BSoP Membership Registration-Adult Form
BSoP Membership Registration-Adult Form
BSoP Membership Registration-Adult Form
World Scouting emphasizes that the achievement of Scouting’s Mission makes it essential for the Movement to provide
young people with a “safe passage” based on respect for their integrity and their right to develop in a non- constraining
environment. The Boy Scouts of the Philippines implements “Safe from Harm” on the conviction that all adults and children
have a right NOT to be abused. This is a fundamental human right. Abuse can take the form of bullying, physical abuse,
emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and exploitation. It is important to note that young people can suffer from one or a
combination of these forms of abuse. Abuse can take place at home, at school or anywhere young people spend time. In the
great majority of cases, the abuser is someone the young person knows, such as a parent, teacher, relative, leader or friend.
The main objective is to ensure that no one will be exposed to abuse. Good child protection practice means making sure that
everyone is aware of signs of potential abuse. It is based upon the Declaration on the Rights of the Child and Human Rights.
I hereby commit and fully subscribe to the existing Safe From Harm Policy of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, and that I
hereby absolve and free the BSP from any liability arising from any of my acts contrary to the policy. I hereby accept that the
BSP may immediately revoke my registration as an adult leader upon violation of such policy.