Biological Classification - DPP 04 - Arjuna NEET 2025
Biological Classification - DPP 04 - Arjuna NEET 2025
Biological Classification - DPP 04 - Arjuna NEET 2025
Q1 Five kingdom system of classification was given (B) They are chemosynthetic autotrophs
by................... in ................. (C) It forms blooms in polluted water bodies
(A) Whittaker, 1822 (D) It is unicellular, colonial or filamentous
(B) Aristotle, 1969
Q7 Nostoc & Anabaena belong to ________ and
(C) Aristotle, 1822
have specialised cells known as __________ for
(D) Whittaker, 1969
nitrogen fixation.
Q2 Bacteria whose cell has only a curve/comma is (A) Archaebacteria, Choanocytes
(A) Vibrio (B) Cocci (B) Archaebacteria, Heterocysts
(C) Spirilla (D) Bacilli (C) Cyanobacteria, Choanocytes
(D) Cyanobacteria, Heterocysts.
Q3 Which of the following is found in harsh habitats?
(A) Halophiles (B) Cyanobacteria Q8 Match the column-I with column-II & choose the
(C) Archaebacteria (D) None of these
Column-I Column-II
Q4 Match the following
a. Nitrogen fixing
I. Mycoplasma
II. Decomposers b. Blue green algae
c. Production of
III. Methanogens
(A) I-b, II-a, III-c
(B) I-c, II-a, III-b d. "Most abundant
IV. Heterocysts
(C) I-b, II-c, III-a heterotrophs"
Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q10 (A)