PTP500 05 - DS 041612

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In today’s global economy, you need the ability to respond quickly to changes
in demand, staffing and resources. Having the right information at the right
time is crucial to make informed, insightful decisions. Your communication
network has to provide relevant information when you need it. However,
meeting performance and environmental requirements within a tight budget
can be a real challenge. Now you can deploy a solution that fits both your
needs and budget with our Cambium Point-to-Point (PTP) 500 Solutions.
PROBLEMS ARE NO PROBLEM All PTP 500 systems start with a base model that provides KEY FEATURES
PTP 500 Ethernet microwave radios are designed to give up to 25 Mbps throughput capacity. At order time or • 5.4 and 5.8 GHz license-exempt
you the connectivity and backhaul you need to achieve anytime after ordering, you can upgrade your throughput • Scalable throughput to 105
your communication goals. In non-line-of-sight (NLOS), capacity from 25 Mbps to 52 or 105 Mbps without a Mbps2
long-distance line-of-sight (LOS) and high-interference hardware change or costly tower climb. If you are not sure • Distances to 155 miles (250 km)
• Wind speeds to 202 mph
environments, over water and desert terrain, and through which capacity best fits your requirements, PTP 500 radios (325 kph)
severe weather conditions, you can rely on our radios to include a one-time, 60-day trial period at full capacity. • Temperatures from -40° to 140° F
transport your information quickly, reliably and securely. This “try before you buy” opportunity lets you evaluate (-40° to 60° C)
your throughput needs in real network-loading scenarios.
GREAT CHOICE AND SCALABILITY Following the evaluation period, you can upgrade right away
PTP 500 systems operate in the 5.4 and 5.8 GHz license- or plan your capacity increases over time.
exempt bands and offer Integrated and Connectorized
options. PTP 500 radios average 239 years of projected elapsed time
• Integrated: Integrated models have dual built-in between equipment failures (Mean Time Between Failures
antennas and require no external antenna. or MTBF). Because they withstand the abuse of outdoor 1
Local regulations should be
• Connectorized: Connectorized models can be equipped conditions, you can deploy our ruggedized radios wherever confirmed prior to system
with external antennas, allowing you to connect over you need them. Plus, the systems offer selectable channel purchase.
To determine actual throughput
greater distances at a higher level of reliability and speed sizes and variable data rates.
for a specific deployment, use
than comparable systems. They are perfect for long- our Cambium PTP LINKPlanner
distance hops or deep NLOS environments. tool.

PTP 500 DATA SHEET from Release 05-01

MARKET-LEADING TECHNOLOGY •A  uditing and Event Management: Security and other
Our unique combination of technologies enables PTP 500 events are logged locally and optionally can be sent to a
solutions to reliably communicate in locations where centralized logging server using syslog.
comparable systems cannot even make a connection. • Disaster Recovery: Our “save and restore” feature lets
• Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO): Transmits you back up a radio’s operating configuration file. Then,
multiple signals to enable high performance and link the file can be restored quickly and easily if a unit must
availability be reset or replaced.
• Intelligent Orthogonal Frequency Division • Vulnerability Management: Using commercially
Multiplexing (i-OFDM): Sends transmissions over available tools, we regularly scan PTP 500 systems for
multiple frequencies, or sub-carriers, enabling high vulnerabilities and those that pose significant risk are
spectral efficiency, high resistance to multi-path resolved.
interference and fading, and instant fade recovery.
• Advanced Spectrum Management with intelligent PUT PTP 500 TO WORK FOR YOU
Dynamic Frequency Selection (i-DFS): Scans PTP 500 solutions are excellent connectivity and backhaul
the band up to 400 times a second and automatically options for organizations such as wireless Internet service
switches to the clearest channel to combat interference providers (WISPs), government agencies, medical centers,
• Adaptive Modulation: Dynamically up-shifts and schools and universities, and transportation companies.
down-shifts modulation as conditions change to ensure Typical applications include, but are not limited to:
maximum throughput • Leased-Line Replacement: Replace or supplement
• Inherent Spatial Diversity: Minimizes the effects leased-line service to reduce or eliminate recurring fees
of fading through the use of two or more vertically and/or extend communications to a location where wired
separated antennas – especially valuable for service is not available. PTP 500 Integrated
communications over water and desert • Network Redundancy: Provide network redundancy for
• Time Division Duplex (TDD) Synchronization: wired or fiber networks.
Synchronizes transmit and receive signals, allowing • Radio Collocation: Enable TDD synchronization to
you to deploy multiple radios on a tower or rooftop greatly reduce the self-interference that normally occurs
with greatly reduced interference; our PTP-SYNC between radios deployed on a tower or rooftop.
synchronization unit can be used as a timing reference. • Cost-Effective Backhaul: Affordably and reliably
backhaul video from surveillance cameras to a dispatch
To protect your wireless communications, PTP 500 solutions • Remote Connectivity: Support remote workers and
include: facilities with reliable, secure and high-speed database
• Encryption: PTP 500 radios include our proprietary air access and collaborative communications. PTP 500 Connectorized
interface. Optionally, you can configure your system with • Building-to-Building and Campus Connectivity:
FIPS-197 compliant 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption. Connect between buildings or connect buildings in a
• Management Interface Protection: HTTPS/TLS has campus setting.
been implemented on PTP 500 systems to protect the
system’s management interface. The radios also support INSTALL AND OPERATE WITH EASE
installation of user-provided X.509 digital certificates. With our industry-leading Cambium PTP LINKPlanner tool,
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 3 you can predict and optimize system performance prior to
adds security and remote configuration enhancements purchase. Deployment-assistance features help installers
to SNMP. In certain cases a license key is required to complete a stress-free installation, typically within a day or
implement these capabilities. two. Our intuitive graphical user interface greatly simplifies
• Identity and Event Management: You can enable operations. Plus, you can easily manage the network using a
identity-based user accounts with configurable password standard web browser, your existing network management
rules to control user access to the radios. Remote system, and/or our Wireless Manager, version 3.0 or higher.
Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) can be used
to remotely authenticate your users and their levels of

For more information, refer to the PTP 500 Specification Sheet.


Cambium Networks and the stylized circular logo are trademarks of Cambium Networks, Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 2012
Cambium Networks, Ltd. All rights reserved.
CN PTP 500 05-01 DS 041612

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