2020 UP BOC Civil Law Reviewer
2020 UP BOC Civil Law Reviewer
2020 UP BOC Civil Law Reviewer
2. Distinction between real and personal rights. J. MODES OF ACQUIRING OWNERSHIP ... 193
........................................................... 130
PRESCRIPTION ................................................. 205
3. Modes of Acquiring Ownership ............. 131
4. Limitations of Ownership ...................... 131 A. TYPES OF PRESCRIPTION .................... 205
C. ACCESSION ........................................... 132 1. Acquisitive Prescription........................ 205
1. Right to hidden treasure ....................... 132 2. Extinctive Prescription ......................... 206
2. Rules of accession............................... 132 B. WHEN PRESCRIPTION IS INAPPLICABLE ...
D. QUIETING OF TITLE ............................... 142 ............................................................... 207
1. Requisites ........................................... 142 C. PRESCRIPTION OR LIMITATION OF
2. Distinctions between quieting title and ACTIONS................................................ 208
removing/preventing a cloud ................... 142 D. INTERRUPTION [ART. 1155, CC] ............ 209
3. Prescription/non-prescription of action .. 144
SUCCESSION .................................................... 210
E. CO-OWNERSHIP .................................... 145
1. Characteristics of Co-ownership ........... 145 A. GENERAL PROVISIONS ................................ 211
2. Sources of Co-ownership ..................... 146 1. Definition ............................................. 211
3. Rights of Co-owners ............................ 147 2. Succession occurs at the moment of death
4. Termination of Co-ownership................ 152 ........................................................... 211
F. POSSESSION ......................................... 153 3. Kinds of successors............................. 212
1. Characteristics ..................................... 153 B. TESTAMENTARY SUCCESSION ...................... 213
2. Acquisition of Possession..................... 154 1. Wills .................................................... 213
3. Effects of Possession ........................... 156 2. Institution of heirs ................................ 221
4. Loss of Movable or Unlawful Deprivation of 3. Substitution of heirs ............................. 223
a Movable .............................................. 157 4. Conditional testamentary dispositions and
5. Possession in the Concept of Owner, Holder, testamentary dispositions with a term ..... 224
One’s Own Name, and in the Name of 5. Legitime .............................................. 226
Another .................................................. 158 C. LEGAL OR INTESTATE SUCCESSION ............ 238
6. Rights of the Possessor ....................... 160 1. General Provisions .............................. 238
7. Loss or Termination of Possession ....... 162 2. Order of Intestate Succession ................. 241
G. USUFRUCT ................................................ 162 D. PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE AND INTESTATE
1. Characteristics ..................................... 162 SUCCESSION ................................................. 243
2. Classification ....................................... 163 1. Right of accretion ................................ 243
3. Rights and Obligations of Usufructuary . 166 2. Capacity to Succeed by Will or Intestacy ....
4. Rights of the Owner ............................. 170 ........................................................... 244
5. Extinction, Termination, and Extinguishment 3. Acceptance and repudiation of the
........................................................... 171 inheritance............................................. 245
H. EASEMENTS............................................... 174 4. Collation.............................................. 246
1. Characteristics ..................................... 174 5. Partition and Distribution of Estate ....... 248
2. Classification ....................................... 176
OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS .................... 252
3. Modes of Acquiring Easements ............ 184
4. Rights and Obligations of the Owners of A. GENERAL PROVISIONS......................... 253
Dominant and Servient Estates............... 186 1. Definition ............................................. 253
5. Modes of Extinguishment ..................... 187 2. Elements of an obligation..................... 253
I. NUISANCE.............................................. 188 3. Sources of Obligations......................... 253
1. Nuisance per se................................... 188 B. NATURE AND EFFECT OF OBLIGATIONS
2. Nuisance per accidens ......................... 188 254
3. Liabilities ............................................. 190 1. Obligation to give................................. 254
4. No Prescription .................................... 190 2. Obligation to do or not to do ................. 255
5. Criminal prosecution as a remedy......... 190 3. Transmissibility of obligations............... 255
6. Judgment with abatement as a remedy. 190 4. Performance of Obligations.................. 255
7. Extrajudicial abatement as a remedy .... 191 5. Breaches of Obligations....................... 256
8. Special Injury to Individual .................... 191 6. Remedies available to creditor in cases of
9. Right of Individual to Abate Public Nuisance. breach................................................... 260
........................................................... 192 C. KINDS OF OBLIGATIONS ....................... 263
10. Right to Damages ............................ 192 1. Pure.................................................... 263
11. Defenses to Action........................... 193 2. Conditional .......................................... 263
12. Who May Sue on Private Nuisance... 193 3. Obligation with a period or a term ......... 267
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Long-Arm Statutes – Municipal Laws that Due process is satisfied by summons through
specify the kinds of contacts upon which publication in these in rem and quasi in rem
jurisdiction will be asserted by the forum court. proceedings
These laws allow a court to obtain to obtain
personal jurisdiction over an out of-state JURISDICTION OVER THE SUBJECT
defendant who has sufficient connection with MATTER
the state, e.g. tortious act done within the state, More than the general power conferred by law
or a contract celebrated in the state. to take cognizance of cases of a general class
to which the case belongs. The power of the
court must be properly invoked by filing a
petition. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
cannot be conferred by consent of the parties.
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the will was made or lex domicilii. [Art. a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at
829, CC] the time of the adoption of the Constitution
● Filipinos are prohibited from making (1987)
joint wills even when done abroad. [Art. b. Those whose fathers or mothers are
819, CC] citizens of the Philippines
b. The proper foreign law was not properly c. Those born before January 17, 1973 of
pleaded and proved. Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
c. The case falls under any of the citizenship upon reaching the age of
exceptions to the application of foreign majority
law. d. Those who are naturalized in accordance
● When the foreign law is CONTRARY to with law
an important PUBLIC POLICY of the
● When the foreign law is PENAL in Natural-born citizens are those who are
nature; citizens of the Philippines without having to
● When the foreign law is perform any act to acquire or perfect
PROCEDURAL in nature; citizenship.
● When the foreign law is purely FISCAL
OR ADMINISTRATIVE in nature; The Philippines follows the jus sanguinis
● When the application of foreign law will principle which means the rule of descent or
work UNDENIABLE INJUSTICE TO blood. This is in contrast with the jus soli
CITIZENS of the forum; principle where nationality is determined by the
● When the case involves REAL OR law of the place of one’s birth.
● When the application of the Foreign Naturalized citizens refer those who
law might ENDANGER THE VITAL underwent a procedure provided by law in
INTEREST of the state; order to acquire or perfect citizenship.
● When the foreign law is CONTRARY
TO GOOD MORALS Qualifications for Applicants [Sec. 3, RA
3. Personal Law Place of Must be born in the
birth Philippines
Importance of a Personal Law Must have resided in the
An individual’s personal law follows him Residence
Philippines since birth
wherever he is and governs those transactions At least 18 at the time of filing
which affect him most closely. Age
the petition
a. Nationality Must be of good moral
Importance of Nationality in the Philippines –
Regulates: Must believe in the underlying
a) Civil status principles of the Constitution
b) Capacity Character
c) Condition Must have conducted self in a
d) Family rights and duties proper and irreproachable
e) Laws on succession manner during entire period
f) Capacity to succeed of residence
Must have received primary
Determination of Nationality and secondary education in
According to Article IV of the 1987 Constitution, Education
any public or private
the following are Filipino citizens: educational institution duly
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Must derive income sufficient Derivative Citizenship [Sec. 15, Com. Act No.
to support self and family 473]
Occupation a. Wife shall be deemed a citizen if she is:
NOT APPLICABLE to o Any woman who is now or may
applicants who are college hereafter be married to a citizen of
degree holders but are the Philippines; and
unable to practice because of o Might herself be lawfully
their citizenship naturalized.
Must be able to read, write, b. Minor children born in the Philippines shall
Language AND speak Filipino or any of be considered citizens
the dialects c. FOREIGN-BORN minor children:
Must have mingled with o IN THE PHILIPPINES at the time
Filipinos; evinced a sincere of naturalization: shall
Conduct desire to learn and embrace automatically become Philippine
custom traditions and ideals citizens;
of the Filipino people o NOT IN THE PHILIPPINES at the
Disqualification time of naturalization: deemed a
The following cannot be naturalized [Sec. 4, Filipino citizen only during his
Commonwealth Act No. 473]: minority. Unless, he begins to
a) Commission of a crime involving moral reside permanently in the
turpitude Philippines when still a minor.
b) Not receiving and dealing with Filipinos in d. FOREIGN-BORN children AFTER
his home or visiting Filipino homes in the NATURALIZATION of parent are
community in a spirit of friendship, considered citizens if:
friendliness and equality without any o He registers himself as a Philippine
discrimination citizen; and
c) Applicant’s country does not grant o Take the necessary oath of
reciprocal rights to Filipino citizens at the allegiance;
time of the hearing of his application. o Within 1 year from reaching the age
d) Persons opposed to organized of majority
government or affiliated with any
association or group of persons who Loss of Citizenship
uphold and teach doctrines opposing all a. By naturalization in foreign countries;
organized governments b. By express renunciation of citizenship;
e) Persons defending or teaching the c. By subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
necessity or propriety of violence, personal support the constitution or laws of a foreign
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capacity of persons are binding upon citizens Exceptions to the rule of lex loci
of the Philippines, even though living abroad. celebrationis: Lex nationalii
a. Either/both parties are below 18 years old
Governing Law: Lex Nationalii. b. Bigamous or polygamous marriages
c. Subsequent marriage without recording:
i. Marriage 1. The judgment of nullity of the first
Philippine Policy on Marriage and the 2. Partition and distribution of the
Family properties of the spouses
In case of doubt, courts will apply FORUM law 3. Delivery of the children’s presumptive
because marriage is greatly influenced by the legitimes
values of society. [Prof. Aguiling-Pangalangan] d. Mistake as to identity of the contracting
Examples: e. One of the parties was psychologically
Sec. 2, Art. XV, 1987 Constitution. Marriage, incapacitated to comply with the essential
as an inviolable social institution, is the marital obligations
foundation of the family and shall be protected f. Incestuous marriages
by the State. g. Void by reason of public policy
Art. 220, CC. In case of doubt, all The abovementioned involve the question
presumptions favor the solidarity of the family. capacity to marry, which is a substantive
Thus, every intendment of law or facts leans requirement for marriage. Since personal law
toward the validity of the marriage , the governs questions of intrinsic validity, the
indissolubility of the marriage bonds, the above are exceptions to lex loci celebrationis
legitimacy of children, the community of because they are controlled by lex nationalii.
property during the marriage, the authority of
parents over their children, and the validity of INTRINSIC Validity of Marriage: Personal
defense for any member of the family in case Law of the Parties – Lex Nationalii or Lex
of unlawful aggression. Domicilii
Refers to the capacity or general ability of a
EXTRINSIC Validity of Marriage: Lex Loci person to marry (e.g. age requirement and
Celebrationis parental consent).
Covers questions relating to formalities or
“external conduct required of the parties or of Governing Law: Personal Law, either Lex
third persons especially of public officers, Nationalii or Lex Domicilii
necessary to the formation of a legally valid
marriage.” Note: In the Philippines: Lex Nationalii
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Includes paternity which is the civil status of the b. CHOICE OF LAW IN PROPERTY
father or mother with respect to the child and
filiation which is the status of the child in 1. The Controlling Law
relation to his parents.
a. Immovables: LEX SITUS
Governing Law 1. Determined by the law of the place
Legitimacy of the child is submitted to the where the land is situated
personal law of the parents which is either: 1) 2. Connecting factor is immovable
Lex nationalii; or 2) Lex domicilii. itself and not the parties
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3. Capacity to Enter into Contracts Exception: The court may not recognize the
law stipulated and invoke public interest or
Governed by the personal law of the parties – public policy, when there is an undue
a. LEX NATIONALII; or advantage made by a dominant party.
6. Special Contracts
4. Choice of Law Issues in Conflicts
Contracts Cases a. Carriage of Goods by Sea
b. Contracts for International Air
Choice of Forum Clause Transportation
Under the principle of freedom of contract, 1. The Warsaw Convention was
parties may stipulate the law to govern their concluded in order to establish uniform
contract. rules and regulations on the liability of
● Questions of venue, not jurisdiction international airline carriers in cases of
● Includes arbitration, not only choice of death, injuries of passengers, or loss or
court. damage of cargo.
2. Any action for damages may be
brought either:
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a. In the court of the domicile of Art. 815, CC. When a Filipino is in a foreign
the carrier; OR country, he is authorized to make a will in any
b. In the principal place of of the forms established by the law of the
business of the carrier; OR country in which he may be. Such will may be
c. In the place of business of the probated in the Philippines.
carrier through which the
contract has been made; OR Art. 816, CC. The will of an alien who is abroad
d. Before the court at the place of produces effect in the Philippines if made with
destination. the formalities prescribed by the law of the
c. The procedural rules of the forum shall place in which he resides, or according to the
apply. formalities observed in his country, or in
conformity with those which this Code
7. Limitations to Choice of Law prescribes.
a. Parties may not select a law that has no Art. 817, CC. A will made in the Philippines by
connection at all with the transaction or the a citizen or subject of another country, which is
parties. executed in accordance with the law of the
b. If the law selected should change, the law country of which he is a citizen or subject, and
as changed will govern. which might be proved and allowed by the law
of his own country, shall have the same effect
Exception: If the change is so as if executed according to the laws of the
revolutionary that it was never Philippines.
contemplated by the parties.
Filipino nationals
c. Should not be interpreted to oust the a. LEX LOCI CELEBRATIONIS – formalities
jurisdiction court already acquired over the established by the law of the country where
parties and the subject matter the will is executed [Art. 17 and 815, CC]
d. Public policy deemed written into contracts b. LEX NATIONALII – formalities prescribed
impressed with public interest under Philippine law
e. Cognovit Clauses / Confession of
Judgment Clauses – debtor may agree to Note: There is no express provision, only by
be subject to the jurisdiction of a specific analogy with rules applicable to aliens. The
court in case of breach or default in ratio is that it cannot be assumed that the Code
payment. places the Filipino citizen in a worse position
that the alien in relation to our law
1. Extrinsic Validity of Wills With Regard to Joint Wills
a. By Filipinos: VOID under Philippine law on
Includes age, testamentary capacity of the the ground of public policy. [Art. 818, CC]
testator, and the form of the will.
b. By Foreigners: VALID UNLESS it affects
heirs in the Philippines.
Art. 17, CC. The forms and solemnities of
contracts, wills, and other public instruments
2. Intrinsic Validity of Wills
shall be governed by the laws of the country in
which they are executed.
Governed by the national law of the decedent
[Art. 16, CC]
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2. Social Relations
Bad faith/Malice is required to make the
Meddling with or disturbing family relations defendant liable for damages in cases of
tortuous interference [So Ping Bun v. CA,
Art. 26, CC. Every person shall respect the
dignity, personality, privacy and peace of
4. Dereliction of Duty
mind of his neighbors and other persons.
The following and similar acts, though they
may not constitute a criminal offense, shall Art. 27, CC. Any person suffering material or
produce a cause of action for damages, moral loss because a public servant or
prevention and other relief; employee refuses or neglects, without just
xxx cause, to perform his official duty may file an
(2) Meddling with or disturbing the private life action for damages and other relief against
or family relations of another; the latter, without prejudice to any
disciplinary administrative action that may be
3. Economic Relations
Everyone has a right to enjoy the fruits and Requisites: [Amaro v. Sumanguit, G.R. No. L-
advantages of his own enterprise, industry, skill 14986 (1962)]
and credit. He has no right to be protected 1. Defendant is a public officer charged
against competition; but he has a right to be with a performance of a duty in favor of
free from malicious and wanton interference, the plaintiff;
disturbance or annoyance. If disturbance or 2. He refused or neglected without just
loss comes as a result of competition, or the cause to perform the duty;
exercise of like rights by others, it is damnum 3. Plaintiff sustained material or moral
absque injuria, unless some superior right by loss as a consequence of such non-
contract or otherwise is interfered with. Thus, a performance;
plaintiff loses his cause of action if the 4. The amount of such damages, if
defendant provides a sufficient justification for material.
such interference, which must be an equal or
superior right in themselves. The defendant
Art. 32, CC. Any public officer or employee,
may not legally excuse himself on the ground
or any private individual, who directly or
that he acted on a wrong understanding of his
indirectly obstructs, defeats, violates or in
own rights, or without malice, or bona fide, or
any manner impedes or impairs any of the
in the best interests of himself [Gilchrist v.
following rights and liberties of another
Cuddy, G.R. No. 9356 (1915)].
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person shall be liable to the latter for nature and cause of the accusation against
damages: him, to have a speedy and public trial, to
meet the witnesses face to face, and to have
(1) Freedom of religion; compulsory process to secure the
attendance of witness in his behalf;
(2) Freedom of speech;
(17) Freedom from being compelled to be a
(3) Freedom to write for the press or to witness against one's self, or from being
maintain a periodical publication; forced to confess guilt, or from being induced
by a promise of immunity or reward to make
(4) Freedom from arbitrary or illegal such confession, except when the person
detention; confessing becomes a State witness;
(8) The right to the equal protection of the In any of the cases referred to in this article,
laws; whether or not the defendant's act or
omission constitutes a criminal offense, the
(9) The right to be secure in one's person, aggrieved party has a right to commence an
house, papers, and effects against entirely separate and distinct civil action for
unreasonable searches and seizures; damages, and for other relief. Such civil
action shall proceed independently of any
(10) The liberty of abode and of changing criminal prosecution (if the latter be
the same; instituted), and mat be proved by a
preponderance of evidence.
(11) The privacy of communication and The indemnity shall include moral damages.
correspondence; Exemplary damages may also be
(12) The right to become a member of The responsibility herein set forth is not
associations or societies for purposes not demandable from a judge unless his act or
contrary to law; omission constitutes a violation of the Penal
Code or other penal statute.
(13) The right to take part in a peaceable
assembly to petition the government for
Violation of Civil and Political Rights
redress of grievances;
Both private individuals and public officers can
be held liable under this provision.
(14) The right to be free from involuntary
servitude in any form;
This article further implements the civil liberties
guaranteed by the Constitution and creates an
(15) The right of the accused against
absolutely separate and independent civil
excessive bail;
action for the violation of these civil liberties.
(16) The right of the accused to be heard by
Malice not required, to require that a person act
himself and counsel, to be informed of the
with malice before he is held liable under this
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article would defeat the purpose to protect action to enforce that liability, independent of
individual rights. The object of the article is to any criminal proceedings.
put an end to official abuse under the guise of
being done in good faith. Article 34 makes the city or municipality
subsidiarily liable for the omission of its police
Liability for violation or obstruction of civil officers to render aid or protection to anyone.
liberties This liability, therefore, can be enforced against
Any person, whether public officer/employee or the city or municipality only when the guilty
private individual, who directly or indirectly police officer is insolvent. However, it cannot
obstructs, violates or in any manner impede or be avoided by proving that the city or
impair the rights of a person as enumerated municipality has exercised due diligence in the
(these are actually rights under the Bill of selection and supervision of its policemen.
Rights) shall be liable to the latter for damages. [Tolentino]
Art. 34, CC. When a member of a city or Acquittal predicated on the conclusion “that the
municipal police force refuses or fails to
guilt of the defendant has not been
render aid or protection to any person in case
satisfactorily established” is equivalent to one
of danger to life or property, such peace
on reasonable doubt, and a suit to enforce civil
officer shall be primarily liable for damages,
liability for the same act or omission lies. [PNB
and the city or municipality shall be
v. Catipon, G.R. No. L-6662 (1956)]
subsidiarily responsible therefor. The civil
action herein recognized shall be
The accused once found by the court not to
independent of any criminal proceedings,
have been the author of an offense and being
and a preponderance of evidence shall
acquitted of the accusation under no condition
suffice to support such action.
can he be made civilly responsible for the harm
caused and for the damages and losses
The primary liability upon a member of a local suffered by reason of the criminal act. [Almeida
police force is already covered by Article 27. v. Abaroa, G.R. No. L-2993 (1907)]
However, Article 34 creates a separate civil
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This article is intended to cover cases where If during the pendency of the civil action, an
the civil action can be based on an act or information should be presented by the
omission distinct from that which is complained prosecuting attorney, the civil action shall be
of as a felony. [Tolentino] suspended until the termination of the
criminal proceedings.
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Territoriality Principle
Penal laws and those of public security and
safety shall be obligatory upon all who live or
sojourn in the Philippine territory, subject to the
principles of public international law and to
treaty stipulations. [Art. 14, CC]
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A conceived child has a provisional personality Since birth determines personality, an aborted
for all purposes favorable to it. fetus never acquired legal rights or civil
1. It is entitled to support [Quimiging v. Icao, personality because it was not alive at the time
GR. No. L-26795 (1970)] of delivery from the mother’s womb. No
2. It may inherit or succeed [Art. 1025, CC] damages can be claimed in behalf of the
3. It may receive donations [Art. 742, CC] unborn child since an action for pecuniary
damages on account of personal injury or
Period of Conception: the first 120 days of the death pertains primarily to the one injured. This
300 days preceding the birth of the child. is not to say that the parents [of an aborted
[Tolentino] fetus] are not entitled to collect any damages at
all. But such damages must be those inflicted
directly upon them as distinguished from the
Art. 41, CC. For civil purposes, the fetus is injury or violation of the rights of the [aborted
considered born if it is alive at the time it is fetus]” e.g. moral damages for their loss and
completely delivered from the mother’s the disappointment of their parental
womb. However, if the fetus had an expectations (Art. 2217, CC). [Geluz v. CA,
intrauterine life of less than seven months, it G.R. No. L-16439 (1961)]
is not deemed born if it dies within twenty-
four hours after its complete delivery from Death
the maternal womb.
Art. 42, CC. Civil personality is extinguished
by death. The effect of death upon the rights
Birth and obligations of the deceased is
The removal of the fetus from the mother’s determined by law, by contract and by will.
womb, which may be done naturally or
artificially by surgery. Before birth, the fetus is
not a person but merely a part of the internal Only natural or physical death. The law does
organs of the mother. But because of the not recognize “civil death,” (i.e. death due to
expectancy that it may be born, the law conviction or a religious profession). [Tolentino]
protects it and reserves its rights, making its
legal existence, if born alive, retroact to the For certain purposes, after the death of a
moment of its conception. [Tolentino] person, his personality continues in his
estate—the estate of a deceased person is
The presumption is that the baby was born also considered as having legal personality
alive, and the burden of proof lies on those who independent of the heirs, wherein the mass of
allege the contrary. property, rights, and assets left by the decent
becomes directly vested and charged with his
rights and obligations. [Tolentino]
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Criminal liability ends with death but civil Sec. 3(jj), Rule 131, ROC: Presumption of
liability may be charged against the estate Survivorship
[People v. Tirol, G.R. No. L-30538 (1981)].
Deceased A Deceased B Presumed
to have
Art. 43, CC. If there is a doubt, as between survived
two or more persons who are called to
succeed each other, as to which of them died Under 15 Under 15 Older
first, whoever alleges the death of one prior
to the other, shall prove the same; in the Above 60 Above 60 Younger
absence of proof, it is presumed that they
died at the same time and there shall be no Under 15 Above 60 Under 15
transmission of rights from one to the other.
Above 15 but under 60, Male
different sex
The statutory presumption provided by Article
43 of CC applies only when there is doubt on Above 15 but under 60, Older
the order of death between persons who are same sex
called to succeed each other. It does not apply
when there is credible eyewitness as to who Under 15 but Between 15 Between 15
died first [Joaquin v. Navarro, G.R. No. 5426 over 60 and 60 and 60
b. Juridical Persons
Art. 43, CC v. Sec. 3(jj), Rule 131, Rules of
Court (hereinafter, ROC)
A juridical person is an abstract being, formed
Art. 43, CC Sec. 3(jj), Rule 131 for the realization of collective purposes, to
which the law has granted capacity for rights
Only use the presumptions when there are and obligations. The entity must be recognized
no facts to get inferences from. as having its own rights and obligations which
are not that of its component members. Its
Only used for Cannot be used for personality is manifested only in the realm of
succession purposes succession purposes patrimonial relations—it has no family and
personal rights. [Tolentino]
In any circumstance Only during death in
calamities, wreck, The following are juridical persons [Art. 44,
battle or CC]:
conflagration 1. The State and its political subdivisions;
2. Other corporations, institutions and
Rule 131, Section 3(jj) provides that if there entities for public interest or purpose,
are no inferential/circumstantial evidences to created by law; their personality begins as
be inferred from, it can be presumed that when soon as they have been constituted
two persons perish in the same calamity, and it according to law:
is not shown who died first, the survivorship is a. These are governed by the laws
determined from the probabilities resulting from creating or recognizing them. [par. 1,
the strength and the age of the sexes. Art. 45, CC]
[Tolentino] b. Upon the dissolution of corporations,
institutions and other entities for public
interest or purpose their property and
other assets shall be disposed of in
pursuance of law or the charter
creating them. If nothing has been
specified on this point, the property and
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other assets shall be applied to similar so long as the contrary is not proved [Standard
purposes for the benefit of the region, Oil Co. v. Aranas (1911)]
province, city or municipality which
during the existence of the institution Restrictions on Capacity to Act
derived the principal benefits from the
Art. 38, CC. Minority, insanity or imbecility,
same. [Art. 47, CC]
the state of being a deaf-mute, prodigality
3. Corporations, partnerships and
and civil interdiction are mere restrictions on
associations for private interest or
capacity to act, and do not exempt the
purpose to which the law grants a juridical
incapacitated person from certain
personality, separate and distinct from that
obligations, as when the latter arise from his
of each shareholder, partner or member.
acts or from property relations, such as
a. Private corporations are regulated by
laws of general application on the
b. Partnerships and associations for Circumstances which modify, limit, or restrict
private interest or purpose are capacity to act:
governed by the provisions of this 1. Minority
Code concerning partnerships [pars. 2 2. Insanity or imbecility
and 3, Art. 45, CC]. 3. Deaf-mutism
4. Civil Interdiction (Penalty)
Juridical persons may: 5. Prodigality
1. Acquire and possess property of all kinds. 6. Family relations
2. Incur obligations. 7. Alienage
3. Bring civil or criminal actions. [Tolentino] 8. Absence
9. Insolvency and trusteeship
Juridical persons are not completely at par with
natural persons as to capacity because it Only religious belief and political opinion are
cannot exercise rights which presuppose the circumstances which do not limit capacity
physical existence, such as family rights, to act according to CC. [Art. 39, CC]
making of wills, etc. But like natural persons, it
can have a nationality, a domicile, a name, and General Rule: Incapacitated persons are not
a right to reputation. It can own and possess exempt from certain obligations arising from his
property, dispose such property, enter into acts or property relations. Restrictions in
contracts, and inherit by will. It can also incur capacity to act generally affect obligations
obligations. [Tolentino] arising from contracts only. As a rule, they do
not affect those arising from law, quasi-delicts,
2. Capacity to act etc. Also, certain rights are not affected by
incapacity, such as right to inherit or to support.
Art. 37, CC. Juridical capacity, which is the
fitness to be the subject of legal relations, is a. Minority
inherent in every natural person and is lost
only through death. Capacity to act, which is Article 234 of the Family Code (hereinafter FC)
the power to do acts with legal effect, is is amended, lowering the age of
acquired and may be lost. emancipation/majority from 21 to 18 years.
Articles 235 and 237 of FC are repealed.
Presumption of capacity: Capacity to act
must be supposed to attach to a person who Who are minors?
has not previously been declared incapable, Those whose age are below the age of
and such capacity is presumed to continue for majority.
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Section 58 states that persons below 18 years 5. Unenforceable if both of the parties are
of age shall be exempt from prosecution for the insane [Art. 1403 (3), CC]
crime of vagrancy and prostitution,
mendicancy, and sniffing of rugby, as such are Effect on Crimes
inconsistent with the United Nations General rule: EXEMPTED from criminal liability
Convention on the Rights of the Child. [Art. 12(1), RPC]
Exception: Acted during lucid interval [Art.
Section 59 states that no death penalty shall 1328, CC].
be imposed upon children in conflict with the
law. Effect on Marriage
May be annulled if either party was of unsound
b. Insanity mind unless such party, after coming to reason,
freely cohabited with the other. [Art. 45(2), FC]
Insanity includes many forms of mental
disease, either inherited or acquired. A person Action for annulment of marriage must be filed
may not be insane but only mentally deficient by the sane spouse who had no knowledge of
(idiocy, imbecility, feeble-mindedness). the other’s insanity, or by any relative/guardian
Insanity is the complete deprivation of reason of the insane before the death of either party;
or intelligence or power to discern [People v. or by the insane spouse during a lucid interval
Austria]. or after regaining sanity. [Art. 47(2), FC]
On the other hand, imbecility is the weakness In the absence of proof that the defendant had
of mind which, without depriving the person lost his reason or became demented a few
entirely of the use of his reason, leaves only the moments prior to or during the perpetration of
faculty of conceiving the most common and the crime, it is presumed that he was in a
ordinary ideas and such as relate almost normal condition of mind. [USA v. Vaguilar,
always to physical wants and habits. [Black’s G.R. No. L-9471 (1914)]
Law Dictionary, 2nd Edition]
c. Deaf-Mutism
Prevailing Presumption: Every person is of
sound mind, in the absence of proof to the Effect on Contracts
contrary. [par. 1, Art. 800, CC] 1. Cannot give consent to a contract if
he/she also does not know how to write
It is presumed that a person who enters into a [Art. 1327(2), CC]
contract is of sound mind. The burden of proof 2. Can make a valid WILL, provided: he
of insanity rests upon him who alleges insanity. must personally read the will. The
[Engle v. Doe, G.R. No. L-23317 (1925)] (see contents of the same have either been
Exception below) read personally by him or otherwise
communicated to him by 2 persons
Effect on Contracts [Art. 807, CC]
1. Incapacity to give consent to a contract 3. Cannot be a witness to the execution of
[Art. 1327(2), CC] a will [Art. 820, CC]
2. Contracts entered into during lucid 4. Voidable if one of the parties is a deaf-
intervals are valid [Art. 1328, CC]. Burden mute who does not know how to write
of proof lies with party asserting the [Art. 1390, CC]
contract was entered into by the insane 5. Unenforceable if both of the parties are
during a lucid interval. deaf-mutes and do not know how to
3. Restitution of benefits [Art. 1399, CC] write [Art. 1403(3), CC]
4. Voidable if one of the parties is insane [Art.
1390, CC]
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sex as registered is here allowed. [Republic v. b. Parental Advice: Needed for parties 21 to
Cagandahan, G.R. No. 166676 (2008)] below 25 years old.
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Page 44 of 532
Good faith refers to questions of fact, not A marriage which preceded the issuance of the
ignorance of the law (e.g. they did not know the marriage license is void and the subsequent
priest’s license expired vs. thinking a Senator issuance of such license cannot render valid
could solemnize their marriage). [Legarda, the marriage. Except in cases provided by law,
Deriquito-Mawis, and Vargas] it is the marriage license that gives the
solemnizing officer the authority to solemnize a
Note: An irregularity in a formal requisite will marriage. [Aranes v. Occiano, MTJ-02-1390
not affect the validity of the marriage but those (2002)].
responsible may be held criminally, civilly,
and administratively liable [Art. 4 & 7, FC]
Page 45 of 532
Special Situations
If the party has been previously married, s/he b. Marriage in remote and inaccessible
shall furnish, instead of birth or baptismal places [Art. 28, FC]
certificate: c. Marriages by Muslims and Ethnic
a. Death certificate of deceased spouse (if cultural minorities provided they are
cannot be obtained, the party shall make solemnized in accordance with their
an affidavit setting forth this circumstance, customs, rites or practices. [Art. 33, FC]
his/her actual civil status and name and d. Marriage by parties who have cohabited
date of death of deceased spouse), or for at least 5 years without any legal
b. Judicial decree of the absolute divorce, or impediment to marry each other. [Art. 34,
c. Judicial decree of annulment, or FC; Ninal v. Badayog, G.R. No. 133778
d. Declaration of nullity of previous marriage (2000)]
[Art. 13, FC]
Note: A false affidavit of having lived together
Foreign National for 5 years as husband and wife cannot be
a. When either or both parties are foreign considered as a mere irregularity in the formal
nationals: Certificate of legal capacity to requisites of marriage but a complete absence,
contract marriage issued by a diplomatic rendering their marriage void ab initio. [De
or consular official, shall be submitted Castro v. Assidao-De Castro, G.R. No. 160172
before a marriage license can be obtained (2008)]
[Art. 21, FC]
b. Stateless persons or refugees from other Requisites for the 5-year cohabitation to be
countries: Affidavit stating valid for the exemption from acquiring a
circumstances showing capacity to marriage license
contract marriage, instead of certificate of a. The man and woman must have been
legal capacity [Art. 21, FC] living together as husband and wife for at
least five years before the marriage;
Note: The Apostille Convention, which took b. The parties must have no legal
effect in the PH on 14 May 2019, simplifies the impediment to marry each other;
authentication of foreign documents. Public c. The fact of absence of legal impediment
documents executed in Apostille-contracting between the parties must be present at the
countries, once Apostillized, no longer need time of marriage;
authentication from the Philippine embassy or d. The parties must execute an affidavit
consulate general. In the same way, PH stating that they have lived together for at
documents Apostillized by the DFA need not least five years [and are without legal
be authenticated by Foreign embassies or impediment to marry each other]; and
consulate generals if the country is a member e. The solemnizing officer must execute a
of the convention. [DFA Public Advisory] sworn statement that he had ascertained
the qualifications of the parties and that he
Exceptions to the Marriage License had found no legal impediment to their
Requirement marriage [Borja-Manzano v. Judge
a. Marriage in articulo mortis [Art. 27, FC] Sanchez, A.M. MTJ-00-1329 (2001)].
Page 46 of 532
c. Date and precise time of celebration of under the law of the country in which it was
marriage; solemnized.
d. That marriage license was properly
issued (except in marriages of Essential
Formal Requisites
exceptional character); Requisites
e. That parental consent was secured, Inherent in the Requirements
when required; parties, carried independent of the
f. That requirement as to parental advice everywhere parties
was complied with, when required; Lex Nationalii –
g. That parties have entered into Laws relating to Lex loci
marriage settlements, if any [Art. 22, family rights and celebrationis – If
FC] duties, or to the valid where
status, condition, celebrated, then valid
N.B. Not an essential or formal requisite and legal capacity everywhere; forms of
without which the marriage will be void of persons are contracting marriage
[Madridejo v. de Leon, G.R. No. L-32473 binding upon PH are to be regulated by
(1930)]. It is the best evidence that a marriage citizens even the law where it is
does exist. [Tenebro v. CA, G.R. No. 150758 though living celebrated. [Art. 2,
(2004)] abroad [Art. 15, CC]
Non-existence of a marriage contract will not Foreign marriages
overthrow the presumption of a valid marriage void under PH law Foreign marriages
where all the requisites for its validity have due to lack of an may be void under PH
been complied with. [People v. Borromeo, G.R. essential requisite, law due to absence of
No. L-61873 (1984)] even if valid under a formal requisite
foreign laws, will under foreign laws.
2. Marriages Celebrated Abroad not be recognized.
General Rule: Marriages solemnized abroad Proof of Foreign Marriage in order that it may
in accordance with the laws in force in that be upheld:
country shall be valid in the Philippines. [par. 1, 1. Provisions of the foreign law, and
Art 26, FC] 2. Celebration of the marriage in
accordance with said provisions
1. Marriage where one or both parties are 3. Foreign Divorce
below 18 years old [Art. 35(1), FC]
2. Bigamous or polygamous marriage [Art. If the foreign spouse obtains a valid divorce
35(4), FC] decree abroad capacitating him/her to remarry,
3. Mistake in identity [Art. 35 (5), FC] the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to
4. Marriages void under Article 53 [Art. 35 (6), remarry under Philippine law. [Art. 26(2), FC]
5. Psychological incapacity [Art. 36, FC] The citizenship of the spouses at the time of
6. Incestuous marriages [Art. 37, FC] the divorce determines their capacity to obtain
7. Marriage void for reasons of public policy a valid divorce. [Quita v. Dandan, G.R. No.
[Art. 38, FC] 124862 (1998)]
Note: This means that the foreign marriage A marriage between two Filipinos cannot be
may still be recognized as valid in the dissolved even by a divorce obtained abroad,
Philippines even if it would have fallen under because of Articles 15 and 17 of the CC [Garcia
Art. 35 (2 and 3) of the FC so long as it is valid v. Recio, G.R. No. 138322 (2001)].
Page 47 of 532
Question: Since it is the citizenship at the time between the two cases in order to avoid the
of the divorce that determines capacity to absurd situation where a Filipino spouse is still
obtain a valid divorce, can spouses who are married to the alien spouse even though the
both dual citizens (Filipino & Alien) get latter is capacitated by his own laws to remarry
divorced? What about if both spouses were and is no longer married to the Filipino. [G.R.
originally Filipino, were later naturalized (i.e. No. 221029 (2018)].
lost their Filipino citizenship), and even later
regained their Filipino citizenship and are now Courts will only determine (1) whether the
dual citizens? foreign judgment is inconsistent with an
overriding public policy in the Philippines; and
Aliens may obtain divorces abroad, which may (2) whether any alleging party is able to prove
be recognized in the Philippines, provided they an extrinsic ground to repel the foreign
are valid according to their national law. The judgment, i.e. want of jurisdiction, want of
marriage tie when thus severed as to one party, notice to the party, collusion, fraud, or clear
ceases to bind either. [Van Dorn v. Romillo, mistake of law or fact. If there is neither
G.R. No. L-68470 (1985)] inconsistency with public policy nor adequate
proof to repel the judgment, Philippine courts
A divorce obtained abroad by a couple, who should, by default, recognize the foreign
are both aliens, may be recognized in the judgment as part of the comity of nations.
Philippines, provided it is consistent with their [Fujiki v. Marinay, G.R. No. 1196049 (2013)]
respective national laws. [Garcia v. Recio, G.R.
No. 138322 (2001)] 4. Void Marriages
Note: Divorces obtained abroad by Filipino Types of void marriages
citizens may now be validly recognized in the 1. Absence of any formal/essential
Philippines but only in cases of mixed requisites [Art. 35, FC]
marriages involving a Filipino and a foreigner. 2. Bigamous and polygamous marriages
[Republic of the Philippines v. Manalo, G.R. [Art. 35, (4)]
No. 221029 (2018)] 3. Subsequent marriage, upon
reappearance of spouse [Art. 42, FC]
In mixed marriages involving a Filipino and a 4. Bad faith of both spouses in the
foreigner, Article 26 of the Family Code allows subsequent marriage under Art. 41, FC
the former to contract a subsequent marriage 5. Psychologically Incapacitated spouse
in case the divorce is (1) “validly obtained [Art. 36, FC]
abroad by the alien spouse and (2) is of the 6. Void subsequent marriages [Art. 35(6),
type that legally dissolves the marriage and FC]
capacitating him or her to remarry.” [Garcia v. 7. Incestuous Marriages [Art. 37, FC]
Recio, G.R. No. 138322 (2001)] 8. Void by reasons of public policy [Art. 38,
Note: Following the ruling of Republic of the
Philippines v. Manalo, the divorce may now be Art. 39, FC. The action or defense for the
one that was validly obtained by the Filipino declaration of absolute nullity shall not
spouse against the foreigner spouse. This is prescribe. (as amended by RA 8533)
because Art. 26(2), FC makes no distinction as
to who obtains the divorce. All that is required
is that it is validly obtained abroad. A Filipino
a. Absence of Requisites
who initiates the divorce proceeding against a
Void from the Beginning [Art. 35, FC]
foreign spouse still ends up in the same
a. Marriage where any party is below
position as one whose foreign spouse initiated
eighteen years of age even with the
proceedings: they both no longer have
consent of parents or guardians
spouses. There should be no distinction
Page 48 of 532
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N.B. Although 7 years is required for the The psychological illness that must have
presumption of death of an absentee in the CC, afflicted a party at the inception of the
the FC makes an exception for the purpose of marriage should be a malady so grave and
remarriage by limiting such requirement to 4 permanent as to deprive one of awareness
years. of the duties and responsibilities of the
matrimonial bond he or she is about to assume.
d. Bad Faith of Both Spouses [Marcos v. Marcos, G.R. No. 136490 (2000)]
Art. 44, FC. If both spouses of the There are 3 characteristics for determining
subsequent marriage acted in bad faith, said psychological incapacity:
marriage shall be void ab initio and all a. Gravity - grave or serious such that the
donations by reason of marriage and party cannot carry out normal and ordinary
testamentary dispositions made by one in duties of marriage under ordinary
favor of the other are revoked by operation circumstances;
of law. b. Juridical Antecedence - it must be rooted in
the history of the party before the marriage;
e. Psychological Incapacity and
c. Incurability - must be incurable OR the cure
Art. 36, FC. A marriage contracted by any is beyond the means of the party [Santos v.
party who, at the time of the celebration, was Bedia-Santos, G.R. No. 112019 (1995)]
psychologically incapacitated to comply with
Page 51 of 532
Molina Doctrine in Psychological Incapacity To require the allegation of the root cause of
a. The burden of proof to show the nullity of psychological incapacity by an accredited
the marriage belongs to the plaintiff. This is psychologist may prove too expensive for the
to be investigated by the OSG for collusion. parties. But where the parties had full
b. The root cause of the psychological opportunity to present expert opinions, such
incapacity must be: will be weighed by the Court in its decision.
1. Medically or clinically identified; [Ting v. Velez-Ting, G.R. No. 166562, (2009)]
2. Alleged in the complaint;
3. Sufficiently proven by the experts; and Examples of Psychological Incapacity
4. Clearly explained in the decision.
c. The incapacity must be proven to be The senseless and protracted refusal of one of
existing at “the time of the celebration” the parties to fulfill the marital obligation "to
of the marriage. procreate children based on the universal
d. Such incapacity must also be shown to be principle that procreation of children through
medically or clinically permanent or sexual cooperation is the basic end of
incurable. marriage," is equivalent to psychological
e. Such illness must be grave enough to incapacity. “A man who can but won’t is
bring about the disability of the party to psychologically incapacitated.” [Tsoi v. CA,
assume the essential obligations of G.R. No. 119190 (1997)]
f. The essential marital obligations must “Pathological liar” considered as psychological
be those embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 incapacity; Molina guidelines met. [Antonio v.
of the Family Code as regards the husband Reyes, G.R. No. 155800 (2006)]
and wife as well as Articles 220, 221, and Note: This case also gave weight to the fact
225 of the same Code in regard to parents that the Church annulled the marriage.
and their children.
g. Interpretations given by the National Marriages where both parties are afflicted with
Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the grave, severe, and incurable psychological
Catholic Church in the Philippines, while incapacity shall likewise be void [Te v. Te, G.R.
not controlling/decisive, should be given No. 161793 (2009)].
great respect by our courts.
h. The trial court must order the prosecuting Note: Both spouses have personality
attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor disorders.
General to appear as counsel for the
state. No decision shall be handed down f. Incestuous Marriage
unless the Solicitor General issues a
certification. [Republic v. Molina, G.R. No. Marriages between the following are
108763 (1997)] considered incestuous, and are therefore
void ab initio:
Psychological incapacity may be established a. Between ascendants and descendants
by the totality of the evidence presented. of any degree, legitimate or illegitimate
Personal medical examination could be b. Between brothers and sisters, whether
dispensed with. [Marcos v. Marcos, G.R. No. full or half blood, legitimate or illegitimate
136490 (2000)] [Art. 37, FC]
Page 52 of 532
d. Between adopting parent and adopted Under the CC, no judicial declaration for nullity
child; of previous marriage was required to contract
a subsequent marriage. [People v. Mendoza,
e. Between the surviving spouse of the G.R. No. L-5877 (1954)]
adopting parent and the adopted child;
f. Between the surviving spouse of the SUBSEQUENT MARRIAGE UNDER ART. 42
adopted child and the adopter; [Art. 43, FC]
a. Children of subsequent marriage:
g. Between an adopted child and a legitimate conceived prior to its termination
child of the adopter; considered legitimate; custody and support
decided by court in a proper proceeding.
h. Between adopted children of the same b. Property Regime: dissolved and
adopter; and liquidated (party in bad faith shall forfeit
his/her share in favor of the common
i. Between parties where one, with the children or if there are none, children of the
intention to marry the other, killed that other guilty spouse by a previous marriage, and
person's spouse, or his or her own spouse in case there are none, to the innocent
[Art. 38, FC] spouse).
c. Donation propter nuptias: remains valid,
Note: The following relationships are outside of (but if the donee contracted marriage in
Articles 37 and 38, and are therefore not bad faith, donations are revoked by
impediments to marriage: operation of law)
a. Brother-in-law with sister-in-law; d. Insurance benefits: innocent spouse may
b. Stepbrother with stepsister; revoke designation of guilty party as
c. Guardian with ward; beneficiary, even if such designation is
d. Adopted with illegitimate child of the stipulated as irrevocable.
adopter; e. Succession Rights: party in bad faith shall
e. Adopted son of the husband with be disqualified to inherit from the innocent
adopted daughter of the wife. spouse, whether testate or intestate.
Page 53 of 532
Who may file the petition for nullity of void stipulation of facts or confession of judgment.
marriages? [Art. 48 (2), FC]
General Rule: Only the husband or wife may
file the petition. [AM No. 02-11-10 SC, Sec. 2] Stipulation of Facts
An admission by both parties after agreeing to
Specifically, A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC extends the existence of any of the grounds or facts that
only to marriages covered by the Family Code, would constitute a void/voidable marriage.
which took effect on August 3, 1988, but, being
a procedural rule that is prospective in Confession of Judgment
application, is confined only to proceedings The admission by one party admitting his/her
commenced after March 15, 2003. [Ablaza v. fault to cause the invalidity of the marriage.
Republic, G.R. No 158298 (2010)]
Although the admission of guilt of the wife
Exceptions constitutes a confession of judgment, the
a. Nullity of marriage cases commenced husband was also able to present other
before effectivity of A.M. No. 02-11-10-SC evidence to support the allegation. Hence,
b. Marriages celebrated during the effectivity there was no collusion. [Ocampo v.
of the CC. [Carlos v. Sandoval, G.R. No Florenciano, G.R. No. L-13553 (1960)]
179922 (2008)]
Participation of the OSG
Procedure in Attacking a Void Marriage The obvious intent of the AM 02-11-10-SC was
General Rule: Void Marriages may be to require the OSG to appear as counsel for the
attacked collaterally or directly. State in the capacity of a defensor vinculi (i.e.,
defender of the marital bond) to oppose
Exception: A person in a void marriage must petitions for, and to appeal judgments in favor
first file for a declaration of nullity in order to of declarations of nullity of marriage under
subsequently marry. Article 36 of the Family Code, thereby ensuring
that only the meritorious cases for the
Requisites for Valid Remarriage declaration of nullity of marriages based on
a. The previous marriage should be judicially psychological incapacity-those sufficiently
declared void or annulled (final judgment) evidenced by gravity, incurability and juridical
[Terre v. Terre, A.M. No. 2349 (1992), antecedence-would succeed. [Mendoza v.
Atienza v. Brillantes, A.M. No. MTJ-92-706 Republic, G.R. No. 157649 (2012)]
(1995)]; Wiegel v. Sempio-Dy, G.R. No. L-
53703 (1986)]. No Motion to Dismiss
b. Must comply with the requirements of Art. AM 02-11-10-SC Sec. 7 prohibits the filing of a
52, FC. motion to dismiss in actions for annulment of
marriage. [Aurelio v. Aurelio, G.R. No. 175367
Art. 52, FC. The judgment of annulment or (2011)]
of absolute nullity of the marriage the
partition and distribution of the properties of Effect of pendency of action for declaration
the spouses and the delivery of the of nullity:
children's presumptive legitimes shall be a. The court shall provide for the support of
recorded in the appropriate civil registry and the spouses.
registries of property; otherwise the same b. The custody and support of the common
shall not affect third persons. children, giving paramount consideration to
their moral and material welfare, their
Safeguard Against Collusion and No choice of parent with whom they wish to
Confession of Judgment remain.
In the cases referred to in the preceding c. The court shall also provide for visitation
paragraph, no judgment shall be based upon a rights of the other parent. [Art. 49, FC]
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Page 57 of 532
party was obtained by violence, intimidation, or To constitute fraud, the concealed impotency
undue influence. must exist at time of marriage, and be
continuous and incurable. If incapacity can be
Force must be one to prevent the party from remedied or is removable by operation, not
acting as a free agent; will be destroyed by annullable [Sarao v. Guevarra, G.R. No. 47063
fear/compulsion. (1940)].
There is violence when in order to wrest If the potent spouse was aware, it is implied
consent, serious or irresistible force is that he/she renounced copulation by
employed. [Art. 1335, CC] consenting to the marriage. [Tolentino]
Intimidation must be one as to compel the When both spouses are impotent, marriage
party by a reasonable and well-grounded cannot be annulled because neither spouse is
fear of an imminent and grave evil upon his aggrieved. [Sempio-Dy]
person/properties [Art. 1335, CC]
a. Degree of intimidation: age, sex, REFUSAL of wife to be examined DOES NOT
condition of person borne in mind PRESUME impotency [Jimenez v. Canizares,
b. Threat or intimidation as not to act as G.R. No. L-12790 (1960)].
free agent
f. Sexually-Transmissible
Note: A threat to enforce one’s claim through Disease Serious And
competent authority, if one’s claim is just and Incurable
legal, does not vitiate consent [Art. 1335, CC]
Affliction of STD is unknown to the other
There is undue influence when a person
spouse. The other spouse must also be free
takes improper advantage of his power or
from a similar STD. [Balane]
position over the will of another, depriving the
latter of a reasonable freedom of choice.
Among the circumstances that define improper
a. Should exist at the time of the marriage
advantage are the (1) confidential, (2) family, b. Should be found serious
(3) spiritual, (4) professional or other
c. Should appear to be incurable
relationship between the parties, or the fact
that the person alleged to have been unduly
Not subject to ratification: cannot be ratified
influenced was suffering from (5) mental
or validated by cohabitation.
weakness, (6) ignorance, or (7) was in financial
or emotional distress. [Art. 1337, CC]
Who may file, prescription, ratification
May be ratified upon voluntary cohabitation Ground Prescrip- Ratifica-
can file
after force, intimidation, or undue influence has (Art. tion (art. tion (Art.
(Art. 47,
ceased or disappeared. 45, FC) 47, FC) 45, FC)
Party 18 Within 5 Free
e. Impotency or above years after cohabitati
but attaining on of the
Impotency refers to the person’s physical Lack of below 21 age of 21 party who
condition where sexual intercourse with a Parenta entered
person of the opposite sex is impossible. It l Parent or the
does not refer to mere sterility. Consen guardian marriage
party below
t who did without
21 reaches
Refers to the inability to copulate, not not give parental
procreate. consent consent
Page 58 of 532
attaining prescribe
age of 21 s
Free Cannot
cohabitati Within 5 be ratified
Sane Healthy
on of STD years after by action;
spouse party
Any time insane marriage prescribe
with no
before the party s
death of after
ge of the
either party insane Marriages not subject to ratification
party a. One spouse is incurably impotent
comes to b. One spouse has incurable STD
Legal Reason: Public policy and health.
of insane Note: Though these marriages cannot be
ratified, the petition for annulment will prescribe
within 5 years.
interval or
Insane after
Presence of Prosecutor
party regaining To prevent collusion between the parties,
sanity, and fabrication or suppression of evidence, the
before prosecuting attorney or fiscal shall appear on
death behalf of the State. [Art. 48, FC]
cohabitati In a legal separation or annulment case, the
on of the prosecuting attorney must first rule out
Within 5 defraude collusion as a condition sine qua non for further
years after d party proceedings. A certification by the prosecutor
Fraud (defraud
discovery after that he was present during the hearing and
ed) party
of fraud having even cross-examined the plaintiff does not
full suffice to comply with the mandatory
knowledg requirement. [Corpuz v. Ochoterena, A.M. No.
e of fraud RTJ- 04-1861 (2004)]
cohabitati Effects of Pending Decree of Annulment
on of the The Court shall provide for the support of
Within 5 injured spouses and support and custody of common
years after party children [Art. 49, FC]. In determining which
disappeara after the
Intimida parent should have custody of them, their
nce of force or
-tion, Injured moral and material welfare shall be given
force, intimidati
undue party paramount consideration. [Art. 49, FC; Luna
undue on or
influ- and Luna v. IAC, G.R. No. L-68374 (1985)]
influence, undue
or influence
intimidation has Effects of Decree of Annulment
ceased or (Same as Decree of Nullity)
disappea The effects provided for by paragraphs (2), (3),
red (4) and (5) of Article 43 and by Article 44 shall
Within 5 Cannot also apply in the proper cases to marriages
Impoten Potent
years after be ratified which are declared void ab initio or annulled by
ce spouse
marriage by action; final judgment under Articles 40 and 45 [Art.
50(1), FC].
Page 59 of 532
A proper
Comparative Table on Void and Voidable interested
Marriages person
Who May A party to
Void Voidable (depending on
Challenge the
No validity the dates of
Validity marriage
from the time marriage and
of of filing of
Valid until
Nature performance; proceeding)
inexistent Susceptible
Does not
from the very to Prescribes
beginning Prescription
Can be
Cannot be ratified, 6. Unmarried Cohabitation
ratified subject to 2
exceptions Though there is no technical marital
Only co- partnership between persons living as husband
ACP or any
ownership and wife, without being lawfully married,
[Art. 147, FC] ; nevertheless there is between them an
No ACP or informal civil partnership which would entitle
Property regime in
CPG despite the parties to an equal interest in property
Relation accordance
having acquired by their joint efforts [Lesaca v.
with the
entered into a Lesaca, G.R. No. L-3605 (1952)]
settlement Property regimes for common-law marriages
Illegitimate are provided for in Art. 147 and 148 of the
under Art. Family Code (Refer to “Property Regime of
165, FC (with Unions without Marriage” for further
legitimate if
Status of Arts. 36 and discussion).
Children 53, FC as
or born
prior to the
under Art. 54,
May be
directly or An action for legal separation involves nothing
collaterally, more than the bed-and-board separation of the
but for the spouses. It is purely personal in nature. [Lapuz
Cannot be Sy v. Eufenio, G.R. No. L-30977 (1972)]
purpose of
remarriage, a
collaterally 1. Grounds for Legal Separation
How declaration of [Art. 55, FC]:
Cannot be
Impugned nullity is
required [Art. a. 1st Ground: Repeated physical
after death
40, FC] violence or grossly abusive conduct
of one of
the parties directed against the petitioner, a
Can be common child, or a child of the
impugned petitioner;
even after
death of the For the purposes of Art. 55, the term “child”
parties shall include a child by nature or by adoption.
Page 60 of 532
Acts of Violence according to the “Anti- threat of force, physical harm, or through
Violence Against Women and Their intimidation directed against the woman or
Children Act of 2004” [R.A. No. 9262] (as her child or her/his immediate family;
grounds for legal separation under Art. 8. Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or
55(1), FC) reckless conduct, personally or through
1. Causing physical harm to the woman or her another, that alarms or causes substantial
child; emotional or psychological distress to the
2. Threatening to cause the woman or her woman or her child. This shall include, but
child physical harm; not be limited to, the following acts:
3. Attempting to cause the woman or her child i. Stalking or following the woman or
physical harm; her child in public or private places;
4. Placing the woman or her child in fear of ii. Peering in the window or lingering
imminent physical harm; outside the residence of the
5. Attempting to compel or compelling the woman or her child;
woman or her child to engage in conduct iii. Entering or remaining in the
which the woman or her child has the right dwelling or on the property of the
to desist from or desist from conduct which woman or her child against her/his
the woman or her child has the right to will;
engage in, or attempting to restrict or iv. Destroying the property and
restricting the woman's or her child's personal belongings or inflicting
freedom of movement or conduct by force harm to animals or pets of the
or threat of force, physical or other harm or woman or her child; and
threat of physical or other harm, or v. Engaging in any form of
intimidation directed against the woman or harassment or violence.
child. This shall include, but not limited to, 9. Causing mental or emotional anguish,
the following acts committed with the public ridicule or humiliation to the woman
purpose or effect of controlling or restricting or her child, including, but not limited to,
the woman's or her child's movement or repeated verbal and emotional abuse, and
conduct: denial of financial support or custody of
a. Threatening to deprive or actually minor children of access to the woman's
depriving the woman or her child of child/children.
custody to her/his family;
b. Depriving or threatening to deprive the b. 2nd Ground: Physical violence or
woman or her children of financial moral pressure to compel the
support legally due her or her family, or petitioner to change religious or
deliberately providing the woman's political affiliation;
children insufficient financial support;
c. Depriving or threatening to deprive the The law does not require the violence or moral
woman or her child of a legal right; pressure to be repeated. A single act of
d. Preventing the woman in engaging in violence is sufficient to be a ground since
any legitimate profession, occupation, religious and political belief are human rights.
business or activity or controlling the [Tolentino]
victim's own money or properties, or
solely controlling the conjugal or c. 3rd Ground: Attempt of respondent
common money, or properties; to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a
6. Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical common child, or a child of the
harm on oneself for the purpose of petitioner, to engage in prostitution,
controlling her actions or decisions; or connivance in such corruption or
7. Causing or attempting to cause the woman inducement;
or her child to engage in any sexual activity
which does not constitute rape, by force or
Page 61 of 532
Only the respondent spouse must be guilty of h. 8th Ground: Sexual infidelity or
corrupting or inducing the petitioner, a common perversion;
child or a child of the petitioner to engage in
prostitution. Adultery is not a continuing crime; it is
consummated at every moment of carnal
d. 4th Ground: Final judgment knowledge. Thus, every sexual act is a ground
sentencing the respondent to for legal separation. [People v. Zapata and
imprisonment of more than six Bondoc, G.R. No. L-3047 (1951)]
years, even if pardoned;
A civil action for legal separation based on
e. 5th Ground: Drug addiction or concubinage may proceed ahead of, or
habitual alcoholism of the simultaneously with, a criminal action for
respondent concubinage; conviction is not a prerequisite
[Gandionco v. Penaranda, G.R. No. 79284
f. 6th Ground: Lesbianism or (1987)].
homosexuality of the respondent;
i. 9th Ground: Attempt by the
To constitute grounds for legal separation, the respondent against the life of the
cause (i.e., drug addiction, habitual alcoholism, petitioner; or
lesbianism or homosexuality) does not have to
be existing at the time of the celebration of j. 10th Ground: Abandonment of
marriage; it is enough that it arises during the petitioner by respondent without
existence of the marriage. Otherwise, it will be justifiable cause for more than one
a ground for annulment under Art. 46(4), FC in year.
relation to Art. 45(3), FC.
Abandonment is not mere physical
g. 7th Ground: Contracting by the estrangement but also financial and moral
respondent of a subsequent desertion. There must be an absolute
bigamous marriage, whether in the cessation of marital relations, duties, and rights
Philippines or abroad; with the intention of perpetual separation. [Dela
Cruz. v. Dela Cruz, G.R. No. L-19565 (1968)]
The elements for bigamy to be prosecuted in
the Philippines are: To be a ground for legal separation,
1. Offender has been legally married abandonment must be without just cause.
2. The marriage has not been legally [Ong Eng Kiam v. Ong, G.R. No. 153206
dissolved or, in case his or her (2006)]
spouse is absent, the absent
spouse could not yet be presumed 2. Defenses [Art. 56, FC]:
3. Offender contracts a subsequent a. Condonation by aggrieved party –
marriage after the commission of the offense;
4. Subsequent marriage has all the may be expressed or implied.
essential requisites for validity,
except legal capacity. [Capili v. Condonation may be given expressly or
People, G.R. No. 183805 (2013)] impliedly. An example of an implied
condonation is when a husband repeatedly has
As a ground for legal separation however, intercourse with the wife despite the wife’s
there is no need for a criminal conviction for cruelty. “Although he did not wish it, [he did it]
bigamy. eventually for the sake of peace.” [Willan v.
Willan, G.R. No. L-13553 (1960)]
Page 62 of 532
The non-interference of the husband with Art 66, FC. The reconciliation referred to in
regard to the amorous relations between his the preceding Articles shall have the
wife and Ramos constitutes consent. [People following consequences:
v. Sensano and Ramos, G.R. No. L-37720
(1933)] 1. The legal separation proceedings, if still
pending, shall thereby be terminated at
c. Connivance between parties in the whatever stage; and
commission of the offense
2. The final decree of legal separation shall
Connivance is present when the husband be set aside, but the separation of property
throws no protection around his wife nor warns and any forfeiture of the share of the guilty
her against intimacy with the driver. A husband spouse already effected shall subsist, unless
who had reliable reports for two months that the spouses agree to revive their former
gave him reason to suspect that his wife was property regime.
having an affair with her driver yet did nothing
to keep the latter away is guilty of connivance. The court’s order containing the foregoing
[Sargent v. Sargent, 114 A. 428 (1920)] shall be recorded in the proper civil
d. Mutual guilt or recrimination
between spouses in the commission h. Death of either party during
of any ground for legal separation pendency of action
Page 63 of 532
Actions cannot be tried unless the court has Note: No motion to dismiss the petition shall be
attempted to reconcile the spouses, and allowed except on the ground of lack of
determined that despite such efforts, jurisdiction over the subject matter or over the
reconciliation is highly improbable. [Art. 59] parties; provided, however, that any other
ground that might warrant a dismissal of the
N.B. This is without prejudice to judicial case may be raised as an affirmative defense
determination of custody of children, alimony, in an answer. [Sec. 4, A.M. No. 02-11-11-SC]
and support pendente lite.
5. Effects of pendency
Courts can still resolve other issues, pending
the waiting period or cooling off period. In The Court shall provide for: [Art. 62, cf. Art. 49,
resolving other issues, courts should try not to FC]
touch, as much as possible, on the main issue a. Support of spouses
(i.e. adultery if that is the ground used). b. Custody of children: The court shall give
However, Court must still receive evidence if custody of children to one of them, if there
just to settle incidental issues of support and is no written agreement between the
custody. [Araneta v. Concepcion, G.R. No. L- spouses.
9667 (1956)] c. Visitation rights of the other spouse
Page 64 of 532
Page 65 of 532
Grounds 1. Absence of essential Defect in any of the Grounds not relating to any
or formal requisites essential requisites: of the essential or formal
a. One is a minor 1. Lack of parental requisites:
b. No authority to consent, 1. Repeated physical
marry 2. Insanity, violence
c. No valid 3. Fraud, 2. Pressure to compel to
marriage 4. Force, change religious/political
license intimidation, affiliation
d. Bigamous and undue influence, 3. Corruption/ inducement
polygamous 5. Impotence, to engage in prostitution
marriages 6. Serious and 4. Final judgment with
e. Mistake of incurable STD sentence of more than 6
identity years
f. Void 5. Drug addiction/ habitual
subsequent alcoholism
marriages 6. Homosexuality/
2. Psychological lesbianism
incapacity 7. Bigamous marriage
3. Incestuous marriages 8. Sexual infidelity or
4. Marriages against perversion
public policy 9. Attempts against the life
5. Subsequent of petitioner
marriages which did 10. Abandonment without
not comply with Art. just cause for more than
52 1 year
Page 66 of 532
b. Sane
guardian -
3. Fraud - 5 years
after the discovery
of the fraud
4. Force,
undue influence -
5 years after
5. Impotence/STD -
5 years from
Who can According to A.M. No. 02- Only the spouses Only the spouses (cannot
file 11-10-SC: (cannot survive the survive the death of the
1. Before March 18, death of the plaintiff) plaintiff)
2003 (petition for
nullity or celebration
of marriage) - any
2. On and after March
18, 2003 (petition for
nullity or celebration
of marriage) - only the
Effects of 1. Properties [Art. 147 - 1. Properties [Art. 50, 1. Properties [Art. 63(2),
Decree 148, FC] FC] FC]
a. Art. 147 a. ACP/CPG a. Dissolution and
(equal shares) dissolved, Liquidation of
governs share ACP/CPG
property forfeited to
relations of heirs if bad 2. Support and Custody
faith [Art. 213, FC]
Page 67 of 532
Page 68 of 532
3. Support
E. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS The spouses are jointly responsible for the
BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE support of the family. The expenses for such
support and other conjugal properties shall be
These rights and duties are not subject to paid:
stipulation between the spouses; and though a. From the conjugal property;
they may voluntarily agree to any change in b. If none, income or the fruits of their
their personal relations, this agreement will be separate properties;
void and have no legal effect. c. If none, from their separate properties,
wherein they shall be liable in proportion to
1. Live Together their properties [Art. 70, FC].
The right to live together refers to the right of
consortium which is not susceptible of precise Support is not just limited to financial support -
or complete definition but, broadly speaking, includes emotional and moral support.
companionship, love, affection, comfort,
mutual services, sexual intercourse—all In case of a de facto separation, if it is proved
belonging to the marriage state—taken that the husband and wife were still living
together make up what we refer to as together at the time of his death, it would be
consortium. safe to presume that she was dependent on
the husband for support, unless it is shown that
she is capable of providing for herself [SSS v.
Art. 68, FC. The husband and wife are Aguas, G.R. No. 165546 (2006)].
obliged to live together, observe mutual love,
respect and fidelity, and render mutual help 4. Management of Family Life
and support.
Art. 71, FC. The management of the
household shall be the right and duty of both
Exception: One spouse living abroad or there spouses. The expenses for such
are valid and compelling reasons [Art. 69(2), management shall be paid in accordance
FC] - at the discretion of the court. with the provisions of Article 70.
Page 69 of 532
In case of disagreement, the Court shall decide Note: From the foregoing provisions, it can be
whether: gleaned that a woman is not mandated by law
a. The objection is proper, and to adopt her husband’s surname after
b. Benefit has accrued to the family marriage. Art. 370, CC is merely directory,
i. If benefit accrued before the objection: since it provides that a woman may choose any
enforce against community property of the options provided.
ii. If benefit accrued after the objection:
enforce against separate property of
spouse who has not obtained consent F. PROPERTY RELATIONS
[Art. 73, FC, as amended by RA OF THE SPOUSES
Page 70 of 532
Page 71 of 532
Page 72 of 532
Page 73 of 532
In order to fall under the prohibition, it must be preceding articles in consideration of a future
proved that they were living in a common-law marriage, including donations between the
relationship at the time of the donation. prospective spouses made therein, shall be
[Sumbad v. CA, G.R. No. 106060 (1999)] rendered void if the marriage does not take
place. However, stipulations that do not
4. Absolute Community of depend upon the celebration of the marriages
shall be valid.
Waiver Not Allowed
Definition General Rule: No waiver of rights, shares and
The community property consists of all the effects of the absolute community of property
property owned by the spouses at the time of during the marriage can be made
the celebration of the marriage, and those
either one or both of them acquired during the Exception: In case of judicial separation of
marriage. There is a presumption provided in property.
the Family Code that properties acquired
during the marriage belong to the community, When the waiver takes place upon a judicial
unless it is proved that it is one of those separation of property, or after the marriage
excluded therefrom. [Tolentino] has been dissolved or annulled, the same shall
appear in a public instrument and shall be
Governing law recorded as provided in Article 77. The
Art. 80, FC. In absence of a contrary stipulation creditors of the spouse who made such waiver
in a marriage settlement, the property relations may petition the court to rescind the waiver to
of the spouses shall be governed by Philippine the extent of the amount sufficient to cover the
laws, regardless of the place of the celebration amount of their credits. [Art. 89, FC.]
of the marriage and their residence.
Provisions on Co-ownership Apply
By the Nationality Rule [Art. 15, CC], the rule The provisions on co-ownership shall apply to
that Absolute Community Property (ACP) is the the absolute community of property between
default mode of property relations absent any the spouses in all matters not provided for in
marriage settlement applies to all Filipinos, this Chapter. [Art. 90, FC]
regardless of the place of the marriage and
their residence. [N.B.] N.B. The creditors of the spouse who made
such waiver may petition the court to rescind
Exceptions the waiver to the extent of the amount sufficient
1. Where both spouses are aliens to cover the amount of their credits.
2. With respect to the extrinsic validity of
contracts affecting property not
situated in the Philippines and 5. Conjugal Partnership of
executed in the country where the Gains
property is located
3. With respect to the extrinsic validity of This property regime was formerly the default
contracts entered into in the Philippines regime under the CC.
but affecting property situated in a
foreign country whose laws require In this regime, the spouses retain ownership of
different formalities for its extrinsic their separate property. However, the spouses
validity [Art. 80, FC] also place in a common fund the proceeds,
products, fruits and income of their separate
If marriage does not take place property and those acquired by either or both
Art. 81, FC. Everything stipulated in the spouses through their efforts or by chance.
settlements or contracts referred to in the
Page 74 of 532
The presumption applies that all properties system, the husband’s capital property, the
acquired during the marriage belong to the wife’s paraphernal property, and the conjugal
CPG. There are 3 distinct patrimonies in this property.
When it At the precise moment of the For marriages after the Family Code, CPG
commences celebration of the marriage [Art. 88, becomes the property regime only if agreed
FC] to by the parties through a marriage
What it All the properties owned by the Proceeds, products, fruits, and income of
consists of spouses at the time of the their separate properties
celebration of the marriage or
acquired thereafter [Art. 91, FC] Everything acquired by them during
marriage through their own efforts
Under the ACP, spouses cannot Everything acquired through their efforts or
exclude specific properties from by chance.
the regime unless done in
Page 75 of 532
What remains Properties acquired before the Property brought into the marriage by
exclusive marriage, for those with legitimate each spouse as his/her own
property [Art. descendants by a former
92, FC] marriage (to protect rights of
children by a former marriage)
Page 76 of 532
Presumption All properties acquired during the All property acquired during the marriage,
marriage form part of the ACP, whether made, contracted, or registered in
unless it be proven that they are the name of one spouse, are presumed
excluded. [Art. 93, FC] conjugal unless the contrary is proven. [Art.
116, FC]
Page 77 of 532
Page 78 of 532
Donation of one spouse without the consent of the other is not allowed. [Art. 98,
125 FC]
Moderate donations to charity or on occasion of family rejoicing or distress
Homeowner’s Savings & Loan Bank v. Dailo, G.R. No. 153802 (2005): In the
absence of (court) authority or written consent of the other spouse, any
disposition or encumbrance of the conjugal property shall be void.
Cheeseman v. IAC, G.R. No. 7483 (1991): If, however, one of the spouses is an
alien, the Filipino spouse may encumber or dispose of the property w/o the
consent of the former. The property is presumed to be owned exclusively by the
Filipino spouse.
Judicial separation of property during marriage – follow rules in Arts. 134 to 138
Rules on de General rule: De facto separation does NOT affect the ACP/CPG.
separation Exceptions:
1. Spouse who leaves the conjugal home without just cause shall not be
entitled to support; however, he/she is still required to support the other
spouse and the family
2. If consent is necessary for transaction but is withheld or otherwise
unobtainable, authorization may be obtained from the court
3. Support for family will be taken from the ACP/CPG
4. If ACP/CPG is insufficient, spouses shall be solidarily liable
Page 79 of 532
A spouse is deemed to have abandoned the other when he or she has left the
conjugal dwelling without any intention of returning.
Spouse is prima facie considered to have abandoned the other spouse and the
family if he or she has:
1. Left for a period of 3 months
2. Failed to inform the other spouse of his or her whereabouts for a period
of 3 months
Page 80 of 532
Page 81 of 532
tender years
b. Whoever the court
chooses in case of
lack of majority
Page 82 of 532
Page 83 of 532
Creditors for family Applicabil Man and Man and woman living
expenses: Spouses ity woman living together as husband
together as and wife, NOT
solidarily liable husband and capacitated to marry:
wife, with 1. Under 18 years
Ownership, Spouses may own, capacity to old
administration, dispose, possess, and marry (Art. 5, 2. Adulterous
enjoyment, administer separate without any relationship
and estates without the legal 3. Bigamous/polyga
disposition consent of the other impediment) mous marriage
1. at least 4. Incestuous
18 years marriages under
Administration of
old Art. 37
exclusive properties may 2. not 5. Void marriages
be transferred between violative by reason of
spouses when: of Art. public policy
1. One spouse 37 under Art. 38
becomes the other (incestu
ous void
spouse’s guardian
2. One spouse is e)
judicially declared 3. not
an absentee violative
3. One spouse is of Art.
given the penalty 38 (void
of civil interdiction
e by
4. One spouse reason
becomes a fugitive of public
Conveyance between the 4. not
spouses is allowed under bigamo
Art. 1490, NCC. us
Other void
In Re: voluntary dissolution of CPG of Sps. marriages
Bermas, G.R. No. L-20379 (1965): A voluntary due to
absence of
separation of properties is not perfected by
mere consent but upon the decree of the court requisite
approving the same. The petition for voluntary
separation of property was denied because the Salaries Owned in Separately owned by
children of the 1st and 2nd marriages were not and equal shares parties
informed; the separation of property may Wages
prejudice the rights and shares of the children.
Page 84 of 532
Propertie Remains Remains exclusive Forfeiture Where only If one party is validly
s exclusive, one party to married to another,
acquired provided a void his/her share in the
through there is proof marriage is co-owned properties
exclusive in good faith, will accrue to the
funds share of ACP/CPG of his/her
party in bad existing valid
Propertie Governed by Owned in common in faith is marriage.
s rules on co- proportion to forfeited:
acquired ownership respective If the party who acted
by both contribution In favor of in bad faith is not
through their validly married to
work and common another, his/her share
industry children shall be forfeited in the
In case of same manner as that
Propertie Owned in No presumption of default of or provided in Art 147.
s equal shares joint acquisition. When waiver by
acquired since it is there is evidence of any or all of The same rules on
while presumed to joint acquisition but the common forfeiture shall apply if
living have been none as to the extent children or both parties are in bad
together acquired of actual contribution, their faith.
through joint there is a presumption descendants
efforts of equal sharing. , each
vacant share
If one party shall belong
did not to the
participate in respective
acquisition, surviving
presumed to descendants
contributed In the
jointly, if the absence of
former’s such
effort descendants
consisted in , such share
the care and belongs to
maintenance the innocent
of family and party
N.B. Neither
party can
encumber or
dispose by
acts inter
vivos his 1. Concept of family
share in co-
property Art. 149, FC. The family being the
without the foundation of the nation is a basic social
consent of institution which public policy cherishes and
the other protects. Consequently, family relations are
party until
governed by law and no custom practice or
is agreement destructive of the family shall be
terminated. recognized or given effect.
Page 85 of 532
General Rule: No suit between members of What Constitutes the Family Home
the same family shall prosper. [Art. 151, FC] The family home is the dwelling house where
family resides and the land on which it is
Exception: Suits between members of the sustained. [Art. 152]
same family shall prosper only if it shall appear
in a verified complaint or petition that: Limitations on the Family Home
a. Earnest efforts towards a compromise The family home must be part of the properties
have been made; of the absolute community or the conjugal
b. Such efforts have failed; and partnership, or of the exclusive properties of
c. Such earnest efforts and the fact of either spouse with the other’s consent. It may
failure must be alleged. also be constituted by an unmarried head of a
The case will be dismissed if it is shown that no family in his or her own property. [Art. 156, FC]
such efforts were made. [Art. 151, FC]
The actual value of the family home shall not
Exception to the Exception exceed, at the time of its constitution, the
A verified complaint or petition is not needed amount of P300,000 in urban areas, and
for matters not subject to compromise. P200,000 in rural areas, or such amounts as
may hereafter be fixed by law. [Art. 157, FC]
Under Art. 2035, CC, the following cannot be
subject of compromise: A person may constitute, or be the beneficiary
a. Civil status of persons, of, only one home. [Art. 161, FC]
b. Validity of marriage or a legal separation,
c. Any ground for legal separation, Who May Constitute the Family Home
d. Future support (as it is presumed to be The family home may be constituted
needed for the survival of the one receiving a. Jointly by the husband and wife; or
support), b. An unmarried head of the family [Art. 152,
e. Jurisdiction of courts, FC]
Page 86 of 532
Note: A person may constitute and be the Exemption from Forced Sale, Execution,
beneficiary of only one family home [Art. 161, Attachment
FC] General Rule: The family home is exempt from
the following from the time of its constitution
Beneficiaries of the Family Home and so long as any of its beneficiaries actually
a. The husband and wife, or an unmarried resides therein:
person who is the head of a family; and a. Execution;
b. Their parents, ascendants, descendants, b. Forced sale;
brothers, and sisters whether relationship c. Attachment [Art. 153].
be legitimate or illegitimate, who are living
in the family home and who depend on the Exceptions in the exemption of the family
head of the family for support. [Art. 154, home from execution
FC] a. Nonpayment of taxes.
b. Debts incurred prior to the constitution of
Requisites to be a Beneficiary of the Family the family home.
Home: c. Debts secured by mortgages on the
a. The relationship is within those premises before or after such constitution.
enumerated in Art. 150, FC. d. Debts due to laborers, mechanics,
b. They live in the family home architects, builders, materialmen and
c. They are dependent for legal support on others who have rendered service or
the head of the family furnished material for the construction of
the building. [Art. 155, FC]
Occupancy of a family home must be “actual”
in order for one to be a beneficiary. Actual Re: Claims Not Among Those in Art. 155
occupancy, need not be by the owner of the When a creditor whose claim is not among
house specifically. Rather, the property may be those mentioned in Art. 155, obtains a
occupied by the “beneficiaries” enumerated in judgment in his favor, and he has reasonable
Art. 154, FC, which may include the in-laws grounds to believe that the family home is
where the family home is constituted jointly by actually worth more than the maximum amount
the husband and wife. But the law definitely fixed in Art. 157, he may apply to the court
excludes maids and overseers. They are not which rendered the judgment for an order
the beneficiaries contemplated by the Code. directing the sale of the property under
[Patricio v. Dario, G.R. No. 170829 (2006)] execution. [Art. 160, par. 1, FC]
The term "descendants" contemplates all To warrant the execution of sale of the family
descendants of the person or persons who home under Art 160, the following facts need to
constituted the family home without distinction; be established:
hence, it must necessarily include the a. there was an increase in actual value,
grandchildren and great grandchildren of the b. the increase resulted from voluntary
spouses who constitute a family home. improvements,
However descendants cannot be considered c. the increase in actual value exceeded the
beneficiaries if they are supported by their own maximum limit allowed by Art 157
parents and not by the ascendants who [Eulogio vs. Bell, G.R. No. 186322 (2015)]
constituted the family home. [Patricio v. Dario,
G.R. No. 170829 (2006)] The actual value of the family home shall not
exceed at the time of its constitution the
When Deemed Instituted amount of three hundred thousand pesos in
The family home is deemed constituted on a urban areas and two hundred thousand
house and lot from the time it is occupied as a pesos in rural areas or such amounts as may
family residence. [Art. 153, FC] hereafter be fixed by law.
Page 87 of 532
In any event, if the value of the currency same the latter’s spouse and a majority of
changes after the adoption of this Code, the the beneficiaries of legal age. In case of
value most favorable for the constitution of conflict, the court shall decide. [Art. 158, FC]
a family home shall be the basis of
evaluation. Requirements for the sale, alienation,
donation, assignment, or encumbrance of
Urban areas include chartered cities and the family home
municipalities. All others are deemed to be a. The written consent of the following:
rural areas. [Art. 157, FC] 1. the person constituting it;
2. the spouse of the person
Procedure to avail of right under Art. 160 constituting it; and
a. The creditor must file a motion in the court 3. the majority of the beneficiaries
proceeding where he obtained a favorable who are of legal age [Art. 158, FC].
decision for a writ of execution against the
family home. When Terminated
b. There will be a hearing on the motion The family home shall continue despite the
where the creditor must prove that the death of one or both of the spouses or of the
actual value of the family home exceeds unmarried head of the family:
the maximum amount fixed by the FC a. for a period of ten years; or
either at the time of its constitution or as a b. for as long as there is a minor beneficiary.
result of improvements introduced
thereafter. And the heirs cannot partition the same unless
c. If the creditor proves that the actual value the court finds compelling reasons therefor.
exceeds the maximum amount the court The rule shall apply regardless of whoever
will order its sale in execution. owns the property or constituted the family
d. If the family home is sold for more than the home [Art. 159, FC]
value allowed, the proceeds shall be
applied as follows: Article 159 imposes the proscription
1. First, the obligation enumerated in against the immediate partition of the family
Article 157 must be paid home regardless of its ownership. This
2. Then the judgment in favor of the signifies that even if the family home has
creditor will be paid, plus all the passed by succession to the co-ownership of
costs of execution the heirs, or has been willed to any one of
3. The excess, if any, shall be them, this fact alone cannot transform the
delivered to the judgment debtor family home into an ordinary property, much
less dispel the protection cast upon it by the
General Rule law. The rights of the individual co-owner or
The proof that the house is the family home owner of the family home cannot subjugate the
must be alleged against creditors; Applied the rights granted under Article 159 to the
rule in Art. 160, FC. [Versola v. Mandolaria, beneficiaries of the family home. [Arriola v.
G.R. No. 164740 (2006)] Arriola, G.R. No. 177703 (2008)]
Page 88 of 532
Legitimate a. Conceived OR born during a. Bear the surnames Legitimate children are
the valid marriage of the of the father and entitled to 1/2 of the
parents [Art. 164, FC] the mother estate of the parent
b. Conceived through artificial b. Receive support divided amongst
insemination [Art. 164, FC] from parents, themselves [Art. 888,
c. Children of a subsequent ascendants, and CC]
marriage (after declaration of brothers/sisters in
presumptive death) proper cases
conceived prior to its c. Entitled to
termination [Art. 43, FC] legitimate and
d. Conceived or born before the other successional
final judgement of annulment rights [Art. 174,
under Art. 45 or absolute FC]
nullity under Art. 36 [Art. 54, d. Claim legitimacy
FC] [Art. 173, FC]
e. Conceived or born of the
subsequent marriage under
Art. 53 [Art. 54, FC]
f. Legitimated children* [Art.
177, FC]
g. Adopted Children** [RA
Illegitimate Conceived AND born outside a a. Bear the surname Each illegitimate child
valid marriage [Art. 165, FC] of the mother is entitled to an amount
b. Bear the surname 1/2 the share of a
of the father if legitimate child [Art.
filiation has been 176, FC]
recognized by the
father through:
record of birth,
public document,
or private
c. Receive support
d. Entitled to
rights [Art 176, FC]
e. Establish
illegitimate filiation
[Art 175, FC]
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Page 90 of 532
become final and executory [Art. 54, Dual consent is required whether the semen
FC] used comes from the husband or a third person
5. Children conceived or born of the donor. [Tolentino]
subsequent marriage under Art. 53
[Art. 54, FC] Common children born before the annulment
6. Legitimated children [Art. 177, FC] are legitimate, and therefore entitled to support
7. Adopted Children [RA 8552] from each of the spouses. [De Castro v.
Assidao-De Castro, G.R. No. 160172 (2008)]
A child conceived or born during a valid 2. Proof of filiation
marriage is presumed to belong to that
marriage, regardless of the existence of Proof of filiation is necessary:
extramarital relationships. [Liyao v. Liyao, G.R. 1. Where the child is born after 300 days
No. 138969 (2002)] following the termination of the marriage →
child has no status, and whoever alleges
ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION [Art. 164, FC] legitimacy must prove it.
Artificial insemination is the impregnation of a 2. If the legitimacy of a child conceived or
female with the semen from male without born in wedlock is impugned and the
sexual intercourse. plaintiff has presented evidence to prove
any of the grounds provided in Article 166
The child conceived through artificial → proof of filiation may be used as a
insemination with the consent of both husband defense. [Tolentino]
and wife is legitimate.
Legitimate children may establish their
The FC does not require, as a condition for filiation by any of the following [Art. 172,
the legitimacy of the child, the impotence of FC]:
the husband. a. Primary Evidence (for voluntary
Even without the initial consent, the child can 1. Their record of birth appearing in
still be legitimated so long as the husband the civil registry or a final
subsequently gives his consent before the child judgement.
is born through AI. 2. An admission of his filiation by his
parent in a public document or a
Requisites to be considered legitimate: private handwritten instrument and
a. Artificial insemination made on wife signed by said parent.
b. Sperm comes from any of the following: b. Secondary Evidence (for involuntary
1. Husband recognition)
2. Third Person Donor 1. Proof of open and continuous
3. Husband and third possession of status as legitimate
person donor child.
c. In case of donor sperm, husband and 2. Any other means stated by the
wife must authorize/ratify insemination rules of court or special laws.
in a written instrument.
1. Executed & signed by husband and Note: Only in the absence of primary evidence
wife before the birth of the child. can secondary evidence be admitted
2. Recorded in the civil registry together
with the birth certificate of the child. Action for Claiming Filiation (Legitimate
[Art. 164, FC] Children) [Art. 173, FC]:
a. The child can bring the action during his or
her lifetime.
Page 91 of 532
b. If the child dies during minority or in a state ACTION FOR CLAIMING ILLEGITIMATE
of insanity, such action shall be transmitted FILIATION
to his heirs, who shall have a period of five Illegitimate children may establish their
years within which to institute the action. illegitimate filiation in the same way and on the
c. The action commenced by the child shall same evidence as legitimate children. [Art.
survive notwithstanding the death of either 175, FC]
or both of the parties. a. For actions based on primary evidence,
the same periods stated in Art. 173 of FC
Rights of Legitimate Children [Art. 174, FC] apply - lifetime of the child, will not be
3S → Support, Surname, Succession extinguished by death of either parties
a. To bear the Surnames of the father and the b. For actions based on secondary
mother, in conformity with the provisions of evidence, the action may only be brought
the CC on surnames. during the lifetime of the alleged parent.
b. To receive Support from their parents, their
ascendants, and in proper cases, their The same kind of evidence provided in Art. 172
brothers and sisters, in conformity with the for establishing legitimate filiation may be used
provisions of the Code on Support. to prove the filiation of illegitimate children, and
c. To be entitled to the legitimate and other the action for this purpose must be brought
Successional rights granted to them by the within the same period and by the same parties
CC. as provided in Article 173. [Art. 175, FC]
Future support cannot be the subject of a However, if the evidence to prove the filiation is
compromise, pursuant to Article 2035 of CC. secondary, the action must be brought within
The reason behind this prohibition is because the lifetime of the alleged parent. [Art. 175, FC]
the right to support is founded upon the need
of the recipient to maintain his existence, and Primary evidence
thus the renunciation of such will be Baptismal certificates are given probative value
tantamount to allowing the suicide of the only for births before 1930. Birth certificates
person or his conversion to a public burden, must be signed by the parents and sworn for it
which is contrary to public policy. [De Asis v. to be admitted as evidence. [Mendoza v. Mella,
CA, G.R. No. 127578 (1999)] G.R. No. L-18752 (1966)]
Page 92 of 532
"Su padre [Your father]" ending in a letter is DNA evidence can still be used even after the
only proof of paternal solicitude and not of death of the parent. [Estate of Rogelio Ong v.
actual paternity. Signature on a report card Diaz, G.R. No. 171713 (2007)]
under the entry of "Parent/Guardian" is likewise
inconclusive of open admission. [Heirs of Marriage certificates cannot be used as proof
Rodolfo Bañas v. Heirs of Bibiano Bañas, G.R. of filiation. [Lim v. CA, G.R. No. L-39381
No. L-25715 (1985)] (1975)]
Mere possession of status as an illegitimate There are four significant procedural aspects of
child does not make an illegitimate child a traditional paternity action that parties have
recognized but is only a ground for bringing an to face: a prima facie case, affirmative
action to compel judicial recognition by the defenses, presumption of legitimacy, and
assumed parent. [Gono-Javier v. CA, G.R. No. physical resemblance between the putative
111994 (1994)] father and the child. A prima facie case exists
if a woman declares — supported by
To prove open and continuous possession of corroborative proof — that she had sexual
the status of an illegitimate child, there must be relations with the putative father; at this point,
evidence of the manifestation of the permanent the burden of evidence shifts to the putative
intention of the supposed father to consider the father. Further, the two affirmative defenses
child as his, by continuous and clear available to the putative father are: (1)
manifestations of parental affection and care, incapability of sexual relations with the mother
which cannot be attributed to pure charity. due to either physical absence or impotency, or
[Perla v. Baring, G.R. No. 172471 (2012)] (2) that the mother had sexual relations with
other men at the time of conception. [Gotardo
Meanwhile, the lack of participation of the v. Buling, G.R. No. 165166 (2012)]
supposed father in the preparation of a
baptismal certificate renders this document RIGHTS OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN
incompetent to prove paternity. Baptismal Art. 176, FC. Illegitimate children shall use
certificates are per se inadmissible in evidence the surname and shall be under the parental
as proof of filiation and they cannot be admitted authority of their mother, and shall be
indirectly as circumstantial evidence to prove entitled to support in conformity with this
the same. [Perla v. Baring, supra] Code. However, illegitimate children may
use the surname of their father if their filiation
By "open and continuous possession of the has been expressly recognized by the father
status of a legitimate child" is meant the through the record of birth appearing in the
enjoyment by the child of the position and civil register, or when an admission in a
privileges usually attached to the status of a public document or private handwritten
legitimate child, like bearing the paternal instrument is made by the father. Provided,
surname, treatment by the parents and family the father has the right to institute an action
of the child as legitimate, constant attendance before the regular courts to prove non-
to the child's support and education, and giving filiation during his lifetime. The legitime of
the child the reputation of being a child of his each illegitimate child shall consist of one-
Page 93 of 532
Page 94 of 532
The use of the word “may” in Art. 176 of FC, as Impotence of husband
amended by RA 9255, shows that an Impotence is the inability of the male organ of
acknowledged illegitimate child is not copulation to perform its proper function. It
compelled to use the surname of his does not include sterility, which refers to the
illegitimate father. Illegitimate children shall use inability to procreate. [Tolentino]
the surname of their mother, and the discretion
on the part of the illegitimate child to use the Spouses living separately
surname of his father is conditional upon proof The separation between the spouses must be
of compliance with the IRR of RA 9255, such as to make sexual access impossible.
including the execution of an Affidavit to Use This may take place when they reside in
the Surname of the Father. [Barcelote v. different countries or provinces, and they have
Republic and Tinitigan, G.R. No. 22095 (2017)] never been together during the period of
conception. [Tolentino]
4. Impugned Legitimacy/Action
Serious illness of husband
to Impugn Legitimacy The illness must be of such a nature as to
exclude the possibility of his having sexual
Legitimacy of a child may be impugned only intercourse with his wife. [Tolentino]
on the following grounds: [Art. 166, FC]
a. Physical impossibility for the husband to Mere proximate separation between the
have sexual intercourse with his wife within spouses is not sufficient physical separation to
the first 120 days of the 300 days which constitute as ground for impugning legitimacy.
immediately preceded the child's birth due [Macadangdang v. CA, G.R. No. L-49542
to: (1980)]
1. Physical incapacity of the husband
to have sexual intercourse with his Serious illness of the husband which absolutely
wife prevented him from having sexual intercourse
2. Husband and wife were living with his wife, like if the husband was already in
separately as to make sexual comatose or in a vegetative state, or sick with
intercourse impossible syphilis in the tertiary stage so that copulation
3. Serious illness of the husband was not possible. But tuberculosis, even in its
absolutely preventing sexual most crucial stage, does not preclude
intercourse copulation between the sick husband and his
b. Other biological or scientific reasons, wife. [Andal v. Macaraig, G.R. No. 2474
except Artificial Insemination. (1951)]
c. And in case of Artificial Insemination,
the written consent of either parent was Blood-type matching is an acceptable means
vitiated through fraud, violence, mistake, of impugning legitimacy, covered by Art.
intimidation, or undue influence. 166(2), under "biological or other scientific
reasons." But this is only conclusive of the fact
Physical impossibility of access of non-paternity. [Jao v. CA, G.R. No. L-49162
To overthrow the presumption of legitimacy, it (1987)]
must be shown beyond all reasonable doubt
that there was no access as could have Art. 167, FC. The child shall be considered
enabled the husband to be the father of the legitimate although the mother may have
child. Moral impossibility of access, such as declared against its legitimacy or may have
when the wife is in open adultery, or there is been sentenced as an adulteress.
bitter hatred between the spouses, cannot
defeat the presumption of legitimacy. Legitimacy with Regard to the Mother:
[Tolentino] a. Child considered legitimate although [Art.
167, FC]:
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e. Adoption Procedures
Note: DSWD must certify the child as legally
available for adoption as a prerequisite for
adoption proceedings. [RA 9253]
Those who may not adopt [Art. 184, FC, In legal and intestate succession, the adopter
amended by RA 8552]: and the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of
1. The guardian, with respect to the ward, succession without distinction from legitimate
prior to the approval of the final accounts filiation. However, if the adoptee and his/her
rendered upon the termination of the biological parents had left a will, the law on
guardianship testamentary succession shall govern.
2. Any person convicted of a crime of moral
turpitude Legal or intestate succession to the estate of
the adopted shall be governed by the following
g. Rights of an Adopted Child rules:
a. Legitimate and illegitimate children,
1. Parental Authority [Sec. 16, RA 8552] descendants and the surviving spouse of
the adoptee shall inherit in accordance with
Except in cases where the biological parent is the ordinary rules of legal/intestate
the adopter’s spouse, all legal ties between succession.
biological parent and adoptee shall be severed, b. When the surviving spouse OR illegitimate
and the same shall then be vested on the children AND adopters concur, they shall
adopters. inherit on a 50-50 basis.
c. When the surviving spouse AND
The general effect of the adoption decree is to illegitimate children AND adopters concur,
transfer to the adopting parents the parental they shall inherit on a 1/3-/1/3-1/3 basis.
authority of the parents by nature, as if the child d. When only adopters survive, they shall
had been born in lawful wedlock. [Tolentino] inherit 100% of the estate.
e. When only collateral blood relatives
The relationship established by adoption is survive, ordinary rules of legal or intestate
limited to the adopting parent and does not succession shall apply. [Art. 190 (as
extend to his other relatives, except as amended), FC]
expressly provided by law. [Tolentino]
Between adoptee and adopter
The law does not prohibit the biological The adopter and adoptee have reciprocal
parent(s) from entering an agreement with the rights of succession without distinction from
adopters on post adoption visitation. Neither do legitimate children in legal and intestate
our laws compel the adopters to grant visitation succession. [Sec. 18, RA 8552]
rights if such is not beneficial to the child.
[Aguiling-Pangalangan] Between adoptee and adopter’s relatives
The relationship created by adoption is
2. Legitimacy [Sec. 17, RA 8552] exclusively between the adopter and the
adopted. Hence, the adopted child has no right
The adoptee shall be considered the legitimate to inherit from the relatives of his adopted
son/daughter of the adopters for all intents and parents. [Aguiling-Pangalangan]
purposes, and as such is entitled to all rights
and obligations provided by law to legitimate While an adopted child has the same rights as
children born to them without discrimination of a legitimate child, these rights do not include
any kind. The adoptee is entitled to love, the right of representation. The relationship
guidance, and support in keeping with the created by the adoption is between only the
means of the family. adopting parents and the adopted child and
does not extend to the blood relatives of either
party. [Sayson v. CA, supra]
Any person who shall cause the fictitious Who Can Adopt
registration of the birth of a child under the
name(s) of a person who is not his or her Sec. 9, RA 8043. Any alien or Filipino citizen
biological parents shall be penalized for permanently residing abroad may file an
simulation of birth with the penalty of prision application for inter-country adoption of a
mayor in its medium period and a fine not Filipino child if he/she:
exceeding Fifty thousand pesos (a) Is at least twenty-seven (27) years of
(P50,000.00). [Sec. 21(b), RA 8552] age and at least sixteen (16) years
older than the child to be adopted, at
Three-in-one Procedure the time of application unless the
• Correction of entries in birth certificate adopter is the parent by nature of the
child to be adopted or the spouse of
• Deed of Voluntary Commitment or
such parent;
Declaration of abandonment
(b) If married, his/her spouse must
• Adoption decree
jointly file for the adoption;
(c) Has the capacity to act and assume
all rights and responsibilities of
In order that such child may be considered for The matching of the child with an applicant
placement, the following documents must be involves three stages: (1) pre-matching, (2)
submitted to the Board: matching conference, and (3) post-matching
1. Child study conference [Sec. 37, RA 8043 Amended IRR].
2. Birth Certificate / Foundling Certificate Before the Board approves the matching
proposal, no matching arrangement shall be shall exercise substitute parental authority over
made between the applicant and the child’s the child. [Sec. 44, RA 8043 Amended IRR]
parents/guardians or custodians concerning a
particular child, except in cases of adoption of The trial custody shall last for six (6) months
a relative or in cases where the child’s best during which the Central Authority and/or the
interests is at stake [Sec. 38, RA 8043 FAA shall be responsible for the pre-adoptive
Amended IRR]. This is to preserve the integrity placement, care and family counseling of the
of the adoption proceedings. child. [Sec. 45, RA 8043 Amended IRR]
liability for a tortious act that they could not keeping with the financial capacity of the family
have foreseen and which they could not have [Art. 194(1), FC].
prevented would be unfair and a. Education includes a person’s schooling or
unconscionable. [Tamargo v. CA, G.R. No. training for some profession, trade or
85044 (1992)] vocation, the right to which shall subsist
beyond the age of majority [Art. 194, FC].
Adoption is a juridical act, proceeding in rem. b. Transportation includes expenses in going
Because it is artificial, the statutory to and from school, or to and from place of
requirements in order to prove it must be strictly work [Art. 194, FC].
carried out. Petition must be announced in
publications and only those proclaimed by the
court are valid. Adoption is never presumed. 2. Who are obliged to give
[Lazatin v. Campos, G.R. No. L-54955-54 support
Those obliged to support each other are:
Validity of facts behind a final adoption decree a. Spouses,
cannot be collaterally attacked without b. Legitimate ascendants and descendants,
impinging on that court’s jurisdiction. [Santos v. c. Parents and their children (legitimate and
Aranzanso, G.R. No. L-23828 (1966)] illegitimate) and the children of the latter
(legitimate and illegitimate),
Participation of the appropriate government d. Legitimate brothers and sisters, whether of
instrumentality in performing the necessary full or half-blood; [Art. 195, FC]
studies and precautions is important and is e. Illegitimate brothers and sisters, whether of
indispensable to assure the child’s welfare. full or half-blood
[DSWD v. Belen, GRTJ-96-1362 (1997)] ! Except when the need for support of
one (who is of age) is due to a cause
Consent for adoption must be written and imputable to his/her fault or negligence
notarized. [Landingin v. Republic, G.R. No. [Art. 196, FC]
164948 (2006)]
Mutual Obligation to Support of Spouses
Although an adopted child is deemed to be a [Arts. 142, 143, FC]
legitimate child and have the same rights as the ! A wife’s right to support depends upon her
latter, these rights do not include the right of status as such.
representation (because the adopted child has ! A wife is entitled to expenses of the
no right to inherit from the grandparent). The litigation, including attorney’s fees.
relationship created by the adoption is between ! If a wife is forced to leave the conjugal
only the adopting parents and the adopted home for a justifiable cause, she is entitled
child. It does not extend to the blood relatives to separate maintenance.
of either party. [Sayson v. CA, G.R. No. 89224- ! In an action by the wife against the
25 (1992)] husband, the court may grant alimony
pendente lite.
be taken from the CPG or ACP subject to due to the physician [Pelayo v. Lauron, G.R.
reimbursement [Arts. 122, 197, FC]. No. L-4089 (1909)].
Who Exercises Parental Authority [Arts. Exception: When several survive, the one
211-213, FC] designated by the court, taking into
General Rule: Joint exercise by the father and account all relevant considerations [Art.
the mother of a child [par. 1, Art. 211, FC]. 214, FC].
Substitute parental authority and special interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them
parental authority, distinguished compliance with the duties of citizenship;
4. To enhance, protect, preserve, and
DIFFERENCE SUBSTITUTE SPECIAL maintain the children’s physical and mental
health at all times;
Who Grandparents Schools 5. To furnish the children with good and
Exercises , oldest (administrator wholesome educational materials,
sibling, or s and supervise their activities, recreation and
court- teachers) or association with others, protect them from
appointed individuals, bad company, and prevent them from
guardian entities having habits detrimental to their health,
engaged in studies, and morals;
child care 6. To represent the children in all matter
affecting their interests;
When Only in case Concurrent 7. To demand from the children respect and
Exercise of death, with parental obedience;
d absence, or authority or 8. To impose discipline on the children as
unsuitability of substitute may be required under the circumstances,
parents parental and;
authority 9. To perform such other duties as are
imposed by law upon parents and
How Subsidiarily Principally and guardians.
Liable liable for solidarily liable
damages for damages Civil Liability [Art. 221, FC]
caused by the caused the Parents and other persons exercising parental
minor minor’s acts or authority shall be civilly liable for the injuries
omissions and damages caused by the acts or omissions
while under of their unemancipated children living in their
their custody, company and under their personal authority
supervision, or subject to the appropriate defenses provided
instruction by law.
authority or adopt such other measures as it The petition shall be considered as a summary
may deem just and proper. special proceeding, with the ordinary rules on
guardianship being merely suppletory.
For Persons Exercising Substitute Parental
Authority [Art. 233, par. 1, FC] Except the following, in which case the ordinary
The person exercising substitute parental rules on guardianship shall apply:
authority shall have the same authority over the 1. When the child is under substitute parental
person of the child as the parents. authority;
2. When the guardian is a stranger, or;
5. Effects of parental authority 3. A parent has remarried.
over the child’s property Trusts
If the parents entrust the management or
Joint Legal Guardianship [Art. 225, par. 1, administration of any of their properties to an
FC]. unemancipated child, the net proceeds of such
The father and the mother shall jointly exercise property shall belong to the owner.
legal guardianship over the property of their
unemancipated child without the necessity of a The child shall be given a reasonably monthly
court appointment. allowance in an amount not less than that
which the owner would have paid if the
In case of disagreement, the father’s decision administrator were a stranger, unless the
shall prevail. owner grants the entire proceeds to the child.
Exception: Unless there is judicial order to the In any case, the proceeds thus given in whole
contrary. or in part shall not be charged to the child’s
Nature of Administration
The property of the unemancipated child
earned or acquired with his work or industry or 6. Suspension or termination of
by onerous or gratuitous title shall belong the parental authority
child in owner and shall be devoted exclusively
to the latter’s support and education, unless the When Permanently Terminated [Arts. 228-
title or transfer provides otherwise. 229, FC].
1. Upon the death of the parents;
The right of the parents over the fruits and 2. Upon the death of the child, or;
incomes of the child’s property shall be limited 3. Upon the emancipation of the child.
primarily to the child’s support and secondarily
to the collective daily needs of the family [Art. Unless subsequently revived by final judgment,
226, FC]. there is permanent termination [Art. 229, FC]:
1. Upon adoption of the child;
Bonds 2. Upon appointment of a general guardian;
Where the market value of the property or the 3. Upon judicial declaration of abandonment
annual income of the child exceeds P50,000, of the child in a case filed for the purpose;
the parent concerned shall be required to 4. Upon final judgment of a competent court
furnish a bond in such amount as the court may divesting the party concerned of parental
determine, but not less than ten per centum authority, or;
(10%) of the value of the property or annual a. Also mandatory if the person
income, to guarantee the performance of the exercising parental authority has
obligations prescribed for general guardians subjected the child or allowed him
[Art. 225, par. 2, FC]. to be subjected to sexual abuse
[Art. 232, FC].
When Suspended [Arts. 230-231, FC]. It is the policy of the State to promote
the family as the foundation of the
1. Upon conviction of the parent or the person nation, strengthen its solidarity and
exercising the same of a crime which ensure its total development. Towards
carries with it the penalty of civil this end, it shall develop a
interdiction; comprehensive program of services
2. Upon final judgment of a competent court for solo parents and their children.
in an action filed for the purpose or in a [Sec. 2, RA 8972]
related case, if the parent or the person
"Solo parent" - any individual who falls
exercising the same: under any of the following categories:
a. Treats the child with excessive (1) A woman who gives birth as a result
harshness or cruelty; of rape and other crimes against
b. Gives the child corrupting orders, chastity even without a final
counsel or example; conviction of the offender:
Provided, That the mother keeps
c. Compels the child to beg, or; and raises the child;
d. Subjects the child or allows him to (2) Parent left solo or alone with the
be subjected to acts of responsibility of parenthood due to
lasciviousness death of spouse;
e. Is culpably negligent [Art. 231, par. (3) Parent left solo or alone with the
2, FC]. responsibility of parenthood while
the spouse is detained or is serving
sentence for a criminal conviction
When Reinstated [Arts. 230-231, FC]. for at least one (1) year;
1. Automatically upon service of penalty (civil (4) Parent left solo or alone with the
interdiction). responsibility of parenthood due to
2. Automatically upon pardon or amnesty of physical and/or mental incapacity of
the offender. spouse as certified by a public
medical practitioner;
3. By judicial order, if the court finds that the (5) Parent left solo or alone with the
cause therefore has ceased and will not be Concept
responsibility of parenthood due to
repeated [Art. 231, par. 4, FC]. legal separation or de facto
separation from spouse for at least
Prohibition for Persons Exercising Special one (1) year, as long as he/she is
Parental Authority [Art. 233, FC]. entrusted with the custody of the
In no case shall the school administrator, (6) Parent left solo or alone with the
teacher or individual engaged in child care and responsibility of parenthood due to
exercising special parental authority inflict declaration of nullity or annulment
corporal punishment upon the child. of marriage as decreed by a court
or by a church as long as he/she is
entrusted with the custody of the
(7) Parent left solo or alone with the
responsibility of parenthood due to
abandonment of spouse for at least
one (1) year;
(8) Unmarried mother/father who has
preferred to keep and rear her/his
child/children instead of having
others care for them or give them up
to a welfare institution;
the Philippines". [Sec. 5[f], R.A. 8069 [Family 2. Incidents Involving Parental
Courts Act of 1997]]
Notification of the other spouse
Upon filing of the petition, the court shall notify Verified petitions are needed in the
the other spouse, whose consent to the following situations [Art. 249, FC]
transaction is required, of said petition, ! For an order providing for disciplinary
ordering said spouse to show cause why the measures over the child [Art. 223, FC].
petition should not be granted, on or before the ! For the approval of the bond in the
date set in said notice for the initial conference. exercise of the parents’ joint legal
The notice shall be accompanied by a copy of guardianship over the property of their
the petition and shall be served at the last unemancipated common child where
known address of the spouse concerned. [Art. the market value of the property or the
242, FC]. annual income of the child exceeds
P50,000.00 [Art. 225, FC].
Procedure ! For the approval of a deed or
A preliminary conference shall be conducted transaction where the required consent
by the judge personally without the parties of the other spouse is withheld or
being assisted by counsel. After the court cannot be obtained [Art. 239, FC].
deems it useful, the parties may be assisted by
counsel at the succeeding conferences and Jurisdiction
hearings. [Art. 243, FC]. In the proper court of the place where the child
resides [Art. 250, FC].
If the petition is not resolved at the initial
conference, said petition shall be decided in a Procedure
summary on the basis of affidavits, The rules governing Chapter 2 (summary
documentary evidence or oral testimonies at judicial proceedings for when there is
the sound discretion of the court. If testimony is separation in fact between husband and wife,
needed, the court shall specify the witnesses to Arts. 239-248, FC) shall govern herein as they
be heard and the subject-matter of their are applicable [Art. 252, FC].
testimonies, directing the parties to present
said witnesses [Art. 246, FC]. 3. Other Matters
When appearance of spouses is required Art. 248, FC
In case of non-appearance of the spouse The petition for judicial authority to administer
whose consent is sought, the court shall inquire or encumber specific separate property of the
into the reasons for his or her failure, and shall abandoning spouse and to use the fruits or
require such appearance, if possible [Art. 244, proceeds thereof for the support of the family
FC]. shall also be governed by the procedural rules
requiring summary court proceedings in the
Note: If, despite all efforts, the attendance of Family Code.
the non-consenting spouse is not secured, the
court may proceed ex parte and render RA 8369 Family Courts Act
judgment as the facts and circumstances may
The State recognizes the
warrant. In any case, the judge shall endeavor
sanctity of family life and shall
to protect the interests of the non-appearing
protect and strengthen the family
spouse [Art. 245, FC].
Principle as a basic autonomous social
institution. The courts shall
Nature of judgment
preserve the solidarity of the
The judgment of the court shall be immediately
family, provide procedures for
final and executory [Art. 247, FC].
Natural child:
A natural child acknowledged by both parents
and all other
shall principally use the surname of the father.
[Art. 366, CC].
prejudicial to
Illegitimate child
Illegitimate children shall use the surname of
their mother. [Art. 176, FC].
If an act constitutes a criminal
offense, the accused or batterer
shall be subject to criminal 2. Surname of Wife After and
proceedings and the During Marriage
corresponding penalties.
During Marriage
If any question involving any of A married woman may use:
the above matters should arise 1) Her maiden first name and surname and
as an incident in any case add her husband’s surname, or;
pending in the regular courts, 2) Her maiden first name and her husband’s
said incident shall be determined surname, or;
in that court. [Sec. 5, RA 8369] 3) Her husband’s full name, but prefixing a
word indicating that she is his wife, such as
Note: In areas where no Family “Mrs.”. [Art. 370, CC]
Court has been established or
no Regional Trial Court was After Marriage
designated by the Supreme Annulment [Art. 371, CC]:
Court due to the limited number In case of annulment of marriage and the wife
of cases, the DSWD shall is the guilty party, she shall resume her maiden
designate and assign qualified, name and signature.
trained, and DSWD accredited
social workers of the local In case of annulment of marriage and the wife
government units to handle is the innocent party, she may choose to
juvenile and family cases filed continue employing her former husband’s
in the designated Regional Trial surname, unless:
Court of the place. [Sec. 11, RA 1) The court decrees otherwise, or;
8369] 2) She or the former husband is married again
to another person
3. Confusion of Names
General Rule [Art. 374, CC]:
In case of identity of names and surnames, the
younger person shall be obliged to use such 1. Provisional measures in case
additional name or surname as will avoid
confusion. of absence
Special Rules [Art. 375, CC]: General Rule [Art. 381, CC]: A judge, at the
In case of identity of names and surnames instance of an interested party, a relative, or a
between ascendants and descendants, the friend, may appoint a person to represent the
word “Junior” can only be used by a son. absentee in all that may be necessary.
Grandsons and other direct male descendants Note: The same shall be observed when under
shall either: similar circumstances the power conferred by
1) Add a middle name or the mother’s the absentee has expired.
surname, or
2) Add the Roman numerals II, III, and so Requisites
on. 1. A person disappears from his domicile.
2. His whereabouts are unknown.
Usurpation and Unauthorized or Unlawful 3. He did not leave an agent to administer his
Use of Name [Arts. 377-378, CC]. property.
Usurpation of a name and surname may be the
subject of an action for damages and other Who May Be Appointed [Art. 383, CC]
relief [Art. 377, CC]. General Rule: The spouse present shall be
preferred, when there is no legal separation.
The unauthorized or unlawful use of another
person’s surname gives a right of action to the Exception: If there is no spouse, any
latter [Art. 378, CC]. competent person may be appointed by the
4. Change of Names Safeguarding the Absentee’s Rights and
Properties [Art. 382, CC]
General Rule [Art. 376, CC]: No person can The judge shall specify the powers, obligations,
change his name or surname without judicial and remuneration of the absentee’s
authority. representative, regulating them, according to
the circumstances, by the rules concerning
Exception [Arts. 379-380, CC]: The guardians.
employment of pen names or stage names is
permitted, provided it is done in good faith and
there is no injury to third persons. Pen names 2. Declaration of absence
and stage names cannot be usurped. [Art. 379,
CC] When Absence May Be Declared [Art. 384,
Except as provided in the preceding article, no A person’s absence may be declared
person shall use different names and 1. After two years have elapsed without any
surnames. [Art. 380, CC] news about the absentee or since the
receipt of the last news, or;
2. After five years have elapsed, in case the
absentee left a person in charge of the
administration of his property
Disputable Presumption from the Rules of 1. The prior spouse had been absent for
Court [Rule 131, Sec. 3 [jj]] two consecutive years.
The following presumptions are satisfactory if 2. There is danger of death attendant to
uncontradicted, but may be contradicted and the disappearance as provided in
overcome by other evidence: Article 391 of the Civil Code:
(jj). That except for purposes of succession, a. A person on board a vessel lost
when two persons perish in the same calamity, during a sea voyage, or an
such as wreck, battle of conflagration, and it is aeroplane which is missing,
not shown who died first, and there are no and has not been heard of.
particular circumstances from which it can be b. A person in the armed forces
inferred, the survivorship is determined from who has taken part in war and
the probabilities resulting from the strength and has been missing.
age of the sexes, according to the following c. A person who has been in
rules: danger of death under other
circumstances and his
existence has not been known.
Age Presumed Survivor
3. The surviving spouse had a well-
Both under 15 Older founded belief that the absent spouse
was already dead.
Both above 60 Younger
C. ACCESSION Exceptions:
• Possession in good faith: the possessor
is entitled to the fruits received before the
Accession – the right by virtue of which the possession is legally interrupted [Art. 526,
owner of a thing becomes the owner of CC]
everything that is produced thereby, or which is • Usufruct, fruits belong to the usufructuary.
incorporated or attached thereto, either [Art. 556, CC]
naturally or artificially. [Art. 440, CC] • Lease, fruits belong to the lessee in civil
law lease of agricultural land; lessor gets
Not a mode of acquiring property; it does not rentals as civil fruits
depend upon a new title. • Antichresis [Art. 2132, CC]
Situation #2: Both the LO and OM are in BF Situation #1: BPS in GF [Art. 448, CC]
Parties will be treated as a. Acquire improvements
Both LO and though both acted in GF. after paying BPS for their
OM in BF [Art. 453, CC] value; or
b. Oblige the one who built
Landowner or planted to pay the price
Situation #3: LO in BF, while OM in GF
[Art. 446, of the land unless its
Rights: To own what is built,
CC] value is considerably
planted, sown
more than that of the
Note: building or trees, and the
Option is one who sowed, the
Liabilities: shall pay for the
given proper rent.
LO in BF value of the materials, as well
solely to c. If the value is
as pay OM indemnity for
LO, GF of considerably more, then
BPS is the court can force the
immaterial parties to enter into a
Note: Subject to OM’s
forced lease. [Art. 448,
absolute right of removal.
if the owner makes use of the right granted by NATURALLY INCORPORATED [Arts. 457-
Art. 450. 465, CC]
PRIMARILY, from the BPS. If the BPS be Requisites [GAC – Gradual, Adjacent,
insolvent, then the LO shall be subsidiarily Currents]
liable to the OM. [Art. 455(1), CC] 1. Deposit of soil or sediment is gradual and
Requisites for the LO’s subsidiary 2. As a result of the action of the currents of
liability the waters of the river and should have no
• The OM acted in GF; human intervention;
• BPS is insolvent; and 3. Land where the accretion takes place is
• The LO appropriates the accession to adjacent to the banks of the rivers
himself. (RIPARIAN LAND); and
4. Deemed to Exist: When the deposit of the
b. The BPS who has paid the OM may seek sediment has reached a level higher than
reimbursement from the LO (value of the highest level of the water during the
materials + labor). [Art. 455(2), CC] year, i.e. higher than the riverbank.
[Meneses v. CA, G.R. No. 82220 (1995)]
• The BPS acted in GF; and Effect: The riparian owner automatically owns
• The LO appropriates the improvement the alluvion but it does not automatically
to himself. become registered property in his name.
[Grande v. CA, G.R. No. L-17652 (1962)]
c. if only the OM is in BF, he loses his
materials, as well as his right to indemnity. Rationale: To compensate the owners of the
He also becomes liable for damages. [Arts. land from forces of nature and to encourage
449, 451, CC] riparian owners to cultivate and enrich the land.
d. If only the BPS acted in BF, he becomes Exception: Deposits due to human action or
liable to the OM for the value of the intervention and abrupt or unanticipated
materials + damages. Should he become flooding brought about by extreme weather
insolvent, the LO shall pay for the value of conditions.
the materials but he will not be liable for
damages. Additionally, he shall still be Note: Action of the sea over the estate because
liable to the LO. [Arts. 450-451, CC] of the tide and which results to a strip of land
becomes foreshore land and passes to the
e. If only the LO acted in GF, he can exercise realm of the public domain. [Republic v. Court
any of his options under Arts. 449 and 450, of Appeals, 281 SCRA 639]
both having an additional right to ask for
damages [Art. 451, CC]. He shall also not b. Avulsion [Art. 459, CC]
be subsidiarily liable to the OM.
A known portion of land is segregated from one
f. If ALL acted in BF, they shall be treated as estate by the forceful current of a river, creek
though all of them acted in GF. [Art. 453, or torrent and transferred to another.
Requisites: [ACFI – Abrupt, caused by Current bed (the old property of the owner) [Art.
or other Forces of nature, Identifiable] 461, CC]
1. Segregation and transfer of land is sudden c. The new bed opened by the river on a
and abrupt; private estate shall become of public
2. Caused by the current of the river, creek or dominion. [Art. 462, CC]
torrent; and
3. The portion of land transported must be Exceptions:
known and identifiable; or a. Where the river simply dries up, the
abandoned riverbed belongs to the State
Effect: The ownership of the detached because there are no persons whose lands
property is retained by the owner provided that are occupied by the waters of the river. It is
he removes the same within 2 years from the still public dominion.
detachment. [Art. 459, CC] b. Where the government reverts back the
course of the river, there is no
c. Uprooted Trees [Art. 460, CC] compensation.
In case of uprooted trees, the owner retains Note: Sec. 58 of the Water Code (PD 1067)
ownership if he makes a claim within 6 months. provides that when a river or stream suddenly
This refers only to uprooted trees and does not changes its course to traverse private lands,
include trees which remain planted on a known the owners of the affected lands may not
portion of land carried by the force of the compel the government to restore the river to
waters. In this latter case, the trees are its former river bed, nor can they restrain the
regarded as accessions of the land through government from taking steps to revert the river
gradual changes in the course of adjoining or stream to its former course. The owners of
stream. [Payatas v. Tuazon, G.R. No. L-30067 the land thus affected are not entitled to
(1929)] compensation for any damage sustained
thereby. However, the former owners of the
d. Change Of Course Of River [Arts. 461- new bed shall be the owners of the abandoned
462, CC] bed in proportion to the area lost by it.
Note: If island is in the middle of the river, divide 2. Ownership of New Object
longitudinally in half. If nearer to one margin or Formed by Adjunction
bank, to the nearer riparian owner.
Owner of Principal Object
Note: If a landowner allows the sea or a lake to Good Faith: Acquires the thing but with the duty
eat up his land completely, it is a case of to indemnify the owner of the accessory [Article
natural expropriation and if the land later 466].
reappears, he does not regain ownership
thereof. [Republic v. Cabangis, G.R. No. L- Owner of Accessory
28379 (1929)] Good Faith: Has a right to demand separation
even though there may be damage if the
b. FOR MOVABLES accessory is more valuable.
good faith) for the value of the material. [Art. General Rule: Owner has two options
474 (1), CC] • Owner may appropriate the new thing to
himself without paying the maker
Exception: If the material is more valuable
than the new thing, the owner of the material Exception: This option is not available in
may choose [Art. 474 (2), CC]: case the value of the work, for artistic or
● To take the new thing but must pay for the scientific reasons, is considerably more
value of the work; or than that of the material, in which case the
● To demand indemnity for the value of the owner of the material can ask for the
material. payment of the material and damages.
• Owner may demand the value of the
If the owner was in bad faith, the maker material plus damages
may appropriate the new thing without
paying the owner, or require the owner to c. Worker/Maker made use of material
pay him the value of the thing or his work, with consent and without objection
with right to indemnity. of owner
b. Worker/Maker in bad faith [Art. 474 Rights shall be determined as though both
(3), CC] acted in good faith. [Apply Art. 474 (1), CC]
a. Right to collect damages from Recover necessary expenses a. Recover from BPS (as if
BPS in any case and the for preservation of land from both are in GF)
option to either LO unless LO sells land b. If BPS acquires
1. Acquire improvements w/o improvements, remove
paying for indemnity; materials if feasible w/o
2. Demolition or restoration; or injury
3. Sell to BP, or to rent to c. No action against LO but
sower may be liable to LO for
b. Pay necessary expenses to consequential damages
ALL Acted in Bad Faith
LO in BF BPS in GF OM in GF
a. Acquire improvement after a. May remove a. Remove materials at any
paying indemnity and improvements event
damages to BPS unless the b. Be indemnified for b. Collect value of
latter decides to remove damages in any event materials from BPS;
b. Subsidiarily liable to OM for c. Pay OM the value of the subsidiarily from LO, if
value of materials if he materials LO is made to pay for
acquires improvements and improvements and
pays damages to BPS; no damages
subsidiary liability if BPS
chooses removal in any
LO in BF BPS in BF OM in GF
a. Right to acquire a. No right of retention a. Collect value of
improvements and pay b. Pay value of materials to materials primarily from
indemnity to BPS; subsidiarily OM and pay him damages BPS and subsidiarily
liable to OM from LO if LO acquires
b. Has option to: the improvements
1. Sell the land to BP except b. Collect damages from
if the value of the land is BPS
considerably more; or c. Absolute right to remove
2. Rent to S materials in any event (if
BPS acquires
LO in GF BPS in BF OM in GF
a. Right to necessary a. Collect value of
LO has right to collect damages expenses materials primarily from
from BPS in any case and the b. Pay value of materials to BPS and subsidiarily
option to either: OM from LO
a. Acquire improvements w/o c. Pay damages to OM/LO b. Collect damages from
paying for indemnity; BPS
b. Demolition or restoration; or c. If BPS acquires
c. Sell to BP or rent to S improvements, absolute
Pay necessary expenses to BPS right of removal in any
LO in BF BPS in GF OM in BF
Acquire improvements and pay b. Receive indemnity for a. Right to indemnity
indemnity and damages to BPS damages b. Loses right to the
unless the latter decides to c. Absolute right of materials
remove materials removal of
improvements in any
● To prevent multiplicity of suits, an action for quieting of title takes
precedence over an ejectment case. [Luzuriaga v. Adil, G.R. No. L-58912
● Pending an action for quieting of title, possession of actual possessor must
be respected until the case is decided on the merits. [Balbecino v. Judge
Ortega, G.R. No. L-14231 (1962)]
a. Claimant must show that there is an:
1. Instrument;
2. record;
3. Claim;
4. encumbrance; or
5. proceeding,
b. Which constitutes or casts a
1. cloud;
2. doubt;
3. question; or
4. shadow,
c. upon the owner's title to or interest in real property [Art. 476, CC]
“Cloud on title” means a semblance of title, either legal or equitable, or a claim or a right in
real property, appearing in some legal form but which is, in fact, invalid or which would be
inequitable to enforce.
A Cloud Exists If [Art. 476]: b. The claim should appear valid or effective and extraneous
evidence is needed to prove their validity or invalidity;
Test: Would the owner of the property in an action for ejectment
brought by the adverse party be required to offer evidence to defeat
a recovery?
As a general rule, a cloud is not created by mere verbal or parole
assertion of ownership or an interest in property.
constructive trust under Art. 1456, other limitation than that he shall not
CC injure the interests of his co-owners.
2. 30 years – if plaintiff is the owner of [Pardell v. Bartolome, G.R. No. L-4656
real property (1912)]
• Rationale: Until a division is actually made,
Note: An action to quiet title may be defeated the respective share of each cannot be
by a claim of ordinary or extraordinary determined, and every co-owner exercises
acquisitive prescription by the defendant. joint ownership of the pro indiviso property.
[Coja v. CA, 539 SCRA 517]
• Use should be in accordance with the
E. CO-OWNERSHIP purpose for which it was created or
ordinances and customs insofar as they do interest in the land on which it is located
not conflict with the same, and by the rules and in other common areas of the building.
of co-ownership [Art. 658, CC] 2. Effect of transfer of a condominium unit:
a. it shall include the
Easement of party ditches in Art. 661: transfer/conveyance of the
Ditches or drains opened between two undivided interest in the common
estates are also presumed as common to area or in the membership or
both, if there is no title or sign showing the shareholdings in the condominium
contrary. corporation
b. With the unit comess an exclusive
i. Contract easement for the use of the air
space encompassed by the
a. In General boundaries of the unit
• By agreement of two or more c. Common areas are held in
persons [Art. 494, CC] common by the unit owners in
b. Universal Partnership equal shares; one for each unit
• The property which belonged to 3. Rights of a condominium owner (subject to
each of their partners at the time of master deed’s limitations):
the constitution of the partnership, a. Non-exclusive easement for
becomes the common property ingress, egress, and support
of all partners, as well as all the through the common areas
profit which they may acquire b. Right to paint, repaint, tile, wax,
therewith [Art. 1779, CC] paper or refinish and decorate the
c. Associations inner surface of the walls, ceilings,
• Associations and societies, whose floors, windows and doors
articles are kept secret among bounding his/her own unit
members, and wherein any one of c. Exclusive right to mortgage,
the members may contract in his pledge, or encumber
own name with third persons, shall d. Absolute right to sell or dispose of
have no juridical personality, and his condominium
shall be governed by the 4. Common areas shall remain undivided and
provisions relating to co- there shall be no judicial partition subject to
ownership [Art. 1775, CC] Sec. 8 of the Condominium Law
b. Right to Use the Thing Owned In to his share of expenses and taxes. [Art. 488,
Common [Art. 486, CC] CC] This means that his/her renunciation does
not cover all of his/her interest in the property
Limitations co-owned.
1. In accordance with the purpose for which
the co-ownership is intended. Exception to Exception: No waiver shall be
a. The purpose for which the co- made if prejudicial to co-ownership. [Art. 488,
ownership may be changed by CC]
agreement, express or implied 1. Expenses to improve or embellish the thing
2. In such a way as to not injure the interest shall be decided upon by a majority as
of the co-ownership determined in Art. 492, NCC.
3. In such a way as not to prevent the other 2. As for the expenses for pure luxury or mere
co-owners from using it according to their pleasure, these are not refundable for not
right. serving purposes of preservation. [Art. 548,
c. Right to Bring an Action in
Ejectment [Art. 487, CC] e. Right to Reimbursement for
Necessary Repairs [Art. 488-489,
Actions contemplated: Covers all cases for CC]
recovery of possession (forcible entry, unlawful
detainer, accion publiciana, replevin, accion General rule: A co-owner has the right to
reinvidicatoria). Action is considered to be filed compel the other co-owners to contribute to the
to benefit all the co-owners. expenses of preservation, maintenance, or
necessary repairs of the thing or right owned in
A co-owner may bring such an action without common and to the taxes. [Art. 488, CC]
joining all the other co-owners as co-plaintiffs
because the suit is presumed to have been Requirement of notice: If practicable, the co-
filed to benefit his co-owners. If the plaintiff/co- owner must first notify the co-owners of the
owner claims to be the sole owner, the action necessity for the repairs. [Art. 489, CC]
should be dismissed. [Adlawan v. Adlawan,
G.R. No. 161919, (2006)] Exception to the requirement of notice: If
impracticable or where the repairs are very
d. Right to Compel Other Co-Owners urgent, and the other co-owners are in remote
to Contribute to the Expenses of places and cannot be reached by an ordinary
means of communication. This means that
Preservation and to the Taxes [Art. his/her renunciation does not cover all of
488, CC] his/her interest in the property co-owned.
General Rule: Each co-owner shall have a Lack of notice even if practicable: Does not
right to compel the other co-owners to exempt other co-owners to contribute. The co-
contribute: owner who advanced them has the burden of
1. To the necessary expenses (incurred for proving that they were properly incurred.
preservation of the thing or right). If
practicable, he must first notify his co- When Majority opposes repairs: If necessary,
owners of the necessity for such repairs. repairs insisted by once were not done and it
[Art. 489, CC] resulted to damages those who made the
2. To the taxes [Art. 488, CC] opposition shall be responsible for damages.
[Paras quoting 3 Manresa 448].
Exception to paying necessary expenses
and taxes: Co-owner no longer has to pay if he
renounces his undivided interest as equivalent
• When another co-owner has possessed As legal redemption is intended to minimize co-
the property as exclusive owner and for a ownership, once a property is subdivided and
period sufficient to acquire it by distributed among the co-owners, the
prescription. community ceases to exist and there is no
more reason to sustain any right of legal
Note: No prescription shall run in favor of a co- redemption. Every act intended to put an end
owner or co-heir against his co-owners or co- to indivision among co-heirs is deemed to be a
heirs so long as he expressly or impliedly partition. [Avila vs. Sps. Barabat, supra]
recognizes the co-ownership. [Art. 494, CC]
j. Right to Participate in
For prescription to run in favor of a co-owner, Administration of Property Owned
the following elements must concur to show In Common [Art. 492, CC]
adverse possession of a co-owner:
1. He has performed unequivocal acts of General Rule
repudiation amounting to an ouster of the a. For the administration and better
other co-owners; enjoyment of the thing owned in common,
2. Such positive acts of repudiation have the resolutions of the majority of the co-
been made known to the other co-owners; owners shall be binding. [Art. 492 par. 1,
and CC]
3. The evidence thereon must be clear and b. There shall be no majority unless the
convincing. [Salvador v. CA, supra] resolution is approved by the co-owners
who represent the controlling interest in the
Sample of Acts of Repudiation object of the co-ownership. [Art. 492 par. 2,
1. Filing of actions in court like quieting of title, CC]
accion reinvidicatoria and other similar suit
2. Co-owner who causes cancellation of the Exceptions to acts of administration only
existing title and petitions for an issuance by majority
of a new title in his favor
• If there be no majority; or
3. Co-owner who permanently fences the
• If the resolution of the majority is seriously
property and hires security personnel to
prejudicial to those interested in the
prevent other co-owners from entering the
property owned in common.
• In which case, the court will intervene: the
court, at the instance of an interested party,
i. Right to Redemption [Art. 1619, shall order such measures as it may deem
CC] proper, including the appointment of an
Legal redemption – the right to be Examples of acts seriously prejudicial
subrogated, upon the same terms and • Call for a substantial change of the thing
conditions stipulated in the contract, in the • Authorizing leases, loans, and other
place of one who acquires a thing by purchase contracts without the necessary security,
or dation in payment, or by any other thereby exposing the property to serious
transaction whereby ownership is transmitted danger
by onerous title [Art. 1619, CC]. • Continued employment of an administrator
who is guilty of fraud or negligence in his
General Rule: A co-owner of a thing may management [Manresa]
exercise the right of redemption in case the
shares of all the other co-owners or of any of Note: A co-owner is entitled to a written notice
them are sold to third person. [Art. 1620, CC] from a selling co-owner in order to remove all
uncertainties about the sale, its terms and
Rights of Third Parties in Partition Partition of an indivisible thing [Art. 498, CC]
1. The partition of a thing owned in common 1st option: The co-owners can agree that one
shall not prejudice third persons, who shall of them shall be the sole owner by paying the
retain the rights of mortgage, servitude, or value of the other co-owners’ shares.
any real rights belonging to them before the
division was made. [Art. 499, CC] 2nd option: If they cannot agree who among
them shall be the sole owner, the property will
Note: A “third person” is defined as all be sold to a 3rd person and the proceeds will be
those who did not in any way participate or distributed among them.
intervene in the partition [Paras citing 3
Manresa 54 and Gonzaga v. Martinez, 9 e. Sale of Property Co-Owned [Art.
Phil. 489]. 498, CC]
2. The creditors or assignees of the co- The sale shall be resorted to only if:
owners may take part in the division of the • The property is essentially indivisible.
thing owned in common and object to its • The co-owners cannot agree that the entire
being effected without their concurrence. property be allotted or assigned to one of
[Art. 497, CC] them, who shall reimburse the other co-
owners of their shares.
Note: All kinds of creditors whether
preferred or ordinary are included within
f. Termination of Period Agreed
the scope of creditors; but they must have
become creditors during the existence of Upon by the Co-Owners [Art. 494.
the co-ownership and not before or after CC]
[Paras citing 3 Manresa 528-529].
An agreement to keep the thing undivided for a
Exception: If the partition was already certain period of time, not exceeding 10 years,
executed, the creditors/assignees cannot shall be valid. This term may be extended by a
impugn the same. new agreement.
Exception to the exception: There was fraud A donor or testator may prohibit partition for a
or a previous formal opposition against the period which shall not exceed 20 years.
partition, without prejudice to the right of the
debtor or assignor to maintain its validity. [Art.
The law does not expressly require previous
notice to the creditors and assignees before a
1. Characteristics
partition. [Tolentino]
If notice is not given, the partition is not binding
Possession is the holding of a thing or the
on the creditors and assignees.
enjoyment of a right. [Art. 523, CC]
But once notice has been given, it is the duty of
It includes the idea of occupation – i.e. the
creditors and assignees to intervene and make
person exercises control over the object. It
known their stand. If they fail to do so, they
cannot exist without it.
cannot question the division made, EXCEPT in
cases of fraud.
vendee, then it means that the latter can their legal representatives to exercise their
gain access to the object) rights arising from such possession.
• Traditio longa manu – the transferor
points out to the transferee the things Preference of Possession [Art. 538, CC]
which are being transferred, or they merely General Rule: Possession as a fact cannot be
agree or consent that delivery has been recognized at the same time in two different
effected personalities
of the possessor even though FOR THE TIME possession (whether in bad faith or good
BEING he may not know their whereabouts faith). [Art. 1140, CC] Subject to Article
(e.g. A ring misplaced or just lost in a particular 1505 and Article 559.
place or vicinity). The possessor has not lost • 4 years – action to recover prescribes if
his legal right to the object. He retains his there is uninterrupted possession in good
juridical control of the thing which remains in faith, subject to Article 1505 and Article
his, and not another’s patrimony [De Leon 559. [Art. 1132, CC]
citing 4 Manresa 323]. • No prescription – if possessed through a
crime. [Art. 1133, CC]
Possession of Movable Acquired in Good
Faith (in Concept of Owner) is Equivalent to Finder of Lost Movable [Arts. 719-720, CC]
Title [Art. 559, CC] a. Whoever finds a movable, which is not a
treasure, must return it to its previous
Doctrine of Irrevindicability: Possession in possessor.
good faith of a movable is a presumed b. If the previous possessor is unknown, the
ownership. It is equivalent to a title. However, it finder shall immediately deposit it with
is merely presumptive because it can be the mayor of the city or municipality
defeated by the true owner. where the finding has taken place.
c. The finding shall be publicly announced
Requisites of the doctrine of by the mayor for two consecutive weeks
Irrevindicability in the way he deems best.
1. The possession should be in good faith; d. If the movable cannot be kept without
2. The former owner voluntarily parted with deterioration, or without expenses which
the possession of the thing; and considerably diminish its value, it shall be
3. The possession is in the concept of sold at public auction 8 days after the
owner. publication.
e. Six (6) months from the publication
Exception: One who has lost or has been having elapsed without the owner having
unlawfully deprived of a movable may recover appeared, the thing found, or its value,
it from whoever possesses it without shall be awarded to the finder. The finder
reimbursement and the owner shall be obliged, as the
case may be, to reimburse the expenses.
The owner of the thing must prove: f. If the owner should appear in time, he
(a) ownership of the thing, and shall be obliged to pay, as a reward to the
(b) loss or unlawful deprivation; or bad faith of finder, 1/10 of the sum or of the price of
the possessor the thing found.
ii. Rights of a Possessor in Good Faith: Exception: When it is shown or proven that
such movables should be excluded
1. Fruits [Art. 544, CC]
2. Refund of necessary expenses [Art. 546, iii. Other Consequences:
3. Refund of useful expenses [Art. 546, CC] 1. Possession is converted into ownership
4. Right of retention when there are unpaid after the required lapse of time necessary
necessary or useful expenses [Art. 546, of prescription [Art. 540, CC]
CC] ● To consolidate title by prescription,
5. Removal of useful/ornamental the possession must be under claim
improvements without damage to the of ownership, and it must be
principal thing [Arts. 546-547, CC] peaceful, public and uninterrupted.
6. No liability for deterioration or loss, except [Art. 1118, CC]
in cases of fraudulent intent or negligence ● Acts of possessory character done
[Art. 552, CC] by virtue of a license or mere
7. May acquire full ownership by prescription tolerance on the part of the real
[Arts. 1117-1138, CC] owner are not sufficient and will not
8. Presumption of just title [Art. 541, CC] confer title by prescription or adverse
9. Can ask for the inscription of possession in possession. [Art. 1119, CC]
the Registry of Property [Art 708, CC] ● The following cannot acquire title by
10. Generally, he/she can do on the things prescription:
possessed everything that the law ○ Lessees, trustees, pledges,
authorizes an owner to do until he/she is tenants on shares or planters,
ousted by one who has a better right and all those who hold in the
11. Can exercise the right of pre-emption and name or in representation of
is entitled to indemnity in case of another.
appropriation ○ Mere holders placed in
12. Has presumption of continuity of good faith possession of the property by the
[Arts. 528-529, CC] owner such as agents and
13. Non-interruption of possession employees.
(possession during intermediate period) ○ Those holding the title in a
[Arts. 554 and 561, CC] fiduciary character such as
receivers, attorneys,
Natural Characteristics
• Includes jus abutendi, jus utendi, jus
fruendi and jus possidendi and jus
vindicandi. The only thing left with the
2. After partition, the usufruct is ensure that the remaining trees may properly
transferred to the part allotted to the co- grow.
e. Usufruct on a Right of Action to Recover
c. Usufruct Constituted on a Flock or Herd Property or Real Rights Over Property
of Livestock [Art. 591, CC] [Art. 578, CC]
! On sterile stock: same rules on fungible ● The action may be brought in the name
property govern. (i.e. it is an abnormal of the usufructuary.
usufruct – may dispose of or consume ● If the purpose is the recovery of the
the animal [Art. 574, CC] property or right, he also has the right
! ON FRUITFUL STOCK: Must replace to oblige the owner to give the authority
ordinary losses of the stock with the for such purpose, as well as to furnish
young if: him whatever pieces of evidence he
1. Some animals die from natural may have.
causes; or; ● Relate to Rule 3, Sec. 2 of the Rules of
2. Some animals are lost due to Court or any amendments in relation
rapacity of beasts of prey. thereto as usufructuary being a real
party in interest.
Note: If the number of the young
produced is less than the animals that f. Usufruct on Mortgaged Property [Art.
died from natural causes or due to 600, CC]
beasts of prey, then the usufructuary • If the usufruct is over the entire
does not have to replace those which patrimony of the owner, Art. 598, CC
are in excess of the young that he should apply. If the usufructuary
currently has. mortgaged the usufruct himself, he is
liable to pay his own debt.
! No obligation to replace if:
1. There is a total loss of animals g. Usufruct over an Entire Patrimony [Art.
because of some unexpected or 598, CC]
unnatural loss (like contagious Applies when:
disease or any other uncommon 1. The usufruct is a universal one;
event, provided the usufructuary 2. The naked owner has debts or is
has no fault); or obliged to make periodical payments
2. All perish, the usufructuary should
deliver the remains to the owner. If General Rule: The usufructuary is NOT
there is partial loss, the usufruct liable for the owner’s debts.
subsists on the remainder.
d. Usufruct over Fruit Bearing Trees and 1. When stipulated, in which case the
Shrubs and Woodlands [Arts. 575-577, usufructuary shall be liable for the debt
CC] specified
The usufructuary may fell or cut trees in 2. If there is no specification, he is liable
accordance to the following: only for debts incurred by the owner
1. Habitual felling or cutting of the owner; before the usufruct was constituted
2. Customs of the place as to manner, 3. When the usufruct is constituted in fraud
amount, and season of creditors
Note: The rule in accession if a tree falls on h. Usufruct over Property that Deteriorates
another’s land - he cannot fell or cut trees in a [Art. 573, CC]
manner that will prejudice the land. The • Definition of Deteriorates: Without
usufructuary may make necessary thinnings to being consumed, gradually deteriorate
Exception: Lease of rural lands will subsist Note: The option to remove improvements
during the agricultural year despite belongs to the usufructuary, and the naked
expiration of the usufruct [Art. 572, CC] owner cannot compel him to do so, neither
can the owner compel the usufructuary to
Rules as to Lease: leave the improvements and just pay for
• A lease executed by the usufructuary their value.
before the termination of the usufruct and
subsisting after the termination of the iv. The usufructuary has the right to set-off
usufruct must be respected, but the rents the improvements on the property
for the remaining period will belong to the against any damage to the same [Art.
owner. 580]
• If the usufructuary has leased the lands or
tenements given in usufruct, and the Note: Registration of improvements – to
usufruct should expire before the protect usufructuary against 3rd persons
termination of the lease, he or his heirs and
successors shall receive only the f. Right of retention: to retain the
proportionate share of the rent that must be thing/property until he is
paid by the lessee. [Art. 568, CC] reimbursed for taxes on the capital
• A lease executed by the owner before the and advances for extraordinary
creation of the usufruct is not extinguished expenses [Art. 612, CC]
by such usufruct.
The usufructuary has the right of retention until
Notes: he is reimbursed of the amount he paid for
• Future crops may be sold but such sale taxes and the increase in value caused by the
would be void if usufruct terminates prior to extraordinary repairs he made.
harvest of future fruits. The buyer’s remedy
is to recover from the usufructuary. RIGHTS AS TO THE LEGAL RIGHT OF
• The usufructuary-lessor is liable for the act USUFRUCT ITSELF
of the substitute. [ABE – Alienate, Bring action, Exercise all
• A usufructuary who alienates or leases his rights]
right of usufruct shall answer for any
damage which the things in usufruct may i. To alienate or mortgage the right
suffer through the fault or negligence of the itself [Art. 572, CC]
person who substitutes him. [Art. 590, CC]
The usufructuary may alienate his right of
d. Right to enjoy any increase which usufruct, even by a gratuitous title (e.g.
the thing may acquire through donation); but all the contracts he may enter
accession [Art. 571, CC] into as such usufructuary shall terminate upon
the expiration of the usufruct. [Art. 572, CC]
upon or judicially allowed him for such usufruct or the fault or negligence of the
administration. usufructuary’s agent. [Art. 590, CC]
ii. Obligations during the usufruct iii. Obligations at the Time of the
Termination of the Usufruct
[CAPCORN – Care, Allow improvements, Pay
AIDE (Annual taxes, Interest, Debts, Expenses [RIP – Return, Indemnify, Pay interest]
for litigation), Collect credit, Ordinary repairs, a. To return the thing upon termination.
Replace animals, Notify UP (Urgent repairs, b. To pay legal interest for the duration of the
Prejudicial act)] usufruct on the expenses for extraordinary
a. To take Care of the property as a good repairs, if naked owner made the repairs
father of the family [Art. 589] [Art. 594, CC]
b. To make Ordinary repairs – required by the c. To pay proper interest on sums paid as
wear and tear due to the natural use of the taxes by the owner
thing and are indispensable for its d. To indemnify the naked owner for any loss
preservation. [Art. 592, CC] caused by the negligence of the
c. To inform/Notify the owner of urgent usufructuary or his transferees
extraordinary repairs [Art. 593, CC]
d. To Allow the naked owner to make works 4. Rights of the Owner
and improvements of which the immovable
in usufruct is susceptible, or plantings, if
a. At the Beginning of the Usufruct
rural [Art. 595, CC].
See obligations of usufructuary at the
beginning of the usufruct discussed above.
1. The works or improvements are not
prejudicial to the usufructuary’s
rights. b. During the Usufruct
2. No diminution in the value of the
object in usufruct. 1. The owner retains title to the thing or
e. To pay Annual taxes and charges on the property.
fruits for the time the usufruct lasts. [Art. 2. He may alienate the property. [Art. 581,
596, CC] CC] He may not alter the form or substance
f. To pay Interest on taxes on capital paid by of the thing, nor do anything prejudicial to
the naked owner. [Art. 597, CC] the usufructuary.
g. To pay Debts if the usufruct is over the 3. He may construct buildings, make
entirety of a patrimony [Art. 598, CC] improvements and plantings, provided:
h. To Secure the approval of the owner or the ● The value of the usufruct is not
court to collect credit which form part of the impaired; and
usufruct, if he has not given proper security ● The rights of the usufructuary are not
or has been excused from giving security. prejudiced. [Art. 595, CC]
[Art. 599, CC] 4. He can constitute a voluntary easement
i. To notify owner of any Prejudicial act to the over land/building held in usufruct without
rights of ownership over the usufruct, by a the usufructuary’s consent. But if it affects
third person. [Art. 601, CC] the usufructuary’s right, the latter must give
his consent. [Art. 689, CC]
Consequence: He is liable for damages if ! If the easement is perpetual, the
he fails to give notice. consent of both must be obtained. [Art.
j. To pay Expenses and costs for litigation if 690, CC]
incurred because of the usufruct. [Art. 602,
CC] To answer for fault or negligence of the
one he alienated, leased to the object of the
EFFECT OF TERMINATION [ART. 612, given to him, the usufruct being totally
CC] extinguished.
2. If both the naked owner and the
usufructuary were separately given
a. Obligations and Rights of the
indemnity [Paras]
Usufructuary [Paras] ● Each owns the indemnity given to him,
● Must return the property to the naked
the usufruct being totally extinguished.
owner [Art. 612, CC] 3. If usufructuary alone was given the
● Right to retain the property till he is
indemnity [Paras]
● He must give it to the naked owner and
○ For taxes on the capital which had been
compel the naked owner to return
advanced by him [Art. 597(2), CC]; and
either the interest or to replace the
○ Indispensable extraordinary repairs or
expenses insofar as there has been an
● He may even deduct the interest
increase in the value [Art. 594(2), CC]
himself, if the naked owner fails to
● Right to remove removable improvements
[Art. 579, CC] or set them off against
damages he has caused [Art. 580, CC].
b. Bad Use of Thing in Usufruct [Art.
b. Obligations of the Owner [Paras] 610, CC]
● Bad use of the thing in usufruct does
• Must cancel the security or mortgage
not extinguish the right of the
after delivery is made [Art. 612, CC]
usufructuary whether there is security
• Must in case of rural leases, respect
or not.
leases made by the usufructuary, till
● If bad use causes considerable injury
the end of the agricultural year [Art.
to the owner:
572, CC]
○ It does not extinguish the
• Must make reimbursements to the
usufruct but the owner is
usufructuary in the proper cases. [Arts.
entitled to demand delivery and
597 and 594, CC]
administration of the thing with
the obligation to pay annually
THE USUFRUCT ● The usufructuary is liable for damages
caused to property.
a. Expropriation of Thing in Usufruct
[Art. 609, CC] c. Usufruct over a Building of Thing
in Usufruct [Art. 607 and 608, CC]
1. If the naked owner alone was given the
indemnity [See table above for the application.]
• General Rule: The naked owner has
the option
○ To replace it with an equivalent
thing; or
○ To pay to the usufructuary legal
interest on the indemnity. This
requires a security to be given by
the naked owner for the payment of
the interest.
• Exception: If both the naked owner and
the usufructuary were separately given
indemnity, each owns the indemnity
incorporation, by destination or by
analogy. Also, it cannot be established
H. EASEMENTS on things beyond the commerce of
man, (i.e. property of public dominion).
2. Servitus in faciendo consistere nequit: A [Art. 616, Negative: Prohibits the owner
servitude cannot consist in doing. Although CC] of the servient estate from
some easements seem to impose a doing something that he could
positive prestation upon the owner of the lawfully do if the easement did
servient estate, in reality, the primary not exist
obligation is still negative. Legal [Art. 619 and 634, CC]:
created by law, whether for
Illustration: The owner of a tree whose public use or for the interest of
branches extend over to a neighboring private persons.
property is required to cut off the extended Example: Natural drainage of
branches, but the real essence of the waters, Abutment of land,
easement is the obligation not to allow the Aqueduct, etc.
branches of the tree to extend beyond the Voluntary [Art. 619, CC]:
land. created by the will of the
owners of the estate through
Exception: Praedial servitude, where the contract, last will or donation.
positive obligation is an accessory to the These must be recorded in the
negative easement. [Art. 680, CC] As to its
Registry of Property to
3. Servitus servitutes esse non potest: There cause or
prejudice third persons.
can be no servitude over another servitude. origin
Mixed: created partly by will or
4. A servitude must be exercised civiliter, or in agreement and partly by law.
a way least burdensome to the owner of the
servient estate. Note: There is no such thing as
5. A servitude must have a perpetual cause. a JUDICIAL EASEMENT. The
Courts cannot create
2. Classification easements, they can only
declare the existence of one, if
Real or Praedial: exists for the it exists by virtue of the law or
As to benefit of a particular will of the parties. [Castro v.
recipient tenement. [Art. 613, CC] Monsod, G.R. No. 183719
of Personal: exists for the benefit (2011)]
benefits of persons without a dominant
tenement [Art. 614, CC] Relevance of Classifications
Continuous: Use is or may be 1. Determines whether or not the easement
As to its incessant, without the can be acquired by prescription of ten
exercise intervention of any act of man years or by title. [Art. 620 and 622, CC]
[Art. 615, Discontinuous: Used at 2. Determines how to compute the
CC] intervals, and dependent upon prescriptive period in case it can be
the acts of man. acquired by prescription. [Art. 621, CC]
As Apparent: Made known and 3. Determines how easement is lost by
indication continually kept in view by prescription [Art. 631(2), CC]
of its external signs that reveal the
existence use and enjoyment of the same LAW GOVERNING LEGAL EASEMENTS
[Art. 615, Non-apparent: No external
CC] indication of their existence. For public easements
Positive: Imposes upon the • Special laws and regulations relating
As to the thereto. (e.g. PD 1067 (Water Code) and
owner of the servient estate the
object or PD 705 (Forestry Code))
obligation of allowing
something to be done, or of • By the provisions of Chapter 2, Title VII,
imposed Book II, CC.
doing it himself.
For private legal easements occupy lands of private ownership, the proper
• By agreement of the interested parties indemnity shall first be paid.
whenever the law does not prohibit it and
no injury is suffered by a 3rd person. 3. Abutment of a Dam [Art. 639, CC]
• By the provisions of Chapter 2, title VII, Whenever for the diversion or taking of water
Book II. from a river or brook, or for the use of any other
continuous or discontinuous stream, it should
KINDS OF PRIVATE LEGAL EASEMENTS be necessary to build a dam, and the person
PROVIDED BY THE NEW CIVIL CODE who is to construct it is not the owner of the
banks, or lands which must support it, he may
1. THOSE ESTABLISHED FOR THE establish the easement of abutment of a dam,
USE OF WATERS OR RELATING TO after payment of the proper indemnity.
4. Drawing Water and Watering Animals
1. Natural Drainage [Art. 637, CC] [Arts. 640-641, CC]
Lower estates are obliged to receive the waters Compulsory easements for drawing water or
which naturally and without the intervention of for watering animals can be imposed only for
man descend from the higher estates (as well reasons of public use in favor of a town or
as the stones or earth which they carry with village, after payment of the proper indemnity.
them). [Art. 640, CC]
The owner of the lower estate cannot construct Easements for drawing water and for watering
works which will impede this easement; neither animals carry with them the obligation of the
can the owner of the higher estate make works owners of the servient estates to allow passage
which will increase the burden. to persons and animals to the place where
such easements are to be used, and the
Refer to Art. 456 of the Water Code which indemnity shall include this service. [Art. 641,
states that “when artificial means are employed CC]
to drain water from higher to lower land, the
owner of the highest land shall select the routes The width of the easement must not exceed 10
and methods of drainage that will cause the meters. [Art. 657, CC]
minimum damage to the lower lands, subject to
the requirements of just compensation.” [P.D. 5. Aqueduct [Arts. 642-646, CC]
1067, Water Code] Any person who may wish to use upon his own
estate any water of which he can dispose shall
2. Riparian Banks [Art. 638, CC] have the right to make it flow through the
The banks of rivers and streams, even in case intervening estates, with the obligation to
they are of private ownership, are subject indemnify their owners, as well as the owners
throughout their entire length and within a zone of the lower estates upon which the waters may
of 3 meters for urban areas, 20 meters for filter or descend. [Art. 642, CC]
agricultural areas and 40 meters for forest
areas (PD 1067, Water Code as amended by Requisites to establish easement of Aqueduct
PD 1067) along their margins, to the easement [Art. 643, CC]:
of public use in the general interest of • To prove that he can dispose of the
navigation, floatage, fishing, recreation and water and that it is sufficient for the use
salvage. for which it is intended;
• To show that the proposed right of way
Estates adjoining the banks of navigable or is the most convenient and the least
floatable rivers are subject to the easement of onerous to third persons;
towpath for the exclusive service of river
navigation and floatage. If it be necessary to
• To indemnify the owner of the servient to be taken, for the purpose of improving an
estate in the manner determined by the estate.
laws and regulations.
Such person may demand that the owners of
What it cannot be imposed on: Easement of the banks permit its construction, after
aqueduct for private interest cannot be payment of damages, including those caused
imposed on buildings, courtyards, annexes, or by the new easement to such owners and to
outhouses, or on orchards or gardens already the other irrigators.
existing. [Art. 644, CC]
2. RIGHT OF WAY [Arts. 649-657, CC]
Right of servient estate owner: This easement
does not prevent the owner of the servient Who may demand [Art. 649, CC]
estate from closing or fencing it, or from 1. The owner of the dominant estate; or
building over the aqueduct in such manner as 2. Any person with the real right to
not to cause the latter any damage, or render cultivate or use the dominant estate
necessary repairs and cleanings impossible. e.g. a usufructuary, a de jure
[Art. 645, CC] possessor.
Treatment under law: This easement is Note: A lessee cannot demand such
considered as continuous and apparent, even easement, because the lessor is the one bound
though the flow of the water may not be to maintain him in the enjoyment of the
continuous, or its use depends upon the needs property.
of the dominant estate, or upon a schedule of
alternate days or hours. [Art. 646, CC] Note: A right of way can be established through
the will of parties as well, and the provisions on
In the appropriation of water, there is a need to the legal easement of right of way will not
apply for water rights. govern.
Any person having an easement for an Requisites for legal demand to establish the
aqueduct may enter upon the servient land for easement of right of way [Art. 649, CC and
the purpose of cleaning, repairing or replacing Floro v. Llenado, G.R. No. 75723, 1995]]
the aqueduct or the removal of obstructions The dominant estate is surrounded by other
therefrom [P.D. 1067, Water Code] immovables owned by other persons;
1. There must absolutely be no access
Easements for aqueduct and of right of way i.e. means of entrance or exit/egress
cannot be acquired by prescription because to a public highway;
although it may be apparent, it is discontinuous 2. Even if there is access, it is difficult or
in character. Under the Water Code of the dangerous to use, or grossly
Philippines, all waters belong to the state. insufficient;
Water legally appropriated shall be subject to • Mere inconvenience in the use of
the control of the appropriator from the moment an outlet does not render the
it reaches the appropriator from the moment it easement a necessity.
reaches the appropriator’s canal or aqueduct • An adequate outlet is one that is
leading to the place where the water will be sufficient for the purpose and
used or stored and, thereafter, so long as it is needs of the dominant owner, and
being beneficially used for the purposes for can be established at a reasonable
which it was appropriated. [Art. 8, Water Code] expense.
• Does not necessarily have to be by
6. Stop Lock or Sluice Gate [Art. 647, CC] land – an outlet through a
The construction of a stop lock or sluice gate in navigable river or a lake or the sea
the bed of the stream from which the water is
Note: The deposit of earth or debris on one side 2. If he raises the height of the wall, he must:
alone is an exterior sign that the owner of that • Bear the cost of maintenance of the
side is the owner of the ditch or drain. The additions;
presumption is an addition to those • Bear the cost of construction, if the wall
enumerated in Art. 660, CC. [Art. 661, CC] cannot support the additional height;
• Give additional land, if necessary to
Rights of Owners of a Party Wall thicken the wall;
1. Generally, part-owners may use the wall in • Pay for damages, if necessary, even if
proportion to their respective interests [Art. temporary; and
666, CC], provided that: • Bear the increased expenses for
• The right to use by the other party is not preservation. [Art. 664, CC]
interfered with;
• The consent by the other owner is 4. EASEMENT OF LIGHT AND VIEW
needed if a party wants to open a [ARTS. 667-673, CC]
window; and
• The condition of the building is Easement of light (jus luminum)
determined by experts. The right to admit light from the neighboring
2. To increase the height of the wall [Art. 664, estate by virtue of the opening of a window or
CC]. the making of certain openings.
• He does this at his expense, including
the thickening of the wall on his land. Easement of view (jus prospectus)
• He shall indemnify the other party for The right to make openings or windows, to
any damages. enjoy the view through the estate of another
and the power to prevent all constructions or
works which would obstruct such view or make • An easement is created only when the
the same difficult. owner opens up a window and
subsequently prohibits or restrains the
The easement of view necessarily includes the adjacent owner from doing anything that
easement of light, because It is impossible to may tend to cut off or interrupt the light and
have a view only without a light. However, it is the 10-year prescriptive period has lapsed
possible to have light without a view. by a notarial prohibition.
thereon at less than a distance of three meters establishing a conduit for the drainage in such
to be measured in the manner provided in manner as to cause the least damage to the
Article 671. [Art. 673, CC] servient estate, after payment of the property
indemnity. [Art. 676, CC]
Note: Breach of the required distances results
into the prescriptive period not running. [Art. Note: When is there a violation of easement of
670, CC] drainage? Refer to Purugganan v. Paredes, 69
SCRA 69: When the roof of the appellants
Notes on the Acquisition of the Easement protrudes by 98 centimeters over the property
• Period of acquisitive prescription depends of the appellee, so that during a heavy rainfall,
upon whether the easement of light and the propulsion of the water would go as far as
view is positive or negative. one meter over the property of the latter. Also
o If positive, then the prescription check on Sec. 8.01.05 (d) (1) of the National
period is counted from the day the Building Code.
window is opened.
o If negative, then the prescription 6. INTERMEDIATE DISTANCES [Arts.
period is counted from the formal 677-681, CC]
prohibition made on the owner of
the servient estate. [Art. 668, CC] Prohibiting the construction and plantings near
fortified places or fortresses without complying
5. DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS [Art. 674, with special laws, ordinances and regulations
CC] relative hereto, Art. 677 of the Civil Code, in
effect, establishes an easement in favor of the
The owner of a building shall be obliged to State. The general prohibition is dictated by the
construct its roof or covering in such manner demands of national security.
that the rain water shall fall on his own land or
on a street or public place, and not on the land No person shall build any aqueduct, well,
of his neighbor, even though the adjacent land sewer, furnace, forge, chimney, stable,
may belong to two or more persons, one of depository of corrosive substances, machinery,
whom is the owner of the roof. or factory which by reason of its nature or
products is dangerous or noxious, without
Even if it should fall on his own land, the owner observing the distances prescribed by the
shall be obliged to collect the water in such a regulations and customs of the place, and
way as not to cause damage to the adjacent without making the necessary protective
land or tenement. [Art. 674, CC] works.
The true easement is where the adjacent These prohibitions cannot be altered or
estate has the obligation of receiving the renounced by stipulation on the part of the
rainwater falling from a neighboring roof and adjoining proprietors.
giving it an outlet on his own lot so as not to
cause damage to the dominant estate. [Art. In the absence of regulations, such precautions
675, CC] shall be taken as may be considered
necessary, in order to avoid any damage to the
Whenever the yard or court of a house is neighboring lands or tenements. [Art. 678, CC]
surrounded by other houses, and it is not
possible to give an outlet through the house Note: For definition of dangerous buildings,
itself to the rain water collected thereon, the please refer to Sec. 1.01.08 (b), R.A. 6541, The
establishment of an easement of drainage can National Building Code. Cases applicable are
be demanded, giving an outlet to the water at De la Torre v. Bicol University, 468 SCRA 542
the point of the contiguous lands or tenements and Tague v. Fernandez, 51 SCRA 181.
where its egress may be easiest, and
Planting of trees [Art. 679, CC] • Subjacent: When the supported land is
No trees shall be planted near a tenement or above the supporting land.
piece of land belonging to another except at the
distance authorized by the ordinances or Any proprietor intending to make any
customs of the place. In the absence thereof: excavation contemplated in Arts. 684-686, CC
• At least 2 meters from the dividing line of shall notify all owners of adjacent lands. [Art.
the estates if tall trees are planted. 687, CC]
• At least 50 centimeters if shrubs or small
trees are planted. Note: Refer to Castro v. Monsod, 641 SCRA
486 (2011) on the need to annotate an
In case of a violation, a landowner shall have easement of lateral support at the back of the
the right to demand the uprooting of the plant land title of the servient estate where there is
even if it has grown spontaneously. judicial recognition existing.
Branches, Roots and Fruits [Art. 680, CC] 8. EASEMENT AGAINST NUISANCE
If the branches of any tree should extend over [Arts. 682-683, CC]
a neighboring estate, tenement, garden or
yard, the owner of the latter shall have the right Every building or piece of land is subject to the
to demand that they be cut off. If it be the roots easement which prohibits the proprietor or
of a neighboring tree, which should penetrate possessor from committing nuisance through
into the land of another, the latter may cut them noise, jarring, offensive odor, smoke, heat,
off himself within his property. dust, water, glare and other causes. [Art. 682,
Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land
belong to the owner of said land. [Art. 681, CC] Subject to zoning, health, police and other laws
and regulations, factories and shops may be
7. LATERAL AND SUBJACENT maintained provided the least possible
SUPPORT [Arts. 684-687, CC] annoyance is caused to the neighborhood. [Art.
683, CC]
The proprietor is prohibited from making
dangerous excavations upon his land as to 3. Modes of Acquiring
deprive any adjacent land or building of
sufficient lateral or subjacent support. [Art. 684,
An easement is either acquired through a
Any stipulation or testamentary provision title/juridical act or by prescription. [Art. 620
allowing excavations that cause danger to an and 622, CC]
adjacent land or building shall be void. [Art.
685, CC] Kind of How acquired
Easement Title Prescription
The legal easement of lateral and subjacent Continuous and
support is not only for buildings standing at the apparent (CA)
time the excavations are made but also for Continuous Non-
constructions that may be erected. [Art. 686, apparent (CNA)
CC] Discontinuous
• Easement of lateral and subjacent support and non-apparent YES NO
is deemed essential to the stability of (DA)
buildings. Discontinuous
• Lateral: When a vertical plane divides the Non-apparent YES NO
supported and supporting lands. (DNA)
When an easement is established, all rights negative easement of light and view (altius non
necessary for its use are considered granted. tollendi) i.e. not to build a structure that will
[Art. 625, CC] cover the windows. [Amor v. Florentino, G.R.
No. L-48384 (1943)].
a. By Title (or by Something Equivalent
to a Title) b. By Law (Legal Easements)
Something Equivalent to a Title: Refers to law Easements imposed by law have for their
or juridical acts such as donations, contracts, object either public use or the interest of private
or wills. persons. [Art. 634, CC]
• Continuous and apparent easements may
be acquired by virtue of a title. [Art. 620, These easements may be modified by
CC] agreement of the interested parties, whenever
• Continuous non-apparent easements, and the law does not prohibit it, or no injury is
discontinuous ones, whether apparent or suffered by a third person. [Art. 636, CC]
not, are acquired only by virtue of a title.
[Art. 622, CC] c. By Will of the Owner (Voluntary
• The absence of a document or proof Easements)
showing the origin of an easement which
cannot be acquired by prescription may be Every owner of a tenement or piece of land
cured by a deed of recognition by the may establish thereon the easements which he
owner of the servient estate or by a final may deem suitable, and in the manner and
judgment. [Art. 623, CC] form which he may deem best, provided he
does not contravene the laws, public policy or
Deed of recognition: By an affidavit or a formal public order. [Art. 688, CC]
deed acknowledging the servitude.
Note: If an owner constitutes an easement over
Final judgment: Owner of the dominant estate his own property and makes such easement
must file a case in court to have the easement available to the general public, said owner may
declared by proving its existence through other not arbitrarily discriminate against certain
evidence. persons by not letting them use the easement.
[Negros Sugar Company v Hidalgo, G.R. No.
The existence of an apparent sign of easement L-42334 (1936)]
between two estates, established or
maintained by the owner of both, shall be When the property subject of the easement is
considered, should either of them be alienated, also in usufruct, the owner of the property may
as a title in order that the easement may establish an easement on the property, without
continue actively and passively. This is also consent of the usufructuary; provided, the right
applicable to cases of co-ownership. [Art. 624, of the usufructuary is not injured. [Art. 689, CC]
Whenever the naked ownership belongs to one
Exception: At the time the ownership of the person and the beneficial ownership to
two estates is divided, the title of conveyance another, no perpetual voluntary easement may
of either of the two estates provides for the be established thereon without the consent of
contrary (says the easement will not continue) both owners. [Art. 690, CC]
or the apparent sign of easement is removed
before the execution of the deed of When the property is co-owned, consent of all
conveyance. [Art. 624, CC] co-owners is required to impose an easement.
[Art. 691, CC]
Illustration: The presence of 4 windows was
considered an apparent sign that created a
d. By Prescription
Example: Easement of drawing water
Continuous and apparent easements may be carries with it the easement of right of way
acquired by prescription of 10 years. [Art. 620, to the place where water is drawn.
Limitation: Only for the original immovable
Requisites: and the original purpose.
1. The easement must be continuous and
apparent; 3. To make, at his own expense, on the
2. The easement must have been used for 10 servient estate, any works necessary for
years; and the use and preservation of the servitude,
3. There is no need for good faith or just title. but without altering it or rendering it more
burdensome. [Art. 627(1), CC]
Computation of time of possession [Art. 4. In a right of way, to ask for change in width
621, CC] of easement sufficient for the needs of the
1. Positive easements: From the day on dominant estate. [Art. 651, CC]
which the owner of the dominant estate, or
the person who may have made use of the The needs of the dominant property
easement, commenced to exercise it upon ultimately determine the width of the
the servient estate passage. And these needs may vary from
2. Negative easements: From the day on time to time. [Encarnacion v. CA, G.R. No.
which the owner of the dominant estate 77628 (1991)]
forbade, by an instrument acknowledged
before a notary public, the owner of the 5. To renounce totally the easement, if he
servient estate, from executing an act desires to be exempt from contributing to
which would be lawful without the the expenses. [Art. 628, CC]
b. Obligations of Dominant Estate
Note: Example of a continuous and apparent Owner
easement is of light and view, as opposed to a
right of way which is discontinuous but 1. To use the easement for the benefit of
apparent, and thus cannot be acquired by immovable and in the manner originally
prescription. established [Art. 626, CC]
Mere passage which was permitted and is If established for a particular purpose, the
under an implied license cannot be the basis of easement cannot be used for a different
prescription. [Archbishop of Manila v. Roxas, one. However, if established in a general
G.R. No. L-7386 (1912)] way, without specific purpose, the
easement can be used for all the needs of
4. Rights and Obligations of the the dominant estate.
Owners of Dominant and 2. To notify the owner of the servient estate
Servient Estates before making repairs and to make repairs
in a manner least inconvenient to the
a. Rights of Dominant Estate Owner servient estate [Art. 627(2), CC]
3. Not to alter the easement or render it more
1. To use the easement and exercise all burdensome. [Art. 627, CC]
rights necessary for it [Art. 625, CC].
2. The owner of the dominant estate is In an easement of a right of way, widening
granted the right to use the principal the road means making the easement
easement, and all accessory servitudes. more burdensome. [Valderrama v. North
Negros Sugar Co., G.R. No. L-23810 Exception: Unless there is an agreement to
(1925)] the contrary.
4. To contribute to expenses of works 3. To pay for the expenses incurred for the
necessary for use and preservation of change of location or form of the easement
servitude, if there are several dominant
estates. [Art. 628, CC] 5. Modes of Extinguishment
The contribution is in proportion to the Ways by which an easement may be
benefits which each may derive from the extinguished: [Art. 631, CC] [MINERRO –
work. Merger, Impossibility, Non-use, Expiration,
Renunciation, Redemption, Other causes]
c. Rights of the Servient Estate Owner
1. By merger in the same person of the
1. To retain the ownership of the portion of the ownership of the dominant and servient
estate on which the easement is estates – must be absolute, perfect and
established [Art. 630, CC] definite, and not merely temporary. If the
2. To use the easement, provided he shall merger is temporary, there is at most a
also be obliged to pay the expenses suspension of the easement, but no
necessary for the preservation and use of extinguishment.
the servitude. [par. 2, Art. 628, CC] 2. By non-user for ten years – there is
inaction, and not outright renunciation. This
Exception to paying expenses: There is an is due to the voluntary abstention by the
agreement to the contrary. dominant owner, and not due to a fortuitous
3. To change the place or manner of the use • If discontinuous easement, period is
of the easement, provided it be equally counted from day it ceased to be used.
convenient [par. 2, Art. 629, CC] If continuous easement, counted from
the day an act adverse to the exercise
In case the easement becomes very of the right of easement took place.
inconvenient for the servient estate owner, • Note use by a co-owner bars
or if it prevents him from making any prescription as to others as well. [Art.
important works, repairs, or improvements, 633, CC]
the easement MAY BE CHANGED, 3. Impossibility of use – impossibility
provided: referred to must render the entire
1. He offers another place/manner easement unusable for all time.
equally convenient. Impossibility of using the easement due to
2. Does not cause injury to the dominant the condition of the tenements (e.g.
estate owner. flooding) only suspends the servitude until
3. Does not cause injury to those who it can be used again.
have a right to use the easement, if
• Exception: If the suspension exceeds
10 years, the easement is deemed
extinguished by non-use.
d. Obligations of Servient Estate 4. By the expiration of the term or the
Owner fulfillment of the resolutory condition -
applies only to voluntary easements.
1. Not to impair the use of the easement [Art. 5. By the renunciation of the owner of the
629(1), CC] dominant estate – must be specific, clear,
2. To contribute proportionately to expenses
express (distinguished from non-user); or
if he uses the easement [Art. 628(2), CC]
the owner having lost his ownership by finder. The finder and the owner shall
leaving, abandoned them (no intention be obliged, as the case may be, to
to recover). [Art. 716, CC] reimburse the expenses. [Art. 719, CC]
d. Pigeons and Fish
Pigeons and fish which from their 3. Of Land
respective breeding places pass to • Land cannot be the object of
another pertaining to a different owner occupation. [Art. 714, CC]
shall belong to the latter, provided they • Land of public dominion belongs to the
have not been enticed by some artifice State.
or fraud. • Abandoned private lands are deemed
as patrimonial property of the State
2. Of Other Personal Property
a. Abandoned – may be acquired 4. Hidden Treasure
b. Lost Definition: Any hidden and unknown deposit
Whoever finds a movable, which is not of money, jewelry, or other precious objects,
treasured, must return it to its previous the lawful ownership of which does not appear.
possessor. If the latter is unknown, the [Art. 439, CC]
finder shall immediately deposit it with
the mayor of the city or municipality General Rule: Belongs to the owner of the
where the finding has taken place. land, building, or other property on which it is
found. [Art. 438, CC]
The finding shall be publicily
announced by the mayor for two Exceptions
consecutive weeks in the way he 1. If discovery made on property of
deems best. another, the State, or any of its
subdivisions AND by chance: one-half
If the movable cannot be kept without shall be allowed to the finder
deterioration, or without expenses 2. If finder is a trespasser: he shall not be
which considerably diminish its value, it entitled to any share of the treasure
shall be sold at public auction eight 3. If the things found be of interest to
days after publication. science or the arts: State may acquire
them at their just price, which shall be
Six months from the publication divided in conformity with rule stated [Art.
having elapsed without the owner 438 (3), CC]
having appeared, the thing found, or
its value, shall be awarded to the
2. Donation
Donation is an act of liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in favor of
another, who accepts it. (simple donation) [Art. 725, CC]
Although under Art. 725, CC, donation is an act, it is really a contract. The essential requisites of
consent, subject matter, and cause must be present. [Tolentino]
Nature Generally, donation includes all forms of gratuitous dispositions.
The patrimony or asset of the donor is decreased, while that of the donee is
[CADAF – Capacity, Animus donandi, Delivery, Acceptance, Form]
a. Must be made before the celebration of marriage;
b. Made in consideration of the marriage; and
c. Made in favor of one or both of the future spouses.
a. The transferor retains ownership and control of the property
while alive;
b. The transfer is revocable at will before his death; and
The transfer will be VOID if the transferor should survive the
a. Simple - made out of pure liberality or because of the merits
of the donee.
b. Remuneratory - made for services already rendered to the
As to cause c. Onerous - imposes a burden inferior in value to property
or donated.
consideration d. Improper - burden equal in value to property donated.
e. Sub-modo or modal - imposes a prestation upon donee as to
how property donated will be applied.
Mixed donations – e.g. sale for price lower than value of property.
[Labitag Syllabus]
As to effectivity
Effective during the lifetime of the donor. It
takes effect independently of the donor’s Effective after the death of the donor. [Art. 728, CC]
death. [Art. 729, CC]
As to acceptance
Acceptance must be made after the death of the
donor, the donation being effective only after the
Acceptance must be made during the lifetime death of donor. Acceptance during the donor’s
of the donor. [Art. 746, CC] lifetime is premature and ineffective because there
can be no contract regarding future inheritance.
[Art. 728, CC]
As to transfer of ownership for right of disposition
Ownership is immediately transferred. Upon acceptance by the donee, but the effect of
Delivery of possession is allowed after death. such retroacts to the time of death of the donor.
As to revocation
Irrevocable – may be revoked for the reasons Revocable upon the exclusive will of the donor.
provided in Arts. 760, 764, 765, CC. [Ganuelas v. Cawed, G.R. No. 123968 (2003]
As to reduction or suppression
When it is excessive or inofficious [Art. 750,
CC] or for any of the reasons provided for in
When it is excessive or inofficious, it is reduced
Art. 760, CC. Being preferred, it is reduced
first, or even suppressed.
only after the donations mortis causa had
been reduced or exhausted.
As to effect if donor survives donee
Donation is void. [Maglasang v. Heirs of
Not affected.
Cabatingan, G.R. 131953 (2002)]
The donation of a movable may be
made orally or in writing. Oral General Rule: Must be in a public document for it to be
donation requires simultaneous valid.
If value of property exceeds P5,000: If donation and acceptance are in the same instrument:
a. Donation and acceptance a. It must be in a public instrument.
must be in writing; otherwise, b. Instrument must specify the property donated and
it is void. the value of the charges.
b. It need not be in public
instrument; neither is it If donation and acceptance are in separate instruments:
necessary that the a. It must be in a public instrument.
acceptance be in the same b. Instrument must specify the property and the value
instrument as the deed of of the charges.
donation. [Tolentino] c. Acceptance must also be in a public instrument.
d. It must be made during the lifetime of the donor.
If value is P5,000 or less: [Art. 746, CC]
a. If orally: there must be e. Donor must be notified in authentic form of such
simultaneous delivery acceptance made in a separate instrument.
b. If in writing: donation is valid f. Fact of such notification must be noted in both
even without simultaneous instruments.
a. Donation of real property in a private instrument is
null and void.
b. Registration is not necessary for the donation to be
considered valid and effective. This only comes into
play with respect to affected third persons.
c. There is nothing that prevents the donor or his heirs
to execute a public document ratifying a previous
donation that has been avoided for lack of
compliance with the legal requisites. This
ratification had the effect of a new donation
[Abragan v. Centenera, G.R. No. 22173, (1924)].
d. Action to declare the inexistence of a void donation
does not prescribe [Art. 1410, CC].
No accretion – one donee does not get the share of the other donees who did not accept. [Art. 753,
Exception: those given to husband and wife, except when the donor otherwise provides. [Art. 753,
Who are allowed: All persons who may contract (of legal age) and dispose of their property. [Art.
735, CC]
Donor’s capacity is determined at the time of the making of donation [Art. 737, CC] Subsequent
incapacity is immaterial.
Note: Capacity to donate is NOT required for donations mortis causa. [Tolentino]
e. Those made to incapacitated persons, although simulated under the guise of another
contract. [Art. 743, CC]
Acceptance of the donation
Who may accept: [Art. 745, CC]
a. Donee personally; or
b. Authorized person with a special power for the purpose, or with a general sufficient power.
When to accept: During the lifetime of the donor and of the donee. [Art. 746, CC]
What the donee acquires with the thing
He shall be subrogated to all the rights and actions that would pertain to the donor in case of eviction.
[Art. 754, CC]
Obligation of the donor
No obligation to warrant. [Art. 754, CC]
a. When the donation is onerous. [Art. 754, CC]
In which case, the donor shall be liable for eviction to the concurrence of the burden; and
b. Liable for eviction or hidden defects in case of bad faith on the donor’s part.
Obligation of the donee
If the donation so states, the donee may be obliged to pay the only debts previously contracted
by the donor and in no case shall he be responsible for the debts exceeding the value of the thing
donated. [Art. 758, CC]
Exception: When a contrary intention clearly appears. [Art. 758, CC]
What may be reserved by the donor [Art. 755, CC]
The right to dispose of some of the things donated, or of some amount which shall be a charge
Exception: If the donor dies without exercising this right. In which case, the property or amount
reserved shall belong to the done.
Donation of naked ownership to one donee and usufruct to another [Art. 756, CC]
The naked ownership and the usufruct may be donated separately, provided that all the donees
are living at the time of the donation.
Payment of donor’s debt [Art. 758, CC]
a. If expressly stipulated, the donee must pay only the debts contracted before the donation
unless specified otherwise.
But in no case shall the donee be responsible for debts exceeding the value of the property donated
unless clearly intended.
b. If there’s no stipulation, the donee will be answerable only for the donor’s debt only in case
the donation is in fraud of creditors. [Art. 759, CC]
Reversion [Art. 757, CC]
The property donated may be restored or returned to:
a. Donor or his estate (reversion may be for any case and circumstance); or
b. Other persons (such persons MUST all be living at the time of the donation)
Note: Any reversion stipulated by the donor in favor of a third person in violation of what is provided
in the foregoing shall be void, but shall not nullify the donation.
Double donations [Art. 744, CC]
Rule: Priority in time, priority in right.
a. If movable: One who first took possession in good faith. [Art. 1544, CC]
b. If immovable: One who first recorded in Registry of Property in good faith. [Art. 1544, CC]
c. If there is no inscription, the one who first took possession in good faith. [Art. 1544, CC]
d. In the absence thereof (possession), one who can present the oldest title, provided there is
good faith. [Art. 1544, CC]
Excessive/Inofficious Donations [Art. 752, CC]
Inofficious donation: A type of donation in which a person gives or receives more than what he
may give or receive by will. If a donation is inofficious, it shall be reduced with regard to the excess.
But this reduction shall not prevent the donations from taking effect during the life of the donor, nor
shall it bar the donee from appropriating the fruits. [Art. 771, CC]
Note: Only those who, at the time of the donor's death, have a right to the legitime, and their heirs
and successors-in-interest, may ask for the reduction or inofficious donations. [Art. 772, CC]
If, there being two or more donations, the disposable portion is not sufficient to cover all of them,
those of the more recent date shall be suppressed or reduced with regard to the excess. [Art. 773,
Donations cannot comprehend future property [Art. 751, CC]
Future property: Understood as anything which the donor cannot dispose of at the time of the
Note: It is immaterial that the then-future property may subsequently belong to the donor. [Tolentino]
In fraud of creditors [Art. 759, CC]
Donation is always presumed to be in fraud of creditors, when at the time thereof the donor did not
reserve sufficient property to pay his debts prior to the donation.
There being no stipulation regarding the payment of debts, the donee shall be responsible for
donor’s debts only when the donation has been made in fraud of creditors, otherwise creditors may
rescind donation by way of accion pauliana.
a. Donation between spouses [Art. 87, FC]
General Rule: Every donation or grant of gratuitous advantage, direct or indirect, between the
spouses during the marriage shall be VOID. The prohibition applies to persons living together as
husband and wife without a valid marriage.
Exception: Moderate gifts which the spouses may give each other on the occasion of any family
b. Those made between persons mentioned under Art. 739, CC
c. Those made to persons incapacitated to succeed by will. [Art. 740, CC]
● Total withdrawal of amount, whether the legitime is impaired or not.
● Benefits the donor.
● Amount is only insofar as the legitime is prejudiced.
● Benefits the donor’s heirs (except when made on the ground of the appearance of a child).
● Revocation due to birth, appearance, or adoption of a child applies only to donations inter vivos
and not to donations mortis causa, onerous donations, and donations propter nuptias. [De Leon,
p. 676]
Property returned,
Not transmitted to but alienations and
Within 1 year after
heirs of donor/ mortgages effected
knowledge by
donee, but if donor before the notation
donor of the fact Fruits received from the filing of
dies during of the complaint for
and it was possible the complaint returned. [Art. 768,
pendency of case, revocation in the
for him to bring the CC]
heirs may be registry of property
action. [Art. 769,
substituted. [Art. subsist. Later ones
770, CC] shall be void. [Art.
776, CC]
Failure to reserve sufficient means for support [Art. 750, CC]
Reduced to the
At any time, by the
extent necessary to
donor or relatives Not transmissible. Donee entitled. [Art. 771, CC]
provide support.
entitled to support.
[Art. 771, CC]
Inofficiousness for being in excess of what the donor can give by will [Art. 752, CC]
Donation takes
effect on the
Within 5 years from lifetime of donor.
Transmitted to
the death of the Reduction only
donor’s heirs. [Art. Donee entitled. [Art. 771, CC]
donor. [Art. 1149, upon his death with
772, CC]
CC] regard to the
excess. [Art. 771,
Fraud against creditors [Art. 1381]
Rescission within 4
years from the Returned for the
Transmitted to
perfection of benefit of the Fruits returned, or if impossible,
creditor’s heirs or
donation creditor who indemnify creditor for damages.
(knowledge of the brought the action. [Art. 1385 and 1388, CC]
donation). [Art. [Art. 1388, CC]
1389, CC]
3. Prescription
Who may acquire
[See also, Part III. PRESCRIPTION.] Persons who are capable of acquiring property
or rights by the other legal modes may acquire
Definition the same by means of prescription. [Art. 1107
By prescription, one acquires ownership and (1), CC]
other real rights through the lapse of time in the
manner and under the conditions laid down by Minors and other incapacitated persons may
law. In the same way, rights and conditions are acquire property or rights personally or through
lost by prescription. [Art. 1106, CC] their parents, guardians, or legal
Note: For purposes of ACQUIRING
OWNERSHIP, only ACQUISITIVE Kinds of prescription
PRESCRIPTION is being referred to. a. Acquisitive Prescription
• The acquisition of ownership and other
real rights through possession in the
presumption that the latter has given up the ownership but the transferor or grantor was not
right to the former. the owner of the property or he has no power
to transmit the right [Art. 1129, CC].
The acquisition of ownership and other real
rights through possession in the concept of b. Extraordinary
owner of a thing in the manner and condition
provided by law. May be ordinary or a. a loss of the right and limitation of actions;
extraordinary: b. refers to the neglect of the owner, who is
1. Ordinary: requires possession of out of possession;
things in good faith and with just title for c. bars the right of action;
the time fixed by law. d. the basis is the probability that alleged right
2. Extraordinary: acquisition of never existed or has already been
ownership and other real rights without extinguished, or if it exists, the
need of title or of good faith or any other inconvenience caused by the prescription
condition. should be borne by the negligent party.
Prescription where possession in good faith Prescription where the possessor is in bad
converted into possession in bad faith: faith. It does not require good faith or just title
1. Ordinary but possession for a period longer than
● Movable properties - 4 years [Art. 1132, ordinary acquisitive prescription [Pineda,
CC] 2009].
● Immovable properties - 10 years [Art.
1134, CC] Requisites
2. Extraordinary: 1. Capacity of the possessor to acquire by
● Movable properties - 8 years [Art. 1132 prescription;
and 1140, CC] 2. Susceptibility of object to prescription;
● Immovable properties - 30 years [Art. 3. Adverse possession of the character
1137, CC] prescribed by law;
4. Lapse of time required by law; and
Possession has to be in the concept of an 5. Good faith of possessor or proof of just
owner, public, peaceful, and uninterrupted. title.
[Art. 1118, CC]
2. Extinctive Prescription
a. Ordinary
It requires possession of things in good faith It based on the probability, born of experience,
and with just title for the time fixed by law. that the alleged right which accrued in the past
never existed or has already been
Good faith extinguished; or if it exists, the inconvenience
If he is not aware of the existence of any flaw caused by the lapse of time should be borne by
or defect in his title or mode of acquisition the party negligent in the assertion of his right
which invalidates it [Art. 526 in relation to Art. [Tolentino].
1128, CC] and has reasonable belief that the
person from whom he received the thing was
a. Characteristics
the owner thereof, and could transmit his
ownership [Art. 1127, CC].
The loss or extinguishment of property rights or
actions through the possession by another of a
Just title
thing for the period provided by law or through
It means that the possessor obtained the
failure to bring the necessary action to enforce
possession of the property through one of the
one’s right within the period fixed by law.
modes recognized by law for acquiring
Prescription Laches
Statutory. NOT statutory
Applies at law. Applies at equity LIMITATION OF
Cannot be availed of Being a defense of ACTIONS
unless it is especially equity, need not be
pleaded as an specifically pleaded.
affirmative 1. To recover movables
Based on a fixed NOT based on a The action prescribes in 8 years from the time
time. fixed time. the possession thereof is lost. [Art. 1132 and
1140, CC]
Laches – (or “estoppel by laches”) is However, the action shall not prosper if it is
unreasonable delay in the bringing of a cause brought after 4 years when the possessor has
of action before the courts of justice; it is failure already acquired title by ordinary acquisitive
or neglect, for an unreasonable and prescription. [Art. 1132, CC]
unexplained length of time, to do that which, by
exercising due diligence, could or should have If the possessor acquired the movable in good
been done earlier; it is negligence or omission faith at a public sale, the owner cannot obtain
to assert a right within a reasonable time, its return without reimbursing the price paid.
warranting a presumption that the party entitled [Art.559, CC]
thereto either has abandoned it or declined to
assert it. 2. To recover immovables
Requisites of Laches: General Rule: Real actions prescribe after 30
1. Conduct on the part of the defendant years [Art. 1141, CC]
which gives rise to a claim;
2. Delay in asserting complainant’s rights Exception: The possessor has acquired
(the complainant having ownership of the immovable by ordinary
knowledge/opportunity to file suit); acquisitive prescription through possession of
3. Lack of knowledge/notice of the part of 10 years. [Art. 1134, CC]
the defendant that the complainant
would assert a right; and 3. Other actions
4. Injury or prejudice to the defendant in
the event relief is accorded to the Action for reconveyance
complainant. ! Based on fraud: Prescribes 4 years from
the discovery of fraud. [Art. 1391, CC]
7. Property of public dominion ! Based on implied or constructive trust:
10 years from the alleged fraudulent
Prescription, both acquisitive and extinctive, registration or date of issuance of
does not run against the State in the exercise certificate of title over the property. [Art.
of its sovereign function to protect its interest 1144, CC]
EXCEPT with respect to its patrimonial
property which may be the object of Prescriptive Action
prescription. [Art. 1113, CC] Period
1. Action to foreclose a
10 years mortgage (from the time the
[Art. principal obligation becomes
1144, CC] due and demandable)
2. Actions upon:
a. A written contract
b. An obligation created by D. INTERRUPTION [ART.
law 1155, CC]
c. A judgment
6 years Actions upon: 1. When prescription of actions is
[Art. 1. An oral contract interrupted
1145, CC] 2. A quasi-contract a. They are filed before the court;
b. When there is a written extrajudicial
5 years All other actions whose demand by the creditors; and
[Art. periods are not fixed in the c. When there is any written
1149, CC] CC or in other laws. acknowledgment of the debt by the
4 years Actions upon: debtor.
[Art. 1. An injury to the rights of
1145, CC] the plaintiff. 2. Types of interruption
2. A quasi-delict. 1. Natural - Any natural cause that
1. Actions for Art. 1147, CC. interrupts the possession for more than
a. Forcible entry within one one year. [Art. 1121, CC]
year from date of 2. Civil [Art. 1123, CC]
dispossession thru FISTS or a. For acquisitive prescription – starts
unlawful detainer 1 year from from the time judicial summons are
date of last demand. received.
b. Defamation b. For extinctive prescription – starts
from the time action is filed in court,
2. Actions upon an injury to written extrajudicial demand by the
the rights of the plaintiff or creditors is received, or when there
upon a quasi-delict resulting is written acknowledgment of the
from any act of any public debt by the debtor. [Art. 1155, CC]
officer involving the exercise
of powers arising from Suspension in case of acquisitive
Martial Law including the prescription
arrest, detention and/or trial The period of interruption shall be counted in
of the plaintiff. favor of prescription (i.e. as if interruption never
1 year
happened but is merely suspended) if:
3. To recover possession de a. Judicial summons is void
facto. [Art. 554 (4), CC] b. Plaintiff should desist from the complaint
c. Possessor be absolved from the complaint
4. To revoke a donation on
the ground of ingratitude. Note: There is no suspension in extinctive
[Art. 769, CC] prescription.
6. To enforce warranty of
solvency of debts in
assignment of credits. [Art.
1629, CC]
11. Statutory grant – permitted only by 2. The testator must be at least 18 years old
law, not a constitutional right [Art. 797, CC]
Additional Dispositions
In holographic wills, the dispositions of the
testator written below his signature must be Will is void
dated and signed by him in order to make because it is not
to the execution of
them valid as testamentary dispositions [Art. written entirely by
the will
812, CC] the testator
4. by which any disposition made in the by some other person in his presence,
original will is explained, added to, or and by his express direction.
5. in order that it may be effective, it shall The act contemplating revocation must be
be executed as in the case of a will. done at any time before the death of the
[Arts. 825-826, CC] testator. The right of revocation cannot be
waived or restricted. [Art. 828, CC]
Note: A codicil must be in the form of a will –
can have a notarial codicil attached to a Note: Even if a holographic will was not
holographic will, and a holographic codicil intended to be revoked, unless a xerox copy
attached to a notarial will. exists, it can no longer be proved.
Effect of Predecease of Heir [Art. 856, CC] Concept [Art. 854, CC]
Any heir who dies before the testator or is 1. There must be a total omission of one,
incapacitated to succeed or renounces the some or all of the heir/s from the
inheritance transmits no rights of the testator to inheritance. [Seangio v. Reyes, G.R. Nos.
his own heirs. This is without prejudice to the 140371-72 (2006)]
rights of representation [Tolentino]. 2. The omission must be that of a compulsory
Manner of Distribution 3. The compulsory heir omitted must be of the
1. Heirs instituted without designation of direct line.
shares shall inherit in equal parts [Art. 4. The omitted compulsory heir must be living
846, CC] at the time of the testator’s death or must
2. If the institution pertains to some heirs at least have been conceived before the
individually and others collectively, the testator’s death.
presumption is that all are individually
instituted [Art. 847, CC] No Preterition
3. If siblings are instituted (whether full or If the heir in question is instituted in the will but
half-blood), the presumption is that the the portion given to him by the will is less than
inheritance is to be distributed equally his legitime – there is no preterition. [Reyes v.
[Art. 848, CC]. This is different from the Barretto-Datu, G.R. No. L-17817 (1967)]
rules of distribution in intestate
succession. If the heir is given a legacy or devise – there is
4. If parents and children are instituted, no preterition. [Aznar v. Duncan, G.R. No. L-
they are presumed to have been 24365 (1966)]
instituted simultaneously and not
successively [Art. 849, CC] If the heir had received a donation inter vivos
from the testator – the better view is that there
Note: By “unknown,” the Code actually means is no preterition. The donation inter vivos is
persons who could not be ascertained; a treated as an advance on the legitime under
disposition in favor of a stranger is valid Articles 906, 909, 910 and 1062.
The remedy, if the value of inheritance, legacy
or devise, or donation inter vivos is only for
completion of his legitime under Articles 906
and 907.
dies before the testator, renounces or turns In the absence of an obligation on the part of
out to be incapacitated, then the other two the first heir to preserve the property for the
will get his shares in the same proportion second heir, there is no fideicommissary
as in the institution. A will get twice as much substitution. [PCIB v. Escolin, G.R. Nos. L-
as B (because his share of 1/3 in the 27860 and L-27896 (1974)]
institution is twice the size of B’s share of
1/6) Effects of predecease of the first
heir/fiduciary or the second
3. SIMPLE SUBSTITUTION [Art. 859, heir/fideicommissary
Situation 1: If the heir dies followed by the
The testator may designate one or more second heir, then the testator dies, who will
persons to substitute the heir/s instituted in inherit? The legal heirs. There is no
case the heirs should: fideicommissary substitution because first and
a. die before him (predecease), second heirs are not living at the time of the
b. should not wish to accept the testator’s death [Art. 863, CC].
inheritance (repudiation), or
c. should be incapacitated to accept the Situation 2: The testator dies first followed by
inheritance (incapacitated). the second heir. The first heir survived them but
subsequently dies, who will inherit? The SH
4. FIDEICOMMISSARY SUBSTITUTION and his heirs under Art. 866, CC. This is
because the SH passes his rights to his own
The testator institutes an heir with an heirs when he dies before FH.
obligation to preserve and to deliver to
another the property so inherited. The heir Situation 3: If the first heir dies, followed by the
instituted to such condition is called the testator, then the second heir, who will inherit?
First Heir or the Fiduciary Heir; the one to No specific provision in law, but SH inherits
receive the property is the because the T intended him to inherit.
Fideicommissary or the Second Heir [Art.
863, CC]. 4. Conditional testamentary
Requisites [Arts. 863-865, CC] dispositions and
a. A Fiduciary or first heir instituted is testamentary dispositions
entrusted with the obligation to with a term
preserve and to transmit to a
Fideicommissary Substitute or second 3 Kinds of Testamentary Disposition
heir the whole or part of the inheritance. a. Conditional [Art. 871, CC]
b. The substitution must not go beyond b. Dispositions with a term [Art. 885, CC]
one degree from the heir originally c. Dispositions with a mode/modal
instituted. dispositions [Art. 882, CC]
c. The Fiduciary Heir and the
Fideicommissary are living at the time
of the death of the testator.
d. The fideicommissary substitution must
be expressly made.
e. The fideicommissary substitution is
imposed on the free portion of the
estate and never on the legitime
make use of it, the property shall be sold at 2. Prepositus – the first transferee of the
public auction at the instance of any one of the reserved property
interested parties [Art. 913, CC]. 3. Reservista – an ascendant of the
Prepositus other than the Origin or Mediate
Note: Rule on Reduction of Legitimes (Shares) Source; the one obligated to reserve the
Legitimate Never reduced, they are property
children primary and preferred 4. Reservatarios – within the 3rd degree of
Surviving consanguinity from the Prepositus
Never reduced
spouse [Cabardo v. Villanueva, G.R. No. L-19003
Subject to reduction, pro rata, (1922)] belonging to the line from which the
without preference (you get property came
the remaining portion, divide
children Requisites for Reserva Troncal [Chua v. CFI,
it by the number of illegitimate
children) G.R. No. L-29901 (1977)]:
1. That the property was acquired by a
RESERVA TRONCAL descendant (Prepositus) from an
The ascendant who inherits from his ascendant or from a brother or sister
descendant any property which the latter may (Origin or Mediate Source) by gratuitous
have acquired by gratuitous title from another title,
ascendant, or a brother or sister, is obliged to 2. That the Prepositus died without
reserve such property as he may have (legitimate*) issue,
acquired by operation of law for the benefit of 3. That the property is inherited by another
relatives who are within the third degree and ascendant (Reservista) by operation of
who belong to the line from which said property law, and
came [Art. 891, CC]. 4. That there are relatives within the 3rd
degree (Reservatarios) belonging to the
Concept of Reserva Troncal line from which said property came.
1. A descendant (prepositus) inherits or
acquires property from an ascendant or Note: Only legitimate descendants will prevent
from a brother or sister (origin or mediate the property from being inherited by the
source) by gratuitous title. legitimate ascending line by operation of law
2. The same property is inherited by another [Balane]
ascendant (reservista) or is otherwise
acquired by him by operation of law from Three transmissions involved: [Balane]
the said descendant (prepositus). a. 1st transfer – by gratuitous title, from a
3. The said ascendant (reservista) must person to his descendant, brother or sister
reserve the property for the benefit of the b. 2nd transfer – by operation of law, from the
relatives of the deceased descendant transferee in the 1st transfer to another
within the third civil degree and who belong ascendant. This creates the reserva.
to the line from which the said property c. 3rd transfer – from the transferee in the
came (reservatarios). second transfer to the relatives
Parties: [Balane] The 1st transfer from the origin does not
1. Origin or Mediate Source – either an make the property reservable.
ascendant of any degree of ascent or a The 1st transferee owns the property he
brother or sister of the Prepositus; receives in full and in fee simple. If he sells the
responsible for the 1st transfer property, then there is no reserva that can be
created. It is at this point, however, that a
reserva may ignite, because if the 1st
transferee has no legitimate descendants, the estate by operation of law as legitime and
property, by operation of law, will go back up to the other half by testamentary disposition
his ascendant.
Two Views
The 2nd transferee is the reservor. ● Reserva Maxima: As much of the
The reservor can enjoy the property, but his potentially reservable property as possible
title is subject to a double resolutory condition. must be deemed included in the part that
So, if he dies, you need to ask 2 questions: passes by operation of law (maximizing the
a. Does the prepositus have relatives? scope of the reserva)
b. Are these relatives qualified to inherit ● Reserva Minima: every single property in
from the prepositus? the prepositus’s estate must be deemed to
If the answers are YES: then a reserva pass, partly by will and partly by operation
occurs. of law, in the same proportion that the part
given by will bears to the part not so given
Note: The reservatarios actually inherit, by [Balane]
delayed intestacy, from the prepositus.
Either view is defensible, but Reserva Minima
Nature of the reservista’s right: [Edroso v. finds wider acceptance in the Philippines.
Sablan, G.R. No. 6878 (1913)] [Balane]
1. The reservista’s right over the reserved
property is one of ownership Extinguishment of the Reserva
2. The right of ownership is subject to a 1. Loss of the reservable property
resolutory condition, i.e. the existence of 2. Death of the reservista
reservatarios at the time of the reservista's 3. Death of all the relatives within the third
death degree belonging to the line from which the
3. The right of ownership is alienable, but property came
subject to the same resolutory condition. 4. Renunciation by the reservatarios, but a
4. The reservista’s right of ownership is future reservatario is not bound by such
registrable. renunciation → a conditional
Nature of reservatarios’ right: [Sienes v. 5. Prescription, when the reservista holds the
Esparcia, G.R. No. L-12957 (1961)] property adversely against the
1. The reservatarios have a right of reservatarios, as free from reservation
expectancy over the property.
2. The right is subject to a suspensive DISINHERITANCE
condition, i.e. the expectancy ripens into A compulsory heir may, in consequence of
ownership if the reservatarios survive the disinheritance, be deprived of his legitime, for
reservistas. causes expressly stated by law [Art. 915,
3. The right is alienable but subject to the CC].
same suspensive condition.
4. The right is registrable. Effect of Disinheritance
A disinherited heir is totally excluded from the
Reserva Minima vs. Reserva Maxima inheritance. This means that he forfeits not only
1. The prepositus acquired property his legitime, but also his intestate portion (if
gratuitously from an ascendant, a brother any), and any testamentary disposition made in
or sister a prior will of the disinheriting testator [Balane].
2. In his will, he institutes as his heir his
ascendant (who is also a compulsory heir)
such that the ascendant receives half of the
Legend: ction
LC – legitimate ILC – illegitimate SS – surviving LP – legitimate proILP – illegitimate
children children spouses parents rata
LC LP use
and and I shar
Desce SS ILC Asce L e of
ndant ndant P SS is
s s given
½ of prefe
the renc
LC estate e
alon in ½ of
e equal 2 or the Sam
portion more estate e as
s LC, in shar
e of 1
¼ of SS, equal e of 1
the ILC portion LC
estat s
e LP
½ of take alon ½
1 LC,
the n e
estate from ¼ in
the LP, equal
free ILC porti
porti ons
on LP,
¼ ½
½ of SS
the Sam LP,
2 or
estate e SS, 1/8 ¼ ½
in porti ILC
equal on as ½ in
portion 1 LC equal
s porti
½ of ons
the 1/3 in
estate ILC, equal
LC, shar 1/3
in SS porti
ILC e of 1
equal ons
portion GR:
s ½
shar SS Exce
e of 1 alon ption
1 LC, (pref
LC e :
SS, ½ erred
ILC over
N.B. age
May in
s and
n 3
age –
to the
alon ½
¼ ¼
Guilty Influenc
or e
ed of Unjustifi
Attempt ed
Against Refusal
the Life to ✓ ✓ ✓
of the Support
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Testato Testato
r, r
Spouse Convict
, ed of
Ascend Adulter
ant or y or
Descen Concub
dant inage
Accuse with ✓ ✓ ✓
d Spouse
Testato of
r or Testato
Decede r or
nt of Decede
Crime nt
Punish Maltrea
able by tment of
Impriso ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ testator
nment by ✓
of 6 Word
years or and
more, Deed
and Leading
Found a
Groundl Dishon
ess or orable ✓
False or
Causes Disgrac
testator eful Life
or Convicti
decede on of
nt to Crime
Make a which
Will or carries
Change ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
one by penalty
Fraud, of Civil
Violenc Interdict
e, ion
Intimida Abando
tion, or
nment ✓ ✓
Undue of
Childre One
n or Month
Inducin Unless
g Authorit
Childre ies
n to Have
Live Already
Corrupt Taken
and Action
Immora Force,
l Life or Violenc
Against e,
Attempt Intimida
ed tion, or
Virtue Undue
Loss of Influenc
Parenta e to
l ✓ ✓ Prevent
Authorit Another
y from
Attempt Making
by One a Will or
Parent Revoki
Against ng One
the Life Already
of the Made or
Other Who
✓ Suppla
there is nts or
Reconc Alters
iliation the
Betwee Latter’s
n Will
Parents Falsifie
Spouse s or
Has Forges
Given Suppos
Cause ed Will
✓ ✓
for of
Legal Decede
Separat nt
Failure Different Objects of Legacies and Devises
to [Art. 934-944, CC]
Report Objects of
Violent Legacy or Effect
Death ✓ Devise
of Thing
Decede pledged or ● Estate is obliged to
nt mortgaged to pay the debt
Within secure a debt
Order of Payment in Case the Estate Is Not Sufficient to Cover All the Legacies and Devises
Art. 911: Order or Preference Art. 950
● Legitime of compulsory heirs ● Remuneratory legacy/devise
● Donations inter vivos ● Preferential legacy/devise
Art. 911, CC governs when there is a conflict Art. 950, CC governs when the question of
between compulsory heirs and the devisees and reduction is exclusively among legatees and
legatees. devisees themselves.
Note: Section 16 of the Domestic Adoption Act Exception: Whenever all the children
(RA 8552) provides that all legal ties between repudiate, the grandchildren inherit in their own
the biological parent(s) and the adoptee shall right because representation is not proper [Art.
be severed and the same shall then be vested 969, CC].
on the adopter(s).”
Representation in Collateral Line
b. Right of representation In the collateral line, representation takes place
only in favor of the children of the brothers or
Representation – right created by fiction of sisters (i.e., nephews and nieces) whether of
law, by virtue of which the representative is the full or half-blood [Art. 972, CC] and only if
raised to the place and the degree of the they concur with at least one.
person represented, and acquires the rights
which the latter would have if he were living or
if he could have inherited [Art. 970, CC]
Effect of representation
The representative heir acquires the rights
which the person represented would have if he
were living or if he could have inherited.
When it occurs
Representation is allowed with respect to
inheritance conferred by law (legitime and
intestate based on Art. 923)
k. Illegitimate children and ● Illegitimate children get ½ of the estate; the surviving spouse gets the
surviving spouse other ½ [Art. 998, CC].
l. Surviving spouse only ● Entire estate goes to the surviving spouse [Art. 994/995, CC].
m. Surviving spouse and ● Illegitimate parents get ½ and the spouse gets the other ½ [by analogy
illegitimate parents with Art. 997, CC].
n. Surviving spouse and ● Surviving spouse gets ½ of the estate, while the rest gets the other ½ with
legitimate brothers and the nephews and nieces inheriting by representation if proper [Art. 1001,
sisters, nephews and nieces CC].
o. Surviving spouse and ● Surviving spouse gets ½ of the estate while the rest gets the other ½ with
illegitimate brothers and the nephews and nieces inheriting by representation, if proper; Note that
sisters, nephews and nieces all the other relatives should be “illegitimate” because of the iron-curtain
rule [Art. 994, CC].
p. Illegitimate parents only ● Entire estate goes to the illegitimate parents [Art. 993, CC].
q. Illegitimate parents and ● Illegitimate parents are excluded and do not inherit. For the rule on the
children of any kind respective shares of the children, see numbers 1, 2 or 10, whichever is
(whether legitimate or applicable.
illegitimate child)
r. Legitimate brothers and ● Divide the entire estate such that full-blood brothers/sisters gets a share
sisters only double the amount of a half-blood brother or sister [Art. 1004 and 1006,
s. Legitimate brothers and ● Divide the entire estate observing the 2 is to 1 ratio for full and half-blood
sisters, nephews and nieces relationships with respect to the brothers and sisters, with the nephews
and nieces inheriting by representation, if proper [Art. 1005 & 1008, CC].
t. Nephews and nieces only ● Divide the entire estate per capita, observing the 2 is to 1 ratio [Arts. 975
and 1008, CC].
u. Other collaterals [Arts. 1009 ● Divide entire estate per capita. Collateral relatives must be with the 5th
and 1010] degree of consanguinity.
● Note: the nearer relative excludes the more remote relatives.
v. State ● If there are no other intestate heirs, the State inherits the entire estate
through escheat proceedings [Art. 1011, CC].
f. Any person who by fraud, violence, c. If the institution is conditional – when the
intimidation, or undue influence should condition is complied with
cause the testator to make a will or to
change one already made; 3. Acceptance and repudiation
g. Any person who by the same means
prevents another from making a will, or of the inheritance
from revoking one already made, or who
supplants, conceals, or alters the latter's Definition of Acceptance
will; The act by which the person called to succeed
h. Any person who falsifies or forges a by universal title either by the testator or by law
supposed will of the decedent. manifests his will of making his own the
universality of the rights and obligations which
Pardon of Acts of Unworthiness are transmitted to him [Tolentino].
Express Implied
Made by the Definition of Repudiation
Effected when the The manifestation by an heir of his desire not
execution of a
testator makes a will to succeed to the rights and obligations
document or any
instituting the transmitted to him [Tolentino].
writing in which the
unworthy heir with
decedent condones
knowledge of the Requisites [Art. 1043, CC]
the cause of
cause of incapacity a. Certainty of death of the decedent
b. Certainty of the right to the inheritance
Revoked when the
Cannot be revoked testator revokes the
will or the institution
1050, CC]
a. Express Acceptance – one made in a
Effect of Pardon
public or private document [Art. 1049, par.
Once the act of unworthiness has been
1, CC]
pardoned, whether expressly or tacitly, the heir
b. Tacit Acceptance – one resulting from
is restored to full capacity to succeed the
acts by which the intention to accept is
decedent, as if the cause of unworthiness had
necessarily implied or from acts which one
never existed.
would have no right to do except in the
capacity of an heir.
Unworthiness vs. Disinheritance
c. Implied Acceptance - Within thirty days
Unworthiness Disinheritance
after the court has issued an order for the
Disinheritance is the
Unworthiness distribution of the estate in accordance with
act by which a
renders a person the Rules of Court, the heirs, devisees and
testator, for just
incapable of legatees shall signify to the court having
cause, deprives a jurisdiction whether they accept or
succeeding to the
compulsory heir of his
succession, whether repudiate the inheritance; if they do not do
right to the legitime so within that time, they are deemed to
testate or intestate
[Art. 815, CC]
have accepted the inheritance [Art. 1057,
Determination of Capacity [Tolentino]
General Rule: At the death of the decedent [Art. An inheritance is deemed accepted:
1034, CC] a. If the heir sells, donates, or assigns his
right to a stranger, or to his co-heirs, or to
Exceptions any of them – the heir must first accept the
a. Those falling under 2, 3, and 5 of Art. 1032 inheritance before he can dispose of it.
– when the final judgment is rendered b. If the heir renounces the same, even
b. Those falling under 4 of Art. 1032 – when though gratuitously, for the benefit of one
the month allowed for the report expired
Warranty: After the partition has been made, 1. The testator himself has made the partition;
the co-heirs shall be reciprocally bound to Unless it appears, or it may be reasonably
warrant the title to, and the quality of, each presumed, that his intention was otherwise,
property adjudicated [Art. 1092, CC]. but the legitime shall always remain
Reciprocal obligation of warranty: shall be 2. When it has been so expressly stipulated in
proportionate to the respective hereditary the agreement of partition;
shares of the co-heirs. Unless there has been bad faith
3. When the eviction is due to a cause
In case of insolvency of any of the co-heirs: subsequent to the partition, or has been
Other co-heirs shall be liable for his part in the caused by the fault of the distributee of the
same proportion, deducting the part property [Art. 1096, CC].
corresponding to the one who should be
Those who pay for the insolvent heir shall have Causes for Rescission or Annulment
a right of action against him for reimbursement, 1. A partition may be rescinded or annulled
should his financial condition improve [Art. for the same causes as contracts [Art.
1093, CC]. 1097, CC].
2. A partition, judicial or extrajudicial, may
Prescription period for action to enforce also be rescinded on account of lesion,
warranty among the co-heirs: Ten (10) years when any one of the co-heirs received
from the date the right of action accrues [Art. things whose value is less by at least one-
1094, CC]. fourth (¼) than the share to which he is
entitled, considering the value of the things
If a credit should be assigned as collectible: at the time they were adjudicated [Art.
Co-heirs shall not be liable for the subsequent 1098, CC].
insolvency of the debtor of the estate, but only ● This article applies only to cases of
for his insolvency at the time the partition is partition among-coheirs
made [Art. 1095, CC]. ● Lesion is the injury suffered in
consequence of inequality of
Prescription period of the warranty of the situation by one party who does not
solvency of the debtor: Can only be enforced receive the full equivalent for what
during the five (5) years following the partition. she gives in a sale or any
commutative contract
Warrant of bad debts 3. The partition made by the testator cannot
General Rule: Co-heirs do not warrant bad be impugned on the ground of lesion,
debts, if so known to, and accepted by the except when the legitime of the compulsory
distributee. heirs is thereby prejudiced, or when it
appears or may be reasonably presumed
Exception: But if such debts are not assigned that the intention of the testator was
to a co-heir, and should be collected, in whole otherwise [Art. 1099, CC].
or in part, the amount collected shall be 4. Preterition of a compulsory heir in the
distributed proportionately among the heirs partition [Art. 1104, CC]:
[Art. 1095, CC]. ● Partition shall not be rescinded
unless bad faith or fraud on the part
Cessation of Obligation of warranty among of other heirs is proved.
co-heirs: The obligation of warranty among ● The culpable heirs shall share in
co-heirs shall cease in the following cases: the damages of the prejudiced
compulsory heir proportionately.
3. Sources of Obligations
Art. 1157, CC. Obligations arise from:
1. Law;
1. Definition 2. Contracts;
3. Quasi-contracts;
Art. 1156, CC. An obligation is a juridical 4. Acts or omissions punished by law;
necessity to give, to do or not to do. and
5. Quasi-delicts.
It is established by:
1. law
2. bilateral acts (e.g. contracts giving rise
to obligations stipulated therein)
3. unilateral acts (e.g. crimes and quasi-
• the deviation from the obligation must When demand is not necessary in order
be slight, and the omission or defect that delay may exist [par. 2, Art. 1169, CC]
must be technical and unimportant, 1. When demand would be useless, as
and must not pervade the whole or be when the obligor has rendered it beyond
so material that the object which the his power to perform; such as:
parties intended to accomplish in a a. When the impossibility is caused by
particular manner is not attained. some act or fault of the debtor (e.g.
[International Hotel Corp v. Joaquin, debtor absconded or has destroyed the
G.R. No. 158361 (2013)] thing to be delivered);
b. When the impossibility is caused by a
The question of whether a breach of contract is fortuitous event, but the debtor has
substantial depends upon the attending bound himself to be liable in case of
circumstances and not merely on the such event. [Tolentino]
percentage of the amount not paid. [Cannu v. 2. When from the nature and the
Galang, G.R. No. 139523 (2005)] circumstances of the obligation it appears
that the designation of the time when the
b. Default, Delay, or Mora thing is to be delivered or the service is
to be rendered was a controlling motive
Definition: Failure to perform an obligation for the establishment of the contract (time
on time which constitutes a breach of the is of the essence);
obligation. [de Leon] 3. When the law so provides; or
4. When the obligation expressly so
Rules on Default, Delay, or Mora declares.
Unilateral Obligations Reciprocal Note: It is insufficient that the law or obligation
Obligations fixes a date for performance. It must further
state expressly that after the period lapses,
General Rule: “No Neither party
default will commence.
demand, No delay.” incurs in delay if
the other does not
The mere expiration of comply or is not
1. Moral Solvendi;
the period fixed by the ready to comply in
2. Mora Accipiendi;
parties is not enough in a proper manner
3. Compensatio Morae
order that the debtor with what is
may incur in delay. incumbent upon
him. From the
Delay on the part of the debtor to fulfil his
Those obliged to deliver moment one of the
obligation either to give (ex re) or to do (ex
or to do something parties fulfills his
incur in delay from obligation, delay
the time the obligee by the other
judicially or begins. [Art. 1169
1. Obligation must be liquidated, due and
extrajudicially par. 3, CC]
demands from them
2. Non-performance by the debtor within the
the fulfillment of their No delay if neither
period agreed upon
obligation. [Art. 1169 performs.
3. Demand, judicial or extra-judicial, by the
par. 1, CC]
creditor, unless demand is not necessary
under the circumstances enumerated in Art
1169 par (2).
1. Delay of the obligor cancels delay of Definition: Fraud (dolo) is the deliberate or
obligee (and vice versa) hence it is as if intentional evasion of the normal fulfilment of
there is no default. an obligation. [de Leon]
2. The liability of the first infractor shall be
equitably tempered by the courts. If it
cannot be determined which of the parties
first violated the contract, the same shall be
deemed extinguished, and each shall bear
his own damages. [Art. 1192, CC]
Right to Rescind
The rescission on account of breach of
stipulations is not predicated on injury to
economic interests of the party plaintiff but
on the breach of faith by the defendant, that
violates the reciprocity between the parties.
Distinguished from Rescission under Art. Right of the creditor to exercise all of the rights
1380 and bring all the actions which his debtor may
have against third persons.
Rescission / Rescission [Art.
Resolution [Art. 1380, CC] In order to satisfy their claims against the
1191, CC] debtor, creditors have the ff. successive rights:
1. To levy by attachment and execution upon
Based on non- Based on lesion or all the property of the debtor, except those
performance or fraud upon creditors. exempt from execution;
non-fulfillment of 2. To exercise all the rights and actions of the
obligation. debtor, except such as are inherently
personal to him; and
Action is instituted Action is instituted by 3. To ask for rescission of the contracts made
only by the injured either party or by a by the debtor in fraud of their rights.
party. third person.
Principal action, Subsidiary action, in
1. The person to whom the right of action
retaliatory in the absence of any
pertains must be indebted to the creditor
character. other legal means to 2. The debt is due and demandable
obtain reparation.
3. The creditor must be prejudiced by the
Applies only to Applies to either failure of the debtor to collect his debts due
reciprocal unilateral or reciprocal him from third persons, either through
obligations where obligations even when malice or negligence
one party is guilty the contract has been 4. The debtors assets are insufficient (debtor
of non-fulfillment fully fulfilled. is insolvent)
5. The right of action is not purely personal to
In some cases, Court cannot grant a the debtor
court may grant a period or term within
term for which one must Previous approval of the court is not necessary
performance. comply. to exercise the accion subrogatoria.
A fortuitous event does not interrupt the Trigger: (1) Something has been paid or
running of the period. It only relieves the delivered before the arrival of the period, (2) the
contracting parties from the fulfillment of their obligor being unaware of the period or
respective obligations during the period. believing that the obligation has become due
[Victoria’s Planters v. Victoria Milling Co., G.R. and demandable
No. L-6648 ] Effect: That thing paid or delivered may be
recovered with fruits and interests
Term/Period and Condition Distinguished
Loss, Deterioration, or Improvement of the
Term/Period Condition Thing Before Period Expires [Art. 1194, CC]
Interval of time which Fact or event which
Trigger: In case of loss, deterioration or
is future and certain is future and
improvement of the thing before the arrival of
the day certain
Must necessarily May or may not Effect: The rules in Art. 1189 shall apply
come, although it happen
may not be known Benefit of the Period [Art. 1196, CC]
Trigger: Whenever in an obligation a period is
Period for the benefit of either creditor or Exceptions: If the Court determines that one
debtor of the 3 circumstances [below] are present, it
must decide the period “probably contemplated
Creditor Debtor
by the parties” [Araneta v. Phil. Sugar Estates,
Creditor may Debtor may oppose any G.R. No. L-22558 (1967)]
demand the premature demand on 1. obligation does not fix a period, but from its
fulfillment or the part of the obligee for nature and circumstances, it can be
performance of the performance of the inferred that a period was intended
the obligation at obligation, or if he so 2. the period is void, such as when it depends
any time but the desires, he may upon the will of the debtor
obligor cannot renounce the benefit of 3. If the debtor binds himself when his means
compel him to the period by performing permit him to do so.
accept payment his obligation in advance.
before the Courts shall determine such period as may
expiration of the have been probably contemplated by the
period. parties [Art. 1197, CC]
Application: When a period was intended by
the parties [Macasaet v. Macasaet, G.R. Nos.
If the period is for the benefit of the debtor 154391-92 (2004)]
alone, he shall lose every right to make use General Rule: Once fixed by the courts, the
of it: period cannot be changed by them.
(a) When after the obligation has been Exception: The rule does not apply to contract
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless of services and to pure obligations. [Tolentino]
he gives a guaranty or security for the debt;
(b) When he does not furnish to the creditor
the guaranties or securities which he has
4. Alternative or facultative
(c) When by his own acts he has impaired said Alternative and Facultative Conditions
guaranties or securities after their Distinguished
establishment, and when through a Alternative Facultative
fortuitous event they disappear, unless he Obligations Obligations
immediately gives new ones equally
satisfactory; Of the two or more Of the two or more
(d) When the debtor violates any undertaking, prestations, several prestations, only
in consideration of which the creditor are due. one is due, while the
agreed to the period; other/s may be
(e) When the debtor attempts to abscond [Art. performed in
1198, CC] substitution of the
(f) When required by law or stipulation; one due.
(g) If parties stipulated an acceleration clause
Effect of breach: Effect of breach: Art. 1214, CC. The debtor may pay any one
Solidarity remains Obligation is of the solidary creditors; but if any demand,
converted to judicial or extrajudicial, has been made by
indemnity for one of them, payment should be made to
damages him.
not anything which may be prejudicial to can recover from the co-debtors their
the latter. [Art. 1212, CC] respective shares
4. One creditor does NOT represent all others 2. Each debtor may set up his own claims
in acts such as novation (even if against the creditor as payment of the
advantageous), compensation and obligation
remission. In this case, even if the debtor is 3. Remission of the entire debt affects all
released, the other creditors can still debtors, but when remission is limited
enforce their rights against the creditor who to the share of one debtor, the other
made the novation, compensation or debtors are still liable for the balance of
remission [par. 2, Art. 1215, CC] the obligation
5. The creditor who collects the debt, shall be a. The remission of the whole obligation,
liable to the others for the share in the obtained by one of the solidary debtors,
obligation corresponding to them. [par. 2, does not entitle him to reimbursement
Art. 1215, CC] from his co-debtors. [Art. 1220, CC]
6. The credit and its benefits are divided b. The remission made by the creditor of
equally among them, unless agreement to the share which affects one of the
the contrary. solidary debtors does not release the
7. Debtor may pay any one of the solidary latter from his responsibility towards
creditors; but if any demand, judicial or the co-debtors, in case the debt had
extrajudicial, has been made by one of been totally paid by any one of them
them, payment should be made to him who before the remission was effected. [Art.
demanded [Art. 1214, CC] 1219, CC]
4. All debtors are liable for the loss of the
PASSIVE SOLIDARY OBLIGATION thing due, even if only one of them is at
fault, or after incurring delay it is lost by
General Rules fortuitous event
1. The creditor may proceed against any 5. Interruption of prescription as to one
one of the solidary debtors or some or debtor affects all others, but
all of them simultaneously...so long as renunciation of prescription already
the debt has not been fully collected had does not prejudice the others.
[Art. 1216, CC] (Reason: prescription extinguishes the
2. Payment made by one of the solidary mutual representation among solidary
debtors extinguishes the obligation. If debtors)
two or more solidary debtors offer to 6. Interests due by delay of one is borne
pay, the creditor may choose which by all of them
offer to accept. [Art. 1217, CC]
3. A solidary debtor may, in actions filed DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO A SOLIDARY
by the creditor, avail himself of all DEBTOR [Art. 1222, CC]
defenses which are derived from the
nature of the obligation and of those 1. Those derived from the nature of the
which are personal to him, or pertain to obligation
his own share. For defenses which Defenses inherent in an obligation include
personally belong to the others, such non-existence of the obligation because of
debtor may avail himself thereof only absolute simulation or illicit object, nullity
as regards that part of the debt for due to defect in capacity or consent of all
which the latter are responsible. [Art. debtors, unenforceability, non-
1222, CC] performance of suspension condition or
non-arrival of period, extinguishment of the
Effects of Passive Solidarity [Tolentino] obligation, res judicata, and prescription.
1. Each debtor can be required to pay the
entire obligation, but after payment he
4. Those personally belonging to other co- With fault All debtors shall be responsible to
debtors but only as regards that part of of any of the creditor, for the price and the
the debt for which the latter are the payment of damages and interest,
responsible. debtors without prejudice to their action
against the guilty or negligent
Comparing demand upon Solidary Debtor debtor.
and Payment by a Solidary Debtor
Through All debtors shall be responsible to
Demand Upon a Payment by a a the creditor, for the price and the
Solidary Debtor Solidary Debtor fortuitous payment of damages and interest,
event without prejudice to their action
The demand made Full payment made after one against the guilty or negligent
against one of them shall by one of the incurred debtor.
not be an obstacle to solidary debtors in delay
those which may extinguishes the
subsequently be directed obligation [Art.
against the others so 1217, CC]. 6. Obligations with a penal
long as the debt has not
been fully collected [Art. clause
1216, CC].
Penal Clause
The creditor may If two or more An accessory undertaking to assume greater
proceed against any one solidary debtors liability in case of breach. It is generally a sum
of the solidary debtors or offer to pay, the of money, but it can be any other thing like an
all simultaneously [Art. creditor may act or abstention. [Tolentino]
1216, CC]. choose which offer
to accept [Art. If the principal obligation is void, the penal
1217, CC]. clause shall also be void. However, the nullity
of the penal clause does not carry with it the
A creditor’s right to The solidary debtor
nullity of the principal obligation [Art.1230, CC].
proceed against the who made the
surety exists payment shall have
Rules on Penalty
independently of his right the right to claim
to proceed against the from his co-debtors
a. The penalty shall substitute the
principal. the share which indemnity for damages and payment of
corresponds to interest in case of non-compliance [Art.
them with interest, 1226, CC], unless:
UNLESS barred by i. There is an express provision
prescription or to that effect
illegality [Art. 1218, ii. The obligor refuses to pay the
CC]. penalty
iii. The obligor is guilty of fraud in
7. Rules on application of payment may not proceeds thereof, the latter may obtain
be invoked by a surety or solidary payment of their credits.
Exceptions 1. There is a plurality of debts
1. Rules on application of payment cannot be 2. There is a plurality of creditors
made applicable to a person whose 3. Partial or relative insolvency of debtor
obligation as a mere surety is both 4. Acceptance of the cession by the
contingent and singular. There must be full creditors [Art. 1255, CC]
and faithful compliance with the terms of 5. Debtor is released only for the net
the contract. [Reparations Commission v. proceeds unless there is a stipulation to the
Universal Deep Sea Fishing Corp, G.R. contrary.
Nos. L-21901 and L-21996 (1978)]
2. The debtor’s right to apply payment can be Cession and Dation Distinguished
waived and even granted to the creditor if
Cession Dacion en pago
the debtor so agrees [Premiere
Development v. Central Surety, G.R. No. Plurality of creditors One creditor
176246 (2009)]
Debtor must be Debtor not
Limitations partially or relatively necessarily in state
1. Right of creditor to refuse partial payment insolvent of financial difficulty
[Art. 1248, CC]
2. Rule on satisfaction of interest before the Universality of Thing delivered is
Principal. [Art. 1453, CC] property is ceded equivalent of
3. Debtor cannot apply payment to a debt performance
which is not yet liquidated
4. He cannot choose a debt with a period Merely releases Extinguishes
(established for the creditor’s benefit) debtor for the net obligation to the
before the period has arrived. proceeds of things extent of the value
5. Stipulation as to preference of payment. ceded or assigned, of the thing
[Tolentino] unless there is delivered, as
contrary intention agreed upon,
c. Dation in Payment proved or implied
from the conduct of
Delivery and transmission of ownership of the creditor
a thing by the debtor to the creditor as an
Involves all Does not involve all
accepted equivalent of the performance of the
properties of debtor properties of debtor
obligation (dacion en pago).
Creditor does not Creditor becomes
Requisites become owner of the owner
1. Existence of a money obligation ceded property
2. Alienation to the creditor of a property by
the debtor with the creditor’s consent
3. Satisfaction of the money obligation e. Tender of Payment and
d. Payment by Cession
Tender of payment
Special form of payment where the debtor Manifestation made by the debtor to the
assigns/abandons ALL his property for the creditor of his desire to comply with his
benefit of his creditors in order that from the obligation, with offer of immediate
performance. [Del Carmen v. Sps. Sabordo, Unless there is an unjust refusal by a creditor
G.R. No. 181723 (2014)] to accept payment from a debtor, Article 1256
cannot apply. [Llobrera v. Fernandez, G.R. No.
Tender of payment must be made in the lawful 142882 (2006)].
currency. The tender of a check to pay for an
obligation is not a valid tender of payment What constitutes valid consignation
thereof. [Soco v. Militante, G.R. No. L-58961, In order that the consignation of the thing due
(1983)] may release the obligor, it must first be
announced to the persons interested in the
Consignation fulfilment of the obligation. The consignation
Deposit of the object of obligation in a shall be ineffectual if it is not made strictly in
competent court in accordance with the rules consonance with the provisions which regulate
prescribed by law whenever the creditor payment. [Art. 1257, CC]
unjustly refuses payment or because of some
circumstances which render direct payment to How consignation is made
the creditor impossible or inadvisable. Consignation shall be made by depositing the
things due at the disposal of judicial
Requisites of consignation authority, before whom the tender of payment
1. There is a debt due shall be proved, in a proper case, and the
2. Consignation is made because of some announcement of the consignation in other
legal cause cases. The consignation having been made,
a. There was tender of payment and the interested parties shall also be notified
creditor refuses without just cause thereof.
to accept it
b. Instances when consignation alone Who bears the expenses
would suffice as provided under The expenses of consignation, when properly
Art. 1256 made, shall be charged against the creditor.
3. Previous notice of consignation was [Art. 1259, CC]
given to those persons interested in the
performance of the obligation. Previous Effects of Consignation
notice is essential to the validity of the If accepted by the creditor or declared properly
consignation and its lack invalidates the made by the Court:
same. [Soco v. Militante, G.R. No. L- 1. Debtor is released in same manner as if
58961, (1983)] (1st notice) he had performed the obligation at the time
4. Amount or thing due was placed at the of consignation
disposal of the court 2. Accrual of interest is suspended from
5. After the consignation has been made, the moment of consignation.
the persons interested were notified 3. Deterioration or loss of the thing or
thereof (2nd notice) amount consigned, occurring without the
fault of debtor, must be borne by creditor
When tender and refusal not required [Art. from the moment of deposit
1256, CC]
1. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does Withdrawal of Consigned Amount by the
not appear at the place of payment. Debtor
2. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the 1. Before approval of the court or acceptance
thing due at the time of payment. of the creditor- Obligation remains in force.
3. Without just cause, creditor refuses to [par. 2, Art. 1260, CC]
give receipt. 2. After approval of the court or acceptance
4. Two or more persons claim the same by the creditor, with the consent of the latter
right to collect (i.e. Interpleader) - Obligation remains in force, but
5. Title of the obligation has been lost. guarantors and co-debtors are liberated.
Preference of the creditor over the thing is When the legal excuse of fortuitous
lost. [Art. 1261, CC] event is not applicable, in cases of:
3. After approval of the court or acceptance 1. Delay or promise to deliver thing
by the creditor, and without creditor’s to two or more persons. [Art.
consent - debtor can no longer withdraw 1165 (3), CC]
the consigned amount since the obligation 2. Nature of the Obligation
has already been extinguished [Pabugais Requires Assumption of Risk
v. Sahijwani, G.R. No. 156846 (2004)] [Art. 1174, CC]
4. If the creditor authorizes the debtor to 3. Liability of a Bailee in fortuitous
withdraw, third persons who were events. [Art. 1942 , CC]
benefited by the consignation are not 4. Liability of a depositary in
prejudiced by the revival of the obligation. fortuitous events. [Art. 1979, CC]
5. Liability of the officious manager
2. Loss of determinate thing due in fortuitous events. [Art. 2147,
or impossibility or difficulty of
performance 2. Loss of Generic Things
It is formally: in accordance with forms of If the value of the personal property donated
ordinary donations. [Art. 1270, CC] exceeds five thousand pesos, the donation
and the acceptance shall be made in writing.
An express remission must be accepted in Otherwise, the donation shall be void. [Art. 748,
order to be effective. CC]
If the acceptance is made in a separate Trigger: The private document in which the
instrument, the donor shall be notified thereof debt appears is found in the possession of the
in an authentic form, and this step shall be debtor.
noted in both instruments. [Art. 749, CC]
Effect: There is a presumption that it has been
2. Implied Remission voluntarily delivered by the creditor.
Legal Subrogation
The stage to The stage to
Takes place by operation of law.
look at to look at to
determine the determine
Legal subrogation is not presumed, except
status of the whether
in the following circumstances:
contract (i.e., there has
a. When creditor pays another creditor
valid, voidable, been a
who is preferred, even without the
void, breach of
debtor’s knowledge
unenforceable) the contract
b. When a third person not interested in
the obligation pays with the express or
tacit approval of the debtor 2. Classification
c. When, even without the knowledge of
the debtor, a person interested in the a. To their subject matter
fulfillment of the obligation pays, • Things, e.g. sale, deposit, pledge
without prejudice to the effects of • Services, e.g. agency, lease of
confusion as to the latter’s share [Art. services
1302, CC]
b. To formation or perfection
• Consensual – consent is sufficient to
CONTRACTS perfect the contract [Art. 1315, CC]
• Real – delivery, actual or constructive,
is required in addition to consent [Art.
PROVISIONS • Solemn or formal – where special
formalities are required for perfection
[Art. 1356, CC]
merely constitute a counteroffer. [Insular Life v. d. Lapse of the time stated in the offer
Asset Builders Corp., G.R. No. 147410 (2004)] without acceptance being conveyed
e. Revocation of the offer before learning of
OFFER acceptance
A unilateral proposition which one party makes f. Supervening illegality before acceptance
to the other for the celebration of the contract. [Reyes and Puno]
Invitation to make offers (Advertisements) To produce a contract, the acceptance must
a. Business Advertisements of things for not qualify the terms of the offer. It is necessary
sale are NOT definite offers, just invitations that the acceptance be unequivocal and
to make an offer, UNLESS the contrary unconditional, and the acceptance and the
appears [Art. 1325, CC]. proposition shall be without any variation
b. Advertisement for bidders are invitations whatsoever; and any modification or variation
to make proposals, the advertiser is NOT from the terms of the offer annuls the latter and
bound to accept the lowest or highest frees the offeror. [Tolentino]
bid; UNLESS the contrary appears. The
bidder is the offeror [Art. 1326, CC]. Acceptance must be absolute, unconditional,
and without variance of any sort from the offer.
The Terms and Conditions of the bidding It must also be made known to the offeror.
disseminated… constitutes the An acceptance not made in the manner
"advertisement" to bid on the project. The prescribed is not effective but constitutes a
bid proposals or quotations submitted by counter-offer. [Malbarosa v. CA, G.R. No.
the prospective suppliers… are the offers. 125761 (2003)]
The reply… constitutes the acceptance or
rejection of the respective offers. [Jardine Requisites of Acceptance
Davies v. CA, G.R. No. 128066 (2000)] a. Unqualified and unconditional, i.e. it
c. Statements of intention: no contract must conform with all the terms of the offer,
results even if accepted. otherwise it is a counter-offer [Art. 1319,
In a letter informing another that the sender b. Directed and communicated to the offeror
was “in a position and is willing to entertain” and learned by him [Art. 1319, CC] If made
the purchase of a yacht under some terms, through an agent, the offer is accepted
the word “entertain” applied to an act does from the time the acceptance is
not mean the resolution to perform said act, communicated to such agent. [Art. 1322,
but simply a position to deliberate for CC]
deciding to perform or not to perform said c. Made within the proper time
act. It was merely a position to deliberate d. May be express/implied, but is not
whether or not he would purchase the presumed [Art 1320, CC]. Time, place and
yacht and invitation to a proposal being manner of acceptance may be fixed by
made to him, which might be accepted by offeror [Art 1321, CC].
him or not. [Rosenstock v. Burke, G.R. No.
20732 (1924)] Cognition Theory
Acceptance made by letter or telegram does
Termination of Offer not bind the offeror except from the time it
a. Rejection by the offeree came to his knowledge. The contract, in such a
b. Incapacity (death, civil interdiction, case, is presumed to have been entered into in
insanity, or insolvency) of the offeror or the place where the offer was made. [par. 2,
offeree before acceptance is conveyed Art. 1319, CC]
[Art. 1323, CC]
c. Submission of a counter-offer
b. That the person unduly influenced was 1. Usual exaggerations in trade, when the
suffering from mental weakness, ignorance other party had an opportunity to know
or in financial distress [Art.1337, CC] the facts [Art. 1340, CC]
2. A mere expression of an opinion
Note: By analogy, undue influence employed UNLESS made by an expert and the
by a third person may annul the contract. other party has relied on the former’s
special knowledge [Art. 1341, CC]
Test of Undue Influence: Whether or not the 3. Misrepresentation made in good faith
influence exerted has so overpowered or [Art. 1343, CC]
subjugates the mind of a contracting party
as to destroy his free agency, making him Note: Not fraudulent, but this may
express the will of another rather than his own. constitute error
[Coso-Fernandez v. Deza, G.R. No. L-16763
(1921)] b. Fraudulent
Failure to disclose facts, when there is a
duty to reveal them, as when the parties
Intimidation Undue Influence
are bound by confidential relations [Art.
Must be an unlawful act There need not 1339, CC]
or unjust act which is be an unjust or
threatened and which unlawful act. Dolo Causante vs. Dolo Incidente
causes the consent to Dolo Causante Dolo Incidente
be given (Causal Fraud) (Incidental Fraud)
What may be the object of a contract [JLT Agro v. Balansag, G.R. No. 141882
General Rule: All things or services may be (2005)]
the object of contracts, which includes future
things [Art. 1347, CC] c. Cause of Contracts
In order that a thing, right, or service may be The essential and impelling reason why a
the object of a contract, it should be in party assumes an obligation.
existence at the moment of the celebration
of the contract, or at least, it can exist Motive, on the other hand, is the particular
subsequently or in the future. reason for a contracting party which does not
affect the other. [Manresa]
A showing of mere inconvenience, unexpected
impediments, or increased expenses is not Requisites
enough to relieve a party of the obligation. [De a. Exists at the time the contract is entered
Castro v. Longa, G.R. No L-2152-53 (1951)] into [Par. 3, Art. 1409, CC]
b. Lawful [Art. 1352, CC]
A future thing may be the object of a contract. c. True or real [Art. 1353, CC]
Such contract may be interpreted as a:
a. Conditional contract, where its efficacy Cause vs. Object
should depend upon the future existence of
Cause Object
the thing.
b. Aleatory contract, where one of the As to Remuneration
contracting parties assumes the risk that
the thing will never come into existence, The service or The thing which is given
e.g. insurance. [Tolentino] benefit which is in remuneration
Except [Art. 1347-1349, CC]
a. Things which are outside the commerce of As to Donation
b. Intransmissible rights The liberality of The thing which is given
c. Future inheritance except in cases the donor or or donated
authorized by law benefactor
B. FORMALITY Otherwise, the
contract of partnership
is void. [Art. 1773, CC]
General rule: No form necessary for contracts
provided that all the essential requisites for Contract of The amount of the
their validity are present [Par. 1, Art. 1356, antichresis principal and the
CC] interest, if any, must
be specified in
Exception: writing; otherwise,
1. When the law requires that a contract be in the contract of
some form in order that it may be valid [par. antichresis shall be
2, Art. 1356, CC] void [Art. 2134, CC]
2. When the law requires that a contract be
proved in a certain way to be enforceable Agency to sell Authority of the agent
(Statute of Frauds) [par. 2, Art. 1356, CC] land or any interest must be in writing;
3. When the law requires a contract to be in therein otherwise, the sale
some form for convenience, or to be shall void [Art. 1874,
effective against third parties [Arts. 1357 CC]
and 1358, CC]
Stipulation to pay Must be expressly
interest on loans, made in writing [Art.
Kinds of Formalities Required by Law
interest for the use 1956, CC]
1. For the Validity of Contracts (Ad
of money
Essentia /Ad Solemnitatem/ Solemn
Contracts) Stipulation limiting Must be (1) in writing,
common carrier’s signed by the shipper
Formal or Solemn Special Form duty of or owner; (2)
Contract Required by Law extraordinary supported by a
diligence to valuable
Donation of Must be in a public ordinary diligence consideration; and
Immovables instrument, (3) reasonable, just,
specifying therein the and not contrary to
property donated and public policy [Art.
the value of the 1744, CC]
charges which the
donee must satisfy. Transfer of large Requires transfer of
[Art. 749, CC] cattle the certificate of
registration [Sec.
Donation of Must be in writing; 523, Administrative
movables when otherwise, the Code]
the value of the donation is void. [Art.
personal property 748, CC]
2. For the Purpose of Proving the
donated exceeds
Existence of the Contract (Ad
Probationem/ Statute of Frauds)
Partnerships An inventory of said
where immovable property must be The following contracts are
property is made, signed by the UNENFORCEABLE, UNLESS they are
contributed parties and attached ratified:
to the public
1. Those entered into in the name of on whose account the sale is made, it
another person by one who has is a sufficient memorandum;
been: 5. An agreement of the leasing for a
i. given no authority longer period than one year, or for
ii. or legal representation, the sale of real property or of an
iii. or who has acted beyond his interest therein;
powers; 6. A representation as to the credit of a
2. Those that do not comply with the third person
Statute of Frauds
3. Those where both parties are This article speaks of contracts that cannot be
incapable of giving consent to a proven except by written note or memorandum,
contract. [Art. 1403, CC] unless the party charged waives the objection.
[Rule 123, Sec. 21, Rules of Court]
Statute of Frauds
An agreement as to the following shall be This article applies to executory contracts
unenforceable UNLESS: only. [Almirol v. Monserrat, G.R. No. 23717
1. The agreement, or some note or (1925)]
memorandum, thereof, be in writing,
and 3. For the Effectivity of the Contract
2. Subscribed by the party charged, or by Against Third Persons
his agent; evidence, therefore, of the
agreement cannot be received without If the law requires a document or other
the writing, or a secondary evidence of special form (Art. 1357, CC)
its contents. [Art. 1403, CC] 1. The contracting parties may compel
each other to observe that form,
Agreements under the Statute of Frauds once the contract has been perfected.
[Art. 1403, CC]: 2. This right may be exercised
1. An agreement that by its terms is not simultaneously with the action upon the
to be performed within a year from contract.
the making thereof;
2. A special promise to answer for the Art. 1358, CC which requires the embodiment
debt, default, or miscarriage of of certain contacts in a public instrument, is
another; only for convenience, and registration of the
3. An agreement made in consideration instrument only adversely affects third parties.
of marriage, other than a mutual Formal requirements are, therefore, for the
promise to marry; benefit of third parties. Non-compliance
4. An agreement for the sale of goods, therewith does not adversely affect the validity
chattels or things in action, at a of the contract nor the contractual rights and
price not less than five hundred obligations of the parties thereunder. [Fule v.
pesos, unless the buyer accept and CA, G.R. No. 112212 (1998)
receive part of such goods and
chattels, or the evidences, or some of
Art. 1358, CC. The following must appear in
them, of such things in action or pay at
a public document:
the time some part of the purchase
1. Acts and contracts which have for their
money; but when a sale is made by
object the creation, transmission,
auction and entry is made by the
modification or extinguishment of real
auctioneer in his sales book, at the time
rights over immovable property; sales of
of the sale, of the amount and kind of real property or of an interest therein as
property sold, terms of sale, price,
governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and
names of the purchasers and person 1405;
Actions under Art. 1357, CC may be exercised Note: If mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or
simultaneously with (i.e. need not be separate accident has prevented a meeting of the minds
nor need it precede) the action to enforce the of the parties, the proper remedy is not
contract, although questions of form must be reformation of the instrument but annulment of
decided first. the contract [par. 2, Art. 1359, CC]
b. Fraud
1. Burden of Proof Active
If one party was mistaken and the other
The presumption is that an instrument sets out acted fraudulently in such a way that the
the true agreement of the parties and that it instrument does not show their true
was executed for valuable consideration. Thus,
intention [Art. 1362, CC]
when there is some error or mistake in the
contract, the onus probandi is upon the party Passive
who insists that the contract should be When one party was mistaken and the
other knew or believed that the
While intentions involve a state of mind, instrument did not state their real
subsequent and contemporaneous acts of agreement [Art. 1363, CC]
the parties as well as the evidentiary facts as
proved and admitted can be reflective of one’s
intention. [Multi-Ventures Capital Management
c. Inequitable conduct
If one party was mistaken and the other
Corporation v Stalwart, G.R. No. 157439
acted fraudulently or inequitably in such a
way that the instrument does not show their
true intention [Art. 1362, CC]
2. Effect of Reformation
d. Accident
In granting reformation, the remedy in equity is When through the ignorance, lack of skill,
not making a new contract for the parties, but negligence or bad faith on the part of the
establishing and perpetuating the real person drafting the instrument or of the
contract between the parties which, under the clerk or typist, the instrument does not
technical rules of law, could not be enforced but express the true intention of the parties
for such reformation. [Quiros vs Arjona, G.R. [Art. 1364, CC]
No. 158901 (2004)]
However general the terms of a contract may Effect: They shall be understood in what is
be, they shall not be understood to most keeping with the contract’s nature and
comprehend things that are distinct and object.
cases that are different from those upon
which the parties intended to agree. [Art. g. Interpretation against Party
1372, CC] Causing Obscurity
Incapacity Incapacitated person is not The act or means by virtue of which efficacy is
obliged to make any given to a contract which suffers from a vice of
restitution except insofar as curable nullity [Arts. 1392-1396, CC].
he has been benefited by the Ratification is either express or tacit.
thing or price received by 1. EXPRESS or
him. [Art. 1399, CC] 2. TACIT
When the person who has the right to
invoke it, with the knowledge of the
d. Three Ways or Modes of reason which renders the contract
Convalidating a Voidable voidable and such reason having
Contract ceased, executes an act implying an
intention to waive his right [Art. 1393,
1. By prescription of the action for annulment CC]
[Art.1391, CC]
2. By ratification or confirmation [Art. 1392- Requisites of Ratification
1396, CC] 1. Contract is tainted with a vice
susceptible of being cured;
3. Unenforceable contracts
Unenforceable Contracts – contracts that by
reason of statutory defects do not confer any
action to enforce the same until and unless
they are ratified in the manner prescribed by
law [Reyes]
How to Not by direct action. Not by direct action. Not by direct action.
As a defense, by As a defense, by motion to As a defense, by motion to
motion to dismiss dismiss on the ground that the dismiss the complaint on
the complaint on the contract is unenforceable the ground that the contract
ground that the is unenforceable
contract is Objection to the presentation of
unenforceable oral evidence to prove an oral
contract [see Art. 1405]
Who can By the person By the party against whom the By the party against whom
assail - whose name the contract is being enforced; or the contract is being
cannot be contract was his privies enforced; or his privies; or
assailed by entered into / by parents or guardians, as it
third owner of property is a personal defense
[Art. 1408,
4. Void or inexistent contracts also those which are declared void by positive
provision of law or statute.
Those which, because of certain defects,
generally produce no effect at all. They are
considered as inexistent from its inception or
from the very beginning [de Leon].
General Rules
Void; no contract at Valid until annulled
all Nullity proceeds from the illegality of the
cause or object of the contract, and the act
May be assailed Must be assailed constitutes a criminal offense [Art.
indirectly through an action for 1411, CC]
that purpose by a
party to the contract, 1. Parties shall have no cause of
and never by a third action against each other
person (direct attack) 2. Both parties shall be prosecuted.
3. Things or price of the contract
Nullity may be set- Nullity may only be which are considered as effects or
up against anyone set-up against a party instruments of a crime are forfeited
who asserts a right thereto. in favor of the government.
arising from it.
The act in which the unlawful or forbidden
Not susceptible to May be validly ratified cause consists does not constitute a
ratification criminal offense
[Art. 1412, CC]
Action to declare Action for annulment
nullity does not prescribes When both When only one of the
prescribe [Art. parties are contracting parties is at fault
1410, CC] at fault
or non-
Rescission Resolution performance
[Art 1380 and [Art 1191,
1381, CC] CC] As to action Right to seek May be
by courts remedy is not denied if
As to Subsidiary Principal affected by court finds
Nature of Action Action, extension of that there is
Action involving retaliatory in time sufficient
partial nature reason to
resolution justify
As to Basis Economic Breach of
prejudice faith As to Four years Ten years
rendering the prescriptive [Art. 1389,
contract period CC]
[Congregation of the Religious Virgin Mary v.
Orola, G.R. No. 169790 (2008)]
Note: Not all
forms of
prejudice are
recognized by
law as a Art 1423, CC. Natural obligations, not being
ground to based on positive law but on equity and
rescind natural law, do not grant a right of action
to enforce their performance, but after
As to effect The cause of The voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they
action is reparation of authorize the retention of what has been
subordinated damages for delivered or rendered by reason thereof.
to the the breach is
existence of purely General Rule: Do not grant a right of action to
an economic secondary. enforce their performance.
Hence, where Exception: After voluntary fulfillment, they
the defendant authorize the retention of what has been
makes good delivered/rendered by reason thereof.
the damages
caused, the In order that there may be a natural obligation
action cannot there must exist a juridical tie which is not
be maintained prohibited by law and which in itself could give
or continued. a cause of action but because of some special
circumstances is actually without legal sanction
As to Prejudiced Only party to or means of enforcing compliance by
parties- third party the contract intervention of courts. [Tolentino]
in- may also may seek
interest seek remedy remedy Two Conditions Necessary for Natural
As to Equity Non-
a. That there be a juridical tie between two
grounds compliance
persons; (this distinguishes it from moral
obligations) and
The stipulation in a contract of sale which 3. Generally, the reasonable price is the
states that the consideration is “PhP1 and market price at the time and place fixed by
other valuable considerations” does not make the contract or by law for delivery of goods.
the contract void. Gross inadequacy of price
does not affect the contract of sale except that e. False price vs. simulated price
it may indicate a defect in consent. [Bagnas v. False Price Simulated Price
CA, G.R. No. L-38498 (1989)] Price stated in the
Price stated in the
contract is not
contract is not the
General Rule: Does not affect a contract of intended to be paid.
true price. Parties
sale’s validity. [Art. 1470, CC] Parties never
intended to be
intended to be
Exceptions: bound.
a. In Voluntary sales Effect: Void for lack
• Where low price indicates a vice of Effect: Binds the of
consent, sale may be annulled. parties to their real cause/consideration,
• Where price is so low to be shocking to the agreement when it but can be shown as
conscience (fraud, mistake, undue does not prejudice a donation or some
influence), then sale may be set aside 3rd persons and is other contract.
• Where price is simulated such as when the not intended for any Parties may recover
real intention was a donation or some other purpose contrary to from each other
contract. law, morals, public what they may have
• Where the parties did not intend to be policy, etc. given under the
bound at all, sale is void. contract.
Unless it appears otherwise, business While the object might be made determinate,
advertisements of things for sale are not the exercise of the right, however, would be
definite offers, but mere invitations to make an dependent not only on the grantor's eventual
offer. [Art. 1325, CC] intention to enter into a binding juridical relation
with another but also on terms, including the
2. Option contracts price, that obviously are yet to be later firmed
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell Even on the premise that such right of first
a determinate thing for a price certain is binding refusal has been decreed under a final
upon the promissor if the promise is supported judgment, like here, its breach cannot justify
by a consideration distinct from the price. [Art. correspondingly an issuance of a writ of
1479(2), CC; De Leon] execution under a judgment that merely
recognizes its existence, nor would it sanction
Separate Consideration an action for specific performance without
A consideration for an optional contract is just thereby negating the indispensable element of
as important as the consideration for any other consensuality in the perfection of contracts.
kind of contract. If there was no consideration [Ang Yu v. CA, G.R. No. 109125 (1994)]
for the contract of option, then it cannot be
enforced any more than any other contract 4. Mutual promise to buy and sell
where no consideration exists. [Enriquez dela
Cavada v. Diaz, G.R. No. 11668 (1918)] The obligation is not to enter into a sale, but
rather to negotiate in good faith for the
The option is not the contract of sale itself. The possibility of entering into a sale. When the
optionee has the right, but not the obligation, to promissor has in fact negotiated in good faith,
buy. Once the option is exercised timely, i.e., but the parties’ minds could not meet on the
the offer is accepted before a breach of the price and the terms of payment, then promissor
option, a bilateral promise to sell and to buy has complied with his obligation [Villanueva].
Sale by husband in favor of a concubine after was entrusted to them. Prohibition includes
he had abandoned his family and left conjugal judges and government experts who, in
home where his wife and children lived and any manner, take part in the sale.
from whence they derived their support, is void.
[Ching v. Goyanko, Jr., G.R. No. 165879 5. Lawyers - Cannot acquire or purchase
(2006)] property or rights in litigation in which they
take part by virtue of their profession
Reason for this rule: Such prohibition is for
the protection of third persons who, relying For the prohibition to operate, the sale or
upon supposed property of either spouse, assignment must take place during the
enters into a contract with either of them only pendency of the litigation involving the
to find out that the property relied upon was property. [Laig v. Court of Appeals (1991)]
transferred to the other spouse. [De Leon]
Exceptions: An assignment to a lawyer by
2. Alienage [Art. 39, CC] his client of an interest in the property does
General Rule: Aliens are disqualified from not violate Art 1491, where:
purchasing or acquiring real property. a. A judgment has been rendered and
has become final; and
Exception: If acquisition is through hereditary b. In case of contingency fee
succession arrangements: the interest of the
lawyer may be annotated as an
3. Trusteeship [Art. 39, CC] adverse claim on the property
awarded to his client [Director of
3. Special disqualifications Lands v. Ababa, G.R. No. L-26096
Such is grounded on public policy
considerations which disallow the transactions 6. Justices, Judges, prosecuting
entered into by them (directly or indirectly) in attorneys, clerks and other officers and
view of the fiduciary relationship involved or employees connected with the
the peculiar control exercised by these administration of justice - Cannot
individuals over the properties or rights acquire or purchase property or rights in
covered. [Mananquil v. Villegas (1990)] litigation or levied upon on execution
1. Agents – Cannot purchase or acquire before the court within whose jurisdiction or
property whose administration or sale was territory they exercise their respective
entrusted to them, except if principal gives functions.
2. Guardian – Cannot purchase property of 7. Others specially disqualified by law
person under his guardianship i. Unpaid sellers with goods in transit
3. Executors and administrators –Cannot from buying the goods
acquire or purchase property of estate ii. Officer conducting the execution
under their administration. sale of deputies
iii. Aliens who are disqualified to
The prohibition on executors and purchase private agricultural lands
administrators does not apply if the
principal consents to the sale. [Distajo v. b. Effects of incapacity
CA, G.R. No. 112954 (2000)]
1. Absolute incapacity
4. Public officers and employees - Cannot
acquire or purchase property of State/any If both parties are incapacitated:
of its subdivisions, GOCC or unenforceable [Art. 1403 (3), CC].
administration, the administration of which
Those entered into by public Seller need not be the owner of the thing at
officers/employees, justices and judges, and the time of perfection of the contract. It is
lawyers in violation of Art. 1491 are inexistent sufficient that the seller has a right to
and VOID from the beginning. [Rubias v. transfer ownership thereof at the time it is
Batiller, supra]. It is NOT subject to delivered. [Art. 1459, CC]
One who sells something he does not own
Exception: Sales entered into by guardians, yet is bound by the sale when he acquires
administrators, and agents (specific the thing later. [Bucton v. Gabar, G.R. No.
incapacities) in violation of Art. 1491 may be L-36359 (1974)]
General rule: Buyer need not go beyond Obligation to transfer ownership and to deliver
the Torrens Title is implied in every contract of sale [Arts. 1458-
1459, CC]
Exception: When he has actual
knowledge of facts and circumstances that Transfer of ownership requires delivery [Art.
would impel a reasonably cautious man to 1495, CC]
make further inquiry
General Concepts
d. Order of courts; Statutory Sale - In Under Article 1495, the seller has twin
execution sale, the buyer merely steps into obligations to (a) transfer the ownership and (b)
the shoes of the judgment debtor [Sec. 33, deliver the thing, which is the object of sale to
Rule 39, ROC] the buyer. In Article 1164, this includes the
obligation to deliver the fruits and accessories
e. When goods are purchased in Merchant’s from the time the obligation to deliver it arises;
store, Fair, or Market [Art. 1505, CC] however he shall acquire no real right over
them until the same has been delivered to him.
ii. Sale by Person having a Voidable Title
Transfer of ownership is effected even if the
a. True owner may recover the thing when the purchase has been made on credit. Payment
ff. requisites concur: of the purchase price is not essential to transfer
• Subject matter is movable of ownership as long as the property sold was
• Owner has either lost the thing or delivered.
has been unlawfully deprived. [Art.
559, CC] Intention to transfer ownership
• All forms of delivery shall be coupled
b. Reimbursement is necessary before owner with intention of delivering the thing
can recover when: sold.
● Buyer acted in good faith • Seller must be the owner or authorized
● Acquired at a public auction [Art. by owner of the thing sold
559, CC]
When right to transfer ownership must
c. Recovery no longer possible when: exist: At the time of delivery and not at the time
● Buyer in good faith of perfection of contract of sale.
● Acquired it at a merchant’s store,
fair or market. [Art. 1506, CC] iv. Concept of Delivery
When Sale Not Valid “Control” over thing sold must be such that
When the thing sold is a public property the seller is capable of physically
transferring it to buyer.
Sale by Person Having a Voidable Title
a. True owner may recover the thing when the Although parties may stipulate that the
ff. requisites concur: execution of a public instrument is
● Subject matter is movable equivalent to delivery, this legal fiction
● Owner has either lost the thing or has holds true only when there is no
been unlawfully deprived. [Art. 559, impediment that may prevent the passing
CC] of the property from the vendor to the
b. Reimbursement is necessary before owner vendee. [Vda. de Sarmiento v. Lesaca,
can recover when: G.R. No. L-15385 (1960)]
● Buyer acted in good faith
● Acquired at a public auction [Art. 559, If, notwithstanding execution of the
CC] instrument, the buyer cannot enjoy material
c. Recovery no longer possible when: tenancy and make use of the object himself
● Buyer in good faith or through another in his name, there is no
● Acquired it at a merchant’s store, fair or delivery. [Power Commercial v. CA, G.R.
market. [Art. 1506, CC] No. 119745 (1997)]
transferred to the possession of the buyer at For example, a seller remains in possession of
the time of sale. [Art. 1499, CC] the property sold, by virtue of a lease
agreement with the vendee, at the time of the
Example: Seller points to the property without perfection of the contract of sale.
actually transferring physical possession
thereof. Vendee became, as lessor, the legal
possessor while the vendor is in material
Delivery by mere agreement; seller points out possession of the property in the name and
to the buyer the property without need of representation of the vendee.
actually delivering (as when the thing sold
cannot be transferred to the possession of the Seller continues to be in possession of the
vendee at the time of sale). Delivery takes property sold
place when the thing is placed in the sight of
the purchaser so that he can take possession f. Quasi-traditio
of it at pleasure. With regard to movable
property, its delivery may also be made by the Mode of delivery of incorporeal things or rights.
delivery of the keys of the place or depository
where it is stored or kept. Delivery is effected:
● By execution of public instrument
When an employer assigned all its rights and ● When such is not applicable, by placing
title to all surplus property salvaged by the the titles of ownership in the
contractor, traditio longa manu takes place. possession of the buyer
Delivery is upon the moment a thing is ● By allowing the buyer to use his rights
salvaged. [Board of Liquidators v. Floro, G.R. as new owner with the consent of the
No. L-15155 (1960)] seller
Delivery of movable property by mere consent General Rule: Delivery to the courier or carrier
or agreement, if the buyer already had it in his is tantamount to delivery to buyer, whether
possession for any other reason. [Art. 1499, carrier is named by buyer or not. The buyer
CC] assumes the risk of loss.
6. F.A.S. (Free Alongside) – Seller bears the Rules Governing Sale of Movables,
expenses of transportation until he delivers Immovables and Unregistered Lands
the goods alongside a vessel at a named
port. a. Sale of Movable: Ownership shall be
transferred to the person who may have
vii. Double Sales [Art. 1544, CC] first taken possession in good faith.
General Rule: Prior tempore, prior jure (“First b. Sale of Immovables: Registered Land –
in time, priority in right”) applies. Ownership belongs to the person who:
● In good faith first recorded the sale in
Requisites: the Registry of Property; or
a. 2 or more valid sales; ● If there is no inscription of sale on the
b. Same subject matter; title, ownership passes to the person
c. 2 or more buyers with conflicting interests who in good faith was first in
over the rightful ownership of the thing possession; or
sold; ● In the absence thereof, to the person
d. Same seller. [Cheng v. Genato, G.R. No. who presents the oldest title,
129760 (1998)] provided there is good faith.
merely acquires the latter’s interest in the When buyer is presumed to be in bad faith
property sold as of the time the property ● Annotation of adverse claim: Places any
was levied upon. [Carumba v. CA, G.R. No. subsequent buyer of the registered land in
L-27587 (1970)] bad faith. [Balatbat v. CA, G.R. No. 109410
d. Sale of Immovables: Unregistered Land ● Annotation of Lis Pendens: Buyer cannot
be considered an innocent purchaser for
Instrument or deeds establishing, value where it ignored the lis pendens on
transmitting, acknowledging, modifying or the title.
extinguishing rights with respect to lands ● A purchaser of a parcel of land cannot
not registered under the Land Registration close his eyes to facts which should put a
Act or the Spanish Mortgage Law, are reasonable man upon his guard, such as
required to be registered in the Registry of when the property subject of the purchase
Property to prejudice 3rd persons, although is in the possession of persons other than
such registration is understood to be the seller. A buyer who could not have
“without prejudice to a third party with a failed to know or discover that the land sold
better right”. [PD 1528 Sec 113] to him was in the adverse possession of
another is a buyer in bad faith. [Heirs of
Art. 1544 applies to unregistered land Ramon Durano v. Uy, G.R. No. 136456
subject to a conventional sale (because of (2000)]
Art. 1358) but NOT to unregistered land
subject to judicial sale. Annotation of
Lis Pendens
Adverse Claim
Unregistered by both buyers, the first buyer May be cancelled
May be cancelled
is preferred. only in one
even before the action
instance, i.e., after
is finally terminated
If first buyer did not register but second buyer the claim is
for causes which may
registered property, second buyer is preferred. adjudged invalid or
not be attributable to
unmeritorious by
the claimant
viii. Property Registration Decree [P.D. the Court
The two are not contradictory or repugnant to
REQUISITES FOR REGISTRATION OF one another; nor does the existence of one
DEED OF SALE IN GOOD FAITH automatically nullify the other, and if any of the
registrations should be considered
a. Purchaser in Good Faith - One who buys unnecessary or superfluous, it would be the
the property of another, without notice that notice of lis pendens [A. Doronila Resources
some other person has a right to or interest Development Inc v. CA, G.R. Nos. L-42956-
in such property, and who pays a full and 571988]
fair price for the sale, at the time of the
purchase or before he has notice of the b. Accompanied by vendors duplicate
claim/interest of some other person in the certificate of title, payment of capital
property. [Agricultural and Home Extension gains tax, and documentary tax
Development Group v. CA, G.R. No. 92310 registration fees
Must be accompanied by:
General Rule: As a rule, he who asserts the ● Vendor’s duplicate certificate of title
status of a purchaser in good faith and for value ● Payment of capital gains tax – 6% of the
has the burden of proving such assertion. selling price or zonal value, whichever is
[Mathay v. CA, G.R. No. 115788 (1998)] higher
(Note: This is discussed under Section H of this He has no obligation to return them UNLESS
Sales Reviewer, on Warranties.) otherwise agreed BUT he has to take
reasonable care of the goods
4. Obligations of the Vendee
He is not a depositary thereof UNLESS he
voluntarily agrees to be one
Inspection and acceptance
i. Inspection/buyer’s right to examine
The buyer is deemed to have accepted the
[Art. 1584]
goods when:
1. He intimates to the seller that he has
General rule: The buyer is not deemed to have
accepted them
accepted the goods delivered which he has not
2. The goods have been delivered to him and
previously examined unless and until he has
he does any act in relation to them which is
had a reasonable opportunity to examine them
inconsistent with the ownership of the
for the purpose of ascertaining whether they
are in conformity with the contract.
3. After the lapse of a reasonable time, he
retains the goods without intimating to the
Exception: If there is a stipulation to the
seller that he has rejected them. [Art. 1585,
contrary [par. 1, Art. 1584, CC]
General rule: The seller is bound, when he
General rule: Exercise of acts of ownership
tenders delivery to the buyer, on request, to
over the goods is a manifestation of
afford the buyer a reasonable opportunity to
acceptance, such as making use of them as
examine the goods for the purpose of
owner, making alterations in the goods, or
ascertaining whether they are in conformity
subjecting it to the process of manufacture.
with the contract.
Exception: Buyer’s right to make a test of
Exception: Unless otherwise agreed upon
goods, but only if necessary, to enable him to
[par. 2, Art. 1584, CC]
determine whether to accept or reject the
Exception to the right to examine: C.O.D.
Modes of acceptance
Where goods are delivered to a carrier by the
2. Express acceptance - Buyer intimates to
seller, in accordance with an order from or
the seller that the has accepted them
agreement with the buyer, upon the terms that
3. Implied acceptance
the goods shall not be delivered by the carrier
b. When the vendee, after delivery of
to the buyer until he has paid the price, whether
goods, does any act inconsistent
such terms are indicated by marking the goods
with the vendor’s ownership or
with the words "collect on delivery," or
General rule: The vendee is not bound to The three instances when the vendee shall pay
accept delivery of goods in installment interest for the period between delivery and
payment of the price:
Exception: Unless otherwise agreed upon 1. If there was a stipulation;
[par. 1, Art. 1583, CC] 2. If the thing sold and delivered produces
fruits or income;
Where separate price has been fixed for 3. If the vendee is in default, from the time of
each installment [par. 2, Art. 1583, CC] judicial or extrajudicial demand for
Where there is a contract of sale of goods payment [Art. 1589, CC].
1. To be delivered by stated installments,
2. To be separately paid for, and ii. Right of vendee to suspend payment
3. The seller makes defective deliveries in of price
respect of one or more installments, or the
buyer neglects or refuses without just The vendee has the right to suspend in two
cause to take delivery of or pay for one or instances:
more installments. 1. If he is disturbed in the possession or
ownership of the thing bought; or
It depends in each case on the terms of the 2. If he has reasonable grounds to fear such
contract and the circumstances of the case: disturbance, by a vindicatory action or a
1. Whether the breach of contract is so foreclosure of mortgage [Art. 1590, CC]
material as to justify the injured party in
refusing to proceed further and suing for Except
damages for breach of the entire contract, 1. If the vendor gives security for the return of
or the price in a proper case
2. Whether the breach is severable, giving 2. If it has been stipulated
rise to a claim for compensation but not to 3. If the vendor caused disturbance or danger
a right to treat the whole contract as to cease
broken. 4. If the disturbance is a mere act of trespass
5. If the vendee has already fully paid the
Obligation to pay the price price [De Leon]
Article 1582, CC: The vendee is bound to Should the vendee be disturbed in the
accept delivery and to pay the price of the possession or ownership of the thing delivered,
thing sold at the time and place stipulated in or should he have reasonable grounds to fear
the contract. such disturbance by a vindicatory action, or a
foreclosure of mortgage, he may suspend
If the time and place should not have been payment until the vendor has caused the
stipulated, the payment must be made at the disturbance or danger to cease, unless there is
time and place of the delivery of the thing a stipulation to the contrary [Baviera]
Note: The contract of sale constitutes only a 1. True owner may recover the thing when
right to the transfer or acquisition of ownership, the ff. requisites concur:
while delivery is the method of accomplishing • Subject matter is movable
the same. • Owner has either lost the thing or has
been unlawfully deprived. [Art. 559,
When the seller is not the owner CC]
a. Identity – between what must be
The manner of transfer
delivered and what is actually delivered
b. Integrity – in a condition suitable for
General Rule: Ownership of the thing sold
shall be transferred to the vendee upon actual
c. Intentional
or constructive delivery thereof [Art. 1477, CC]
What to Deliver
a. Thing sold [Art. 1495, CC]
a. Contrary stipulation
b. Fruits [Art. 1164 & 1537, CC] – belong
b. Contract to sell
to the vendee from day of perfection.
c. Contract of insurance
c. Accessions and accessories [Art. 1166
d. Sale on acceptance/Trial
& 1537, CC] – in the same condition
e. When seller is not the owner or has
they were in on day of perfection
voidable title
• Improvements by seller at his
expense grants him a usufructuary
Obligation to transfer ownership and to deliver
right [Art. 1138, 1189, CC]
is implied in every contract of sale [Arts. 1458-
1459, CC] • No indemnification
• But he may remove it to the extent
General Concepts that there is no damage [Art. 1538,
Under Article 1495, the seller has twin CC]
obligations to (a) transfer the ownership and (b)
deliver the thing, which is the object of sale to Where to Deliver
the buyer. In Article 1164, this includes the a. A hierarchy is followed:
obligation to deliver the fruits and accessories i. Stipulation
from the time the obligation to deliver it arises; ii. Usage of trade
however he shall acquire no real right over iii. Seller’s place of business (office)
them until the same has been delivered to him. iv. Seller’s residence
b. In case of specific goods, which the parties
Transfer of ownership is effected even if the knew to be at some other place when the
purchase has been made on credit. Payment contract was perfected, that place is the
of the purchase price is not essential to transfer place of delivery
of ownership as long as the property sold was c. If goods are at the time of sale are
delivered. possessed by a third person, then there is
no delivery until he acknowledges to the
Intention to transfer ownership buyer that he holds the goods for the buyer.
All forms of delivery shall be coupled with
intention of delivering the thing sold. When to Deliver
Absent a stipulation as to time, delivery must
Seller must be owner or authorized by owner of be made within a reasonable time; demand or
the thing sold tender of delivery shall be made at a
reasonable hour.
When right to transfer ownership must exist
At the time of delivery and not at the time of When delivery does not transfer
perfection of contract of sale. title
b. Does any other act adopting the b. Bill of lading is retained by the seller or his
transaction (i.e. sale to a third person) agent.
c. Retains the goods without giving notice of
rejection after the time fixed has expired; if When the seller of the goods draws on the
no time has been fixed, after the expiration buyer for the price and transmits the bill of
of a reasonable time [Art. 1502, CC] exchange and bill of lading to the buyer, and
the latter does not honor the bill of exchange
Sale on Return by returning the bill of lading to the seller.
Buyer becomes owner of the property on
delivery, BUT has the option to revest Sale by Person Having a Voidable Title
ownership in the seller instead of paying the a. True owner may recover the thing when the
price by returning the goods within the time ff. requisites concur:
fixed in the contract, or, if no time is fixed, within • Subject matter is movable
a reasonable time. Otherwise, the sale • Owner has either lost the thing or has
becomes absolute. been unlawfully deprived. [Art. 559,
Loss or destruction of the property prior to b. Reimbursement is necessary before owner
return falls upon the buyer and makes him can recover when:
responsible for the purchase price. • Buyer acted in good faith
• Acquired at a public auction [Art. 559,
Sale on Approval Sale on Return CC]
Ownership passes c. Recovery no longer possible when:
Ownership does not
to buyer on delivery • Buyer in good faith
pass upon delivery
remaining with the
and subsequent • Acquired it at a merchant’s store, fair or
return revests market. [Art. 1506, CC]
seller until buyer
ownership in the
signifies his approval.
seller. i. Actual delivery
Depends on the
Depends on the will
character or quality of Actual Delivery
of the buyer
goods Deemed made when the thing sold is placed in
Subject to a Subject to a the control and possession of the vendee [Art.
suspensive condition resolutory condition 1497, CC]
Risk of loss remains Risk of loss remains
Not always essential to passing of title [Art.
with the seller with the buyer
147, CC]
Although parties may stipulate that the Delivery by mere agreement; seller points out
execution of a public instrument is equivalent to the buyer the property without need of
to delivery, this legal fiction holds true only actually delivering (as when the thing sold
when there is no impediment that may prevent cannot be transferred to the possession of the
the passing of the property from the vendor to vendee at the time of sale). Delivery takes
the vendee. [Vda. de Sarmiento v. Lesaca, place when the thing is placed in the sight of
G.R. No. L-15385 (1960)] the purchaser so that he can take possession
of it at pleasure. With regard to movable
If, notwithstanding execution of the instrument, property, its delivery may also be made by the
the buyer cannot enjoy material tenancy and delivery of the keys of the place or depository
make use of the object himself or through where it is stored or kept.
another in his name, there is no delivery.
[Power Commercial v. CA, G.R. No. 119745 When an employer assigned all its rights and
(1997)] title to all surplus property salvaged by the
contractor, traditio longa manu takes place.
Execution of a public instrument gives rise only Delivery is upon the moment a thing is
to a prima facie presumption of delivery, salvaged. [Board of Liquidators v. Floro, G.R.
negated by failure of the buyer to take actual No. L-15155 (1960)]
possession of land sold. A person who does
not have actual possession cannot transfer v. Traditio brevi manu (short hand)
constructive possession by execution and
delivery of public instrument. [Spouses Delivery of movable property by mere consent
Santiago v. Villamor, G.R. No. 168499 (2012)] or agreement, if the buyer already had it in his
possession for any other reason. [Art. 1499,
iii. Symbolic delivery CC]
Delivery of keys of the place or depositary Happens when the already has possession of
where the movable is stored or kept. [Art. 1498, the thing sold before the sale by virtue of
CC] another title (as lessee, borrower, depositary,
Unless otherwise agreed, when symbolic
delivery has been made, the seller is not vi. Traditio constitutum possessorium
obliged to remove tenants to place the buyer in
actual possession of the property as he has Seller continues to be in possession of the
already complied with his obligation to transfer property sold not as owner but in some other
ownership of and deliver the thing sold. [Power capacity, like as tenant or lessee.
Commercial and Industrial Corp. v. CA, G.R.
No. 119745 (1997); Sabio v. The International At the time of perfection, the seller held
Corporate Bank, Inc., G.R. No. 132709 (2001)] possession of the subject matter in the concept
of owner, and pursuant to the contract, the
iv. Traditio longa manu (long hand) seller continues to hold physical possession
thereof as lessee or other form of possession
Delivery of movable property by mere consent other than the concept of owner.
or agreement, if the thing sold cannot be
transferred to the possession of the buyer at For example, a seller remains in possession of
the time of sale. [Art. 1499, CC] the property sold, by virtue of a lease
agreement with the vendee, at the time of the the goods alongside a vessel at a named
perfection of the contract of sale. port.
viii. Delivery to a common carrier Article 527, CC: Good faith is always
presumed, and upon him who alleges bad
General Rule: Delivery to the courier or carrier faith on the part of a possessor rests the
is tantamount to delivery to buyer, whether burden of proof.
carrier is named by buyer or not. The buyer
assumes the risk of loss. General Rule: Prior tempore, prior jure (“First
in time, priority in right”) applies.
1. Seller reserved title through the form of the Requisites:
bill of lading, with intent to remain the a. 2 or more valid sales;
owner, not merely for the purpose of b. Same subject matter;
securing payment, OR c. 2 or more buyers with conflicting
2. Contrary intention appears in the contract interests over the rightful ownership of
(i.e. seller is required to deliver goods to the thing sold;
buyer at the point of destination) d. Same seller. [Cheng v. Genato, G.R.
3. Delivery by the seller is in breach of the No. 129760 (1998)]
4. F.O.B. (Free on Board or Freight on Board) Rules on Double Sale
- When seller bears the expenses of There is no double sale when:
transportation up to the F.O.B. point. a. Not all the elements of a sale are present
5. C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance, Freight) - Price b. The principle of prior tempore, prior jure (he
quoted includes the costs of the goods, who is first in time is preferred in right)
insurance, and freight charges on the should apply
goods up to the point of destination. c. The two different contracts of sale are
6. F.A.S. (Free Alongside) – Seller bears the made by two different persons, one of them
expenses of transportation until he delivers not being the owner of the property sold.
d. The land sold is not yet registered under c. Second Sale Made by Virtue of Execution
the Torrens system and Attachment –
e. The first sale occurred when land was not Art. 1544 does NOT apply in cases where
yet registered, and the second sale was the first sale of an unregistered immovable
done when the land was already registered occurred prior to an execution sale and the
– prior tempore, prior jure should apply second sale occurred by virtue of an
execution sale. This is because a buyer of
Rules on preference unregistered land at an execution sale only
a. Personal property steps into the shoes of the judgment debtor
b. First possessor in good faith (the person who sold the property prior to
c. Real property the execution sale). The second buyer
d. First registrant in good faith: second buyer merely acquires the latter’s interest in the
must register the document in good faith, property sold as of the time the property
otherwise, he does not have a better right was levied upon. [Carumba v. CA, G.R. No.
e. First possessor in good faith L-27587 (1970)]
f. Person with oldest title in good faith d. Sale of Immovables: Unregistered Land –
Instrument or deeds establishing,
Rules Governing Sale of Movables, transmitting, acknowledging, modifying or
Immovables and Unregistered Lands extinguishing rights with respect to lands
a. Sale of Movable: Ownership shall be not registered under the Land Registration
transferred to the person who may have Act or the Spanish Mortgage Law, are
first taken possession in good faith. required to be registered in the Registry of
b. Sale of Immovables: Registered Land – Property to prejudice 3rd persons, although
Ownership belongs to the person who: such registration is understood to be
• In good faith first recorded the sale in “without prejudice to a third party with a
the Registry of Property; or better right”. [PD 1528 Sec 113]
• If there is no inscription of sale on the
title, ownership passes to the person Art. 1544 applies to unregistered land
who in good faith was first in subject to a conventional sale (because of
possession; or Art. 1358) but NOT to unregistered land
• In the absence thereof, to the person subject to judicial sale.
who presents the oldest title,
provided there is good faith. Unregistered by both buyers, the first buyer
is preferred.
Possession refers to any of the modes of
possession in Arts. 1497-1501, CC. If first buyer did not register but the second
buyer registered the property, the second
Oldest Title as to any public document buyer is preferred.
showing acquisition of the land in good
faith. To constitute “title,” the transmission g. Property Registration Decree
of ownership must appear in a public
document [Art. 1358 (1), CC]. Requisites for registration of deed of sale in
good faith
Registration includes any entry made in
the Primary Entry Book of the registry, a. Purchaser in Good Faith - One who buys
including both registration in its ordinary the property of another, without notice that
and strict sense and cancellation, some other person has a right to or interest
annotation, and even marginal notes. in such property, and who pays a full and
[Cheng v. Genato, G.R. No. 129760 fair price for the sale, at the time of the
(1998)] purchase or before he has notice of the
claim/interest of some other person in the
(1) As avoided; or
Res Perit domino [Arts. 1263, (2) As valid in all of the existing goods or in
and 1189 CC] so much thereof as have not deteriorated,
and as binding the buyer to pay the agreed
Owner bears risk of loss and deterioration. The price for the goods in which the ownership
ownership is transferred only upon delivery. will pass, if the sale was divisible.
Pursuant to Art. 1262, CC if the thing is Exceptions: [Art. 1504 (1) and (2), CC]
destroyed without the fault of the a. Where delivery has been made either to
debtor/seller, the obligation to pay shall the buyer or to the bailee for the buyer, but
subsist. ownership in the goods has been retained
2. Res perit domino or the seller bears the risk by the seller merely to secure performance
of loss. by the buyer of his obligations under the
Basis: The rule on loss is different from the contract; and
rule on deterioration for the loss would be b. Where actual delivery has been delayed
for the account of the seller, while the through the fault of either the buyer or
deterioration would be for the account of seller, the goods are at the risk of the party
the buyer. in fault.
General Rule: Buyer bears risk of loss and Bill of Lading – A document issued by the
deterioration. common carrier acknowledging receipt of
goods described therein for transportation to a divested of his rights merely upon loss of the
designated place and delivery to a named documents.
• It is a symbol of possession and control Rights Acquired by Negotiation
of the goods if it is negotiable in form A document of title represents the right of the
• This authorizes the consignee to consignee in the goods so that:
transfer the goods to another • A person to whom a negotiable document
• If properly negotiated, this shall of title had been duly negotiated acquires
operate as a transfer of possession of not merely the rights of his vendor but
the goods in transit as effectively as a also whatever rights the original
physical delivery thereof consignee had over the goods.
• The buyer of the document of title may
Kinds of Documents of Title acquire a better title than his vendor,
constituting an exception to Art. 1505, CC.
Negotiable – the goods described therein are
deliverable to bearer or to the order of the Note: The validity of the negotiation of a
consignee document of title to an innocent purchaser for
value is not affected by the fact that there was
Non-Negotiable – deliverable only to a a breach of duty on the part of the person to
specified person whom such document was entrusted by the
owner, or by the fact that the owner of the
NEGOTIABLE DOCUMENTS OF TITLE document was deprived of it by loss, theft,
fraud, accident, mistake, duress or conversion.
How Negotiated [Baviera]
A negotiable bill of lading may be negotiated by
delivery of the document to another if by the Example: If a negotiable instrument was
terms thereof, the goods are deliverable to indorsed in blank by the consignee and was
bearer stolen by the one who sold and delivered the
document to an innocent purchaser for value =
When the bill of lading was endorsed in blank the latter acquires the title of the consignee
by the person to whose order the goods
were deliverable. Implied Warranties
A person who transfers or negotiates a
If by its terms the goods are deliverable to the document of title for value:
order of a specified person, it can only be • Warrants not only the genuineness and
negotiated by indorsement of such person. validity of the document and his right to
transfer it
Who May Negotiate It • BUT ALSO assumed all the warranties
Only the owner of the document or one to of a vendor of goods.
whom possession or custody of the document
has been entrusted by the owner, may However, he does NOT warrant that the
negotiate it. [Art. 1512, CC] common carrier will fulfill its obligations to
deliver the goods or that the previous indorsers
Or the one to whom possession or custody of will fulfill their obligation.
document has been entrusted by the owner. • The indorser of a negotiable document of
This was in accordance with common law title does not assume the same warranties
denying the full effects of negotiability of bills of like that of a general indorser of a
lading inasmuch as they do not represent negotiable bill of exchange/promissory
money but merely evidence of performance of note
certain contractual duties. Owner should not be
opinion, judgment, probability, or expectation. If seller has promised that the condition should
When the buyer undertakes his own happen or be performed, the buyer may treat
investigation, and the seller does nothing to the nonperformance of the condition as a
prevent it from being as full as the buyer breach of warranty. [Art. 1545, CC]
chooses, the buyer cannot afterwards allege
misrepresentations. [Songco v. Sellner, G.R. Express Implied
No. L-11513 (1917)] Nature is
Contractual; Freely Constituted by Law
Economic Loss Doctrine: Where the defect Represented
makes the goods less valuable Only seller is bound,
Stipulated by parties,
whether or not
Condition v. Warranty thereby binding both
intended or known
the seller and buyer
Article 1545, CC: Where the obligation of by the parties.
either party to a contract of sale is subject to
any condition which is not performed, such Express Warranties
party may refuse to proceed with the
contract or he may waive performance of the For there to be express warranty, the following
condition. If the other party has promised requisites must concur:
that the condition should happen or be a. An affirmation of fact or any promise
performed, such first mentioned party may relating to the thing sold;
also treat the nonperformance of the b. The natural tendency of such
condition as a breach of warranty. affirmation or promise is to induce the
buyer to buy;
Where the ownership in the thing has not c. The buyer buys the thing relying
passed, the buyer may treat the fulfillment by thereon. [Art. 1546, CC]
the seller of his obligation to deliver the same d. Made before the sale, not upon
as de- scribed and as warranted expressly delivery or any other point
or by implication in the contract of sale as a
condition of the obligation of the buyer to An express warranty can be made by and also
perform his promise to accept and pay for be binding on the seller even in the sale of a
the thing. second hand article. [Moles v. IAC, G.R. No.
73913 (1989)]
Condition Warranty
Goes into the Express Warranty v. Dealer’s/Trader’s Talk
Pertains to and performance of an Article 1545, CC: Any affirmation of fact or
affects the existence obligation and may, any promise by the seller relating to the thing
of the obligation in itself, be an is an express warranty if the natural
obligation tendency of such affirmation or promise is to
Non-happening does Non-fulfillment induce the buyer to purchase the same, and
not amount to breach constitutes breach if the buyer purchase the thing relying
of contract of contract thereon. No affirmation of the value of the
Stipulation or thing, nor any statement purporting to be a
Must be stipulated statement of the seller's opinion only, shall
operation of law
Always relates to the be construed as a warranty, unless the seller
May attach either to made such affirmation or statement as an
subject matter or the
the seller’s duty to expert and it was relied upon by the buyer.
seller’s obligations
deliver thing or some
as to the subject
other circumstance Article 1340, CC: The usual exaggerations
in trade, when the other party had an
opportunity to know the facts, are not in Implied Warranties [Art. 1547,
themselves fraudulent. CC]
Article 1341, CC: A mere expression of an An implied warranty is derived by law, by
opinion does not signify fraud, unless made implication, or inference from the nature of the
by an expert and the other party has relied transaction or relativation, or circumstances of
on the former's special knowledge. the parties, irrespective of any intention of the
seller to create it. [De Leon]
Dealer’s or Trader’s Talk
Warranty Implied Warranty of Title
What is a. Implied Warranty against
Affirmation of the value of the
specifically Encumbrance/Non-Apparent Servitudes
thing or statement of only the
represented b. Implied Warranty against Hidden Defects
seller’s opinion is not a
as true in [Art. 1547, CC]
warranty unless:
● The seller made it as an • Implied Warranty as to Merchantable
document Quality and Fitness of Goods
cannot be
● It was relied upon by the • Implied Warranty against Redhibitory
considered Defect in the Sale of Animals [Art.
buyer. [Art.1546, CC]
as mere 1572, CC]
● Ordinarily, what does not
dealer's • Quality and Fitness of Goods in Sale by
appear on the face of the
talk. [Moles Sample or Description
written instrument [Moles
v. IAC, c. Other Warranties
v. IAC, supra]
Express Warranty v. False Representation
Article 1342, CC: Misrepresentation by a Implied warranty arises by operation of law and
third person does not vitiate consent, unless need not be stipulated in the contract of sale.
such misrepresentation has created
substantial mistake and the same is mutual. Warranty of Seller’s Right to Sell: Seller
warrants his right to sell at the time the
Express ownership is to pass.
False Representation
When concealment of facts Inapplicable to a sheriff, auctioneer,
comes with an active mortgagee, pledgee, or other person
misstatement of fact or a professing to sell by virtue of authority in fact or
partial statement of fact, such law. [Art. 1547, CC]
that withholding of that unsaid
portion makes that which is Warranty against Eviction: Seller warrants
stated absolutely false.
Concealment that buyer, from the time ownership passes,
of facts does shall have and enjoy legal and peaceful
However, a buyer who fails to
not possession of the thing. Its requisites are:
inspect the condition of
property despite ample a. Buyer is deprived of the whole or a part of
amount to the thing sold;
opportunity to do so when
false b. Eviction is by final judgment;
there is no opposition on the
representation c. Final judgment based on a right prior to the
part of seller to inspect cannot
later on allege false sale or an act imputable to the vendor;
representation. [Philippine d. Seller is summoned and made co-
Manufacturing Co. v. Go defendant in the suit for eviction at the
Jocco, G.R. No. L-24256 instance of the buyer. [Power Commercial
(1926)] and Industrial Corp. v. CA, G.R. No.
119745 (1997)]
If ownership has not yet passed to the buyer, perform his obligations, or has committed a
the seller cannot maintain an action for the breach of the contract of sale.
price, unless it involves (1) or (3). Under this rule, rescission would bar an action
Title to goods passes from the moment the on the contract because it means cancellation
goods are placed at the buyer’s disposal when of the contractual obligations between the
refusal to accept is without just cause. [de Leon parties. [Baviera]
citing Art. 1588, CC]
The unpaid seller’s right to rescind for non-
ACTION FOR DAMAGES [Art. 1596, CC] performance is not absolute. Not allowed to
When ownership has not yet passed and the rescind when:
buyer, without lawful cause, neglects or a. There are 3rd persons possessing the
refuses to ACCEPT and PAY for the goods objects of the contract to whom no bad faith
is imputable [de Leon; Ocejo Perez & Co.
General rule: Measure of damages is the v. International Bank, G.R. No. L-10658
ESTIMATED LOSS directly and naturally (1918)]
resulting in the ordinary course of events from b. Breach is on slight or casual [de Leon;
the buyer’s breach. Song Fo & Co. v. Hawaiian-Phil. Co.,
a. Where there is available market for goods: The seller cannot unilaterally and
Difference between the contract price and extrajudicially rescind a contract absent
the market price. The market price is fixed express stipulation to do so, except as
at the time the goods ought to have been provided in Art. 1597. [De Leon]
accepted, or if no time was fixed, at the
time of refusal to accept. 2. Special Remedies of the Unpaid
Seller [Arts. 1525-1535, CC]
Note: When there are special
circumstances showing proximate a. Possessory lien;
damages of a greater amount than the b. Stoppage in transitu;
difference between the contract price and c. Special right of resale; and
market price, seller is entitled to such d. Special right to rescind
higher amount of damages when such
damages may be reasonably attributed to Note: These special remedies have a
the non-performance of the obligation. [de hierarchical application. The special rights to
Leon; par. 3, Art. 1596 read with par. 2, Art. resell and to rescind can be availed of by the
2201, CC] unpaid seller only when either of the two prior
rights of possessory lien or stoppage in transitu
b. Where labor or expense of material amount have been exercised by the unpaid seller.
is necessary on the part of the seller to [Villanueva]
perform the contract: Cost of labor
performed or expenses made before Definition of an Unpaid Seller
receiving notice of buyer’s repudiation, and
unrealized profit. Art. 1525. Seller is deemed to be unpaid seller:
1. When the whole of the price has not
RESCISSION BY GIVING THE BUYER been paid or tendered;
NOTICE OF THE ELECTION TO RESCIND 2. When a bill of exchange or other
[Art. 1597, CC] negotiable instrument has been
When the goods have not yet been delivered to received as conditional payment, and
the buyer, and the buyer repudiated the the condition on which it was received
contract of sale, or manifested his inability to has been broken by reason of the
e. The seller must surrender the negotiable b. By giving notice of his claim to the
instrument or title, if any, issued by the carrier/other bailee who has possession of
carrier/bailee the goods
f. The seller must bear the expenses of the • Carrier must redeliver goods to seller,
delivery of the goods after exercise of such or according to his instructions
right. • Carrier not obliged to redeliver until the
negotiable document of title, if any, has
When Goods Are In Transit [par. 1, Art 1531, been surrendered for cancellation
a. From the time of delivery to the carrier or Effect When Buyer Has Sold the Goods [Art.
other bailee by the seller, for the purpose 1535, CC]
of transmission to the buyer, until the buyer General Rule: Seller’s right to stoppage in
or his agent takes such delivery from the transitu is not affected even if buyer has sold or
carrier. disposed of the goods unless the seller has
b. Even when goods have reached their given his assent thereto.
ultimate destination, if buyer rejects them Exceptions:
and carrier retains possession a. When seller has given consent thereto
b. When a negotiable document of title has
To terminate transit by delivery to a been issued for the goods to a purchaser
middleman, delivery must be to keep, not to for value in good faith
In case of misdelivery, the goods are still Available to unpaid seller who has a right of lien
considered in transit, hence, the seller may still or who has stopped the goods in transitu [Art.
exercise his right pursuant to Article 1523. 1533, CC].
made BUT the buyer may only avail of However, mere filing of an unlawful detainer
the grace period once every 5 years suit by the seller does not operate as such
• Buyer has right to the refund of Cash notice. [de Leon]
Surrender Value (CSV): 50% of total
amount paid + 5% for every year after b. Remedies of the Buyer
the first 5 years of installments BUT
total CSV should not be greater than General rule: Courts will refuse to decree
90% of total amount paid specific performance with respect to chattels
• After the lapse of the grace period, because damages are a sufficient remedy.
buyer is given a notice of cancellation
or demand for rescission by notarial Exception: Buyer is entitled to the specific
act, effective 30 days from the buyer’s thing which to him has special value and which
receipt thereof AND only upon full he cannot readily obtain in the market OR
payment of CSV where damages would not furnish a complete
and adequate remedy. [Baviera]
b. If buyer has paid less than 2 years of
• Grace period of at least 60 days BUYER
• After the lapse of the grace period, REMEDY
buyer is given a notice of cancellation Damages, Rescission, Price
or demand for rescission by notarial Movables through Specific
act, effective 30 days upon receipt Performance.
thereof Return or Offer to Return
(with recovery of price or may
c. During the grace period, the buyer shall become the seller’s bailee)
also have the right: Breach of
Acceptance, for recoupment
• To sell or assign his rights, evidenced Warranty
or with damages
in a notarial instrument Refuse to Accept with
• To update his account Damages
• To pay in advance any installment, or Rescission, Suspension of
the full unpaid balance of the price, Payment, PD 957
without any interest, and to have such (Reimbursement of the total
full payment of the purchase price Immovables
amount paid/ compel the
annotated in the certificate of title developer to complete
covering the property. facilities)
Contract of Sale: Article
Down payments, deposits, or options on the Immovables
1592, CC
contract shall be included in the total number of on
Contract to Sell: Maceda Law
installments made. Installment
(RA 6552)
separately paid for, whether prompt payment there shall be no increase or decrease of the
or delivery is of the essence of the contract price, although there be a greater or less
such that a delay or breach of the obligation area or number than that stated in the
would entitle the aggrieved party to treat the contract.
entire contract as broken or to regard each
breach as severable would depend on the
terms of the contract and the circumstances of If the sale of property is for a lump sum, there
the case. [Baviera] shall be no increase or decrease in the price,
whether the actual area delivered turned out to
Severability: is whether the breach is so be greater or less than that stated in the
material as to justify the aggrieved party in contract. [Baviera]
refusing to proceed further with the entire
contract or so immaterial that the breach is Inspection and Acceptance
severable, giving rise merely to a claim for
damages. Note: This is discussed in Section D of this
sales reviewer, on the Obligations of the
Sale of Immovables Vendee.
Available when the seller reserves the right to 3. Subsequent purchaser of property, even if
repurchase the thing sold in the same the right to redeem was not mentioned in
instrument of sale as one of the stipulations of the subsequent contract; except if
the contract [Villarica v. CA, G.R. No. L-19196 registered land, where the right to redeem
(1968)] must be annotated on the title
4. If several heirs, then the right of redemption
2. Period can be exercised against each heir for his
share of the property [Art. 1615, CC]
General Rule: Follow period stipulated in
contract, but should not exceed 10 years. 5. How exercised
The right of repurchase is not a right granted to When there is agreement: Period not to
the seller by the buyer in a subsequent exceed 10 years [Art. 1606, CC]
instrument, but one reserved by the seller in the
same instrument as the sale contract. Any right General Rule: Period starts to run from the
granted after the execution of the sale date of the execution of the contract
instrument is not a right to repurchase, but
some other right like an option to buy. [Roberts Exception: When the efficacy of the sale is
v. Papio, G.R. No. 166714 (2007)] subject to a suspensive condition, period
should be counted not from the date appearing
2. Requisites for presumption of on the instrument, but from the date when the
an equitable mortgage condition is fulfilled, marking the
consummation of the sale [Tolentino citing
a. That the parties entered into a contract Manresa].
denominated as a contract of sale, and
b. That their intention was to secure an Additional 30 days for Repurchase
existing debt by way of a mortgage. The last paragraph of Art. 1606 giving the
[Molina v. CA, supra] vendor the right to repurchase within 30 days
from the time of the rendition of final judgment seller a retro to file a suit for consignation
applies only where the nature and the with the courts of the redemption price
character of the transaction, whether as a [Catangcatang v. Legayada, G.R. L-26295
pacto de retro or an equitable mortgage, was (1978)].
put in issue before the court [Gonzales v. de 4. If the offer or tender of payment for
Leon, G.R. No. L-14532 (1965)] repurchase is refused, it is not necessary
for the vendor a retro to consign in court or
When an unrecorded pacto de retro sale was make judicial deposit of the repurchase
construed as an equitable mortgage, the price [Rosales v. Reyes, G.R. No. 8162
plaintiff had the right to enforce his lien in a (1913)].
separate proceeding notwithstanding the fact
that he had failed to obtain judgment declaring The seller a retro is given no option to require
him the sole and absolute owner of the land. the buyer a retro to remove the useful
[Heirs of Arches v. Diaz, G.R. No. L-27136 improvements on the land subject of the sale a
(1973)] retro, unlike that granted the owner of a land
under Arts. 546 and 547. Under Art. 1616, the
Where the petition of the buyer in a pacto de seller a retro must pay for useful improvements
retro sale is for a judicial orders pursuant Art. introduced by the buyer a retro; otherwise, the
1607, so that there may be consolidation of latter may retain possession of the land until
ownership since there was failure to redeem reimbursement is made. [Gargollo v. Duero,
during the redemption period, the right of action G.R. No. L-15973 (1961)]
to foreclose or to collect the indebtedness
arises from the court judgment declaring the Legal Redemption [Art. 1619,
contract an equitable mortgage. CC]
6. Exercise of the right to redeem Rationale for the law: Public policy (to minimize
[Art. 1616, CC] co-ownership) and benefit of the redemptioner
The right is available not only to original co- b. Adjacent lands are separated by
owners, but to those who had later acquired the brooks, drains, roads and other
share of the co-owner. apparent servitudes for the benefit of
other estates
But the right of redemption may be exercised
by a co-owner only when part of the community Order of preference if two or more wishes to
property is sold to a stranger. When the portion exercise the right:
is sold to another co-owner, the right does not • Owner with smaller land area
arise because a new participant is not added to • If same land area, then the one who
the co-ownership [Fernandez v. Sps. Tarun, first requested the redemption
G.R. No. 143868 (2002)].
c. Redemption by adjoining land-owners
If the price of the alienation is grossly of urban land (applies only to small
excessive, the redemptioner shall pay only a portions of urban land) [Art. 1621, CC]
reasonable one.
Right of Pre- Right of
Should two or more co-owners desire to emption Redemption
exercise the right, they may also do so in Owner of any
proportion to the share they may respectively adjoining land has a
have in the thing owned in common. right of pre-emption
If the resale has
at a reasonable price
The ff. requisites must concur: been perfected, the
a. Co-ownership of a thing owner of the
a. Urban land is
b. Alienation of shares of co-owners or all adjoining land shall
so small and
of the other co-owners have a right of
so situated
c. Sale must be to a third person or redemption, also at a
that a major
stranger reasonable price
portion of it
d. Sale must be before partition cannot be
e. Right must be exercised within the Priority if 2 or more
used for any
period specified in Article 1623 adjoining owners
f. Buyer must be reimbursed the price of want to redeem:
purpose w/in
the sale owner whose
a reasonable
intended use of the
Rationale: Public Policy, since co-ownership is land appears to be
b. Was bought
a hindrance to the development and best justified
merely for
administration of the property. [Baviera] speculation;
c. Was resold
b. Redemption by adjoining landowners of Arises before sale Arises after sale
rural land [Art. 1621, CC] No rescission There can be
because no sale rescission of the
The ff. requisites must concur: exists yet original sale
a. All lands must be rural lands The action is
b. Lands must be adjacent to each other Action is directed
directed against
c. A piece of rural land is alienated against buyer
prospective seller
d. Area does not exceed one hectare
e. Buyer must already own other rural d. Redemption of Credit
Available when it is sold while in litigation (From
When not applicable the time the complaint is answered)
a. The grantee does not own any rural
conveyance [Salao v. Salao, G.R. No. L- Express and Implied Trust Distinguished
26699 (1976)] Express Trust Implied Trust
Comes into being
Rules on Resulting Trusts by operation of
Created by the
a. There is an implied trust when property law.
intention of the
is sold, and the legal estate is granted trustor or the
Those, without
to one party but the price is paid by parties.
being expressed,
another for the purpose of having the are deductible
beneficial interest of the property. The As to Created by the
from the nature of
former is the trustee, while the latter is Creatio direct and positive
the transaction
n acts of the parties
the beneficiary. However, if the person by operation of
by some writing or
to whom the title is conveyed is a child, law as matters of
deed or will or by
legitimate or illegitimate, of the one equity,
words evidencing
paying the price of the sale, no trust is independently of
an intention to
implied by law, it being disputably the particular
create a trust.
intention of the
presumed that there is a gift in favor of
the child. [Art. 1448, CC]. An express trust
over an immovable
b. There is also an implied trust when a An implied trust
As to property or any
donation is made to a person but it may be proved
Proof interest therein
by oral evidence
appears that although the legal estate cannot be proved
is transmitted to the donee, he by parol evidence
nevertheless is either to have no In resulting trust:
beneficial interest or only a part Action must be
thereof. [Art. 1449, CC]. made within 10
years from
Action must be
knowledge of
c. When land passes by succession to made within 10
any person and he causes the legal title As to years from
to be put in the name of another, a trust Prescri knowledge of the
is established by implication of law for ption repudiation,
the benefit of the true owner. [Art. 1451, In constructive
CC]. trust: It must be
made within 10
d. If two or more persons agree to years from date
purchase property and by common of registration.
In constructive
consent the legal title is taken in the An express
trusts, even if
name of one of them for the benefit of repudiation made
there is no
all, a trust is created by force of law in known to the
favor of the others in proportion to the beneficiary is
laches may bar
interest of each. [Art. 1452, CC]. necessary in order
As to an action to
that laches or
Laches enforce an
e. When property is conveyed to a person prescription may
implied trust
in reliance upon his declared intention bar an action to
to hold it for, or transfer it to another or Exception: If
enforce an express
the grantor, there is an implied trust in there is
favor of the person whose benefit is
contemplated. [Art. 1453, CC].
c. When any trustee, guardian or other It must be noted, however, that agency is not
person holding a fiduciary relationship always contractual. As will be discussed,
uses trust funds for the purchase of even if some of these elements are missing,
property and causes the conveyance to agency may still be created by operation of
be made to him or to a third person, a law, such as Articles 1930 and 1931.
trust is established by operation of law
in favor of the person to whom the General rule as to form
funds belong. [Art. 1455, CC]. Agency may be written or oral, unless the law
requires a specific form [Art. 1869, CC].
d. If property is acquired through mistake
or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by Exceptions as to form
force of law, considered a trustee of an 1. In an agency to sell a piece of land or any
implied trust by prescription, the title interest therein, the authority of the agent
thereto may be attacked, either directly
o. Any other act of strict dominion. accepted the stipulation in his favor [Art.
1930, CC]
Note that the special power to sell excludes the 4. Anything done by the agent, without
power to mortgage; and a special power to knowledge of the death of the principal or
mortgage does not include the power to sell of any other cause which extinguishes the
[Art. 1879, CC]. Note further that the power to agency, is valid and shall be fully effective
compromise does not authorize submission to with respect to third persons who may have
arbitration [Art. 1880, CC]. contracted with him in good faith. [Art.
1931, CC]
Agency by estoppel
In an agency by estoppel, there is no agency a. To act within the scope of
at all, but the one assuming to act as agent has authority
apparent authority, to represent another,
although not real [Yun Kwan Byung v. One of the primary obligations of an agent is to
PAGCOR, G.R. No. 163553, Dec. 11, 2009]. act within the scope of his authority [Art.
1881, CC]. This includes acting according to
To establish agency by estoppel, the following the instructions of the principal; and in
elements must be shown: default thereof, to the diligence of a good father
1. The principal manifested a of a family [Art. 1887, CC].
representation of the agent’s authority or
knowingly allowed the agent to assume In the following cases, the acts performed by
such authority; the agent shall be deemed within the scope
2. The third person, in good faith, relied of his authority:
upon such representation; and 1. Acts that may be conducive to the
3. Relying upon such representation, such accomplishment of the purpose of the
third person has changed his position to agency [Art. 1881, CC];
his detriment [Litonjua v. Eternit 2. Acts performed in a manner more
Corporation, G.R. No. 144805, June 8, advantageous to the principal than that
2006]. specified by him [Art. 1882, CC];
3. So far as third persons are concerned, acts
Agency by operation of law within the terms of the written power of
While agency is generally contractual, the Civil attorney, even if the agent has in fact
Code admits several exceptions. exceeded the limits of his authority
1. The agent must finish the business according to an understanding between the
already begun on the death of the principal and the agent [Art. 1900, CC]
principal, should delay entail any danger
[Art. 1884, par. 2, CC] b. To carry out the agency
2. The agent, even if he should withdraw
from the agency for a valid reason, must Another primary obligation of an agent is to
continue to act until the principal has had carry out the agency [Art. 1884, CC]. Such
reasonable opportunity to take the obligation entails that the agent shall
necessary steps to meet the situation. [Art. 1. Be liable for the damages caused to
1929, CC] the principal through his non-
3. The agency shall remain in full force and performance [Art. 1884, CC];
effect even after the death of the principal, 2. Finish the business already begun on
if it has been constituted in the common the death of the principal, should delay
interest of the latter and of the agent, or in entail danger [Art. 1884, CC];
the interest of a third person who has 3. Even if the agent withdraws, continue
to act as an agent until the principal
has had reasonable opportunity to take according to whether the agency was or was
the necessary steps to meet the not for compensation [Art. 1909, CC].
situation [Art. 1929, CC].
The obligation to carry out the agency also
includes the obligation to not carry out the Appointment of a substitute
agency if its execution would manifestly result General rule: An agent may appoint a
in loss or damage to the principal [Art. 1888, substitute.
Exemption: Principal prohibits the agent from
c. To prefer the interest of the doing so. In this case, all of the substitute’s acts
principal over his own shall be void [Art. 1892, CC].
This obligation is manifested in two ways: Liability of the agent for his substitutes
1. An agent shall be liable for damages if, General rule: The agent shall not be
there being a conflict between his interests responsible for the acts of the substitute.
and those of the principal, he should prefer Exemptions: An agent is responsible for the
his own [Art. 1889, CC]; acts of the substitute in the following cases:
2. An agent, who has been authorized to lend 1. When the agent was not given the
money, may not borrow it without the power to appoint one;
consent of the principal [Art. 1890, CC]. 2. When the agent was given such power,
but without designating the person,
d. To render account and to and the person appointed was
deliver notoriously incompetent or
insolvent [Art. 1892, CC].
An agent must render an account of his
transactions and deliver to the principal In both of these cases, the principal may
whatever he may have received by virtue of the bring an action against the substitute with
agency, even though it may not be owing to the respect to the obligations the substitute has
principal [Art. 1891, CC]. contracted under the said substitution [Art.
1893, CC].
A stipulation exempting the agent from the
obligation to render an account shall be void Solidary Liability
[Art. 1891, CC]. Just like ordinary contracts, solidary liability is
not presumed, even if two or more agents are
e. To pay interest appointed simultaneously. Solidary liability
among such agents must be expressly
The agent owes interest on stipulated [Art. 1894, CC].
1. The sums he has applied to his own use
from the day on which he did so; and
2. Those which he still owes after the D. COMPROMISE
extinguishment of the agency [Art. 1896,
As a contract, a valid compromise agreement necessary to alienate their property. [Art. 2033,
must possess the following requisites: CC].
1. The consent of the parties to the
compromise, 4. Effects
2. An object certain that is the subject matter
of the compromise, and a. Suspension of Pending Litigation
3. The cause of the obligation that is Every civil action or proceeding shall be
established. [Magbanua v. Uy, G.R. No. suspended:
161003 (2005)] 1. If willingness to discuss a possible
compromise is expressed by one or both
The Civil Code provides for additional parties; or
requisites in special cases: 2. If it appears that one of the parties, before
1. A special power of attorney for a the commencement of the action or
compromise agreement to be entered into proceeding, offered to discuss a possible
by an agent on behalf of the principal [Art. compromise but the other party refused
1878(3), CC] the offer.
Note: A special power to compromise does The duration and terms of the suspension of
not authorize submission to arbitration. the civil action or proceeding and similar
[Art. 1880, CC] matters shall be governed by such provisions
of the rules of court as the Supreme Court shall
2. The consent of all the partners in a promulgate. Said rules of court shall likewise
partnership, except when authorized by the provide for the appointment and duties of
other partners or unless they have amicable compounders. [Art. 2030, CC]
abandoned the business. [Art. 1818, CC]
b. Res Judicata
2. Kinds of Compromise A compromise has upon the parties the effect
and authority of res judicata; but there shall be
a. Judicial – puts an end to a pending litigation no execution except in compliance with a
b. Extrajudicial – to avoid litigation [Sps.
judicial compromise. [Art. 2037, CC]
Abinujar and Lana v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 104133 (1995)]
5. Role of the Court
3. Coverage
Persuade Litigants to Compromise
A compromise comprises only those objects The court shall endeavor to persuade the
which are: litigants in a civil case to agree upon some fair
1. definitely stated therein, or compromise [Art. 2029, CC]
2. which by necessary implication from its
terms should be deemed to have been Mitigate Damages
included in the same. The courts may mitigate the damages to be
paid by the losing party who has shown a
A general renunciation of rights is understood sincere desire for a compromise [Art. 2031,
to refer only to those that are connected with CC]
the dispute which was the subject of the
compromise [Art. 2036, CC] Approve Compromise in Special Cases
The court's approval is necessary in
Limitation on Juridical Persons compromises entered into by guardians,
Juridical persons may compromise only in the parents, absentee's representatives, and
form and with the requisites which may be administrators or executors of decedent's
estates. [Art. 2032, CC]
share in the estate of the father. There having General Rule: Mistake, fraud, violence,
been, in accordance with the allegations in the intimidation, undue influence or falsity of
complaint, no controversy over the condition of documents are grounds to annul the
the plaintiff as acknowledged natural child, the compromise agreement.
agreement between the plaintiff and Exception: Mistake of fact cannot be set up if
defendants alleged in par. 7 of the complaint, if the other party, by virtue of the compromise
shown at the trial, is not a compromise at all, has already withdrawn from the litigation
and is not frowned upon by the legislator in
article 1814 of the Civil Code. [Lajom v. Viola, 9. Annulment/ Rescission
G.R. No. L-47475 (1942)]
Newly-discovered Documents
Validity of Marriage or Legal Separation and When the parties compromise generally on
any of its Grounds all differences which they might have with
General Rule: Parties cannot compromise on each other, the discovery of documents
the validity of marriage or legal separation, the referring to one or more but not to all of the
validity of which is governed by the provisions questions settled shall not itself be a cause
of the Family Code. for annulment or rescission of the
compromise, unless said documents have
Future Support been concealed by one of the parties.
General Rule: The law prohibits a compromise
on future support. But the compromise may be annulled or
rescinded if it refers only to one thing to
Jurisdiction of the Courts which one of the parties has no right, as
General Rule: Jurisdiction is conferred by law shown by the newly-discovered documents.
and cannot be compromised by the parties. [Art. 2039, CC]
Future Legitime Triggers:
General Rule: The law prohibits a compromise 1. Parties have compromised generally in all
on future legitimes. differences they have.
2. There is a subsequent discovery of
Sale of Property Between Married Spouses documents referring to one or more but not
General Rule: Spouses cannot by to all of the questions settled.
compromise evade the prohibition on the sale
of property to one another General Rule: Discovery shall not itself be a
Exception(s): When a separation of property cause for annulment of the compromise
has been agreed upon in the marriage Exception: Discovery shall be a cause for
settlements; When there is legal separation annulment if:
● The said documents were concealed
8. Voidable Compromise by one party;
● The compromise refers only to one
A compromise in which there is mistake, thing to which one of the parties has no
fraud, violence, intimidation, undue right, as shown by the newly-
influence, or falsity of documents, is subject discovered documents.
to the provisions of article 1330 of this Code.
However, one of parties cannot set up a If after a litigation has been decided by a final
mistake of fact as against the other if the judgment, a compromise should be agreed
latter, by virtue of the compromise, has upon, either or both parties being unaware of
withdrawn from a litigation already the existence of the final judgment, the
commenced. [Art. 2038, CC] compromise may be rescinded.
1. The parties to the compromise had a case 1. Loan
pending litigation
2. Final judgement has been rendered on the Art. 1933, CC. By the contract of loan, one
case of the parties delivers to another, either
3. Parties are unaware of the existence of something not consumable so the latter may
final judgement use the same for a certain time and return it,
4. Parties have entered a compromise in which case the contract is called a
agreement commodatum, or money or other
consumable thing, upon the condition that
General Rule: The compromise agreement the same amount of the same kind and
may be rescinded. quality shall be paid, in which case the
Exception: Ignorance of a judgment which contract is simply called a loan or mutuum.
may be revoked or set aside is not a valid
ground for attacking a compromise. “This Commodatum is essentially gratuitous.
refers to the instance when the court’s decision
is still appealable or otherwise subject to Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a
modification. Ignorance of the decision is not a stipulation to pay interest.
ground to rescind a compromise agreement,
because the parties are still unsure of the final In commodatum the bailor retains the
outcome of the case at this time”. [Magbanua ownership of the thing loaned while in simple
v. Uy, G.R. No. 161003 (2005)] loan, ownership passes to the borrower.
3. If the bailee commits any General rule: The bailee acquires permissive
of the acts of ingratitude in use of the thing loaned only for himself. He may
Art. 765 [Art. 1948] not lend nor lease the thing loaned to him to a
third person.
vi. As to Liability for Loss
Commodatum Mutuum Exception: The members of the bailee’s
Borrower suffers household may make use of the thing loaned
the loss even if
Bailor suffers the loss of caused exclusively Exceptions to the exception:
the subject matter since by a fortuitous 1. If there is a stipulation to the contrary, or
he is the owner [Arts. event and he is not, 2. The nature of the thing forbids such use.
1942 and 1174, CC] therefore, [Art. 1939(2), CC]
discharged from
his duty to pay
Rules as to the use of fruits of the thing
2. Commodatum General rule: The bailee acquires the
permissive use of the thing loaned but NOT its
Commodatum – an essentially gratuitous fruits [Art. 1935, CC]
contract where one party (bailor) delivers to Exception: Parties stipulate otherwise; such
another (bailee) something not consumable so stipulation is considered valid [Art. 1940, CC]
that the latter may use the same for a certain
time and return it. [Art. 1933] Obligations of the Bailee
a. Ordinary commodatum – the use of the 1. Take care of the thing loaned with the
thing by the bailee is for a certain period of proper diligence of a good father of a
time [Art. 1933] family. [Art. 1163, CC]
b. Precarium – the bailor may demand the 2. Use the thing loaned only for the purpose
thing loaned at will; if any one of the for which it was loaned and not for any
following is present other purpose. [Art. 1935, 1939(2), 1942
1. The duration and purpose of the [1], CC]
contract is not stipulated, or 3. Not to lend the thing to a third person who
2. The use of the thing is merely tolerated is not a member of his household. [Art.
by the owner [Art. 1947] 1942 (4), CC]
4. Return the thing upon the expiration of the
Parties period stipulated or after the
accomplishment of the use for which it has
1. Bailor: creditor been constituted. [Art. 1944, 1946, CC]
2. Bailee: debtor
Exception: Bailee has right of retention for
Who may be a bailor in commodatum? damages when the bailor who, knowing the
Anyone. The bailor in commodatum need not flaws of the thing loaned, does not advise
be the owner of the thing loaned [Art. 1938], but the bailee of the same. [Arts. 1946, 1944,
as against the bailee, the bailor retains CC]
ownership of the thing loaned.
5. Pay for the ordinary expenses for the use
Use by the Bailee and preservation of the thing loaned. [Art.
1941, CC]
Rules as to who may make use of the property
loaned 6. Bear equally (with the bailor) the
extraordinary expenses arising on the
occasion of actual use of the thing by the morally bound to give support the
bailee even though bailee acted without bailor.
fault. [Art. 1949, CC]
2. Refund the extraordinary expenses during
Exception: Contrary stipulation the contract for the preservation of the
thing loaned. [Art. 1949, CC]
7. Solidarily liable when there are two or more
bailees to whom a thing is loaned in the Provided that: Bailee brings the same to
same contract. [Art. 1945, CC] the knowledge of the bailor before incurring
them, except when they are so urgent that
Note: If, for the purpose of making use of the reply cannot be awaited without
the thing loaned, the bailee incurs ordinary danger.
or extraordinary expenses which are
neither for the use nor the preservation of 3. Bear equally (with the bailee) the
the thing, he is not entitled to extraordinary expenses arising on the
reimbursement. [Art. 1950, CC] occasion of actual use of the thing by the
bailee. [Art. 1949, CC]
Obligations of the Bailor
Exception: Contrary stipulation
1. Demand the return of the thing only upon 4. Pay damages to the bailee for hidden flaws
the expiration of the term or after the known to the bailor. [Art. 1951, CC]
accomplishment of the use [Art. 1946, CC]
Note: Bailor has no right of abandonment;
Exceptions: he cannot exempt himself from payment of
a. When bailor has urgent need of the expenses or damages to the bailee by
thing, he may demand its return abandoning the thing to the latter. [Art.
(extinguish commodatum) or its 1952, CC]
temporary use (suspend
commodatum) [Art. 1946, CC] Liability for Deterioration
b. Precarium [Art. 1947, CC] or a
contractual relation where the bailor General rule: The bailee is NOT liable for the
may demand the property loaned at will deterioration of the thing loaned when the
c. If bailee commits any acts of deterioration of the thing is due only to the use
ingratitude in Art. 765: [Art. 1948, CC] thereof and without his fault. [Art. 1943, CC]
a) Bailee committed some offense
against the person, honor or Exception: The bailee is liable only when the
property of the bailor, or of his wife deterioration of the thing is due to his fault. [Art.
or children under his parental 1943, CC]
b) Bailee imputes to bailor any Liability for Loss
criminal offense, or any act
involving moral turpitude, even General Rule: The bailee is NOT liable for loss
though he should prove it, unless of the thing due to fortuitous event. [Art. 1174,
the crime or act has been CC]
committed against the bailee
himself, his wife or children under Since the bailor retains ownership of the
his authority; or property loaned, generally, it is the bailor who
c) Bailee unduly refuses bailor bears the liability for loss of the property loaned
support when bailee is legally or due to fortuitous events.
Exceptions: The bailee is liable for loss of the 3. Simple Loan (mutuum)
thing, even if it is through a fortuitous event, if
the bailee: (DDS-KL)
1. Devoted the thing to any purpose different Art. 1953, CC. A person who receives a loan
from that for which it has been loaned; of money or any other fungible thing
2. Loaned thing has been Delivered with acquires the ownership thereof, and is
appraisal of its value bound to pay to the creditor an equal amount
of the same kind and qualit.
Exception: Unless there is a stipulation
exempting the bailee from responsibility in Mutuum – a contract where one of the parties
case of a fortuitous event; (creditor) delivers to another (debtor/borrower)
3. Saved his own thing, being able to save money or other consumable thing upon the
either the thing borrowed or his own thing condition that the same amount of the same
4. Kept the thing longer than the period kind and quality shall be paid. [Art. 1953]
stipulated, or after the accomplishment of
the use for which the commodatum has Obligations of the Borrower
been constituted; (EVI)
5. Lent or leased the thing to a third person,
who is not a member of his household; [Art. 1. Pay the creditor an Equal amount of the
1942, CC] same kind and quality. [Art. 1953, CC]
2. Pay Value at the time of perfection of
Right of Retention loan, if impossible, to deliver the same
kind. [Art. 1955, CC]
General Rule: The bailee has no right of 3. Pay Interest, if stipulated. [Art. 1956,
retention of the thing loaned on the ground that CC]
the bailor owes him something, even though it
may be by reason of expenses. [Art. 1944, CC] Rights of the Borrower
1. Right to receive an equal amount of the Simple interest – Paid for the principal at a
same kind and quality [Art. 1953, CC] certain rate fixed or stipulated by the parties.
2. Right to impose interest, once stipulated
[Art. 1959, CC]. Interest on interest
c. In the absence of stipulation, the rate of 1. Under the Truth in Lending Act
interest shall be 6% per annum to be
computed from default, i.e., from Rep. Act No. 3765, “Truth in Lending Act”
judicial or extrajudicial demand under (TILA)
and subject to the provisions of Article
1169 of the CC. Sec. 3(3) "Finance charge" includes
interest, fees, service charges, discounts,
2. When an obligation, not constituting a and such other charges incident to the
loan or forbearance of money, is extension of credit as the Board may be
breached regulation prescribe.
a. An interest on the amount of damages
awarded may be imposed at the Note: This law applies to all persons who
discretion of the court at the rate of 6% extend credit, who require as an incident to
per annum. extending credit, the payment of a finance
b. No interest, however, shall be charge [Sec. 3(4), TILA].
adjudged on unliquidated claims or
damages, except when or until the “Credit” is defined in the TILA as “any loan,
demand can be established with mortgage, deed of trust, advance, or discount;
reasonable certainty. any conditional sales contract; any contract to
c. Where the demand is established with sell, or sale or contract of sale of property or
reasonable certainty, the interest shall services, either for present or future delivery,
begin to run from the time the claim is under which part or all of the price is payable
made judicially or extrajudicially [Art. subsequent to the making of such sale or
1169, CC] contract; any rental-purchase contract; any
d. When such certainty cannot be so contract or arrangement for the hire, bailment,
reasonably established at the time the or leasing of property; any option, demand,
demand is made, the interest shall lien, pledge, or other claim against, or for the
begin to run only from the date the delivery of, property or money; any purchase,
judgment of the court is made [at which or other acquisition of, or any credit upon the
time the quantification of damages may security of, any obligation of claim arising out
be deemed to have been reasonably of any of the foregoing; and any transaction or
ascertained]. series of transactions having a similar purpose
e. The actual base for the computation of or effect. [Sec. 3(2), TILA]
legal interest shall, in any case, be on
the amount finally adjudged. Requirement for Disclosure
Under Sec. 4 (6) of the TILA, finance charges
3. When the judgment of the court must be included in the disclosure form prior to
awarding a sum of money becomes final the consummation of transactions:
and executory, the rate of legal interest,
whether the case falls under paragraph 1 Sec. 4, TILA. Any creditor shall furnish to
or paragraph 2, above, shall be 6% per each person to whom credit is extended,
annum from such finality until its prior to the consummation of the transaction,
satisfaction, this interim period being a clear statement in writing setting forth, to
deemed to be by then an equivalent to a the extent applicable and in accordance with
forbearance of credit. rules and regulations prescribed by the
Board, the following information:
Finance Charges 1) the cash price or delivered price of
the property or service to be
2) the amounts, if any, to be credited as
down payment and/or trade-in;
3) the difference between the amounts recovery, the creditor shall be liable for
set forth under clauses (1) and (2); reasonable attorney's fees and court
4) the charges, individually itemized, costs as determined by the court.
which are paid or to be paid by such b) Except as specified in subsection (a) of
person in connection with the this section, nothing contained in this Act
transaction but which are not or any regulation contained in this Act or
incident to the extension of credit; any regulation thereunder shall affect
5) the total amount to be financed; the validity or enforceability of any
6) the finance charge expressed in contract or transactions.
terms of pesos and centavos; and c) Any person who willfully violates any
7) the percentage that the finance provision of this Act or any regulation
bears to the total amount to be issued thereunder shall be fined by not
financed expressed as a simple less than P1,00 or more than P5,000 or
annual rate on the outstanding imprisonment for not less than 6 months,
unpaid balance of the obligation. nor more than one year or both.
d) No punishment or penalty provided by
Under Section 4(6), "finance charge" this Act shall apply to the Philippine
represents the amount to be paid by the debtor Government or any agency or any
incident to the extension of credit such as political subdivision thereof.
interest or discounts, collection fees, credit e) A final judgment hereafter rendered in
investigation fees, attorney’s fees, and other any criminal proceeding under this Act to
service charges. The total finance charge the effect that a defendant has willfully
represents the difference between (1) the violated this Act shall be prima facie
aggregate consideration (down payment plus evidence against such defendant in an
installments) on the part of the debtor, and (2) action or proceeding brought by any
the sum of the cash price and non-finance other party against such defendant
charges [Sps. Silos v. Philippine National under this Act as to all matters
Bank, G.R. No. 181045, July 2, 2014]. respecting which said judgment would
be an estoppel as between the parties
Should the requirement under the TILA be not thereto.
complied with, the penalties under Sec. 9 will
apply: 2. Under the Philippine Credit Card
Industry Regulation Law
Section 6, TILA
a) Any creditor who in connection with any Sec. 5(k). Finance charges refer to the
credit transaction fails to disclose to any interest charged to the cardholder on all
person any information in violation of this credit card transactions in accordance with
Act or any regulation issued thereunder the terms and conditions specified in the
shall be liable to such person in the agreement on the use of the credit card;
amount of P100 or in an amount equal
to twice the finance charged required by Note: This law governs all credit card issuers,
such creditor in connection with such acquirers and all credit card transactions.
transaction, whichever is the greater,
except that such liability shall not exceed In Relation to Credit Limit
P2,000 on any credit transaction. Action Sec. 5(i). Credit card limit refers to the
to recover such penalty may be brought maximum total amount for purchases,
by such person within one year from the cash advances, balance transfers, and
date of the occurrence of the violation, in finance charges, service fees, penalties,
any court of competent jurisdiction. In and other charges which can be charged to
any action under this subsection in the credit card;
which any person is entitled to a
Thus, in computing for credit limit, the finance shall be calculated based on the outstanding
charge is included. balance of the loan at the beginning of each
installment period.
Requirement for Disclosure
Section 11. Information to be Disclosed. - A All credit card-related documents shall show
credit card issuer shall disclose to all credit repayment schedules in a manner consistent
cardholders and potential credit cardholders with this provision. Marketing and advertising
the following information: materials shall likewise be consistent with this
(a) Finance charges for unpaid amounts provision.
after payment due date
Note: Basis is Circular No. 1003, Series of
When Finance Charge is Imposed 2018, “Guidelines on the Establishment and
Section 10. Imposition of Finance Operations of Credit Card lssuers to Implement
Charges. - Finance charges and other fees the Philippine Credit Card Industry Regulations
arising from nonpayment in full or on time of law.
the outstanding balance shall be based on
the unpaid amount of the outstanding Usury
Unlawful or Usurious Interest – Paid or
How Finance Charge is Imposed stipulated to be paid beyond the maximum
Credit card issuers shall only charge interest or fixed by law.
finance charges arising from the non-payment
in full or on time of the outstanding balance The Usury Law [Act No. 2566] – an act fixing
based on the unpaid amount of the outstanding rates of interests upon loans and declaring the
balance as of statement cut-off date, but effect of receiving or taking usurious rates and
excluding: for other purposes. [Arevalo v. Dimayuga,
a) the current billing cycle's purchase G.R. No. 26218 (1927)]
transactions reckoned from the
previous cycle's statement cut-off date; CB Circular No. 905 abolished interest rate
and ceilings. With the promulgation of such
b) deferred payments under zero-interest circular, usury has become “legally inexistent”
installment arrangements which are as the parties can now legally agree on any
not yet due interest that may be charged on the loan.
Interest or finance charges shall be imposed on Although usury is legally inexistent, courts will
the unpaid outstanding balance as of cut-off not hesitate to declare void “excessive,
date each time a cardholder pays less than, or iniquitous, unconscionable, exorbitant”
does not pay on time, the outstanding balance interest. [Gomez-Somera]
stated in his/her statement of account. Such
interest or finance charge shall continue to be Elements of Usury (MR-IT)
imposed until the outstanding balance and 1. A loan or forbearance of Money
applicable interest are fully paid. 2. An understanding between parties that the
loan shall and may be Returned
For credit card cash advances, a cardholder 3. An unlawful Intent to take more than the
may be charged cash advance fees and legal rate for the use of money or its
finance charges on the date that the cash is equivalent
obtained, subject to terms and conditions 4. The Taking or agreeing to take for the use
under the credit card agreement or contract. of the loan of something in excess of what
is allowed by law.
For a loan where the principal is payable in
installments, interest per installment period
3. The loss arises from the character of the ended unless the court so orders. [Art.
things brought into the hotel [Art. 2002, CC] 2007, CC]
Hotel-Keeper’s Right to
Retention G. LEASE
The hotel-keeper has a right to retain the things
brought into the hotel by the guest, as a
security for credits on account of—
1. Definition
1. lodging,
2. supplies usually furnished to hotel guests Scope
The contract of lease may be of things, or of
[Art. 2004, CC].
work and service. [Art. 1642, CC]
The right of retention recognized in this article
Lease of Things
is in the nature of a pledge created by operation
In the lease of things, one of the parties binds
of law.
himself to give to another the enjoyment or use
of a thing for a price certain, and for a period,
3. Judicial Deposit Or which may be definite or indefinite. However,
Sequestration no lease for more than ninety-nine years shall
be valid. [Art. 1642, CC]
Takes place when an attachment or seizure of
property in litigation is ordered. [Arts. 2005- Lease of Work and Service
2009, CC] It is the only type of deposit that may In the lease of work or service, one of the
involve immovable property. parties binds himself to execute a piece of work
or to render to the other some service for a
Nature and Purpose price certain, but the relation of principal and
agent does not exist between them. [Art. 1644,
It is auxiliary to a case pending in court. The CC]
purpose is to maintain the status quo during
pendency of the litigation or to insure the right Limitation
of the parties to the property in case of a Consumable goods cannot be the subject
favorable judgment. matter of a contract of lease, except when they
are merely to be exhibited or when they are
Depositary of Sequestered accessory to an industrial establishment. [Art.
1645, CC]
Record in the Registry of the Property
A person is appointed by the court [Art. 2007]
If the lease is to be recorded in the Registry of
with the obligations—
property, the following persons cannot
1. To take care of the property with the
constitute the same without proper authority:
diligence of a good father of the family. [Art.
1. The husband with respect to the wife’s
2008, CC]
paraphernal real estate;
2. To continue in his responsibility until the
2. The father or guardian as to the property of
controversy which give rise thereto is
a minor or ward;
3. And the Manager without special power which has been intrusted to
[Art. 1647, CC] them; this provision shall apply
to judges and government
Every lease of real estate may be recorded in experts who, in any manner
the Registry of Property. Unless a lease is whatsoever take part in the sale;
recorded, it shall not be binding upon third 5. Justices, judges, prosecuting
persons. [Art. 1648, CC] attorneys, clerks of superior and
inferior courts, and other officers and
2. Who are Qualified or employees connected with the
administration of justice
Disqualified? ● The property and rights in
litigation or levied upon an
Those Disqualified execution before the court within
The persons disqualified to buy referred to in those jurisdiction or territory
Articles 1490 and 1491, are also disqualified to they exercise their respective
become lessees of the things mentioned functions this prohibition
therein [Art. 1646, CC] includes the act of acquiring by
assignment and shall apply to
Those disqualified under Art. 1490 lawyers, with respect to the
● The husband and wife cannot sell property, property and rights which may
except for be the object of any litigation in
○ When a separation of property was which they may be the object of
agreed upon in the marriage any litigation in which they may
settlements; or take part by virtue of their
○ When there has been a judicial profession
separation of property under Art. 191. 6. Others specially disqualified by law
Those disqualified under Article 1941
● The following persons cannot acquire by 3. Obligations of Parties
purchase, even at a public or judicial
auction, either in person or through the Obligations of a Lessor
mediation of another:
1. The guardian, (1) To deliver the thing which is the object of
● The property of the person or the contract in such a condition as to render
persons who may be under his it fit for the use intended;
guardianship; (2) To make on the same during the lease all
2. Agents the necessary repairs, unless there is a
● The property whose stipulation to the contrary;
administration or sale may have (3) To maintain the lessee in the peaceful
been intrusted to them, unless and adequate enjoyment of the lease [Art.
the consent of the principal have 1654, CC]
been given; (4) If lessee makes improvements in good
3. Executors and administrators faith, without altering form or substance,
● The property of the estate under lessor, upon the termination of the lease,
their administration; shall pay the lessee one-half of the value
4. Public officers and employees of the improvements at that time. If
● The property of the State or of payment is refused, lessee may remove
any subdivision thereof, or of the improvements, even though the
any government owned or principal thing may suffer damage thereby.
controlled corporation, or [Art. 1678, CC]
institution, the administration of
Note: If the thing leased is totally destroyed by (6) Lessee is obliged to tolerate the need for
a fortuitous event, the lease is extinguished. If urgent repairs made during his lease.
the destruction is partial, the lessee may
choose between Note: If repairs last more than 40 days, rent
1. Proportional reduction of the rent and, may be reduced. If the work is of such
2. A rescission of the lease [Art. 1655, CC] nature to render the dwelling uninhabitable,
lessee may rescind the contract [Art. 1662,
In cases of business or industrial CC]
establishment, the lessor may continue
engaging in the same business or industry to (7) To Return the thing leased upon
which the lessee devotes the thing leased, termination of lease just as he received it,
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary. [Art. except for impairment due to lapse of time,
1656, CC] ordinary wear and tear or inevitable causes
Lessor is not obliged to answer for a mere act Note: In the absence of stipulation, the law
of trespass which a third person may cause; presumes that the lessee had received it in
however he or she shall have a direct action good condition [Art. 1666, CC]
against the intruder. [Art 1664, CC]
(8) To be Responsible for the loss or
Prohibited Acts By the Lessor deterioration of the thing leased, unless
Lessor cannot alter the form of the thing he proves it is without his fault [Art. 1667,
leased in such a way as to impair the use to CC]
which the thing is devoted.
Note: This does not apply to cases when
Obligations of a Lessee destruction is caused by natural calamity
(1) To pay the price of the lease according to (9) To be liable for any deterioration caused
the terms stipulated; by members of his household, guests or
(2) To use the thing leased as a diligent visitors [Art. 1668, CC]
father of a family, devoting it to the use
stipulated; 4. Payment
Note: In the absence of stipulation, the In the absence of stipulation, Article 1251 shall
diligence required is to that which may be be observed as regards the place; and with
inferred from the nature of the thing leased, respect to the time, the custom of the place
according to the custom of the place; shall be followed.
(3) To pay expenses for the deed of lease General Rule: Payment shall be made in the
[Art. 1657, CC] place designated in the obligation.
(4) To notify the lessor of usurpation or
untoward act which any third person may Exception: There being no express stipulation
or will commit [Art. 1663, CC] and if the undertaking is to deliver a
(5) To advise the lessor of need for repairs, determinate thing, the payment shall be made
to return the property leased upon. where the thing might be at the moment the
obligation was constituted.
Note: If the lessor fails to make any urgent
repairs, lessee may order the repairs at the In any other case the place of payment shall be
lessor’s cost. Lessee shall be liable for any the domicile of the debtor.
damages caused by his own negligence
The vendor shall answer for the eviction even Exception: There is proof to the contrary.
though nothing has been said in the contract on
the subject. 11. Special Provisions
The contracting parties, however, may
increase, diminish, or suppress this legal
Special Provisions on the
obligation of the vendor. Lease of Rural Lands
1. If he undertakes risky operations which The above obligations shall be incumbent upon
the owner was not accustomed to embark the owner if the management had for its
upon purpose the prevention of an imminent and
2. If he has preferred his own interest to manifest loss, although no benefit may have
that of the owner been derived. [Art. 2150, CC]
3. If he fails to return the property or
business after demand of the owner The owner would still be liable, even if the
4. If he assumed management in bad faith owner did not derive any benefit and there
[Art. 2147, CC] was no imminent and manifest danger to the
5. If he is manifestly unfit to carry on the property or business, provided:
management 1. The gestor has acted in good faith;
6. If by his intervention he prevented a more and
competent person from taking up the 2. The property or business is intact,
management. [Art. 2148, CC] ready to be returned to the owner.
[Art. 2151, CC]
Note: The gestor shall not be liable for (e) and
(f) if the management was assumed to save the
property or business from imminent danger.
3. Effect of Ratification
The ratification of the management by the
Personal liability
owner of the business produces the effects of
Be personally liable for contracts which he
an express agency, even if the business may
entered into with third persons, even though
not have been successful. [Art. 2149, CC]
he acted in the name of the owner, and there
shall be no right of action between the owner
and third persons. 4. Extinguishment of
The gestor shall NOT be personally liable for
such contracts, provided: 1. When the owner repudiates or puts
• The owner has expressly or tacitly ratified an end thereto
the management, or 2. When the gestor withdraws from the
• When the contract refers to things management, subject to Art. 2144
pertaining to the owner of the business. 3. By the death, civil interdiction,
[Art. 2152, CC] insanity or insolvency of the owner or
the gestor. [Art. 2153, CC]
2. Obligations of the Owner of
the Property or Business B. SOLUTIO INDEBITI
Although the management was not expressly (UNDUE PAYMENT)
ratified, the owner who enjoys the advantages
of the same shall: Solutio indebiti takes place when something
is received when there is no right to demand
1. Be liable for the obligations incurred it, and it was unduly delivered through
in his interest mistake. The recipient has the duty to return
2. Reimburse the gestor for the it [Art. 2154, CC].
necessary and useful expenses and
for the damages the latter may have 1. Requisites
suffered in the performance of his
duties 1. Something has been unduly delivered
through mistake; and
A. TORRENS SYSTEM An estate, strictly speaking, represents the
nature, extent, degree, and quantity of a
person’s interest in land.
1. Concept and Background Types of Estates
a. Freehold Estate – Indicates title of
Land title ownership
It is the evidence of the right of the owner or 1. Fee Simple – An absolute title;
the extent of his interest, by which he can Absolute estate in perpetuity; Title to
maintain control, and as a rule, assert right to land is conferred upon a man and his
exclusive possession and enjoyment of the heirs absolutely and without any
property. [Peña] limitation imposed upon the estate
2. Fee Tail – One designed to pass title
Title and Certificate of Title Distinguished from grantee to his heirs, in the intent
Certificate of of the grantor being to keep the
Title property in the grantee’s line of issue
3. Life Estate – One held for the duration
Lawful cause or ground of the life of the grantee; In some
of possessing that cases, it may terminate earlier as by
It is a mere
which is ours. forfeiture
evidence of
ownership; it is not b. Less-than-Freehold Estate – Signifies
That which constitutes some sort of right short of title
the title to the land
a just cause of 1. Estate for Years – In the nature of a
itself [Castillo v.
exclusive possession, lease short of title; grantee or lessee
Escutin, G.R. No.
or which is the takes over possession of the land for a
171057 (2009).
foundation of period agreed upon but the grantor
ownership of property. retains the legal title to the property
2. Tenancy from period to period – Also
in the nature of a lease which may run
The title is a conclusive evidence of
from month to month or from year to
ownership and it cannot be attacked
year, with the peculiarity of automatic
renewal from time to time, unless
expressly terminated by either party
3. Tenancy at will – Another form of
A written instrument executed in accordance lease agreement where a person is
with law, wherein a person grants or conveys
permitted to occupy the land of another
to another certain land, tenements or
without any stipulation as to period, but
hereditaments. [Peña]
either party reserves the right to
terminate the occupation at will or at
Elements of A Deed
any time
a. Grantor
b. Grantee
Land Registration
c. Words of Grant
A judicial or administrative proceeding whereby
d. Description of the property involved
a person’s claim of ownership over a
e. Signature of the grantor
particular land is determined and confirmed
f. At least two (2) witnesses
or recognized so that such land and the
g. Notarial acknowledgment
ownership thereof may be recorded in a public
from the public domain. The DENR Secretary wills, and other documents for the validity of
is also empowered to approve a land conveyances.
classification and declare such land as
alienable and disposable. [Agcaoili, citing The Torrens system was introduced in the
Fortuna v. Republic, G.R. No. 173423 (2014)] Philippines by Act No. 496, which took effect on
Jan. 1, 1903. This was later amended and
Registrable lands are superseded by PD 1529 which took effect on
a. Alienable public agricultural lands June 11, 1978.
If the land is in the public domain, the
land must be classified as alienable The underlying principle of the Torrens system
and disposable. It must be classified as is security with facility in dealing with land. It
such at the time of filing the application requires that the government issue an official
for registration. [Republic v. CA and certificate of title attesting to the fact that the
Naguit, G.R. No. 144057 (2005)] person named is the owner of the property
b. Private lands described therein, subject to such liens and
encumbrances thereon noted or the law
Non-registrable lands warrants or reserves. The certificate of title is
Those found in the CC dealing with non- indefeasible and imprescriptible and all claims
registrable properties (e.g. property of public to the parcel of land are quieted upon issuance
dominion) of said certificate. [Cruz v. Secretary of
Environment and Natural Resources]
a. Torrens System
Torrens System Judicial in nature.
A system for registration of land under which,
upon landowner’s application, the court may, Purpose
after appropriate proceedings, direct the The real purpose of the Torrens system of
issuance of a certificate of title. [Black’s Law registration is to quiet title to land; to put a stop
Dictionary]; those systems of registration of forever to any question of the legality of the
transactions with interest in land whose title, except claims which may arise
declared object is, under governmental subsequent thereto. [Agcaoili]
authority, to establish and certify to the
ownership of an absolute and indefeasible title It aims to decree land titles that shall be final,
to realty, and to simplify its transfer. [Grey Alba irrevocable and indisputable [Government of
v. De la Cruz, G.R. No. L-5246 (1910)] the Philippine Islands v. Abural, GR No. 14167
(1919), and to relieve the land of the burden of
Background known as well as unknown claims. [SM Prime
The Torrens system was devised in 1857 by Holdings, Inc. v. Madayag]
Mr. Torrens, a layman in South Australia. In the
Torrens system, title by registration takes the General Rule: A title once registered cannot be
place of "title by deeds" of the system under the impugned, altered, changed, modified,
"general" law. A sale of land, for example, is enlarged, or diminished.
effected by a registered transfer, upon which a
certificate of title is issued. The certificate is Exception: Direct proceeding permitted by law,
guaranteed by statute, and, with certain usually for the protection of innocent third
exceptions, constitutes indefeasible title to the persons
land mentioned therein. The object of the
Torrens system is to do away with the delay,
uncertainty, and expense of the old
conveyancing system which relied on the
correctness of a long series of prior deeds,
conveyed to any person, the same shall be to the decree of registration. By the
brought forthwith under the operation of issuance of the decree, the land is
this Decree [PD 1529, Sec. 103, par. 1] bound and title thereto quieted, subject
1. Patents only involve public lands only to certain exceptions under the
which are alienated by the property registration decree. [Heirs of
Government pursuant to the Public Alejandra Delfin, namely, Leopoldo
Land Act [CA 141, as amended] Delfin, et al. v. Avelina Rabadon, G.R.
2. The patent (even if denominated as No. 165014 (2013)]
a deed of conveyance) is not really 2. Exceptions:
a conveyance but a contract • Those claims noted on the
between the grantee and the certificate
Government and evidence of • Liens, claims, or rights arising or
authority to the Register of Deeds existing under the laws and the
to make registration. Constitution, which are not by law
3. The act of registration is the required to appear on record in the
operative act to affect and convey Register in order to be valid
the land. • Unpaid real estate taxes levied and
assessed within 2 years
Probative Value immediately preceding the
A Torrens Certificate of Title is valid and acquisition of any right over the
enforceable against the whole world. It may land by an innocent purchaser for
be received in evidence in all courts of the value
Philippines, and shall be conclusive as to all
matters contained therein, principally the Title to the land becomes non-prescriptible:
identity of the owner of the covered land 1. Even adverse, notorious, and continuous
thereby and identity of the land. possession under claim of ownership for
the period fixed by law is ineffective against
A Torrens title, once registered, cannot be a Torrens title [JM Tuason and Co. Inc. v.
defeated, even by adverse, open and CA, G.R. No. L-41233 (1979)]
notorious possession. A registered title 2. The fact that the title to the land was lost
under the Torrens system cannot be defeated does not mean that the land ceased to be
by prescription. The title, once registered, is registered land before the reconstitution of
notice to the whole world. All persons must take its title. It cannot perforce be acquired by
notice. No one can plead ignorance of the prescription. [Ruiz v. CA, 1977]
registration. [Egao v. CA, G.R. No. L-79787
(1989)] Land becomes incontrovertible and
indefeasible. A decree of registration and
a. Effect of Registration under the registered title cannot be impugned, enlarged,
Torrens System altered, modified, or diminished either in
collateral or direct proceeding after the lapse of
Land is placed under the operation of the the 1-year period prescribed by the law.
Torrens system
Claims and liens of whatever character existing 1. If previous valid title of the same land exists
against the land prior to the issuance of the 2. When the land covered is not capable of
certificate of title are cut off by such certificate registration
and the certificate so issued binds the whole 3. When acquisition of certificate is attended
world, including the government by fraud
1. It is an elemental rule that a decree of
registration bars all claims and rights Torrens certificate is presumed valid and
which arose or may have existed prior devoid of flaws.
determining retention limits, the State shall 1. All alienable and disposable lands of
respect the right of small land-owners. the public domain devoted to or
3. Provide incentives for voluntary land- suitable for agriculture;
sharing 2. All lands of the public domain in excess
of the specific limits as determined by
P.D. 27, or The Tenant Emancipation Congress in the preceding paragraph;
Doctrine 3. All other lands owned by the
Provides for the emancipation of farmers of Government devoted to or suitable for
private agricultural lands primarily devoted to agriculture;
rice and corn under a system of sharecrop or 4. All private lands devoted to or suitable
lease-tenancy, whether classified as landed for agriculture regardless of the
estate or not. agricultural products raised or that can
be raised thereon.
The tenant farmer shall be deemed owner of a
portion constituting a family-size farm of five (5) Exemptions and exclusions
hectares if not irrigated and three (3) hectares 1. Lands actually, directly and exclusively
if irrigated. The landowner may retain an area used for parks, wildlife, forest reserves,
of not more than seven (7) hectares if such reforestation, fish sanctuaries and
landowner is cultivating such area or will now breeding grounds, watersheds and
cultivate it. mangroves;
2. Private lands actually, directly and
The value of the land shall be equivalent to two exclusively used for prawn farms and
and one-half (2 1/2) times the average harvest fishponds;
of three normal crop years immediately 3. Lands actually, directly and exclusively
preceding the promulgation of the Decree. used and found to be necessary for:
a. national defense, school sites and
The total cost of the land, including interest at campuses;
the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, shall b. church sites and convents
be paid by the tenant in fifteen (15) years of appurtenant thereto, mosque sites
fifteen (15) equal annual amortizations. and Islamic centers appurtenant
thereto, communal burial grounds
In case of default, the amortizations due shall and cemeteries;
be paid by the farmers’ cooperative in which
the defaulting tenant farmer is a member, with Valuation and mode of compensation
the cooperative having a right of recourse The LBP shall compensate the landowner in
against him; The government shall guaranty such amounts as may be agreed upon by the
such amortizations with shares of stock in landowner and the DAR and the LBP.
government-owned and government-
controlled corporations. In determining just compensation, the cost of
acquisition of the land, the current value of the
No title to the land owned by the tenant-farmers like properties, its nature, actual use and
under this Decree shall be actually issued to a income, the sworn valuation by the owner, the
tenant farmer unless and until the tenant- tax declarations, and the assessment made by
farmer has become a full-fledged member of a government assessors shall be considered.
duly recognized farmer’s cooperative. The social and economic benefits contributed
by the farmers and the farmworkers and by the
R.A. 6657 OR THE COMPREHENSIVE Government to the property as well as the non-
AGRARIAN REFORM LAW OF 1988 payment of taxes or loans secured from any
government financing institution on the said
Scope land shall be considered as additional factors
to determine its valuation.
Requisites for Registration of Ancestral hold title to private lands of public domain.
Lands: [Halili v. CA, G.R. No. 113539 (1998); Secs. 2
1. Applicant must be a member of the and 5, Art. XII, 1987 Constitution]
Indigenous ICCs/IPs
2. Possession of ancestral land must not Citizens of the Philippines may lease not more
be less than 30 years immediately than five hundred hectares, or acquire not
preceding the approval of IPRA on more than twelve hectares thereof, by
October 29, 1997 purchase, homestead, or grant. [Art. XII, Sec.
3. By operation of law, the land is already 3, 1987 Constitution]
classified as alienable and disposable
even with a slope of 18% or more. The Krivenko Doctrine
Hence, no need to submit a separate The capacity to acquire private land is made
certification that the land has been dependent upon the capacity to acquire or hold
classified as alienable and disposable. lands of public domain. Private land may be
(IPRA, Sec. 12.) transferred or conveyed only to individuals or
entities ‘qualified to acquire lands of public
Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title domain.’ [Bernas]
(CADT) refers to a title formally recognizing the
rights of possession and ownership of ICCs/IPs The 1935 Constitution reserved the right for
over their ancestral domains identified and Filipino citizens or corporations at least sixty
delineated in accordance with this law [Sec. percent of the capital of which was owned by
3(c), IPRA] Filipinos. Aliens, whether individuals or
corporations, have been disqualified from
Certificate of Ancestral Lands Title (CALT) acquiring public lands; hence they have also
refers to a title formally recognizing the rights been disqualified from acquiring private lands.
of ICCs/IPs over their ancestral lands. [Krivenko v. Register of Deeds, G.R. No. L-
630, 1947]
Individually-owned ancestral lands, which are
agricultural in character and actually used for Exceptions
agricultural, residential, pasture, and tree a. Aliens by way of hereditary succession
farming purposes, including those with a slope [Sec. 7, Art. XII, 1987 Constitution]
of eighteen percent (18%) or more, are hereby b. Natural born citizens who have lost their
classified as alienable and disposable citizenship:
agricultural lands [Sec. 12, IPRA]
For business use: limited to 5,000 sq. m. for
Native title, however, is a right of private urban land and 3 hectares for rural land. In the
ownership particularly granted to ICCs/IPs over case of married couples, the total area
their ancestral lands and domains. The IPRA acquired by both of them shall not exceed the
categorically declares ancestral lands and maximum [RA No. 7042 as amended by RA
domains held by native title as never to have No. 8179]
been public land. [Cruz v. Sec. of Environment
and Natural Resources, supra] For residential purposes: limited to 1,000 sq m.
for urban land and 1 hectare for rural land. [BP
185, Sec. 2]
REQUIREMENT For married couples in either case: one of them
may avail of the privilege granted. If both shall
1. Individuals avail of the same, the total area acquired by
both of them shall not exceed the maximum
specified above.
General Rule: Only Filipinos can acquire or
judgment or the reopening of the decree of the applicant, no reason to the contrary
registration, if he was made the victim of appearing, order a general default to be
actual fraud. [Republic v. Abadilla, CA, recorded and require the applicant to present
G.R. No. 6902-R (1951)] evidence. By the description in the notice “To
all Whom It May Concern,” all the world are
STEP 7: Answer made parties defendant and shall be
Filing of answer or opposition to the application concluded by the default order.
by any person whether named in the notice or
not; Where an appearance has been entered and
an answer filed, a special default order shall be
a. Who may file? Any person claiming an entered against persons who did not appear
interest, whether named in the notice or and answer. [Sec. 26, PD 1529]
g. Effects of Default:
b. When to file? On or before the date of 1. With respect to the Applicant – he
initial hearing, or within such further time as has the right to present or adduce
may be allowed by the court. evidence ex parte
2. With respect to those covered by
c. What shall it contain? It shall state all the the default order – they have no
objections and the interest claimed by the legal standing in court; therefore,
party the remedy desired. they are no longer allowed to
participate and no opportunity to
d. How shall it be made? It shall be signed present evidence
and sworn to by him or by some other duly
authorized person. Sec. 25, PD 1529 h. For relief from an order of default, see Sec.
provides for the requisites of an opposition: 3, Rule 18, Rules of Court.
1. It shall set forth “all the objections to the
application” and STEP 8: Hearing of the case by the court
2. It shall state the “interest claimed by the a. Proof necessary in land registration
party filing the same” 1. Proof that land has been declassified
from the forest zone, is alienable or
e. Effect of Failure to Answer: disposable, and is registrable (e.g.
1. If no one appears/files an answer, upon Presidential proclamation, legislative
motion, the court shall order a default acts.
to be recorded. 2. Identity of the land (survey plan)
2. By the description in the notice "To all 3. Possession and occupation of the land
Whom It May Concern", all the world for the length of time and in the manner
are made parties defendant and shall required by law. [Sec. 4, PD 1073
be concluded by the default order. amending Sec. 48(b) and (c) of the
3. Where an appearance has been Public Land Act]
entered and an answer filed, a default 4. If he claims private ownership not
order shall be entered against persons because of his possession, he must
who did not appear and answer. prove the basis of such claim by
4. Absence of opposition does not justify submitting muniments of title.
outright registration. [Director of Lands
vs. Agustin, G.R. No. L-16173 (1921)] b. Proving Private Ownership
1. Spanish titles are inadmissible and
f. Order of Default: ineffective proof of ownership in
land registration proceedings filed
If no person appears and answers within the AFTER Aug. 16, 1976 [PD 892 as
time allowed, the court shall, upon motion of
3. Remedies Appeal
Sec. 30, PD 1529 as amended by BP 129
REMEDIES OF AN AGGRIEVED PARTY provides that an appeal may be taken from the
judgment of the court as in ordinary civil cases.
An aggrieved party in a registration proceeding
may avail himself of the following remedies: a. Modes of appeal:
1. Motion for New Trial [see Rule 37, ROC] 1. Ordinary appeal – Appeal to the Court
Relief from Judgment [see Rule 38, ROC] of Appeals in cases decided by the
2. Appeal Regional Trial Court in the exercise of
3. Relief from Judgment its original jurisdiction
4. Petition for Review of Decree of 2. Petition for review – Appeal to the
Registration Court of Appeals in cases decided by
5. Action for Reconveyance the Regional Trial Court in the exercise
6. Quieting of Title of its appellate jurisdiction, in
7. Cancellation of Title accordance with Rule 42.
8. Action for Damages 3. Appeal by certiorari – In all cases
9. Action for Compensation from the where only questions of law are raised
Assurance Fund or involved, the appeal shall be to the
10. Annulment of Judgment or Final Orders Supreme Court, in accordance with
and Resolutions Rule 45.
11. Reversion
12. Criminal Prosecution b. Period of ordinary appeal: Within 15 days
from notice of the judgment of final order
Motion for New Trial appealed from. Where a record on appeal
The aggrieved party may move the trial court to is required, the appellant shall file a notice
set aside the judgment or final order and grant of appeal and a record on appeal within 40
a new trial for one or more of the causes days from notice of the judgment or final
materially affecting the substantial rights of the order. [Sec. 39, BP 129]
said party. [Herrera]
c. Perfection of appeal:
a. Grounds: 1. A party’s appeal by notice of appeal is
1. Fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable deemed perfected as to him upon the
negligence which ordinary prudence filing of the notice of appeal in due time.
could not have guarded against and by The Court loses jurisdiction over the
reason of which such aggrieved party case upon the perfection of the appeals
has probably been impaired in his filed in due time and the expiration of
rights; the time to appeal of the other parties.
2. Award of excessive damages, or 2. A party’s appeal by record on appeal is
insufficiency of the evidence to justify deemed perfected as to him with
the decision; and respect to the subject matter thereof
3. Newly discovered evidence which with upon the approval of the record on
reasonable diligence could have not appeal filed in due time. the court loses
been discovered and produced at the jurisdiction only over the subject matter
trial and which if presented would thereof upon the approval of the
probably alter the result. records on appeal filed in due time and
b. Period of filing: Within the 15 day period of the expiration of the time to appeal of
perfecting an appeal. [Sec. 39, BP 129] the other parties. [Sec. 9, Rule 41 of the
Rules of Court]
proceeding does not become final in the sense and fair price at the time of the
of incontrovertibility until after the expiration of purchase or before receiving any
one (1) year after the entry of the final decree notice of another person’s claim
of registration. As long as a final decree has not [Rosales v. Burgos, G.R. No.
been entered by the LRA and the period of 1 143573 (2009)]
year has not elapsed from date of such decree,
the title is not finally adjudicated and the b. To whom available: Only to an aggrieved
decision in the registration proceeding party who has been deprived of land or any
continues to be under the control and sound estate or interest therein by decree of
discretion of the court rendering it. [Gomez v. registration
CA, G.R. No. 77770 (1988)]
c. When to file: Any time after the rendition of
Relief from Judgment the court’s decision and before the
a. Grounds: expiration of 1 year from entry of decree of
1. When a judgment or final order is registration
entered, or any proceeding is 1. Upon expiration of the 1 year period,
thereafter taken against a party in any every decree becomes incontrovertible
court through accident, mistake, or 2. The Court held that the petition may be
excusable negligence. filed at any time after rendition of the
2. When a judgment or final order is court’s decision (no need to wait for
rendered by any court in a case, and a actual entry in the LRA) and before
party thereto, by fraud, accident, expiration of one year from entry of the
mistake, or excusable negligence, has final decree of registration. [Rivera v.
been prevented from taking an appeal. Moran, G.R. No. L-24568 (1925);
Director of Lands v. Aba, G.R. No. L-
b. Period of filing: Within 60 days after the 45648 (1939)]
petitioner learns of the judgment, final
order, or other proceedings to be set aside, d. Sole and ONLY Ground: Actual Fraud
and not more than 6 months after such 1. Actual fraud proceeds from an
judgment or final order was entered, or intentional deception practiced by
such proceeding was taken. means of misrepresentation or
concealment of material fact
Petition for Review of Decree of 2. The fraud must consist in an intentional
Registration omission of fact required by law to be
a. Requisites: stated in the application or a wilful
1. The petitioner has a real and dominical statement of a claim against the truth
right; 3. Any fraudulent act of the successful
2. That he has been deprived thereof party in a litigation which is committed
(through fraud); outside the trial of a case against the
3. That the action is filed within one year defeated party, or his agents, attorneys
from the issuance and entry of the or witnesses, whereby said defeated
decree of registration; and party is prevented from presenting fully
4. That the property has not been and fairly his side of the case. [Sterling
transferred to an innocent purchaser Investment Corporation v. Ruiz, G.R.
for value. [Agcaoili, citing Walstrom v. No. L-30694 (1969)]
Mapa, G.R. No. 38387 (1990)]
● An innocent purchaser for value is Action for Reconveyance
one who buys the property of An action for reconveyance is the remedy
another without notice that some granted to the rightful owner of land which has
other person has a right to or been wrongfully or erroneously registered in
interest in it, and who pays a full the name of another for the purpose of
Voluntary dealings are deeds, instruments, He is charged with notice only of such burdens
and claims which are annotated on the title, for
documents which are the results of free and
voluntary acts of parties thereto. registration is the operative act that binds the
The act of registration shall be the operative act
Exception: When should a purchaser
to convey or affect the land insofar as third
persons are concerned. [Sec. 51, PD 1529]
1. Banks are required to exercise more
INNOCENT PURCHASER FOR VALUE AND care and prudence in dealing with
IN GOOD FAITH registered lands for their business is
An innocent purchaser for value refers to one affected with public interest. The
someone who "buys the property of another general rule does not apply. [Omengan
without notice that some other person has a v. PNB, G.R. No. L161319 (2007)]
right to or interest in it, and who pays a full and 2. When the purchaser or mortgagee is a
financing institution [Dela Merced v.
fair price at the time of the purchase or before
receiving any notice of another person’s claim." GSIS, G.R. No. 140398]
3. When party concerned has actual
[Sps. Villamil v. Villarosa, 602 Phil. 932, 941
(2009)] knowledge of facts and circumstances
that would impel a reasonably cautious
man to make inquiry. [Leung Yee v.
Good faith consists in the possessor’s belief
Strong Machinery Company, G.R. No.
that the person from whom he received the
L-11658 (1918)]
thing was the owner of the same and could
convey his title, and there was an honest 4. When purchaser is in bad faith; e.g. he
intention to abstain from taking any had full knowledge of a previous sale.
unconscientious advantage from another. [Jamoc v. CA, 200 SCRA 74 (1991)]
[Duran v. IAC, G.R. No. L-64159 (1985), Fule 5. Purchaser of land where the certificate
v. De Lagra] of title contains a notice of Lis pendens;
6. When a person buys land from one
Where innocent third persons relying on the whose rights over the land is evidenced
correctness of the certificate of title issued only by a deed of sale and an
acquire rights over the property, the court annotation in the certificate of title but
cannot disregard such rights and order the total no TCT. [Quiniano v. CA, G.R. No. L-
cancellation of the certificate of title for that 28466 (1971)]
would impair the public confidence in the
certificate of title. [Duran v.IAC, G.R. No. L- DOUBLE SALE
Where two certificates of title are issued to two
different persons covering the same parcel of
MORTGAGEE IN GOOD FAITH land in whole or in part, the earlier in date must
Even if the mortgagor is not the rightful owner prevail as between the original parties and in
of, or does not have the valid title to the case of successive registration where more
mortgaged property, the mortgagee in good than one certificate is issued over the land, the
faith is entitled to protection. [Llanto v. Alzona, person holding title under the prior certificate is
entitled to the property as against the person
G.R. No. 150730, (2005)]
who relies on the second certificate. [National
Housing Authority v. Laurito, G.R. No. 191657 d. Each page of the copy of the
(2017)] instrument, except the page where
the signatures already appear at
The purchaser from the owner of the later the foot of the instrument, shall be
certificate and his successors should resort to signed on the left margin thereof by
the vendor for redress, rather than molest the the parties and their witnesses, and
holder of the first certificate and his sealed with the notarial seal. This
successors, who should be permitted to rest fact as well as the number of the
secure in their title. [Gatioan v. Gaffud, G.R. pages shall be stated in the
No. L-2153 (1969) acknowledgment
Registration of Trusts
Registration is by memorandum: ATTACHMENTS
a. A memorandum by the words “in trust” or Attachment is a writ issued at the institution or
“upon condition” or other apt words is made during progress of an action commanding the
if a deed or other instrument is filed in order sheriff to attach the property, rights, credits or
to: effects of the defendant to satisfy demands of
1. Transfer registered land in trust, or the plaintiff.
upon any equitable condition or
limitation expressed therein, or Kinds
2. Create or declare a trust or other a. Preliminary
equitable interests in such land without b. Garnishment
transfer [Sec. 65, PD 1529] c. Levy on execution
Duty of Register of Deeds - Duty is ministerial Adverse claim is not ipso facto cancelled after
but may refuse registration in the following 30 days, hearing is necessary. [Sajonas v. CA,
circumstances: G.R. No. 102377 (1996)]
a. Title to land is not in the name of
Exception: If petitioner is an heir FOR ASSESSMENT
Cancellation of lis pendens [Sec. 77, PD (i) Those intended for public use, such as
1529] roads, canals, rivers, torrents, ports
Under Sec. 4, Rule 13 of the 1997 Rules of Civil and bridges constructed by the State,
Procedure, a notice of lis pendens may banks, shores, roadsteads, and others
cancelled on the following grounds: of similar character;
1. The annotation was for the purpose of (ii) Those which belong to the State,
molesting the title of the adverse party; without being for public use, and are
2. The annotation is not necessary to protect intended for some public service or for
the title of the party who caused it to be the development of the national wealth.
2. Waters under Art. 502, CC
Requisites: (i) Rivers and natural beds
1. Before final judgment (ii) Continuous or intermittent waters of
2. Upon order of the court springs and brooks running in their
3. Upon Action by the Register of Deeds at natural beds and the beds themselves
the instance of the party that caused the (iii) Waters rising continuously or
registration or upon verified petition of the intermittently on lands of public
latter; and dominion
4. Must be due to the grounds mentioned. (iv) Lakes and lagoons formed by Nature
[Pena] on public lands, and their beds
(v) Rain waters running through ravines or
sand beds, which are also part of public
PROPERTIES (vi) Subterranean waters on public lands
(vii) Waters found within the zone of
operation of public works, even if
Sec. 2, Art. XII, 1987 Constitution. All lands
constructed by a contractor
of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,
(viii) Waters rising continuously or
petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces
intermittently on lands belonging to
of potential energy, fisheries, forests or
timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other private persons, to the State, to a
province, or to a city or municipality
natural resources are owned by the State.
from the moment they leave such lands
(ix) The waste waters of fountains, sewers,
Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987 Constitution. With the
and public establishments
exception of agricultural lands, all other
natural resources shall not be alienated.
Specific kinds of non-registrable properties
or lands
The classification of public lands is an
1. Forest or timberland, public forest,
exclusive prerogative of the Executive
forest reserves
Department of the Government and not of the
2. National parks – Under the present
courts. In the absence of such classification,
Constitution, national parks are declared
the land remains as unclassified land until it is
part of the public domain, and shall be
released therefrom and rendered open to
conserved and may not be increased nor
disposition. [Aquino, citing Director Lands and
diminished, except by law [Rep. v AFP
Director of Forest Development v. CA, G.R.
Retirement and Separation Benefits
No. L-58867 (1984)]
System, G.R. No. 180463 (2013)]
3. Mangrove swamps - Mangrove swamps
Civil Code provisions dealing with non-
or mangroves should be understood as
registrable properties
comprised within the public forests of the
1. Properties of public dominion [Art. 420, CC]
Philippines as defined in Sec. 1820,
Administrative Code of 1917. [Director of
Forestry v. Villareal, G.R. No. L-32266 13. Reservations for public and semi-public
(1980)] purposes – Sec. 14, Chapter 4, Book III of
4. Mineral lands - Both under the 1987 EO No. 292 provides that the President
Constitution and Sec. 2 of the Public Land shall have the power to reserve for
Act, mineral lands are not alienable and settlement or public use, and for specific
disposable. [Lepanto Consolidated Mining public purposes, any of the lands of public
Co. v. Dumyung, G.R. No. L-31666 (1979)] domain, the use of which is not otherwise
5. Foreshore land and seashore and directed by law.
reclaimed lands- Seashore, foreshore,
and/or portions of territorial waters and The land registration court has no jurisdiction
beaches, cannot be registered. Even over non-registrable property and cannot
alluvial formation along the seashore is validly adjudge the registration of title thereof in
part of public domain. [Aquino, citing Dizon favor of a private applicant. [Peña]
v. Rodriguez, G.R. Nos. L-20300-01
(1965)] Thus, where it has so been adjudged, the river
6. Lakes - Lakes are part of public dominion. not being capable of private appropriation or
[Art. 502(4), CC] acquisition by prescription, the title thereto may
7. Creeks and Streams – A dried up creek be attacked, either directly or collaterally, by
bed is property of public dominion the State which is not bound by any
[Fernando v. Acuna, G.R. No. 161030 prescriptive period provided by the Statute of
(2011)] Limitation. [Peña, citing Martinez v. CA, G.R.
8. Military or Naval Reservations - The No. L-31271 (1974)]
reservation made segregates it from the
public domain and no amount of time in Patrimonial Property
whatever nature of possession could have Refers to property that is open to disposition by
ripen such possession into private the Government, or otherwise property
ownership. [Republic v. Marcos, G.R. No. pertaining to the national domain, or public
L-32941 (1973)] lands.
9. Watershed - The Constitution expressly
mandates the conservation and utilization The property of provinces, cities, and
of natural resources, which includes the municipalities is divided into property for public
country’s watershed. [Tan v. Director of use and patrimonial property. Property for
Forestry, G.R. No. L-24548, (1983)] public use, in the provinces, cities, and
10. Grazing lands - While the 1987 municipalities, consist of the provincial roads,
Constitution does not specifically prove city streets, municipal streets, the squares,
that grazing lands are not disposable, yet if fountains, public waters, promenades, and
such lands are part of a forest reserve, public works for public service paid for by said
there can be no doubt that the same are provinces, cities, and municipalities. All other
incapable of registration. [Aquino, citing property possessed by any of them is
Director of Lands v. Rivas, G.R. No. L- patrimonial and shall be governed by the Civil
61539 (1986)] Code, without prejudice to the provisions of
11. Previously titled land - Proceeds from the special laws. [Art. 424, CC]
indefeasibility of the Torrens title.
12. Alluvial deposit along river when man-
made - Such deposit is really an
encroachment of a portion of the bed of the
river, classified as property of the public
domain under Art. 420, par. 1 and Art. 502
(1) of the CC, hence not open to
registration. [Republic v. CA, G.R. No. L-
61647 (1984)]
No deed, conveyance, mortgage, lease, or The latter may appeal the matter to the
other voluntary instrument affecting land not Commissioner of Land Registration.
registered under the Torrens system shall be
valid, except as between the parties thereto, Recording by the Register of Deeds is
unless such instrument shall have been ministerial.
recorded in the manner herein prescribed in
the office of the Register of Deeds for the Recording made under this section shall be
province or city where the land lies. [Sec. 113, without prejudice to a third party with a better
par. 1, PD 1529] right. [Sec. 113, PD 1529]
Primary Entry Book and Registration Book Involuntary Dealings in Unregistered Lands
The Register of Deeds for each province or city PD 1529 now permits the registration of
shall keep a Primary Entry Book and a involuntary dealings in unregistered lands.
Registration Book.
1. The Primary Entry Book shall contain, Tax sale, attachment and levy, notice of lis
among other particulars: pendens, adverse claim and other instruments
a. Entry number in the nature of involuntary dealings with
b. Names of the parties respect to unregistered lands, if made in the
c. Nature of the document form sufficient in law, shall likewise be
d. Date, hour and minute it was presented admissible to record under Sec. 113. [Sec. 113
and received (d), PD 1529]
2. The Registration Book – Provides spaces
whereon the annotation is made after the
instrument has been entered in the Primary
Entry Book
Process of Registration
1. Registration is by way of annotation
2. The instrument dealing with unregistered
land is presented before the Register of
3. The Register will then determine if it can be
a. If, on the face of the instrument, it
appears that it is sufficient in law, the
Register of Deeds shall forthwith
record the instrument
University of the The conscious indifference of the school The conscious indifference of a person
East v. Jader in not informing its student that he could to the rights or welfare of the others who
(2000) not graduate formed the basis for the may be affected by his act or omission
award of damages. can support a claim for damages.
Amonoy v. Right to demolish another’s house on The principle of damnum absque injuria
Gutierrez (2001) his own property. does not apply when the exercise of the
legal right is suspended or extinguished
Amonoy obtained a judgment in his pursuant to a court order. The exercise
favor for Gutierrez to vacate. A of a right ends when the right
demolition order was issued but the disappears, and it disappears when it is
court suspended it with a TRO. Amonoy abused, especially to the prejudice of
proceeded with the demolition. In a others.
complaint for damages, he claims the
principle of damnum absque injuria.
Right to forbid uninvited guests from Article 19, known to contain what is
entering the party. commonly referred to as the principle of
Nikko Hotel Ruby Lim’s throwing out of complainant abuse of rights, is not a panacea for all
Manila Garden Reyes, as a gatecrasher in a private human hurts and social grievances. The
v. Reyes (2005) party, was merely in exercise of her object of this article is to set certain
duties as Executive Secretary of the standards which must be observed not
hotel where the party was held, and did only in the exercise of one’s rights but
not constitute a violation of Article 19. also in the performance of one’s duties.
2. Unjust Enrichment
Enrichment at the expense of another is not per
se forbidden. It is such enrichment without just
Art. 22, CC. Every person who through an or legal cause that is contemplated here. Just
act of performance by another, or any other and legal cause is always presumed, and the
means, acquires or comes into possession plaintiff has the burden of proving its absence.
of something at the expense of the latter The restitution must cover the loss suffered by
without just or legal ground, shall return the the plaintiff but it can never exceed the amount
same to him. of unjust enrichment of the defendant if it is less
than the loss of the plaintiff.
Art. 23, CC. Even when an act or event Requisites
causing damage to another’s property was 1. That the defendant has been enriched;
not due to the fault or negligence of the 2. That the plaintiff has suffered a loss;
defendant, the latter shall be liable for 3. That the enrichment of the defendant is
indemnity if through the act or event he was without just or legal ground; and
benefited. 4. That the plaintiff has no other action
based on contract, crime or quasi-
Art. 2142, CC. Certain lawful, voluntary and
unilateral acts give rise to the juridical
“Under the civil law principle of unjust
relation of quasi-contract to the end that no
enrichment, the registered owner of the motor
one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at
vehicle has a right to be indemnified by the
the expense of another.
actual employer of the driver; and under Article
2181 of the Civil Code, whoever pays for the
Art. 2143, CC. The provisions for quasi damage caused by his dependents or
contracts in this Chapter do not exclude employees may recover from the latter what he
other quasi-contracts which may come within has paid or delivered in satisfaction of the
the purview of the preceding article. claim.” [Mendoza v. Sps Gomez, G.R No.
160110 (2014)]
Art. 20 does not distinguish, and the act may The doctrine of proximate cause must apply,
be done willfully or negligently. because the defendant must have caused the
injury through their act or omission. If through
Requisites the plaintiff’s own fault or negligence, they
1. The act must be willful or negligent; sustained injury, they cannot recover.
2. It must be contrary to law; and
3. Damages must be suffered by the Does a “willful” act require malice or
injured party. deceit?
Yes. The Code uses the motive-laden word
Salvador was misdiagnosed with Hepatitis, as “willfully” rather than the comparatively weaker
a result of which she lost her job. During trial, it word “intentionally.” An act which is “willful”
was proven that the clinic was operating under connotes an evil or malicious motive, while an
substandard conditions, in violation of the act which is merely intentional has ordinarily no
Clinical Laboratory Law, DOH Administrative such implication [Carpio, Antonio T., Intentional
Order No. 49-B, and the Philippine Medical Torts in Philippine Law, supra].
Technology Act of 1969. The Court held that
violation of a statutory duty is negligence, and a. Acts contrary to morals, in
that Article 20 provides the legal basis for general
award of damages to a party who suffers
damage whenever one commits an act in Article 21 is the result of adopting moral norms
into actual legal rules, which the Court found as
acceptable, as it notes that the “conscience of injury should have been committed in a manner
man has remained fixed to ancient moorings” contrary to morals, good customs or public
and that this will impart an “enduring quality” to policy [Baksh v. CA, supra].
our laws, which is a desirable thing from the
Court’s perspective.[Velayo v. Shell, G.R. No. (Note on Baksh: The test, however, is
L-7817. (1956)] problematic, in that it employs the concept of
proximate cause even if Article 21 cases do not
A reading of the provision may provide an require the application of proximate cause.)
inference of three requisites for a cause of
action under Article 21: However, when for one whole year, the
1. that one willfully causes injury or loss to plaintiff, a woman of legal age, maintained
another; sexual relations with the defendant, with
2. that it was done in a manner that is repeated acts of intercourse, there is here
contrary to morals, good customs, or voluntariness. No case under Article 21 is
public policy made [Tanjanco v. CA, G.R. No. L-18630
3. That the act done to cause injury or (1966)].
loss must be legal
In an action by the woman, the enticement,
The complaint must ask for damages because persuasion or deception is the essence of the
it presupposes losses or injuries material or injury; mere proof of intercourse is insufficient
otherwise; if complaint doesn’t ask for to warrant a recovery. It is not seduction where
damages, Art. 21 cannot be invoked. the willingness arises out of sexual desire or
[Albenson v. CA, G.R. No. 88694, (1993)] curiosity of the female, and the defendant
merely affords her the needed opportunity for
b. Breach of Promise to Marry and the commission of the act [Tanjanco v. CA,
Moral Seduction G.R. No. L-18630 (1966)].
3. That in bringing the action, the A person may be held liable under Article 21 if
prosecutor acted without probable they make an accusation against another and
cause acts to prejudice such person, without proof
4. That the prosecutor was actuated or substantiating her accusation
impelled by legal malice, that is, by
improper or sinister motive. e. Oppressive Dismissal
The mere dismissal of the criminal complaint
by the fiscal’s office did not create a cause of The right of an employer to dismiss an
action for malicious prosecution, because the employee is not to be confused with the
proceedings therein did not involve an manner in which this right is to be exercised
exhaustive examination of the elements of and the effects flowing therefrom. If the
malicious prosecution. To constitute such, dismissal was done antisocially or
there must be proof that the prosecution was oppressively, then there is a violation of Article
prompted by a sinister design to vex and 1701, which prohibits acts of oppression by
humiliate a person and that it was initiated either capital or labor against the other, and
deliberately by the defendant knowing that his Article 21, which makes a person liable for
charges were false and groundless [Que v. damages if he willfully causes loss or injury to
IAC, G.R. No. 66865 (1989)]. another in a manner that is contrary to morals,
good customs, or public policy. When the
Malicious prosecution involves not only manner in which the company exercised its
criminal but civil and administrative suits as right to dismiss was abusive, oppressive and
well [Magbanua v. Junsay, supra]. malicious, it is liable for damages [Quisaba v.
Sta. Ines, G.R. No. L-38000 (1974)].
The presence of probable cause signifies as a
legal consequence the absence of malice [Que
v. IAC, G.R. No. 66865 (1989].
d. Public Humiliation
1. According to Manner of
The circumstances under which the defendant
tried to win Lolita’s affection cannot lead to any Commission
other conclusion than that it was he who,
through an ingenious scheme or trickery, a. Intentional Torts
seduced the latter to the extent of making her
fall in love with him. The wrong he has caused Liability for personal acts or omission is
her and her family is indeed immeasurable founded on that indisputable principle of justice
considering the fact that he is a married man. recognized by all legislators that when a
Verily, he has committed an injury to Lolita's person by his act or omission causes damage
family in a manner contrary to morals, good or prejudice to another, a juridical relation is
customs and public policy as contemplated in created by virtue of which the injured person
Article 21 of the new Civil Code [Pe v. Pe, G.R. acquires a right to be indemnified and the
No. L-17396 (1962)]. person causing the damage is charged with the
corresponding duty of repairing the damage.
It is against morals, good customs and public The reason for this is found in the obvious truth
policy to humiliate, embarrass and degrade the that man should subordinate his acts to the
dignity of a person. Everyone must respect the precepts of prudence and if he fails to observe
dignity, personality, privacy and peace of mind them and cause damage to another, he must
of his neighbors and other persons (Article 26, repair the damage [Manresa].
CC) [Grand Union v. Espino, G.R. No. L-48250
The difference lies in the certainty of the [See H. Special Liability in Particular Activities;
I. Strict Liability.]
harmful consequences. Where in intentional
torts there is substantial certainty of harmful
consequences, in negligence, the conduct of c. Independent Civil Actions
the defendant creates a risk or harm which may
or may not result. This comparison is Civil Code provisions on independent civil
consistent with the definition of negligence, actions include Articles 32-35.
In these cases, a civil action may be filed Note: Damage under the 2nd requisite pertains
independently of the criminal action, even if to injury. [PNR v. Brunty, G.R. No. 169891 (2006)]
there has been no reservation made by the
injured party; the law in itself makes such b. Juridical Persons
reservation. The result of the civil action is thus
independent of the result of the criminal action. For juridical persons, the rules on vicarious
liability in the next section applies.
The underlying purpose for this independent
civil action is to allow the citizen to enforce his 2. Persons made responsible for
rights in a private action brought by him,
regardless of the action of the State attorney. others
Art. 2180, CC. The obligation imposed by
Article 2176 is demandable not only for one’s
C. THE TORTFEASOR own acts or omissions, but also for those of
persons for whom one is responsible.
1. Direct Tortfeasor
The responsibility treated of in this article
Art. 2176, CC. Whoever by act or omission shall cease when the persons herein
causes damage to another, there being fault mentioned prove that they observed all the
or negligence, is obliged to pay for the diligence of a good father of a family to
damage done. Such fault or negligence, if prevent the damage.
there is no pre-existing contractual relation
between the parties, is called a quasi-delict Doctrine of Vicarious Liability (Art. 2180)
and is governed by the provisions of this The obligation imposed under Art. 2176 (i.e., to
Chapter. pay for injury suffered) is also demandable
from those persons (natural or juridical) who
The direct tortfeasor is one who is made liable are responsible for the person who has
for a tort committed through his own acts. The committed a quasi-delict (i.e., the direct
tortfeasor may be a natural or juridical tortfeasor).
Under this, liability is primary and direct
a. Natural Persons (solidarily liable with the direct tortfeasor), not
subsidiary. It is not conditioned upon the
In order for one to be liable as a direct insolvency of or prior recourse against the
tortfeasor, the requisites of Art. 2176 must be direct tortfeasor.
1. Act or omission Note: Art. 2180 does not provide for automatic
2. Damage to another liability. It only gives rise to a presumption of
3. Fault or negligence negligence on the part of the persons
4. No pre-existing contractual relation mentioned. The presumption is rebuttable by a
showing of the person’s exercise of the
In other words, the direct tortfeasor is liable for diligence required (See ‘Available Defense’ in
quasi-delict. Liability consists in the payment the following sections).
of damages for the injury suffered.
To extend liability by legal fiction to those in a
position to exercise absolute or limited control
over the direct tortfeasor. These persons b. Oldest qualified sibling over 21
become liable for their own omission to years
comply with their duty to exercise c. Child’s actual custodian, provided
supervision over the persons for whom they he is qualified and over 21 years
are responsible. 4. Special Parental Authorities
a. School
When Not Applicable b. Administrators
When moral culpability can be directly imputed c. Teachers
to the direct tortfeasor, as when there is actual d. Individual, entity, or institution
intent to cause harm to others. engaged in child care
Available Defense
The respective liabilities of those referred to
Proof that the teacher/school observed all
in the preceding paragraph shall not apply if
diligence of a good father of a family to prevent
it is proved that they exercised the proper
the damage.
diligence required under the particular
Under the Civil Code (Art. 2180)
Teachers Heads
All other cases not covered by this and the
Arts and
preceding articles shall be governed by the Institu- Academic
provisions of the CC on quasi-delicts. tion institutions
Teacher in
Under Art. 2180, teachers or heads of Head of
Liable charge; not
establishments of arts and trades are establishment
responsible for their pupils and students or Custody Required
apprentices, so long as they remain in the Heads of
former’s custody, regardless of age. academic Heads of
institutions establishments
Under the Family Code, liability attaches to the exercise only of arts and
school, its administrators and teachers, or the administrative trades have
individual or entity engaged in child care, so Rationale
authority over apprentices,
long as the child is under their supervision, the students, who they are in
instruction, or custody, and the child is below and are not in close proximity
18 years old. close proximity to.
to them.
Basis of liability
The persons vicariously liable stand in loco Under the Family Code
parentis and are called upon to exercise School, Parents,
reasonable supervision over the conduct of the Administrators, Guardians,
students. Teachers, etc. etc.
Art. 218 Art. 219
“Custody” Defined by
“Custody” means the protective and Parental
supervisory custody that the school, its head Kind of authority or
Special parental
and teachers exercise over the pupils, for as authority substitute
long as they are in attendance in school, which required parental
includes recess time. It is not required that the authority
student must live and board in the school. Liability if
tort is Principal and
Custody does not connote immediate and Subsidiary
committed solidary
actual physical control. It refers more to the
in school
influence exerted on the student and the
discipline instilled in him. [Palisoc v. Brillantes,
G.R. No. L-29025 (1971)] Students covered
Note: The liability of the employer under Art. Distinguishing Par. 4 and Par. 5
103 RPC is subsidiary. The distinction is necessary to determine which
paragraph is applicable:
Registered Owner Rule 1. Kind of employer made liable:
The registered owner of the vehicle is primarily a. Par. 4: To owners and managers of
responsible to the public for whatever damage an establishment or enterprise
or injury the vehicle may have caused, even if b. Par. 5: To employers in general,
he had already sold the same to someone else. whether or not engaged in any
The policy is the easy identification of the business or industry
owner who can be held responsible so as not 2. Acts of employees responsible for:
to inconvenience or prejudice the third party a. Par. 4: Negligent acts committed
injured [Cadiente v. Macas (2008)]. The either in the service of the branches
registered owner, however, has the right to be or on the occasion of their functions
indemnified by the real or actual owner of the b. Par. 5: Negligent acts done within
amount that he may be required to pay as the scope of their assigned task
damages for the injury caused to the plaintiff
[Orix Metro Leasing v. Mangalinan (2012)]. However, essentially, there is no distinction
This rule applies even if the vehicle is leased to between the two. It can be said that Par. 5 is
third persons. The liability of the registered merely an expansion of what has been
owner is subject to his right of recourse against provided for under Par. 4. [Castilex v. Vasquez,
the transferee or buyer. G.R. No. 132266 (1999)]
In order that civil liability for negligence may Proximate cause not immediately resulting
arise, there must be a direct causal connection in injury but sets in motion a chain of
between the damage suffered by the plaintiff events, which eventually result in injury:
and the act or omission of the defendant. a. That cause acting first and producing the
injury, by setting other events in motion, all
Plaintiff, however, must establish a sufficient constituting a natural and continuous
link between the act or omission and the chain, each having a close causal
damage or injury. That link must not be remote connection with its immediate predecessor,
or far-fetched; otherwise, no liability will attach. the final event in the chain immediately
The damage or injury must be a natural and effecting the injury as a natural and
probable result of the act or omission. [Dy probable result of the first cause, under
Teban Trading, Inc. v. Ching, G.R. No. 161803 such circumstances that the person
(2008)] responsible for the first event should, as an
ordinary prudent and intelligent person,
Note: It is not required that it be shown that the have reasonable ground to expect at the
injury would not have occurred without the act moment of his act that an injury might
or omission complained of. It only requires probably result therefrom.
some reasonable connection between the act b. Also known as the proximate legal cause
or omission and the injury. c. A cause is still proximate, although farther
in time to the injury, if the happening of it
If the actor’s conduct is a material element and set other foreseeable events into motion
a substantial factor in bringing about harm to resulting ultimately in the damage.
another, the fact that the actor neither foresaw [Abrogar v. Cosmos Bottling Co., G.R. No.
nor should have foreseen the extent of the 164749 (2017)]
harm or the manner in which it occurred does
not prevent him from being liable [Philippine Respondent was mistakenly given Dormicum,
Rabbit v. IAC, G.R. No. 66102-04 (1990)] a potent sleeping tablet, instead of medication
for his blood sugar. He took a pill for 3
There is no exact formula to determine consecutive days and on the third day, he fell
proximate cause. It is based upon mixed asleep on the wheel and figured in a vehicular
considerations of logic, common sense, policy accident. The Court found that the proximate
and precedent. [Dy Teban Trading, Inc. v. cause of the accident was the Mercury Drug
Ching, G.R. No. 161803 (2008)] employee’s mistake in reading the prescription
[Mercury Drug v. Baking, G.R. No. 156037
Two Definitions (2007)].
Proximate cause immediately resulting in Note: Here, 3 days have elapsed from the time
injury: of the negligent act determined by the Court as
1. That cause, which, in natural and the proximate cause; thus, the Court did not
continuous sequence, unbroken by any consider the time element in determining
efficient intervening cause, produces the proximate cause but the nature and gravity of
injury, and without which the result would the injury.
not have occurred. [Bataclan v. Medina,
G.R. No. 10126 (1957)]
of case where the forces set in operation by the the loss, would exonerate the defendant
defendant have come to rest in a position of from liability. Such contributory negligence
apparent safety, and some new force or last clear chance by the plaintiff merely
intervenes. But even in such cases, it is not the serves to reduce the recovery of damages
distinction between “cause” and “condition” by the plaintiff but does not exculpate the
which is important, but the nature of the risk defendant from his breach of contract
and the character of the intervening cause. [Consolidated Bank v. CA, G.R. No.
[Phoenix Construction v. IAC, G.R. No. L- 138569 (2003)]
65295 (1987)]. c. When the party charged is required to act
instantaneously, and if the injury cannot be
5. Last Clear Chance avoided by the application of all means at
hand after peril is or should have been
The test is also known as the “Doctrine of discovered [Pantranco v. Baesa, G.R. No.
Discovered Peril” or “Doctrine of Supervening 79050-51 (1989)]
Negligence” or “Humanitarian Doctrine.” d. The doctrine of last clear chance, as
enunciated in Anuran v. Buno, applies in a
Effect on Plaintiff's Right to Recover suit between the owners and drivers of
The antecedent negligence of the plaintiff does colliding vehicles. It does not arise where a
not preclude him from recovering damages passenger demands responsibility from the
caused by the supervening negligence of the carrier to enforce its contractual
defendant, who had the last fair chance to obligations. It will be inequitable to exempt
prevent the impending harm by the exercise of the negligent driver of the jeepney and its
due diligence. [PNR v. Brunty, G.R. No. owners on the ground that the other driver
169891 (2006)] was likewise guilty of negligence
[Bustamante v. CA, G.R. No. 89880
Establishing the Defendant’s Liability (1991)].
Where both parties are negligent, but the
negligent act of one is appreciably later in time Note:
than that of the other, or when it is impossible • If plaintiff is the proximate cause: no
to determine whose fault or negligence should recovery can be made.
be attributed to the incident, the one who had • If plaintiff is not the proximate cause:
the last clear opportunity to avoid the Recovery can be made but such will be
impending harm and failed to do so is mitigated.
chargeable with the consequences. [Philippine • If negligence of parties is equal in degree,
Bank of Commerce v. CA, G.R. No. 97626 then each bears his own loss.
Injury v. Damage v. Damages [Custodio v. Under Articles 19 to 21 of the Civil Code, an act
CA, supra] which causes injury to another may be made
• Injury: The illegal invasion of a legal right the basis for an award of damages.
(i.e., legal injury) The elements of an abuse of right under Article
• Damage: The loss, hurt, or harm which 19 are the following: (1) There is a legal right or
results from the injury duty; (2) which is exercised in bad faith; (3) for
the sole intent of prejudicing or injuring
• Damages: The compensation awarded for
another. Article 20 speaks of the general
the damage suffered
sanction for all other provisions of law which do
not especially provide for their own sanction.
Distinguished from Damnum Absque
Thus, anyone who, whether willfully or
If a person sustains actual damage (harm or negligently, in the exercise of his legal right or
loss to his person or property) that is not duty, causes damage to another, shall
indemnify his victim for injuries suffered
considered by law as an injury (i.e., legal
injury), such damage is regarded as damnum thereby.
Article 21 deals with acts contra bonus mores,
absque injuria. [Custodio v. CA, G.R. No.
116100 (1996)] and has the following elements: 1) There is an
act which is legal; 2) but which is contrary to
morals, good custom, public order, or public
The proper exercise of a lawful right cannot
policy; 3) and it is done with intent to injure.
constitute a legal wrong for which an action will
[Albenson v. CA, G.R. No. 88694 (1993)]
lie, although the act may result in damage to
another, for no legal right has been invaded.
[Custodio v. CA, supra] 4. Classes of injury
There can be damage without injury in those Legal Injury
instances in which the loss or harm was not the
result of a violation of a legal duty. In such In order that a plaintiff may maintain an action
cases, the consequences must be borne by the for the injuries of which he complains, he must
injured person alone. establish that such injuries resulted from a
breach of duty which the defendant owed to the
plaintiff, and concurrence of injury to the
2. Elements of right plaintiff and legal responsibility by the person
causing it. The underlying basis for the award
The legal rights of each member of society of tort damages is the premise that an
constitute the measure of the corresponding individual was injured in contemplation of law.
legal duties, mainly negative in character, Thus, there must first be the breach of some
which the existence of those rights imposes duty and the imposition of liability for that
upon all other members of society. The breach breach before damages may be awarded; it is
of these general duties whether due to willful not sufficient to state that there should be tort
intent or to mere inattention gives rise to an liability merely because the plaintiff suffered
obligation to indemnify the injured party. some pain and suffering. [Custodio v. CA,
[Cangco v. Manila Railroad Co., G.R. No. supra]
12191 (1918)]
Damnum absque injuria
Art. 21, CC. Any person who willfully causes Art. 26, CC. Every person shall respect the
loss or injury to another in a manner that is dignity, personality, privacy and peace of
contrary to morals, good customs or public mind of his neighbors and other persons.
policy shall compensate the latter for the The following and similar acts, though they
damage. may not constitute a criminal offense, shall
produce a cause of action for damages,
prevention and other relief:
Elements [Albenson v. CA, supra]
1. There is an act which is legal;
(1) Prying into the privacy of another’s
2. But which is contrary to morals, good
custom, public order, or public policy;
(2) Meddling with or disturbing the
private life or family relations of
3. It is done with intent to injure.
(3) Intriguing to cause another to be
Examples of acts contra bonus mores
alienated from his friends;
• Breach of Promise to Marry and Moral
(4) Vexing or humiliating another on
account of his religious beliefs, lowly
• Malicious prosecution
station in life, place of birth, physical
• Public humiliation
defect, or other personal condition.
• Oppressive dismissal
[See A.5. Acts contrary to morals] Note: The enumeration under Art. 26 is merely
illustrative. It extends to “similar acts,”
d. Damage to property regardless of whether they constitute a
criminal·offense or not. Thus, the prohibition in
No. 1 is not limited to invasion of the privacy of
Art. 23, CC. Even when an act or event residence; encroachment on one’s personal
causing damage to another's property was privacy is included.
not due to the fault or negligence of the
defendant, the latter shall be liable for
f. Right to personal dignity
indemnity if through the act or event he was
Violation of the right to personal dignity is
analogous to the American law concept of
This article is based on equity. An involuntary defamation. Defamation is an invasion of a
act, because of its character, cannot generally person’s right to enjoy a reputation and good
create an obligation; but when by such act its name unimpaired by false attacks which tend
author has been enriched, it is only just that he to diminish the esteem in which a person is
should indemnify for the damages caused, to held by men whose standard of opinion the
the extent of his enrichment. The indemnity court can properly recognize. The reputation
does not include unrealized profits of the that is protected is the opinion of others
injured party, because defendant’s enrichment [Carpio, Antonio T., Intentional Torts in
is the limit of his liability. The plaintiff has the Philippine Law, supra].
burden of proving the extent of the benefit or
enrichment of the defendant. [Tolentino] Is malice required?
a. Under the Revised Penal Code: malice
is required as an element of
b. As a tort action under Art. 26, CC:
When a person starts an opposing place of By jumping into the sea, the employee failed to
business, not for the sake of profit to himself, exercise even slight care and diligence and
but regardless of loss and for the sole purpose displayed a reckless disregard of the safety of
of driving his competitor out of business so that his person. His death was caused by his
later on he can take advantage of the effects of notorious negligence. Notorious negligence
his malevolent purpose, he is guilty of wanton has been held to be tantamount to gross
wrong [Willaware Products v. Jesichris negligence which is want of even slight care
Manufacturing, supra]. and diligence [Ameda v. Rio, G.R. No. L-6870
when a prudent man in the position of the same employment [Far Eastern Shipping v.
tortfeasor would have foreseen that an effect CA, G.R. No. 130068 (1998)].
harmful to another was sufficiently probable to
warrant his foregoing the conduct or guarding When a person holds himself out as being
against its consequences [Picart v. Smith, G.R. competent to do things requiring professional
No. L-12219 (1918)]. skill, he will be held liable for negligence if he
fails to exhibit the care and skill of one
3. Standard of care; emergency ordinarily skilled in the particular work which he
attempts to do [Culion v. Philippine Motors,
rule G.R. No 32611 (1930)].
exposed to the danger flowing from the and experience under the same or similar
substitution of deadly poisons for harmless circumstances [Ylarde v. Aquino, G.R. No. L-
medicine” [US v. Pineda, G.R. No. L-12858 33722 (1988)].
b. Emergency rule
Mistake is negligence and care is no defense
[Mercury Drug v. de Leon, G.R. No. 165622 An individual who suddenly finds himself in a
(2008)]. situation of danger and is required to act
without much time to consider the best means
Possessors of Extremely Dangerous that may be adopted to avoid the impending
Instrumentalities danger, is not guilty of negligence if he fails to
[A] higher degree of care is required of undertake what subsequently and upon
someone who has in his possession or under reflection may appear to be a better solution,
his control an instrumentality extremely unless the emergency was brought by his own
dangerous in character, such as dangerous negligence [Gan v. CA, GR. No. 44264 (1988)].
weapons or substances. Such person in
possession or control of dangerous 4. Unreasonable risk of harm
instrumentalities has the duty to take
exceptional precautions to prevent any injury Negligence, as it is commonly understood, is a
being done thereby. Unlike the ordinary affairs conduct that creates an undue risk of harm to
of life or business which involve little or no risk, others. [Valenzuela v. CA, 253 SCRA 303
a business dealing with dangerous weapons (1996)].
requires the exercise of a higher degree of care
[Pacis v. Morales, G.R. No. 169467 (2010)]. However, in negligence, risk means a danger
which is apparent, or should be apparent, to
Children one in the position of the actor. [Prosser and
Take into account the specific characteristic of Keeton, pp. 169-170]. Such type of risk is
the child in question unreasonable risk. If such unreasonable risk
The conduct of an infant of tender years is not results in injury to the plaintiff, the latter can
to be judged by the same rule, which governs recover from the defendant. [Phoenix
that of an adult. …The care and caution Construction vs. IAC, G.R. No. L-65295
required of a child is according to his maturity (1987)].
and capacity only, and this is to be determined
in each case by the circumstances of the case
[Taylor v. Manila Railroad, G.R. No. 4977 5. Evidence
Rule 131. Sec. 1, ROC. Burden of proof. —
“Age brackets” standard Burden of proof is the duty of a party to
No contributory negligence can be imputed to present evidence on the facts in issue
children below 9 years old [Jarco Marketing v. necessary to establish his claim or defense
CA, G.R. No. 129792 (1999)]. by the amount of evidence required by law.
It is presumed that a person takes ordinary The presumption is against the owner of the
care of his concerns [Rule 131, Sec. 3(d), motor vehicle. He has the burden of proving
Rules of Court]. due diligence. Thus, once a driver is proven
negligent in causing damage, the law
The quantum of proof required is a presumes the vehicle owner equally negligent
preponderance of evidence [Rule 133, Sec.1, and imposes upon the latter the burden of
Rules of Court]. proving proper selection and supervision of the
employee as a defense [Carticiano v. Nuval,
Exception G.R. No. 138054 (2000), citing Sangco,
There are exceptional cases when the rules or Philippine Law on Torts and Damages, Vol. II,
the laws provide for cases when negligence is 1994 ed., pp. 555-556].
presumed [See G.6. Presumption of
Negligence]. The registered owner/operator of a passenger
vehicle is jointly and severally liable with the
6. Presumption of negligence driver for damages incurred by passengers or
third persons as a consequence of injuries or
death sustained in the operation of said
a. In motor vehicle mishaps
vehicles. Regardless of who the actual owner
of a vehicle is, the operator of record continues
1. Liability of the owner
to be the operator of the vehicle as regards the
public and third persons and as such is directly
Art. 2184, CC. In motor vehicle mishaps, the and primarily responsible for the
owner is solidarily liable with his driver, if the consequences incident to its operation, so that
former, who was in the vehicle, could have, in contemplation of law, such owner/operator of
by the use of the due diligence, prevented record is the employer of the driver, the actual
the misfortune. x x x operator and employer being considered
merely as his agent [Vargas v. Langcay, G.R.
If the owner was not in the motor vehicle, the No. 17459 (1962)].
provisions of Article 2180 are applicable.
The registered owner of a motor vehicle is
primarily liable for the damage or injury caused
to another, but he has a right to be indemnified
negligence on the part of the person who to present enough of the attending
controls the instrumentality causing the injury circumstances to invoke the doctrine, “along
in the absence of some explanation by the with the proof of the accident” [Ramos v. CA,
defendant who is charged with negligence supra].
[Ramos v. CA, supra].
Nature of the rule
2nd element: Control over the cause Res ipsa loquitur is in the nature of a
Of the three elements, the fundamental procedural rule, a rule of evidence and not a
element is the “control of instrumentality” rule of substantive law; thus, it does not create
which caused the damage. Such element of or constitute an independent or separate
control must be shown to be within the ground of liability. It is merely a mode of proof
dominion of the defendant [Ramos v. CA, or a mere procedural convenience. It is a rule
supra]. peculiar to the law of negligence that
recognizes that prima facie negligence may be
General rule: The instrumentality causing the established without direct proof and furnishes
injury must be under the exclusive control of a substitute for specific proof of negligence and
the person sought liable. relieves a plaintiff of the burden of producing
Exception: “Control and management” is specific proof of negligence [Ramos v. CA,
sufficient [Professional Services v. Agana, supra].
Effect of the rule
3rd element: No contribution to the injury Mere invocation and application of the doctrine
from the injured does not dispense with the requirement of
It is not necessary that the plaintiff be proof of negligence. It is simply a step in the
completely inactive, but merely that there be process of such proof, permitting the plaintiff to
evidence removing the inference of the present along with the proof of the accident,
plaintiff’s own responsibility [Prosser and enough of the attending circumstances to
Keeton, supra at 254]. invoke the doctrine, creating an inference or
presumption of negligence, and to thereby
Effect of direct evidence place on the defendant the burden of going
Res ipsa loquitur can only be invoked when forward with the proof [Ramos v. CA, supra].
under the circumstances involved, direct
evidence of negligence or direct cause of the Res Ipsa Loquitur vs. expert testimony in
injury is absent and not readily available. medical negligence cases
It is apparent that medical negligence cases
It has generally been held that the presumption are best proved by opinions of expert
of inference arising from the doctrine cannot be witnesses belonging in the same general
availed of, or is overcome, where plaintiff has neighborhood and in the same general line of
knowledge and testifies or presents evidence practice as defendant physician or surgeon
as to the specific act of negligence which is the [Lucas v. Tuaño, G.R. No. 178763 (2009)].
cause of the injury complained of or where
there is direct evidence as to the precise cause Expert testimony is essential to establish the
of the accident and all the facts and standard of care of the profession and whether
circumstances attendant on the occurrence or not the physician’s conduct in the treatment
clearly appear [Layugan v. IAC, G.R. No. and care falls below such standard. Inasmuch
73998 (1988)] as the causes of the injuries involved in
malpractice actions are determinable only in
However, notwithstanding the doctrine in the light of scientific knowledge, expert
Layugan, it does not mean that res ipsa loquitur testimony is usually necessary to support the
can only be invoked in the complete absence conclusion as to causation [Cruz v. CA, supra].
of other evidence. The rule allows the plaintiff
When the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is availed against the Republic, which is not amenable to
by the plaintiff, the need for expert medical judgment for monetary claims without its
testimony is dispensed with because the injury consent. However, a public officer is by law not
itself provides the proof of negligence. The immune from damages in his/her personal
reason is that the general rule on the necessity capacity for acts done in bad faith which, being
of expert testimony applies only to such outside the scope of his authority, are no longer
matters clearly within the domain of medical protected by the mantle of immunity for official
science, and not to matters that are within the actions. [Vinzons-Chato v. Fortune, G.R. No.
common knowledge of mankind which may be 141309 (2008)].
testified to by anyone familiar with the facts
[Ramos v. CA, supra]. c. Authority of Law
Art. 2180, CC. The obligation imposed by Art. 11, RPC. The following do not incur any
Article 2176 is demandable not only for one’s criminal liability: xxx
own acts or omissions, but also for those of (5) Any person who acts in the fulfillment of a
persons for whom one is responsible. duty or in the lawful exercise of a right or office
xxx xxx
(8) The responsibility treated of in this article (8) Any person who acts in obedience to an
shall cease when the persons herein order issued by a superior for some lawful
mentioned prove that they observed all the purpose.
diligence of a good father of a family to
prevent damage. d. Damnum Absque Injuria
The presumption of negligence on the part of There can be damage without injury in those
the master or employer, either in the selection instances in which the loss or harm was not the
of servant/employee or in the supervision, result of a violation of a legal duty.
when an injury is caused by the negligence of
a servant/employee may be rebutted if the Right to recover damages does not arise from
employer shows to the satisfaction of the court the mere fact that the plaintiff suffered losses.
that in the selection and supervision, he has To warrant the recovery of damages, there
exercised the care and diligence of a good must be both a right of action for a legal wrong
father of a family [Ramos v. PEPSI, G.R. No. inflicted by the defendant, and damage
L-22533 (1967)]. resulting to the plaintiff therefrom. Wrong
without damage, or damage without wrong,
b. Acts of Public Officers does not constitute a cause of action, since
damages are merely part of the remedy
A public officer is not liable for damages which allowed for the injury caused by a breach or
a person may suffer arising from the just wrong [Custodio v. CA, G.R. No. 116100
performance of his official duties and within the (1996)].
scope of his assigned tasks. An officer who
acts within his authority to administer the affairs One who made use of his own legal right does
of the office which he/she heads is not liable for no injury, thus, whatever damages are caused
damages that may have been caused to to another should be borne solely by him under
another, as it would virtually be a charge the principle of damnum absque injuria. This
principle, however, does not apply when there contributory negligence when the party’s act
is an abuse in the exercise of a person’s right. showed lack of ordinary care and foresight that
[Amonoy v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 140420 (2001)] such act could cause him harm or put his life in
danger [NPC v. Heirs of Casionan, G.R. No.
e. Plaintiff’s Negligence is the 165969 (2008)].
Proximate Cause
Contributory negligence does not defeat an
action if it can be shown that the defendant
Art. 2179, CC. When the plaintiff’s own might, by the exercise of reasonable care and
negligence was the proximate cause of his prudence, have avoided the consequences of
injury, he cannot recover damages. x x x the injured party's negligence. Where the
plaintiff contributes to the principal occurrence
This defense of plaintiff’s negligence as as one of its determining factors, he cannot
proximate cause is absolute, for it bars recover. Where, in conjunction with the
recovery on the part of the plaintiff. In Manila occurrence, he contributes only to his own
Electric v. Remoquillo, supra, the Court did not injury, he may recover the amount that the
allow recovery by Magno, ruling that his death defendant responsible for the event should pay
was primarily caused by his own negligence for such injury, less a sum deemed a suitable
and in some measure by the too close equivalent for his own imprudence [MH Rakes
proximity of the “media agua” to the electric v. Atlantic, G.R. No. L-1719 (1907)].
The defense of contributory negligence does
If the plaintiff in a negligence action, by his own not apply in criminal cases committed through
carelessness contributed to the principal reckless imprudence, since one cannot allege
occurrence, that is, to the accident, as one of the negligence of another to evade the effects
the determining causes thereof, he cannot of his own negligence [Genobiagon v. CA, G.R.
recover [Bernardo v. Legaspi, G.R. No. 9308 No. 40452 (1989)].
g. Fortuitous Event
f. Contributory Negligence of the
Plaintiff Art. 1174, CC. Except in cases expressly
specified by the law, or when it is otherwise
Art. 2179, CC. x x x But if his negligence was declared by stipulation, or when the nature of
only contributory, the immediate and the obligation requires the assumption of
proximate cause of the injury being the risk, no person shall be responsible for those
defendant's lack of due care, the plaintiff may events which, could not be foreseen, or
recover damages, but the courts shall which, though foreseen, were inevitable.
mitigate the damages to be awarded.
Elements of caso fortuito [Juntilla v.
Fontanar, G.R. No. L-45637 (1985)]:
Art. 2214, CC. In quasi-delicts, the 1. The cause of the unforeseen and
contributory negligence of the plaintiff shall unexpected occurrence, or of the failure of
reduce the damages that he may recover. the debtor to comply with his obligation,
must be independent of the human will;
Definition 2. It must be impossible to foresee the event
Contributory negligence is conduct on the part or if it can be foreseen, it must be
of the injured party, contributing as a legal impossible to avoid;
cause to the harm he has suffered, which falls 3. The occurrence must be such as to render
below the standard which he is required to it impossible for the debtor to fulfill his
conform for his own protection. There is obligation in a normal manner; and
Art. 1146, CC. The following actions must be [See G.3.b. Emergency Rule.]
instituted within four years:
skill exercised to at all times the free use by the public of the said
avoid such injury properties.
Principles ordinarily
apply where the Private
Principles ordinarily This nuisance is one which violates only private
cause of action is for
apply where the
continuing harm rights and produces damage to but one or a
cause of action is
caused by continuing few persons.
for harm resulting
or recurrent acts
from one act which
which cause Mixed
created an
discomfort or It may be a public nuisance because it violates
unreasonable risk
annoyance to plaintiff public rights to the injury of many persons, and
of injury.
in the use of his it may also be private in character in that it
property. produces special injury to private rights to any
extent beyond the injury to the public.
Art. 695, CC. Nuisance is either public or
private. A public nuisance affects a Art. 696, CC. Every successive owner or
community or neighborhood or any possessor of property who fails or refuses to
considerable number of persons, although abate a nuisance in that property started by
the extent of the annoyance, danger or a former owner or possessor is liable
damage upon individuals may be unequal. A therefor in the same manner as the one who
private nuisance is one that is not included created it.
in the foregoing definition.
Art. 697, CC. The abatement of a nuisance
Classification of Nuisances does not preclude the right of any person
injured to recover damages for its past
1. According to Nature existence.
Nuisance per se or at law Art. 699, CC. The remedies against a public
This is an act, occupation or structure which is nuisance are:
a nuisance at all times and under any (1) A prosecution under the Penal Code
circumstances, regardless of location or or any local ordinance; or
surroundings. Examples include gambling (2) A civil action; or
houses, houses of ill fame, etc. (3) Abatement, without judicial
Nuisance per accidens or in fact
This becomes a nuisance by reason of Criminal prosecution is only for a public
particular facts and circumstances surrounding nuisance, not a private one. Public
the otherwise harmless cause of the nuisance. nuisances are offenses against the State.
2. According to Scope of Injurious Effects Art. 703, CC. A private person may file an
action on account of a public nuisance, if it is
Public specially injurious to himself.
This nuisance is a direct encroachment upon
public rights or property. It is the doing of or An individual has no right of action against a
failure to do something that injuriously affects public nuisance. However, an individual who
the safety, health or morals of the public, or has suffered some special damage different
works some substantial annoyance, from that sustained by the general public,
inconvenience, or injury to the public. An may maintain a suit in equity for an injunction
example would be a house constructed on a to abate it, or an action for damages which
public street or a river bed, since this obstructs he has sustained. If an individual has
suffered a particular harm, the action
against him, to have a speedy and public must answer for damages under Article 32. It is
trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, to not even necessary that the defendant should
have compulsory process to secure the have acted with malice or bad faith, otherwise,
attendance of witnesses on is behalf; it would defeat its main purpose, which is the
17. Freedom from being compelled to be effective protection of individual rights. [Silahis
a witness against one’s self, or from being v. Soluta, G.R. No. 163087 (2006)]
forced to confess his guilt, or from being
induced by a promise of immunity or reward It is obvious that the purpose of Art. 32 is to
to make such confession, except when the provide a sanction to the deeply cherished
person confessing becomes a State witness. rights and freedoms enshrined in the
18. Freedom from excessive fines, or Constitution.
cruel and unusual punishment, unless the
same is imposed or inflicted in accordance Its message is clear; no man may seek to
with a statute which has not been judicially violate those sacred rights with impunity. In
declared unconstitutional; times of great upheaval or of social and political
19. Freedom of access to the courts stress, when the temptation is strongest to
yield. [Aberca, et al. v. Ver, et al., G.R. No.
In any of the cases referred to in this article, 69866(1988)].
whether or not the defendant’s act or
omission constitutes a criminal offense, the 5. Violation of rights committed
aggrieved party has a right to commence an
entirely separate and distinct civil action for
by public officers
damages, and for other relief. Such civil
action shall proceed independently of any Art. 34, CC. When a member of a city or
criminal prosecution (if the latter be municipal police force refuses or fails to
instituted) and may be proved by a render aid or protection to any person in
preponderance of evidence. case of danger to life or property, such
peace officer shall be primarily liable for
The indemnity shall include moral damages. damages, and the city or municipality shall
Exemplary damages may also be be subsidiarily responsible therefor. The civil
adjudicated. action herein recognized shall be
independent of any criminal proceedings,
The responsibility herein set forth is not and a preponderance of evidence shall
demandable from a judge unless his act or suffice to support such action.
omission constitutes a violation of the Penal
code or any other penal statute. Art. 34 covers a situation where
a. There is danger to the life or property
Art. 32, CC of a person;
Speaks of a particular specie of an “act” that b. A member of a city or municipal police
may give rise to an action for damages against force who is present in the scene
a public officer, and that is, a tort for impairment refused or failed to render aid or
of rights and liberties. [Vinzons-Chato v. protection to the person; and
Fortune, supra] c. Damages are caused whether to the
person and/or property of the victim.
Not only public officers but also private
individuals can incur civil liability for violation of
rights enumerated therein. Because the
provision speaks of an officer, employee or
person “directly or indirectly” responsible for
the violation of the constitutional rights and
liberties of another, it is not the actor alone who
Art. 2180 (5), CC. Employers shall be liable The registered owner of a motor vehicle is
for the damages caused by their employees primarily liable for the damage or injury caused
and household helpers acting within the to another, but he has a right to be indemnified
scope of their assigned tasks, even though by the real owner of the amount he was
the former are not engaged in any business required to pay. This rule applies both to private
or industry. and to common carriers with respect to their
passengers [Tamayo v. Aquino, G.R. No. L-
Art. 2186, CC. Every owner of a motor 12634 (1959)].
vehicle shall file with the proper government
Liability does not attach to the proprietor if the Acceptance of the building, after completion,
damage was caused by any defect in the does not imply waiver of any of the cause of
construction mentioned in Article 1723, in action by reason of any defect mentioned in
which case the action should be against the the preceding paragraph.
engineer or architect.
The action must be brought within ten years
Under Article 2190, the plaintiff is required following the collapse of the building.
to prove
1. The total or partial collapse of a Engineer or architect who drew up the plans
building or structure and specifications is liable if the building
2. That the defendant is the proprietor collapses within 15 years due to:
3. That the collapse was due to the lack 1. A defect in those plans and specifications; or
of necessary repairs 2. Due to the defects in the ground.
Contractor is liable if the edifice falls within 15 DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012
years due to: RA 10173
1. Defects in the construction; Section 3. Definition of Terms.
2. The use of materials of inferior quality (g) Personal information refers to any
furnished by the contractor; or information whether recorded in a material
3. Due to any violation of the terms of the form or not, from which the identity of an
contract. individual is apparent or can be reasonably
and directly ascertained by the entity holding
Here, the plaintiff need only prove that such the information, or when put together with
conditions (defects) exist and need not prove other information would directly and certainly
that negligence of the defendant be the cause identify an individual.
of the conditions.
(h) Personal information controller refers to
9. Head of family a person or organization who controls the
collection, holding, processing or use of
Art 2193, CC. The head of a family that lives personal information, including a person or
in a building or a part thereof, is responsible organization who instructs another person or
for damages caused by things thrown or organization to collect, hold, process, use,
falling from the same. transfer or disclose personal information on
his or her behalf. The term excludes:
The purpose of the law is to relieve the injured (1) A person or organization who
party of the difficulty of determining and proving performs such functions as instructed by
who threw the thing or what caused it to fall, or another person or organization; and
that either was due to the fault or negligence of (2) An individual who collects, holds,
any particular individual. processes or uses personal information in
connection with the individual’s personal,
Lessee is considered as the head of the family. family or household affairs.
It is enough that he lives in and has control over
it [Dingcong v. Kanaan, G.R. No. L-47033 (k) Privileged information refers to any and
(1941)]. all forms of data which under the Rules of
Court and other pertinent laws constitute
privileged communication.
10. Violations of data privacy
(l) Sensitive personal information refers to
The right to data privacy is the right of an personal information:
individual not to have private information about (1) About an individual’s race, ethnic
himself disclosed, and to live freely from origin, marital status, age, color, and
surveillance and intrusion. religious, philosophical or political
RA 10173, or the Data Privacy Act, protects (2) About an individual’s health,
individuals from unauthorized processing of education, genetic or sexual life of a person,
personal information that is (1) private, not or to any proceeding for any offense
publicly available; and (2) identifiable, where committed or alleged to have been
the identity of the individual is apparent either committed by such person, the disposal of
through direct attribution or when put together such proceedings, or the sentence of any
with other available information. court in such proceedings;
(3) Issued by government agencies
peculiar to an individual which includes, but
not limited to, social security numbers,
previous or current health records, licenses
or its denials, suspension or revocation, and (d) Personal information processed for
tax returns; and journalistic, artistic, literary or research
(4) Specifically established by an purposes;
executive order or an act of Congress to be (e) Information necessary in order to
kept classified. carry out the functions of public authority
which includes the processing of personal
Section 4. Scope. – This Act applies to the data for the performance by the
processing of all types of personal independent, central monetary authority and
information and to any natural and juridical law enforcement and regulatory agencies of
person involved in personal information their constitutionally and statutorily
processing including those personal mandated functions. Nothing in this Act shall
information controllers and processors who, be construed as to have amended or
although not found or established in the repealed Republic Act No. 1405, otherwise
Philippines, use equipment that are located known as the Secrecy of Bank Deposits Act;
in the Philippines, or those who maintain an Republic Act No. 6426, otherwise known as
office, branch or agency in the Philippines the Foreign Currency Deposit Act; and
subject to the immediately succeeding Republic Act No. 9510, otherwise known as
paragraph: Provided, That the requirements the Credit Information System Act (CISA);
of Section 5 are complied with. (f) Information necessary for banks and
This Act does not apply to the following: other financial institutions under the
(a) Information about any individual who jurisdiction of the independent, central
is or was an officer or employee of a monetary authority or Bangko Sentral ng
government institution that relates to the Pilipinas to comply with Republic Act No.
position or functions of the individual, 9510, and Republic Act No. 9160, as
including: amended, otherwise known as the Anti-
(1) The fact that the individual is or was an Money Laundering Act and other applicable
officer or employee of the government laws; and
institution; (g) Personal information originally
(2) The title, business address and office collected from residents of foreign
telephone number of the individual; jurisdictions in accordance with the laws of
(3) The classification, salary range and those foreign jurisdictions, including any
responsibilities of the position held by the applicable data privacy laws, which is being
individual; and processed in the Philippines.
(4) The name of the individual on a
document prepared by the individual in the Section 11. General Data Privacy
course of employment with the government; Principles. – The processing of personal
(b) Information about an individual who information shall be allowed, subject to
is or was performing service under contract compliance with the requirements of this Act
for a government institution that relates to and other laws allowing disclosure of
the services performed, including the terms information to the public and adherence to
of the contract, and the name of the the principles of transparency, legitimate
individual given in the course of the purpose and proportionality.
performance of those services;
(c) Information relating to any Personal information must be:
discretionary benefit of a financial nature (a) Collected for specified and legitimate
such as the granting of a license or permit purposes determined and declared before,
given by the government to an individual, or as soon as reasonably practicable after
including the name of the individual and the collection, and later processed in a way
exact nature of the benefit; compatible with such declared, specified
and legitimate purposes only;
(b) Processed fairly and lawfully;
(c) Accurate, relevant and, where who are accountable for the organization’s
necessary for purposes for which it is to be compliance with this Act. The identity of the
used the processing of personal information, individual(s) so designated shall be made
kept up to date; inaccurate or incomplete known to any data subject upon request.
data must be rectified, supplemented,
destroyed or their further processing SEC. 34. Extent of Liability. – If the offender
restricted; is a corporation, partnership or any juridical
(d) Adequate and not excessive in person, the penalty shall be imposed upon
relation to the purposes for which they are the responsible officers, as the case may be,
collected and processed; who participated in, or by their gross
(e) Retained only for as long as negligence, allowed the commission of the
necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes crime. If the offender is a juridical person, the
for which the data was obtained or for the court may suspend or revoke any of its rights
establishment, exercise or defense of legal under this Act. If the offender is an alien, he
claims, or for legitimate business purposes, or she shall, in addition to the penalties
or as provided by law; and herein prescribed, be deported without
(f) Kept in a form which permits further proceedings after serving the
identification of data subjects for no longer penalties prescribed. If the offender is a
than is necessary for the purposes for which public official or employee and lie or she is
the data were collected and processed: found guilty of acts penalized under Sections
Provided, That personal information 27 and 28 of this Act, he or she shall, in
collected for other purposes may lie addition to the penalties prescribed herein,
processed for historical, statistical or suffer perpetual or temporary absolute
scientific purposes, and in cases laid down disqualification from office, as the case may
in law may be stored for longer periods: be.
Provided, further, That adequate safeguards
are guaranteed by said laws authorizing their SEC. 36. Offense Committed by Public
processing. Officer. – When the offender or the person
responsible for the offense is a public officer
The personal information controller must as defined in the Administrative Code of the
ensure implementation of personal Philippines in the exercise of his or her
information processing principles set out duties, an accessory penalty consisting in
herein. the disqualification to occupy public office for
a term double the term of criminal penalty
SEC. 21. Principle of Accountability. – Each imposed shall he applied.
personal information controller is
responsible for personal information under Data Privacy Rights
its control or custody, including information
that have been transferred to a third party for 1. Right to be informed
processing, whether domestically or Personal data should never be collected,
internationally, subject to cross-border processed and stored by any organization
arrangement and cooperation. without the individual’s explicit consent, unless
(a) The personal information controller otherwise provided by law. Aside from
is accountable for complying with the protecting against unfair means of personal
requirements of this Act and shall use data collection, this right also requires personal
contractual or other reasonable means to information controllers (PICs) to notify
provide a comparable level of protection individuals if their data have been
while the information are being processed by compromised, in a timely manner.
a third party.
(b) The personal information controller
shall designate an individual or individuals
5. Right to damages
The individual may claim compensation if they
suffered damages due to inaccurate,
Manufacturers and
processors of Death and injuries caused by any
Absence of contractual relation not
foodstuffs, drinks, noxious or harmful substances
a defense
toilet articles and used
similar goods
Owner/creator of and
Resulting injury to another Liability attaches regardless of the
(material annoyance, degree of care or skill exercised to
owner/possessor who
inconvenience, discomfort or hurt) avoid such injury
fails or refuses to
because of the nuisance
abate a nuisance
Public officer or
employee or private
Damages for impairment of rights
individual who violates
and liberties
rights under
Art. 32, CC
The death or injuries suffered by
any person by reason of the The defective public work is not
Provinces, Cities and
defective condition of roads, under the LGU’s control or
streets, bridges, public buildings, supervision
and other public works
! Solidary liability only if the
owner was in the vehicle
and if he could have
Owner of Motor prevented it thru due
Motor vehicle mishaps
Vehicle diligence
! If not in vehicle, apply Art.
2180 for his liability as
a. Total or partial collapse of
building or structure if due
to lack of necessary
b. Explosion of machinery
which has not been taken
cared of with due
diligence, and the Responsibility for collapse should
Proprietor of building/
inflammation of explosive be due to the lack of necessary
substances which have repairs
not been kept in a safe
and adequate place
c. By excessive smoke,
which may be harmful to
persons or property
d. By falling of trees situated
at or near highways or
a. Defects in the
Action not brought within 10 years
Contractor construction;
from collapse
b. Used of materials of
inferior quality furnished
by him; or
c. Violation of the terms of
the contract
Head of the Family that Liable for damages caused by
lives in a building or things thrown or falling from the
any part thereof same
Collection, processing and
storage of personal information
and sensitive personal
Violators of data information. Specifically:
privacy a. Unauthorized Processing
b. Accessing due to
c. Improper Disposal
d. Processing for
Unauthorized Purposes
e. Unauthorized Access or
Intentional Breach
f. Concealment of Security
Breaches Involving
Sensitive Personal
g. Malicious Disclosure
h. Unauthorized Disclosure.
Art. 2183, CC. The possessor of an animal or Possible defenses against this liability
whoever may make use of the same is 1. Force Majeure
responsible for the damage which it may 2. Fault of person suffering damage
cause, although it may escape or be lost. This 3. Act of third persons
responsibility shall cease only in case the
damage should come from force majeure or 2. Attractive Nuisance
from the fault of the person who has suffered
damage. Art 2193, CC. A nuisance is any act,
omission, establishment, business,
The law makes no distinction as to what kind of condition of property, or anything else which:
animal is used or possessed. Hence, it may be (1) Injures or endangers the health or
construed as applicable generally to all safety of others; xxx
animals, whether domestic, domesticated, or
wild. It would seem that birds are covered since Doctrine of Attractive Nuisance
they can also cause damage. [de Leon] One who maintains on his premises dangerous
instrumentalities or appliances of a character
Possession of the animal, not ownership, is likely to attract children in play, and who fails to
determinative of liability under Art. 2183. The exercise ordinary care to prevent children from
obligation imposed by said article is not based playing therewith or resorting thereto, is liable
on the negligence or on the presumed lack of to a child of tender years who is injured
vigilance of the possessor or user of the animal thereby, even if the child is technically a
causing damage. It is based on natural equity trespasser in the premises [Hidalgo
and on the principle of social interest that he Enterprises v. Balandan, G.R. No. L-3422
who possesses animals for his utility, pleasure, (1952)].
or service, must answer for any damage which
such animal may cause. The contention that The owner's failure to take reasonable
the defendant could not be expected to precautions to prevent the child from entering
exercise remote control of the animal is not his premises at a place where he knows or
acceptable. In fact, Art. 2183 holds the ought to know that children are accustomed to
possessor liable even if the animal should roam about or to which their childish instincts
Article 97. Liability for the Defective Article 99. Liability for Defective Services. –
Products. – Any Filipino or foreign The service supplier is liable for redress,
manufacturer, producer, and any importer, independently of fault, for damages caused
shall be liable for redress, independently of to consumers by defects relating to the
fault, for damages caused to consumers by rendering of the services, as well as for
defects resulting from design, manufacture, insufficient or inadequate information on the
construction, assembly and erection, fruition and hazards thereof.
formulas and handling and making up,
presentation or packing of their products, as The service is defective when it does not
well as for the insufficient or inadequate provide the safety the consumer may
information on the use and hazards thereof. rightfully expect of it, taking the relevant
circumstances into consideration, including
A product is defective when it does not offer but not limited to:
the safety rightfully expected of it, taking 1. the manner in which it is provided;
relevant circumstances into consideration, 2. the result of hazards which may
including but not limited to: reasonably be expected of it;
(a) presentation of product 3. the time when it was provided.
(b) use and hazards reasonably
expected of it; A service is not considered defective
(c) the time it was put into circulation. because of the use or introduction of new
A product is not considered defective
because another better quality product has The supplier of the services shall not be held
been placed in the market. The liable when it is proven:
manufacturer, builder, producer or importer (a) that there is no defect in the service
shall not be held liable when it evidences: rendered;
(a) that it did not place the product on (b) that the consumer or third party is
the market; solely at fault.
(b) that although it did place the product
on the market such product has no defect; Article 100. Liability for Product and Service
(c) that the consumer or a third party is Imperfection. – The suppliers of durable or
solely at fault. nondurable consumer products are jointly
liable for imperfections in quality that render
the products unfit or inadequate for
Article 98. Liability of Tradesman or Seller. consumption for which they are designed or
– The tradesman/seller is likewise liable, decrease their value, and for those resulting
pursuant to the preceding article when: from inconsistency with the information
(a) it is not possible to identify the provided on the container, packaging, labels
manufacturer, builder, producer or importer; or publicity messages/advertisement, with
(b) the product is supplied, without clear due regard to the variations resulting from
identification of the manufacturer, producer, their nature, the consumer being able to
builder or importer; demand replacement to the imperfect parts.
(c) he does not adequately preserve
perishable goods. The party making If the imperfection is not corrected within
payment to the damaged party may exercise thirty (30) days, the consumer may
the right to recover a part of the whole of the alternatively demand at his option:
payment made against the other responsible
parties, in accordance with their part or
(a) the replacement of the product by (d) the immediate reimbursement of the
another of the same kind, in a perfect state amount paid, with monetary updating
of use; without prejudice to losses and damages if
(b) the immediate reimbursement of the any.
amount paid, with monetary updating,
without prejudice to any losses and The provisions of the fifth paragraph of
damages; Article 99 shall apply to this Article.
(c) a proportionate price reduction.
The immediate supplier shall be liable if the
The parties may agree to reduce or increase instrument used for weighing or measuring
the term specified in the immediately is not gauged in accordance with official
preceding paragraph; but such shall not be standards.
less than seven (7) nor more than one
hundred and eighty (180) days. Article 102. Liability for Service Quality
Imperfection. – The service supplier is liable
The consumer may make immediate use of for any quality imperfections that render the
the alternatives under the second paragraph services improper for consumption or
of this Article when by virtue of the extent of decrease their value, and for those resulting
the imperfection, the replacement of the from inconsistency with the information
imperfect parts may jeopardize the product contained in the offer or advertisement, the
quality or characteristics, thus decreasing its consumer being entitled to demand
value. alternatively at his option:
(b) the performance of the services,
If the consumer opts for the alternative under without any additional cost and when
sub-paragraph (a) of the second paragraph applicable;
of this Article, and replacement of the (c) the immediate reimbursement of the
product is not possible, it may be replaced amount paid, with monetary updating
by another of a different kind, mark or model: without prejudice to losses and damages, if
Provided, That any difference in price may any;
result thereof shall be supplemented or (d) a proportionate price reduction.
reimbursed by the party which caused the
damage, without prejudice to the provisions Reperformance of services may be
of the second, third and fourth paragraphs of entrusted to duly qualified third parties, at the
this Article. supplier's risk and cost.
Article 101. Liability for Product Quantity Improper services are those which prove to
Imperfection. – Suppliers are jointly liable for be inadequate for purposes reasonably
imperfections in the quantity of the product expected of them and those that fail to meet
when, in due regard for variations inherent the provisions of this Act regulating service
thereto, their net content is less than that rendering.
indicated on the container, packaging,
labeling or advertisement, the consumer Article 103. Repair Service Obligation. –
having powers to demand, alternatively, at When services are provided for the repair of
his own option: any product, the supplier shall be considered
(a) the proportionate price implicitly bound to use adequate, new,
(b) the supplementing of weight or original replacement parts, or those that
measure differential; maintain the manufacturer's technical
(c) the replacement of the product by specifications unless, otherwise authorized,
another of the same kind, mark or model, as regards to the latter by the consumer.
without said imperfections;
General Damages
DAMAGES Those which are the natural and necessary
result of the wrongful act or omission asserted
as the foundation of liability. It includes those
A. GENERAL which follow as a conclusion of law from the
CONSIDERATIONS statement of the facts of the injury.
Special Damages
Damages may be defined as the pecuniary
Damages that arise from the special
compensation, recompense, or satisfaction for
circumstance of the case, which, if properly
an injury sustained, or as otherwise expressed,
pleaded, may be added to the general
the pecuniary consequences, which the law
damages which the law presumes or implies
imposes for the breach of some duty or the
from the mere invasion of the plaintiff’s rights.
violation of some right [People v. Ballesteros,
Special damages are the natural, but NOT the
G.R. No. 120921 (1998)].
necessary result of an injury. These are not
implied by law.
It is the recompense or compensation awarded
for the damage suffered [Custodio v. CA, G.R.
No. 116100 (1996)]. 2. Kinds of Damages
Art. 2197, CC. Damages may be:
a. Actual or compensatory;
b. Moral;
c. Nominal;
d. Temperate or moderate; Actual or compensatory damages cannot be
e. Liquidated; or presumed, but must be proven with a
f. Exemplary or corrective. reasonable degree of certainty [MCC Industrial
Sales Corp. v. Ssangyong Corp., G.R. No.
Actual and Compensatory 170633 (2007)].
Damages must be proved with reasonable
Compensatory damages accuracy, even when not denied [Valencia v.
Damages in satisfaction of, or in recompense Tantoco, G.R. No. L-7267 (1956)].
for, loss or injury sustained. The phrase “actual
damages” is sometimes used as a synonym of When is a person entitled? [PeLoRePLS]
compensatory damages. 1. When there is a pecuniary loss suffered by
Requisites: 2. When he has alleged and prayed for such
To seek recovery of actual damages, it is relief [Manchester Dev’t Corp v. CA, G.R.
necessary to prove the actual amount of loss No. L-75919 (1987)];
with a reasonable degree of certainty, 3. When he has duly proved it;
premised upon competent proof and on the 4. When provided by law or by stipulation.
best evidence obtainable [Asilo, Jr. v. People
and Sps. Bombasi, G.R. No. 159017-18 No proof of pecuniary loss is necessary for:
(2011); ICTSI v. Chua, G.R. No. 195031 moral, nominal, temperate, liquidated or
(2014)]. exemplary damages. The assessment of such
damages is discretionary upon the court,
Alleged and proved with certainty except liquidated ones. [Art. 2216, CC].
Art. 2199, CC. Except as provided by law or
If the physical integrity of a person’s body is
by stipulation, one is entitled to an adequate
compensation only for such pecuniary loss violated or diminished, actual injury is suffered
suffered by him as he has duly proved. Such for which actual or compensatory damages are
compensation is referred to as actual or due and assessable. Such violation entitles a
compensatory damages. person to actual or compensatory damages. A
scar, especially on a woman’s face, is a
violation of bodily integrity, giving rise to a
The damages must be proven by competent
legitimate claim for restoration to her condition
evidence (admissible or probative).
ante. [Gatchalian v. Delim, G.R. No. 56487
There must be pleading and proof of actual
damages suffered for the same to be
recovered. In addition to the fact that the
Actual damage covers the following: [LIPA]
amount of loss must be capable of proof, it
1. Value of loss; unrealized profit
must also be actually proven with a reasonable
2. Attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation
degree of certainty, premised upon competent
3. Interest
proof or the best evidence obtainable such as
receipts, cash and check vouchers, and other
1. Loss Covered
documentary evidence of the same nature. The
burden of proof of the damage suffered is
imposed on the party claiming the same. Self-
serving statements are not sufficient basis for Art. 2200, CC. Indemnification for damages
an award of actual damages [Oceaneering shall comprehend not only the value of the
Contractors v. Baretto, G.R. No. 184215 loss suffered, but also that of the profits
(2011)]. which the obligee failed to obtain.
Other damages, known as special damages, Contributory negligence of the plaintiff, in case
are recoverable where it appears that the of quasi-delicts, shall reduce the damages to
particular conditions which made such which he may be entitled. However, in cases of
damages a probable consequence of the crimes, there is no mitigation for contributory
breach were known to the delinquent party at negligence of the plaintiff.
the time the contract was made [Daywalt v.
Recoletos et al., G.R. No. L-13505 (1919)]. The principal consideration for the award of
damages is the penalty provided by law or
Bad faith does not simply connote bad imposable for the offense because of its
judgment or negligence; it imports a dishonest heinousness, and not the public penalty
purpose or some moral obliquity and conscious actually imposed on the offender. The fact of
doing of wrong; it partakes of the nature of minority of the offender at the time of the
fraud. In this case, BPI-FB acted out of the commission of the offense has no bearing on
impetus of self-protection and not out of the gravity and extent of injury caused to the
malevolence or ill will. BPI-FB was not in the victim and her family. Hence, notwithstanding
corrupt state of mind contemplated in Art. 2201 the fact that the imposable public penalty
and should not be held liable for all damages against the offender should be lowered due to
being imputed to it for its breach of obligation his minority, there is no justifiable ground to
[BPI Family Bank v. Franco, G.R. No. 123498 depart from the jurisprudential trend in the
(2007)]. award of damages in the case of qualified rape,
considering the compensatory nature of the
Overbooking amounts to bad faith, entitling the award of civil indemnity and moral damages.
passengers to an award of moral damages [People v. Sarcia, G.R. No. 169641 (2009)].
when the airline did not allow passengers to
board their flight despite having confirmed their 2. Earning Capacity; Business Standing
tickets. Hence, in accordance with Art. 2201,
TransWorld was held responsible for all the Art. 2205, CC. Damages may be recovered:
damages which may be reasonably attributed 1. For loss or impairment of earning
to the non-performance of its obligation capacity in cases of temporary or
[Spouses Zalamea v. CA, G.R. No. 104235 permanent personal injury;
(1993)]. 2. For injury to the plaintiff's business
standing or commercial credit.
upon which she was suing. The Court equated Additional Exception: Testimonial evidence
loss of employment with loss of earning suffices to establish a basis for which the court
capacity [Gatchalian v. Delim, supra]. can make a fair and reasonable estimate of the
loss of earning capacity [Pleyto v. Lomboy,
The plaintiff need not be actually engaged in G.R. No. 148737 (2004)]
gainful employment to recover damages due to
loss or impairment of earning capacity. In Note: Such an exception to documentary proof
determining the amount of damages to be requirement only exists as to the loss of
awarded, the Supreme Court considered the earning capacity.
plaintiff’s age, probable life expectancy, the
state of his health, and his mental and physical 3. Attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation
condition before the accident. The court took
into account [the plaintiff’s] outstanding Art. 2208, CC. In the absence of stipulation,
abilities, and the possibility that he would have attorney's fees and expenses of litigation,
enjoyed a successful professional career in other than judicial costs, cannot be
banking [Mercury Drug v. Huang, G.R. No. recovered, except:
172122 (2007)]. 1. When exemplary damages are
Injury to business standing or commercial 2. When the defendant's act or omission
credit has compelled the plaintiff to litigate with
Loss of goodwill should be proven with the third persons or to incur expenses to
same standard of proof as other compensatory protect his interest;
damages [Tanay Recreation Center v. Fausto, 3. In criminal cases of malicious
G.R. No. 140182 (2005)]. prosecution against the plaintiff;
4. In case of a clearly unfounded civil
Formula for the net earning capacity action or proceeding against the
Net earning capacity = Life Expectancy × 5. Where the defendant acted in gross and
(Gross annual income – Reasonable living evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy
expenses) the plaintiff's plainly valid, just and
[People v. Aringue, G.R. No. 116487 (1997); demandable claim;
Candano v. Sugata-On, G.R. 163212, (2007)]. 6. In actions for legal support;
7. In actions for the recovery of wages of
household helpers, laborers and skilled
Where: Life expectancy = × (80 – age of workers;
victim at the time of death) 8. In actions for indemnity under
workmen's compensation and
General Rule: Damages for loss of earning employer's liability laws;
capacity shall be awarded in every case, and 9. In a separate civil action to recover civil
that claimant shall present documentary liability arising from a crime;
evidence to substantiate claim for damages. 10. When at least double judicial costs are
[Tan, et al. v. OMC Carriers, Inc., G.R. No. awarded;
190521 (2011)]. 11. In any other case where the court
deems it just and equitable that
Exceptions: attorney's fees and expenses of
1. If the deceased was self-employed and litigation should be recovered.
earning less than the minimum wage; or
2. The deceased was a daily wage worker In all cases, the attorney's fees and
earning less than the minimum wage under expenses of litigation must be reasonable.
current labor laws. [Philippine Hawk v. Lee,
G.R. No. 166869 (2010)].
General Rule: Attorney’s fees and costs of Attorney's fees cannot be recovered except in
litigation are recoverable IF stipulated. cases provided for in CC 2208 [MERALCO v.
Ramoy, G.R. No. 158911 (2008)].
If there is no stipulation, they are recoverable Attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation are
only in the following cases: recoverable only in the concept of actual
1. By reason of malice or bad faith damages, not as moral damages nor judicial
a. When exemplary damages are costs. Hence, such must be specifically prayed
awarded for and may not be deemed incorporated within
b. In case of a clearly unfounded civil a general prayer for "such other relief and
action remedy as this court may deem just and
c. Where defendant acted in gross and equitable” [Briones v. Macabagdal, G.R. No.
evident bad faith 150666 (2010)].
d. When at least double judicial costs are
awarded For Art. 2208 (2), an adverse decision does
2. By reason of plaintiff’s indigence in not ipso facto justify an award of attorney’s
a. Actions for legal support fees to the winning party. Even when a
b. Actions for recovery of wages of claimant is compelled to litigate with third
laborers, etc. persons or to incur expenses to protect his
c. Actions for workmen’s compensation rights, still attorney’s fees may not be awarded
3. By reason of crimes in where no sufficient showing of bad faith could
a. Criminal cases of malicious be reflected in a party’s persistence in a case
prosecution other than an erroneous conviction of the
b. Separate actions to recover civil liability righteousness of his cause [Bank of America v.
arising from crime Philippine Racing Club, G.R. No. 150228
4. By reason of equity (2009)].
a. Where the defendant’s act compelled
plaintiff to litigate with third persons 4. Interest
b. Where the Court deems it just and
equitable Art. 2209, CC. If the obligation consists in
the payment of a sum of money, and the
Note: In all cases, attorney’s fees and costs of debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity for
litigation must be reasonable. damages, there being no stipulation to the
contrary, shall be the payment of the
Even if expressly stipulated, attorney’s fees are interest agreed upon, and in the absence of
subject to control by the Courts. stipulation, the legal interest, which is six
per cent per annum.
Two kinds of attorney’s fees:
1. Ordinary - reasonable compensation paid Art. 2210, CC. Interest may, in the
to a lawyer for his services discretion of the court, be allowed upon
2. Extraordinary - awarded to a successful damages awarded for breach of contract.
litigant; to be paid by the losing party as
indemnity for damages. [Aquino v. Art. 2211, CC. In crimes and quasi-delicts,
Casabar, G.R. No. 191470, (2015)]. interest as a part of the damages may, in a
Attorney’s fees in CC 2208 is an award made proper case, be adjudicated in the discretion
in favor of the litigant, not of his counsel, and of the court.
the litigant is the judgment creditor who may
enforce the judgment for attorney's fees by Art. 2212, CC. Interest due shall earn legal
execution [Quirante v. IAC, G.R. No. 73886 interest from the time it is judicially
(1989)]. demanded, although the obligation may be
silent upon this point.
No legal interest will be added after the Art. 2203 exhorts parties suffering from loss or
judgement becomes final and executory injury to exercise the diligence of a good father
unlike in Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA, G.R. of a family to minimize the damages resulting
No. 97412 (1994) and Nacar v. Gallery from the act or omission in question. The one
Frames G.R. No. 189871, (2013) who is injured then by the wrongful or negligent
When an obligation, NOT constituting a loan act of another should exercise reasonable care
or forbearance of money, is breached: and diligence to minimize the resulting
When Legal From the time the damage. [Lim and Gunnaban v. CA, G.R. No.
demand is interest claim is made 125817 (2002)].
establishe (6%) EXTRAJUDICIAL
d with LY OR Burden of Proof
reasonable JUDICIALLY until The DEFENDANT has the burden of proof to
certainty FULL PAYMENT establish that the victim, by the exercise of the
When Legal From the date of diligence of a good father of a family, could
demand is interest the have mitigated the damages. In the absence of
NOT (6%) JUDGMENT OF such proof, the amount of damages cannot be
establishe THE TRIAL reduced. [Lim and Gunnaban v. CA, G.R. No.
d with COURT (at which 125817 (2002)].
reasonable time the
certainty) quantification Note:
of damages may The victim is required only to take such steps
be deemed to as an ordinary prudent man would reasonably
have been adopt for his own interest.
ascertained) Moral Damages
PAYMENT Art. 2217, CC. Moral damages include
No legal interest will be added after the physical suffering, mental anguish, fright,
judgement becomes final and executory serious anxiety, besmirched reputation,
unlike in Eastern Shipping Lines v. CA, G.R. wounded feelings, moral shock, social
No. 97412 (1994) andNacar v. Gallery humiliation, and similar injury. Though
Frames incapable of pecuniary computation, moral
damages may be recovered if they are the
Note: The new rate of legal interest (6%) in proximate result of the defendant's wrongful
Nacar v. Gallery Frames, G.R. No. 189871 act or omission.
(2013), does not apply to judgments that have
become final and executory prior to July 1, Art. 2218, CC. In the adjudication of moral
2013. damages, the sentimental value of property,
real or personal, may be considered.
Start of Delay
1. Extrajudicial: Demand letter Moral damages are emphatically not intended
2. Judicial: Filing of complaint to enrich a complainant at the expense of the
defendant. Its award is aimed at the
Duty to Minimize restoration, within the limits of the possible, of
Art. 2203, CC. The party suffering loss or the spiritual status quo ante, and it must be
injury must exercise the diligence of a good proportional to the suffering inflicted [Visayan
father of a family to minimize the damages Sawmill v. CA, G.R. No. 83851 (1993)].
resulting from the act or omission in
question. Mental suffering means distress or serious pain
as distinguished from annoyance, regret or
vexation [Bagumbayan Corp. v. IAC, G.R. No. b. where the defendant is guilty of
L-66274 (1984)]. intentional tort, moral damages may
aptly be recovered. This rule also
When awarded (Art. 2217) applies to contracts when breached by
Awarded when injury consists of: tort.
1. Physical suffering 5. In culpa criminal, moral damages could be
2. Besmirched reputation lawfully due when the accused is found
3. Mental anguish guilty of physical injuries, lascivious acts,
4. Fright adultery or concubinage, illegal or arbitrary
5. Moral shock detention, illegal arrest, illegal search, or
6. Wounded feelings defamation.
7. Social humiliation 6. Malicious prosecution can also give rise to
8. Serious anxiety a claim for moral damages. The term
9. Similar injury "analogous cases," referred to in Art. 2219,
following the ejusdem generis rule, must be
Requisites for awarding moral damages held similar to those expressly enumerated
The conditions for awarding moral damages by the law.
are [InAP-2219] 7. Although the institution of a clearly
1. There must be an injury, whether physical, unfounded civil suit can at times be a legal
mental, or psychological, clearly justification for an award of attorney's fees,
substantiated by the claimant; such filing, however, has almost invariably
2. There must be a culpable act or omission been held not to be a ground for an award
factually established; of moral damages. [Expertravel & Tours v.
3. The wrongful act or omission of the CA., G.R. No. 130030 (1999)].
defendant must be the proximate cause of 8. The burden rests on the person claiming
the injury sustained by the claimant; and moral damages to show convincing
4. The award of damages is predicated on evidence for good faith is presumed. In a
any of the cases stated in Art. 2219 of the case involving simple negligence, moral
CC. [Sulpicio Lines v. Curso, G.R. No. damages cannot be recovered. [Villanueva
157009 (2010)]: v. Salvador, G.R. No. 139436 (2006)].
9. Failure to use the precise legal terms or
General Principles of Recovery: "sacramental phrases" of "mental anguish,
1. Moral damages must somehow be fright, serious anxiety, wounded feelings or
proportional to the suffering inflicted. moral shock" does not justify the denial of
2. In culpa contractual or breach of contract, the claim for damages. It is sufficient that
moral damages may be recovered when these exact terms have been pleaded in
the defendant acted in bad faith or was the complaint and evidence has been
guilty of gross negligence (amounting to adduced [Miranda-Ribaya v. Bautista, G.R.
bad faith) or in wanton disregard of his No. L-49390 (1980)].
contractual obligation and, exceptionally, 10. Even if the allegations regarding the
when the act of breach of contract itself is amount of damages in the complaint are
constitutive of tort resulting in physical not specifically denied in the answer, such
injuries. damages are not deemed admitted.
3. By special rule in Art. 1764, in relation to [Raagas, et al. v. Traya et al, G.R. No. L-
Art. 2206, moral damages may also be 20081 (1968)]
awarded in case the death of a passenger 11. An appeal in a criminal case opens the
results from a breach of carriage. whole case for review and this 'includes the
4. In culpa aquiliana or quasi-delict, review of the penalty, indemnity and
a. when an act or omission causes damages’. Even if the offended party had
physical injuries, or not appealed from said award, and the only
party who sought a review of the decision
of said court was the accused, the court mentioned in No. 9 of this article, in the
can increase damages awarded. order named.
[Sumalpong v. CA, G.R. No. 123404
(1997)]. 1. In Criminal Offense resulting in physical
12. It can only be awarded to natural persons. injuries and death
The award of moral damages cannot be
granted in favor of a corporation because, Under paragraph (1), Art. 2219 of the CC,
being an artificial person and having moral damages may be recovered in a criminal
existence only in legal contemplation, it has offense resulting in physical injuries. In its
no feelings, no emotions, no senses, It generic sense, "physical injuries" includes
cannot, therefore, experience physical death [People v. Villaver, G.R. No. 133381
suffering and mental anguish, which can be (2001)].
experienced only by one having a nervous
system. [ABS-CBN v. CA, G.R. No. 128690 Moral damages are awarded despite the
(1999)]. absence of proof of mental and emotional
13. While it is true that besmirched reputation suffering of the victim’s heirs since a violent
is included in moral damages, it cannot death necessarily brings about emotional pain
cause mental anguish to a corporation, and anguish on the part of the victim’s family.
unlike in the case of a natural person, for a [People v. Vilarmea, G.R. No. 200029,
corporation has no reputation in the sense November 13, (2013)].
that an individual has, and besides, it is
inherently impossible for a corporation to 2. In Quasi-delicts resulting in physical
suffer mental anguish [NAPOCOR v. injuries
Philipp Brothers, G.R. Ni, 126204 (2001)].
In culpa aquiliana, or quasi-delict, moral
i. When moral damages are recoverable damages may be recovered (a) when an act or
omission causes physical injuries, or (b) where
Art. 2219, CC. Moral damages may be the defendant is guilty of intentional tort. The
recovered in the following and analogous SC held that an employer that is vicariously
cases: liable with its employee-driver may also be held
1. A criminal offense resulting in physical liable for moral damages to the injured plaintiff
injuries; [B.F. Metal v. Lomotan, G.R. No. 170813
2. Quasi-delicts causing physical injuries; (2008)].
3. Seduction, abduction, rape, or other
lascivious acts; In Laconsay v. Berog G.R. No. 188686 (2014),
4. Adultery or concubinage; the court awarded ₱1,000,000.00 as moral
5. Illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest; damages which is commensurate to the
6. Illegal search; suffering inflicted to Fidel. This is in accord with
7. Libel, slander or any other form of the extent and nature of the physical and
defamation; psychological injuries suffered by Fidel. The
8. Malicious prosecution; damage which caused the loss of his right leg
9. Acts mentioned in article 309; is not only permanent and lasting but would
10. Acts and actions referred to in articles likewise permanently alter and adjust the
21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, and 35. physiological changes that his body would
normally undergo as he matures.
The parents of the female seduced,
abducted, raped, or abused, referred to in 3. In seduction, abduction, rape, and other
No. 3 of this article, may also recover moral lascivious acts
The spouse, descendants, ascendants, and Anent the award of damages, civil indemnity ex
brothers and sisters may bring the action delicto is mandatory upon finding of the fact of
rape while moral damages is awarded upon 5. In case of libel, slander, or any other
such finding without need of further proof form of defamation
because it is assumed that a rape victim has
actually suffered moral injuries entitling the The court ruled that the commission of Slight
victim to such award. [People v. Calongui, G.R. Oral Defamation caused injury to the
No. 170566(2006); People v. Lizano G.R. No. petitioner’s feelings and reputation as a
174470, (2007)] barangay captain. Hence, the petitioner is
entitled to moral damages in the sum of
The award of moral damages in a conviction for ₱5,000.00 [Occena v. Icamina, supra].
simple rape should equal the award of moral
damages in convictions for qualified rape. 6. In case of malicious prosecution
Truly, [the victim’s] moral suffering is just as
great as when her father who raped her is A person's right to litigate, as a rule, should not
convicted for qualified rape as when he is be penalized. This right, however, must be
convicted only for simple rape due to a exercised in good faith. Absence of good faith
technicality [People v. Bartolini, supra]. in the present case is shown by the fact that
petitioner clearly has no cause of action
Where there are multiple counts of rape and against respondents, but it recklessly filed a
other lascivious acts, the court awarded moral suit anyway and wantonly pursued pointless
damages for each count of lascivious acts and appeals, thereby causing the latter to spend
each count of rape [People v. Abadies, G.R. valuable time, money and effort in
Nos. 13946-50 (2002)]. unnecessarily defending themselves, incurring
damages in the process [Industrial Insurance v.
Note: Recovery may be had by the offended Bondad, G.R. No. 136722 (2000)].
party and also by her parents.
Moral damages cannot be recovered from a
4. In illegal or arbitrary detention or arrest person who has filed a complaint against
another in good faith, or without malice or bad
Since the crime committed in this case is faith. If damage results from the filing of the
kidnapping and failure to return a minor under complaint, it is damnum absque injuria [Mijares
Art. 270 of the RPC, the crime was clearly v. CA, G.R. No. 113558(1997)].
analogous to illegal and arbitrary detention or
arrest. Therefore, the award of moral damages 7. In acts referred to in Arts. 21, 26, 27, 28,
is justified [People v. Bernardo, G.R. No. 29, 32, 34 and 35, CC
144316 (2002)].
Art. 21, CC. Any person who wilfully causes
In People v. Madsali G.R. No. 179570 (2010), loss or injury to another in a manner that is
two separate informations were filed: 1) for contrary to morals, good customs or public
abduction with rape and 2) for serious illegal policy shall compensate the latter for the
detention. The court awarded moral damages damage.
predicated on AAA having suffered serious
anxiety and fright when she was detained for Acts Contra Bonus Mores
more than 5 months. Such award is different Moral damages are recoverable where the
from the award of moral damages based on the dismissal of the employee was attended by bad
rape case since the court granted it based on faith or fraud or constituted an act oppressive
the odious act or rape. to labor, or was done in a manner contrary to
morals, good customs, or public policy [Triple
Eight v. NLRC, G.R. No. 129584, (1998)].
Art. 26, CC. Every person shall respect the albeit done in bad faith or in violation of the
dignity, personality, privacy and peace of "abuse of right" doctrine.
mind of his neighbors and other persons.
The following and similar acts, though they Art. 28, CC. Unfair competition in
may not constitute a criminal offense, shall agricultural, commercial or industrial
produce a cause of action for damages, enterprises or in labor through the use of
prevention and other relief: force, intimidation, deceit, machination or
1. Prying into the privacy of any other unjust, oppressive or highhanded
another's residence: method shall give rise to a right of action by
2. Meddling with or disturbing the person who thereby suffers damage.
the private life or family
relations of another; Art. 29, CC. When the accused in a criminal
3. Intriguing to cause another prosecution is acquitted on the ground that
to be alienated from his his guilt has not been proved beyond
friends; reasonable doubt, a civil action for damages
4. Vexing or humiliating for the same act or omission may be
another on account of his instituted. Such action requires only a
religious beliefs, lowly preponderance of evidence. Upon motion of
station in life, place of birth, the defendant, the court may require the
physical defect, or other plaintiff to file a bond to answer for damages
personal condition. in case the complaint should be found to be
Violation of Human Dignity
The law seeks to protect a person from being If in a criminal case the judgment of acquittal
unjustly humiliated so the court awarded moral is based upon reasonable doubt, the court
damages to the plaintiff who was accused by shall so declare. In the absence of any
the respondent of having an adulterous declaration to that effect, it may be inferred
relationship with another woman in the from the text of the decision whether or not
presence of his wife, children, neighbors and the acquittal is due to that ground.
friends [Concepcion v. CA, G.R. No. 120706
(2000)]. Art. 32, CC. Any public officer or employee,
or any private individual, who directly or
Art. 27, CC. Any person suffering material indirectly obstructs, defeats, violates or in
or moral loss because a public servant or any manner impedes or impairs any of the
employee refuses or neglects, without just following rights and liberties of another
cause, to perform his official duty may file an person shall be liable to the latter for
action for damages and other relief against damages:
the latter, without prejudice to any (1) Freedom of religion;
disciplinary administrative action that may (2) Freedom of speech;
be taken. (3) Freedom to write for the press or to
maintain a periodical publication;
Refusal or Neglect of Duty (4) Freedom from arbitrary or illegal
Under Art. 27, in relation to Arts. 2219 and detention;
2217, a public officer may be liable for moral (5) Freedom of suffrage;
damages for as long as the moral damages (6) The right against deprivation of property
suffered by [the plaintiff] were the proximate without due process of law;
result of [defendant’s] refusal to perform an (7) The right to a just compensation when
official duty or neglect in the performance private property is taken for public use;
thereof. In fact, under Arts. 19 and 27 of the (8) The right to the equal protection of the
CC, a public official may be made to pay laws;
damages for performing a perfectly legal act,
(9) The right to be secure in one's person, The indemnity shall include moral damages.
house, papers, and effects against Exemplary damages may also be
unreasonable searches and seizures; adjudicated.
(10) The liberty of abode and of changing The responsibility herein set forth is not
the same; demandable from a judge unless his act or
(11) The privacy of communication and omission constitutes a violation of the Penal
correspondence; Code or other penal statute.
(12) The right to become a member of
associations or societies for purposes Violation of Civil and Political Rights
not contrary to law; The purpose of [CC 32] is to provide a sanction
(13) The right to take part in a peaceable to the deeply cherished rights and freedoms
assembly to petition the government for enshrined in the Constitution. Under [CC 32], it
redress of grievances; is not necessary that the public officer acted
(14) The right to be free from involuntary with malice or bad faith. To be liable, it is
servitude in any form; enough that there was a violation of the
(15) The right of the accused against constitutional rights of the petitioner, even on
excessive bail; the pretext of justifiable motives or good faith in
(16) The right of the accused to be heard by the performance of one's duties [Cojuangco v.
himself and counsel, to be informed of CA, G.R. No. 119398 (1999)].
the nature and cause of the accusation
against him, to have a speedy and Art. 32 of the CC provides that moral damages
public trial, to meet the witnesses face are proper when the rights of individuals,
to face, and to have compulsory including the right against deprivation of
process to secure the attendance of property without due process of law, are
witness in his behalf; violated [Meralco v. Spouses Chua, G.R. No.
(17) Freedom from being compelled to be a 160422 (2010)].
witness against one's self, or from
being forced to confess guilt, or from Art. 34, CC. When a member of a city or
being induced by a promise of immunity municipal police force refuses or fails to
or reward to make such confession, render aid or protection to any person in
except when the person confessing case of danger to life or property, such
becomes a State witness; peace officer shall be primarily liable for
(18) Freedom from excessive fines, or cruel damages, and the city or municipality shall
and unusual punishment, unless the be subsidiarily responsible therefor. The
same is imposed or inflicted in civil action herein recognized shall be
accordance with a statute which has not independent of any criminal proceedings,
been judicially declared and a preponderance of evidence shall
unconstitutional; and suffice to support such action.
(19) Freedom of access to the courts.
Art. 35, CC. When a person, claiming to be
In any of the cases referred to in this article, injured by a criminal offense, charges
whether or not the defendant's act or another with the same, for which no
omission constitutes a criminal offense, the independent civil action is granted in this
aggrieved party has a right to commence an Code or any special law, but the justice of
entirely separate and distinct civil action for the peace finds no reasonable grounds to
damages, and for other relief. Such civil believe that a crime has been committed, or
action shall proceed independently of any the prosecuting attorney refuses or fails to
criminal prosecution (if the latter be institute criminal proceedings, the complaint
instituted), and mat be proved by a may bring a civil action for damages against
preponderance of evidence. the alleged offender. Such civil action may
be supported by a preponderance of
evidence. Upon the defendant's motion, the in the context of Art. 2220 of the CC,
court may require the plaintiff to file a bond includes gross negligence. Thus, we have held
to indemnify the defendant in case the in a number of cases that moral damages may
complaint should be found to be malicious. be awarded in culpa contractual or breach of
If during the pendency of the civil action, an contract when the defendant acted fraudulently
information should be presented by the or in bad faith, or is guilty of gross negligence
prosecuting attorney, the civil action shall be amounting to bad faith, or in wanton disregard
suspended until the termination of the of his contractual obligations [Bankard, Inc. v.
criminal proceedings. Feliciano, G.R. No 141761 (2006)].
Art. 2220, CC. Willful injury to property may ii. Who may Recover Moral Damages
be a legal ground for awarding moral
damages if the court should find that, under Relatives of Injured Persons
the circumstances, such damages are justly The omission of brothers and sisters of the
due. The same rule applies to breaches of deceased passenger in Art. 2206(3) reveals
contract where the defendant acted the legislative intent to exclude them from the
fraudulently or in bad faith. persons authorized to recover moral damages
for mental anguish by reason of the death of
In Willful Injury to Property the deceased (inclusion unius est exclusion
To sustain an award of damages, the damage alterius). The usage of the phrase analogous
inflicted upon [plaintiff’s] property must be cases in the provision means simply that the
malicious or willful, an element crucial to merit situation must be held similar to those
an award of moral damages under Art. 2220 of expressly enumerated in the law in question
the CC [Regala v. Carin, G.R. No. 188715 [Sulpicio Lines v. Curso, supra].
Art. 233 of the Family Code states that the
In Breach of Contract in Bad Faith person exercising substitute parental authority
To recover moral damages in an action for shall have the same authority over the child as
breach of contract, the breach must be the parents. Persons exercising substitute
palpably wanton, reckless, malicious, in bad parental authority are to be considered
faith, oppressive, or abusive. Bad faith imports ascendants for the purpose of awarding moral
a dishonest purpose and conscious doing of a damages. [Caravan Travel and Tours
wrong and the person claiming moral damages International, Inc. v. Abejar, G.R. No. 170631,
must prove bad faith by clear and convincing (2016)].
evidence because good faith is always
presumed. The Court held that there was no Juridical Persons
bad faith on the part of the petitioners. Hence, The award of moral damages cannot be
the award for moral damages was not proper granted in favor of a corporation because,
[Francisco v. Ferrer G.R. No. 130030, (1999)]. being an artificial person and having existence
It is not enough that one merely suffered only in legal contemplation, it has no feelings,
sleepless nights, mental anguish, and serious no emotions, no senses. It cannot, therefore,
anxiety as a result of the actuations of the other experience physical suffering and mental
party. The action must have been willfully done anguish, which can be experienced only by one
in bad faith or with ill motive [Spouses having a nervous system. The statement in
Valenzuela v. Spouses Mano, G.R. No. People vs. Manero and Mambulao Lumber Co.
172611, July 9, (2010)]. vs. PNB that a corporation may recover moral
damages if it "has a good reputation that is
A conscious or intentional design need not debased, resulting in social humiliation" is an
always be present to award moral damages obiter dictum [ABS-CBN v. CA, supra].
since negligence may occasionally be so gross
as to amount to malice or bad faith. Bad faith,
Although the general rule is that a juridical plaintiff, which has been violated or invaded
person is not entitled to moral damages since by the defendant, may be vindicated or
it cannot experience the same suffering that a recognized, and not for the purpose of
natural person does, Art. 2219(7) expressly indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss
authorizes the recovery of moral damages in suffered by him.
cases of libel, slander, or any other form of
defamation. Art. 2219(7) does not qualify Art. 2222, CC. The court may award
whether the plaintiff is a natural or juridical nominal damages in every obligation arising
person. Therefore, a corporation can validly file from any source enumerated in article 1157,
a complaint for libel or any other form of or in every case where any property right
defamation and claim for moral damages has been invaded.
[Filipinas Broadcasting v. Ago, G.R. No.
141994, (2005)]. Art. 2223, CC. The adjudication of nominal
damages shall preclude further contest
Factors Considered in Determining Amount upon the right involved and all accessory
The amount of damages awarded in this questions, as between the parties to the
appeal has been determined by adequately suit, or their respective heirs and assigns.
considering the official, political, social, and
financial standing of the offended parties on 1. Violation of a right
one hand, and the business and financial
position of the offender on the other. The SC Nominal damages "are recoverable where a
further considered the present rate of legal right is technically violated and must be
exchange and the terms at which the amount vindicated against an invasion that has
of damages awarded would approximately be produced no actual present loss of any kind.”
in U.S. dollars, the defendant being an Its award is thus not for the purpose of
international airline [Lopez v. Pan American, indemnification for a loss but for the recognition
G.R. No. L-22415 (1966)]. and vindication of a right. When granted by the
courts, they are not treated as an equivalent of
Nominal Damages a wrong inflicted but simply a recognition of the
existence of a technical injury [Gonzales v.
Nominal damages consist of damages PCIB, G.R. No. 180257 (2011)].
awarded not for the purposes of indemnifying
the plaintiff for any loss suffered, but for the Nominal damages may also be awarded in
vindication or recognition of a right violated by cases where a property right has been
the defendant. Nominal damages are awarded invaded. [Twin Ace v. Rufina, G.R. No. 160191,
in every obligation arising from law, contracts, (2006)].
quasi-contracts, acts or omissions punished by
law, and quasi-delicts [PNOC v. CA, G.R. No. 2. No actual loss caused or proven
107518, (1998)].
When the plaintiff suffers injury not enough to
Requisites and characteristics warrant an award of actual damages, then
1. Invasion or violation of any legal or nominal damages may be given. [Twin Ace v.
property right. Rufina, supra].
2. No proof of loss is required.
3. The award is to vindicate the right violated. Nominal damages may also be awarded where
there has been a breach of contract and no
i. When Nominal Damages are substantial injury or actual damages
Recoverable whatsoever have been or can be shown
[Areola v. CA, G.R. No. 95641, (1994)].
Art. 2221, CC. Nominal damages are
adjudicated in order that a right of the
The amount to be awarded shall be equal to or Special reasons extant in the case
at least commensurate to the injury sustained Since the assessment of damages are being
considering the concept and purpose of such left to the discretion of the court, the
damages. [Lufthansa v. CA as cited in PNOC circumstances of a particular case will
v. CA, supra]. determine whether the amount assessed as
nominal damage is within the scope or intent of
3. Under conditions of equity the law [Robes-Francisco v. CFI, G.R. No. L-
41093, (1978)].
The plaintiffs sought to recover damages from
the hotel due to its breach of contract as For instance, in the case of People v. Bernardo,
regards food service for the plaintiff’s guests. supra, given the relatively short duration of the
The SC did not award actual and moral child’s kidnapping, the court found the amount
damages because it found that the plaintiff’s of ₱50,000.00 awarded as nominal damages
failure to inform the hotel of the increase of excessive, so it was reduced to ₱10,000.00.
guests was the proximate cause of the
plaintiff’s injury. Nevertheless, the SC awarded Temperate Damages
nominal damages under considerations of
equity, for the discomfiture that the plaintiffs Art. 2224, CC. Temperate or moderate
were subjected to during the event, averring damages, which are more than nominal but
that the hotel could have managed the less than compensatory damages, may be
"situation" better, it being held in high esteem recovered when the court finds that some
in the hotel and service industry. [Spouses pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
Guanio v. Makati Shangri-la, G.R. No. 190601 amount cannot, from the nature of the case,
(2011)]. be provided with certainty.
Nature and determination of amount Art. 2225, CC. Temperate damages must
The assessment of nominal damages is left to be reasonable under the circumstances.
the discretion of the trial court according to the
circumstances of the case. These damages are awarded for pecuniary
loss, in an amount that, from the nature of the
Small but substantial case, cannot be proved with certainty.
Generally, nominal damages, by their nature,
are small sums fixed by the court without Temperate damages are more than nominal
regard to the extent of the harm done to the but less than compensatory damages. [Tan v.
injured party. However, it is generally held that OMC Carriers, 2011 supra].
nominal damages is a substantial claim, if
based upon the violation of a legal right; in such Temperate damages are incompatible with
a case, the law presumes damage although nominal damages hence, cannot be granted
actual or compensatory damages are not concurrently [Citytrust Bank v. IAC, G.R. No.
proven [Gonzales v. People, G.R. No. 159950 84281(1994)].
Commensurate to the injury suffered 1. Actual existence of pecuniary loss;
Even if there was no documentary evidence to 2. The nature and circumstances of the loss
justify Maria’s claim for actual damages, she prevents proof of the exact amount;
was still awarded nominal damages to 3. They are more than nominal and less than
vindicate her right and its value was compensatory;
commensurate to the injury she suffered 4. Causal connection between the loss and
[Pedrosa v. CA, G.R. No. 118680, (2001)]. the defendant’s act or omission;
5. Amount must be reasonable.
i. When Temperate Damages are actual and temperate damages as they cover
Recoverable two distinct phases [Ramos v. CA, G.R. No.
124354 (1999)].
1. Nature of the case prevents
determination of actual loss ii. Factors in determining amount
Art. 2227, CC. Liquidated damages, In Titan v Unifield, G.R. No. 153874 (2007), the
whether intended as an indemnity or a Supreme Court found that the attorney’s fees
penalty, shall be equitably reduced if they stipulated were too high. Since Uni-Field was
are iniquitous or unconscionable. adequately protected by separate stipulations
on the balance, liquidated damages, and
Requisites and characteristics attorney’s fees in case of breach, the Court
1. Liquidated damages must be validly reduced the attorney’s fees to 25% of the
stipulated. principal amount instead of the whole claim. It
2. There is no need to prove the amount of also allowed the recovery of both liquidated
actual damages. damages and attorney’s fees even if both were
3. Breach of the principal contract must be in the nature of penalty clauses.
In Ligutan v. CA, G.R. No. 138677 (2002) the
Rules Governing Breach of Contract court reduced the penalty from 5% to 3% for
Art. 2228, CC. When the breach of the being unconscionable. The question of
contract committed by the defendant is not whether a penalty is reasonable or iniquitous
the one contemplated by the parties in can be partly subjective and partly objective. Its
agreeing upon the liquidated damages, the resolution would depend on such factors as,
law shall determine the measure of but not necessarily confined to, the type, extent
damages, and not the stipulation. and purpose of the penalty, the nature of the
obligation, the mode of breach and its
The stipulation on attorney’s fees contained in consequences, the supervening realities, the
the promissory note constitutes what is known standing and relationship of the parties, and
as a penalty clause. A penalty clause, the like, the application of which, by and large,
expressly recognized by law, is an accessory is addressed to the sound discretion of the
undertaking to assume greater liability on the court.
part of the obligor in case of breach of an
obligation. It functions to strengthen the A penalty may be deleted if there is substantial
coercive force of obligation and to provide, in performance or if the penalty has a fatal
effect, the liquidated damages resulting from infirmity [RCBC v. CA, G.R. No. 128833
such a breach. The obligor would then be (1998)].
bound to pay the stipulated indemnity without
the necessity of proof on the existence and on Exemplary or Corrective
the measure of damages caused by the breach Damages
[Suatengco v. Reyes, G.R. No. 162729
(2008)]. Art. 2229, CC. Exemplary or corrective
damages are imposed, by way of example
General Rule: The penalty shall substitute the or correction for the public good, in addition
indemnity for damages and the payment of the to the moral, temperate, liquidated or
interests in case of breach. compensatory damages.
Being corrective in nature, exemplary The Court held that the airline’s disrespectful
damages, therefore, can be awarded, not only and unhelpful treatment of Andion amounted to
in the presence of an aggravating bad faith. Andion was awarded exemplary
circumstance, but also where the damages under Art. 2232 [Singapore Airlines
circumstances of the case show the highly v. Fernandez, G.R. No. 142305 (2003)].
reprehensible or outrageous conduct of the
offender. As in this case, where the offender Exemplary damages may be awarded to serve
sexually assaulted a pregnant married woman, as a deterrent to those who, like Arco, use
the offender has shown moral corruption, fraudulent means to evade their liabilities [Arco
perversity, and wickedness. He has grievously Pulp and Paper Co., Inc. v. Lim, G.R. No.
wronged the institution of marriage. The 206806 (2014)].
imposition then of exemplary damages by way
of example to deter others from committing ii. Requisites
similar acts or for correction for the public good
is warranted [People v. Alfredo, G.R. No. Art. 2233, CC. Exemplary damages cannot
188560 (2010)]. be recovered as a matter of right; the court
will decide whether or not they should be
In quasi-delicts adjudicated.
Art. 2231, CC. In quasi-delicts, exemplary
damages may be granted if the defendant Art. 2234, CC. While the amount of the
acted with gross negligence. exemplary damages need not be proved,
the plaintiff must show that he is entitled to
In Globe Mackay v. CA, G.R. No. 81262 (1989) moral, temperate or compensatory
the previous employer of the plaintiff, wrote a damages before the court may consider the
letter to the company where the plaintiff question of whether or not exemplary
subsequently applied for employment, stating damages should be awarded. In case
that the plaintiff was dismissed by the liquidated damages have been agreed
defendant from work due to dishonesty and upon, although no proof of loss is necessary
malversation of the defendant’s funds. in order that such liquidated damages may
Previous police investigations revealed that the be recovered, nevertheless, before the
defendant’s accusations against the plaintiff court may consider the question of granting
were unfounded, and they cleared the plaintiff exemplary in addition to the liquidated
of such ‘anomalies’. Here, the lower court damages, the plaintiff must show that he
awarded exemplary damages to the plaintiff, would be entitled to moral, temperate or
which the defendant questioned, averring that compensatory damages were it not for the
CC 2231 may be awarded only for grossly stipulation for liquidated damages.
negligent acts, not for willful or intentional acts.
The SC upheld the grant of exemplary Art. 2235, CC. A stipulation whereby
damages, stating that while CC 2231 provides exemplary damages are renounced in
that for quasi-delicts, exemplary damages may advance shall be null and void.
be granted if the defendant acted with gross
negligence, with more reason is its imposition Requirements for an award of exemplary
justified when the act performed is deliberate, damages [Francisco v. Ferrer, supra]:
malicious and tainted with bad faith. 1. They may be imposed by way of example
in addition to compensatory damages, and
In contracts and quasi-contracts only after the claimant's right to them has
Art. 2232, CC. In contracts and quasi- been established;
contracts, the court may award exemplary 2. They can not be recovered as a matter of
damages if the defendant acted in a wanton, right; their determination depends upon
fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or the amount of compensatory damages that
malevolent manner. may be awarded to the claimant;
3. The act must be accompanied by bad faith accomplice [People v. Halil Gambao, G.R. No.
or done in a wanton, fraudulent, 172707 (2013)].
oppressive or malevolent manner.
Miscellaneous Rules
3. When damages may be
i. Damages that cannot co-
recovered exist
benefit of the injured party. [People v. not be charged with these expenses. [Lasam v.
Bartolini, G.R. No. 179498 (2010)]. Smith, G.R. No. L-19495 (1924)]
Amount of Civil Indemnity, Moral Damages, and Exemplary Damages to be paid for the
commission of certain crimes based on People v. Jugueta (2019):
(e.g. Civil indemnity= 100,000; Moral damages=100,000; Exemplary Damages=100,000)
Crime Degree of Consummation of Crime
Consummat Frustrated Attempted
I. For those crimes like Murder, Parricide, Serious Intentional Mutilation, Infanticide, and other
crimes involving death of a victim where the penalty consists of indivisible penalties:
1. Where the penalty imposed is death but was ₱100,000.00 ₱75,000.00 ₱50,000.00
reduced to reclusion perpetua because of RA
2. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion ₱75,000.00 ₱50,000.00 ₱25,000.00
perpetua, other than the above-mentioned:
II. For Simple Rape/Qualified Rape:
1. Where the penalty imposed is Death but was ₱100,000.00 ----------------- ₱50,000.00
reduced to reclusion perpetua because of RA
2. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion ₱75,000.00 ----------------- ₱25,000.00
perpetua, other than the above-mentioned:
III. For Complex crimes under Art. 48 of the Revised Penal Code where death, injuries, or sexual
abuse results, the civil indemnity, moral damages and exemplary damages will depend on the
penalty, extent of violence and sexual abuse; and the number of victims where the penalty consists
of indivisible penalties:*
1. Where the penalty imposed is Death but was ₱100,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
reduced to reclusion perpetua because of RA
2. Where the penalty imposed is reclusion ₱75,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
perpetua, other than the above-mentioned
*The above Rules apply to every victim who dies as a result of the crime committed. In other complex
crimes where death does not result, like in Forcible Abduction with Rape, the civil indemnity, moral
and exemplary damages depend on the prescribed penalty and the penalty imposed, as the case
may be.
IV. For Special Complex Crimes like Robbery with Homicide Robbery with Rape, Robbery with
@Intentional Mutilation, Robbery with Arson, Rape with Homicide, Kidnapping with Murder,
Carnapping with Homicide or Carnapping with Rape, Highway Robbery with Homicide, Qualified
Piracy, Arson with Homicide, Hazing with Death, Rape, Sodomy or Mutilation and other crimes with
death, injuries, and sexual abuse as the composite crimes, where the penalty consists of indivisible
1.1 Where the penalty imposed is Death but was ₱100,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
reduced to reclusion perpetua because of RA
● In Robbery with Intentional Mutilation if the ₱100,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
penalty imposed is Death but was reduced to
reclusion perpetua although death did not
1.2 For the victims who suffered mortal/fatal ₱75,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
wounds and could have died if not for a timely
medical intervention
1.3 For the victims who suffered non-mortal/non- ₱50,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
fatal injuries
2.1 Where the penalty imposed is reclusion ₱75,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
perpetua, other than the above-mentioned
● In Robbery with Intentional Mutilation, if the ₱75,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua.
2.2 For the victims who suffered mortal/fatal ₱50,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
wounds and could have died if not for a timely
medical intervention
2.3 For the victims who suffered non-mortal/non- ₱25,000.00 ----------------- -----------------
fatal injuries:
**1. In Robbery with Physical Injuries, the amount of damages shall likewise be dependent on the
nature/severity of the wounds sustained, whether fatal or non-fatal.
2. The above rules do not apply if in the crime of Robbery with Homicide, the robber/s or
perpetrator/s are themselves killed or injured in the incident.
3. Where the component crime is rape, the above rules shall likewise apply, and that for every
additional rape committed, whether against the same victim or other victims, the victims shall be
entitled to the same damages unless the other crimes of rape are treated as separate crimes, in
which case, the damages awarded to simple rape/qualified rape shall apply.
V. In other crimes that result in the death of a victim and the penalty consists of divisible penalties
Liquidated Damages