2025 MandateForLeadership CHAPTER-29
2025 MandateForLeadership CHAPTER-29
2025 MandateForLeadership CHAPTER-29
Hans A. von Spakovsky
The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent federal agency that
began operations in 1975 to enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA)
passed by Congress in 1971 and amended in 1974.1 FECA governs the raising and
spending of funds in all federal campaigns for Congress and the presidency. The
FEC has no authority over the administration of federal elections, which is per-
formed by state governments.
While the FEC has exclusive civil enforcement authority over FECA,2 the
U.S. Justice Department has criminal enforcement authority, which is defined
as a knowing and willful violation of the law.3 Because the FEC is an independent
agency and not a division or office directly within the executive branch, the author-
ity of the President over the actions of the FEC is extremely limited.
As former FEC Commissioner Bradley Smith has said, the FEC’s “[r]egulation
of campaign finance deeply implicates First Amendment principles of free speech
and association.”4 The FEC regulates in one of the most sensitive areas of the Bill of
Rights: political speech and political activity by citizens, candidates, political par-
ties, and the voluntary membership organizations that represent Americans who
share common views on a huge range of important and vital public policy issues.
Nomination Authority. The President’s most significant power is the appoint-
ment of the six commissioners who govern the FEC, subject to confirmation by
the U.S. Senate. Commissioners may only serve a single term of six years but
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because they stay in office until a new commissioner has been confirmed, many
commissioners continue to serve past their terms.5 Currently, the longest serv-
ing commissioner still at the FEC is Ellen Weintraub (D), whose regular term
expired in 2007.
Under FECA, no more than three commissioners may be from the same party.6
While that means that a commissioner could be an independent or a member of the
Libertarian or Green Parties, in practice, this has meant that the FEC has always
had three Democrat and three Republican commissioners.7
There is a long-held political tradition since the FEC’s founding that when a
commission slot held by a member of the opposition political party opens up, the
President consults with, and nominates, the chosen nominee of the opposition
party’s leader in the Senate. In exchange, the Senate party leader and his caucus
agree to approve the President’s nominee to fill an empty position for the Presi-
dent’s political party. It has also been customary to advance the two nominees of
the differing political parties at the same time; this bipartisan pairing has histori-
cally permitted easy confirmation of both parties’ selectees.
Thus, by convention, a Republican President will nominate a Republican and
a Democrat for two open commission slots, including the choice of the Democrat
Senate leader for his party’s seat. In turn, the senator will direct his party to vote
to confirm both nominees. In the almost 50-year history of the FEC, this tradition
has only been broken once—when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid refused to
approve one of George W. Bush’s nominees (Hans von Spakovsky) for a Republican
commission slot.8
In 2025, when a new President assumes office, the term of five of the current
FEC commissioners will have either expired or be about to expire:9
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l Also, to the extent that the President has the ability to negotiate with
the Democratic Party leader in the Senate, he should try to temper
any choice of the opposition party to ensure that this individual does
not have extreme views on aggressive overenforcement that would
severely restrict political speech and protected party, campaign, and
associational activities.
l The President must ensure that the DOJ, just like the FEC, is
directed to only prosecute clear violations of FECA. The department
must not construe ambiguous provisions against the public instead of
the government or apply FECA in a way that infringes on protected First
Amendment activity.
l The President should direct the DOJ and the attorney general not to
prosecute individuals under an interpretation of the law with which
the FEC—the expert agency designated by Congress to enforce the
law civilly and issue regulations establishing the standards under
which the law is applied—does not agree.
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There are also multiple instances of existing statutory provisions of FECA and
the accompanying FEC regulations having been found unlawful or unconstitu-
tional by federal court decisions, yet those statutory provisions remain in the U.S.
Code and the implementing regulations remain in the Code of Federal Regula-
tions.12 In such instances, those regulated by the law, from candidates to the public,
have no way of knowing (without engaging in extensive legal research) whether
particular statutory provisions and regulations are still applicable to their actions
in the political arena.
l In the event that the FEC fails to act, the President should direct
the attorney general to prepare a guidance document from the
Department of Justice for the public that outlines all of the FECA
statutory provisions and FEC regulations that have been changed,
amended, or voided by specific court decisions.
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With only five commissioners, three members of the same political party could
control the enforcement process of the agency, raising the potential of a powerful
federal agency enforcing the law on a partisan basis against the members of the
opposition political party. Efforts to impose a “nonpartisan” or so-called “inde-
pendent” chair are impractical; the chair will inevitably be aligned with his or her
appointing party, at least as a matter of perception.
There are numerous other changes that should be considered in FECA and
the FEC’s regulations. The overly restrictive limits on the ability of party com-
mittees to coordinate with their candidates, for example, violates associational
rights and unjustifiably interferes with the very purpose of political parties: to
elect their candidates.
When taking any action related to the FEC, the President should keep in mind
that, as former FEC Chairman Bradley Smith says, the “greater problem at the
FEC has been overenforcement,” not underenforcement as some critics falsely
allege.15 As he correctly concludes, the FEC’s enforcement efforts “place a substan-
tial burden on small committees and campaigns, and are having a chilling effect
on some political speech…squeezing the life out of low level, volunteer politi-
cal activity.”16
Commissioners have a duty to enforce FECA in a fair, nonpartisan, objective
manner. But they must do so in a way that protects the First Amendment rights
of the public, political parties, and candidates to fully participate in the political
process. The President has the same duty to ensure that the Department of Justice
enforces the law in a similar manner.
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