Circular APAAR 2024
Circular APAAR 2024
Circular APAAR 2024
(Under the aegis of the Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi)
Mrs Priya Elizabeth John School Address:- Ahinsa Khand-II, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad
Principal Phone:- (0120) 4660000
We have received a notification from the DIOS, Ghaziabad regarding generating Automated
Permanent Academic Account Registry (APAAR) ID of the students through UDISE Portal.
Under this process, the Government of India will issue a unique 12 digit number to each
student, which will enable them to track the academic progress and achievement of the
students. APAAR ID will also be used for opening the Digilocker account of the student.
You are requested to kindly fill the attached Consent Form sent by the DIOS and submit the
hard copy to the respective class teachers of your ward by Monday, 14th October 2024.