Khadmina Smear Complex Lab

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Name : Khadmina Date : 28/10/2024 1:54 AM

Age : ? Year(s) Sex : Female

Ref By : Complex Lab RMLRC No : 2211295
Test Req : Sp Smear. Specimen : Blood
Clinical Hematology:

Test Result Units Normal Value

Hb % 5.9 g/dl Adult Males: 13-----17

(Haemoglobin) Adult Females: 12-----15
3.58 M/mm3 Male; 4.5 --- 5.5
( Red Blood Cells )
Female: 3.5 --- 4.5
PCV 21.1 % Males: 36.0 to 48.0
(Packed cell volume) Females 35.0 to 45.0
MCV 58.8 fl 80.0 to 96.0
(Mean corpuscular volume)
MCH 16.4 pg 26 .0 to 32.0
(Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin)
MCHC 27.9 g/dl 32.0 to 36.0
(Mean corpuscular Haemoglobin
TLC 11,500 /cmm 4,000---11,000
(Total Leucocytes Counts)

Platelets Counts 4,20,000 /cmm 1,50,000---4,50,000

(Differential Leucocytes counts)
Neutrophils 72 % 40-----70

Lymphocytes 25 % 20-----40

Eosinophils 02 % 02-----05

Monocytes 01 % 02-----08

Hypochromia ( ++ ), Microcytosis ( ++ ), Anisocytosis ( ++ ), Poikilocytosis ( +++ ),
Eleptocytes ( ++ ), Tear Drop Cells ( ++ ), Bite Cells ( + ).
Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia.
MP Test:- No MP seen thick and thin blood smear examined.
REMARKS:- HB Studies,
S, Ferritin,
Role Out Secondary Inflammatory Disease.
So Correlate Clinically.

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