Sample Exam
Sample Exam
Sample Exam
Q1. Comparing Scientific Management to Human Relations, which of the following statements
correctly captures the difference in the role of managers?
a. Scientific management requires managers to use coercion, while Human Relations requires
managers to use influence.
b. Scientific management requires managers to use rewards linked to seniority, while Human
Relations requires managers to use rewards that do not vary by worker tenure.
c. Scientific management requires managers to increase worker’s outputs, while Human Relations
requires managers to let workers set their own outputs.
Q2. In Hackman and Oldham’s Job Characteristics Model (JCM), feedback is emphasized as an
important tool for helping to create which desirable outcomes?
Q3. According to McLelland’s Needs Theory, what would employees find demotivating?
b. Having a manager who directs them to increase their need for power, affiliation, and achievement
at the same time.
c. Having a manager who understands that people are different in their need for achievement
d. Having a manager who does not require all employees to show affiliative behaviors
Q4. According to equity theory, people may experience psychological tension due to perceptions of
unfairness because:
a. Liking
b. Reciprocation
c. Scarcity
d. Social proof
Q6. Which of the following descriptions illustrates the key idea of the Strategic Contingency
Model of Power?
a. The CTO of a company has the formal authority to lead the engineers and therefore has
c. Marketing specialists who have a lot of experience should be given job titles that reflect their
a. Intellectual stimulation
b. Rewards based on accomplishments
c. Charisma
d. Individualized consideration
Q8. Kotter lays out several differences between management activities and leadership activities.
According to Kotter, which of the below statements is true:
d. Collect relevant information first before allowing people to discuss the decision itself.
Q10. Imagine you are managing a cross-functional team that includes members from multiple
disciplinary backgrounds. Which of the following would be ways of increasing information sharing
in your team?
a. Encouraging team members to more regularly send emails about their progress.
b. Asking each team member to share data with all other team members.
c. Creating a more detailed schedule that coordinates the interdependent work.
d. All of the above.
Q11. The following paragraph describes the relationships of an employee called Anne: Anne works
in the finance department of a multi-national company. Anne eats lunch with her superiors. When
they are not eating with her, they are having lunch either with each other (leadership lunch) or
with other people in her department (mentoring lunch). Based on this description, what type of
network is this?
a. High density
b. Centralized
Q12. According to Granovetter’s theory linking tie strength and communication, which of the
following correctly captures his predictions?
Q13. Which of the below statements about a strong organizational culture is false?
a. A strong organizational culture can motivate employees because it gives them clarity about their
b. Strong cultures generally increase the amount of time managers spend supervising employees
c. Strong culture can produce greater commitment to organizational goals
d. None of the above; all are true.
Q14. The iceberg metaphor of culture by Schein suggests which of the following?
a. The observable aspects of culture (artifacts, speech, practices) are more important than the
unobservable elements.
b. Employees’ behavior is often shaped by taken-for-granted, unconscious beliefs and assumptions.
c. An organization’s values cannot be identified through what people say.
d. Both (b) and (c)
Q15. You are an entrepreneur running a growing social media agency. The company has three
types of business: individual influencers who need your advice about increasing their follower
count across platforms; small businesses that need help developing ad campaigns on Instagram;
and brands that need help hiring influencers. These three streams require employees to follow
different timelines for work, and draw on different skill sets and tools. What kind of organizational
structure would probably be best suited for this organization?
Q16. Which of the following correctly captures the design variables in a modular (networked)