09 Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) : Infrastructure Components

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09 Green Deal Data Space (GDDS)

Infrastructure components
Cloning repositories
Starting the frontend
Software Requirements
Starting the backend
Software Requirements
Ports diagram
Connecting the two Connectors with the Catalog
Transfer process
Database Schema (draft, please improve)
Video courses

German version: https://wiki.advaneo.info/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=A2&title=Einrichtung+Entwicklungsumgebung

Infrastructure components

Cloning repositories
For the development of the backend and frontend of this connector setup, we will start the following in our IDE:

two Connector instances with their UI and backends

A catalogue

Please clone (cloning explanation) the following Repositories :

1. Repository edc-connector-demo (https://repo.advaneo.net/development/edc/edc-connector-demo), Branch dev

1. for the setup of the docker environment (see docker-compose.yml) and
2. the configuration of the vaults for the database connections
3. it generates the development environment
2. Repository advaneo-edc-connector (https://repo.advaneo.net/development/edc/advaneo-edc-connector), Branch dev
1. for the setup of the two Connectors (one will be used as a data source and the other as a data sink)
3. Repository advaneo-edc-catalog (https://repo.advaneo.net/development/edc/advaneo-edc-catalog.git), Branch dev
1. for a catalog of the assets of the different data providers
4. Repository advaneo-edc-ui (https://repo.advaneo.net/development/edc/advaneo-edc-ui.git), Branch dev
1. for the development of the frontend

Annotation: This is the link of our actual edc repositories: https://repo.advaneo.net/development/edc

Starting the docker-compose.yml in the edc-connector-demo ("project path"\edc-connector-demo>docker-compose up -d) will start the following:

two Connectors (Docker-Images built via Gitlab)

two HashiCorp-Vaults (Dev-Modus)
two PostgreSQL-databases
data source (Webserver, NGINX)
data sink (Spring-Boot-App, lokales Projekt)
Keycloak (25.0.0)
Federated Catalog (0.7.0)

Starting the frontend

We want to start the two Front Ends (in green). All the other parts are running in the docker.

Software Requirements
You can download:

Node JS here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/prebuilt-installer

.Net here https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/sdk-8.0.303-windows-x64-installer
Visual Studio Code here https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/?dv=win64user

Now open the project "advaneo-edc-ui" in Visual Studio Code.

We want to start two instances of the frontend therefore we define run scripts in "package.json"

"start1": "ng serve --proxy-config ./src/proxy.conf.json --port 4201",

"start2": "ng serve --proxy-config ./src/proxy.conf2.json --port 4202",

Through those we can run each front end with:

npm run start1 and

npm run start2

Now we needed to define a second "proxy.configuration.json" file.

Here we adapted the configuration of the management and the public endpoints:

http://localhost:19193 => http://localhost:29193

http://localhost:19195 => http://localhost:29195

To start the two instances we can now start the two scripts in the project folder in a command line.

For the first User Interface, it should look like this.

Now you can access the UI via HTTP://localhost:4201/

Starting the backend

We want to start the backends of the two connectors. Everything else should by now be running.
Software Requirements
Intellij for the backend development
pgAdmin if we want to change the databases
Docker Desktop to verify the status of the instances running in the docker environment.

The setup guides for the necessary software can be found here: Tools

We first need to stop the running instances of our backends in the docker container:

You can check now the status in your docker-desktop:

Here you can see that connector1 and connector2 are stopped (exited) and the two databases (postgresql1 and postgresql2) are still running in
the docker environment.

Edit the run configuration to create a configuration for each connector instance

A ProviderConnector and a CosumerConnector with:


Ports diagram
By now the project should be configured like this diagram.

The diagram can be opened in draw.io

Connecting the two Connectors with the Catalog

We now want to replace the Catalog running in the docker with one running in our IDE to be able to develop it and debug the communication
between the two connectors.

Therefore we run the catalog project in our IDE.

The Catalog in the docker (8184) is listening on another port than the Catalog of our project (7184).

As both connectors are registering themselves on the port on which the Catalog in the docker is running we need to change that port.



If both connectors are registered on the right port we can see these two lines in the logging of the catalog:

Transfer process
Now we can step by step go through the transfer process

We create a TestAsset

We create a TestPolicy
We create a TestOffer using the TestAsset and the TestPolicy

Now our offer is created.

In regular intervals, the catalog is scanning through all registered connectors. He will list these offers so consumers can request them.

On the consumer side, we will now see this new Asset being listed.

We now need to request the data of this Asset.

It will now appear in the REQUESTED state.

The state machine from the EDC Framework will now try to advance the different Assets from the REQUESTED state step by step to the

We can now transfer this contract which makes it appear in the transfer part.

Database Schema (draft, please improve)

Data flow diagrams can be found here:


Video courses


400 Bad Request

A restart of database and backends solves the problem.
The cross-origin request is a direct, internal access from a website on server A to a second server B, which may be in a different domain.

request was malformed

EdcConnectorClientError(BadRequest): request was malformed: [{"message":"https://w3id.org/edc/v0.0.1/ns/policy/http://www.w3.
org/ns/odrl/2/permission/http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/action is mandatory but missing or null","type":"ValidationFailure","path":"http://www.w3.



500 (Server Error)

POST http://localhost:4201/management/v3/assets/request? 500 (Server Error)

Is your server running?

If not, restart it


Stop and delete connectors and databases

Delete the volumes of the databases

Start the backend and then the frontend again.

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