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Palestine Parcha

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Stand With Palestine!

Resist Israeli Occupation!

Condemn the Cancellation of Seminars with the
Ambassadors of Palestine, Iran, and Lebanon!
Expose JNU Administration's Spinelessness!
We condemn the arbitrary cancellation of three critical them an ally of the RSS and BJP against Muslims, including
seminars featuring the ambassadors of Palestine, Iran, and Islamophobic messages spread by the hydra­headed
Lebanon at the Centre for West Asian Studies. This ecosystem created by the IT Cell of the RSS and BJP.
suppression of diplomatic voices, representing nations at the
forefront of anti­imperialist resistance, exposes the complicity Why This Spinelessness, Mr Dean?
of the SIS administration in maintaining imperialist hegemony The SIS Dean's bureaucratic manoeuvring to prevent
within academic spaces. discussions on the Palestinian liberation struggle calls into
question our intellectual commitment to resisting
This despicable act reveals how the JNU administration has imperialism. Silencing Palestinian, Iranian, and Lebanese
shamelessly reduced itself to a lackey of the Union perspectives at JNU demonstrates how academic
government under the Modi­Shah­led BJP regime. With this institutions become complicit in maintaining the imperialist
action, the Vice Chancellor has once again divulged her moral order, controlling discourse through bureaucratic censorship.
and intellectual bankruptcy and spinelessness. It also shows the double standard of the current JNU
administration when, on one hand, the ambassador of
Palestine has been undergoing one of the biggest genocides Israel is surreptitiously invited to lecture in classrooms
of this century. Over the past year, Israel has been waging one to justify the pogroms committed by the Zionist regime,
of the most brutal genocidal campaigns against the citizens of but, at the same time, the same JNU Admin silences the
Palestine, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, representatives of the oppressed side.
including children and bedridden hospital patients. Meanwhile,
most First World powers have chosen to remain silent As part of the academic community, we must recognise that
spectators, if not arms suppliers to the murderous Israeli army. this issue is not merely about academic freedom in the
abstract but about the democratic and political right to fight
India's Long Legacy of Supporting the Palestinian Cause: against colonialism. This struggle can only be waged by
India has a two­hundred­year­long history of resistance against building solidarity between workers, students, progressive
colonialism and imperialism. As citizens of this country, we faculty, and anti­imperialist movements to resist this
have a duty to fight against imperialist occupation and draconian suppression of revolutionary perspectives.
colonialism. For generations, Indians have opposed
imperialist aggressions, whether in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, A Brief Timeline of Israel’s Offensive Against Civilian
or Israel’s occupation of Palestine. It is for this same reason Targets Since October 2023: Since 8th October, Israel
that public opinion has largely opposed Putin’s expansanist initiated a full­scale war offensive against Palestine. Tens of
war on Ukraine. Even the BJP’s Atal Bihari Vajpayee had to thousands of Palestinian civilians have been murdered in a
express solidarity with Palestine. Any deviation from India’s cold­blooded manner by the Israeli army. With scant regard
unequivocal anti­imperialist stance, condemning Israel’s for humanity, Israel has never refrained from attacking
violence, insults the martyrs who laid down their lives to places like hospitals, ambulances, refugee camps, and even
free India from the shackles of imperialism. schools. Here, we have tried to collate only the major cases
of military attacks by Israel on Palestine’s hospitals and
But India Under Modi Gradually Started Moving Closer to refugee camps:
Israel: Under Modi’s rule, India first deviated from its
unequivocal support for the Palestinian cause and then Jabalia Refugee Camp Bombing (October 2023): In
gradually began to support Israeli forces silently. So much so, October 2023, airstrikes targeted the densely populated
that today India has become the biggest buyer of Israel's Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, resulting in over 120
military hardware. Multiple Israel made spywares, (which fatalities, primarily among women and children. This assault
according Israel they sell only to state actors) have been raised serious concerns regarding the safety of civilians in
found to snoop on Indian citizens. Social media is crowded settings.
inundated with pro­Israel propaganda, in attempts to paint
Al­Maghazi Refugee Camp Airstrikes (2023­2024): The Al­ the immediate needs arising from the conflict.
Maghazi refugee camp has endured at least five assaults since
2023. A significant incident involved an airstrike on a UNRWA Military Equipment: The Biden Administration expedited
school, where civilians had taken refuge, leading to multiple the transfer of military equipment to Israel, including
deaths, including UN personnel. These continuous attacks have munitions and other necessary supplies to support its
caused over 100 casualties, underscoring the dangers faced in ongoing operations.
densely populated areas.
Political Support: U.S. officials have been vocal in their
Al­Ahli Arab Hospital Explosion (17 October 2023): The Al­ backing of Israel's right to defend itself while also
Ahli hospital in Gaza was struck by Israeli forces, leading to the emphasising the need for humanitarian considerations in
deaths of more than 300 civilians. The circumstances of the Gaza. There have been calls from within the U.S.
explosion remain contested, with both Israeli and Palestinian government for a ceasefire to allow for humanitarian aid
factions blaming one another, but the high toll ignited and the safe evacuation of civilians. However, the US
international outrage over attacks on medical facilities. government has overwhelmingly sided with Israel in
its genocidal act against Palestenians.
Ain al­Hilweh Refugee Camp Raids (2023): Israeli military
operations in the Ain al­Hilweh refugee camp in Lebanon in Diplomatic Engagement: The U.S. has played a role in
2023 displaced thousands. This camp, housing Palestinian international diplomatic efforts, aiming to facilitate
refugees, faced targeted airstrikes that resulted in significant discussions about humanitarian access in Gaza and the
casualties and infrastructural damage. The United Nations potential for a ceasefire. This includes advocating for
condemned these actions, drawing attention to the impact on increased humanitarian aid to address the dire conditions
vulnerable populations with limited options for evacuation. faced by civilians. However, this advocacy is a mere farce if
seen against the supply of aid for weapons to Israe.
Bureij Refugee Camp (2023): Airstrikes by Israeli Forces on
the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza led to civilian deaths AISA stands in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian
Such attacks in densely populated areas have frequently resistance and reaffirms our commitment to building a
resulted in mass casualties. revolutionary student movement that challenges imperialist
hegemony in all its forms. We will not allow bureaucratic
Attacks on Ambulances: manoeuvres to silence critical discussions on liberation
­ 18 October 2023: An Israeli airstrike hit an ambulance in Gaza struggles and anti­imperialist resistance.
while it was transporting wounded civilians, complicating
emergency responses and leading to further casualties among
those injured. Inquilab Zindabad!
­ 21 October 2023: During ongoing military operations, several
ambulances were struck by IDF fire while attempting to reach
Palestine will be Free!
the injured, highlighting the risks faced by medical personnel
amidst the conflict.
Down with U.S.
­ 26 October 2023: An ambulance in northern Gaza was hit Imperialism!
while evacuating casualties from a heavily bombarded area,
injuring paramedics and causing additional civilian casualties. Down with Zionist
­ November 2023: Humanitarian organisations expressed alarm
over repeated attacks on medical vehicles, with reports Occupation!
indicating that IDF snipers had targeted medics, worsening the
already perilous conditions for emergency medical operations. Nitish, Secretay
A comprehensive list would be much longer than this. Ranvijay, President
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Who is the Biggest Supporter of Israel in Its Genocidal
Campaign Against Palestine? The U.S. has committed a
substantial aid package of $8.7 billion to support Israel's
military operations. This assistance aims to bolster Israel's
capabilities in its military campaign against Hamas and address

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