Shanghai Elecctric Annual Report 2016 (1) Page17-18
Shanghai Elecctric Annual Report 2016 (1) Page17-18
Shanghai Elecctric Annual Report 2016 (1) Page17-18
responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or
completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or
in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.
Financial Highlights
► Revenue for the first half of 2016 was RMB36,867 million, a decrease of 0.70% over the
corresponding period of last year
► Profit attributable to owners of the company for the first half of 2016 was RMB1,245million, a
decrease of 10.90% over the corresponding period of last year
► Basic earnings per share were RMB9.71 cents, representing a decrease of 10.92% over the
corresponding period of last year
► The Board of Directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend in respect of the
reporting period
The board of directors (the “Board”) of Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited (the “Company”) is
pleased to announce the interim results of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) for the six months
ended 30 June 2016. The results have not been audited but have been reviewed by audit committee of the
Notes Unaudited
For the six months ended 30 June
2016 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
For the six months ended 30 June
2016 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
Attributable to:
Owners of the Company 1,027,942 1,970,286
Non-controlling interests 1,158,608 1,182,087
2,186,550 3,152,373
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 12,405,156 12,393,484
Investment properties 367,725 379,455
Prepaid land lease payments 1,734,840 1,750,690
Goodwill 189,151 189,151
Intangible assets 979,271 1,007,526
Investments in joint ventures 2,949,381 2,920,691
Investments in associates 5,428,070 4,757,306
Other investments 1,400,275 1,720,767
Deferred tax assets 3,002,129 2,911,443
Loans and lease receivables 8,004,202 7,141,055
Other non-current assets 81,546 175,718
Total non-current assets 36,541,746 35,347,286
Current assets
Inventories 23,020,366 21,587,556
Construction contracts 3,274,643 2,885,697
Trade receivables 8 28,250,214 26,021,351
Loans and lease receivables 7,953,971 8,054,059
Discounted bills receivable 414,828 365,953
Bills receivable 5,607,804 6,726,313
Prepayments, deposits and other
receivables 12,183,712 10,634,914
Investments 15,566,014 8,072,160
Derivative financial instruments 674,464 664,805
Due from the Central Bank* 2,647,073 3,063,635
Restricted deposits 633,700 632,092
Cash and cash equivalents 27,517,633 36,969,895
Assets of disposal group
classified as held for sale - 4,442,156
Total current assets 127,744,422 130,120,586
Note Unaudited Unaudited
30 June 2016 31 December 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
Current liabilities
Trade payables 9 31,443,647 28,607,973
Bills payable 4,524,869 3,439,412
Other payables and accruals 51,340,120 52,418,583
Derivative financial instruments 24,479 25,507
Customer deposits 3,444,188 5,704,331
Interest-bearing bank and other
borrowings 2,714,709 1,947,968
Tax payable 790,241 1,382,553
Provisions 3,122,749 3,257,222
Liabilities of disposal group
classified as held for sale - 3,752,429
Total current liabilities 97,405,002 100,535,978
Equity attributable to owners of the
Ordinary shares 12,824,309 12,824,305
Reserves 28,039,809 26,444,777
Retained earnings
-Proposed final dividends - -
40,864,118 39,269,082
Basis of preparation
The condensed consolidated interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2016
has been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Accounting Standard ("HKAS") 34 “Interim
Financial Reporting”. The condensed consolidated interim financial information should be read in
conjunction with the annual financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2015
(the “Annual Financial Statements”), which were prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial
Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”).
Accounting policy
Except as described below, the accounting policies adopted are consistent with those used for and
described in the annual consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31
December 2015.
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued using the tax rate that would be applicable to
expected total annual earnings.
The adoption of the above new amendment and improvements starting from 1 January 2016 did
not give rise to any significant impact on the Group’s results of operations and financial position
for the six months ended 30 June 2016.
The Group has not early adopted any new accounting and financial reporting standards,
amendments and improvements to existing standards which have been issued but are not yet
effective for the financial year beginning on or after 1 January 2016.
The Group organises and manages its operating business in accordance with the nature of business
and provision of goods and services. Each business segment of the Group is one operating group,
providing goods and services with risks and rewards different from those of the other business
(a) the new energy and environmental protection equipment segment is engaged in the design,
manufacture and sale of nuclear power nuclear island equipment products, wind power equipment
products and heavy machinery including large forging components, and in the provision of
solution package for comprehensive utilisation of solid waste, sewage treatment, power generation
environment protection and distributed energy systems;
(b) the high efficiency and clean energy equipment segment is engaged in the design, manufacture
and sale of thermal power equipment products and corollary equipment, nuclear power
conventional island equipment products and power transmission and distribution equipment
(c) the industrial equipment segment is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of elevators,
electrical motors, machine tools, marine crankshafts and other electromechanical equipment
(d) the modern services segment is principally engaged in the provision of integrated engineering
services for power station projects and other industries, financial products and services,
international trading services, financial lease and related consulting services and insurance
brokerage services;
(e) the “others” segment includes business of units such as the central research institute.
Business segments
The revenue and profit or loss as well as assets and liabilities of each business segment of the Group for the period ended and as at 30 June 2016 are presented below:
New energy and
environmental High efficiency
protection and clean energy Industrial Modern
equipment equipment equipment services Others Elimination Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
At 30 June 2016
Segment revenue
Sales to external customers 4,624,520 12,196,199 11,406,643 8,144,444 494,796 - 36,866,602
Intersegment sales 324,300 1,332,307 107,719 230,646 4,453 (1,999,425) -
Segment revenue
Sales to external customers 3,630,715 12,813,832 12,060,950 8,399,720 219,788 - 37,125,005
Intersegment sales 525,892 267,636 445,599 261,744 19,511 (1,520,382) -
Information on revenue of geographical segments of the Group for the six months ended 30 June
2016 and the six months ended 30 June 2015 is listed below:
For the six months ended 30 June 2016 For the six months ended 30 June 2015
Other Other
Mainland countries/ Mainland countries/
China jurisdictions Total China jurisdictions Total
RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000 RMB'000
Segment revenue:
Sales to external
customers 33,843,547 3,023,055 36,866,602 33,113,437 4,011,568 37,125,005
Revenue includes turnover and other revenue that arise from the ordinary course of business of
the Group. The Group’s turnover, which arises from the principal activities of the Group,
represents the net invoiced value of goods sold, after allowances for returns and trade discounts,
an appropriate proportion of contract revenue of construction contracts and the value of services
For the six months ended 30 June
2016 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
*Finance Company is the abbreviation of Shanghai Electric Group Finance Co., Ltd.
For the six months ended 30 June
2016 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
Other income
Interest income on bank balances and time deposits 130,941 139,551
895,245 1,115,973
Finance Company:
Interest expense due to banks and other financial institutions 17,691 28,666
Interest expense on customer deposits 6,877 10,163
24,568 38,829
The Company and all of its subsidiaries that operate in Mainland China were subject to the statutory
corporate income tax rate of 25% for the six months ended 30 June 2016 under the income tax rules
and regulations of the PRC, except that:
Eleven subsidiaries of the Company were subject to a corporate income tax rate of 15% as they have
been assessed as “High-New Technology Enterprises”, approved by certain government bureaus.
These subsidiaries include Shanghai Electric Group Shanghai Electric Machinery Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai Boiler Works, Ltd., Shanghai Electric Wind Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Heavy
Machine Tool Works Co., Ltd., Shanghai No.1 Machine Tool Works Co., Ltd., Shanghai Machine
Tool Works Ltd., Shanghai Centrifuge Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai Electric Automation R&D
Institute Ltd Inc., Shanghai Capital Numerical Control Co., Ltd., Shanghai Institute of Mechanical
& Electric Engineering Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Institute of Machine Building Technology Co., Ltd..
The abovementioned subsidiaries, upon receipt of the “High-New Technology Enterprise
Certificate”, are subject to corporate income tax rate of 15% for 3 years from the year of the receipt
of the said certificate. As of 30 June 2016, Shanghai Electric Nuclear Power Equipment Co., Ltd.
(“Nuclear Power”) and Shanghai Electric SPX Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (“SPX
Engineering”), subsidiaries of the Company, have submitted the application for the High-New
Technology Enterprises. The board of the Company is of the view that Nuclear Power and SPX
Engineering are virtually certain to be subject to a corporate income tax rate of 15% in the year of
2016 as they will be assessed as “High-New Technology Enterprises”, to be approved by certain
government bureaus. Therefore, all the above mentioned subsidiaries calculated taxes on profit at
the rates of 15% for the six months ended 30 June 2016.
Taxes on profits assessable elsewhere have been calculated at the rates of tax prevailing in the
countries/jurisdictions in which the Group operates, based on existing legislation, interpretations and
practices in respect thereof.
For the six months ended 30 June
2016 2015
RMB'000 RMB'000
The Group:
Current - Mainland China
Charge for the period 763,716 765,616
Overprovision in prior years (48,641) (32,842)
Current - Elsewhere
Charge for the period 56 (151)
Underprovision in prior years - 151
Deferred (144,024) (193,595)
The Board of Directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend in respect of the
The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the profit for the period attributable to
ordinary equity holders of the parent company amounting to RMB 1,245,006,000 (for the six
months ended 30 June 2015: RMB1,397,243,000), and the weighted average number of ordinary
shares of 12,824,307,029(for the six months ended 30 June 2015: 12,823,626,660) in issue during
the period.
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary
shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The Company
has potential ordinary shares arisen from the Electric Convertible Bonds. The Electric Convertible
Bond is assumed to have been converted into ordinary shares and the net profit is adjusted to
eliminate interest expense less the tax effect. The result is anti-dilutive and therefore there is no
dilutive ordinary share for the calculation of diluted earnings per share for the six month ended 30
June 2016.
The aging of trade receivables net of provision for bad debts calculated based on maturity date is
analysed below:
For the sale of large-scale products, deposits and progress payments are required from
customers. Retention money is calculated mainly at 5% to 10% of the total sales value, with
retention periods of one to two years.
For the sale of other products, the Group’s trading terms with its customers are mainly on credit
except for new customers, where payment in advance or cash on delivery is normally required.
The credit period is generally three months and may extend to six months for key customers.
An aging analysis of the trade payables based on the invoice date is as follows:
30 JUNE 2016
The year of 2016 marked the commencement of the “Thirteenth Five-year Plan” as well as a year for
Shanghai Electric’s business transformation and management improvement. During the reporting period,
Shanghai Electric adhered to the principle of stability and resilience by staying focus on generation and
preservation of cash, further deepened our reform and accelerated innovation. Major focuses set at the
beginning of the year has made steady progress and the Company maintained a stable development. During
the reporting period, the Company achieved a turnover of RMB36,867 million, representing a decrease of
0.7% as compared to that in the corresponding period of the preceding year; the net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company amounted to RMB1,245 million, representing a decrease of 10.9% as
compared to that in the corresponding period of the preceding year.
During the reporting period, the Company obtained new orders in the amount of RMB 49,460 million,
representing an increase of 54.90% over the corresponding period of the preceding year, among which, new
orders from new energy and environmental protection equipment, high efficiency and clean energy
equipment and modern services accounted for 17.87%, 39.22% and 42.91% of the total new orders,
respectively. As at the end of the reporting period, the Company’s orders on hand amounted to RMB224,640
million (with orders in the aggregate amount of RMB92,220 million not yet coming into effect). It
represented a decrease of 10.49% over the corresponding period of the preceding year, among which, the
order on hand from new energy and environmental protection equipment, high efficiency and clean energy
equipment and modern services accounted for 12.49%, 58.38% and 29.13% of the total orders on hand
30 JUNE 2016
Industrial Equipment
During the reporting period, while regional differentiation became more and more apparent in national real
estate market, competition in the elevator market intensified. On the other hand, quantity of elevators in
service in China exceeded 4 million as at the end of 2015. With increasing number of elevators in service for
over 15 years, there will be significant increase in the replacement of old elevators in the future, resulting in
yearly growth in production value for elevator repairs, maintenance and retrofit. Meanwhile, against the
backdrop of continuous acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, coupled with supportive public
transportation, elevator market will manage to keep the momentum for stable development in a prolonged
period in the future. During the reporting period, while accommodating conditions in the market, Shanghai
Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator”) attached more importance to maintaining
and developing relationships with major strategic customers, as well as stepping up effort on core and major
projects in second-and-third tier cities. During the reporting period, major projects undertaken included
Shengjing Financial Plaza(盛京金融廣場), Chengdu Taihe International Fortune(成都泰和國際財富),
Di Jing Yuan in Xiamen(廈門帝景苑), Shenzhen Metro Technology Building (深圳地鐵科技大厦),
Shanghai Jin Mao Palace (上海大寧金茂府) and Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport(青島㬵東新國
際機場). In the meantime, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator continued to explore the development of service
industrialization. In light of rapid growth in demand for in-use elevator, especially for business of retrofit of
old elevators, Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator is speeding up the construction of service centers, logistics
centers and training centers. With the principle of “service marketing”, we created a new growth driver for
services in addition to the business of retrofit of old elevators. Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator has made all
efforts to push forward the application of mobile internet in engineering services and enhancement of
information technology in aspects of project management installation and repairs and maintenance quality
check. Through big data analysis and application on customers’ information, improvement in operating
30 JUNE 2016
efficiency, as well as strengthening of management and control capabilities, revenue generated from
installation and maintenance services of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator exceeded RMB 2,500 million for the
first half of 2016, accounting for more than 28% of turnover of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator.
Modern Services
During the reporting period, we continue to develop the power plant engineering business at steady pace.
Devising upon the National Initiative of “One Belt One Road”, we regarded over 50 countries and regions
covered by the “One Belt One Road” initiative as the core markets of our engineering industry and planned
to extend its overseas sales network into Malaysia, Turkey, Poland, Pakistan and Columbia, and actively
promote the construction of sales networks, so as to achieve the sales capacity in multiple regions. During
the reporting period, the Company and Egyptian Electricity Holding Company entered into a conditional
EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) general contracting agreement regarding the Hamrawien coal-
fired power plant projects in Egypt during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Egypt, which is the first ever coal-
fired power plant sales order in Egypt. A general contracting agreement BDWC-1-LOT3A on design,
equipment supply, land construction work and installation of supply substation was entered into between
Ethiopia Electric Power and us, with contract value of approximately US$100 million. Regarding our power
plant engineering business, we will explore new energy and distributed energy markets instead of focusing
merely on coal-fired market. We will also strive to facilitate the business model of “integrating business and
finance” while enhancing the effort on project investment and project financing. During the reporting period,
to capture opportunities in the market of thermal power enhancement projects, we undertook an EPC
agreement relating to the capacity expansion, energy conservation, emission reduction as well as integration
and upgrading of phase two of Daihai power plants in Inner Mongolia, thereby continuing to achieve
breakthroughs in aspect of upgrading power generating units market. During the reporting period, our
financial service platform has continued the expansion of its services and functionality, and has been
gradually transformed from single internal banking service provider into a comprehensive financial services
provider with diversified financial services. Our financing company has further improved the construction
of global treasury capability of the Group. Our leasing company has further improved its strength of support
for the core businesses of the Group while our insurance brokerage company has further enhanced the
centralized management over the insurance affairs of the Group to boost rapid development.
30 JUNE 2016
by 1.1 percentage points from that of the corresponding period of the preceding year to 3.2%. The increase
is mainly due to greater proportion of 1000MW products (which is of higher profitability) within the sales
of coal-fired power equipment as compared to the corresponding period of the preceding year.
Industrial Equipment
During the reporting period, the industrial equipment segment recorded a turnover of RMB 11,514 million,
representing a decrease of 7.9% as compared to the corresponding period of the preceding year. Gross profit
margin of the segment increased by 1.4 percentage points from that of the corresponding period of the
preceding year to 22.4%, while operating profit margin of the segment increased by 2.1 percentage points
from that of the corresponding period of the preceding year to 10.7%, mainly due to the industry-leading
level of gross profit margin maintained by our elevator business together with the Company’s move to exit
the printing and packaging business which had yielded remarkable results, boosting the profitability of the
Modern Services
During the reporting period, the modern services segment recorded a turnover of RMB 8,375 million,
representing a decrease of 3.3% as compared to the corresponding period of the preceding year. Gross profit
margin of the segment decreased by 5.0 percentage points from that of the corresponding period of the
preceding year to 13.4%, while operating profit margin of the segment decreased by 8.4 percentage points
from that of the corresponding period of the preceding year to 11.6%. The decrease is mainly due to the
difference in project scale and gross profit margin level of the power plant engineering business between the
reporting period and the corresponding period of the preceding year, and the adverse impact over our
financial service business due to volatility of stock market leading to a decrease in relevant investment
revenue as compared to the corresponding period of the preceding year.
Looking forward to the second half of 2016, we will stay on the track of “adhering to the development theme
of innovation and development, insisting on pressing ahead development with a direction towards high-end
technology, asset-light business structure, group level centralized management and controls, hierarchy-
reduced operation structure, as well as intelligent products” and insist on the concept of “One Company” and
adhere to the principle of stable and steady development with a focus on generation and preservation of cash,
as well as expediting the Group’s transformation into a quality and effectiveness targeted development mode,
to persevere with our goal of building Shanghai Electric into a multinational group with global presence and
operations, international competitiveness and brand influence.
On 18 January 2016, the assets restructuring and the placing of A shares (the “Transactions”) were approved
by the shareholders of the Company at the 2016 first extraordinary general meeting, the 2016 first A shares
class meeting and the 2016 first H shares class meeting. The Company proposed to conduct an assets swap
for its 100% equity interests in Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant Co., Ltd., at a value of RMB1.00, with the
equivalent portion of 100% equity interests in Shanghai Electric Industrial Company Limited, 61% equity
interests in Shanghai DENSO Fuel Injection Co., Ltd., 100% equity interests in Shanghai Blower Works Co.,
Ltd. and 14.79% equity interests in Shanghai Rail Traffic Equipment Development Co., Ltd. held by
Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation (“SEC”). The difference between the consideration for the equity
interests of the incoming assets and that for the outgoing assets of RMB3,400,913,224 and the consideration
for the land use rights for 14 parcels of land located at Shanghai, the PRC, the buildings and structures erected
thereon with certain auxiliary facilities together with equipment and machines held by SEC (the “Target
Properties”) of the incoming assets of RMB2,916,326,263 will be settled by the way of issuance of
606,843,370 consideration shares by the Company to SEC at the issue price of RMB10.41 per consideration
share. The Transactions have been approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission on 26 April 2016.
30 JUNE 2016
For details of the implementation progress of the Transactions, please refer to the announcements of the
Company dated 21 June 2016, 21 July 2016 and 19 August 2016.
The Company has adopted the provisions as set out in Appendix 10 of the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Listing Rules”) as its model code
for securities transactions by directors (the “Directors”), supervisors (the “Supervisors”) and relevant
employees of the Company. Further to the Company’s enquiry, all Directors and Supervisors confirmed that
they had complied with the Model Code and the relevant provisions as set out in Appendix 10 of the Hong
Kong Listing Rules during the period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2016. No violation of the Model Code
by relevant employees has been found by the Company.
For the first half of 2016, the Board is of the view that the Company had complied with the code provisions
of the Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) as set out in Appendix 14 of the Hong Kong Listing Rules
except for a deviation from code provision A.2.1 of the Code concerning the requirements to separate the
roles of the chairman and chief executive officer.
Pursuant to code provision A.2.1 of the Code, roles of the chairman and chief executive officer should
separate and should not be performed by the same individual. The division of responsibilities between the
chairman and chief executive officer should be clearly established and set out in writing. For the first half of
2016, the duties of the chairman of the Board and the chief executive officer have been carried out by Mr.
Huang Dinan. However, Mr. Zheng Jianhua, an executive Director and the President, has been responsible
for all the day-to-day operations of the Company and execution of instructions from the Board. The Company
is of the opinion that segregation of duties and responsibilities between the Board and the senior management
has been well maintained and there exists no problem of over-centralization of management authority.
The Strategy Committee is currently composed of Mr. Huang Dinan, Mr. Wang Qiang (resigned on 6th June
2016), Mr. Zheng Jianhua, Dr. Lui Sun Wing and Dr. Chu Junhao.
The Nomination Committee currently comprises Dr. Chu Junhao, Mr. Wang Qiang (resigned on 6th June
2016) and Mr. Kan Shun Ming. The primary functions of our Nomination Committee include studying the
criteria, procedures and methods for selecting candidates for Directors and making recommendations to the
To realize a sustainable and balanced development, the Company adopted the written policy of Board
member diversification. A diversified Board enables the Company to reach its strategic goals and promote a
sustainable development. When deciding the Board member composition, the Company takes several
elements into consideration including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background,
region, expertises, skills, knowledge and terms of service. The Nomination Committee sticks to the principle
of meritocracy in the nomination of the directors and fully considers the above mentioned goals and
The Audit Committee currently comprises Mr. Kan Shun Ming, Dr. Lui Sun Wing , Dr. Chu Junhao and Ms.
30 JUNE 2016
Yao Minfang. During the reporting period, the Board revised the Terms of Reference for the Audit
Committee, which specifies that the Audit Committee is also responsible for evaluating and reviewing the
effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems of the Company and its subsidiaries on a
regular basis. The review should cover financial, operational, compliance controls and etc. to ensure the
Company establishes and maintains appropriate and effective risk management and internal control systems.
The Audit Committee has reviewed the accounting policies adopted by the Group with the management and
the Company's external auditors, and conducted a review of the credit limits for connected transactions of
the Company. They also discussed internal controls of the Group and financial reporting matters, including
having reviewed and agreed to the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the
period under review.
The Remuneration Committee, which comprises Dr. Lui Sun Wing, Mr. Wang Qiang (resigned on 6th June
2016) and Dr. Chu Junhao, is mainly responsible for providing recommendations to the Board in respect of
the remuneration policy for and the structure of the Directors, Supervisors and operation team of the
Company, and determining applicable and transparent procedures.
The Board of Directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend in respect of the reporting
During the reporting period, neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries has purchased, sold or redeemed
any of the Company’s securities.
As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Huang Dinan, Mr.
Zheng Jianhua and Mr. Huang Ou; the non-executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Li Jianjin, Mr. Zhu
Kelin and Ms. Yao Minfang; and the independent non-executive Directors of the Company are Dr. Lui Sun
Wing, Mr. Kan Shun Ming and Dr. Chu Junhao.
As at the date of this announcement, the Supervisors of the Company are Mr. Dong Jianhua, Mr. Li Bin, Mr.
Zhou Changsheng and Mr. Zheng Weijian.