Biological Classification - DPP 04 - Arjuna NEET 2025

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Arjuna NEET (2025)

DPP: 4
Biological Classification

Q1 Five kingdom system of classification was given (B) They are chemosynthetic autotrophs
by................... in ................. (C) It forms blooms in polluted water bodies
(A) Whittaker, 1822 (D) It is unicellular, colonial or filamentous
(B) Aristotle, 1969
Q7 Nostoc & Anabaena belong to ________ and
(C) Aristotle, 1822
have specialised cells known as __________ for
(D) Whittaker, 1969
nitrogen fixation.
Q2 Bacteria whose cell has only a curve/comma is (A) Archaebacteria, Choanocytes
(A) Vibrio (B) Cocci (B) Archaebacteria, Heterocysts
(C) Spirilla (D) Bacilli (C) Cyanobacteria, Choanocytes
(D) Cyanobacteria, Heterocysts.
Q3 Which of the following is found in harsh habitats?
(A) Halophiles (B) Cyanobacteria Q8 Match the column-I with column-II & choose the
(C) Archaebacteria (D) None of these
Column-I Column-II
Q4 Match the following
a. Nitrogen fixing
I. Mycoplasma
II. Decomposers b. Blue green algae
c. Production of
III. Methanogens
(A) I-b, II-a, III-c
(B) I-c, II-a, III-b d. "Most abundant
IV. Heterocysts
(C) I-b, II-c, III-a heterotrophs"

(D) I-a, II-b, III-c e "Pathogenic in plants

V. Cyanobacteria
and animals"
Q5 Primary function of heterocyst in Nostoc is (A) I
(A) Food storage I
(B) Nitrogen fixation V
(C) Reproduction
abcd e
(D) Protection

Q6 Following statements are given regarding (B) II I

cyanobacteria. Choose the incorrect one I II V
(A) It is also called blue-green algae
cebd a

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(C) II I (B) inorganic

I V (C) water

caeb d (D) both (B) and (C)

(D) II I Q13 Which of the following bacteria is

I V chemoautotroph?
edc a b (A) Bacillus (B) Nitrosomonas
(C) Mycoplasma (D) Anabaena
Q9 Which statement is incorrect regarding
mycoplasma. Q14 Most abundant group of microbes belong to?
(A) They are smallest living cells (A) Monera (B) Protista
(B) They can survive without oxygen (C) Fungi (D) Algae
(C) They possess rigid cell-wall
Q15 Bacteria with rod shape are called?
(D) They are pathogenic in animals & plants
(A) Bacilli (B) Cocci
Q10 The organisms that completely lack cell-wall are (C) Vibrio (D) Spirilla
(A) Mycoplasma
Q16 Bacteria are found in?
(B) Blue-green algae
(A) favorable habitat only
(C) Cyanobacteria
(B) harsh habitat only
(D) None of these
(C) almost everywhere
Q11 Which of the following was the first group of (D) none
organisms to show oxygenic photosynthesis
Q17 The most primitive prokaryote are:
(A) bacteria (B) angiosperms
(A) Eubacteria (B) Archaebacteria
(C) diatoms (D) BGA
(C) Actinomycetes (D) Rickettsia
Q12 Which of the following compounds is used as
Q18 Archaebacteria are capable of surviving harsh
electron source and proton source by most of
conditions due to their:
(A) Plasmid (B) Cell wall
(A) organic
(C) Mesosome (D) Flagella

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Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q10 (A)

Q2 (A) Q11 (D)

Q3 (C) Q12 (D)

Q4 (B) Q13 (B)

Q5 (B) Q14 (A)

Q6 (B) Q15 (A)

Q7 (D) Q16 (C)

Q8 (D) Q17 (B)

Q9 (C) Q18 (B)

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