BIM Seafood Labelling Guide For Retailers v4
BIM Seafood Labelling Guide For Retailers v4
BIM Seafood Labelling Guide For Retailers v4
for Sale of Seafood
This applies to fish to which no other ingredient except • Baltic Sea
salt has been added and includes: live fish, fresh chilled • Central-Eastern Atlantic
and frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat (whether • South-East Atlantic
minced or not) dried, salted or brined fish, smoked fish • Mediterranean Sea
(whether hot or cold smoked), crustaceans (except when • Central-Western Atlantic
they are both cooked and peeled), molluscs (except • South-West Atlantic
when cooked). • Indian Ocean
• Pacific Ocean
The species name, production method, origin and
• Antarctic
price should be included on a counter label placed
• Black Sea.
in close proximity to the fish to which it relates.
n For fresh water fish, reference should be made
£ T h ec o m m e r c i a l d e s i g n at i o n to the country of origin.
of the species of fish
The commercial designation is the common
£ Price
name associated with the particular species Price per kilogram or actual selling price.
of fish e.g. the commercial designation for
Gadus morhua is Cod. £ P r e v i o u s ly f r o z e n p r o d u c t s
For products that have been frozen before sale
£ Production method
and which are sold defrosted, the name should be
n For fish produced through aquaculture (farmed accompanied by the word “defrosted”.
species) either the word “farmed” or “cultivated”
must be used. For fish caught at sea, the word £ S c i e n t i f i c name
“caught” should be used. However, if it is obvious
The scientific name of the species must be available
from the commercial designation and/or catch area
to the consumer. This information does not have
that the fish were caught at sea, then the method
to go on the counter label but can be displayed on
of production may be omitted.
a billboard or poster in close proximity to the fish
n For freshwater fish, “caught in fresh water” counter.
must be used.
E x a m p l e s o f a pp r o p r i at e
£ O r i g i n w o r d i n g t h at m ay b e u s e d
n Country of origin for farmed species must be n Salmon, Farmed in Ireland
stated. n Salmon, Cultivated in Scotland
n For fish caught at sea, the origin must be specified n Sea Bass, Farmed in Greece
by reference to one of 12 “catch areas”. These are: n Tuna, Caught in the Indian Ocean
n Cultivated Irish Mussels or Mussels,
• North-West Atlantic
Cultivated in Ireland
• North-East Atlantic (excluding the Baltic Sea)
n Cod, Caught in the North-East Atlantic or
North-East Atlantic Cod
n Irish Eel, Caught in Fresh Water
n Defrosted Smoked Coley, Caught in the
North-East Atlantic.
This applies to pre-packaged fish to which no other n Production Method: For fish produced through
ingredient except salt has been added and includes: live aquaculture, either the word “farmed” or
fish, fresh chilled and frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish “cultivated” must be used. For fish caught
meat (whether minced or not) dried, salted or brined fish, at sea the word “caught” should be used.
smoked fish (whether hot or cold smoked), crustaceans For freshwater fish, “caught in fresh water”
(except when they are both cooked and peeled), molluscs must be used.
n Net quantity. (Note: if the product was produced outside the EU, the
identification number may take a different format but
n Date of minimum durability (use-by date).
must still be present).
n Any special storage instructions or conditions
of use.
Example: DL XXXX
n Name or business name and address of the EC
manufacturer, or packager, or of a seller within
the European Union. 2.4 Additional labelling
n Place of origin of the foodstuff if its absence
might mislead the consumer to a material n Batch or Lot Number (the durability date can
degree. double up as a lot provided it is sufficiently
precise to identify a particular batch).
n Instructions for use where necessary.
n Selling price and an equivalent price per unit
i.e. per kilogram (if the shop doesn’t have
equipment for printing shelf-edge labels or for
point-of-sale scanning, then it doesn’t have to
display the unit price, only the selling price).
FISHERY PRODUCTS Fish sold loose, fish packaged at customer request and fish
Fish that has been further processed (beyond simple slicing packaged on the premises from which it is sold are exempt
or mincing), preserved, treated or cooked must comply from the labelling requirements outlined in 2.1, 2.3 and
with the labelling requirements outlined in Section 2.1, 2.4. However, when the person packaging the fish sells
2.3 and 2.4. However, they do not have to comply with it from other premises owned by him/her or to another
the specific fish labelling requirements outlined in 2.2. business the exemption no longer applies and the fish
The information contained in this note is for guidance purposes only. If your company is designing new packaging or
labels we recommend that you contact the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) in advance to
ensure that it is fully compliant with all relevant labelling regulations.
For further information on fish labelling requirements, email Eileen Soraghan: or Tel: 01 214 4100
Bord Iascaigh Mhara, P.O. Box No. 12, Crofton Road, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Issue 2 November 2012