Star Maps 101

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Star Charts 101 and Practices

Fahim Rajit Hossain

May 3, 2024

This practice book is dedicated to all Astronomy enthusiasts and those aiming for cracking Star Charts,
part of Astronomy and Earth Science Olympiads. It is not a star atlas but it will fulfill its duty as a
practice book. I’ll recommend students to Print it and solve problems.

Written from my experience of both being a participant of two international Olympiads as well as team
leader for IOAA since 2018. I’ve also tried to mix my added passion of stargazing into it! New versions
can be found –

LATEX compiled and © 2024 by Fahim Rajit Hossain Shwadhin is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. To
view a copy of this license, visit

Star Charts 101


1 Stars, Constellations, and Olympiads 2

1.1 Constellation Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Star Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Constellation Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Exploring the Moon 31

2.1 Problem: Moon features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.2 Moon’s motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3 Deep Sky Objects 34

3.1 Short Problems and Solutions on DSOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4 Star Charts 40
4.1 Stargazing maps: Coordinate lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2 Projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2.1 Horizon Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2.2 Round Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 Pole View Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.3.1 The precession of the equinoxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.3.2 Mercator Projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.4 Monthly Sky Chats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5 Celestial Navigation 59
5.1 Naked Eye Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.2 Telescope Aided Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.3 Telescope Long Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.3.1 Liquid Mirror Telescope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.3.2 Alt-azimuthal Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
5.4 Astrophotography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.5 Guessing the correct Magnitude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

6 Practice Olympiad Problems 79

6.1 General Instructions in typical IOAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.2 How OBS Marking Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3 BDOAA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3.1 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3.2 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.4 INAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.1 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.4.2 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.4.3 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.5 SAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.5.1 P1: The night of Vernal Equinox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.6 Czech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.6.1 Observation using Simbad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.7 IOAA 2016 Observation Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Star Charts 101

6.7.1 Observational Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

6.7.2 Observational Planetarium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.8 IOAA 2018 Observation Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.8.1 O1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.8.2 O2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.8.3 O3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.8.4 O4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.9 IOAA 2019 Observation Round . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.9.1 Task 01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.9.2 Task 02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
6.9.3 Task 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
6.10 GeCAA 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.10.1 Problem 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.10.2 Problem 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.11 IOAA 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

7 Sources 106

Star Charts 101

This book delves into the fundamental knowledge necessary for computations associated with
studying the sky and the positions of celestial objects, specifically in observational astronomy—focusing
on naked-eye observation. It elucidates practical examples that progressively increase in complexity.
Initially, memorizing all the constellations might seem daunting for enhanced observational skills.
However, contrary to this belief, memorization isn’t required. Instead, this book systematically
guides you in understanding the sky, allowing you to approach challenges as if solving a puzzle.

1 Stars, Constellations, and Olympiads

If you are aiming for Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad1 or even Earth Science Olympiad2 you
may find a section where problems contains a star map. So what is a star chart i.e. Sky Map?

But before that, you should know some basic concepts i.e what are Constellations? How stars move
across the sky or it affects our observation?

Constellations represent apparent patterns formed by stars in the sky, often resembling figures or
shapes perceived by humans. For instance, constellations might create recognizable figures like a Man
(You may already guess the specific constellation I’m referring to!). They aid in identifying and recalling
specific portions of the sky. However, it’s important to note that creating random figures or personalized
constellations is not officially recognized in Olympiads or by the International Astronomical Union
(IAU). The IAU has officially acknowledged 88 constellations, while other popular patterns that are
not part of these recognized constellations are referred to as Asterisms (e.g., Summer Triangle, Heavenly
G, Big Dipper).

In a sky map, constellations are organized as their apparent orientation (projections) in the sky with
respect to other celestial objects. In Olympiads question setters provides a sky map of a certain region
(latitude ϕ) and ask students to determine some things or identify objects or constellation. Basics of
Celestial Coordinate system is needed to understand the maps as well as solve the problems.

1.1 Constellation Names

Each Latin constellation name has two forms: the nominative, for use when talking about the constellation
itself, and the genitive, or possessive, which is used in star names. For instance, Hamal, the brightest
star in the constellation Aries (nominative form), is also called Alpha Arietis (genitive form), meaning
literally, “the alpha of Aries”.

All modern constellations were codified in the European scientific subculture prior to the 19th century.
As Latin was the international language of science up to that time, Latin governs the pronunciation of
constellation names.3 The Latin names of all the constellations, their abbreviated names and boundaries
can be found in the table below. They are a mix of the ancient Greek patterns recorded by Ptolemy as
well as some more “modern” patterns observed later by more modern astronomers.


Star Charts 101

The IAU4 adopted three-letter abbreviations of the constellation names at its inaugural General Assembly
in Rome in 1922. The abbreviations devised by the IAU each have three letters which in the majority
of cases are the first three letters of the constellation name, such as AND for Andromeda, EQU for
Equuleus, HER for Hercules, ORI for Orion and so on. This trend is not strictly adhered to in cases
where confusion may arise. This happens with the two constellations Leo (abbreviated LEO) and
Leo Minor (abbreviated LMI). Similarly, because Triangulum (TRI) may be mistaken for Triangulum
Australe, the latter is abbreviated TRA. Other instances occur with Sagitta (SGE) and Sagittarius
(SGR) and with Canis Major (CMA) and Canis Minor (CMI) where the first two letters from the
second names of the constellations are used. This is also the case with Corona Australis (CRA) and
Corona Borealis (CRB) where the first letter of the second name of each constellation is incorporated.
Finally, mention must be made of Crater (CRT) which has been abbreviated in such a way as to avoid
confusion with the aforementioned CRA (Corona Australis).

In Olympiads, students are allowed to use star or constellation names based on their system, yet
obtaining permission is necessary for IOAA/IAO/APAO competitions. Typically, team leaders should
inquire about this with the host jury. Therefore, students from countries like Bangladesh are advised to
consistently utilize names designated by the IAU. However, for a comprehensive understanding of the
Bangla names of stars and constellations, along with their background stories, students are encouraged
to read the book “Tara Porichity by Abdul Jobbar”.

Learning how to recognize constellations

1. Write down the list of all the constellations you want to remember (let’s call this to be “C-List”)
2. Open the Stellarium app,
3. Turn the constellation lines on, and the constellation names on.
4. Find all the constellation from the “C-list,” try to remember where they are situated and how they
5. Turn the constellation names off (leave only the constellation lines on).
6. Try to find all the constellations from the “C-List” without the “Search” function. If you can find
the constellation, you strike it out of the “C-list.” If not, find it with the “Search” function, try to
remember where it is situated and how it looks.
7. Then, repeat all the previous steps with all the constellations left after the first striking-out. If you
can find the constellation you strike it out of the “C-list”. If not, find it with the ”Search” function,
try to remember where it is situated and how it looks
8. Repeat the striking-out rounds until you have no constellations left in your “C-list.”
9. If you every day repeat steps 1-8 (each day you start with blank “C-list” with no constellations
struck out), just in 4-5 days you will be able to recognize the constellations lines and will have the
basic knowledge about how they are situated on the night sky.
10. When you can strike all the constellations from the “C-list” in one striking out round, you can start
repeating all the previous steps, but now with constellation lines turned off. If you repeat these steps
every day, just in some days you will get good skills of determining the position of the constellation,
and recognizing it by its picture or stars around.

Star Charts 101

1.2 Star Names

Most of the brighter stars were assigned their first systematic names by the German astronomer Johann
Bayer in 1603, in his star atlas Uranometria . Bayer assigned a lowercase Greek letter, such as alpha
(α), beta (β), gamma (γ), etc., to each star he catalogued, combined with the Latin name of the star’s
parent constellation in genitive (possessive) form. (See 88 modern constellations for the genitive forms
later on the table.) For example, Aldebaran is designated α Tauri (pronounced Alpha Tauri), which
means “Alpha of the constellation Taurus”.

A constellation’s most brilliant star is often called Alpha, the first letter in the Greek alphabet. The
letters are used with the Latin genitive form of the constellation name, so the Alpha star of Centaurus
is called “Alpha Centauri.” But there are few exceptions. For example, Gemini’s brightest star is β and
that of octans is ν. Here is the lowercase Greek alphabet as used by astronomers:

α Alpha ι Iota ρ Rho

β Beta κ Kappa σ Sigma
γ Gamma λ Lambda τ Tau
δ Delta µ Mu υ Upsilon
ε Epsilon ν Nu ϕ Phi
ζ Zeta ξ Xi χ Chi
η Eta o Omicron Ψ Psi
θ Theta π Pi ω Omega

In Olympiad questions, when asked about a star’s name examiners and Jury prefer these Greek letter
titles (Flamsteed Designation or Bayer Designation) rather than actual popular name. So it is a wise
decision to remember star names by Greek letters.

A student should always know which star is the α, β star for a certain constellation. Specially exceptions.
Sometimes you may have to remember special stars designated γ or ζ etc.

Knowing where the brightest constellation stars are situated

For learning where they are on the night sky, you can use the plan similar to the one for learning the
constellations: You can learn their position with the same plan

1. Write down the list of all the stars you want to remember (let’s call this to be “S-List”)
2. Open the Stellarium app, try to find a star without turning the names and lines of the constellations
on. If you managed to strike it out of the “S-List.”
3. If not, turn on the constellation lines and try to find the star again. If you managed to find it, leave
the star in the list without striking it out.
4. If not, find the star with the “Search” function, try to remember where it is situated and how it
looks. Don’t strike it out.
5. Repeat the striking-out rounds until you have no stars left in your “S-list.”

If you every day repeat steps 1-5 (each day you start with blank “S-list” with no stars struck), just in
a week, you will be able to recognize the stars on the night sky. You will also have a good knowledge
of the relative positions of the constellations.

Star Charts 101

Table 1: Constellation Table

No. Constellation Location Supposed Figure Code Brightest Star

1 Andromeda N Andromeda And Alpheratz (α)
2 Antlia S The Air Pump Ant α Antliae
3 Apus S The Bird of Paradise Aps α Apodis
4 Aquarius S/Eq The Water Carrier Aqr Sadal Melik (α)
5 Aquila Eq The Eagle Aql Altair (α)
6 Ara S The Altar Ara β Arae
7 Aries N The Ram Ari Hamal (α)
8 Auriga N The Charioteer Aur Capella (α∗)
9 Boötes N The Herdsman Boo Arcturus (α)
10 Caelum S The Graving Tool Cae α Caeli
11 Camelopardalis N The Giraffe Cam β Camelopardalis
12 Cancer N The Crab Cnc Al Tarf (β)
13 Canes Venatici N The Hunting Dogs CVn Cor Caroli (α)
14 Canis Major S The Great Dog CMa Sirius (α∗)
15 Canis Minor N/Eq The Little Dog CMi Procyon (α∗)
16 Capricornus S The Goat Cap Al Giedi (α)
17 Carina S The Keel Car Canopus (α∗)
18 Cassiopeia N Cassiopeia Cas Shedir (α)
19 Centaurus S The Centaur Cen Rigel Kentaurus (α∗)
20 Cepheus S Cepheus Cep Alderamin (α)
21 Cetus Eq The Whale Cet Diphda (β)
22 Chamaeleon S The Chameleon Cha α Chamaeleontis
23 Circinus S The Pair of Compasses Cir α Circini
24 Columba S The Dove Col Phact (α)
25 Coma Berenices N Berenice’s Hair Com β Comae Berenices
26 Corona Australis S The Southern Crown CrA α Coronae Australis
27 Corona Borealis N The Northern Crown CrB Gemma or Alphecca (α)
28 Corvus S The Crow Crv Gienah (γ)
29 Crater S The Cup Crt δ Crateris
30 Crux S The Cross Cru Acrux (α∗)
31 Cygnus N The Swan Cyg Deneb (α∗)
32 Delphinus N The Dolphin Del Rotanev (β)
33 Dorado S The Goldfish Dor α Doradus
34 Draco N The Dragon Dra Etamin (γ)
35 Equuleus N The Foal Equ Kitalpha (α)
36 Eridanus S/Eq The River Eri Achernar (α∗)
37 Fornax S The Furnace For α Fornacis
38 Gemini N The Twins Gem Pollux (β∗)
39 Grus S The Crane Gru Alnair (α)
40 Hercules N Hercules Her Ras Algethi (α)
41 Horologium S The Pendulum Clock Hor α Horologii
42 Hydra S/Eq The Water Snake Hya Alphard (α)
43 Hydrus S The Lesser Water Snake Hyi β Hydri
44 Indus S The Indian Ind α Indi

Star Charts 101

No. Constellation Location Supposed Figure Code Brightest Star

45 Lacerta N The Lizard Lac α Lacertae
46 Leo N/Eq The Lion Leo Regulus (α∗)
47 Leo Minor N Lion Cub LMi Praecipua
48 Lepus S The Hare Lep Arneb (α)
49 Libra S The Scales Lib Zubeneschamali (β)
50 Lupus S The Wolf Lup α Lupus
51 Lynx N The Lynx Lyn α Lyncis
52 Lyra N The Lyre Lyr Vega (α∗)
53 Mensa S The Table Mountain Men α Mensae
54 Microscopium S The Microscope Mic γ Microscopii
55 Monoceros Eq The Unicorn Mon β Monocerotis
56 Musca S The Fly Mus α Muscae
57 Norma S The Level Nor γ Normae
58 Octans S The Octant Oct ν Octanis
59 Ophiuchus Eq The Serpent Bearer Oph Ras Alhague (α)
60 Orion Eq The Hunter Ori Rigel (β∗)
61 Pavo S The Peacock Pav α Pavonis
62 Pegasus N Pegasus Peg Enif (ε)
63 Perseus N Perseus- Demi God Per Mirfak (α)
64 Phoenix S The Phoenix Phe Ankaa (α)
65 Pictor S The Painter’s Easel Pic α Pictoris
66 Pisces N/Eq The Fish Psc η Piscium
67 Pisces Australis S The Southern Fish PsA Fomalhaut (α∗)
68 Puppis S The Stern Pup Naos (ζ)
69 Pyxis S The Mariner’s Compass Pyx α Pyxidis
70 Reticulum S The Net Ret α Reticuli
71 Sagitta S The Arrow Sge γ Sagittae
72 Sagittarius S The Archer Sgr Kaus Australis (ε)
73 Scorpius S The Scorpion Sco Antares (α∗)
74 Sculptor S The Sculptor Scl α Sculptoris
75 Scutum S The Shield Sct Ionnina
76 Serpens Eq The Serpent Ser Unukalhai (α)
77 Sextans Eq The Sextant Sex α Sextantis
78 Taurus N/Eq The Bull Tau Aldebaran (α∗)
79 Telescopium S The Telescope Tel α Telescopii
80 Triangulum N The Triangle Tri β Trianguli
81 Triangulum Australe S The Southern Triangle TrA Atria (α)
82 Tucana S The Toucan Tuc α Tucanae
83 Ursa Major N The Great Bear UMa Alioth (ε)
84 Ursa Minor N The Little Bear Umi Polaris (α)
85 Vela S The Sail Vel Suhail (α)
86 Virgo Eq The Virgin Vir Spica (α∗)
87 Volans S The Flying Fish Vol β Volantis
88 Vulpecula N The Fox Vul Anser

Indicates brightest stars in the sky

Star Charts 101

α And β Aur α CMa α Gem α Ori α Psc β UMa

β And α Boo β CMa β Gem β Ori α Sco α UMi
α Ari β Boo α CMi α Leo α Oph β Sco β UMi
β Ari α Cap β CMi β Leo β Oph α Ser β Cyg
α Aql α Cas α CrB α Lep α Per ε Sgr
β Aql β Cas β CrB α Lib β Per α Tau
α Aqr α Cep γ Dra α Lyr α Peg β Tau
α Aur α Cet α Cyg β Lyr β Peg α UMa

Table 2: Suggested Bright Stars of interest

List of brightest natural objects in the sky-


1.3 Constellation Figures

In star maps it is common to mark line “patterns” that represent the shapes that give the name to the
constellations. However, the IAU defines a constellation by its boundary (indicated by sky coordinates)
and not by its pattern and the same constellation may have several variants in its representation.

The constellations should be differentiated from asterisms. Asterisms are patterns or shapes of stars
that are not related to the known constellations, but nonetheless are widely recognized by laypeople or in
the amateur astronomy community. Examples of asterisms include the seven bright stars in Ursa Major
known as “the Plough” in Europe or “the Big Dipper” in America, as well as “the Summer Triangle”,
a large triangle, seen in the summer night sky in the northern hemisphere and composed of the bright
stars Altair, Deneb and Vega. Whilst a grouping of stars may be officially designated a constellation
by the IAU, this does not mean that the stars in that constellation are necessarily grouped together
in space. Sometimes stars will be physically close to each other, like the Pleiades, but constellations
are generally really a matter of perspective. They are simply our Earth-based interpretation of two
dimensional star patterns on the sky made up of stars of many differing brightnesses and distances from

In the next page you’ll find the official figures from IAU. Notice that you should only remember
constellation figures from IAU. You’ll find many constellation shapes on the internet which might differ
due to distortion or variable observation.

Star Charts 101

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Star Charts 101

After printing use these constellation images to practice DSOs, planet positions, and angular sizes of a
particular projection. Trust me it’ll be helpful! A cartoon may describe it like–

Star Charts 101

2 Exploring the Moon

The Moon is by far the most rewarding celestial object for a small telescope. Even a very small
instrument will reveal its bleak, blasted landscape of mountain ranges, plains, hills, valleys, and craters.
Even binoculars show many features, and there are enough interesting sites on the Moon to keep a
telescopic explorer busy forever.

You’ll notice right away that except when the Moon is full, it is divided by the terminator, the line
separating lunar day and night. Here is where detail shows best. When the Moon is a waxing (growing)
crescent, we see the parts on the right edge of the map. At first-quarter phase we see the entire right
half, and so on. To use this lunar map, turn the chart until it matches your view. Note: Some telescopes
give a mirror image, which will not match this map no matter how you turn it.

Refractors and Cassegrain reflectors give mirror images when used with a star diagonal; so does any

Star Charts 101

other instrument containing an odd number of mirrors. If you find this to be a problem, take out the
star diagonal and view “straight through.” A correct image is much easier to compare with any map.

Once the map is oriented, it will be simple to identify the major craters, mountains, and other features.
In time, the geography of this alien world will become as familiar to you as that of our own.

2.1 Problem: Moon features

1. Match the selenographic objects numbered in the photo and their names and complete the table.
Some of the designations of selenographic objects in the list superfluous.

2. Estimate the angular and linear size of the lunar sea No 4, as well as its area (in km2 ).

3. Mark the Moon’s poles with signs • and label them with N (North) and S (South).

4. Mark the landing site for the Apollo 17 mission with an x. Selenographic coordinates this point:
20.2◦ N. lat., 30.8◦ E.

Star Charts 101

Sea (mare) No Sea No Crater No

Vaporum Nectaris Aristotle Size Answer
Tranquility Homorum Kepler Angular
Clarity Fecunditatis Copernicus Linear
Frigoris Imbrium Tycho Area
Crisium Nubium Eratosthenes

Word Meaning Vaporum= Vapour (Steam), Frigoris = Cold, Crisium= Crises, Nectaris = Nectar,
Homorum = Moisture, Fecunditatis = Ferticility, Imbrium = Rain, Nubium = Clouds.

2.2 Moon’s motion

The Moon’s orbital plane has an inclination of 5◦ 9′ in relation to the ecliptic. Although this angle
remains approximately constant, the orbital plane is not fixed, moving such that its axis describes a
complete circle around of the ecliptic axis in a period of 18.6 years.

Therefore, in relation to the Celestial Equator, the Moon’s orbit has an inclination that varies from
18.4◦ (23.5◦ − 5.15◦ ) to 28.7◦ (23.5◦ + 5.15◦ ).
Per day, the Moon moves ≈ 13◦ east in relation to the stars. This movement is a reflection
27.3 days
of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth, which completes every 27.3 days (sidereal month). The
Sun moves ≈ 1◦ east per day, therefore the Moon is ≈ 12◦ east of the Sun per day. Because of this, the
4 min
Moon crosses the local meridian 12◦ . ≈ 50 min later than the previous day.

Star Charts 101

3 Deep Sky Objects

Deep Sky Objects shortly DSOs are another interesting element of night sky observation as well as
Observation round. Deep sky objects can galaxies, star clusters both open and globular or nebula. It is
important to know which what and their perspective position in sky. So it is no wonder that someone
has already classified these objects in night sky. The one classification now Astronomers widely follow is
done by the French astronomer Charles Messier in his Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d’Étoiles
(Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters). Because Messier was only interested in finding comets, he
created a list of those non-comet objects that frustrated his hunt for them. The compilation of this list,
in collaboration with his assistant Pierre Méchain, is known as the Messier catalogue. This catalogue
of objects is one of the most famous lists of astronomical objects, and many Messier objects are still
referenced by their Messier number. You can find 3 kinds of catalogue on the star map– Messier
Catalogue (M), New General Catalogue (NGC), Index Catalogue (IC)

For Olympiad a student must know the position and type of some DSOs. Here are some of these that
I recommend—

Most Important: 1, 8, 13, 15, 20, 27, 31, 33, 41, 42, 44, 45, 51, 57, 63, 64, 81, 82, 101, 102, 104.

Important: 6, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 40, 43, 67, 74, 76, 78, 83, 94, 97.

It is not customary to also remember how a particular DSO looks. But for the fascination of these
and to know the structure some examples should be remembered which are very popular. For instance
Andromeda galaxy, Pleiades or Ring Nebula. In 2018, 12th and 2022, 15th IOAA recognizing DSOs by
their image was a controversial question. So I’ll suggest, Be safe than sorry!

In the next page the complete list Messier Objects is given.

Star Charts 101

Table 3: Messier Object List

Apparent Arc Size Minimum Coordinates
Messier English Name Constellation Status
Magnitude (In Minute) Aperture Dec/RA
M1 Crab Nebula Taurus Supernova Remnant 8.4 6×4 50 mm +22◦ 00′ /05h 34m
M2 Aquarius Globular Cluster 6.3 13 Naked Eye −00 49′ /21h 33m

M3 Canes Venatici Globular Cluster 6.2 16 Naked Eye +28◦ 22′ /13h 42m
M4 Scorpius Globular Cluster 5.9 26 15 mm −26◦ 31′ /16h 23m
M5 Serpens Globular Cluster 6.7 17 Naked Eye +020 4′ /15h 18m
M6 Butterfly Cluster Scorpius Open Cluster 4.2 15 Naked Eye −32◦ 13′ /17h 40.1m
M7 Ptolemy Cluster Scorpius Open Cluster 3.3 80 Naked Eye −34◦ 47′ /7h 53m
M8 Lagoon Nebula Sagittarius Diffuse Nebula 6 90 × 40 Naked Eye −24◦ 23′ /18h 03m
M9 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 8.4 9 30 mm −18◦ 30′ /17h 19m
M10 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 6.4 15 Naked Eye −04◦ 05′ /16h 57m
M11 Wild Duck Cluster Scutum Open Cluster 6.3 14 Naked Eye −06◦ 16′ /18h 51.1m
M12 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 7.7 15 15 mm −01◦ 56′ /16h 47m
Great Hercules
M13 Hercules Globular Cluster 5.8 17 Naked Eye +36◦ 27′ /16h 41m
M14 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 8.3 12 30 mm −03◦ 14′ /17h 37m
Great Pegasus
M15 Pegasus Globular Cluster 6.2 12 Naked Eye +12◦ 10′ /21h 29m
M16 Eagle Nebula Serpens Stellar Nebula 7 7 Naked Eye −13◦ 49′ /18h 18m
M17 Omega Nebula Sagittarius Stellar Nebula 6 46 × 37 30 mm −16◦ 10′ /18h 20m
M18 Swan Sagittarius Open Cluster 7.5 9 15 mm −17◦ 08′ /18h 19.9m
M19 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 7.5 14 30 mm −26◦ 16′ /17h 02m
M20 Trifid Nebula Sagittarius Diffuse Nebula 6.3 28 × 28 30 mm −23◦ 01′ /18h 02m
M21 Sagittarius Open Cluster 6.5 13 15 mm −22◦ 30′ /18h 04.6m
M22 Sagittarius Cluster Sagittarius Globular Cluster 5.1 24 Naked Eye −23◦ 54′ /18h 36m
M23 Sagittarius Open Cluster 6.9 27 Naked Eye −19◦ 01′ /17h 56.8m
M24 Sagittarius Star Cloud Sagittarius Star Cloud 2.5 90 × 60 Naked Eye −18◦ 29′ /18h 17m
M25 Sagittarius Open Cluster 4.6 32 Naked Eye −19◦ 15′ /18h 31.6m
M26 Scutum Open Cluster 8 15 50 mm −09◦ 24′ /18h 45.2m
M27 Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula Planetary Nebula 7.5 8×6 30 mm +22◦ 43′ /19h 59m
M28 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 7.7 11 30 mm −24◦ 52′ /18h 24m
M29 Cooling Tower Cygnus Open Cluster 7.1 7 Naked Eye +38◦ 31′ /20h 23m
M30 Capricornus Globular Cluster 7.7 11 30 mm −23◦ 10′ /21h 40m
M31 Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda Spiral Galaxy 3.4 190.2 × 60 Naked Eye +41◦ 16′ 9′′ /00h 42m
M32 Andromeda Elliptical Galaxy 8.1 8×6 30 mm +40◦ 51′ /00h 42m
M33 Triangulum Galaxy Triangulum Spiral Galaxy 5.7 70.8 × 41.7 Naked Eye +30◦ 39′ /01h 33m
M34 Perseus Open Cluster 5.2 35 Naked Eye +42◦ 46′ /02h 42.1m
M35 Gemini Open Cluster 5.5 28 Naked Eye +24◦ 21′ /06h 09.1m
M36 Auriga Open Cluster 6.3 12 Naked Eye +34◦ 08′ /05h 36m
M37 Auriga Open Cluster 6.2 24 Naked Eye +32◦ 33′ /05h 52m
M38 Starfish Cluster Auriga Open Cluster 7..4 21 Naked Eye +35◦ 51′ /05h 28m
M39 Cygnus Open Cluster 5.5 32 Naked Eye +48◦ 26′ /21h 31m
M40 Winnecke 4 Ursa Major Double Star 9.7 1 50 mm +58◦ 4′ /12h 22m
M41 Little Beehive Canis Major Open Cluster 4.5 38 Naked Eye −20◦ 46′ /06h 46.0m
M42 Orion Nebula Orion Diffuse Nebula 4 65 × 60 Naked Eye −05◦ 23′ /05h 35m
M43 De Mairan’s Nebula Orion Diffuse Nebula 9 20 × 15 50 mm −05◦ 16′ /05h 35m
M44 Praesepe /Beehive Cancer Open Cluster 3.7 95 Naked Eye +19◦ 59′ /08h 40.4m
M45 Pleiades Taurus Open Cluster 1.6 110 Naked Eye +24◦ 07′ /03h 47m
M46 Puppis Open Cluster 6.1 27 Naked Eye −14◦ 49′ /07h 41.8m
M47 Puppis Open Cluster 4.2 30 Naked Eye −14◦ 30′ /07h 36.6m
M48 Hydra Open Cluster 5.5 54 Naked Eye −05◦ 45′ /08h 13.7m
M49 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 9.4 97 50 mm +08◦ 00′ /12h 29m
M50 Monoceros Open Cluster 5.9 16 Naked Eye −08◦ 20′ /07h 03.2m
M51 Whirlpool Galaxy Canes Venatici Spiral Galaxy 8.4 11 × 8 50 mm +47◦ 11′ /13h 29m
M52 Cassiopeia Open Cluster 5 13 30 mm +61◦ 35′ /23h 24.2m
M53 Coma Berenices Globular Cluster 8.3 13 30 mm +18◦ 10′ /13h 12m
M54 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 8.4 9 50 mm −30◦ 28′ /18h 55m
M55 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 7.4 19 Naked Eye 30◦ 57′ /19h 39m
M56 Lyra Globular Cluster 8.3 7 50 mm +30◦ 11′ /19h 16m
M57 Ring Nebula Lyra Planetary Nebula 8.8 1.3 50 mm +33◦ 01′ /18h 53m
M58 Virgo Spiral Galaxy 10.5 5×4 50 mm +11◦ 49′ /12h 37m
M59 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 10.6 5×3 50 mm +11◦ 38′ 49′′ /12h 42m
M60 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 9.8 7×6 50 mm +11◦ 33′ /12h 43m
M61 Virgo Spiral Galaxy 10.2 6×5 50 mm +04◦ 28′ /12h 21m
M62 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 7.4 14 15 mm −30◦ 06′ /17h 01m
M63 Sunflower Galaxy Canes Venatici Spiral Galaxy 9.3 12 × 8 30 mm +42◦ 01′ /13h 15m
M64 Black Eye Galaxy Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 9.4 9×5 50 mm +21◦ 40′ /12h 56m
M65 Leo Triplet Leo Spiral Galaxy 10.3 10 × 3 30 mm +13◦ 05′ /11h 18m
M66 Leo Triplet Leo Spiral Galaxy 8.9 9×4 30 mm +12◦ 59′ /11h 20m
M67 King Cobra Cancer Open Cluster 6.1 30 +11◦ 49′ /08h 51.3m
M68 Hydra Globular Cluster 9.7 12 50 mm −26◦ 44′ /12h 39m
M69 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 8.3 7 50 mm −32◦ 20′ /18h 31m
M70 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 9.1 8 50 mm −32◦ 17′ /18h 43m
M71 Sagitta Globular Cluster 6.1 7 50 mm +18◦ 46′ /19h 53m
M72 Aquarius Globular Cluster 9.4 6 50 mm −12◦ 32′ /20h 53m
M73 Aquarius Asterism 9 1 50 mm −12◦ 38′ /20h 58m 54s
M74 The Phantom Pisces Spiral Galaxy 10 10 × 9 50 mm +15◦ 47′ /01h 36m
M75 Sagittarius Globular Cluster 9.2 6 50 mm −21◦ 55′ /20h 06m
Little Dumbbell
M76 Perseus Planetary Nebula 10.1 2×1 50 mm +51◦ 34′ /01h 42.4m
M77 Cetus A Cetus Spiral Galaxy 9.6 7×6 50 mm −00◦ 00′ /02h 42m

Star Charts 101

Apparent Arc Size Minimum Coordinates

Messier English Name Constellation Status
Magnitude (In Minute) Aperture Dec/RA
M78 Orion Diffuse Nebula 8.3 8×6 50 mm +00◦ 00′ /05h 46m
M79 Lepus Globular Cluster 8.6 9 50 mm −24◦ 31′ /05h 24m
M80 Scorpius Globular Cluster 7.9 9 50 mm −22◦ 58′ /16h 17m
M81 Bode’s Galaxy Ursa Major Spiral Galaxy 6.9 26 × 14 Naked Eye +69◦ 3′ /09h 55m
M82 Cigar Galaxy Ursa Major Irregular Galaxy 8.4 11 × 5 30 mm +69◦ 40′ /09h 55m
M83 Southern Pinwheel Hydra Spiral Galaxy 7.5 11 × 10 30 mm 29◦ 51′ /13h 37m
M84 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 10.1 5×4 50 mm +12◦ 53′ /12h 25m
M85 Coma Berenices Elliptical Galaxy 10 7×5 50 mm +18◦ 11′ /12h 25m
M86 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 9.8 7×5 50 mm +12◦ 56′ /12h 26m
M87 Virgo A Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 9.6 7 50 mm +12◦ 23′ /12h 30m
M88 Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 10.4 7×4 50 mm +14◦ 25′ /12h 31m
M89 Virgo Elliptical Galaxy 10.7 4 50 mm +12◦ 33′ /12h 35m
M90 Virgo Spiral Galaxy 10.3 10 × 5 50 mm +13◦ 09′ /12h 36m
M91 Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 11 5×4 60 mm +14◦ 29′ /12h 35m
M92 Hercules Globular Cluster 6.4 11 Naked Eye +43◦ 08′ /17h 17m
M93 Puppis Open Cluster 6 22 30 mm −23◦ 52′ /07h 44.6m
M94 Cat’s Eye Galaxy Canes Venatici Spiral galaxy 9 11 × 9 30 mm +41◦ 07′ /12h 50m
M95 Leo Spiral Galaxy 11.4 7×5 50 mm +11◦ 42′ /10h 43m
M96 Leo Spiral Galaxy 10.1 7×5 50 mm +11◦ 49′ /10h 46m
M97 Owl Nebula Ursa Major Planetary Nebula 9.9 3 50 mm +55◦ 01′ /11h 14m
M98 Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 11 10 × 3 50 mm +14◦ 54′ /12h 13m
M99 Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 10.4 5 50 mm 14◦ 24′ /12h 18m
M100 Coma Berenices Spiral Galaxy 10.1 7×6 50 mm +15◦ 49′ /12h 22m
M101 Pinwheel Galaxy Ursa Major Spiral Galaxy 7.9 27 × 26 50 mm +54◦ 20′ /14h 03m
M102 Spindle Galaxy Draco Elliptical Galaxy 10.7 6×3 50 mm +55◦ 45′ /15h 06m
M103 Cassiopeia Open Cluster 7.4 6 30 mm +60◦ 42′ /01h 33.2m
M104 Sombrero Galaxy Virgo Spiral Galaxy 9 94 50 mm −11◦ 37′ /12h 39m
M105 Leo Elliptical Galaxy 10.2 5×4 50 mm +12◦ 34′ /10h 47m
M106 Canes Venatici Spiral Galaxy 9.1 18 × 8 30 mm +47◦ 18′ /12h 18m
M107 Ophiuchus Globular Cluster 8.9 10 30 mm −13◦ 03′ /16h 32m
M108 Ursa Major Spiral Galaxy 10.7 8×2 50 mm +55◦ 40′ /11h 11m
M109 Ursa Major Spiral Galaxy 10.6 8×5 50 mm +53◦ 22′ /11h 57m
M110 Andromeda Elliptical Galaxy 9 7 × 10 50 mm +41◦ 41′ /00h 40m
Western Part of
M111 Perseus Open Cluster 4.5 30 Naked Eye -
Double Cluster
Western Part of
M112 Perseus Open Cluster 4.5 30 Naked Eye -
Double Cluster

For Table (3), In the next table here is the color code meaning–

Globular Cluster
Planetary Nebula
Stellar Nebula
Diffuse Nebula
Open Cluster
Spiral Galaxy
Elliptical Galaxy

Table 4: Messier Object Color Code

Some key facts about Messier Objects

• Only 34 out of 88 constellations contain Messier Objects

• Sagittarius contains the most about 35 where Virgo have 11, Coma Berenices have 8, Ursa Major
and Ophiachus with 7 each, Canes Venatici and Leo contains 5 each, and Scorpius contains 4.

• The list of 109 objects compiled by C. Messier contains many of the fines deep sky objects however
observed from Paris. So far southern sky was lost to him. That’s why 62 of his objects lie in
these 8 constellations, famously known as Messier Northern Bias.

Star Charts 101

3.1 Short Problems and Solutions on DSOs

For data related to the problems below refer to the Messier Object List table.

Question 1 The latitude of the location is 60◦ N. Questions 1.1 to 1.4 refer to the same location, but
may not refer to the sky on the same day/night.

Object of consideration: Butterfly Cluster (M6), Trifid Nebula (M20), Wild Duck Cluster (M11),
Ring Nebula (M57), Albireo, Arcturus, Rasalhague, M3.

1.1 Which object/star cannot be seen at this location at any time of the year?
– M6 as You cannot see any object below −30◦ declination.

1.2 Which object below cannot be seen on the night of the vernal equinox at midnight?
– Wild Duck Cluster (M11), At midnight of the Vernal Equinox, the meridian is 12h. As such, any
object within 6h to 18h will not be able to be seen. That is apart from those that are circumpolar.

1.3 If M3 is currently at the local meridian, in how many hours will Albireo set?
– If M3 is at the local Meridian, then Albeiro would be just rising. As such, it will set in 12 hours.

1.4 Which object will be closest to the zenith when it culminates on the local meridian?
– Ring Nebula (M57), We look for the item with the declination is the closest to +60◦, which is local
zenith at that location.

Question 2 A deep-sky object located directly at the celestial equator with an angular diameter of
10′ is viewed from the eyepiece of a telescope with a true field of view of 0.8◦ . Object tracking on the
telescope is disabled and the object is aligned at the edge of the field of view. Assuming the object
moves along the diameter of the eyepiece before disappearing, calculate the time it takes for the object
to drift out of view of the eyepiece.

– Objects on the Celestial Equator in the sky rotate once every sidereal day, that is, 360◦ in 23h56m4.1s.
This gives 0.251◦ /min. The time it takes to drift out of the eyepiece is thus–
= 3.19 min
0.251◦ /min
Question 3 Imagine that you are in a post-COVID world without travel restrictions and are currently
on a stargazing trip in a remote location at a latitude of 35◦ N. Capella (RA/DE: 5h 18m / +46 deg
01min) is currently 3 degrees above the western horizon. The following table shows a list of DSOs you
have decided to try to observe for tonight.

Object of consideration: Heart Nebula, Omega Centauri, Black-Eye Galaxy, Dumbbell Nebula.

In what order, from highest to lowest priority, should you arrange your observations so
as to maximise your chances of seeing every one of the DSOs on your list?
– Omega Centauri, Black Eye Galaxy, Dumbbell Nebula, Heart Nebula

A quick calculation (90◦ − 61◦ = 29◦ ) shows us that the Heart Nebula is circumpolar and thus has lower
priority. Ideally, one would want to view it when it is near the meridian, and judging by the RA (which

Star Charts 101

is earlier than Capella), it is around its lower culmination. The Dumbbell Nebula has a RA of 20h,
indicating that it is on the eastern side of the sky and thus would have lower priority. Between Omega
Centauri and the Black Eye Galaxy, the latter has a slightly earlier RA and thus is normally prioritized
if we are near the equator. However, at northern latitudes, objects with more southern declinations
spend less time above the horizon and thus set faster. While we normally need spherical trigonometry
to ascertain which objects set earlier, there is a very small difference in RA between Omega Centauri
and Black Eye Galaxy (31 minutes). Omega Centauri will set earlier and thus should be prioritized.
(Note: Omega Centauri is very barely visible.)

Question 4 Object of consideration: Triangulum Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, Orion Nebula,

Dumbbell Nebula and Eskimo Nebula where it has apparent magnitude of 10.1 and apparent size
of 0.8 × 0.8.

Calculate the surface brightness of each DSO in mag/arcsec2 , and hence arrange them in
order of increasing surface brightness.

– Triangulum Galaxy, Andromeda Galaxy, Orion Nebula, Dumbbell nebula, Eskimo Nebula.
The calculated surface brightness of the objects are
• Triangulum: 23.3
• Andromeda: 22.5
• Orion: 21.87
• Dumbbell: 20.6
• Eskimo: 18.5

Surface Brightness: The total luminosity emitted by a column of linear area dA = Ωr2 . Generally
presented as,
Σ≈ ≈ 2 2
≈ 2 2
; Unit : Wm−2 ster−1
Ω 4πd π(R/d) 4π R
Surface Magnitude: Logarithmic form of Surface brightness, generally presented as,

µ = −2.5 log Σ + C

Just like any other magnitude term you can’t easily multiply, add or subtract µ. The unit of µ is
mag/arcsec2 . To understand this suppose a star has a surface magnitude of 13 mag/arcsec2 , it is actually
comparable to a star with angular area of 1 arcsec2 to seem to have an apparent magnitude of 13m .

Question 5 You are given a list of the following planetary nebulae for an upcoming observation session
near the Equator.

Object of consideration: M27 (Dumbbell Nebula), M57 (Ring Nebula), M76 (Little Dumbbell
Nebula), M97 (Owl Nebula), C39 (Eskimo Nebula), C63 (Helix Nebula).

What are planetary nebulae? Briefly describe how they are formed.
– They are emission nebulae surrounding the cores of old red giants. As these stars exhaust their
fuel, the core contracts under its own gravity, increasing its temperature and increasing the luminosity.
These conditions cause the red giant star to lose most of its outer layers to space, which are subsequently

Star Charts 101

ionised by the hot remnant core/white dwarf to form these planetary nebulae.

A proper observation plan should be sorted by the time objects rise. Sort the objects in this list by the
order in which they rise, with the earliest object first.
– M76 → C39 → M97 → M57 → M27 → C63

Suppose that during one night, you notice that the Owl Nebula is setting. Other than the Owl Nebula,
what objects are above the horizon right now?
– M57, M27, C63.

Question 6 In a mildly light-polluted night sky with a surface brightness of 19.4 mag/arcsec2 ,
which of the above objects are visible with the naked eye.
– Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy,

Dumbbell Nebula and Eskimo Nebula are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Triangulum Galaxy
requires very dark skies (around Bortle 2 and below, which is around a surface brightness of 21 and
above). Surface brightness is not a completely reliable predictor of visibility. Other factor like the
actual luminosity distribution of the object are more important in affecting visibility. For instance,
both the Orion Nebula and Andromeda Galaxy have extremely bright central cores.

Note: This question would beenfit those who have actually burnt midnight oil to go stargazing.

Question 7 Observe the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) then draw the approximate shape and
size of the galaxy that you see through the binoculars in the frame below with correct

Correct shape and size (between 0.5 to 1 degrees)– 3 points
Correct orientation (within 23◦ of the picture) – 2 points

Star Charts 101

4 Star Charts
A star chart or star map is a map of the night sky. Astronomers divide these into grids to use them
more easily. They are used to identify and locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations
and galaxies. They have been used for human navigation since time immemorial. Note that a star
chart differs from an astronomical catalog, which is a listing or tabulation of astronomical objects for
a particular purpose.

4.1 Stargazing maps: Coordinate lines

To help with navigation, some star maps include coordinate lines that allow you to more accurately
track down a faint fuzzy or an interesting object. The coordinates right ascension (RA) and declination
(dec) – roughly equivalent to longitude and latitude on Earth – are sometimes marked on a star map.
RA and dec (also represented by the Greek letter δ) are coordinates marking a star’s (or galaxy’s)
position with respect to two points in the sky:

• The celestial equator (a line in the sky directly above the Earth’s equator). This can be represented
by a straight line or a curve depending on viewing position but one key point to remember is that
this line always goes from East, E to West W.

• RA is measured as the angular distance along the celestial equator from the First Point of Aries,
a position on the celestial equator in the constellation of Pisces. Rather than measure this angle
in degrees, RA is measured in hours, minutes and seconds, so that the whole circle around the
Earth is 24 hours.5

Figure 1: Celestial Sphere for EQS and ECS

I’ll cover very little of Celestial Coordinate system here so knowledge of the different coordinate system–their
conversion and how to draw a celestial sphere is presumed here. We’ll need some hardcore knowledge of the time
keeping systems also. I would suggest you read “Astronomy Principles and Practice” by Roy and Clarke: Subchapters
8.1 – 8.5, 8.8 – 8.9, and 8.11

Star Charts 101

Therefore, when someone says that Canopus has an RA of 06h 24m , it means that it’s RA
coordinate is just over one quarter of the way around the sky (6h is one-quarter of 24h) from the
First Point of Aries. RA is always measured eastward from the First Point of Aries.

System Coordinates Interval

δ: declination −90 ≤ δ ≤ +90◦

α: right Ascension 0h ≤ α ≤ 24h
a: altitude −90◦ ≤ a ≤ +90◦
A: azimuth 0◦ ≤ A ≤ 360◦
Equatorial δ: declination −90◦ ≤ δ ≤ +90◦
Time H: hour angle 0h ≤ H ≤ 24h
b: ecliptic latitude −90◦ ≤ b ≤ +90◦
l: ecliptic longitude 0◦ ≤ l ≤ 360◦
B: galactic latitude −90◦ ≤ B ≤ +90◦
L: galactic longitude 0◦ ≤ L ≤ 360◦

Table 5: Summery of Celestial Coordinate Systems

Star Charts 101

4.2 Projections
A stereographic projection is used, as is the convention for printed star maps. A planisphere is this type
of star chart. But you might encounter different projects or a map of Horizon Views, showing the stars
above the horizon as seen from a specified observing site at a given date and time. Another famous
projection style which we also use for geographical position is Mercator projections. You’ll encounter
basically these 3 types of map projections. Now we will discuss each type of these maps and their pro
and cons.

4.2.1 Horizon Views

Horizon views shows the portion of the sky that is viewed by a Telescope Field of View (FOV) or Human
eye. In astronomy, the field of view is the amount of sky you can see, whether with your unaided vision,
binoculars, or a telescope The FOV of a telescope varies due to usage of different telescope eyepieces
whereas human eye spans approximately 120◦ of arc. So FOV is an important part of these maps as they
also provide us with a crucial information–the Range of the Sky! Also, A telescope will have a much
smaller field of view, but it has significant advantages, such as greater magnification and light-gathering

Figure 2: View toward horizon from 23◦ N 89◦ E, azimuth 0◦ (N) Wed 2022 Jan 26 0:27 UTC. Here
the FOV is 75◦

But to measure other information about the location of the observing place the map should contain the
Pole star or the Azimuth of the sky portion should be close 0◦ . As we know the altitude of the Pole
star is equal to the latitude of the Observing place, this makes the whole procedure easy.

Star Charts 101

One might ask how can we know the scale of the image? Your scale is the Ursa Major/Minor
constellation itself! But with this particular viewing the longitude of the observing place can not
be determined easily. But using the Dipper clock orientation you can determine the current month of
the observation provided that you know the time when it was observed. This is important as same sky
viewing constellation will be present at night once a year. But another thing to remember is that if
you’ve seen this portion of the sky at midnight today, you can find the same orientation after 6 months
at midday [If there was no atmosphere which we can do using Stellarium].

You’ll get the same result for 06-26-2022 at 12:27 UTC. Don’t just believe me try it yourself! A clever
use of this type of maps are done in IOAA-18 O3 (See Figure 28).

Figure 3: a) 55◦ N, b) 45◦ N, c) 35◦ N.

The effect of changing latitude on Horizon views. Travelling south causes constellations in the north
to sink towards the horizon.

Star Charts 101

4.2.2 Round Maps

The round maps of stereographic projection shows a bird eye view of the sky. It is the most common
method of presenting the sky as stated before. Let’s see an example–

N 350

20 340

30 0

40 0












0 22
14 0

0 21
15 0

170 190

Figure 4: Stereographic projection of sky above 23.5◦ North

The round edge of each chart represents your horizon, with compass directions usually labeled. If not,
then try to find the pole star. The line joining pole star and the center of the map reaches the both
North and South cardinals. The side which is closest to Pole star is obviously your North. Turn the
map around so the edge marked with the direction you’re facing (north, east, or whatever) is right-side
up. The stars above this horizon on the map will now match the stars you’re facing. Ignore the rest of
the map for now. The map’s center is overhead (the zenith). So a star that’s plotted halfway from the
edge to the center can be found about halfway up the sky. That is, it will be halfway from horizontal
to straight up. Dot sizes indicate star brightness — the larger the dot, the brighter the star. Example:

Star Charts 101

Let’s try the July/August chart. Turn it so the horizon labeled “Facing West” is right-side up. About
halfway from there to the center is the bright star Arcturus. Go outside around one of the dates and
times listed, face west, and look halfway from horizontal to straight up. There’s Arcturus! To the right
of Arcturus, in the northwest, is the Big Dipper. Turn the chart so the “Facing NW” horizon edge is
right side up.When you hold the chart correctly, the Dipper’s handle stretches toward the upper left
and its bowl is at lower right — just the way it looks in the northwestern sky. Nearly overhead, as you
crane your neck up, is the bright star Vega. It’s part of the little constellation Lyra. You’ll notice that
east is left of north on our charts, not to the right as on maps of the Earth. This is because the charts
are used while looking up, not down. Note: In a stereographic projection, constellations near the edge
of the sky chart are stretched and appear larger than if they were at the center of the chart

Some key information to notice

• The celestial equator will always go from East to West. But this imaginary line in the sky can
be an arc depending on the latitude of the observer. So you must know the constellations that
resides on this path. One simple example is that celestial equator passes through the belt of
Orion. So if you can first determine the cardinals, you can easily draw the equator with help of
• The ecliptic is the imaginary path in which the Sun moves throughout the year. The term zodiac
comes from this concept. There are 13 constellations that lies in the ecliptic. But 12 are considered
the famous Zodiac constellations. They are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces. The Sun also passes through Ophiuchus,
a constellation that has traditionally not been part of the zodiac family. It belongs to the Hercules
family. One must also remember or be able to recognize this 12 constellations with their sequence.
Then you can find the ecliptic.
• The intersection point of the equator and the ecliptic arc/line is the equinox point. So we have 2
equinox points 180◦ apart. One is known as the first point of Aries  another is termed first point
of Libra a. But the the names are misleading nowadays[!]. Yes the points are named using the
constellation they were on. But due to some special effects like processional rotation the euqinoxes
have shifted a bit. So the  point now lies on Pisces and a currently resides on Virgo. It is
helpful to also remember their approximate position compared to nearby constellations.
Now we’ll revisit the figure 4 once again. Let’s try to find how many things we can understand using
this simple map. We will use above techniques to find out as many things as possible [See figure 5.]

1. The middle point of the map serves as the Zenith of the observer, shown by Z in figure 5.
2. The first thing, I’ve found is Big Dipper which is an asterism a part of big and famous constellation
Ursa Major.
3. As you see it’s a map of Northern hemisphere. How can I tell? I’ve found Ursa Minor and it’s
brightest star Polaris! From basic celestial sphere knowledge we know that the altitude of Polaris
is equal to Observer’s Latitude.
4. Using Polaris and Z point we can estimate the cardinals– N,S,E,W. Notice that E and W are
mirror than what is supposed to be.
5. From Big Dipper using the star Alkaid, using an arrow we can find brightest star (4th Brightest)
of Bootes constellation, Arcturus! Shown using blue arrows, this is called star hopping. You can
create your own star hopping shortcuts! We may discuss it later.

Star Charts 101

6. Again, It’s obviously night sky of Summer Season! How can I tell? Using another famous asterism
Summer Triangle!

7. Using the Zodiac Constellations–Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, and part of Sagittarius, we
can determine the approx. path of the Sun also known as Ecliptic. Green line in the figure 5.

8. Scorpius constellation is also known as Fish Hook asterism.

9. The first point of Libra a, where the Ecliptic intersects with the Equator is also a known location.
This location was once above Libra but it has now shifted to Virgo. Shown using a circled cross
in figure 5.

Figure 5: Solved Map for figure 4.

Star Charts 101

4.3 Pole View Maps

Pole view maps are interesting as here the edge of the map represents both the observing horizon
in horizontal coordinate system and equator for equatorial coordinate system. So with this, one can
determine the position of the star in both measuring system.

Nov 20
5 0h Dec 6
Nov h
23 30º 1h
21 η De
t π c2
Oc h σ β 1
22 2h

π 40º


ο ι

β γ

21 h 6







ϕ γ

ε α
ϕ ρ
β Schedar β Algol
ξ α

β θ
20 h


α ζ

γ 60º

Deneb ζ γ PERSEUS
δ τ ξ
κ ι ν
η α σ
χ η
CASSIOPEIA γ Mirfak δ ε
ι ε
Alderamin α
δ 70º
η λ
Sep 5

Feb 5
19 h


β γ ζ
δ κ ε
β ρ
ζ γ η
α ε α Capella
LYRA Vega δ α

Aug 21

Feb 20
Eltanin α Polaris δ

γ β θ









ι ε
ν ζ
β η URSA
Rastaban ζ

π β
η γ

Mar 7


η σ DRACO ο


ζ α κ
ϕ λ ρ
Thuban Castor
α υ

60º ϕ ι 2
θ θ
16 22

Ju l

Ma 8

Alcor ζ ε Megrez β Merak

β Mizar δ
θ Alioth
λ η
δ γ Phecda
γ χ

15 l 6

A 9



ψ −
β β
Cor Caroli 40º


Jun 10 21
21 ν Ap
13 h 30º 11 6

Jun 6 h May
May 22

Figure 6: View from North Celestial Pole

Star Charts 101

Nov 20
0h Nov
Dec 6 5
h -30º 23 h
1 δ Oc
c2 t2
De h
γ β 22 h

β τ



α ι

κ ι

ε λ γ


γ ε






β β
β γ
ι σ
δ α θ α
ζ ε
θ κ


η γ

p2 h

α δ ι


-60º INDUS
η Achernar θ
ζ ε
υ -70º γ α
Feb 5

Sep 5h
α δ γ ε ι


δ β δ
ε β β δ
γ α γ η ζ ε
γ -80º η
ε ζ β θ κ
OCTANS λ ζ δ ε
α η α CORONA
β δ ζ ξ ε
Feb 20

π γ

Aug 21
γ η λ









α η ι
γ γβ θ κ
β δ α
δ Canopus α γ δ δ λ
δ ζ θ α
ν ARA υ
τ α δ α APUS
γ η ζ η
κ ε δ
γ ε β ζ


1 h
Ma r 7

ε ε


π χ ε α ω γ δ
α γ η
υ -70º β
ι ε β α
γ δ λ Rigil Kentaurus
ο θ Hadar
η θ
ζ α ζ
κ λ Acrux β
ε γ
η κ
β Mimosa
-60º λ LUPUS χ

Jul 6 h
ϕ δ

8 22


γ ε β

λ VELA ϕ
π ι κ
α ρ
σ ζ υ
ψ -50º δ γ CENTAURUS
ε τ
Ju 15 h

9 r6


θ −
ι -40º ι

1 h α h
Ap 0 14 21
r2 β

11 h -30º h
6 12h Jun 6
May 22

Figure 7: View from South Celestial Pole

4.3.1 The precession of the equinoxes

The precession of the equinoxes is a gradual changing in the direction of the Earth’s rotation axis,
which causes the position of the celestial poles to drift through the constellations at a continuous rate
of roughly 20 arcseconds per year. Although this effect is small on short timescales, the accumulated
drift adds up to about one Moon diameter per century.

Currently the Earth’s north celestial pole points close to the star Polaris, but this will not always be
the case. By 2500, Polaris will be several degrees away from the true celestial pole.

Suppose that at a certain point in time the star has coordinates (αold , δold ) and (λold , β). It is necessary
to calculate its coordinates (αnew , δnew ) and (λnew , β) after time t

Star Charts 101

sin β = cos ε sin δold − sin ε cos δold sin αold

sin δold − cos ε sin β
sin λold =
sin ε cos β
cos δold cos αold
cos λold =
cos β
λnew = λold + ∗ 360◦
26000 years

δnew = arcsin(cos ε sin β + sin ε cos β sin λnew )

cos ε sin λnew − sin β
sin αnew =
sin ε cos δnew
cos β cos λnew
cos αnew =
cos δnew

Figure 8: Precessional Circle

Right now, Polaris (α Ursa Minor) is the “north pole star”, however Thuban (α Draco) was the “north
pole star” when it was around 3000 BC.

Star Charts 101

Q1. Mark Thuban on Figure 9

Q2. We know that Thuban was passed by north celestial pole, and Polaris is also passed by north
celestial pole. Based on this, we can find the north ecliptic pole. Find the north ecliptic pole!

Q3. Measure the period of the precession.

Q4. Find the equatorial coordinate of Polaris when Thuban was the “north pole star”.

Q2 We can find the north ecliptic pole by drawing two circles with its radius of 23.5◦ which the center
of each circle is on Polaris and Thuban. We will get 2 intersections, E and the other one.
By considering the ecliptic line, we know that E is the north ecliptic pole (white circle), not the other

Q3 First, we measure the angle of ∠P ET .There are some ways to measure this angle. Some possible
methods are:

• Measure PT → PT = 25.8◦ . Using cosine rule we get → cos ∠P ET = 0.361 or ∠P ET = 68.8◦ .

(for cosine rule in spherical geometry, ∠P ET = 68◦ )

• Direct method (using protactor) ∠P ET = 69◦ or 70◦ (need to be measured again)

• Get a line from T and tangential to line PE. The intersect is at F, then : sin ∠P ET = T F/T E.
From this method we get ∠P ET around 66◦ . (not really recommended)

Based from all these method, the range of ∠P ET = 65 − 70◦ . The time required to make this angle is =
3000 +20XX= 50XX years (XX = current year after 2000 CE). Thus the range of period of precession
is: 25800-7800 years (These are only for the range, each team can get full mark if their answer is within
this range)

Q4 P T = 25.8◦ , hence δpolaris = 90 − P T = 64.2◦ .

From sin rule, we get ∠ET P = 58.1◦ or 3h52m30s. (for sin rule in spherical geometry, it is 58.2◦ , still
similar to flat one). We know αNorth Ecliptic Pole = 18h . Now,

αpolaris =αNorth Ecliptic Pole + ∠ET P

αpolaris =21h 52m 30s

Hence, the equatorial coordinate Polaris 6000 years ago is: (α, δ) = (21h 52m 30s , 64.2◦ )

Star Charts 101

Figure 9: Thuban as North Pole

Star Charts 101

4.3.2 Mercator Projections

Astronomical symbols are abstract pictorial symbols used to represent astronomical objects, theoretical
constructs and observational events in European astronomy. The earliest forms of these symbols appear
in Greek papyrus texts of late antiquity.

Figure 10: Mercator-projection sky map of constellations marked with symbols

Star Charts 101

4.4 Monthly Sky Chats

Figure 11: Jan/Feb Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

Figure 12: Mar/Apr Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

Figure 13: May/Jun Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

Figure 14: Jul/Aug Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

Figure 15: Sep/Oct Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

Figure 16: Nov/Dec Night Sky View for latitude 40◦ N

Star Charts 101

5 Celestial Navigation
Celestial navigation has a rich and interesting history. The navigator would use ‘sights’, or angular
measurements taken between a celestial body (e.g., the Sun, the Moon, Polaris, or one of 57 other
navigational stars and planets) and the visible horizon to locate one’s position in the world, on land as
well as at sea.

Let us explore a simple application of Celestial Navigation using our wrist watch. To use our watch as
a compass in the northern hemisphere, hold the watch horizontal and point the hour hand at the Sun.
The halfway mark between the hour hand and the twelve o’clock mark is south. For example, if it is 8
o’clock, point the 8 on the watch face at the Sun. South would then be at the 10 o’clock position. If it
is 4 o’clock, point the 4 on the watch face at the Sun. South would be in the 2 o’clock position.

5.1 Problem Solving Tips

Positional astronomy requires the use of methods that are not usually used in any other content seen in
schools or in other Olympiads, and for this reason it can and will be a little difficult to advance through
the problems in this topic, especially for students who are just starting out, but even those who have
qualified for the more advanced phases can make fatal mistakes when solving these questions. However,
there are some tips that can help progress in this field.

1. Make a 3D drawing of the situation

The first step to solving any positional astronomy problem is to understand and visualize what is
happening, and good drawing is fundamental in this process. In general, it is strongly recommended
to make a three-dimensional drawing for all situations6 , especially in questions of spherical

2. In the drawing, represent values close to those in the statement

If the statement says that there is an observer with latitude ϕ = −80◦ observing a star with
δ = 50◦ , it is recommended to make a drawing in which the PCS is relatively close to the zenith.
This can help you identify particular cases and estimate the final answer7 . Furthermore, in
For meridian crossing problems, a 2D section of the celestial sphere is sufficient, however a 3D drawing can facilitate
For example, if the drawing shows that a star culminates close to the horizon, but its result is h = 80◦ , something
may have gone wrong.

Star Charts 101

questions of spherical trigonometry, this analysis is especially relevant for identifying the quadrant
of certain angles. Certain trigonometric functions only work for certain quadrants, and therefore
it is important to identify them before doing the math.

3. Not memorizing final formulas

Many results in positional astronomy are particular cases that are not taken into account in
the formulas. For example, the equations obtained do not work for observers in the Southern
Hemisphere or for stars in the Eastern Hemisphere. Therefore, the ideal is to understand the
procedure used and adapt it according to each question - just memorize the three laws of spherical

4. Be careful with inverse trigonometric functions

In questions of spherical trigonometry, it is usually necessary to use inverse trigonometric functions
to obtain numerical results. However, they do not provide unique values. Therefore, you may
need to find both the sine and cosine of an angle to determine its value8 . Furthermore, if your
drawing is very well done, it is possible to identify which of the values is the true one.

5.2 Naked Eye Observation

Practice Questions

1. Name the constellations where the Milky Way passes through that are visible from
Northern and Southern hemisphere
The rotational Galactic Center of the Milky Way lies in the direction of Sagittarius, with the
glowing band of hazy light then stretching all the way across to its anticenter in Auriga, before
returning back to Sagittarius. From Earth, stargazers can see 30 constellations contained in this
region of sky, some of which only faintly touch the region.

- Northern: Monoceros, Canis Major, Orion, Gemini, Taurus, Auriga, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Lacerta,
Cepheus, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Sagitta, Aquila, Serpens, Sagittarius, Scutum, Ophiuchus, Scorpius.

- Southern: Norma, Lupus, Ara, Circinus, Triangulum, Crux, Musca, Carina, Vela, Pyxis, Puppis.

2. Write down any five constellations that lie on current celestial equator
- Virgo (Vir), Serpens (Ser), Ophiuchus (Oph), Aquila (Aql), Aquarius (Aqr), Pisces (Psc), Cetus
(Cet), Libra (Lib), Hercules ( Her), Scutum (Sct), Delphinus (Del), Equuleus (Equ), Pegasus

3. How to find/point at the vernal equinox?

- The vernal equinox is located slightly south of the circlet of Pisces. There is no bright star near
its exact location hence it can be identified only through practice.

4. In order to know your latitude from stargazing alone, what other piece(s) of information
do you need?
- Stars’ altitude and declination.
To do this, it would be necessary to use more than one law of spherical trigonometry

Star Charts 101

5. Which of these stars cannot be observed by an observer at certain location?

Circumpolar Stars

This question relies on your comprehension of the night sky and rough idea of where the major
stars are located. A concept introduced by this question is of circumpolar stars: they are stars
that either never set or never rise. As the question asks the star that cannot be observed, it
means that it asks for the lower circumpolar stars(stars that never rise) for an observer at certain
location. The only challenge is to realize that lower circumpolar stars peak at an altitude of
δ + 90◦ − ϕ, where δ is the declination of a star and ϕ is the latitude of the observer. The
condition for lower circumpolar stars would be that this altitude < 0◦ . Therefore, the condition
becomes 90◦ + δ < ϕ.

6. Give some practical advice for maximizing the number of meteors observed from a
meteor shower during a short (3-4 hour observation session). Be specific and detailed.

- Observe during the peak night(s) of the specific shower!

- Observe from a dark location, preferably when the Moon is not up. This is so as to see as many
meteors as possible
- Do not use a telescope/binoculars. Rather, just lie back and scan a large patch of sky (the
larger the better) or
- In the Northern Hemisphere, where must one point the polar axis of the equatorial mount
towards, such that moving the telescope in Right Ascension will most precisely mimic the motion
of the sky over the course of a night?
- Generally, observe after local midnight as Earth would usually be moving into the stream of
meteors then.
- If possible, observe when the radiant of the shower has a high altitude.

7. In the constellation Crux, the α , β, γ and δ stars are named in which order?
- Clockwise

8. During an overnight observation session in December, a local astronomy club painstakingly

recorded its observations. However, those notes ended being mixed up with observation
logs from previous months. Which of the following objects is unlikely to have been
observed during this December night?

- [Options]
A. Lagoon Nebula (M8) in Sagittarius
B. Orion Nebula (M42) in Orion
C. The Double Cluster (C14) in Perseus
D. The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) in Andromeda
E. Praesepe (M44) in Cancer

9. On a winter evening, Aquila the Eagle is found to be setting. You are given that
Altair has a right ascension of 19h 52m and a declination of +8◦ 55′ 25′′ . Assuming that
you are on the equator, what is the local sidereal time?

Star Charts 101

- Sidereal time is calculated from the hour angle + RA of a particular object, where the hour
angle is the number of hours after the object has passed the meridian. In other words if 0h is the
local meridian, 18h would be at the western horizon. In this case, it is given that 19h52min is at
that horizon. This means that the correct local sidereal time is 1h52m.

10. Filters are often used in practical astronomy for image enhancement, especially
when imaging deep-sky objects as they appear very dim even through a telescope.
When imaging an emission nebula, which color/combination of filter(s) can be used
to minimise light from background sources, thus allowing the nebula to stand out

- An emission nebula emits light that is dominated by the H-α spectral line (657 nm) of the
Balmer series (ionized hydrogen emission). Hence, an emission nebula appears red. To enhance
the image, one should minimize light from other background sources (non-red light) to enter the
eye. Hence, one should use a red color filter to allow the nebula to stand out more.Yellow filters
are generally used when trying to look at the yellow dust tails of comets and not DSOs. Stacking
all of the filters listed defeats the purpose of using a color filter, which is to expose the sensor to
light of a certain wavelength (color).

11. For an observer in the Northern Hemisphere, how does the right ascension of the
Sun change from the start to the end of Summer?

NB: we define the start of a season by its corresponding equinox/solstice. So the summer solstice
marks the start of Summer.

- Recall that during the northern vernal equinox, the Sun is at 0h by definition. The right
ascension of the sun increases as the season progresses. Further, after 1 season, the Earth would
have moved along 1/4 of its orbit, leading to From 6h to 12h.

12. Suppose your latitude is 45◦ N. What is the Sun’s elevation above the southern
horizon at noon on the summer solstice?
- The celestial equator is tilted at an angle equal to your latitude from the zenith. In this case, the
celestial equator is 45◦ from your zenith and therefore 45◦ above the southern horizon. The Sun is
23.5◦ above the celestial equator on the summer solstice. Therefore the Sun is 23.5◦ + 45◦ = 68.5◦
above the southern horizon.

13. Estimating the Local Sidereal Time (LST) from Star Chart.

Method 1: Using RA of known object and estimating LHA to obtain LST

From the definitions of the following variables, the following equation relates LST, RA at meridian
and local hour angle (LHA),
LHAobj = LST − RAobj
Then, find an object with known RA, and estimate its LHA. For an object on the meridian,
LHA = 0. For rising and setting objects, LHA < 0 or LHA > 0 respectively.

Star Charts 101

e.g. Arcturus has a RA of 14h 15m ; it is estimated to have crossed the meridian (LHA) about 30
mins ago, i.e. LHAArcturus = 0h 30m .
Hence, LST = LHAobj + RAobj = 14h 15m + 0h 30m ≈ 14h 45m .

Method 2: By first principles, definition of LST

By definition, the LST = LHAVernal Equinox , and RAVernal Equinox = 0◦ .

In a tropical (calendar) year, there are 365.25 solar days, but 366.25 sidereal days. By definition,
at local noon on the day of Vernal Equinox (usually around March 20-21), the vernal equinox
is at the local meridian everywhere, thus LST = 0h .

Thus, the LST at local noon every day after that increases by a small amount equal to the time
required for the Earth to rotate an extra small angle due to its orbital motion, i.e. for each
complete solar day the Earth completes a small fraction of the extra sidereal day. This amount
1 day
∆LST = × 24h 00m = 3.93m = 3m 56s
366.25 day
If we take January 28, approximately 10 months and 7 days after Vernal Equinox (there is
inaccuracy introduced here as each month is not of equal length),
( )
LSTnoon of 28 Jan = × 365.25 + 7 × 3h 56m = 1197m = 20.40h

If we do have a calendar, we can get a more accurate calculation, with 313 days between March
21 and January 28
LSTnoon of 28 Jan = 313 × 3h 56m = 1231m = 20.51h

Now if we know time when any starchart is taken, Suppos the starchart was taken at 06:15 UTC,
i.e. 6.15am at the Greenwich Meridian,

LST6.15 am on 28 Jan ≈ 20.51h − (12h − 6.25h ) = 14.76h ≈ 14h 45m

14. Estimating the Local Time (LT) from Star Chart.

For this you must know coordinates of a star lying on Celestial Equator. Recall that Orion lies
along the celestial equator – and that one notable feature of the Belt of Orion are the declination
of the belt stars, that is, their declination is close to 0◦ .

As an estimate, we take Mintaka’s declination to be 0◦ , such that it would culminate at the zenith
(centre of the starchart) when the local sidereal time is equal to its right ascension. Now estimate
weather Mintaka is to the /east/west of the local meridian, i.e. if it has already culminated and
thus its hour angle will be HA > 0. Thus, we measure Mintaka’s distance from the centre of
the starchart (zenith), to estimate its hour angle, d= X cm. Then the fraction outward from the
centre of the starchart of radius is, f = d/r.

Star Charts 101

Then, to a first approximation, ignoring distortion from the stereographic projection, the hour
angle HA of Mintaka from the zenith is approximately, HA = 90◦ × f . Then the local sidereal
time at the time of the starchart is (right ascension of Mintaka α = 5h 33m )

LST = HA + α

Let’s take a star chart that is dated 11 Mar, close to the vernal equinox 21 March, we can take
the LST0000 at local solar midnight as approximately 12h − 10 × 4m = 11h 0m .

Then, to find the local sidereal time at local civil midnight, we need to introduce a correction as
Observer’s timezone (UTC+LT) is not in alignment with its longitude (λ),

LST0000 = LST0000 − ∆LST
( )
= LST − LT − h
(24 )

Therefore, the time before midnight ∆T is simply the difference in the local sidereal times at the
time of the starchart and at local civil midnight,

∆T = LST0000 − LST

Therefore, the local time of the star chart is 0000h − ∆T = ANSWER.

15. Estimating the position of the Moon on certain local time on Star Chart after certain

At the same local (civil) time on the next day, the night sky would have rotated westward by
an amount approximately 4m in RA.

However, due to the Moon’s orbital motion about the Earth (anti-clockwise), it moves eastward
relative to the fixed stars and its RA increases by approximately,
∆RA =
27.3 days
= 13.19◦ /days
≈ 53m /day

Since the Moon’s orbital plane is similar to the rest of the planets, it will thus appear eastward
along the ecliptic by about 50 mins.

16. Star-trails Your task in this problem will be to take a photo of star-trails in the sky (stars) they
draw due to the rotation of the Earth around its own axis. You can use either method to do
this– several shorter exposures, which you then combine into a single image using appropriate
software, or taking one long exposure.

Star Charts 101

a) Take a photo of the star-trails so that the image contains the North Pole. Try to be as long as
possible so that arcs form, the corresponding hour angle should definitely exceed 0h 10m . Describe
in detail the procedure taking a picture. Record the time and place of acquisition, the length of
individual exposures and parameters in the solution camera. Attach a printed photo in inverted
colors to your solution.

b) What curves do the stars plot in the photograph depending on the declination δ∗ of the star
and also on declination δc of the center of the frame? Justify your answer.

To solve this problem, we will assume for simplicity that the rays are coming from infinity as it
passes through the lens does not change direction when passing through the optical center. Then
it is clear that such rays from a given star describe the mantle of a cone during the day with
an apex angle of 180◦ − 2δ∗ , the axis of which intersects the plane of the camera sensor at an
angle δc . The trajectories of the stars in the image will therefore be conic sections. If the star
never sets below the sensor plane (|δ∗ − δc | > 90◦ ), this is generally an ellipse (in the special case,
when the world pole is in the center of the image, ie. δc = 90◦ , the stars will draw circle). If the
lower culmination of the star occurs in the plane of the sensor, it is a parabola (|δ∗ + δc | = 90◦ ).
If the star falls below the plane of the sensor (but also rises above the plane of the sensor, ie.
|δ∗ + δc | < 90◦ and |δc − δ∗ | < 90◦ ), it is generally a hyberbola. And in the special case when we
have δ∗ = 0, the cone degenerates into a plane. Stars of the world therefore, the equator draws a
line in the image.

Note: Star trails start becoming visibly apparent when a source that covers 1px stretches out to
span 5px in any direction

Star Charts 101

5.3 Telescope Aided Observation

1. Eyepiece

Lens placed near the focal point of the telescope.

Determines: magnification, apparent FoV, true FoV, and other specifications. Each eyepiece has a focal
length just like the telescope.

2. F-Number

Telescopes are often described by both their aperture size and f number. The f-number is the ratio of the
focal length of the main lens or mirror to the aperture. In astronomy, as in photography, the aperture
ratio is often denoted by f /n (e. g. f /8), where n is the focal length divided by the aperture. For fast
telescopes this ratio can be f /1....f /3, but usually it is smaller, f /8....f /15. These specifications are
important because the brightness, size, and clarity of the image produced by a telescope depend on the
aperture and focal length of its main lens or mirror. For example, a “150-mm (6-inch), f/8 reflector”
means the primary mirror is 150 mm (6 inches) in diameter and has a focal length of 1200 mm (8
×150), or 48 inches (8×6).

If the aperture ratio is large, near unity, one has a powerful, “fast” telescope; this means that one can
take photographs using short exposures, since the image is bright. A small aperture ratio (the focal
length much greater than the aperture) means a “slow” telescope.

Question A special telescope features a 3x optical scope with a diameter of 25mm, and a length of
120mm. Find the f-number of the scope.

3. Magnification

So for a given telescope, changing the eyepiece to another with a lower focal length will increase the

Telescope focal length Aperture × Focal Ratio

Magnification = =
Eyepiece focal length Eye Piece Focal Length

Star Charts 101

4. Field of View

In general, the field of view (FOV) describes the area of a target (measured as an angle from the location
of viewing) that can be seen on the chip of a CCD-camera or when looking through an eyepiece.

Equation of FOV

FoV[deg] = ω × t × cos(declination) = × t × cos δ
23h 56m 4s .1

If the star passes through the chord of the field of view, you can measure the magnitude of the central
angle, which rests on this chord. t - is the time during which the star passes through this chord. Then
this chord = vt × cos δ. The same chord = a · sin γ2 .

Actual/True field of view (TFOV): the angular size of the amount of sky that can be seen through
an eyepiece when used with a particular telescope, producing a specific magnification. It is typically
between one tenth of a degree, and two degrees.

Apparent field of view (AFOV): it is a measure of the angular size of the image viewed through the
eyepiece, in other words, how large the image appears (as distinct from the magnification). This is
constant for any given eyepiece of fixed focal length, and may be used to calculate what the actual field
of view will be when the eyepiece is used with a given telescope. The measurement ranges from 30 to
110 degrees.

Star Charts 101

If the apparent field of view is known, the actual field of view can be calculated from the following
approximate formula:
For a telescope with focal length of f , object image size of d,
( )
−1 d
AFOV = 2 · tan

Figure 17: Same magnification but different AFoV and TFoV

5. Planetary (color) filters: Colour filters are mostly used to enhance the colour contrast differences
between surface features on the moon or planets. The filters screw into a standard eyepiece barrel. The
contrast differences are subtle and some observers report little or no observable differences. It may take
patience and experience to recognise the differences.
UHC Ultra High Contrast filter. Increases the contrast of planetary and emission nebulas.
OIII Oxygen-III filter. Similar to UHC, but higher contrast on certain nebulas.
Hβ Hydrogen Beta filter passes a particular colour of hydrogen light found in certain nebulas.
Polariser Darkening the moon and enhancing contrast on the planets.
IR pass Infrared pass filter is useful for getting steady views of the planets because IR is less disturbed
by the atmosphere.
Light pollution A filter to increase contrast of objects when observing from urban areas. Darkens
the sky by blocking street-lights whilst passing light from other colours.

6. Finderscope

Regardless of what kind of finder you are using you will have to align it with the telescope. The
procedure is fairly simple and is best done during the day. The key thing is that you are aligning the
finder to the telescope and not the other way around.

You want to do this during the day using a fixed land object. At night the things in the sky are moving
which makes it more difficult to get the alignment correct.

During the day, set your telescope so that you can see a distant object, at least 1/4 mile away and
farther is better. I prefer the cross arms on a telephone or power pole. That gives me a very well
defined target right where the cross arm meets the pole. But the top of a chimney, a letter on a distant
sign, or something similar can work as well. This is your alignment target

Here are the steps to follow.

Star Charts 101

• Using your low power eyepiece point the telescope at the target and get it centered in the field of
view of the eyepiece. Ignore the finder for now.
• Switch to a high power eyepiece and again, get that target centered
• Lock the scope into position in any way you can. You don’t want it to move
• Look through the finder and spot the target
• Using the adjustments on the finder bracket adjust the finder until the target is centered in the
• Go back to the eyepiece and make sure the scope has not moved. The target should still be
• Check the finder again and make any final adjustments

When the finder and the telescope both are lined up on the same point on your target, you are all set
and ready to take your telescope out under the stars.

Figure 18: Left: finderscope FOV and marking, Right: a typical finderscope.

7. Telescope Mount

There are two main types of telescope mount – equatorial and altitude-azimuth (“alt-az”)– with many

Equatorial: This type of mount has been popular, almost universal, since telescopes achieved any sort
of useful size. As we have seen, the equatorial system of co-ordinates (α, δ) is based on the rotation of
the Earth. A telescope with one axis aligned with the polar axis only needs to be driven around this
axis at the sidereal rate to track astronomical objects.

Alt-az mounts are the simplest telescope mounts. Advantages: Cheap and simple to operate. Telescope
moves up/down (altitude) and left/right (azimuth). Reflecting telescopes using this mount are known
as Dobsonians. There are a couple of (minor) drawbacks to alt-az telescopes:

Star Charts 101

• The necessity for continuous rapid calculation of altitude and azimuth. This has been solved by the
power of modern computers – so not really a problem at all.
• We have seen that the relationship between horizontal and equatorial co-ordinates can be expressed
by two equations such as:
sin a = sin δ sin ϕ + cos δ cos ϕ cos H
sin H sin δ
sin A = −
cos a
Note that, in the second equation, if the altitude (a) approaches 90◦, the azimuth (A) approaches
infinity. What this means, of course, is that for an object which passes through the zenith, as it does
so, its azimuth jumps instantaneously from 90◦ East to 90◦ West (or from 90◦ to 270◦). In practice,
it means that for objects near the zenith, it is very difficult to transform quickly enough and accurately
enough from equatorial to horizontal co-ordinates and a small patch of sky near the zenith is effectively
inaccessible, even though the telescope can easily point there. Simple observing programme planning
should avoid problems from this source.

8. Field Rotation

Alt-az mounts are to be avoided due to a

phenomenon known as field rotation. Field
rotation occurs due to the design of the
alt-az mount. One axis, the azimuth axis, Az
rotates around a vertical line passing from Alt

the center of the telescope to the zenith Az

(left to right). The altitude axis rotates
about a horizontal axis (up and down).
Both axes must rotate at different rates to Field Rotation Occurs with Alt-Az Mounted Telescopes
maintain the object in the field of view
(FOV). As the Earth rotates about its axis,
the central object in the field of view will
remain centered but other objects in the
FOV will appear to rotate with elapsed time.
Field Rotation is an undesirable effect on
Rotation Relative
time-exposure astrophotographs caused when to Polaris
an ”Alt-Az” (”altitude-azimuth” or altazimuth)
mount (sometimes called a ”Dobsonian” or ”fork
mount”) is used to hold and point a telescope Zero Field Rotation with
with a camera. It is also sometimes called Equatorial Mounted
Frame Rotation because the objects framed by
the photograph seem to have rotated while the
picture was taken. Figure 19: Field Rotation: Alt-Az and Equatorial
Let the FOV of the telescope be represented by a
square and follow the motion of Sagittarius as it
rises in the east. Because the alt-az mount can only move around the azimuth axis and the up and
down on the altitude axis, the FOV remains fixed with the bottom parallel to the horizon. The objects
in the sky, however, are rotating around the celestial pole star, Polaris. So asterisms and binary stars
appear to rotate in the FOV. An equatorially mounted telescope does not suffer field rotation because

Star Charts 101

the telescope is polar aligned and the FOV does not remain horizontal as it tracks; the telescope rotates.
So the FOV matches the rotation of the object and it remains in the same fixed position.

Mathematical Concepts Behind Field Rotation Stars appear to rise in the east and set in the
west, rotating about the north celestial pole star, Polaris. Rising stars will reach their highest elevation
in the sky as they cross the local meridian, due south of the line between Polaris and the zenith. The
altitude indicates the vertical position of the star with 0c irc at the horizon and 90c irc at the zenith.
From direct observation, the following aspects are known about rate of rotation

1. The maximum rate of field rotation occurs as the star passes through the zenith.

2. The rate of field rotation is minimal when a star passes through the prime vertical at the horizon.

3. Considering the azimuth only, the rate of field rotation is highest when the star passes through
0° (N) and 180° (S), and lowest when the star passes through 90° (E) and 270° (W).

4. Regarding latitude, field rotation is highest at the Earth’s equator and non-existent at the NCP
and SCP.

ω⊕ ∗ cos(Latitude) ∗ cos(Azimuth)
Rotation Rate = (1)
cos (Altitude)
where ω⊕ = 4.178 × 10−3 degrees/second; Earth’s rotation.

If we only consider changing the values of the azimuth in Equation 1, the least amount of field rotation
(zero) is along the prime vertical (due east or west) because east is 90° from north (cos 90°=0) and
west is 270° from north (cos 270°=0). Looking toward the other directions, the maximum rate of field
rotation is when the star is due south (180° from north; cos 180°=1) or directly north where cos 0°=1.

ω⊕ ∗ cos(Lat) ∗ 0
Least RORE,W = = 0; (Az = 90 or 270)
cos (Alt)
ω⊕ ∗ cos(Lat) ∗ 1
MAX RORN,S = ; (Az = 0 or 180)
cos (Alt)
The altitude function deals with values between the horizon (0°) and the zenith (90°), so only considering
changes to the values of the altitude in Equation 1 and using the trig values given above we get to
ω⊕ ∗ cos(Latitude) ∗ cos(Azimuth)
RoRHorizon = ; Alt = 0
so the rate depends solely on the latitude and azimuth.

ω⊕ ∗ cos(Latitude) ∗ cos(Azimuth)
RoRZenith = ; Alt = 90
which is an undefined quantity and not allowed.

Star Charts 101

Practice QnA

1. In what situation would polar alignment be necessary?

- To track stars/to counter diurnal motion

2. What is the purpose of using a finderscope?

- Find objects more easily due to larger FOV. Image is upside down and left-right inverted.
Magnification: 6 × 30, or 8 × 50 typically.

3. When not in use, how should accessories (eyepieces, diagonals, binoculars, finderscopes,
etc.) be stored?
- Store in dry box/Ziploc bag to combat humidity, with foam/cushion to add stability and

4. How do you polar‐align your telescope near the equator, where Polaris cannot be
seen most of the time?

- Use compass to find magnetic North for alignment of azimuthal axis, then adjust mount’s
elevation/altitude to Singapore’s latitude (less accurate), or

Drift alignment: observe North/South drift then adjust altitudinal axis, observe East/West (RA)
drift then adjust azimuthal axis (more accurate).

5. After assembling, if you can move the main optical tube easily, is the counter weight
located at the correct or incorrect position?

- Correct position. The counter weight should balance with the OT, so a little force should move
it smoothly.

6. Why do we need to align an equatorial telescope towards the North Celestial Pole /
- As stars revolve around Polaris every 23h 56m , we can use only one knob to trace the star easily.

7. Given a telescope with an aperture of 100mm and a focal length of 1600mm, when a
1.25-inch eyepiece of focal length 40mm is used, what is the effective magnification?
- Telescope magnification is calculated by dividing the focal length of the telescope by the focal
length of the eyepiece. So 40×. Again too find the magnification, we can use

Aperture × Focal Ratio

Magnification =
Eye Piece Focal Length

8. You would like to maximise your view of the Pleiades star cluster (110′ ) in your
eyepiece. Given the following details of your telescope, which eyepiece should you
choose? (1 inch = 2.54cm)

Telescope: 5-inch aperture, f/6

Let the eyepiece focal length be x mm and apparent field-of-view be y ◦ .

Star Charts 101

focal length = (aperture size) × (focal ratio) = 5 × 2.54 × 6 × 10 = 762 mm.

focal length of telescope 762

magnification = =
focal length of eyepiece x
apparent field-of-view y 60xy
true field-of-view = × 60 = = arcminutes
magnification magnification 762
Calculate for each option with the different values of x and y. This gives 35 mm focal length, 40◦
apparent field-of-view.

9. You brought out your club’s 6′′ F/6 Newtonian telescope to observe M6. With a
quick search you realise M6 is 25′ in angular diameter. Which eyepiece would you
attach to the telescope to maximise your view of M6 while still ensuring the whole
of M6 can be seen in the eyepiece? (FL=Focal length, AFOV= Apparent field of
view, 1 inch = 2.54cm)

A. FL: 32mm, AFOV: 50◦
B. FL: 40mm, AFOV: 40◦
C. FL: 13mm, AFOV: 50◦
D. FL: 7mm, AFOV: 60◦
E. FL: 4mm, AFOV: 70◦

Focal length = aperture × Focal ratio = (6 × 2.54) × 6 × 10 = 914.4 mm.

914, 4
Magnification =

TFOV [in arcmin] =TFOV [in degrees] × 60

Option D matches the perfect condition.

10. The Celestron C8 is a Schmidt-Cassegrain reflective telescope with a focal ratio of

10 and a diameter of 203.2 mm. Using an objective lens (eyepiece) with a focus of
25 mm, a circular squirrel with a diameter of 25 cm fills the field of view completely.
Assuming an apparent field of view of 50◦ .

The focal length of the telescope is 203.2 cm. Using the focal ratio, we can infer that the focus is
ten times longer, i.e. 2032 mm.

50 foc
Using, F oV = = 50 × = 37′ .
M fob

Star Charts 101

The distance from the squirrel to the observer is 2328 cm. The distance can be obtaind using
trigonometry. Specifically, d = , where α = 50◦ .
tan α
The resolving power is 0.68′′ from θ = 1.22 .

11. The Celestron Advanced VX Y Go-To Reflector Telescope has an Y ′′ optical tube
assembly with specification f/5, where Y is an unknown value. The focal length of
the optical tube is 1016 mm. Two eyepieces, one with diameter 8 mm and another
with diameter 25 mm were provided. Determine the minimum size of a crater on
the Moon that can be resolved by this telescope. Assume light of wavelength 550 nm.

The aperture diameter is determined by

f 1016
D= = = 203.2 mm
N 5
Using the formula for the Rayleigh criterion θ = 1.22 with λ = 550 nm, D = 203.2 mm, we get
that the minimum angle that can be resolved is 0.0001892◦ .

Using s = rθ and the Earth-Moon distance of 3.843 × 108 m, we see that the minimum distance
on the Moon that can be resolved is
s = 5.843 × 108 × × 2π = 1.27 km.

Try Yourself

P1. Student A has just received a telescope from her professor. Her professor had performed some
measurements on the telescope, and told her that it has an effective focal length of 1800mm, with
an aperture of 90mm. Student A next chooses to use a 5 mm Plossl eyepiece, with an advertised
apparent field of view (AFOV) of 40◦ .

i. Calculate the f/ratio of this scope

ii. Calculate the resultant magnification that this setup provides
iii. Calculate the exit pupil of this setup.
iv. Calculate the true field of view (TFOV) for this setup.
v. Is this setup good for deep sky astrophotography? Justify your answer.
(Hint: Think about highest useful magnification. Also, an average dark adapted human eye
has an entrance pupil of about 7mm)

P2. Upon further investigation, Student A discovered that a 3X Barlow lens had been left in the
telescope’s visual back. She thus removed the Barlow. She also changed the eyepiece to a 10mm
Nagler, with an advertised 80◦ wide-view AFOV.

Calculate the new effective focal length, f/ratio, magnification, exit pupil and TFOV.

Star Charts 101

P3. Chuan Ming is observing an unknown bright star through a refractor on an equatorial mount with
a 2-degree true field-of-view. He observes that the star takes roughly 9.23 minutes to fully cross
the diameter of the eyepiece field of view. Estimate the declination of the star. Assume the star is
in the northern hemisphere.

P4. A curious astronomer has observed two stars while they have been passing across the very center
of telescope’s field of view at the same time interval. One day, he noticed one of them rising and
another setting simultaneously. Show that the stars will appear in exactly opposite directions on
the horizon. Ignore any atmospheric effects.

Star Charts 101

5.4 Telescope Long Questions

5.4.1 Liquid Mirror Telescope
A relatively inexpensive way to make a parabolic mirror involves rotating a liquid around in a circle.
Such a construction is called a liquid mirror telescope. See this video by Action Lab - https://www.

In this problem, we explore the physics of the liquid mirror telescope. Consider a liquid rotating around
in a cylinder with radius r at an angular velocity ω around the cylinder’s axis. For the following parts,
you are to ignore effects of surface tension
a. Let y(r) represent the height of the liquid surface at a radial distance r from the axis of rotation.
By considering the forces acting on a small element on the surface of the container, determine the
gradient as a function of r.
b. Determine an equation for the height of the mirror surface with radial distance r from the cylinder’s
axis. Should you need, ∫
axn dx = +C
c. The Large Zenith Telescope had (it is no longer in use) a diameter of 6.0m and a rotation period of
8.51s. Determine the focal ratio and plate scale of this telescope.
Should you not have obtained an answer to the previous parts, you may use 12.0m as the focal
length of the Large Zenith Telescope.
Hint: The Cartesian equation of a parabola is given by y = 4f x2 .
a. Consider an element along the surface of the mirror, a radial distance r from the centre The buoyant
force (green arrow) must provide for the centripetal force, and also counter the gravitational force on
the element
dy sin θ mω 2 r
= tan θ = =
dr cos θ mg
dy mω 2 r
dr mg
∫ r
ω2 r2
(ω 2 r/g)dr =
0 2g
It is technically not required to integrate; so long the participant has a qualitative understanding of an
integral as the area under a graph, the answer can be arrived at through finding the area under the
straight line graph with gradient ω 2 /g.
1 2
c. For a parabola, we have x2 = 4f y where f is the focal length. Rearranging, y = r ,

1 ω2 g
= →f = = 9.0 m
4f 2f 2ω 2
f 9
= = 1.5
D 6
p= = 22.9′′ /mm = 23′′ /mm

Star Charts 101

5.4.2 Alt-azimuthal Mount

In the Poland during IOAA at a site with latitude = 50◦ , an observer centered his altazimuth-mounted
telescope at a star with declination δ = −18◦ at the moment of its culmination in the South. He then
started an automated motion of the telescope along its vertical axis with a period of one sidereal day
T = 86164 s. Half an hour later (t = 1800s), he came back to the telescope and found that the star
had left the field of view.

The observer is now interested to know if he can observe the star after replacing the eyepiece so that
the field of view has a diameter d = 0.5◦ , and in the case that he cannot, if he could bring the star
back into the field of view by moving the telescope along exactly one axis (either vertical or horizontal).
Note that the astronomical azimuth is measured from the North eastwards.

a. Determine the horizontal coordinates aD , zD (azimuth and zenith distance) of the center of the field
of view of the telescope at t = 1800s after initiating the telescope motion. Express the result in

b. Determine the horizontal coordinates aH , zH of the star at t = 1800 s after initiating the telescope
motion. Express your answer in degrees.

c. Is it possible to observe the star after replacing the eyepiece?

d. Can the observer bring the star back into the field of view by moving the telescope along exactly
one axis? If so, along which axis (either vertical or horizontal) does the telescope need to be moved?
Hint: For a, b ̸= 0, the function f (x) = a sin x + b cos(x )attains its minimum/maximum in the open
interval x ϵ (0, 180◦ ) exactly at the point x = arctan ab

a. The zenith distance zD did not change with the displacement of the telescope and is zD = ϕ−δ = 68◦ .
The azimuth has the value aD = · 360◦ = 7.5◦ .
b. For this we will use the spherical triangle SZH, where S is the north celestial pole, Z is the zenith
and H is the observed star. We determine the zenith distance from H of the star using the cosine
theorem for the sides
cos zH = cos |SH| cos |SZ| + sin |SH| sin |SZ| cos α,
where |SH| = 90◦ − δ is the angular distance of star H from the north celestial pole, |SZ| = 90◦ − ϕ
is the zenith distance of the north celestial pole, and α = · 360◦ is the angle by which the sky has
apparently rotated around the north celestial pole in time t. Thus,

zH = arccos(sin δ sin ϕ + cos δ cos ϕ cos α) = 68.3◦

We determine the azimuth aH of the stars from the sine theorem

( )
sin |ZH| sin |SH| cos δ sin α
= ⇒ arcsin = 7.70◦ ,
sin α sin(180◦ − aH ) sin zH

where |ZH| = zH is the zenith distance of the star H. It should be noted that the previous equation has
two solutions on the interval [0, 180◦ ]. However, since t ≪ T , only one solution on the interval [0, 90◦ ]
makes physical sense. Formally, it is possible to verify this by substituting into the cosine theorem for
the side SH, whose opposite interior angle is 180◦ − aH .

Star Charts 101

c. Now that we know the azimuthal coordinates of the star H and the field of view of the telescope D,
we can determine their mutual angular distance l using the cosine theorem for the sides of the spherical
triangle ZDH
l = arccos(cos zD cos zH + sin zD sin zH cos(aH aD )) = 0.36◦
Since l > d/2 = 0.25◦ , it is not possible to observe the star even after changing the eyepiece.

d. Because |zD − zH | = 0.32◦ , and therefore |zD − zH | > d/2 = 0.25◦ , it is not possible to observe the
star after moving around the vertical axis of the telescope.

When moving around the horizontal axis, the zenith distance zD of the telescope changes. For the fine
angular distance l′ between the star and the telescope, it holds

cos l′ = cos zD
′ ′
cos zH + sin zD sin zH cos(aH − aD )

Since the cosine function is decreasing on the interval [0, 180◦ ], we are looking for the maximum of the
′ ′ ′
f (zD ) = (sin zH cos(aH − aD )) sin zD + (cos zH ) cos zD
According to the hint in the assignment, this function reaches a maximum at a point
( )
′ sin zH cos(aH − aD )
zD = arctan = arctan(tan zH cos(aH − aD )) = 68.3◦
cos zH

Let us emphasize that zD ̸= zH , as follows from the presence of the term cos(aH − aD ) in the relation
′ ′
for zD . By re-substituting zD into the relationship for l′ , we get the minimum possible angular distance
of the star H from the center of the field of view of the telescope as it moves around the horizontal axis

l′ = arccos(cos zD
′ ′
cos zH + sin zD sin zH cos(aH − aD )) = 0.16◦ .

Since l′ < d/2 = 0.25◦ , the observer can observe the star after moving the telescope around its horizontal

axis, if he sets the center of the field of view to the zenith distance zD .

Star Charts 101

5.5 Astrophotography
As the prices of DSLRs drop since their inception, more people now can take photographs of the night
sky. The art of Astrophotography has caught on to become a serious pastime for amateur astronomers.

Photography Jargon

Before we jump in, we should familiarise a little on some technical jargon that is commonly used in
the photography community. The ultimate goal of a photographer is to control the amount of light
captured by the sensor when taking a photo. It cannot be too much light else the photo will come out
overexposed (too bright). The converse is true too, when the camera does not capture enough light.
To achieve a good control over light, photographers concern themselves with 3 main settings:

Camera Settings What it Controls

The length of time the sensor is exposed to light.
Shutter Speed / Exposure Length
(e.g. 1/3s, 1/1000s, 1s, etc.)
ISO The Sensitivity of the sensor.
(pronounced “eye-soh”) Higher ISO = More Sensitive
Aperture size of the lens.
Same definition with a telescope’s f-ratio.

These three settings are what a photographer uses to control the amount of light that hits the sensor.

The last setting is known as the Zoom. It controls how magnified the image will be. It is usually
expressed as the focal length of the lens. (e.g., 18mm, 35mm, 120mm etc.)

5.6 Guessing the correct Magnitude

Conditions for comparing sight according to the Pickering method:

• a small angular distance of the comparison star from the variable star;
• the spectral classes of the comparison star and variable star must be adjacent on the Harvard
scale of spectral classes

1) Choose 2 stars with known magnitudes of more or less the same brightness 2) Divide the interval
between them into 10 parts (or in the Neyland method - Blazhko into any number of parts, for example,
into 5) 3) Determine where the observed star is on the interval 4) By linearizing the scale, you determine
the magnitude

Star Charts 101

6 Practice Olympiad Problems

Practice problems are from Bangladesh Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (BDOAA), Singapore
Astronomy Olympiad (SAO), Indian National Astronomy Olympiad (INAO), Czech Astronomy
Olympiad, International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), and International Olympiad on Astronomy
and Astrophysics (IOAA). Problem setters of respective questions are credited.

6.1 General Instructions in typical IOAA

You have XX minutes to read the questions and plan your observations. Do not talk to other
participants. When you are shown the sign to ‘GO NOW’ by the supervisor, follow the directions
to the telescope location taking with you the questions, clipboard and pen/pencil (a red light will be
provided at the telescope). Keep your distance from other participants and do not talk to them. Show
your badge and code to the assistant at your telescope.

You will have a total of XX minutes to complete the observing tasks, starting when all participants are
ready. At the end of XX minutes take your papers and clipboard (leave the light) and wait until called
to leave the observing location. Follow the directions back to the preparation hall. Keep your distance
from other participants and do not talk to them.

You will have another XX minutes to process your observations and complete the answer sheet (there
will be a calculator, geometrical instruments etc.). If you had any technical problems you can write a
report for your team leader on the form in the answer sheets. At the end of XX minutes place your
answer sheets and the report in the envelope and wait at your desk until directed to leave the hall.

6.2 How OBS Marking Works

Star Charts 101

From my experience as an amateur Astronomer and IOAA team leader for 5 years I came across these
things student should be aware and mindful about.

6.3.1 2019
On 23rd March, 2019, Mahmud and Fahim were observing their local sky with their IAU100 Bresser
Telescope. According to their observation Mahmud made a sky map using “Your Sky” website. Now
you’ve to find few things according to their map–

a. Name the stars 1,2,3, 4, and 5 and their constellations.

b. Draw a circle for the Circumpolar star region. [A circumpolar star is a star, as viewed from a given
latitude on Earth, that never sets below the horizon due to its apparent proximity to one of the
celestial poles.]

c. If the Field of View (FOV) of this map is 80◦ , find the angular distance from α Cassiopeia to α Ursa
Minor. [Hint: the line passes through the center of the eyepiece of the Telescope)

Star Charts 101

d. Prove that if the right ascension of a star is equal to its altitude from one point/place then the
magnitude of its longitude and declination is also equal from that point/place.

6.3.2 2021
Fahim is an Astronomer who likes to observe the sky. He travels the world with his telescope. Referring
to the image of the night sky at an unknown location, Fahim was observing the sky.

On the image, answer the following questions. [For this you can use any means to copy the image then
draw everything necessary with computer paint or whatever you like]

a. Identify the cardinal points.

Star Charts 101

b. Trace out the ‘Little Dipper’ and label it accordingly.

c. Trace the ‘Great Square of Pegasus’ and label it accordingly.

d. Trace out two major complete IAU constellations that are visible (other than Cygnus, Ursa Major,
and Ursa Minor).

e. Mark the positions of two prominent nebulae that are visible and label them accordingly.

f. Mark the positions of two prominent open clusters that are visible (except Hyades) and label them

g. Mark the approximate positions of two prominent galaxies that are visible and label them accordingly

h. Approximately, what is the latitude of this location?

6.4 INAO
6.4.1 2019
The picture below was taken on 24th December 2019, from some place in India, showing the crescent of
the Moon near the horizon (the horizontal dashed line marks the horizon of the place). Field of View
(FOV) of the image is 60◦ .

Figure 20: Negative image of certain patch of the sky on 24th December 2019

Note: The images printed are colour-inverted, i.e. the bright parts of the image appear black and dark
parts appear white. Thus, the black dots are stars and planet and the dark cresent is actually bright
crescent of the moon.

a. At which of the following times this picture may have been taken? Give justification for your answer.

18:00 hrs, 22:00 hrs, 01:00 hrs, 05:00 hrs.

Star Charts 101

b. Write the names of the constellations present in the image of the sky.
c. The map also includes a planet. Mark the planet on the map with a circle and label as ‘P’.
d. A zoomed-in image of the lunar crescent is given in the answersheet. On this image mark the
approximate directions to the cardinal points. [East-West-North-South] Note: You may assume the
box in the answersheet has a linear angular scale along the horizon.
e. Find approximate latitude of the place. horizon.

6.4.2 2018
a. Let us say we are observing sky from a dark location and all planets are visible in the sky. Arrange
the planets of the solar system in the descending order of their apparent brightness as observed from
the Earth.
b. Shinjini was observing the sky from a location on the equator on the night of 20-21 March and she
made following observations in her diary.
• Today is 11 days prior to the full Moon.
• Saturn is seen in constellation of Sagittarius.
• Jupiter is seen rising at the time of the Moon set.
• Mars’ position was coinciding with the centre of Milky Way.
• Mercury set about 2 hours before the Moon.
• Venus was seen in the evening sky for about 2 hours after sunset.
In the answersheet, you will find a circle which is passing through East, Zenith (point exactly above
the head of the observer), West and Nadir (point exactly below the observer). Use the information
given above to mark positions of the Sun, the Moon and the 5 planets on this circle at 11 am on
the Vernal Equinox day (21st March). For each object, write a 1-2 line explanation stating why you
think it is the correct position of the object.

6.4.3 2016
The skymap below [Figure 21] corresponds to sky above Nagpur (21◦ N, 79◦ E) at 09:00 am on 1st
February 2014. If you are not used to using sky maps, it is important to note that sky map is usually
seen lying down on the ground (feet to the South), facing the sky with map in your hand. Thus, East
is on the left of the map and West is on the right. Answer the following questions:

a. Mark Polaris with letter ‘P’.

b. Circumpolar stars for a given place are the stars, which will never go below the horizon. Draw
boundary of this region and mark it by the letter ‘C’.
c. The celestial equator is just a projection of the Earth’s equator in the sky. It will be the locus
of points which are equidistant from the north and the south pole. Draw the equator on the map
approximately and mark it with ‘Q’.
d. The ecliptic is the imaginary yearly path of the Sun in the sky. Mark this approximately on the
map and mark it with ‘E’.

Star Charts 101

e. Mark approximate position of the Sun on the map as ‘S’.

f. Yesterday was a new moon day. Mark the current position of the moon on the map as ‘M’.

g. Which star was very close to the Zenith at 06:00 am today? Mark it on the map as ‘N’.

h. Draw a line across sky showing horizon line as at 07:00 am today as ‘H’.

Figure 21: INAO 16 Map

6.5 SAO
6.5.1 P1: The night of Vernal Equinox
The star chart below shows the night sky at 0000h on the night following the Vernal Equinox (on 21
March 2018), from Singapore (UTC + 08:00), at latitude 1◦ 17′ N and longitude 103◦ 51′ E.Complete the
questions on the following page. Note that the size of stars and objects are scaled by their brightness
in the night sky, with brighter objects appearing larger.

Star Charts 101

Figure 22: SAO P1

a. Along the horizon (circumference of the star chart), mark out the approximate location of cardinal
West, with a cross ×.

b. Trace out the local meridian with a solid arc, and label it M.

c. Trace out the constellation of Leo with solid lines connecting its stars. Label its alpha star α on the
star chart.

d. The pole star Polaris, α Ursae Minoris, is visible. Mark out the star with an arrow →. The tip of
the arrow should point unambiguously at the star.

e. The following four deep sky objects (DSOs) are visible in the star chart. Mark out any three of these
DSOs, each with a hollow circle , and write that DSO’s catalogue designation adjacent to it. The
centre of the hollow circle will be taken as the position of that DSO.

Star Charts 101

(i) M41, an open cluster

(ii) C80, the ω Centauri Cluster
(iii) C92, the Eta Carinae Nebula
(iv) M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy

f. Calculate the local hour angle of the first point of Libra.

6.6 Czech
6.6.1 Observation using Simbad
In the blind map 23, 15 stars are highlighted in blue, 7 constellations in green and red in highlight 6
deep space objects. We could observe this night sky at midnight from a certain location on the 22nd
day of a certain month this year. Select a month from the list.
Here is their list:

• M13 • α Cygnus • M31 • Hounds

• α Boo • M33 • β Gem • Sirius

• Hydra • Raven • α Lyr • δ Cephei

• M45 • Gemma • Cassiopeia • Big bear

• Polar bear • α CMi • Capella • M42

• α Leo • Snake (head) • Rigel • Betelgeuse

• Cancer • α Tau • Melotte 111 • Spica

a. Calculate the location of Observing Place. [2]

b. Your task is to assign numbers 1 to 15 to the appropriate stars, designations S1 to S7 to the relevant
constellations and the letters “a” to “f” to the relevant deep space objects. [7]

c. To the table then complete the required data (Object magnitude in filter V and Category) about
the selected objects as is can be found in the SIMBAD database.9
simbad/ [6]

Object Code Object Type Visual Magnitude


d. Draw the galactic plane in the map. [2]

How to use SIMBAD: 7 Min Video

Star Charts 101

Figure 23: Czech P1

6.7 IOAA 2016 Observation Round

6.7.1 Observational Map
1. Mark any 5 (five) of the following stars on the map by putting a circle (O) around the appropriate
star and writing its code next to it. If you mark more than 5 stars, only the first 5 in serial order
will be considered.

Star Charts 101

2. Mark location of any 3 (three) of the following galaxies on the map by putting a ‘+’ sign at
appropriate place in the map and writing its code next to it. If you mark more than 3 galaxies,
only the first 3 in serial order will be considered.

3. Draw ecliptic on the map and label it as ‘E’.

4. Show position of Autumnal Equinox (descending node of the ecliptic) on the map by a ‘+’ sign
and label it as ‘A’.

5. Draw local meridian for Bhubaneswar on Winter Solstice day (22nd December) at local midnight
and label it as ‘M’.

Refer to the Map 24 for these problems10 .

6.7.2 Observational Planetarium

OP1: Eight well known historical supernovae will appear in the projected sky one at a time (not
necessarily in chronological order). You have to identify the appropriate map (Map 1 / Map 2) where a
particular supernova belongs and mark it in the corresponding map with ‘+’ sign and write codes ‘S1’
to ‘S8’ besides it.

The digital copy of this map isn’t available anywhere else. But fortunately I was a participant of IOAA-16 myself
and I have my own script still now [2022!]. So I used my own work from IOAA and edited this image!

Star Charts 101

Figure 24: IOAA 2016 OM

Star Charts 101

Each supernova code will be projected on dome for 10 seconds, followed by appearance of supernova
for 60 seconds and then 20 seconds for you to mark the answers.
• For S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5, the projected sky corresponds to the sky as seen from Rio de Janeiro
on the midnight of 21st May

• For S6, S7 and S8, the projected sky corresponds to the sky as seen from Beijing on the midnight
of 20th November. There will be a gap of two minute after S5 for change over and adaptation to
new sky.
OP2: We are now projecting sky of another planet. The sky will be slowly rotated for 5 minutes .
Identify the visible celestial pole of this planet and mark it with a ‘+’ sign and label it as ‘P’ on the
appropriate map (Map 1 / Map 2).

Figure 25: OP1 Map 2016

Star Charts 101

6.8 IOAA 2018 Observation Round

6.8.1 O1

Figure 26: O1 Map

Figure 26 is a whole sky star chart of Yanqing, Beijing at 20:30 tonight (UTC+8) with the limit
magnitude = 5m (m = magnitude). Four stars (about 1m − 3m ) and one planet (brighter than 2m ) are
missing in this chart. In the chart, the distance from the center is in proportion to zenith distance.
1. Draw a cross (X) on the location of each missing star and mark “T” on the chart, and draw a
cross (X) on the location of the missing planet and mark “P” on the chart.

Star Charts 101

2. Please mark the orientation of the star chart with “N” “E” “S” “W” at the edge of the star chart.

3. On the chart, the celestial equator passes through many constellations. Please write down the
name of any five of these constellations (IAU codes).

4. Using the star chart, estimate the altitude of Aldebaran (α Tau), to the nearest degree.

6.8.2 O2
Figure 27 is a star chart of a recent opposition of Jupiter. The grid in the figure is the ecliptic
coordinates. Please estimate the date of this opposition, to the nearest day.

Figure 27: O2 Map

Star Charts 101

6.8.3 O3
Figure 28 is a star chart of a part of the sky on March 21, 2018. The longitude and latitude of the
observation site is 120◦ E, 40◦ N (UTC+8). The grid in the figure is an equatorial grid. The thicker
vertical line in the centre is the meridian. Estimate the mean solar time to an accuracy of better than

Figure 28: O3 Map

Star Charts 101

6.8.4 O4
[Not Used during IOAA]

Students were supposed be given 2 star charts before the examination. They should read these star
charts to know which star is γ Andromedae, and which star is δ Cygni.
1. Figure 29 is a detailed star chart near γ Andromedae. Please draw a cross (X) on the map at the
location of γ Andromedae, and mark North on the star chart with “N”.

Figure 29: O4 Map

2. Figure 30 is a detailed star chart near δ Cygni. Please draw a cross (X) on the map at the location
of δ Cygni.

Star Charts 101

Figure 30: O5 Map

Star Charts 101

6.9 IOAA 2019 Observation Round

6.9.1 Task 01
This is the sky above Keszthely at 24th (at an unknown date) The map does not show
Solar System objects.

1. There are 3 novae on the projected sky at 2 magnitude. Find them, and label them by circles on
your answer sheet’s stellar map, at their right position. See the map on next page. (Each circle
at wrong position(s) causes 1 point decrease.)

2. Mark all globular clusters with X signs on the stellar map attached to your answer sheet, which
are members of the Messier catalogue and visible in the projected sky. Write the Messier number
of these objects near the X labels.

Figure 31: Task 01

Star Charts 101

3. In which month can you see these constellations (at midnight) in Keszthely?
4. What is the sidereal time? (To the accuracy of 15 minutes.)
5. List all zodiacal constellations, which partly or entirely can be seen in the shown sky. (Use the
official IAU names or abbreviations.)

6.9.2 Task 02
We are standing somewhere on the Earth. The map does not show Solar System objects.

Figure 32: Task 02

1. Determine the geographical latitude of this observing site: . Its hemisphere: N / S (Circle
the right one.)

Star Charts 101

2. Determine the Azimuth of the 3 brightest star on the projected sky. Azimuth is measured from
North to the direction East 0-360°. Write the name of these stars in English or using their Bayer
name onto the map, close to the position of the given stars. (Incorrect star position in a list or
on the map causes 1 point decrease.)

Brightest Star Name Azimuth


3. Yellow × signs show the positions of 3 comets. Witch comet is in the closest position to ecliptic?
(Write the number of nearest comet on the dotted line.)

4. List the circumpolar constellations seen from the given observing site, using their IAU abbreviations
or ‘standard’ names.

5. Mintaka (δ Orionis = delta Orionis) is setting at this moment. How many hours earlier did it
rise? (To the accuracy of 15 minutes.)

6.9.3 Task 03
We are standing on the Moon now. As seen at this moment, the Earth centrally obscures the Sun (see
the red circle on the sky). Consequently, the Moon is in one of its nodes now. Assume the longitudinal
and latitudinal librations are exactly 0◦ at this moment.

1. Which season is taking place at this moment in Hungary?

2. There is a yellow circle on the projected sky (next to the red circle), which denotes minor planet
Juno, which is at a distance of 3 AU from the Sun at this moment. Estimate its distance to the
Moon now? (Rounded to 0.1 million km.) (Consider all orbits as circles.)

3. Estimate how much time after the projected event will

the Sunset at your observing site?
the Earth set at your observing site?

4. Estimate the distance of the observing site to the Apollo-11 landing place: km.

Star Charts 101

Figure 33: Task 03

Star Charts 101

Figure 34: Task 03 - Lunar Map

6.10 GeCAA 2020

6.10.1 Problem 1
The figure 35 shows a star chart of the night sky. The location of comet C/2020 F3 Neowise on July
31st , 2020 is marked by a red dot.
a. Name the five brightest stars in the field shown. Please use IAU star names in your answer (i.e. like
Sirius or Rigel). Sort the brightest stars visible on the figure in descending order of brightness.
b. Write the latin name abbreviation (you can find accepted abbreviated names11 of the constellation
in which the Sun is present on 31st July 2020.

Star Charts 101

Figure 35: Comets in the “air”

c. Mark the position of the Sun on the chart, in case it is not present on the chart, mark the direction
to the Sun at the edge of the image.

d. Mark which line on the chart corresponds most accurately to the position of the comet’s gas tail (1,
2, 3 or 4 as indicated on Figure 35). Write the correct number as your answer.

e. Name the constellation in which the comet is seen in Figure 35. Write the answer using the IAU

6.10.2 Problem 4
On the Figure 36, a star chart is shown for Tallinn, Estonia (Lat 59.43 N, Long: 24.75 E) on 14th
September 2020 at 22:00 (UTC+3). The chart is not distorted and shows all laltitudes from 0◦ to 90◦ .
Stars to magnitude +4.7m and one planet are shown.

a. Four relatively bright (about 1.5m −3.5m ) stars in well-known constellations or asterisms are missing.
Identify them (in any order) using the Bayer classification.

b. Mark all the planets that should be visible at this time on this chart. Mars is marked as a red dot.

c. Mark the missing stars indicating their rank order as greek letter with IAU Designation

d. What is the RA of Mars (to nearest 10 minutes, write in format HH:MMm, where H and M-s are
replaced with correct numbers, round answer to nearest 10 minutes, so it must end with “0” for
example 12:10 )?

Star Charts 101

Figure 36: GeCAA P4

Star Charts 101

6.11 IOAA 2022

O5 The image below shows schematic representations of three different types of reflectors

For each one, choose the correct name from the list below. (3 points each)
(A) Newtonian (B) Pfund (C) Gregorian (D) Herschelian (E) Keplerian (F) Coudé (G) Galilean (H)

O6 The equatorial constellations are listed below. Fill in the missing ones in the correct order. Use
the IAU codes or official names accepted by the IAU.

1. Serpens (Ser) 2. Ophiuchus (Oph) 3. 4. Aquarius (Aqr) 5. Pisces (Psc). 6. Cetus (Cet)7.
8. 9. 10. Monoceros (Mon) 11. Canis Minor (CMi) 12. 13. 14. 15.
Virgo (Vir)
Which of these 15 constellations are also on the ecliptic? If you give more than the required number of
constellations, only the first ones you write (in order) will be considered.

O8 There are three additional and two missing stars on the figure given below. Circle them and number
them as 1, 2, 3 (additional stars), 4, 5 and 6 (missing stars).

Star Charts 101

Figure 37: IOAA 2022 NO8
Star Charts 101

O9 Calculate the time interval between the two figures given below if the first figure occurs earlier than
the second one, and the time interval is less than one sidereal day.

Figure 38: IOAA 2022 NO9

Star Charts 101

7 Sources
1. Wikipedia


3. International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO)

4. Bangladesh Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics –

5. Singapore/Indian/Czech/Russian Astronomy Olympiad

6. Your Sky –

Your sky is the most useful online tool for learning sky maps in an interactive way. You can
personalize your own sky maps here for free. It is highly recommended. Most of the maps in this
note are generated from here.

7. Stellarium –
Perhaps the best software you can find. But don’t get to comfortable with only this, ok? But a
bi-weekly visit is necessary if you want to actually lean about simulated sky.

8. Heavens-Above –
This site has many features too. You can track satellites and make sky maps for their path.

9. –
They provide monthly free sky maps based on North/South/Equator.


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