Pénfigo y Penfigoide
Pénfigo y Penfigoide
Pénfigo y Penfigoide
Pemphigus (desmoglein 3
of desmosome)
• Fig. 16-48 Epithelial Attachment Apparatus. Schematic diagram demonstrating targeted structures
in several immune-mediated diseases. BMZ, Basement membrane zone.
Chronic Vesiculoulcerative Diseases
Pemphigus vulgaris Fourth to sixth Equal Vesicles, erosions, and Intraepithelial clefting Positive intercellular Positive
decade ulcerations on any oral
mucosal or skin
Paraneoplastic Sixth to seventh Equal Vesicles, erosions, and Subepithelial and Positive, intercellular Positive (rat bladder)
pemphigus decade ulcerations on any intraepithelial clefting and basement
mucosal or skin membrane zone
Mucous membrane Sixth to seventh Female Primarily mucosal lesions Subepithelial clefting Positive, basement Negative
pemphigoid decade membrane zone
Bullous pemphigoid Seventh to eighth Equal Primarily skin lesions Subepithelial clefting Positive, basement Positive
decade membrane zone
Erythema multiforme Third to fourth Male Skin and mucosa Subepithelial edema and Nondiagnostic Negative
decade involved; target lesions perivascular
on skin inflammations
Lichen planus Fifth to sixth decade Female Oral and/or skin lesions; Hyperkeratosis, Fibrinogen, basement Negative
may or may not be saw-toothed rete membrane zone
erosive ridges, bandlike
infiltrate of
CHAPTER 16 Dermatologic Diseases
714 CHA P T E R 16 Dermatologic Diseases
• Fig. 16-52 Pemphigus Vulgaris. The patient, with a known diag- • Fig. 16-54 Pemphigus Vulgaris. Low-power photomicrograph of
nosis of pemphigus vulgaris, had been treated with immunosuppres- perilesional mucosa affected by pemphigus vulgaris. An intraepithelial
sive therapy. The oral erosions shown here were the only persistent cleft is located just above the basal cell layer.
manifestation of her disease.
firm lateral pressure is exerted. This is called a positive With this procedure, antibodies (usually IgG or IgM) and
Nikolsky sign. complement components (usually C3) can be demonstrated
in the intercellular spaces between the epithelial cells (Fig.
Histopathologic Features 16-56) in almost all patients with this disease. Indirect
immunofluorescence is also typically positive in 80% to
Biopsy specimens of perilesional tissue show characteristic 90% of cases, demonstrating the presence of circulating
intraepithelial separation, which occurs just above the basal autoantibodies in the patient’s serum. Enzyme-linked
cell layer of the epithelium (Fig. 16-54). Sometimes the immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have been developed to
entire superficial layers of the epithelium are stripped away, detect circulating autoantibodies as well.
leaving only the basal cells, which have been described as It is critical that perilesional tissue be obtained for both
resembling a “row of tombstones.” The cells of the spinous light microscopy and direct immunofluorescence to maxi-
layer of the surface epithelium typically appear to fall apart, mize the probability of a diagnostic sample. If ulcerated
a feature that has been termed acantholysis, and the loose mucosa is submitted for testing, then the results are often
cells tend to assume a rounded shape (Fig. 16-55). This inconclusive because of either a lack of an intact interface
feature of pemphigus vulgaris can be used in making a between the epithelium and connective tissue or a great deal
diagnosis based on the identification of these rounded cells of nonspecific inflammation.
(Tzanck cells) in an exfoliative cytologic preparation. A
mild-to-moderate chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is Treatment and Prognosis
usually seen in the underlying connective tissue.
The diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris should be con- A diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris should be made as early
firmed by direct immunofluorescence examination of fresh in its course as possible because control is generally easier
perilesional tissue or tissue submitted in Michel’s solution. to achieve. Pemphigus is a systemic disease; therefore,
716 CHA P T E R 16 Dermatologic Diseases
• Fig. 16-56 Pemphigus Vulgaris. Photomicrograph depicting the
Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a rare vesiculobullous disor-
direct immunofluorescence pattern of pemphigus vulgaris. Immunore- der that affects patients who have a neoplasm, usually lym-
actants are deposited in the intercellular areas between the surface phoma or chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Approximately
epithelial cells, resulting in a “chicken wire” pattern. 250 cases have been documented. Although the precise
pathogenetic mechanisms are unknown, some evidence sug-
gests abnormal levels of the cytokine, interleukin-6 (IL-6),
could be produced by host lymphocytes in response to the
treatment consists primarily of systemic corticosteroids patient’s tumor. IL-6 may then be responsible for stimulat-
(usually prednisone), often in combination with other ing the abnormal production of antibodies directed against
immunosuppressive drugs (so-called steroid-sparing agents), antigens associated with the desmosomal complex and the
such as mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine. Although basement membrane zone of the epithelium. In addition to
some clinicians have advocated the use of topical cortico- a variety of different antibodies that attack these epithelial
steroids in the management of oral lesions, the observed adherence structures, some investigators have described
improvement is undoubtedly because of the absorption of cutaneous and mucosal damage that appears to be mediated
the topical agents, resulting in a greater systemic dose. The by cytotoxic T lymphocytes in some cases of paraneoplastic
potential side effects associated with the long-term use of pemphigus. As a result of this multifaceted immunologic
systemic corticosteroids are significant and include the attack, the disease manifests in an array of clinical features,
following: histopathologic findings, and immunopathologic findings
• Diabetes mellitus that may be perplexing if the clinician is unfamiliar with
• Adrenal suppression this condition.
• Weight gain
• Osteoporosis Clinical Features
• Peptic ulcers
• Severe mood swings Patients typically have a history of a malignant lymph-
• Increased susceptibility to a wide range of infections oreticular neoplasm, or less commonly, a benign lymph-
Ideally, a physician with expertise in immunosuppressive oproliferative disorder such as angiofollicular lymph node
therapy should manage the patient. The most common hyperplasia (Castleman disease). In approximately one-
approach is to use relatively high doses of systemic cortico- third of reported cases, paraneoplastic pemphigus devel-
steroids initially to clear the lesions, and then attempt to oped before a neoplasm was identified, thus signaling the
maintain the patient on as low a dose of corticosteroids as presence of a tumor. The neoplastic disease may or may not
is necessary to control the condition. Often the clinician be under control at the time of onset of the paraneoplastic
can monitor the success of therapy by measuring the titers condition. Signs and symptoms of paraneoplastic pemphi-
of circulating autoantibodies using indirect immunofluores- gus usually begin suddenly and may appear polymorphous.
cence, because disease activity frequently correlates with the In some instances, multiple vesiculobullous lesions affect
abnormal antibody levels. The use of rituximab, a mono- the skin (Fig. 16-57) and oral mucosa. Palmar or plantar
clonal antibody that targets B-lymphocytes, represents bullae may be evident, a feature that is uncommon in pem-
another promising approach to managing this disease, as it phigus vulgaris. For other patients, skin lesions can appear
targets the cells responsible for producing the autoantibod- more papular and pruritic, similar to cutaneous lichen
ies that cause pemphigus. planus. The lips often show hemorrhagic crusting similar to
Pemphigus may undergo complete resolution, although that of erythema multiforme (Fig. 16-58). Oral mucosal
remissions and exacerbations are common. One study sug- involvement is an early, consistent feature of paraneoplastic
gested that up to 75% of patients will have disease resolu- pemphigus, and patients develop multiple areas of erythema
tion after 10 years of treatment, although most centers and diffuse, irregular ulceration (Fig. 16-59), affecting vir-
report a remission rate of approximately 30%. tually any oral mucosal surface. If the lesions remain
CHAPTER 16 Dermatologic Diseases 717
• Fig. 16-57 Paraneoplastic Pemphigus. The bulla and crusted • Fig. 16-60 Paraneoplastic Pemphigus. Ocular involvement.
ulcerations on this patient’s arm are representative of the polymor-
phous cutaneous lesions.
Histopathologic Features
The features of paraneoplastic pemphigus on light micro-
scopic examination may be as diverse as the clinical features.
In most cases, a lichenoid mucositis is seen, usually with
subepithelial clefting (like pemphigoid) or intraepithelial
clefting (like pemphigus) (Fig. 16-61).
• Fig. 16-59 Paraneoplastic Pemphigus. These diffuse oral ulcer- Direct immunofluorescence studies may show a weakly
ations are quite painful. positive deposition of immunoreactants (IgG and comple-
ment) in the intercellular zones of the epithelium and/or a
untreated, then they persist and worsen. Some patients may linear deposition of immunoreactants at the basement
develop only oropharyngeal lesions, without cutaneous membrane zone. Although antibodies directed against
involvement. desmoglein 1 and 3, as well as the bullous pemphigoid
Other mucosal surfaces are also commonly affected, with antigens are often produced, antibodies directed against the
70% of patients having involvement of the conjunctival plakin family of desmosomal components are more com-
mucosa. In this area, a cicatrizing (scarring) conjunctivitis monly identified and are more specific for paraneoplastic
718 CHA P T E R 16 Dermatologic Diseases
pemphigus. ELISA or immunoblotting techniques are used gus. The prognosis and microscopic features of pemphi-
to confirm the presence of antibodies directed against peri- goid, however, are very different.
plakin or envoplakin specifically. If these tests are not avail- Although a variety of terms have been used over the
able, then indirect immunofluorescence can be conducted decades to designate this condition, a group of experts from
using a transitional type of epithelium (e.g., rat urinary both medicine and dentistry met in 1999 and came to an
bladder mucosa) as the substrate due to its rich expression agreement that mucous membrane pemphigoid would be
of plakins. This technique shows a fairly specific pattern of the most appropriate name for the disease. Cicatricial pem-
antibody localization to the intercellular areas of the epithe- phigoid, another commonly used name for this process, is
lium. Examples of paraneoplastic pemphigus that show only derived from the word cicatrix, meaning scar. When the
a lichenoid reaction with no demonstrable autoantibody conjunctival mucosa is affected, the scarring that results is
production have infrequently been described. the most significant aspect of this disorder because it invari-
ably results in blindness unless the condition is recognized
Treatment and Prognosis and treated. Interestingly, the oral lesions seldom exhibit
this tendency for scar formation.
Paraneoplastic pemphigus is often a very serious condition
with a high morbidity and mortality rate, with some series Clinical Features
having a mortality rate of 90%. For the infrequent cases
associated with a benign lymphoproliferative condition, Mucous membrane pemphigoid usually affects older adults,
surgical removal of the tumor may result in regression of with an average age of 50 to 60 years at the onset of disease.
the paraneoplastic pemphigus. For those cases associated Females are affected more frequently than males by a 2 : 1
with malignancy, treatment usually consists of systemic ratio. Oral lesions are seen in most patients, but other sites,
prednisone combined with cyclosporine. Cyclophospha- such as conjunctival, nasal, esophageal, laryngeal, and
mide, another immunosuppressive agent, may be added to vaginal mucosa, as well as the skin (Fig. 16-62), may be
this regimen, although other immunosuppressive and involved.
immune-modulating drugs are also being evaluated. As with The oral lesions of pemphigoid begin as either vesicles or
pemphigus vulgaris, the skin lesions usually respond more bullae that may occasionally be identified clinically (Fig.
quickly to treatment than the oral lesions. Unfortunately, 16-63). In contrast, patients with pemphigus rarely display
although the immunosuppressive therapy often manages to such blisters. The most likely explanation for this difference
control the autoimmune disease, this immunosuppression is that the pemphigoid blister forms in a subepithelial loca-
often seems to trigger a reactivation of the malignant neo- tion, producing a thicker, stronger roof than the intraepi-
plasm. Thus a high mortality rate is seen, with patients thelial, acantholytic pemphigus blister. Eventually, the oral
succumbing to complications of the vesiculobullous lesions, blisters rupture, leaving large, superficial, ulcerated, and
complications of immune suppressive therapy, respiratory denuded areas of mucosa (Fig. 16-64). The ulcerated lesions
failure due to bronchiolitis obliterans, or progression of are usually painful and persist for weeks to months if
malignant disease. Occasionally, long-term survivors are untreated.
reported, but these seem to be in the minority. As more of Often this process is seen diffusely throughout the
these patients are identified, therapeutic strategies can be mouth, but it may be limited to certain areas, especially
better evaluated and modified for optimal care in the future. the gingiva (Fig. 16-65). Gingival involvement produces a
clinical reaction pattern termed desquamative gingivitis
Evidence has accumulated to suggest that mucous mem-
brane pemphigoid represents a group of chronic, blister-
ing, mucocutaneous autoimmune diseases in which
tissue-bound autoantibodies are directed against one or
more components of the basement membrane. As such, this
condition has a heterogeneous origin, with autoantibodies
being produced against any one of a variety of basement
membrane components, all of which produce similar clini-
cal manifestations. The precise prevalence is unknown, but
most authors believe that it is at least twice as common as
• Fig. 16-62 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Although cutane-
pemphigus vulgaris. ous lesions are not common, tense bullae such as these may develop
The term pemphigoid is used because clinically it often on the skin of 20% of affected patients. (Courtesy of Dr. Charles
appears similar (the meaning of the -oid suffix) to pemphi- Camisa.)
CHAPTER 16 Dermatologic Diseases 719
• Fig. 16-63 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. One or more intra- • Fig. 16-66 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Although the earli-
oral vesicles, as seen on the soft palate, may be detected in patients est ocular changes are difficult to identify, patients with ocular involve-
with cicatricial pemphigoid. Usually, ulcerations of the oral mucosa are ment may show adhesions (symblepharons) between the bulbar and
also present. palpebral conjunctivae before severe ocular damage occurs.
• Fig. 16-64 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Large, irregular oral • Fig. 16-67 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. The disease has
ulcerations characterize the lesions after the initial bullae rupture. caused the upper eyelid of this patient to turn inward (entropion),
resulting in the eyelashes rubbing against the eye itself (trichiasis). Also
note the obliteration of the lower fornix of the eye.
(see page 148). This pattern may also be seen in other condi-
tions, such as erosive lichen planus or, much less fre-
quently, pemphigus vulgaris.
The most significant complication of mucous membrane
pemphigoid, however, is ocular involvement. Although
exact figures are not available, up to 25% of patients with
oral lesions may eventually develop ocular disease. One eye
may be affected before the other. The earliest change is
subconjunctival fibrosis, which usually can be detected by
an ophthalmologist using slit-lamp microscopic examina-
tion. As the disease progresses, the conjunctiva becomes
inflamed and eroded. Attempts at healing lead to scarring
• Fig. 16-65 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Often the gingival between the bulbar (lining the globe of the eye) and
tissues are the only affected site, resulting in a clinical pattern known
palpebral (lining the inner surface of the eyelid) conjuncti-
as desquamative gingivitis. Such a pattern may also be seen with
lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris. vae. Adhesions called symblepharons result (Fig. 16-66).
Without treatment the inflammatory changes become more
severe, although conjunctival vesicle formation is rarely seen
(Fig. 16-67). Scarring can ultimately cause the eyelids to
720 CHA P T E R 16 Dermatologic Diseases
• Fig. 16-68 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. A patient with • Fig. 16-70 Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid. Medium-power
ocular involvement shows severe conjunctival inflammation. An oph- photomicrograph of perilesional tissue shows characteristic subepithe-
thalmologist removed the lower eyelashes because of trichiasis associ- lial clefting.
ated with entropion.
Histopathologic Features
turn inward (entropion). This causes the eyelashes to rub
against the cornea and globe (trichiasis) (Fig. 16-68). The Biopsy of perilesional mucosa shows a split between the
scarring closes off the openings of the lacrimal glands as surface epithelium and the underlying connective tissue in
well, and with the loss of tears, the eye becomes extremely the region of the basement membrane (Fig. 16-70). A mild
dry. The cornea then produces keratin as a protective mech- chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate is present in the super-
anism; however, keratin is an opaque material, and blind- ficial submucosa.
ness ensues. End-stage ocular involvement may also be Direct immunofluorescence studies of perilesional
characterized by adhesions between the upper and lower mucosa show a continuous linear band of immunoreactants
eyelids themselves (Fig. 16-69). at the basement membrane zone in nearly 90% of affected
Other mucosal sites may also be involved and cause patients (Fig. 16-71). The immune deposits consist primar-
considerable difficulty for the patient. In females, the vaginal ily of IgG and C3, although IgA and IgM may also be
mucosal lesions may cause considerable pain during attempts identified. One study has suggested that, when IgG and IgA
at intercourse (dyspareunia). deposits are found in the same patient, the disease may be
Laryngeal lesions, which are fairly uncommon, may be more severe. All of these immunoreactants may play a role
especially significant because of the possibility of airway in the pathogenesis of the subepithelial vesicle formation by
obstruction by the bullae that are formed. Patients who weakening the attachment of the basement membrane
experience a sudden change in vocalization or who have through a variety of mechanisms, including complement
difficulty breathing should undergo examination with activation with recruitment of inflammatory cells, particu-
laryngoscopy. larly neutrophils.
CHAPTER 16 Dermatologic Diseases 721