Js Interview Challenges

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Interview Questions

& Challenges

30 questions and challenges you will

find in most interviews.

Welcome to "JavaScript: Interview Questions &

This ebook is designed to help you prepare for

JavaScript job interviews, you will find a collection of
30 commonly asked interview questions and
challenges that will help you practice and master your
JavaScript skills.

These challenges and questions are designed to not

only test your knowledge but also to help you improve
your problem-solving skills.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced

developer, this ebook is a valuable resource for
anyone who wants to excel in JavaScript interviews.

I’m confident that by working through the challenges

and questions in this book, you will gain confidence in
your skills and be better prepared to impress potential

So, if you are ready to take your JavaScript skills to

the next level and land your dream job, let's get
01 Object keys VALUES

P ro b l e m :

D i s p l ay a l l t h e key s a n d va l u e s o f a n e s t e d o b j e c t


B a s e c a s e : I f t h e t y p e o f a va l u e ( u n d e r a key ) i s

d i f fe re n t f ro m a n o b j e c t , t h e n w e p r i n t t h e key - va l u e


I f t h e va l u e i s a n o b j e c t , c a l l t h e f u n c t i o n a g a i n w i t h

t h a t o b j e c t ( o b j [ key ] )


02 Variables Swap


Swap 2 integers present in variables num1 and num2

without using temporary variable.

It is possible with simple destructuring assignment using

Create an array with [num2, num1

Assign num1 to first position of newly created array,
num2 to second position, using array destructuring.

03 stairs problem


Create a function that given an integer it console logs a

step shaped stair with `n` levels using the # character.

e.g. steps(2) => # e.g. steps(3) => #

## ##



Create an array with n length using Array.fro

Fill it with numbers from 0 to n with callback f
Map over the array and create another array
with # char repeated from 0 to n
Iterate over the array and console log the

04 Array check


How do you check if a variable holds an array?

You can use Array.isArray() method

05 age difference


Given the following array of objects, find the difference in

age between the oldest and youngest family members,
and return their respective ages and the age difference.

05 age difference

Save only the ages into an array. [13, 56, 45, 67
Math.min() and Math.max() functions accepts an array
of numbers, so create an array where the first position
is the minimum value of the array of ages and the
second position the max age
The last position is the difference between the
Math.min(...) and Math.max(...)

06 Flat array


Given an array of arrays, flatten them into a single array.

call reduce array helper method and have the
accumulator (flat) be an empty array that will always be
flat. toFlatten is the current item of the array

On each iteration we concatenate the flat array with the

result of calling flatten again if current item is an array,
otherwise concat that value

The base case for the recursive call will be when the
toFlatten value is not an array, in which case we just
add it to the array.

07 Palindrome


A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of

characters which reads the same backward or forward.

Return true if the given string is a palindrome. Otherwise, return


Lowercase the string and use the RegExp to remove
unwanted characters from it

Use the same chaining methods with built-in functions

from the previous article 'Three Ways to Reverse a
String in JavaScript

Check if reverseStr is strictly equals to lowRegStr and

return a Boolean

07 palindrome
08 vowels


Given a string of text containing 0 or more vowels, count

the number of vowels that can be found within the text.

The match() method retrieves the result of matching a
string against a regular expression

We are looking for the vowels [aeiou]

`i` in a regular expression is meant to ignore the case,

so it will match both a and A for example

g stands for global, and it tells the match fn to perform

a global search.

08 vowels


What is the difference between null and undefined in


Undefined: means a variable has been declared but has
not yet been assigned a value

Null: Is an assignment value. It can be assigned to a

variable as a representation of no value.

09 null vs undefined
10 Reverse a string


Given the string ‘XWZ’ return ‘ZWX’

split(‘’) when applied to a string returns a new array
with each char of the string on a position of the array
like [‘X’, ‘W’, ‘Z’]
reverse() function when applied to an array it reverses
the string values like [‘Z’, ‘W’, ‘X’
join(‘’) returns a new string by concatenating all of the
elements in an array, separated by the specified
separator string like ZWX

10 reverse a stirng
11 fizz buzz

P ro b l e m :

Wr i t e a f u n c t i o n t h a t l o g s t h e n u m b e r s f ro m 1 to n , b u t

f o r m u l t i p l e s o f 3 p r i n t s “ fi z z ” a n d f o r m u l t i p l e s o f 5

p r i n t s “ b u z z ” . Fo r n u m b e r s t h a t a re m u l t i p l e s o f b o t h ( 3 &

5 ) p r i n t s “ fi z z b u z z ” .

11 fizz buzz
11 fizz buzz

P ro b l e m :

Wr i t e a f u n c t i o n t h a t l o g s t h e n u m b e r s f ro m 1 to n , b u t

f o r m u l t i p l e s o f 3 p r i n t s “ fi z z ” a n d f o r m u l t i p l e s o f 5

p r i n t s “ b u z z ” . Fo r n u m b e r s t h a t a re m u l t i p l e s o f b o t h ( 3 &

5 ) p r i n t s “ fi z z b u z z ” .


I f t h e c u r re n t n u m b e r i s a m u l t i p l e o f b o t h 3 a n d 5 , i t

m e a n s t h a t i t h a s to b e m u l t i p l e o f 3 * 5 = 1 5 ( i % 1 5 = = = 0 ) ,

we print "FizzBuzz"

I f t h e c u r re n t n u m b e r i s o n l y a m u l t i p l e o f 3 ( i % 3 = = = 0 ) ,

we print "Fizz"

I f t h e c u r re n t n u m b e r i s o n l y a m u l t i p l e o f 5 ( i % 5 = = = 0 ) ,

we print

11 fizz buzz
12 var, let & const


Please state the differences between var, let and const

in JavaScript.

is it block creates a global is it is it

scoped? variable? reassignable? redeclarable?




Subtle use cases to have in mind

var is function scoped when is declared inside a

const is not reassignable but will accept changes in

values (for arrays and objects

let can be redeclared outside of the scope it was


12 var, let & const

13 Chunk problem


Given an array and a chunk size, divide the array into

many subarrays with each subarray being of the chunk

e.g. chunk([1,2,3,4,5], 2) -> [[1,2], [3,4], [5]]

length 2

13 chunk problem
13 Chunk problem


Given an array and a chunk size, divide the array into

many subarrays with each subarray being of the chunk

e.g. chunk([1,2,3,4,5], 2) -> [[1,2], [3,4], [5]]

length 2

create an auxiliary array

create an auxiliary index

iterate the array from the 0 position

create the first chunk by slicing the array from the

index until the size parameter. (e.g. chunk = [1,2]

Increase the index by the size param.

e.g. index = 0 + 2 =

repeat the process with new index. This time the new
chunk will be arr.slice(2, 4) = [3,4]

13 chunk problem
14 Capitalize words


Create a function that given a string, it capitalizes the

first letter of the words in a sentence.

e.g. capitalize(“hello world”) -> Hello World

create an auxiliary words array and iterate through
each word in the string

capitalize each word by accessing its first letter and

calling the toUpperCase function

join the words on the auxiliary array with a space

between them.

14 capitalize words
15 reverse integers


Create a function that given an integer, it returns an

integer that is the reverse ordering of numbers.

e.g. reverseIntegers(7364) -> 4637

reverseIntegers(-15) -> -51

reverseIntegers(-90) -> -9

Convert the integer into a string and split the string so
that every number is in a position of the array

Reverse the array calling the reverser() helper method

Convert the array back to string and convert it into an

integer and multiply it by it’s original sign.

15 reverse integers
16 First non repeating


How could you find the first non repeating char in a


e.g. firstNonRepeatingChar(“This is an example sentence”) -> h

16 first non repeating character

16 First non repeating


How could you find the first non repeating char in a


e.g. firstNonRepeatingChar(“This is an example sentence”) -> h

create a char auxiliary variable to store each charater
on the sentence.

create a charCount object to store a key value map of

each character and the amount of times it exists on the
sentence. Something like { ‘s’: 2, ‘j’: 1 ...

iterate through each letter on the sentence

store each character on a temp auxiliary variable

If that character doesn’t exist on the charCount object

we add it with an occurrence of 1, otherwise we just
increase its occurrence

Finally we iterate over the charCount object and return

the first key (character) which occurrence count is 1.

16 first non repeating character

17 highest occurrence


Given an array, get the element with the highest

occurrence in an array.

e.g. highestOccurrence([1,2,’a’,4,3,’a’,’b’,’a’,6,1]) -> ‘a’

17 highest occurrence
17 highest occurrence


Given an array, get the element with the highest

occurrence in an array.

e.g. highestOccurrence([1,2,’a’,4,3,’a’,’b’,’a’,6,1]) -> ‘a’

if array has no items we return nul

create auxiliary variables for the amount of element

occurrences, the current max element, and the max
count an element has been repeated

iterate through the array and store each element on the

el variable

if our occurrence map object has already a count for

that element, we increase its value, otherwise we
initialize the element’s occurrence count with 1

if the current element’s occurrence count is higher than

the max count, we set the current element as the
element with maximum count, and we update our
maxCount variable with the element’s count

we return the max element after finishing the iteration

of the array.

17 highest occurrence
18 intersection


Given two arrays of primitives, return the elements that

are included in both arrays (intersection).

e.g. intersection([1,2,3], [2,3,4,5]) -> [2, 3]

filter all the elements from the first array that are not
included in the second array

for this we use the filter array helper, and the condition
is that the current value of the array has to be included
in the second array.

18 intersection
19 Make Pairs


Write a method that given an object with key value pairs,

returns a deep array like [[key, value]]

e.g. makePairs({ a: 1, b: 2 }) -> [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]

Object.keys returns an array with all the keys of the

we iterate over those, and for each key, we return an

array that has the key in the first position and the value
of that key (obj[key]) in the second position.

19 make pairs
20 Total Price


Create a function that takes an array of objects

(groceries) which calculates the total price and returns it
as a number. A grocery object has a product, a quantity
and a price, for example:

e.g. getTotalPrice([ { product: "Milk", quantity: 3, price: 1.50 },

{ product: "Cereals", quantity: 2, price: 2.50 } ]) ➞ 9.5


20 total price
20 Total Price


Create a function that takes an array of objects

(groceries) which calculates the total price and returns it
as a number. A grocery object has a product, a quantity
and a price, for example:

e.g. getTotalPrice([ { product: "Milk", quantity: 3, price: 1.50 },

{ product: "Cereals", quantity: 2, price: 2.50 } ]) ➞ 9.5

we use reduce array helper and create an accumulator
value that starts from 0.
On each iteration we increment the accumulator by the
current element price * current element quantity
we return the accumulator on each iteration

20 total price
21 positive dominant

P ro b l e m :

A n a r ray i s p o s i t i ve d o m i n a n t i f i t c o n t a i n s s t r i c t l y m o re

u n i q u e p o s i t i ve va l u e s t h a n u n i q u e n e g a t i ve va l u e s . Wr i t e

a f u n c t i o n t h a t re t u r n s t r u e i f a n a r ray i s p o s i t i ve


e . g . i s Po s i t i ve D o m i n a n t ( [ 1 , 1 , - 2 , - 3 ] ) - > f a l s e

i s Po s i t i ve D o m i n a n t ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , - 1 , - 2 ] ) - > t r u e


21 positive dominant
21 positive dominant

P ro b l e m :

A n a r ray i s p o s i t i ve d o m i n a n t i f i t c o n t a i n s s t r i c t l y m o re

u n i q u e p o s i t i ve va l u e s t h a n u n i q u e n e g a t i ve va l u e s . Wr i t e

a f u n c t i o n t h a t re t u r n s t r u e i f a n a r ray i s p o s i t i ve


e . g . i s Po s i t i ve D o m i n a n t ( [ 1 , 1 , - 2 , - 3 ] ) - > f a l s e

i s Po s i t i ve D o m i n a n t ( [ 1 , 2 , 3 , - 1 , - 2 ] ) - > t r u e


w e c re a t e t w o S e t s , o n e w i t h a n a r ray o f p o s i t i ve va l u e s

f ro m a r r, a n d t h e o t h e r w i t h n e g a t i ve s va l u e s f ro m a r r

b e c a u s e a va l u e i n t h e S e t m ay o n l y o c c u r o n c e , w e

g u a ra n t e e t h a t a l l t h e va l u e s a re u n i q u e

. s i ze a t t r i b u t e o f a s e t re t u r n s t h e s i ze o f t h e s e t , h o w

m a n y va l u e s d o e s i t h o l d . I s p o s i t i ve d o m i n a n t i f t h e

s i ze o f t h e p o s i t i ve s e t i s l a rg e r t h a n t h e s i ze o f t h e

n e g a t i ve s e t .

21 positive dominant
22 Two Distinct Elements


In each input array, every number repeats at least once,

except for two. Write a function that returns the two
unique numbers.

e.g. returnUnique([1, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 1, 6]) ➞ [9, 7]

We filter the array using the following condition; the
first index position of the element in the array has to be
the same as the last index position of the element. This
guarantees that the element is unique, because it
doesn’t occur again in the array.

22 Two Distinct Elements

23 Reverse the Odd Length


Given a string, reverse all the words which have odd

length. The even length words are not changed.

e.g. reverseOdd("Bananas") ➞ "sananaB"

we convert the string into an array of words by using
str.split(“ “)

we check if the word has odd characters by checking

the remainder of w.length/2. If the remainder is 0 it
means the word has even characters, otherwise it has
odd characters

if it has odd characters, we split the words characters

into a new array and we reverse it to return the
reversed word

last, we join the words with a space between them

23 Reverse the Odd Length Words

24 Hours Passed


Write a function that takes time t1 and time t2 and

returns the numbers of hours passed between the two

e.g. hoursPassed("3:00 AM", "9:00 AM") ➞ "6 hours"

we replace AM or PM with an empty string or with +12

we also replace :00 with an empty string as we only

care about the hours

if after doing so, t1 == t2 we set t1 to 0 and return the

difference between t1 and t2. We return no time has
passed if t1 == t2.

24 hours passed
25 White spaces


Write a function that inserts a white space between

every instance of a lower character followed immediately
by an upper character.

e.g. whiteSpaces(“HelloMyNameIsGeorge”) -> Hello My Name Is George

we use the replace function against a regular
expression to solve this

/([a-z][A-Z])/g will match all the lower case letters

followed immediately by an uppercase letter. e.g. oM,

the second parameter of the replace function can take

a callback function with the maches from the regular
expression, in our case lower is the lowercase (o,y,e,s)
and the upper is the uppercase letter (M,N,Y,G

we replace those by adding a space between them.

25 white spaces
26 PRime numbers


Create a function that returns true if there's at least one

prime number in the given range (n1 to n2 (inclusive)),
false otherwise.

e.g. primeInRange(10, 15) ➞ true // Prime numbers in range: 11, 13

26 prime numbers
26 PRime numbers


Create a function that returns true if there's at least one

prime number in the given range (n1 to n2 (inclusive)),
false otherwise.

e.g. primeInRange(10, 15) ➞ true // Prime numbers in range: 11, 13

we iterate from n1 (low) to n2 (high), and we call an
aux function isPrime() on each number. It there is one
number that is prime we return true

to check if a number is prime, we check the remainder

of dividing the number by num. If the remainder is 0
then it means the number is not prime, otherwise it’s

26 prime numbers
27 Map the Letters in a


Given a word, create an object that stores the indexes of

each letter in an array
Make sure the letters are the keys
Make sure the letters are symbols
Make sure the indexes are stored in an array and
those arrays are values.

e.g. mapLetters("dodo") ➞ { d: [0, 2], o: [1, 3] }

we create an array from the string and we apply the
reduce function with an object as the accumulator

on each iteration we return whatever was in the obj

before (...obj) and then in the char key ([char]) we
spread the previous array if it exists, otherwise we just
add the index to the array like [...(obj[char] || []), index]

27 Map the Letters in a String

28 Multiplication Table


Create N x N multiplication table, of size n provided in


For example, when n is 5, the multiplication table is

1, 2, 3, 4,
2, 4, 6, 8, 1
3, 6, 9, 12, 1
4, 8, 12, 16, 2
5, 10, 15, 20, 25

28 multiplication table
28 Multiplication Table


Create N x N multiplication table, of size n provided in


For example, when n is 5, the multiplication table is

1, 2, 3, 4,
2, 4, 6, 8, 1
3, 6, 9, 12, 1
4, 8, 12, 16, 2
5, 10, 15, 20, 25

we use Array.from function that takes a callback fn as
second parameter to initialize each element

we also use Array.from to create another array for the

nested arrays

On each iteration we use the index of the first array (i)

as base number for multiplication

On each iteration we use the index of the second array

(j) as the multiplier which will always range between (0-

28 multiplication table
29 Finding Common



Create a function that takes two "sorted" arrays of

numbers and returns an array of numbers which are
common to both the input arrays.

commonElements([-1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9], [1, 3]) ➞ [3]

commonElements([1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10]) ➞ [1, 3, 4, 7]

we filter the second array by the following condition: if
the arr1 has the current element in the iteration, then
we return that element, because it means it’s in both

29 finding common elements

30 Nth Fibonacci



Create a function that returns the Nth number in the

Fibonacci sequence

fibonacci(10) ➞ "55"

fibonacci(20) ➞ "6765"

the base case for fibonacci is when the number is less
than 2, in that case we return the number itself
for the remaining cases we return the result of running
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) because for any given number the
result of a fibonacci sequence is the sum of the last

30 Nth Fibonacci Number

Thank you for taking the time to go through my

Javascript interview questions and challenges.

I hope that my content has provided you with valuable

insights and knowledge that can help you improve

your skills as a Javascript developer.

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the next level, I highly recommend checking out my

content on HTML and CSS, UX/UI and more here:


Thank you once again for your interest in my

Javascript interview questions and challenges, and I

wish you all the best in your learning journey.

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