MTech Syllabus

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M. Tech. Artificial Intelligence &
Data Science

(An Autonomous Institute)

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management


w.e.f. the Academic Year

Guidelines for Scheme and Syllabus framing of Masters Course
M. Tech.(Artificial Intelligence & Data Science) Semester wise Credit Structure

S.N Courses Total
I Sem II Sem III Sem IV Sem
1 Program Core+ 18 18 0 0 36
2 Laboratories 2 2 0 0 4
3 Viva Vice 0 0 5 0 5
4 Seminar 0 0 15 0 15
5 Dissertation 0 0 0 20 20
Total 20 20 20 20 80

Credit allotment

S.N Courses Hours Credit
(per week)
1 Theory 1 1
2 Laboratories 2 1
3 Seminar 3 15
4 Dissertation 6 20
Scheme of Examination-I Semester M. Tech. (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)

Maximum Marks
Sr. Subject End Exam
No. Code Course L P Credits Continuous
Sem Total Duration
Assessment Exam
Artificial Intelligence
1. PGAIDS101T 3 0 3 40 60 100 3
andExpert Systems
2. PGAIDS102T Machine Learning 3 0 3 40 60 100 3
3. PGAIDS103P Machine Learning Lab 0 2 1 50 50 100 -

Advanced Algorithm
4. PGAIDS104T 3 0 3 40 60 100 3
Advanced Algorithm Lab
5. PGAIDS105P 0 2 1 50 50 100 -

6. PGAIDS106T Research Methodology 3 0 3 40 60 100 3

andIntellectual Property Hrs.
7. PGAIDS 107T Program Elective-I 3 0 3 40 60 100 3
8. PGAIDS 108T Program Elective-II 3 0 3 40 60 100 3
Total 18 4 20 - - 800 -

Program Elective - I
PGAIDS 107T-1 Big Data Analytics
PGAIDS 107T-2 Blockchain Application Development

Program Elective - II
PGAIDS 108T-1 Sensor Network & Internet of things
PGAIDS 108T-2 Digital Forensics

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From
Scheme of Examination-II Semester M. Tech. (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)
Maximum Marks
Sr. Subject End Exam
Course L P Credits Continuous
No. Code Sem Duration
Assessment Total
1. PGAIDS201T Advances in Data 3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
Advance Natural
2. PGAIDS202T 3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
Advanced Natural
3. PGAIDS203P 0 2 1 50 50 100 -
Deep Learning &
4. PGAIDS204T 3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
5. PGAIDS205P Deep Learning & Data 0 2 1 50 50 100 -
Virtualization and
6. PGAIDS206T Cloud
3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.

7. PGAIDS 207T Program Elective-III 3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.

8. PGAIDS 208T Elective-IV 3 0 3 40 60 100 3 Hrs.

Total 18 4 20 - - 800 -

Program Elective - III

PGAIDS 207T-1 Advance data Mining for AI

PGAIDS 207T-2 Information Retrieval system

Elective -IV
PGAIDS 208T-1 Robotic Process Automation using UiPath
Reinforcement Learning
July 2024 2024-2025

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Scheme of Examination-III Semester M. Tech. (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)

Maximum Marks
Course End
Sr. Subject Continuous Exam
No. Code L P Credits Sem
Assessment Total Duration
1. PGAIDS301P On Job Training - - 5 50 50 100 -

2. PGAIDS302P Seminar - 3 15 150 150 300

Total 3 20 - - 400 -

July 2024 2024-2025

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Scheme of Examination-IV Semester M. Tech. (Artificial Intelligence & Data Science)

Maximum Marks

Sr. Subject End

Continuous Exam
No. Code Course L P Credits Assessment Sem Duration
1. PGAIDS401P Dissertation - 6 20 20 200 400 -
- - 400 -
Total 6 20

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

|Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To impart knowledge about Artificial Intelligence.
2. To give understanding of the main abstractions and reasoning for intelligent systems.
3. To enable the students to understand the basic principles of Artificial Intelligence in various

Course Outcomes :
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the basics of AI and concept of Intelligent Agent.
2. Compare the Searching techniques.
3. Understand and apply the first order and second order predicate Logic to infer the knowledge.
4. Analyze classical and real world planning approaches.
5. Understand the uncertainty and apply the probabilistic reasoning models

Unit:1 Overview of AI problems

Overview of AI problems, AI problems as NP, NP-Complete and NP Hard problems. Strong and weak,
neat andscruffy, symbolic and sub-symbolic, knowledge-based and data-driven AI 7 Hrs.
Unit:2 Search Strategies
Search Strategies: Problem spaces (states, goals and operators), problem solving by search, Heuristics and
8 Hrs.
informed search, Min max Search, Alpha-beta pruning. Constraint satisfaction (backtracking and local
search methods).
Unit:3 Knowledge representation and reasoning
Knowledge representation and reasoning: propositional and predicate logic, Resolution and theorem
proving, Temporal and spatial reasoning. Probabilistic reasoning, Bayes’ theorem. Totally-ordered and
partially-ordered Planning. Goal stack planning, Nonlinear plans, Hierarchical planning. Learning: 10 Hrs.
Learning from example, Learning by advice, Explanation based learning, Learning in problem solving,
Classification, Inductive learning, Naive Bayesian Classifier, decision trees.
Unit:4 AI Agents
Agents: Definition of agents, Agent architectures (e.g., reactive, layered, cognitive), Multi-agent systems-
Collaborating agents, Competitive agents, Swarm systems and biologically inspired models. Intelligent 10 Hrs.
Systems: Representing and Using Domain Knowledge, Expert System Shells, Explanation, Knowledge
Unit:5 Key Application Areas
9 Hrs.
Key Application Areas: Expert system, decision support systems, Speech and vision, Natural language
processing, Information Retrieval, Semantic Web.
Total Lectures: 45 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Artificial Intelligence by Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shiva Shankar B Nair, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems by Dan W. Patterson, Pearson Education.
3. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by S. Russell and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books:
1. Velasquez, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 7th Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2011.
2. B. Chakrabarty, Corporate Social Responsibility in India, New Delhi, 2015.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To provide the student with necessary skill set for implementing some important learning algorithms on
realistic data.
2. To make the student appreciate concepts such as over fitting, training data, test data, model validation etc.

Course Outcomes :
At the end of this lab course, a student will be able to :
1. Do basic cleaning of the data to suit the implementation.
2. Code the specific algorithm in a language such as python.
3. Report the performance of the implemented code through necessary graphs/tables.

Unit:1 Introduction:
Introduction: Well-posed learning problems, examples of machine learning applications, model selection
and generalization, concept learning, inductive learning hypothesis, inductive bias. Information theory: 7 Hrs.
entropy, mutual information, KL divergence
Unit:2 Performance Optimization:
Performance Optimization: Directional Derivatives, Minima, Necessary Conditions for Optimality,
Convex function, Gradient Descent, Stable learning rates, Newton’s Method, Conjugate gradient method,
8 Hrs.
The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Artificial Neural Networks: Perceptron, Linear Networks, Multi-
layer Networks, Forward propagation, Backward propagation, Alternative activation functions, variations
on back propagation, Deep neural network
Unit:3 Decision tree learning
Decision tree learning: Decision tree representation, appropriate problems for decision tree learning,
hypothesis space search in decision tree learning, inductive bias in tree learning, avoiding over fitting the 10 Hrs.
data, alternative measures for selecting attribute values, ensemble methods, bagging, boosting, random
Unit:4 Support Vector Machines
Support Vector Machines: Computational learning theory, probably approximately correct (PAC)
learning, sample complexity and VC dimension, linear SVM, soft margin SVM, kernel functions, 10 Hrs.
nonlinear SVM, Multiclass classification using SVM, Support vector regression
Unit:5 Instance based learning
10 Hrs.
Instance based learning: K-nearest neighbor learning, distance weighted neighbor learning, locally
weighted regression, adaptive nearest neighbor methods, The Concept of Unsupervised Learning,
Competition networks, K-means clustering algorithm
Total Lectures: 45 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. T. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997.
2. Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, MIT Press, 2018

Reference Books:
1. Christopher Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. K. Murphy. Machine Learning: A probabilistic perspective, MI Press, 2012.
3. Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman, Elements of statistical learning, Springer, 2011.
4. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A.Courville. .MIT Press, 2016

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Course Objectives :
1. To provide the student with necessary skill set for implementing some important learning algorithms on
realistic data.
2. To make the student appreciate concepts such as over fitting, training data, test data, model validation etc.

Course Outcomes :
At the end of this lab course, a student will be able to
1. Do basic cleaning of the data to suit the implementation.
2. Code the specific algorithm in a language such as python.
3. Report the performance of the implemented code through necessary graphs/tables.

List of Lab Practical

Sr. No Name of Practical
1 Implement learning algorithms for classification.
2 Implement learning algorithms for regression.
3 Implement learning algorithms for clustering Datasets may be taken from standard websites which pertain to
realistic scenarios.
4 Implement linear regression using python.
5 Implement Naïve Bayes theorem to classify the English text.
6 Implement an algorithm to demonstrate the significance of genetic algorithm.
7 Implement the finite words classification system using Back-propagation algorithm.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. T. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997.
2. Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, MIT Press, 2018

Reference Books:
1. Christopher Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. K. Murphy. Machine Learning: A probabilistic perspective, MI Press, 2012.
3. Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman, Elements of statistical learning, Springer, 2011.
4. I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio and A.Courville. .MIT Press, 2016.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To introduce asymptotic notation for representing Algorithmic complexity.
2. To deal with various algorithmic design approaches.
3. To familiarize with basic, advanced data structures and their applications.
4. To facilitate learning of algorithms related to network flow, text processing and computational geometry.
5. To impart knowledge about number theory and cryptography.

Course Outcomes :
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Analyze time and space complexities of algorithms.
2. Select suitable algorithmic strategy for solving real world problems.
3. Design solutions using appropriate data structures for a given problem.
4. Formulate solutions to problems on network flows, text data and computational geometry.
5. Understand number theory and cryptographic computations.

Unit:1 Algorithm Analysis :

Algorithm Analysis: Asymptotic Notation, Amortization.
Basic Data Structures: Stacks and Queues, Lists, Trees, Priority Queues, Heaps. Search Trees and Skip 10Hrs.
Lists: Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Splay Trees, Red-Black Trees, Skip Lists.
Unit:2 Fundamental Techniques And Graphs:
Fundamental Techniques: The Greedy Method, Divide-and-Conquer, Dynamic Programming.
Graphs: The Graph Abstract Data Type, Data Structures for Graphs, Graph Traversal, Directed Graphs.
8 Hrs.
Unit:3 Weighted Graphs and Network Flow and Matching:
Weighted Graphs: Single-Source Shortest Paths, All-Pairs Shortest Paths, Minimum Spanning Trees.
Network Flow and Matching: Flowsand Cuts, Maximum Flow, Maximum Bipartite Matching, Minimum-Cost 10 Hrs.
Unit:4 Text Processing and Number Theory and Cryptography:
Text Processing: Strings and Pattern Matching Algorithms, Tries, Text Compression, Text Similarity
Testing. 10 Hrs.
Number Theory and Cryptography: Fundamental Algorithms involving numbers, Cryptographic
Computations, Information Security Algorithms and Protocols
Unit:5 Computational Geometry:
Computational Geometry: Range Trees, Priority Search Trees, Quadtrees and k- DTrees, Convex Hulls

Total Lectures: 45 Hrs.

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. M T Goodrich, R Tamassia, ―Algorithm Design-Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Algorithms‖, John
Wiley, 2002.
2. E Horowitz S Sahni, S Rajasekaran, ―Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms‖, Second Edition, University
Press, 2007.

Reference Books:
1. Aho, AV Hopcraft, Ullman J D, ―The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms‖, Pearson Ed, 2007.
2. Hari Mohan Pandy, ―Design Analysis and Algorithms‖, University Science Press, 2009.
3. Cormen, Lieserson, Rivest, ―Introduction to Algorithms‖, Second Edition, PHI, 2003.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To familiarize with tree structures like AVL and Red-Black.
2. To introduce different paradigms of problem solving.
3. To familiarize with graph representations and its operations.
4. To introduce Pattern Matching Algorithms and Tries.
5. To facilitate learning of algorithms on Information Security.

Course Outcomes :
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Implement tree structures.
2. Solve computational problems using different design techniques.
3. Apply appropriate techniques for solving a given problem using Graphs.
4. Perform Pattern Matching for text data.
5. Implement Cryptographic techniques to ensure security.

List of Lab Practical

Sr. No Name of Practical
1 Construct a Binary Search Tree and implement Tree Traversals.
2 Implement AVLTree.
3 Implement Red-Black Tree.
4 Implement Task Scheduling Problem using Greedy method.
5 Implement 0-1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming.
6 Implement Graph Traversals.
7 Implement Floyd-Warshall Algorithm to compute Transitive Closure.
8 Implement Dijkstra’s algorithm for the Single source shortest path problem
9 Implement Minimal Spanning Tree Algorithms.
10 Implement Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm.
11 Implement Knuth –Morris-Pratt Pattern Matching Algorithm.
12 Implement Boyer-Moore Pattern Matching Algorithm.
13 Implement Tries.
14 Implement RSA Algorithm.
15 Implement Priority Search Trees.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Miachael T Goodrich, Roberto Tarnassia, ―Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet
Examples ―, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahani, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, ―Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms‖, Second
Edition, University Press.

Reference Books:
1. Aho, AV Hopcraft, Ullman J D, ―The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms‖, Pearson Ed, 2007.
2. Hari Mohan Pandy, ―Design Analysis and Algorithms‖, University Science Press, 2009.
3. Cormen, Lieserson, Rivest, ―Introduction to Algorithms‖, Second Edition, PHI, 2003.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
To make the students to :
1. Motivate to choose research as career.
2. Formulate the research problem, prepare the research design.
3. Identify various sources for literature view and data collection report writing.
4. Equip with good methods to analyze the collected data 5. Know about IPR copyrights

Course Outcomes :
At the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Define research problem, review and asses the quality of literature from various sources
2. Improvethestyleandformatofwritingareportfortechnicalpaper/Journalreport,understandand develop various
research designs
3. Collectthedatabyvariousmethods:observation,interview,questionnaires
4. Analyze problem by statistical techniques :ANOVA, F-test, Chi-square
5. Understand apply for patent and copyrights.

Unit:1 Research Methodology:

Research Methodology: Research Methodology: Objectives and Motivation of Research, Types of
Research, research approaches, Significance of Research, Research Methods verses Methodology, Research 10 Hrs.
Process, Criteria of Good Research, Problems Encountered by Researchers in India, Benefits to the society
in general. Defining the Research Problem: Selection of Research Problem, Necessity of Defining the
Unit:2 Literature Survey Report writing:
Literature Survey Report writing: Literature Survey: Importance and purpose of Literature Survey, Sources of
Information, Assessment of Quality of Journals and Articles, Information through Internet. Report writing: Meaning of
interpretation, layout of research report, Types of reports, Mechanics of writing a report. Research Proposal 10 Hrs.
Preparation: Writing a Research Proposal and Research Report, Writing Research Grant Proposal
Unit:3 Research Design:
Research Design: Research Design: Meaning of Research Design, Need of Research Design, Feature of a
Good Design, Important Concepts Related to Research Design, Different Research Designs, Basic Principles 09 Hrs.
of Experimental Design, Developing a Research Plan, Steps in sample design, types of sample designs.
Unit:4 Data Collection and Analysis:
Data Collection and Analysis: Data Collection: Methods of data collection, importance of Parametric, non-
parametric test, testing of variance of two normal population, use of Chi-square, ANOVA, Ftest, z-test. 07 Hrs.
Unit:5 Patents and Copyright:
Patents and Copyright: Patent: Macro economic impact of the patent system, Patent document, How to 10 Hrs.
protect your inventions. Granting of patent, Rights of a patent, how extensive is patent protection.
Copyright: What is copyright. What is covered by copyright? How long does copyright last? Why protect
copyright? Related Rights: what are related rights? Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights:
Infringement of intellectual property rights, Case studies of patents and IP protection.
Total Lectures: 46 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. C.RKothari,―ResearchMethodology,Methods&Technique‖;NewAgeInternationalPublishers,2004.
2. R.Ganesan,―ResearchMethodologyforEngineers‖,MJPPublishers,2011
3. Y.P.Agarwal,―StatisticalMethods:Concepts,ApplicationandComputation‖,SterlingPubls.,Pvt., Ltd., New
Delhi, 2004

Reference Books:
1. Ajit Parul ekarand Sarita D‗Souza,―Indian Patents Law–Legal & Business Implications‖; Macmillan India
ltd , 2006
2. B.L. Wadehra ; ―Law Relating to Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright, Designs & Geographical
Indications‖;Universal law Publishing Pvt.Ltd., India 2000.
3. Narayanan;―LawofCopyrightandIndustrialDesigns‖;EasternlawHouse,Delhi2010

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To familiarize the Big Data Platform and its use cases.
2. To provide an overview of Apache Hadoop.
3. To provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS.
4. To familiarize Map Reduce analytics using Hadoop and related tools like Pig, Hive etc

Course Outcomes :
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe big data and use cases from selected business domains.
2. Explain the big data with industrial examples.
3. Install, configure, and run Hadoop and HDFS.
4. Perform map-reduce analytics using Hadoop.
5. Use Hadoop related tools such as H Base, Pig, and Hive for big data analytics.

Unit:1 Introduction to Big Data:

Introduction to Big Data: Introduction to Big Data, The four dimensions of Big Data: volume, velocity,
variety, veracity, Drivers for Big Data, Introducing the Storage, Query Stack, Revisit useful technologies 07 Hrs.
and concepts, Real-time Big Data Analytics.
Unit:2 Distributed File Systems:
Distributed File Systems: Hadoop Distributed File System, Google File System, Data Consistency Big Data Storage
Models: Distributed Hash-table, Key-Value Storage Model(Amazon's Dynamo),Document Storage Model 08 Hrs.
(Facebook's Cassandra), Graph storage models
Unit:3 Scalable Algorithms:
Scalable Algorithms: Mining large graphs, with focus on social networks and web graphs. Centrality,
similarity, a11-distances sketches, community detection, 1ink analysis, spectral techniques. Map-reduce,
Pig Latin, and No SQL, Algorithms for detecting similar items, Recommendation systems, Data stream 10 Hrs.
analysis algorithms, Clustering algorithms, Detecting frequent items.
Unit:4 Scores and Rankings:
Big Data Applications: Advertising on the Web, Web Page Quality Ranking, Mining Social-Networking
Group, Human Interaction with Big- Data. Recommendation systems with case studies of Amazon's, Item- 10 Hrs.
toitem recommendations and Netflix Prize, Link Analysis with case studies of the Page Rank algorithm
and the spam farm analysis, Crowdsourcing
Unit:5 Big Data Issues:
09 Hrs.
Big Data Issues: Privacy, Visualization, Compliance and Security, Structured vs. Unstructured Data.

Total Lectures: 45 Hrs.

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Tom White ― Hadoop: The Definitive Guide‖ Third Edit on, O’reily Media, 2012.
2. Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan, "Big Data Analytics" Wiley 2015

Reference Books:
1. Michael Berthold, David J. Hand, "Intelligent Data Analysis‖, Springer, 2007.
2. Anand Rajaraman and Jef rey David Ulman, ―Mining of Massive Datasets‖, Cambridge University Press,
3. Paul Zikopoulos ,Dirk DeRoos , Krishnan Parasuraman , Thomas Deutsch , James Giles , David Corigan ,
"Harness the Power of Big Data The IBM Big Data Platform ", Tata McGraw Hill Publications, 2012.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Course Objectives :
To make the students to :
1. The purpose of the blockchain is to share information amongst all parties that access it via an application.
2. Access to this ledger in terms of reading and writing may be unrestricted ('permissionless'), or restricted
3. Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing
within a business network.
4. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

Course Outcomes :
At the end of the course, student will be able to:
1. Its decentralized, transparent, and secure nature has the potential to revolutionize industries such as finance,
healthcare, and supply chain management.
2. By eliminating intermediaries and reducing costs, blockchain can help increase efficiency and accessibility
while reducing the risk of fraud and corruption.
3. By eliminating intermediaries and reducing costs, blockchain can help increase efficiency and accessibility
while reducing the risk of fraud and corruption.

Unit:1 Introduction of cryptography and blockchain

What is Blockchain, Blockchain Overview of Blockchain, Public Ledgers, Bitcoin, Smart Contracts, Block in a
Blockchain, Transactions, Distributed Consensus, Public vs Private Blockchain, Understanding Crypto 10 Hrs.
currency to Blockchain, Permissioned Modelof Blockchain, Overview of Security aspects of Blockchain
Basic Crypto Primitives: Cryptographic Hash Function, Properties of a hash function, Hash pointer and
Merkle tree, Digital Signature, Public Key Cryptography, A basic cryptocurrency.
Unit:2 Bitcoin and cryptocurrency
Creation of coins, Payments and double spending, Bitcoin Scripts, Bitcoin P2P Network, Transaction in
Bitcoin Network, BlockMining, Block propagation and block relay.
10 Hrs.
problem, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn and Proof of Elapsed Time, The life of a Bitcoin Miner, Mining
Difficulty, Mining Pool.
Unit:3 Permissioned Blockchain:
Permissioned model and use cases, Design issues for Permissioned blockchains, Execute contracts, State
machine replication, Overview of Consensus models for permissioned blockchain- Distributed consensus in 09 Hrs.
closed environment, Paxos, RAFT Consensus, Byzantine general problem, Byzantine fault tolerant system,
Lamport-Shostak-Pease BFTAlgorithm,BFT over Asynchronous systems.
Unit:4 Enterprise Application of Blockchain:
Cross border payments, Know Your Customer (KYC), Food Security, Mortgage over Blockchain, Blockchain
enabledTrade, We Trade — Trade Finance Network, Supply Chain Financing, Identityon Blockchain 07 Hrs.
Unit:5 Hyperledger Fabric:
Architecture, Identities and Policies, Membership and Access Control, Channels, Transaction Validation, 10 Hrs.
Writing smart contract using Hyperledger Fabric, Writing smart contract using Ethereum, Overview of Ripple
and Corda
Total Lectures: 46 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Melanie Swan, ―Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy‖, O’Reilly,2015.
2. Andreas Antonopoulos, ―Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies‖, O’Reilly, 2014.

Reference Books:
1. Daniel Drescher, ―Blockchain Basics‖, First Edition, Apress, 2017
2. Ritesh Modi, ―Solidity Programming Essentials: A Beginner’s Guideto Build Smart Contracts for Ethereum
and Blockchain‖, Packt Publishing

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. This course aims to expose the students to the central elements in the design of communication protocols for
the WSNs and design knowledge in analyzing the specific requirements for applications in WSNs.
2. It also aims to design simple IoT systems comprising sensors, edge devices, wireless network connections,
data analytics capabilities and cloud storage
3. Design simple IoT systems comprising sensors, edge devices, wireless network connections, data analytics
capabilities and cloud storage.

Course Outcomes :
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the basics concepts of Wireless Sensor Network architecture and its principles.
2. Explain the various communication protocols in WSN stack.
3. Apply the concepts of localization and time synchronization.
4. Use open source tools for the implementation of WSN.

Unit:1 Introduction
Challenges for wireless sensor networks, Comparison of sensor network with ad hoc network, Single node
architecture, Hardware components, Energy consumption of sensor nodes, Network architecture: Sensor 07 Hrs.
network scenarios, Optimization Goals and Design principles. Physical layer and transceiver design
consideration in wireless sensor networks
Unit:2 Fundamentals of wireless system
Fundamentals of wireless MAC protocols, low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts, contentionbased
protocols, Schedule-based protocols. ROUTING PROTOCOLS - Gossiping and agent-based unicast forwarding, 08 Hrs.
Energy-efficient unicast, Broadcast and multicast, geographic routing, Data centric routing, Data aggregation.
Unit:3 Localization and positioning
Localization and positioning: Possible approaches, single hop localization, positioning in multi-hop
environments. Time synchronization: Time synchronization problem, protocols based on sender to
receiver and receiver to receiver synchronization in WSN. 10 Hrs.
Unit:4 Programming Challenges
Programming Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks, Tiny Operating System, Contiki OS, Event-
Driven Programming, Techniques for Protocol Programming. 10 Hrs.
Unit:5 Building blocks of an IoT device
09 Hrs.
Building blocks of an IoT device - Programming Inputs and outputs, Serial, SPI and I2C - Sensors and
sensor Node and interfacing using any Embedded target boards (Raspberry Pi / Intel Galileo/ARM
Cortex/ Arduino)*. Cloud Support: Cloud Storage models and communication APIs. Web server - Web
server for IoT - Cloud for IoT - Designing a RESTful web API - Amazon Web services for IoT - Data
Analytics for IoT: Apache Hadoop - Using map reduce for batch data analytics.
Total Lectures: 45 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Wireless Sensing and Networking for the Internet of Things. May 2023.
2. IoT and Sensor Networks in Industry and Society. March 2022.

Reference Books:
1. IoT Multi Sensors.
2. Advances in Intelligent Sensors and IoT Solutions.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Course Objectives :
1. To understand the basic digital forensics and techniques for conducting the forensic examination on different
digital devices.
2. To understand how to examine digital evidences such as the data acquisition, identification analysis.

Course Outcomes :
1. Know how to apply forensic analysis tools to recover important evidence for identifying computer crime.
2. To be well-trained as next-generation computer crime investigators.

Unit:1 Fundamentals of forensics:

Computer forensics fundamentals, Benefits of forensics, computer crimes, computer 10 Hrs.
forensics evidence and courts, legal concerns and private issues.
Unit:2 Understanding Computing Investigations:
Understanding Computing Investigations – Procedure for corporate High-Tech
10 Hrs.
investigations, understanding data recovery work station and software, conducting and
Unit:3 Data acquisition
Data acquisition- understanding storage formats and digital evidence, determining the best
acquisition method, acquisition tools, validating data acquisitions, performing RAID data 09 Hrs.
acquisitions, remote network acquisition tools, other forensics acquisitions tools.
Unit:4 Crimes and Incidents :
Processing crimes and incident scenes, securing a computer incident or crime, seizing
digital evidence at scene, storing digital evidence, obtaining digital hash, reviewing case. 07 Hrs.
Unit:5 Current computer forensics tools :
Current computer forensics tools- software, hardware tools, validating and testing
10 Hrs.
forensic software, addressing data-hiding techniques, performing remote acquisitions, E-
Mail investigations- investigating email crime and violations, understanding E-Mail
servers, specialized E-Mail forensics tool.
Total Lectures: 46 Hrs.
Wainganga Bahu-Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108 (M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade by NAAC)

Text Books:
1. Warren G. Kruse II and Jay G. Heiser, ―Computer Forensics: Incident Response Essentials‖, Addison
Wesley, 2002.
2. Nelson, B, Phillips, A, Enfinger, F, Stuart, C., ―Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations, 2nd ed.,
Thomson Course Technology, 2006, ISBN: 0-619-21706-5.

Reference Books:
1. Vacca, J, Computer Forensics, Computer Crime Scene Investigation, 2nd Ed, Charles River Media, 2005,
ISBN: 1-58450-389.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
e bbby NAAC
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade C)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Advances in Data Science


Course Objectives:
Students with a major in Data Science.
1. Students will develop relevant programming abilities.
2. Students will demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.
3. Students will develop the ability to build and assess data-based models.
4. Students will execute statistical analyses with professional statistical software.

Course Outcome:
At the end of this course students are able to:
1: Understand how organizations can use data to align with their mission and goal
2: Understand the role of data science in organizational strategy and how organizations can leverage information to
gain competitive advantage.
3: Understand the challenges of data-driven businesses and how organizations can start to use their data to deliver
actionable business insight

Unit:1 Introduction 7 Hrs

Data science articulated, history and context, Ethical Issues, technology landscape Parallel databases,
parallel query processing, Data engineering, Map Reduce, Hadoop, Key-value stores and No SQL;tradeoffs of SQL
and No SQL.
Unit:2 Statistical Inference: 8 Hrs
Populations and samples, Statistical modelling, probability distributions, Fitting a model, Intro to R Machine
Learning: Supervised Learning: Regression, polynomial regression, local regression, k- nearest neighbours
Unsupervised Learning: Kernel density estimation, k-means, Naive Bayes, Data and Data Scraping,
Classification, Ranking, Logistic regression.
Unit:3 Introduction to Big Data Analytics : 10Hrs
Big Data Platforms, Big Data Storage and Processing, BigData Analytics Algorithms (Recommendation,
Clustering, and Classification),Spark and Data Analytics, Linked Big Data -- I (Graph DB & Graph
Analytics, Big Data Applications (TBA))
Unit:4 Multiprocessor System: 10 Hrs
Feature Generation and Feature Selection (Extracting Meaning From Data)- Motivating application: user (customer)
retention, - Feature Generation (brainstorming, role of domain expertise, and place for imagination), Feature
Selection algorithms ( Filters; Wrappers; Decision Trees; Random Forests) Social network analysis, Observational
causal modeling, Sampling, data leakage, data incest
Unit:5 Graph Analytics: 10 Hrs
structure, traversals, analytics, Page Rank, community detection, recursive queries, semantic web Fundamentals
ofdata visualization, Basic principles, ideas and tools for data visualization

Total Lecture 45Hrs

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
e bbby NAAC
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade C)

Text Books:

1. press, 1999ACM Press Books.―Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline‖:Cathy O' Neil
andRachel Schutt..O'Reilly.2014.
2. ―Mining of Massive Datasets‖,Anand Raja ramanand Jeff Ullman

Reference Books:
1. ―Data Miningand Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms.‖,:Mohammed J. Zaki and Wagner Miera
Jr.Cambridge University Press. 2014.
2. ―Data Mining : Concepts and Techniques‖,:Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei. Third Edition. ISBN
0123814790. 2011

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
e bbby NAAC
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade C)

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Advanced Natural Language Processing
Course Objectives:
1. To provide theoretical concepts of language processing that shows how to explore interesting bodies of text.
2. To familiarize with fundamental topics in language processing that include tagging, classification, and information
extraction using tiny Python programs.
3. To facilitate understanding of formal grammar to describe the structure of an unlimited set of sentences.
4. To acquaint with methods to parse a sentence, recognize its syntactic structure and construct representations of

Course Outcomes:
Upon completing this course, students will be able to:
1. Comprehend the concept of natural language processing, its challenges and applications.
2. Demonstrate skills in natural language processing using Natural Language Toolkit(NLTK).
3. Build and evaluate classifiers for textual data.
4. Analyze linguistic structure oftext and build feature based grammar.
5. Determine the semantics ofsentences using Word Net and Tree bank.

Unit:1 Language Processing 9Hrs

Language Processing,Computing with Language- Texts and Words, A Closer Look at Python-: Texts as Lists of
Words, Computing with Language- Simple Statistics, Automatic Natural Language Understanding, Accessing Text
Corpora and Lexical Resources: Accessing Text Corpora, Conditional Frequency Distributions, Lexical Resources
Unit:2 Processing Raw Text: 10Hrs
Processing Raw Text:Strings- Text Processing at the Lowest Level, Text Processing with Unicode, Regular
Expressions for Detecting Word Patterns, Useful Applications of Regular Expressions, Normalizing Text, Regular
Expressions for Tokenizing Text, Categorizing and Tagging Words: Mapping Words to Properties Using Python
Dictionaries, Automatic Tagging, N- Gram Tagging
Unit:3 Learning to Classify Text 10 Hrs
Learning to Classify Text Supervised Classification, Evaluation, Modeling Linguistic Patterns Extracting
Information from Text: Information, Chunking, Developing and Evaluating Chunkers Recursion in Linguistic
Unit:4 Analyzing Sentence Structure: 7 Hrs
Analyzing Sentence Structure:Context-Free Grammar, Parsing with Context-Free Grammar, Dependencies
and Dependency Grammar, Grammar Development..
Unit:5 Applications of NLP 9Hrs
ApplicationsofNLP:TopicModeling,SentimentAnalysis,QueryProcessing,ChatBoat,Machine Translation,
Statistical Machine Translation, Neural Machine Translation, Spell Checker, Summarization

Total Lecture 45Hrs

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
e bbby NAAC
(Accredited ‘A’ Grade C)

Text Books:

1. Manning, Christopher, and Hinrich Schutze. Foundations of statistical natural language processing. MIT press,

Reference Books:
1. Dan. Speech& language processing. Pearson Education India, 2000
2. Smith, Noah A. Linguistic structure prediction. Morgan and Claypool, 2011
3. Kennedy, Graeme. An introduction to corpus linguistics. Routledge, 2014

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From


(Accredited‘A’Grade N
ebyN C

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Advanced Natural Language Processing Lab

Course Objectives:
1. To provide theoretical concepts of language processing that shows how to explore interesting bodies of text.
2. To familiarize with fundamental topics in language processing that include tagging, classification, and information
extraction using tiny Python programs.
3. To facilitate understanding of formal grammar to describe the structure of an unlimited set of sentences.
4. To acquaint with methods to parse a sentence, recognize its syntactic structure and construct representations of

Course Outcomes:
1. At the completion of the course the student:
2. will Know the basic concepts and theory of languages and grammar
3. is expected to understand the syntax and semantics of the sentences formed out of a natural language
4. will be able to understand transformational grammars of natural languages
5. will know the application of Transition Networks from Grammar to Acceptor
6. will know the two level processing systems namely RTNs and ATN

List of Lab Practical

Sr.No Name of Practical
1 Introduction to Languages and Grammars.
2 Transformational Grammars of Natural Language
3 Two-LevelRepresentation
4 Transition Networks - From Grammar to Acceptor
5 Two Level Processing Systems RTN's and ATN's
6 Issues and Applications

Text Books:Text Books:

1. 1. Manning,Christopher, and Hinrich Schutze. Foundations of statistical natural language processing. MIT

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From


(Accredited‘A’Grade N
ebyN C

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Program Elective-III
Deep Learning and Data Analytics
Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the concepts, architecture and limitations of neural networks
2. To provide foundational concepts of deep learning.
3. To learn the concepts convolution neural networks.
4. To familiarize with architectures of recurrent neural networks. 5. To impart the knowledge of advanced
applications of deep neural networks.

Course Outcomes:
1. At the completion of the course the student:
2. will Know the basic concepts and theory of languages and grammar
3. is expected to understand the syntax and semantics of the sentences formed out of a natural language
4. will be able to understand transformational grammars of natural languages
5. will know the application of Transition Networks from Grammar to Acceptor
6. will know the two level processing systems namely RTNs and ATNAfter successful completion of the course,
student will be able to:

Unit:1 The Neural Network (Deep Learning) 12 Hrs

The Neural Network (Deep Learning): Neurons, Linear Perceptron as Neuron, Neural Nets Architecture/ Design,
Working of Neural Nets, Layers of Neural Networks and Deep learning, Activation Functions, Feed Forward
Neural Networks, Limitations of Neurons, Deep Belief Networks (DBNs), Large Scale DBNs, Large Scale
Convolution Neural Networks, Deep Learning for Big Data, Deep Learning from High Volumes of Data, Deep
Learning from High Variety of Data, Deep Learning for High Velocity of Data, Local Minima in Deep Networks,
Rearranging Neurons in a layer of a Neural Network, Spurious Local Minima in Deep Networks.
Unit:2 Deep Feed forward Networks: 9Hrs
Deep Feed forward Networks: Training Neurons, Common terminologies, Flowchart for Training a Deep Learning
Model, Avoiding Over fitting in Deep Neural Networks, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Explore versus Exploit,
Policy versus Value Learning, Q-Learning and Deep Q-Networks, POMDPS(Partially Observable Markov
Decision Process), Applications of POMDPS.
Unit:3 Deep Learning Optimization: 7 Hrs
Deep Learning Optimization: Learning versus Pure Optimization, Challenges in Neural Network Optimization,
Basic Optimization Algorithms, Parameter Initializations, Metaalgorithms, Convolution Neural Networks:
Convolution, The Convolution Layer, The Convolution Operation, Max Pooling, Various Convolution Network
Unit:4 Sequence Analysis: 7 Hrs
Sequence Analysis: Variable –sized Inputs Analysis, Beam Search, Stateful Deep Learning Models, Recurrent
Neural Networks (RNN), Bidirectional RNNs, Deep Recurrent Networks, Augmenting Recurrent Networks,
Neural Turing Machines, Applications of Deep Learning.
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Unit:5 Deep Learning Survey: 10 Hrs

Deep Learning Survey: Representation Learning, Transfer Learning, Exponential Gains from Depth,
Challenges of Unstructured Modeling, Using Graphs to explain Model Structure, Sampling, Advantages of
Structured Modeling, Deep Learning Approach to Structured Probabilistic Models, Deep Boltzmann Machines,
Directed Generative Nets, Generative Stochastic Networks.
Total Lecture 45Hrs

Text Books:
1. .Rajiv Chopra,―Deep Learning A Practical Approach (using python) ‖,2nd edition, Khanna Book Publishing
Co., New Delhi, 2020

Reference Books:
1. ―Anurag Bhardwaj,WeiDi,JianingWei,―DeepLearningEssentials‖,PacktPublishing,2018.
2. Goodfellow,I.,Bengio,Y.,andCourville,A.,―DeepLearning‖,MITPress,2016.
3. RaúlRojas,―NeuralNetworks:AsystematicIntroduction‖,1996.
4. ChirstopherBishop,―PatternRecognitionandmachineLearning‖,Springer,2007

July 2024 2024-2025

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department ofArtificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Deep Learning and Data Analytics Lab

Course Objectives:
To enable students to develop successful machine .
1. The course introduces students to the principles, concepts and theory behind language processing.
2. There is an introduction to languages grammar followed by transformational grammars of natural language.
3. Transition networks and two level processing of moving from grammar to acceptor.
4. To Build The Foundation Of Deep Learning.
5. To Understand How To Build The Neural Network.
Course Outcomes:
1. Upon the Successful Completion of the Course, the Students would be able to:
2. Learn The Fundamental Principles Of Deep Learning.
3. Identify The Deep Learning Algorithms For Various Types of Learning Tasks in various domains.
4. Implement Deep Learning Algorithms And Solve Real-world problems
5. At the end ofthis lab course, a student will be able to

List of Lab Practical

Sr.No Name of Practical
1 Setting up the Spyder IDE Environment and Executing a Python Program
2 Installing Keras, Tensorflow and Pytorch libraries and making use of them
3 Applying the Convolution Neural Network on computer vision problems
4 Image classification on MNIST dataset (CNN model with Fully connected layer)
5 Applying the Deep Learning Models in the field of Natural Language Processing
6 Train a sentiment analysis model on IMDB dataset, use RNN layers with LSTM/GRU notes
7 Applying the Autoencoder algorithms for encoding the real-world data
8 Applying Generative Adversial Networks for image generation and unsupervised tasks.

Text Books:
1. 1. Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, MIT Press.
2. The Elements of Statistical Learning by T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman, Springer.
Probabilistic Graphical Models. Koller, and N. Friedman, MIT Press.
3. Gilbert K. Krulee, Computer Processing of Natural Language, Prentice Hall 1991.
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Reference Books:
1. 1. Bishop, C, M., Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
2. Yegnanarayana, B., Artificial Neural Networks PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd, 2009.
3. Golub, G.H., and Van Loan C.F., Matrix Computations, JHU Press, 2013.
4. Satish Kumar, Neural Networks: A Classroom Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2004.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Virtualization and Cloud


Course Objectives:
1. Understanding and installing virtual operating systems.
2. Understanding the principles and applications of virtualization and cloud computing in enterprise information
3. Being able to develop simple applications. programming goals.
4. Virtualization improves hardware resources used in your data center.

Course Outcomes:
1. To construct the concepts, characteristics, delivery models and benefits of cloud computing
2. Discuss system, network and storage virtualization and outline their role in enabling the cloud
computing system model.
3. Apply fundamental concepts in cloud infrastructures to understand the tradeoffs in power, efficiency and cost,
and then study how to leverage and manage single and multiple datacenters to
build and deploy cloud applications
4. To determine the key security and compliance challenges of cloud computing
5. Analyze various cloud programming models and apply them to solve problems on the cloud.

At the end of this course students are able to:

z Introduction to Cloud Computing: 7 Hrs

Introduction to Cloud Computing, History of CloudComputing, Cloud service providers. Properties, Characteristics
& Disadvantages - Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing, Benefits of Cloud Computing, Cloud computing vs. Cluster
computing vs Grid computing, Role of Open Standards.
Unit:2 Cloud computing stack: 8 Hrs
Cloud computing stack , Comparison with traditional computing architecture (client/server), Services provided at
various levels, How Cloud Computing Works, Role of Networks in Cloud computing, protocols used, Role of Web
services. Service Models (XaaS) - Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service(PaaS), Software as a
Service(SaaS). Deployment Models, Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud.
Unit:3 Cloud Virtualization: 10Hrs
Cloud Virtualization: Virtualization, Layering and virtualization, Virtual machine monitors, Virtual Machines,
Performance and Security Isolation, Full virtualization and paravirtualization, Hardware support for
virtualization, Case Study: Xen a VMM based paravirtualization, Optimization of network virtualization,
vBlades, Performance comparison of virtual machines, The dark side of virtualization, Exercises and
Unit:4 Security in Cloud: 10 Hrs
Security in Cloud: Cloud Security Challenges, Infrastructure Security, Network level security, Host level
security, Application level security, data privacy, data security, application security, virtual machine security,
Identity Access Management, Authentication in cloud computing, Client access in cloud, Cloud contracting
Model, Commercial and business considerations
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Unit:5 Creating Cloud Application using Azure: 10 Hrs

Creating Cloud Application using Azure: Creating simple cloud application, configuring an application,
creating virtual machine, deployment of application to Windows Azure Cloud, using Azure Storage Services,
using Azure Table Service, deployment of application to the production environment.

Total Lecture 45Hrs

1. ―Essentials of cloud Computing: K.Chandrasekhran, CRC press, 2014.
2. Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective on Risks and Compliance, Tim Mather,Subra
Kumaraswamy, Shahed Latif, O‟Reilly, SPD, rp2011.
3. Cloud Computing Theory and Practice, Dan C Marinescu, Elsevier (MK) 2013.

Reference Books:
1. Thomas Erl,Zaigham Mahood, Ricardo Puttini, ―Cloud Computing, Concept, Technology & Architecture‖,
Prentice Hall, 2013.
2. Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S. Thamarai Selvi, ―Mastering Cloud Computing‖, Tata McGraw-
3. Toby Velte,Anthony Velte,Robert C. Elsenpeter, ―Cloud Computing, A Practical Approach‖,TataMcGraw-
Hill Edition, 2010.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Program Elective-III
Advance Data Mining for AI
Course Objectives:
1. To learn embedded system architecture.
2. Study in detail process management and memory management.
3. To learn Real Time Operating system principles and its components.
4. Study in detail Linux kernel and Linux files systems.
5. Study in detail device drivers.

Course Outcomes:
1. . On completion of the course, student will be able to
2. Understand formal machines, languages
3. Understand stages in building a Data Warehouse
4. Apply pre processing techniques for data cleansing
5. Analyse multi dimensional modelling techniques
Analyse and evaluate performance of algorithms for Association Rules Analyse Classification and Clusteringalgorithm

Unit:1 Introduction 9Hrs

Introduction: What is data mining, What is needed to do data mining, Business data mining, Data Mining tools Data
Mining Process: CRISP-DM, Business understanding, Data understanding, Data preparation, Modeling, Evaluation,
Deployment, SEMMA, Steps in SEMMA process, Example Data Mining process application, Comparison of CRISP
& SEMMA, Handling data
Unit:2 Memory-Based Reasoning Methods: 9Hrs
Memory-Based Reasoning Methods: Matching, Weighted matching, Distance minimization, Software Association
Rules in Knowledge Discovery: Market-Basket analysis, Market Basket analysis benefits, Demonstration on small
set of data, Real market basket data, The counting method without software Fuzzy Sets in Data Mining: Fuzzy sets
and decision trees, Fuzzy sets and ordinal classification, Fuzzy association rules, Demonstration model,
Computational results, Testing, Inferences
Unit:3 Rough Sets: 9 Hrs
Rough Sets: A brief theory of rough sets, Information system, Decision table, Some exemplary applications of Rough
Sets, Rough sets software tools, The process of conducting Rough Sets analysis Support Vector Machines: Formal
explanation of SVM, Non-linear classification, Use of SVM – A process-based approach, Support vector machines
versus Artificial neural networks, Disadvantages of support vector machines Genetic Algorithm Support to Data
Mining: Demonstration of genetic algorithm, Application of genetic algorithms in Data Mining
Unit:4 Performance Evaluation for Predictive Modeling: 10 Hrs
Performance Evaluation for Predictive Modeling: Performance metrics for predictive modeling, Estimation
methodology for classification models, Simple split (Holdout), The k-fold cross validation, Bootstrapping and
jackknifing, Area under the ROC curve Applications: Applications of methods, Memory-based application,
Association rule application, Fuzzy data mining, Rough set models, Support vector machine application, Genetic
algorithm applications, Predicting the financial success of Hollywood movies.
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Unit:5 Change Detection in Data Streams: 8Hrs

Change Detection in Data Streams: Introduction, novelty detection as a one-class classification problem, positive
Naïve Bayes, learning new concepts, approaches based on extreme values, decision
structure,frequency distances, online novelty and drift detection.
Total Lecture 45Hrs

Text Books:
1. Gama,J.,―KnowledgeDiscoveryfromDataStreams,‖1stEd., Chapmanand Hall, 2010
2. Aggarwal,CharuC.,―DataStreams:ModelsandAlgorithms,‖Springer, 2007

Reference Books:
[1] 1. Jiawei Han, M Kamber, Jain Pei, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, 3rd ed.,
Amsterdam: ElsevierPublication, 2011.
[2] Vipin Kumar, Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Introduction to Data Mining, South
Asia: PearsonEducation, 2016.
[3] Ikvinderpal Singh, Data Mining and Warehousing, New Delhi: Khanna Publishing, 2014.

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence &
Data Science
Program Elective-III
Information Retrieval System
Course Objectives:
This course is to introduce fundamental concepts of information retrieval and the procedures for evaluating
information retrieval tool 1. Giving idea about the existing problems and potentials of current IR systems.
2. learn and use different retrieval algorithms and systems.
3. Giving idea about k-gram indexes for spelling correction.
4. Giving idea about Dictionary compression.
5. Giving idea about Parametric and zone indexes.

Course Outcomes:
.At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Understand the retrieval of relevant information from a text database.
2. Understand the Term Vocabulary And Postings Lists.
3. Understand the Index Construction.
4. Understand the Index Compression. 5. Understand the Vector Space Model.

Unit:1 Introduction 9Hrs

Introduction : Basic concepts; Practical issues; Retrieval process; Architecture; Boolean retrieval; Retrieval
evaluation; Open source retrieval systems; History of web search; Web characteristics; Impact of the web on
information retrieval; Information retrieval versus web search; Components of a search engine.
Unit:2 Retrieval Models: 9Hrs
Retrieval Models: Taxonomy and characterization of information retrieval models: Boolean model, Vector model;
Term weighting; Scoring and ranking; Language models; Set theoretic models; Probabilistic models; Algebraic
models; Structured text retrieval models; Models for browsing.
Unit:3 Indexing: 9 Hrs
Indexing: Static and dynamic inverted indices; Index construction and index compression; Searching;
Sequential searching and pattern matching; Query operations; Query languages; Query processing; Relevance
feedback and query expansion; Automatical and globalanalysis; Measuring effectiveness an defficiency.
Unit:4 Searching the Web: 10 Hrs
Searching the Web: Searching the web; Structure of the web; IR and web search; Static and dynamic Ranking;
Web crawling and indexing; Link analysis; XML retrieval; Multimedia IR: Models and languages; Indexing
and searching; Parallel and distributed IR; Digital libraries.
Unit:5 Image Retrieval 8Hrs
Image Retrieval: Introduction to content-based image retrieval; Challenges in image retrieval; Image
representation; Indexing and retrieving images; Relevance feedback

Total Lecture 45Hrs

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Text Books:

1. C.Manning, P. Raghavan,H. Schutze, Introduction to Information Retrieval , First South Asian Edition,Cambridge
University Press.
2. R.B.Yates, B. R. Neto, Modern Information Retrieval: The concepts and Technology behind Search,2nd edition,
ACM Press Books.―Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline‖:Cathy O' Neil and Rachel

1. S.Büttcher,C.ClarkeandG.Cormack,InformationRetrieval-ImplementingandEvaluating SearchEngines, MIT Press
2. R.Korfhage, Information Storage and Retrieval, Wiley.
3. P.Paliwal,S. Balakrishnan, Principles of Information Retrieval, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
Robotic Process Automation using UiPath.
Course Objectives:
1. To acquire insights into Robotic Process Automation Technology and Learn basic concepts of UI
Automation using UiPath
2. To classify several types of data inside a workflow and Gain skills in building workflows in
3. Categorize knowledge in dissecting the myths from the facts and realize the true benefits of RPA
4. Able to implement REFramework by following a rules of developing.
5. To distinguish the strategic and tactical roll out of the RPA solution

Course Outcomes:

1. Develop the ability to design and create robots for business processes independently.
2. Have familiarity and deep understanding of UiPath tools
3. Develop skills required to pass UiPath RPA Associate v1. 0 Exam.
4. The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that can assist humans in a variety of ways.

Unit:1 Introduction 7 Hrs

Introduction to Robotic Process Automation: Emergence of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Evolution of RPA,
Future of RPA, Differentiating RPA from Automation, Defining Robotic Process Automation & its benefits, What
RPA is Not, Types of Bots, Application areas of RPA, How Robotic Process Automation works, RPA development
methodology and key considerations, List of RoboticProcess Automation Tools
Unit:2 Performance Optimization 8 Hrs
Overview of UiPath: Introduction to UiPath platform and its components, Installation details of UiPath‟s
Community Edition, Types of Templates, User Interface, Domains in Activities, Workflow Files in UiPath Process
Components and Activities: UI Automation Activities, System Activities, Variables, Arguments, Imports Panel and
User Events.

Unit:3 Decision tree learning 10Hrs

App Integration, Recording and Scraping: App Integration, Recording, Scraping, Selector, Workflow Activities
Example of Automate login to your (web)Email account, Recording mouse and keyboard actions to perform an
operation, Scraping data from website and writing to CSV.

Unit:4 Support Vector Machines 10 Hrs

Implementing REframe work: Introduction to REFramework, About REFramework Purpose of REFramework
Using State Machine Layout, States of the State Machine, Workflows Involved, Workflowsof the Framework,
Exception Handling & Logging, Rules of Developing a Process using REFramework.
Unit:5 Instance based learning 10 Hrs
Data Manipulation & PDF Automation: Data Manipulation, Automation of Virtual Machines, Introduction to
Native Citrix Automation, Text and Image Automation, PDF Automation, ComputerVision
Total Lecture 45Hrs
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Text Books:

1. RPA robotic process automation by Gerardus Blokdyk, 2018

2. Learning Robotic Process Automation by Alok Mani Tripathi, Packt Publishing, Mumbai, 2018
3. Learning Robotic Process Automation: Create Software robots and automate business processes with the
leading RPA tool - UiPath by Alok Mani Tripathi, Packt Publishing, Mumbai, 2018 Schutt..O'Reilly.2014.
4. ―Mining of Massive Datasets‖,Anand Raja ramanand Jeff Ullman

Reference Books:
1. The Simple Implementation Guide to Robotic Process Automation (Rpa): How to Best Implement Rpa in an
Organization, Kelly wibbenmeyer, iUniverse publications.
2. Essentials of Robotics Process Automation by S. Muhkerjee, Khanna Publishing, 2019.
3. Robotic Process Automation with Blue Prism Quick Start Guide: Create software robots and automate business
processes by Lim Mei Ying, Packt Publishing, Mumbai, 2018

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Program Elective-III
Reinforcement Learning

Course Objectives:
1. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a paradigm of learning via interactions with the environment.
2. RL algorithms are at the frontier of current success of AI: AlphaGo, the computer program that beat humans is a
RL algorithm.
3. The objective is to provide a bottom up approach: starting from foundation in Markov decision processes (MDP),
the course builds up to the state-of-the-art RL algorithms.

Course Outcomes:
The student should be able to
1. model a control task in the framework of MDPs.
2. Identify the model based from the model free methods.
3. Identify stability/convergence and approximation properties of RL algorithms.
4. Use deep learning methods to RL problems in practice.

Unit:1 Reinforcement Learning 9Hrs

Reinforcement Learning: Introduction, Examples, Elements of reinforcement learning, Limitations and scope, An
extended example: Tic-Tac-Toe, Tabular solution methods Multi-armed Bandits: A k-armed bandit problem, Action-
value Methods, The 10-armed testbed, Incremental implementation, Tracking a nonstationary problem, Optimistic
initial values, Upper-confidencebound action selection, Gradient bandit algorithms, Associative search
Unit:2 Finite Markov Decision Processes: 10Hrs
Finite Markov Decision Processes: The Agent–environment interface, Goals and rewards, Returns and episodes,
Unified notation for episodic and continuing tasks, Policies and value functions, Optimal policies and optimal value
functions, Optimality and approximation Dynamic Programming: Policy evaluation (Prediction), Policy
improvement, Policy iteration, Value iteration, Asynchronous dynamic programming, Generalized policy iteration,
Efficiency of dynamic programming
Unit:3 Monte Carlo Methods 10Hrs
Monte Carlo Methods: Monte carlo prediction, Monte carlo estimation of action values, Monte carlo control,
Monte carlo control without exploring starts, Off-policy prediction via importance sampling, Incremental
implementation, Off-policy Monte Carlo control, Discounting-aware importance sampling, Per-decision
importance sampling Temporal-Difference Learning: TD prediction, Advantages of TD prediction methods,
Optimality of TD(0), Sarsa: On-policy TD control , Q-learning: off-policy TD control, Expected Sarsa,
Maximization bias and double learning, Games, Afterstates, and other special cases
Unit:4 n-step Bootstrapping 8Hrs
n-step Bootstrapping: n-step TD prediction, n-step sarsa, n-step off-policy learning, Per decision methods with
control variantes , Off-policy learning without importance sampling: The n-step tree backup algorithm, A
unifying algorithm: n-step Q(σ)
Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Unit:5 Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods 8Hrs

Planning and Learning with Tabular Methods : Models and planning, Dyna: Integrated planning, Acting and
learning , When the model is wrong , Prioritized sweeping, Expected vs. Sample updates, Trajectory sampling,
Real-time dynamic programming, Planning at decision time, Heuristic search, Rollout algorithms, Monte Carlo
tree search
Total Lecture 45Hrs

[1] Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning, 2nd ed. United Kingdom: MIT
Press,2018(Chapters 1-8)

[1] Wiering, Marco, and Martijn Van Otterlo, Reinforcement learning, United States: Springer, 2012
[2] Russell, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig, Artificial intelligence: a modern approach, United Kingdom: Pearson
Education Limited, 2016

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

Wainganga Bahu- Uddeshiya Vikas Sanstha’s

Wainganga College of Engineering and Management

Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur-441108(M.S.)
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur)
(Accredited ‘A’ Grad
de by NACC

Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

M. Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Teaching Scheme
Course Code Course Hours Per Week
PGAIDS301P On Job Training - - 5
PGAIDS302P Seminar - 3 15

July 2024 2024-2025

Chairman -BoS Dean -Academics Director Date of Release Applicable From

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