulting DC voltage passes through the Automatic frequency.
Power Controller Q1005 (NJM2902V) to the APC attenu- Meanwhile, the reference divider section of Q1032 di-
ator D1015 (RN739F), and final amplifier Q1052 vides the 17.475 MHz crystal reference from the reference
(2SK2974), so as to control the power output. oscillator Q1045 by 3495 to produce the 5 kHz loop refer-
ence. The 5 kHz signal from the programmable divider
Transmit Inhibit (derived from the VCO) and that derived from the refer-
When the transmit PLL is unlocked, pin 7 of PLL chip ence oscillator are applied to the phase detector section of
Q1032 (MB15A01PFV1) goes to a logic low. The result- Q1032, which produces a pulsed output with pulse dura-
ing DC “unlock” control voltage is switches off TX inhibit tion depending on the phase difference between the in-
switches Q1035 (2SA1602A), Q1037 (UMW1), and Q1041 put signals. This pulse train is filtered to DC and returned
(DTA143EU) to disable the supply voltage to transmitter to the varactor D1015 (HVC350B).
RF amplifier Q1043, disabling the transmitter. Changes in the level of the DC voltage applied to the
varactors affect the reactance in the tank circuit of the VCO,
Spurious Suppression changing the oscillating frequency of the VCO according
Generation of spurious products by the transmitter is to the phase difference between the signals derived from
minimized by the fundamental carrier frequency being the VCO and the crystal reference oscillator. The VCO is
equal to the final transmitting frequency. Additional har- thus phase-locked to the crystal reference oscillator.
monic suppression is provided by a low-pass filter con- The output of the VCO Q1023 is buffered by Q1029
sisting of L1024, L1026, & L1030 and C1242, C1245, C1247, before application to the 1st mixer, as described previous-
C1249, C1252, & C1257, resulting in more than 60 dB of ly.
harmonic suppression prior to delivery of the RF signal For transmission, the VCO Q1023 oscillates between
to the antenna. 118 and 137 MHz. The remainder of the PLL circuitry is
shared with the receiver. However, the dividing data from
PLL Frequency Synthesizer the microprocessor is such that the VCO frequency is at
PLL circuitry consists of VCO Q1023 (2SC5226), VCO the actual transmit frequency (rather than offset for IFs,
buffer Q1029 & Q1036 (both 2SC5226), and PLL sub- as in the receiving case).
system IC Q1032 (MB15A01PFV1), which contains a ref- Receive and transmit buses select which VCO is made
erence divider, serial-to-parallel data latch, programma- active by Q1021 (RT1N241M). FET Q1042 (2SK880GR)
ble divider, phase comparator and charge pump. buffers the VCV line for application to the tracking band-
Stability is maintained by a regulated 3.5 V supply via pass filters in the receiver front end.
Q1030 (S-81235SGUP-DQI) which feeds the PLL refer- When the power saving feature is active, the micro-
ence oscillator Q1045 (2SC4116GR), as well as capacitors processor periodically signals to the PLL IC Q1032 to con-
associated with the 17.475 MHz frequency reference crys- serve power, and to shorten lock-up time.
tal X1002.
Circuit Description
Push-To-Talk Transmit Activation
The PTT switch on the microphone is fed through the
PTT controller, Q1002 (UMZ2N), to pin 41 of micropro-
cessor Q1014, so that when the PTT switch is closed, pin
18 of Q1014 goes high. This signals the microprocessor to
activate the TX/RX controller Q1017 (UMG2N), which cut
off the receiver by disabling the 5 V supply bus at Q1020
(DTA143EU) which feeds the front-end, FM IF subsystem
IC Q1049, and receiver VCO circuitry. At the same time,
Q1037 (UMW1) and Q1041 (DTA143EU) activates the
transmit 5 V supply line to enable the transmitter.
The VXA-150 is carefully aligned at the factory for the Required Test Equipment
specified performance across the Aircraft and Weather ¦ Radio Tester with calibrated output level at 200
bands. Realignment should therefore not be necessary MHz
except in the event of a component failure. ¦ In-line Wattmeter with 5% accuracy at 200 MHz
The following procedures cover the adjustments that ¦ 50-W, 10-W RF Dummy Load
are not normally required once the transceiver has left the ¦ Regulated DC Power Supply adjustable from 3 to
factory. However, if damage occurs and some parts sub- 15 VDC, 2A
sequently are replaced, realignment may be required. If a ¦ Frequency Counter: ±0.2 ppm accuracy at 200 MHz
sudden problem occurs during normal operation, it is like- ¦ AF Signal Generator
ly due to component failure; realignment should not be ¦ AC Voltmeter
done until after the faulty component has been replaced. ¦ DC Voltmeter: high impedance
We recommend that servicing be performed only by ¦ VHF Sampling Coupler
authorized Vertex Standard service technicians who are
experienced with the circuitry and fully equipped for re- Alignment Preparation & Precautions
pair and alignment. If a fault is suspected, contact the deal- A 50-W RF load and in-line wattmeter must be con-
er from whom the transceiver was purchased for instruc- nected to the main antenna jack in all procedures that call
tions regarding repair. Under no circumstances should any for transmission, except where specified otherwise. Cor-
alignment be attempted unless the normal function and rect alignment is not possible with an antenna. After com-
operation of the transceiver are clearly understood, the pleting one step, read the next step to see if the same test
cause of the malfunction has been clearly pinpointed and equipment is required. If not, remove the test equipment
any faulty components replaced, and realignment deter- (except dummy load and wattmeter, if connected) before
mined to be absolutely necessary. Problems caused by un- proceeding.
authorized attempts at realignment are not covered by the Correct alignment requires that the ambient tempera-
warranty policy. ture be the same as that of the transceiver and test equip-
Vertex Standard reserves the right to change circuits ment, and that this temperature be held constant between
and alignment procedures, in the interest of improved per- 68 ~ 86 °F (20 ~ 30 °C). When the transceiver is brought
formance, without notifying owners. into the shop from hot or cold air, it should be allowed
The following test equipment (and familiarity with its some time to come to room temperature before alignment.
use) is necessary for complete realignment. While most Whenever possible, alignments should be made with os-
steps do not require all of the equipment listed, the inter- cillator shields and circuit boards firmly affixed in place.
actions of some adjustments may require that more com- Also, the test equipment must be thoroughly warmed up
plex adjustments be performed afterwards. Do not attempt before beginning.
to perform only a single step unless it is clearly isolated Set up the test equipment as shown below for trans-
electrically from all other steps. Have all test equipment ceiver alignment, apply 7.2 VDC power to the transceiv-
ready before beginning, and follow all of the steps in a er. Refer to the drawings for Alignment Points.
section in the order presented.
Correction of problems caused by misalignment result- In-line Wattmeter 50-W RF Load
ing from use of improper test equipment is not covered RF Sampling Coupler Radio Tester
AC Voltmeter
1 2 3
121.5 REG. 7.2VDC P.S.
7 8 9 ANL
MW 0
Alignment Setup
PLL Reference Frequency Internal System Alignment Routine
r Connect the wattmeter, dummy load and frequency This feature uses a programmed routine in the trans-
counter connected to the antenna jack, and tune the ceiver which replaces many previously-complex discrete
transceiver to 120.000 MHz. component settings and adjustments with digitally-con-
r Transmit, and adjust TC1001 on the MAIN Unit, if nec- trolled settings via the CHANNEL selector knob. Trans-
essary, so the counter frequency is 120.000 MHz (±100 ceiver adjustments include:
Hz). ¦ Squelch Hysteresis Adjustment
¦ Squelch Threshold Adjustment
TX Power Adjustment ¦ Squelch “Tight” Adjustment
r Connect the wattmeter and dummy load to the anten-
To begin, set the transceiver to 127.500 MHz, and turn
na jack, and tune the transceiver to 128.000 MHz.
the transceiver off. Then, press and holding the LAMP
r Transmit, and adjust VR1003 to obtain 1.5 W RF (car-
switch, PTT switch and the CHANNEL selector knob while
rier) power indicated on the wattmeter (without au-
turning the transceiver on.
dio modulation input).
Alignment Point
Circuit Diagram
3.3 V 0V
(0.7 V) (0 V)
2.5 V 3.6 V
(2.6 V) (3.7 V)
0V 0V 0V 0V 0V
(1.9 V) (0 V) (1.7 V) (1.7 V) 0V (1.6 V) 0V
6.9 V 6.9 V (0.9 V)
1.3 V (2.0 V) (6.6 V) 0V (6.6 V)
(1.3 V) 0.9 V 0V (1.3 V)
(0.9 V) (4.0 V)
1.8 V 0V
(1.8 V) (1.8 V)
2.2 V
(2.2 V)
3.3 V 0V 1.6 V 1.2 V
(0 V) (1.7 V) (1.5 V) (0 V) 0V
0V 1.4 V 1.0 V 0V (0.7 V) 6.9 V
0.7 V
0V 0V 0V (1.7 V) (1.5 V) (1.0 V) (1.3 V) (4.8 V) 6.4 V (6.6 V)
(0 V) (1.7 V) (1.7 V) 0V (6.0 V)
0V (3.7 V)
(6.9 V)
0.5 V
(0.4 V)
7.0 V
(6.9 V) 0V
(0.8 V)
4.7 V
(0 V)
0 V (0.8 V)
6.6 V
(0 V) 1.0 V
0V 1.3 V (1.4 V)
3.5 V (3.0 V) (0 V) 0.6 V 6.4 V
(3.1 V) (0.4 V) (6.4 V)
3.5 V 4.7 V (2.1 V)
(2.5 V) 3.3 V 7.1 V 3.5 V
(0.4 V) (0 V) (4.7 V) 0V 0 V (0.8 V) (0 V)
(0.6 V) (4.7 V)
3.3 V
1.5 V (3.3 V)
3.6 V 4.8 V
(3.7 V) (1.4 V) (0 V) 0.7 V
0V (0 V)
6.6 V (0 V)
(6.7 V) 0.9 V 4.3 V 0V
(0 V) SQL OPEN: 3.4 V (4.4 V) (0 V)
SQL CLOSE: 0 V 2.6 V
(3.5 V) 3.3 V (3.3 V)
(0 V)
3.3 V 1.5 V
(0 V) (0 V)
4.6 V
(0 V) 0.7 V
0.7 V (0 V)
0V (0 V)
(3.4 V)
0V 1.4 V
(3.4 V) (1.4 V) 4.0 V
0V 0V (0 V)
(0 V) 0V (0 V)
(0 V)
4.5 V
FM: 1.7 V 3.2 V (0 V)
(0 V) (0 V)
(0 V)
3.5 V 1.0 V
(0 V) 4.5 V
(3.5 V) (0 V)
1.5 V 1.1 V
(0 V) (0 V)
1.6 V
1.8 V (1.6 V)
(1.8 V)
0.7 V
7.0 V 1.5 V 3.3 V (0 V)
(0 V) 1.2 V (0 V)
(7.0 V) (0 V)
1.5 V 0V
FM: 0 V (0 V)
AM ANL OFF: 0 V (0 V)
AM ANL ON: 3.5 V 1.5 V
(0 V) (0 V) 4.8 V 0.7 V
(4.8 V) (0 V)
3.3 V
(3.3 V)
1.5 V 1.5 V
(0 V) 1.5 V (0 V) (0 V)
FM: 3.5 V
AM: 0 V
(0 V)
1.1 V
(1.1 V)
0.6 V
(0.6 V)
2.9 V
(2.9 V)
LAMP ON: 0.2 V
(3.5 V)
LAMP ON: 3.4 V
(0 V)
7.3 V
(7.3 V)
3.5 V
(3.5 V)
3.4 V
(3.4 V)
7.2 V 6.5 V
(6.9 V) (6.0 V)
3.4 V SAVE ON: 3.5 V 3.5 V 3.3 V
(0 V) SAVE OFF: 0 V (3.5 V) (0 V)
(0 V) 6.3 V
0V (6.3 V)
(3.4 V) 4.9 V
(4.9 V)
0 V (0 V) 3.5 V
(3.5 V)
0 V (0 V)
4.8 V 2.9 V 2.9 V
0 V (0 V) (4.8 V) (2.9 V) 3.5 V 3.5 V
(3.5 V) (2.9 V) (3.5 V)
0 V (0 V)
0 V (0.6 V)
2.9 V 3.5 V
0 V (0 V) (2.9 V) (3.5 V)
0V 0V
(0 V) (0 V) 6.7 V
(6.6 V)
1.4 V
(1.3 V) RX (TX)
1.7 V TRX Frequency: 120.000 MHz
3.5 V 3.5 V
(1.7 V) 3.3 V (3.5 V) RX Input Level: 40 dBµV with ±3.0 kHz @ 1 kHz tone
(3.3 V) (3.5 V)
0.4 V (0.6 V) Audio Output Level: 400 mW
2.6 V Supply Voltage: 7.2 V
(2.6 V) 0.9 V (0 V)
(0 V)
0.9 V (0.9 V)
Parts Layout
(Q1014) Side A
TK10931V 2SA1602A (MF) 2SC4116GR (LG) DTA143EU (23) DTC124TU (05) DTC143ZUA (123) RT1N241M (N2) S-80745SN S-81235SGUP UMW1 (W1) 2SK2974 HSM88WA MC2850 (A7)
(Q1049) (Q1054) (Q1016) (Q1018) (Q1019) (Q1008, 1031) (Q1026, 1053) (Q1024) (Q1030) (Q1055) (Q1052) (D1040) (D1007, 1018,
2SC4215 (QY) 1019)
2SC5226 (R22)
(Q1051, 1057)
Parts Layout
a b c d e f g
(Q1032) (Q1005)
AK93C85AM TDA7233D
(Q1015) (Q1009)
Side B
MC2848 (A6) MC2850 (A7)
(D1005, 1031) (D1008)
RN739F (5F)
(D1015, 1041)
2SA1602A (MF) 2SC3356 (R24) AN6123MS DTA143EU (23) RT1N241M (N2) UMG2N (G2) UMW1 (W1) UMZ2N (Z2) SB40W03T
(Q1035) (Q1043) (Q1007) (Q1020, 1022, 1041) (Q1006, 1021, (Q1011, 1017, (Q1034, 1037, (Q1002) (D1004)
2SC4116GR (LG) RT1P441U (P3) 1059, 1060) 1027) 1039, 1046)
(Q1004, 1012, 1013, (Q1025)
1045, 1048)
2SC5226 (R22)
(Q1023, 1029, 1036,
1056, 1058)
Parts List
PCB with Components include HOLDER, LIGHT GUIDE, CS1763001
Printed Circuit Board FR0078000 1
C 1001 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1002 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d3
C 1003 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d3
C 1004 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c3
C 1005 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B a4
C 1006 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d3
C 1008 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A F3
C 1009 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B c3
C 1010 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A D1
C 1011 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A E1
C 1012 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c3
C 1013 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 A F3
C 1014 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d3
C 1016 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g3
C 1017 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A D1
C 1018 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 16V B GRM39B104K16PT K22124805 1 A E4
C 1019 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A E4
C 1020 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A E4
C 1021 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g3
C 1022 CHIP TA.CAP. 22uF 16V TEMSVB21C226M-8R K78120028 1 B b3
C 1023 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B g2
C 1024 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d3
C 1025 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B c3
C 1026 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A E3
C 1027 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B c3
C 1028 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1029 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 A E3
C 1030 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 16V TEMSVA1C475M-8R K78120031 1 B f3
C 1031 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 16V TEMSVA1C475M-8R K78120031 1 B d3
C 1032 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B g3
C 1033 AL.ELECTRO.CAP. 220uF 10V SMG1AVB221M 220UF K40109027 1 A E3
C 1034 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 16V TEMSVA1C475M-8R K78120031 1 B e3
C 1036 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B c2
C 1037 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d4
C 1038 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 A G3
C 1040 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d4
C 1041 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B b2
C 1042 AL.ELECTRO.CAP. 100uF 10V UVR1A101MDA6 100UF K40109028 1 B e4
C 1043 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1044 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B b2
C 1045 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g3
C 1046 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1047 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B g3
C 1048 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B f3
C 1049 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B g3
C 1050 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH UMK105CH270JW-F K22178268 1 B b3
C 1051 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B f3
C 1052 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1053 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK UMK105CK010CW-F K22178248 1 B b3
C 1055 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH UMK105CH100DW-F K22178258 1 B b2
C 1056 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B g3
C 1057 CHIP CAP. 390pF 50V B UMK105B391KW-F K22178824 1 B g3
C 1058 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B g3
C 1059 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A E2
C 1060 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B c2
C 1061 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B g3
C 1062 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B d4
C 1063 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d3
C 1064 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B d3
C 1065 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c2
C 1066 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1067 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1068 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c2
Parts List
C 1069 CHIP CAP. 180pF 25V CH TMK105CH181JW-F K22148244 1 B g2
C 1070 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B g3
C 1071 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1073 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B b2
C 1074 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B d2
C 1075 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 B d2
C 1076 CHIP TA.CAP. 22uF 6.3V TEMSVA0J226M-8R K78080047 1 A C2
C 1077 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ473KV-F K22108805 1 B d3
C 1078 CHIP CAP. 0.22uF 10V B GRM39B224K10PT K22104801 1 A C4
C 1079 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A C2
C 1080 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ473KV-F K22108805 1 B d3
C 1081 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A C2
C 1082 CHIP CAP. 0.022uF 16V B EMK105B223KW-F K22128813 1 B d2
C 1083 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 6.3V TEMSVA0J106M-8R K78080027 1 B d3
C 1084 CHIP CAP. 0.022uF 16V B EMK105B223KW-F K22128813 1 B e2
C 1085 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A C2
C 1086 CHIP CAP. 0.022uF 16V B EMK105B223KW-F K22128813 1 B d2
C 1087 CHIP CAP. 0.022uF 16V B EMK105B223KW-F K22128813 1 B d2
C 1088 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH UMK105CH100DW-F K22178258 1 B d2
C 1089 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e3
C 1090 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A C3
C 1091 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A C3
C 1092 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B e3
C 1093 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A C3
C 1094 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH UMK105CH330JW-F K22178270 1 B d2
C 1095 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH UMK105CH150JW-F K22178262 1 B d2
C 1096 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1097 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1098 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e3
C 1099 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d2
C 1100 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 16V TEMSVA1C475M-8R K78120031 1 A C3
C 1101 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1102 CHIP CAP. 3pF 50V CJ UMK105CJ030CW-F K22178251 1 B d2
C 1103 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1104 CHIP CAP. 0.0022uF 50V B UMK105B222KW-F K22178833 1 B e3
C 1105 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B e3
C 1106 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A C3
C 1107 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B e3
C 1109 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 B e2
C 1110 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d2
C 1111 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 A C3
C 1112 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 B e2
C 1113 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 16V TEMSVA1C475M-8R K78120031 1 B g1
C 1114 CHIP TA.CAP. 4.7uF 20V TEMSVA1D475M-8R K78130048 1 A C4
C 1115 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B e3
C 1116 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f1
C 1117 CHIP TA.CAP. 22uF 4V TEMSVA0G226M-8R K78060023 1 B g1
C 1118 CHIP CAP. 100pF 50V CH UMK105CH101JW-F K22178282 1 B e2
C 1119 CHIP CAP. 7pF 50V CH UMK105CH070DW-F K22178255 1 B d2
C 1120 CHIP CAP. 0.22uF 10V B GRM39B224K10PT K22104801 1 B f2
C 1121 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g1
C 1122 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g1
C 1123 CHIP TA.CAP. 33uF 4V TEMSVA0G336M-8R K78060036 1 A D4
C 1124 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B e3
C 1125 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1127 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH UMK105CH100DW-F K22178258 1 B e2
C 1128 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B e2
C 1129 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g1
C 1130 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1131 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH UMK105CH050CW-F K22178253 1 B e1
C 1133 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f1
C 1134 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH UMK105CH100DW-F K22178258 1 B d1
C 1135 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B f1
C 1136 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B f2
C 1137 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B e3
C 1138 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B f1
C 1139 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d1
Parts List
C 1140 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d1
C 1141 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B f2
C 1142 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f1
C 1143 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V B GRM40B105K10PT K22100802 1 B f1
C 1144 CHIP CAP. 12pF 50V CH UMK105CH120JW-F K22178260 1 B d1
C 1145 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 6.3V TEMSVA0J106M-8R K78080027 1 B g1
C 1146 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f3
C 1147 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f1
C 1148 CHIP CAP. 0.47uF 25V B GRM40B474K25PT K22140824 1 A D2
C 1149 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH UMK105CH150JW-F K22178262 1 B f1
C 1150 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A D2
C 1151 CHIP CAP. 0.0033uF 50V B UMK105B332KW-F K22178835 1 A D1
C 1153 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1154 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1155 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g1
C 1156 CHIP TA.CAP. 10uF 6.3V TEMSVA0J106M-8R K78080027 1 A D2
C 1157 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH UMK105CH470JW-F K22178274 1 B e1
C 1158 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A D2
C 1159 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A D2
C 1160 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V F GRM39F105Z10PT K22105001 1 A C2
C 1161 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B d1
C 1162 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e3
C 1164 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH UMK105CH150JW-F K22178262 1 B c2
C 1165 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1166 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f1
C 1167 CHIP CAP. 68pF 50V CH UMK105CH680JW-F K22178278 1 A D2
C 1168 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A D3
C 1169 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A D2
C 1171 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1172 CHIP CAP. 470pF 50V B UMK105B471KW-F K22178825 1 B e1
C 1173 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH UMK105CH470JW-F K22178274 1 B e1
C 1174 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A D2
C 1175 CHIP CAP. 39pF 50V CH UMK105CH390JW-F K22178272 1 B e1
C 1176 CHIP CAP. 0.0047uF 25V B TMK105B472KW-F K22148831 1 A D2
C 1177 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c2
C 1178 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A D2
C 1180 CHIP TA.CAP. 0.22uF 20V TEMSVA21D224M-8R K78130022 1 A C2
C 1181 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B b2
C 1182 CHIP CAP. 39pF 50V CH UMK105CH390JW-F K22178272 1 B e1
C 1183 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d1
C 1184 CHIP CAP. 12pF 50V CH UMK105CH120JW-F K22178260 1 B e1
C 1185 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 B f2
C 1186 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK UMK105CK0R5CW-F K22178247 1 B d1
C 1187 CHIP CAP. 1uF 10V F GRM39F105Z10PT K22105001 1 B c1
C 1188 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e1
C 1189 CHIP CAP. 68pF 50V CH UMK105CH680JW-F K22178278 1 B c1
C 1191 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f2
C 1192 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH UMK105CH470JW-F K22178274 1 B e1
C 1193 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK UMK105CK0R5CW-F K22178247 1 B d1
C 1194 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1195 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK UMK105CK010CW-F K22178248 1 B d1
C 1196 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A C2
C 1197 CHIP CAP. 0.47uF 25V B GRM40B474K25PT K22140824 1 B g2
C 1198 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 B d1
C 1199 CHIP CAP. 39pF 50V CH UMK105CH390JW-F K22178272 1 A C2
C 1200 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1201 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B b2
C 1202 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK UMK105CK0R5CW-F K22178247 1 B d1
C 1203 CHIP TA.CAP. 2.2uF 16V TEMSVA1C225M-8R K78120015 1 A D2
C 1204 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 B d1
C 1205 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK UMK105CK010CW-F K22178248 1 B d1
C 1206 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B b2
C 1208 CHIP CAP. 0.0047uF 25V B TMK105B472KW-F K22148831 1 A C2
C 1209 CHIP CAP. 0.0047uF 25V B TMK105B472KW-F K22148831 1 B e1
C 1211 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B g2
C 1212 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 B d1
C 1213 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B f2
Parts List
C 1214 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A C2
C 1215 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 B e1
C 1216 CHIP CAP. 2pF 50V CK UMK105CK020CW-F K22178250 1 B d1
C 1217 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 B d1
C 1218 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH UMK105CH330JW-F K22178270 1 B b1
C 1219 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A F1
C 1220 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e1
C 1221 CHIP CAP. 39pF 50V CH UMK105CH390JW-F K22178272 1 B e1
C 1222 CHIP CAP. 1pF 50V CK UMK105CK010CW-F K22178248 1 B d1
C 1223 CHIP CAP. 18pF 50V CH UMK105CH180JW-F K22178264 1 B b1
C 1224 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A F1
C 1225 CHIP CAP. 12pF 50V CH UMK105CH120JW-F K22178260 1 B b1
C 1226 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH UMK105CH330JW-F K22178270 1 B b1
C 1228 CHIP CAP. 220pF 25V CH TMK105CH221JW-F K22148246 1 B d1
C 1229 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A F1
C 1230 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A E1
C 1231 CHIP CAP. 0.01uF 16V B GRM36B103K16PT K22128804 1 A D1
C 1232 CHIP CAP. 10pF 50V CH UMK105CH100DW-F K22178258 1 B d1
C 1234 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A F1
C 1235 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1236 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A E1
C 1237 CHIP CAP. 12pF 50V CH UMK105CH120JW-F K22178260 1 B b1
C 1238 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1239 CHIP CAP. 47pF 50V CH UMK105CH470JW-F K22178274 1 B c1
C 1241 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK UMK105CK0R5CW-F K22178247 1 A F1
C 1242 CHIP CAP. 39pF 50V CH UMK105CH390JW-F K22178272 1 B b1
C 1243 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH UMK105CH220JW-F K22178266 1 B c1
C 1244 CHIP CAP. 0.5pF 50V CK UMK105CK0R5CW-F K22178247 1 A F1
C 1245 CHIP CAP. 33pF 50V CH UMK105CH330JW-F K22178270 1 B a1
C 1246 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B c1
C 1247 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH UMK105CH050CW-F K22178253 1 B a1
C 1248 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH UMK105CH150JW-F K22178262 1 B c1
C 1249 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH UMK105CH270JW-F K22178268 1 B a1
C 1250 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH UMK105CH220JW-F K22178266 1 B c1
C 1251 CHIP CAP. 22pF 50V CH UMK105CH220JW-F K22178266 1 B c1
C 1252 CHIP CAP. 5pF 50V CH UMK105CH050CW-F K22178253 1 B a1
C 1253 CHIP CAP. 27pF 50V CH UMK105CH270JW-F K22178268 1 B d1
C 1254 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B d1
C 1255 CHIP CAP. 68pF 50V CH UMK105CH680JW-F K22178278 1 B c1
C 1256 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A F1
C 1257 CHIP CAP. 15pF 50V CH UMK105CH150JW-F K22178262 1 B a1
C 1258 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B a1
C 1259 CHIP CAP. 0.047uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ473KV-F K22108805 1 B d3
C 1260 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B e2
C 1261 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 A F1
C 1262 CHIP CAP. 0.1uF 10V BJ LMK105BJ104KV-F K22108806 1 A D1
CD1001 CERAMIC DISC CDBM450C24T H7901060 1 A D3
D 1001 DIODE 02CZ2.0X TE85R G2070124 1 B g3
D 1002 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 B d3
D 1003 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A E3
D 1004 DIODE SB40W03T-TL G2070370 1 B c4
D 1005 DIODE MC2848-T11-1 G2070694 1 B g3
D 1006 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 B c3
D 1007 DIODE MC2850-T11-1 G2070704 1 A F3
D 1008 DIODE MC2850-T11-1 G2070704 1 B c3
D 1009 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A C2
D 1012 DIODE RD6.8UMB2-T1B G2070438 1 B f3
D 1014 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A C3
D 1015 DIODE RN739F T106 G2070626 1 B g3
D 1016 DIODE HVC350B-TRF G2070596 1 B d2
D 1017 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A C2
D 1018 DIODE MC2850-T11-1 G2070704 1 A C2
D 1019 DIODE MC2850-T11-1 G2070704 1 A C3
D 1020 DIODE HSU277TRF G2070118 1 B d2
D 1021 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 B c2
D 1022 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A C3
Parts List
D 1023 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 B d3
D 1024 DIODE HZU4ALL-TR G2070428 1 A D4
D 1025 LED AA1101F-TR G2070658 1 B a3
D 1026 LED AA1111C-TR G2070660 1 A A2
D 1027 LED AA1111C-TR G2070660 1 A A3
D 1029 LED AA1111C-TR G2070660 1 A B2
D 1030 LED AA1111C-TR G2070660 1 A B3
D 1031 DIODE MC2848-T11-1 G2070694 1 B d1
D 1032 DIODE HVC350B-TRF G2070596 1 B d1
D 1033 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 A D2
D 1034 DIODE HVC350B-TRF G2070596 1 B d1
D 1036 DIODE HVC350B-TRF G2070596 1 B d1
D 1037 DIODE RLS135 TE-11 G2070128 1 B b1
D 1039 DIODE RLS135 TE-11 G2070128 1 B b1
D 1040 DIODE HSM88WA TR G2070168 1 A F1
D 1041 DIODE RN739F T106 G2070626 1 B c1
D 1042 DIODE HVC350B-TRF G2070596 1 B c1
D 1043 DIODE BAS316 G2070716 1 B g2
DS1001 LCD HT-3633-TFZWH G6090139 1 A G2
J 1001 CONNECTOR HEC3604-010110 P0091263 1 B c4
J 1002 CONNECTOR HSJ1594-010015 P1091022 1 B b4
L 1001 M.RFC 180uH FLC32T-181J L1690230 1 B b3
L 1002 M.RFC 4.7uH LK1608 4R7K-T L1690688 1 B d2
L 1003 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B d2
L 1004 CHIP COIL 0.039uH LQN21A39NJ04 L1690616 1 B d2
L 1005 M.RFC 0.1uH HK1608 R10J-T L1690528 1 B d2
L 1006 M.RFC 0.1uH HK1608 R10J-T L1690528 1 B e2
L 1007 M.RFC 0.068uH HK1608 68NJ-T L1690526 1 B c2
L 1008 CHIP COIL 0.033uH LQN21A33NJ04 L1690615 1 B e1
L 1009 M.RFC 0.082uH HK1608 82NJ-T L1690527 1 B c2
L 1010 M.RFC 0.47uH LK1608 R47K-T L1690414 1 B e1
L 1011 M.RFC 0.033uH HK1608 33NJ-T L1690522 1 B e1
L 1012 M.RFC 0.022uH HK1608 22NJ-T L1690520 1 B c1
L 1013 CHIP COIL 0.1uH LQN21AR10J04 L1690620 1 B d1
L 1014 M.RFC 0.56uH LK1608 R56K-T L1690415 1 A C2
L 1015 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B b1
L 1016 COIL E2 0.28-1.0-6.5T-R-S L0022598 1 B b1
L 1017 CHIP COIL 0.1uH LQN21AR10J04 L1690620 1 B d1
L 1018 M.RFC 0.56uH LK1608 R56K-T L1690415 1 B e1
L 1019 M.RFC 4.7uH LK1608 4R7K-T L1690688 1 A F1
L 1020 CHIP COIL 0.033uH LQN21A33NJ04 L1690615 1 B d1
L 1021 CHIP COIL 0.068uH LQN21A68NJ04 L1690605 1 B d1
L 1022 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B b1
L 1023 M.RFC 6.8uH LK1608 6R8K-T L1690632 1 B c1
L 1024 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B b1
L 1025 M.RFC 4.7uH LK1608 4R7K-T L1690688 1 A E1
L 1026 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B a1
L 1027 CHIP COIL 0.12uH LQN21AR12J04 L1690621 1 B c1
L 1028 CHIP COIL 0.068uH LQN21A68NJ04 L1690605 1 B c1
L 1029 CHIP COIL 0.039uH LQN21A39NJ04 L1690616 1 B c1
L 1030 COIL E2 0.3-1.7-8T-L L0022376 1 B a1
L 1031 CHIP COIL 0.068uH LQN21A68NJ04 L1690605 1 B c1
MC1001 MIC. ELEMENT EM-100PT M3290029 1 A D3
Q 1001 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B f3
Q 1002 TRANSISTOR UMZ2N TR G3070117 1 B c3
Q 1003 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B b2
Q 1004 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 B d3
Q 1005 IC NJM2902V-TE1 G1091679 1 B g2
Q 1006 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 B c3
Q 1007 IC AN6123MS-TXL G1093114 1 B f3
Q 1008 TRANSISTOR DTC143ZUA T106 G3070188 1 A G4
Q 1009 IC TDA7233D-TR G1091112 1 B d4
Q 1010 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B e3
Q 1011 TRANSISTOR UMG2N TR G3070088 1 B c3
Q 1012 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 B f3
Q 1013 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 B b3
Q 1014 IC M38254M6-357GP G1093587 1 A E2
Parts List
Q 1015 IC AK93C85AM E-1 G1092706 1 B b2
Q 1016 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 A C2
Q 1017 TRANSISTOR UMG2N TR G3070088 1 B c2
Q 1018 TRANSISTOR DTA143EU T106 G3070110 1 A C2
Q 1019 TRANSISTOR DTC124TU T106 G3070065 1 A C3
Q 1020 TRANSISTOR DTA143EU T106 G3070110 1 B d2
Q 1021 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 B e2
Q 1022 TRANSISTOR DTA143EU T106 G3070110 1 B c2
Q 1023 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 B d2
Q 1024 IC S-80745SN-D9-T1 G1093146 1 A C3
Q 1025 TRANSISTOR RT1P441U-T11-1 G3070248 1 B e2
Q 1026 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 A E3
Q 1027 TRANSISTOR UMG2N TR G3070088 1 B e3
Q 1028 IC NJM2904V-TE1 G1091677 1 B e3
Q 1029 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 B d2
Q 1030 IC S-81235SGUP-DQI-T1 G1093026 1 A D4
Q 1031 TRANSISTOR DTC143ZUA T106 G3070188 1 A E3
Q 1032 IC MB15A01PFV1-G-BND-EF G1092545 1 B e2
Q 1033 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B f1
Q 1034 TRANSISTOR UMW1 TR G3070078 1 B g1
Q 1035 TRANSISTOR 2SA1602A-T11-1F G3116028F 1 B e2
Q 1036 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 B e1
Q 1037 TRANSISTOR UMW1 TR G3070078 1 B f2
Q 1039 TRANSISTOR UMW1 TR G3070078 1 B f1
Q 1040 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B f1
Q 1041 TRANSISTOR DTA143EU T106 G3070110 1 B f2
Q 1042 FET 2SK880GR TE85R G3808807G 1 B e3
Q 1043 TRANSISTOR 2SC3356-T2B R25 G3333567E 1 B d2
Q 1044 TRANSISTOR 2SB1132 T100 Q G3211327Q 1 B g2
Q 1045 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 B e1
Q 1046 TRANSISTOR UMW1 TR G3070078 1 B g1
Q 1047 FET 2SK2973-T13 G3829738 1 B c2
Q 1048 TRANSISTOR 2SC4116GR TE85R G3341167G 1 B e1
Q 1049 IC TK10931VT1 G1093013 1 A D2
Q 1050 TRANSISTOR 2SC4215Y TE85R G3342157Y 1 A C2
Q 1051 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 A D1
Q 1052 FET 2SK2974-T11 G3829747 1 A E1
Q 1053 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 A D2
Q 1054 TRANSISTOR 2SA1602A-T11-1F G3116028F 1 A D1
Q 1055 TRANSISTOR UMW1 TR G3070078 1 A D1
Q 1056 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 B e1
Q 1057 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 A D1
Q 1058 TRANSISTOR 2SC5226-5-TL G3352268E 1 B c1
Q 1059 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 B e3
Q 1060 TRANSISTOR RT1N241M-T11-1 G3070249 1 B d3
R 1001 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B d3
R 1002 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B g3
R 1003 CHIP RES. 22 1/10W 5% RMC1/10T 220J J24205220 1 B g3
R 1004 CHIP RES. 680 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 681JTH J24189023 1 B c3
R 1005 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 A E3
R 1006 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 101JTH J24189013 1 B d3
R 1007 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B d3
R 1008 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A E4
R 1009 CHIP RES. 150 1/4W 5% RMC1/4 151JATP J24245151 1 B b3
R 1010 CHIP RES. 8.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 822JTH J24189036 1 B c3
R 1011 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 682JTH J24189035 1 B c3
R 1012 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B c3
R 1013 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B g2
R 1014 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B c3
R 1015 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B c3
R 1016 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B g2
R 1017 CHIP RES. 2.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 272JTH J24189030 1 B c3
R 1018 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 683JTH J24189047 1 B g3
R 1019 CHIP RES. 18 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 180JTH J24189004 1 B c2
R 1020 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 A E3
R 1021 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B g3
R 1022 CHIP RES. 1M 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 105JTH J24189061 1 B f3
Parts List
R 1024 CHIP RES. 470 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 471JTH J24189021 1 B d3
R 1025 CHIP RES. 10 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 100JTH J24189001 1 B d4
R 1026 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 A G4
R 1027 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B g3
R 1029 CHIP RES. 5.6k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 562JTH J24189034 1 A G4
R 1030 CHIP RES. 1.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 122JTH J24189026 1 B g3
R 1031 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 101JTH J24189013 1 B f3
R 1032 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 153JTH J24189039 1 B g3
R 1033 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 B c2
R 1034 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 153JTH J24189039 1 B d3
R 1036 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A E2
R 1037 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 153JTH J24189039 1 B f3
R 1038 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 B g3
R 1039 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 B b3
R 1041 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A E2
R 1042 CHIP RES. 1M 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 105JTH J24189061 1 B b2
R 1044 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 A E2
R 1045 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 393JTH J24189044 1 B g3
R 1047 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A E2
R 1048 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B g2
R 1049 CHIP RES. 1.5M 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 155JTH J24189063 1 B g3
R 1050 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B c2
R 1051 CHIP RES. 5.6k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 562JTH J24189034 1 A E2
R 1052 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B g3
R 1053 CHIP RES. 5.6k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 562JTH J24189034 1 B g3
R 1054 CHIP RES. 82k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 823JTH J24189048 1 B c2
R 1056 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B d4
R 1057 CHIP RES. 330k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 334JTH J24189055 1 B c2
R 1058 CHIP RES. 2.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 272JTH J24189030 1 A E2
R 1059 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B d3
R 1060 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 682JTH J24189035 1 B d3
R 1061 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 682JTH J24189035 1 B d3
R 1062 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 B c3
R 1063 CHIP RES. 56k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 563JTH J24189046 1 B g2
R 1064 CHIP RES. 56k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 563JTH J24189046 1 B g2
R 1065 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 393JTH J24189044 1 B g2
R 1066 CHIP RES. 390k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 394JTH J24189056 1 B g2
R 1067 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B g2
R 1068 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 683JTH J24189047 1 B g2
R 1069 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B b2
R 1070 CHIP RES. 39k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 393JTH J24189044 1 B g3
R 1071 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 A C4
R 1072 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A C2
R 1073 CHIP RES. 6.8k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 682JTH J24189035 1 B d3
R 1074 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 B e3
R 1075 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 B e2
R 1076 CHIP RES. 680 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 681JTH J24189023 1 B e3
R 1077 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B c2
R 1078 CHIP RES. 180k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 184JTH J24189052 1 A C3
R 1079 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 B d2
R 1080 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 A C3
R 1081 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B d2
R 1082 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B e3
R 1083 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B e2
R 1084 CHIP RES. 1.8k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 182JTH J24189028 1 B d2
R 1085 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 A C3
R 1086 CHIP RES. 470 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 471JTH J24189021 1 B d2
R 1087 CHIP RES. 680 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 681JTH J24189023 1 B d2
R 1088 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 A C3
R 1089 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 474JTH J24189057 1 B e3
R 1090 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B e2
R 1091 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 A C3
R 1092 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B e3
R 1093 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B e2
R 1094 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B e2
R 1095 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B e3
R 1096 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A C3
Parts List
R 1097 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B d2
R 1098 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B d2
R 1100 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B e3
R 1101 CHIP RES. 150 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 151JTH J24189015 1 B d2
R 1102 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1 B e3
R 1103 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 474JTH J24189057 1 B e2
R 1104 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1 B e2
R 1105 CHIP RES. 56k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 563JTH J24189046 1 B e3
R 1106 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 B e2
R 1107 CHIP RES. 12k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 123JTH J24189038 1 B g1
R 1109 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 B g1
R 1110 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 B e2
R 1111 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B d3
R 1112 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B e3
R 1113 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B d3
R 1114 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 B g1
R 1115 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B d3
R 1116 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B g1
R 1117 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 B e1
R 1118 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B e1
R 1119 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B d3
R 1120 CHIP RES. 120 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 121JTH J24189014 1 B a4
R 1121 CHIP RES. 22 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 220JTH J24189005 1 B f3
R 1122 CHIP RES. 22 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 220JTH J24189005 1 B f3
R 1123 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B d3
R 1124 CHIP RES. 18 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 180JTH J24189004 1 B d1
R 1125 CHIP RES. 18 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 180JTH J24189004 1 B d1
R 1126 CHIP RES. 150k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 154JTH J24189051 1 B d3
R 1127 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B f2
R 1128 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B e3
R 1129 CHIP RES. 18 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 180JTH J24189004 1 B d1
R 1130 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 B d1
R 1131 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B f2
R 1132 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B f1
R 1133 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B d3
R 1134 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 B f1
R 1135 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B f1
R 1136 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 B f1
R 1137 CHIP RES. 12k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 123JTH J24189038 1 B f1
R 1138 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 683JTH J24189047 1 B e3
R 1139 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 B e3
R 1140 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 B d1
R 1141 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B d1
R 1142 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B d1
R 1143 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A D3
R 1144 CHIP RES. 1M 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 105JTH J24189061 1 B e3
R 1145 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 B d1
R 1146 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 A D2
R 1147 CHIP RES. 22 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 220JTH J24189005 1 A D2
R 1148 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 273JTH J24189042 1 A D2
R 1149 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 A C2
R 1150 CHIP RES. 390k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 394JTH J24189056 1 B e1
R 1151 CHIP RES. 33 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 330JTH J24189007 1 B d1
R 1152 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B f3
R 1153 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 273JTH J24189042 1 A D2
R 1154 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B g2
R 1155 CHIP RES. 100 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 101JTH J24189013 1 B c1
R 1156 CHIP RES. 47 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 470JTH J24189009 1 B e1
R 1157 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A D3
R 1158 CHIP RES. 270 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 271JTH J24189018 1 B e1
R 1159 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 B e3
R 1160 CHIP RES. 2.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 272JTH J24189030 1 B e1
R 1161 CHIP RES. 3.3k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 332JTH J24189031 1 A D3
R 1162 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A D2
R 1163 CHIP RES. 47 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 470JTH J24189009 1 B c2
R 1164 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B c1
R 1165 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 A C2
Parts List
R 1167 CHIP RES. 0 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S JPTH J24189070 1 B c1
R 1168 CHIP RES. 150k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 154JTH J24189051 1 B e1
R 1169 CHIP RES. 3.9k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 392JTH J24189032 1 B e1
R 1170 CHIP RES. 47 1/10W 5% RMC1/10T 470J J24205470 1 B c2
R 1174 CHIP RES. 2.2k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 222JTH J24189029 1 B g2
R 1175 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 B c1
R 1176 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B d1
R 1178 CHIP RES. 5.6k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 562JTH J24189034 1 A C2
R 1179 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 A C1
R 1180 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 B c1
R 1181 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B c1
R 1182 CHIP RES. 33 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 330JTH J24189007 1 A C1
R 1183 CHIP RES. 15k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 153JTH J24189039 1 A D2
R 1184 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 A D2
R 1185 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 B e1
R 1186 CHIP RES. 220k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 224JTH J24189053 1 A F1
R 1187 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B d1
R 1188 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 A D1
R 1189 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A F1
R 1191 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 B f2
R 1192 CHIP RES. 560 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 561JTH J24189022 1 A C1
R 1193 CHIP RES. 27k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 273JTH J24189042 1 A D1
R 1194 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 683JTH J24189047 1 A E1
R 1195 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B d1
R 1196 CHIP RES. 470k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 474JTH J24189057 1 B d1
R 1197 CHIP RES. 2.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 272JTH J24189030 1 A E1
R 1198 CHIP RES. 1k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 102JTH J24189025 1 A E1
R 1199 CHIP RES. 180 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 181JTH J24189016 1 A F1
R 1200 CHIP RES. 68k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 683JTH J24189047 1 A D1
R 1202 CHIP RES. 560 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 561JTH J24189022 1 B c1
R 1203 CHIP RES. 560 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 561JTH J24189022 1 B c1
R 1204 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A F1
R 1206 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A F1
R 1207 CHIP RES. 47k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 473JTH J24189045 1 A D1
R 1208 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A F1
R 1209 CHIP RES. 82k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 823JTH J24189048 1 B c1
R 1210 CHIP RES. 10 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 100JTH J24189001 1 A E1
R 1211 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A F1
R 1212 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A F1
R 1213 CHIP RES. 33k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 333JTH J24189043 1 A F1
R 1214 CHIP RES. 100k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 104JTH J24189049 1 B d1
R 1216 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 B f2
R 1217 CHIP RES. 22k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 223JTH J24189041 1 B f3
R 1218 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A F1
R 1219 CHIP RES. 10k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 103JTH J24189037 1 A F1
R 1220 CHIP RES. 4.7k 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 472JTH J24189033 1 B g3
TC1001 TRIMMER CAP. 20pF CTZ2S-20C-W2-P K91000216 1 B e1
TH1001 THERMISTOR TBPS1R473K475H5Q G9090068 1 A E2
TH1002 THERMISTOR TBPS1R473K475H5Q G9090068 1 A D2
TH1003 THERMISTOR ERTJ0ET102J G9090131 1 B c1
TH1004 THERMISTOR TBPS1R472K440H5Q G9090066 1 B g3
VR1001 POT. 10k POZ3AN-1-103N-T00 J51820103 1 B f2
VR1002 POT. 10k POZ3AN-1-103N-T00 J51820103 1 B f2
VR1003 POT. 10k POZ3AN-1-103N-T00 J51820103 1 B f2
X 1001 XTAL SX-1319 3.6864MHz 3.6864MHZ H0103214 1 B b2
X 1002 XTAL TOP-B 17.475MHz 17.475MHZ H0103231 1 B f1
XF1001 XTAL FILTER 35S15A H1102335 1 A C1
SHIELD FINGER 4025 3100089 S5000225 1 A E3
SHIELD FINGER 4025 3100089 S5000225 1 A E2
BRACKET RA0209600 1
HOLDER RA0210100 1
COPPER TAPE (10X2.7) RA0384400 1
VR Unit
Parts Layout Circuit Diagram
4.9 V 0V
(3.6 V) (3.4 V)
Side B
Parts List
PCB with Components CB1861001
Printed Circuit Board FR0078100 1
C 2001 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B
C 2002 CHIP CAP. 0.0022uF 50V B UMK105B222KW-F K22178833 1 B
C 2003 CHIP CAP. 0.0022uF 50V B UMK105B222KW-F K22178833 1 B
C 2004 CHIP CAP. 0.001uF 50V B UMK105B102KW-F K22178829 1 B
D 2001 LED 12-22SURSYGC G2070810 1 B
Q 2001 TRANSISTOR UMG2N TR G3070088 1 B
R 2001 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 331JTH J24189019 1 B
R 2002 CHIP RES. 330 1/16W 5% RMC1/16S 331JTH J24189019 1 B
S 2001 ROTARY ENCODER TP70N17AE20 Q9000738 1 B
VR2001 POT. TP76N00N 20KA/SW J60800236 1 B
SW Unit
Circuit Diagram
Parts Layout
Side A Side B
Parts List
PCB with Components CB1862001
Printed Circuit Board FR0026500 1
S 3001 TACT SWITCH SOP-114HST R66-5374 N5090107 1 A
S 3002 TACT SWITCH SOP-114HST R66-5374 N5090107 1 A
S 3003 TACT SWITCH SOP-114HST R66-5374 N5090107 1 A
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All rights reserved.
No portion of this manual
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